20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2012) Bucharest, Romania, August 27 - 31, 2012 PERFORMANCE BOUND FOR TIME DELAY AND AMPLITUDE ESTIMATION FROM LOW RATE SAMPLES OF PULSE TRAINS Ciprian R. Comsa *,†, Alexander M. Haimovich † * Telecommunications Dept, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania † ECE Dept, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA ABSTRACT The problem considered is estimating the time delays and amplitudes of a train of pulses of known shape. It was recently shown that in the absence of noise, if the pulses are short relative to the interval separating them, the stream of pulses can be sampled at rates lower than the Nyquist rate without any loss of information. This paper investigates the performance of time delay and amplitude estimation from samples taken at low (sub-Nyquist) rates when the stream of pulses is affected by additive white Gaussian noise. To this end, the Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) is developed. For a particular setup, the CRB for time delay estimation is inverse proportional to the cube of the sampling rate, while the CRB for amplitude estimation is inverse proportional to the sampling rate. Numerical simulations confirm this result. Index Terms — Cramér-Rao bound, time delay and amplitude estimation, low rate sampling, pulse train 1. INTRODUCTION In many applications, signals can be uniquely described by a small number of parameters. For example, in radar and wireless communications signal can be constituted of a stream of short pulses of known shape, stream that is defined by the time delays and amplitudes of the pulses. Estimation of these parameters is the subject of this work. Time delay estimation and amplitude estimation are conventionally performed from samples taken at rates higher than the Nyquist rate, which is twice the signal’s bandwidth. This approach is required when the only knowledge on the signal is that it is bandlimited. Other priors on signal structure can lead to more efficient sampling. An interesting class of structured signals was considered in [1], where the signals have a finite number of degrees of freedom per unit time. These signals were termed to have finite rate of innovation (FRI). A special case of FRI signals consists of a stream of pulses of known shape per time interval . For such a stream, any of its segments of length is uniquely determined by no more than 2 parameters, i.e., time delays and amplitudes. It is then © EURASIP, 2012 - ISSN 2076-1465 455 said that the signal’s local rate of innovation is finite and equals 2 ⁄ . For streams of pulses of short duration relative to the reference interval , standard sampling methods require very high sampling rates. However, the rate of innovation per interval is much smaller than the number of samples taken at the Nyquist rate. This observation was exploited to set the grounds for sampling at rates lower than the Nyquist rate. To this end, a mechanism to sample at low rates streams of Diracs can be found in [1], and the references therein. A scheme for recovering the original stream from the samples was also proposed. More recent work, [2, 3], generalizes the approach to sampling at low rates streams of pulses of known arbitrary shape, rather than just Diracs, by considering a multichannel sampling setup. Although the proposed multichannel sampling scheme allows perfect recovery of the original signal from its noiseless samples, it was found in [4] that in the presence of noise the performance of the signal recovery from low rate samples deteriorates significantly relative to the signal recovery from samples taken at the Nyquist rate. However, with low rate sampling, increasing the sampling rate above the rate of innovation brings substantial performance improvement. This work considers low rate sampling of streams of pulses as in [2, 3], but rather than recover the signal itself, the goal is to estimate specific signal parameters, specifically, delay and amplitude. The signal recovery in [2, 3] is equivalent to estimating all the unknown signal parameters, e.g., time delays and corresponding amplitudes. By contrast, estimation of individual parameters may be performed independently, e.g., delay estimation does not require the estimation of amplitudes, and thus its performance may vary with system parameters differently than that of signal recovery. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides the system model for a multichannel sampling scheme. In Section 3, CRB expressions are developed for TDE and amplitude estimation. Discussion of our results vis-à-vis other work is included. Section 4 contains numerical results, and conclusions wrap up the paper. 2. SYSTEM MODEL a). T The problem considered c is estimation of a vector th hat pparameterizes a FRI segmeent of length fro om ssamples taken at low rates from f a noisy observation o . T To give practiccal relevance to o the problem considered, is viewed as the t product of o transmitting g a signal ∑ , , thhrough a multipath channeel w where are the complex valued amplitu udes and the t tiime delays asssociated with h each propag gation path. The T consists of a train of trransmitted sign nal o pulses. That is, is emitted periodically att a a pulse of kno own shape cconstant rate 1⁄ , after being g modulated by y some arbitraary, . Vector kknown sequencce contain ns then the tim me ddelays and am mplitudes as th he unknowns that t parameteriize thhe signal . It is assum med that ≫ , for any a ∈ 1, … , . Also, the multtipath channel is assumed tim me innvariant. Thuss, the amplitud des do not change c from one o 1 , innterval Ι to another. Additionally, A the t rreceived signal is shift invariaant, i.e., the tim me delays also do nnot change from m one intervall Ι to anotherr, with respect to thhe beginning of o each intervaal. The received d signal is then na ccomplex valued d, noisy semi-p periodic train of o pulses: N K y t ak n g t k nT t , b). Fig. 1. a). System moodel; b). Filter--bank samplingg block. main multichannnel sampling methods weree proposed Two m recentlyy in the literatture, i.e., the ffilter-bank metthod in [2] and thee modulator-baank method in [3]. The moduulator-bank samplinng scheme cann be used to trreat different F FRI signals under the assumptioon that the puulse is compactly supportted and pulsess do not overlaap boundaries of interval Ι . In contrast, thee filter-bank sampling sccheme can accomm modate arbitrrary pulse sshapes , including infinitee-length functiions. Also, thhe filter-bank scheme is well suuited for sam mpling long ( → ∞) sem mi-periodic signals of form (1). F For the rest of the paper, the filter-bank samplinng is assumed,, with the note that similar annalysis can be carriied out for the modulator-bannk scheme. The filter-bank schheme is illustrated in Fig. 1bb. On each branch,, the signal is filtered by ∗ , followedd by actual ⁄ . The signall model is handled easier samplinng at a rate 1⁄ in the frequency dom main. For lonng observationn intervals, →∞ ∞, the discreete-time Fourrier transform m (DTFT), ≜∑ ∈ , cann be applied. With this, (2) becoomes (1) ( n 1 k 1 ⁄ . The signal is an w where nd . ddefined by time t delays and by am mplitudes of length is defined by H However, any segment of oonly time delays and amplitudes. Moreover, with w , the whole observ kknowledge of the sequence ved ssignal , of length , is defined by tim me delays and a amplitudes . Thus signall is FRI. The receiveed signal is affected by complex valu ued aadditive white Gaussian noiise (AWGN), , of pow wer sspectral density y (PSD) Φ . For later use,, let Φ ⁄ ddenote the pow wer of the noisee after passing through an ideal loow pass filter of o cut-off frequ uency 1⁄2 . The system model m for the problem p considered is depictted inn Fig. 1a. The T continuous-time signal is passsed thhrough a Sam mpling block to o obtain the set of samples . B Based on samp ples , an estim mate of is obtained o with the t E Estimation blo ock. For the Sampling S block k a multichann nel sstructure is con nsidered. With a multichanneel sampling settup is convolveed with thhe signal diffferent functio ons ∗ , …, ∗ , and th he output of each channel is ssampled at a rate 1⁄ , [2, 3]. The set of sam mples is given by b ∗ , 1, 1 …, . (3) where , and and , , , noise , denote the Foourier transforrms of , aand sampling ffilters ∗ , respectively. Note that, ∑ based oon (1), , where iss the Fourier trransform of . Focuusing, as propposed in [2], oon sampling ffilters with finite support in thee frequency doomain, e.g., coontained in ⁄ , ⁄ , (33) becomes the rangge ∗ P ∗ , m (2) ( ∗ , (4) q1 ⁄ . T The system is said s to have a total sampling rate r where 456 2 1 ⁄2 ⁄ . Note thatt all the expressions in the frequency domain are 2 ⁄ periodic and is restricted to the interval 0, 2 ⁄ . from all the If is a column vector collecting sampling channels, , where is a matrix of elements 3. CRAMER-RAO BOUND The performance of an estimate of a vector parameter from a set of measurements is typically measured by its mean squared error (MSE). A lower bound on the MSE is often used instead to gain insight into the factors affecting the MSE. The Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) is a lower bound on the MSE of any unbiased estimate of . For the problem at hand, the available measurements are the samples , obtained as (5) by a filter-bank low rate sampling scheme in (1) is applied to the FRI signal of (1). Since assumed known, the unknown parameter vector is is the ,…, , ,…, , ,…, , where Re real part of and is the imaginary part of . The CRB on the MSE of an element of is given by the - element of a matrix , i.e., CRB , . By definition, the matrix is the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM), whose elements are given by [8], (5) ∗ , ,… , is a diag matrix of elements , , diag ,… ,… , is the DTFT of , is a column vector collecting elements , and is a column vector collecting elements . Although it not explicitly evident in the notation, note the of the all the arrays in (5) except . dependence on Also note that the unknown time delays are embedded in and , while the unknown amplitudes are in the amplitudes . Matrices and are known. We briefly review the operations performed within the Estimation block, as proposed in. First, (5) is normalized by , with . Thus, let . By denoting and (dependence on continues to be implicit) and taking the inverse DTFT, . , (8) where ; is the probability density function (pdf) of the sample vector , parameterized by . The CRB for the signal reconstruction from low rate samples was discussed in [4]. In contrast, we are concerned here with parameter estimation, rather than estimation of the signal itself. Insight into the performance is developed from closed-form results for a particular setting, as stipulated in Theorem 1 below. We make the following two assumptions: (A1) The pulse shape shape is ideal, in the sense that 1 for ∈ 2 , 2 and 0 everywhere else. (A2) Φ is the DTFT , where is assumed constant and of the sequence , and Φ known within the frequency range of interest. With this, we ⁄ . Note define the signal to noise ratio (SNR) as Φ that if is a long bipolar sequence, where the 1 and 1 symbols are equiprobable, it can be further shown , [9]. that Φ (6) Matrix has a Vandermonde structure and thus super-resolution techniques, [5, 6], traditionally used in spectral estimation, can be employed with (6) to estimate the time delays , where the number of multipaths is a priori known, [2]. Once is known, the vector can be found using the linear relation , where is the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of . Further, with knowledge of the sequence , the amplitudes can be determined. In the absence of noise , the filter-bank sampling scheme supports recovery of the signal only if the number of samples per interval is at least 2 . The number of samples cannot exceed the number at Nyquist rate, 2 , where is the single side bandwidth of the pulse shape (if band-limited), [2, 7]. Combined, these lead to condition 2 2 for the filter-bank scheme to work. Also note that the values of are obtained in (6) by taking the inverse DTFT of . Thus, the matrix needs to be stable invertible. One example of sampling filters satisfying this condition is , 2 ⁄ , for ∈ 0, otherwise. ; ln , Theorem 1. Let in (5) consist of the low rate samples of a semi-periodic stream of pulses in AWGN noise, of form (1). Under assumptions (A1) and (A2), with the choice (7) of the sampling filters, and for a multipath free environment, i.e., 1, the CRBs for delay and amplitude estimation from low rate samples are: 3 2 CRB CRB (7) 1 | | 1 1 , . Proof: See Appendix for a sketch of the proof. 457 (9) (10) dB CRB MSE MSE ⁄ ⁄ dB Sim CRB dB , 20 Fig. 4. Delay estimattion errors as ffunction of the number of samplinng filters. dB dB F Fig. 2. Accuraccy of delay esttimation versuss SNR. Sim MSE MSE CRB CRB dB , 2 20 Fig. 5. Amplitude estimation errrors as functiion of the numberr of sampling ffilters. F Fig. 3. Accuraccy of amplitud de estimation veersus SNR. D Discussion. The CRB exp pression (9) shows that the t pperformance of delay estimaation improvess with the SN NR, i.e., the CRB decreases as the t SNR increeases. The sam me oobservation hollds for the CRB B of amplitudee estimation (10). IInterestingly, the CRB of deelay estimation n decreases with w thhe cube of the t number of o sampling filters, f i.e., it is pproportional to . This meeans that increaasing the numb ber oof sampling fiilters quickly improves the performance of ddelay estimatiion. In contrrast, the CRB B of amplitu ude eestimation is proportional only to . If we deno ote ⁄ , and d employ the assumption a thaat | | 1, the t 1⁄ C CRB can be written as 3⁄2 for dellay eestimation and 1⁄ for f amplitude estimation. With W thhese definition ns, the expresssion for the CR RB has the sam me fform as the CR RB for delay esstimation in co ontinuous sign nals ddeveloped in [1 10], where the term is referred to as ppostintegration SNR. This iss justified by the fact that the t pproduct is the processing gain du ue to the tim me bbandwidth prod duct of the sig gnal. Thus we observe that the t vvariation with of the CR RB of delay esstimation can be ssplit into the effect of ban ndwidth an nd the effect of pprocessing gain n P. In the casse of amplitud de estimation, the t C CRB is influenced only by thee SNR gain. 1 , and 10 . Results shhown are averraged over 1000 ruuns in which the noise havee been chosenn randomly (sourcee location was kept fixed). IIt may be noticed that at SNR, the M high S MSE from simulations aapproaches asympttotically the CR RB. This conffirms that the C CRB given by (9) is a tight loweer bound. Withh the logarithm mic scaling used inn Fig. 2, the CR RB decreases llinearly with sslope -3. In contrasst, at low SN NR, maximum m likelihood estimation experieences a threshhold effect, ii.e., the MSE E increases steeply . This is beecause, as thhe SNR decrreases, the estimattion enters a soo called “large--errors” region, where the noise vvalues become dominant overr the signal. Foor the given FRI prooblem addressed in this worrk, time delay values are boundeed by andso are the errorss, resulting in tthe plateau region evident at the low end of thee SNR scale. IIn Fig. 3, it is obserrved that for tthe same setupp as delay estim mation, the MSE off amplitude esttimation variess linearly with slope -1. Bas ed on (9) aand (10), the performance of delay varies frrom 2 to estimattion improves with when 2 , while the amplitude eestimation peerformance improvves only with . When 2 , the estimation perform mance of the ffilter-bank scheme equals thhe one of a single ffilter scheme w working at Nyqquist rate [1]. T This can be observeed in Fig. 4, annd Fig. 5, wheere for low ratee sampling the sim mulated MSE annd CRB are pllotted against tthe number of samppling filters . The CRB forr Nyquist rate for 10is thhe same as thhe CRB for llow rate samppling with 20 0. 4. 4 NUMERICA AL EXAMPLES T The MSE off delay estim mation (CRB and maximu um liikelihood simu ulations) as a function of SNR S is shown in F Fig. 2 for 100 symbolls, 10 sam mpling channeels, 458 everywhere else, determines that matrix is an identity matrix. This leads to further simplification of (13) to (14). ,…, , ,…, , ,…, In (14) we use ∑ and to determine the elements of the FIM. Particularizing it for 1, 5. CONCLUSIONS Performance of time delay and amplitude estimation from low rate samples of pulse trains has been addressed. In particular, the CRB expression for the case of using a filterbank sampling scheme was developed. With some simplifying assumptions, closed form expressions were determined for multipath free signal. The estimation performance in noise was shown to deteriorate significantly if the number of samples taken is the one indicated by the rate of innovation rather than by the Nyquist rate. Specifically, with the simplifying assumptions considered, the CRB is inverse proportional to the cube of the number of sampling filters for delay estimation and to the number of sampling filters for amplitude estimation. P 2 2 1 2 3T 2 0 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 1 With (15), the equations of Theorem 1 can be easily derived. Moreover, it can be shown that for 2, for well separated multipaths, the CRB for the time delay and amplitude of any th component is also given by Theorem 1. 6. APPENDIX 7. REFFERENCES Due to space considerations, we can provide in this appendix only a sketch of the proof of Theorem 1. We start by expressing the pdf ; used in (8) in terms of the signal model (1) 1 ; , det [1] T. Blu, P. L. Dragotti, M. Vetterli, P. Marziliano, and L. 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(11) 1 ,…, , 1 ,…, , where and the observation interval is limited to 0, . The denotes the covariance matrix of the matrix noise vector 1 ,…, . Equation (15.52) from [8] is applied to (11), together with the observation that the covariance matrix does not depend on parameter [11], to reduce (8) to 2Re , (12) ⁄ Re d (13) ⁄ ⁄ 1 ∗ d . Re (14) ⁄ Term (13) is obtained from (12) by replacing the data vector by the vector of its Fourier coefficients (obtained by applying the DTFT to , when → ∞) and following a is a reasoning similar to that in [12]. Matrix given by the DTFT of the matrix of elements , cross-correlation 1 ,…, of sequences (15) 1 ,…, and . With the choice (7) of sampling filters, ⁄ | ,…| diag | is Furthermore, the choice of an ideal pulse shape sense that 1 for ∈ , and | . , in the 0 459