Application of crystallography: Fourier transform on X-ray 1.0 Description of the problem .......................................................................... 2 2.0 Motivation ......................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Crystals: ........................................................................................................ 3 2.2 Bragg’s law: ................................................................................................. 5 3.0 Relation between Fourier transform and theory of diffraction: ......... 7 4.0 The structure factor equation: .................................................................... 8 5.0 Phase problem: ............................................................................................... 9 6.0 Solving the phase problem: ........................................................................ 9 6.1 Patterson map is also known as Patterson synthesis: .............. 9 6.2 The heavy atom method: .................................................................. 10 6.3 Isomorphous replacement: .............................................................. 10 6.4 Anomalous scattering: ...................................................................... 10 6.5 Direct methods: ................................................................................... 10 7.0 Collecting X-ray data: .................................................................................. 10 7.1 Crystal and unit cell:................................................................................ 11 7.2 Coordinate systems in crystallography: ............................................ 11 8.0 Appendix A..................................................................................................... 13 8.1 Mathematics: ............................................................................................. 13 8.2 Fourier series: ........................................................................................... 13 8.3 General Fourier transforms: .................................................................. 15 8.4 Fast Fourier transforms: ........................................................................ 16 9.0 Appendix B ..................................................................................................... 17 9.1Production of X-rays:................................................................................ 17 9.2 Detection of X-rays: ................................................................................. 18 10.0 References: .................................................................................................. 18 10.1 Books: ....................................................................................................... 18 10.2 Web sites: ................................................................................................. 18 1.0 Description of the problem When the word microscopy comes in our mind we always think in terms of lenses, which gather the light waves scattered by objects together, and focuses them into an image. Similarly in our eyes, lenses make images on retina by focusing light waves scattered by an object at a distance. Moreover even magnifying lenses also magnifies an image by focusing the light scattered by a minute object. [1a] The above discussion is fine while trying to visualise small objects but when we want to see something at atomic levels then light microscopes or using visual light becomes useless. The reason being the object should be at least half the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave used. [1b] For instance an atom nucleus is about 10 -15 meters [2b] where as the atomic diameter is about 10-11meters. Covalent bond length is about 0.96 Angstrom (one Angstrom (A)= 10-10 meters) and hydrogen bond length is about 1.97 A.[3b] In contrast to all these visual light’s wavelength is much bigger (7000 A).[4b] So we have to use an electromagnetic wave with wavelength much smaller then visual light, to be in the range of the atomic size or at least in the inter-atomic distance. Hence we use X-rays (wavelength 0.30-30 A). Theoretically microscopes using X-rays should be the best if we want to see atomic level but the big disadvantage is that unlike the visual light Xrays cannot be focused to get an inverted image in the image plane at 2f position. [1a] 2.0 Motivation No matter what ever electromagnetic wave we use, every object makes some pattern at f distance from the lens towards the image plane. This pattern is also called diffraction pattern. The plane where these patterns are made is called focal or Fourier transform plane (figure 2.1). This is because the object has a mathematical relationship with its diffraction pattern which is described exactly by Fourier transform. X-rays cannot be focused to give an image but they do give diffraction pattern (figure 2.2) at the focal plane which can be mathematically interpreted into an image of the object. [1a] Figure 2.1 shows Fourier transform (in the imaginary plane) of an object by a lens, f is the focal and is the angle with the plane of the scattering object. Figure taken from: - Introduction to macromolecular crystallographyAlexander Mcpherson. Figure 2.2: A typical diffraction pattern obtain at f position in the reciprocal space. Figure taken from: - Physical biochemistry –K.E. Van Holde 3rd edition 2.1 Crystals: Pure substances in solid state can occur as amorphous or crystalline. Crystals are solids made up of repeated units called unit cell. The difference between a crystal and amorphous solid of the same chemical composition is that the former is more ordered. Here ordered mean regular, symmetric, and repeating. The application of crystals in structure determination using X-ray diffraction is very important [2a]. It can be demonstrated as follows: Figure 2.3: (a) is the object and (b) is the diffraction pattern at the Fourier transform plane. Figure taken from: Introduction to macromolecular crystallography- Alexander Mcpherson. (The first image is a real image or in real space and the second image is in imaginary or reciprocal space.) As shown in the figure (2.3) the diffraction pattern formed at Focal plane by an object is continuous. Although the diffraction pattern is a Fourier transform of the original object but to calculate it mathematically back into its image is difficult. Figure 2.4 (a) is the object in the real plane and (b) is the diffraction pattern in the reciprocal plane. Figure taken from: - Introduction to macromolecular crystallography- Alexander Mcpherson. In contrast to the previous example, figure (2.4) has an object (a) which is more ordered (regular, symmetric, and repeating) and the diffraction pattern in Figure (2.4 b) can now be easily converted back into the original object mathematically. Figure 2.5: first figure is an object and second figure is a diffraction pattern of the same object. Figure taken from: Introduction to macromolecular crystallography- Alexander Mcpherson. Figure 2.5 is another example where the object (in the first figure) in not ordered hence the diffraction pattern is not discrete as in figure (2.4). Figure 2.6: First figure is an object and the second figure is again a diffraction pattern. Figure taken from: Introduction to macromolecular crystallography- Alexander Mcpherson. Considering another example figure (2.6), here the object is ordered (regular, symmetric, and repeating).The diffraction pattern at the focal point is discrete points. Here in this diffraction pattern we can find the coordinates (or indices). Moreover intensity data can also be used and hence mathematically it is possible to get back the original object. To conclude discrete diffraction pattern obtained from a crystal can also be mathematically converted back into original object [1a]. 2.2 Bragg’s law: Discussion on X-ray diffraction is incomplete without mentioning the Bragg’s law. It helps us in understanding the geometrical condition of diffraction. It is expressed as 2d sin n (Figure 2.7)Where‘d’ is the spacing between the adjacent planes in the parallel set, is also called Bragg’s angle and is the wavelength of X-ray used. [8a] Figure 2.7 diagrammatic view describing Bragg’s Law- Figure taken from Physical biochemistry –K.E. Van Holde 3rd edition Bragg’s law is actually for reflection and it is not an accurate representation of the diffraction process. In the words of K.E. Van Holde [2a]”Atoms scatter Xrays, not because they are shiny spheres but because they are oscillating dipoles. Still, the data observed during an X-ray diffraction experiment are often called reflections because Bragg’s law correctly describes the conditions of constructive interference in the X-ray diffraction.” So we can say that the phenomenon of diffraction is not same as reflection but still Bragg’s equation can be use. A better explanation was given by a German scientist Max Von Laue. Von Laue is believed to be the discoverer of the phenomenon of X-ray diffraction and for this work he was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1914. [7b] Figure 2.8 diagrammatic representation of Van Laue’s explanation. Figure taken from Physical biochemistry –K.E. Van Holde 3rd edition The explanation can be shown as follows: l=c cos Where l is an integer, is wavelength, c is spacing between the points and is the angle between the direction of the scattered radiation and the row of scatterers. Von Laue further extended this to three dimensions and the relation it has with Braggs law can be shown as follows: (h2/a2+k2/b2+l2/c2)1/2 = 2 sin / = n/d Where 2= and n and d are analogous to l and c respectively. Here hkl could be described as coordinates of reciprocal space and abc as coordinates for real space [2a] 3.0 Relation between Fourier transform and theory of diffraction: An excellent description of such a correlation is given by Ramachandran and Srinivasan [3a], assuming P to be either an electron or an atom (figure 3.1). Considering a monochromatic parallel beam of X-rays such that it makes P as scattering centre Let Si and Sr be unit vector along the direction of incident and scattered radiation. Figure 3.1 (a) shows scattering of x-rays from a point P and the origin O (b) shows the vector product of Sr and Si. Figure taken from: Fourier Methods in Crystalloraphy- Ramachandran and Srinivasan. First we have to calculate the resultant scattered radiation which makes an angle 2with the incident direction. The phase of wave scattered by the point P in the direction sr, is ahead of the phase of the wave scattered by a point at the origin O, by a quantity , which is given by 2 / (AO-PB)= 2 / (r.( sr si )) Where r is the position vector of P with O as origin The wave vectors Si and Sr can be defined as Si= (1 / ) si and Sr= (1 / ) sr Hence the phase difference can be written as 2 .r.( Sr Si ) 2 .r.r * Where r* = Sr-Si Considering “a” as the amplitude of the wave scattered by p where as the amplitude of the incident wave is unity. Hence the resultant scattered radiation from P can be written as a. exp( 2 .i.r * .r ) Ramachandran further extended this equation by taking in account a set of n scattering points at positions rj (where j=1 to N). So the total wave scattered is obtained by summing all the scattered waves given by F(r*). F(r*) = j 1 aj. exp( 2 .i.r * .rj ) N Where vector r* represents the scattering phenomenon and relates wavelength of the radiation with direction of incident and the scattered waves. According to Ramachandran [3a] on further modifying this equation to continuous medium the amplitude of the wave scattered by the matter in a volume element dv at r is (r)dv. Hence the total scattering in the scattering direction is given by F (r ) (r ) exp( 2 .i.r * .r )dv “Thus the wave scattered by a continuous medium can be represented as Fourier transform of the scattering density, and it also follows, from the theory of Fourier transforms, that the scattering density is, in turn, given by the inverse Fourier transform namely”[3a] (r ) F (r*) exp( 2 .i.r * .r )dv The mathematics of Fourier transform is described in Appendix A 4.0 The structure factor equation: In equation (9 from appendix A) electron density is related to sum of all scattered waves and dv which is the volume element. Here we introduce another factor called structure factor. It depends on crystal structure and hence the name structure factor. It can be mathematically described as: N F (h, k , l ) f ( j ) exp 2 .i(hx( j ) ky( j ) lz ( j )) …………………….(10) j 1 So the electron density can be described in terms of structural factor as: F (h, k , l ) ( x, y, z ) exp( 2 .i(hx ky lz )) …………………(11) hkl or F (h, k , l ) ( x, y, z ) exp( 2 .i(hx ky lz )).dV ………………………..(12) V Structure factor is also among many factors which affect the intensity of X-ray in the diffraction pattern. Hence it has a relationship with the intensity which will be discussed in the next section. [2a] 5.0 Phase problem: From the above discussion it is clear that if we have a way by which we can calculate structure factor then solving electron density equation will be very easy and thus we can solve the structure of the molecule in the crystal. In NMR and infra red spectroscopy we can detect both amplitude and phase for light of long wavelengths, but unfortunately we can’t do this thing for short wavelength like x-rays, but we can measure the total energy by measuring the intensity of the diffraction pattern. Since intensity is proportional to the square of the amplitude so we have the amplitude of structure factor but not the phase angle [9a]. So the equation (10) of structure factor can be rewritten as: F (hkl) F (hkl) exp( i (hkl)) ………………………………………………(13) Structural factor obtained in equation (13) can be inserted in electron density equation (12) as follows: ( xyz) 1 / V F (hkl) cos2 (hx ky lz ) (hkl) …………………(14) h k l 6.0 Solving the phase problem: Mcpherson [1a] has described many methods which are been developed to solve this problem. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. De-convolution of the Patterson map. The Heavy atom method Isomorphous replacement Anomalous scattering Molecular replacement Direct methods 6.1 Patterson map is also known as Patterson synthesis: This method can solve a structure on its own provided the structure contains very few atoms (maximum up to twelve). Except the direct method it works in conjunction with nearly all the above mentioned methods. [1a]. The biggest draw back of this method is that it does Fourier calculation using the phase less quantity F 2 as a coefficient. Patterson equation is written as: P(u, v, w) 1 /V F (hkl) 2 F (hkl) hkl 2 cos 2 (hu kv lw) 2 is simply the measured intensity I(hkl) The P(u,v,w) calculated though this way is then plotted on graph.[6a] 6.2 The heavy atom method: Here a heavy atom is been introduced in the sample containing lighter atoms. Heavy atom has greater electron density and can be recognised easily. Once the heavy atom coordinates are known then it is relatively easy to find the positions of lighter atoms. [1a] 6.3 Isomorphous replacement: In this method phases from structure factors of a known molecule is used as initial estimates of phases for a new molecule. [4a] The phasing model and the new molecule should be isomorphous i.e. unit cells should be nearly identical in shape and size. The replacement part of the method indicates that a heavy atom is added in the unit cell [2a]. 6.4 Anomalous scattering: Sometimes it is also called resonance scattering because it is produce by the electrons producing Thompson scattering of X-rays [1a]. When xrays frequency is close to electron resonance frequency then the electrons start absorbing the X-ray. The electron then undergoes a quantum transition and then reemits the energy as a photon of the same wavelength. The emitted X-rays have a phase changed by 90 degrees [4a]. 6.5 Direct methods: In 1985 two scientist Jerome karle and Herbert Hauptman were awarded the Nobel prize in chemistry for the achievements in developing Direct methods for X-ray crystallography. It is due to direct methods that Xray crystallography became so famous. One of the direct methods relies on the existence of mathematical relationships among certain combination of phases. Another method work such that it tries out random arrangements of atoms, predicts the diffraction patterns they would produce and compares the predicted patterns with those obtained from the crystals. [4a] 7.0 Collecting X-ray data: The modern day X-ray instruments measures the position and the intensity of each reflection by the help of an optical scanner. This information is transmitted in digital form to a computer for analysis. We get the intensity value by measuring the optical absorbance of the spot Position helps us in obtaining the direction of diffraction. Figure 7.1: diagrammatic view of x-ray diffraction. Figure taken from Crystallography made crystal clear- Gale Rodes 7.1 Crystal and unit cell: Crystals are three dimensional structure made up of identical unit cells (in other words, a three dimensional arrangement of identical, repetitive unit cells). Figure 7.2 The figure shown is of a simple cubic unit cell. Figure taken from 7.2 Coordinate systems in crystallography: Since the crystals are made up of three dimension unit cells so each reflection can be assigned three coordinates or indices in the reciprocal or imaginary space. Figure 7.3: diagrammatic representation of 3 dimension view of a diffraction pattern. Figure taken from Crystallography made crystal clear- Gale Rodes In X-ray crystallography h, k, l are designated to the positions in 3 dimension scale. The central spot or the round solid central reflection is given the coordinates (h, k, l) = (0, 0, 0) Another way to give coordinates is by measuring the actual distance as the dimensions of reciprocal space are inverse of dimensions of the real space of the crystals. Figure 7.4: diagrammatic view of object in the real space (the first part of the figure) and the diffraction pattern in the reciprocal space. Figure taken from Crystallography made crystal clear- Gale Rodes 8.0 Appendix A 8.1 Mathematics: The Fourier transform is named after Jean Baptiste Joseph. In short “it is an integral transform that re-expresses a function in terms of sinusoidal based functions.” [6b] Fourier transforms have variety of applications in many fields e.g. In physics- signal processing, cryptography, acoustics, optics. In maths-number theory, probability theory, statistics, geometry. In biology-oceanography In chemistry-x-ray crystallography [6b] 8.2 Fourier series: For periodic functions, no matter how much complicated they are, they can be described as the sum of simple waves. This sum is called Fourier series [4a]. e.g. [4a] F ( x) Fo. cos 2 (0 x 0) + F1. cos 2 (1x 1) + F 2. cos 2 (2 x 2) + . . . Fn. cos 2 (n .n) Or equivalently N F ( x Fh. cos 2 (hx .h)) h 0 e.g. [5a] F () is a function such that F()=F(). They are said to be periodic with period 2 F ( ) 1 / 2a0 (an. cos n bn sin n ) ………….(1) 1 Here ½ a0 is the coefficient of the constant function 1= cos0and ½ is incorporated for later convenience. There is no b0 as sin0=0. Note : Sometimes it is better to work with complex components than to work with trigonometric functions (e.g. cos) cos exp( i ) exp( i ) / 2 sin exp( i ) exp( i ) / 2i exp( i ) cos i sin By using the above formula we can say. cos n (exp( in ) exp( in ) / 2) sin n (exp( in ) exp( in ) / 2i ) Equation (1) can be rewritten as. F ( ) Cn exp( in ) ………………(2) Where C 0 1 / 2a 0 Cn 1 / 2(an ibn ) C n 1 / 2(an ibn ) a 0 2co an Cn C ( n) bn i (Cn C ( n)) n 1,2,3,........ We can also say exp( in ) cos n i sin n cos( n ) cos n sin( n) sin n Finding the value of Cn, an and bn: Multiplying both sides of equation (2) by exp(-ik)(where k is integer) and integrating from – to + F ( ) exp( ik ).d Cn exp( i(n k ) ).d ………………(3) Solving RHS: (i) When n is not equal to k Cn exp( i(n k ) ).d 1 / i(n k ) exp( i(n k ) ) limits - to = (-1)n-k –(-1)n-k/i(n-k)=0 (ii) When n=k Cn exp( i(n k ) ).d Cn d 2 Hence the outcome of (i) and (ii) will be (ii) only. So the equation (3) can be written as follows: 2Ck F ( ) exp( ik ).d ……………………….(4) Re-labeling the integer k as n Cn 1 / 2 F ( ) exp( n ).d a0 2C 0 1 / F ( ).d (exp(0)=1) an Cn C (n) 1 / 2 F ( )(exp( in ) exp( in )).d By replacing cos n exp( in ) exp( in ) / 2 an Cn C (n) 1 / F ( ). cos n .d bn i(Cn C (n)) i / 2 F (exp( in ) exp( in )).d By replacing sin n (exp( in ) exp( in )) / 2i bn i(Cn C (n)) 1 / F ( ) sin n .d an and bn are Fourier’s coefficients. 8.3 General Fourier transforms: In the previous example we saw how sin and cosine function of a Fourier series is converted to exponential form. Gale Rodes [4a] described the above shown exponential form of Fourier series in a more general form. An example of F(x) and F(h) was taken such that F(h) is a Fourier transform (FT) of F(x). F ( h) F ( x) exp( 2 .i(hx)).dx ……………………….(5) The basic property of Fourier transform that it is a linear invertible transform. The inverse of the Fourier transform is the following F ( x) F (h) exp( 2 .i(hx)).dh ……………………..(6) A perfect example to show this property can be when x is time in seconds and h is reciprocal time or frequency (1/seconds). “Taking the FT of time-dependent functions is a means of decomposing these functions into their component frequencies and is sometimes referred to as Fourier analysis.” [4a]. This way frequencies of many spectral lines can be obtained simultaneously. A perfect example of this is spectroscopy (NMRnuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy). Extending this view Gale Rhodes further pointed out the application of Fourier transform in 3 dimensions. For example taking F(h) in three dimensions to F(h, k, l) and F(x) to F(x, y, z). Hence the equations can be written as F ( x, y, z ) F (h, k , l ) exp( 2 .i(hx ky lz )) .dl ……………(7) hkl F (h, k , l ) F ( x, y, z ) exp( 2 .i (hx ky lz )) …………….(8) xyz Our electron density equation (r ) F (r*) exp( 2 .i.r * .r )dv can also be written as ( x, y, z ) 1 / V h k l Fhkl. exp( 2 .i(hx ky lz )) ………………..(9) The reason is that diffraction is a regular pattern (as described in previous section of Von Laue’ equation). Hence the electron density can be calculated from a sum of F for all Miller indices (h, k, l) (coordinates of reciprocal space).[2a] 8.4 Fast Fourier transforms: Stout and Jensen [6a] describe a modification of Fourier transform which is very commonly used these days. According to them from 1960s it was possible to speed the calculation described in equation (9) by 1. Suitably separating the terms in the summation 2. Performing shorter and faster transforms on the separated elements 3. And then combining these transforms at the end This can be demonstrated by considering one dimensional example H /2 H /2 0 0 F (2h) exp( 2 .i(2h) x) F (2h 1) exp( 2 .i(2h 1) x) This equation can be modified as H /2 H /2 0 0 F (2h) exp( 2 .i(2h) x) exp( 2 .ix ) F (2h 1) exp( 2 .i(2h) x) Hence with same exponential term on both the sides will make calculation easier as it will be computed once and used twice. The idea is also expressed as a constant common phase is taken out, because the functions are periodic in nature and so it becomes faster than the ordinary Fourier transform. 9.0 Appendix B Rontgen in 1895 was the first one to discover X-rays. He realized that the nature of these rays was unknown so he used letter X. Since then these rays are called X-rays. Some of the important properties which he saw were: These rays were invisible (just opposite to ordinary light) They travelled in straight line (similar to ordinary light) They were more penetrating than the visible light. They could even pass human body, metal, wood and other opaque objects where visible light could not. By 1912 many properties of x-rays were explored to study the nature of these rays (including x-ray diffraction of crystals). [7a] 9.1Production of X-rays: In an atom the nucleus is surrounded by electrons, which orbit around the nucleus in their own shells. The shell nearest to the nucleus is called k shell and so the electrons in that shell are called k shell electrons. In short Xrays are produced when any electrically charged particle of sufficient kinetic energy, knocks off or removes these k shell electrons. Figure 9.1: diagrammatic representation of a nucleus and its shells. Figure taken from: - Crystal Structure AnalysisW.Clegg. Another electron enters the k shell. In k shell the electron’s energy should be lowest possible, hence this new electron librates energy in the form of radiation (one of which will be X-rays). As shown in the diagram if the electron comes form L shell the radiation is called k and if the electron comes from M shell then the radiation is called K [7a]. The assembly for x-ray production usually consist of (a) a source of electrons (b) a high accelerating voltage and (c) a metal target An x-ray tube contains two electrodes and when a high voltage is applied across these electrodes then electrons move towards the anode or the target. Electrons thus strike the target at a very high speed and so x-rays are produced and radiated in all directions. Some of metals used as targets are copper, cobalt, iron, and chromium. Some other examples of x-ray sources are as follows Gas tubes, Filament tubes, rotating anode tubes, micro-focus tubes, pulsed (or flashed) tubes, miniature tubes, high voltage tubes and linear accelerators and Synchrotron radiation. Synchrotron radiations are currently the most popular source of X-rays. The principle is based on the fact that acceleration of charged particles produces electromagnetic radiations [7a]. 9.2 Detection of X-rays: Previous methods were fluorescent screens, photographic film, and electronic detectors. Currently the most popular one image (storage) plates [7a]. 10.0 References: 10.1 Books: [1a] Introduction to macromolecular crystallography- Alexander Mcpherson. [2a] Physical biochemistry –K.E. Van Holde 3rd edition [3a] Fourier Methods in Crystalloraphy- Ramachandran and Srinivasan [4a] Crystallography made crystal clear- Gale Rodes [5a] Fourier analysis and its application- Gerald B Folland [6a] X-ray structure determination –George. H. Stout and Lyle. H. Jensen [7a] Elements of x-ray Diffraction- B.D.Cullity and S.R.Stock [8a] Crystal Structure Analysis- W.Clegg. [9a] An introduction to x-ray x-raystallography- Michael M Woolfson 10.2 Web sites: [1b] [2b] [3b] [4b] [5b] [6b] [7b]