Volatility Dynamics and Linkages in International Securitized Real Estate Markets *Kim Hiang LIOW Department of Real Estate National University of Singapore Tel: (65)65163420 Fax: (65)67748684 Email: rstlkh@nus.edu.sg David Kim Hin HO Department of Real Estate National University of Singapore Tel: (65)65161152 Fax: (65)67748684 Email: rsthkhd@nus.edu.sg * Contact author 15 May 2007 Volatility Dynamics and Linkages in International Securitized Real Estate Markets Kim Hiang LIOW and David Kim Hin HO, Paper presented at the 2007 Twenty-Third American Real Estate Society Meeting (Session 35), April 10-14, San Francisco, California, USA.1 Abstract This study contributes to the literature in international securitized real estate market volatility in three ways. Each market’s conditional volatility is decomposed into a “permanent” or long-run component and a “transitory” or short-run component via a Component-GARCH model. Even though with the same numbers of common factors derived from the “permanent” and “transitory” volatility series, their loadings are not similar and consequently the long-run and short-run volatility linkages for some markets are different. Finally there are significant volatility co-movements between real estate and stock markets’ “permanent” and “transitory” components suggesting that real estate markets are at least not segmented from stock markets in international investing. . 1. INTRODUCTION Numerous empirical studies have investigated the inter-temporal properties of asset volatilities and their dynamic linkages across international stock markets. To the best of our knowledge relatively little research has been published on these topics in international real estate markets. Real estate is a major capital asset that contributes to both investor diversification and wealth creation. Because the correlation of real estate investment returns with other capital assets is relatively low, domestic and international portfolio risk reduction can be achieved by investing in real estate. In recent years, International property fund managers have been seeking real estate investment opportunities in the emerging real markets including Asia, with industry sources predicting the global real estate securities’ market capitalization to significantly increase from $500 billion in 2004 to $ 1 trillion by 2010 (Newell et al, 2005). Specifically, listed real estate investment companies have become an increasingly important property investment vehicle in Asia and internationally, particularly through the success of REITs in the USA and LPTs in Australia, the recent establishment of equivalent REIT vehicles in Japan, Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong and the long-established track record of listed property companies in Asia. Consequently a comprehensive study of time-varying volatilities and their linkages across international real estate markets such as in the current paper offers significant insights into dynamic global real estate volatility behavior and portfolio implications of real estate investing. 1 We are grateful to Ms Teo Lay Kim’s excellent research assistance offered in this study. 1 With two international dataset that covers 14 securitized real estate markets and the corresponding stock markets over 1984-2006, the specific objectives of this study are: (a) To decompose the time-varying real estate return volatilities into two parts, a permanent component (trend) and a transitory component using Engle and Lee (1993)’s ComponentGARCH (C-GARCH) methodology (b) To examine the correlation structure of international real estate markets’ “permanent” and “transitory” volatilities using factor analysis. Although various national real estate markets differ with respect to their size, liquidity, trading structure and regulations, factor analysis considers that the correlation in volatilities is caused by “a few and dominant” factors common to all volatility series (c) To assess the volatility linkages between real estate and stock markets from the “permanent” and “transitory” perspectives using multiple regression technique. This study, which is about international securitized real estate markets, thus contributes to the real estate volatility literature in international real estate investing. This paper distinguishes itself from previous real estate studies in at least three aspects. First this paper is unique in that it decomposes the return volatilities into two components: “permanent” (long-run) and “transitory” (short-term). This approach seeks to recognize the possibility that the conditional variance may include the two components to describe short-term and long-term movements of volatilities and hence is able to reveal important information about the long-run and short-term volatility dynamics in international real estate investing. Second, rather than investigating the correlation structure in real estate returns, we employ factor analysis to derive “common factors” (or “principal components”) in the “permanent” and “transitory” volatility series and further compare their factor structures and loadings. The knowledge of how volatilities across international real estate markets are linked in the long- and shortrun is important in that the second moment or variance is directly linked to information flow as well as providing insights concerning the characteristics and dynamics of real estate asset prices. Third, by repeating the estimations for the corresponding stock markets, we are also interested in finding out whether the common volatility factors of real estate and stock markets are linked. This appraoch hopes 2 to detect significant evidence of the 2nd moment linkage between the real estate and stock markets and contributes indirectly to the literature on globalization and securitization of real estate markets. 2. BRIEF LITERATURE REVIEW This study involves four main streams of empirical literature in international investing and portfolio diversification. They are briefly reviewed below. 2.1 Correlation of national stock markets An important question addressed by the literature concerning international diversification has been whether or not it allows a reduction in risk, relative to domestic diversification. Many researchers have adopted different statistical tools in search for co-movement of stock indices. The traditional way is to look at the estimation of pair-wise correlation coefficients between national share prices (Hui and Farragher, 1985). In most cases, low positive or negative correlations are a sign of potential benefits of international diversification through a reduction in portfolio systematic risk. Numerous studies are conducted on the US and matured markets like Europe, Canada and Japan. Levy and Sarnat (1970), Watson (1978), Meric and Meric (1989), Arshanapalli and Doukas (1993) and DeFusco et al. (1996) indicate that international investors would perform better by holding a diversified portfolio in international major equity markets, rather than engaging on a single market. Bailey and Stulz (1990) find that Asia-Pacific equity markets are not highly correlated, and international diversification is thus possible. 2.2 International correlation structure Ripley (1973) employs factor analysis to search for systematic variation patterns among 19 international equity markets over the period 1960 – 1970. There is evidence that countries like USA, Canada, Switzerland and the Netherlands has a low degree of unique variability, whereas South Africa and Japan have considerably high level of unique movement. Recent studies have included AsiaPacific where Hui and Kwan (1986) and Hui (2005) investigate the systematic co-variation and intertemporal stability of share prices for Asia-Pacific and US stock prices using factor analysis. Their results indicate that diversifications into Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and the USA are beneficial as the 3 return generating processes are influenced by different factors. Finally, Illueca and Lafuente (2002) evaluate the nature of stock market integration by analyzing the characteristics of the factor structures of returns and volatilities. The return volatilities are estimated from univariate GARCH innovations that allow for asymmetric impact on volatility. Their findings suggest that the causal transmission among international stock markets is more intense in terms of volatility. 2.3 Dynamics of return volatilities Mandelbrot (1963) and Fama (1965) have recognized that return volatility is changing over time and that high periods of volatility tend to cluster and vice versa. Harvey (1991) and Karolyi and Stulz (1996) point out that the cross-correlation of stock market returns affects the volatility of international portfolios and risk premium. Hence, the presence of time-varying risk should be accounted for. In this regard, the autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (ARCH) model introduced by Engle (1982) and later extended to Generalized ARCH (GARCH) by Bollerslev (1986) have been popular in modeling the stylized features of stock market volatility. Nelson (1990) and Pagan and Schwert (1990), show that volatility is a non-stationary process. The existence of a unit-root in the volatility process also indicates the presence of two components in the volatility: a stochastic trend and a transitory component. Engle and Lee (1993) introduce a Component-GARCH (C-GARCH) model to decompose the conditional variance into a permanent component and a transitory component. Gallagher (1999) also reveals the existence of temporary and permanent components in stock prices. Finally, Ane (2006) provides an investigation on the applicability of the C-GARCH model to describe the volatilities of Hong Kong stock returns. Her study finds that the permanent volatility component (trend) has a very high level of persistence. The transitory volatility component, on the hand, appears much less persistent for all stocks and responds strongly to external shocks. 2.4 Real estate studies While there are extensive studies on the dynamics and linkages of international stock markets’ conditional volatilities, far less attention has been devoted to such studies in the real estate 4 literature. This is mainly due to the lack of longer and high frequency time series for real estate return data. Consequently, many real estate studies focus on the unconditional real estate returns and volatilities. Worzala and Sirmans (2003) provide an excellent review of international real estate stock literature, focusing on the diversification benefits in a mixed-asset portfolio context or a real estateonly portfolio context. Other studies include Echholtz (1996), Ling and Naranjo (1999), Mei and Hu (2000), Kallburg et al, (2002), Liow and Yang (2005), Cotter and Stevenson (2006), Michayluk et al, (2006) and Liow (2006). Cotter and Stevenson (2006) deploy the multivariate VAR-GARCH technique to examine the time-varying conditional volatilities and correlations in the daily US REIT and equity series. Using an asymmetric covariance GARCH model, Michayluk et al, (2006) examine the daily volatility spillover effects and time-varying correlation dynamics between the US and UK securitized real estate markets. Their results show significant asymmetric effects on both the volatility and correlation between the two markets. Finally, Liow (2006) develops a GJR-GARCH-M model to assess the volatility persistence and asymmetric characteristics underlying the time-varying volatility process of Asian securitized real estate markets and further compare them to those of the US, the UK and Europe; a world stock market index and a world real estate index (two global benchmark proxies). 3. DATA AND PRELIMINARY STATISTICS Monthly real estate price index for 14 countries was extracted from the Global Real Estate Securities Database of Global Property Research (GPR) and Datastream for the period January 1984 to July 2006, giving a total of 271 observations. The sample markets include Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States. Figure 1 presents the average market value of the 14 real estate markets. GPR, a Netherlands-based firm provides a database containing prices, market capitalization, dividends, and company characteristics of real estate companies listed on the stock exchanges of more than 30 countries on a monthly basis since 1984. This unique database contains the history of some 600 real estate companies – both currently listed companies and those that have been delisted. The 5 GPR index is constructed to be representative of the movements in the worldwide real estate securities market. (Figure 1 here) In addition, the broader stock market indices represented by MSCI for the 14 countries are extracted from Datastream. The MSCI indices are the most widely used country and world indices by international fund managers for asset allocation decisions and performance measurement. They are also widely used by academic researchers because of their consistency, extensive market coverage, and historical availability dating back to 1970. All data are expressed in US dollars; thereby setting the market price of currency risk equal to zero. Our study is therefore targeted at a US-based international investor, and provides uniformity in the comparison of one market with another. Returns are calculated by the first difference of the natural logarithm of the monthly indices. To provide a general understanding of the nature of each market return series, Table 1 presents summary statistics for the GPR and MSCI over the full study period. Focusing on the real estate series (GPR), all average returns are positive except for Canada. Hong Kong has the highest monthly mean (1.41%) and is followed by Norway (1.34%). Judging from the sample standard deviations, the Asian maturing/developing real estate markets are, as expected, characterized by a higher unconditional volatility, compared to the developed markets of the UK, the USA and Europe. In particular, Singapore and Hong Kong are most volatiles (standard deviations are 11.8% and 11%). All return series display a peaked distribution relative to the normal (i.e. kurtosis value more than 3) except Switzerland. Finally, with the exceptions of three European markets (France, Germany and Switzerland), the normal distribution can also be rejected as an appropriate description of remaining 11 series since all Jarque-Bara statistic (JB) greatly exceed 5.99, which is the 95% quantile of the Chisquared distribution with two degrees of freedom. (Table 1 here) Table 2 provides a Pearson correlation matrix that shows the degree of co-movement between each pair of the real estate markets’ conditional volatilities, which are estimated using GARCH (1, 1) 6 methodology. As the numbers indicate, correlations between the conditional volatilities of all real estate markets vary between low and high ranges. Only 23 pairs of the 91 markets’ pair-wise correlation coefficients report a volatility correlation coefficient of 0.3 and above, with CanadaSweden, Hong Kong– Singapore, Australia-Singapore and Canada-Norway reports higher correlations of about 0.798, 0.790, 0.754 and 0.730 respectively. Overall, international real estate markets are not independent because they are related through their second moments. (Table 2 here) 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4.1 Permanent and transitory volatilities We first model the 14 real estate markets’ volatilities using the C-GARCH methodology. This estimation will reveal the proportions of long and short volatilities as well as the respective level of persistence across the markets. According to Engle and Lee (1993), the C-GARCH model has the following specifications: σ 2 t − qt = α (ε 2 t −1 − qt −1 ) + β (σ 2 t −1 − qt −1 ) ----------------------------------(1) qt = ω + ρ (qt −1 − ω ) + φ (ε 2 t −1 − σ 2 t −1 ) --------------------------------------(2) The above model allows mean reversion to a varying level q t ; σ t is the total volatility while qt (Equation 2) is the time-varying long-run volatility. Equation (1) describes the transitory component, σ 2 t − qt which converges to 0 with powers of α + β . Finally ρ is usually between 0.99 and 1 so that q t approaches 4.2 ω very slowly. Principal component structure of “permanent” and “transitory” volatilities Principal component analysis (PCA) is the most popular technique of classical multivariate factor analysis. The objective is to derive a reduced set of uncorrelated variables (“principal 7 components” or “factors”) in terms of linear combinations of the original variables, so as to maximize the variance of these components. In the present context, with the 14 permanent and transitory volatility series, respectively, derived from the C-GARCH methodology, the factor structures of “permanent” and “transitory” volatilities are separately estimated using the PCA. This process seeks to represent each market’s volatility as a linear combination of the “components” plus an error term. The extracted “factors” can be regarded mathematically as the best “indices” that explain the volatility-generating process of the 14 markets. The first “factor” is the combination that accounts for the largest amount of variance in the sample. The second “factor” accounts for the next largest amount of variance and is uncorrelated with the first. Successive “factors” explain progressively smaller portions of the total sample variance. By examining the factor structures of “permanent” and “transitory” volatilities, the results will reveal whether international real estate volatilities are clearly segmented or whether their volatilities are spread more globally from the long-term and short-run perspectives. To aid factor interpretation, the varimax method of orthogonal rotation is employed. The Kaiser criterion is used to decide on the “factors” that should be retained. As a common rule, those “factors” with an eigenvalue greater than or equal to one are retained. These eigenvalues measure the contributions of the corresponding factors to explain the cross-sectional variation of volatilities (permanent and transitory) in international securitized real estate markets. 4.3 Relationship between factor structures of real estate and stock market volatilities The strength of relationship between the real estate markets’ “factors” and stock markets’ “factors” derived from the PCA is investigated using multiple regression technique (equation 3). Of paramount interest here is whether the real estate volatility “components” ( RE1 , RE 2 ......REi ) could be related significantly to the stock market volatility “components” ( S1 , S 2 .....S j ) at an international level, thereby indicating whether international real estate markets are clearly or partially segmented from international stock markets. 8 jt REit = λ0 + λ j ∑ S jt + ε it ………………….(3) 1t 5. EMPIRICAL RESULTS Table 3 contains the estimation results for 14 real estate C-GARCH models. A direct comparison of the various parameter estimates reveals some differences of magnitude across the 14 securitized real estate markets. Some main observations are made. First, 11 autoregressive parameter ρ in the trend equation is above 0.9. This indicates that the permanent component of the conditional variance displays a high degree of persistence. Further test using the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) technique reject the existence of unit-root in the permanent component. The sum α + β represents the volatility persistence level of the transitory component that is found to be much weaker for many markets. Hence it appears that deviations of the conditional variance from its trend are temporary for most real estate indices. This conclusion is in general agreement with Engle and Lee’s (1993)’s findings for stock market indices. The arrival of new information, as represented by the shocks ( ε 2 t −1 ) affects the transitory component ( φ ) in many cases. The absolute values for factor of proportionality ( α / φ ) range from 0.644 for Norway to 11.667 for Japan for an average value of 2.346. Figure 2 plots the time evolution of the total variance, permanent variance and transitory variance for the 14 real estate markets. In general, the plots indicate that the permanent components have smooth movements; however in the cases of France, Hong Kong and Switzerland, some shocks ε 2 t −1 conveys information relevant to the long-run level of variance, causing the trend to fluctuate sharply at some dates. Additionally, the transitory component as represented by the difference between the total variance and the trend ( σ 2 t − qt ) responds largely to market fluctuations. Finally, Table 4 reports some specification tests to assess the goodness-of–fit of the C-GARCH models. With some minor exceptions, the test statistics LB(5), LB(10), LB(20), LB(50) LB2(5), LB2(10), LB2(20), LB2(50), 9 ARCH-M(5) and ARCH-M(10) indicate that the C-GARCH specification performs generally well in describing the behavior of international securitized real estate returns. (Table 3, Figure 2 and Table 4 here) Table 5 presents the varimax rotated loadings concerning the factor solution for real estate “permanent” volatilities. The solution involves five factors which joint accounts for 79.7 percent of the sample variance. In accordance with the weight of each country in each factors (with factor loadings of 0.3 and above), we have: Factor 1: Canada, Sweden, Norway, Hong Kong, UK and Japan Factor 2: Australia, Singapore, US and UK Factor 3: Germany, Japan, UK and Hong Kong Factor 4: Italy, France and Switzerland Factor 5: Netherlands and US The first two factors may be interpreted “global” because they include securitized real estate markets from the three key regions (Asian, Europe and North America). The first factor, whose explanatory power reaches 23.7% of the total variance, is affected by the volatilities from six real estate markets of the three regions. The second factor shows about 17.3 percent of the total explained volatility and is spread evenly among Australia, Singapore and USA and to a lesser degree, UK. Further empirical results reveal that Factor 4 may be identified with the “European” economies because Factor 4 has higher loadings for the European markets of Italy, France and Switzerland only. Of the 14 markets, the loadings of the UK, US, Japan and Hong Kong are distributed in at least two factors. One other observation is that Singapore and Hong Kong are not correlated in their permanent volatilities although they are highly correlated in their total volatilities. Finally, The factors corresponding to the real estate market returns (not reported) explains about 70 percent of total variance, while the factors behind the permanent volatility solution reach 80 percent as well as the loadings are not so clearly distributed in each factor, suggesting that the long-run real estate market volatility is spread more globally around the world. 10 (Table 5 here) The factor solution concerning the “transitory” volatilities is presented in Table 6. They are: Factor 1: Canada, Sweden, Norway, UK and Netherlands Factor 2: Japan, Germany, UK, France and Switzerland Factor 3: Singapore, Australia and Hong Kong Factor 4: Italy, Hong Kong Factor 5: USA As the number indicates, the percentages of explained volatility by the five factors are about 19.2, 17.9, 17.0, 9.1 and 9.0 respectively. The five factors jointly accounts for about 72.2 percent of the explained volatility. However, the pattern is not similar to that underlying permanent volatility. The empirical results also reveal that two factors can be identified with international geographic areas. Specifically, factor 3 has higher loadings for the Asia-Pacific economies of Singapore, Australia and Hong Kong while the USA dominates the fifth factor. Comparing the factor results of the two volatility analyses, the empirical results indicate that consistency is observed in the volatility co-movements between Canada, Sweden and Norway; between Singapore and Australia; between Germany, UK and Japan; and between France and Switzerland, suggesting that risk diversification strategies may not consider the constituent real estate markets to be segmented from both the short-term and long-run volatility perspectives. . (Table 6 here) Finally, the results of multiple regression analyses are reported in Table 7. This would reveal whether each of the five real estate “permanent” and “transitory” components (RE-F1 to RE-F5) extracted from the PCA could be explained by the four derived stock market volatility components (SF1 to S-F4) and the respective significance of the relationships. The numbers indicate that real estate volatility components are significantly related to the stock market volatility component in all cases with the adjusted R2 s range from 55.9 to 97.2 percent. Specifically, the variations in the long-run real estate factor 2 and short-run real estate factor 1 are strongly explained by all the four stock market volatility factors. Our investigations have thus provided additional evidence that real estate and stock 11 markets are linked in their second “permanent” and “transitory” moments and thus complemented the existing literature in international investing. (Table 7 here) 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION This paper is a contribution to the literature in international real estate market volatility dynamics and linkages from an alternative perspective. Our approach is divided into three stages: (a) a Component-GARCH model is used to decompose the temporal variation of 14 real estate market volatilities into a long-run (“permanent”) and short-run (“transitory”) components; (b) we use the factor analysis technique to summarize the “permanent” and “transitory” volatility dynamics into latent factors. The nature of the factor structure allows us to associate each factor to a specific regional market if appropriate; (c) we investigate the volatility co-movements between real estate and stock markets in the short-term and long-run using the latent factors derived from the factor analysis. Our empirical results reveal the existence of significant “permanent” and “transitory” components in the volatility process. The trend is found to have a high level of persistence in many securitized real estate indices whereas the transitory component responds strongly to external shocks. Even though with the same numbers of common factors derived from the “permanent” and “transitory” volatility series, their loadings are not similar and consequently the long-run and short-run volatility co-movements for some markets are different. For example, while Hong Kong and Singapore are not correlated in their “permanent” volatilities; they are strongly correlated in their “transitory” volatilities. Finally there are significant volatility comovements between real estate and stock markets’ “permanent” and “transitory” components suggesting that real estate markets are at least not segmented from the stock markets in international investing. 12 Overall, important contributions of this study are the findings of separate “permanent” and “transitory” volatility components in international real estate markets. These results are important because knowing that real estate market volatilities exhibit separate long-run and shortterm dynamics can help investors understand the evolution of real estate market volatilities better and find ways of predicting them. In this respect the results also have practical implications, because they suggest that international integration models for real estate market volatilities should include short-run and long-run models with different sets of explanatory variables attached to the two models of volatilities. The presence of the two volatility components for some real estate markets further indicates that different portfolio management practices may be appropriate for global investors. The summary of volatility dynamics allow investors to consider a smaller set of foreign markets for risk diversification thereby save search time and cost. Selection within factors allows investors and portfolio managers to suit their own taste and risk preference; selection from different factors ensures risk diversification. Based on the differential volatility dynamics investigated in this paper, it is likely the optimal portfolio for the long-term would be different from that of the short-term. Of course, one other most important consideration relates to the stability of the factors. Stability over long periods is not obviously likely, but the approach would probably give portfolio validity in at least with analyzing the short-run (“transitory”) volatility. These questions merit further research. 13 REFERENCES Ane, T. (2006), “Short and long term components of volatility in Hong Kong stock returns”, Applied Financial Economics, 16, 439 – 460 Arshanapalli, B. and J. Doukas (1993), “International stock market linkages: evidence from the preand post-October 1987 period”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 17, 193 – 208 Bailey, W. and R.M. 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Sirmans (2003), “Investing in international real estate stocks: a review of the literature”, Urban Studies 40(5/6): 1115-1149 15 Table 1: Descriptive statistics of real estate and stock market returns – Jan 84 to Jul 06 Panel A: Securitized real estate returns (GPR) Australia Canada France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Singapore Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States Mean Maximum Minimum Standard Deviation Skewness Kurtosis Jarque-Bera 0.0123 -0.0012 0.0115 0.0059 0.0141 0.0094 0.0085 0.0086 0.0134 0.0091 0.0079 0.0071 0.132 0.215 0.126 0.086 0.469 0.307 0.542 0.105 0.449 0.523 0.480 0.113 -0.320 -0.321 -0.154 -0.094 -0.628 -0.190 -0.343 -0.178 -0.246 -0.754 -0.452 -0.105 0.050 0.072 0.048 0.033 0.110 0.071 0.100 0.040 0.081 0.118 0.093 0.037 -1.197 -0.686 -0.138 -0.112 -0.597 0.435 0.575 -0.498 0.716 -0.876 -0.078 0.033 9.565 5.563 3.293 3.103 9.161 4.596 6.095 4.455 6.575 10.988 8.768 2.960 551.394 95.485 1.835 0.690 444.722 37.307 123.125 35.115 167.409 755.198 375.970 0.068 0.0105 0.0107 0.116 0.162 -0.210 -0.266 0.043 0.061 -0.887 -0.412 6.113 4.114 144.958 21.704 Panel B: Stock market returns (MSCI) Australia Canada France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Singapore Sweden Switzerland UK US Mean 0.0098 0.0086 0.0120 0.0099 0.0131 0.0109 0.0064 0.0120 0.0108 0.0054 0.0122 0.0118 0.0105 0.0097 Maximum 0.165 0.137 0.191 0.213 0.287 0.270 0.217 0.143 0.156 0.230 0.206 0.154 0.148 0.125 Minimum -0.589 -0.249 -0.203 -0.279 -0.570 -0.206 -0.215 -0.196 -0.326 -0.533 -0.251 -0.194 -0.243 -0.239 Std. Dev. 0.068 0.052 0.059 0.066 0.084 0.069 0.068 0.051 0.072 0.077 0.072 0.051 0.051 0.044 Skewness -2.695 -1.011 -0.330 -0.639 -1.297 0.140 0.072 -0.902 -0.870 -1.429 -0.498 -0.368 -0.367 -0.996 Kurtosis 24.595 6.773 3.915 5.185 12.135 3.580 3.371 5.359 5.553 12.178 4.036 4.348 4.836 6.833 Jarque-Bera 5593.887 206.908 14.380 72.316 1018.267 4.687 1.784 99.590 107.739 1043.461 23.341 26.616 44.140 210.666 16 Table 2 Austraila Canada France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Singapore Sweden Switzerland UK US Correlations in conditional volatilities: Jan 84 – July 06 Australia 1.0000 Canada -0.0126 1.0000 France 0.4631 0.0538 1.0000 Germany Hong Kong 0.3029 0.5842 0.0534 0.0047 0.2778 -0.0844 1.0000 0.1439 1.0000 Italy 0.1964 0.0853 0.2763 0.0319 0.2477 1.0000 Japan 0.2598 0.4960 0.2902 0.7521 0.1859 0.1555 1.0000 Netherlands -0.1805 0.2915 0.1448 0.1312 -0.3194 -0.1550 0.0737 1.0000 Norway 0.1613 0.7298 0.3473 0.1248 0.0712 0.0662 0.4831 0.0574 1.0000 Singapore 0.7543 0.0114 0.1466 0.1334 0.7898 0.3542 0.1525 -0.3016 0.0387 1.0000 Sweden -0.1546 0.7980 0.0357 -0.1854 -0.1688 0.1255 0.1874 0.2409 0.6520 -0.1481 1.0000 Switzerland 0.2396 0.2402 0.5108 0.3419 -0.1366 0.2782 0.5191 0.1196 0.4002 -0.0228 0.2873 1.0000 UK 0.3225 0.0681 0.1046 0.0661 0.1403 0.0603 0.0248 0.0780 0.0525 0.3043 -0.0228 -0.0803 1.0000 US -0.1834 -0.0472 -0.0496 -0.0756 -0.0836 -0.0047 -0.0823 -0.0134 -0.0673 -0.1343 -0.0311 -0.0325 -0.3544 1.0000 Notes: The conditional volatilities for the 14 real estate markets are estimated using a GARCH (1, 1) model 17 Table 3: Parameter estimates for the C-GARCH (1, 1) model Parameter estimate for the component GARCH model with student-t error a0 Australia Canada France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Singapore Sweden Switzerland UK US a1 Ω Ρ Φ Α β -0.174 (-0.291) -0.049 (-0.050) 1.665 (48.943)* 0.243 (0.336) 0.906 (16.987)* 0.664 (1.400) 0.127 (0.126) -0.672 (-0.658) -0.986 (85.038)* 0.383 (1.037) -0.546 (-1.499) 3.052 (0.096) -0.101 (-0.145) -0.652 (-2.577)* 0.014 (5.093)* 0.007 (1.746)* 0.009 (2.741)* 0.006 (5.879)* 0.017 (3.156)* 0.006 (1.598) 0.006 (1.109) 0.008 (3.453)* 0.009 -0.058 (-1.084) 0.148 (2.036)* 0.130 (1.971)* 0.054 (1.108) 0.048 (0.826) -0.002 (-0.034) -0.031 (-0.506) 0.105 (1.657)* 0.125 0.003 (2.420)* 0.002 (0.812) 0.003 (3.302)* 0.001 (29.364)* 0.010 (3.438)* 0.005 (4.995)* -0.018 (-0.055) 0.002 (5.266)* 0.007 0.931 (15.938)* 0.991 (91.887)* 0.960 (69.637)* 0.974 (3176.72)* 0.994 (207.678)* 0.839 (30.693)* 0.999 (76.941)* 0.940 (10.181)* 0.974 0.158 (2.355)* 0.034 (2.059)* 0.693 (16.701)* -0.050 (-22.468)* -0.043 (-0.553) 0.217 (1.552) 0.006 (0.524) 0.037 (0.820) 0.059 -0.173 (-2.065)* 0.072 (1.028) -0.716 (-15.992)* -0.064 (-2.675)* 0.064 (0.835) -0.280 (-1.855)* 0.070 (0.850) 0.034 (0.371) 0.038 (2.350)* 0.012 (2.430)* 0.015 (3.632)* 0.006) (2.556)* 0.012 (4.731)* 0.012 (3.281)* (2.319)* 0.091 (1.739)* -0.144 (-2.708)* 0.191 (2.900)* 0.048 (0.688) 0.070 (1.140) (1.884)* 0.014 (1.869)* 0.007 (2.711)* 0.001 (6.185)* 0.002 (6.625)* 0.003 (1.193) (38.773)* 0.923 (19.489)* 0.943 (23.868)* 0.728 (3.122)* 0.862 (2.448)* 0.994 (69.311)* (1.635) 0.217 (4.021)* 0.097 (1.898)* 2.362 (0.075) 0.023 (0.314) 0.029 (1.612) (2.187)* -0.234 (-2.789)* -0.106 (-1.559) -2.340 (-0.074) 0.117 (0.974) -0.089 (-1.920)* Loglikelihood 445.866 351.418 441.395 550.563 248.811 342.928 252.646 495.584 320.639 246.118 314.862 514.459 480.309 385.920 Notes: Parameter estimates for Rt = a0 + a1 Rt-1 + ε t, σ2t = qt + α(ε2t-1- qt-1) + β(σ2t-1- qt-1) and qt = ω + ø (ε2t2 1- σ t-1) + ρ(qt-1). Parentheses are used to indicate z-statistics and * indicates significant at the 5% confidence level. 18 Table 4: Specification Tests for the Component-GARCH model Specification Tests for the Component-GARCH model with student-t error LB(5) Australia Canada France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Singapore Sweden Switzerland UK US 6.310 [0.277] 1.867 [0.867] 2.281 [0.809] 1.908 [0.862] 1.841 [0.871] 5.857 [0.320] 1.681 [0.891] 4.353 [0.500] 5.505 [0.357] 2.964 [0.706] 8.175 [0.147] 1.980 [0.852] 1.669 [0.893] 0.745 [0.980] LB2(5) 3.103 [0.684] 6.370 [0.272] 1.732 [0.885] 1.783 [0.878] 0.649 [0.986] 2.308 [0.805] 1.036 [0.960] 0.731 [0.981] 2.634 [0.756] 0.509 [0.992] 0.548 [0.990] 1.266 [0.938] 1.099 [0.954] 1.199 [0.945] LB(10) 10.291 [0.415] 7.881 [0.640] 8.361 [0.594] 9.073 [0.525] 6.779 [0.746] 10.986 [0.359] 9.331 [0.501] 12.037 [0.283] 7.097 [0.716] 4.583 [0.917] 10.564 [0.324] 13.293 [0.111] 3.235 [0.975] 1.847 [0.997] LB2(10) 4.305 [0.933] 10.293 [0.415] 4.045 [0.945] 5.079 [0.886] 1.141 [1.000] 5.211 [0.877] 12.344 [0.263] 5.558 [0.851] 4.721 [0.909] 0.903 [1.000] 6.910 [0.734] 2.526 [0.990] 8.922 [0.540] 2.690 [0.988] LB(20) 21.309 [0.379] 14.708 [0.793] 15.205 [0.765] 18.441 [0.558] 22.589 [0.309] 17.936 [0.592] 18.559 [0.551] 23.649 [0.258] 20.343 [0.437] 9.473 [0.977] 44.174 [0.001]* 38.455 [0.008]* 9.340 [0.979] 14.098 [0.825] LB2(20) 25.957 [0.167] 21.416 [0.373] 17.457 [0.623] 10.882 [0.949] 6.132 [0.999] 16.943 [0.657] 23.144 [0.282] 13.373 [0.861] 24.692 [0.213] 6.464 [0.998] 42.478 [0.002]* 8.246 [0.990] 12.355 [0.903] 8.297 [0.990] LB(50) 58.498 [0.192] 60.540 [0.146] 47.556 [0.572] 42.984 [0.749] 44.969 [0.675] 45.865 [0.640] 32.134 [0.977] 52.906 [0.363] 59.245 [0.174] 36.990 [0.914] 64.803 [0.078]* 65.633 [0.068]* 24.198 [0.999] 37.472 [0.905] LB2(50) 41.778 [0.789] 53.218 [0.351] 35.385 [0.941] 34.089 [0.958] 16.596 [1.000] 37.801 [0.898] 48.519 [0.533] 27.854 [0.995] 54.881 [0.295] 12.680 [1.000] 64.591 [0.080]* 40.190 [0.838] 30.604 [0.986] 27.738 [0.996] ARCHM(5) 0.616 [0.688] 1.131 [0.344] 0.310 [0.907] 0.374 [0.867] 0.121 [0.988] 0.433 [0.825] 0.264 [0.932] 0.127 [0.986] 0.497 [0.779] 0.096 [0.993] 0.103 [0.991] 0.264 [0.933] 0.214 [0.956] 0.213 [0.957] ARCHM(10) 0.399 [0.946] 0.985 [0.457] 0.365 [0.961] 0.448 [0.921] 0.102 [1.000] 0.423 [0.935] 1.156 [0.321] 0.498 [0.890] 0.390 [0.950] 0.087 [1.000] 0.657 [0.763] 0.218 [0.995] 0.807 [0.622] 0.222 [0.994] 19 Table 5 Securitized real estate markets: Factor loadings for long run (“permanent”) volatilities: Jan 1984 – July 2006 Country Australia Canada France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Singapore Sweden Switzerland UK US % of variance explained Cumulative % of variance explained Eigenvalue Factor 1 Factor 2 -0.027 0.912 -0.174 -0.151 0.561 0.117 0.503 0.158 0.867 -0.042 0.871 0.185 0.518 0.120 23.730 0.848 0.010 0.206 0.057 -0.377 0.082 0.137 -0.075 0.153 0.818 -0.095 0.015 0.410 0.783 17.295 23.730 3.322 41.025 2.421 Weights Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 0.248 0.119 0.283 0.890 0.482 -0.120 0.788 0.028 0.206 0.026 -0.226 0.247 0.633 -0.022 16.960 0.210 0.030 0.708 0.102 0.156 0.791 0.189 0.101 -0.039 0.205 0.137 0.588 -0.007 -0.106 11.939 -0.128 0.101 0.281 0.009 -0.119 -0.267 0.043 0.913 -0.014 -0.328 0.181 0.267 0.153 0.323 9.765 57.984 2.374 69.923 1.671 79.688 1.367 Note: Figures in bold are the main components of each factor. 20 Table 6 Securitized real estate markets: Factor loadings for short-run (“transitory”) volatilities (Jan 1984 – July 2006) Country Australia Canada France Germany Hong Kong Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Singapore Sweden Switzerland UK US % of variance explained Cumulative % of variance explained Eigenvalue Factor 1 Factor 2 0.038 0.840 0.030 -0.251 0.194 0.056 0.287 0.318 0.790 -0.021 0.870 0.282 0.465 0.081 19.201 0.274 0.120 0.609 0.774 0.230 0.134 0.793 0.161 0.215 0.029 -0.114 0.530 0.611 0.109 17.945 19.201 2.688 37.146 2.512 Weights Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 0.806 -0.059 0.232 0.071 0.668 0.195 0.062 -0.508 0.140 0.883 -0.137 -0.069 0.323 0.0003 17.041 -0.187 0.208 -0.514 0.155 0.454 0.721 0.152 -0.122 -0.116 -0.147 0.093 0.170 -0.271 -0.048 9.135 -0.049 0.342 -0.087 0.199 0.205 -0.151 0.087 0.259 -0.024 0.080 -0.146 -0.489 -0.083 0.827 9.027 54.187 2.386 63.322 1.279 72.349 1.264 Note: Figures in bold are the main components of each factor. 21 Table 7 Regression results between the real estate market factor scores (RE-F1 to RE-F5) and stock market factor scores (S-F1 to S-F4) in “permanent” and “transitory” volatilities: Jan 84 – Jul 06 Dependent variable Adj R2 RE-F1 0.971 Panel A: Permanent volatility DurbinRegression coefficients (t-statistics) Watson S-F1 S-F2 S-F3 S-F4 1489.5 2.00 -0.0003 -0.2108 0.0335 0.0215 RE-F2 0.929 700.5 RE-F3 0.972 RE-F4 0.749 RE-F5 0.771 F-value (2.62***) 1875.9 2.05 1.98 0.2831 1.4093 0.7158 0.1761 (3.53***) (3.16***) (7.07***) (2.78***) -0.1375 0.1341 -0.0636 -0.0258 (-3.83***) 157.2 1.89 0.4190 (-4.12***) 0.2787 -0.058 0.1814 -0.0858 -0.0314 0.2384 (3.11***) 150.7 2.02 0.3173 (1.98**) (2.59***) (1.99**) Panel B: Transitory volatility F-value DurbinRegression coefficients (t-statistics) Watson S-F1 S-F2 S-F3 S-F4 296.8 1.95 -0.1076 0.0621 -0.1511 0.0651 Dependent variable Adj R2 RE-F1 0.886 (-8.77***) (2.35**) (-2.77***) (3.53***) RE-F2 RE-F3 0.881 0.805 245.6 184.8 2.05 1.93 0.0237 -0.1416 0.0057 -0.1171 -0.0634 -0.1778 -0.2081 0.2656 RE-F4 0.814 157.3 1.96 -0.0704 RE-F5 0.559 (-2.42***) -0.1000 (2.82***) -0.0263 (-3.40***) 57.43 2.05 -0.3770 0.3501 (-8.04***) (3.51***) -0.2008 (-4.15***) -0.0960 -0.2703 (-3.43***) Notes: Following the same procedure as described for real estate volatilities, the 14 MSCI stock markets’ “permanent” and “transitory” components are first derived. Then, the factor solutions for the two sets of volatility variables are estimated. Each set derives four “factors” (S-F1 to S-F4). The complete results are not reported to save space; ***, ** - indicates two-tailed significance at the 1 and 5 percent levels respectively. 22 Figure 1 US Japan Hong Kong Germany UK Australia France Netherlands Singapore Switzerland Canada Sweden Italy 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Norway Average Market value of the sample securitized real estate markets: Jan 1984-July 2006 Source: GPR 23 Figure 2 Time Evolution of the conditional (total) variance and its components (transitory variance and permanent variance): Jan 84 – Jul 06 Variance Decomposition for Australia 0.03 0.016 0.025 0.014 0.02 0.012 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0.01 0.015 0.008 0.01 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.002 0 1 19 37 55 73 91 109 127 145 163 181 199 217 235 253 0 1 Total Variance Variance Decomposition for France Variance Decomposition for Canada 19 37 55 73 91 109 127 145 163 181 199 217 235 253 Transitory Variance Total Variance Permanent Variance Permanent Variance Varance Decomposition for Germany 1 0.03 0.0025 0.025 Transitory Variance Variance Decomposition for Italy Variance Decomposition for Hong Kong 0.003 19 37 55 73 91 109 127 145 163 181 199 217 235 253 Total Variance Permanent Variance Transitory Variance 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.002 0.02 0.015 0.0015 0.015 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.005 0.0005 0 0 1 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 -0.005 0.005 1 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 0 1 Total Variance Permanent Variance Transitory Variance Total Variance Permanent Variance Transitory Variance 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 Total Variance Transitory Variance Permanent Variance 24 Variance Decomposition for Japan 0.035 0.03 Variance Decomposition for Norway Variance Decomposition for Netherlands 0.004 0.03 0.0035 0.025 0.003 0.02 0.025 0.0025 0.02 0.002 0.015 0.0015 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.01 0.005 0.0005 0.005 0 0 1 0 1 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 Total Variance Total Variance Transitory Variance Variance Decomposition for Singapore 0.06 0.12 0.05 0.1 0.03 0.025 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.015 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 0.005 0 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 Permanent Variance Transitory Variance Variance Decomposition for Switzerland 0.035 0.08 0.06 Transitory Variance Permanent Variance Variance Decomposition for Sweden 0.14 Total Variance Total Variance Transitory Variance Permanent Variance Permanent Variance 1 1 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 0 1 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 Total Variance Permanent Variance Transitory Variance 1 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 Total Variance Transitory Variance Permanent Variance 25 Variance Decomposition for United States Variance Decomposition for United Kingdom 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.014 0.012 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.002 0.001 0 0.004 0.002 1 0 1 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 Total Variance Permanent Variance Transitory Variance Total Variance Transitory Variance Permanent Variance 26