Real Estate Appraisal and Transaction Price: An Empirical Evaluation of Alternative Theories Carl R. Gwin Baylor University Seow-Eng Ong National University of Singapore Andrew C. Spieler Hofstra University November 28, 2005 Abstract Mortgage appraisals are often required before a loan is approved. When information on the transaction price is available and when lenders (lenders) compensate appraisers for mortgage appraisals, a principal-agent problem may arise. The effect is that appraisers tend to overstate the true value of a property because they have an incentive to set the appraised value to be equal to the transaction price. An earlier paper by Gwin and Maxam (2002) examines this principal-agent problem. This paper offers an alternative theory that provides a different prediction. The alternative theory is predicated on the updating appraisal process ala Quan and Quigley (1991), and a signaling modification to Gwin and Maxam (2002). In addition, an empirical test to the theoretical moral hazard model postulated by Gwin and Maxam (2002) and the alternative theory is carried out using appraisal and transaction data from a lending institution in Singapore. Acknowledgements: We wish to thank comments from delegates at the 2005 American Real Estate, 2001 AREUEA, 2001 World Valuation Congress and 2000 ENHR/AREUEA International conferences, especially David Ling, Joe Albert, Philip White, Soo Chin Lim and Tee Geok Ng. We also wish to thank an anonymous referee for many excellent comments and suggestions and Len Zumpano for his comments and guidance. We also thank Steven Pyhrr and the ARES manuscript awards committee. Last but not least, we are indebted to Melissa Yam and Alan Teo for providing the data. Real Estate Appraisal and Bid Price: An Empirical Evaluation of Alternative Theories Introduction Daly (2001) finds that the main priority of valuers in UK, Ireland and Australia is to confirm the bid price. As one anonymous valuer puts it, “The mortgagee valuation is a confirmation of bid price.” Do appraisers acting on behalf of lenders exercise independent judgment in ascertaining the appraised value, or are they influenced by the lenders? This question is relevant since lenders require appraisals before mortgages are approved. The purpose of mortgage appraisal, among others, 1 is to ensure the value of the real estate meets or exceeds a minimum loan to value ratio. The appraiser knows this and a moral hazard problem can arise if the lender rewards the appraiser with future business for successful appraisals, i.e., those that result in a loan being made. This principal-agent problem has been highlighted in Lentz and Wang (1998). If a representative of the lender is compensated based on loans generated, then the lender may put pressure on an appraiser to value the real estate at the price agreed upon by the seller and buyer. On the other hand, a lender concerned about the number of defaults may be more likely to pressure an appraiser to undervalue real estate. Smolen and Hambleton (1997) find in a survey that nearly 80% of appraisers had been pressured by lenders to alter their appraisals. Smolen and Hambleton argue for regulations to protect appraisers from zealous lenders. Worzala, Lenk, and Kinnard (1998) find in a survey of appraisers that most of the respondents had experienced lender pressure to overestimate real estate value. However, they find no evidence that 1 In addition to collateral valuation, mortgage appraisals also deter fraud prevention (e.g. to determine that the property actually exists). 2 lender size, the value of the change to the appraisal, or both have any influence on appraisers. Bid or transaction prices are the product of negotiation between sellers, real estate brokers, and buyers who may have interests inconsistent with those of a lender. For example, home buyers/borrowers have a strong incentive to see appraisals at their maximum value in order to qualify for as large a loan as possible and as independent verification of a fair price. Sellers and brokers would happily accept high appraisals to close the sale and avoid the costs of further marketing the property. These incentives contribute to the possibility that bid price can be significantly greater than true value. Unfortunately, a lender may face losses if the borrower defaults on the mortgage and there is insufficient collateral to recover the face value of the loan. Consequently, lenders rely on independent appraisers to verify the true value of the real estate, but can they? Gwin and Maxam (2002) examine an appraiser’s incentives in conducting an appraisal. They find that a moral hazard problem can arise if the lender rewards the appraiser with future business for successful appraisals, i.e., those that result in a loan being made. An appraiser may be willing to overstate the value of a property if the lender wants him to do so. This moral hazard problem can lead to real estate appraisals being equal to bid price. The model in Gwin and Maxam (2002) lends itself to empirical testing in that the prediction of the incentive to set an appraised value equal to the bid/transaction price is demarcated under different market conditions. Specifically, the prediction is for a lower incentive to set an appraised value equal to the bid/transaction price under a bear market. Under a bear market, the appraiser is more likely to set an appraised value lower than the bid/transaction price. This paper, in contrast, draws on the Quan 3 and Quigley (1991) framework and reworks the moral hazard model in Gwin and Maxam (2002) to formulate an alternative theory that predicts an increased incentive to set an appraised value equal to the bid/transaction price under a bear market. In addition, this paper provides an empirical test of the competing theories by way of a logit model that examines the effect of a bear market on the likelihood to set an appraised value equal to the bid/transaction price. The next section outlines the theoretical models and provides a signaling modification to the moral hazard model in Gwin and Maxam (2002). In the following section, a testable hypothesis is formulated to evaluate the competing models. The data from a loan cooperative in Singapore is then used to empirically test the theories and the results are reported. The empirical findings provide support for an alternative theory predicated on the Quan and Quigley (1991) appraisal updating framework and a signaling modification to the Gwin and Maxam (2002) moral hazard model. Theoretical Models A Moral Hazard Model The theoretical model postulated by Gwin and Maxam (2002) is a moral hazard model where the appraiser considers the effects of his appraisal on his opportunity to continue to do business with the lender. This in turn depends on (1) the likelihood of securing a mortgage for the lender and (2) the probability of future default. 2 The lender will penalize the appraiser for losses of business and/or if the borrower defaults within a reasonably short time period. 2 A recent paper by Ong, Neo and Spieler (Real Estate Economics¸ forthcoming) shows that the premium paid at purchase has a positive and significant effect on foreclosures. An appraiser is supposed to provide an independent assessment of the value of the property to guard against overpayment, and hence the likelihood of default. 4 The appraiser evaluates the probability of default conditioned on the appraised value and the state of the real estate market. The appraiser compares the probability of default if the appraised value (A) is equal to the transaction price (Po) and that if A < Po. Interestingly, the state of the real estate market, which is indicative of the future price trend, has a significant impact on the appraiser's evaluation. If the trend of property prices is rising, then the probability of a default by the borrower is low. So the appraiser finds it optimal to choose A = Po. If the market is on a downtrend, then the appraiser is likely to choose A < Po in order to protect against future loss in business with the lender due to borrower defaults. The above predictions provide a testable hypothesis - in a bear market, the probability of appraisal being less than the transaction price is likely to increase and that the probability of appraisal being equal to the transaction price is likely to decrease. An Alternative Model Gwin and Maxam (2002) build on a theoretical model in Quan and Quigley (1991) that offers an explanation of appraisal smoothing. Gwin and Maxam allow for an appraiser's subjective valuation of the property in his formulation of the appraisal. An alternative hypothesis on the relationship between appraisals and market conditions can be drawn from the original modeling framework of Quan and Quigley (1991). Quan and Quigley (1991) show that the appraised value in period t (At) is a weighted average of the transaction price in period t (Pt) and the appraised value in period t-1 (At-1) of comparable properties. In other words, At = KPt + (1 − K ) At −1 , (1) 5 where K is a function of the variances of the market ( σ η2 ) and transaction prices ( σ ν2 ) σ η2 . Quan and Quigley (1991) show that appraisal smoothing given by K = 2 σ η + σ ν2 (i.e., At = At −1 ) can result if the variance or noise of transaction prices is high which means than K → 0 . Although Quan and Quigley (1991) is silent on the formation of the appraised value under different market conditions, we contend that in a bearish market, the prior appraised value is not a good indicator of true value. The motivation is as follows: When the market is bearish, the appraiser knows with a high degree of certainty that the prior appraised value (in period t-1) is too high. In addition, if the proposed transaction value Pt is lower than the prior appraised value, At-1, it would be difficult for the appraiser to attach a positive weight to At-1. In contrast, given that that buyer has agreed to purchase at Pt, the appraiser would attach a higher weight to the agreed price as being the true market value in a bearish market. By this reasoning, the appraiser tends to attach a low weight on the appraised value from the previous period and a higher weight to the agreed transaction price; so (1 − K ) → 0 when the market is bearish. As such, At = Pt (to maintain consistency with the previous notation, A = Po ). This tendency does not hold when the market is stable or bullish. In a bullish market, K → 0 and thus (1 − K ) → 1 . Thus, appraisal smoothing, or At = At −1 , occurs most often in a bullish market. Consequently, the alternative hypothesis is in contrast with that in Gwin and Maxam (2002). A Signaling Modification 6 Although at first sight, the alternative model ala Quan and Quigley (1991) may produce conflicting results from Gwin and Maxam (2002), it can be shown that the model in Gwin and Maxam (2002) can be modified to produce a consistent result. The insight is that the appraised value can be regarded as a signal of value to the buyer. In particular, we need to consider how a buyer would act when he receives a report (signal) that the appraised value is less than the intended transaction price when the market is bearish. Following the same notation as in Gwin and Maxam (2002), suppose A < P0 when the market is bearish. Po is the price that the seller and buyer have negotiated. When the buyer observes A < P0 , his reaction would be that he has overpaid for the property. In most countries, the appraisal (A) is revealed to the buyer before the final completion of the purchase. At this point in time, all the buyer has paid is an option to purchase and he has the right not to proceed with the purchase (Ong, 1999). Given the signal that the true value is lower than the contracted price, the buyer has every incentive to break off the purchase, or negotiate for a lower price. In either case, the mortgage application is unlikely to proceed, which results in a loss of business for the lender. As noted in Gwin and Maxam (2002), if the appraisal is less than the price, then the lender rejects the loan application. The appraiser knows this and consequently, the loss of business for the lender may be severe enough to offset against a future but uncertain loss should the borrower default. This reasoning would change the original prediction in Gwin and Maxam (2002) in that it would be optimal for the appraiser to choose A = P0 even in a bearish market environment. 7 Methodology and Hypotheses Testing To test the two theoretical models, this paper posits a logit model that defines the probability of appraisal being equal to transaction price. The dependent binary variable yi, which can be either 0 (failure) or 1 (success), depends on a vector of independent variables, denoted as xi. The dependent variable is defined as taking a value of 1 if the appraisal value equals transaction price. So y1i = 1 if A=Po. Among the explanatory variables is a dummy variable to indicate a bear market. Under the first hypothesis ala Gwin and Maxam (2002), we expect the coefficient on the bear market dummy variable to be negative, but under the alternative hypothesis, we expect the bear market dummy variable coefficient to be positive. In addition, we define a second dependent variable that takes the value of 1 if the appraised value is less than the transaction price. So y2i = 1 if A<Po. We expect the coefficient on the bear market dummy variable in the regression on y2i to be positive under the hypothesis postulated by Gwin and Maxam (2002). A general specification is that the probability of observing 1 for yi is Pr( y i = 1) = F ( β ' x i ), (2) for i=1, 2,..., N and F is an appropriate distribution function. We shall define a logit specifications for F, by specifying F=Λ where Λ ( x) = exp( β ' x) . 1 + exp( β ' x) (3) It is well accepted that the logit model can be estimated by maximizing the likelihood function: 8 N L = ∏ [F ( β ' x i )] i [1 − F ( β ' x i )] y 1− yi . (4) i =1 Data The data for this study comes from a major a cooperative association in Singapore that has been issuing mortgages since 1983. Although mortgage financing comprises a relatively small part of the association’s loan portfolio, it exercises very prudent lending requirements. For example, the cooperative association will issue loans only if the loan is no more than 5 times the borrowers’ total annual income. In comparison, some local banks issue loans much higher than 5 times annual income. In addition, the cooperative association tends to exercise more restraint in the setting of its mortgage rates while other banks tend to be extremely aggressive in lowering rates to gain a competitive edge. Consequently, their loan portfolio consists mainly of “genuine” homebuyers instead of speculators. The mortgage data from the cooperative association comprises the transaction price (Po), appraised value (A), loan amount (LOAN), term of mortgage (TERM), household income (HHINC), age of oldest borrower (AGE), number of borrowers (NB) and the transaction date (PDATE). The data set spans a period from 1983 through 1999. Most of the loans are issued in the last 5 years through 1999. All the loans were originated for purchase rather than refinancing since almost all mortgages in Singapore are adjustable rate mortgages. 3 The real estate market in Singapore, after growing an average of 5% per annum in the mid-1990s, underwent a severe bear spell from 1996 through late 1998 3 Since adjustable rate mortgages dominate, there is little refinancing due to interest rate movements over the sample period (there is more refinancing activity from 2002 9 as a consequence of anti-speculation measures and the Asian economic crisis. Over this period, the official property price index published by the Urban Redevelopment Authority fell more than 40% across all sectors (multi-family and single-family dwellings). In 1999, real estate prices rebounded between 15 to 20%. The Asian economic crisis period created a natural experiment to test our hypothesis. A bear market dummy variable (BEAR) is created that takes the value of 1 if the transaction is originated over this period, 0 otherwise. 1997 Another definition of a bear market is two quarters of consecutive negative price changes, consistent with the definition of economic recession (Ong, et al, 2005). The 1996/1998 period satisfy this alternative definition as well. Exhibit 1 summarizes the data. A total of 766 residential mortgages were sampled. This represents almost half of the cooperative association’s mortgage loan portfolio. 4 The average age of the oldest owner (AGE) is 38. The average annual household income (HHINC) is S$103,000, but the range is rather wide. In terms of loan-specific information, we see that the average loan amount (LOAN) is S$360,000. The loan-to-value ratio (LV) averages 0.57, with a maximum of 0.99. The mean loan term (TERM) is 23 years; some terms can be as short as 5 years and the maximum is 30 years. 5 The annual household income-to-property price ratio (HHINCOV) averages 17.3%. Of the 766 observations, 477 loans (62%) were made when the property market is bearish. In the full sample, the appraisal is equal to the transaction price in through 2005 when teaser rates were aggressively offered, but our sample period ends in 1999). 4 Mortgages comprising the other half of the loan portfolio (that is omitted for this analysis) were issued within less than 6 months of the date of data extraction. 5 A 30-year maximum loan term is the norm in Singapore. 10 more than 73.4% of the loans. The appraisal is higher than the transaction price in 61 cases, and lower than the transaction price in the remaining 142 cases. Exhibit 2 shows the margin (computed as the difference between the transaction price and appraised value the normalized by the price) plotted against the loan-value ratio (LV). The distribution shows that there is a lot of clustering around a margin of zero. 6 In other words, in a majority of cases, the appraised value is equal or nearly equal to the transaction price. This result can be viewed as another validation of the observation that appraisers often set the appraised value close or equal to the transaction price. Empirical Results The distribution of appraised values relative to transaction prices is summarized in Exhibit 3. The distribution is also computed under bear market conditions, and non-bear market conditions. When the market is bearish, the proportion of cases in which the appraised value is equal to the transaction price is 0.815, compared to 0.734 in the full sample. By contrast, this proportion falls to 0.599 in non-bear markets. It is clear from the results in Exhibit 3 that prima facie evidence exists to support the hypothesis that appraisers are more likely to appraise at the transaction price in a bear market. Exhibit 4 shows the results of the logit model where the dependent variable is y1i where it takes the value of 1 if A=Po, 0 otherwise. A logit model is preferred when using indicator variables (Maddala, 1983). 7 The independent variables are BEAR, NB, LV, HHINCOV and AGE. The main interest is the effect of a bear market (BEAR), and 6 A very small number of outliers (3 observations) can be seen from Exhibit 2, but the results of the logit model are unchanged even when the outliers were excluded. 11 to a lesser extent, loan-to-value (LV). To guard against omitted variables, we also included borrower characteristics (NB, HHINCOV and AGE) as instrumental variables (model 1). We also estimated the logit models without borrower characteristics (model 2). To differentiate between the different theoretical models, the variable of interest is BEAR for reasons highlighted in the previous section. The coefficient on BEAR is positive and significant in both models 1 and 2. This means that the probability of observing an appraisal that is equal to the transaction price increases when the market is bearish. This result is supportive of the alternative theory that appraised value tends to be equal to the transaction price in a bear market. Exhibit 5 shows the results of the logit model where the dependent variable is y2i where it takes the value of 1 if A<Po, 0 otherwise. The coefficient on BEAR is consistently negative and significant in both models. Again, the result is contrary to the prediction in Gwin and Maxam (2002), but is consistent with the alternative theory and the signaling modification to the moral hazard model. Interestingly, the results in Exhibit 4 show that the likelihood of appraised value being equal to the transaction price is increasing in the loan-value ratio (LV). Put differently, the higher the loan amount, the higher the tendency for the appraiser to match the transaction price. Age and household income are not significant variables. A consistent effect is observed in Exhibit 5, in that the likelihood of observing lower appraisals is lower when loan-value ratios are higher. This additional insight holds even when instrumental variables are used to control for omitted variables. 7 Results for the probit model are qualitatively the same as that for the logit model. 12 Finally, we wish to evaluate if there is an increased tendency to set appraised value less than transaction price for higher LV loans in a bear market when the stakes for the lender is higher. We created an interactive variable to capture mortgages with LV of greater than 0.75 in a bear market. The results (not reported) show that loans with higher LVs lead to a higher probability that the appraised value is less than transaction price, but the coefficient is insignificant. This evidence provides some support that appraisers tend to be more conservative when the LV is higher, which is somewhat consistent with the moral hazard model in Gwin and Maxam (2002). Conclusion In conclusion, this paper is an attempt to empirically test the likelihood of an appraiser setting an appraised value that equals the bid or transaction price. The extant literature has highlighted this issue (Smolen and Hambleton, 1997; Rudolph, 1998; Lentz and Wang, 1998; Worzala, et al. 1998; Finch, et al., 1999). Gwin and Maxam (2002) provide an interesting moral hazard model that examines the appraiser's incentives in conducting an appraisal. In particular, the focus is on an appraiser that acts on behalf of the lender and is thus remunerated by the lender for current and future businesses (see Lentz and Wang, 1998). The model in Gwin and Maxam (2002) lends itself to empirical testing in that predictions of the incentive to set an appraised value equal to the bid/transaction price is demarcated under different market conditions. Specifically, the prediction is for a lower incentive to set an appraised value equal to the bid/transaction price under a bear market. This paper, in contrast, draws on the Quan and Quigley (1991) framework and reworks the moral hazard model in Gwin and Maxam (2002) to formulate an alternative theory that predicts an increased incentive to set an appraised value equal to the bid/transaction price under a bear market. 13 Utilizing mortgage data from a loan cooperative in Singapore, we empirically test the likelihood of appraised value being equal to the transaction price in a logit model. The results find support for the alternative theory. The implications are that while there is evidence that appraisers are influenced by the agreed transaction price, they do so not necessarily to protect future business. Rather, the empirical results support the price formation process of Quan and Quigley (1991). In addition, the results are also consistent with the idea that the appraised value can be used as a signal of value for buyers who may renege or renegotiate should the mortgage appraisal provides a value lower than the agreed price. References Daly, J. (2001) “Economic Sustainability in Real Estate Markets: Implications no a Federal State” Fourth Sharjah Urban Planning Sympsium. Finch, J. Howard; Fogelberg, Larry; and Weeks, Shelton. (April 1999). “The Role of Professional Designations as Quality Signals.” The Appraisal Journal, 67(2), pp. 14346. Gwin, Carl R. and Maxam, Clark L. (2002) “Why do Real Estate Appraisals Nearly Always Equal Offer Price? A Theoretical Justification.” Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 242-253. Lentz, George H. and Wang, Ko. (1998). “Residential Appraisal and the Lending Process: A Survey of Issues.” Journal of Real Estate Research, 15(1/2), pp. 11-39. Maddala, G. S. (1983) Limited Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics, Cambridge University Press. Ong, S. E. (1999). “Aborted Property Transactions: Seller Under–compensation in the Absence of Legal Recourse,” Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 17(2), 126 – 144. Ong, S. E., Lusht, K., and Mak, C. Y., (2005) “Factors Influencing Auction Outcomes: Bidder Turnout, Auction Houses and Market Conditions,” Journal of Real Estate Research, 27 (2), 177 - 191. Ong, S. E., Neo, P. H. and Spieler, A., (2006) “Price Premium and Foreclosure Risk,” Real Estate Economics, forthcoming. 14 Quan, Daniel C. and Quigley, John M. (June 1991). “Price Formation and the Appraisal Function in Real Estate Markets.” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 4(2), pp. 127-46. Rudolph, Patricia M. (1998). “Will Mandatory Licensing and Standards Raise the Quality of Real Estate Appraisals? Some Insights from Agency Theory.” Journal of Housing Economics, 7, pp. 165-79. Smolen, Gerald E. and Hambleton, Donald Casey. (January 1997). “Is the Real Estate Appraiser’s Role Too Much to Expect?” The Appraisal Journal, 65(1), pp. 9-17. Worzala, Elaine M.; Lenk, Margarita M.; and Kinnard, William N. (October 1998). “How Client Pressure Affects the Appraisal of Residential Property.” The Appraisal Journal, 66(4), pp. 416-27. 15 Exhibit 1: Descriptive Statistics The variables are: transaction price (Po), appraised value (A), bear market dummy variable (BEAR), number of borrowers (NB), loan amount (LOAN), loan to value ratio (LV), annual household income (HHINC), annual household income-to-property price ratio (HHINCOV) and age of borrower (AGE). Number of observations: 766 Variable Po ($) A ($) BEAR NB LOAN ($) LV HHINC ($) HHINCOV AGE (years) Mean Std Deviation Minimum Maximum 643,347 352,495 136,000 6,060,000 639,527 0.6227 2.0118 360,212 0.5657 102,885 0.1725 38 345,678 0.4850 0.5279 221,876 0.1581 81,823 0.1949 7 120,000 0.0000 1.0000 47,000 0.0562 9,800 0.0176 22 6,000,000 1.0000 6.0000 3,680,000 0.9993 1,235,461 4.6250 64 Exhibit 2: Distribution of Margin by Loan-Value Ratio MARGPCT = (Po-A)/Po LV = LOAN/Po .3 MARGPCT .2 .1 .0 -.1 -.2 -.3 -.4 -.5 -.6 .0 .2 .4 .6 LV .8 1.0 1.2 16 Exhibit 3: Distribution of Appraised Values relative to Transaction Prices (proportions) Variables are: Transaction price (Po) and Appraised value (A), A=Po A<Po A>Po Sample size Full Sample Bear Market Non-bear market 0.7339 0.1852 0.0809 766 0.8155 0.1300 0.0545 477 0.5986 0.2768 0.1245 289 Exhibit 4: Likelihood of Appraised Value equal to Transaction Price Dependent variable y1i =1 if A=Po; 0 otherwise. Independent variables are bear market dummy variable (BEAR), number of borrowers (NB), loan to value ratio (LV), annual household income-to-property price ratio (HHINCOV) and age of borrower (AGE). Variable Constant BEAR LV HHINCOV AGE NB Coefficient -0.3398 1.1074** 1.3137* 0.0008 0.0007 -0.0036 Log likelihood function Number of observations Model 1 Std Error 0.3292 0.1714 0.5276 0.0005 0.0012 0.0067 p-value 0.3020 0.0000 0.0128 0.1163 0.5458 0.5915 -417.55 766 Coefficient -0.3243 1.1234 1.2546 Model 2 Std Error 0.3246 0.1701** 0.5247* p-value 0.3178 0.0000 0.0168 -419.87 766 Exhibit 5: Likelihood of Appraised Value less than Transaction Price Dependent variable y2i =1 if A<Po; 0 otherwise. Independent variables are bear market dummy variable (BEAR), number of borrowers (NB), loan to value ratio (LV), annual household income-to-property price ratio (HHINCOV) and age of borrower (AGE). Variable Constant BEAR LV HHINCOV AGE NB Log likelihood function Number of observations Coefficient 0.0034 -0.9626** -1.7431** -0.0011* -0.0010 0.0038 -346.977 766 Model 1 Std Error 0.3574 0.1936 0.5865 0.0005 0.0012 0.0071 p-value 0.9924 0.0000 0.0030 0.0426 0.4098 0.5967 Coefficient -0.0219 -0.9867** -1.6451** Model 2 Std Error 0.3522 0.1913 0.5815 p-value 0.9505 0.0000 0.0047 -350.798 766 17