CAUSALITY IN MEAN AND VARIANCE: EVIDENCE FROM REAL ESTATE MARKETS Kim Hiang LIOW and Haihong Zhu, Department of Real Estate, National University of Singapore Corresponding Author Dr. Kim Hiang LIOW Associate Professor Department of Real Estate National University of Singapore 4 Architecture Drive Singapore 117566 Tel: (65)68743420 Fax: (65)67748684 Email: 24 May 2005 1 CAUSALITY IN MEAN AND VARIANCE: EVIDENCE FROM REAL ESTATE MARKETS Abstract While much work has been undertaken on causality-in-mean returns causality-in-variance has not been received any attention in real estate literature. In this paper, we examine the presence or absence of causality-in-mean and causality-in-variance across seven Asian and the US and UK public real estate markets following the procedures developed by Cheung and Ng (1996). Our main results are that international real estate markets are generally correlated in returns and volatilities contemporaneously and with lags. Causality in both mean and volatility are observed in some markets, with dynamic adjustments take place on average between one and five weeks. The US and UK markets also significantly affect some Asian markets such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Malaysia in either the mean or return volatility at different lags. However at least half of the Asian real estate markets are still largely segmented implying that institutional investors would likely to benefit from diversifying public real estate portfolios internationally across Asia and the US/UK in the short- and /or medium term. This knowledge would further help fund managers in managing their exposure in Asian real estate markets and constructing better asset allocation models. 1. INTRODUCTION Understanding of the transmission mechanism and causal linkages among real estate markets is of great interest to academic researchers, investment professionals and regulators given the increasing trend in integration and globalization of capital and real estate markets. Furthermore, with increasing re-emergence of real estate as an asset class in the Asian economies after the major financial and economic slowdowns in the late 90’s, it is important for institutional investors and regulators to revisit and obtain fresh insights into the dynamic linkages and interdependencies across the various Asian and the developed public real estate markets of the US and UK. In this study, we test for the presence or absence of causal linkages in mean and variance across the real estate markets of the US, UK and seven Asian economies; Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and Japan. Whilst the examination of causation in mean using Granger causality test has commonly appeared in studies relating to financial market movements; the issue of variance causality has received less attention in international finance. Causality tests and results provide investors with additional insights into how and when information is impacted on different real estate markets and design more objective pricing models with the appropriate lag structure. Additionally, regulators may use the causality results to identify the foreign market(s) that drive(s) movements in the domestic real estate market and take appropriate corrective measures. Following the procedures developed by Cheung and Ng (1996), this study uses their methodology to detect the causation patterns in mean and volatility and compare differences across the nine major national real estate markets. Traditional Granger causality focuses on the mean changes, while the causality-in-variance examines the 2 conditional volatility dependence between two markets. The knowledge of how volatility between two markets are related is important in that the second-moment or variance is directly linked to information flow. Specifically, causalityin-variance tests are able to detect the direction of causality as well as the number of leads/lags involved. Methodologically, the main advantage of the test procedures is the flexible specifications of the innovation process and the non-dependence on return normality (Chung and Ng, 1996). Consequently, the causality-in-variance tests are of also of special interest in instances of highly volatile and non-normally distributed returns which are typically of Asian economies and real estate markets. Essentially, the analysis involves a two-step procedure which requires estimating as a first step a time-varying conditional mean and variance models, and computing and testing as a second step the cross-correlation functions (CCF) of the standardized and squared standardized residuals. Our main results are that international real estate markets are generally correlated in returns and volatilities contemporaneously and with lags. Causality in both mean and volatility are observed in some markets, with dynamic adjustments take place on average between one and five weeks. The US and UK markets also significantly affect some Asian markets such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Malaysia in either the mean or return volatility at different lags. This knowledge would further help fund managers in managing their exposure in Asian real estate markets and constructing better asset allocation models. Our study is organized as follows. Section 2 contains a selected literature review. This is followed by an explanation of the research data and methodology in Sections 3 and 4 respectively. Section 5 discusses the empirical results and implications. The last section concludes the study with the summary of main results. 2. RELATED LITERATURE Of late, there has been increasing interest in the causation in conditional variance across stock market price movements. The study of causation pattern in variance provides useful insights into the relationship between information flow and volatility and the characteristics and dynamics of financial asset prices (Cheung and Ng, 1996). Together with evidence regarding the causality in mean, the overall results will yield a more complete picture regarding the dynamics of interactions among the financial markets involved. The policy implication regarding causality would clearly be important, as the evidence would suggest that financial market policies of one country should not be 3 implemented without taking into account the impacts on other markets (say, in Asian or European regional real estate markets), and vice versa. From the institutional investors’ perspective, there would be little diversification benefits in the short-term if two markets are causally linked in both returns and volatilities. Cheung and Ng (1996) develop a test for causality-in-variance (CIV) that allow researchers to assess how a market evaluates and assimilates new information, and examine the temporal dynamics of return volatilities across national stock markets. The CCF testing procedure does not require modeling of the dynamics of the interaction of the series involved. Instead it is based on the residual cross-correlation function (CCF) and is robust to distributional assumptions. The null hypothesis of no causality in variance is tested through asymptotic normal t statistic. Mathematically, given two stationary time series X t and Yt , the first task is to impose a conditional mean and variance specification for the time series. Then the squared standardized residuals ( ε t and ξ t ) are estimated for 2 2 series X t and Yt , namely: U t = {( X t − μ x ,i ) 2 / hx ,t } = ε t Vt = {(Yt − μ y ,t ) 2 / h y ,t ) = ξ t Where μ and 2 2 h are the conditional mean and variance of the time series respectively. Assume further rUV (k ) and rεξ (k ) are the sample cross-correlations of the squared standardized residuals and standardized residuals at lag k respectively. The CCF testing procedure is employed to test the hypothesis of no causality in variance against the alternative hypothesis of causality at lag k. Given that T is the number of time series observations, the CCF-statistic is give by: CCF − statistic = T * rUV (k ) Similarly, to test the null hypothesis of no causality in mean against the alternative hypothesis of causality at lag k, the CCF statistic is given by: 4 CCF − statistic = T * rεξ (k ) To-date, the CCF testing methodology has been applied in several studies on stock markets, foreign currency markets and interest rate markets. Hu et al (1997) examine the CIV and volatility spillover effects among two developed markets (US, Japan) and four emerging markets in the South China Growth Triangular (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai and Shenzhen). Employing the CCF methodology, they find significant relationships among the variances of the markets and that there is a feedback relationship between the Hong Kong and the US stock markets. In a study that covers five Pacific-Rim stock markets and the US stock market returns with the CCF testing procedure plus a TARCH model, a MGARCH specification and VAR analyzes, Tay and Zhu (2000) find that in most instances there is bi-directional causality (both) in mean and variance among the markets. Furthermore, the dynamic adjustment of the market return volatilities can take as much longer time than expected. In a foreign exchange study, Kanas and Kouretas (2002) examine the issue of mean and variance causality across four Latin American markets over 1976 1993. Using an EGARCH-M model and the CIV methodology, they find substantial evidence of causality in both mean and variance with the causality in mean largely driven by the causality in variance. Alaganar and Bhar (2003) employ the CCF testing procedure to examine the linkages between the financial sector returns and interest rates of the G7 countries. They demonstrate that the CIV procedure is able to model the direction and lags in information flow between two time series. They are able to find feedback effects both at the mean and the volatility level. Finally, Caporale et al (2002) provide some empirical evidence on the casual relationship between stock prices and exchange rates volatility in four East Asian countries using daily data from January 1987 to March 2000 by appealing to the MGARCH methodology with BEKK representation. They also analyze the effects of the 1997 East Asia crisis by splitting the sample in two, before and after the onset of the crisis. On the contrary, research studies on real estate market volatility and its transmission across international real estate markets are relatively limited and none of them has examined the issue of causality-in-variance. The lack of research in this area is a peculiar oversight, given the increase in indirect global property investment over the last decade. Garvey et al (1991) examine the linkages between securitized real estate markets of Australia, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong on both short and long-term basis. The short term analysis covers linkages in both mean and variance of the return series using Granger causality and GARCH models that incorporate volatility spillovers. 5 They find little evidence of co-movements or influences between the markets on a bivariate basis. Stevenson (2002) investigates the influences on volatility in the US REITs. He finds that the volatility in equity REITs has significant influence on other sub-sectors of the REIT market. More recently, Liow et al (2005) examine the long-term and shortrun relationships in mean and variance spillover effects across four Asian property stock markets (Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia) and four European real estate stock markets (the UK, France, Germany and Italy). Their evidence of minimal cointegration, weak mean transmission and little cross-volatility spillovers among the Asian and European real estate stock markets imply that diversification opportunities exists among the regional public real estate markets. However, they do not examine the issue of causality in mean and variance across the real estate markets. Additionally, Liow (2005) focuses on the dynamics of volatility persistence and systematic risk in Asian-Pacific real estate markets. Again, the issues of interdependence in term of the causal links among the returns and variances among the real estate markets were not investigated. Finally, this research represents an attempt to transfer a novel technique developed by Cheung and Ng (1996) from other investment markets to the international real estate markets. 3. RESEARCH DATA As in many previous academic real estate studies, we use returns on real estate stocks to proxy for real estate performance. This choice is mainly justified by the availability of longer time series data and higher frequency data (such as monthly and weekly) for real estate stocks. Whilst the adequacy of this proxy has been extensively debated amongst real estate practitioners and researchers, it remains the only substantive “real estate” series appropriate for any rigorous statistical analysis. We include nine public real estate markets for a US-based investor. The focus on these markets is also of significant interest to the world investors and policy makers. Apart from the popularly known US and UK real estate markets that have different institutional and market structures from the developing economies, the remaining seven are Asian markets of Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.1 Our sampling thus cover almost all the Asian public real estate markets and two other key developed economies that meet the requirement of the study to provide a comprehensive study of national real estate markets. The Asian markets are however in different stages of development as revealed by the key macroeconomic and stock indicators reported in Table 1. Japan is a significant world economy and has a long history of listed real estate. Similarly, Hong Kong and 6 Singapore have track records of listed real estate companies that play a relatively important role in general stock market indexes. These markets plus the US and UK markets have the world’s most significant listed real estate markets in the respective regions (UBS Bank, 2003). The remaining four markets (Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines) are classified as emerging markets and hence needs longer time to develop. Finally, as many of the Asian economies have shown good signs of recovery, it is expected that increasing foreign investments in these markets will enhance the role that these markets play in the world economy and becomes more important in due course. (Table 1 here) All data are Dow Jones real estate stock indexes 2 extracted from the Datastream International and the sample period is from January 1992 till December 2004, the longest period for which all data indexes are available. Furthermore any potential bias due to the specific time period should be minimal as the study period covers the boom and bust phases of the most recent real estate and economic cycles in the Asia-Pacific region. Weekly real estate stock returns (R) are obtained by taking the logarithmic difference of the stock index (P) times 100. That is, R t = 100 * (log P t – log P t – 1). All data are expressed in US dollars. Figure 1 displays the index movement over the study period. (Figure 1 here) To provide a general understanding of the nature of each real estate market return, Table 2 contains sample characteristics of the weekly real estate stock returns. These include the mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, maximum and minimum of returns and the measures of skewness, Kurtosis and normality. As the figures indicate, the UK real estate market has the highest average weekly return (0.160%) and is followed by the US (0.129%); while Malaysia has the lowest mean (-0.099%). Judging from the sample standard deviations, in general, developing Asian real estate markets are characterized by a higher unconditional volatility, compared to the developed markets of the UK and the USA. In particular, the Thailand real estate market appears to be the most volatile (standard deviation = 17.12%), followed by Indonesia (standard deviation = 15.26%), while the US real estate market is the least volatile (standard deviation = 1.95%). Consequently, the US and UK markets also have the two lowest coefficient of variation (i.e. risk per unit of return). Of the five markets (Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines) whose returns are positively skewed, Thailand has the highest skewness (20.39) and is followed by Indonesia (15.88). 7 On the other hand, all the five negative skewness measures are small (range between -0.664 for Hong Kong and 0.142 for the USA). The kurtosis measure is more than three in all the return series (between 4.16 for the UK and 487.79 for Thailand). The distribution of returns has thus fat tails compared with the normal distribution. In addition, the index patterns of the Asian developing real estate markets have a larger value of excess kurtosis and conform less to normality assumption than the developed markets of Australia, Japan and the UK. Finally, all the series’ JB values are highly significant confirming that the distributions of return are not normal. (Table 2 here) 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The principal task in this research are to model the temporal dynamics of real estate market returns (1st moment) and return volatilities (2nd moment) and investigate their causality relationships across the real estate markets. In addition to the usual correlation analysis, we employ the causality-in-variance test developed by Cheung and Ng (1996) to detect causal relations and identify patterns of causation in the first and second moments respectively. The test involves a two-step procedure. The first stage requires the estimation of univariate time-series models that permits time variations in both conditional means and conditional variances. In the second stage the resulting series of residuals and squared residuals standardized by conditional variances are, respectively, constructed. The cross-correlation function (CCF) of these standardized residuals and squared-standardized residuals are used to test the null hypothesis of no causality in mean and variance respectively. In the present study, the statistical procedures are outlined below. (a) Preliminary examination of the correlation in raw returns and volatilities (proxied by mean squared deviation) of returns. Pearson Correlation analysis has been frequently used in the initial literature on international stock market linkages. (b) To determine an appropriate univariate model to describe the real estate series that allow for time-varying conditional means and variances. In addition, to capture the leverage effect found in many developing real estate stock indices and to avoid imposing non-negativity on the values of the GARCH parameters to be estimated, we employ the 8 EGARCH representation developed by Nelson (1991). Specifically, the widely used EGARCH (1, 1) process is employed to model the real estate stock returns, R t. and is given by: Conditional mean equation Rt = u t + φD97 + ε t or Rt = ARMA( p, q) + φD97 + ε t Conditional variance equation log Where εt σ 2 t = c + β log is the unexpected return and σ 2 t − 1 σ 2 t is + α ε σ t − 1 t − 1 + γ ε σ t − 1 t − 1 the conditional variance. The conditional mean equation includes a time dummy D 97 that takes a value of one for the period July 1997 – August 1998 and zero otherwise. The intent is to control for regime swifts in many Asian real estate markets following the eruption of Asian financial crisis in July 1997. This dummy is however not included in the US and UK mean equations. The main feature of the conditional variance equation is that the leverage effect is exponential rather than quadratic. Hence forecasts of the conditional variance are guaranteed to be non-negative. The presence of leverage effect can be tested by the hypothesis that γ< 0. The impact is asymmetric if γ ≠ 0 . In addition to EGARCH (1, 1), we also estimate another three models, namely EGARCH (1, 1)-M, EGARCH (1, 1) - MA (1) and a variant of EGARCH (1, 1)-ARMA (p, q). For each market, the log-likelihood test is conducted to select the best model to characterize the return series and estimate standardized residuals squared-standardized residual series (c) Once appropriate time-series models are identified, sample cross-correlations (CCF) of the resulting standardized residuals and squared standardized residuals at k lags are determined. Tests of causality in mean (through standardized residuals) and causality-in variance (through squared standardized residuals) can be carried out by a t-test for a particular lag, i.e. 9 t k = T ruv (k ) where rUV is the CCF of the squares of standardized residuals U t and V t at lag k . This statistic is used to evaluate the causal relationship at a specific lag k comparing with the standard normal distribution.3 5. RESULTS 5.1 Correlations in Returns and Volatilities The sample correlations of the real estate stock returns and return volatilities are first estimated. The low correlation between returns of international real estate markets has been regarded as an incentive to hold internationally diversified real estate portfolios. In Table 3, the correlation matrices are calculated for the return (Panel A) and mean squared deviation of the returns (Panel B) (used to represent return volatilities). This is because international real estate markets might be related through their returns, or their return volatilities or both. (Table 3 here) As Panel A of Table 3 shows, correlations between the returns of Asian real estate markets are between low and moderate ranges. Here we see that only the highest correlation in returns is 0.671 (between Singapore and Hong Kong) and only another two pairs’ correlation coefficients are between 0.40 and 0.50. Additionally, none of the Asian developing real estate markets shows a correlation higher than 0.25 with Japan. Finally, correlations between the returns of all individual Asian markets and the returns of the USA and UK are considerably low, with only 3 out of 16 correlation coefficients are higher than 0.20. The highest return correlation in only 0.230 (between HK and the UK) and the lowest correlation coefficient is a negative of 0.010 (between Indonesia and the UK) In Panel B of Table 3, it is observed that the correlation coefficients for the mean squared deviations (return volatilities) are lower. Here we see that only 3 pairs of the 21 Asian markets’ pair-wise correlation coefficients are higher in return volatilities than in returns (i.e. Singapore and HK, Singapore and Philippines, Japan and Philippines). Again, Singapore and Hong Kong report the highest correlation coefficient of 0.727. Thailand has a negatively weak correlation coefficient with all Asian markets except Singapore and the Philippines. Similar results hold for both the 10 USA and UK, where all the correlations of return volatilities are lower or almost uncorrelated with the Asian markets. These findings are generally in agreement with what appears in the literature. Similar to stock markets, International real estate markets show small to moderate correlation in returns, but some markets are not independent because they are related through their second moments. 5.2 Univariate Specification For each market, Table 4 reports the log-likelihood ratios for an EGARCH (1, 1), EGARCH (1, 1) – M, MA (1) - EGARCH (1, 1) and an ARMA (p, q) - EGARCH (1, 1) model. The model with the largest increase in log-likelihood value over the EGARCH (1, 1) model is selected to calculate standardized residuals. (Table 4 here) The maximum likelihood estimates of the appropriate time-series models for each market are reported in Table 5. They are EGARCH (1, 1) (HK, Japan, Indonesia, UK and US); MA (1) - EGARCH (1, 1) (Thailand); ARMA (1, 1) - EGARCH (1, 1) (Malaysia) and ARMA (2, 2) - EGARCH (1, 1) (Singapore and Philippines). The log-likelihood values (between -1334.32 and -2822.25) are large enough to suggest the respective volatility models are able to capture the temporal dependence of volatility reasonably well. Specifically, all ten index returns display a significant GARCH (1, 1) effect (between 0.840 for the US and 0.984 for Indonesia). With minor exceptions, all coefficients of the conditional variance equation are significantly greater than zero. Consistent with expectation, we find a significant and negative Asian financial crisis coefficient ( φ ) each for Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines real estate markets. Finally, all leverage coefficients are negative and are, with the exception for Japan, statistically significant at least at the 5% level. (Table 5 here) The results of Table 5 are generally consistent with those of other stock market empirical work on timevarying volatility. However, the similarities between developing and developed real estate markets documented in Table 6 hide some interesting differences. Specifically, the estimated conditional volatilities for all developing Asian real estate markets are considerably larger than those of the two developed real estate markets of the US and UK. As the figures in Table 6 indicate, the average values of the conditional standard deviation confirm the fact that developing 11 Asian-Pacific real estate markets of Thailand (mean = 15.62%), Indonesia (mean = 9.27%), Philippines (mean = 5.58%), Malaysia (mean = 5.16%), Hong Kong (mean = 4.61%) and Singapore (mean = 4.42%) are significantly higher than those of the UK (mean = 2.55%) and US (mean = 1.81%).4 Moreover, the estimated conditional volatility series for the developing Asian real estate markets show a higher degree of dispersion and suggests that large changes in volatility are more frequent than in developed real estate markets. Finally, both the maximum and minimum values of the conditional volatility are considerably larger in the developing Asian Pacific real estate markets. Overall, this conditional evidence is supportive of the unconditional statistics reported in Table 2. (Table 6 here) Finally, Table 7 contains the results of the diagnostic tests of the various univariate country models. A LjungBox test with 36 lags (i.e. LB (36)) is conducted on standardized residuals from the respective models to detect serial correlation. In addition, LB2 (36) is used to determine whether there is any serial correlation in the squared standardized residual series. The results reveal that with the exception of LB (36) for Indonesia, the remaining eight LB (36) and LB2 (36) statistics for all 9 markets support the chosen EGARCH model specification at a 5 percent level of significance. (Table 7 here) Since the choice of lag length is likely to affect the causality results, following Cheung and Ng (1996) we use up to five leads and five lags (i.e. lags = ± 5 ) to carry out the CCF tests. Tables 8 and 9 report the t-statistics for the causality-in-mean test and causality-in-variance test respectively. (Tables 8 and 9 here) 5.3 Causality-in-mean Out of 36 pairs of the conditional return series, 16 pairs are contemporaneously correlated. For example, Hong Kong is significantly correlated with all other markets except with Thailand. Similarly, Singapore real estate return is significantly correlated with all other real estate return series except with Indonesia and Thailand. Whilst the US and UK returns are contemporaneously correlated with Singapore and Hong Kong, the remaining Asian markets are not significantly correlated with the UK and USA markets. Finally, the ranges of significant correlations are only between 8.4% (Singapore and the US) and 33.4% (Singapore and Hong Kong). 12 All significant causality in returns between some markets takes places between one to five lags.5 Among the Asian markets, there are statistically significant causal relations in return from the real estate market of Singapore and Hong Kong, respectively, to Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines at different lags. Similarly, the null hypothesis of no significant causal relation from Japan to Malaysia and Indonesia to Malaysia is also rejected. Other significant one-way causal relations in return are from the UK to Singapore at lag 1 and from the US to UK at lag 4. A feedback relationship at the mean level implies that there are simultaneous adjustments in the returns of the markets. It exists between the real estate markets of (i) Singapore and Hong Kong; and (ii) Indonesia and Philippines. For example, the Singapore real estate index affects Hang Seng real estate index (Hong Kong) at lag 2, and the Hang Seng real estate index affects Singapore real estate index at lag 5. Additionally, the impact from Singapore to HK is stronger than that from HK to Singapore. Likewise, Indonesia’s real estate returns seem to cause the Philippines returns at lag 2 and vice versa. Finally, there are three instances where the contemporaneous correlations are statistically insignificant, the correlations at other lags are statistically significant. One example is the contemporaneous correlation between Singapore and Indonesia is merely 0.031, but the cross-correlation at lag 2 is 0.086 and is statistically significant at the 5% level. The implication is that this lag real estate return of Singapore causes the Indonesia real estate returns Nevertheless, all significant cross-correlations are much weaker than their contemporaneous correlation coefficients. The largest cross-correlation coefficient is only 8.6% in this instance. 5.4 Causality-in-variance First, 13 pairs of the conditional variance series are contemporaneously correlated. Again, Singapore and Hong Kong have the highest number of cases of significant correlation coefficient with other markets (five each). Whilst the UK real estate market is significantly correlated (in return variance) with Singapore and Japan, the US market is significantly correlated with Hong Kong only. Again, the highest volatility correlation coefficient is only 36.4% (between Singapore and Hong Kong). Also, as in the case of return, the contemporaneous correlation coefficients between the respective pairs of Asian-Pacific conditional volatility are generally higher than those with the UK and US. 13 As in the cases of mean causality, causality in variance between some markets also takes places between one to five weeks lags. Among the Asian markets, variance causality exists from the real estate market of Singapore to those of Hong Kong (at lag 2), Japan (at lags 2 and 3), Malaysia (at lag 1) and Philippines (at lag 3); from the real estate market of Hong Kong to that of Singapore (at lag 5); from the Japanese real estate market to that of Philippines (at lag 2); from the real estate market of Malaysia to that of Japan (at lag 1) and from the real estate market of Philippines to that of Indonesia (at lag 2). Variance causality also exists from the US real estate market to those of Singapore (at lags 2 and 5), Hong Kong (at lag 1) and Malaysia (at lag 1); and from the UK real estate market to those of Singapore (at lag 5), Hong Kong (at lag 2) and Japan (at lag 2); implying that the lagged variances of the two highly developed public real estate markets’ returns (i.e. USA and UK) cause the variances of developed Asian markets in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. A feedback relationship exists between six pairs of markets. This implies that there are simultaneous adjustments in the return volatilities of these real estate markets. They are respectively, Singapore and Hong Kong, Singapore and the UK, Hong Kong and the UK, Japan and the UK, and Indonesia and Philippines. Of these, there are two instances (HK ↔ UK and Indonesia ↔ Philippines) where the contemporaneous correlations are statistically insignificant. Finally, similar to stock markets, International real estate markets also display bilateral causal relationships in variances among some countries. 5.5 Composite picture Table 10 presents the composite picture regarding the significance of both causality-in-mean and causality- in-variance across the nine real estate markets. Out of the 36 market pairs, 16 pairs (44.4%) have no causal relationship in both mean and variance. In addition, the majority of these 16 pairs have insignificant correlation coefficients in contemporaneous return and variance. It is further observed that many of these pairs involve markets of Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and (to a lesser degree) Malaysia whose public real estate markets are still largely segmented with the developed real estate markets. Causal relations in both mean and volatility are observed in 9 pairs (25%). This is in contrast with Tay and Zhu (2000)’s evidence that both bi-directional causality in mean and variance are observed in most cases in Asian Pacific-Rim stock markets. Our results indicates that six pairs of the significant causal relations are observed among the Asian markets of Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Malaysia suggesting 14 geographical proximity and economic linkage do have a possible impact on creating causal relationships in returns and volatility. The evidence also seem to suggest that information giving rise to returns and volatilities in the public real estate markets are transmitted more rapidly among markets that are more efficiently organized and more open. Additionally, causality in both mean and variance are also observed between Singapore and Philippines and between Indonesia and Philippines. On the contrary, there is only one significant pair of both mean and volatility causality observed between the developed markets and Asian markets (i.e. between the UK and Singapore). Our real estate market evidence is thus different from some international stock market studies (such as Eun and Shum, 1989) that have documented a stronger degree of interdependence in returns and volatilities between the stock markets of Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, the UK and the USA. Finally, there are three other important observations and implications derived from the results. First, the US real estate market exerts significant influence on Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and the UK but not vice versa. This evidence is consistent with the understanding that the US is the world’s most influential real estate market. Second it appears that Singapore and Hong Kong, backed by their strong economic performance and leading financial centre status in Asia, contribute significantly to the gradual integration of world real estate markets Not only that both real estate markets are significantly correlated in their contemporaneous and lead-lag means and volatilities, the means and variances of these two markets at different lags also have significantly impact on the current return and volatility of some other markets. Third, at least half of the sample real estate markets (in particular, developing Asian real estate markets) are still largely segmented implying that institutional investors would likely to benefit from diversifying public real estate portfolios internationally across Asia and the US /UK markets in the short- and /or medium term. Our results complement those of Liow et al. (2005) that there is lack of integration in the international public real estate markets. In sum, the above causality results indicate that real estate markets in developing countries in Asian (Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and to a lesser degree, Malaysia) are perhaps caused more by country-specific macroeconomic and market-specific factors rather than movements in the real estate markets of other economies . On the other hand, causality effects exist in some Asian developed real estate markets. Notably, Singapore and Hong Kong “lead’ other Asian real estate markets (including Japan) in most instances. Although this finding is a departure from the usual understanding that Japanese market is the most influential Asian real estate market, the cross-market 15 differences and learning would definitely help fund managers in managing their exposure in Asian public real estate markets. (Table 10 here) 6. CONCLUSION The causal linkages among international real estate markets are of great interest from both academia and investors. In this study, we focus on the causality in return and volatility among two highly developed real estate markets (US and UK) and seven Asian developed and developing real estate markets (Singapore, HK, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines). We document the general direction and the lead / lag structure of causality in the mean and the variance for the public real estate markets in the nine economies. We successfully transfer a novel technique of Cheung and Ng (1996) from other investment markets to the public real estate markets. In Particular, the causality- in-variance test, based on the residual cross-correlation function, is robust to distributional assumptions. We find that Asian real estate markets show small to moderate correlation in returns, but some markets are not independent because they are related through their second moments. There is some evidence of causality-in-mean and / or causality-in variance among some Asian real estate markets. Based on the causality results, the seven Asian real estate markets can be broadly classified into two groups. The first group is composed of Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and to a lesser extent, Malaysia. The second group is composed of Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines. Specifically, the majority of the significant causal relations are observed among the markets in the first group suggesting geographical proximity, economic linkage and market efficiency and openness do have a possible impact on creating causality relationships in returns and volatilities. On the contrary, there is little interaction between the real estate markets of the first and second groups. This classification seems to be consistent with the stage of economic development and degree of stock market efficiency in the respective Asian economies. Results of this study also support the notion that there is lack of integration in the international real estate markets as at least half of the real estate markets are not causally linked. Consequently, a “pure” Asian real estate portfolio and a “mixed” Asian real estate portfolios (i.e. with US and /or UK included) can be appropriately constructed using the knowledge of presence or absence of causality (as well as cointegration) between the markets. 16 To conclude, our study is very significant as to-date no other research has considered comprehensively the linkages across international real estate markets from both the causality-in-mean and causality-in-variance perspectives. The study provides adequate support for fund managers to include volatility as a factor in the real estate asset pricing models. Moreover, the regulators may use the causality results to identify the foreign market(s) that drive(s) movements in the domestic real estate market and take appropriate corrective measures. Finally, the causality results obtained in this study give academic researchers useful insights to design more appropriate bivariate models (compared with univariate) with the appropriate lag structure. As more and more Asian economies are interested in developing REIT type securitized real estate products, our study provide investors and regulators with additional insights into the diversification potential of investing in major real estate markets. It also reinforces the increased potential importance of Asian securitized real estate in an investment portfolio for both local and international investors. Acknowledgement The original version of this paper entitled “An international study of causality in mean and variance: evidence from real estate markets” was presented at the at the 21st ARES Annual Meeting, 13-16 April 2005, Santa Fe, USA. We are grateful to Professor Alastar Adair and conference participants for their helpful comments in improving the paper. Thank you. 17 REFERENCES Alaganar, V.T. and R. Bhar (2003), An international study of causality in variance: interest rate and financial sector return, Journal of Economics and Finance 27: 39-55. Cheung, Y. W. and L. K. Ng (1996), A causality-in-variance test and its application to financial market prices, Journal of Econometrics 72: 33-48 Caporale, G.M., N. Pittis and N. Spagnolo (2002), Testing for causality-in-variance: an application to the East-Asian Markets, International Journal of Finance and Economics 7: 235-245 Eun, G.S. and S. 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Table 3 Correlation Results: Jan 92-Dec 04 Panel A: sample correlation of returns Sing HK JP Indo May Phil Thai UK US Sing 1.000 HK 0.671 1.000 JP 0.288 0.276 1.000 Indo 0.232 0.179 0.028 1.000 May 0.467 0.433 0.227 0.184 1.000 Phil 0.488 0.420 0.165 0.177 0.322 1.000 Thai 0.156 0.139 0.036 0.091 0.094 0.121 1.000 UK 0.175 0.230 0.221 -0.010 0.127 0.163 0.027 US 0.174 0.191 0.115 0.050 0.144 0.121 0.025 0.220 1.000 Panel B: Sample correlation in the variances (measured by mean squared deviation) of the returns Sing HK JP Indo May Phil Thai UK US Sing 1.000 HK 0.727 1.000 JP 0.261 0.238 1.000 Indo 0.016 0.004 0.003 1.000 May 0.322 0.389 0.179 0.004 1.000 Phil 0.532 0.373 0.250 0.005 0.226 1.000 Thai 0.003 -0.004 -0.012 -0.002 -0.005 0.001 1.000 UK 0.052 0.060 0.075 0.019 -0.006 0.022 -0.022 1.000 US 0.110 0.106 0.092 -0.007 -0.013 0.049 -0.013 0.021 1.000 21 Table 4 Likelihood Ratio Tests and Model Selection EGARCH(1,1) (A) Singapore Hong Kong Japan Indonesia Philippine Malaysia Thailand UK US -1914.82 -1967.55 -1966.15 -2538.35 -2109.57 -2021.79 -2832.49 -1585.08 -1334.32 Log Likelihood EGARCH(1,1)MA(1)M EGARCH(1.1) (B) (C) -1914.59 -1915.39 -1969.38 -1967.04 -1965.73 -1966.33 -2583.44 -2799.61 -2108.61 -2109.02 -2024.02 -2016.66 -2846.43 -2822.25 -1586.33 -1584.86 -1332.92 -1338.12 ARMA (p, q)EGARCH(1,1) (D) -1903.67 N.A. N.A. N.A. -2095.41 -2012.92 N.A. N,A. N.A. A versus B 0.46 -3.66 0.84 -90.18 1.92 -4.46 -27.88 -2.5 2.8 LR Test A versus C A versus D -1.14 1.02 -0.36 -522.52 1.10 10.26** 20.48** 0.44 -7.6 22.3** N.A. N.A. N.A. 28.32** 17.74** N.A. N,A. N.A. Notes: The LR statistic is computed as: LR = −2( Lu − Lr ) . H 0 is EGARCH (1, 1) model. Lr & Lu are log likelihood of the unrestricted and restricted models. The LR statistic has an asymptotic χ distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the number of restrictions (the number of added variables). Finally, the appropriate specifications are: Singapore ARMA (2,2)-EGARCH(1,1);Hong Kong and Japan EGARCH(1,1), Indonesia EGARCH(1,1), Philippine ARMA (2,2)-EGARCH(1,1),Malaysia ARMA (1,1)-EGARCH(1,1); Thailand MA (1) - EGARCH(1,1);; UK and U.S. EGARCH(1,1) 2 Table 6 Summary Statistics for Conditional Standard Deviation Index Singapore Hong Kong Japan Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand UK USA Mean 4.4175 4.6138 4.5339 9.2655 5.1594 5.5762 15.6163 2.5509 1.8100 Std Dev Maximum Minimum 2.0353 13.0118 2.0413 1.4787 14.2084 2.3475 1.0060 7.2677 2.6036 4.1729 17.1958 1.6743 2.3927 17.0351 2.4104 1.5432 10.8635 3.0378 2.4407 17.7781 0.0051 0.4660 5.2707 1.8352 0.6031 5.5546 1.0670 22 Table 5 Estimates of EGARCH models Mean equation: rt = u t + φD97 + ε t or rt = ARMA( p, q ) + φD97 + ε t Variance equation: log Singapore EGARCH(1,1)-ARMA(2,2) Hong Kong EGARCH(1,1) Japan EGARCH(1,1) Indonesia EGARCH(1,1) Philippine EGARCH(1,1)-ARMA(2,2) Malaysia EGARCH(1,1)-ARMA(1,1) Thai EGARCH(1,1)-MA(1) UK EGARCH(1,1) US EGARCH(1,1) σ 2 t = c + β log t −1 + γ t −1 ε σ t −1 t −1 α γ LogL N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. -0.086** (0.03) 0.017 (0.04) 0.003 (0.03) 0.105** (0.001) -0.012 (0.027) -0.096** (0.035) 0.056** (0.007) 0.031 (0.033) -0.068 (0.046) 0.969** (0.008) 0.935** (0.01) 0.969** (0.08) 0.984** (0.004) 0.982** (0.10) 0.973** (0.08) 0.882** (0.09) 0.948** (0.019) 0.840** (0.029) 0.227** (0.04) 0.226** (0.03) 0.112 (0.03) 0.036** (0.01) 0.099** (0.028) 0.245** (0.039) 0.065* (0.03) 0.079* (0.036) 0.322** (0.053) -0.065** (0.015) -0.093** (0.02) -0.091 (0.02) -0.054** (0.01) -0.078** (0.017) -0.046** (0.019) -0.067** (0.012) -0.053** (0.021) -0.163** (0.033) -1903.68 0.473** (0.18) -0.25** (0.08) 0.37* (0.18) N.A. -0.117* (0.05) -0.579* (0.28) -0.024 (0.36) -0.225* (0.10) -0.377** (0.11) -0.356* (0.145) 0.443** (0.08) N.A. N.A. -0.175** (0.03) N.A. 0.277** (0.04) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. -0.360* (0.18) 0.369 (0.27) N.A. 0.160* (0.08) 0.129* (0.06) ε σ φ ut N.A. + α β MA N.A. 2 t −1 c AR 0.445* (0.21) -0.012 (0.27) -0.167* (0.09) N.A. σ -1967.55 -1966.15 -2538.35 -2095.41 -2012.92 -2822.25 -1585,08 -1334.32 Note: **,* indicate two-tailed significance level at the 1% and 5% respectively. 23 Table 7 Univariate model diagnostics Real estate market Singapore Hong Kong Japan Indonesia Philippines Malaysia Thailand UK USA Model ARMA(2,2)-EGARCH(1,1) EGARCH(1,1) EGARCH(1,1) EGARCH(1,1) ARMA(2,2)-EGARCH(1,1) ARMA(1,1)-EGARCH(1,1) MA(1)-EGARCH(1,1) EGARCH(1,1) EGARCH(1,1) LB (36) 27.02 47.19 26.10 124.76* 33.53 25.99 0.613 28.18 33.98 LB2 (36) 21.95 34.18 25.34 0.112 30.89 23.48 0.061 40.61 41.40 Notes LB (36) is a Ljung Box statistic at lag 36 to detect serial correlation in the standardized residual series. LB2(36) is a Ljung Box statistic using squared standardized residual series to detect remaining heteroskedasticity * Indicates two-tailed significance at the 5% level 24 Table 8 t-statistics for the causality-in-mean test Real estate market Sing->HK HK->Sing Sing->JP JP->Sing Sing->indo Indo->Sing Sing->May May->Sing Sing->Phil Phil->Sing Sing->Thai Thai->Sing Sing->UK UK->Sing Sing->US US->Sing HK->JP Japan->HK HK->Indo Indo->HK HK->May May->HK HK->Phil Phil->HK HK->Thai Thai->HK HK->UK UK->HK HK->US US->HK JP->Indo Indo->JP JP->May May->JP JP->Phil Phil->JP JP->Thai Thai->JP JP->UK UK->JP JP->US US->JP Indo->May May->Indo Indo->Phil Phil->Indo Indo->Thai Thai->Indo Lag length 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.334** . 0.141** 0.021 -0.047 0.046 -0.041 0.025 0.047 0.093* -0.011 0.004 -0.023 -0.015 -0.012 0.061 0.130** 0.039 0.061 0.118** 0.014 0.058 0.033 0.144** -0.006 0.027 0.059 0.001 -0.037 0.061 0.050 -0.031 0.020 -0.058 0.006 0.098** 0.066 0.020 0.004 -0.018 -0.003 0.008 -0.050 -0.012 -0.030 0.081* -0.028 0.043 0.016 -0.017 -0.018 -0.095** -0.057 0.075* -0.048 0.086* 0.037 0.023 -0.031 0.026 0.048 -0.022 -0.010 0.009 0.030 0.003 0.074 0.066 -0.045 0.071* 0.063 0.045 -0.021 0.031 0.065 -0.027 0.034 0.009 0.042 -0.002 0.018 -0.066 0.021 -0.070 0.041 0.001 0.031 -0.023 -0.019 -0.011 0.081 0.011 0.060 0.069 0.025 0.122** 0.154** -0.018 -0.018 -0.004 -0.063 0.049 -0.012 -0.007 -0.005 0.013 0.048 0.091* 0.001 0.011 0.005 -0.043 -0.021 0.035 -0.026 0.008 -0.014 0.013 0.017 0.047 -0.002 0.084* 0.002 -0.024 -0.019 -0.043 -0.018 -0.005 0.000 0.006 -0.007 -0.003 -0.014 -0.070 -0.004 -0.039 0.024 0.024 0.009 0.017 0.020 0.024 0.001 0.042 0.046 -0.017 -0.018 -0.054 -0.083 -0.017 -0.010 0.097 -0.008 0.011 -0.009 0.026 0.008 -0.025 -0.043 -0.001 0.021 -0.036 -0.012 -0.020 0.006 0.075* 0.053 0.046 0.009 0.037 0.055 0.011 0.019 -0.001 0.043 -0.002 0.024 -0.010 -0.017 0.015 0.011 -0.051 0.010 -0.044 0.015 0.045 -0.041 -0.005 -0.024 0.039 -0.005 0.037 0.044 -0.018 -0.018 0.016 -0.073* 0.086 -0.030 0.005 0.046 0.016 -0.047 -0.001 0.039 -0.044 -0.038 0.018 0.039 0.002 0.080 0.097** 0.002 0.064 0.027 0.022 -0.005 0.043 0.047 0.003 -0.012 0.018 0.020 0.018 0.045 -0.016 -0.031 -0.005 0.030 0.064 0.057 0.032 -0.042 0.063 0.042 0.057 0.050 -0.020 0.067 0.003 0.014 -0.018 -0.018 0.031 . 0.190** . 0.234** . -0.008 . 0.111** . 0.084** . 0.161** . 0.113** . 0.242** . 0.254** . 0.004 . 0.085* . 0.101** . -0.023 0.127** . 0.097** 0.026 . 0.071 . 0.072 . 0.065 0.129** -0.017 25 Indo->UK UK->Indo Indo->US US->Indo May->Phil Phil->May May->Thai Thai->May May->UK UK->May May->US US->May Phil->Thai Thai->Phil Phil->UK UK->Phil Phil->US US->Phil Thai->UK UK->Thai Thai->US US->Thai UK->US US->UK 0.024 -0.023 0.149** -0.035 . 0.064 -0.022 -0.013 0.026 . 0.000 . -0.012 . -0.039 . 0.069 . -0.007 0.037 -0.060 0.067 -0.018 0.022 -0.009 0.008 0.008 0.019 0.042 -0.015 -0.012 -0.043 0.015 0.018 -0.043 0.052 -0.007 -0.036 -0.014 -0.038 -0.002 0.036 0.069 -0.025 -0.014 -0.001 0.035 0.017 -0.035 0.058 -0.036 0.020 0.002 0.090 -0.033 0.041 -0.003 -0.006 -0.020 -0.028 -0.042 -0.013 0.050 -0.015 0.010 0.063 -0.039 -0.036 -0.020 -0.036 0.065 -0.020 -0.016 0.047 -0.013 0.034 0.012 -0.048 -0.001 -0.037 0.021 0.054 -0.025 0.058 0.004 -0.029 0.058 -0.018 -0.017 0.052 -0.043 -0.043 -0.061 0.045 -0.023 0.040 -0.007 0.061 0.081 0.004 -0.002 -0.005 0.009 -0.013 0.015 -0.002 -0.027 -0.018 0.053 0.028 -0.011 -0.010 -0.033 0.074* 0.034 0.003 -0.054 -0.042 0.034 -0.012 -0.008 -0.031 0.013 0.002 0.053 -0.036 0.031 -0.024 0.081 -0.044 -0.061 0.067 0.002 -0.032 -0.006 -0.011 0.020 0.035 Notes: Lag 0 is the contemporaneous correlation; ** and * indicate significance at the 1% and 5% levels. Test statistics is defined as t k = ^ T γ uv (k ) , where k=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. γ uv = C uv (k )(C uu (0)C vv (0)) −1 / 2 26 Table 9 t-Statistics for the causality-in-variance test Lag length Real estate market Sing->HK HK->Sing Sing->JP JP->Sing Sing->indo Indo->Sing Sing->May May->Sing Sing->Phil Phil->Sing Sing->Thai Thai->Sing Sing->UK UK->Sing Sing->US US->Sing HK->JP Japan->HK HK->Indo Indo->HK HK->May May->HK HK->Phil Phil->HK HK->Thai Thai->HK HK->UK UK->HK HK->US US->HK JP->Indo Indo->JP JP->May May->JP JP->Phil Phil->JP JP->Thai Thai->JP JP->UK UK->JP JP->US US->JP Indo->May May->Indo Indo->Phil Phil->Indo Indo->Thai 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.364 0.020 -0.023 0.063 0.004 -0.012 0.036 0.077* 0.001 -0.024 0.008 -0.016 -0.015 0.123** 0.066 0.029 0.051 0.146** -0.003 -0.002 0.001 0.101** -0.003 0.005 0.039 -0.009 -0.019 0.066 0.024 -0.015 0.082* -0.025 -0.008 0.075* 0.103** -0.002 0.010 -0.018 -0.012 0.000 -0.049 -0.004 -0.021 0.026 -0.020 -0.009 -0.015 -0.003 0.083* -0.042 0.076* -0.010 0.021 0.016 -0.015 -0.030 0.026 0.031 -0.018 -0.014 0.008 0.024 -0.021 0.075* 0.045 -0.035 0.005 -0.011 0.006 -0.020 0.006 0.051 -0.018 0.014 0.024 0.084* 0.019 0.030 -0.021 0.010 -0.031 0.042 -0.004 0.010 -0.019 -0.019 -0.018 0.076* -0.022 0.049 0.013 -0.013 0.114** 0.194** -0.003 -0.012 -0.056 0.103** -0.021 -0.014 -0.015 0.001 0.018 0.113** 0.007 -0.002 -0.006 -0.029 -0.032 0.019 -0.022 -0.006 -0.022 -0.014 -0.016 0.019 0.009 0.097 -0.010 -0.018 -0.017 -0.032 -0.020 -0.013 0.000 -0.001 -0.016 -0.020 -0.016 -0.057 0.021 -0.022 0.008 0.091* 0.011 0.018 -0.008 -0.002 -0.013 0.013 -0.010 -0.003 -0.034 -0.042 0.008 0.002 0.061 -0.019 0.022 -0.011 0.066 -0.009 -0.018 -0.021 -0.004 0.042 -0.028 -0.004 -0.032 0.091 0.010 -0.008 0.048 0.000 0.009 0.038 -0.004 0.002 0.042 0.017 -0.010 0.009 -0.018 -0.011 0.039 -0.013 -0.056 0.004 -0.023 0.000 0.018 -0.034 -0.044 0.005 -0.010 -0.017 0.002 -0.009 -0.003 0.000 0.082* 0.047 -0.039 -0.016 0.021 -0.008 -0.007 -0.003 0.033 -0.021 -0.021 0.028 0.083* -0.014 0.098* 0.057 0.019 -0.006 -0.013 0.002 0.044 0.005 -0.002 -0.007 -0.014 0.083* -0.004 0.017 0.048 -0.015 -0.016 0.004 0.033 0.081* 0.043 0.013 -0.023 0.073 0.003 0.100 0.108 -0.017 -0.003 -0.011 -0.017 -0.003 0.143** -0.012 0.354** . 0.208** -0.014 0.130** . 0.067 . 0.152** 0.000 . 0.290** . 0.223** -0.009 . 0.053 . 0.120** . 0.000 . 0.094** . 0.088** . 0.010 . 0.079* . 0.063 . -0.002 . 0.005 . -0.003 27 Thai->Indo . -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 Indo->UK -0.013 -0.023 0.059 -0.028 -0.027 0.025 UK->Indo . 0.047 -0.023 -0.028 -0.027 -0.003 Indo->US -0.018 -0.023 0.002 -0.020 -0.023 -0.021 US->Indo . 0.087 -0.004 -0.018 0.040 -0.020 May->Phil 0.093** -0.031 0.022 0.037 -0.040 0.052 Phil->May . 0.020 -0.009 -0.005 0.008 -0.021 May->Thai -0.018 -0.011 -0.018 -0.014 -0.011 -0.012 Thai->May . -0.004 0.036 0.023 0.038 -0.017 May->UK 0.071 0.018 -0.009 -0.019 0.060 0.002 UK->May . 0.011 0.000 -0.001 -0.022 0.000 May->US -0.014 -0.013 0.010 -0.044 0.041 -0.005 US->May . 0.076* -0.002 -0.012 -0.020 0.060 Phil->Thai -0.016 -0.015 -0.021 -0.010 -0.005 0.013 Thai->Phil . -0.022 0.024 -0.021 -0.015 -0.019 Phil->UK -0.012 -0.014 -0.003 -0.009 0.015 0.062 UK->Phil . 0.019 -0.010 0.048 -0.021 -0.056 Phil->US 0.016 -0.026 -0.027 -0.039 -0.002 -0.062 US->Phil . 0.043 -0.038 0.038 -0.022 0.048 Thai->UK -0.016 -0.014 -0.025 -0.007 0.042 -0.010 UK->Thai . -0.024 -0.017 -0.023 0.013 -0.024 Thai->US -0.019 -0.014 0.031 0.038 -0.014 -0.012 US->Thai . -0.019 -0.015 -0.016 -0.013 -0.013 UK->US 0.050 0.029 -0.004 -0.008 -0.045 0.061 US->UK . 0.007 0.037 0.030 -0.062 0.051 Notes: Lag 0 is the contemporaneous correlation; ** and * indicate significance at the 1% and 5% level. Test statistics is defined as t k = ^ T γ uv (k ) , where k=0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5. γ uv = C uv (k )(C uu (0)C vv (0)) −1 / 2 28 Table 10 Summary of causality results Panel A A B Causality-in-mean A→B B→A correlation (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) Y Y(-2) Y(-5) Y Y(-2) N N Y(-2) N Y Y(-1) N Y Y(-3) N N N N Y N Y(-1) Y N N Y Y(-1,-5) N Y Y(-2,-4) N Y Y(-1) N Y Y(-3) N N N N Y N N Y N N N N N Y Y(-1) N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Y(-1) N Y Y(-2) Y(-2) N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y(-4) 16 10* 2* 1Significant SIN HK SIN JP SIN INDO SIN MAL SIN PHI SIN THAI SIN UK SIN US HK JP HK INDO HK MAL HK PHI HK THAI HK UK HK US JP INDO JP MAL JP PHI JP THAI JP UK JP US INDO MAL INDO PHI INDO THAI INDO UK INDO US MAL PHI MAL THAI MAL UK MAL US PHI THAI PHI UK PHI US THAI UK THAI US UK US Overall (No of YES) A↔B (Y/N) Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N 2 Causality-in-variance A→B B→A correlation (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) Y Y(-2) Y(-5) Y Y(-2,-3) N N N N Y Y(-1) N Y Y(-3) N N N N Y Y(-1) Y(-5) N N Y(-2,-5) Y Y(-1) N N N N Y Y(-1) N Y N N N N N N Y(-5) Y(-2) Y N Y(-1) N N N Y Y(-1) Y(-1) Y Y(-5) N N N N Y Y(-3) Y(-2) N N N N N N N Y(-2) Y(-2) N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N Y(-1) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 13 6* 3* 1Significant A↔B (Y/N) Y N N N N N Y N N N N N N Y N N Y N N Y N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N 6 Notes: This summary is constructed based on the results reported in Exhibits 9 and 10; 1significant correlation (Y/N) indicates whether significant contemporaneous correlation (in mean / volatility) between two markets exists; Y (-k) indicates the presence of correlation at lag k. For example, Y (-2) (SIN → HK) indicates that the return (/ volatility) of the Singapore real estate market at lag 2 has an impact on the current return (/ volatility) of the Hong Kong market. * exclude the feedback cases. 29 Panel B Further analysis (a) Total number of market-pairs : 36 (100%) (b) Number of pairs that display both causality-in-mean and causality-in-variance : 9 (25.0%) (c) Number of pairs that display causality-in-mean only : 5 (13.9%) (d) Number of pairs that display causality-in-variance only : 6 (16.7%) (e) Number of pairs that have NO causality- in-mean and causality-in-variance : 16 (44.4%) Notes 1 Two other Asian economies, Taiwan and South Korea are not included in this study as no equivalent real estate stock index series are publicly available. The Dow Jones Global Indexes (DJGI) provides comprehensive world indexes to help international investors in portfolio management and benchmarking. DJGI calculates indexes on 80% of the investable market capitalization in 34 countries including both developed and developing markets. In addition, the DJGI family includes indexes for each of the 10 economic sectors, 18 market sectors, 51 industry groups and 89 subgroups defined by the Dow Jones Global Classification Standard. Real estate index (code: 8730) is one of the industry sector indexes and comprises two subsector indexes: (a) code 8733: real estate holding and development; and (b) code 8737: real estate investment trusts ( Datastream only has the aggregate real estate sector price indexes but does not have the index data for the two real estate sub-sectors. 2 Using Monte Carlo simulation, Cheung and Ng (1996) have shown that “….this test has the ability to identify causality and reveal useful information on the causality patterns…..” Furthermore, it is robust to non-symmetric and leptokurtic errors and asymptotically robust to distributional assumptions. 3 The only developed Asian-Pacific real estate markets is Japan whose average conditional standard deviation (mean = 4.53%) is comparable to that of Hong Kong and Singapore. 4 5 In their study of six Pacific-Rim and US stock markets, Tay and Zhu (2000) report that statistically significant causal effects can arise from observations at lags as long as 11 weeks 30