UNIVERSITY OF MALTA FACULTY OF LAWS MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) IN EUROPEAN BUSINESS LAW REGISTRATION FORM FOR STUDY-UNITS 2015/16 PART-TIME Surname: _____________________________ Telephone Numbers: (Home) ________________ Name: _______________________ (Work) _______________________ Fax: ___________________________ Mobile __________________________________ Email Address ___________________________________________________________ Over the two years, students are required to complete a total of 60 ECTS including the 36ECTS compulsory credits. The study-units should be distributed as evenly as possible over the two years, but normally 36 ECTS in the first year and 24 ECTS in the second year, the reason being that fewer credits in the second year will allow for more time for the dissertation. Nevertheless, it shall be in the discretion of the Board of Studies in which of the two years each of the compulsory credits shall be offered. COMPULSORY UNITS YEAR (These units start in Semester 1 and continue in Semester 2) Code Credit Titles/Study Units ECTS Order of Value Preference ECL5034 European and Comparative Business Enterprise Law (Company Law) EU and Comparative Competition Law and Policy E-Commerce Law and Policy in the EU 12 ECL5041 ECL5068 12 12 ELECTIVE UNITS (24 ECTS have to be chosen from elective section) YEAR (These units start in Semester 1 and continue in Semester 2) Code Credit Titles/Study Units ECTS Order of Value Preference ECL5032 ECL5033 European Union Tax Law Intellectual Property Law: Issues and Harmonization in an International and EU Context 12 12 ECL5043 EU Information Technology Law 12 Code Credit Titles/Study Units ECTS Order of Value Preference ECL5035 Labour Law in the European Union 6 Code Credit Titles/Study Units ECTS Order of Value Preference ECL5037 ECL5066 EU Financial Services Law European Business Private International Law 6 6 Semester 1 Semester 2 Every student must be sure to complete all boxes by showing his or her preferences using numbers 1, 2, 3 etc. for the reason that some units may not run if an insufficient number of students opts for a particular study unit, in which case the coordinators will move on to the next preference indicated by the student.