UNIVERSITY OF MALTA FACULTY OF LAWS MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) IN EUROPEAN BUSINESS LAW REGISTRATION FORM FOR STUDY-UNITS 2015/16 FULL-TIME Surname: _____________________________ Telephone Numbers: (Home) ________________ Name: _______________________ (Work) _______________________ Fax: ___________________________ Mobile __________________________________ Email Address ___________________________________________________________ Students are required to complete a total of 60 ECTS including the 36ECTS compulsory credits. COMPULSORY UNITS YEAR (These units start in Semester 1 and continue in Semester 2) Code Credit Titles/Study Units ECTS Value ECL5034 European and Comparative Business Enterprise Law (Company Law) EU and Comparative Competition Law and Policy E-Commerce Law and Policy in the EU 12 ECL5041 ECL5068 12 12 ELECTIVE UNITS (24 ECTS have to be chosen from elective section) YEAR (These units start in Semester 1 and continue in Semester 2) Code Credit Titles/Study Units ECTS Order of Value Preference ECL5032 ECL5033 European Union Tax Law Intellectual Property Law: Issues and Harmonization in an International and EU Context 12 12 ECL5043 EU Information Technology Law 12 Code Credit Titles/Study Units ECTS Order of Value Preference ECL5035 Labour Law in the European Union 6 Code Credit Titles/Study Units ECTS Order of Value Preference ECL5037 ECL5066 EU Financial Services Law European Business Private International Law 6 6 Semester 1 Semester 2 Every student must be sure to complete all boxes by showing his or her preferences using numbers 1, 2, 3 etc. for the reason that some units may not run if an insufficient number of students opts for a particular study unit, in which case the coordinators will move on to the next preference indicated by the student.