Ideas About Quantum Metastability Juan P. Garrahan (Physics & Astronomy, University of Nottingham) M. van Horssen, E. Levi (Nottingham) K. Macieszczak, I. Lesanovsky, M. Guta (Maths) £: PLAN ! Problem: relaxation & non-ergodicity in quantum systems (both closed = unitary & open = dissipative) vs. slow relaxation in classical glasses ! ! 1. Slow relaxation in closed quantum systems due to dynamical constraints ! 2. Signatures of many-body localisation in the absence of disorder ! 3. Towards a theory of metastability in (open) quantum systems Generic Q. many-body systems “equilibrate” (become stationary): {Short, Popescu, Linden, Reimann, Eisert, Goldstein, many others} no degenerate E gaps → dephasing in E basis → diagonal ensemble (t) ! E.g. = lim t! 1 t Z t 0 L X H= k=1 {Lesanovsky-Olmos-JPG, PRL 2010} k Ut 0 + † 0 U dt 0 t0 L X k=1 nk + V |hA(t)i L X nm nk |m k6=m k|6 Tr(A )| small (Rydbergs) Generic Q. many-body systems “equilibrate” (become stationary): {Short, Popescu, Linden, Reimann, Eisert, Goldstein, many others} no degenerate E gaps → dephasing in E basis → diagonal ensemble (t) ! = lim t! 1 t Z t 0 Ut 0 † 0 U dt 0 t0 |hA(t)i Most Q. many-body systems also “thermalise”: A B A = TrB | ih | ! closed thermalisation Tr(A )| small {Deutsch, Srednicki, Goldstein, Eisert, Rigol, Gogolin, many others} A = TrB th =e th H set by h 0 |H| 0 i ergodicity (independence of initial conditions) eigenstate thermalisation hypothesis (ETH): hE|Oloc l |Ei = smooth F(E) Ergodic & thermal → non-ergodic & many-body localised (MBL) {Basko-Aleiner-Altshuler, Huse+, Prosen+, Abanin+, Moore+, Altman+, many others} Cf. Anderson localisation, but with interactions MBL transition driven by quenched disorder (rnd h small = thermal, rnd h large = MBL) {Schreiber et al 2015} MBL = breakdown of ETH (excited states = Area law) MBL often thought of as a “glass transition” What can we say about slow relaxation in Q.S. and MBL from what we know of classical glasses? Classical glasses - Slowdown & eventual arrest - Timescales not divergent - No disorder Relaxation is intermittent and spatially heterogeneous t ⇥ t ⇥ t ⇥ e.g. 50:50 L-J mixture {Hedges 2009} Due to (effective) local constraints on dynamics {JPG-Chandler, PRL 2002} 1. Quantum slow relaxation due to dynamical constraints {van Horssen-JPG, 2016} Steric (excluded volume) constraint on hopping: k i classical = constrained lattice gas j {Kob-Andersen, Jackle+} l H= X h ji (1 nk n ) n ( + j + + j ) (1 î ) n (1 nj ) nj (1 n) óo constraint (“1-vacancy assisted” or 1-TLG) Rokhsar-Kivelson pt: Away from RK: 6= = 1 2 1 2 ! H= class. Master op. W Ç ! Large-deviations: active > 1 2 ! t |Pi å = W|Pi Ç inactive < 1 2 å 1. Quantum slow relaxation due to dynamical constraints {van Horssen-JPG, 2016} H= X (1 nk n ) n ( h ji | (t)i = e + j + + j (L-1) tH | (0)i ) (1 1 3 î ) n (1 … nj ) nj (1 L-1 n) (1) … … (L) 2 4 1 = 0.2 metastability = memory of initial conditions óo 3 2 4 L (2) L-1 = 0.8 L N = 24 M = 20 1. Quantum slow relaxation due to dynamical constraints {van Horssen-JPG, 2016} (1 nk n ) n h ji ( + j + + j (L-1) | (t)i = e tH | (0)i (1 1 3 (L) T= 106 l=7 l=8 l=9 l = 10 l = 11 l = 12 l = 13 L-1 n) (1) L 3 2 -2 4 -4 0 (2) L-1 L -6 -2 l=6 l=7 l=8 l=9 l = 10 l = 11 l = 12 -4 4 -12 -14 0 N = 24 102 M = 20 -8 -10 -8 0 nj (1 4 1 -6 10 … 2 E0 108 nj ) 0.5 λ 1 0 0.5 λ 1st order singularity in g.s. 0.5 s óo … 2 change at 1 RK ⇡ 2 ) n (1 … 1010 τΦ ) î dE0 /dλ H= X 1 cf. classical active-inactive transitions 1 2. Dynamics of MBL in a quantum glass (w/o disorder) H= e s X = / (1 {van Horssen-Levi-JPG, PRB 92, 100305(R) 2015} Ä n +1 e ) s 1 ä ! sRK = 0 ): Classical 0.08 East glass model (T = 0.08 {Jackle+, Sollich-Evans, Aldous-Diaconis, JPG-Chandler, Chleboun-Faggionato-Martinelli, Blondel-Toninelli, many others} θ(s) 0.04 11 ⇄ 01 10 ⇄ 00 θ(s) 0.04 s<0 active to s>0 inactive transition ≡ quantum phase transition in g.s. of H 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.6 0.6 -0.2 -0.1 0.6 0.4 0.4 θ(s) K(s) 0.4 0.04 0.2 0.00 0 0 s 0.1 K(s) N! K(s) {JPG-JackLecomte-Pitardvan Duijvendijkvan Wijland PRL 2007} 0.2 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.1 0 s 0.1 0.2 2. Dynamics of MBL in a quantum glass (w/o disorder) H= e s X {van Horssen-Levi-JPG, PRB 92, 100305(R) 2015} Ä n +1 e = / (1 ) s 1 ä ! sRK = 0 | (t)i = e tH | (0)i Signatures of MBL dynamics for s>0 (inactive): Propagation of excitations loglog t t log t (c)(c) 1 (c) 1 (a)(a) (a) 1 0.80.8 0.8 0.60.6 0.6 0.40.4 0.4 0.20.2 0.2 0 0 0 Ĩ Ĩ Ĩ t t t (b)(b) (b) N =N8 = 8 N =N10= 10 N N= =N8 12= 12 N = 10 N =N14= 14 N = 12 = 14 0 0 -2N -2 -2 0s s s 2 2 2 2. Dynamics of MBL in a quantum glass (w/o disorder) H= e = / (1 n +1 e ) s 1 ä tH | (t)i = e ! sRK = 0 4 | (0)i 4 4 (a) 2 2 4 2 (b) 2 1 s = −1 ss = = −1 −1 ss = = −1 1 M̄ M̄ww(t) (t) M̄w (t) M̄w (t) M̄w (t) time averaged magnetisation w=1 w=1 0 0 0 w=1 0 w = 2 0w = 2 w=2 dependence on initial conditions - ETH (active) v. no-ETH (inactive) w = 3 -2 w=3 -2 -1-2 2 w=3 w=4 w=4 w=4 w = 5 -2-4 w= =5 5 w = 36 w -1 w = w 10 =6 60 w10 = 37 10 10 w = w=7 7 -2 -4 4 ) 10-1 s = −1 ss = = −1 −1 0 0 -2 -2 -4 -4 0 -1 10 10 10-1 4 2 (b) 2 1 1 0 10 10 100 N=8 tJ 2 1 10 10 101 tJ tJ 3 2 10 2 10 10 10 w=1 w=1 0 w=1 0 w=2 w=2 w=2 w = 3 -2 -1 w w= = 33 w=4 w=4 w=4 w = 5 -2-4 w = 55 w = w = 36 w = -1 6 3 10 w = 60 10 w10 = 7 w 10 w= = 77 10 -1 Var M̄M̃ (normalised) final Var final (normalised) 4 4 (a) 2 2 M̄w (t) M̄w (t) M̄ M̄ww(t) (t) 2 2 s Ä Signatures of MBL dynamics for s>0 (inactive): 4 0 X {van Horssen-Levi-JPG, PRB 92, 100305(R) 2015} -4 -4 0 -1 10 10 10-1 0.8 0.6 10001 10 10 tJ 10112 10 10 tJ tJ 10223−1 ss = 10 10 10 1 = N=8 N = 10 N = 12 N = 14 5 10 0 5 (d) 0 0.4 -5 -5 0.2 0 -3 02 10 10 -10 -2 -1 14 10 10 tJtJ s 0 s 1 (c) 02 62 10 10 -10 3 01 83 10 10 s=1 0 10 102 1 10 104 2 106 10 tJtJ w=1 w=2 w=3 w 1=24 2 EE w =E 5 w=6 w=7 8 1010 s=1 ⟨M⟨M ⟩mc ⟩mc ⟨M⟨M final final⟩⟩E E 3 3 3 2. Dynamics of MBL in a quantum glass (w/o disorder) X H= s e {van Horssen-Levi-JPG, PRB 92, 100305(R) 2015} Ä n +1 e = / (1 s 1 ä | (t)i = e ! sRK = 0 ) tH | (0)i Signatures of MBL dynamics for s>0 (inactive): 4 S̄Sww(t) 3 w=2 w=4 w=6 (b) 4 10 s=1 2 S̄Sww (t) (t) {Serbyn-Papic-Abanin, 2 Moore+, others} 0 s 10 6 3 N = 12 4 ⌧τ 10 S(t) S̄(t) 1 log t growth ofs = −1 0 100 tJ 102 entanglement 4 w=2 w=4 entropy 3 w=6 -2 N = 14 ∝ log(t) 6 N = 10 102 s=0 0 s = −1 2 10 6 10 N N =8 N =6 14 1 1 2 s=1 0 10 8 100 102 104 106 108 tJ (c) s=1 0 10 0 10 2 10 4 tJ 10 6 (d) 10 8 2. Dynamics of MBL in a quantum glass (w/o disorder) H= e s X {van Horssen-Levi-JPG, PRB 92, 100305(R) 2015} Ä n +1 e = / (1 ) s 1 ä tH | (t)i = e ! sRK = 0 | (0)i Signatures of MBL dynamics for s>0 (inactive): e 0 (k) ⇠ e1/ k MBL or quasi-MBL {cf. Yao-Laumann-Cirac-Lukin-Moore, De Roeck-Huveneers} N =8 N = 10 N = 12 (a) D(k; t)(N = 12) 10 4 s=1 (k) ⇠ e1/ k 1 1 log t ! s = −1 0.5 j ⇠ D(k; t)(N = 12) 5 103 s = 0.5 s=1 102 k 101 0.5 e 1 s = −1 0 10 0 10 2 10 tJ (b) 4 10 6 10 8 2 4 6 8 2π/k (c) 10 12 100 τ D(k, t) = Tr Fk (t)Fk (0) X z kj F(k) = e j 1 10 ⌧ relaxation of correlations 3. Towards a theory of quantum metastability → in A+B (closed) = difficult B A {Macieszczak-Guta-Lesanovsky-JPG, arXiv:1512.05801} → in A only (open) = easier by analogy with classical quantum master equation: {Lindblad, Gorini-et-al} Xî ¶ 1 † [H, ] + J J J t = 2 stochastic wave function: {Dalibard-et-al, Belavkin} He | t0 i | Jk1 | t1 i | He Jk2 | t1 i t2 i | † J , t3 i ©ó {Gaveau-Shulman, Bovier et al.} ⌘ L( ) He = H X 2 ! J † t2 i E.g. 2-level system at T = 0: |1 H= L1J = ⇥⇤ p ⇥ quantum jump trajectory ⇥ |0 Note: if ρ = diagonal, H = 0 and J = rank 1 (e.g. J = |C0 ihC| ) then QME → classical ME J 3. Towards a theory of quantum metastability → in A+B (closed) = difficult B A {Macieszczak-Guta-Lesanovsky-JPG, arXiv:1512.05801} → in A only (open) = easier by analogy with classical quantum master equation: {Lindblad, Gorini-et-al} Xî ¶ 1 † [H, ] + J J J t = 2 † J , ©ó {Gaveau-Shulman, Bovier et al.} ⌘ L( ) Examples of metastability in open quantum dynamics (i) 3-level system (electron shelving, blinking q. dot ...) |1 ⇥1 1 ⇥2 |0 |2 H = 1 |0ih1| + p J= 1 |0ih1| 2 |0ih2| + c.c. 2 ⌧ 1, 1 intermittency {Hegerfeldt-Plenio} 3. Towards a theory of quantum metastability {Macieszczak-Guta-Lesanovsky-JPG, arXiv:1512.05801} → in A+B (closed) = difficult A B → in A only (open) = easier by analogy with classical quantum master equation: {Lindblad, Gorini-et-al} Xî ¶ 1 † [H, ] + J J J t = 2 † J , ©ó {Gaveau-Shulman, Bovier et al.} ⌘ L( ) Examples of metastability in open quantum dynamics (ii) dissipative transverse field Ising model H= J = p +V X z h ,ji z j stationary state transition · · ··#) · · #) ! (!! (!! · · ··!) · · !) ferro (##(## →! para space X {Ates-Olmos-JPG-Lesanovsky PRA 2012} time intermittency 3. Towards a theory of quantum metastability {Macieszczak-Guta-Lesanovsky-JPG, arXiv:1512.05801} → in A+B (closed) = difficult A B → in A only (open) = easier by analogy with classical quantum master equation: {Lindblad, Gorini-et-al} Xî ¶ 1 † [H, ] + J J J t = 2 metastable states from spectrum : Re( ) small { 0 gap 2 .. . 3 ss L(Rk ) = 1 = 0 , L1 = 1 , R1 = = ⇡ J , † R , L (Lk ) = k k (t) = et L R2 † k Lk ⌘ L( ) , Tr(Lk R ) = k but Rk>1 < 0 0 ss + ss ss ©ó {Gaveau-Shulman, Bovier et al.} + m X k=2 m X k=2 et k Rk Tr(Lk Rk Tr(Lk 0) 0) + · · · O(t m) metastable state ∈ manifold dim=m-1 dimensional reduction (dim H)2 ! (m 1) 3. Towards a theory of quantum metastability → in A+B (closed) = difficult A B {Macieszczak-Guta-Lesanovsky-JPG, arXiv:1512.05801} → in A only (open) = easier by analogy with classical quantum master equation: {Lindblad, Gorini-et-al} Xî ¶ 1 † [H, ] + J J J t = 2 metastable states from spectrum : Re( ) small { 0 gap 2 .. . 3 ss R2 L(Rk ) = 1 † J , † R , L (Lk ) = k k = 0 , L1 = 1 , R1 = ss ©ó k Lk {Gaveau-Shulman, Bovier et al.} ⌘ L( ) , Tr(Lk R ) = but Rk>1 < 0 k 3. Towards a theory of quantum metastability {Macieszczak-Guta-Lesanovsky-JPG, arXiv:1512.05801} |1 ⇥1 ⇥2 1 |2 ˜1 = ˜2 = |0 ss m x + c R2 ss 2 min + c R2 ss 2 m x,min c2 R2 0 ⌦1 = max/min evals of L2 2⌦1 3⌦1 ⇢˜1 ⇢ss distance to metastable manifold ⇢˜21.0 1 Á 10 3Ê 2 10 10 104 105 W ⌦1t1 t 0.81.0 0.8 W êW =1ê25 0.6 C(t) metastable manifold is 1d simplex 1 W22êW1=1ê25 W22êW êW W 1=1ê50 1=1ê50 W 1=1ê100 W22êW êW 1=1ê100 0.6 0.40.4 0.20.2 1 1 Á Û · Á 102 · 10 Û 10 autocorrelation of |1ih1| 10 2 10 Ê 3 ‡ 4Ú Ê 10 3 10 W11t t ‡105 4 ⌦ Ú 5 W1t 10 10 |2ih2| 3. Towards a theory of quantum metastability {Macieszczak-Guta-Lesanovsky-JPG, arXiv:1512.05801} |1 ⇥1 ⇥2 1 |2 ˜1 = ˜2 = |0 m x,min c2 ss Wss ⇡ R2 L A .. . K eigenstates of Ls sA 2) s 0 ⌦1 2⌦1 3⌦1 0 B B B B @ ss O( R2 = max/min evals of L2 Connection to s-ensemble? K ss m x + c R2 ss 2 min + c R2 ss 2 1 L2 0 s J† J s J† J .. . 2 .. . A A = = = = ··· 1 C C C ··· C .. A . ˜1 + O(t ˜1 + O(t ˜2 + O(t ˜2 + O(t almost degenerate P.T. A , 2) 2) 2) 2) SUMMARY ! ! 1. Slow relaxation through dynamical constraints Constrained hopping, fast-slow crossover at RK point ! ! 2. Signatures of MBL dynamics in absence of disorder Quantum East model, thermal-MBL (quasi-MBL) transition at RK point ! ! 3. Theory of metastability of open quantum systems Metastable states and effective dynamics from spectrum of dynamical generator Reduction to low-dimensional metastable manifold