New results on (F)BSDE of quadratic growth U. Horst, Y. Hu, P. Imkeller, A. Réveillac, J. Zhang HU Berlin, U Rennes∼imkeller Warwick, December 1, 2011 Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 1 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 1 Cross hedging, optimal investment, exponential utility for convex constraints: (N. El Karoui, R. Rouge ’00; J. Sekine ’02; J. Cvitanic, J. Karatzas ’92, Kramkov, Schachermayer ’99, Mania, Schweizer ’05, Pham ’07, Zariphopoulou ’01,...) maximal expected exponential utility from terminal wealth V (x) = sup EU (x + XTπ + H) = sup E(− exp(−α(x + π∈A Z π∈A T πs[dWs + θsds] + H))) 0 wealth on [0, T ] by investment strategy π : Z 0 T dSu i= hπu, Su Z T πu[dWu + θudu] = XTπ , 0 H liability or derivative, correlated to financial market S π ∈ A subject to π taking values in C closed aim: use BSDE to represent optimal strategy π ∗ Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 2 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 2 Martingale optimality Idea: Construct family of processes Q(π) such that (π) (form 1) Q0 = constant, (π) QT = − exp(−α(x + XTπ + H)), Q(π) supermartingale, π ∈ A, ∗ Q(π ) martingale, for (exactly) one π ∗ ∈ A. Then (π) E(− exp(−α[x + XTπ + H])) = E(QT ) ≤ E(Qπ0 ) = (π ∗ ) E(Q0 ) = E(− exp(−α[x + Hence π ∗ optimal strategy. Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin (π ∗ ) XT + H])). N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 3 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 3 Solution method based on BSDE Introduction of BSDE into problem Find generator f of BSDE Z T Z ZsdWs − Yt = H − t T f (s, Zs)ds, YT = H, t such that with (π) Qt = − exp(−α[x + Xtπ + Yt]), t ∈ [0, T ], we have (π) (form 2) Q0 = − exp(−α(x + Y0)) = constant, (fulfilled) (π) QT = − exp(−α(x + XTπ + H)) (fulfilled) Q(π) supermartingale, π ∈ A, ∗ Q(π ) martingale, for (exactly) one π ∗ ∈ A. This gives solution of valuation problem. Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 4 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 4 Construction of generator of BSDE How to determine f : Suppose f generator of BSDE. Then by Ito’s formula (π) Qt = − exp(−α[x + Xtπ + Yt]) Z t α (π) (π) 2 (π − Z ) ]ds, αQ(π) [−π θ − f (s, Z ) + = Q0 + Mt + s s s s s s 2 0 with a local martingale M (π). Q(π) satisfies (form 2) iff for α q(·, π, z) = −f (·, z)−πθ + (π − z)2, 2 π ∈ A, z ∈ R, we have (form 3) q(·, π, z) ≥ 0, q(·, π ∗, z) = 0, π ∈ A (supermartingale) for (exactly) one π ∗ ∈ A (martingale). Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 4 Construction of generator of BSDE Now α q(·, π, z) = −f (·, z)−πθ + (π − z)2 2 α 1 1 = −f (·, z)+ (π − z)2 − (π − z) · θ + θ2 −zθ− θ2 2 2α 2α α 1 1 = −f (·, z)+ [π − (z + θ)]2 −zθ − θ2. 2 α 2α Under non-convex constraint p ∈ C: 1 2 1 2 [π − (z + θ)] ≥ dist (C, z + θ). α α with equality for at least one possible choice of π ∗ due to closedness of C. Hence (form 3) is solved by the choice (predictable selection) (form 4) 1 2 f (·, z) = α2 dist2(C, z + α1 θ)−z · θ − 2α θ (supermartingale) π∗ : dist(C, z + α1 θ) = dist(π ∗, z + α1 θ) (martingale). Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin 5 N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 6 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 5 Summary of results, exponential utility Solve utility optimization problem sup EU (x + XTπ + H) π∈A by considering FBSDE dXtπ = πt[dWt + θtdt], X0π = x, dYt = ZtdWt + f (t, Zt)dt, YT = H with generator as described before; determine π ∗ by previsible selection; coupling through requirement of martingale optimality sup EU (x + π∈A XTπ + H) = EU (x + ∗ U 0(x + Xtπ + Yt) π∗ XT + H), martingale. for general U : forward part depends on π ∗, get fully coupled FBSDE Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 7 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 6 Cross hedging, optimal investment, utility on R Lit: Mania, Tevzadze (2003) U : R → R strictly increasing and concave; maximal expected utility from terminal wealth (1) V (x) = sup EU (x + XTπ + H) π∈A wealth on [0, T ] by investment strategy π : Z 0 T dSu i= hπu, Su Z T πu[dWu + θudu] = XTπ , 0 H liability or derivative, correlated to financial market S, W d−dimensional Wiener process, W 1 first d1 components of W π ∈ A subject to convex constraint π = (π 1, 0), π 1 d1−dimensional, hence incomplete market aim: use FBSDE system to describe optimal strategy π ∗ Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 8 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 7 Verification theorems Thm 1 Assume U is three times differentiable, U 0 regular enough. If there exists π ∗ ∗ solving (1), and Y is the predictable process for which U 0(X π + Y ) is square d integrable martingale, then with Z = dt hY, W i ∗ 1 (π ) = 0 ∗ 1U −θ 00 (X π U + Y ) − Z 1. Pf: α = E(U 0 π∗ (XT 0 −1 + H)|F·), Y = (U ) π∗ (α) − X . Use Itô’s formula and martingale property. Find Z Y =H− T Z ZsdWs − · with T π∗ f (s, Xs , Ys, Zs)ds, · 1 U (3) π∗ ∗ 2 ∗ (X + Y )|π + Z | − π =− s s s θs . 00 2U Use variational maximum principle to derive formula for π ∗. ∗ f (s, Xsπ , Ys, Zs) Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 9 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 7 Verification theorems From preceding theorem derive the FBSDE system Thm 2 π∗ Assumptions of Thm 1; then optimal wealth process X given as component X of solution (X, Y, Z) of fully coupled FBSDE system · Z X = x− 0 Z Y = H− 0 U (θs1 00 (Xs U + Ys) + Zs1)dWs1 Z − 0 · 0 1U (θs 00 (Xs U + Ys) + Zs1)θs1ds, T ZsdWs · Z − · T 0 (3) 02 1 U U U 1 1 · θ ) [|θs1|2((− + )(X + Y ) + Z s s s s 2 (U 00)3 U 00 1 2 2 U (3) − |Zs | (Xs + Ys)]ds. 00 2 U (2) Pf: Use expression for f and formula for π ∗ from Thm 1. Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 10 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 8 Representation of optimal strategy Invert conclusion of Thm 2 to give representation of optimal strategy Thm 3 Let (X, Y, Z) be solution of (2), U (XT + H) integrable, U 0(XT + H) square integrable. Then 0 U (π ∗)1 = −θ1 00 (X + Y ) + Z 1 U is optimal solution of (1). Pf: By concavity for any admissible π U (X π + Y ) − U (X + Y ) ≤ U 0(X + Y )(X π − X). Now prove that 0 π 0 U (X + Y )(X − X) = U (X π∗ Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin π π∗ + Y )(X − X ) is a martingale! N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 11 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 9 Utility function on R+ 0 π∗ π∗ 0 π∗ Replace U (X + Y ) with X U (X ) exp(Ỹ ). Then (X, Y, Z) satisfies (3) if d and only if (X, Ỹ , Z̃) satisfies (4) (Z̃ = dt hW, Ỹ i): Thm 4 Let (X, Ỹ , Z̃) be solution of the fully coupled FBSDE · U U0 1 1 1 = x − ( 00 (Xs)(θs + Z̃s )dWs − ( 00 (Xs)(θs1 + Z̃s1)θs1ds, 0 U 0 U Z T U 0(XT + H) = ln( Z̃sdWs )− 0 U (XT ) · Z T (3) 0 1 U U 1 1 2 1 2 − [|Z̃s + θs | ((1 − )(X ) − | Z̃ | ]ds. (4) s s 00 )2 2 (U 2 · Z X Ỹ · 0 π∗ U (XT Z π∗ 0 π∗ such that + H) is integrable and X U (X ) exp(Ỹ ) is a true martingale. Then 0 U (π ∗)1 = − 00 (X)(Z 1 + θ1) U solves (1). Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 12 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 10 The incomplete case U (x) = 1 p px π∗ for x > 0, p < 1; (X , Ỹ , Z̃) solution of (4) ∗ ∗ ∗ then we saw that G := X π U 0(X π ) exp(Ỹ ) is a martingale; X π π∗ supermartingale, hence U (X ) supermartingale; aim: use these two facts to construct solution by iteration Notation: Z̃tdWt := Z̃t1dWt1, dNt := Z̃t2dWt2; wlog: θ = 0 (otherwise measure change, drift θ) Initialization: Set Z̃ 0 := 0 and 1 0 X := xE Z̃ ∗ W = x, 1−p 1 G1T XT1 1 p p := ≤ C|X | = Cx . T 1 1−p (XT + H) Obtain (Z 1, N 1) ∈ H2 via the following consequence of martingale representation G1t = E[G1T |Ft] = G1T − Z t Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin T G1s 1 Z̃s1dWs + dNs1 1−p N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE 13 OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 10 The incomplete case n+1-st iteration Z n and N n already obtained, define X n+1 1 n Z̃ ∗ W , := xE 1−p Gn+1 T XTn+1 n+1 p := ≤ C|X | T (XTn+1 + H)1−p p with EGn+1 ≤ Cx < ∞. T Obtain (Z n+1, N n+1) via the following consequence of martingale representation n+1 Gn+1 = E[Gn+1 |F ] = G − t t T T • we obtain sequence R Z T Gn+1 s t 1 Z̃sn+1dWs + dNsn+1 1−p Z̃sndWs, N n n∈N • convergence (possibly along subsequence)? Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin N EW RESULTS ON (F)BSDE OF QUADRATIC GROWTH 10 The incomplete case Thm 5 For n ∈ N we have " Z # T n 1 1 1 − p 2 n n p E Z̃ ds + hN iT ≤ 2 log C + log x 2 0 1−p s 1−p " Z # T 1 1 pn−1 2 E Z̃s1 ds + hN 1iT + 2 2 0 1−p < ∞. =⇒ R Z̃sndWs, N n n∈N bounded in H2 =⇒ Delbaen & Schachermayer (A compactness principle for bounded sequences of martingales with applications, 1996) ∃(Z̃, N ) such that Z̃ n → Z̃ and N n → N Finally, obtain FBSDE solution (X, Ỹ , Z̃, N ) by using (Z̃, N ) for solving for X and Ỹ Partially supported by the DFG research center M ATHEON in Berlin 14