VOL. 80, NO. 24 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH AUGUST 20, 1975 Alongshore Coherenceat Low Frequenciesin Currents Observed Over the Continental Shelf off Oregon and Washington ADRIANA HUYER Oceanand Aquatic Affairs, EnvironmentCanada, Ottawa, Canada BARBARA M. HICKEY AND J. DUNGAN SMITH Departmentof Oceanography,Universityof Washington,Seattle, Washington 98195 ROBERT L. SMITH AND R. DALE PILLSBURY Schoolof Oceanography,OregonState University,Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Current observationsover the continental shelf at locationsoff central Oregon and southernWashington had the period from July 18to September18, 1972,in common.Low-frequencyfluctuations(lessthan one cycleper day) in the currentsare comparedby meansof visualdisplay,linear regression,and spectral analysis.The currentsare found to be highly coherentover an alongshoreseparationof 200 km. Coherent signalsoccurat 0.16, 0.3, and 0.44 cpd. The signalat 0.16 cpd occurswith highmutual coherencein wind, current, and sealevel and may be a forcedshelfwave driven by the wind. The signalat 0.3 cpd has high coherencebetweencurrent and sealevel and may be a free shelf wavegeneratedby the wind. Correlation betweenobservationsis higherfor separationsin the alongshoredirectionthan in the offshoredirectionin spite of greater separations. southern Washington arrays. The array at NH-10 was first moored on July 6, 1972, servicedon August 3 and 31, and There is considerableenergy at periods of severaldays in recovered on September 18, 1972; the 20-m current meter current observations over the continental shelf off Oregon [Cutchinand Smith, 1973;Smith, 1974]. During the summerof did not function on the last installation. The array at NH-20 1972, direct current measurementsover the continental shelf was deployed on July 3, 1972, servicedon August 3, and were made off southernWashington and central Oregon. The recoveredon August 30, 1972. Both arraysincludeda current meter at 20 m and one near the bottom (at 60 and 120 m, arrayswere separatedby about 200 km, and the observations respectively). are suitable for determining the coherenceof low-frequency INTRODUCTION current Both fluctuations. sets of current meter data were obtained with The coherence between current records separated in the Aanderaa current meterswith a samplinginterval of 5 or 10 alongshore distance is emphasized in this paper. The min. The data were initially filtered to provide hourly values. Gaps due to the servicingof the arrays(all shorterthan a day) coherence between current meters at the same location but at were filled by a time serieswhosespectralcharacteristics were different depthsand betweencurrent metersseparatedin the determined from the end of the previous record and the beginoffshore direction is also briefly examined. Although we interpret the resultsin terms of wind and sealevel observations, ning of the following one. This procedure resulted in continuous data records for each of the current meters, of which the main purposeof the paper is to demonstratethat current observationsseparatedby 200 km in the alongshoredirection five overlappedfor the period from July 18 to September18, and all eight overlappedfrom July 18 to August 30. exhibit significantcoherenceat periods of severaldays. Hourly wind observationswere available from both areas, OBSERVATIONS at Westport, Washington,and Newport, Oregon. Sealevelwas Two current meter arrays were moored off southern obtained from tide gagesat Depoe Bay, Oregon, by Oregon Washington, one near the shelf edgein about 160 m of water State University with a precisionof +0.3 cm; at Toke Point, (UWOFF) at 46ø50'N, 124ø50'W and one nearer shorein 73 Washington, by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineerswith a m of water (UWIN) at 46ø25'N, 124ø20'W(Figure 1). Moor- precisionof + 1 cm; and at Torino, B.C. (49ø10'N, 125ø55'W), ings were deployedJuly 17, 1972, servicedAugust 17, 1972, by the Canadian HydrographicServicewith a precisionof + 1 and recoveredSeptember25, 1972.Both arraysincludeda cur- cm. Hourly valueswereobtainedfrom eachlocation.Sealevel rent meter at about 20 m and a deep current meter (at 66 m at UWIN and 110m at UWOFF) that appearedto be abovethe bottom boundary layer. The observationsoff central Oregon were made as part of the 1972Coastal Upwelling Experiment.(CUE-1) [Pillsburyet al., 1974a]. Two of the CUE arrays, NH-10 at 44ø39'N, 124ø17'W and NH-20 at 44ø39'N, 124ø32'W (Figure 1), were exhibits an 'inverted barometer effect' due to variations in atmosphericpressure:sealevel changes1 cm for every 1 mbar changein atmosphericpressure.Sea level was adjustedfor this effectusingatmosphericpressureobservationsfrom Newport, Oregon; Hoaquiam, Washington;and Torino, B.C. The hourly current, wind, and adjustedsealevel data were filtered by means of a symmetricalcosinefilter spanning121 deployedin waterdepths(80 and 142m) similarto thoseat the hours to suppresstidal and inertial oscillations.The halfpower point of the filter is 40 hours, and about 95% of the energyis passedat 50 hours.The filtering resultsin truncating Copyright¸ 1975 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. the time seriesby 21/5days at each end. 3495 3496 HUYERET AL.' ALONGSHORE CURRENTS 47 • N Hoaquiam Someof the currentrecords,e.g., 60 m at NH-10, havea mean alongshorecomponent that is nearly zero. Others have northward(e.g., 120m at NH-20) or southward(20 m at NH10)meanflows.All recordsshowhighvariability,a periodof about6 daysbeingmostapparent.The fluctuations at all eight current meters appear to be somewhatsimilar, the greatest similarityoccurringbetweenthe inshorecurrentmeters. Simplestatisticsof the currentsand their components in /Oo o both the east-northand the local(natural) referenceframesare shownin Table 1 for both the 56-dayand the 37-daycommon period.Almostall statistics are verysimilarfor the two time periods.Standarddeviationsof both speedand the alongshorecomponentare greaterfor the nearshorethan for the offshorecurrent meters.The standarddeviation of the along46eN shore component isgreater thanthaiof theonshore component;in mostcasesthe differenceis greaterthan a factorof 2. At all four locationsthe meandeepflow wasnorthwardrelative to the surfaceflow; this is consistentwith previousobservations over the Oregon continentalshelf in late summer [Huyer et al., 1975]. Simplelinearregression. We computed thelinearregression and correlation coefficientsbetween the alongshorecompo- nentsof eachpair of currentmetersfor both periods.Results are shown(Table 2) for the local isobathcoordinatesystem; theydifferonlyslightlyfor thenorthwardcomponent. Coefficientswerecomputedfrom 37 (56) daily valuestakenat 1200 UT. From analysisof variance[Panofsky andBrier, 1963]the probabilityof uncorrelated populations havinga correlation coefficient greaterthan0.42 (0.34)is lessthan 1%for a sample 45•,N Depoe Bay ß ß o o ß ß size of 37 (56). Vertical correlationcoefficients are greatestat UWIN and NH-10 and least,but still significant,at UWOFF. The regressioncoefficientB is near unity at UWIN, NH-10, and NH-20, suggesting that the currentfluctuations may be barotropic there, but at UWOFF, fluctuationsat the deep current meter NH -20•_•$ ø ß 125'•W o 124'•W havelessthan half the amplitudeof thoseat the shallowcurrent meter.The meanverticalshearA appearsto begreateroff centralOregonthan off southernWashington.Correlation coefficients are higherbetweenthe deepcurrentmetersthan between shallow current meters. This could be due to the gradients betweentheshalFig. 1. Locations of currentmeterarraysandcoastallocations of highervariabilityin lateraldensity supplementary observations of sealevel,wind,and/oratmospheric low currentmeters(e.g.,dueto variationsin the positionof the pressure. ColumbiaRiver plume)than betweenthe deepcurrentmeters. Current fluctuationshave smalleramplitudesat the offshore locations(B < 1), suggesting that the fluctuations are trapped COMPARISONS BETWEEN CURRENT OBSERVATIONS along the coast.The correlationbetweenthe deep current We comparethe currentobservations by meansof visual metersisgreaterfor theinshorepairthanfor theoffshorepair, display,simplestatistics, simplelinearregression, andspectral but the correlation between UWIN and NH-20 is also very analysis. The spectralanalysis is restricted to the fivecurrent high. If the current fluctuation field were isotropic and meterrecordswhichoverlappedfor 56 days,whileothercomhomogeneous, the correlationcoefficientbetweena pair of parisonsare alsomadefor the 37-dayperiodcommonto all current meters would be a function only of the distance eight current meters. Comparisonsbetweencurrent meters were made in a 'natural'coordinatesystembecause of significant variationsin betweenthem. Instead, the correlation coefficientswith lateral isobath orientation. Natural coordinates could be taken to be meters.Also the correlationcoefficientsfor alongshoresepara- separationare greater for deeperthan for shallowcurrent in spiteof parallelto the localisobathor to betheaxesin whichtheoff- tionsare higherthanthosefor offshoreseparations diagonalelementof the Reynoldsstress is zero,i.e., theprin- much greater alongshoreseparations. Alongshorecorrelationcoefficients are lower for UWOFF cipalaxes.At thedeepest currentmeterin eachof thearraysin thisstudytheprincipalaxeswerefoundto bewithin5%of the than for UWIN. This could be due to the greateralongshore local isobath orientation. We therefore chose to use natural coordinatesparallelto the local isobath:330øT at UWOFF, 347øT at UWIN, and 15øT at both NH-10 and NH-20. separationbetweenUWOFF andthe southerncurrentmeters, but it is more likely due either to its proximityto the shelf break,to greateroffshoreseparation,or to somelocaleffectat The time seriesof 6-hourlycurrentvectorsare shownin UWOFF. These effects would cause underestimates of the Figure2 with the wind and adjustedsealevel observations. alongshorecorrelationcoefficient.In any casewe conclude HUYER ET AL.' ALONGSHORE CURRENTS 3497 TOKE POINT [ SEA LEVEL o -2o 20 m UWIN N lllllllllllllllllllll,,..,,,,,v&//l,,.,lx , lll[1111111111111111 .... .... ,111111111/ ............ 66 rn UWIN 60m NH-IO N 20m NH-IO 21 25 $0 I 5 I0 JULY 15 20 25 AUGUST 30 I 5 I0 15 SE PTE MBE R WESTPORT WIND NEWPORT WIND 20m UWOFF N IlOm UWOFF 120m NH-20 N 20 m NH-20 2, 25 •0 •UL• , 5 ,0 ,5 AUGUST •0 •5 S• Fig. 2. Time seriesof 6-hourlyvectorsof low-passed deepand shallowcurrent,wind andsealevelobservations, July21 to September16. Current vectorsare shownin the local isobathcoordinatesystem.Directionof arrow at right indicates true north; its magnitudecorresponds to a currentspeedof 30 cm s-• and a wind speedof l0 m s-•. 3498 HUYER ET AL.: ALONGSHORE CURRENTS TABLE 1. Vector Mean Currents, Principal Axis Angles, and Means and Standard Deviations of Speedand Componentsin the East-North (u, v) and Local Isobath (u', v') Coordinates,1800 UT July 21 to 1800 UT August 27, 1972, and (in Parentheses)1800 UT July 21 to 0000 UT September 16, 1972 UWOFF 20 m Vector UWIN 110 m 20 m NH-10 66 m 20 m 14.0 NH-20 60 m 20 m 120 m 2.7 4.0 9.6 mean Speed,cm s-1 Direction, øT Principalaxisangle,deg 8.9 5.1 1.3 6.7 (8.7) (5.6) (0.8) (6.2) 141 333 224 343 (136) (333) (265) (348) 16.5 15.2 0.0 8.0 (33.4) (20.2) (0.1) (9.7) 10.0 10.6 (9.5) (9.7) (2.4) 200 287 213 359 - 36.1 -6.9 (272) - 17.0 -21.6 (-20.5) Means Speed 11.3 6.8 (11.1) (7.1) 5.7 - 2.3 -0.9 - 1.9 (6.0) (-2.6) (-0.8) (- 1.3) -6.9 4.6 -1.0 6.4 (-6.3) (5.0) (-0.1) (6.1) 1.5 0.3 -0.7 (2.0) (0.3) (-0.7) -8.5 (- 8.5) Standard Speed -0.4 16.5 -4.9 5.1 1.1 6.6 (0.1) (6.2) 9.5 12.5 - 2.6 - 2.2 -0.2 (-2.4) -13.1 0.8 -3.3 9.6 (0.1) - 1.4 (0.1) (5.6) 10.6 (10.2) -2.7 - 1.3 -2.3 (-2.4) -14.0 0.1 -3.8 9.4 (-0.5) deviations 4.8 3.9 5.2 4.5 (5.1) (4.0) (4.8) (4.7) 4.7 2.4 2.8 2.1 (4.4) (2.4) (3.3) (2.4) 7.0 5.4 10.9 9.2 (7.4) (5.4) (10.1) (8.5) 4.6 2.4 3.7 1.9 (4.7) (2.7) (3.9) (2.1) 7.1 5.4 (7.2) (5.2) 10.6 (9.9) 9.2 (8.5) 8.5 6.3 6.1 4.7 8.1 2.7 8.1 9.0 5.9 2.4 8.0 9.5 (5.6) 6.0 5.0 (4.6) 10.8 11.1 (10.4) 4.3 2.5 (3.0) 11.2 11.7 (10.9) that the alongshorecorrelation length over the continental Figure 4. At UWIN the vertical coherenceis high over a wide shelf is at least 300 km for the low-frequencycurrent fluctua- band (-0.55, 0.3 cpd), and it exceeds the coherence at tions. UWOFF at all frequencies.Vertical phasedifferencesare esSpectral analysis. We use the rotary spectral method sentially zero wherever the coherenceis high and phaseesdescribedin detail by Gonella [1972] and Mooers [1973]. In timates are most reliable. This is consistent with the idea that effect,the method decomposes the vector time seriesinto cir- the coherent current fluctuations are approximately cularly polarized componentsrotating clockwiseand counter- barotropic. clockwiseat each frequency.Spectra are then computedfor Coherencesquaredand phasespectrafor the pairs of deep clockwise (negative) and counterclockwise (positive) fre- current meters are shown in Figure 5. Between UWlN and quencies.The time serieswere linearly detrendedbefore the NH-10 there is high coherenceover a wide frequencyband spectra were computed. (-0.5, 0.3 cpd), with a gap in the coherenceat -0.35 cpd. and UWOFF and between UWlN and The autospectrafor the five current recordsfor the period Between NH-10 1800 UT July 21, 1972, to 0000 UT September16, 1972, are UWOFF, coherence is lower and restricted to narrower freshown in Figure 3. The rotary autospectrashow not only at quency bands. The overall coherence(the integral of the which frequencypeaksoccur but also whetherthe current at a coherencesquaredspectrum)appearsto be about the samefor particular frequencyis more nearly circular or linear and two of the pairs, (UWIN, UWOFF) and (UWlN, NH-10), as whether it rotates clockwise or counterclockwise. All five we might expectfrom the similar valuesof the linear correlaspectra show some similarity in that highest energy is ob- tion coefficient(0.65 and 0.62). served at lowest frequenciesand in that energy tends to We investigatefurther the signalsassociatedwith peaksin decrease as frequency increases. The high-energy low- the autospectra at frequencies of 0.'15,0.3, and0.45 cpd.Table frequencyband is narrowestat UWOFF. Apparent peaksoc- 3 showsthe valuesof somecurrentellipseparametersfor each cur at -t-0.05 cpd, but sincethe valley betweenthem is due to of thesefrequencies: kineticenergyof the rotary components the linear detrending of the time series, this should be in- (S_ and S+) and ellipsestability, orientation [Gonella,1972], terpretedsimply as a peak at the lowestfrequencies.All of the andeccentricity[Mooers,1973].The total kineticenergy(S+ + spectrashow a peak or shoulderat 0.15 cpd, and three of the S_) at 0.16 cpd is larger than that at 0.3 and 0.44 cpd; the spectra(from NH-10 and UWlN) showpeaksat 0.3 and 0.45 kinetic energyat 0.16 cpd is approximatelyindependentof cpd. Of thesethreepeaks,greatestenergyoccursat the lowest depthat a givenlocation;at both 0.3 and0.44 cpd the kinetic energyis greaterat the shallowercurrent meters;and the kinetic frequencyand least energyat the highestfrequency. Cross spectra were computed in local isobath coordinates energyis lessat UWOFF than at UWIN or NH-10 for all three (coherencesquaredis independentof coordinaterotation, but signals.The senseof rotation (clockwiseor counterclockwise) phaseis not). Coherencesquaredand phasebetweenvertically is givenby the signof the difference in kineticenergyof the separatedcurrent metersat UWIN and UWOFF are shownin two components(S+ - S_); when the signal is nearly rec- HUYER ET AL..' ALONGSHORE CURRENTS 3499 TABLE 2. CorrelationCoefficient(CC) and Regression Coefficients (A and B) BetweenPairsof Current Depth, m Station Depth, m Meters Station CC A B VerticalSeparation 20 UWIN 66 UWIN 20 20 NH-10 UWOFF 60 110 NH-10 UWOFF 20 NH-20 120 NH-20 20 UWIN 20 20 60 NH-t0 UWIN 20 110 60 NH- 10 120 20 20 UWIN UWOFF 20 20 20 20 UWIN UWOFF 66 UWIN 0.96 5.7 0.83 (0.95) (6.1) (0.82) 0.83 0.57 (0.61) 0.73 NH-20 0.88 0.43 (9.3) (0.44) 12.5 OffshoreSeparation UWOFF 0.40 (O.48) NH-20 UWOFF 12.4 8.9 0.86 -9.3 0.27 (-8.6) (0.35) 0.50 0.70 1.5 2.4 0.38 0.41 (0.65) (3.1) (0.40) 0.87 9.3 0.72 -15.0 1.4 0.69 0.60 Alongshore Separation NH-10 NH-20 0.68 0.52 20 20 NH-20 NH-10 0.56 -4.4 0.43 0.53 -7.1 0.80 60 NH-10 1i0 UWOFF 120 NH-20 66 110 UWIN UWOFF 120 60 NH-20 NH-10 0.9,0 -7.5 1.12 (0.87) (-7.5) (1.10) 0.79 0.95 0.68 1.9 2.7 -7.6 1.41 0.99 1.46 (0.62) (-7.7) (1.28) Regression equation is V: = A + BV•.ValuesaregivenfortheperiodJuly21to August27, 1972,and (in parentheses) for July 21 to September15, 1972. tilinearthisdifference becomes verysmallanditssignindeter- Ellipse orientation isshown when stability exceeds the95% minate.We observe clockwise rotation(S_) S+) in all cases significance level(0.53).Ellipseeccentricity, 2(S_ S+)•/•' (S_ except at0.16cpdatuwIN, where thesignal isstrong andap- + S+)-• [Mooers,1973],is equalto onefor rectilinearmotion and to zero for circular motion. proximatelylinear. Ellipsestability[Gonella, 1972]islowfor nearlycircularmoWe interpretthe valuesof theseellipseparametersto tionor if theorientation of the majoraxisvariesappreciably.describe theproperties of thethreesignals. Thesignalat 0.16 I000 iooo - I • I ,oo •oo ,,,. t • I• •/I 60m [ t• • .. I ..'-'.... . NH-IO / I i- "•. zorn ,• [ it \j /UWOFF io it I I -04 I I -02 I 0 I I 02 I I 04 I 016 IlOm, UWOFF •oi I'"'i""" •"" I •i -0 6 -0 4 -0 2 0 cpo' Fig.3. Autospectra ofthecurrent records, July21to September 16,1972,withthe80%confidence interval andtheband width. 3500 HUYER ET AL.: ALONGSHORE CURRENTS •.- 20m vs IlOm, UWOFF -- -- 20 m vs 66 m, UWIN I \ It fl 04- I • I I - 0 -06 iI several pairs of current meters. Figure 6 showsvalues of the coherence squared between each pair of current meters, including vertical, offshore, and alongshore separations. Relatively low valuesare observedfor the counterclockwise components at 0.3 and 0.44 cpd (which have low kinetic energy);the maximumvalue is 0.52 at +0.3 cpd and 0.57 at 0.44 cpd. Alongshore coherencevalues are high at -1-0.16, -0.3, and -0.44 cpd for the inshorecurrent meters,and some offshorecoherenceis observedfor each of thesesignals. COMPARISON 02 04 WITH WIND AND SEA LEVEL OBSERVATIONS O6 cpd From the resultsof earlier studies,e.g., Huyer and Pattullo [1972], Cutchinand Smith [1973], and Smith [1974] we expect the current 61o fluctuations to be related to fluctuations in wind and sealevel. Figure 2 showssomesimilaritybetweenthe wind and offshorecurrentsbut greatersimilarity betweenthe wind and the inshorecurrents.Sea level fluctuationscloselyresem- % ble the fluctuations in the alon•shorecomponent of the cur- % rent, high sealevelbeingassociatedwith polewardflow. Cor-90 I -0.6 I I I -04 I I -0.2 I 0 I I 02 04 6 relation coefficients between current and sea level and between wind and current (Table 4) are higher for the deep current ½pd Fig. 4. Coherencesquared and phase spectrafor vertically meters than for shallow current meters. Current fluctuations geparated currentmeters. Coherence squared valueslessthanthe95% are more highly correlatedwith sealevelthan with wind. A sea significancelevel (0.28) are not shown. Phase is shown only when level changeof 1 cm at Depoe Bay is associatedwith a change coherencesquared exceedsthe 99% significancelevel (0.4). When in current velocity of 1.6 cm s-• at NH-10 and 1.5 cm s-• at phase is positive, the secondseriesleads the first. NH-20; a sealevel changeof 1 cm at Toke Point is associated with current changesof 1 cm •-• at U.WIN and 0.5 cm s-1 at haveabout4% of cpd is the strongestof the three. Its eccentricityappearsto UWOFF. At UWIN, currentflucttlii{Ibns decrease aswaterdepth(or distance offshore) increases; i.e.,it the amplitude of wind fluctuationsobservedat Westport; at is morecircularfurtherfrom shore,andit is approximatelyNH-10 current changesare 2% of Newport wind changes. The alongshorecorrelation and regressioncoefficientsfor barotropic.Both the kineticenergyat a givendepthand its integral over the water columnappearto decreaseaswater depth the wind and sea level observations are shown in Table 5. The (distanceoffshore)increases; i.e., thesignalat 0.16 cpdappears high linear correlationcoefficientsindicate not only that the to be trappedalongthe coast.The signalsat 0.3 and0.44 cpd dominant signals are coherent but also that the phase are much weaker. Both appear to have higher energy at the differencein the dominantsignalsmust be relativelysmall. shallowercurrent meters,and they may be baroclinic.The Fluctuationsin the wind at Westport have lessthan half the signalat 0.3 cpd Seemsto be nearly rectilinearat UWOFF and amplitudeof thoseat Newport; this accountsfor the difference more elliptical at NH-10 and UWIN. The signalat 0.44 cpd in the ratio betweencurrent and wind amplitudes,sincecurrent fluctuations at UWIN and NH-10 have about the same may be circular everywhere. Each of these signals showed high coherence between amplitude(Table2). Alongshore correlation coefficients are about the samefor sealevel and the deepcurrents,lower for the wind, and least for the shallow currentsfor comparable 1.0 I ......UWIN vsUWOFF separationbetweenobservations. • _[,• • UWlN vs NH-IO Rotary autospectraof the low-passedwind observationsat Newport and Westportand the coherencesquaredand phase spectrabetweenthem are shownin Figure 7. Sincethe coastis alignednearly north-southat both locations,east-northcoor- / -- vs-,o .. /', 0.6 - 0.4 o • dinates were used. The wind is more to the left and weaker at :1 - 0 2 •• 0 • • •._:' I - 0.6 ß •'• - 0.4 I I I - 0.2 0.• 0.4 0.6 •f'.. I, I 0 I 0.2 I I 0.4 o16 cp•f Fig. 5. Coherencesquaredand phasespectrafor the pairsof deep current meters. Westport than at Newport (Figures 2 and 7, Table 5). The decreasein speedand the changein direction are consistent with the general northward decreasein zonal wind stressin summer [Bakun, 1973] associatedwith the mean position of the North Pacifichigh pressuresystem. Autospectra of the wind (Figure 7) and current (Figure 3) are somewhatsimilar, but the decreasein kinetic energywith frequencyis more gradual for the wind. The wind showsrelatively low kineticenergyat 0.3 cpd, while the shallowcurrents show fairly high energy at this frequency.The alongshore coherenceat 0.3 cpd is very low for the wind but significantfor the inshorecurrents(seeFigure 6). At other frequencies,including0.16 and 0.44 cpd, the alongshorecoherenceof the wind is high. Autospectraand the coherencesquaredand phasespectraof sea level observationsare shown in Figure 8. The sea level HUYER ET AL.' ALONGSHORECURRENTS 3501 TABLE 3. Kinetic Energy(cm:/s:/cpd) of Clockwise(S_) and Counterclockwise (S+) Componentsand EllipseStability (s), Orientation (½) in DegreesTrue, and Eccentricity(e) At SelectedFrequencies Depth, m 20 110 60 66 20 0.16 cpd Station UWOFF UWOFF NH-10 UWIN UWIN 0.3 cpd S_ S+ s •b 81 82 232 142 216 28 32 140 190 189 0.02 0.78 0.93 0.99 0.88 356 26 359 4 e 0.873 0.898 0.968 0.989 0.998 S_ S+ 10 5 38 17 77 6 5 29 10 13 autospectracloselyresemblethoseof the deepcurrents(Figure 3). Coherencesquaredfor sea level is high at 0.16 cpd both betweenToke Point and Depoe Bay and betweenTorino and Depoe Bay. At 0.33 cpd the coherenceis significant,although at 0.3 cpd it is very low betweenTorino and Depoe Bay. The bandwidthof the spectralestimatesis about 0.08 cpd, and we assume that the coherencepeak at 0.33 cpd in sea level s 0.02 0.29 0.77 0.47 0.30 0.44 cpd • e S_ S+ s 14 0.97 1.00 0.99 0.96 0.70 12 4 25 14 35 7 3 12 1 5 0.05 0.01 0.79 0.35 0.06 357 ' Figure9 showsthe coherence squaredspectrabetweenthe observations. Sealevelis high!ycoherentwith the inshorecur- rentmgtersovera widerangeof frequencies, but c9herence UWIN JWlN .204 .404 .•z• -. NH-IO ß$55 .87'4 NH-IO .538 UWOFF •(•:•"• UW•N I O..3 cpd .37.2 \ "•,.•2'•. /'l '" -, "./o.•"'-.. I / •.01•%•-'"' J ß 0.44 cpd Clockwise Counterc Io,ckwise Fig. 6. Valuesof coherence squaredbetweenall pairsof currentmetersat selectedfrequencies. A heavysolidline indicatesthat coherencesquaredexceedsthe 99% significancelevel,a thin line indicatesthat is is betweenthe 95% and 99% levels,and a dashedlineindicatesthat thecoherence squaredbetweena pair of currentmetersis not significantly different from zero at the 95% level. 0.96 0.99 0.94 0.50 0.66 deepcurrentsand the nearbywind and adjusted sealevel UWOFF .•o/ e is associatedwith the peak at 0.3 in currents. At 0.44 cpd there is significantcoherencebetweenToke Point and Depoe Bay but not betweenTorino and Depoe Bay. UWOFF O.16 cpd •b 3502 HUYER ET AL.' ALONGSHORE CURRENTS TABLE4. Correlation Coefficients andSlopeof theRegression LinesBetween theAlongshore Componentof the Currentand AdjustedSea Level and BetweenCurrentand the Northward Component of Wind•' Location of Observations Current Sea Level, Current SeaLevel Wind Depth, m Station Toke Point Westport 20 UWIN 20 UWOFF ' 66 UWIN 110 Depoe Bay Newport Wind, Current CC B, s-• CC B, cm/m 0.81 (0.79) 1.13 (1.12) 0,67 (0.62) 3.6 (2.95) 0.29 0.28 0.15 0.52 (0.36) (0.37) (0.41) (1.41) 0.89 1.06 0.72 3.33 (0.87) (1.06) (0.67) (2.77) UWOFF 0.74 0.51 0.43 1.16 20 NH-10 (0.68) 0.65 (0.50) 1.16 (0.47) 0.40 (1.15) 1.07 20 60 NH-20 NH-10 0.72 0.87 0.95 1.64 0.44 0.68 0.91 1.99 120 NH-20 (0.82) (1.71) 0.94 1.46 (0.68) 0.66 (1.84) 1.60 Values are givenfor the periodsJuly 21 to August27, 1972,and (in parentheses)for July 21 to September 15, 1972. betweenthe offshoredeepcurrentand sealevelis low at most frequencies.Coherencebetweenthe inshoredeepcurrentsand the wind is high at low frequencies. The offshoredeepcurrent meter showslittle coherencewith the wind at any frequency. The coherencesquaredspectrabetweenwind and sealevel are quite differentfor the two locations.At 0.16 cpd thereis high nearlyequallycoherent,but in the counterclockwise componentsthe currentshowsgreateralongshorecoherence than the wind: this is likely becausethe current is constrainedto be nearlylinearby thecoast,whilethewindis not.At 0.3 cpd thereis significant.alongshore coherence in both currentand coherencebetweeninshorecurrentsand sealevel and between I00- inshorecurrentsand win• at both locations;coheren,ce NEWPORT WIND -- -- WTPT WIND between windandsealevelishighonlyoffcentral Oregon. At 0.3cpd,thereishighcoherence between inshore current and sealevelat bothlocations; coherence betweeninshorecurrent andwindis highoffcentral Oregon butlowoffsouthern Washington.Off Oregon,coherence is high in both rotary components between wind and inshore current and also betweencurrent and sea levol. For a pure continentalshelf wave we expecthigh coherenceonly in the clockwisecomponent, asis observedoff southernWashington.It seemspossible 'b thatthesignalisgenerated bythewindoffOregonandthatit propagated northward as a wave. At 0.45 cpd, coherence betweenwind and current is very low, although coherence between sea level and current and between wind and sea level is significantat both locatio,ns. The a!ongshorecoherenceis higher for the deep current than for wind and sea level at each of these frequencies (Figures 5, 7, 8). At 0.16 cpd the clockwisecomponentsare io • i I i i io- TABLE 5. Correlation Coefficientand Slope of RegressionLines Between WindObservations and Between Adjusted SeaLevelat Different Locationsfor the PeriodsJuly 21 to August27, 1972,and {in Parentheses)for July 21 to September15, 1972 CC • 04 -- -- 99% B i Wind Newport, Westport 0.80 •0.• 0.40 •0.4:• 9 •_. NE P.A Sea level Depoe Bay, Toke Point 0.92 1.17 (0.89) (1.21) Depoe Bay, Torino 0.86 (0.75) 0.74 (0.68) Toke Point, Torino 0.84 0.57 (0.66) (0.44) -3-06 • I -04 I -02 0 cpo• •" 02 I I 04 I 016 Fig. 7. Autospectraof the wind observationsat Newport and W•stport and theircoherence squaredand phasespectra(in principal axesand east-northcoordinates).Positiv• phaseindicatesthat Newport leadsWestpOrt. HUYER ET AL.' ALONGSHORECURRENTS sealevelbut not in the wind. This supportsthe earliersuggestion that this signal may propagatenorthward like a wave. Earlier we showedthat the kinetic energyat this signalwas greaterat shallowthan at deepcurrent metersand hencethat the wave is not strictly barotropic. The signal at 0.44 cpd shows high alongshorecoherencein both wind and current and lower but still significantalongshorecoherencein sea level. This signalis also strongerat the shallowcurrentmeters and hence also has a barocliniccomponent. Phase spectra of pairs of vector componentsmeasuredat different locations were used to estimate the time lags and hencewavelengthand phasespeedand direction.The uncertainty in phaseand hencein wavelengthand phasespeeddependson the number of degreesof freedom(10, in our case)of the spectralestimatesand on the value of coherencesquared [Jenkinsand Watts, 1968].Table 6 showsvaluesof the alongshore coherencesquaredand phasewith its 95% confidence limits for the three signalsat 0.16, 0.3, and 0.44 cpd as computed from the wind, adjustedsealevel,and deepinshorecurrent observations.The phasedifferencein the current observations is not highly sensitive to the choice of coordinate systems.At each frequencyand for eachparameterthe observations off central Oregon lead those off southern Washington;i.e., the signalsappearto propagatenorthward. At 0.16 cpd the 95% confidencelimits for phaseresult in a large range of possiblewavelengths:from a minimum of 1680 km (from the sealevelsat Torino and Toke Point) to infinite wavelength(from sea levelsat Toke Point and Depoe Bay). There is, however,a wavelengthintervalthat is commonfor all current, wind, and sealevel pairs: from 3390 to 3790 km. The correspondingphasespeedsare between540 and 610 km/day. We tentatively concludethat the signal at 0.16 cpd has the same wavelengthand phasespeedin wind, current, and sea level. Its wavelengthappearsto be about 3500 km, and it seemsto propagatenorthwardwith a phasespeedof about 575 km/day. At 0.3 cpd both current and sealevelshowsignificantalongshore coherencebetween southern Washington and central Oregon, but wind does not. Although coherenceis significantly different from zero at the 99% level, the valuesare not high, and uncertaintyin the phaseestimatesis large. The 95% confidenceintervals of phaseyield a common wavelengthinterval from 1360 to 14,400 km with a correspondingphase speedinterval from 630 to 4320 km/day. The signal is not sufficientlycoherentto enableus to determineits wavelength and speedwithin reasonablelimits from the presentdata set. Perhapslonger recordswould yield improved resolution. The signalat 0.44 cpd showshigh alongshorecoherencein currentsand hencemore reliablephaseestimates.Wavelength estimatesfrom current and sea level data range from 790 to 1890km. The wavelengthinterval common to current and sea level (1110, 1240 km) has a phasespeedinterval from 480 to 550 km/day. The wind has a longer wavelength(1270, 2900 km) with higherphasespeeds(560, 1280km/day). Thereis no singlecommon interval for the wind, sealevel, and currentestimates. 3503 IO0•/'x\ 7'0#0 Point Depoe ,•" '-,, •..11 90 ø • oo <.p.'k \/ _ GOo/ o I I I I 02 0.4 I i 0.6 cpd 1.0 • o • • :•" o.2 "t 0.4 o.6 cow Fig. 8. Autospectra,coherencesquared,and phasespectrafor sea level observationsat Depoe Bay, Oregon' Toke Point, Washington; and Torino, B.C. shore than for offshoreseparations,that the fluctuationsare coastallytrapped, and that they are correlatedwith wind and sea level. The spectral analysis showed that the coherent energyoccursmainly at 0.16 cpd,with a lesserpeak at 0.3 cpd and an even smaller one at 0.44 cpd. io CURRENT vs WIND • 66m, UWlN vs Westport -- -- 60 m, NH-IO vs Newport ..... IlOm, UWOFF vs Westport it ^ 1, , • i ß :;,I V Ill I I I /1!t; .--99% -06 02 •0 04 06 WIND vs SEA LEVEL • :•. • DISCVSSION : • Westport .... Newport vs Depoe Boy ß vs Toke Pt :.: :' . . ß Both linbar regressionand the spectralanalysissupported • .--: • . . --99% what seemed obvious from the visual presentation of the observations(Figure 2): that low-frequencyfluctuationsin the current over the continentalshelfare coherentover an along-06 -04 -02 •d 02 04 06 shore separation of 200 km. In addition, the regression Fig. 9. Coherencesquaredspectrabetweensealevel, current, and wind, central Oregon and southernWashington. analysisshowedthat correlationlengthsare greater for along- 04 ,: I I I 3504 HUYER ET AL.: ALONGSHORECURRENTS TABLE 6. Values of AlongshoreCoherenceSquared(coh•') and Phase½ With Its 95% Confidence Limits for Signalsat 0.16,0.3, and 0.44 cpd From Observations of the DeepInshoreCurrent,Wind, and Sea •vel at Locations Separatedby a DistanceL 0.16cpd L, km coh•' 200 200 0.92 0.92 23 4- 4 21 4- 4 M•ajoraxiscomponent 200 0.89 194-4 Current (66 m, UWIN; 60 m, NH-10) Northward component Alongshorecomponent ½,deg 0.3 cpd 0.44cpd coha ½,deg coha ½,deg 0.51 0.58 32 4- 28 29 4- 24 0.85 0.84 67 4- 9 56 4- 9 12 4- 24 Sea level Toke Point, Depoe Bay 210 0.80 7 4- 16 0.59 490 280 0.76 0.60 36 4- 16 36 4- 24' 0.27 0.24 0.50 0.03 0.12 68 4- 28 Torino,DepoeBay Torino,Toke Point 250 0.77 29 4- 16 0.22 0.66 51 4- 20 Wind (Westport, Newport) Northward component Positivephaseindicatesthat the southernobservationleadsthe northernone. At 0.16 cpd the high mutual coherencebetweenwind, cur- the wind off Oregonand that it propagatesnorthwardwith a rent, and sea level and the similar values of the alongshore phasespeedexceeding630 km/day, much like a continental coherenceof eachparametersuggestthat the currentfluctua- shelf wave, althoughit is not strictly barotropic. The signalat 0.44 cpd may be similarto the oneobservedat tions at this frequencymay be directly forced by the wind. it mightbe Mooersand Smith [1968] in a studyof sealevel data obtained 0.4 cpd by CutchinandSmith [1973],who suggested in 1933 and 1934 found couplingbetweenatmosphericpres- a second-modebarotropic continentalshelf wave. We found sure and sea level at about 0.1 cpd with a predominating its phasespeedto be at least340 km/day and probablyabout periodof 6-8 days;they foundthat the disturbances traveled 500 km/day, which is higher than expected (about 150 continentalshelfwave.The signal from north to southbetweenNewport and Brookings,Oregon km/day) for a second-mode (at 42ø05'N). They concludedthat the sealevelmight simply appearsto be somewhatbaroclinic:kineticenergyis higherat be reflectingthe passageof atmosphericsystems.Gill and the shallowercurrentmeter(Table 3), and thereforephasespeeds Schumann[1974] suggestthat Mooers and Smith [1968] basedon barotropicshelf wave theory may not be relevant. observed a forced shelf wave which moves with the wind Values of correlation and coherencesquaredbetweencursystem.Smith [1974] comparedwind, sealevel, and currents rent metersare higherfor alongshoreseparationsthan for offobservedat a singlelocation off Oregon in July and August shore separations,although the alongshoreseparationsare 1972 and found high mutual coherencebetweenwind current much greater than the offshoreseparations.Also, the alongand sea level at 0.15 cpd. In a subsequentstudy of the same shorecorrelationmay dependon the locationof both observaobservations,Kundu et al. [1974] found that this signal has tions;e.g., the alongshorecorrelationis higherfor the inshore propertiesconsistentwith the theoreticalresultsfor the reso- pair (UWlN and NH-10) than for the offshorepair (UWOFF experiments to nant responseof longbarotropiccontinentalshelfwavesto an and NH-20). Hence care is requiredin designing alongshore component of the wind stress propagating determinethe alongshorecorrelationlengthscalesin currents. northward along the coast as a wave. Our results,indicating Alongshorearrayswith mooringson the sameisobathdo not similar phasespeedsfor wind, current,and sealevel fluctua- necessarilyyield highestestimatesof the alongshoreseparation: we obtained slightly higher linear correlationbetween tions, support their conclusion. The signalwe observedat 0.3 cpd wasalsofoundto be pres- UWlN and NH-20 than betweenUWIN and NH-10, although ent in the 1933-1934 sealevel data. Ma [1970], usingtwo 100- UWIN is the shallowestand NH-20 the deepestof the three. day data segments,showedit to be strongerin winterthan in Perhapscurrent metersin even shallowerwater would yield summer at Coos Bay, Oregon (43ø10'N), and Torino, B.C., evenhighervaluesof alongshorecorrelationand coherence.It and hardlypresentat SanFranciscoin eitherseason.He found may be that our observationswere at an optimum location. significantalongshorecoherencebetweenTorino and Coos Our resultsindicatethat alongshorecoherenceis a functionof Bay, separatedby 720 km, and interpretedit as a continental the distance offshore or of the water depth at the mooring shelf wave propagatingnorthward at 700 km/day in winter sites. Since this function is as yet undetermined,we recomand 270 km/day in summer. Mooers and Smith [1968] also mend that any experimentto measurealongshorecoherences foundnorthwardpropallation between Brookings, CoosBay, have an array with two offshorelines of currentmetermoorand Newport with phasedifferencesindicatinga phasespeed ings,with at leastthreemooringsin eachoffshoreline,sothat of about 350 km/day. Cutchinand Smith [1973] found no the likelihood of severe underestimates of coherence and corevidenceof a continental shelf wave at 0.3 cpd in the 1968 relation coefficientswill be greatly reduced. observationsbut apparentlyobservedone at 0.22 and perhaps Acknowledgments.We have benefitedgreatly from the assistance one at 0.4 cpd. Smith [1974] found that his sealevel and cur- of JosephBottero,William E. Gilbert, and Henry Pittock.The current rent spectrasuggested the presenceof a shelfwaveat 0.3 cpdin observationswere made under National ScienceFoundation grant Analysis his 1972 data. Kundu et al. [1974] found a signal with a ID071-04211 as part of the Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems barotropiccomponentat 0.28 cpd in someof the 1973obser- (CUEA) program of the U.S. Office of the International Decadeof Ocean Exploration (IDOE) and Atomic Energy Commissiongrant vations [Pillsburyet al., 1974b].They indicatethat the results AT (45-1)-2225 (Columbia River PhysicalOceanography).Contribuare consistentwith local driving of the currentsby the wind tion 844 from the Departmentof Oceanography,Universityof Washstress.Our resultsindicatethat the signalmay be generatedby ington, Seattle. HUYER ET AL.: ALONGSHORE CURRENTS REFERENCES Bakun, A., Coastalupwellingindices,westcoastof North America, 1946-71, Tech.Rep. NMFS SSRF-671, 103 pp., Nat. Oceanicand Atmos. Admin., Seattle, Wash., 1973. Cutchin, D. L., and R. L. Smith, Continental shelf waves: Low- 35O5 fluctuationsalongthe northwesternAmericancoast,M.S. thesis,29 pp., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, 1970. Mooers, C. N. 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