856 0735 OF )CEANOGRAPHY Temperature Sections along the C-line Over the Shelf off Cabo News, Peru from Moored Current Meters, 18 March-10 May 1977 and CTD Observations, 5 March-18 May 1977 by K. H. Brink W. E. Gilbert A. Huyer OREGON STATE Reference 79-2 CUEA Technical Report 49 January 1979 Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration National So lance Foundation OCE 78-03380 OCE 78-03381 /,,School of Oceanography Oregon State University , --torvallis, Oregon 97331 Temperature Sections along the C-line Over the Shelf off Cabo Nazca, Peru from Moored Current Meters, 18 March-10 May 1977 and CTD Observations, 5 March-15 May 1977 by K. H. Brink W. E. Gilbert A. Huyer Reference 79-2 (CUEA Technical 'Report 49) January 1979 Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration National Science Foundation OCE 78-03380 and 78-03381 TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 THE OBSERVATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 METHOD OF PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION . . . . . . 7 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 THE TEMPERATURE SECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS REFERENCES . . . List of Figures and Tables Page Figure 1. Sigma-t vs. temperature for the upper 300 m of CTD stations 2 over the shelf and upper slope, during MELVILLE Legs 1, 2 and 4, and ISELIN Legs 2 and 4 (stations 3-8, 13-29, 48-53, 57-61, 87-93, 120-125, 154-159, 162-167, 204-209, 230-235, 266-271, 323-328,-344-349, 386-391 and 802-809). Figure 2. Location of main hydrographic line, called the "C-line" and 3 current meter moorings along it, during the MAM 77 phase of JOINT-II. Figure 3. 5 Distributions of the mean and standard deviations of the low passed temperature time series from the current meter array, 18 March to 10 May 1977. Table 1. Summary of positions, water depths and current meter depths 3 for instrument arrays along the C-line during the MAM 77 phase of JOINT-II. Table 2. Dates of hydrographic sections along the C-line, showing ship, leg, C/STD operating institution, and the page of the temperature distribution. 6 1 INTRODUCTION Over the continental shelf at 15°S off Peru, sigma-t is a well-defined function of temperature (Figure 1) and hence temperature alone may be used to monitor the changes in stratification, to test the thermal wind equation, and to monitor the hydrographic response to wind events. In this report we present vertical-offshore distributions of temperature over the continental shelf and upper slope along a single line as measured by repeated hydrographic sections and a moored current meter array. THE OBSERVATIONS The observations were made during the third intensive phase (MAM 77) of the JOINT-II program conducted by the Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis (CUEA) Program to study coastal upwelling off Peru. The most frequent and intensive observations were made along the C-line, which intersects the Peru coast at 15°02'S (Figure 2). Current meter moorings were deployed along the C-line beginning on 4 March 1977, and the array was completed on 16 March; recovery of the array began on 11 May and was completed on 14 May 1977. The array (Table 1) consisted of five subsurface moorings (Lobivia, Lagarta, Ironwood, Mila, and Agave) installed by Oregon State University (Enfield, Smith and Huyer, 1978), and two surface moorings (PS and PSS) installed by Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, NOAA (Halpern, 1978). The current meters sampled temperature at intervals of 15 or 20 minutes; the temperature sensors are believed to be accurate within ±0.05°C. The original time series were filtered to reduce high frequency noise and decimated to hourly values. The hourly data were again filtered to suppress tidal oscillations and 2 27.0 26.5 25.51 25.01 24.5 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 1. Sigma-t vs. temperature for the upper 300 m of CTD stations over the shelf and upper slope, during MELVILLE Legs 1, 2 and 4, and ISELIN Legs 2 and 4 (stations 3-8, 13-29, 48-53, 57-61, 87-93, 120-125, 154-159, 162-167, 204-209, 230-235, 266-271, 323-328, 344-349, 386-391 and 802-809). 3 Table 1. Summary of positions, water depths and current meter depths for instrument arrays along the C-line during the MAM 77 phase of JOINT-II. Position Station PSS Agave PS Mila-5 Ironwood Lobivia Lagarta 15°03.4'S 15°04.0'S 15°06.8'S 75°27.0'W 75°27.8'W 75°30.2W 15°06.0'S 15°09.9'S 15°11.5'S 15°10.0'S 75°30.8'W 75°32.9'W 75°34.3'W 75°36.0'W Water Depth (m) 75 86 121 121 205 580 620 Current Meter Depths (m) 4.5,8,12,16 26,46,67,77 2.5,4.6,8.1,12,16,20,24 19,39,59,80,100,115 24,44,63,105,155,180 58,83,183,283 92,115,214,512 15°S 15°30' Figure 2. Location of main hydrographic line, called the "C-line" and current meter moorings along it, during the MAM 77 phase of JOINT-II. 4 decimated to a six-hourly interval; these low-passed time series have been presented in the report by Brink, Smith and Halpern (1978). The common period for the low-passed time series extends from 18 March to 10 May 1977. The distributions of the mean and the standard deviation calculated for the common period is shown in Figure 3. In this report, the low-passed temperature time series have been used to plot the vertical-offshore temperature distribution for each day within this common period. Hydrographic sections along the C-line were made primarily by two different groups--the group studying physical frontal dynamics headed by C. N. K. Mooers and J. Van Leer, and the mesoscale hydrography group headed by L. I. Codispoti and A. Huyer. Fourteen sections along the C-line were made by the frontal group, between 17 and 30 March 1977, during Leg 1 of the R/V ISELIN. These observations were made with a 9040 Plessey CSTD system operated by the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS). As yet, a data report containing these observations has not been completed; the temperature data was provided to us in the form of isotherm depths (W. Johnson and C. N. K. Mooers, personal communication). Over the shelf, each CSTD cast extended to within a few meters of the bottom. Nineteen hydrographic sections (Table 2) were made along the C-line between 5 March and 15 May 1977 by the mesoscale hydrography group. These observations were made during Legs 1 and 2 of the R/V MELVILLE (3-9 March and 12-30 March 1977), Leg 2 of the R/V ISELIN (4-23 April 1977), Leg 4 of the MELVILLE (4-27 May 1977), and Leg 4 of the ISELIN (10-20 May 1977), and the data have been presented in a data report 5 X0.31 20 I I I 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) Figure 3. Distributions of the mean and standard deviations of the low passed temperature time series from the current meter array, 18 March to 10 May 1977. 6 Table 2. Dates of hydrographic sections along the C-line, showing ship, leg, C/STD operating institution, and the page of the temperature distribution. CTD Date Ship 5 Mar 77 6 Mar 77 7 Mar 77 16 Mar 77 16 Mar 77 17 Mar 77 18 Mar 77 19 Mar 77 19 Mar 77 20 Mar 77 21 Mar 77 22 Mar 77 22 Mar 77 23 Mar 77 24 Mar 77 24-25 Mar 77 25 Mar 77 26 Mar 77 27 Mar 77 27 Mar 77 28 Mar 77 29 Mar 77 30 Mar 77 9 Apr 77 12 Apr 77 16 Apr 77 19 Apr 77 21 Apr 77 Melville Melville Melville Melville Melville Iselin Iselin Iselin Melville Iselin Iselin Melville Iselin Iselin Iselin Melville Iselin Iselin Iselin Melville Iselin Iselin Iselin Iselin Iselin Iselin Iselin Iselin Melville Melville Melville Iselin Melville 5 May 77 9 May 77 13 May 77 15 May 77 16 May 77 Leg Operator Page I I OSU RSMAS RSMAS RSMAS I OSU RSMAS I RSMAS I RSMAS I OSU RSMAS 10 10 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 26 26 28 30 30 32 I I RSMAS RSMAS 32 34 I I I II II OSU OSU OSU OSU I OSU RSMAS I I RSMAS RSMAS I OSU RSMAS I RSMAS II II I II II II II II II II IV IV IV IV IV OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU 44 46 50 54 56 70 74 76 76 78 7 (Huyer et al., 1978). During most of these sections, temperature observa- tions were made with a Geodyne conductivity-temperature-depth system operated by Oregon State University; data were normally obtained at least The once every two or three meters as the instrument was being lowered. accuracy of the CTD temperature sensor is believed to be ±0.02°C. During MELVILLE Leg 4, the CTD system was sometimes inoperable; for these occasions, we used the temperature data from Niskin bottle cast to obtain the temperature distributions. METHOD OF PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION The sections were prepared on a standard scale of 25 m and 2 km per cm; this scale is well suited to distributions of properties over the continental shelf and upper slope. 300 m are shown: Only the inshore 30 km and the upper these limits include all but one instrument of the current meter array. Temperature was contoured at intervals of 1°C; additional dashed contours are shown for half-degree isotherms. There were three distinct data sources, and the sections have been prepared somewhat differently for each. For the sections from the current meter data, daily values of the low passed temperature were plotted at the current meter locations; these distributions were then contoured by hand; interpolating approximately linearly and smoothing by hand. The locations of the current meters on the subsurface arrays are shown as dots; those on the surface moorings are shown as vertical bars, since these current meters were very closely spaced in the vertical. Throughout this report, the sections from the current meters are shown on the righthand pages. The temperature distributions based on hydrographic.sections are shown on the left-hand pages. available. We used CTD or CSTD data whenever they were For the sections using bottle casts (5 May and 13 May), we have shown dots to indicate the sample depths; the data were plotted at the actual sample depth, and the fields contoured by hand. N When CTD data were available, we plotted the actual isotherm depths observed at each station, and connected these depths from station to station, smoothing the isotherms by hand. For the CTD data obtained with the Oregon State CTD system (Table 2), we had access to the entire data set. For these sections, we have shown the bottom of each CTD cast by an inverted "T". We have also shown isothermal layers as vertical solid lines, whenever the CTD temperature remained constant within ±0.01°C for at least 5 m. For the CSTD data from ISELIN Leg 1, obtained from the RSMAS CSTD system, only tabulated isotherm depths were available. For this reason, we have not indicated isothermal layers on these sections. On these sections, each CSTD cast over the shelf extended to a few meters of the bottom and the lower limit of each cast is not shown explicitly. These sections are distinguished in the body of the report by the RSMAS acronym in the lower right corner. The bottom profile for the current meter sections was drawn by connecting the known mooring depths by a smooth line. For the hydrographic sections, we plotted the bottom depths of all CTD stations except those from ISELIN Leg 1 as a function of distance from shore, and drew a smooth line such that most, but not all, of the points were above the bottom. This same bottom profile was used in preparing all of the sections from ISELIN Leg 1. 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Chris Mooers and Walter Johnson of the University of Delaware for providing us with the CSTD data from ISELIN Leg 1 so it could be included in this report. from the moored current Bob Smith and Dave Halpern provided the data meters. Marcia Benad assisted in preparing the temperature sections from hydrographic data. Preparation of the report was supported by the Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration under Grants OCE 78-03380 and OCE 78-03381. This is a contribution to the Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis Program. REFERENCES 1978. A compendium of time K. H., R. L. Smith and D. Halpern. series measurements from moored instrumentation during the MAM 77 Brink, phase of JOINT-II. School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, 72 pp. CUEA Technical Report 45, Ref. 78-17. Enfield, D. B., R. L. Smith and A. Huyer. 1978. A compilation of observations from moored current meters. Vol. XII, Winds, currents and temperature over the continental shelf and slope of Peru during JOINT II, March 1976 - May 1977. Oregon State University, School of Data Report 70. Reference 78-4. Oceanography, Corvallis, Oregon. 343 pp. JOINT-II near-surface circulation studies: Halpern, D. 1978. Report 1. CUEA SYNAPSE Synapse No. 2, pp. 2-12. Progress Huyer, A., W. E. Gilbert, R. Schramm, and D. Barstow. 1978. CTD observations off the coast of Peru, R/V MELVILLE, 4 March - 22 May 1977, and R/V COLUMBUS ISELIN, 5 April - 19 May 1977. School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Data Report 71, Reference 78-18. 409 pp. 10 6 7 6 4 5 1T_L-t'5I I 3 -4 100 .1-- .000 -o /4 /3 . 2130 Z, 4 - 0230 Z, 5 Mar 77 300 23 21 '' 13 16 18 /5 I j 100 /4 22002, 5-09002,6 Mar 77 /2 I 30 I " 1300 I' i 20 I 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) I 0 12 27 29 25 24 Ole /6 = 100 /2 30 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) J300 0 14 57 58 60 59 61 100 1730 Z - 2200 Z -1 30 // , 16 Mar 77 J300 1' 20 IO DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 16 /9 21 /8 19 24 23 T 1 /6 /5 100 /4 N /3 0900-1400 Z, 18 Mar 77 I 30 I I' RSMAS I 20 I I 10 0/STANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 I 0 17 La Lo I PS PSS M A 20 10 0/STANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 18 26 27 25 28 29 30 r, /8 i /6 = /5 100 /4 -/3 0930-15002, 19 Mar 77 /2 RSMAS - 300 30 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 19 La Lo I PS PSS M A 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 20 /9 /2 30 42 ' 44 48 46 RSMAS 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 21 300 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 22 120 124 123 121 125 100 300 /8 51 57 55 53 r ' /r /5 N /4 F**' /3 0830-1530 2, 22 Mar 77 // I 30 I I RSMAS -300 I 20 I I 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (kin) 1 1 0 23 PSS A PS M a L i i i -' . '/5 =-- /4 . /3 11 0000 Z, 22 Mar 77 /O 20 -300 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 24 58 20 60 69 73 71 /8 17 .01 I-_-- 67 64 62 77 75 /6 /5 100 /4 /2 . 0600-1500 Z, 24 Mar. 77 RSMAS I 30 I 1 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) j0300 25 300 PS La Lo M PSS A 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 26 159 91 157 158 156 99 97 95 93 154 155 0 100 f .. 30 RSMAS 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) - 300 0 27 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 28 113 117 115 119 121 /7 100 /4 /2 .0900-1600 7,26 Mar 77 RSMAS 30 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 29 PS PSS M A -1200 -4300 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 30 125 123 127 129 131 I 167 /9 165 166 162 163 164 100 12302-20002, 27 Mar 77 I 30 I I 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) J300 1 0 31 PS La Lo I M PSS A 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) - 300 0 32 20 150 146 154 152 100 RSMAS /9 174 171 300 178 176 /5 I00 I-- .0230- 1000 Z, 29 Mar 77 RSMAS 30 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 33 La Lo I PS Pss M A 20 t0 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 34 -4100 RSMAS 30 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) J300 0 35 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 37 PS PSS M A -1200 I I I PSS A PS M aL -f300 Zoo 20 10 0/STANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 39 200 300 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 41 a L PS PSS M A 200 300 PS -1200 1300 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 43 300 10 20 D/S TANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 44 209/7 208 207 206 205 /2 1200 2 -2200 2, 9 Apr 77 1 30 I 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 1300 0 45 PS La Lo M I PS La Lo I M PSS A PSS A 100 300 10 20 D/STANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 46 230 231 232 233 235 100 /.? 1200 0800 z -1530 z, 12 Apr 77 1 1 30 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 1300 0 47 La Lo I 20 PS PSS M A 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 49 200 300 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 50 266 267 270 269 268 271 100 '1400Z-2300Z, 16 Apr 77 I 30 20 I F 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 1300 0 51 La Lo I PS M PSS A 10 20 D/STANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 53 PS PSS M A -1200 -4300 La Lo I 20 PS PSS M A 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 54 I 326 325 324 323 327 16 100 'l- /2 I 30 I I- I I I 1 IO 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) J300 0 55 300 PSS A PS La Lo I M 200 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 56 349 /7 348 347 346 345 /6 I I 344 I /5 too awl /4 /3 2130 Z, 20 - 0600 Z, 21 Apr 77 30 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 57 PSS A PS a L 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 59 N PS a L M PSS A 20 10 D/S TANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 61 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 63 PS PSS M A PS PSS A M a Lo A--/5 100 /4 L3 200 11 /2 h// 0000 Z, 28 Apr 77 . I. 20 i 1 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 1300 0 E 65 a L La Lo I PS PSS M A PS PSS M 'A 200 300 10 20 D/S TANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 67 200 300 La Lo I PS PSS M A 300 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 69 La Lo La Lo I I PS PSS M A PS PSS M A 20 10 0/STANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 70 367 365 366 364 363 /6' - /5 100 ' 01302-10002, 5 May77 //1:. ., I 30 . 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) J300 0 71 PS La Lo I M PSS A 20 10 DIS TANCE FROM SHORE (km) 0 73 PS a Lo I M = PSS A PS La Lo I PSS A M 200 20 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 74 386 30 387 388 389 390 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 391 75 PSS A PS a Lo M I . 4 /6 9 11 11 11 11 11 /5 -1 11 11 0000 7-, 9 May 77 /2 i 1 PS La Lo I M I 300 PSS A 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) 300 0 76 809 807 808 806 804 803 /7 802 -1100 10002,14-01002, 15 May 77 J300 30 10 20 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (kin) 0 78 428 429 433 430 431 I i i . 0300 2 -1230 2, 16 May 77 /2 l 30 1 I 20 I 1 I 10 DISTANCE FROM SHORE (km) J300 0