Funding Bulletin Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities Fellowships and International Programs August 30, 2013 Program Information To receive program information, please contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail: NOTICE - The Funding Bulletin is available via email. To be added to the electronic mailing list, send an email message to: Leave the subject line blank. In the message area, type: sub fundingbulletin. Limited Submissions Limited submission programs have sponsor restrictions on the number of proposals that may be submitted by a single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research, is the internal coordinator for limited submission programs. Please notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due date listed in the Funding Bulletin or by at least two months prior to the sponsor deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program. Currently posted Internal Deadlines: bul13/limits13/index.htm GENERAL 30-1 2014 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) (DoD) The Department of Defense (DoD) announces the Fiscal Year 2014 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP), a part of the University Research Initiative (URI). DURIP is designed to improve the capabilities of U.S. institutions of higher education to conduct research and to educate scientists and engineers in areas important to national defense, by providing funds for the acquisition of research equipment. DURIP funds will be used for the acquisition of major equipment to augment current or develop new research capabilities to support research in the technical areas of interest to the DoD. Individual proposals may request funding for more than one item of equipment if the requested items of equipment comprise a “system” that is used for a common research purpose. Proposals for purely instructional equipment are not eligible. General-purpose computing facilities are not appropriate for DURIP funding, but requests for computers for DoD-relevant research programs are appropriate. PA-AFOSR-2013-0001 (GG 8/22/13) Vol. 22, No. 30 URL: grants/viewopportunity.html?oppId=240541 Deadline: 10/20/2013 30-2 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program (YIP) (DoD) The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is interested in receiving proposals for its Young Investigator Program (YIP). ONR’s Young Investigator Program (YIP) seeks to identify and support academic scientists and engineers who are in their first or second full-time tenuretrack or tenure-track-equivalent academic appointment and for FY2014, have begun their first appointment on or after 01 November 2008, and who show exceptional promise for doing creative research. The objectives of this program are to attract outstanding faculty members of Institutions of Higher Education to the Department of the Navy’s research program, to support their research, and to encourage their teaching and research careers. Proposals addressing research areas as described in the ONR Science and Technology (S&T) Department section of ONR’s website at which are of interest to ONR Program Officers and Division Directors will be considered. Contact information for each Division (a subgroup of an S&T Department) is also listed within the S&T section of the website. Potential applicants may contact the appropriate Division Director, or the Program Officer who is the point of contact for a specific technical area, to discuss their research ideas. Brief informal preproposals may be submitted to facilitate these discussions. Such discussions can clarify the content and breadth of the priority research areas and enhance the match between a subsequent proposal and Department of the Navy research needs. ONRBAA13-023 (GG 8/13/13) URL: grants/searchgrants.html?keywords=ONRBAA13-023 Deadline: 1/3/2014 30-3 Support of NIGMS Program Project Grants (P01) (NIH) This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) issued by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences encourages innovative, interactive Program Project grant applications from institutions/organizations that propose to conduct research which aims to solve a significant biological problem, important for the mission of NIGMS, through a collaborative approach involving outstanding scientists. The Program Project grant is designed to support research in which the funding of several interdependent projects as a group offers significant sci- entific advantages over support of these same projects as individual regular research grants. PAR-13-280 (NIHG 7/ 19/13) URL: pa-files/PAR-13-280.html Deadline: 9/25/2013, 1/25/2014, 5/25/ 2014 ARTS & HUMANITIES 30-4 Research: Art Works (NEA) Research into the value and impact of the arts is a core function of the National Endowment for the Arts. Through accurate, relevant, and timely analyses and reports, the NEA elucidates the factors, conditions, and characteristics of the U.S. arts ecosystem and the impact of the arts on other domains of American life. To advance this work further, the NEA welcomes grant applications for projects seeking to use novel research questions and/or techniques to analyze high-quality datasets containing arts variables. The NEA encourages applicants from diverse research fields (e.g., sociology, economics, anthropology) and diverse areas of expertise, including, but not limited to, health, education, and urban and regional planning. Although applicants must be nonprofit organizations, they may partner with for-profit entities, and/or use commercial and/or administrative datasets. 2014NEAORA (GG 8/14/13) URL: Research.html Deadline: 11/5/2013 EDUCATION 30-5 Data- Intensive Research to Improve Teaching and Learning - An Ideas Lab to Foster Transformative Approaches to Teaching and Learning (NSF) The goal of this activity is to foster novel, transformative, multidisciplinary approaches that address the use of large data sets to create actionable knowledge for improving STEM teaching and learning environments (formal and informal) in the medium term, and to revolutionize learning in the longer term. These approaches will involve the work of learning scientists, STEM disciplinary experts, computer scientists, statisticians, database experts and educational researchers who design and study learning environments. Among the potential benefits of integrating approaches from these disciplines are improving student learning and engagement, optimizing personalized instruction, and supporting rapid decision making to help educators respond more effectively to the learning needs of individuals and groups of learners in multiple settings. These approaches A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY may be risky but should have the potential to rapidly advance the field. The scope of this activity does not include infrastructure development focused on data base design and development for education domains. NSF 13-565 (GG 8/13/13) URL: nsf13565/nsf13565.htm Deadline: 12/9/13 ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS & PHYSICAL SCIENCES 30-6 Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation 2014: Two-Dimensional Atomic-layer Research and Engineering (2-DARE) (NSF) The Directorate for Engineering at the National Science Foundation has established the Office of Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) to serve a critical role in focusing on important emerging areas in a timely manner. This solicitation is a funding opportunity for interdisciplinary teams of researchers to embark on rapidly advancing frontiers of fundamental engineering research. For this solicitation, they will consider proposals that aim to investigate emerging frontiers in the following research area: Two-Dimensional Atomic-layer Research and Engineering (2-DARE). This solicitation is coordinated with the Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences within NSF. Additionally, interest within other Federal agencies, specifically Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), may lead to an interagency effort. Submitted proposals may be shared with interested representatives from AFOSR. EFRI seeks proposals with transformative ideas that represent an opportunity for a significant shift in fundamental engineering knowledge with a strong potential for long term impact on national needs or a grand challenge. The proposals must also meet the detailed requirements delineated in this solicitation.The principal investigator and coprincipal investigators may participate in only one proposal per year submitted to this solicitation. It is the responsibility of the submitting institution to ensure that the PI and all co-PIs are participating in only one proposal per year submitted to this solicitation. NSF 13-583 (GG 8/22/ 13) URL: nsf13583/nsf13583.htm Deadline: Letters of Intent 9/18/2013; Preliminary Proposal 10/25/2013 HEALTH & LIFE SCIENCES 30-7 Awards for Cancer-Relevant Research and Training (JCRC) The Johnson Cancer Research Center supports cancer research and training at K-State. Faculty members conducting cancer-relevant research are invited to affiliate with the center and apply for various awards. Innovative Research Awards provide seed money to gather preliminary data for crucial for future major grant proposals. Faculty Equipment Awards pro- vide funds for new equipment. Travel Awards are provided in modest amounts for travel to learn new scientific techniques or visit collaborators at other institutions. URL: Deadline: 10/1/2013, 3/1/2014 30-8 NHLBI Investigator-Initiated Resource-Related Research Projects (R24) (NIH) This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), issued by the NHLBI, invites Resource-Related Research Project applications (R24) to support projects that will enhance the capabilities of ongoing basic, translational, and clinical research through the development of resources or infrastructure for use by the broader scientific community for furthering research. The scope of the R24 must address a critical national need that fulfills the NHLBI’s strategic vision. PAR-13-335 (NIHG 8/ 23/13) URL: pa-files/PAR-13-335.html Deadline: Letters of Intent 9/29/2013; Applications 10/29/2013 30-9 NLM Express Research Grants in Biomedical Informatics (R01) (NIH) The National Library of Medicine (NLM) offers support for innovative research in biomedical informatics. The scope of NLM’s interest in the research domain of informatics is interdisciplinary, encompassing informatics problem areas in the application domains of health care, public health, basic biomedical research, bioinformatics, biological modeling, translational research and health information management in disasters. NLM defines biomedical informatics as the science of optimal organization, management, presentation and utilization of information relevant to human health and biology. Informatics research produces concepts, tools and approaches that advance what is known in the field and have the capacity to improve human health. PAR-13-300 (NIHG 8/2/13) URL: pa-files/PAR-13-300.html Deadline: 10/5/2013, 2/5/2014, 6/5/2014 30-10 Center for Space Radiation Research (NASA/NSBRI) The National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) is soliciting for program proposals to establish a Center for Space Radiation Research (CSRR). The CSRR) will build upon important discoveries made by the NSBRI Center of Acute Radiation Research and extend them by characterizing and quantifying the effects of space radiation on living systems. Operating in close partnership with NASA’s Human Research Program, the CSRR will be tasked with researching the acute effects of space radiation, as well as the longer term, so-called degenerative effects of space radiation on the cardiovascular and circulatory systems. Accordingly, the CSRR will work to reduce the radiation related health risks that will be encountered by astronaut crews during future missions to an asteroid, the Moon or Mars. The CSRR will combine exposures to both solar and galactic particles, thereby more closely mimicking the environment actually experienced by astronauts during exploration missions. Pharmaceutical countermeasures will also be evaluated for their ability to mitigate the harmful effects of space radiation. Scientific discoveries made by the CSRR will not only enable safe and productive human exploration of space, but may also have the potential to improve life on Earth. NSBRIRFA 1302 URL: Deadline: Letters of Intent 9/13/2013; Applications 12/12/2013 SOCIAL SCIENCES 30-11 NIMHD Social, Behavioral, Health Services, and Policy Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01) (NIH) The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit innovative social, behavioral, health services, and policy research that can directly and demonstrably contribute to the elimination of health disparities. Projects may involve primary data collection or secondary analysis of existing datasets. Projects that examine understudied health conditions; examine the effectiveness of interventions, services, or policies for multiple health disparity populations; and/or directly measure the impact of project activities on levels of health disparities are particularly encouraged. RFAMD-12-003 (NIHG 7/26/13) URL: rfa-files/RFA-MD-12-003.html Deadline: Letters of Intent 10/19/2013; Applications 11/19/2013 R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist Preaward Section Paul Lowe, Director Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia, Adassa Roe, Katie Small, Namrita Berry, Rex Goff, Tim McDaniel, Cecilia Scaler, Sharon Zoeller Funding Information Specialist & Editor Beverly Page Development Director Mary Lou Marino Joel Anderson Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use, and Biosafety Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President, Research Compliance Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor Petra Jardine, Administrative Specialist Congressional Relations Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY