Funding Bulletin Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities Fellowships and International Programs October 28, 2011 Program Information To receive program information, please contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail: NOTICE - The Funding Bulletin is available via email. To be added to the electronic mailing list, send an email message to: Leave the subject line blank. In the message area, type: sub fundingbulletin. Limited Submissions Limited submission programs have sponsor restrictions on the number of proposals that may be submitted by a single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research, is the internal coordinator for limited submission programs. Please notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due date listed in the Funding Bulletin or by at least two months prior to the sponsor deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program. Currently posted Internal Deadlines: bul11/limits11/index.htm GENERAL 41-1 Long Range BAA for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology (Navy) This BAA is intended for proposals related to basic research, applied research, or advanced technology development. ONRBAA12-001 (GG 9/28/11) URL: Deadline: 9/30/2012 AGRICULTURE 41-2 Agrarian Studies Postdoctoral Fellowships (Yale) The Agrarian Studies Program appoints fellows annually who are in residence for the year, present a paper, and attend the colloquia. This year the Program has four Fellows whose diversity reflects the breadth of the program, and a Research Affiliate who has already made an important contribution to agrarian studies. Applications are encouraged from knowledgeable “activists” and “public intellectuals” whose work on rural life transcends the academy. The broad theme for the colloquium series of the Program in Agrarian Vol. 20, No. 41 Studies, will be “Hinterlands, Frontiers, Cities, and States: Transactions and Identities.” The Program will offer a limited number of fellowships, normally for one academic year. Younger scholars as well as established scholars are encouraged to apply. (TGA 10/11) URL: agrarianstudies/real/fellprog.html Deadline: 1/4/2012 ARTS & HUMANITIES 41-3 Digital Humanities Implementation Grants (NEH) This program is designed to fund the implementation of innovative digitalhumanities projects that have successfully completed a start-up phase and demonstrated their value to the field. Such projects might enhance our understanding of central problems in the humanities, raise new questions in the humanities, or develop new digital applications and approaches for use in the humanities. The program can support innovative digital-humanities projects that address multiple audiences, including scholars, teachers, librarians, and the public. Unlike NEH’s start-up grant program, which emphasizes basic research, prototyping, experimentation, and potential impact, the Digital Humanities Implementation grants program seeks to identify projects that have successfully completed their start-up phase and are well positioned to have a major impact. 20120124-HK (GG 8/1/11) URL: guidelines/ digitalhumanitiesimplementation.html Deadline: 1/24/2012 ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS & PHYSICAL SCIENCES 41-4 Fiscal Year 2012 Basic Research Initiative (BRI) (AFOSR) AFOSR announces a competition for the Fiscal Year 2012 Basic Research Initiative (BRI) program. AFOSR is seeking unclassified, white papers and proposals that do not contain proprietary information. They expect the research to be fundamental. Funding Opportunities include: a) Reliance Optimization for Autonomous Systems; b)Origami Design for the Integration of Self-assembling Systems for Engineering Innovation (ODISSEI); c) Microresonator-Based Optical Frequency Combs; d) Active, Functional Nanoscale Oxides; e) Ultracold and Strongly Coupled Plasmas; f) New Optimization and Computational Paradigms for Design under Uncertainty of Complex Engineering Systems; and g) Bio-Nanocombinatorics. BAA-AFOSR2012-02 (GG 10/24/11) URL: Deadline: 11/23/2012 41-5 Dear Colleague Letter: Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) (NSF) The National Science Foundation (NSF) through the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) and Engineering (ENG) Directorates, is excited to bring to your attention a new national materials initiative entitled Materials Genome Initiative for Global Competitiveness which integrates all components in the materials continuum, including materials discovery, development, property optimization, systems design and optimization, certification, manufacturing and deployment, with each employing the toolset developed within the materials innovation infrastructure. The toolset integrates synergistically advanced computational methods with data-enabled scientific discovery and innovative experimental techniques in such a manner as to revolutionize our approach to materials research and engineering. NSF will support this initiative through well-coordinated activities spearheaded jointly by the Divisions of Materials Research (DMR) in MPS and Civil, Mechanical, Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) and Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems (CBET) in ENG. DMREF is not a standalone program. DMREF proposals must be submitted to DMR, CMMI or CBET. NSF 11-089 URL: nsf11089/nsf11089.jsp Deadline: 2/15/2012 41-6 2013 Solar Decathlon and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Showcase Event (DOE) Through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), DOE intends to partner with one recipient who will host the 2013 Solar Decathlon to promote the Mission and Goals of the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Through this event, the recipient will promote the outreach, education and economic benefits of energy security, renewable energy and energy efficiency by demonstrating EERE Technology that can effectively be deployed in the community. By showcasing these technologies, this event should help launch additional workforce development and renewable energy activities in the local area that hosts the Decathlon. In addition to the benefits of increased public awareness, this event should stimulate the local economy by bringing in tourism dollars from those attending the event. This Funding Opportunity seeks to select a recipient that will form a partnership that includes a city, state or local government A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY that will work together to host the 2013 Solar Decathlon. (GG 10/19/11) DEFOA-0000521 URL: Deadline: 12/5/2011 HEALTH & LIFE SCIENCES 41-7 Research Opportunities in Space Biology (NASA) This NASA Research Announcement (NRA) solicits hypothesis-driven research proposals for both ground-based experiments and flight experiments in Space Biology. All proposals must describe hypothesis-driven experiments that will answer basic questions about how cells, plants and animals respond to changes in gravity. Proposals for ground-based experiments must demonstrate and describe a clear path to hypothesis testing in space flight experiments on the ISS or other appropriate space flight platforms. This NRA also requests proposals for rapid turn-around flight research using plants or Petri dish-based biological systems that will utilize either the Advanced Biological Research Systems (ABRS) hardware residing on the International Space Station (ISS) or the Biological Research in Canisters - Petri Dish Fixation Unit (BRIC-PDFU) hardware on any of several potential flight platforms (based on science requirements and availability). NNH11ZTT002N URL: Deadline: Notices of Intent 10/31/2011; Proposals 1/6/2012 41-8 Improvements in Facilities, Communications, and Equipment at Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories (FSML) (NSF) Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories (FSMLs) are off-campus facilities for research and education conducted in the natural habitats of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems. FSMLs support environmental and basic biological research and education by preserving access to study areas and organisms, by providing facilities and equipment in close proximity to those study areas, and by fostering an atmosphere of mutual scientific interest and collaboration in research and education. To fulfill these roles, FSMLs must offer modern research and educational facilities, equipment, communications and data management systems for a broad array of users. In recognition of the importance of FSMLs in modern biology, NSF invites proposals that address these general goals of FSML improvement. Only one proposal per facility is allowed. NSF 12-505 URL: nsf12505/nsf12505.htm Deadline: 1/17/2012 41-9 Function of Type 1 Diabetes Genes (DP3) (NIH) This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) issued by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Dis- eases (NIDDK), National Institutes of Health, encourages Research Project Grant (DP3) applications from institutions/organizations for projects to determine the function of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and non-HLA genes. In addition there are many human T1D regions for which there is no compelling functional candidate gene and thus additional work to identify causal genes and potential causal variants and elucidate the mechanisms whereby changes in the function or regulation of these genes are likely to provide crucial new insights into disease pathogenesis are also encouraged. RFA-DK-11-019 (NIHG 10/7/11) URL: rfa-files/RFA-DK-11-019.html Deadline: Letters of Intent 2/1/2012; Applications 2/29/2012 41-12 Supporting Universities to Partner Across the Pacific (USAID) The purpose of this APS is to support partnership between institutions of higher education in Indonesia and the United States. Component I of the APS is directed toward partnerships which support fields of applied science underlying USAID Indonesia’s strategic objectives in health, economic growth and the environment; Component II is to support university partnerships, supporting science, technology and math education at the secondary level, by creating model secondary science and technology schools. APS497-11-000001 (GG 8/2/11) URL: Deadline: 3/16/2012 SOCIAL SCIENCES 41-10 Grants-In-Aid (AHA) The objective of the GIA program is to encourage and adequately fund the most innovative and meritorious research projects from independent investigators. Science Focus areas are: Research broadly related to cardiovascular function and disease and stroke, or to related clinical, basic science, bioengineering or biotechnology, and public health problems, including multidisciplinary efforts. Proposals are encouraged from all basic disciplines as well as epidemiological, behavioral, community and clinical investigators that bear on cardiovascular and stroke problems. URL: professional/Research/ Research_UCM_316889_SubHomePage. jsp Deadline: 1/27/2012 41-13 Congressional Fellowship Program (ASA) The purpose of this fellowship is to provide psychologists with an invaluable public policy learning experience, to contribute to the more effective use of psychological knowledge in government and to broaden awareness about the value of psychology-government interaction among psychologists and within the federal government. Fellows spend one year working on the staff of a member of Congress or congressional committee. Activities may involve drafting legislation, conducting oversight work, assisting with congressional hearings and events, and preparing briefs and speeches. (TGA 10/ 11) URL: congress-fellow.aspx Deadline: 1/6/2012 INTERNATIONAL/MULTICULTURAL 41-11 Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) (NSF) The Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) program was established under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NSF and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). PEER is a USAID-funded competitive grants program that provides an opportunity to support scientists in developing countries who work with NSF-funded scientists at U.S. institutions. PEER is intended to build scientific capacity and empower researchers in developing countries to use science and technology to address local and global development challenges. The National Academies, which has been selected to administer the PEER program, will receive and review PEER proposals that have been prepared and submitted by developing country scientists and will make awards directly to institutions in host countries. Proposals are not accepted from U.S. researchers. URL: pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504726 Deadline: N/A R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist Preaward Section Paul Lowe, Director Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia, Adassa Roe, Katie Small, Rex Goff, Susan Klein, Sharon Zoeller Funding Information Specialist & Editor Beverly Page Development Director Mary Lou Marino Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use, and Biosafety Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President, Research Compliance Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist Congressional Relations Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY