Funding Bulletin Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities Fellowships and International Programs December 17, 2010 Program Information To receive program information, please contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail: NOTICE - The Funding Bulletin is available via email. To be added to the electronic mailing list, send an email message to: Leave the subject line blank. In the message area, type: sub fundingbulletin. Limited Submissions Limited submission programs have sponsor restrictions on the number of proposals that may be submitted by a single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research, is the internal coordinator for limited submission programs. Please notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due date listed in the Funding Bulletin (FB 47-1) or by at least two months prior to the sponsor deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program. Currently posted Internal Deadlines: Vol. 19, No. 47 edge of the structures and functions of plant genomes and translate this knowledge to a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of economically important plants and plant processes of potential economic value. By bridging basic research and plant performance in the field, the NPGI will accelerate basic discovery and innovation in economically important plants and enable enhanced management of agriculture, natural resources, and the environment to meet societal needs. Four kinds of activity will be supported in FY 2011: 1) GenomeEnabled Plant Research (GEPR) awards to tackle major unanswered questions in plant biology on a genome-wide scale; 2) Transferring Research from Model Systems (TRMS) awards to apply basic biological findings made using model systems to studying the basic biology of plants of economic importance; 3) Tools and Resources for Plant Genome Research (TRPGR) awards to support development of novel technologies and analysis tools to enable discovery in plant genomics; and 4) Improving Plant Genome Annotation (IPGA) to improve existing tools or develop new tools for improved annotation of the genomes of plants of economic importance. NSF 11500 (GG 10/1/10) URL: nsf11500/nsf11500.htm Deadline: 1/28/2011 ARTS & HUMANITIES GENERAL 47-1 Science, Technology and International Security Fellowships (Stanford) The CISAC Science Fellowship Program offers scientists and engineers an opportunity to conduct research into the scientific and technical aspects of a security topic of their own choosing, or to conduct research in collaboration with one of the Center’s ongoing research efforts. Examples of possible research topics include: nuclear weapons and non-proliferation policy; nuclear energy; critical infrastructure; biosecurity; information technology and security; missile defense systems and space weaponization; energy, food, and water security; security issues related to climate change. (TGA 11/10) URL: fellowships Deadline: 2/1/2011 47-3 Research Fellowships in the Humanities (UT) The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, an internationally respected humanities research library and museum at the University of Texas, Austin, has announced its 2011-2012 Research Fellowship program. The center will award over fifty fellowships to support scholarly research in all areas of the humanities, including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history. Priority is given to proposals that require substantial on-site use of the center’s collections. (PND 11/8/ 10) URL: research/fellowships/ Deadline: 2/1/2011 BUSINESS 47-4 2011 Grant Program (Upjohn) 47-2 Plant Genome Research Program (PGRP) (NSF) This program is a continuation of the Plant Genome Research Program (PGRP) that began in FY 1998 as part of the National Plant Genome Initiative (NPGI). The goal of the NPGI is to develop a basic knowl- The Upjohn Institute announces a call for applications for Policy Research Grants and Mini-Grants. Policy Research Grants are open to any interested researcher, while Mini-Grants are restricted to nontenured faculty members. Any proposal related to employment issues will be considered, but the Institute encourages research relevant to labor market issues of the recent recession and current recovery. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following areas: vulnerable groups, such as immigrants, older workers, and youth; “jobless recovery”: causes and consequences; structural and cyclical unemployment; sectoral adjustments: autos, finance, real estate, etc.; entrepreneurship, self-employment, and job creation; workforce programs: challenges and opportunities; UI extension and consequences; finance and labor markets; housing, migration, and regional adjustments; state and local budgets and employment; compensation. (TGA 12/10) URL: grantsawards.html Deadline: 2/1/2011 EDUCATION 47-5 Improving Institutional Research in Postsecondary Educational Institutions (AIR) With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and the National Postsecondary Education Cooperation (NPEC), the Association for Institutional Research (AIR) operates two grant programs that support research on a wide range of issues of critical importance to U.S. higher education. (TGA 12/ 10) URL: Deadline: 1/13/2011 ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS & PHYSICAL SCIENCES 47-6 China Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP) The Energy Foundation’s China Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP) supports China’s policy efforts to increase energy efficiency and renewable energy in six sectors: low-carbon development paths, transportation, buildings, industry, electric utilities, and renewable energy. The program strives to build institutional capacity in China to analyze energy-saving and renewable-energy opportunities, to support policy development furthering energy efficiency and renewable energy in accordance with China’s policy priorities, and to assist with the implementation of those policies at both the national and provincial levels. Preference will be given to those proposals that are able to attract significant co-funding from other sources, particularly in China. (TGA 12/10) URL: Deadline: OPEN 47-7 Integrated Process A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Improvements for Biochemical Conversion of Biomass Sugars: From Pretreatment to Substitutes for Petroleum-based Feedstocks, Products and Fuels (DOE) This FOA seeks applications to develop and demonstrate integrated bench scale technology and/or process improvements, from pretreatment to substitutes for petroleum-based feedstocks, products and fuels, that better the economics and efficiency of the biochemical conversion process. Typical improvements could be in enzyme production and efficiency (cellulases, hemicellulases, etc.); fuel synthesis cost and efficiency (fermentation organisms, catalysts, etc.); and specific improvements to the feedstock pretreatment or conditioning steps when operated in an integrated fashion. DE-FOA0000337 (GG 12/13/10) URL: Deadline: Letters of Intent 1/17/2011; Applications 2/7/2011 47-8 High Performance Computing System Acquisition: Enhancing the Petascale Computing Environment for Science and Engineering (NSF) High Performance Computing (HPC) Resource Providers—those organizations willing to acquire, deploy and operate HPC resources in service to the science and engineering research and education community—play a key role in the provision and support of a national Cyberinfrastructure. With this solicitation, the NSF requests proposals from organizations willing to serve as HPC Resource Providers within Extreme Digital (XD), the successor to TeraGrid, and who propose to acquire and deploy new, innovative petascale HPC systems and services. An organization may submit only one proposal but may be sub-awardee on other proposals responding to this solicitation. NSF 11-511 URL: nsf11511/nsf11511.htm Deadline: Internal 1/14/2011; Applications 3/7/2011 47-9 Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Basic and Applied Research and Advanced Technology Development (ONR) The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is interested in receiving white papers and proposals to foster new developments in Science and Technology (S&T) which may ultimately lead to future operational capabilities beyond those represented by current acquisition programs and requirements. As such, it is anticipated that successful proposals would ultimately contribute to the S&T underpinning from which future Naval Expeditionary maneuver warfare and Combating Terrorism warfighting requirements and capabilities may become possible. Efforts in the BAA are divided into major investments areas, each representing operational functions critical to Naval Expeditionary Warfare. Background information and specific areas of interest for new contracts or grants are described in the Research Opportunity Description for each investment area. BAA11-007 (GG 12/3/10) URL: Deadline: 2/1/2011 47-10 Mathematical Sciences Research Institutes (NSF) This program enables large-scale group efforts that involve broad segments of the scientific community. Projects supported by this program must involve the mathematical sciences in a significant way and have the scope to justify the funding, duration, and infrastructure of an institute. The goals of the program include advancing research in mathematical sciences, increasing the impact of the mathematical sciences in other disciplines, and expanding the talent base engaged in mathematical research in the United States. NSF 10592 URL: nsf10592/nsf10592.htm Deadline: 2/4/2011 HEALTH & LIFE SCIENCES 47-11 Mechanisms of Adverse Drug Reactions in Children (R01) (NIH) This FOA encourages projects that enhance the state-of-the-science on the molecular and cellular, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms involved in the production of adverse drug reactions in children. The objective of this announcement includes research on the role of ontogeny and the characterization of pharmacogenetic and development variations of drug metabolizing enzymes (DMEs), transporters, ion channels, receptors and signaling pathways that are responsible for drug toxicity in the pediatric population. PAR-11-051 (NIHG 12/3/10) URL: pa-files/PAR-11-051.html Deadline: Letters of Intent 1/5/2011, 5/ 5/2011; Applications 2/5/2011, 6/5/2011 47-12 Center of Excellence for Food Safety Research in Child Nutrition Programs (USDA) The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) seeks to establish a Center of Excellence for Food Safety Research in Child Nutrition Programs. FNS provides assistance for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACRP), Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), Special Milk Program (SMP), Seamless Summer, and Afterschool Snacks. There currently is a paucity of research focusing on food safety related to these programs, and schools, in particular, which continue to change and expand. Performance will take place at the funded university. Center staff will work closely with the FNS Food Safety Staff (FSS) to accomplish the goals of the Center and specific projects. FSS may serve as technical advisors on specific projects, as appropriate. The Center will follow all guidelines of its university. FNS plans to award a cooperative agreement to one university by March 15, 2011. USDA-FNS-OEMCOE-11-01 (GG 11/24/10) URL: Deadline: 1/14/2011 SOCIAL SCIENCES 47-13 Medical Marijuana Policy Research: Exploring Trends and Impacts (R01) (NIH) Since 1996, 15 states in the U.S. have passed laws to decriminalize the use of medical marijuana in some form and other states are now considering similar changes. Little is known about the effects of changing state and local laws, regulations, and policies on the epidemiology of cannabis or other drug use. This FOA will support research on medical marijuanarelated “quasi-natural experiments” in the US. It solicits Research Project Grant (R01) applications to assess social, behavioral, and public health impacts of medical marijuana use and policies. Secondary data applications which utilize national or state level longitudinal data are highly encouraged. RFA-DA-11-008 (NIHG 10/29/10) URL: rfa-files/RFA-DA-11-008.html Deadline: Letters of Intent 1/18/2011; Applications 2/18/2011 R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist Preaward Section Paul Lowe, Director Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia, Adassa Roe, Katie Small, Rex Goff, Susan Klein, Sharon Zoeller Funding Information Specialist & Editor Beverly Page Development Director Mary Lou Marino Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use, and Biosafety Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President, Research Compliance Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist Congressional Relations Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY