Funding Bulletin Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities Fellowships and International Programs November 11, 2011 Program Information To receive program information, please contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail: NOTICE - The Funding Bulletin is available via email. To be added to the electronic mailing list, send an email message to: Leave the subject line blank. In the message area, type: sub fundingbulletin. Limited Submissions Limited submission programs have sponsor restrictions on the number of proposals that may be submitted by a single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research, is the internal coordinator for limited submission programs. Please notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due date listed in the Funding Bulletin (FB 43-7) or by at least two months prior to the sponsor deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program. Currently posted Internal Deadlines: Vol. 20, No. 43 URL: guide/pa-files/PA-12-006.html Deadline: 2/25/2012, 6/25/2012, 10/25/ 2012 AGRICULTURE 43-2 KCIA Research Proposals (KCIA) The Kansas Crop Improvement Association Research Support Committee is requesting funding proposals for research projects. Funding grants typically are in range of $2,500 to $10,000 per year. The Committee will consider proposals for multi-year projects. Currently funded, multi-year projects receive first consideration. Priorities established by the KCIA Research Support Committee are: 1) Concern and opportunities with the advent of biotech wheat; 2) Improved management practices for improved seed production and quality; 3) Factors that influence seed selection and purchasing decisions of farmers; 4) Varietal development; 5) Risks and benefits of certified seeds in various identity-preserved grain production systems; 6) Evaluation of characteristics of specific varieties for potential end-use value and marketing; and 7) Other projects that may be of interest to the association. Phone: 785-532-6118 Deadline: 3/1/2012 ARTS & HUMANITIES GENERAL 43-1 Academic Research Enhancement Award (Parent R15) (AREA) (NIH) The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is continuing to make a special effort to stimulate research at educational institutions that provide baccalaureate or advanced degrees for a significant number of the Nation’s research scientists, but that have not been major recipients of NIH support. AREA funds are intended to support new and renewal biomedical and behavioral research projects proposed by faculty members of eligible colleges, universities, schools, and components of domestic institutions.The AREA program will enable qualified scientists to receive support for small-scale research projects. It is anticipated that investigators supported under the AREA program will benefit from the opportunity to conduct independent research; that the grantee institution will benefit from a research environment strengthened through AREA grants and furthered by participation in the diverse extramural programs of the NIH; and that students at recipient institutions will benefit from exposure to and participation in scientific research in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. PA-12-006 (NIHG 11/ 4/11) 43-3 America’s Media Makers (NEH) The Division of Public Programs offers support for a wide range of public humanities programs that engage citizens in thoughtful reflection upon culture, identity and history. Projects must be well-grounded in scholarship and illuminate ideas and insights central to the humanities. Grants for America’s Media Makers support projects in a range of formats, including interactive digital media and radio and television programs that engage the public in the humanities that explore stories, ideas, and beliefs in order to deepen our understanding of our lives and our world. Projects should encourage dialogue, discussion, and civic engagement, and they should foster learning among people of all ages. 20120111-TD (GG 10/27/11) URL: guidelines/AMM.htm Deadline: 1/11/2012 43-4 Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities- Andrew W Mellon Visiting Fellowship (Vanderbilt) The Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities will host a year-long inter- disciplinary Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar on the theme “The Age of Emancipation: Black Freedom in the Atlantic World” during the 2012/2013 academic year. The project will coincide with the sesquicentennial of the U.S. Emancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863). The Center invites applications for the Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowships from scholars in all disciplines whose lively presence will help to focus its work and stimulate discussionss. (TGA 10/11) URL: rpw_center/visitingfellowship.php Deadline: 1/16/2012 43-5 Residencies for Writers, Composers, and Artists (MacDowell) The MacDowell Colony provides time, space, and an inspiring environment to artists of exceptional talent. A MacDowell Fellowship, or residency, consists of exclusive use of a studio, accommodations, and three prepared meals a day for up to eight weeks. MacDowell Fellows are selected by its admissions panels, which are comprised of a revolving group of distinguished professionals in each artistic discipline who serve anonymously for three years. The Colony accepts applications from artists working in the following disciplines: architecture, film/video arts, interdisciplinary arts, literature, music composition, theatre, and visual arts. The sole criterion for acceptance is artistic excellence which the Colony defines in a pluralistic and inclusive way. (TGA 10/11) URL: Deadline: 1/15/2012, 4/15/2012 EDUCATION 43-6 Promoting Research and Innovation in Methodologies for Evaluation (PRIME) (NSF) The Promoting Research and Innovation in Methodologies for Evaluation (PRIME) program seeks to support research on evaluation with special emphasis on exploring innovative approaches for determining the impacts and usefulness of STEM education projects and programs; building on and expanding the theoretical foundations for evaluating STEM education and workforce development initiatives, including translating and adapting approaches from other fields; and growing the capacity and infrastructure of the evaluation field. Two types of proposals will be supported by the program: Exploratory Projects that include proof-of-concept and feasibility studies, and more extensive Full-Scale Projects. NSF 12-508 URL: nsf12508/nsf12508.htm Deadline: 1/25/2012 A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS & PHYSICAL SCIENCES 43-7 Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) (NSF) The NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) program is an umbrella for two complementary subprograms, one of which involves Building Innovation Capacity (BIC), and the other involves Accelerating Innovation Research (AIR), a later stage that focuses on the acceleration of innovative research. The former emphasizes the transformation of knowledge to market-accepted innovations created by the research and education enterprise, while the latter emphasizes the translation of research to commercialization by NSF-funded research alliances. A research alliance is defined as a research partnership formed for mutual benefit, and funded by NSF, between/amongst universities and other entities. In the final analysis, both programs, while focusing on different stages are concerned with the movement of academic research into the marketplace. BIC proposals may only be submitted by the following: U.S. universities and two - and four - year colleges (including community and technical colleges) located in the U.S., acting on behalf of their faculty members. At least two or more existing small business concerns must participate in the proposal. Lead academic institutions are limited to participation in only one proposal. AIR proposals may only be submitted by U.S. universities and four-year colleges. The lead (submitting) organization must be an academic institution. Only one institution within a research alliance can be the lead/ applicant institution and proposals may only include the PI and one Co-PI. Limit on Number of Proposals per PI is one. NSF 12-511 URL: nsf12511/nsf12511.htm Deadline: Internal 12/4/2011; Letters of Intent 1/4/2012; Proposals 3/1/2012 HEALTH & LIFE SCIENCES 43-8 Improving Adherence in Preteens, Adolescents and Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (DP3) (NIH) This FOA issued by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Institutes of Health, encourages Research Project Grant (DP3) applications from institutions/organizations proposing to develop, refine, and pilot test innovative strategies to improve adherence to medications and medical regimens, including self-management, in pre-teens, adolescents, and young adults with type 1 diabetes. At the end of the funding period, there should be a well-developed and well-characterized intervention that has been demonstrated to be safe, feasible to implement, acceptable in the target population, and, if promising, ready to be tested in a larger efficacy trial. RFA-DK-11-029 (NIHG 11/4/11) URL: guide/rfa-files/RFA-DK-11-029.html Deadline: Letters of Intent 2/2/2012; Applications 3/2/2012 INTERNATIONAL/MULTICULTURAL 43-9 Early-Grade Reading Improvement Interventions (USAID) The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to solicit concepts for promising interventions to improve reading achievement in the early grades in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Through this APS, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will implement in select countries of the region several promising interventions designed to improve reading outcomes for target populations. The interventions will form a key part of the overall Regional Education Project of USAID’s Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). In order to rigorously assess the cost-effectiveness, impact, and scalability of the interventions, implementation will be designed and coordinated in close collaboration with a separate, independent evaluation unit. The evaluation unit will be procured and implemented through a separate mechanism. M-OAA-GRO-LMA-1201028 (GG 10/28/11) URL: ttp:// Deadline: Concept Papers 12/9/2011 SOCIAL SCIENCES 43-10 Research Projects Addressing Youth Social Settings (Grant) The William T. Grant Foundation, which supports research to understand and improve the everyday settings of youth between the ages of 8 and 25 in the United States, is accepting Letters of Inquiry for its Investigator Initiated Grants program. The program is designed to support high-quality research projects that address the foundation’s current research interests—enhancing the understanding of how youth social settings work, how they affect youth development, and how they can be improved; and when, how, and under what conditions research evidence is used in policy and practice that affect youth, and how its use can be improved. (PND 11/4/11) URL: funding_opportunities Deadline: Letters of Inquiry 1/5/2012 43-11 Law & Social Sciences (LSS) (NSF) The Law & Social Sciences Program considers proposals that address social scientific studies of law and law-like systems of rules. The program is inherently interdisciplinary and multi-methodological. Successful proposals describe research that advances scientific theory and understanding of the connections between law or legal processes and human behavior. Social scientific studies of law often approach law as dynamic, made in multiple arenas, with the participation of multi- ple actors. Fields of study include many disciplines, and often address problems including though not limited to: 1) Crime, Violence and Punishment, 2) Economic Issues, 3) Governance, 4) Legal Decisionmaking, 5) Legal Mobilization and Conceptions of Justice, and 6) Litigation and the Legal Profession. NSF 12-507 URL: nsf12507/nsf12507.htm Deadline: 1/24/2012, 7/1/2012 43-12 Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) (NSF) The Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) Program is an interdisciplinary program in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences that supports the development of innovative analytical and statistical methods and models for those sciences. MMS seeks proposals that are methodologically innovative, grounded in theory, and have potential utility for multiple fields within the social and behavioral sciences. As part of its larger portfolio, the MMS Program partners with a consortium of federal statistical agencies to support research proposals that further the development of new and innovative approaches to surveys and to the analysis of survey data.The MMS Program supports a variety of different types of awards, including: 1)Regular Research Awards, 2) Mid-Career Research Fellowships, 3) Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants, and 4)Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Supplement. NSF 12510 URL: nsf12510/nsf12510.htm Deadline: 1/30/2012, 8/16/2012 R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist Preaward Section Paul Lowe, Director Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia, Adassa Roe, Katie Small, Diana MacElwain, Rex Goff, Susan Klein, Sharon Zoeller Funding Information Specialist & Editor Beverly Page Development Director Mary Lou Marino Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use, and Biosafety Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President, Research Compliance Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist Congressional Relations Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY