Funding Bulletin

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
November 19, 2010
Program Information
To receive program information, please
contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail:
NOTICE - The Funding Bulletin is
available via email. To be added to the
electronic mailing list, send an email
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Limited Submissions
Limited submission programs have
sponsor restrictions on the number of
proposals that may be submitted by a
single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which
applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim
Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Research, is the internal coordinator for
limited submission programs. Please
notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due
date listed in the Funding Bulletin (FB
44-4, 44-10) or by at least two months
prior to the sponsor deadline if you wish
to submit to a limited submission program. Currently posted Internal Deadlines:
44-1 KS EPSCOR First Awards
Kansas NSF EPSCoR (KNE) helps Kansas
build its research capacity and competitiveness in science and technology. The
First Award program helps early career
faculty become competitive for funding
from the research directorates at the
National Science Foundation by: 1)
encouraging early career faculty to submit
proposals to the NSF as soon as possible
after their first faculty appointment, and 2)
by accelerating the pace of their research
and the quality of their subsequent proposals. Eligibility to apply is limited to any
individual tenure track faculty member at
Kansas State University who is within the
first three years of his/her faculty appointment; has not yet previously received a
First Award or similar funding from
another EPSCoR or EPSCoR-like
(COBRE) program in Kansas; and is not
currently nor has previously been a lead
principal investigator of a research grant
funded by a federal agency.
Deadline: Letters of Intent 12/15/2010;
Proposals 2/7/2011
Vol. 19, No. 44
44-2 Unsolicited Proposals at the
Interface of the Biological,
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Divisions within the Department for
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
(MPS) and in the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) recognize that it is
vital for biological, mathematical, and
physical scientists to increase their collaborations, both in new research efforts
and in ongoing research projects, to
advance the frontiers of discovery and
innovation. While many strong, vibrant
interactions currently exist between the
two directions, this letter is to remind our
research communities that MPS and BIO
strongly encourage proposals from interdisciplinary research teams that involve
collaborations among investigators from
the biological, mathematical, and physical sciences and foster new interactions
that span interfaces between MPS and
BIO. NSF 11-010
Deadline: VARIES
44-3 Methods and Approaches for
Detection of Gene-Environment
Interactions in Human Disease (NIH)
This FOA issued by NIEHS, National
Institutes of Health, encourages grant
applications from institutions/organizations to develop and test innovative statistical and bioinformatics methods and
analytical strategies and study designs
for identifying gene-environment interactions for complex human diseases. The
objectives of this FOA are to further
advance the understanding of gene-environment interplay in complex human diseases by 1) the development and
validation of algorithms and new statistical and computational approaches and
study design and/or 2) the development
and application of bioinformatics software for gene-environment analysis of
existing human populations. PAR-11-032
(NIHG 11/15/10)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 1/4/2011;
Applications 2/3/2011
44-4 International Science and
Education (ISE) Grants Program
NIFA requests applications for the International Science and Education Competitive Grants Program (ISE) for fiscal year
(FY) 2011 to support research, extension,
and teaching activities that will enhance
the capabilities of American colleges and
universities to conduct international collaborative research, extension and teach-
ing. U.S. success in the global arena will
increasingly require U.S. colleges and
universities to product graduates who can
operate competently in domestic and
international settings. Through their outreach efforts, universities and colleges
also play a critical role in helping U.S.
producers successfully operate in foreign
markets. In response to these national
needs, ISE is designed to foster innovative campus-based programs. Internationalization of U.S. campus-based programs
is the primary focus of the ISE program. i
NIFA priority areas include adaption/mitigation to climate change, sustainable
bioenergy, reduction in childhood obesity,
increased food security and increased
food safety. Each institution may submit
no more than two proposals as the lead
institution. USDA-NIFA-CIP-003379
(GG 11/17/10)
Deadline: Internal 11/30/2010; Applications 1/19/11
44-5 Higher Education Challenge
Grants Program (USDA)
Projects supported by the Higher Education Challenge Grants Program will: 1)
address a State, regional, national, or
international educational need; 2) involve
a creative or non-traditional approach
toward addressing that need that can serve
as a model to others; 3) encourage and
facilitate better working relationships in
the university science and education community, as well as between universities
and the private sector, to enhance program quality and supplement available
resources; and 4) result in benefits that
will likely transcend the project duration
and USDA support. Building upon the
four New Biology for the 21st Century
challenges, the USDA-NIFA institute has
refocused its mission to direct agricultural
sciences research, education, and extension programs on addressing the following five Priority Areas: 1) Global Food
Security and Hunger; 2) Climate Change;
3) Sustainable Energy; 4) Childhood Obesity; and 5) Food Safety. Applications
submitted to this grant program must state
how the funded project will address the
two HECA Grant Program Goals: 1) To
increase the number and diversity of students who will pursue and complete a
postsecondary degree in the food and
agricultural sciences, and for FY 2011,
encourage study in areas that contribute to
any of the five NIFA Priority Areas; and
2) To enhance the quality of secondary
and postsecondary instruction in order to
help meet current and future national food
and agricultural sciences workplace
needs. USDA-NIFA-CGP-003378 (GG
Deadline: 2/4/2011
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
44-6 NEA Literature Fellowships:
Translation Projects, FY 2012 (NEA)
Through fellowships to published translators, the Arts Endowment supports
projects for the translation of specific
works of prose, poetry, or drama from
other languages into English. All proposed projects must be for creative translations of literary material into English.
The work to be translated should be of
interest for its literary excellence and
value. Priority will be given to project
that involve work that has not been translated into English. 2011NEA03LFTP
(GG 8/24/10)
Deadline: 1/6/2011
44-7 The Market for Long-Term Care
Insurance (R01) (NIH)
This FOA solicits research (R01) applications from institutions/organizations proposing to advance knowledge on the
economics of long-term care (LTC),
including topics related to private and
public LTC insurance, the Community
Living Assistance Services and Supports
(CLASS) program, and related topics.
RFA-RM-11-002 (NIHG 11/12/10)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 12/18/2010;
Applications 1/18/2011
44-8 Promoting Research and
Innovation in Methodologies for
Evaluation (PRIME) (NSF)
The Promoting Research and Innovation
in Methodologies for Evaluation
(PRIME) program seeks to support
research on evaluation with special
emphasis on exploring innovative new
approaches for determining the impacts
and usefulness of evaluations of STEM
education projects and programs; building
on and expanding the theoretical foundations for evaluating STEM education and
workforce development initiatives,
including translating and adapting
approaches from other fields; and growing the capacity and infrastructure of the
evaluation field. Two types of proposals
will be supported by the program: Exploratory Projects that include proof-of-concept and feasibility studies and more
extensive Full-Scale Projects. NSF 10615
Deadline: 1/5/2011
44-9 Environmental Literacy Grants
for Formal K-12 Education (NOAA)
The goal of this funding opportunity is to
support K-12 education projects that
advance inquiry-based Earth System Science learning and stewardship directly
tied to the school curriculum, with a par-
ticular interest in increasing climate literacy. To address this goal, this solicitation
will support service-learning and professional development projects related to
NOAA’s mission in the areas of ocean,
coastal, Great Lakes, weather and climate
sciences and stewardship. A successful
project will catalyze change in K-12 education at the state, regional and national
level through development of new programs and/or revision of existing programs to improve the environmental
literacy of K-12 teachers and their students. There is a special interest in
projects that address reaching groups traditionally underserved and/or underrepresented in Earth System science. One
group that has been identified as underserved is elementary level teachers and
students. This funding opportunity has
two priorities, which are equal in their
importance for funding. Priority 1 is for
innovative proof-of-concept projects that
are one to two years in duration. Priority 2
is for full-scale implementation of educational projects that are three to five years
in duration. NOAA-SEC-OED-20112002608 (GG 7/20/10)
Deadline: 1/12/2011
44-10 Federal Cyber Service:
Scholarship for Service (NSF)
The Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship
for Service (SFS) program seeks to
increase the number of qualified students
entering the fields of information assurance and computer security and to
increase the capacity of the United States
higher education enterprise to continue to
produce professionals in these fields to
meet the needs of our increasingly technological society. The SFS program is
composed of two tracks: 1) The Scholarship Track provides funding to colleges
and universities to award scholarships to
students in the information assurance and
computer security fields. 2) The Capacity
Building Track provides funds to colleges
and universities to improve the quality
and increase the production of information assurance and computer security professionals. Professional development of
information assurance faculty and development of academic programs can be
funded under this track, as well as
projects to increase interest in information
assurance and accelerate the integration
of information assurance, computer security or cyber security knowledge across
the STEM disciplines. For the Scholarship Track, the proposing organization
must be an accredited U.S. university or
college that either 1) has been designated
by the National Security Agency and the
Department of Homeland Security as a
Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAE/IAE
or CAE-R) or 2) has an information assurance program that meets criteria similar to
those necessary for CAE/IAE designation. For the Capacity Building Track, the
proposing organization may be either an
accredited U.S. university or college or a
consortium. Proposing organizations must
demonstrate expertise in information
assurance or cyber security curriculum
development and/or research. An institution can submit only one proposal to each
of the two tracks. NSF 11-506 (GG 11/15/
Deadline: Internal 12/15/2010; Proposals 2/15/2011
44-11 Broadening Participation
Research Initiation Grants in
Engineering (BRIGE) (NSF)
To address the need to enhance diversity
in its programs, the Directorate for Engineering (ENG) at the National Science
Foundation is offering research initiation
grants under the program name Broadening Participation Research Initiation
Grants in Engineering, BRIGE. ENG
offers this BRIGE funding opportunity to
all beginning engineers with the intent of
increasing the diversity of researchers in
the engineering disciplines. The goal of
the BRIGE solicitation is to increase the
number of proposals to the Directorate for
Engineering from individuals who can
serve as role models and mentors for an
increasingly diverse engineering student
population who will become the workforce of the future. BRIGE aims to support innovative research and diversity
plans that contribute to recruiting and
retaining a broad representation of engineering researchers especially those subgroups that are underrepresented in the
engineering population in programs supported by these grants. Throughout this
solicitation, the term underrepresented
groups will refer to and include the following: women, persons with disabilities,
and ethnic groups which are in the minority in engineering such as African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans,
Alaska Natives, and Pacific Islanders.
NSF 10-609
Deadline: 1/24/2011
R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia,
Adassa Roe, Katie Small, Rex Goff, Susan
Klein, Sharon Zoeller
Funding Information Specialist & Editor
Beverly Page
Development Director
Mary Lou Marino
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President,
Research Compliance
Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor
Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045