Tick Size Constraints, Market Structure, and Liquidity

Tick Size Constraints, Market Structure, and Liquidity1
First Draft: November 18, 2012
This draft: January 31, 2014
Chen Yao and Mao Ye
Chen Yao is from the University of Warwick and Mao Ye is from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Please send all correspondence to Mao Ye: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 340 Wohlers Hall, 1206
South 6th Street, Champaign, IL, 61820. E-mail: maoye@illinois.edu. Telephone: 217-244-0474. We thank Jim
Angel, Shmuel Baruch, Robert Battalio, Dan Bernhardt, Jonathan Brogaard, Jeffery Brown, John Campbell, John
Cochrane, Robert Frank, Thierry Foucault, Slava Fos, George Gao, Paul Gao, Arie Gozluklu, Joel Hasbrouck, Frank
Hathaway, Pankaj Jain, Tim Johnson, Charles Jones, Andrew Karolyi, Nolan Miller, Katya Malinova, Maureen
O’Hara, Neil Pearson, Richard Payne, Andreas Park, Josh Pollet, Ioanid Rosu, Gideon Saar, Ronnie Sadka, Jeff
Smith, Duane Seppi, an anonymous reviewer for the FMA Napa Conference, and seminar participants at the
University of Illinois, the SEC, CFTC/American University, the University of Memphis, the University of Toronto,
HEC Paris, AFA 2014 meeting (Philadelphia), NBER market microstructure meeting, the 8th Annual MARC
meeting, the 6th annual Hedge Fund Conference, the Financial Intermediation Research Society Conference 2013,
the 3rd MSUFCU Conference on Financial Institutions and Investments, the Northern Finance Association Annual
Meeting 2013, the China International Conference in Finance 2013, and the 9th Central Bank Workshop on the
Microstructure of Financial Markets for their helpful suggestions. We also thank NASDAQ OMX for providing the
research data. This research is supported by National Science Foundation grant 1352936. This work also uses the
Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which is supported by National Science
Foundation grant number OCI-1053575. We thank Robert Sinkovits and Choi Dongju of the San Diego
Supercomputer Center and David O’Neal of the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center for their assistance with
supercomputing, which was made possible through the XSEDE Extended Collaborative Support Service (ECSS)
program. We also thank Jiading Gai, Chenzhe Tian, Tao Feng, Yingjie Yu, and Chao Zi for their excellent research
Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2359000
We argue that a one-penny minimum tick size for all stocks priced above $1 (SEC rule
612) encourages high-frequency trading and taker/maker–fee markets. We find that non-high
frequency traders (non-HFTers) are 2.62 times more likely than HFTers to provide best prices,
thereby establishing price priority. The larger relative tick size for low priced stocks, however,
constrain non-HFTers from providing better prices and HFTers’ speed advantage helps them
establish time priority over non-HFTers. Non-HFTers enter the taker/maker market more
frequently than HFTers, because they can bypass tick size constraints by paying a fee to the
exchange. The incentive to pay a fee is stronger when relative tick size is high. When stock splits
increase relative tick size, liquidity does not improve and volume shifts to the taker/maker
market. Our results indicate recent proposals to increase tick size will not improve liquidity.
Instead, they will encourage high frequency trading and lead to proliferation of markets that
bypass the tick size constraints.
Key Words: tick size, high-frequency trading, maker/taker fees, liquidity, JOBS act.
1 Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2359000
1. Introduction
Under standard Walrasian equilibrium, price is infinitely divisible but time is not; all agents are
assumed to arrive at the market at the same time. However, the reality regarding financial
markets is exactly the opposite: price competition is restricted by tick size regulations but time
becomes divisible at the nanosecond level. This paper shows that two sources of friction, discrete
prices and (almost) continuous time under canonical Walrasian equilibrium, help to explain two
important features of the U.S. stock market: high-frequency trading (HFT) and taker/maker fees.2
Tick size in the United States is regulated through SEC rule 612 (the Minimum Pricing
Increment) of regulation NMS. The rule prohibits stock exchanges from displaying, ranking, or
accepting quotations, orders, or indications of interest in any NMS stock priced in an increment
smaller than $0.01 if the quotation, order, or indication of interest is priced equal to or greater
than $1.00 per share.3 A recent study by Credit Suisse demonstrates that this one-penny tick size
constraint is surprisingly binding: 50% of S&P stocks priced below $100 per share have onepenny quoted spreads (Avramovic, 2012). The clustering of quoted spreads on one penny
suggests that many of those stocks should have an equilibrium bid-ask spread of less than one
penny if there are no tick size constraints. The minimum pricing increment rule imposes a price
floor on the lowest price for liquidity in the public exchange. A surplus represents a natural
response to a binding price floor (when supply exceeds demand). Because a price floor prevents
the pricing system from rationing the available supply, other mechanisms must take its place.
Rockoff (2008) summarizes four possible responses to price controls: queuing, the emergence of
markets that bypass the regulation, evading, and rationing. HFT and taker/maker fees are just
Taker/maker fees are applied to charge liquidity providers and subsidize liquidity takers.
There are some limited exemptions such as the Retail Price Improvement (RPI) Program and mid-point peg orders.
2 two examples of this general economic principle. HFT is a form of queuing through which
traders with high speed capacity can move to the front of the queue at a constrained price.
Taker/maker fees make it possible to bypass tick-size regulations, allowing traders to quote at
sub-penny levels.
We first demonstrate that tick-size constraints are among the driving forces of HFT liquidity
provision. Displayed limit orders in the NASDAQ market observe price and time priority. 4
Among orders with the same price and display status, orders arriving first have the highest
priority. A large tick size, therefore, impedes the price competition and increases the importance
of time priority. We define tick size constraints by reference to a scenario in which one trader’s
ability to provide a better price is constrained by tick size. When there is a tick size constraint,
speed of providing liquidity allocates the resources because of time priority. Because SEC rule
612 mandates a one-cent tick size for all stocks, the regulation imposes high tick size constraints
for low-priced stocks, for which a fixed nominal tick size leads to a higher relative tick size. That
is, for a fixed nominal tick size increment, low-priced stocks incur a greater percentage
increment than large stocks. Our first result demonstrates that low-priced stocks indeed undergo
more constrained price competition. For large stocks with low prices, HFTers and non-HFTers
both provide the best price 95.9% of the time, which implies that time is needed as a secondary
priority rule for allocating resources. The number decreases to 45.5% for high-priced large
stocks, implying that the constraint on price competition is less binding for high-priced stocks.
Next, we find that non-HFTers are 2.62 times more likely than HFTers to quote better
prices and that the likelihood that non-HFTers provide better prices increases as relative tick size
decreases. Therefore, a small tick size helps non-HFTers establish price priority over HFTers.
4 Displayed orders take priority over non-displayed orders when they have the same price. For want of space, we do
not discuss order display strategy here. Yao (2013) offers an empirical examination of display vs. hidden orders.
3 For large stocks with low prices, or stocks with large relative tick sizes, non-HFTers are still
more likely to quote better prices than HFTers (2.5% vs. 1.6%), but the larger relative tick size of
those stocks apparently imposes a constraint on non-HFTers’ ability to undercut HFTers.5 Most
of the time—95.9% of the time—non-HFTers and HFTers quote the same price, and time
priority becomes the mechanism for allocating resources. Consistent with this finding, the
volume with HFTer as the liquidity providers is the highest for large stocks with large relative
tick sizes (49.96%), but the figure decreases to 35.93% for large stocks with small relative tick
sizes. The above results are very surprising, because a recent editorial by Chordia, Goyal,
Lehmann, and Saar (2013) raises the concern that HFTers use their speed advantage to crowd out
non-HFT liquidity provision when the tick size is small and moving in front of standing limit
orders is inexpensive. Our empirical results, however, suggest the opposite. Non-HFTers are
more likely to provide better prices than HFTers, and this likelihood further increase with
decreasing relative tick size. Therefore, an increase in tick size would crowds out non-HFT
liquidity providers by encouraging speed competition and discouraging price competition.
Taker/maker fees are another market-design response to tick-size constraints. Such fees
provide liquidity providers with a means of undercutting prices by paying the stock exchange the
maker fee, which is used by the stock exchange to partially subsidize liquidity takers. The impact
of tick size constraints is demonstrated using the following identification strategy.6 Direct Edge,
a stock exchange that executes 12% of U.S. equity trading volume, operates twin trading
platforms: EDGA and EDGX. These two trading platforms are almost identical except for the fee
structure. In our sample period, EDGX, like most other exchanges, uses a maker/taker fee
This might be either because undercutting is too costly or because there is no room to undercut the price when the
bid-ask spread is exactly one penny.
Internalization, dark pools, mid-point peg orders, and the Retail Price Improvement Program are also exempted
from SEC rule 612.
4 structure, which pays liquidity makers 0.26 cents and charges liquidity takers 0.3 cents. EDGA,
however, has an inverted taker/maker fee structure whereby the maker of liquidity, or the passive
(limit) order, is charged a fee of 0.025 cents and the taker of liquidity, or the aggressive (market)
order, obtains a rebate of 0.015 cents. Two interesting questions immediately emerge. First, why
some liquidity providers get paid whereas others need to pay when providing liquidity for the
same stock? Second, what forces determine the competition for order flow between these two
We find evidence that non-HFTers enter the taker/maker market more frequently than
HFTers, especially when relative tick size is high. This (imperfect) separating equilibrium is
generated through the comparative advantage enjoyed by HFTers. Holding everything else
constant, the unit profit obtained to make the market is higher in the maker/taker market, but
successful execution needs to be carried out at the front of the queue. Non-HFTers do not have
the speed advantage to be at the front of the queue,7 but they can choose to pay a fee and enter
the taker/maker market to obtain successful executions of their limit orders. Therefore, nonHFTers are more likely to pay to provide liquidity, whereas HFTers are more likely to get paid
by providing liquidity because of their speed advantage. For low-priced stocks, Non-HFTers rely
more on the taker/maker market to undercut the price because tick size constrains the price
competition in the maker/taker market. We also find that tick size constraints play a prominent
role in determining competition for order flow. The taker/maker market takes a surprisingly high
market share for stocks with relatively high tick sizes. For low-priced large-cap stocks, EGDA
(taker/maker market) executes 57.70% of the volume leaving the EDGX (maker/taker market)
share at only 42.30%. As stock prices increase, the impact of EDGA decreases. The result is
Retail traders, for example, usually have very low execution probability in maker/taker markets (Battalio, Corwin
and Jennings, 2013).
5 consistent with the theoretical work of Foucault, Kadan, and Kandel (2013). Their model posits
an optimal bid-ask spread, which is the bid-ask spread that maximizes trading volume. Mandated
tick sizes impose a constraint that prevents the bid–ask spread from adjusting freely, but stock
exchanges can change taker/maker fees to move the spread to the optimal size. When tick size is
too large, charging makers and subsidizing takers (taker/maker model) can increase trading
volume. An increase in stock prices decreases relative tick size, which reduces the need to adjust
the relative tick size to bring it closer to the optimal size by charging makers. Therefore, volume
increases in markets with maker/taker fees.
On April 5, 2012 Congress passed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (the JOBS
Act), which encourages the SEC to examine the possibility of increasing tick size. Proponents of
increasing tick size argue that a wider tick size controls the growth of HFT (Grant Thornton,
2012). Our results indicate, however, that wider tick size encourages HFT. The other rationale
for increasing tick size is that a wider tick size increases market-making revenue and supports
sell-side equity research and, finally, increases the number of IPOs (Grant Thornton, 2012).
Economic theories suggest that constrained prices should facilitate non-price competition. 8
However, we doubt that non-price competition would take the form of providing better research.
A more direct response from traders would be to compete on speed and the response from the
exchanges would then be to open trading platforms to bypass the tick size constraints.
Finally, proponents of increasing tick size argue that a wider tick size increases liquidity
(Grant Thornton, 2012). We test this hypothesis using stock splits as exogenous shocks to
relative tick size, and find that an increase in the relative tick size due to stock splits does not
improve liquidity. First, the proportional quoted spread increases because the decrease in the
quoted spread is less than the decrease in the nominal stock price. Depth at the best bid and offer
Airlines, for example, offer better service when price competition is constrained (Douglas and Miller, 1974).
6 and depth within 10 cents of bid and offer increase slightly. However, depths within the same
percentage distance away from the best bid and ask actually decrease. Therefore, an increase in
depth following a split is simply a mechanical effect: measuring the same dollar distance before
and after a split from the best price implies measuring a greater percentage away from the best
price after the split since the nominal price decreases. Finally, the effective spread (the actual
transaction cost to liquidity demanders) increases, particularly when liquidity demanders also
need to pay the taker fee. Our results suggest that an increase in the relative tick size does not
improve liquidity.
Several recent studies also address the tick size issue, including Bartlett and McCray
(2013), O’Hara, Saar, and Zhong (2013), and Buti, Consonni, Rindi, and Werner (2013). Our
paper is, however, the first to link tick size to both HFT and taker/maker fees, and also the first to
empirically examine the economic mechanism that drives the results: HFTers’ comparative
speed advantage and non-HFTers’ comparative price advantage. O’Hara, Saar, and Zhong (2013)
and Buti, Consonni, Rindi, and Werner (2013) also examine order-flow competition between
exchanges and trading venues that can quote sub-penny prices. However, our paper has the
advantage of cleaner identification: EDGA and EDGX are identical except for the fee structure,
whereas the trading platform on which these other studies are based differs along other
dimensions such as information revelation and the trading mechanism.
To the best of our knowledge, our paper is the first empirical study that provides a
coherent explanation linking the three streams of literature on tick size, HFT, and taker/maker
fees. Tick size constraints create rents for supplying liquidity and produce an oversupply of
liquidity at constrained prices. Traders who achieve higher speeds are able to supply liquidity
because of time priority. Tick size constraints also induce some traders to pay a fee in order to
7 make the market. This explains the proliferation of markets with taker/maker fees. Our study
represents two contributions to the policy debate on tick size, maker/taker fees, and HFT. First,
this is the first empirical study that demonstrates the linkage between these three policy issues. 9
Second, instead of discussing whether and how we should regulate HFT and taker/maker fees,
our paper is the first to propose that these two phenomena may be a consequence of existing tick
size regulations. Economic reasoning and our empirical evidence can show, step by step, how
various regulations create these two phenomena. At infinitely small tick sizes, fees would be
neutralized by differences in the nominal bid-ask spread: the maker/taker market would have a
lower nominal spread and the taker/maker market would have a higher nominal spread, but the
cum fee bid–ask spread is the same for both markets (Angel, Harris, and Spatt, 2010 and 2013;
and Colliard and Foucault, 2012). However, SEC rule 611 states that orders should be routed to
the market with the best displayed (nominal) spread. In that case, all orders should be routed to
the maker/taker market and the taker/marker market should be empty. However, rule 612
prohibits sub-penny pricing, so the maker/taker and taker/maker markets can display the same
nominal bid–ask spread.10 In addition, rule 611 imposes price priority only across markets, but
time priority is imposed only on the individual market. Under tick size constraints, the queue in
the maker/taker market can be very long and order execution becomes the privilege of liquidity
providers who trade at higher speeds. The taker/maker market provides a means of jumping
ahead in the queue by paying a fee.
On high-frequency trading, see Biais, Foucault, and Moinas (2011), Jovanovic and Menkveld (2010), Pagnotta and
Philippon (2012), Chaboud, Chiquoine, Hjalmarsson, and Vega (2009), Hendershott and Riordan (2009 and 2011),
Hasbrouck and Saar (2013), and Hendershott, Jones, and Menkveld (2013), among others. For maker/taker markets,
see Foucault, Kadan, and Kandel (2013), Colliard and Foucault (2012), Brolley and Malinova (2012), Park and
Malinova (2013), and Halmrast, Malinova, and Park (2013), among others.
For example, if the equilibrium spread without tick size is 0.3 cents on the maker/taker market and 0.8 cents on
the taker/maker market, both markets will quote a one-cent spread due to price constraints.
8 This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the data used in the study. Section
3 examines the relationship between tick size constraints and HFT. Section 4 studies tick size
constraints and taker/maker fees. Section 5 examines the impact of tick-size constraints on
liquidity as well as taker/maker markets using stock splits as an exogenous shock on relative
tick size. Section 6 concludes the paper and discusses the policy implications.
2. Data
This paper uses four main datasets: a NASDAQ HFT dataset that identifies whether a
liquidity maker/taker is an HFTer, daily TAQ data with a millisecond time stamp, NASDAQ
TotalView-ITCH with a nanosecond time stamp, and CRSP.
The NASDAQ HFT dataset provides information on limit-order books and trades for 120
stocks selected by Hendershott and Riordan. The sample includes 40 large stocks from the 1000
largest Russell 3000 stocks, 40 medium stocks from stocks ranked from 1001–2000, and 40
small stocks from Russell 2001–3000. Among these stocks, 60 are listed on the NASDAQ and
60 are listed on the NYSE. Because the sample was selected in early 2010, three stocks actually
disappear in our sample period so we have 117 stocks in our sample. The limit-order book data
offer one-minute snapshots of the book with an indicator that breaks out liquidity providers into
HFTers and non-HFTers. This enables us to examine the best quotes and depth provided by
HFTers and non-HFTers. The trade file provides information on whether the traders involved in
each trade are HFTers or non-HFTers. In particular, trades in the dataset are categorized into four
types, using the following abbreviations: “HH”: HFTers who take liquidity from other HFTers;
“HN”: HFTers who take liquidity from non-HFTers; “NH”: non-HFTers who take liquidity from
HFTers; and “NN”: non-HFTers who take liquidity from other non-HFTers.
9 The consolidated trades file of daily TAQ data provides information on execution across
separate exchanges for trades greater than or equal to 100 shares (O’Hara, Yao, and Ye, 2013).
We use such data to calculate EDGA’s market share relative to that of EDGX. In our sample
period, EDGX, like most exchanges, has a maker/taker fee structure whereby (as noted above)
liquidity demanders pay a fee of 0.30 cents per share while liquidity providers get a rebate of
0.26 cents per share; EDGA has a taker/maker (or inverted) fee structure whereby liquidity
suppliers pay a fee of 0.025 cents per share while liquidity demanders get a rebate of 0.015 cents
per share.
The results we use to examine the cross-sectional variation in HFT and taker/maker fees
are based on trades involving the 117 stocks in October 2010. NASDAQ HFT data provide the
market shares of HFT liquidity provision for the 117 stocks for 2008–2009, February 22–26,
2010 and October 2010. EDGA and EDGX volumes are included in the TAQ data from July
2010. Therefore, we have measures of both HFT liquidity provision and market shares of the
taker/maker market relative to that of the maker/taker market for October 2010. The summary
statistics on these stocks are presented in Panel A of Table 1.
Insert Table 1 about Here
We also study the impact of relative tick size on liquidity and the taker/maker market
using stock splits as exogenous shocks to nominal stock prices, but these 117 shocks do not
provide a large enough sample of splits. We examine all NYSE and NASDAQ firms that
declared a two-for-one or greater stock split between January 2010 and November 2011 in the
CRSP universe. Each of our pre- and post-event windows is comprised of the 30 trading days
immediately before the stock-splitting date and the 30 trading days immediately after the stocksplitting date, including the splitting date. We exclude stocks that split more than once during the
10 sample period. Among these stocks, 83 firms list trading data in the ITCH dataset. The summary
statistics on these stocks are presented in Panel B of Table 1. Because the data on EDGA and
EDGX are available only for trades occurring after July 1, 2011, we have 66 firms with data on
EDGA and EDGX volumes.
We use ITCH data to construct a limit-order book at nanosecond-level resolution, which
is the foundation for calculating liquidity. In particular, using NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH data
allows us to measure the depth within any dollar distance from the best bid and ask. This is
important for comparing the depth level before and after a split. For example, the depth within 20
cents of the best bid and offer for a stock with $20 is equivalent to the depth within 10 cents of
$10 after a two-for-one split.
3. Tick Size Constraints and High-Frequency Liquidity Provision
Tick size plays a central role in separating price competition from speed competition. For
example, suppose there are three liquidity providers, one of whom (trader A) is willing to
provide liquidity at 0.1 cents, another of whom (trader B) is willing to provide liquidity at 0.5
cents, and a third of whom (trader C) is willing to provide liquidity at 1 cent. When tick size is
smaller or equal to 0.5 cents, trader A has price priority over traders B and C. When tick size is
more than 0.5 cents but smaller than 1 cent, both traders A and B are willing to offer liquidity at
1 tick, and the priority between A is B is determined by time. When tick size is greater than or
equal to 1 cent, all three traders quote the same price and it is their speed in providing liquidity
that determines whose order is executed first. Therefore, a large tick size dilutes the impact of the
trader who is able to quote the best price. Meanwhile, a large tick size increases the importance
of speed competition.
11 The relation between price priority, time priority, and tick size is the key to understanding
the competition between HFTers and Non-HFTers. Section 3.1 proposes our proxy for tick size
constraints. Section 3.2 demonstrates that HFTers are less likely to quote a better price to
establish price priority, although they can quote the same price as Non-HFTers when relative tick
size is large. Section 3.3 demonstrates that HFTers take a higher relative market share in
liquidity provision with larger relative tick size, and this cross-sectional pattern can be explained
by an economic mechanism demonstrated in section 3.2. When relative tick size is large, HFTers
are able to quote the same price as Non-HFTers, and their speed advantage enables them to
establish time priority and take a higher relative market share. When relative tick size is small,
Non-HFTers are more likely to undercut HFTers through price priority, which decreases the
market share for HFTers.
3.1. Tick Size Constraints Measure
We define tick size constraints by reference to a scenario in which price competition is
constrained by tick size. An intuitive measure of tick size constraints is price. Because stocks
with prices above one dollar have a tick size of one cent, lower-priced stocks have a larger
relative tick size. For the same one-cent increment in stock price, lower-priced stocks have a
larger percentage increment in stock price than higher-priced stocks.
We do not use spread as a measure of tick size constraints due to endogeneity issues. We
do find that a lower spread is associated with higher HFT liquidity provision (not reported), but it
is not clear whether the lower spread attracts HFTers or HFTers lower the spread. Price,
however, does not suffer from such reverse-causality issues. In fact, in a recent paper Benartzi,
Michaely, Thaler, and Weld (2009) argue that nominal share prices are exogenous with respect
12 to firm fundamentals other than the market cap.11 Therefore, the impact of price (relative tick
size) on HFT liquidity provision can be estimated consistently after controlling for the market
cap. Baker, Greenwood, and Wurgler (2009) posit a catering theory of nominal stock prices,
according to which firms split their stocks when investors place higher valuations on low-priced
firms, and vice versa. However, the catering theory focuses more sharply on time-series
variations in stock prices while our analysis focuses on cross-sections. Campbell, Hilscher, and
Szilagyi (2008) find that prices may predict distress risk when they are very low, but the same
paper also acknowledges that such a prediction no longer applies when the price rises above $15.
In summary, prior literature indicates that cross-sectional variations in nominal stock prices are
orthogonal to firm fundamentals other than the market cap. Therefore, we use price as our
measure of tick size constraints. In section 3.2, we demonstrate that price indeed provides a good
proxy for tick size constraints. That is, price competition is constrained to a greater extent for
low-priced stocks.
The original 120 stocks selected by Hendershott and Riordan include 40 large stocks
from the 1000 largest Russell 3000 stocks, 40 medium stocks from stocks ranked from 1001–
2000, and 40 small stocks from Russell 3000 stocks 2001–3000. A natural way to conduct the
analysis is to sort the stocks 3-by-3 based on the market cap and the price level of the stock. We
then sort the 117 stocks first into small, medium, and large groups based on the average market
cap of September 2010, and each group is further subdivided into low, medium, and high subgroups based on the average closing price of September 2010.
Their paper states that the nominal share price is a puzzle because it cannot be explained by the marketability
hypothesis, the pay-to-play hypothesis, or signaling. The marketability hypothesis states that low-priced stocks are
more attractive to individual investors (Baker and Gallagher, 1980; Baker and Powell, 1993; Fernando,
Krishnamurthy, and Spindt, 1999 and 2004; Lakonishok and Lev, 1987; and Byun and Rozeff, 2003). The pay-toplay hypothesis posits that firms can split their stocks to achieve optimal relative tick size. Larger relative tick size
motivates more dealers to make markets and investors to provide liquidity by placing limit orders, despite its placing
a high floor on the quoted bid–ask spread (Angel, 1997). The signaling hypothesis (Brennan and Copeland, 1988;
Lakonishok and Lev, 1987; and Kalay and Kronlund, 2013) states that insiders use stock splits to signal information.
13 3.2 Tick Size Constraints, Best Quotes, and Depth
This section provides the main economic mechanism that drives the results in this paper.
We first show that price is indeed a good proxy for tick size constraints. Price competition is
more constrained for low-priced stocks. We find that HFTers and non-HFTers are more likely to
quote the same price for lower-priced stocks, which suggests that time determines the priority for
providing liquidity. As relative tick size decreases, non-HFTers are more likely to quote better
prices than HFTers, thereby establishing price priority.
NASDAQ high-frequency book data provide one-minute snapshots of the limit-order
book. At each ask and bid price, the data indicates the depth provided by both HFTers and nonHFTers. For each stock on each day, there are 391 best ask prices and 391 best bid prices. Our
analysis starts by dividing the best price (bid or ask are treated independently) into three types: 1)
both HFTers and non-HFTers display the best price, 2) only HFTers display the best price and 3)
only non-HFTers display the best price. For each stock and each day, we calculate the percent of
time that falls in each of the three categories and then average the number across all the stocks in
the portfolio for each day. Then, we get 21 daily observations for the percent of time in each
category for each portfolio. Columns 1, 2, and 3 of Table 2 present the results based on the
averages of these 21 daily observations. Column 1 presents the percent of time during which
HFTers are unique providers of the best quotes, column 2 presents the percent of time during
which non-HFTers are unique providers of the best quotes, and column 3 presents the percent of
time during which both provide the best quotes. Column 4 is defined as column 2 divided by
column 1 and column 5 is defined as column 2 minus column 1. The statistics inference for
14 column 5 based on 21 daily observations is demonstrated in column 6, which shows the tstatistics for the hypothesis that non-HFTers are more likely to provide better prices than
Column 3 shows that price is indeed a good proxy for tick size constraints. For lowpriced large-cap stocks, HFTers and Non-HFTers both provide the best price 95.9% of the time,
implying that price competition is constrained by tick size. Tick size constraints are less binding
for high-priced stocks. For example, HFTers and Non-HFTers quote the same best price 45.5%
of time for high-priced large stocks. Therefore, time priority is needed for low-priced large
stocks 95.9% of the time, but price priority alone can separate HFTers and Non-HFTers 54.5%
of the time for high-priced large stocks.
Insert Table 2 about Here
Meanwhile, we also find that non-HFTers are more likely to quote better prices for small
stocks. This result is also consistent with the reasoning of tick size constraints. As shown by
(Avramovic, 2012), many large stocks have a one-cent bid–ask spread, and a one-cent tick size
implies that it is impossible to undercut a one-cent spread. Small stocks are more likely to have a
spread greater than one cent, which implies that it is possible to undercut the spread, although the
cost of undercutting depends on both the natural spread and relative tick size. We are aware,
however, that there are alternative explanations for the cross-sectional variations of HFT
liquidity provision based on market cap. It is possible that HFTers prefer large stocks because of
high volume (SEC 2010). As a matter of fact, our paper focuses on tick size dimension and we
use the market cap as a control variable.
Table 2 reveals that non-HFTers are more likely to display the best price than HFTers.
The last row in Column (4) shows that Non-HFTers are 2.62 times more likely to display better
15 prices than HFTers. This result is very surprising because there are a number of theoretical and
empirical results arguing that HFTers are more likely to quote better prices than non-HFTers,
either because they can minimize adverse selection cost (Hendershott, Jones and Menkveld,
2011) or because they can better manage their inventory cost (Brogaard, Hagstromer, Norden
and Riordan, 2013). We also find that non-HFTers are more likely to offer better prices than
HFTers for low-priced large stocks: non-HFTers are unique providers of the best price 2.5%
percent of the time and HFTers are unique providers of the best price 1.6% of the time. The
difference (0.9%) is statistically significant but economically trivial, because most of the time
they quote the same price. Obviously, a large relative tick size imposes constraints that
discourage non-HFTers to undercut HFTers. Most of the time—95.9% of the time—both HFTers
and non-HFTers offer the same best price, and the speed advantage of HFTers implies that they
will take priority over non-HFTers. When stock prices increase, the constraints become less
binding. The third row of the table shows that Non-HFTers are 20.9% more likely to establish a
better price than HFTers (37.7%-16.8%), and the difference is significant with a t-statistics of
37.81. Therefore, non-HFTers are more likely to quote better prices and achieve price priority
with a small relative tick size. A large relative tick size, however, shifts the priority from nonHFTers to HFTers.
The results pertaining to best depth further confirm this intuition. We find that HFTers
are more likely to be at the best depth for low-priced stocks. The depth data provide one-minute
snapshots of the depth provided by HFTers and non-HFTers, {HFTdepthitm, NonHFTdepthitm},
where i is the stock, t is the date, and m is the time of day. We provide two ways of aggregating
the HFT liquidity provision for stocks in each portfolio. The first is share-weighted average,
16 whereby we first sum the HFT liquidity provision for all stocks in the portfolio and then divide
the result by the total liquidity provision for all stocks in the portfolio for each day.
The average depths provided by HFTers and non-HFTers for each stock on each day are:
The depth provided by HFTers relative to the total depth of portfolio J on day t is then defined
The share-weighted measure provides the overall impact of HFT liquidity provision, with stocks
with larger HFT depth having greater impacts. We also provide an equal-weighted average of
HFT depth, whereby each stock has the same weight. For each stock i and day t,
3 Next, suppose there are N stocks in portfolio J; the equal-weighted HFT liquidity
provision is defined as
For the 21 trading days and in our sample, we obtained 21 observations of
SWHFTdepthshare and 21 observations of EWHFTdepthshare for each portfolio. Table 3
presents the average of these daily observations. Panel A presents the results for the shareweighted average and Panel B presents the results for the equal-weighted average. Panel A
shows that the depth provided by HFTers decreases monotonically with price. The shareweighted depth from HFTers is as high as 55.66% for low-priced large stocks, while the figure is
17 only 35.07% for high-priced large stocks. The difference is 20.59% and the t-statistics based on
21 observations run as high as 22.10. Panel B shows that the equal-weighted depth from HFTers
is 43.10% for low-priced mid-cap stocks, while the figure is 24.79% for high-priced mid-cap
stocks. The difference is 18.30% with a t-statistics of 30.28.
Insert Table 3 about Here
3.3 Tick Size Constraints and Volume
Section 3.2 shows that non-HFTers are more likely to quote better prices and achieve
price priority when tick size is relatively small. When price competition is constrained to a
greater extent by tick size, however, the priority moves to HFTers, who can quickly post orders
at constrained prices. Therefore, tick size constraints facilitate HFT liquidity provision. This
economic mechanism explains the results reported in this section. The volume with HFTers as
liquidity providers relative to the total volume is higher for stocks with large relative tick size,
because time priority is more important when providing liquidity for these stocks. As the stock
price increases, or relative tick size decreases, the percentage of volume with HFTer liquidity
providers decreases, because non-HFTers are more likely to establish price priority for these
NASDAQ high-frequency data indicate, for each trade, the maker and taker of liquidity.
We are interested in the volume percentage with HFT liquidity provision. Again, we sort the
stocks 3-by-3 and aggregate the volume in two ways: volume-weighted and equal-weighted.
Suppose NHit, HHit, HNit, and NNit are the four types of share volume for stock i on each
day t. For each portfolio J, the volume-weighted share with HFTers as liquidity providers relative
to total volume is defined as:
18 5
The equal-weighted percentage of volume with HFT liquidity providers is defined in two
steps. For each stock i and day t, the volume percentage with HFT liquidity providers is
Next, suppose there are N stocks in portfolio J; equal-weighted HFT liquidity provision is
defined as
Panel A of Table 4 demonstrates the results based on the volume-weighted average and
Panel B demonstrates the equal-weighted average. Panel A shows that 49.96% of the volume is
due to HFT liquidity providers of large stocks with large relative tick size, but only 35.93% of
the volume is due to HFT liquidity providers for large stocks with small relative tick size. The
difference is 14.03% with a t-statistics result of 15.54 for 21 observations. Panel B shows that
mid-cap stocks with large relative tick size represent 35.57% of HFT liquidity provision, a
percentage that decreases to 22.92% for mid-cap stocks with small relative tick size. The
difference is 12.65% with a t-statistics result of 22.65. In summary, our results show that HFT
liquidity provision is more active for stocks with relative large tick size, or stocks that face more
tightly constrained price competition.
Insert Table 4 about Here
4. Tick Size Constraints, HFT and the Taker/Maker Market
Section 3 shows that HFT is the market-design response from traders seeking to achieve
time priority under tick size constraints. NASDAQ is a traditional maker/taker market, in which
liquidity providers are paid. In this section, we examine the take/maker market, which provides
19 liquidity providers with a means of undercutting prices by paying the stock exchange (the maker
fee). The taker/maker market can thus be regarded as a response on the part of the trading
platforms to bypass tick size constraints. Three exchanges—Boston, BATS-Y, and EDGA—
have inverted fee structures that charge liquidity providers and subsidize liquidity demanders.
Two interesting questions immediately emerge. First, why some liquidity providers get paid
whereas others need to pay when providing liquidity for the same stock? Second, what forces
determine the competition for order flow between these two markets?
We offer three hypotheses following the intuitions established in section 3. First, we
conjecture that:
H1: HFTers are more likely to make the market in the maker/taker market, in which
traders providing liquidity are paid. Non-HFTers are more likely to make the market
in the taker/maker market, in which they need to pay to provide liquidity.
This (imperfect) separating equilibrium is generated through the comparative advantage
enjoyed by HFTers. Holding everything else constant, the unit profit obtained by making the
market is higher in the maker/taker market conditional on execution, but successful execution
needs to take place at the front of the queue. Non-HFTers do not have the speed advantage to
move to the front of the queue. However, they can choose to provide liquidity in taker/maker
market by paying a fee to the exchange. Interestingly, we can consider that they jump ahead in
the queue in terms of both price priority and time priority. Because each trading platform has its
own time priority, liquidity providers at the back of a queue in the maker/taker market can shift
to the head of the queue in the taker/maker market by paying a maker fee. What is more, trading
platforms charging liquidity providers usually subsidize liquidity demanders. If the nominal
spread in the taker/maker market is the same as it is in the maker/taker market, a liquidity
20 demander with a smart router (Foucault and Menkveld, 2008) would go first to the taker/maker
market because of the subsidy. Therefore, the taker/maker fee is another natural force in the price
system that makes it possible to bypass tick size constraints.
We caution, however, that our hypothesis does not argue for perfect separating
equilibrium. HFTers can also use the taker/maker market. The literature on payment for order
flow (Chordia and Subrahmanyam, 1995) suggests that market makers tend to pay for order flow
when price competition is constrained by tick size. The taker/maker market is similar to payment
for order flow and HFTers often act as market makers. Therefore, it is not surprising that HFTers
also pay for order flow in the taker/maker market. Our argument is that non-HFTers are more
likely to pay for order flow because it is harder for non-HFTers to establish time priority whereas
HFTers can also obtain order flow using their speed advantage.
Section 3 shows that large relative tick size constrains non-HFTers from undercutting
HFTers. For stocks with larger tick size constraints, we expect that the taker/maker market plays
a more important role in undercutting the price. When relative tick size decreases, it becomes
easier to undercut the price and weakens dependence on the taker/maker market, which brings us
to our second hypothesis:
H2: The market share taken by Non-HFTers in the taker/maker market is high for
low-priced stocks, decreasing as the stock price increases.
Finally, we conjecture that the volume on the taker/maker market relative to that on the
maker/taker market is also an increasing function of relative tick size:
H3: EDGA volume relative to that of EDGX increases with relative tick size.
This conjecture is consistent with the tick size constraints hypothesis of Foucault, Kadan,
and Kandel (2013), but is harder to explain by the agency hypothesis of Angel, Harris, and Spatt
21 (2010 and 2013) and Battalio, Corwin, and Jennings (2013). We explain this in detail in section
Next, we provide tests for these three hypotheses. We use the twin trading platforms
EDGA and EDGX to inform our identification strategy. These two trading platforms have
similar infrastructures with the only major difference being in the breakdown of maker/taker fees.
Therefore, the competition for order flow between these two trading platforms can be explained
only by differences in fee structure.
4.1. HFTers’ Activity in the Taker/maker Market Relative to that in the Marker/taker
The TAQ data do not provide an identifier for HFTers. We use two commonly known
measures of HFTer activity from TAQ data: the quote-to-trade ratio (Angel, Harris, and Spatt,
2013) and negative dollar volume divided by total number of messages (Hendershott, Jones, and
Menkeveld, 2011; Boehmer, Fong, and Wu, 2013). These are both relative measures. If there is
an increase in activity on the part of non-HFTers relative to that of HFTers, both measures
should decrease because HFTers are more likely to have a higher quote-to-trade ratio and a
higher number of messages relative to dollar volume.
These two proxies for HFTer activity are subject to limitations. First, neither measure
separates liquidity-providing HFTers from liquidity-demanding HFTers. However, Hagströmer,
and Norden (2013) show that liquidity-providing HFTers have a much higher order-cancellation
ratio than liquidity-taking HFTers. Because the quote-to-trade ratio and the total number of
messages divided by trading volume are driven mainly by cancellations, we expect liquiditymaking HFTers to be the main drivers of these two variables. Also, these two measures can be
affected by stock characteristics (O’Hara, Saar, and Zhong, 2013). Our empirical specification,
22 however, controls for both stock and time fixed effects and the comparison is made between
stocks on the same day across two trading platforms. Denoting the HFTer measure for stock i on
trading platform j on day t as HFT
, we have:
is the firm fixed effect, which controls for the fact that HFTers undertake more
activities in some stocks.
is the time fixed effect, which presupposes that some days have
more cancellations or messages than other days. The constant
is present because the STATA
statistical package assumes the sum of fixed effects for all firms is 0, and therefore
interpreted as the average HFT activity in the sample.
to-trade ratio is from EDGA and zero otherwise.
can be
equals one if the quoteis the average price level of stock i in
September 2010 minus the median average price of the 117-stock sample. The variable
is the log of the market cap of stock i in September 2010 minus the log of the
median market cap of the 117 stocks in the sample. Both variables are normalized to facilitate
the interpretation of
. 12 Because of the controls for both firm and time fixed effects, the
regression measures the difference between relative HFT activity in EDGA and relative HFT
activity in EDGX. The differences can be decomposed into three terms. measures the
difference between EDGA and EDGX in terms of relative HFTer activity for median-priced
stocks with median market cap.
price level.
measures the extent to which the differences depend on the
measures the extent to which the differences depend on the market cap.
Table 5 shows that EGDA experiences a relatively lower level of HFTer activity than
EDGX. Column (1) shows that the constant term is 30.63 and the EDGA dummy is -9.35,
Without this normalization,
is interpreted as the coefficient of a stock with price 0 and market cap 0.
23 implying EDGA exhibits a much lower quote-to-trade ratio than EDGX. This result is consistent
with hypothesis 1. Column (2) shows that the volume-to-message ratio is higher in EDGA than
in EDGX by 0.69, which implies that EDGA has a higher volume-to-message ratio than EDGX,
which is also consistent with hypothesis 1.13
Insert Table 5 About Here
is positive and significant, which means that EDGA exhibits an even a lower level of
relative HFT activity compared with EDGX when the stock price is low. An increase in the stock
price, however, increases the relative level of HFT activity in EDGA compared with that in
EDGX, which is consistent with hypothesis 2. For low-priced stocks, non-HFTers rely more on
the taker/maker market to undercut the price because of tick size constraints. Therefore, we
observe that EDGA experiences relatively more non-HFT activity or relatively less HFT activity
when the stock price is low. As the stock price increases, non-HFTers rely less on the
taker/maker market to undercut the price, which increases the relative level of HFT activity in
EDGA compared with that in EDGX.
4.2 Volume on the Taker/maker Market Relative to Volume on the Marker/taker Market
Hypothesis 3 states that the volume on the taker/maker relative to that on the
marker/taker increases with relative tick size. To show this, we first sort the 117 stocks 3-by-3 by
average market cap and then by average price in September 2010. Next, we aggregate the EDGA
and EDGX volumes for stocks in the portfolio for each day using both volume-weighted average
and equal-weighted average. To calculate the volume-weighted average, we first aggregate the
EDGA and EDGX volumes for stocks in the portfolio for each day. Volume-weighted average is
defined as the ratio of the aggregated EDGA volume to the aggregated EDGA volume plus the
The coefficient is -0.69 because we use the negative of volume to message ratio following the literature.
Therefore, EDGA has a higher volume to message ratio.
24 aggregated EDGX volume for each portfolio for each day. To define the equal-weighted average,
we first compute, for each stock i on each day t, the market share of EDGA relative to that of
EDGA and EDGX (EDGAratioit). Equal-weighted average is the average of EDGAratioit across
all stocks in each portfolio for each day. Therefore, we have 21 daily observations for both
volume-weighted average and equal-weighted average for each 3-by-3 portfolio. Table 6
presents the average of these daily observations. Panel A is based on the volume-weighted
average and panel B is based on the equal-weighted average.
Table 6 reveals two interesting patterns. First, the taker/maker market takes a surprisingly
large market share in large- and medium-cap stocks with high relative tick size. For example,
Panel A shows that large-cap low-priced stocks take 57.70% of the EDGA volume, implying that
EDGX accounts for only 42.30% of the volume. The taker/maker market also takes a higher
market share relative to the maker/taker market for low-priced mid-cap stocks (63.54% vs. 36.46%
for the volume-weighted average and 57.43% vs. 42.57% for the equal-weighted average.)
Second, volume shifts from the taker/maker market to the maker/taker market for stocks with
larger price. For example, EDGX beats EDGA in large-cap high-priced stocks. Panel A shows
that EDGA accounts for only 26.60% of the volume with the remaining 73.40% in EDGX. The
difference is 31.10% with a t-statistics result of 45.02 based on 21 observations. Therefore, the
taker/maker fee market takes a relatively higher market share in low-priced stocks, whereas the
maker/taker fee market takes a relatively higher market share in high-priced stocks. This
demonstrates that liquidity providers are more willing to pay a fee to make a market for lowpriced stocks.
Our result is consistent with the theoretical paper on maker/taker fees by Foucault, Kadan,
and Kandel (2013). Their model posits an optimal bid-ask spread without tick size constraints, or
25 a spread that maximizes trading volume.14 Tick size constrains the adjustment to the optimal bidask spread, but exchanges can adjust maker/taker fees to achieve the optimal spread. When the
mandated tick size is too high, charging liquidity makers and subsidizing liquidity takers can
increase trading volume. Based on the intuition reflected in the model, the fact that large stocks
have higher volume on the taker/maker market relative to the maker/taker market implies that a
one-penny tick size might be too high for these stocks. As stock prices increase, relative tick size
decreases and we observe a migration of volume from the taker/maker market to the maker/taker
market due to smaller tick size constraints. Insert Table 6 about here
We are aware, however, that there is a competing hypothesis for explaining the market
share of the taker/maker market relative to that of the maker/taker market based on fee structure.
The agency hypothesis proposed by Angel, Harris, and Spatt (2010 and 2013) and Battalio,
Corwin, and Jennings (2013) argues that brokerage firms have an incentive to route nonmarketable limit orders from retail traders to the maker/taker market because retail traders
usually do not claim the rebate. The agency hypothesis is, however, unlikely to explain the crosssectional variation of market shares in the taker/maker market relative to the maker/taker market.
Existing empirical evidence argues that retail traders are either more likely to trade low-priced
stocks (Baker and Gallagher, 1980; Baker and Powell, 1993; Fernando, Krishnamurthy, and
Spindt, 1999 and 2004) or are indifferent between high-priced and low-priced stocks
(Lakonishok and Lev, 1987; Benartzi, Michaely, Thaler, and Weld, 2009). In the first case, the
agency hypothesis predicts that the maker/taker market should take a higher market share in lowpriced stocks. In the second case, the agency hypothesis yields no prediction pertaining to cross 14
Page 316, equation (22) of Journal of Finance, February, 2013.
26 sectional variation in market share when retail traders are indifferent between low-priced and
high-priced stocks. We find that the maker/taker market is more active for high-priced stocks,
which cannot be explained by the agency hypothesis under both cases. The agency hypothesis is
certainly an important issue on the fairness of the taker/maker and maker/taker markets, but our
results suggest that agency issues are not strong enough to explain the cross-sectional variation in
the market share of the taker/maker market, probably because retail traders do not count for a
large proportion of the total volume.
5. The Impact of Tick Size Constraints on Liquidity
We engage with recent policy debates over whether an increase in tick size improves
liquidity (SEC, 2012) by using a stock-splitting event as an exogenous shock to relative tick size.
Following stock splits, outstanding shares are multiplied while nominal stock prices are reduced
by the same factor. Therefore, relative tick size increases after stock splits. In addition, we use
the increase in relative tick size after splits as a robustness check for our results on crosssectional variations in taker/maker market share.
The HFT dataset we used in previous sections cover only 117 stocks and only one of
those stocks has experienced a stock split. In order to study the general trend, we examine all
firms that declared a two-for-one, three-for-one, or four-for-one stock split between January
2010 and November 2011 in the CRSP universe. Each of our pre- and post-event windows is
comprised of the 30 trading days immediately before the stock-splitting date and the 30 trading
days immediately after the stock-splitting date. We exclude stocks that split more than once
during the sample period. To address potential issues regarding the time trend in our sample
period, we also match splitting stocks one-to-one with stocks that do not split based on price,
27 market cap, and listing exchange. Therefore, for each stock that splits, we match it with a stock
listed on the same exchange with minimal matching error Dij, where the matching error is
defined as:
Dij 
1 
9 Next, we explore the relation between tick size constraints and liquidity using the diff-indiff approach. We run the following regression:
is equal to one for stocks that split and zero for the matched sample,
equal to one after the splitting day and zero before the split. The variable of interest is
10 is
, which
measures the impact of the tick size constraints on liquidity.
5.1. Measures of Liquidity
Stock market liquidity is defined as the ability to trade a security quickly at a price close
to its consensus value (Foucault, Pagano, and Röell, 2013). Spread is the transaction cost faced
by traders, and is often measured by the quoted bid-ask spread or the trade-based effective
spread. Depth reflects the market’s ability to absorb large orders with minimal price impact, and
is often measured by the quoted depth.
Our measures of liquidity come from NASDAQ ITCH data. We construct a message-bymessage limit-order book such that the book is updated whenever there is a new message. That
is, any order addition, execution, or cancellation leads to a new order book. The construction of a
full limit-order book allows us to compute the depth within any number of cents away from the
best bid and ask, which is essential for comparing the depth before and after the split. The
28 construction is implemented by the Gordon Supercomputer in the San Diego Supercomputing
Center. A discussion of efficient construction of limit-order books using supercomputers can be
found in Gai, Choi, O’Neal, Ye, and Sinkovits (2013).
The quoted spread (Qspread) is measured as the difference between the best bid and ask
at any given time. The proportional quoted spread (pQspread) is defined as the quoted spread
divided by the midpoint of the best ask and bid. In addition to earning the quoted spread, a
market maker also obtains a rebate from each executed share from the exchange. Therefore, we
compute two other measures of the quoted spread: Qspreadadj and pQspreadadj are the spreads
adjusted by the liquidity supplier’s rebate.15 Specifically,
Each of these four quoted spreads is weighted based on the life of the quoted spread to
obtain the daily time-weighted quoted spread for each stock per day.
The effective spread (Espread) for a buy is defined as twice the difference between the
trade price and the midpoint of the best bid and ask price. The effective spread for a sell is
defined as twice the difference between the midpoints of the best bid and ask and the trade price.
The proportional effective spread (pEspread) is defined as the effective spread divided by the
midpoint. The effective spread measures the actual transaction costs for liquidity demanders.
However, a liquidity demander in NASDAQ also pays the taker fee.16 Therefore, we compute the
fee-adjusted effective spread and the fee-adjusted proportional effective spread.
For each stock on each day, the liquidity maker’s rebate is 0.295 cents per execution, but the results are
qualitatively similar at other rebate levels.
We set the taker fee at 0.3 cents per share.
29 2∗
Because stock splits cause a reduction in the nominal price, the key variables of interest
are the proportional quoted spread and the proportional effective spread, which are the
transaction costs adjusted for the split.
Our main measures of depth are the depth at the best bid and offer and depth within 10
cents of the best bid and offer (Hasbrouck and Saar, 2013). Such a comparison by depth before
and after the split, however, needs two adjustments. The split has two effects. First, it increases
the number of shares. One share before the split is equivalent to n shares after an n-for-one split.
Second, splitting reduces the nominal price. Therefore, depths within a certain dollar distance
from the best bid and ask represent a larger proportional distance from the best bid and ask after
the splits. For example, suppose we have a stock with an ask price of $20. The ask price reduces
to $10 after the split. A depth that is 10 cents’ distance from the best ask represents depth within
0.5% of the best ask before the split but represents a 1% distance from the best ask after the split.
Therefore, we present four sets of results for depth. The first set of depth measures, Depth and
Depth10, do not adjust. They are defined as the sum of depth at best bid and ask prices and
cumulative depth 10 cents away from the best prices respectively. The second set of depth
measures, NDepth and NDepth10, adjust for number of shares. For treatment stocks after the
split, NDepth = Depth and NDepth10 = Depth10. For treatment stocks before the split, NDepth
and NDepth10 equal Depth and Depth10 multiplied by a factor of n for an n-for-one split. The
30 rationale is similar to that involved in comparing the dollar depth before and after the split.17 The
third set of depth measures, PDepth and PDepth10, are depth measures adjusted for the
percentage change in the nominal price. The treatment stocks before the split and the control
stocks have higher nominal price, and we need to consider the depth further away from the best
bid and ask in terms of dollar amount to ensure the same percentage deviation from the best bid
and ask. We adopt the method of Lipson (1999) to make this adjustment. For treatment stocks
after the split, PDepth = Depth and PDepth10= Depth10. For treatment stocks before the split
and the control stocks, PDepth is the sum of the shares at and within one, two, and three cents
from the best quote for two-for-one splits, three-for-one splits, and four-for-one splits,
respectively. PDepth10 is the sum of the orders at and within 20, 30, and 40 cents from the best
quote for two-for-one splits, three-for-one splits, and four-for-one splits, respectively. The final
sets of results, NPDepth and NPDepth10, adjust for both number of shares and percentage
change in the nominal price. For treatment stocks after the splits, NPDepth = Depth and
NPDepth10= Depth10. For treatment stocks before the split and the control stocks, NPDepth and
NPDepth10 equals PDepth and PDepth10 multiplied by a factor of n for an n-for-one split,
respectively. We present all four results to ensure that depth does not increase mechanically due
to a change in the number of shares or the nominal price.
5.2. The Effect of Changes in Tick Size Constraints on Changes in Liquidity
Table 7 presents the results on the quoted spread. The coefficient for the dummy variable
treatment is not statistically significant, implying that there is no difference in the quoted spread
for the control and treatment groups. Also, there is no time trend because the coefficient for the
Similarly, we need to make the same adjustment for the control stocks both before and after the split, because the
price levels and shares outstanding for the control stocks are similar to those for the treatment stocks’ pre-split
31 dummy variable after is also not significant. The quoted spread decreases by 6.22 cents after the
split. However, the proportional spread does not decrease. The proportional quoted spread
increases by 6.5 basis points before adjusting for the fee and by 7.5 basis points after adjusting
for the fee, and is significant at the 10% level. Fee structure plays a role in the differences of the
changes of the proportionally quote spread before and after adjustment for the fee. For example,
suppose a $20 stock has a two-for-one split and a $2,000 transaction has a maker rebate of 29.5
cents (0.295 cents per share*100 shares), but the maker rebate increases to 59 cents after the split
(0.295 cents per share*200 shares). Therefore, the maker fee causes a further increase in the
proportional quoted spread.
Insert Table 7 about Here
Table 8 presents the results for depth. Before any adjustment, columns 1 and 2 show that
depth at the best bid and ask and depth within 10 cents of the bid ask spread increase, implying
an increase in the queue for supplying liquidity. However, the results incorporate two mechanical
effects: 1) For an n-for-one split, one pre-split share is equivalent to n shares post-split; 2) after
the split, one-cent and 10-cent distances from the best ask and bid imply a larger percent
deviation from the best bid and ask due to the reduction in the nominal share price. Columns (3)
and (4) present the results after adjusting for differences in the shares outstanding. The results
show that NDepth decreases whereas NDepth10 still increases. Columns (5) and (6) consider
PDepth and PDepth10, depth within the same deviation percentage from the best bid and ask,
and we find that depth within 10 cents of the best bid and ask increases but depth at the best bid
and ask does not increase. Columns (7) and (8) present the results based on PNDepth and
PNDepth10, adjusting for both the number of shares and the percentage of deviation from the
32 best prices. PNDepth and PNDepth10 actually decrease after the split. Therefore, the results for
depth are mixed and depend on the methods of adjustment.
Insert Table 8 About Here
With an increase in the quoted spread and mixed results on depth, the key variable of
interest becomes the effective spread, because it measures the transaction cost to traders. Table 9
demonstrates a decrease in the nominal effective spread after the split. However, this decrease in
the effective spread is not as large as the decrease in the share price. The proportional effective
spread then increases by 2.6 basis points before adjusting for the fee and increased by 3.6 basis
point after adjusting for the fee. This shows that the proportional transaction cost increases after
the split.
Insert Table 9 About Here
Finally, stock splits lead to an increase in the relative tick size, and the intuition in section
4 suggests that volume should move to the taker/maker market after the split. Therefore, we run
two diff-in-diff regressions with the total dollar volume of EDGA and EDGX and the ratio of
EDGA volume to EDGA and EDGX volume as the dependent variable.
Table 10 demonstrates that the total dollar volume does not change after the split, but the
EDGA market share increases by 2.94%, which implies a migration of volume from the
maker/taker market to the taker/maker market.
Insert Table 10 About Here
33 In summary, the results based on a stock-splitting event indicate that an increase in tick
size constraints does not improve liquidity and volume. However, the constrained price results in
a migration of volume from the maker/taker market to the taker/maker market.
6. Conclusion
This paper provides empirical evidence linking tick size regulation, HFT, and
taker/maker fees, which provides a benchmark against which to evaluate the economic
consequences of increasing tick size. The JOBS Act encourages the SEC to examine the
possibility of increasing tick size, and proponents of wider tick size have offered three rationales
for this position (Grant Thornton, 2012). First, they argue, wider tick size controls the growth of
HFT. Second, wider tick size increases market-making revenue, supports sell-side equity
research, and increases the number of IPOs. Third, wider tick size should increase liquidity. Our
empirical results and economic reasoning, however, cast doubt on these rationales.
We show that a one-penny tick size under current regulations has already attracted HFT
liquidity provision for low-priced stocks or stocks with high relative tick size. Non-HFTers have
a comparative advantage for supplying liquidity for stocks with small relative tick size because
of their ability to quote better prices. An increase in relative tick size, however, favors HFTers.
Larger tick size constraints eliminate non-HFTers’ ability to undercut HFTers. Therefore, both
HFTers and non-HFTers quote the same prices and HFTers can achieve priority because of their
speed advantage. An increase in tick size above one cent would further constrain price
competition and encourage speed competition. Therefore, instead of controlling HFT, increasing
tick size can encourage HFT. 34 The other rationale for increasing tick size is that constrained price competition leads to
better service in areas such as stock research. The general argument that controlling prices leads
to non-price competition is valid. However, we doubt that non-price competition would take the
form of competition over stock research. Most HFT market-making firms do not have research
arms, and a more natural form of non-price competition would be speed competition. A recent
article in the Wall Street Journal states that “investment banks and proprietary trading firms
spend millions to shave ever smaller slivers of time off their activities . . . [as] the race for the
lowest ‘latency’ [continues], some market participants are even talking about picoseconds—
trillionths of a second.”18 We believe one of the drivers for such aggressive investment is the
desire to establish time priority when price competition is constrained, and the rents originating
in tick size constraints facilitate such investment. We also expect that traders would migrate to
trading venues where tick size constraints can be bypassed, and the taker/maker market is one
such market. In summary, we believe that HFT and the taker/maker market are more immediate
and natural responses to an increase in tick size than improving stock research.
Finally, we find that an increase in relative tick size after stock splits does not improve
either the quoted spread or the effective spread. Depth increases mechanically, but it does not
increase when we adjust for an increase in number of shares or a decrease in nominal price. The
dollar trading volume also does not increase.
Our paper can be extended in various ways. First, current theoretical work on speed
competition focuses on the role of information. Our paper points out another channel for speed
competition: tick size constraints. Models using discrete prices can be constructed to indicate the
value of speed and the impact of tick size constraints on market quality. Second, we explain the
“Wall Street’s Need for Trading Speed: The Nanosecond Age,” Wall Street Journal, June 14, 2011.
35 market share of taker/maker fees based on tick size constraints, and theoretical models can be
built to understand why there exist separate equilibria for traders on separate trading platforms
and how exchanges set fee structures in both taker/maker and maker/taker fee markets to
maximize total profits. Empirically, the relationship between tick size constraints, HFT, and
maker/taker versus taker/maker fees can be further explored. For example, the SEC recently
announced a pilot program for increasing tick size for a number of small stocks, and it would be
interesting to see the impact of this shock on speed competition and the taker/maker fee market.
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University of Warwick 40 Table 1. Sample Summary Statistics
This table presents summary statistics on the sample data used in the paper. Panel A presents summary
statistics on the 117-stock sample as of October 2010 using CRSP market data. Panel B presents
descriptive statistics on both the split sample and matched firms 30 days prior to the split execution day
using both CRSP and NASDAQ (Total View-ITCH) data.
Panel A: CRSP Summary Statistics of 117 Stocks as of October 2010
Market Cap
Avg Closing Price
Avg Daily Volume
Panel B: Summary Statistics of Split Sample & Matched Firms
Split Factor
Pre-split Price ($)
Market Cap ($Million)
Avg Closing Price ($)
Avg Daily Volume (1000s)
Avg Quoted Spread ($)
Avg Effective Spread ($)
Avg Best Depth
Avg Depth <=10¢ of NBBO
NASDAQ (Total View-ITCH)
41 Table 2. Who Provides the Best Quotes?
This table displays the percentage of time HFTers and non-HFTers provide the best bid and ask quotes to
the NASDAQ limit-order book. The sample includes 117 stocks in NASDAQ HFT data from October
2010. Stocks are sorted first into 3-by-3 portfolios by average market cap and then by average price from
September 2010. For each portfolio and each trading day, we calculate the percentage of time that HFTers
are the sole providers of the best quotes, the percentage of time that non-HFTers are the sole providers of
the best quotes and the percentage of time that both provide the best quotes. Column (1) presents the
average percentage of time that HFTers are the sole providers of the best quotes and column (2) presents
the average percentage of time that non-HFTers are the sole providers of the best quotes. Column (3)
presents the average percentage of time that both HFTers and non-HFTers provide the best quotes.
Column (4) shows the ratio of column (2) figures to column (1) figures. Column (5) shows the difference
between column (1) figures and (2) figures. t-statistics of column (5) based on 21 daily observations are
presented in column (6). *, ** and *** represent statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level,
Relative Tick Size
Large Cap
Middle Cap
Small Cap
(Low Price)
(Medium Price)
(High Price)
(Low Price)
(Medium Price)
(High Price)
(Low Price)
(Medium Price)
(High Price)
42 (5)
Table 3. Market Share of BBO Depth Provided by HFTers
This table presents percentage of depth at NASDAQ best bid and offer (BBO) provided by HFTers. The
sample includes 117 stocks in NASDAQ HFT data from October 2010. The stocks are sorted first by
average market cap and then by average price from September 2010 into 3-by-3 portfolios. Panel A
presents share-weighted BBO depth provided by HFTers and Panel B presents equal-weighted BBO
depth provided by HFTers. To calculate the share-weighted average for each portfolio on each day, we
aggregate the number of shares provided by HFTers at BBO and then divide it by the total number of
shares at BBO for that portfolio. Panel A presents the average daily share-weighted BBO depth provided
by HFTers. t-statistics are calculated based on the 21 daily observations. To calculate the equal-weighted
average, we first compute, for each stock on each day, the depth provided by HFTers relative to total
depth. The daily equal-weighted average for each portfolio is the average of the percentage of depth
provided by HFTers for stocks in the portfolio. Panel B presents the average daily equal-weighted BBO
depth provided by HFTers. t-statistics are calculated based on 21 daily observations. *, ** and ***
represent statistical significance of large-minus-small differences at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level,
Panel A: Percentage of BBO Depth Provided by High-frequency Traders (Share-weighted)
Relative Tick
(Low Price)
Relative Tick
(Medium Price)
Relative Tick
(High Price)
Relative Tick
(Low-High Price)
Large Cap
Middle Cap
Small Cap
L-S Cap
Panel B: Percentage of BBO Depth Provided by High-frequency Traders (Equal-weighted)
Relative Tick
(Low Price)
Relative Tick
(Medium Price)
Relative Tick
(High Price)
Relative Tick
(Low-High Price)
Large Cap
Middle Cap
Small Cap
L-S Cap
43 Table 4. Percentage of Volume with HFTers as the Liquidity Providers
This table presents the trading volume percentage due to HFTers as liquidity providers. The sample
includes 117 stocks in NASDAQ HFT data from October 2010. The stocks are sorted first by average
market cap and then by average price from September 2010 into 3-by-3 portfolios. Panel A presents the
volume-weighted percent of volume due to HFT liquidity providers and Panel B presents the equalweighted percent of volume due to HFT liquidity providers. To calculate the volume-weighted average
for each portfolio on each day, we aggregate volume due to HFT liquidity providers and then divide that
figure by the total volume for that portfolio. Panel A presents the average daily volume-weighted
percentage of trading volume due to HFT liquidity providers. t-statistics are calculated based on 21 daily
observations. To calculate the equal-weighted average, we first compute the percentage of volume due to
HFT liquidity providers for each stock on each day. The daily equal-weighted average for each portfolio
is the average of the percentage of volume due to HFT liquidity providers for stocks in the portfolio.
Panel B presents the average daily equal-weighted percentage of trading volume due to HFT liquidity
providers. t-statistics are calculated based on 21 daily observations. *, ** and *** represent statistical
significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level of large-minus-small differences, respectively.
Panel A: Percentage of Trading Provided by High-frequency Liquidity Providers (Volume-weighted)
Relative Tick
(Low Price)
Relative Tick
(Medium Price)
Relative Tick
(High Price)
Relative Tick
(Low-High Price)
Large Cap
Middle Cap
Small Cap
L-S Cap
Panel B: Percentage of Trading Provided by High-frequency Liquidity Providers (Equal-weighted)
Relative Tick
(Low Price)
Relative Tick
(Medium Price)
Relative Tick
(High Price)
Relative Tick
(Low-High Price)
Large Cap
Middle Cap
Small Cap
L-S Cap
44 Table 5. How Do Tick Size Constraints Affect the HFT Activities on EDGA and EDGX?
This table presents the impact of tick size constraints on the HFT activities on Direct Edge’s two trading
platforms, Direct Edge A (EDGA) and Direct Edge X (EDGX). EDGA charges liquidity providers and
pays rebates to liquidity takers, whereas EDGX charges liquidity takers and pays rebates to liquidity
makers. We use the following regression specification:
We use two measures, quote_to_trade_ratio in Column (1), and volume_to_message_ratio in Column (2),
as proxies for the HFT activities. We measure quote_to_trade_ratio as the ratio between the number of
quotes and the number of trades on each platform for each stock on each day. We measure
volume_to_message_ratio as the negative of the dollar trading volume (in $100 increments) divided by
the number of messages, where a message is calculated as the sum of the number of quotes and the
number of trades on in each platform for each stock on each day. dummyEDGA is a dummy variable that
equals one if the HFT measure is from EDGA and zero if the HFT measure is for EDGX.
is the
average price level of stock i in September 2010 minus the median average price of the 117-stock sample.
The variable
is the log of the market cap of stock i in September 2010 minus the log of the
median market cap of the 117 stocks in the sample. This table uses 117 stocks in NASDAQ HFT Data.
The dependent variable is constructed using TAQ data in Oct 2010. Standard errors are shown in
parenthesis in the table; *, ** and *** represent statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level,
Time effects
Firm effects
45 Table 6. The Market Share of Taker/maker Market by Market Cap and Relative Tick Size
This table presents the ratio of Direct Edge A (EDGA) volume to the total volume of Direct Edge (the
volume of EDGA plus Direct Edge X (EDGX)). EDGA charges liquidity providers and pays rebates to
liquidity takers, whereas EDGX charges liquidity takers and pays rebates to liquidity makers. The sample
includes 117 stocks in NASDAQ HFT data from October 2010. The 117 stocks are sorted first by market
cap and then by price into 3-by-3 portfolios based on their average market cap and prices from September
2010. Panel A presents the average of the daily volume-weighted market share of EDGA. We first
aggregate the EDGA and EDGX volumes for stocks in each portfolio for each day. The daily volumeweighted market share of EDGA is defined as the ratio of the aggregated EDGA volume divided by the
aggregated EDGA volume plus the aggregated EDGX volume for each portfolio. t-statistics are calculated
based on 21 daily observations. Panel B presents the average of the daily equal-weighted market share of
EDGA. We first compute, for each stock on each day, the market share of EDGA relative to that of
EDGA and EDGX. The daily equal-weighted market share for each portfolio is the average of the market
share for stocks in the portfolio. t-statistics are calculated based on the 21 daily observations. *, ** and
*** represent statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level of large-minus-small differences,
Panel A: Volume-weighted EDGA Volume / (EDGA Volume + EDGX Volume)
Relative Tick
(Low Price)
Relative Tick
(Medium Price)
Relative Tick
(High Price)
Relative Tick Size
Large Cap
Middle Cap
Small Cap
L-S Cap
(Low-High Price)
Panel B: Equal-weighted EDGA Volume / (EDGA Volume + EDGX Volume)
Relative Tick
(Low Price)
Relative Tick
(Medium Price)
Relative Tick
(High Price)
Relative Tick Size
Large Cap
Middle Cap
Small Cap
L-S Cap
46 Large-Small
(Low-High Price)
Table 7. Impact of Tick Size Constraints on Quoted Spread
This table presents the impact of changes in relative tick size on the quoted spread. We use stock splits as
an exogenous shock for relative tick size. The sample includes all NYSE and NASDAQ firms that
declared a two-for-one, three-for-one, or four-for-one stock split between January 2010 and November
2011 in the CRSP universe. Each splitting stock is also matched with a control stock based on listing
exchange, price, and market cap. The event window includes 30 trading days immediately before and
after the stock-splitting date. The estimation is based on the following diff-in-diff regression:
is equal to one for stocks that split and zero for the matched sample, aftert equals one after
the split and zero before the split. We measure the liquidity for each stock i on each day t. In column (1),
Qspread stands for the time-weighted quoted spread and Qspreadadj in column (2) stands for the timeweighted quoted spread adjusted for the liquidity maker’s rebate. pQspread in column (3) is the timeweighted proportional quoted spread and pQspreadadj in column (4) is the time-weighted proportional
quoted spread adjusted for the liquidity maker’s rebate. Standard errors are in parentheses, and *, **, and
*** represent statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively.
(in cent)
(in cent)
(in bps)
(in bps)
47 Table 8. Impact of Tick Size Constraints on BBO Depth
This table indicates the impact of changes in tick size changes on BBO depth. We use stock splits as an
exogenous shock for relative tick size. The sample includes all NYSE and NASDAQ firms that declared a
two-for-one, three-for-one, or four-for-one stock split between January 2010 and November 2011 in the
CRSP universe. Each splitting stock is also matched with a control stock based on listing exchange, price
and market cap. The event window includes 30 trading days immediately before and after the stocksplitting date. The estimation is based on the following diff-in-diff regression:
is equal to one for stocks that split and zero for the matched sample, aftert equals one after
the split and zero before the split. We measure the liquidity variable for each stock i on each day t. In
columns (1) and (2), we measure liquidity variables Depth and Depth10 as the sum of the bid and ask
offers and the sum of depths at and within 10 cents of the Nasdaq BBO, respectively. To make for a fair
comparison, we apply several adjustment methods to the two liquidity variables: in columns (3) and (4),
liquidity variables NDepth and NDepth10 are depth measures adjusted for the number of shares. For
treatment stocks after the split, NDepth = Depth and NDepth10 = Depth10. For treatment stocks before
the split, NDepth and NDepth10 equal Depth and Depth10 multiplied by a factor of n for an n-for-one
split. In columns (5) and (6), liquidity variables PDepth and PDepth10 are depth measures adjusted for
the percentage change in the nominal price. For treatment stocks after the split, PDepth = Depth and
PDepth10 = Depth10. For treatment stocks before the split, PDepth is the sum of the shares at and within
one, two, and three cents from the best quote for two-for-one splits, three-for-one splits, and four-for-one
splits, respectively. In columns (7) and (8), liquidity variables NPDepth and NPDepth10 are depth
measures adjusted for both number of shares and the percentage change in the nominal price. For
treatment stocks after the splits, NPDepth = Depth and NPDepth10 = Depth10. For treatment stocks
before the split, NPDepth and NPDepth10 equal PDepth and PDepth10 multiplied by a factor of n for an
n-for-one split, respectively. To assure that the treatment group and the matched group are comparable,
we apply the above corresponding adjustments to the matched group both before and after the splitting
date. Standard errors are in parentheses, and *, **, and *** represent statistical significance at the 10%,
5%, and 1% level, respectively.
48 82.93
Table 9. Impact of Tick Size Constraints on Effective Spread
This table presents the impact of changes in relative tick size on the effective spread. We use stock splits
as an exogenous shock for relative tick size. The sample includes all NYSE and NASDAQ firms that
declared a two-for-one, three-for-one, or four-for-one stock split between January 2010 and November
2011 in the CRSP universe. Each splitting stock is also matched with a control stock based on listing
exchange, price and market cap. The event window includes 30 trading days immediately before and after
the stock-splitting date. The estimation is based on the following diff-in-diff regression:
i is equal to one for stocks that split and zero for the matched sample, aftert equals one after
the split and zero before the split. We measure the liquidity for each stock i on each day t. In column (1),
Espread stands for the share-weighted effective spread and Espreadadj in column (2) stands for the shareweighted effective spread adjusted for the liquidity taker’s fee. pEspread in column (3) is the shareweighted proportional effective spread and pEspreadadj in column (4) is the share-weighted proportional
effective spread adjusted for the liquidity taker’s fee. Standard errors are in parentheses, and *, **, and
*** represent statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively.
(in cent)
(in cent)
(in bps)
(in bps)
49 *
Table 10. Impact of Change in Tick Size Constraints on Taker/maker Market Share
This table presents the impact of changes in relative tick size on the market share of the taker/maker
market. We use stock splits as an exogenous shock for relative tick size. The sample includes all NYSE
and NASDAQ firms that declared a two-for-one, three-for-one, or four-for-one stock split between
January 2010 and November 2011 in the CRSP universe. Each splitting stock is also matched with a
control stock based on listing exchange, price and market cap. The event window includes 30 trading days
immediately before and after the stock-splitting date. The estimation is based on the following diff-in-diff
i is equal to one for stocks that split and zero for the matched sample, aftert equals one after
the split day and zero before the split. We measure the liquidity variable for each stock i on each day t.
ARatio in column (1) is defined as the volume of EDGA relative to the volume of EDGA plus EDGX,
while Dollarvolume in column (2) measures the summation of the total dollar volume of EDGX and
EDGA. Standard errors are in parentheses, and *, **, and *** represent statistical significance at the 10%,
5%, and 1% level, respectively.