Annual Progress Report on Assessment of Student Learning Student Life Units

Annual Progress Report on
Assessment of Student Learning
Student Life Units (rev. 10/09)
Academic year: 2010-11
Student Life Unit/Program: Career and Employment Services
Person(s) preparing report: Kerri Day Keller, Director
Date submitted: October 7, 2011
In one paragraph, summarize your 2010-2011 Annual Progress Report
Assessment results for 2010-11 are limited compared to previous years. CES experienced difficult staffing
circumstances during the year and was also charged with creating a new approach for employer outreach that
was focused, responsive and nimble. CES created two new Employer Relations Coordinator positions,
eliminated the job coordinator position, re-aligned college liaison roles of two Assistant Director, created a
new Assistant Director position and conducted four searches for five positions during the spring and summer
of 2011. Vital services were maintained during this period but new strategies for assessing the
“communicate effectively during interviews” SLO were put on hold.
Provide the web link to department web site where degree program SLOs, Alignment Matrix, and
2010-2011 APR Summary are posted
1) List the complete set of Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives for your unit (all SLOs identified
for your unit)
By utilizing CES services and resources, students will be able to:
1. Make decisions about career options
2. Create well-written resumes
3. Communicate effectively in interviews
4. Conduct a successful job search
5. Develop skills and experience through internships
2) Identify the Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives (from the full list above) that were assessed for this
Annual Progress Report and how they are inclusive of the university undergraduate SLOs (knowledge,
communication, critical thinking, diversity, academic and professional integrity).
SLOs assessed for 2010-11 were:
1. Make decisions about career options (critical thinking)
2. Communicate effectively in interviews (communication)
3) For each learning outcome, describe (a) the measures used (at least one direct measure must be used for
each student learning outcome) ,(b) the sample of students from whom data were collected, (c) the
timetable for the collection, and (d) the forum in which the measures were administered. (Examples of
direct measures can be accessed at
SLO 1: Make decisions about career options
Career advising survey
 Indirect measure
 Sample: 433/1761 students who made advising appointments
 Timetable: Data collected weekly throughout the academic year
 Forum: Online survey
SLO 2: Communicate effectively in interviews
Survey of employers
 Not implemented nor assessed
4) Describe the results of the assessment. (What do they tell you about student learning? What did you learn
about strengths and weaknesses of your unit?) If specific results are not available, describe the progress that
has been made on the initiatives included in the approved assessment plan.
SLO 1: Make decisions about career options
Was your initial contact with CES friendly and courteous?
Overall, rate your meeting with the CES advisor.
My visit helped me learn how to:
o Create a resume
o Utilize CES services
o Pursue internships
CES continues to offer high-quality and high-volume career advising services. Three-year
usage trends are:
 2010-11: 2,454 appointments (1,761 scheduled appointments and 693 walk-ins)
 2009-10: 2,523 appointments (1,847 scheduled appointments and 676 walk-ins)
 2008-09: 2,198 appointments (1,668 scheduled appointments and 530 walk-ins)
The steady individual advising was coupled with a record number of classroom and outreach
presentations during 2010-11. The CES staff who provide career advising also delivered 414
presentations to 11,106 individuals via the classroom, student organizations, center-wide
programming and other outreach efforts.
K-State Career and Employment Services Progress Report 2010-11
SLO 2: Communicate effectively in interviews
No results available
Original plans were to develop an employer survey to assess their perceptions of student skills
and CES services. During January 2011, CES experienced two staff member resignations and
the development of this survey was put on hold. With the staff resignations, CES was also
charged with re-deploying salary dollars in new ways to enhance employer outreach. Spring
and summer 2011 was dedicated to re-aligning the organization of CES staff and conducting
four searches for five positions.
5) Describe the actions and/or revisions that were implemented in response to the previous year’s
assessment results and the effects on student learning observed on this year’s SLOs.
With the robust student demand for career services and new expectations for employer outreach,
CES re-deployed salary dollars to create an Assistant Director for Architecture and Human
Ecology. This AD position serves the smallest colleges and is the only position with two
colleges of responsibility. This change created the opportunity for one AD to focus solely on
the College of Arts and Sciences and another one to solely serve the College of Agriculture.
Developing an employer survey is especially appropriate as new staff come on board as
Employer Relations Coordinators. Work on an employer survey will continue through 2011-12.
6) Describe the process by which faculty reviewed the results of this year’s SLOs and the actions
and/or revisions that are planned in response to the assessment results. (include changes that may be made
to unit SLOs or to the general assessment strategy)
CES staff members review individual results of the career advising survey on a monthly basis.
The overall advising survey results and usage statistics are shared with all staff upon the
conclusion of the academic year. Given the continued growth in walk-in advising services, a
new drop-in program, Face-2-Face Friday, is planned for Fall 2011. It will provide students
with the chance to practice their networking skills and their career fair pitch.
K-State Career and Employment Services Progress Report 2010-11
7) Briefly describe the long-range plan to assess all of the outcomes (if assessing over a sequence of years).
Based on the university’s expectation for annual SLO assessment, the CES director has
revised the CES assessment strategy as follows:
CES student learning outcomes
1. Make decisions about career options
a. Assessment Method: Career advising survey
b. Timetable: Annual data collection and review
2. Create well-written resumes
a. Assessment Method: Blind evaluation of resumes
b. Timetable: Every three years with next review 2011-12
3. Communicate effectively in interviews
a. Assessment Method: Employer survey
b. Timetable: Every three years with next review in 2012-13
c. Note: Survey development will continue through 2011-12.
4. Conduct a successful job search
a. Assessment Method: Needs assessment survey
b. Timetable: Every three years with next review in 2013-14
c. Note: Discontinue cross-referencing post-grad survey data with activation
5. Develop skills and experience through internships
a. Assessment Method: Career self-efficacy survey and employer feedback
b. Timetable: Annual assessment commencing in 2011-12 to coincide with
creation of credit-based internship class
K-State Career and Employment Services Progress Report 2010-11