JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 105, NO. C12, PAGES 28,709-28,722, DECEMBER 15, 2000 Phytoplankton chlorophyll distributions and primary production in the Southern Ocean J. Keith Moore • and Mark R. Abbott College of Oceanic and AtmosphericSciences,Oregon State University,Corvallis Abstract. Satellite oceancolor data from the Sea-viewingWide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS)were usedto examinedistributionsof chlorophyllconcentrationwithin the SouthernOcean for the period October 1997 throughSeptember1998. Over most of the Southern Ocean,meanchlorophyll concentrations remained quitelow(<0.3-0.4mgm-3). Phytoplankton blooms wherechlorophyll concentration exceeded 1.0mgm-3 were observedin three general areas,which included coastal/shelfwaters, areas associatedwith the seasonalsea ice retreat, and the vicinity of the major SouthernOcean fronts. These chlorophylldistributionpatternsare consistentwith an iron-limited system.Mean chlorophyllconcentrationsfrom SeaWiFS are comparedwith valuesfrom the coastalzone color scanner(CZCS). The SeaWiFSglobalchlorophyllalgorithmworksbetter than the CZCS in SouthernOceanwaters.Primary productionin the SouthernOcean was estimatedwith the verticallygeneralizedproductionmodel of Behrenfeldand Falkowski [1997].Annual primaryproductionin the SouthernOcean (>30øS) was estimatedto be 14.2Gt C yr-•, withmostproduction (-80%) takingplaceat midlatitudes from30øto 50øS.Primaryproduction at latitudes >50øSwasestimated to be 2.9Gt C yr-•. Thisis considerablyhigher than previousestimatesbasedon in situ data but lessthan some recent estimatesbasedon CZCS data. Our estimatedprimaryproductionis sufficientto accountfor the observedSouthernHemisphereseasonalcyclein atmospheric02 concentrations. 1. Introduction Phytoplanktonbloomdynamicsin the SouthernOceanhave long representeda paradoxfor oceanographers. Despite high concentrationsof availablenitrate and phosphate,chlorophyll concentrationsin open ocean waters remain low (typically <0.5 mgm-3) [Tr•guer andJacques, 1992;Comiso etal., 1993; Banse, 1996]. The SouthernOcean is thus the largesthighnutrient low-chlorophyll(HNLC) region in the world ocean [Martin, 1990;Minas and Minas, 1992]. In recent years, substantial evidencehas accumulatedthat the availabilityof the micronutrientiron playsa critical role in limiting phytoplankton biomassand productionwithin HNLC regions[Martin et al., 1990a, 1990b;de Baar et al., 1995; Coale et al., 1996; Gordon et al., 1997;van Leeuweet al., 1997;Takeda,1998]. There have been several satellite-based studies of Southern Ocean phytoplanktondynamicsthat relied on data from the coastalzonecolorscanner(CZCS).ArrigoandMcClain [1994] used CZCS data to estimateprimary productionin the Ross Sea. Several studies combined CZCS data with satellite- sociatedwith sea ice retreat, shallowwaters, areas of strong upwelling,and regionsof high eddy kinetic energy (mainly associated with SouthernOceanfronts) [Comisoet al., 1993]. The strongestcorrelationwith pigmentswas a negativecorrelation betweenoceandepth and pigmentconcentrations, possiblythe result of higher availableiron concentrationsin shallow water regions[Comisoet al., 1993].Sullivanet al. [1993] also examined CZCS pigment data for the whole Southern Ocean.They noted intensephytoplanktonbloomswithin and downstreamof coastal/shelfareas,which they attributed to elevatediron availability[Sullivanet al., 1993]. Silicic acid availabilitymay limit diatom productionand biomassaccumulation in severalareas [Trdguerand Jacques,1992;Sullivanet al., 1993].Mitchell and Holm-Hansen[1991] developeda regionalSouthernOceanpigment(SOP) retrievalalgorithmfor the CZCS on the basisof the bio-opticalpropertiesof Antarctic Peninsulawaters. This regional pigment algorithm was deemednecessary becausethe globalpigment(GP) algorithm for CZCS [Gordonet al., 1983] resultedin underestimates of surfacechlorophyllconcentrationsin Southern Ocean waters [MitchellandHolm-Hansen,1991;Sullivanet al., 1993;Amigoet al., 1994].Amigoet al. [1994] providedcorrectionfactorsfor convertingGP pigmentestimatesto SOP pigmentvalues.The SOP pigment values are higher than the GP estimatesby a factor rangingfrom -2.1 to 2.5 for chlorophyllconcentrations derivedice coverinformationto examineice edgephytoplankton bloomdynamics[Sullivanet al., 1988;Comisoet al., 1990]. Comisoet al. [1993] examinedCZCS pigmentdata for the entire SouthernOcean and analyzedtheir relationshipto several geophysicalfeatures. They noted that phytoplankton bloomsoccurprimarily in severalregionsincludingareas as- below1.5mgm-3 [Amigo et al., 1994]. In this study, Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensors •Nowat Advanced Studies Program, NationalCentersfor Atmo- (SeaWiFS) satellite-basedestimatesof surfacechlorophyll sphericResearch,Boulder,Colorado. concentrationsare used to examine phytoplanktonbiomass Copyright2000 by the American GeophysicalUnion. distributionsand dynamicswithin the SouthernOcean.We use a broad definitionfor the SouthernOcean encompassing the Paper number 1999JC000043. 0148-0227/00/1999JC000043509.00 area from the Antarctic 28,709 continent north to 30øS. This northern 28,710 MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON CHLOROPHYLL 00 o c• o • ot--.,,,.. o (I..) o MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON CHLOROPHYLL 28,711 o 0 o• Z o'• (D (D (D o• C)• • N 0 0 •,• N 00• o (D ,...k 0 (D •:o• • .-• 28,712 MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON boundaryis ---5ø of latitude north of the mean positionof the North SubtropicalFront as defined by Belkin and Gordon [1996]. Technically,the North SubtropicalFront marks the northernborder of the SouthernOcean.The 30øSboundaryis used to encompassnorthern meandersof this front. Mean latitude in the Indian sectorof the North SubtropicalFront is as far north as 32ø-33øS[Belkinand Gordon,1996]. Primaryproductionin the SouthernOceanis estimatedusing the verticallygeneralizedproductionmodel (VGPM) of Behrenfeld and Falkowski[1997].Satellite-derivedestimatesof surfacechlorophyll,seasurfacetemperature,seaice cover,and surfacephotosynthetically availableradiationare usedto drive thismodel.Our resultsare comparedwith severalrecentstudiesthat useddatafrom the CZCS to modelprimaryproduction in SouthernOcean waters [Longhurstet al., 1995;Behrenfeld and Falkowski,1997;Arrigo et al., 1998] as well as with estimatesextrapolatedfrom in situ measurements. We also compare our estimatesof total primary productionwith estimates of seasonalnet productionbasedon atmospheric02 variations [Benderet al., 1996]. CHLOROPHYLL ContinentalShelfZone of Tr•guerandJacques[1992].The SIZ is definedas areaswith >5% ice cover duringAugust 1997 (maximumice extentprior to growingseason)andless<70% icecoverduringFebruary1998(seasonal minimumiceextent). The MIZ is a subset of the SIZ where there has been recent meltingof seaice [Smithand Nelson,1986].We operationally definethis ecologicallyimportant region as areaswith >50% seaice coverthe precedingmonth and <50% ice coverin the current month. Previously,we have used 70% ice cover to defineMIZ [Mooreet al., 2000]. Here we use 50% to include thoseareasthat begin the growingseasonat <70% ice cover. A wide rangeof cutoffvaluescan be usedin determiningthe MIZ (---30-70%) that givesimilarresultsbecauseseaicemelts rapidlyin the SouthernOcean,typicallygoingfrom heavyto little ice cover in less than a month. The PFR is defined as all areaswithin 1ø of latitude of the mean path for the Antarctic Polar Front (PF) as definedby Moore et al. [1999a].This locationof the PF is basedon satelliteseasurfacetemperature data and thusmarksthe surfaceexpressionof the front. The PF hasboth surfaceand subsurface expressions [seeMooreet al., 1999a].Arguably,the surfaceexpressionhas a stronger influenceon the biota and is thus appropriatefor usehere. In 2. Methods and Materials any casethe mean locationsof the front basedon surfaceand SeaWiFS-derivedestimatesof surfacechlorophyllconcen- subsurface definitionsare quite similarin mostregions[Moore trationsfor the period October 1997 throughSeptember1998 et al., 1999a].The POOZ is the areanorthof the SIZ andsouth were obtained from the Goddard SpaceFlight Center [Mc- of the PFR. The SWR is defined as the area from the PFR north to the Clain et al., 1998]. Daily level 3 standardmappedimagesof chlorophyll concentration (version 2) were composite- SubtropicalFronts [Banse,1996].The northernborderof this averagedto produceweekly, monthly, seasonal,and annual regionis setat 35øS,slightlynorth of the meanpositionof the meansfor the SouthernOcean. We comparetheseSeaWiFS North SubtropicalFront as defined by Belkin and Gordon estimateswith data from the CZCS. Monthly CZCS compos- [1996].North of thisregion,are the mid-oceangyresystems of ites processed with the globalalgorithm(GP) [Gordonet al., the SouthernHemisphere.This area, 30ø-35øS,we term the 1983] over the 1979-1986 period were obtainedfrom NASA. MGR. To defineopenoceanpatternsbetterwe haveexcluded We also derived monthly CZCS compositesbased on the areas shallower than 500 m from the MGR, SWR, PFR, and SouthernOceanpigment(SOP) algorithm[MitchellandHolm- POOZ areasusingthe topographydata of Smithand Sandwell Hansen, 1991] using the correctionfactors of Ardgo et al. [1994]. These shallowcoastaland shelf areas are collectively referred to as the MCR. [1994]. Monthly mean sea ice concentrations (NASA Team algoThere is someoverlapbetweentheseecologicalregions.The rithm) from the SpecialSensorMicrowaveImager (SSM/I) WRR and the MIZ are subsets of the SIZ. We have excluded DMSP-F13 satellite sensorfor the years 1997-1998 were obtainedfrom the Earth ObservingSystemData and Information System (EOSDIS) National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) DistributedActive Archive Center, Universityof Colorado,Boulder [NationalSnowand Ice Data Center,1998]. Ice concentrations of <5% were consideredto be openwater in our analysis.A minimum of 70% ice cover was used to determinethe minimum(summer)sea ice extent.This value waschosenbecausesignificantphytoplanktonbiomasscan accumulate in the water column at ice concentrations below the WRR areas from the MIZ and SIZ. In the southwest Pacificand throughDrake Passagethe SIZ and MIZ overlap with the PFR. Theseareashavebeen includedonlywithin our SIZ and MIZ regions,and thus are excludedfrom the PFR. Chlorophylldistributionsare also comparedwith the mean positionsof the major SouthernOcean fronts.We haveused the meanpath of Mooreet al. [1999a]for the AntarcticPF. The positionsof the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF) and the Subantarctic Front (SAF) are from the analysisof Orsi et al. [1995]. The locationsof the North SubtropicalFront (NSTF) and South SubtropicalFront (SSTF) and the AgulhasCurrentare fromBelkin[1993,1988] and Belkinand Gordon [1996]. The regionfrom the SSTF to the NSTF is termed the SubtropicalFrontal Zone (STFZ) [Belkinand Gordon,1996].The terminologyand abbreviations usedin definingthe ecologicalregionsand frontsare summa- ---70% [e.g., Smith and Gordon, 1997]. All sea ice data were remappedto a 9 km equal anglegrid. The satellitechlorophylldata were analyzedby ecological region within the Southern Ocean. We divide the Southern Ocean into severalecologicalregions,includingthe Midlatitude Gyre Region (MGR), the Midlatitude CoastalRegion (MCR), the Subantarctic Water Ring (SWR), the PolarFron- rized in Table 1. tal Region (PFR), the Permanently Open Ocean Zone (POOZ), the SeasonalIce Zone (SIZ), the MarginalIce Zone (MIZ), and the Weddell-RossRegion(WRR). From the Ant- 3. Modeling Primary Production arcticPolar Front southto Antarcticatheseecologicalregions Primaryproductionover monthlytimescaleswasestimated are similar to thoseproposedby Tr•guerand Jacques[1992]. usingthe VGPM [Behrenfeld and Falkowski,1997].The inputs The WRR consists of the waters of the Weddell and Ross Seas to the VGPM are satellite-derivedsurfacechlorophyllconcenthat are southof 73øS.This regionis similarto the Coastaland trations, sea surface temperatures, and photosynthetically MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN Table 1. Abbreviations Used for the Various OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON Southern Definition MIZ EcologicalRegions Weddell-RossRegion, high-latitudeWeddell and RossSeas SeasonalIce Zone, >5% ice coverAugust 1997 and <70% ice cover February 1998 Marginal Ice Zone, >50% ice coverin precedingmonth POOZ PermanentlyOpen Ocean Zone, north of SIZ and south PFR Polar Frontal Region, area within 1ø latitude of Antarctic SWR MGR MCR SubantarcticWater Ring, area north of PFR to 35øS Midlatitude Gyre Region, area from 30ø to 35øS Midlatitude Coastal Region, areasin MGR, SWR, PFR, and POOZ, where depth <500 m WRR SIZ and <50% in current mean location Ocean Fronts SACCF SouthernAntarctic CircumpolarCurrent Front PF SAF Antarctic Polar Front Subantarctic Front SSTF NSTF AC South SubtropicalFront North SubtropicalFront Aghulas Current availableradiation (PAR) at the water's surface[Behrenfeld and Falkowski,1997].Photoperiod,or daylength,is calculated as a function of latitude and time of year. Monthly optimally interpolatedsea surfacetemperature(SST) data at 1ø resolution were obtained from the National Centers for Environmen- tal Predictionfor the October 1997 to September1998 period [Reynolds and Smith,1994].The SST datawere remappedto a 9 km equalanglegrid usinglinear interpolationbetweengrid points. The SST data are used to estimate this reason, there are little or no SeaWiFS data south of --•45ø- 50% during austral winter. These gaps must be removed in some manner to avoid underestimatingtotal primary production. There is high spatialvariabilityin chlorophyllconcentrations within month of PFR Polar Front the local maximum 28,713 smallnumber of pixelshad no data becauseof persistentcloud coverfor the entire month.A secondlarger gap appearsin the chlorophyll data at high latitudes seasonallybecauseof the short day length and the inability of SeaWiFS to produce accuratechlorophyllestimatesat very high solar angles.For Ocean EcologicalRegionsand Ocean Fronts Abbreviation CHLOROPHYLL rate of primaryproduction B in the modelaccording (Popt) to the Poptversus SSTregression ofBehrenfeld andFalkowski [1997]. B This empiricalfunctionisvalid onlyfor SSTvaluesfrom - 1øto B 29øC.For areaswhereSSTwas<-1.0øC,Poptwassetto the -I.0øC value(1.1mgC (mgChl)-• h-•), andfor SSTabove B 29øC, Poptwassetto the29.0øC value(3.8mgC (mgChl)-• h-•). In theSSTdataset,thereoftenwerenovalidSSTdata at very highlatitudes,mainlyin the southernWeddell and Ross Seas.An SSTvalue of - 1.0øCwasusedfor computingprimary productionin theseareas.Examinationof the PathfinderProgram SST data set [Smithet al., 1996]revealedthat mean SST values were below -I.0øC in these areas during our study period. Monthly surfacePAR data for the years 1983-1984 were obtainedfrom the SeaWiFS Project, and the data from the 2 years were averaged to produce a monthly mean (cloudcorrected)surfacePAR, whichwasremappedto a 9 km equal anglegrid with linear interpolationbetweengrid points.Total water column chlorophyll was estimated from the satellite chlorophylldata using the equationsof Morel and Berthon [1989].Equation(3a) of Morel andBerthon[1989]wasusedfor areasequatorwardof 50øS,andfor latitudes_>50øS (well-mixed waters)we usedMorel and Berthon[1989,equation(5)]. Total water columnchlorophyllwas then used to estimateeuphotic depthusingMorelandBerthon[1989,equations(la) and (lb)]. Two typesof gapswere presentin the monthly chlorophyll compositesused to drive the primary production model. A the Southern Ocean. For this reason we have chosento smooththe data over time rather than space.We treat the area equatorwardof 40% (weak seasonality)differentlythanthe areapolewardof 40% (strongseasonality). Gaps in the data equatorwardof 40% were filled with the annual mean chlorophyllvalue over the October 1997 to September 1998 time period. For the data gapsat latitudes _>40%we first averagedthe monthlydata from March and September1998.The composite of these 2 months was then used to fill data gaps. During March and September(late fall and early spring)phytoplankton biomass(and chlorophyllconcentrations) is low, and the systemis likely light-limited. Using the compositeof these 2 months thus representsa conservativemethod to fill in chlorophyll gapsthat will not result in an overestimateof primary production.Most of the gaps filled were the seasonaltype describedabove and occurredduring australwinter. The few remaininggapsafter this two-stepprocesswere filled by averagingall adjacentpixelswith valid chlorophylldata.To prevent extendingthe chlorophylldata into areaswith heavy sea ice cover(whereprimaryproductionis negligible),we compared the smoothedmonthly chlorophylldata with the monthly sea ice data and removedchlorophylldata in areaswhere sea ice concentrationexceeded70%. The smoothedchlorophyllfields were used only in the calculationsof primary production.All other analysesare baseduponthe originalmonthlycomposites of the level 3 chlorophylldata. We estimate area-normalizedproductionusing two methods. In the first the mean production per square meter is calculated for all productive waters in a given region over monthly timescales.Productivewaters are those with <70% seaice coverwith somelight available(duringwinter months) for primary production.The method gives resultssimilar to what repeated ship surveysto the region would find and is probably the better value for cross-studycomparisons.In the secondmethodwe dividethe total productionby the total area of a givenregion.This total area includesboth productiveand nonproductivewaters and thus results in lower estimatesof area-normalizedproduction. 4. Results 4.1. Satellite-Based Estimates of Chlorophyll in the Southern Ocean Several previousstudiesargued that the global processing algorithm (GP) used for the CZCS consistentlyunderestimated surface chlorophyll concentrationsin the Southern Ocean [Mitchelland Holm-Hansen,1991;Sullivanet al., 1993; Arrigo et al., 1994]. An early comparisonof a limited in situ data set from the Polar Frontal region near 170øW,60øSwith SeaWiFSdata (N = 84) indicatesgenerallygoodagreement betweensatelliteandin situmeasurements (r2 = 0.72, from a linear regressionof shipboardversussatellitedata) but also that the SeaWiFSalgorithm(OC2) may underestimateabso- 28,714 MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON Table 2. Mean ChlorophyllConcentrationsfor Austral Spring/Summer Months (October-March) Over Several Latitudinal Bands a SeaWiFS, CZCS (_G3P), mgm-3 mgm 35ø-50øS 50ø-90øS 35ø-90øS 30ø-90øS 0.29 0.35 0.34 0.30 CHLOROPHYLL that the SeaWiFS estimatesfor mean surfacechlorophyllconcentrations over all latitudinal bands lie between the CZCS GP andSOP estimates.Thesevaluescanbe comparedwith several meanscompiledfrom in situ data. Banse [1996] compileda CZCS (SOP),number of in situ data sets and estimateda seasonalpeak mgm-3 0.15(0.21) 0.28 (0.39) 0.22(0.31) 0.21 (0.29) withintheSWRof -0.30 mgm-3. Thisisin goodagreement •,• 3 0.37(0.52) 0.58 (0.81) 0.49(0.69) 0.45 (0.63) with our mean October-March concentrationof 0.29 mg m- for the 35ø-50øS region(Table2) anda meanSWR December valueof 0.30mgm-3 (Plate5).Fukuchi[1980]estimated mean aCZCS pigmentvalueswere computedwith the originalglobalchlorophyll algorithm(GP) [Gordonet al., 1983], and then the data were correctedto reflect the SouthernOcean Pigment (SOP) algorithm [MitchellandHolm-Hansen,1991]usingthe correctionfactorsofArrigo et al. [1994]before averaging.CZCS mean pigmentvalues(shownin parentheses) were convertedto chlorophyllusinga meanchlorophyll/ phaeopigmentratio of 2.51 [Arrigoet al., 1994].All valuesexceeding 10.0mgm-3 wereexcluded duringaveraging. chlorophyllconcentrations overthe latitudinalrange35ø-63øS to be 0.38 (east Indian sectorDecember),0.23 (west Indian sectorlate February/early March),and 0.27 mg m-3 (east Atlantic sector late February/earlyMarch). These values bracketthe mean October-MarchSeaWiFSestimates(Table 2). The compilationof in situ data by Arrigo et al. [1994] estimated meanchlorophyll southof 30øSto be 0.42mgm-3 (0.58mgm-3 totalpigments anda chlorophyll/phaeopigment ratio of 2.57). This value is higherthan the SeaWiFSestimate lute Southern Ocean (SO) chlorophyllconcentrations,althoughto a lesserextentthan the CZCS [Mooreet al., 1999b]. The SO pigmentalgorithm(SOP) was developedfor CZCS data and resultedin chlorophyllconcentrations higherthan in the GP algorithm[Mitchelland Holm-Hansen,1991]. To examine how well SeaWiFS is estimatingchlorophyll concentrations in the SO, we comparedmean chlorophyllconcentrationsfrom SeaWiFSwith the CZCS data processed with the GP algorithmandwith the SOP-corrected values(Table2). Monthly meanswere composite-averaged over the Octoberto March period. Mean chlorophyllconcentrationswere calculated for severallatitudinalbands(Table 2). CZCS meanpigment valueswere convertedto chlorophyllusinga mean chlorophyll/phaeopigmentratio of 2.57 from Arrigo et al. [1994], which was calculated from an extensive in situ SO data set (N - 1070). As in previousaveragingof CZCS data by Sullivanet al. [1993], we excludedareas of chlorophyll(or pigment)concentration >10.0mgm-3 (a smallpercentage of but lower than the CZCS SOP estimate for latitudes •30øS (Table 2). The irregular temporal and spatialcoverageof the in situ data likely bias mean in situ chlorophyllconcentrationsupward. Since chlorophyllconcentrationstend to increasewith latitude (Table 2), simple averagingover a latitudinal ship transectwith regularspatialsamplingwouldunderestimatethe total contributionfrom low-chlorophyll(Subantarctic)waters while givingequal weight to watersfarther south(which are muchsmallerin their spatialextent,seeTable 3). In addition, manyin situ studieshave focusedon the biologicallyproductive marginal ice zone where chlorophyllconcentrationsare much higher than SO averages(Plate 5 and Table 2). The distributionof in situ samplesusedby Arrigo et al. [1994] is weightedtoward samplesfrom >50øSin the Atlantic and Indiansectors,with fewer samplesfrom Subantarctic waters(the generallyhigh-chlorophyllwatersnear New Zealand are well sampled)[seeArrigo et al., 1994, Figure 21]. This partially accountsfor the highermeanchlorophyllconcentrationof 0.42 the total pixels,always<0.43%). Several lines of evidenceargue that the SeaWiFS global mgm-3 [Arrigoet al., 1994]. By comparingthe in situ values with the estimatesfrom chlorophyllalgorithmis doing a better job of estimatingSO chlorophyllconcentrations than wasthe CZCS. Table 2 shows Table 2 it is evidentthat the CZCS GP algorithmdid seriously Table 3. Annual PrimaryProductionEstimatesUsing the VGPM Model of Behrenfeld and Falkowski[1997]a Productive Total Waters, All Waters, Total Area, Production, Region gC m-2 yr-• gC m-2 yr-• millionkm2 Gt C yr-l MGR MCR SWR PFR POOZ SIZ WRR SouthernOcean (30ø-90øS) SouthernOcean (50ø-90øS) MIZ 145.3 528.8 161.2 82.0 62.3 50.8 156.2 148.5 145.3 505.8 159.7 73.2 58.5 29.1 58.4 131.0 15.3(14.1) 2.57 (2.4) 58.0 (53.6) 4.89 (4.5) 8.70 (8.0) 16.2(15.0) 0.95 (0.88) 108.2(100) 2.22(15.7) 1.30(9.2) 9.26(65.4) 0.385(2.7) 0.509(3.6) 0.472(3.3) 0.0555(0.39) 14.17(100) 82.2 62.4 45.7 (42.2) 2.85(20.1) 0-5.53 (0-5.1) 0.096(0.67) 54.2 aThepercentageof total SouthernOceanprimaryproductionand oceanarea accountedfor is shownin parenthesesfor each region. Area-normalizedproductionis calculatedin two ways.The mean of all productivewaters(<70% ice coverand somelight availablefor photosynthesis) wascalculatedmonthly andthen summed(column1). For calculatingcolumn2, total productionwasdividedby total area,which includesnonproductive waters(waterswith >70% ice coveror no light duringaustralwinter). MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON underestimate chlorophyll concentrationsin the Southern Ocean [Mitchelland Holm-Hansen,1991;Sullivanet al., 1993; Arrigo et al., 1994]. In contrast,the CZCS SOP algorithm values are higher than the in situ means.There is reasonto believethat the CZCS SOP algorithmmayhaveoverestimated pigmentconcentrationat low pigmentconcentrations. Arrigoet al. [1994]and Sullivanet al. [1993]comparedCZCS dataprocessedwith the GP and SOP algorithmswith a large in situ data set averagedover 1ø latitudinal bands.Both algorithms explained71% of the varianceseenin the in situ data set,with the SOP algorithmperformingmuchbetter at higherpigment CHLOROPHYLL 28,715 locationof the Antarctic Divergence(AD), where strongupwellingoccursas a resultof wind-drivendivergenceof surface waters[seeComisoet al., 1993].This upwellingis clearlyseen in oxygenconcentrationsat 100 m depth [Gordonet al., 1986]. The recent upwelling of these waters may accountfor the low-chlorophyllvalues observedin this area. Relatively low chlorophyllconcentrationsare also seenin the Indian sector ---100ø-130øE at similarlatitudes(Plate lb) in anotherregion of high winds and strong upwellingduring austral summer [Comisoet al., 1993]. Phytoplanktonbloomswith chlorophyllvaluesexceeding1.0 concentrations (>-0.6 mgm-3) [Sullivan et al., 1993].How- mgm-3 areseenin severalareas.The highest valuesoccurin ever, a regressionof the SOP algorithmestimatesof surface pigment versusin situ data had the equationy - 0.16 + --3 0.905x [Sullivanet al., 1993].The largey offsetof 0.16 mg m impliesthat the SOP algorithmmaysubstantially overestimate pigmentconcentrations at lower chlorophyll(pigment)values coastal and shelf waters associated with Southern Ocean is- lands and continents.Thus high-chlorophyllvalues are seen surroundingand downstreamof Kerguelen Island (---50øS, 70øE),over the large shelf region on the east coastof South America, and in shelfregionsassociated with Africa, Australia, (<---0.6mgm-3, i.e., by 50% wherechlorophyll is 0.32mg and New Zealand. High-chlorophyllvaluesare alsoseenin the m-3). SinceovermostoftheSOchlorophyll concentrations do notexceed 0.6mgm-3, useof theSOPalgorithm maysignificantly overestimatechlorophyllconcentrationover much of the SouthernOcean.The SOP algorithmwas developedfrom a data set from AntarcticPeninsulawaters,with no total pig- southern Weddell and Ross Seas and in other coastal Antarctic waters. Monthly percentageseaice coverfor the November1997 to February 1998 period is shownin Plate 2. During November the sea ice cover was still near its maximal winter extent over mentvalues<0.5 mgm-3 [Mitchell andHolm-Hansen, 1991]. mostof the SouthernOcean.There wasa rapid meltingof the In additionto the relativelyhigh pigmentvaluesin Antarctic Peninsulawaters,species-related pigmentpackagingeffectsin this regionmay not be representativeof the whole SO. Some phytoplanktonspeciessuchasPhaeocystis spp. are commonly found near the Antarctic Peninsulabut typicallyare a minor componentof the assemblages farther north. Thus application of this algorithm to all SO waters, particularly to lowchlorophyllSubantarcticwaters,may overestimatechlorophyll concentrations.This highlightsthe problemswith regional chlorophyllalgorithms:namely,overwhat area shouldthey be seasonalseaice coverduringDecemberandJanuary(Plate 2). Most of this seasonal retreat of the sea ice cover occurs in the Weddelland RossSeas(Plate2). By comparingPlates1 and2, it can be seenthat large phytoplanktonbloomsoccurin areas wherethe seaice hasretreatedin the Weddell Sea (---0-30øW, below ---60øS).Similarphytoplanktonbloomsare apparentin the Ross Sea ---150ø-175øW,below ---60øSduring December and below ---65øSduring January and February (compare Plates 1 and 2). It is important to note that phytoplankton applied andhowisthetransition between regions •managed?bloomsdo not occurin all areasof sea ice retreat (compare Plates1 and 2). For example,chlorophyllvaluesremainvery In general,the SeaWiFS estimatesare in better agreement low between ---10ø-60øEand 60ø-65øSdespitethe retreat of with the in situ data than either CZCS data set. In part, this likely reflectsthe better temporaland spatialcoverageby Sea- sea ice here over the November-Januaryperiod (compare WiFS. The largest gaps in the CZCS coverageoccur in the Plates1 and 2). In other areaswhere ice coveris retreating, low-chlorophyllwaters of the Pacific sector [Comisoet al., includingparts of the Weddell and Ross Seas, chlorophyll 1993].Large areaswith no valid chlorophylldata alsooccurin the Indian sector(generally,a low-chlorophyllarea;seePlates 1 and 3) during most austral summer monthly composites [Comisoet al., 1993].Thesegaps_may partiallyaccountfor the higher mean values in the CZCS SOP data set. The good agreement between SeaWiFS and the in situ data argues stronglythat the globalchlorophyllalgorithmisworkingwell in the SO and, at least for Subantarcticwaters, a regionalalgorithm is not necessary.At higher latitudes,SeaWiFS may be underestimatingchlorophyll concentrations,although to a lesserextentthan did the CZCS (Table2) [Mooreetal., 1999b]. concentrations alsoremainquitelow(<0.3 mgm-3). Possible causesfor thesevariationsin ice edgebloom dynamicsinclude variationsin wind speed(and thusmixedlayer depth),differential accumulationof atmosphericdust on the ice (which affectsthe amountof iron releasedto the water columnduring melting), and differences in Ekman-induced upwelling/ downwellingby the winds. A largepolynyaopenedin the southernWeddell Sea during earlyaustralspring(Figures2a and2b). This earlymeltingand consequentlow summerice extent in the southernWeddell Sea is very unusual[seeComisoand Gordon,1998] and had a stronginfluenceon the biota. A strongphytoplanktonbloom 4.2. Chlorophyll Distributions in the Southern Ocean developedwithin the polynya,which eventuallyencompassed Monthly mean chlorophyll concentrationsduring austral the entiresouthernWeddellSea(at latitudes>70øSin the west springandsummerare shownin Plate 1 (areasin blackhadno and >---73øSin the east;Plates 1 and 3). Analysisof weekly valid chlorophylldata becauseof heavysea ice or persistent maps of chlorophyllconcentrationand sea ice cover in this cloud cover). Over most of the SouthernOcean, mean chlo- region indicatesthat this phytoplanktonbloom developedas rophyllconcentrations remainlow despitethe availablenitrate soon as the polynyaopenedup and persisteduntil the ninth andphosphate in surface waters(typically <0.3-0.4 mgm-3, week of 1998 when heavy sea ice cover rapidly coveredthe Plate 1). Very low chlorophyllvaluesare seennorth of--•35øS region. Comisoet al. [1990] also observedhigh chlorophyll persistinginto March in the Weddell Seawith within the subtropicalgyres,in the southern half of Drake concentrations Passage(---80ø-60øW),and along---60ø-65øS between20ø and the CZCS. Reflection of light from ice- and snow-covered 70øE.This last area of low chlorophyllalong60øSmarksthe areasmay bias the SeaWiFSdata near the coast(within 28,716 MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON km). However, the large size of this bloom in the southern Weddell Sea precludesits being an artifact of this type. The remainingareas of high-chlorophyllvaluespresentin the monthlycompositesshownin Plate 1 are associated with the major fronts of the SouthernOcean.This is illustratedin Plate 3 wheremean chlorophyllfor the periodDecember1997 to February1998is shownalongwith the mean positionof the major SouthernOcean fronts. Moving from high to low latitudes, the fronts depicted include the SACCF, the PF, the SAF, and the SSTF and NSTF. Also depictedin the region southof Africa is the AgulhasCurrent (AC). Frontal-associated phytoplanktonbloomsat higherlatitudes often occur in regionswhere the fronts interact with large topographicfeatures [Moore et al., 1999b]. Thus persistent phytoplanktonbloomsare seenat the SACCF whereit follows the SoutheastIndian and Pacific-AntarcticRidges(---160øE 145øW)and alongthe Mid-Atlantic Ridge (---5ø-30øE)(Plate 3). Likewise,bloomsat the PF can be seenalongthe PacificAntarctic Ridge (especially---145ø-160øW),at the Falkland Plateau (---48ø-38øW),and along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (---20øW-30øE). Mesoscalephysical-biological interactionswhere Southern Ocean fronts interact with topographycan stimulatephytoplanktonblooms[Mooreet al., 1999b].Two physicalprocesses can result in an increased nutrient flux from subsurface waters to the surfacelayer in theseregions.Vertical mixingmay be increasedby eddy actionsas relative vorticity added to the water columnby the large changesin oceandepthis dissipated [Mooreet al., 1999b].Second,in theseregionsof strongtopographicinteractionand just downstream,mesoscalemeandering of the PF is intensified(at spatialscales<100 km) [Moore et al., 1999a,1999b].Suchmeanderingleadsto localizedareas of upwellingand downwelling,which can stronglyinfluence oceanbiota [Flierland Davis, 1993]. In addition,cross-frontal mixingcould stimulatephytoplanktongrowthif different nutrients are limiting growth north and south of a particular front. For example,there is often a stronggradientin silicic acid concentrationsacrossthe PF, resultingin silicalimitation of diatomgrowthto the north and, perhaps,iron limitationto the south [Trgguerand Jacques,1992; Comisoet al., 1993]. Likewise,in the subtropicalfrontal region,nitrate availability likely limits phytoplanktongrowthrates in the gyreregionsto the north, while iron limitation is more likely to the south [Sedwicket al., 1997]. Phytoplanktonblooms at the SAF, SSTF, and NSTF are apparentin the Atlantic and Indian sectorsbut are generally lacking in the Pacificsector.Iron inputs at midlatitudesfrom atmosphericdepositionare much lower in the Pacific comparedwith the Atlantic and Indian Oceans[Duceand Tindale, 1991].Phytoplanktonbloomsare apparentin the vicinityof the SAF in the southeastPacificduringDecember1997(Plateslb and 3). This is notablebecausephytoplanktonbloomswere not observedin this regionwith the CZCS sensor[Sullivanet al., 1993; Comisoet al., 1993]. Intense,persistentphytoplanktonbloomsare alsoassociated with the AC and the SSTF in the African sector(---20ø-70øE) (Plates1 and 3). The AC is influencedby topographic features in thisregionand interactswith, and at timesmergeswith, the SSTF andthe SAF [seeBelkinand Gordon,1996].Comisoet al. [1993] alsonoted high chlorophyllvaluesin this region.They attributedthesephytoplanktonbloomsto the higheddykinetic energyand possiblecurrent-inducedupwellingin this region [Comisoet al., 1993]. CHLOROPHYLL One way to quantify these chlorophylldistributionsis to divide the SouthernOcean into ecologicalregions.The MIZ covered a largeareaduringDecember(5.5millionkm2) and January (4.3millionkm2).Thelocationandshapeof theMIZ changesconsiderablyfrom month to month duringthe spring/ summerperiod (Plates4b and 4c). The size of the MIZ was negligiblysmall over most of the rest of the year, reachinga minimumduringMay 1998(<1800km2). Monthly mean chlorophyllconcentrations within theseecologicalregionsare displayedin Plate 5. Maximum chlorophyll levels were observed in the southern Weddell and Ross Seas, witha peakvalueof 5.5mgm-3 duringDecember 1997.High chlorophyllvalueswere alsoobservedin the MCR and within the MIZ. Mean chlorophyllvaluesremainedpersistently low in the otherregions, typically below0.3 mg m-3 (although the PFR reached 0.43mgm-3 duringDecember; Plate5). Mostregions showed a seasonal peakin chlorophyll concentration during December in phasewith the seasonalsolar radiation cycle.Exceptionsto this pattern include the MCR, where little seasonalitywas observed,and the MGR, where there was an inversepattern, with a minimum during austral summer.The seasonalpattern within the MGR is similar to that observed in the North Central Pacific Gyre at station ALOHA [Letelieret al., 1993].In that regionthe seasonalcycle is primarilydue to photoadaptation,with chlorophyllper cell in the surfacelayerincreasingduringwinter months[LetelJer et al., 1993].Another possibilitywould be increasednutrientin- put (and phytoplankton biomass)duringwintermonthsin the MGR becauseof deeperwind mixing.The SIZ and MIZ regionshad peak mean chlorophyllvaluesin Januaryand February,respectively (Plate 5). 4.3. Primary Production in the Southern Ocean Primary productionwithin the Southern Ocean, summed over seasonal timescales, as estimated with the VGPM is shownin Plate 6. The highestproductionoccursduringaustral summer,with maximum values in the coastal/shelfwaters off of South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand and in the southernWeddell and RossSeas(Plate 6b). Elevatedproduction is alsoseenin the STFZ during all seasonsin the Atlantic and Indian sectors and, to a much lesser extent, in the Pacific sector(comparePlates3 and6). This highprimaryproduction reflects the generally elevated chlorophyllvalues within the STFZ in the Atlantic and Pacific basins,combined with favor- able SSTs(seediscussion below) (Plates1, 2, and 6). At high latitudes,heavy sea ice cover and the seasonalinsolation cycle lead to strong light limitation and negligible primary productionbelow 60øSduring australwinter (Plate 6d). The effect of sea ice distributionis also apparentduring australspring(comparePlates2a and 6a). Someproduction occurswithin the seasonalice zone during australfall prior to the seasonalseaice expansion(Plate 6c). North of thesehighlatitude areas,significantprimaryproductionoccursduringall seasons(Plate 6). We next examine seasonalprimary production patterns within the ecologicalregionsdescribed.Productionper unit area was calculatedusingmethod 1, averagingall pixelswith someproductionin a givenregion (i.e., ice cover<70% and somelight availableduringwinter months;Plate 7). Primary productionper unit area washighestin the coastal/shelf areas of the WRR and MCR (Plate 7). All regionsexceptthe MGR showmaximumproductionduring austral summer,with the MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON amplitude of this seasonalcycle increasingsharplywith increasinglatitude (Plate 7). SST has a strongimpact on the model estimatesof primary productionby settingthe localmaximumrate of primaryproduction [Behrenfeldand Falkowski,1997]. Within the lowchlorophyllregions,there is a latitudinaltrend with the highlatitude (cold SST) regionshavinglower primaryproduction valuesthan regionsfarther north (warmerSST values)(Plate 7). Thus, despitehaving higher biomassthe SIZ and MIZ regionsgenerallyhavelowerarea-normalizedproductionrates relativeto the other regions(comparePlates5 and 7). This temperatureeffect alsoaccountsfor the moderatelyhigh productionvalueswithin the SWR despitegenerallylow chlorophyllconcentrations (Plates5 and 7). Likewise,the warm SST valuesassociatedwith the midlatitudegyrespartially make up for the very low biomass/chlorophyll concentrationsin this region (Plates 5 and 7). Finally, comparingthe two coastal regions,the warmer SST valuesin the MCR raiseproduction values here to higher levels than in the cooler but higher chlorophyllwatersof the WRR (Plates5 and 7). If we examinetotal primaryproductionby ecologicalregion, it is apparentthat the SWR accountsfor most of the production within the SO becauseof its large areal extentand moderatelyhighprimaryproductionduringall seasons (Plate 8). A weak seasonalcycleis seenin the MCR and MGR regions,and a strong seasonalcycle is apparent with increasinglatitude. Despite its high chlorophylllevels and primary production values the total carbon fixed within the WRR is small because 5. CHLOROPHYLL 28,717 Discussion The patternsin chlorophylldistributiondescribedhere are qualitativelysimilarto thoseof previousstudiesof the SO with the CZCS sensor[Sullivanet al., 1993; Comisoet al., 1993]. There are some notable differences,most likely due to the sparseCZCS coveragein this region.Extensivephytoplankton bloomswere observedin the southeastPacificsectorduring December1997(Plate lb). No bloomswereseenin thisregion in the CZCS data, and silica limitation was suggestedas a possiblecause[Sullivanet al., 1993;Comisoet al., 1993].Silica limitation or perhapsiron limitation may accountfor the lack of bloomshere in Januaryand February(Plate 1). The plume of elevatedchlorophyllvaluesextendingdownstreamfrom the KerguelenPlateau(beginningat -70øE; Plate lb) waslarger than observedpreviously[Sullivanet al., 1993; Comisoet al., 1993].The bloomin the southernWeddellSea(Plate lb) was much larger and extendedfarther west than was observedwith the CZCS, likely becauseof the unusuallystrongsummerice melt during this season[Sullivanet al., 1993; Comisoet al., 1993;Comisoand Gordon, 1998]. At high latitudes(>50øS), maximumproductionwas esti- matedwithintheWRR at 1.39gCm-2 d-• duringDecember 1997,withanannualproduction of 156gCm-2yr-• (Table3). Severalstudieshavemeasuredprimaryproductionon the Ross Seashelfat rates> 1.0gCm-2 d- • [Smithetal., 1996;Bateset al., 1998]. Nelson et al. [1996] combinedin situ data from severalseasonsto estimatean annual primary productionon theRossSeashelfof 142gCm-2 yr-•. Themodeling studyof of a relativelysmall spatialextent. Amigoet al. [1998]usedCZCS chlorophyllconcentrations (corAnnual primary productionestimatesfor the various eco- rectedwith the SOP algorithm)to estimateprimaryproduction logical regionsof the SO are summarizedin Table 3. Also of 3.94and1.44gC m-2 d-• for the RossandWeddellshelf shownin Table 3 are the percentages of the total SO primary areas,respectively,during December. By combiningall shelf productionand area accountedfor by each subregion.Note areasfor the monthsof DecemberandJanuary,theyestimated that area values in Table 3 are the maximum total area before the average production to be -1.5 gC m-2 d-• [Amigo et al., correctingfor seaice coverandfor completelight limitationat highlatitudesduringaustralwinter.For example,note that the 1998]. Weferand Fischer[1991]estimatedannualprimaryproduc- total areabelow50øSis 45.7 millionkm2;however,the maxi- tionin thePolarFrontZoneto be83gCm-2 yr-• onthebasis mum area over which the model was run was 41.3 million km 2 of sedimenttrap data in the Atlantic sector,similarto our PFR (duringFebruary1998,minimumice extent),similarto previous studies[seeAmigoet al., 1998]. Annual area-normalized productionwas calculatedby the two methodsdescribedin section2. Total production(column3) wascalculatedby summing the monthlyproductionmaps. Note that the effectivegrowingseasonfor phytoplankton declinesfrom 12 months per year at low latitudes to <6 estimateof 82.0gC m-2 yr-• (Table3). For the combined monthsper year at the highestlatitudes.Thus the WRR has higher productionper unit area than the SWR over monthly timescales,but total productionis similar over annual time- POOZ and SIZ regionsthey estimatedannual primary pro- ductionto be 21.5gCm-2 yr-• [Wefer andFischer, 1991].This is considerablylessthan our estimatesof 62.3, 54.2, and 50.8 gCm-2yr-• forthePOOZ,MIZ, andSIZ,respectively (Table 3). If nonproductivewaters are includedin calculatingareanormalizedproduction(total productiondividedby maximum SIZ extent;Table 2), mean SIZ productiondropsto 29.1 gC m-2 yr-• (Table3).Amigoet al. [1998]estimated annualprimaryproduction tobe-130 gCm-2 inpelagic waters(>50øS), scales(Plate 7 andTable 3). High chlorophyll(phytoplankton -141 gCm-2 for theMIZ, and-184 gCm-2 for shelfwaters biomass)andgrowthduringall seasons (in mostregions)result (annualmean productioncalculatedfrom Amigoet al. [1998, in a highmean annualproductionwithin the MCR of 528.8gC Table 3] usingour method1). m2 yr-•, whichaccounts for 9.2%of totalSO production but Comparisons betweenour MIZ valuesandthoseofAmigoet only 2.4% of the area (Plate 7 and Table 3). The bulk of al. [1998]are difficultbecauseof the differentdefinitionsused primary productioncomesfrom the midlatitude regions,with in definingthis region.Different percentageice covercutoffs areas poleward of 50øS accountingfor only 20.1% of total were used,and in addition,we excludedthe highbiomassareas primary productionwhile occupying42.2% of the total area of the southernWeddell and RossSeas(the WRR) from our (Table 3). This reflectsa shortergrowingseasonat high lati- MIZ region. The maximum estimatedMIZ production rates tudes, which is a function of strong light limitation during duringJanuary was0.336gC m-2 d-• (seePlate7). Thisis winter months.Total primary productionin Antarctic Surface considerablylower than the rates estimatedby Amigo et al. Waters, i.e., areas from the PF south to Antarctica, is 1.42 Gt [1998] and the estimatesof Smithand Nelson[1986] of 0.571 C yr-• froma maximum areaof 30.74millionkm2 (Table3: gCm-2 d-• fortheWeddellSeaand0.962gCm-2 d-• forthe WRR + SIZ + POOZ + PFR). Ross Sea based on in situ measurements. Our estimate of 28,718 MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON CHLOROPHYLL lli lllll--' I! • • i: i .... I .... I..... •'•IIi- i [ Ill Illl [ i (•m/ lira)Ii.(qdo.lolqD I lJ• ...... cS MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON CHLOROPHYLL \ f I ß i o (:)3) uoD•npo•I I ! • I "'i !..........! o o (qmom/•m/3•) uoganpo.M •m•. d 28,719 28,720 MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON CHLOROPHYLL annual total MIZ production(0.10 Gt C; Table 3) is also considerablylessthan previousestimates(0.38 Gt C [Smith andNelson,1986]and0.41 Gt C [Arrigoet al., 1998]).Our total SIZ productionwas0.472 Gt C (Table 3). Severalfactorscould accountfor the differing estimatesof MIZ productivity.The differing definitionsfor the MIZ resulted in larger areal extent in both of these other studies. MaximumMIZ extent(duringDecember)was6 [Arrigoet al., mated chlorophyllconcentrationsover much of the SO. If so, estimatesbasedon thesechlorophyllconcentrations would be too high. The model of Arrigo et al. [1998] wasbasedon the tion, which is below 30øS, increasesthe total to ---11.2 Gt C from yr-• [Longhurst et al., 1995,Figure2, Table2]. -•6.598 x l0 •3 m2. Thus the net productionestimates of satellite data and the available nitrate and silicic acid but did not allow for iron limitation of phytoplanktongrowth rates. This likely leadsto overestimates of production,particularlyin open ocean waters [see Moore et al., 2000, and references therein]. The satellite-basedestimatescan be comparedwith esti1998]and6.84millionkm2 [SmithandNelson, 1986],whileour valuewas5.5 millionkm2. We excluded the high-productivitymatesthat extrapolatefrom a limited numberof in situobserWRR from our MIZ areas. If WRR areas are not excluded, vations.This approachlacksthe high spatial coverageof the our total MIZ productionis increasedto 0.114Gt C. Smithand satellitedata.Smith[1991]estimatedtotal productionsouthof Nelson[1986]usedthe averageof the Weddelland RossSeain the PF at 1.23 Gt C. Priddleet al. [1998] estimatedproduction situ measurements to calculatetotal production.These areas southoftheSAFat ---1.7Gt Cyr-•, or ---30-40g C-2yr-•, on had the strongestice edgebloomsduringthe 1997-1998season the basis of estimatesof carbon consumptionby top level and muchhigherchlorophyllvaluesthan in other areasof ice predatorsand the productionneeded to supportit and on retreat (Plates 1 and 2). Thus applyinga productionmean seasonal nutrient drawdown at several locations. These methcomputedfrom theseareasmay overestimateproductionelse- odsmay haveunderestimatedtotal production.Extrapolation where. Mean MIZ productionduring Decemberin the Wed- from a limited numberof locationsis unlikely to be accurate dell Sea (0-70øW, not excludingWRR areas)was 0.744 gC given the large degreeof regional and latitudinalvariability m-2 d-•, comparable to theSmithandNelson[1986]estimates demonstratedin thispaper.In their foodweb model,Priddleet but more than twiceour averagefor the whole MIZ duringthis al. [1998]did not allowfor directsinkingof diatomsout of the month.Mean MIZ productionin the RossSea(160øE-140øW, surfacelayer, which may be an important loss processand notexcluding WRR areas)was0.401gCm-2 d-•. Thusspatial would increaseproductionestimates.Estimatesbasedon nuand interannualvariabilitycouldbe importantfactors.A third trient drawdownmay underestimateproductionbecauseof factor that may be relevantis the use of SST to estimatelocal recyclingwithin the surfacelayer. Seasonalvariations of atmosphericoxygenconcentrations maximumproductionrates in the VGPM. The regressionof B Poptversustemperature of Behrenfeld andFalkowski [1997] can be used to estimatelarge-scaleoceanicproductionand may underestimatemaximumproductionratesin coldice edge global-scalecarbonsinks[Keelinget al., 1993;Benderet al., surfacewatersof the Antarctic as samplesof thesewatersare 1996].Our total productionestimates(scaledby appropriate f minimallyrepresentedin their in situ data set. ratios) can be comparedwith these atmospheric-based estiOur estimatefor total primaryproductionat latitudes>30øS matesof seasonalnet production.Benderet al. [1996] examwas14.2Gt C yr-• (Table3).Longhurst etal. [1995]estimated ined seasonalO2/N2 ratios in the SouthernHemisphereand primaryproductionwithin differentregionsof the globalocean argued that a seasonalminimal net oceanic production of for the usingCZCS data (GP algorithm)combinedwith a primary ---2.6-3.6molCm-2 yr-• wasrequiredto account productionmodel. The total productionwithin the four SO seasonalatmospheric02 variationsbasedon the modelresults regionswas8.2 Gt C yr-• [Longhurst et al., 1995].Thistotal of Keelinget al. [1993].This representsa seasonalnet produclatitudes of ---31.2-43.2 gCm-2, witha mean does not include coastalproductionor the productionfrom tionin temperate et al., 1993;Bender et al., 1996].The mid-oceangyre regionsbelow 30øS.Adding productionfrom of ---36gC m-2 [Keeling theseother regions,after multiplyingby the approximatefrac- temperateband of Keelinget al. [1993] consistedof latitudes Our estimatedtotal primary productionfor all areasat lat- 23.6 ø to 44.4øS. Total ocean area over this band is Benderet al. [1996] representa total seasonalnet production itudes>-50øS was2.9 Gt C yr-• (Table3). Longhurst et al. overthisbandof (6.598x 10•3) x 36 = 2.37x 10•sgC,or2.37 [1995]estimated totalproduction of 2.24Gt C yr-• for their Gt C. This is a roughestimatethat ignoreslatitudinalmixingin Antarctic and Antarctic Polar regions.These regionsaccount the atmosphereacrossbands.However,suchmixingis limited, for most of the area below 50øS.If primary productionfrom as evidencedby the muchweaker seasonalcyclein oxygenat half of their Subantarctic regionis added(approximateportion lowlatitudesand the oppositephasingof the seasonalcyclesin below50øS), thetotalisincreased to 4.01Gt C yr-• [Longhurstthe Northern and SouthernHemispheres[Keelinget al., 1998]. The mean Southern Hemisphere seasonalcycle in atmoet al., 1995].Arrigoet al. [1998] estimatedproductionfor all waters>50øSat 4.4 Gt C yr-• on the basisof totalpigments spheric 02 increasesover the 4 month period October(with the SOP correctionto CZCS data),with lowerestimates January,with an amplitudeof ---70per meg, and is largelythe of 3.24and3.95Gt C yr- • aftercorrecting forphaeopigments,result of oceanicprocessesbelow 30øS[Keelinget al., 1998]. which were not distinguishablefrom chlorophyllwith the Approximately81% of the seasonalcycleat midlatitudesis due CZCS. A recent run of the VGPM model using the SOP to net oceanicproduction[Keelinget al., 1993].A similarseaalgorithmcorrectionsfor the CZCS data and correctingfor sea sonalamplitudein oxygenis seenat the SouthPole [Keeling et ice covergavean annualproduction of 2.9 Gt C yr-• (M. al., 1998].Of the 3 yearsexaminedby Benderet al. [1996]the 1993-1994seasonmostcloselyresembledthe long-termmean Behrenfeld,personalcommunication,1999). These model estimatesare heavilydependenton the satel- cycleat southernmidlatitudes[seeKeelinget al., 1998].The lite surfacechlorophyllconcentrationsused. If SeaWiFS un- 1997-1998seasonalatmosphericoxygencyclewasnearlyidenderestimatessurfacechlorophyllconcentrations,our estimate tical to the meanpatternof Keelinget al. [1998](R. Keeling, of primaryproductionwould be too low. Alternatively,as dis- personalcommunication,1999). The 1993-1994estimatefor cussedin section4.1, the SOP algorithm may have overesti- minimalnet oceanicproductionby Benderet al. [1993]was36 MOORE AND ABBOTT: SOUTHERN OCEAN PHYTOPLANKTON gCm-2, which,ascalculated above,wouldimplya seasonal net CHLOROPHYLL 28,721 bution of CO2 species,estimatesof net communityproduction,and air-seaCO2 exchangein the RossSeapolynya,J. Geophys. Res.,103, oceanicproductionof 2.37 Gt C. On the basisof severalcon2883-2896, 1998. siderations,Benderet al. [1993] arguedthat actualoceanicnet Behrenfeld, M. J., and P. G. Falkowski,Photosyntheticrates derived productionwas higher than their minimum estimatesby a from satellite-basedchlorophyllconcentration,Limnol. Oceanogr., 42, 1-20, 1997. factor of--• 1.5.This net productionwould increasethe total net productionestimateto 3.56 Gt C. Can our estimatedprimary Belkin, I. M., Main hydrologicalfeaturesof the central South Pacific, in Pacific SubantarcticEcosystems (in Russian),edited by M. E. productionat latitudesbelow 30øSaccountfor a seasonalnet Vinogradov and M. V. Flint, pp. 21-28, Nauka, Moscow, 1988. productionof 2.37-3.56 Gt C overthe October 1997to January (English translation,pp. 12-17, N. Z. Transl. Cent., Wellington, 1998 period? 1997.) Our estimated total primary production for the area 30ø- Belkin, I. M., Frontal structureof the SouthAtlantic, in Pelagicheskie EkosistemyYuzhnogoOkeano(in Russian),edited by N.M. Voro60øSover the 4 month period October 1997 through January 1998was6.2Gt C or 71.4gCm-2. Theseasonal netproduction impliedby the atmospheric02 data would then representanf ratio (the ratio of new to total production)in the range of 0.38-0.57. Typicalf ratiosfor thesemainlySubantarcticwaters range from 0.3 to 0.5 [Banse,1996]. Seasonalnet production can exceedshort-termestimatesof new productionfor a number of reasons[seeBenderet al., 1996]. Seasonalnet production can have highf ratios relative to annual new production becausesomeof the organicC formedbut not respiredduring spring/summer monthsis respiredlater in the season.In addition, somefixed organicmatter sinksand is respiredbelowthe surfacemixedlayer (but still in the euphoticzone) and thus mightnot influencespring/summer 02 outgassing. Thus,taking these factorsinto account,primary productionin SO midlatitude waters is sufficient to account for the observed seasonal nina, pp. 40-53, Nauka, Moscow, 1993. Belkin, I. M., and A. L. Gordon, Southern Ocean fronts from the Greenwichmeridianto Tasmania,J. 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