SCEL Spotlight Session Scottish Learning Festival September 2014 Follow SCEL on Twitter @TeamSCEL

SCEL Spotlight Session
Scottish Learning Festival
September 2014
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Session Presenters
• Tony Finn, Chair of SCEL Board
• Gillian Hamilton, SCEL Chief Executive Officer
• Annette Beaton, participant SCEL Fellowship Programme
• Clive Dimmock, University of Glasgow, academic support to SCEL
Fellowship Programme
• Susan Quinn, member of SCEL Shadow Board
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Outline of Session
Teaching Scotland’s Future recommended the establishment of a
college for educational leadership to support leadership
development at all levels in Scottish Education. In this spotlight
session members of College’s Board of Directors and the newly
appointed Chief Executive, will outline the role the new College will
play in realising this vision and the plans that the College is
developing to provide support for leadership opportunities and
experiences for teachers and head teachers in Scotland.
Participants at this spotlight session will have the opportunity to
discuss with panel members how the College can become
sustainable and accessible to all teachers with a key focus on
Learning for leadership, leadership for learning.
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• Develop, articulate and implement a vision for educational
leadership in Scotland that is learner focused and futures
• Provide coherence for the range of leadership development
opportunities available in Scotland.
• Offer / facilitate innovative and cutting edge leadership
development opportunities that are research-led, practice
focused and bench marked internationally.
• Embed ‘leadership networks’ across the sectors and
systems so that leaders at all levels are connected to and
within professional leadership communities.
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Key messages from scoping
• Independence and autonomy
• Inclusivity and accessibility
• Coherence and coordination
• Quality assurance
• Set the leadership agenda
• Partnership in co-construction and delivery
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Developing SCEL – Progress to date
• Governance
• Staffing – recruitment of CEO and Chair
• Board appointment process underway
• Location and premises
• Initial meeting of Partners’ Forum
• Pilot Fellowship Programme
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Framework for Educational Leadership
All teachers are expected to be leaders in a number of important ways.
They are expected to lead learning for, and with, all learners, with a clear
focus on improving outcomes for everyone (pedagogical leadership).
All teachers are expected to develop their capacity to lead colleagues and
other partners to achieve change, for example through specific projects or
development work (middle leadership).
Teachers in, or aspiring to, leadership roles within education are expected to
lead teams, initiate and manage change effectively and develop leadership
capacity in others (school leadership).
All leaders have a responsibility for encouraging collaborative partnerships to
ensure positive outcomes for all children and young people (system
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Framework for Educational Leadership
A self-directed
learning resource to
support teachers’
development and
learning for
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Programme Development
Phased programme of growth and development
• Teacher leadership / Middle leadership
• Headship programmes
• Headstart programme for new heads
• Serving heads / Fellowship Programme
• Regional Network Leaders
• Register of experts / specialists
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SCEL Current Initiatives
• Fellowship Programme
• Headship Strategic Group
• Online development
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SCEL Fellowship Programme
• Designed to provide advanced development opportunities for headteachers
in schools and heads of establishments in early years centres.
• Design principles underpinned by the model of professional learning that
integrates reflection on practice, cognitive development, experiential
learning and collaborative learning.
• Participants will extend their professional learning and widen their
leadership experience while taking forward an aspect of policy
development that enables them to engage with policy formation and
implementation at local, national and international levels.
• New Fellows will become champions and ambassadors for the College as
well as contributing as system leaders in Scotland.
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Contact us at:
Scottish College for Educational Leadership
The Centrum Building
Unit 2E - 38 Queen Street
G1 3DX
0141 548 8005
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