Torbain Primary School and Nursery Class Kirkcaldy

Torbain Primary School
and Nursery Class
Fife Council
31 August 2010
HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) inspects schools in order to
let parents1, children and the local community know whether their
school2 provides a good education. Inspectors also discuss with
school staff how they can improve the quality of education.
At the beginning of the inspection, we ask the headteacher and
staff about the strengths of the school, what needs to improve,
and how they know. We use the information they give us to help
us plan what we are going to look at. During the inspection, we
go into classes and join other activities in which children are
involved. We also gather the views of children, parents, staff and
members of the local community. We find their views very helpful
and use them together with the other information we have
collected to arrive at our view of the quality of education.
This report tells you what we found during the inspection and the
quality of education in the school. We describe how well children
are doing, how good the school is at helping them to learn and
how well it cares for them. We comment on how well staff,
parents and children work together and how they go about
improving the school. We also comment on how well the school
works with other groups in the community, including services
which support children. Finally, we focus on how well the school
is led and how staff help the school achieve its aims.
If you would like to learn more about our inspection of the school,
please visit Here you can find analyses of
questionnaire returns from children, parents and staff. We will
not provide questionnaire analyses where the numbers of returns
are so small that they could identify individuals.
Throughout this report, the term ‘parents’ should be taken to include foster carers,
residential care staff and carers who are relatives or friends.
The term ‘school’ includes the nursery class or classes where appropriate.
1. The school
2. Particular strengths of the school
3. How well do children learn and achieve?
4. How well do staff work with others to support children’s learning?
5. Are staff and children actively involved in improving their school
6. Does the school have high expectations of all children?
7. Does the school have a clear sense of direction?
8. What happens next?
1. The school
Torbain Primary School is a non-denominational school with a nursery
class. It serves the Torbain, Cluny, Dean Park and Chapel Village
areas of Kirkcaldy. The roll was 628, including 128 in the nursery,
when the inspection was carried out in June 2010. Children’s
attendance was in line with the national average in 2008/2009.
2. Particular strengths of the school
The school is very welcoming.
Children have a strong commitment to their own and others’
Children’s life opportunities are being improved through the
school’s emphasis on high achievement, health and wellbeing,
rights, responsibility and respect.
Partnerships with parents are excellent.
High-quality provision for children who require additional support.
The excellent breadth and impact of learners’ experiences, both in
and beyond the classroom.
Outstanding leadership and commitment to improvement from staff,
guided by the headteacher.
3. How well do children learn and achieve?
Learning and achievement
Children learn and achieve very well in the nursery and the primary
classes. They are keen, highly motivated and engaged in learning.
They are active in their learning and like to share their work with
others. They respond enthusiastically and responsibly to the many
opportunities they are given to work with their peers. Children are
attentive and responsive to staff and like to show that they are fully
involved. Children feel, appropriately, that staff challenge them to do
their best and give them good responsibility for their own learning. In
the primary classes, they benefit from having ownership of their
learning through regular opportunities to plan their own and their
class’s work.
Children’s achievement is strong in the nursery and the primary
classes. All children are developing confidence and they recognise
the importance of this. They are learning well how to take
responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. In the primary
classes, the many opportunities to develop citizenship and leadership
skills are having a positive impact on promoting children’s skills for life.
Good examples of these opportunities include representative roles on
different committees, buddying arrangements, and routines in
classrooms where children lead and achieve in different ways.
Children act responsibly and have respect for their peers and staff.
For example, they support each other really well when they are
working in groups without the direct supervision of a teacher, both in
class and when taking part in physical activity outdoors. Most children
benefit from taking part in voluntary sports and other activities outwith
class. Any who do not initially opt in are encouraged strongly by staff
to do so. They are invited to plan activities for themselves which they
then go on to enjoy.
The school’s promotion of high achievement for all children is a
particular strength which includes high levels of attainment, maintained
over several years. At the nursery stage and in the early years,
children make a very strong start in English and mathematics. They
really enjoy the thrill of discovering new ideas and ways of doing
things, both from stimulating activities and from each other. Children
in the primary classes attain very well too. Most children attain
appropriate national levels in reading and writing and almost all do so
in mathematics. Standards have been improving steadily in reading
over several years and are now strong. A significant number of
children attain national levels earlier than expected. A few children do
better than national levels in reading and mathematics. Talking at all
stages is a strength which stems in part from the way the school
promotes personal confidence and self-esteem. Children listen well
but, on occasion, their enthusiasm to contribute hinders their listening.
Children would benefit from practising their writing skills more fully in
different contexts. Children’s mathematical skills are developing very
well. Almost all children carry out written and mental calculations
accurately. They use their secure understanding of number,
measuring and problem-solving effectively in a wide range of indoor
and outdoor activities. They are skilled at working collaboratively in
groups on different numeracy activities.
Curriculum and meeting learning needs
The school’s curriculum blends a wide range of class and beyond
class experiences for all children. As a result, children’s life
opportunities are being improved through an emphasis on, for
example, active learning, health and wellbeing, rights, responsibility
and respect. Staff provide varied and stimulating opportunities for
children to learn and consolidate their skills, including in the outdoor
environment and through homework. All children benefit from at least
two hours of high-quality physical education and activity each week.
Almost all staff, including many non-teaching members of staff,
support the delivery of the wider curriculum for the benefit of all
children. The school is using Curriculum for Excellence to very good
effect to improve its work. For example, staff and children have
embedded the promotion of important personal attributes, such as
confidence, in their daily practice. Staff make very effective use of the
strong transition arrangements from nursery into P1, and they prepare
children well for moving on from P7 to secondary school.
Overall, the school is meeting children’s learning needs very well.
Provision for children who require additional support is high quality
and, as a result, children are progressing very well. Staff plan carefully
and, when appropriate, involve children themselves, their parents and
partner agencies. This ensures that the specific programmes these
children follow are well matched to their needs and interests. Across
the nursery and primary classes, staff have been developing
commendable approaches which rely less on continuous teaching
input but which give children more individual and group responsibility
for their own learning. This is a very promising improvement which will
serve children well in their futures. At times, however, particularly in
English, teachers need to ensure that all children are suitably
challenged and that learning progresses at a suitably brisk pace.
4. How well do staff work with others to support children’s
Staff work very well with others to support children’s learning. Staff
and parents have a very strong partnership which supports children
and encourages pride in learning and achievement. Parents are
happy with the school overall and feel it is well led. They are confident
that their children are enjoying learning, progressing well and are safe
and well cared for. This confidence stems in part from the way the
school encourages parents to share in their children’s learning, for
example by visiting classes at the end of topics, taking part in lessons
and in shared finishes. Reports on children’s progress and regular
newsletters are helpful and informative. Partnerships with cluster
schools and a range of agencies to support children’s learning are
strong. The parent council supports the school in a constructive way,
as do parents more widely in supporting a range of fundraising
5. Are staff and children actively involved in improving their
school community?
Yes, staff and children are actively involved in improving the school
community. The school’s emphasis on personal responsibility and
respect has contributed to a strong commitment to improving learning,
together. Staff are justifiably very positive about their roles and the
impact they are having in taking forward school improvements.
Children contribute their ideas for improvement in a very constructive
way. Parents and the parent council contribute well to school
improvement too, although some parents would like to know more
about how their views are taken into account. The school should look
into this. Overall, the school’s range of processes for self-evaluation
are very strong and effective.
6. Does the school have high expectations of all children?
The school has high expectations of children and they respond very
well. Children are rightly very positive about their school. Children,
parents and staff respect each other and recognise their rights and
responsibilities. As a result, the school has a strong work ethic where
only the very best behaviour is accepted. Many children are
developing important leadership skills. They take their responsibilities
as leaders very seriously and discharge their duties very well. All staff
have been trained appropriately for child protection. The school has
sound procedures for securing children’s safety and wellbeing.
Equality and fairness are the norm in the daily conduct of the school
and are further promoted through the curriculum and charitable
activities. The school has appropriate arrangements for religious
observance. The school rarely receives complaints but these are
handled well when it does.
7. Does the school have a clear sense of direction?
Yes, the school does have a strong and clear sense of direction. It is
justifiably confident about its work and successes and the positive
impact it is having on children’s lives. Leadership across the school is
outstanding because all staff recognise their leadership responsibilities
and carry them out to very good effect. The school’s approach to
professional development and reflection underpins this highly-effective
approach to leadership of all staff, and places the school in a strong
position for harnessing the opportunities of Curriculum for Excellence.
The headteacher provides high-quality strategic leadership and
management of change and is very highly regarded. She gives
children and their parents, staff and the community a clear sense of
what the school is seeking to do for them and how it should deliver. All
members of the senior management team are thriving as leaders
under the headteacher’s guidance and each is having a major impact
on the quality of the school’s work. Collectively they form a
highly-effective leadership team. Overall, the school has a strong
capacity to continue improving.
8. What happens next?
The inspection team was able to rely on the school’s robust
self-evaluation. As a result, it was able to change its focus during the
inspection to support further improvements within the school.
The school provides a very good quality of education. Therefore, we
will make no further visits in connection with this inspection. The
education authority will inform parents about the school’s progress as
part of the authority’s arrangements for reporting to parents on the
quality of its schools.
We have agreed the following areas for improvement with the school
and education authority.
Implement the school’s improvement strategies as planned,
including broadening contexts for writing.
Ensure pace and challenge in lessons continue to strengthen as
learning and teaching approaches develop.
At the last Care Commission inspection of the nursery class there
were no requirements or recommendations.
Quality indicators help schools and nursery classes, education
authorities and inspectors to judge what is good and what needs to be
improved in the work of a school and a nursery class. You can find
these quality indicators in the HMIE publications How good is our
school? and The Child at the Centre. Following the inspection of each
school, the Scottish Government gathers evaluations of three
important quality indicators to keep track of how well all Scottish
schools and nursery classes are doing.
Here are the evaluations for Torbain Primary School and Nursery
Primary school
Improvements in performance
Learners’ experiences
Meeting learning needs
very good
Nursery class
Improvements in performance
Children’s experiences
Meeting learning needs
very good
We also evaluated the following aspects of the work of the school and
nursery class.
The curriculum
Improvement through self-evaluation
HM Inspector: Graham Norris
31 August 2010
very good
very good
When we write reports, we use the following word scale so that our
readers can see clearly what our judgments mean.
very good
outstanding, sector leading
major strengths
important strengths with some areas
for improvement
strengths just outweigh weaknesses
important weaknesses
major weaknesses
If you would like to find out more about our inspections or get an
electronic copy of this report, please go to
Please contact us if you want to know how to get the report in a
different format, for example, in a translation, or if you wish to
comment about any aspect of our inspections. You can contact us
at or write to us at BMCT,
HM Inspectorate of Education, Denholm House, Almondvale Business
Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA.
Text phone users can contact us on 01506 600 236. This is a service
for deaf users. Please do not use this number for voice calls as the
line will not connect you to a member of staff.
You can find our complaints procedure on our website or alternatively you can contact our Complaints
Manager, at the address above or by telephoning 01506 600259.
Where the school has a nursery class, you can contact the Complaints
Coordinator, Headquarters, Care Commission, Compass House,
Riverside Drive, Dundee DD1 4NY, telephone 0845 603 0890.
Crown Copyright 2010
HM Inspectorate of Education