Looking Outwards Vision Have You thought about… 1. Including your international engagement in all plans e.g. teachers’ forward plans, school improvement plan etc? 2. How you will, over time, enlarge the scope of the project to include more people and curricular areas/departments? 3. Planning this work within associated learning communities e.g. using the work to enhance transitions? 4. Writing a policy for international engagement? 5. Choosing a country to link with that is already important to your local community perhaps because of twin town links or because you have pupils from that country already in your school? 6. What support the senior leadership team will give this work and how you will keep them involved and informed of the benefits? 7. Establishing a committee of staff, learners and parents to co-ordinate the work? 8. Evaluating the impact of the work on attainment, achievement, values and attitudes on an annual basis? 9. Applying for funding to take forward a partnership? What Supports Are Available? Cook, A.,(2012) The Values of a Comenius School Partnership. Cambridge. Cambridge Education Bourn, D. and Cara, O. (2012) Evaluating partners in development: Contribution of international school partnerships to education and development. Development Education research Centre. London, Institute of Education, University of London. www.schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org https://erasmusplus.org.uk www.ideas-forum.org.uk www.risc.org.uk www.gtcs.org.uk/standards The “Benefits of International Engagement” section of this website The “What is International Engagement” section of this website Curriculum Have You Thought About… 1. Involving other members of staff, perhaps as part of a committee to share the workload? 2. Using International Engagement as a vehicle to take forward the learning in all curricular areas? 3. Using International Engagement to take forward language teaching in your school? 4. Choosing partners in countries that you have pupils from and teach the indigenous language of that country? 5. Changing your routines, pedagogy, or ways of working to match good practice you have seen in a partner school? 6. Involving pupils in other International projects such The Da Vinci Decathlon Challenge? 7. Being involved in The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Fairtrade, Learning for Sustainability or the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative? 8. Applying for an International School Award from British Council? 9. Employing a British Council language assistant to take forward language learning in your school? What Supports Are Available? www.davincidecathlon.co.uk www.schools.fairtrade.org.uk https://dofe.org www.thewoodfoundation.org.uk https://schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org/accreditation-and-awards/ www.britishcouncil.org/language-assistants www.scotland-malawipartnership.org www.ideas-forum.org.uk www.scotdec.org.uk www.dfid.gov.uk www.risc.org.uk www.seet.org.uk The “International Engagement and Curriculum for Excellence” section of this website Global Citizenship and learning for Sustainability Have You Thought About…. 1. Allowing learners to plan events to take forward International Engagement e.g. Fairtrade events or visits from other schools? 2. Forming parental groups so that parents can learn other languages? 3. How the International dimension can support work on The International Convention on The Rights of the Child? 4. How lessons about equality can be enhanced by linking with schools in other countries especially countries where equality of opportunity is an issue? 5. Celebrating diversity following contact with pupils from other countries? 6. Organising fundraising events for charities such as Oxfam, save the Children etc. then using this work to study the lives of others and the reasons why the charity is necessary? 7. Linking with partner schools abroad to improve the wildlife habitat around your school by making bird boxes, creating garden areas with insect friendly plants or studying other ways to manage the grounds to protect the environment? 8. Growing vegetables in a school garden then cooking the produce with pupils using recipes from partner schools? 9. Linking with community partnership activities both in this country and abroad to help transform local environments and allow everyone to have contact with nature? 10. How higher order thinking skills can be used to critically explore the complexities and different levels at which issues can play out in your local and global communities? What Supports Are Available? www.fairtrade.org.uk www.learningforsustainabilityscotland.org www.britishcouncil.org The “Benefits of International Engagement” section of this website The “What is International Engagement” section of this website Supporting professional learning Have You Thought About…. 1. Creating a committee of staff, pupils, parents to lead your international engagement work? 2. Applying for continued professional development courses organised by British Council abroad? 3. Applying for a British Council International School Award? 4. Linking with another school in Britain or abroad to form a learning community to take forward pedagogy? This could be supported financially by British Council. Erasmus+ or Connecting Classrooms programmes. 5. Presenting evidence about the benefits of international engagement to schools in your own learning community or local authority? 6. How the international engagement you are involved in meets the requirements of The General Teaching Council for Scotland’s professional standards? 7. How you will inform parents and the wider community of the successes you have achieved in this area? Is there someone with responsibility for informing the press, arranging press photographs etc.? 8. Involving local businesses for expertise or support with your work? Do any of your parents have experiences and expertise that could be useful to your pupils? 9. Allowing staff to travel abroad to visit schools and learn from different ideas about pedagogy and to increase the self-esteem of staff? What Supports are Available? www.britishcouncil.org www.gtcs.org.uk https://schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org https://schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org/acreditation-and-awards/Internatioanl-SchoolAward www.scotdec.org.uk www.dfid.gov.uk The “Self-evaluation for improvement” section of this website Partnerships Have You Thought About… 1. What roles and responsibilities each establishment in your partnership has? Who makes the decisions? How are misunderstandings or disagreements dealt with? 2. Writing a partnership plan or agreement that will detail roles, responsibilities, timescales and deadlines, budget, visits to each other’s establishment and what the aims are for these visits and the expected outcomes for the whole partnership project? Have you shared calendars to establish common dates when your establishments are open and not closed for holidays? Have you considered the safety of children, young people and staff on the internet and how they will be protected? 3. What way learners voices are heard in your partnership and how your plans are relevant to them? 4. Asking for advice from an officer in your local authority who has responsibility for international partnerships? 5. How you involve parents and the wider community? Do any parents have experiences or skills that could enhance the partnership? 6. How the partnership with others will enrich learning and improve achievement? 7. Asking another school if you can see partnership plans they have completed perhaps when they applied for British Council funding for projects? 8. How your partnership can involve more than one school in your learning community to support transition from one establishment to another? 9. Sharing your partnership plans with your Parent Council in order to elicit support for the plan and to encourage enthusiasm for the project? 10. Being involved simultaneously with a variety of different partnership projects e.g. language learning by Skyping a school, eTwinning with another school and being involved with an Erasmus+ project with a different group of schools? What Supports are available? www.britishcouncil.org https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice https://schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org The “Start your international engagement” section of this website. (PDF) International partnership statement by Christine Boyle Scotland/ Malawi Partnership Video The Journey Planner section of this website