L+i ' -. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler observations during the Coastal Mixing and Optics experiment: R/V Endeavor cruises from 14 August to 1 September 1996 and 25 April to 15 May 1997 Stephen D. Pierce John A. Barth P. Michael Kosro College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5503 Data Report 169 Reference 98-2 December 1998 http://diana. oce. orst. edu/cmoweb We present velocity observations from a shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) on RN Endeavor during cruises E9608 (14 August to 1 September 1996) and E9704 (25 April to 15 May 1997). The cruises were conducted as part of the Office of Naval Research Coastal Mixing and Optics Accelerated Research Initiative. The objective was to rapidly survey a region in the Middle Atlantic Bight south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The ADCP was an RD Instruments hull-mounted 307-kHz unit. Data were collected nearly continuously during both cruises, in a region about 80 km square around 40.5°N, 70.5°W. Vertical bin length was 4 m and the typical depth range in open water was 200 m. To reference the velocities to earth coordinates, we used bottom-tracking supplemented by differential global positioning system (GPS) navigation. A GPS attitude system was also used, in combination with the ship's gyrocompass, to determine heading. This report describes the ADCP processing steps and presents the observed velocities. In addition, we apply an empirical tidal model to estimate and then remove the barotropic tidal currents, and we present the resulting subtidal velocities. An online version of this report is available at http://diana.oce.orst.edu/cmoweb. Table of Contents Introduction Editing Calibration Navigation Synopsis of uncertainties ................................................................................................................... Determination of subtidal flow .......................................................................................................... Data presentation ............................................................................................................................... Acknowledgments .............................................................................................................................. References E9608 observed and subtidal velocity vectors at standard depths .............................................. E9608 subtidal east and north velocity sections ............................................................................ E9608 soliton sections ...................................................................................................................... E9704 observed and subtidal velocity vectors at standard depths .............................................. E9704 subtidal east and north velocity sections ............................................................................ INTRODUCTION This report presents observations of velocity from a shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) on the R/V Endeavor during cruises E9608 (14 August to 1 September 1996) and E9704 (25 April to 15 May 1997). The cruises were conducted as part of the Office of Naval Research Coastal Mixing and Optics Accelerated Research Initiative. The objective was to rapidly survey a region in the Middle Atlantic Bight using both ADCP and SeaSoar tows, where a set of moorings and a stationary research vessel were also collecting data (Figure 1). The first cruise was in the summer season, a period of strong stratification of the water column, while the second cruise was in the spring, a period of re-stratification 42 Corners of Big Box Corners of Small Box 41.5 40.5 40 -72 -71.5 -70.5 Longitude (°W) -71 -70 -69.5 Fig. 1. Map of the study region in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Bottom topography in meters. 1 e9608.cnf AD, SI, HUNDREDTHS AD, NB, WHOLE 150.00 Sampling interval AD,BL,WHOLE 75 Number of Depth Bins 2 Bin Length AD, PL,WHOLE AD, BK, TENTHS AD, PE,WHOLE 4 Pulse Length 2.0 Blank Beyond Transmit 1 Pings Per Ensemble AD, PC, HUNDREDTHS AD. PG,WHOLE XX,PD2,WHOLE XX,TE,HUNDREDTHS AD,US,BOOLE DP,TR,BOOLE DP,TP,BOOLE DP,TH,BOOLE SS,OP,TENTHS SS,ZR,TENTHS SS,OT,HUNDREDTHS SS,ST,HUNDREDTHS SS,SL,HUNDREDTHS 1.00 Pulse Cycle Time 25 Percent Pings Good Threshold 5 [SYSTEM DEFAULT. OD21 0.00 [SYSTEM DEFAULT, TE] '4 YES Use Direct Commands on Startup NO Toggle roll compensation DP , VS, BOOLE NO YES YES Toggle Pitch compensation Toggle Heading compensation Calculate Sound Velocity from TEMP/Salinity DP,UR, BOOLE YES Use Reference Layer DP, FR, WHOLE DP,LR, WHOLE DP, BT, BOOLE DP, B3, BOOLE YES YES Use Bottom Track Use 3 Beam Solutions /* [for E9704 DP, EV, BOOLE DP, WE, TENTHS DR,RD,BOOLE DR, RX, BOOLE DR,RY,BOOLE DR,RZ,BOOLE DR,RE,BOOLE DR, RB, BOOLE DR, RP, BOOLE DR, RA, BOOLE DR, RN, BOOLE DR,AP,BOOLE XX,LDR,TRI XX,RB2,WHOLE DR,RC,BOOLE XX, FB,WHOLE XX, PU, BOOLE 3 First Bin for reference Layer 6 Last Bin for reference Layer no NO 1 NO 1 1 SG, PPE, BOOLE SG, PMD, BOOLE SG,PSW,BOOLE SG. PAV, BOOLE SG, PPG, BOOLE SG, PDI, BOOLE SG, PD2, BOOLE SG, PD3, BOOLE SG. PD4, BOOLE SG,PWI, BOOLE SG, PW2, BOOLE SG, PW3, BOOLE SG, PW4, BOOLE SG, PAI, BOOLE SG, PA2, BOOLE SG, PA3, BOOLE SG, PA4, BOOLE SG. PP3, BOOLE Recording on disk Record N/S (FORE/AFT) Vel Record E/W (FORT/STBD) Vel. Record Ancillary data Auto-ping on start-up Record CTD data [SYSTEM DEFAULT, FBI [SYSTEM DEFAULT, PU] DISPLAY (NO/GRAPH/TAB) ZERO VELOCITY REFERENCE (S/B/M/L) HIGHES T VELOCITY ON GRA:PH LOWEST DEPTHS ON GRAPH HIGHEST DEPTHS ON GRAPH SET D SPTHS WINDOW TO T..NCLUDE ALL BINS MINIMU M PERCENT GOOD TO: PLOT L. PLOT NORTH/SOUTH PLOT EAST/WEST VEL. PLOT VERTICAL VET.. PLOT 'ERROR VEL. PLOT PERCENT ERROR PLOT MAG AND DIR PLOT AVERAGE SP, RJ.. PLOT AVERAGE AGC. NO NO PLOT PERCENT GOOD.' PLOT DOPPLER 1 PLOT DOPPLER 2 NO NO NO PLOT DOPPLER 3 PLOT DOPPLER 4 PLOT SP. W. 1 NO PLOT YES NO NO YES YES YES YES NO PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT SP. W. 2, 'SP. W. 4, SP. w. 3 .AGC I ADO '2 AGC 3 AGC 4 3-BEAM $$UT-ION YES NO 2 1 64 6 YES NO 0 3 1 DP,PX,BOOLE SS,LC,TENTHS SS,OH,TENTHS NO 5.0 0.5 2 NO YES YES NO 0 3 YES YES SS,VSC,TRI 0 AD,DM,BOOLE TB,SC,BOOLE AD,CW,BOOLE DR,RW,BOOLE DR,RRD,BOOLE DR,RRA,BOOLE YES YES DR,RRW,BOOLE NO NO NO NO YES DR,RD,BOOLE DR,RBS,BOOLE XX,STD,BOOLE LR,HB, HUNDREDTHS LR 1 SPECIAL for Depth Offset for Heading' Offset for Pitch: Offset for Roll OffSet FOR temp Scale for Temp Salinity (PTT), Toggle UP/DCPNN Toggle concave/Convex trahsducerhea d [SYSTEM DEFAULT, GPI 1.0 (SYSTEM DEFAULT, DD) DR,PDDWHOLE SL,1,ARRAY5 SL,2,ARRAY5 SL,3,ARRAY5 SL,4,ARRAY5 SL,5,ARRAY5 SL,6,ARRAY5 DU,1,ARRAY6 DU,2,ARRAY6 DU,3,ARRAY6 DU,4,ARRAY6 DU,5,ARRAY6 DU,6,ARRAY6 DU,7,ARRAY6 DU,B,ARRAY6 DU,9,ARRAY6 DU,10,ARRAY6 DC,I,SPECIAL DC.2,SPECIAL DC,3,SPECIAL 1 SPECIAL Offset 30.0 Mounting angle for transducers. 1500.00 Speed of Sound (m/sec) DR,SD,WHOLE AD,PS,BOOLE XX,LNN,BOOLE XX,BM,BOOLE XX,RSD,BOOLE XX,DRV,WHOLE XX,PBD,WHOLE TB,RS,BOOLE UX,EE,BOOLE Record Percent good Record average AGC/Bin NO TB,FP,WHOLE TB,LP,WHOLE TB,SK,WHOLE TB,DT,BOOLE DU,TD,BOOLE XX,PN,WHOLE GC,GG,TRI Bytes of user prog. buffer YES XX,TU,TRI Record error Good -50 LOWEST VELOCITY ON GRAPH 50 0 500 YES 25 YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO SS,UD,BOOLE SS,CV,BOOLE SS,MA,TENTHS SS,SS,HUNDREDTHS XX,GP,BOOLE XX,DD,TENTHS XX,PT,BOOLE Record vertical vel. [SYSTEM DEFAULT, LDR] 192 [SYSTEM DEFAULT, RB21 GC, ZV,WHOLE GC, VL,WHOLE CG,VH,WHOLE GC,DL, WHOLE GC,DH,WHOLE GC,SW, BOOLE GC,MP,WHOLE SG, PNS, BOOLE So,PEV, BOOLE for depths < 200 m / for depths a 110 m 3 GC,TG,TRI SG, PEW, BOOLE SG, PVT, BOOLE /` /* 3 beam solutions are used] "/ YES Use Error Velocity as Percent Good Criterion 100.0 Max. Error Velocity for Valid Data (cm/sec) YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 5.0 45.0 0.0 0.0 45.00 50.00 33.50 SS,OD,WHOLE SS,OH,TENTHS NO YES NO [SYSTEM DEFAULT, PT) (SYSTEM DEFAULT, TUI 'FIRST BINS TO PRINT LAST BIN TO PRINT SKIP INTERVAL BETWEEN BINS: DIAGNOSTIC TAB MODE TOGGLE USE OF DUMMY DATA '[SYSTEM DEFAULT, PN) Second recording drive First recording drive (1=n:,28:: ;,, Profiler does XYZE transform Limit of Knots change Weight of new knots of value GRAPHICS CONTROL O=LO RES. 1=HI RES. 2=ENHANCED YES=SERIAL/NO=PARALLEL Profiler Link [SYSTEM DEFAULT, LNN) (SYSTEM DEFAULT, BMI RECORD STANDARD DEVIATION OF VELOCIT IES PER BIN [SYSTEM. DEFAULT, DRV) [SYSTEM DEFAULT, PRD) SHOW RHPT STATISTIC ENABLE EXIT TO EXTERNAL PROGRAM Velocity scale adjustment USE DMA SHOW CTD DATA Collect spectral width Record average SP.W./Bin Record last raw dopplerA Record last raw AGO Record last SP.W. Record average 3-Beam solutions. Record beam statistic (SYSTEM DEFAULT. STD[ 0.00 Heading Bias 8 NONE NONE NONE NONE 19200 1200 1200 1200 8 8 NONE NONE 1200 1200 0 0 1 8 1 8 0 0 1 8 1 0 0 1 1 PROFILER LORAN RECEIVER REMOTE DISPLAY ENSEMBLE OUTPUT AUX 1 AUX 2 0.00 0.00 YES 01 0.00 YES 02 0.00 100 00 -100 00 100.00 -100.00 60.00 60 00 200.00 -200.00 200.00 -200.00 60 00 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 YES D3 0.00 YES D4 200.00 19.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 YES AGC 0 00 0 00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 NO SP. W. 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 60 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NO 0.00 NO ROLL PITCH 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 NO HEADING 0 00 "FH00001' MACRO 1 "E0004020099" MACRO "B009001" MACRO 3 Coastal Mixing and .. 60ri:00 0.00 2 /* 0.00 0.00 NO TEMPERATURE E9704 case does not include this */ Optics" CRUISE ID GOES HERE LORAN FILE NAME GOES HERE tollowing the winter mixing season. The cruises were organized around the collection of CTD data from a towed undulating vehicle, the SeaSoar, in two areas: a small box pattern covering about a 25 by 30 km area and a big box pattern covering about 70 by 80 km (Figure 1). Each of these boxes was sampled repeatedly during each cruise. In addition to the CTD, the SeaSoar was equipped with a nine-wavelength light absorption and attenuation meter (WETLABS ac-9) and a new microstructure instrument developed at Oregon State University (MicroSoar). The water column was generally sampled by the SeaSoar from the surface to within 5-7 m of the bottom. Between SeaSoar tows, conventional CTD/rosette casts were also made. ADCP and underway surface temperature, salinity, and meteorological measurements were made continuously (Figure 2). For a full description of the SeaSoar and conventional CTD data and cruise narratives for the two surveys, see O'Malley et al. (1998). For descriptions of the spectral light absorption and attenuation measurements, see Barth and Bogucki (1999) and Barth et al. (1999). For descriptions of the microstructure observations, see Erofeev et al. (1998). Also, online data reports for all data sets are available at http: //diana. oce. orst. edu/cmoweb. The reader unfamiliar with basic ADCP principles and terminology used in this report is referred to the helpful Practical Primer, RDI (1989). The ADCP was an RD Instruments hull-mounted narrow-band model, with 4 beams oriented 30° from vertical. To achieve higher vertical resolution, the Endeavor's standard 153-kHz transducer was replaced with a 307-kHz model borrowed from Oregon State University (OSU). Spool pieces to adapt the OSU transducer to the Endeavor's hull opening were fabricated out of 0.5" steel by Modern Heat Inc., Gloucester, Massachusetts. The ADCP transducer was at a depth of 5 in. We set up the instrument with a pulse length of 4 m, a bin width of 4 in, a blanking interval of 2 in, and an ensemble averaging time of 2.5 min. Bottom-tracking was turned on (off) automatically when the bottom depth was less than (greater than) 200 in. This was accomplished by a watchdog program running on the data acquisition system (DAS) PC, which tog- gled the bottom-tracking parameter within the configuration file (Table 1) and restarted data acquisition when the 200 in isobath was crossed (C. Flagg, personal communication). Good quality bottom-tracking was available during 92% of the E9608 cruise and 93% of the E9704 cruise. The average number of pings per ensemble was 116. The error velocity threshold for raw pings during data collection was 1 m/s. No corrections for pitch and roll were made; errors associated with these are likely to be small (Kosro, 1985). Additional configuration details can be found in Table 1, a copy of the file used to configure the DAS. During E9608, one of the 4 ADCP beams had unusually low backscatter amplitudes (Figure 3). This was probably a problem within the #4 transducer head itself. Between the two cruises, the transducer unit was returned to RD Instruments for testing/repair. The problem did not occur during E9704 (Figure 3). RD Instruments provided no explanation of repairs made. The weak beam during E9608 resulted in slightly reduced depth range, although the problem was to some extent remedied by allowing 3-beam solutions when the bottom depth was greater than 110 in (which occurred about 12% of the time 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 Shortwave 1200 900 I 600 300 11 0 40 30 E °c 20 10 0 15 Aug -30 Aug 25 Aug '20 Aug ,mar=I 180 90 CO) a) CD M 0 a) a -90 -180 ADCP-T (5m) 0025 ITS 15 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 Year day 1996 Fig. 2a. Solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, and 5-m water temperature at the ADCP transducer, during E9608. 4 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 E 132 134 Shortwave 1200 N 130 900 600 300 0 40 30 CA 4- c 20 10 0 15 May 25 Apr 180 90 -90 -180 10 U ADCP-T (5m) 9 a) 8 7 E a> F- 6 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 Year Day 1997 Fig. 2b. Solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, and 5-m water temperature at the ADCP transducer, during E9704. 5: 0 1L ,0, 23 1.234 '50: E 100 150 -- 200.- II E9704 0 50 iT I d 100 150 200 250 Mean Raw Beam AGC 50 100 150 200 250 Mean Raw Beam AGC Fig. 3. Mean AGC vs. depth for E9608 (left) and E9704 (right). during E9608). During E9608, the shallowest available depth bin was centered at 10 m. During E9704, however, the top two depth bins were judged bad and usually rejected internally by the DAS. The shallowest avail- able depth is thus 18 m. We attempted to remedy this by experimentation with several different ping-toping tracking control "E" direct commands, but the changes had no apparent effect. The ADCP operated continuously except for breakdowns usually caused by DAS-PC "freezes" and planned short interruptions to change system parameters or diskettes. Overall, good data were collected 95% of the time during the E9608 and E9704 cruises. The occasional DAS PC freezes were apparently caused by ship's electrical noise infecting one of the serial communication lines. The source of this noise was investigated but never identified. A hardware watchdog reset program installed on the DAS PC limited these "freeze" gaps to 5 min in most cases. The largest gap was 95 min on year day 234 (Figure 6a), during E9608 Big Box 2 Line Cl. This was caused by the failure of a circuit board within the ADCP deck unit. A replacement board was installed and tested successfully. The section was repeated (E9608 Big Box 2 Line C2) in order to obtain a clean section without a gap. The beam-average backscatter amplitude (Figure 4) and percentage-good-pings per ensemble (Figure 5) diagnostics appear reasonable y over both cruises. More discussion of these is in the EDITING section below. The ADCP data were initially processed and displayed in real-time by the RD Instruments program running on the DAS PC. Additional shipboard and shore processing were accomplished using some components of the Common Oceanographic Data Access System (CODAS) software package made available by the University of Hawaii (Firing et al., 1995), running on a Sun Sparc 10. Using the user exit 4 (ue4) program running on the DAS PC, each profile was sent serially to the Sun workstation where a second copy of the raw data was collected by the monserv program. Parts of the CODAS software required the Matlab language, and the figures for this report were made using the Gri package (Kelley, 1995). For position, differential GPS with the U.S. Coast Guard corrective radio broadcasts using a Trimble NavTrac XL receiver were integrated into the ADCP data stream at the end of each 2.5-min ensemble by the ue4 program. Differential GPS data quality was excellent throughout both cruises. Ship's heading was by a combination of Sperry gyro compass and Trimble TANS vector attitude GPS, which were both recorded at 1 Hz on the Sun workstation. The Trimble TANS vector unit experienced occasional crashes (1-2 a day) which required human intervention and resulted in gaps of about 10 min. The cause of these crashes was unknown. Some software developed at the University of Hawaii to work with Ashtech attitude data (eg. decash) was modified and used with the Trimble data. The attitude data were edited and averaged into 2.5 min intervals to match the ADCP ensemble times. More details regarding these steps are discussed below in the CALIBRATION section. EDITING As data quality decreases with depth, we must decide on the deepest usable bin for each 2.5 min ensemble. In addition, the data are edited for interference with the sea floor in shallow water and for occasional interference from the CTD hydrographic wire and other objects. To flag and remove suspect data points, several methods were used in combination during post-processing, as recommended by Firing et al. (1995) and others: The percentage-good-pings per ensemble cutoff was set to 30%; below this point data were not used. The %-good-pings is a record of the proportion of raw pings within the 2.5 min ensemble which are judged good internally by the RDI firmware and subsequently included in the ensemble average. The automatic gain control (AGC) gives an indication of the echo return signal strength, scaled such that 1 AGC count corresponds to about a 0.45 dB change in signal power. The AGC decreases with bin depth in general. A small increase with depth may simply indicate the presence of a strong scattering layer due to a large zooplankton population, while a larger increase is probably a reflection off of the sea floor. Individual ensembles were scanned for increases of AGC >30 counts, and the deepest subsequent bin where a local maximum is reached was taken as an indication of sea floor location. In the deep water case, where no sea floor echo is detected, the AGC will eventually stop decreasing with depth and become constant. This constant level is the noise floor; the signal of interest is no longer present. We use a noise margin of 10, retaining bins which have AGC greater than 10 above the noise floor. 7 200 50 AGC E 100 4- Q 0 200 233 234 235 236 237 I I 1 1 200 1 238 239 240 241 242 245 246 247 100-H 200 HI 1 243 I 244 Year day 1996 Fig. 4a. Backscatter amplitude (automatic gain control) vs. time and depth, during E9608. 8 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 AGC 0 E 100 CL a) 0 200 120- 118, 0 1 100 200 123 124 0 -IN III mpg 1, 100 200 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 0 100 200 Year day 1997 Fig. 4b. Backscatter amplitude (automatic gain control) vs. time and depth, during E9704. 9 80 Percent good 0 0 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 0 100 200 Year day 1996 Fig. 5a. Percentage-good-pings vs. time and depth, during E9608. 10 20 Percent good L 80 40 1 0 200 117 118 119 120 0 100 200 125 0 100 200 -1 1 126 127 128 129 1 130 131 132 133 Year day 1997 134 135 0 100 200 Fig. 5b. Percentage-good-pings vs. time and depth, during E9704. 11 Since the ADCP initially measures velocity along the axes of four beams, which are then transformed to the 3-dimensional components u, v, and w, there is redundancy in the scheme. This redundancy is used within the RDI firmware to make two distinct estimates of the vertical velocity w. The difference between these two estimates is called the error velocity and is a useful data quality indicator. A large error velocity indicates an inconsistency among the oceanic velocities sampled by each of the 4 beams. Thus it is another way of detecting interference with one of the beams caused by an object. We reject individual bins which have an error velocity above 10 cm/s, a relatively conservative choice; the results are not very sensitive to the choice. The second differences with respect to depth of the horizontal velocities (denoted d2uv) and the second differences of the vertical velocities (d2w) were calculated for each profile. If d2uv or d2w exceeded cruise-long 2 standard deviation thresholds, the bin was rejected. If the standard deviation of w calculated over an entire profile exceeded a cruise-long 3 standard deviation threshold, the profile was rejected. The result of the editing is shown in Figure 6, where good data points are plotted and missing points appear as white space. Many of the minor blank regions correspond to SeaSoar deployments, recoveries, or CTD stations, where the object in the water interfered briefly with one or more of the four ADCP beams. CALIBRATION Sound speed The system was configured to use sound speed calculated from the ADCP's own thermistor and an assumed constant salinity. The ADCP thermistor (at 5 m depth) was checked against SeaSoar temperatures (from 4.5-5.5 m) when available. This revealed a mean difference of 0.44°C with no apparent trend; the ADCP sound speeds were corrected in post-processing using this constant offset. No correction was applied for salinity, since the largest deviation from the assumed constant salinity and the 4.5-5.5 m SeaSoar salinities was 2.3 psu, corresponding to only a 0.2% change in sound speed. Associated uncertainties in ADCP velocity connected with temperature and salinity are negligible (<1 cm/s) compared to other sources of error. Attitude GPS When bottom-tracking is not available, accurate heading information is needed to rotate ADCP velocities from transducer to earth coordinates. The ship's gyro compass usually provides an accurate heading in a long-term sense, but it can experience short-term drifts on the order of 1°. The largest form of error is known as the Schuler oscillation, which tends to be excited by ship accelerations in the northsouth sense (Bowditch, 1977). In recent years, attitude GPS receivers have been developed. These make use of phase differences between a reference antenna and three other antennae to yield a ship's heading, pitch, and roll with poten- tial accuracies of 0.06° (King and Cooper, 1993). Although the attitude GPS receivers are not yet reliable 12 -11 \=/ A.r-, E 100 0 200 228 229 100 230 232 231 A 200 _:i2 t jL 234 233 235 237 963 0 A 100 A A A A 200 :001 8EZ 6£Z £Z i7jZ Oi3l It ZZ 9.Z. LIZ Z H 245 Year day 1996 Fig. 6a. ADCP ensembles remaining after editing, for E9608. Bottom depth is also shown. El 0 E 100 a) 0 200 - - 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 0 100 200 0 \-i 100 VVV 200 I0 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 -k 100 200 Year day 1997 Fig. 6b. ADCP ensembles remaining after editing, for E9704. Bottom depth is also shown. 14 enough to depend upon completely, in combination with the gyrocompass they are very useful. Initially each ADCP profile uses the gyrocompass heading, as input directly into the DAS PC during data collection. Ultimately, we correct the data set by applying a set of rotation angles, one for each ensemble, based on the difference dh between the attitude GPS and gyro headings. The 1 Hz dh (GPS - gyro) data were edited to remove occasional noisy values in the following manner, as suggested by Firing et al. (1995): if a dh exceeded a running mean of 20 samples by more than 1°, it was rejected. The dh as well as the GPS pitch and roll data were then averaged into 2.5 min blocks, to match the ADCP ensemble times. Prior to using these 2.5 min average heading corrections, they were subject to the following additional tests: the dh can not exceed 3°, the pitch can not exceed 5°, the roll can not exceed 7°, and each 2.5 min mean must have been formed from at least 10 raw 1 Hz data points. Gaps in the dh were filled using linear interpolation. The resulting series of heading corrections for the two cruises are shown in Figures 7a and 7b, with interpolated values plotted as plus symbols. The dh swings are probably associated with the numerous north-south ship accelerations experienced during these surveys, but in a complex way. Note that the dh corrections only affect the final data set when bottom-tracking is not available. During these cruises, we had good bottom-tracking 92% of the time (indicated by the gray lines of Figure 7). Sensitivity and Alignment We use the bottom-track method to determine and correct for the sensitivity error /3 and the ADCP/gyro misalignment angle a, following Joyce (1989). We assume that the bottom track velocity for each ensemble should be equal and opposite to the ship velocity from navigation. The degree to which this is not true provides values for a and /3. Following some of the recommendations of Trump and Marmorino (1997), for calibration purposes we reject cases where either the ship speed was below 1 m/s or the ship was turning significantly (if the 2.5 min mean ship heading and the momentary heading differed by more than 2°). We also apply a simple median rejection criterion to exclude outliers among the raw a and /3 estimates. For E9608, we find /3 = 0.982±0.001 and a = -1.9±0.1°. For E9704, we find /3 = 0.985±0.001 and a = -1.8±0.1°. The actual rotation of the ADCP database velocities is complicated by the heading offset corrections. The CODAS program rotate is used to incorporate both the dh corrections for each profile and the cruise-long a and /3. The a values actually used for the rotate runs were -2.2° for E9608 and -2.7° for E9704, since we must correct for both the regular a (ADCP/gyro misalignment) and the cruise-long gyro/GPS misalignments (0.3° and 0.9° for E9608 and E9704 respectively). As a check on the processing steps, the entire calibration procedure was repeated without using the attitude GPS data, and identical results were obtained for the ADCP/gyro calibration parameters. At worst (at highest ship speed of 5.5 m/s), the /3 uncertainty implies an unknown bias of 0.5 cm/s in velocity measurement, while the a uncertainty implies an unknown bias of 0.9 cm/s. 15 .228. '229 231 :230 L .IIuJ Lk f-AW I A1Ii "W w 1 I 232, 1 I 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 246 247 .h Ai.A.I iI naf.41 243 244 ,I jl W 11 19 "MINTYINI 7 TW 245 Year day 1996 Fig. 7a. Attitude GPS - gyro heading dh, for E9608. Interpolated values are plotted as plus symbols (+). Periods of good bottom-tracking are indicated by the gray line. 16 121 122 126 127 123 124 125 129 130 134 135 `1. 131 r Ti 132 133 Year day 1997 Fig. 7b. Attitude GPS - gyro heading dh, for E9704. Interpolated values are plotted as plus symbols (+). Periods of good bottom-tracking are indicated by the gray line. LT NAVIGATION To reference the ADCP velocities to absolute (earth) coordinates, ship velocity is determined by bot- tom-tracking where possible; elsewhere it must be determined from navigation. In the latter case, the uncertainty in ship velocity is the largest source of ADCP error. Using a 16-32 m reference layer, we transfer the problem of smoothing ship velocity into the problem of smoothing reference layer velocity. We combine the smoothed ship velocity data and measured ADCP layer velocities relative to the ship to calculate absolute motion of the reference layer (Kosro, 1985; Wilson and Leetmaa, 1988; Firing et al., 1995). The advantage of this step is that our noisy signal is now relatively stationary; conventional linear filtering techniques are now appropriate, and we low-pass window: filter in a robust manner in the time domain with a Blackman w(t) = 0.42 - 0.5 cos(2,rt/T) + 0.08 cos(4nt/T), using a filter width T of 20 min. The resulting smoothed velocities are also integrated back to obtain a new consistent and smooth set of ship positions. This step uses the smoothr routine in the CODAS package. After this, the shear profile for each ensemble is added to the reference layer to determine absolute velocities at all depths. SYNOPSIS OF UNCERTAINTIES The inherent short-term random uncertainty in an ADCP velocity for a 2.5 min ensemble and 4 m bin is 1.2 cm/s (RDI, 1989) This form of error is reduced with further averaging. For the typical case of 5 min data, the short-term random uncertainty is reduced to 0.9 cm/s. If bottom-tracking is available, the absolute ADCP velocity may have an unknown bias of 1 cm/s (due to inherent limitations of the bottom-track method, RDI (1989)). If bottom-tracking is not available, the absolute ADCP velocity may have an unknown bias of 1.4 cm/s (combination of sensitivity and alignment errors). In addition, the absolute velocity has a random error due to navigational uncertainty of ±3 cm/s and is low-pass filtered to suppress motions with time scales of less than 20 min (for features present throughout the 16-32 m reference layer). DETERMINATION OF SUBTIDAL FLOW Introduction In this region of the Mid-Atlantic Bight, we expect observed velocities to be significantly affected by tides (Moody et al., 1984). In order to unmask the subtidal flow field, which may be of particular interest, we estimate and then remove barotropic tidal currents from the data sets. We estimate tidal currents in the region using an empirical model fit to both the present ADCP shipboard data sets and a few selected current meter records. A least-squares harmonic method is applied, where the tidal parameters are fit in time and also allowed to vary spatially through polynomial surface trend interpolation. The method is similar to the one applied to a different data set in Chapter 2 of Pierce (1998), and it is a variation on the one introduced by Candela et al. (1992). 18 For the tidal estimation, we use the velocity data sets (depth-averaged): Name Type Location(s) Time Period Data source E9608 Shipboard ADCP 70.03-71.42W, 39.69-41.54N 14-Aug-96 to 1-Sep-96 authors E9704 Shipboard ADCP 69.90-70.87W, 39.81-40.90N 25-Apr-97 to 15-May-97 authors OSU Main Mooring 70.51 W, 40.49N 10-Jul-96 to 26-Sep-96 M. Levine/T. Boyd* Primer Mooring 70.10W, 40.14N 5-Dec-96 to 15-Feb-97 R. Pickart Primer Mooring 71.17W, 40.13N 25-Jul-96 to 4-Aug-96 R. Beardsley *Boyd et al. (1997) The moored records provide relatively accurate tidal information at three locations (Figure 8). The shipboard ADCP provides less information in a temporal sense, but provides important spatial informa- tion to the tidal solution. Method A least-squares harmonic method was first used in a tidal estimation problem by Horn (1960), using a room-sized computer. By now such methods applied to stationary current meter data are routine. The method represents the tide in the form: N u(t) = u0 + J[bi cos(wit) + ci sin(wit)] (1) i=i where wi is the frequency of the i1h tidal constituent. Observed currents are then regressed onto (1) using and ci which minimize the residuals. The other component, v(t), is treated similarly. We use the five primary tidal constituents [N = 5 in (1)]: M2, S2, KI, 01, and N2. From the Moody et al. (1984) analysis of tidal records in the region, these five constituents account for 93% of the total tidal variance. least-squares methods to find the coefficients bi Candela et al. (1992) recognized the inherent flexibility of least-squares methods when they suggested that bi, ci in (1) need not be constants. Tidal spatial variability can be modeled by allowing bi, ci to be spatially-varying functions, whose unknown coefficients are determined by regression onto the observations, as before. The specific form of the functions might reflect some dynamical knowledge of how the tidal currents vary in space, or they might be sets of arbitrary functions which will hopefully do well at fitting themselves to the spatial structure at hand. Candela et al. (1992) successfully use a combi- nation of these two approaches, since they make use of arbitrary polynomials and splines but they also normalize by 1/H, where H(x, y) is a local bottom depth. This normalization is appropriate in the shallow East China Sea and Amazon Basin (they also estimate the subtidal mean flow, by simultaneous least- squares fitting to spatial functions with no time dependence; we fit only to the tidal flow). 19 40.8 40.7 V_._Mtra,...-.':+wi_3}'rz..-..--___tiM.FY_xe+..:-,"_dn'ri:':t; s 40.6 40.5 z ° 40.4 40.2 40.1 40.0 r.:wi..... 39.9 c. -71.0 -70.8 -70.6 -70.4 Longitude (°W) -70.2 . i 39.8 -71.2 -70.0 -69.8 I Fig. 8. Data sets used in the tidal estimation: shipboard ADCP (small dots) and moorings (filled trianales). The blue shading denotes the 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 m isobaths. As in Pierce (1998), we take a similar approach but normalize u and v by x,IH, where x, is the x- distance from the observation to the coast and the y-axis points towards 270°T, approximately alongshore. The Battisti and Clarke (1982) model solutions for u and v contain these terms as well, a first-order approximation for the way a tidal Kelvin wave is modified by depth changes. The surface-fitting polynomials take the form: M1 +m2X+m3y+m4Xy+m5x2 +m6y2 +... (2) We expand b;, c; in these and then solve (1) for each velocity component u and v. Tidal ellipse parameters are then calculated from u, v using standard methods, e.g. Rosenfeld (1987). The number of terms of (2) which can be included and successfully determined will in general vary depending on the structure and quality of the data. We use the diagnostics provided by the singular value decomposition (SVD) to help determine how many unknown terms we are able to solve for (e.g. Press et al., 1992). In our case, we use the first four terms (bilinear) of the sequence (2) for M2 and K 1 and only the first term (constant) for the other constituents. Some experimentation with adding higher degree terms led to non-physical solutions which were also difficult for the solution machinery to produce (solution was rank-deficient). Different from Candela et al. (1992), we estimate uncertainties for each of our data sources prior to the least-squares calculation. These uncertainties are used to weight the different data sets appropriately and they help determine resulting model uncertainties. For a 5-min shipboard ADCP depth-averaged velocity, we assume apriori uncertainties of ±1 cm/s when bottom-tracking is available and ±3 cm/s when it is not. For hourly depth-averaged current meter data we use ±1 cm/s. Results As expected, the M2 (12.42 hour) tidal component is the dominant one; 72% of the total tidal variance is contained here. The size of the M2 varies strongly across the region, with semi-major axes of 30 cm/s at the northeast corner of our survey region but decreasing to 2 cm/s in the southwest corner (Figure 9a). The rapid increase in tidal currents towards the northeast is consistent with previous observations; tidal currents continue to increase to the east of our region, reaching a maximum of about 100 cm/s in the vicinity of Georges Bank (Moody et al., 1984). The ellipses are relatively circular in our region, indicated by the similarity in size of the semi-major and semi-minor axes (Figure 9a). The standard errors from the least-squares calculation for the semi-major/minor axes vary from 1-3 cm/s. The K1 (23.93 hour) component, with 16% of the tidal variance, has semi-major axes which vary from 14 cm/s at the northeast corner to 2 cm/s at the southwest (Figure 10a). The eccentricity is more pronounced than in the M2 case, particularly in the northeast corner. When tidal ellipses are relatively circular, determining orientation and other angular information is more difficult. We only present angular results where standard errors are less than 20° (Figures 9b and 10b). M2 orientation does not vary too much, while the K1 has an increasingly alongshore orientation moving onto the shelf. 21 4U. ti 35 40.7 30 40.6 10 40.5 z 40.4 20- ° -5 40.2 40.1 40.0 39.9 39.8 -71.0 -70.6 -70.2 -70.4 Longitude (°W) Fig. 9a. M2 tidal ellipse semi-major (solid) and semi-minor axes (dashed), cm/s. 77 40.8 i .60' 70 40.7 // 40.6 50 40.5 z° / / if .40' I 40.4 -30' r .40 -20 40.3 40.2 40.1 40.0 39.9 -50 39.8 71.0 -70.8 -70.6 -70.2 -70.4 Longitude (°W) -70.0 -69.8 Fig. 9b. M2 tidal ellipse orientation (solid) and relative phase (dashed), °CW from alongshore. The rotation of4 the tidal ellipse is CW. Contours are only shown where the standard error is less than 20°. 40.8 40.7 40.6 40.5 II o-I z 40.4 0 40.2 40.1 b 40.0 11 39.9 39.8 -71.0 -70.8 -70.6 -70.4 -70.2 Longitude (°W) -70.0 -69.8 11 Fig. 10a. K 1 tidal ellipse semi-major (solid) and semi-minor axes (dashed), cm/s. 9 24 40.8 t ` t' t 80 V. t t t t t t t l t t t 40.7 t c t t ta % '% r _ t t 40.6 G 40.5 z 1 40.4 S % ' % % % % ft J 130 % %% .% % , s % - 120 RS 40.2 40.1 40.0 39.9 39.8 0'LL- 8'0L- -70.6 -70.2 -70.4 Longitude (°W) 0'0L- 8"69- Fig. 10b. K 1 tidal ellipse orientation (solid) and relative phase (dashed), °CW from alongshore. The rotation of the tidal ellipse is CW. Contours are only shown where the standard error is less than 200. SZ 40.8 40.7 40.6 40.5 z° 40.4 20 cm/s 40.2 40.1 40.0 39.9 39.8 -71.0 -70.8 -70.6 -70.4 -70.2 Longitude (°W) -70.0 -69.8 x:0 Fig. 11. M2 tidal ellipse sizes and orientations from the Moody et al. (1984) atlas (grayshade) and the present study (solid). 26 Results for the other three tidal constituents are much smaller, as expected for this region ,these constituents were assumed to be spatially constant by the model): Period % tidal Semi-major(minor) axes Orientation Phase (hours) variance (cm/s) (°CW from alongshore) (°CW) N2 12.66 7 3.2(3.0) -18 13 01 25.82 4 2.8(1.8) 40 48 S2 12.00 1 1.6(0.9) 51 16 Name All of our tidal results are generally consistent with the available tidal analyses of historical current meter records as compiled in the Moody et al. (1984) atlas. Among the comparisons shown in Figure 11, et al. (1984) results. This level of the M2 semi-major results have a 2 cm/s rms difference from Moody uncertainty is consistent with the error level predicted by the least-squares machinery (1-3 cm/s), which is a good check that our model and assumptions are reasonable. DATA PRESENTATION Maps Maps of ADCP vectors at approximately 10 in increments are presented for E9608 (pp. 31-75) and E9704 (pp. 131-165). The 4-m depth bins selected are the closest available ones to the depths of the SeaSoar property maps (5, 15, 25, ... dbar) in O'Malley et al. (1998). Each vector is a 2 km horizontal spatial average of either the observed (grayshade) or subtidal (solid) velocity. Each map is labeled at the top with a survey name and time period (UTC). The blue shading denotes the 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 in isobaths. Sections Vertical sections of east and north subtidal velocity are shown for E9608 (pp. 77-116) and E9704 (pp. 167-215). For contouring, we use a Barnes objective analysis scheme with 3 iterations (Daley, 1991). The horizontal (vertical) grid spacings are 2 km (4 m), and the successive smoothing length scales are 5 km (10 m), 3.2 km (6.3 m), and 2 km (4 m). Velocity contour units are cm/s, and positive regions are shaded. Each page includes the time period (UTC) and a small map showing the location of the section. Soliton sections During E9608 on 28 August 1996, approximately 24 hours was devoted to special SeaSoar/ADCP sampling aimed at capturing internal solitary wave packets (solitons) as they propagated through the region. During this period, the ADCP ensemble averaging time was set to just 10 s, yielding high spatial resolution horizontally (60 m) but with larger inherent short-term uncertainty (±6 cm/s). Sections of observed velocities during this special period appear on pp. 117-129. The data described here are publicly available from either the online version of this report (http://diana.oce.orst.edu/cmoweb/adcp/) or from the National Oceanographic Data Center Joint Archive for Shipboard ADCP (JASADCP). The JASADCP 27 is accessible through the web at http://ilikai. soest. hawaii. edu/sadcp/. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the crew of the R/V Endeavor for superb work under difficult conditions, in a region with considerable ship traffic and fishing activity. We thank Marc Willis and the URI Marine Technicians for assistance with the adaptation and installation of the 307-kHz transducer borrowed from the R/V Wecoma. This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-95-1-0382. 28 REFERENCES Barth, J. A. and D. J. Bogucki, 1999: Spectral light absorption and attenuation measurements from a towed undulating vehicle. Deep-Sea Res.. [submitted.] Barth, J. A., D. J. Bogucki, A. Y. Erofeev, and J. Simeon, 1999: SeaSoar spectral light absorption and attenuation observations during the Coastal Mixing and Optics experiment: R/V Endeavor cruises from 14-Aug to 1-Sep 1996 and 25-Apr to 15-May 1997, Data Rep., Coll. of Oceanic and Atm. Sci., Oregon State Univ. in preparation Battisti, D. S. and A. J. 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Cooper, 1993: Comparison of ship's heading determined from an array of GPS antennae with heading from conventional gyrocompass measurements. Deep-Sea Res., 40, 2207-2216. 29 Kosro, P. M., 1985: Shipboard acoustic current profiling during the Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment., UCSD Ph.D. thesis, SIO Ref. No. 85-8, University of California, La Jolla, Ca.. Moody, J. A., B. Butman, R. C. Beardsley, W. S. Brown, P. Daifuku, J. D. Irish, D. A. Mayer, H. O. Mofjeld, B. Petrie, S. Ramp, P. Smith, and W. R. Wright, 1984: American continental shelf, Bulletin 1611, U.S. Geological Survey. O'Malley, R., J. A. Barth, A. Y. Erofeev, J. Fleischbein, P. M. Kosro, and S. D. Pierce, 1998: SeaSoar CTD observations during the Coastal Mixing and Optics experiment: R/V Endeavor cruises from 14-Aug to 1-Sep 1996 and 25-Apr to 15-May 1997, Data Rep. 168, Ref. 98-1, Coll. of Oceanic and Atm. Oregon State Univ. http://diana.oce.orst.edu/cmoweb/csr/main.html Sci., Also available on-line at Pierce, S. 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J J co ct, 40.4 40.4 70.3 cN 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.5" 70.4 66m 54m 70.6 70.5 70.3 I a 40.5 !icrt I 1\\J z° / z ° 70.5 dd 0 / 40.6 70.6 70.3 46 m A 0 TA ffr Jca 0 c VW Q) 40.5 vvv Vii ZilIi!zt 40.6 4 /1"t't o4 i 0 0 14 m \1 25 cm/s t t 7 t7? observed 15-Aug-96 23:20 to 16-Aug-96 15:27 (228.9124-229.b4d9) C. E9608 Big box 1 14 m ADCP, 17-Aug-96 01:59 to 18-Aug-96 09:07 (230.0833-231.3804) 4/11, 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) L 0, low . SvVYC,avv., Ilk FYI JIIPPlIII11 /ll/f9dv«<< Lf11(12/ I N T vM C observes subtidal E9608 Big box 1 26 m ADCP, 17-Aug-96 01:59 to 18-Aug-96 09:07 (230.0833-231.3804) 0 )SOOIV0(+. v 141 v v V1, rrni ,. -* 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) A'N 11111\l. Vr\ I \'*'\ \ . -,, ,/// / ,o -... /////l%I'IIl 0 11?tt 1` 1If"l'I1/li O -P, O _Pk ,.- -06 0 I-S 25 cm/s E9608 Big box 1 34 m ADCP, 17-Aug-96 01:59 to 18-Aug-96 09:07 (230.0833-231.3804) observed subtidal O I I 777 1\ I 11111 i I I 1 d rA , vm v`tV'Jvu n\ O N /l1 I t I r rt'r 11` 1 _s - "It 25 cm/s 70.8 70.6 70.4 70.2 Longitude (°W) 70.0 E9608 Big box 1 46 m ADCP, 17-Aug-96 01:59 to 18-Aug-96 09:07 (230.0833-231.3804) subtidal 25 cm/s I 40.6 . Al it D xl j ti h 40.4 It % 3 II 40.2 1 j 40 70.8 70.6 . 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.0 It E9608 Big box 1 54 m ADCP, 17-Aug-96 01:59 to 18-Aug-96 09:07 (230.0833-231.3804) observed l .I \\I /111rrvaasa O O O O subtidal 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) E9608 Big box 1 66 m ADCP, 17-Aug-96 01:59 to 18-Aug-96 09:07 (230.0833-231.3804) observed 0 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) O O V O O O N II/l11 i,it T A O subtidal 11I E9608 Big box 1 x I' 74 m ADCP, 17-Aug-96 01:59 to 18-Aug-96 09:07 (230.0833-231.3804) observed subtidal i II 40.6 I 40..4 I I r 40.2 Zm= III la, 40 70.8. 70..6 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) 140, 70.0 E9608 Big box 1 i 86 m to 18-Aug-96 09:07 (230.0833-231.3804) IR ADCP, 17-Aug-96 01:59 ,observed subtidal I is i 25 cm/s 40.6 40.4 40.2 r 40 \ \\ L 70.8 70.6 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) I 4 70.0 E9608 Big box 1 94 m ADCP, 17-Aug-96 01:59 to 18-Aug-96 09:07 (230.0833-231.3804) observed subtidal 40.6 40.4 40.2 40 I I 70.8 70.6 I 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) 42 70.0 E9608 Big box 1 106 m ADCP, 17-Aug-96 01:59 to 18-Aug-96 09:07 (230.0833-231.3804) observed subtidal 25 cm/s 1 40.6 40.4 40.2 40 III 70.8 70.6 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) 43 70.0 18-Aug-96 09:35 to 19-Aug-96 03:08 (231.3995-232.1310) 25 cm/s 0 40.5 I z° . 40.5 p lI/l f f a 40.6 l-1fYYl z <<t t 1 l l rn 40. I / f rid 14 m 40.4 r ti 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.6 70.3 70.5 70.4 70.3 J 0 cT co f 40.4 I 1\ fj 40.4 V\4 \1 J ill It, I I 40.5 VVVAMV z ;rr I" "..a- P PAX-rVooov 1 fl v\t,l 40.5 40.6 V z° t{ 1f .,wf 40.6 \\ti tit.c.L.L. 46 m li 70.4 70.6 W 70.5 0 70.6 70.4 70.3 66m 54m 40.6 T 40.6 70.5 z ° z° - 40.5 70.6 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) ca 40.4 70.3 70.6 A 40.4 J I cu [ VM A J E t%1tt 11 40.5 70.4 70.5 Longitude (°W) 70.3 9608 Small box 3 observed subtidal 0 At 1 r' a) 40.5 r, //// _ :- .,.. v vv ; l G Gr }VU . - -4. r t V z J 40.4 Iii 40.4 144 CO 40.6 4 J ti 40.5 26 m At z ttI,, \,,%ZL..-. 40.6 1A rr tip.--- _ 25 cm/s 20-Aug-96 01:39 to 20-Aug-96 14:40 (233.0691-233.6113) 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.6 70.3 70.5 i 40.4 70.5 70.4 j t S1 70.6 70.3 1JJVvv- .1 ca t t irI J tVvyZ1tV, v 70.6 40 i i,%f x7`77) 40.4 rt 1t ca z° . J 40.6 _ 40.5 `Mr1vVV z ° 70.3 46 m 34 m 40.6 70.4 70.5 70.4 70.3 66m 40.6 I 40.6 z z 0 0 I 54m . 40 5 Q) 40.5 _0 i l 40.4 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 Longitude (°W) J ca 40.4 I ca 'Ju 11 i J I N V, . 70.6 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.3 E9608 Big box 2 14 m ADCP, 20-Aug-96 17:03 to 21-Aug-96 21:58 (233.7107-234.9158) observed f.1s I1\-r subtidal 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) E9608 Big box 2 26 m ADCP, 20-Aug-96 17:03 to 21-Aug-96 21:58 (233.7107-234.9158) observed subtidal 25 cm/s —— i T / S S S 40.4 z 0 ti -.- 40.2 / 40 r 70.8 70.6 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) 47 70.0 E9608 Big box 2 34 m ADCP, 20-Aug-96 17:03 to 21-Aug-96 21:58 (233.7107-234.9158) observed subtidal 11 IL% lrro,1 cD O !e N O _ , fqIi IT 0 cq*, 0 0 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) E9608 Big box 2 46 m ADCP, 20-Aug-96 17:03 to 21-Aug-96 21:58 (233.7107-234.9158) observed 1 r1>A" , ,C' r 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) O O O OD f { U O -n I I O N '" .: 1 1, ae O . 1 07 O subtidal E9608 Big box 2 54 m ADCP, 20-Aug-96 17:03 to 21-Aug-96 21:58 (233.7107-234.9158) observed O) OD O ,,- - O O subtidal 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) E9608 Big box 2 66 m ADCP, 20-Aug-96 17:03 to 21-Aug-96 21:58 (233.7107-234.9158) observed subtidal 25 cm/s 40.6 -pM 40.4 q } 4 P 40.2 i xti f 40 All 70.8 70.6 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) -51 70.0 E9608 Big box 2 74 m ADCP, 20-Aug-96 17:03 to 21-Aug-96 21:58 (233.7107-234.9158) observed 0) 771 I O 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) v0 0 fl. N\\\\ (1 O N JAIL /111.lidvrb n A O A O -N d subtidal E9608 Big box 2 86 m ADCP, 20-Aug-96 17:03 to 21-Aug-96 21:58 (233.7107-234.9158) observed -fl C. subtidal 71 11 25 cm/s 40.6 40.4 z 0 ILA r 41 J -30 40.2 r H a L 11 70.8 70.6 70.2 70.4 #y (°W) Longitude 1 53 70.0 E9608 Big box 2 94 m ADCP, 20-Aug-96 17:03 to 21-Aug-96 21:58 (233.7107-234.9158) 1' 11 observed subtidal Jr- Yr rl- V 40.6 40:4 40.2 40 -J ,r 70.8 70:6' ,1 j- 70.4 70.2 Longitude (°W) -54 -J 70.0' I E9608 Big box 2 106 m ADCP, 20-Aug-96 17:03 to 21-Aug-96 21:58 (233.7107-234.9158) I fill Ip Im observed' subtidal 25 cm/s IL 1 40.6 I7, 1. P 40.4 40.2 4a- r r ! Ia- C 40 70.8 70.6 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) !55 70.0 E9608 Small box 4 observed subtidal 24-AUg-9(i 20:01 to 25-AUg-9b 11:34 (LO /.b i4b-2itS.4bZb) ail 25 cm/s 26 m 17 0 II 0 (No) apnl!le-1 0 Cl? 70.6 0 70.4 N 70.5 70.5 70.3 70.4 46 m 34 m lp 0 0 U, a) 0 v0 (No) epnl!lal z r-. J v0 0 N- 70.5 70.4 70.3 70.6 70.3 40. T o It ! Mil I1 0 v -1 40. 70.3 :c I fl 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.4 66 m 54 m 70.6 70.5 70.6 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.3 25-Aug-96 11:34 to 26-Aug-96 03:11 (238.4826-239.1331) I I I I J 1 40.4 t cu f. 40.4 4- I cu t 11 1 r J 40.5 1Jlfir( -3-A V Z . 40.5 40.6 - z° r z ° 26m 14m t rzeLt.r_. 40.6 x 6N > > 11 25 cm/s 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.6 70.5 70.3 70.4 46m %.! rl 11y1 40.4 Aw* 4-4 ? 40.5 / // 'i V % ` I 40.4 z° I 'rr ii cat 40.5 40.6 / z ° I IAA IT]/' ` 40.6 )(r(r I 34m I ^n 70.6 70.5 70.6 70.4 70.5 70.4 70.3 66 m 54 m 40.6 40.6 z° 70.6 I 40.5 J Co I 40.4 i l 1 co ,ell / 4 J //'' fi'/ -°a 40.5 t ' z° 40.4 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 Longitude (°W) 57 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.3 26-Aug-96 03:11 to 26-Aug-96 16:53 (239.1331-239.7038) 25 cm/s 40.6 N 14 m 40.6 z z 40.5 } I a J ca J c0 40.4 40.4 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.6 70.3 70.5 z° /111,/I/I O 40.6 O U1 z° . 40.5 p 01 70.4 O 70.5 CA) 70.6 0 O 40.4 66m T 40.5 , z° C3 O A 40.6 1 54m V 70.3 46 m 34 m z ° 70.4 W a) 40.5 0 _'p O 0 J J cu A 0 O) V 40.4 O A O ca 70.6 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.3 I E9608 Butterfly 1 .1 9 subtidal t observed 26-Aug-96 23:59 to 27-Aug-96 11:12 (239.9998-240.4669) 40.6 r X40.5 _0(D 40.5 40.4 40.4 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 70.5 70.6 70.4 70.3 46 m 34 m 40.6 40.6 z z° - 40.5 40.5 :3 :3 40.4 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 70.5 70.6 54 m 70.3 70.4 66 m 11 CD Q it 40.6 z z 40.5 40.5 J co 40.4 i] 40.4 y V f 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 Longitude (°W) 70.6 59 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.3 27-Aug-96 11:12 to 27-Aug-96 21:28 (240.4669-240.8951) 25 cm/s 26m 14m 40.6 z 40.6 ; 0 °'a 40.5 z ,I 0 40.5 R 2 J J cc cz 40.4 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 70.5 70.6 70.4 70.3 46m 34m 40.6 z z° (D 40.5 (D 40.5 0 4- 4- J J ca co 40.4 40.4 70.5 70.4 70.3 70.5 70.6 70.4 70.3 66 m 54 m 40.6 40.6 z° z °' 40.5 J J ca 40.4 1 40.4 I 0 Q) 40.5 70.6 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.3 70.6 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.3 E9608 Butterfly 3 observed 27-Aug-96 23:52 to 28-Aug-96 08:51 (240.9946-241.3692) subtidal z° z° 40.5 (D 40.5 J J 40.4 40.4 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 46m 34m 40.6 40.6 z° z° a) 40.5 40.4 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 70.6 70.4 70.5 70.3 66m 54m 40.6 14 z ° 1 40.6 z° . 40.5 40. J J ca co 40.4 40.4 TI -li 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.3 49 70.6 70.6 70.4 70.5 Longitude (°W) 70.3 E9608 Butterfly 4 0hsPrver+. 28-Aug-96 09:41 to 28-Aug-96 17:09 (241.4038-241.7152) subtidal ti 40.6 -40.6' z z 0 0 -°'0 40.5 . 40.5 J J W\T,\%-\ w La p ca ca 40.4 40.4 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 70.5 70. 70.3 70.4 11 46 m 34 m 40.6 40.6 z° I z 0 40.5 40.5 J J cu // 0-1 40.4 70. 70.5 ,r 40.4 70.4 70.3 70.4 70.3 66 m 54 m I 40.6 - 40.6 z° z° - 40.5 40.5 p J J co co 40.4 40.4 I 15 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 Longitude (°W) 70.6 .62 '1 .. - 11 i 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) t70.3 p E9608 Small box 7 observed subtidal 25 cm/s 29-Aug-96 04:00 to 29-Aug-96 21:17 (242.1667-242.8872) 14 m z z 40.5 J J co 3 ca J 40.6 z° r 40.5 r- 44- J ca 40.4 31, 66 m T 40.6 z z° 0 a) 40.5 D N14- I-tA-A N 4- 0 J 4- J co 40. 70.6 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.3 Q. 29-Aug-96 21:17 to 30-Aug-96 12:10 (242.8872-243.5076) 25 cm/s N rn 14m 3 CD CD 0 cy, E9608 Small box 8 subtidal z° z ° J J Z-z '' i -o i " 40. co - ca 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 70.5 70.6 70.4 70.3 46m 34m 40.6 z 0 z° (D40.5 X40.5 :3 i =3 40.4 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.3 66 m 54 m 40.6 a (D 40.5 i I z° i z° T 40.6 J J co i 40.4 lt f t A 70.6 70.5 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.3 70.6 64 70.4 70.5 Longitude (°W) 70.3 30-Aug-96 14:52 to 31-Aug-96 05:49 (243.6196-244.2424) 25 cm/s 26m 14m 40.6 40.6 z° z° 40.5 40.5 +-. J J Co Co 40.4 40.4 70.6 70.5 70.4 { 40.5 J CO -l° 40.4 70.6 70.5 z° - 40.5 +-. J Co 40.4 70.4 I it/ll1 wurilll 40.6 \N UV 4 i H1u/1f/ii - z° 70.3 46 m 34 m 40.6 70.4 70.5 70.6 70.3 70.4 70.5 70.6 70.3 70.3 66m 54m 40.6 40.6 z° z° 40.5 40.5 4- J J co 1 I'Al- I / 40.4 ti CO 70.5 70.4 70.3 Longitude (°W) 70.6 70.4 70.5 Longitude (°W) 70.3 E9608 Big box 3 14 m ADCP, 31-Aug-96 05:49 to 01-Sep-96 11:08 (244.2424-245.4640) 11 n ,)[)served subtidal 40.6 A'Q,:4 .40.2 Ii v 40 r r A i 70.8 70.6 70.4 70.2 Longitude (°W) 66 70.0 E9608 Big box 3 26 m ADCP, 31-Aug-96 05:49 to 01-Sep-96 11:08 (244.2424-245.4640) subtidal II I 25 cm/s 40.6 ti r 4 40.4 T- z° I 40.2 40 I A 4 70.8 70.6 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) 70.0 4i E9608 Big box 3 34 m ADCP, 31-Aug-96 05:49 to 01-Sep-96 11:08 (244.2424-245.4640) I 1 subtidal 40.6 7 17 5 C i V 70.6 70.4 70.2 Longitude (°W) I 70.8 I 40 4 40.2 I 'IN 40.4 70.0 E9608 Big box 3 46 m ADCP, 31-Aug-96 05:49 to 01-Sep-96 11:08 (244.2424-245.4640) observed subtidal it tL AWL j fi-o 0 It N O O h 0N- 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) E9608 Big box 3 54 m ADCP, 31-Aug-96 05:49 to 01-Sep-96 11:08 (244.2424-245.4640) observed L- I b p N i I I 11 subtidal 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) E9608 Big box 3 66 m ADCP, 31-Aug-96 05:49 to 01-Sep-96 11:08 (244.2424-245.4640) observed subtidal CO O ct O O 'N O d 71 0 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) E9608 Big box 3 74 m ADCP, 31-Aug-96 05:49 to 01-Sep-96 11:08 (244.2424-245.4640) observed subtidal I r (0 I I V/ n=- 11 T \\\ \ \ \ I N- 70.4 70.2 Longitude (°W) 1V It E9608 Big box 3 86 m ADCP, 31-Aug-96 05:49 to 01-Sep-96 11:08 (244.2424-245.4640) subtidal 25 cm/s Fs= 40.6 40.4 40.2 V, N 40 70.8 70.6 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) 73 70.0 E9608 Big box 3 94 m ADCP, 31 -Aug-96 05:49 to 01-Sep-96 11:08 (244.2424-245.4640) observed . _r r//rte. 1\tt,1 l 1 70.4 70.2 Longitude (°W) v O , F \\ \_,.-1 /flt O) O O subtidal E9608 Big box 3 106 m ADCP, 31-Aug-96 05:49 to 01-Sep-96 11:08 (244.2424-245.4640) observed subtidal 40.6 40.4 40.2 40 70.8 70.6 70.2 70.4 Longitude (°W) 75 70.0 77 E9608 Small Box 1 Line 1 Line 2 (km) 0 10 20 10 1 1 Line 3 (km) 0 1 50 - 100 -I 100 -- 41 41 70.48 °W 70.56 °W 150-1 150 -I 40 40 70 71 200 - East 50 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) subtidal I 0 50 50 - 100 100 -I I i D 100 150 15-Aug-96 23:20 to 150-1 16-Aug-96 02:39 to 16-Aug-96 04:44 to 16-Aug-96 07:01 16-Aug-96 04:19 16-Aug-96 01:59 (228.9724-229.0833) (229.1111-229.1799) (229.1979-229.2928) 2.7 hours 1.7 hours 2.3 hours 200 200 - 200 40.6 70 71 200 - subtidal 0 150 - 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) subtidal a 10 20 50 - 70.63°W Longitude (°W) (km) 0 North (cm/s) North (cm/s North (cm/s) subtidal subtidal subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) %R 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 79 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 1 Line 4 10 20 50 - Line 6 Line 5 (km) 0 20 (km) 0 10 50 - 100-i 100 - 41 41 41 10 20 50 - (km) 0 70.27 °W 70.35 °W 70.41 °W 150 J 71 200 - 40-i 40 - 40 -- 70 Longitude (°W) 71 200 70 Longitude (°W) Longitude ("W) East (cm/s) East (cm/s) East (cm/s) subtidal subtidal subtidal 50 - 50 - 100 - 100 - 150 - 70 71 200 - 16-Aug-96 07:31 to 16-Aug-96 11:13 to 16-Aug-9610:35 16-Aug-96 13:10 150 - 16-Aug-96 13:38 to 16-Aug-96 15:27 (229.3132-229.4416)'_ (229.4680-229.5488) (229.5681-229.6439) 3.1 hours 1.9 hours 1.8 hours 200 200 subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) North (cr»/s) North (cm/s) North Tim subtidal sUbtidal 40.4 40.4 40.5 Latitude (ON) 80 40.6 40.5 Latitude (°N) . .40:4 E9605 Big BOX 7 Line B 70 60, 50 .40 30' :20 I I I I I- d I 50- 100 i{ am :41 ® 70.62.6W z 150 -1 v &'7 71 200 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) subtid4 0 50 100 150 18-Aug-96 01:28 to 18-Aug-96 07:21 (231.0613-231.3068) 5.9 hours 200 - North '(cm/s) subtidal 40. &. 40.7 40.6: 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 Si 40.3. 40:2 E9608 Big Box 1 Line C (km) i6` 30 40 E 100 am 0 41 70.48 °W z 150 v J 40 - 71 70 Longitude (°W) 17-Aug-96 20:12 to 18-Aug-96 00:36 (230.8417-231.0255) 4.4 hours 40.6 40.5 40.4 Latitude (°N) 40.3 4022 82 E9608 Big Box 1 Line D .8A 60 70 50 (km) 40 30 20 10 17-Aug-9613:42 to 17-Aug-96 19:24 (230.5715-230.8085) 5.7 hours North (c(n/s) subtidal 40..6 40.5 -40.4 40.1Latitude (°N) 83. 40:2: .40:1 40.0 0 E9608 Big Box 1 Line E 80' 70 40 50 60 (km) 30 20 10 0 70.20 *W n '17-Aug-96 07:00 to 17-Aug-96 12:42 (230.2919-230.5292) 5.7 hours North (cm/s) I . - - a, '40.6 40.5 40.4,, aubtidal_ 40.3 Latitude (°N) 8.4 40.2. 40:1 4,0.0 E9608 Big Box 1 Line F 60 50 l I 40 30 20 10 (km) 0 1 41 70.06 °W 40 71 70 Longitude (°W) 17-Aug-96 01:59 to 17-Aug-96 06:10 (230.0833-230.2575) 4.2 hours 40.6 40.5 40.4 Latitude (°N) 40.3 40.2 85 E9608 Small Box 2 Line 1 10 20 (km) 0 Line 2 20 Line 3 (km) 0 10 71 70 Longitude (°W)' East (cm/s) 'East (cm/s)' subtidal subtidal 18-Aug-96 09:35 to 18-Aug-96 11:59 to 18-Aug-96 11:31 18'--`Aug-9613:44 0 70.48 °W 70.55 °W 70 Longitude (°W) (km) 10 20 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) suttidal 18-Aug-96 14:12 to 18-Aug-96 16:05 (231.3995-231.4801) (231.4994-231.5725) (231.5923-231.6708) 1.9 hours 1.8 hours 1.9. hours North (cm/s subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 86 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 2 Line 4 1 20 0 10 20 Line 5 (km) (km) 0 10 20 0 10 50-1 50 Line 6 (km) 50' 100 41 41 150 - 150 - 70.27 °W 70.35 °W 70.41 °W 150 v Jm .40 40 70 71 200 - 200 - Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) subtidal i i 0 i 50 - 50 - 50 - 100 - 150-i 100 100 -1 150 18-Aug-96:18:02 to 150 - S-Aug-96 21:06 to 18-Aug-96 19:42 1 1.7 hours 200 -1 19-Aug-96 01:45 (31.8797-231.9667) (231.9909-232.0732) 2.1 hours 2.0 hours 20'0 subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 18-Aug-96 23:46 to X18-Aug-96 23:12 (231.7515-231.8211) North (cm/s 200 East (cm/s) subtidal 0 70 71 Longitude (°W) T 40.4 200 - North (cm/s North (cm/s).' subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 87 --T40.4 40.6 subtidal 1 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 3 Line 1 20 Line 2 (km) 10 20 0 Line 3 (km) 20 0 10 (km) 0 10 0 50 50- 50 - 100 - 100-. 41 41 70.63 °W 70.48 °W 70.55 °W z 150 - m f 150 - am 150 - Jcu Jco 40 - 40 71 200 - 70 Lo ng itud e (°W ) 40 - 71 200 - 70 Longitude (°W) 200 - 71 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) East (cm/s) East (cm/s) subtidal `- subtidal subtidal 0 0 50 -i 100 - 150 - 100 - 100-1 14-40", 150-i X20-Aug-96 10:30 to 20-Aug-96 08 k17 to 20-Aug-96 10:05 20-Aug-96 12:13 (233.5335-233.6113) (233.4376-233.5096) (233.3453-233.4203) 1.9 hours 1.7 hours 1.8 hours 200 - 40.6 50 - 150-i 20-Aug-96 12:48 ,to 20-Aug-96 14:40 50 200 -i 200 - North (curs) North (curls) North (cm/s) subtidal subtidal subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 88 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 3 Line 4 0 10 20 Line 5 (km) 50 -I 20 Line 6 (km) 0 10 20 (km) 10 0 50 - 100 - I 41 I 41 150-I 70.27 °W 70.35 °W 70.41 °W C 150 -I J 40 -I 40 - I 70 71 200 - 71 Longitude (°W) 200 - 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) East (cm/s) subtidal subtidal Longitude (°W) 50 - 100 - 150 - 06:04 to 20-Aug-96 01:39 to 20-Aug-96 03:56 to 20-Aug-96 03:27 20-Au 96 05:40 20-Aug-96 07:51 (233.2530-233.3273) (233.1642-233.2363) (233.0691-233.1440) 1.8 hours 1.7 hours 1.8 hours 200 - North (cm/s) North subtidal subtidal T 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 89 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Big Box 2 Line A 70 . 50 '60 30' 40 70: Al 70.77 OW East (cm/s) subtidal ai 20-Aug-96 17:03 to 20-Aug-96 22:18 (233:7107-233.29,7 5.3 hours North (cm/s) subtldal 40.3 40.2 Latitude (°N) 90 E9608 Big Box 2 Line B 80 40 (km) 0 10 30 100 s a m 0 70.63 °W .71 200 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) subtidal 0 ...... 20-Aug-96 23:06 to 21-Aug-96 04:53 (233.9627-234.2035) 5.8 hours North (cm/s) subtidal 40.6 40.5 40.4 40.3 Latitude (°N) 91 40.2 40.1 40.0 E9608 Big Box 2 Line Cl 70 60 50 20 30 40 10 (km) 0 70.48 200 0 21-Aug-96 05:43 to 21-Aug-96 11:11 (234.2384-234.4660) 5.5 hours North (cm/s) subtidal 40.6 40.5 40.4 40.3 Latitude (°N) 40.2 92 40.1 40.0 E9608 Big Box 2 Line C2 70 50 60 40 20 30 E 100 a a> 0 150 21-Aug-96 13:01 to 21-Aug-96 19:35 (234.5424-234.8163) 6.6 hours 40.6 40.5 40.4 40.2 40.3 Latitude (°N) 93 10 (km) 0 E9608 Big Box 2 Line D 20 .0 L 10 (km) 0 I ::50- 41 70.35 °W z 1-50 -{ 40 73 200 - 7O Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) subtidal 0 50 - 100 - 1'50 -a 21-Aug-96 20:23 to 21-Aug-96 21:58 (234.8498-234.9158) 1.6 hours North (cm/s) ubtiaal 40.5 40.6 Latitude (°N) 94 E9608 Small Box 4 Line 1 Line 2 (km) 20 0 10 (km) 0 10 Line 3 (km) 0 10 100 s CL I 41 70.63 °W 4 I 70 Longitude (°W) 70 71 70.48 °W 70.55 °W Longitude (°W) 200 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) subtidal 25-Aug-96 07:30 to 25-Aug-96 09:21 25-Aug-96 03:01 t. 25-Aug-96 05:18 to 25-Aug-96 04:55 25-Aug-96 07:07 (238.3127-238.3899) (238.2215-238.2966) (238.1258-238.2052) 1.9 hours 1.8 hours 1.9 hours North (cm/s) Imo subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.5 Latitude (°N) 95 I 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 4 Line 4 Line 5 (km) 20 0 10 Line 6 (km) 10 (km) 10 0 0 100'-i 70.27'°W 70.35 °W ------ .r 70 Longitude (°W) 71 70 Longitude (°W) 200 70 Longitude ('W) East (cm/s) East (cm/s) East (cm/s) subtidal subtidal subtidal ``' - 25-Aug-96 00:51 to 24-Aug-96 20:01 to 24-Aug-96 22:42 to 24-Aug-96 22:14 25-Aug-96 00:27 25-Aug-96 02:37 (238.0358-238.1093) (237.9461-238.0192) (237.8345-237.9264) 1.8 hours 1.8 hours 2.2 hours 200 -1 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 North (cm/s North (cm/s) subtidal subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 96 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 5 Line 1 .20 Line 2 (km) 10 20 0 Line 3 (km) 20 J" 10 ( (km) 10 0 0 '50 - w r 100 t 100 -1 F ,4J 41 4.1 70.62 °W 70.48 °W 70.55 °W Z 1:50-{ Z m v 1'50 150 a m J 40- .40 - 71 200 7.0' 40 70 71 Longitude (°W) 200 71 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) tzi subtidal 200 East (cm/s) 70 Longitude (°W) ° East (cm/s) subtidal k subtidal .0 50 50 100 150 50 1-0.0- 150 25-Aug-96 23:14 to 100 1-50 - 25-Aug-96 20.51 to 26-Aug-96 01:05 25-Aug-96 18:38 to 25-Aug-96 20:24; 25-Aug-96 22:48 ,(238.9686-239.0458) (238.8690-238.9505) (238.7766-238.8505) 1.9 hours 2.0 hours 1.8 hours 200 '200 -I 2b0 -# North (cm/s) North (cm/s) North (cm/s) subtidal stjbtidal subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 97 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) V 40.4 1 E9608 Small Box 5 Line 4 20 Line 5 (km) 20 0 10 Line 6 (km) L 1 2 50-1 0 10 20 0 10 (km) 50-1 100 - 100 -i 41 41 41 70.35 °W 70.41 °W 0 r 150 150 - R J J 40- 40 40 70 71 200 -I 150 - a) 71 200 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) g., _.:. 70 Longitude (°W) 70 Longitude (°W) 71 200 East (cm/s) East (cm/s) subtidal subtidal subtidal i 1 1 v 50-i 50 100-4 150-i 100 150-1 25-Aug-96 16:17 to 25-Aug-96 25-Aug-96 13:59 to 25-Aug-96 13:31 25-Aug-96 15:52 25-Aug-96 18:14 (238.6786-238.7604) (238.5828-238.6616) (238.4826-238.5637) 2.0 hours 1.9 hours 1.9 hours 200 - 200 North (cm/s) North (cm/s) subtidal subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 98 No . (c s) subtidal 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 6 Line 1 20 20 0 10 Line 3 Line 2 (km) (km) 0 10 (km) 0 10 1,0:0 - 70.63 °W 70.48 °W 70.55 °W 1'50 - 40 0 70 Longitude (°W) 71 200 ,r I 70 71 2001 Longitude (°W) 'East (culls) East (cm/s) subtidal subtidal f i 50 - , 100'-- 100 - 150-1 26-Aug-96 14:4& to 26-Aug-96 16:53 26-Aug-96 12:14 to 6=Aug-96 09:57 to 26=Aug-96 14:21 26@Aug-9611:48 (239.6169-239.7038) (239.5100-239.5981) (239.4148-239.4919) 2.1 hours 2.1 hours) 1.9 hours 200 200 North (cmis) North (cm/s) subqaf subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 99 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 6 Line 4 20 0 10 20 Line 5 (km) 0 10 100 - 100 - 41 41 41 70.27 °W 70.35 °W 70.41 °W 150- (km) 0 10 20 50-I 50 50 - Line 6 (km) 50 -'r v 1504'-' m 150 - C m J J 40 71 200 - 0 70 Longitude (°W) 70 Longitude (°W) 71 200 -i East (cm/s) East {cmis ) subtidal subtidal 1 71 200 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) W subtidal 1 50 -i 50 - 100 - 150 --1 40 - 40 - 50 100-1 100 - 26-Aug-98 0 150- to I 150-i 26-Aug-96 05:20 to 26-Aug-96 04:55 26-Aug-96 07:08 26-Au -96 O r 3O. (239.1331-239.2053) (239.2224-239.2979) (239.3134-239.3964) 1.7 hours "1.8 hours 4'2.0 hours 200 - 200 - 200 -1 North (cm/s) North (cm/s) subtidal subtidal I 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 26-Aug-96 03:11 to 40.5 Latitude (°N) 100 North (cm/s) subtidal I 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Butterfly 1 NS 10 20 I 1 0 (km) 0 50 -I 41 70.49 °W 150 - 40 -I 71 200 - 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) subtidal 27-Aug-96 07:16 to 27-Aug-96 09:46 (240.3029-240.4072) 2.5 hours 40.6 40.5 Latitude (°N) 101 E9608 Butterfly 2 NS 30 20 (km) 0 10 1 0 50 41 70.49 °W o150 - 40 71 200 - 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) subtidal 0 C 50 - 100 - 150-i 27-Aug-96 17:31 to 27-Aug-96 20:00 (240.7299-240.8335) 2.5 hours 200 -I North (cm/s) --F40.6 subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 102 E9608 Butterfly 3 NS (km) 20 30 0 10 41 70.49 °W .11 150 - 40 71 200 - 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) subtkial 0 11 -100 I 150 - 28-Aug-96 04:49 to 28-Aug-96 07:19 (241.2007-241.3052) 2.5 hours 200 - North (dalNs) subtidal 40.6 40.5 Latitude (°N) '4,0:4 .103, E9608 Butterfly 4 NS line 1 10 NS line 2 (km) 0 10 20 (km) 0 50 - 70.56'W 150 -{ yl 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) subtidal 28-Aug-96 14:53 to 28-Aug-96 17:09 (241.6202-241.7152) 2.3 hours 200 - North °._ 40.4 Latitude (°N) 40.2 104 40.4 40.3 Latitude (°N) 40.2 E9608 Small Box 7 Line 1 20 Line 2 (km) 0 10 20 Line 3 (km) 10 '20 ( (km) 10 0 0:- .50 - '50 50 - t. 100 100 - 41 41 41. 70.63 °W 150 - - 150 150 CD 70.48 °W 70.55 °W J J 40 -= 71 .200 40 40 70 Longitude ('W) 71 200 -1 70 Longitude (°W)' 7.1 .20:0 1-=East (crim/s) East (cm/s) .e subtidal East (cna/s) subtidal 70 Longitude (°W) subtidal 0 0 0 50 50 50- 100 1.00 - 1°00 -t 150-I 150 - i r C } 29-Aug-96 16:42 to 29-Aug-9618:0,. 150-i 29-Aug-9614:18 to 29-Aug-96' 12:00 to 29-Aug-96 13:52 29-Aug-96 16:14 (242.6960-242.7851)1 (242.5963-242.6770) (242:5000-242.5783) 2.1 hours 1.9 hours, 1.9 hours 200-, 200 - North subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 2100 North (cm/s)' North (cm/s) subllial', subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) inc 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 7 Line 4 0 10 20 Line 5 (km) 20 Line 6 (km) 10 l 50 - 50- 50 - 100-1 100-i 41 41 41 70.27 °W 70.35 °W 70.41 °W 150-I 150 - a) (km) 0 10 20 J- ( r 150 -I J 1 71 200 -1 40 40 -1 40 70 Longitude (°W) 71 200 - 70 Longitude (°W) 71 200 70 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) East (cm/s) East (cm/s) subtidal subtidal subtidal 0 -t 50 - 50 -1 50 - 100 - 100 - 100 -i 150-1 150-1 29-Aug-96 09:28 to 150 -I 29-Aug-96 06:55 to 29-Aug-9605:53 29-Aug-96 09:03 29-Aug-96 11:33 29-Aug-96 04:00 to (242.3946-242.4815) (242.2884242.3775) (242.1667-242.2454) 2.1 hours 2.1 hours 1.9 hours 200 -1 200 - 200 - North (cm/s) North (cmls) subtidal subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 106 North (cmls) subtidal 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 8 Line 1 10 20 (km) 0 Line 2 20 Line 3 (km) 10 (km) 0 10 20 50 41 70.47 °W 70.55 °W 70.63 150 40 70 Longitude (°W) 70 Longitude (°W) 200 70 71 Longitude (°W) East (crrn/s) East (cm/s) subtidal subtidal 50 100 150 30-Aug-96 04:38 to 30-Aug-96 10:06 to:, -y 30-Aug-96 12:10 =:: 30-Aug-96 06:52 (243.4210-243.50766) (243.1932-2412862 2.1 hours 2.2 hours 200 40.6 North (cm/s) North (cm/s subtidal subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 107 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 8 Line 4 20 Line 5 (km) 20 0 10 50 - 10 - (km) 0 10 20 (1 i .50 Line 6 (km) . 50- 100-I loo- 41 '41 41 70.27 °W 70.35 °W 70.41 °W z 150 Ji 150 - 150 - J 40 40 - 70' 71 200 - 71 Longitude (°W) 200 40 70 Longitude (°W): 71 200 70 Longitude (°W) Eas (cm/s) --East (cm/s) -Era "t (CM/S) subtidal subtidal subtidal 0 100-I 100 1,00, -1 150-i .50 - 50 - 5 150 - 30-Aug-96 02:09 to 150 - 29-Aug-96 23:53 to 29-Aug-96 23:24 30-Aug-96' 01:43 30-Aug-96 04:11 29-Aug-96 21:17 to (243.0900-243.1743) (242.9953-243.0722) (242.8872-242.9753) 2.0 hours 1.8 hours 2.1 hours 200 - 2.00-1 '200' North' (mils)., North (cm/s) subtidal - subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N)' 1108 North (ctnls) subGdal__ 404 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 9 Line 1 Line 2 (km) 0 10 20 -7.1 70 Longitude (°W) 0 70.49 70.55 °W 70 Longitude (°W) (km) 10 0 10 70.63'°W Line 3 (km) 71` 70 Longitude (°W) :East (cm/s) East (cm/s) East (cm/s) subtidal subtidal subtidal 100 - 31-Aug-96 02:56 to 30-Aug-96 22:08 to 31-Aug-96 00:26 to 31-Aug-96 04:53 30-Aug-96 23:59 31-Aug-96 0229 (244.1229-244.2039) (244.0182-244.1036) (243.9229-243.9996) 1.9 hours 2.0 hours 1.8 hours North (cm/s) subtidal 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 109 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Small Box 9 Line 4 Line 5 (km) 0 10 20 _i11 b Line 6 (km) 10 0 10 (km) 0 II 100 -, 70.27 °W 70.35 °W 70.41 °W z .150 J 40 .71 200 - 70 Longitude (°W)' 7Q 70 71 200 200 -1 Longitude (°W) East (cm/s) East (cm/s) subtidal subtidal Longitude (°W) East `(cim/s)' subtidal 0 vi 50.- ..50-Y '50 - 100 - 100 - . 100 - 30-Aug-96 19:53 to t50, - 1;50 -j 30-Aug-96 17:19 to 30-Aug-96 16:51 3q Aug-96 19:23 30-Aug-96 21:45 30-AUg-9614:52 to 4 (243,8285-243.9064) (243;7216-243.8080) 1.9 hours 2.1 hours (2416196-243.7022) 2.0 hours 26o4 North (cm/s) ,subtidalI 40.5 40.4 Latitude (°N) 200. - North (d North subtidal subticfa) '40.5 Latitude (°N') 110 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 E9608 Big Box;] Line CO 20 10 (km) 0 50 - 41 70.47 °W z 150-1 CD V J 03 40 71 200 70 Longitude (°W) 31 -Aug-96 05:49 to 31-Aug-96 08:02 (244.2424-244.3352) 2.2 hours 40.4 40.5 Latitude (°N) 111 E9608 Big Box 3 Line Cl 70 60 I I 40 50 30 20 10 (km) 0 I E 100 70.48 71 200 70 Longitude (°W) 0 31-Aug-96 09:00 to 31-Aug-96 14:28 (244.3755-244.6034) 5.5 hours North (cn subtidal 40.3 40.2 40.1 40.0 Latitude (°N) 39.9 112 39.8 39.7 E9608 Big Box 3 Line C2 20 (km) 0 10 41 70.49 °W 40 -I 71 70 Longitude (°W) 100-I 150- 01-Sep-96 08:32 to 01-Sep-96 11:08 (245.3560-245.4640) 2.6 hours 200 -I North (cm/s) subt.itlal 40.6 40.5 Latitude (°N) 40.4 113 E9608 Big Box 3 Line Ds 40 30 20 10 (km) 0 1 41 70.35 °W J 40 71 70 Longitude (°W) 31-Aug-96 15:23 to 31-Aug-96 19:00 (244.6415-244.7923) 3.6 hours 40.1 40.0 39.9 Latitude (°N) 39.8 114 E9608 Big Box 3 Line Es 40i 10 (km) 0 41 70.20 °W 40-i 71 70 Longitude (°W) 31-Aug-96 20:06 to 31-Aug-96 23:29 (244.8379-244.9790) 3.4 hours 40.0 39.9 Latitude (°N) 115 E9608 Big Box 3 Line F 60 50 40 30 10 20 (km) 0 i 41 70.06 °W 40 71 70 Longitude (°W) 01-Sep-96 00:21 to 01-Sep-96 04:46 (245.0152-245.1987) 4.4 hours 40.3 40.2 40.1 40.0 Latitude (°N) 39.9 116 39.8