zir-z-tr ► School of OCEANOGRAPHY L177A,rif MAY 4 1S78 Lnboratory Oregon Suite University TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY OBSERVATIONS OFF THE COAST OF PERU, R/V EASTWARD 23 JULY-16 AUGUST 1976 by Adriana Huyer William E. Gilbert Richard Schramm Dennis Barstow Data Report 69 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Reference 78-3 March 1978 (CUEA Data Report 47) National Science Foundation OCE 76-00594 School of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY OBSERVATIONS OFF THE COAST OF PERU, R/V EASTWARD 23 JULY - 16 AUGUST 1976 by Adriana Huyer William E. Gilbert Richard Schramm Dennis Barstow Data Report 69 Reference 78-3 March 1978 (CUEA Data Report 47) National Science Foundation OCE 76-00594 This data report printed on recycled paper. Abstract CTD observations of temperature and salinity were made off the coast of Peru between 12°S and 16°S from the R/V EASTWARD, between 23 July and 16 August 1976. The observations were made during Legs 0, 1, and 2 of JASON, which was the middle phase of the JOINT-II project conducted off Peru by the Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis Program. All of the stations were within 200 km of the Peru coast. Temperature and salinity data are presented from 116 CTD stations, 9 bottle stations made while the CTD system was down, and 16 bottle stations made primarily to obtain samples for chemical analyses. Listings of the data at standard depths, and vertical profiles of temperature, salinity and sigma-t are presented for each station. TABLE OF CONTENTS I ntroduction . . . . . 6 • • • . • • . . . . • • Cruise Narrative Leg 0 3 Leg 1 3 Leg 2 5 Procedures Bottle Casts 9 CTD Stations 11 CTD Temperature and Conductivity Calibration Bath Calibration 11 In Situ Calibration 18 19 . . ... . .... . .. . . . . • • 21 22 CTD Data Processing A cknowledgments References . CTD Data 29 Bottle Casts 125 Profiles to 200 m . 153 List of Figures Fig. 1. Positions of current meter moorings recovered (triangles) and deployed (dots) during EASTWARD Leg 1. Fig. 2. Station positions during EASTWARD Leg 0 (stations 1-9; 23 July 1976) and EASTWARD Leg 1 (stations 10-61; 27 July - 3 August 1976). Fig. 3. Station positions during EASTWARD Leg 2, 8-16 August 1976. Fig. 4. Wind speed and direction measured from EASTWARD during Legs 1 and 2. Fig. 5. Schematic of the CTD calibration bath. 12 Fig. 6. Temperature-salinity characteristics for groups of stations. 23 List of Tables Table 1. Means and standard deviations between pairs of protected thermometers from Oregon State University and the University of Washington. 10 Table 2. Means and standard deviations of differences between salinity determinations of duplicate samples, using different salinometers. 10 Table 3. Results of the pre-calibration of the CTD probes for temperature and conductivity. The calibration equations are of the form a + bx + cx 2 for temperature, and a + bx for conductivity, where x is the CTD output which ranges from 0 to 4096. Table 4. Means and standard deviations of the differences between preliminary CTD data and sample data. 17 19 INTRODUCTION The Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis (CUEA) Program conducted JOINT II, a three phase field program off the coast of Peru, in 1976 and 1977. The three intensive time periods were March - May 1976 (MAM 76), July - October 1976 (JASON), and March - May 1977 (MAM 77). The program included CTD or STD observations in each period: from the R/V T. G. THOMPSON during MAM 76 (Barton, 1977; Friebertshauser, Bishop and Codispoti, 1977), from the R/V EASTWARD during JASON, and from the R/V MELVILLE and R/V C. O'D. ISELIN during MAM 77. This report presents the CTD observations collected during JASON between 23 July and 16 August 1976 on Legs 0, 1, and 2 of the R/V EASTWARD (cruises E-5D-76 through E-5F-76) and also the temperature and salinity data from bottle stations made during Legs 1 and 2. During Legs 0 and 1 and most of Leg 2, we used the same CTD probe. A second probe was used during part of Leg 2, to ensure that it was operating successfully and would be available for subsequent observations during MAM 77. The hydrographic bottle station data (including nutrients, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll) from Legs 2-7 of the EASTWARD JASON cruise are presented elsewhere (Kogelschatz et al., 1978). The program also included moored current meter measurements, both during the intensive periods, and for monitoring between the intensive periods (Enfield, Smith and Huyer, 1978). Figure 1 shows the locations of moorings that had been deployed in May 1976 and were recovered during Leg 1 of the EASTWARD JASON cruise, and moorings deployed during Leg 1 for later recovery. 14°S n Yuca • 77°W Callao 100 fathoms 76°W 16°S n 75°W Mila Lagarta Al Cabo Nazca Corona del Inca Mila II Figure 1. Positions of current meter moorings recovered (triangles) and deployed (dots) during EASTWARD Leg 1. CRUISE NARRATIVE Leg O. A skeleton scientific party, consisting of A. Huyer, R. R. Kapaun, R. Schramm, M. L. Batteen and L. Lewis, of Oregon State University (OSU), joined the EASTWARD in Balboa, Panama, on 15 July 1976. J. Meyer of Duke University was party chief. Our purpose was to ensure that the CTD system would be operational when it arrived in the JOINT-II region, and also to make some preliminary observations off Callao. The ship left Balboa on 16 July 1976, crossed the equator on 19 July, and arrived off Callao, Peru, on 22 July. We completed the first section, stations 1-9, (Figure 2) and arrived at the port of San Martin on 24 July. Leg 1. The purpose of Leg 1 was to recover and replace the current meter moorings that had been deployed from the THOMPSON in May 1976 (Figure 1) and to make CTD observations. The EASTWARD departed San Martin on 26 July 1976 and headed southward toward Cabo Nazca and San Juan. Scientific personnel were R. L. Smith, A. Huyer, R. E. Still, D. Barstow, R. R. Kapaun, J. Calderon, M. L. Batteen, R. Schramm, L. Lewis, of OSU, J. Meyer of Duke University, R. Flores of Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) and D. B. Enfield, JOINT-II Liaison Officer. We arrived at the inshore end of the C-Line, just south of Cabo Nazca (Figure 2) early on 27 July. We made a CTD cast (station 10) alongside the mid-shelf current meter mooring, "Mila II" (Figure 1). "Mila II" was recovered and replaced with "Mila III". Station 11 was made alongside "Mila III", and we began a short section along the C-Line 77°W • 56 // ab iD CALLAO I4°S 0 ° 0o 0 41 0 0 0 0 50 CERRO AZUL I 76° W JOINT- II JASON STATION POSITIONS R/V EASTWARD LEGS Oand I : • 75°W I6° S CABO NAZCA 29 • 28 • 27 • o 40 26 0° / Figure 2. Station positions during EASTWARD Leg 0 (stations 1-9; 23 July 1976) and EASTWARD Leg 1 (stations 10-61; 27 July 3 August 1976). (stations 12-15). Another current meter array, "Corona del Inca", was moored on 28 July, over the continental slope but it was never recovered. Station 16 was made alongside this mooring. We began another C-Line section with station 17 at about 1630 Z on 28 July 1976. Because of failure of the CTD deck unit on station 18, we continued this section with Niskin bottle casts (stations 20-28). Repair of the CTD deck unit allowed us to end the section with a CTD cast at station 29 on 29 July. We began another occupation of the C-Line on 30 July, and completed it very early on 31 July, (stations 30-39). We recovered "Lagarta" (Figure 1) on the same day, and headed northward. On 1 August, we completed a line of CTD stations (41-50) off Cerro Azul (Figure 2). On 2 August, we completed a line of CTD stations off Callao (stations 51-61) and recovered the final current meter array, (Yuca) that had been deployed in May 1976. We arrived in Callao on 3 August 1976. During Leg 1, the winds were generally weak, seldom exceeding 15 kts and frequently less than 10 kts. Surface temperatures were relatively high, and the water at many stations was exceptionally clear: at station 55, the CTD probe (which is white) was visible 20 m below the surface. Pelagic crabs were observed on 2 August at stations 51, 52 and 55 off Callao. Leg 2. The purpose of Leg 2 was to continue the CTD observations, and also to make observations of nutrients, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll. During the in-port period the wind, which had been very weak, strengthened considerably. The EASTWARD left Callao on 7 August and began to make her way southward. Scientific personnel were now A. Huyer, D. Barstow, R. R. Kapaun, H. Pittock, R. Schramm, M. L. Batteen, J. Calderon, from OSU, R. Shepherd and P. Whaling from Duke University, M. Friebertshauser from the University of Washington, and W. Urquizo from IMARPE. We had planned to run a long CTD section off the Paracas Peninsula (Figure 3), and we began at the inshore end on 8 August. Because of the continuing strong wind, work went very slowly and wire angles were very large. Finally, the weather became too much for us, and we truncated the Paracas Line at station 68, and headed southward toward the C-Line. We made very slow southward progress at aboug 4-7 kts, and arrived at station 69 on the C-Line late on 9 August. On this occupation of the C-Line (stations 69-87), we made CTD casts at all locations and Niskin bottle casts at most locations (each cast is treated as a separate station). The Niskin bottles were used to obtain samples for nutrient, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll and salinity, and they were equipped with protected and unprotected thermometers to measure temperature and depth. All data from the Niskin bottle casts is presented elsewhere (Kogelschatz et al., 1978); temperature and salinity are presented here to facilitate comparison with the CTD data. The line was completed late on 10 August. On 11 August, we completed a CTD section off Punta Lomas. No bottle casts were made along this line. On 12 August, we began another occupation of the C-Line making both CTD and bottle casts (stations 98-119), completing it on 13 August. Stations 120 and 121 were made in the vicinity of "Corona del Inca", and we switched to the second CTD probe for a section off Punta Azua on 77°W 14° S 'n 76° W 68 0 0 00000 0 62 JOINT- U JASON 122 STATION POSITIONS 0 0 R/ V EASTWARD N 00 LEG 2 11 o 16°S \ 103 102 98 8 99 100 o 105, 10\ 6 AZUA °PUNTA °: 121 1071708 115118, . 1 11 112 \ 0 11i9 CA80 NAZCA 0 I w &co,. ° I cn % cl:sk ciliN"\ 86,87 o 78,\ 7°\/ 75 \ 80 7 I 72,7/ I 76,77 °•1 7069 73 74 88 oo 0 0 00 89 PTA. LOMAS 0 0 97 0 0 Figure 3. Station positions during EASTWARD Leg 2, 8-16 August 1976. 75° W 40 30 20 10 0 Figure 4. Wind speed and direction measured from EASTWARD during Legs 1 and 2. 14 August. We switched back to the first probe for the Callao line which was completed on 16 August. We arrived in Callao on 16 August 1976. During Leg 2, we did not observe any pelagic crabs, exceptionally clear water, or high surface temperatures. This may have been due to the increase in the wind speed which occurred between Legs 1 and 2 (Figure 4). PROCEDURES Bottle Casts. When the CTD system was inoperable (stations 19-29) or when we needed water samples for chemical analysis, we made Niskin bottle casts equipped with protected and unprotected thermometers. Some of the thermometers were supplied by Oregon State University, but most were supplied by L. Codispoti of the University of Washington. Both sets of thermometers are regularly calibrated. Protected thermometers were used in pairs, and unprotected thermometers were used on all but the three shallowest bottles of each cast. After each cast was lowered, we allowed ten minutes of soak-time for equilibrating the thermometers before dropping the messenger. As the calibration factor of the winch readout was unknown, we relied heavily on the thermometric depths for determining the depth of each sample. After allowing time for all bottles to trip, the cast was brought aboard, and salinity samples were drawn. The thermometers were read twice by different observers. Differences between paired protected thermometers are summarized in Table 1. The salinity samples were run on the University of Washington's AUTOSAL salinometer which measures the conductivity of water by means of electrodes, or on one of two inductive salinometers, a HYTECH belonging to Duke University 1 Table 0 Means and standard deviations between pairs of protected thermometers from Oregon State University and University of Washington. Both OSU Both UW One OSU, One UW 150 220 18 6 35 10 No. of comparisons No. of different thermometers Mean difference (°C) 0.001 0.002 0.022* Standard deviation (°C) 0.019 0.016 0.028 *UW readings were higher Table 2. Means and standard deviations of differences between salinity determinations of duplicate samples, using different salinometers. Australian #73, and Hytech Autosal and Hytech 18 17 16 Mean difference (o /oo)) 0.0068 0.0005 0.0003 Standard deviation 0.0051 0.0034 0.0076 No. of comparisons Autosal and Australian #73 11 Marine Lab and an AUTOLAB belonging to Oregon State University. On some occasions, duplicate salinity samples were drawn, and the duplicates were analyzed on different salinometers. Results of this comparison are shown in Table 2, CTD Stations Each CTD station consisted of a single cast of a Geodyne conductivitytemperature-depth probe, with one sampling bottle equipped with reversing thermometers mounted about 3 m above the CTD sensors. The CTD normally records while it is being lowered, at a rate of 15 - 30 m min-'. The sample bottle is usually tripped at the bottom of the cast, or in regions of relatively weak vertical gradients of temperature and salinity, after a 5 - 10 minute wait to allow the thermometers to reach equilibrium. At the end of the cast, the thermometers are read and a salinity sample is drawn, to provide in-situ calibration data. During particularly rough weather, we were unable to use the sample bottle; on these occasions we took a bucket salinity sample. Two different CTD probes were used. Each measures pressure, tempera ture and conductivity sequentially, and begins a new sampling cycle about once per second. Each probe must be calibrated separately; whenever a sensor is replaced or repaired, it must be recalibrated. CTD TEMPERATURE AND CONDUCTIVITY CALIBRATION Bath Calibration Laboratory calibrations of the CTD temperature and conductivity are carried out simultaneously in a bath of sea water, whose temperature is measured by a quartz probe (which is itself calibrated at least once per 12 Stirrer e, -90 gal. Water , "X\ \\\ Figure \ \XNA,\\\V\ \\V"\\NX Schematic of the CTD calibration bath. 13 year), and whose salinity is monitored by drawing samples for analysis on a bench salinometer (AUTOSAL or HYTECH). The data points are not taken at exactly the same time, but they are taken from the same bath, and over the same time span. To begin with, the CTD is suspended from the ceiling centered over the calibrating tank so that the conductivity cell is approximately ten inches from the bottom of the tank (Figure 5). This allows for good water circulation around the cell. The bath water is from the sea water supply at the Marine Science Center at Newport and is usually in the salinity range of 30 to 33 o/oo. This water is then put in a cooler to get the temperature down to about one degree. Water of this temperature and salinity will produce a conductivity of about 30 mmhos. Our CTD's are calibrated over a conductivity range of 30 to 50 mmhos and a temperature range of 0 - 30°C. The CTD is connected to the interface so that the octal lights can be read. The quartz temperature probe is secured to the side of the tank at the same height as the temperature sensor of the CTD. The conductivity cell is checked to make sure it is clean and free of algae. After the water is added, a partial top is put over the tank to cut down on water evaporation and thermal effects from the room air. Space is allowed in the top for drawing the salinity samples and for reaching into the bath to clean the cell. The stirring motor is mounted on the side of the bath so that the propeller is at the same height as the conductivity cell to ensure maximum flow through the cell. After allowing about an hour for the bath to reach equilibrium you are ready to start taking readings. Because of all of the CTD data is recorded from the octal lights, only one parameter is measured at a time. 14 Therefore, the calibration is done by "leap-frogging" temperature and conductivity as we go up the scale in temperature and conductivity. The usual procedure is to take three or four temperature points then take one conductivity point. The bath is then taken up to the next level. Instead of adding warm water (which would alter the bath salinity), we use an immersible heating probe to raise the bath temperature approximately one degree which raises the conductivity about one mmho. During the time the temperature data points are being taken the bath is allowed to drift up naturally, i.e., the heating probe is removed from the bath. The octal lights (in the temperature mode) are then read to catch the drift with time. In particular, the calibration is carried out in the following manner. Assume the bath is stable enough at some level to begin taking readings. First observe what the octal lights read for temperature. For this example let's assume the lights are flashing 0452. We know that the next number (if the bath temperature is increasing) is going to be 0453. Keep watching the lights until 0453 is seen for three flashes in a row. This is our arbitrary method of assuming the lights have steadied on a new number. As soon as you see the third steady 0453, then record the quartz temperature. Keep watching the lights until you see 0454 displayed three times and again record the quartz temperature. Now the average between the first and second quartz temperature is assigned to the octal temperature number of 0453. In the reduction of the data, the quartz temperatures are corrected, of course, and the octal numbers are converted to decimal. On the data sheet the data would look like this: 15 TEMP. (Octal) 0452 0453 0454 0455 0456 0457 QUARTZ TEMP. (Uncorr.) 0.7671°C 0.7754 0.7848 0.7919 0.8023 QUARTZ TEMP. (Correct.) OCTAL CONVERT. TO DECIMAL QUARTZ TEMP. (Averaged) 0.7731°C 0.7814 ) 0.7908 0.7979 0.8082 0229 0300 0301 0302 0303 0.7772°C 0.7861 0.7944 0.8030 * The average of these two numbers is assigned to temp. dec. no. 0299. The average of 0.7814 and 0.7908 is assigned to decimal no. 0300 etc. We now have four temperature decimal numbers with corresponding corrected quartz temperatures. Following the block of temperature data at any one level, we take a measurement for the conductivity calibration. To do this, first rinse the salinity bottle(s) and brush the cell to remove any air bubbles. Allow the bath to stabilize for a few minutes. It has been our procedure to have the tally tape running during the time we are collecting the conductivity calibration information. It's also been our procedure to record the octal numbers for reference, pressure, temperature, and conductivity at this time even though we'll only be using the conductivity number. The others are just recorded as a check on the system. Therefore, record the reference octal number, then the pressure number, then the temperature number (at this time also record the quartz temperature as this will be used with the bottle salinity to calculate the conductivity value for this data point) and finally, the conductivity octal number. At this time (simultaneously), collect the salinity sample then turn off the tally tape. The immersible heating probe can now be put in the bath to raise the temperature to the next level. 16 As the bath temperature gets close to room temperature the octal lights (temperature mode) will flash for a longer time on any one number. Therefore, there is about a five or six degree temperature span in the vicinity of the room temperature where it is not practical to wait for the lights to change from one number to another. Above this span the bath temperature will decrease during the taking of the calibration data so the octal numbers will decrease. Inside this span we've tried using the heater on a low setting to artificially produce a temperature drift but the data just doesn't look right. To determine the temperature calibration equation, we use a method of least squares to find a polynomial fit of the quartz temperature as a function of the CTD temperature bit number. The temperature calibration curve is very slightly non-linear; the deviation of each point from the quadratic least-squares fit is less than 0.01°C. To determine the conductivity calibration equation, we fit the calculated bath conductivity to the CTD conductivity bit number. The conductivity calibration equation is essentially linear. Both of the CTD probes used during JASON were calibrated in this manner in April or May 1976, before the cruise, and again in September 1976, after the cruise. Results of the pre-calibrations are shown in Table 3. The standard deviation of the points from the curve is very small for temperature; for conductivity, it is of the order of the resolution of the CTD. These calibration constants were used for the preliminary processing of the CTD temperature data for both probes, and of the conductivity data 17 Table . Results of the pre-calibration of the CTD probes for temperature and conductivity. The calibrations equation are of the form a + bx + cx 2 for temperature, and a + bx for conductivity, where x is the CTD output which ranges from 0 to 4096. Temperature Probe Date a 3 18-19 May 76 -2.046 4 12-16 Apr 76 -1.913 No. of Points Standard Deviation (°C) 9.9726x10- 81.487x10- 8 39 .002 8.9784x10- 81.069x10- 8 53 .002 b c Conductivity Probe Date a b N Standard Deviation (mho cm-2) 3 18-19 May 76 -0.0149 0.014579 20 .026 4 12-16 Apr 76 0.0752 0.014506 23 .010 Note: These equations were used for preliminary processing of the CTD data, except for conductivity data from CTD #3, for which we used C = 0.014547x. 18 from CTD #4. For CTD #3, we had earlier determined a calibration equation from prior in situ calibration data, C = (0.014547)x. For conductivity, we had more confidence in the in situ calibration than the bath calibration; hence we used the earlier equation based on in situ calibration to process the conductivity data from CTD #3. In Situ Calibration The CTD temperature and conductivity sensors are calibrated in situ by using two or three protected reversing thermometers on a sample bottle above the probe. The bottle is hung as near the probe as possible, usually two meters above the sensors. The reversing thermometers are calibrated once per year, and have an accuracy of ±0.02°C. The CTD output is recorded while the cast is being lowered, during the soak time, and afterwards until the raising the cast has begun, and the CTD sensors have passed the sample depth. Since there are vertical gradients of both temperature and salinity, we use the CTD data at the actual sample depth. Since there are also temporal variations, we use the CTD data obtained after the bottle tripped for calibration, rather than the data obtained while lowering, since the time interval is shorter. Occasionally, there are large wire angles, and the CTD and sample bottle do not remain at the same depth (and temperature) during the soak time. Since the thermometers have a much longer response time than the CTD temperature sensor, this can result in relatively large differences between the sample and CTD temperature readings. These points are eliminated from the overall CTD-sample-comparison. A water sample is collected from the sample bottle and its salinity is determined on a bench salinometer with a precision of better than 19 ±0.005 0/00. Conductivity of the sample, Cs, is calculated from the sample temperature and salinity, by an iteration method and Perkin and Walker's (1972) equations. This sample conductivity is compared to the preliminary CTD. Results of the comparison between sample and preliminary CTD tempera ture and conductivity data are summarized in Table 4. Since both the mean and the standard deviations of the differences are within the sampling and instrument errors, we concluded the equations used in preliminary processing were correct, and we accepted these for final processing. Table 4. Means and standard deviations of the differences between preliminary CTD data and sample data. AC (mmho cm-2) AT (°C) mean mean s.d. s.d. CTD #3 -0.018 0.017 -0.013 0.025 CTD #4 -0.013 0.032 -0.015 0.031 CTD DATA PROCESSING After the calibration constants are determined, the CTD data are read from magnetic or punched paper tapes. Pressure, conductivity and temperature are calculated. If depth remains constant, conductivity and temperature from up to six samples are averaged. If pressure decreases, the data are deleted. The resulting pressure-increasing file is used to calculate salinity using Perkin and Walker's (1972) equations, and sigma-t is calculated using Knudsen's equation as reported by Sweers (1971). 20 Profiles of T, S, a t are plotted for error detection. The data are edited by hand to remove obviously erroneous values, and replotted. Temperaturesalinity diagrams are plotted as a final check on the conductivity calibration (conceivably it can change from station to station because it depends on cell geometry). For a few stations, data had to be entered from the teletype listing obtained at sea, because there was neither a complete paper tape record, or a magnetic tape record. These stations (6, 44, 55, and 128) do not have as high a data density as usual, because the teletype does not keep pace with the CTD sampling rate. For one other station (42), data were recorded while the CTD was being raised rather than during its descent; this is indicated in the listings by a U (for up) rather than a D (for down) immediately after the station number. At only one station (132) did the T-S diagram show that the processed salinity data were in error. At this station, the difference between the sample and processed CTD salinity was also unusually large (0.08 o/oo). Although we could not account for this error, we were reluctant to discard it entirely, since the temperature data appeared to be correct. We reprocessed the data from this station, using Cnew = Cold 0.08. The reprocessed data results are in good agreement between the CTD and sample data, and also results in a reasonable T-S curve, but the salinity data from this station (132) should be used only with extreme caution. Since the resolution of the salinity data (±0.03) was only about an order of magnitude smaller than the total salinity range during JASON, we decided to smooth the salinity data, and also the sigma-t data. The technique we used was to interpolate linearly the data to 1 m intervals 21 and then to apply three "Hannings" consecutively. Each "Hanning" is a running average over three points weighted by (4, 1/2, 4). Applying the Hanning three times is equivalent to applying a seven-point binomial filter. Effectively, then, the data are smoothed over a 7 m interval, which is equivalent to three times the length of the CTD probe. We smoothed the salinity and sigma-t data independently, the temperature data were not smoothed. This data file, of unsmoothed temperature, smoothed salinity, and smoothed sigma-t, is regarded as the final data, and was used to generate the plots and listings in the body of this data report. The first section includes profiles of temperature, salinity and sigma-t to the maximum depth observed at each station, and listings at standard depths of computed as well as observed parameters. The second section shows profiles to 200 m, using the same depth scale for all stations. Temperature-salinity curves for groups of stations are shown in Figure 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank all those (both scientific personnel and crew members) who participated in the cruise for their assistance in collecting the data. We wish especially to thank Bob Kapaun for keeping the CTD system running, and Curtis Wan for solving some hardware problems for us. These observations were funded by the Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration (National Science Foundation) under Grant OCE 76-00594. This report is a contribution to the Coastal Ecosystems Analysis Program. Laina Hardenburger did the beautiful typing. 22 REFERENCES Barton, E. D. 1977. JOINT II - R/V THOMAS G. THOMPSON Cruise 108, Leg I, CTD measurements off the coast of Peru near Cabo Nazca, April - May 1976. International Decade of Ocean Exploration, Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis. Data Report 39. 140 pp. Enfield, D. B., R. L. Smith and A. Huyer. 1978. A Compilation of Observations From Moored Current Meters. Vol. XII, Winds, Currents and Temperature over the Continental Shelf and Slope of Peru During JOINT II, March 1976 - May 1977. Oregon State University, School of Oceanography, Corvallis, Oregon. Data Report 70. Reference 78-4. In press. Friebertshauser, M. A., D. D. Bishop and L. A. Codispoti. 1977. JOINT II - R/V THOMAS G. THOMPSON Cruise 108, Legs II and III, CTD measurements off the coast of Peru near Cabo Nazca, May - June 1976. International Decade of Ocean Exploration, Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis. Data Report 40. 246 pp. Kogelschatz, J. E., R. P. Shepherd, T. E. Whitledge, L. A. Codispoti and A. Huyer. 1978. JOINT-II JASON 76 hydro data, R/V EASTWARD Cruises E-5F-76 through E-5L-76. International Decade of Ocean Exploration, Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis. Data Report 38. Perkin, R. G. and E. R. Walker. 1972. Salinity calculations from in situ measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 77(33):6618-6621. Sweers, H. E. 1971. A comparison of methods used to calculate sigma-t, specific volume anomaly, and dynamic height. MTS Journal, 5(3):7-26. 24,0 22.0 20.0 18.0_ 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 Stations 20-26 C-Line (Bottle Costs) Stations 11-17 C-Line 6.0 4.0. 34.4 -4-- -4- 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 34.4 Figure 6. Temperature-salinit y characteristics for groups of stations. 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 24.0 22.0 16.0 Stations 51-61 Callao Stations 29-40 C-Line 34.4 34,6 34.8 35.0 35.2 34.4 34.6 Figure 6. Continued. 34.8 35.0 33.2 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 • • • • •,•• •• • • 8.0 Stations 70-87 C-Line (Bottle Casts) 6.0 40 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 34.6 Figure 6. Continued. 34.8 35.0 35.2 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 24 0 22.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 Stations 98-118 C-Line (CTD Casts) Figure 6. Continued. Stations 99-119 C-Line (Bottle Casts) 24.0 22.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 4.0 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 Stations 133-144 Callao Station 132 Callao Stations 122-131 Pta. Azua 6.0 35.2 34.4 34.6 Figure 6. Continued. 34.8 35.0 35.2 34.4 34.d 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 31 For each station, profiles of temperature, salinit y and sigma-t are shown. The header data for each station give location and weather information coded as follows: CAST NO Consecutive cast number. For CTD casts, the number is followed by "U" if the profile was obtained during ascent of the probe or "D" if it was obtained during descent. STATION Not used in this data file. LAT Latitude in degrees and minutes south of the equator. LONG Longitude in degrees and minutes west of Greenwich. DATE Month/day/year. TIME Hours and minutes, Universal time. DPTH Bottom depth in meters. PROBE OSU3, OSU4 - CTD units 3 or 4. SWELL DIR Direction in degrees True from which the swell propagates. HT Swell height in feet. PER Swell period in seconds. BAR Atmospheric pressure in excess of 1000 m . WEATHER Not used in this data file. WIND DIR Direction in degrees True from which the wind blows. SPD Wind speed in knots. CLOUD TYPE The two predominant cloud types (see WMO Cloud Type code below). AMOUNT Coded cloud amount (see WMO Cloud Amount code below). AIR TEMP Air temperature in degrees Celsius. WET BULB Wet bulb temperature in degrees Celsius. SAMPLE DEPTH Depth of the sample bottle used for in situ calibration. 32 SAMPLE TEMP Temperature at sample depth, measured by two protected reversing thermometers. SAL Sample salinity, determined by a bench salinometer. If sample depth is zero, the salinity sample was obtained by bucket. The data listing includes observed and calculated parameters at the shallowest and deepest observation levels. If there was no observation at 0 m, sea surface values are assumed to be the same as those of the shallowest observation. For each depth, the temperature (TEMP) and salinity (SAL) values are as observed or interpolated linearly from the nearest neighboring values. Sigma-t (SIGMA), specific volume anomaly x 10 5 (SVA), dynamic height (DELD) in dynamic meters, and potential energy in 10 8 ergs cm -2 (POTE) are given for each depth. Computed parameters are calculated from the complete data array for each station. CLOUD TYPE CODE Code Cloud Type Code Cloud Type 0 1 2 3 4 Cirrus Cirrocumulus Cirrostratus Altocumulus Altostratus X Cloud not visible owing to darkness, fog, dustorm, sandstorm or other analogous phenomena. Ci Cc Cs Ac As 5 6 7 8 9 Nimbostratus Stratocumulus Stratus Cumulus Cumulonimbus CLOUD AMOUNT CODE Code Cloud Cover Code Cloud Cover 0 1 0 1 okta or less, but not zero 2 oktas 3 oktas 4 oktas 5 oktas 6 7 6 oktas 7 oktas or more, but not 8 oktas 8 oktas Sky obscured, or cloud amount cannot be estimated 2 3 4 5 Note: 1 okta = 1/8 of 8 9 the sk y covered. Ns Sc St Cu Cb L ' SAL. 33.4 34.4 20 TEM.° 0.. 4 8 12 16 20 20. 40. 60. SIC 80. 80.- 100 4.5 5.0 S5.5 S6.0 SIGAR-T S6.5 27.0 24.5 SAL. TEMP SIG 100. S5.0 S5.5 S6.0 LSIGAR-T 26.5 S7.0 2D 1D CAST NO 1D LAT 12 01.0 DATE 07/22/76 TIME 0420 STATION LONG 77 15.0 DPTH 70 PROBE 0924 SWELL DIP. 180 HT 2 PEP BAR 12. 9 WEATHER WIND DIP 180 SPD 2 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP WET BULB SAMPLE DEPTH 55. SAMPLE TEMP 16. 82 SAL 35.084 CAST NO 2D LAT 12 03.0 DATE 07/22176 TIME 0545 LONG 77 20.0 DPTH 112 PROBE 0504 STATION BAR 12.5 WEATHER SWELL. DIP. 180 HT 2 PER AMOUNT e WAD DIP 180 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 8- AIR TEMP WET BULB SAMPLE TEMP 16. 57 102 SAL SAMPLE DEPTH 84. DEPTH TEMP 0 17.09 10 17.63 20 17.22 30 17.12 40 1.6 69 50 16.59 60 16.28 DEPTH TEMP 0 17.93 10 17.93 20 17.62 20 17.24 40 17.02 50 1700 60 16.81 70 16.63 80 16.65 90 16.32 94 166.29 SAL 35. ea -5.09 25.13 35. 12 25.11 -5.11 35.11 SIGMA 25.43. 5.46 25.59 25.60 25.65 25.72 25. 79 SYR 256. 0 254.2 242.2 240.9 236.9 220. 6 224.1 DELO 0.000. 0.026 0.050 0.075 0.098 0.122 ea44 POTE 0.000 0_012 0.050 0.110 0.194 0.299 0.423 SAL -5.07 25.08 35.08 35.06 35.14 35.14 35.14 35.11 5.12 35.11 35.11 SIGMA 25.37 25.27 5.45 25.53 25.64 25.64 25.69 25.71 25.71 25.78 25.79 SVA : 262.2 262.2 255.3 248.0 237.8 237.6 222.4 221.8 231.8 225.9 225.4 DELD 0.000 0.026 0.052 0.077 0.101 0.125 0.148 0.172 0.195 0.218 0.227 POTE 0.000 0.017 0.052 0.114 0.198 0.205 0.425 0.585 0.759 0.952 1.036 34 4.4 1cfU0 34.6 34.8 •4 0. 35.0 6.2 AAL. 35.4 12 16 20 pAL 34.4 35.4 TE 0 120 0 30. 120. TEMP TEMP 150. .5 150. 7.0 3D SRL 35.06 35.05 35.11 35. 13 35.12 35.12 35. 11 35,10 35.08 35.06 35.05 35.05 35. 04 - Or -T 7.0 4D CAST NO 3D LAT 12 07. 0 DATE 07/23/76 TIME 0725 LONG 77 25.0 DPTH 130 PROBE OSU4 STATION SWELL DIR 180 HT 2 PER BAR 11.8 WEATHER WIND DIR 202 SPD 7 CLOUD TYPE - AMOUNT 0 AIR TEMP WET BULB SAMPLE TEMP 15.96 SAMPLE DEPTH 95. SAL 35.052 DEPTH TEMP 0 18.04 10 18.04 20 17. 95 30 17.09 40 16.89 50 16.70 60 16.56 70 15.45 80 16.22 90 15.98 100 15.87 110 15.82 117 15.82 5.s 12 5.0 SIGMA 25.33 25. 33 25.39 25. 62 25. 66 25.70 25.72 25. 74 25. 78 25.82 25.83 25.85 25. 84 <VA 265.7 266.4 260.3 239.6 236.1 222_2 230.1 228. 9 225.6 221.6 220.9 220.0 220.7 DELD 0.000 0.027 0.053 0.078 0.102 0.125 0.148 0.171 0. 194 0.216 0.238 0.260 O. 276 POTE 0.000 0.013 0.053 0.115 0.192 0.303 0.430. 0.579 0.750 0.939 1.149 1.381 1. 556 CAST NO 4D LAT 12 09.9 DATE 07/23/76 TIME 0825 STATION PROBE O5U4 LONG77 30.2 DPTH 154 BAP 12. 2 WEATHER SWELL DIR 180 HT 1 PER WIND DIP 180 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP WET BULB SAMPLE DEPTH 130. SAMPLE TEMP 14.94 SAL 34.9999 DEPTH TEMP 0 18.21 10 18.32 20 18.32 30 17.47 40 17.00 50 16.65 60 16.5 70 16.27 80 16.09 90 15.60 100 15.18 110 15.15 120 15.09 130 14.93 134 14.87 SRL- 25.11 35.11 35.15 35. 12 5.11 25. 08 35. 09 35. 09 35.08 35. 04 35.0335.01 35.01 35.01 35. 01 SIGMA 25. 30 25.30 25.33 25. 51 25.62 22 69 25.72 25.76 25. 81 25. 90 25. 97 25.97 25 98 26.02 26.03 SYR DELD 268.4 0.000 268. ? 0.027 266.1 0.054 249. 2 0.079 239. 2 0.104 222. 60.127 220. 4 0.150 227. 2 0.173 222. 9 0. 196 214.8 0. 219 207.5 0.279 208.0 0.260 207.3 O 281 204.2 0.302 203. 4 0.310 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.054 0.118 0.20= 0. 209 0.435 0.585 O. 755 0.944 +_.146 1.364 1.502 1.861 1. 968 35 34.4 'MO 0 0. 34.6 34.8 4 8 75.0 7-5 5 35.0 35.2 L. 35.4 12 16 20 76.0 76.577.0 50._ 1.00._ 1.50._ 200. 816MA -T 74.5 5D CAST NO 5D LOT 12 12. 7 DATE 07/23/76 TIME 0907 STATION LONG 77 35.1 DPTH 154 PROBE O5U4 SWELL DIR PER BAR WEATHER HT AMOUNT WIND DIR 180 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE - AIR TEMP WET BULB SAL 34. 972 SAMPLE DEPTH 148. SAMPLE TEMP 13.79 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 TEMP 18. 57 18. 57 15. 58 18.55 17.97 16.58 16. 20 15.93 15.73 15. 27 14. 99 14.84 14.18 14.11 13.99 13. S2 13.61 SAL 35.16 35.16 35.16 35.17 35.13 35.08 35.03 35.03 35. 01 35. 00 34.99 34.97 34. 96 34. 96 34. 95 24.94 24.94 SIGMA 25. 28 25.28 25. 27 25. 29 25.40 25. 69 25. 75 25. 81 25. 84 25. 93 25. 99 26. 01 26.14 26. 16 26.17 26. 20 26. 24 SVA 271.0 271.2 271.8 270. 6 260. 4 232.7 227.7 222.3 219. 8 211.2 205. 8 204. 8 192.3 190. 9 189. 4 187. 0 182.6 DELD 0. 000 0.027 0.054 0.081 0.100 0. 132 0.155 0.179 0.200 0.221 0. 242 0. 263 0.282 0.301 0.320 0. 339 0. 358 POTE 0.000 0.014 0.054 0.122 0.215 0.224 0. 451 0. 598 0.762 0.946 1.144 1.258 1.582 1.822 2. 079 2.353 2.629 36 34.4 34.6 4 TEMO 0 0. 34.8 8 35.0 12 .2 .4 16 L. 33.6 24 20 /00.CAST NO 6D LHT 12 19.0 DATE 07/23/76 TIME 1137 LONG 77 46.1 DPTH 1400 PROBE 0SU4 STATION WEATHER HT 2 PER BAR SWELL DIR 180 - AMOUNT 8 WIND DIR 135 SPD 12 CLOUD TYPE AIR TEMP WET BULB SAMPLE DEPTH 613. SAMPLE TEMP 6.49 SAL 14.558 200._ DEPTH 0 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 - 148 150 168 170 180 300.- 400._ 500._ - SAL. TEN' 816 - 1:: 225 258 300 400 500 600 633 SOO... POO... 1000 7.5 TEMP 18.56 18.56 18.56 18.56 18.57 18.57 18.56 17.57 16.27 15.45 14.45 13.69 13.47 13.35 13.14 13.04 12.91 12.77 12.70 12.57 12.49 12.41 12.16 11.83 11.44 9.70 7.69 6.56 6.26 SAL 35.27 35.27 35.28 35.28 35.26 35.26 35.27 35.25 35.0B 35.01 34.91 34.63 34.84 34.86 34.86 34.90 34.93 34.91 34.93 34.92 34.91 34.91 34.90 34.86 34.85 34.78 34.62 34.56 34.54 SIGMA 25.36 25.16 25.17 25.37 25.35 25.35 25.36 25.59 25.77 25.90 26.85 26.14 26.20 26.24 26.28 26.33 26.38 26.40 26.42 26.44 26.45 26.46 26.50 26.54 26.60 26.79 27.05 27.16 27.18 SPA 262_7 262.8 262.4 262.7 264.7 265.1 264. 5 242.9 226.2 213.7 200.4 191.4 186.4 182.8 179.0 174.5 170.0 168.7 166.5 165.0 164.5 163.2 159.9 157.3 152.2 135.1 111.2 101.0 98.8 DELI 0.000 0.003 0.026 0.051 0.079 0.105 0.132 0.158 0.181 0.203 0.224 0.243 0.262 0.281 0.299 0.216 0.333 0.350 0.367 0.384 0.400 0.417 0.457 0.497 0.574 0.718 0.840 0.947 0.980 POTE 0.000 0.000 0.013, 0.053 0.119 0.211 0.330 0.473 0.624 0.788 0.964 1.148 1.346 1.560 1.785 2.022 2.273 2.534 2.812 3.102 1.407 3.727 4.586 5.527 7.647 12.692 18.165 24.013 26.046 37 100. CAST NO 7D LAT 12 25. 0 DATE 07/23/76 TIME 1430 STATION LONG 77 57. 0 DPTH 1700 PROBE 05U4 SWELL DIR 180 HT 3 PER BRR 15.9 WEATHER WIND DIR 157 SPD 11 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP WET BULB SAMPLE DEPTH 138. SAMPLE TEMP 12. 95 SAL 34.936 200. 300. 400. 500. 600. TEMP 310 700. DEPTH TEMP 0 18.50 10 18.46 20 18.31 30 18. 15 40 18. 13 50 16. 04 60 15.10 70 14. 75 80 14.10 90 13.65 100 13.44 110 13.23 120 13.11 130 12.98 140 12. 87 150 12. 72 160 12. 63 170 12.53 180 12.40 190 12.30 _ 200 12.12 225 11.80 250 11.52 300 11.16 400 9. 80 8.11 500 600 6. 68 625 6.58 800. 900. 1000 5.0 '25.5 e1.0 L5IGMR-T 26.5 7.0 7.5 SAL 35. 24 35. 23 35. 23 35. 24 35. 24 35.07 34.99 34. 96 34. 92 34. 90 34.91 34.91 34.91 34.92 34.92 34. 91 34. 91 34. 91 34. 90 34. 90 34.88 34.87 34. 84 34. 82 34. 72 24.62 34.54 34. 57 SIGMA SVA DELD 25. 25 263.5 0.000 25. 36 263.7 0.026 25.40 260.1 0.053 25. 45 255. 8 0.078 25. 45 255. 9 0.104 25. 81 221.2 0.127 25. 97 207.2 0.149 26. 02 202.2 0.169 26. 13 192.1 0. 189 26.20 185. 1 0.208 26.25 180. 7 0. 226 26. 30 176.9 0.244 26.32 174.7 0.262 26.35 171.9 0.279 26.28 169.8 0.296 26.40 167. 8 0.313 26.42 166.6 0.329 26. 44 165.0 0.346 26.46 163. 5 0. 362 26.48 161.9 0.379 26.50 159. 7 0. 395 26.55 155.4 0.434 26.58 153.1 0.473 26.63 149. 2 0.548 26. 79 135.7 0.692 26.99 116.7 0.818 27. 13 102.9 0.928 27. 16 100.9 0. 953 POTE 0. 000 0.013 0.052 0.117 0.206 0.212 0.429 0.563 0. 711 0. 872 1.045 1. 232 1.433 1.650 1.880 2.124 2.383 2.656 2. 944 3.245 3. 559 4.397 5. 314 7.390 12.401 18.068 24.086 25. 660 38 34.4 34.6 4 .8 .0 12 .2 16 35.4 20 35.6 24 100. CAST NO 9D LRT 12 31. 0 DATE 07123/76 TIME 1630 PROBE OSU4 LONG 78 08.0 DPTH 2950 STATION BAR 14. 2 WEATHER SWELL DIR 180 HT 3 PER AMOUNT 6 WIND DIR 157 SPD 12 CLOUD TYPE 8- WET BULB AIR TEMP SAL 34. 569 SAMPLE TEMP 6.79 SAMPLE DEPTH 605. 200. DEPTH 0 10 300.1 20 30 40 50 60 70 400.1 80 90 100 110 120 130 500. 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 d00. 800. 900. 1000 25.0 31 -7 TEMP 18.44 18.40 18. 38 18.16 18.15 18.11 17.03 15.61 14.81 14. 40 13. 75 13. 47 13. 21 13. 10 12. 92 12.81 12.75 12.64 12. 58 12.46 12. 43 12.23 11. 96 11.58 10. 01 8.44 6. 93 6. 65 SAL 35. 30 35. 27 35.27 35. 29 35.27 35.27 35. 13 35. 05 35. 02 34.98 34. 94 34. 90 34.89 34.89 34. 92 34.93 34. 93 34. 92 34.92 34.91 34. 92 34. 89 34. 89 34. 86 34. 73 34. 65 34. 57 34. 55 SIGMA 25.41 25.40 25.41 25.47 25.47 25. 47 25.63 25. 89 26.05 26.11 26. 22 26.24 26.29 26.31 26.37 26.40 26.41 26.43 26.44 26_45 26.47 26.48 26. 53 26. 58 26.77 26.96 27.11 27.14 SVA 257. 8 259. 0 258. 8 253. 1 254. 3 253. 9 238.9 214. 2 199.8 194. 6 184. 1 181. 9 177. 8 175.9 170. 5 168.3 167.3 165.9 165.2 164. 1 162. 9 161.8 157.9 154. 0 138. 0 12a 5 105. 7 103. 6 DELD 0.000 0. 026 0.052 0.077 0.103 0. 128 0.153 0. 175 0. 196 0.216 0.235 0.253 0. 271 0.289 0. 306 0.323 0.340 0. 357 0.373 0.390 0.406 0. 447 0.487 0.565 0. 711 0.841 0. 953 0.979 POTE 0.000 0. 013 0. 052 0. 116 0.205 0.319 0.456 0. 599 0. 756 0. 926 1. 106 1.299 1.506 1.726 1.960 2.205 2.465 2.740 3.029 3.333 3. 652 4.518 5. 467 7.620 12. 722 18. 553 24. 703 26. 305 39 34.4 TEM110 0 20 34.6 4 34.8 8 35.0 12 35.2 16 -15.4 20 ._ - --I--1 34.4 34-6 34. 135.25t..4 412 TEMIJ j 4 8 16 20 0. 30 ._ 60._ SIG 60.- fSAL 90._ TEMP BO.- I 100. 5.1 4s 5 120. SAL 6.0 150. TEMP 81Gra-T 6.5 7.0 44 s 45 5 45 5 4 6.0 4 1"7T 7.0 11D 10D CAST NO /OD LAT 15 06. 5 DATE 7/27/76 TIME 1231 STATION LONG 75 29.8 DPTH 117 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 3 PER BAR 12.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH 96 SAMPLE TEMP 14.99 SAL 34.960 CAST NO 11D LRT 15 05.5 DRTE 7/27/76 TIME 1753 STATION LONG 75 30. 2 DPTH 118 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 2 PER BAR 19.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 12 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 5 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH 100 SAMPLE TEMP 15.37 SRL 34. 975 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 48 50 60 70 80 90 99 DEPTH TEMP 0 17.05 10 16.87 20 16. 82 30 16.77 40 16.72 58 16. 54 68 16. 28 70 16. 14' 80 15. 88 90 15.64 100 15.41 105 15. 31 TEMP 16.76 16. 76 16.76 16.74 16.72 16.59 16.18 15.78 15.50 15.18 14.90 SAL 25.11 35.11 35. 11 35. 10 35. 09 35. 08 35. 07 35.03 35.03 35.02 35.02 SIGMA 25.68 25. 68 25.68 25.68 25.67 25. 70 25.78 25.84 25.90 25. 97 26.03 SYR 232. 7 233. 2 233.3 233.9 234. 7 232.4 224. 9 219.4 213.6 287. 6 202.2 DELD 0.000 0.023 0. 047 0. 070 0.093 0.117 0.140 0.162 0. 183 0.204 8. 223 POTE 0.000 0. 012 0.047 0.105 0.187 0.293 8.418 0.562 8.724 0.903 1.078 SAL 35. 11 35. 08 35.09 35.08 35.06 35. 07 35.04 35. 04 35. 01 35. 00 35.80 35. 80 SIGMA 25.61 25.63 25.65 25. 65 25.65 25. 70 25. 74 25.77 25. 80 25.86 25.90 25. 92 SYR 238. 9 237. 9 236.4 236.4 236. 6 232.2 229.1 226.2 223. 2 218.6 214.5 212.4 DELD 0. 000 0.024 0.048 0.071 0. 095 0.118 0.141 0.164 0.186 0.208 0. 230 0.241 POTE 0. 000 0.012 0.047 0.107 0.189 0. 295 0.422 0.570 0.738 0.924 1.130 1.248 40 ,_.--1.---L.-----1----4---ML . 34.4 34.6 34.835.035,235.4 TEMII 0 O. 4 8 12 16 6 34.4 TEM) 0 0 34.6 34.8 35.0 i8 1 4 12 gL.4 6.2 116 20 30. 60. 40. SIG 90. 60. SIG SRL. TEMP TEMP 120._ SO . 100. 150 3IGMFI-T 545 6.0 55.5 56.0 56.5 57.0 54.5 CAST NO 120 LAT 15 02.2 DATE 7/27/76 TIME 1905 STATION LONG 75 29.2 DPTH 65 PROBE OSU4 BAR 8.5 WEATHER SWELL DIR 160 HT 2 PER AMOUNT 6 WIND DIR 160 SPD 12 CLOUD TYPE 8- AIR TEMP 17.8 WET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH 55. SAMPLE TEMP 15. 71 SAL 35.000 SRL 35.86 35. 06 35. 04 35. 03 35. 03 35. 02 35. 01 35. 00 6.r.) 56.5 57.0 13D 12D DEPTH TEMP 0 16. 71 10 16. 54 20 16. 34 30 16.07 40 15. 94 50 15. 91 60 15.73 63 15. 71 SIGMA -T 55.0 SIGMA 25. 65 25. 69 25.72 25. 78 25. 81 25. 81 25.84 25. 84 SVR 235. 2 231. 5 229. 224. 2 221. 5 221.8 219. 3 219. 3 DELD 0.000 0. 023 0. 046 0. 069 0.091 0. 113 0. 136 8. 142 POTE 0. 000 0. 012 0.046 0. 103 0. 181 0.280 0. 402 0. 442 CAST NO 13D LAT 15 05.2 DATE 7/27/76 TIME 2026 LONG 75 34.5 DPTH 147 PROBE O5U4 STATION BAR 8.5 WEATHER SWELL DIR 150 HT 2 PER AMOUNT 8 WIND DIR 160 SPD 12 CLOUD TYPE 8- RIR TEMP 17.8 WET BULB 16.6 SRL 34. 934 SAMPLE TEMP 14. 02 SAMPLE DEPTH 132. DEPTH TEMP 0 17.08 10 16. 85 20 16. 83 30 16. 83 40 16. 76 50 16. 62 60 16. 57 70 16. 27 80 15.98 90 15.65 100 15. 56 110 15. 44 120 14. 65 130 14.09 140 13.88 SRL 35. 07 35.08 35. 08 35. 07 35. 07 35. 07 35. 07 35. 05 35. 04 35.81 35. 01 34. 99 34. 94 34. 93 34.93 SIGMA 25. 57 25. 63 25. 64 25. 63 25. 65 25. 68 25. 69 25. 75 25. 81 25.86 25. 88 25. 89 26. 03 26. 14 26. 18 SVR 242. 8 237. 2 237.1 238. 3 236. 8 234. 3 233. 5 228. 1 222. 7 218.2 217. 216. 1 203. 0 192. 9 188.6 DELD 0.000 0. 024 0.048 0. 072 0. 095 0. 119 0. 142 0. 166 0. 188 0.210 0. 232 0. 254 a 274 0.294 0. 313 POTE 0.000 a 012 0.048 0. 107 0. 190 0. 296 8.425 0. 576 0. 745 0. 932 1. 139 1. 366 1. 607 1.853 2.110 41 4.4 0 34.6 6 8 0. 12 16 20 24 100. CAST NO 140 LAT 15 10.3 DATE 7/27/76 TIME 2217 STATION LONG 75 40.0 DPTH 824 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 2 PER BAR 9. 5 WEATHER WIND DIR 150 SPD 12 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 6 RIR TEMP 17. 8 WET BULB 16. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH 61. SAMPLE TEMP 16.64 SRL 35. 050 200. 300. 400. 500. 600. BAL. TEMP SIG 700. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 _ 200 225 250 300 400 500 - 600 632 800. 900. 1000 124.5 12511 126.0 310MA-T 6.5 7.0 127.5 TEMP 16. 96 16. 91 16.81 16. 77 16.74 16.71 16. 68 16. 65 16.62 16.52 15. 84 15. 58 15. 17 14. 24 14.21 13. 73 11.59 13. 44 13.34 13.07 12. 93 12.76 12.58 11. 50 9.61 7.87 6. 32 6. 16 SRL 35. 08 35.06 35. 06 35.06 35.05 35. 05 35. 05 35.04 35. 05 35. 05 35. 01 35. 01 34. 97 34. 92 34.94 34.89 34. 91 34.93 34. 93 34. 92 34. 92 34.92 34.90 34.88 34. 71 34.61 34. 55 34. 53 SIGMA 25. 61 25.61 25.63 25. 64 25. 64 25. 64 25. 65 25.65 25. 67 25. 69 25. 82 25.87 25. 94 26. 10 26. 12 26.18 26.23 26.27 26.29 26.34 26.37 26.40 26.42 26. 61 26.82 27.01 27. 18 27.19 SVR 239.3 229.9 237.8 237. 2 238.1 237. 9 DELD 0. 000 0.024 0.048 0.072 0.095 0.119 236. 9 0.143 237.8 236.4 234. 7 222.5 217.6 211. 6 196. 3 194. 7 189. 0 184.9 181. 0 179.1 174. 9 172,4 169.6 168,3 151. 3 132. 9 114. 5 98.6 98,2 0. 167 0.190 0. 214 0. 237 0. 259 0.280 0.301 0.320 0.329 0.358 0.376 0.394 0.412 0.429 0.472 0.514 0.594 0.737 0.800 0. 966 0.997 POTE 0.000 0.012 0. 848 0.107 0. 190 0. 297 O. 428 0.582 0.760 0.960 1.176 1.406 1.655 1.911 2.174 2.454 2.742 2.044 2.358 3.6844. 022 4.920 5.930 8.135 13.104 18.654 24. 443 26. 379 42 34.4 34.8 4.6 35.0 .2 16 12 35.4 20 5.6 24 CAST NO 150 LRT 15 14. 4 DATE 7/27/76 TIME 2330 PROBE 05U4 LONG 75 44.6 DPTH 1550 STATION BAR 10.5 WEATHER SWELL DIR 150 HT 2 PER AMOUNT 9 WIND DIR 170 SPD 14 CLOUD TYPE - RIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 SRL 35.176 SAMPLE TEMP 17. 63 SAMPLE DEPTH 3. DEPTH TEMP 0 17.65 10 17.65 20 17. 40 30 17.32 40 16. 96 50 16.64 60 16.47 70 16.29 80 15. 97 90 15.47 100 15.17 110 14. 84 120 14.39 130 13. 92 140 13.64 150 13.45 160 13. 37 170 13_08 180 12.97 190 12.78 200 12.67 225 12.33 250 12.08 300 11.45 9.64 408 7.75 500 6.32 600 610 6. 26 TEMP 800. 900. onnh X14.5 X15.5 X26.0 OTIA-T SAL 35.17 25.18 '5:16 35.14 15.10 35.06 35.04 35.03 35.02 35. 00 34. 95 34.94 34. 92 34.88 34.88 34.89 34. 90 34. 87 34.88 14.89 34.89 34.86 34. 87 34. 81 34. 70 34. 61 34.52 34. 52 SIGMA 25.51 25.52 25. 57 25.57 25.62 25.67 25.70 25.73 25.79 25.89 25.92 25. 98 26.07 26.14 26.19 26.24 26.27 26.30 26.32 26.37 26.40 26.44 26.50 26. 57 26.80 27.03 27.16 27.17 SVA 248. 6 248.4 244.0 243.9 239. 2 235.3 233.0 229.9 224.5 215. 2 212. 9 206. 9 199.0 192.S 187.8 183.5_ 181.2 178. 3 175.7 171.8 169.6 165.7 161.2 155. 0 134.2 113.0 100.5 99. 8 DELD 0. 000 0.025 0.050 0.074 0.098 0.122 0.145 0.168 0.191 0.213 0.235 0.255 0.276 0.295 0.314 0.233 0.251 0.369 0.287 0.404 0.421 0.463 0.503 0.582 0.729 0.851 0.957 0.967 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.049 0.110 0.196 0.302 0.431 0.581 0,751 0.937 1.142 1.360 1.594 1. 838 2.095 2,754 2.647 2,944 3, 253 3. 574 2. 906 4.792 5, 756 7, 927 13, 035 18. 520 24. 358 24.964 43 S4.4 TEMPI 0 0. 34.6 34.8 a 4 35.0 12 RAL 35.4 20 35.2 16 34.4 TEMP 0 0 34.8 a 34.6 4 2S5 . 12 16 t1AL 35.4 20 \\\ 20. 100 . - 35.9 40. 60. 300._ 316 816 SAL. TEMP 80. 400.- 500. S5.0 5.5 S6.0 ,S16MA-T 26.5 127.0 100. 4.5 CAST NO 16D LAT 15 10.6 DATE 7/28/76 TIME 1436 STATION LONG 75 34.2 DPTH 328 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 150 HT 1 PER BAR 11.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 130 SPD 11 CLOUD TYPE - AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE TEMP 16. 70 SAMPLE DEPTH 52. SAL 35. 051 TEMP 17. 04 17.04 17.04 17.03 16.74 16.67 16.67 16. 59 16.44 16.02 15. 94 15.50 15.20 14.69 14.34 14.14 14.07 12.74 13. 66 13.63 13. 52 13.34 300 308 12.07 11.92 250 12. 9S SAL 35.10 35. 10 25.10 35.10 35.07 35.07 35. 06 35,07 35.05 35. 03 35.03 35. 01 34. 98 34. 95 34.92 34. 90 34.92 34.93 34.94 34. 93 34.93 34. 94 34. 93 34.89 34. 88 6.0 316MR-1 6.5 57.0 17D 16D DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 5.5 5.0 SIGMA 25. 60 25.61 25.60 25.61 25.65 25.67 25.66 25. 69 25.70 25.79 25.81 25. 89 25. 94 26.02 26.08 26.11 26. 13 26. 21 26. 23 26.23 26. 25 26. 30 26. 37 26.51 26. 53 SYR 239. 7 279.9 240.3 240. 1 236.7 235. 3 236. 2 233.8 232. 8 225.0 223. 6 2/6.0 211.7 203. 6 198. 6 196.1 194. 0 186. 6 185.0 185.4 183. 5 179.8 173. 8 161.0 159.0 DELD 0.000 0. 024 0.048 0.072 0.096 0.120 0.143 0.167 0.190 0.213 0.235 0.257 0.279 0.200 0.320 0.339 0.359 0.378 0.396 0.415 0.433 0.479 0.524 0.607 0. 620 POTE 0.000 0. 012 0.048 0.108 0.192 0.298 0.428 0. 581 0.757 0.951 1.164 1.394 1.640 1.901 2.172 2.458 2.759 3.072 1.396 1.729 4.099 5. 066 6.131 8.420 8. 808 CAST NO 170 LAT 15 03.4 DRTE 7/28/76 TIME 1622 PROBE OSU4 LONG 75 28.0 DPTH 78 STATION BAR 11.0 WEATHER SWELL DIR 150 HT 1 PER AMOUNT S WIND DIR 130 SPD 11 CLOUD TYPE - RIR TEMP 16. 6 WET BULB 15.6 SAL 34.995 SAMPLE TEMP 15.73 SAMPLE DEPTH 56. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 65 TEMP 16.95 16.78 16.52 16. 37 16.21 15. 93 15. 70 15.69 SAL 35, 08 35.06 35.05 35.04 35.03 35.01 35.00 35.01 SIGMA 25. 61 25.64 25.68 25.72 25.75 25.80 25. 84 25.85 SYR 229.1 236. 8 232. 7 220.0 227. 5 223.0 219.0 218.4 DELD 0.000 0.024 0. 047 0.071 0. 093 0.116 0.138 0.149 POTE 0.000 0.012 0. 047 0.105 0.185 0.287 0.408 0.476 44 SR L. 35.6 34.4 34.6 TE 0 0. 34.8 4 35.0 12 33.4 20 33.2 16 24 100.CAST NO 290 LAT 16 12.9 DATE 7/29/76 TIME 2329 PROBE OSU4 LONG 76 40. 3 DPTH 3000 STATION BRR 13. 0 WEATHER SWELL DIR 150 HT 1 PER WIND DIR 125 SPD 16 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15. 6 SRL 35.132 SAMPLE TEMP 16.86 SAMPLE DEPTH 25. 200._ DEPTH TEMP 0 16.95 10 16. 95 20 16. 86 30 16. 85 40 16.84 50 16.69 60 15. 47 70 13.95 80 13.17 90 12. 75 100 12. 58 110 12. 44 120 12. 39 130 12. 25 140 12. 22 150 12. 22 160 12.15 170 12. 00 180 11. 90 190 11.80 200 11.57 225 11. 31 250 10. 87 300 10.40 8.95 400 500 7. 72 6.69 600 5.83 700 800 5.29 5.27 811 300._ 400._ 500._ 29 600._ 700._ 800. SRL. TEMP SIG 900._ 1000. 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 I . -T b7.0 7.5 SIGMA SAL 25.67 35. 16 25.66 35.15 35. 14 25. 68 25.14 25.68 35.13 25.67 25.11 25. 70 25.90 35. 01 34.74 26. 02 34. 71 26. 16 34.71 26. 25 26. 29 34. 73 34.80 26.37 26.41 34.84 26. 44 24.84 24.85 26.45 26.46 34. 86 26.47 34.85 34.86 266.50 34. 85 26.52 24.85 26.54 34. 83 26.56 26. 59 34.81 26.63 34. 75 26.71 34. 75 26. 89 34. 67 27. 02 34.59 27.12 34.54 27.23 34. 53 27. 29 34. 53 27. 29 34. 51 DELD POTE SVA 0. 000 0.000 233.4 0.023 0.012 234.5 O. 047 0.047 232.2 0.070 0.105 233.4 0.187 0.093 234. 3 0.292 0. 117 232.6 0. 418 0.140 213. 9 0. 551 0. 160 202. 4 0.180 0.699 189. 3 0.198 0.856 181.2 1.026 0.216 176.7 1. 207 169.8 0.234 0.250 1. 400 166.1 163.5 0.267 1.606 162. 7 0.283 1. 826 0.299 2.062 162.4 0.316 2.213 161.4 0. 332 2. 577 158.7 0.347 2.852 157.3 3.144 0.363 155_9 153.9 0.379 3.446 4.257 0.417 151. 3 0.454 5.144 148.1 7.137 0. 527 141.5 0.660 11.784 125.4 0.779 17.149 113.8 0.888 23.114 104. 5 0.988 29. 590 94.5 1. 080 36. 489 88. 9 1. 089 37. 276 89. 7 45 TEMIJ0 '8 4 12 20 o. 34.4 TE 0 0 20.- 30. 40. 60.- 60. 34.6 4 34.8 8 35.0 12 35.2 16 35.4 20 90._ SAL. SIG TEMP 812 80. 8AL. TEMP 120. 100. 124.5 5.0 5.5 26.0 150 SIGMA-T, 26.5 27.0 4.5 30D SAL SIGMA ?5.17 25.46 35. 1525. 46 35. 15 25. 48 35.14 25.46 35,13 25.49 35.12 25.49 25.12 25. 54 125.5 26.0 SIGMA-T 6.5 27.0 31D CAST NO 300 LAT 15 03.4 DATE 7/20/76 TIME 1517 STATION LONG 75 27.0 DPTH 66 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 150 HT 1 PER BAR 12.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 120 SPD 14 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15,6 SAMPLE DEPTH 25. SAMPLE TEMP 17.61 SRL _5.130 DEPTH TEMP 0 17. 86 10 17.79 20 17. 69 20 17.67 40 17.64 50 17. 57 60 17. 35 25.0 SVA 253.5 253.5 251.8 252,7 252.4 251.9 247. 6 DELD 0.000 0.025 O. 051 0.076 0.101 0.126 0.151 ROTE 0.000 0.013 0.051 0.114 0.202 0.315 0. 452 CAST NO 31D LAT 15 05. 8 DATE 7/30/76 TIME 1550 STATION LONG 75 29.2 DPTH 113 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIP. 150 HT 1 PER BAR 12.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 120 SF'D 14 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 17. SAMPLE TEMP 17. 95 SAL 35.144 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100 101 TEMP 17.97 17.96 17.96 17.56 17.18 17.02 16.76 16.71 16. 64 16. 53 16. 41 16.39 SAL 35.14 '5.14 35.14 35.09 35.09 35.07 35.06 25.06 35.05 25. 05 35.05 35.05 SIGMA 25.41 25.41 25.41 25.47 25.56 25.59 25.64 25.65 25.66 25, 69 25.71 25.72 SIVA 258.2. 258.1 258. 6 253.1 245.0 242.7 238. 0 237.6 236.8 234. 6 232. 7 232,1 DELD 0.000 0.026 0.052 0.077 0.102. 0.126 0.151 0.174 0.198 0. 221 0. 245 0. 247 ROTE 0.000 0.012 0.052 0.116 0:203 0.712 0.444 0.599 0.776 0, 976 1.199 1. 222 46 35.0 4.8 34.4 35.2 20 TEMJ0 34.8 34.6 4 35.0 35.2 35.4 12 16 20 50. 60.100. 90 ._ 150. 120.TEMP 200 150 SIGMA-T 24.5 6.13 25.0 6.5 SIGMA -T t37 4.5 CAST NO 32D LAT 15 08.2 DATE 7/30/76 TIME 1730 PROBE OSU4 LONG 75 31.5 DPTH 139 STATION BAR 12.0 WEATHER SWELL DIR 150 HT 1 PER WIND DIP 120 SPD 14 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 SAL 35.008 SAMPLE TEMP 15. 76 SAMPLE DEPTH 110. TEMP 17.95 17.95 17. 95 17. 84 17.30 17.04 16.75 16.34 16.23 16.01 15.82 15.77 15.74 15.73 SAL 35.15 35.14 35. 14 35.14 35.11 35.09 35.06 35.07 35.04 35.03 35. 03 35.02 35.02 35.01 26.0 7.0 33D 32D DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 128 5.5 5.0 SIGMA 25.42 25.41 25.41 25.44 25.55 25.60 25.64 25.74 25.75 25.79 25.83 25.84 25.84 25,84 SVA 257.0 258.2 258.5 256. 5 246.3 242.0 23a 3 228.7 228.3 224.8 221.2 220.6 220.7 221.6 DELD 0.000 0.026 0. 052 0. 077 0.102 0. 127 0.151 0.174 0.197 0.220 0.242 0.264 0.286 0.304 POTE 0.000 0.013 0. 052 0. 116 0.204 0.312 0.445 0.595 0.769 0.962 1.173 1.405 1.658 1.878 CAST NO 33D LAT 15 10.2 DATE 7/10/76 TIME 1802 PROBE OSU4 LONG 75 32. 5 DPTH 207 STATION BAR 11.0 WEATHER SWELL DIR 150 HT 1 PER WIND DIP 135 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 6 AIR TEMP 20. 0 WET BULB 17. 8 SAL 34. 955 SAMPLE TEMP 14.42 SAMPLE DEPTH 167. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 195 TEMP 17.97 17.96 17.94 17.58 17.05 16.66 16.42 16.04 15.76 15.69 15. 65 15.59 15.58 15.15 14.90 14.63 14.54 14.52 14. 50 14.41 14.37 SAL 5.14 5.14 35.14 35.14 5.09 35.06 5.05 35.04 25.01 35.02 35.03 35.01 35.01 35.00 34.99 34.97 34.95 34.94 34. 95 34.95 34.94 SIGMA 25.41 5.41 25.42 25.51 25.60 25.67 25.71 25.79 25.84 25.86 25.87 25.87 25.87 25.96 26.01 26.05 26.06 26.05 26.06 26.09 26.09 SVA 258.2 258.4 258.2 249.9 241.8 235.4 271.• 224.1 220.1 218.6 217.5 218.0 218.0 209.4 205.3 201.7 201.3 201.9 201.2 199.4 199.2 DELD 0.000 0.026 0. 052 0.077 0.102 0.126 0.149 0.172 0.194 0.216 0.238 0.259 0.281 0.303 0. 123 0.344 0.764 0. 184 0.404 0.424 0.434 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.052 0.115 0.201 0. 109 0.417 0.585 0.751 0.917 1.144 1. 271, 1.623 1.894 2.174 2.468 2.780 1.112 1.464 3.835 4.026 47 CAST NO 34D LAT 15 12. 5 DATE 7/30/76 TIME 1834 STATION LONG 75 36. 0 DPTH 760 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 150 HT 1 PER BAR 11.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 135 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 6 AIR TEMP 20.0 WET BULB 17.8 SAMPLE DEPTH 161. SAMPLE TEMP 14. 74 SAL 34.964 200. 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. TEMP 310 DEPTH TEMP 0 18. 04 10 17.99 20 17. 71 30 17. 39 40 17.30 50 16.9 60 16.62 70 16.10 80 15.73 90 15.52 100 15. 45 110 15.44 120 15.36 120 15.33 140 14.95 150 14.81 150 14.77 170 14. 74 180 14.54 190 14.43 200 14. 26 225 13.85 250 13. 25 300 12.44 400 10.68 500 8. 13 600 6.93 700 5.75 720 5. 68 800. 900. 1000. 4. 5 6.5 7.5 SAL 35.16 35.15 35.13 35.12 35.11 35.07 35.05 35. 05 35.02 35.02 35.01 35. 00 34. 99 35. 01 35.00 34. 98 34.96 34.96 34.95 34. 95 34. 94 34.95 34. 92 34.91 34. 77 34.64 34.55 34.53 34. 54 SIGMA 25.41 25. 41 25.47 25.54 25. 55 25.61 25. 67 25. 78 25.85 25. 89 25. 90 25. 90 25. 91 25.93 26.01 26.02 26.01 26.02 26. 06 26.08 26.11 26.20 26. 30 26. 46 26.68 26. 99 27.10 27.24 27. 26 SVA 258.4 258.3 253. 2 247.2 246.3 240.9 235. 7 224.8 219.2 215. 0 214.3 215.1 214. 4 212.0 205.6 204. 3 205.5 205.3 202. 0 199. 8 197. 6 189. 1 180.1 166. 1 146. 5 116. 6 107. 1 93.7 92.1 DELD 0.000 0.026 0.052 0.076 0.101 0.125 0. 149 0. 172 0.195 0.216 0.238 0. 259 0. 281 0.202 0.323 0. 344 0.364 0.385 0.405 0.425 0. 445 0.494 0.539 0.626 0.782 0.912 1.023 1. 122 1.140 POTE 0.000 0. 013 0.051 0.114 0.200 0.310 0.441 0.591 0.758 0. 942 1. 147 1.372 1.618 1.885 2.168 2.466 2.783 3.122 3. 477 3.849 4. 236 5.272 6.357 8. 750 14. 165 20.009 26. 100 32.500 33.824 48 34.4 T 0 34.6 34.8 4 8 5.0 12 33.2 35.4 35.6 16 20 24 100._ CAST NO 356 LAT 15 14.5 DATE 7/30/76 TIME 1939 STATION LONG 75 38.1 DPTH 1100 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 1 PER BAR 10.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 180 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 4 AIR TEMP 20.0 WET BULB 17-8 SAMPLE DEPTH 788. SAMPLE TEMP 5. 35 SAL 34.506 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 880 808 600., 700.- 800._ 3IG 900._ 1000 7.5 TEMP 18.03 17. 94 17. 60 17.46 17.35 17. 26 16.88 16. 55 /6.38 16. 20 15.82 15. 37 15.19 14. 90 14.81 14.79 14.59 14.43 14.26 13. - 84 13.59 13.37 12.89 12.30 10.66 7. 82 6. 75 5.87 5.29 5.28 SRL 35.13 35. 14 35. 14 35.13 35.11 35.11 35. 08 35.08 35. 05 35. 07 35.03 35.02 35.02 34. 99 34. 96 34.96 34. 95 34.94 34. 96 34.95 34.93 34. 94 34. 92 34. 90 34.77 34. 62 34.55 34. 53 34.53 34.53 SIGMA 25.39 25.42 25.50 25.53 25.54 25. 56 25. 63 25. 71 25. 72 25. 78 25.83 25.92 25.97 26. 01 26. 01 26. 01 26.05 26.87 26.12 26.28 26.24 26. 30 26. 38 26.48 26. 68 27.03 27.12 27.22 27.30 27. 30 SYR 260.3 257. 9 250.0 248.1 247.3 245.4 239. 6 232.2 231. 1 226. 2 221. 1 212.0 208. 4 204. 8 205.6 205. 5 202.2 2881 195. 5 188. 1 184. 7 188 0 173.0 164. 3 146./ 113.3 104.6 95.1 88.7 88.7 DELD POTE 0.000 8.000 0.026 0.013 0.051 0.051 0. 076 0.113 O. 101 8.200 0.126 0.311 0.150 0. 444 0. 173 0.597 0./97 0.771 O. 219 0.965 0.242 1.178 0.264 1.406 0.285 1.649 O. 306 1.909 0. 326 2.185 0.347 2.483 0.267 2.798 0.387 2.130 0.407 3.477 0.426 3. 829 0.444 4. 192 0.490 5.168 O. 534 6.210 0. 619 8. 534 O. 775 13. 986 0.900 19. 599 1.009 25. 581 1.110 32.152 1.282 39. 034 1.209 39.604 49 .4 tnri 0 0. .6 .8 8 5.0 12 .2 16 .6 35.4 24 20 109.- CAST NO 36D LAT 15 19. 5 DATE 7/30/76 TIME 2152 STATION LONG 75 41.5 DPTH 1350 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 1 PER BAR 10. 0 WEATHER WIND DIR 180 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 4 RIR TEMP 20. 0 WET BULB 17.8 SAMPLE DEPTH 800 SAMPLE TEMP 5.19 SRL 34.514 200._ DEPTH .10 0 300.- 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 804 400. _ 500. _ 600.- 700. _ 800. _ 310 1000 6.0 7.5 TEMP 17. 55 17. 46 17.38 17. 19 17. 04 16. 90 16.60 16. 47 16. 39 16. 34 16. 14 15. 56 15. 21 15.08 14. 95 14. 45 14.04 13. 86 13. 66 13. 39 13. 19 12. 79 12. 51 12.16 10.56 7. 95 6. 58 5. 75 5. 18 5. 18 SAL 35. 14 35. 12 35. 11 35.10 35. 09 35.08 35.05 35. 04 35. 04 35. 04 35.03 35. 03 34. 99 34. 99 34. 99 34. 96 34. 94 34. 93 34. 93 34. 88 34. 89 34. 89 34. 89 34. 87 34. 76 34. 62 34.53 34. 52 34. 53 34. 53 SIGMA 25. 5/ 25. 52 25. 53 25. 56 , 25. 60 25. 62 25. 67 25. 69 25. 71 25. 72 25. 76 25. 89 25. 94 25. 97 26.00 26. 08 26.16 26. 18 26. 23 26. 25 26.29 26. 37 26. 43 26. 49 26. 69 27.00 27. 13 27. 23 27. 31 27. 31 SYR 248. 2 247. 9 247. 4 244. 4 241. 5 239.8 235.2 233. 4 231. 8 231. 5 228. 2 215. 8 211. 0 209.0 206. 2 198. 5 191. 6 199. 3 185. 6 183. 8 179. 8 172. 6 168. 1 163. 6 145. 5 115. 5 103. 8 94. 4 87. 3 87. 3 DELO 0. 000 0.025 0.050 0.074 0. 098 0.123 0. 146 0.170 0. 193 0. 216 0. 239 0. 261 0. 282 0.303 0. 324 0. 345 0.364. 0. 383 0.402 0. 420 0. 438 a 482 0. 525 a 608 0.763 O. 890 0. 999 1.098 1. 188 1. 192 POTS 0. 000 0. 012 0.050 0.111 8. 196 0. 304 0. 435 0. 587 0. 762 0.958 1. 176 1.408 1. 653 1.915 2. 195 2. 491 2. 792 3. 106 3. 436 3.777 4. 131 5.060 6. 072 8.350 13.787 19. 452 25. 442 31. 855 38.629 38. 909 50 Itrr 0 0 .4 4.6 .8 8 12 .0 '.2 16 .4 .6 24 100. CAST NO 37D LAT 15 24.0 DATE 7/30/76 TIME 2309 STATION LONG 75 45.0 DPTH 2400 PROSE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 1 PER BAR 10. 5 WEATHER WIND DIR 120 SPD 8 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 4 AIR TEMP 20.0 WET BULB 17. .8 SAMPLE DEPTH 804 SAMPLE TEMP 5.31 SAL 34.508 200. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 815 300. 400._ 500._ 600. 700. 800. SAL. TEMP SIG 900. . 1000 4.5 6.0 OTIR-T 7.07.5 TEMP 17. 14 16. 95 16.81 16. 76 16. 72 16. 66 16. 57 16. 55 16. 53 16.36 16. 08 15. 73 15.24 14. 77 14. 46 13. 99 13.56 13. 28 13. 18 13.07 13.00 12. 57 12. 35 11. 65 10. 25 8.20 6.84 5.86 5.28 5. 26 SAL 35.08 35. 06 35.07 35. 06 35.04 35. 05 35.05 35. 04 35. 05 35.05 35. 03 35.02 34. 98 34. 95 34. 92 34. 91 34. 86 34.85 34. 86 34. 87 34. 88 34.90 34.88 34.84 34.74 34.64 34.54 34. 52 34. 53 34.52 SIGMA 25.57 25. 60 25. 63 25. 64 25.63 25.65 25.68 25.68 25.69 25.72 25.77 25.85 25. 92 26.01 26.05 26.14 26. 19 26.24 26.27 26. 30 26.33 26.43 26.46 26. 56 26. 73 26. 99 27.10 27.22 27.29 27.29 SVR 243. 4 240. 6 237.5 237. 2 238. 1 236.6 234.7 235.1 234.6 231.3 226. 6 220. 2 213. 0 205.2 200.9 192. 8 188. 1 183.5 181. 2 178. 9 176. 5 167.4 165.3 156.7 141.3 117_2 106. 5 95-8 88. 8 89. 2 DELD 0.000 0.024 0.046 0.072 0.096 0.119 0. 143 0. 166 0. 190 0. 213 0.236 0.258 0. 280 0. 301 0. 321 0.241 0. 360 0.378 0.396 0.415 0.432 0.475 0. 516 0. 597 0.747 0.878 0. 989 1.089 1.181 1.194 POTE 0. 000 0. 012 0.048 0. 107 0.190 0.297 0. 427 0. 579 0. 755 0. 954 1.170 1.404 1. 654 1. 914 2. 186 2.471 2.767 3.074 3. 392 3.7266 4.073 4.980 5.965 S. 174 13.423 19. 269 25. 389 31. 908 38. 770 39. 849 51 34.4 0 0 .6 4 34.8 8 35.0 35.2 33.4 12 16 20 100. CAST NO 38D LAT 15 29.6 DATE 7/31/76 TIME 15 STATION LONG 75 48.9 DPTH 3500 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 1 PER BAR 11.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 14 CLOUD TYPE - AMOUNT 5 AIR TEMP 16. 6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 783 SAMPLE TEMP 5.38 SRL 34.514 200. DEPTH 0 10 20 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 814 300. 400.- 500. 600. 700. 800. SIG 900. 1000. 41.5 25.0 R5.5 %Lc, OTIR-T 7.5 TEMP 17. 49 17.49 17. 37 17.13 17.06 16.96 16.86 16.83 16.47 16.05 15.41 14.89 14.58 14.21 13. 98 13.80 13.34 13.10 12. 99 12.83 12.69 12.31 12.00 11.54 /0.31 8.22 6.80 5.64 5.35 5.20 SAL 35.14 35. 12 35. 12 35.10 35. 09 35. 08 35. 06 35. 06 35. 03 35.02 35.01 34. 93 34. 95 34.95 34. 94 34. 94 34. 92 34.89 34. 90 34. 91 34. 90 34.87 34. 86 34. 84 34. 73 34. 64 34. 54 34. 53 34. 52 34. 54 SIGMA 25. 53 25.51 25. 54 25.58 25.59 25.61 25.62 25. 62 25.68 25. 78 25. 91 25.97 26. 05 26.13 26.17 26. 20 26.28 26.31 26.34 26.38 26.40 26.45 26. 50 26.57 26.71 26.99 27.11 27. 25 27.28 27.31 SVA 247. 0 248.6 246. 5 242. 6 241. 9 241. 2 240.4 240. 3 234.8 226.1 213. 3 208. 5 200. 7 193. 7 189. 7 187. 1 179.6 177. 3 174. 5 171.0 169.4 165.2 160.6 154. 8 143. 0 117.6 106.0 92. 3 90. 0 87.1 DELD 0. 000 0.025 0.050 0.074 0.098 0.122 0.146 0.170 0.194 0.217 0.240 0.261 0.281 0.301 0.320 0.329 0. 357 0.375 0.393 0.410 0.427 0. 469 0. 509 0.588 0.737 0. 868 0. 979 1.077 1.168 1.180 POTE 0. 000 O. 012 0. 050 0.111 0.195 0.304 0.437 0.593 0. 771 0.968 1.178 1. 401 1.634 1. 882 2. 142 2. 416 2.699 2.993 3. 301 3.620 3.951 4.838 5.808 7.975 13.184 19. 020 25.110 31.507 38. 326 39. 327 52 .4 .6 34.8 8 TEIM 0 0 .0 12 35.2 16 4 .6 35.4 24 20 .100.CAST NO 39D LAT 15 39. 2 DATE 7/31/76 TIME 231 PROBE OSU4 LONG 75 59. 2 DPTH 4700 STATION BAR 12. 0 WEATHER SWELL DIR 160 HT 1 PER WIND DIR 130 SPD 15 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT RIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15. 6 SRL 34. 515 SAMPLE TEMP 5.31 SAMPLE DEPTH 793. 200._ SVA DELD POTE SIGMA SAL DEPTH TEMP 0. 000 0.000 25.61 239.3 35. 14 0 17.15 0.024 0.012 239.7 35. 14 25. 61 10 17.15 240. 4 0. 048 0.048 25. 60 20 17. 16 35.14 0.072 0.108 25.61 239. 9 35.14 30 17.12 0.192 0.096 25.61 240.1 35.17 40 17. 21 0.300 0.120 25.62 239. 9 35.17 50 17. 22 0.144 0. 432 240.9 35. 16 25.61 60 17.21 0. 589 0.168 25. 64 238.5 35.12 70 16. 95 0.766 0.192 236.5 25. 67 35. 07 80 16.68 0.215 0.962 221. 5 34. 97 25. 82 90 15. 67 0. 236 1.164 208.4 25.96 34. 85 100 14. 62 1.376 195.7 0. 256 34.81 26.10 110 11.85 190.3 0.275 1.597 26. 16 34. 86 120 13. 73 1.829 0. 294 183. 8 26. 24 34. 88 130 13. 41 2. 072 0.312 178. 8 26. 28 34.89 140 13.21 0.330 26_31 176. 6 2.329 34. 89 150 13. 10 2.602 0. 347 175.4 34.89 26.33 160 13. 02 2.889 0. 365 173. 5 26.35 170 12. 95 34. 90 0.382 3. 191 171.8 34.90 26. 37 180 12.84 3.508 0. 399 171.5 34. 89 26.37 190 12.77 3.842 169. 6 0. 416 34. 90 26.40 200 12.69 225 12.36 a4.87 26. 44 165.9 0.458 4.732 5. 704 162. 2 0.499 34.87 26.49 250 12.13 155.8 7.891 0. 579 26.56 300 11. 58 34. 83 400 9.79 34.70 26. 78 136.5 0.725 12. 985 500 8. 21 34.63 26. 97 11196 0.853 18. 723 0. 964 24.841 105.6 34. 54 27.11 680 6.79 1.064 31. 360 27.22 95.8 34. 52 700 5.85 89.9 1. 157 38.318 34.52 27. 28 800 5. 32 88.7 1.174 39.691 27. 30 34.53 819 5. 24 300... 400. 500. 600. 39D 700._ TEMP SIG 1000 14.5 .o 15.5 16.0 I T 17.0 17.3 53 4.4 TE 0 0. 4.6 4 4.8 35.0 12 L. 5.6 .4 16 20 24 100._ CAST NO 40D LAT 15 46. 6 DATE 7/11'76 TIME 453 STATION LONG 76 10.8 DPTH 3700 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 1 PEP BAP 11.5 WEATHER WIND DIP 160 SPD 13 CLOUD TYPE - AMOUNT 9 AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14.4 SAMPLE.DEPTH 800. SAMPLE TEMP 5.38 SRL 24. 502 200._ DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 120 140 150 lee 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 807 300.- 400._ 500.- 600._ 700.. 800._ SAL. TEMP SIG 900.. 1000. 124.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 IGYA-T 6.5 127.5 7.0 TEMP 17.22 17.22 17.22 17.22 17. 22 17.24 17.14 16.05 15. 27 14.52 14.00 12. 83 12.32 13.09 13.02 12.89 12.74 12. 62 12 55 12.54 12. 50 12,37 11.94 11. 33 9. 27 8.46 6.82 5.96 5. 37 5. 22 SAL 35. 14 35.14 33.15 35. 15 35. 15 35.15 35.15 35.08 14.96 34..86 34. 83 34.84 34.82 34.8 24_86 34.8 34.90 3:4.89 34.33 34.90 24.8? 34.89 34.85 34.80 34.7 24.64 34.54 34.5 34.51 24.52 SIGMA 25.59 25.59 5.60 25. 60 25.60 25.60 25.62 25.64 25.90 25.99 26.08 226.16 26.22 26. 27 26.21 35 26.29 26.41 26.42 26.43 26.43 26.455 26.51 26.58 26.78 26.95 27.11 27.21 27.27 27.28 SYA 240.7 241.2 240.9 241.1 241. 2 242.1 239.9 229.0 213.7 205.8 197.1 189.5 184.9 180.2 176.7 172. 9 169.0 167. 7 166.7 156.2 166. 2 164.4 159.7 152. 9 126.7 121.6 106.2 97.0 91.2 90. 1 DELD 0.000 0.024 0.048 0.072 0.096 0.121 0,145 0.169 0.191 0.212 0.232 0.251 0.270 0.288 0.306 0.324 x.341 0.358 0.174 0.391 0.408 0,449 0,489 0.568 0.714 0.841 0.953 1.055 1.150 1.156 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.046 0.109 0.193 0.302 0.435 0.590 0.760 0.937 1.126 1.329 1.544 771 2.014 2.266 2. 531 2.810 2.103 3.411 3.725 4.615 5.571 7.722 12.822 18.526 24.715 31.293 38.418 38.928 54 34.4 34.6 34.8 8 0 35.0 33.2 135.4 12 16 20 35.6 24 100. CAST NO 41D LAT 13 31.6 DATE 8/ 1/76 TIME 631 STATION LONG 77 22.9 DPTH 2840 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 1 PER BAR 11.0 WEATHER HIND DIP 170 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE - AMOUNT 9 RIP TEMP 17.8 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 762, SAMPLE TEMP 5. 24 SAL 34. 509 200.- DEPTH 0 10 20 7:0 40 50 50 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 200 400 500 600 700 800 809 300. 400. 500._ 600.- 700.- 800. SIC 900. 1000 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 8 Grfl-T 6.5 7.0 7.5 TEMP 18.41 18.41 18. 41 18. 41 18.27 18.05 17.98 17.77 16.40 15.44 14. 28 13.67 13.40 12.24 13.06 12.85 12.69 122.56 12.51 12. 34 12.10 11.86 11.48 10.88 9.52 7.87 6.69 5. 94 5, 21 5.18 SRL 35. 20 35. 29 25.29 75. 29 35.28 35. 29 5.288 25. 24 35.12 25. 06 24. 91 34.89 34.89 3:4.8 34.90 34.90 24 92 '4.91 34.92 24.91 24. 89 24 89 34.86 34.81 34.71 24.63 24.55 24. 55 34.55 3:4.54 SIGMA 25. 42 25.42 25. 42 25. 4 25.44 25.50 25.51 5.54 25. 77 25. 94 26.08 26.20 6.25 26. 29 25.22 26.3 26. 42 26.47: 66.45 26.48 26. 51 25. 55 26.50 26. 67 26.8227, 07 27, 14 27. 27: 27. 22 27. 22 SYR 257.0 257.8 258. 7 258 7 256_ 2 250.9 250.4 248.4 226.1 210. 6 197.2 186.5 181._ 178. 5 175. 2 170_ 8 166. 165.4 164.0 161.2 158. 9 155. 2: 151.0 145.2 131.4 112.8 102 94.5 85, 9 86.4 DELD 0.000 0.026 0.050 077 @.102 0.129 0.154 0.179 0.202 0 224 0.245 0.264 0.282 0.300 0.318 0. 325 8.352 0.269 0.385 0.401 0.417 0 457 0.495 0.569 0. 707 0 829 0 9,77 1.026 1.126 1.124 POTE 0.000 0.013 0.052 O. 116 0.207 0.321 0.458 0 621 0. 801 0.987 1. 179 1.281 1.592 1.816 2. 055 2,204 2. 566 2 840 2.127 2%429 7 741 4. 575 5.485 7.528 12.347 17. 798 2,: , 726 20. 170 35. 916 _7.528 55 34.4 TEEM' 0 0 34.6 4 34.8 8 35.0 35.2 12 16 9RL 35.6 5.4 24 20 100.- CAST NO 42W LAT 13 24. 6 DATE 8/ 1/75 TIME 858 PROBE OSU4 LONG 77 13. 7 DPTH 1452 STATION BAP 10. 5 WEATHER SWELL DIP 170 HT 2 PER WIND DIR 170 SPD 8 CLOUD TYPE .7-8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16. 5 WET BULB 15.6 SAL SAMPLE TEMP SAMPLE DEPTH POTE OVA DELD SIGMA SAL DEPTH TEMP 0 18.65 25. ,3 25. 71 267.0 0.000 0.000 10 18. 65 15. 22 25. 21 260. 1 O. 027 O. 013. 20 18. 62 75. 24 25. 22 257. 2: 0.054 9. 054 20 18. 15 25. 26 25. 45 255. 0 0.080 O. 119 40 17. 94 35. 27 25. 51 249. 6 O. 105 0.207 50 16.97 -5.19 25.59 222. 2 0.129 0.317 50 16.44 5.10 25.75 227.9 0.153 0.444 0.175 0.588 70 15.E -5.04 25. 88 215.2 80 14.57 34.91 26.02 202. 7 0.196 0.745 90 14.00 24.85 26.09 195.6 0.216 0.915 1. 095 100 12.25 24.79 26.18 187.4 O.2 110 13.07 34.84 25.28 178.7 0. 252: 1.287 174.4 0.271 1.490 26.22 120 12.94 34.87 130 12.80 24.87 25.35 171.9 0.288 1.706 171.1 1.'938 26.37 0.305 24.85 140 12.6? 6.41 166.E O. 222 2.182 150 12.50 34.87 150 12.24 24. 25 26. 44 164_6 0.338 2. 439 6.46 162.8 0.255 2. 710 170 12. 26 24.87 180 12.17 34.87 26.48 161.1 0.371 2.994 190 12.07 34.86 26.49 160.2 0. 387 2. 292 200 12.02 34.86 "6.50 159.6 0.403 3.604 225 11.79 24.84 26.52 157.4 0.443 4.445 250 11.38 34.80 26.58 1533.3 0.482 2.367 200 10.87 34.79 26. 56 146.2 0.556 7:421 66.83 131.1 0.695 12.261 400 9.46 34.70 500 7.94 34.62 27.01 114.8 0.817 17.731 600 6.93 34.56 27.10 106.6 0.927 23.778 96.2 1.028 30.350 27.21 700 5.94 34.5 87.7 1.120 37.254 800 5.30 34.55 27.31 87.2 1.147 39.291 830 5.20 34.54 27.31 200._ 300.. 400.- 500.- 600.- 700.- 800.516 900.- 1000. X24.5 125.0 SI -T 5.5 6.0 7.0 7.5 56 34.4 TEMi 0 0 34.6 34.8 4 8 35.0 35.2 S5.4 12 16 20 p A. L 15. 6 24 100. CAST NO 439 LAT 13 19.8 STATION LONG 77 02. 7 SWELL DIR 170 HT 1 PER WIND DOR 175 SPD 10 ctour. AIP SAMPLE SAMPLE DEPTH 787. 200.- DEPTH 0 101 20 70 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 120 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 802 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. SIC 900._ 1000 7.5 TEMP 19.95 19.94 18.68 18.24 17.93 17.03 15. 76 15. 16 14. 91 14. 66 14.24 14. 22 13. 88 13.50 13.26 12. 06 12.98 12.80 12.58 12.43 12.36 12. 14 12. 02 11. 26 9.92 8.16 6.85 5.93 5.18 5.37 SAL 35.21 25. 21 25. 27 35.25 35.21 35.14 35. 02 -5.00 34.97 34.97 34.95 34. 94 34. 91 34.90 34.87 24. 89 34.90 34.92 34.91 34. 89 34. 90 34. 89 34.88 14. 83 34. 73 34.65 34.56 34.55 34. 56 24.55 DATE 8/ 1/76 TIME 1127 DPTH 1250 PROBE OSU4 EAR 11.2 WEATHER 3 TYPE 7-AMOUNT 0 TEMP 17. 8 WET BULB 15. 6 TEMP 5.49 SAL 34.538 SIGMA 24.96 24. 90 25. 22 5.40 25.47 25.04 25.84 25.96 25. 99 26.04 26. 10 26.12 26. 17 26.23 26.26 26.12 26.34 26.40 26.42 26.44 26. 46 26.50 26.52 26. 62 26.78 27. 00 27.12 27.23 27.21 27.30 SVA 201. 0 201. 4 266. 4 259.9 253.7 238.1 218.9 203.2 205.0 200.7 195.6 194. 1 189. 5 183.4 180.8 176.2 173.9 168.9 166.1 164.8 163.3 160. 0 159.2 150. 0 126.6 116. 0 105.1 94.7 88. 0 88. 2 GELD 0.000 O. 020 O. 058 0.085 0.110 0.135 0. 158 0.179 0. 200 0. 220 0.240 0.260 0.279 0.297 0.316 0.333 0.251 0.368 0.385 0.401 0.418 0.458 0.498 0.575 0.719 0.846 0.955 1.055 1.147 1.148 POTE 0.000 O. 015 O. 057 0.123 0.213 0.225 0.451 O. 588 0.744 0.915 1. 102 1.307 1.527 1:761 2.007 2.2665 2.526 2.218 3.111 3.416 3. 736 4. 597 5.545 7.656 12.705 18.363 24.391 30.856 37. 726 37.867 57 34.4 TEMP° 0. 34.6 0 PAL. 34.8 8 35.0 35.2 35.4 35.6 12 16 20 24 100._ CAST NO 440 LAT 13 18.2 DATE 8/ 1/76 TIME 1251 STATION LONG 76 59.2 DPTH 815 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 2 PER BAR 11.2 WEATHER . WIND DIR 170 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 17. 8 WET BULB 16.6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 200._ DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 300.- 400.- 500.- 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 807 818 1000. 31GMR-T 5.0 5.5 e1.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 TEMP 20. 09 19. 99 18. 74 18.31 18.07 17. 40 16.17 15.81 15:45 15.21 14.72 14. 27 13.94 17.78 13.43 13.13 12.98 12 77 12.68 12.59 12. 50 12. 14 11.81 11. 24 9.82 8.00 5. 90 5. 06 5.46 5. 42 SAL 35. 21 35.21 35. 26 35.23 35.23 35.11 35.02 34.99 34.99 35.00 74.96 34. 92 24.91 34.93 34.86 34. 90 24.89 34.91 34.90 34.89 34.88 34.87 24.8e 34. 80 34. 69 34.63 34.5 34.53 34.54 34.56 SIGMA 24. 92 24.95 25.31 25.40 5.45 25.53: 25.75 25.81 25.89 25. 95 26.03 26.07 26. 15 26.20 26.22 26.31 26.24 26.39 26.41 26.41 6. 42 26. 49 26.54 25. 60 26.77 27. 01 27.12 27. 20 27.29 27.30 SVA 304. 6 302. 5 268.5 260.3 255.4 248.8 227. 3 222.2 215.2 209. 7 202. 6 198. 6 190. 9 186. 5 184.9 176.7 174.5 159.3 168.3 167.8 167.1 151.7 157.0 152.2 127.7 115. .1 105.2 97.7 90.0 88.3 DELD 0.000 0. 020 0.059 0.085 0.111 0.136 0.160 0.182 0.204 0. 225 0.246 0. 266 0. 285 0.304 0.323 0.341 0.359 0.376 0.393 0. 409 0.426 0. 467 0.507 0. 584 0. 728 0.856 0.968 1.068 1.161 1.168 POTE 0.000 0.015 0. 057 0.1223 0.214 0.228 0.458 0.603 0.766 0.947 1.144 1. 355 1.576 1.811 2.063 2. 325 2.597 2.882 3.177 3.487 2.812 4. 679 5.523 7.73G: 12. 791 18. 531 24.637 31.179 38.152 38.648 58 34.1 0 31.6 4 34.8 8 0 35.0 35.2 35.4 35.6 12 16 20 21 100. CAST NO 450 LRT 13 17. 0 DATE 8/ 1/76 TIME 1424 STATION LONG 76 56.0 DPTH 510 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIP 160 HT 2 PER 8AP 12. 0 WEATHER WIND DIP 160 SPD 04 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIP TEMP 17.8 WET BULB 16. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 200. DEPTH TEMP 0 20.09 10 19.25 20 18. 52 30 18. 08 40 17.54 50 16. 82 60 16.20 70 15.92 80 15.76 90 15.56 100 15.11 110 14.78 120 14.05 130 12.95 140 13.79 150 13.40 160 12.20 170 13.01 1.80 12.80 190 12 70 200 12.56 225 12.34 250 11.95 300 11.48 400 9.71 500 8.47 506 8.28 300. 400. 500. SAL. 600. _ TEMP 5IG 45D 700._ 800. 900. 1000. 51.5 25.0 25.5 810MA-T 6.0 26.5 7.0 57.5 SAL 35.20 35.27 35. 25 35. 23 25.18 35. 11 35.05 35.03 35.03 35. 03 5.00 34.94 74.92 34.97 34.94 24.92 34.90 34.90 34.92 34.92 34.90 34.88 34.87 34.82 34.70 34.65 24.63 SIGMA 24.91 5.13 25. 36 25. 45 25. 54 25. 66 25.76 25.81 25-85 25.89 25.97 26.00 26.14 26.16 26.21 26.27 2E.30 26.73 26.39 26.41 26_43 26.46 26.52 26.57 26.79 26. 95 26.97 SVR 305.4 2884.8 267. 7 255. 6 246. 8 235. 6 226.5 222. 2 219.0 215. 2 208.1 205. 2 192 5 190.1 186.2 180.5 178.1 175.0 169.4 168.1 166.6 164.4 158. 7 154.9 1=5.1 120. 119.5 DELD 0.000 0.030 0.057 0.083 0.108 0.173 0.156 0.178 0.200 0.222 0.242 0.264 0.2 0.302 0.321 0.340 0.357 O.7 O. 292 0.409 0.426 0.467 0.508 0.586 0.721 0.858 0.855 POTE 0.000 0.015 '0. 055 0.120 0.20e 0.317 0.444 0. 589 0.754 0.939 1.140 1.358 1.583 1.821 2.075 2.342 2. 620 2. 911 3. 213 3. 526 2. 853 4.729 5.693 7.835 12.916 18.587 le. 948 59 34.4 TEMPI 0 34.6 34.8 4 8 35.0 35.2 9AL 35.4 12 16 20 50.- 100.- 4.5 5.0 27.0 46D CAST NO 460 LAT 13 12.4 DATE 8/ 1/76 TIME 1551 PROBE OSU4 STATION LONG 76 50.3 DPTH 300 SWELL DIR 160 HT 1 PER BAR 12.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 3 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 20. 0 WET BULB 18.3 SAL35. 189 SAMPLE DEPTH 2. SAMPLE TEMP20. 07 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 290 TEMP 20. 07 19.22 18.45 17. 74 17.17 16.62 16.52 16.42 16.30 15. 60 15.13 14.99 14.65 14. 35 14.21 13.49 13.32 13.16 13.06 12.83 12.78 12.42 12.29 11. 93 SAL 25.19 35. 21 35. 25 35.19 35.12 35. 07 35. 07 35.08 35.06 35. 02 35. 01 35. 00 34. 97 34. 95 34. 92 34. 92 34. 92 34. 92 34.51 34.92 34. 91 34. 91 34. 90 34. 86 SIGMA 24.91 25.12 25. 37 25. 50 25.59 25. 68 25. 70 25.73 25.75 25.88 25. 98 26. 00 26. 05 26. 10 26.11 26. 25 26. 29 26.32 26.23 26.39 26.39 26.46 26.48 26. 52 SVA 205.6 286.0 262.2 250. 3 242. 6 234.2 232.0 229. 8 228. 2 216.5 207. 4 205.8 281.3 196. 5 195. 9 182.1 178. 9 176.0 175. 4 169.9 178.2 164.1 163.3 160.3 DELD 0.000 0.020 0. 057 0.083 0.107 0.131 0.154 0.177 0.200 0.223 0.244 0. 264 0.285 0.305 0 324 0.343 0.261 0.379 0.396 0.412 8.430 8.472 0. 513 0. 577 POTE 0.000 0.015 0.055 0.119 0. 205 0.312 0.439 0.589 0.761 0.951 1.152 1.369 1.603 1.851 2.115 2.386 2.666 2.959 3.266 3.583 3.914 4. 799 5. 772 7.585 60 34.4 TEMN 0 0. 34.6 34.8 4 8 35,0 35.2 35.4 12 16 20 TE 0 30. 30. 60. 60. 90. 90. 120. 120. 34.4 34.6 34.5 0 4 8 SIC jAL 135.0 35.2 35.4 12 16 20 SAL. TEMP SAL. 150 150. SIGMA-T 34.5 5.5 5.13 36.0 36.5 27.0 42D 34.5 55.0 125.5 36.0 , SIGMA-T 26.5 37.0 48D CAST NO 47D LAT 13 10.8 DATE 8/ 1/76 TIME 1730 STATION LONG 76 45. 1 DPTH 139 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIP. 160 HT 1 PER BAR 12. 0 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 3 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 20.0 WET BULB 18.3 SAMPLE DEPTH 80. SAMPLE TEMP16. 64 SAL35. 083 CAST NO 48D LAT 13 07.7 DATE 8/ 1/76 TIME 1830 STATION LONG 76 40.0 DPTH 123 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 1 PER BAR 11. 5 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 5 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 18. 9 WET BULB 17. 2 SAMPLE DEPTH 82. SAMPLE TEMP16. 55 SRL35. 032 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 DEPTH TEMP 0 19.62 10 19.55 20 19.33 30 18. 62 40 17. 57 50 17.17 60 16.98 70 16. 76 80 16.56 90 16.53 100 16.52 110 16.38 111 16.28 100 110 120 130 131 TEMP 19.79 19.74 18.92 18.08 18. 00 17.94 16.92 16. 70 16.64 16.64 16. 41 16.06 15. 36 14.09 14.04 SAL 35.21 35.20 35.26 35.22 35.18 35.17 35.13 35. 09 25.08 35.08 35.09 35. 06 35.03 34. 97 34. 97 SIGMA 25.00 25.01 25.26 SYS 297.1 296.7 273.0 25. 45 255. 8 25. 43 25.44 25.66 25.68 25.68 25. 69 25. 75 25.80 25.94 26.17 26.18 257. 2 257.1 236. 7 235. 0 234. 6 234.7 229.2 224. 2 211.7 190.1 189.0 DELD 0.000 0.030 0.058 0.084 0. 110 0.136 0.160 0.184 0.207 0.231 0.254 0.277 0.299 0.319 0. 321 POTE 0.000 0.015 0.057 0.123 0.213 0.329 0. 465 0.617 0.792 0.993 1.214 1.452 1. 703 1. 957 1. 981 SAL 35.21 35.19 35.22 35.24 35.14 35.11 35. 10 35.08 35. 05 35_04 35.03 35. 04 35.04 SIGMA 25.05 25.05 25.12 25.32 25. 51 25.58 25. 62 25.66 25. 68 25.68 25. 68 25.71 25.71. SVA 292.9 292.8 285.9 267.3 250.0 243.7 240.4 236. 8 235.0 235.7 236.0 233. 0 232.9 DELD 0.000 0.029 0.058 0.086 0.112 0.136 0. 161 0.184 0.208 0. 232 0.255 0.279 0.281 POTE 0.000 0.015 0.058 0.128 0.217 0.328 0.461 0. 616 0. 792 0. 993 1. 217 1.463 1.489 61 0. 0 4 8 12 35.2 16 L. 35.4 20 34.4 TEMI3 0 0 20.- 20.- 40.- 40. 60._ 60. 30 ._ 80.- 34.6 4 34.8 8 SIG 35.0 12 1 SqL. 35.2 16 35.4 20 TEPP 100. 57.0 49D CAST NO 490 LAT 13 04.8 DATE 8/ 1/76 TIME 1921 STATION LONG 76 35.0 DPTH 105 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIP 160 HT 1 PER BAR 11.5 WEATHER. WIND DIR 160 SPD 5 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 18.9 WET BULB 17.2 SAMPLE DEPTH 66. SAMPLE TEMP16. 98 SALTS 025 54.5 5.0 5.5 56.0 r 8I0MA -T 26.5 27.0 1 50D CAST NO 500 LAT 13 02.1 DATE 8/ 1/76 TIME 2015 STATION LONG 76 22.2 DPTH 82 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 1 PER BAR 11. 5 WEATHER WIND DIP 160 SPD 5 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 18. 9 WET BULB 17.2 SAMPLE DEPTH 63. SAMPLE TEMP17. 15 SHL25. 036 DEPTH TEMP SAL SIGMA TEMP SVA DELD POTE DEPTH 0 18.86 35.17 25. 21 277.3 0.000 0.000 0 18.62 10 17.86 -5.05 262.4 25. 37 0.027 0.017 10 17.65 20 17.59 25.02 25.42' 258.1 0.053 0.052 20 17.49 30 17.39 35.04 25.47 253.2 0.078 0.116 20 17 25 40 17.30 35.04 25.50 251.2 0.104 0.205 40 17.26 50 17.16 35.04 25.53 248.7 0.129 0.317 50 17.22 60 17.05 35.04 3 25.56 246.2 0.157 0.45 60 17.14 70 16.98 35.03 25.57 245.4 0.178 0.613 70 17.14 90 16.86 35.04 25.60 242.5 0.202 0.796 72 17.11 90 16.77 35.03 25.61 241.7 0.227 1.002 91 16.74 35.02 25. 62 241. 1 O. 229 1. 024 SAL SIGMA 35.11 25.22 5.01 25.39 35.03 25.44 35. 02 25.48 35.04 25.50 35.04 25.52 35.03 25.53 35.03 25.52 35.03 25.54 SVA 276.0 260.4 255.9 252.7 250.6 249.7 248.6 249.5 248.5 DELD 0.000 0.027 0.053 0.078 0.103 0.125 0.153 0.178 0.186 POTE 0.000 0.013 0.052 0.116 0.204 0.317 0.454 0.616 0.669 62 T 34 .4 0 34.6 34.6 4 8 35.0 35.2 35.4 1AL 35.6 12 16 20 24 100. CAST NO 51D LAT 12 15.1 DATE 8/ 1/76 TIME 645 STATION LONG 77 29.4 DPTH 1074 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 170 HT 1 PEP. EAR 12.5 WEATHER WIND DIR 170 SPD 5 CLOUD TYPE - AMOUNT AIR TEMP 20. 0 WET BULB 17.8 SAMPLE DEPTH 768. SAMPLE TEMP 5.29 SAL34. 541 200. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 SO 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 200 400 500 600 700 400 404 300. 400. 500.. 600. 700. 800. 51G 900. 1000 SIGMA-T 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.0 26.5 57.0 TEMP 20.18 20.18 20.16 19. 75 18.64 18.40 17.67 16.63 15.94 15. 12 14.82 14 68 14. 23 14.08 11 75 13.60 13. 52 12.41 11. 11 12.18 11.07 12. 64 12. 14 11.42 8. 87 6. 44 5. 96 5 61 4.92 4.93 SAL 25.18 -5.166 -.5.17 35.16 15_15 -5.10 35. 11 5.08 35. 08 35. 06 35.02 34. 98 34.96. 74.96 34.94 :4.94 34. 93 34.E 34. 91 24.934.91 34. 92 34. 49 34.84 34.67 34.56 34.56 34. 55 34.58 34.57 SIGMA 24.87 24.86 24.87 24.3 25. 25 25. 28 25.46 5.67 25.85 25. 97 26. 05 26.05 6.13'. 26.16 26. 22 26_25 26.26 26. 27 26. 29 26. 12 26 31 26. 41 26 50 26. 59 26.91 27.17 27_23 27. 27 27. 37 27.17 SVA 309.2 21p. 310.0 301_0 274. 7 272. 7 255.4 3 21.9. 0 207. '1 200 200.5 191_0 190.7 185. 1 182.6 181.9 140. 7 179. 2 176. 9 176.0 167.5 160. 4 152. a 123.6 98.1 92.1 90 2 80.4 41.2 DELD 0.000 0.031 0.062 0.093 0.122 0.150 0.176. 0.200 O. 221 0.245 0.265 O. 285 0.305 0,224 0.34_ 0.361 0.-80 0.194 0.416• 0.433 0.451 O. 494 0. 515 0.615 O. 751 0. 862 0.952 1. 050 1. 117 1.140 POTE 0.000 0.016 0.061 O 119 0.241 0.365 0.510 0.667 0 819 1. 422 1.216 1.427 1 452 1.894 2.149 2.415 2. 697 2. 996 3. 110 1. 641 ::. 985 4 892 5. 465 4.012 11.982 17. 780 23 052 29. 011 15. 795 63 pm. 34.4 TE 0 0 34.6 35.0 34.8 4 35.4 16 12 8 33.2 20 34.4 34.6 0 4 TEM 0 34.8 pm. 35.0 35.2 35.4 '12 16 20 30.50. SIG SAL 60. _ SIG 100. 90.- TEMP 150. 120._ TEMP SRL • 200 150 SIGMA-T R4.5 5.5 .0 6.0 X2695 27.0 4.5 CAST NO 52D LAT 12 12. 2 DATE 8/ 2/76 TIME 841 STATION LONG 77 34. 2 DPTH 200 PROBE OSU4 BAR 12. 0 WEATHER SWELL DIR 170 HT 1 PER WIND DIR SPD 0 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 18. 9 WET BULB 17. 2 SAMPLE DEPTH 18. SAMPLE TEMP SAL35. 179 SRL 35.19 35.19 35.18 35. 18 35. 18 35.12 35. 09 35. 07 35. 05 35. 02 35. 01 35.0/ 34. 99 34.98 34.96 34. 95 34. 95 34. 94 34. 93 34.94 5IGMA-T 26.5 126 117.0 53D 52D DEPTH TEMP 0 20.74 10 20. 76 20 20.76 38 20. 75 40 20.74 50 18.91 60 17. 74 70 16...21 80 15.96 90 15.31 100 15. 04 110 14. 95 120 14.82 130 14. 56 140 14. 24 150 14.12 160 13.98 170 13. 71 180 13. 62 190 13.62 h h5.5 125.0 SIGMA 24.73 24. 73 24. 72 24.72 24. 73 25.16 25. 43 25. 77 25. 82 2a 94 25. 99 26.01 26. 03 26.07 26.13 26. 15 26. 17 26. 22 26. 24 26.24 SVA 322.6 323. 7 324.5 324. 5 324. 8 283. 7 258. 7 225. 8 221. 7 210.3 205.6 204.4 203. 1 199. 1 194.1 192.5 190.0 185.8 184.6 184. 2 DELD 0.000 0.032 0.065 0.097 0.130 0.160 0.187 0. 211 0. 233 0.255 0.275 0.296 0.316 0.336 0. 356 0.375 0.395 0.413 0.432 0.450 POTE 0. 000 0. 016 0.065 0.146 0.260 0.394 0.544 0.699 0.866 1.049 1.246 1.461 1. 695 1.948 2.214 2. 494 2.790 3.099 3.422 3.763 CAST NO 53D LAT 12 09.2 DATE 8/ 2/76 TIME 959 PROBE OSU4 LONG 77 28.9 DPTH 150 STATION HT 1 PER BAR 12.5 WEATHER SWELL DIR 170 8 78 AMOUNT WIND DIR 190 SPD 2 CLOUD TYPE SIR TEMP 18. 9 WET BULB 17.2 SRL35. 011 SAMPLE TEMP15. 10 SAMPLE DEPTH 118. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 134 TEMP 20.37 20.37 20.38 20. 38 19.80 19.05 18.22 16.63 15. 99 15.52 15.17 15.12 15.09 15.08 15. 08 SRL 35.15 35.14 35.14 35.14 35. 13 35. 12 35.11 35. 08 35. 06 35.05 35. 02 35. 02 35.02 35. 02 35. 00 SIGMA 24.80 24.79 24. 79 24. 79 24. 93 25.13 25.33 25. 69 2a 82 25. 92 25.98 25. 99 25. 99 25.99 25.98 SVR 315. 9 317. 1 317.9 218.3 304. 9 286.9 268.3 233. 9 221.6 212.4 207.4 206. 7 206. 6 206.6 207. 9 DELD 0.000 0.032 0. 063 0.095 0. 126 0. 156 0. 184 0.208 0.231 0.253 0.274 0.294 0.315 0.336 0.344 POTE 0.000 0. 016 0.063 0.143 0.252 0.383 0.537 0.698 0. 869 1.053 1. 251 1.469 1. 706 1.964 2. 074 64 34.4 0 34.6 4 34.8 8 35.0 12 39.2 16 13AL. 35.4 20 4.4 34.6 T£MN 0 .8 12 0 .0 .2 50 16 30._ 60... 90 ._ 60.- MG 120. - M.. TEPP 80._ MG 150. 8RL TEMP 100. 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.0 527114-T 52.0 4.5 55.0 54D 55.5 56.03IG1114-T 56.5 55D CAST NO 54D LAT 12 06.0 DATE 8/ 2/76 TIME 1109 STATION LONG 77 24. 0 DPTH 126 PROBE 0504 SWELL DIR 170 HT 1 PER BAR 13.8 WEATHER WIND DIR 190 SPD 1 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 18. 9 WET BULB 17. 2 SAMPLE DEPTH 97. SAMPLE TEMP16. 11 SAL35. 065 CAST NO 55D LAT 12 03.0 DATE 8/ 2/76 TIME 1223 STATION LONG 77 18. 0 DPTH 98 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 170 HT 1 PER BAR 13. 5 WEATHER WIND DIR 1 SPD 1 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 19. 4 WET BULB 17. 8 SAMPLE DEPTH 72. SAMPLE TEMP 16.84 SRL 35.095 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1.00 110 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 TEMP 20. 18 20. 18 28.19 28.20 20. 19 19. 20 18. 37 17. 71 16. 65 16. 17 16. 11 15. 74 SAL 35. 15 35. 14 35. 15 35. 14 35. 14 35. 10 35. 09 3a 06 35. 08 35. 06 35. 06 35. 04 SIGMA 24. 85 24. 85 24. 85 24. 84 24. 84 25. 07 25. 27 25. 41 25. 68 25. 78 25. 80 25. 86 SVA 311. 3 312. 1 312. 2 313. 5 313. 4 292. 3 273. 4 260.1 235. 2 226. 0 224. 7 218. 8 DELD 0. 000 0. 031 0.062 0. 094 0. 125 0. 155 0. 184 0. 211 0.235 0.258 0. 281 0. 303 POTE 0. 000 0. 016 8.062 0.141 0. 250 0. q87 Et 543 0. 717 0.903 1. 096 1. 310 1. 545 48 50 60 70 80 86 TEMP 19. 99 19. 74 19. 24 18.57 17. 85 17. 24 16. 90 16. 84 16. 82 16.78 SRL 35. 15 35. 11 35. 11 35. 12 35. 09 35. 07 35. 08 35. 07 35.07 35. 08 SIGMA 98 93 25.06 25. 25 25. 40 25. 53 25. 62 25.63 25. 64 25. 65 24. 24. SYR 306. 5 303. 8 291. 7 274. 6 260. 3 248. 1 239. 9 239. 6 239. 0 238. 0 DELD a ass 8.031 0. 060 0. 089 a 116 0. 141 O. 165 a 189 0.213 0. 227 POTE a 800 0.015 0.060 0.131 a 225 0. 339 0. 472 0. 628 0.807 0.926 57.0 65 SIG SQL . TETT 80._ 100 5.0 5.5 6.0 SIGMA-T 6.5 7.0 56D CAST NO 56D LRT 12 00.3 DATE 8/ 2/76 TIME 1320 STATION LONG 77 14.5 DPTH 63 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIP 170 HT 1 PER SRR 13.0 WEATHER WIND DIP SPD 0 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 19.4 WET BULB 17. 2 SAMPLE DEPTH 51. SAMPLE TEMP17. 43: SRL 35.090 DEPTH 0 10 20 20 40 50 60 TEMP 19. 70 19.59 19. 06 18.50 17. 93 17.54 17.40 SAL 25.11 35.11 25. 09 35. 08 35.07 35.07 35.08 SIGMA 24.95 24.97 25.10 25.23 25.37 25.46 25.51 SVA 302.3 =00.0 288.8 276.3 263. 7 254.9 250. 9 DELD 0.000 0.020 0.060 0.066 0.115 0.141 0.166 POTE 0. 000 0.015 0.060 0.130 0.225 0. 342 0. 481 66 CAST NO 57D LAT 12 13.9 DATE 8/ 2/76 TIME 1712 STATION LONG 77 37. 0 DPTH 805 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 170 HT 1 PER BRR 14. 0 WEATHER WIND DIP 180 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT e AIR TEMP 22. 2 WET BULB 20.0 SAMPLE DEPTH 663. SAMPLE TEMP 5.38 SAL 34.550 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180. 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 702 900._ 1000. 4.5 5.0 !25.5 !26.0 5IGMR- T f1.5 27.0 7.5 TEMP 21.06 20. 96 20. 92 20.7e 19. 91 18.38 16.43 15. 83 15.26 14. 84 14. 69 14.67 14. 64 14.48 14.33 14.12 13.86 12.60 13. 51 13.37 133.12 12. 71 12.47 11.57 7. 98 6. 22 5.75 5.31 5.31 SAL 35. 17 35. 16 25. 17 35.14 35. 13 35. 12 35. 10 35.06 35. 02 34.99 34.9834.98 34.97 34. 96 34.92 34.94 34.97 34. 95 34. 93 34. 93 34.91 34.91 34.92 34.85 34. 63 34. 57 34.55 34. 56 34.56 SIGMA 24.63 24.65 24. 67 24. 68 24. 91 25.29 25. 75 25. 85 25. 95 26.03 26.05 26. 05 26. 05 26.08 26.08 26.14 26.22 26.26 26. 26 26.29 26.32 26.41 6.46 26.58 27. 01 27. 21 27.26 27. 32 27.32 SYR 332.3 230.8 329.6 328.5 307.0 271. 4 227. 9 218.3 209. 1 202. 3 200.3 200.4 200.8 198.5 198.66 193.5 185.1 182.3 182. 4 179. 8 176.8 169. 5 164.9 154. 7 112. 9 94.5 90.8 85. 7 85.6 DELD 0. 000 0.033 0. 066 0.099 0.131 0. 160 0.184 0.207 0.22e 0. 248 0. 268 0. 288 0.308 0. 328 0.348 0.268 0.287 0.405 0.424 0.442 0.459 0.50_ 0.544 0.624 0.759 0. 860 0.952 1.040 1.042 POTE 0. 000 0.017 0.066 0.149 0.259 0.289 -0.522 0.669 0.827 1.001 1. 193 1.-402 1.634 1. 883 2.153 2.4_7 2.712 3.035 3.354 3.688 4.-025 4. 955 5 947 8.135 12. 826 17. 330 22.420 28.120 28.240 67 34.4 TEMP'0 0. 34.6 34.8 4 8 5.0 12 L. 35.2 35.4 35.6 16 20 24 100.CAST NO 580 LRT 12 17.1 DATE 8/ 2/76 TIME 1850 STATION LONG 77 42. 2 DPTH 1183 PROBE 0504 SWELL DIR 170 HT 1 PER BAR 14.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 180 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 22. 2 WET BULB 20. 0 SAMPLE DEPTH 781. SAMPLE TEMP 5.12 SAL34. 542 200.- DEPTH TEMP 0 21.02 10 20.92 20 20. 91 30 19. 88 40 19. 00 50 18.15 60 17.37 70 16.30 80 15.57 90 15.14 100 14. 88 110 14. 80 120 14. 60 130 14. 56 140 14. 22 150 13.64 160 13.29 170 13 19 180 12. 91 190 12. 79 200 12. 63 225 12.28 250 12.07 300 11.28 400 8. 98 500 6. 69 600 5. 97 700 5.50 800 5. 05 806 5.02 300.- 400.- 500._ 600._ 700.- 800. _ 910 900._ 1000 9 7.3 SAL SIGMA 35.19 24. 66 35. 17 24. 67 35, 16 24. 66 35. 18 24. 96 35. 00 25.10 35. 06 25. 31 35.08 25. 51 35. 06 25. 75 35. 06 25. 91 35.04 25. 99 34. 99 26. 02 34. 98 26. 02 34. 98 26.06 34.98 26.07 34. 94 26.12 34.93 26. 23 34.94 26. 29 34.93 26. 33 34. 94 26.39 34. 93 26.40 34,92 26.43 34.90 26.48 34. 89 26. 52 34. 83 26.62 34. 70 26. 91 34. 57 27. 15 34.55 27.23 34. 56 27. 29 34. 56 27. 35 34. 58 27. 37 SVA 329. 9 329.1 329.9 302.4 DELD POTE 0.000 0.000 0.033 0.017 0. 066 0.066 0. 098 0. 146 288. 7 0.128 0. 250 269. 8 0.155 0.374 250.6 0.181 0.515 228.1 0.205 0. 672 213. 0 0.227 0.835 205.3 0.248 1.014 203.5 0.268 1.207 203. 3 0.289 1. 421 199. 6 0. 309 1. 652 199. 0 0. 329 1. 901 194.8 0.348 2.167 184.1 0. 367 2.440 179. 1 0. 385 2.722 175. 7 0. 403 3. 015 170. 1 0.421 3.318 168. 9 O. 437 3.630 166.6 0. 454 3.956 162. 1 0. 495 4. 826 159. 4 0. 535 5. 782 150. 6 0.613 7.916 123. 4 0.751 12.731 100.3 0.860 17.621 935 0. 956 22. 891 88.4 1.047 28. 783 83.3 1.132 35.174 81.4 1.137 35.571 68 34.4 TE 0. 0 4.6 4 34.8 8 35.0 35.2 35.4 ARL 35.6 12 16 20 24 100... CAST NO 59D LAT 12 20. 0 LONG 77 47. 5 STATION SWELL DIR 170 HT 2 PER WIND DIR 180 SPD 10 CLOUD RIR SAMPLE DEPTH 794 SAMPLE 200. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190' 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 804 300. 400. 500. 600._ 700. 800. SIC 900. 1000 4.5 5.0 5.5 41.0 Rd 1MR-T 7.0 7.5 TEMP 21. 00 20.85 19. 29 18. 72 18.45 18.12 18. 01 17.30 16.28 15.45 14. 97 14. 68 13. 99 13.66 13. 42 13. 28 13.14 13. 04 12. 91 12.85 12.69 12.56 12. 23 11. 58 9. 57 7.60 6.15 5.47 5.06 5.03 SAL 35. 18 35.18 35. 24 35.27 35.27 35. 28 35. 27 35. 21 35.13 35.06 35. 00 34. 97 34. 90 34. 90 34. 92 34.92 34. 90 34.92 34.93 34. 94 34. 93 34. 92 34. 90 34. 86 34. 70 34.61 34. 55 34. 56 34. 56 34.58 SIGMA 24. 65 24.69 25.15 25.32 25. 39 25. 48 25. 50 25.62 25.81 25. 94 26. 00 26.04 26. 14 26.21 26. 27 26. 30 26.31 26. 34 26.38 26.40 26. 42 26.44 26. 49 26.59 26. 82 27. 05 27. 21 27.30 27.34 27.37 DATE DPTH BRR TYPE TEMP TEMP 8/ 2/76 TIME 2022 1412 PROBE OSU4 12. 5 WEATHER 7- 8 AMOUNT e 21. 7 WET BULB 24.4 5.10 SAL 34.535 SVA 330. 0 326.8 283.2 267.4 261.4 253. 4 251. 9 240.1 223.1 210. 8 205. 0 201. 2 192.6 185. 9 180. 7 178. 0 176.5 174. 0 170. 8 169.2 167.4 156.0 161.8 153.7 132.7 110.4 96. 0 87.3 82.7 81.7 DELD 0. 000 0.033 0.064 0. 092 0.118 0.144 0.169 0.194 0.217 0.239 0.260 0.280 0.300 0.319 0.337 0.355 0.373 0.390 0. 408 0.425 0. 441 0. 483 0. 524 0. 603 0. 747 0.867 0.970 1.062 1.148 1.151 POTE 0.000 0.016 0.062 0.131 0.224 0.740 0. 479 0.639 0.813 0.999 1.198 1.411 1.638 1. 873 2. 122 2. 382 2.657 2.947 3. 248 3.563 3. 891 4. 778 5.752 7.914 12. 940 18. 320 23.972 29.963 36.414 36. 678 69 T E81 0 0 4 is 12 16 20 24 100. CAST NO 60D LAT 12 26.3 DATE 8/ 2/76 TIME 2320 STATION LONG 77 58.2 DPTH 1880 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 170 HT 4 PER BAR 14.2 WEATHER WIND DIR 180 SPD 16 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 18.3 WET BULB 17.2 SAMPLE DEPTH 812. SAMPLE TEMP 5. 20 5AL34. 539 200. DEPTH TEMP 0 20.12 10 18. 44 • 20 18.18 30 18.00 40 17.86 50 17.76 60 16.83 70 16.18 80 15.52 90 14.58 100 14.22 110 13. 89 120 13. 54 130 13. 29 140 13. 14 150 13.02 160 12. 84 170 12.69 180 12.56 190 12.42 200 12.30 225 12.02 250 11.73 300 11:09 400 9.42 500 7.58 600 6.40 700 5.74 800 5.25 837 4.96 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. SIG 900. 1000 54.5 55.0 55.5 r8IGMR-T 56.0 26.5 57.0 57.5 SAL 35. 26 25.30 35.28 35.26 35.25 35.26 25.13 35.11 35. 09 34.95 34. 95 34. 94 34.94 34.92 34. 92 34.90 24. 94 34. 91 34. 92 34.91 34. 89 34.89 34.88 34.83 34.69 34. 62 34. 55 34. 56 34.55 34. 58 SIGMA 24.95 25.41 25.46 25.49 25.52 25.55 25.68 25.81 25.95 26. 05 26.12 26.19 26.26 26. 29 26.33 26. 34 26.40 26. 41 26.44 26.46 26.47 26.52 26.57 26.65 26.83 27.06 27.17 27.27 27.32 27.37 SVA 301.8 258.3 253. 7 251. 3 248.9 246. 4 234. 5 222. 1 209. 6 200. 1 193.3' 187. 2 180.9 177.6 174. 9 174.1 168.5 167.6 165.0 163. 3 162.2 158.2 154.3 147.3 131.0 109.6 99. 5 91.1 86.6 81.4 DELD POTE 0.000 0.028 0.000 0. 053 0.079 0. 104 0. 129 0.153 0. 176 0. 197 O. 218 0.237 0.256 0. 275 O. 292 0.310 0.327 0. 345 0. 361 0. 378 0.394 0. 411 0. 451 0.490 0. 565 0.706 0.827 0. 933 1.028 1.117 1.148 0.052 0.013 0. 115 0.202 0.314 0.448 0.595 0. 758 0. 931 1.117 1.316 1.527 1. 752 1.989 2.242 2.508 2.784 3.076 3.278 3.695 4.546 5.472 7.547 12.463 17.897 23. 684 29. 847 36. 576 39. 116 70 4 34.6 TE11115-17 0 34.8 8 .0 12 35.2 15.4 16 100. CAST NO 61D LAT 12 32.0 DATE 8/ 3/76 TIME 121 STATION LONG 78 08.5 DPTH 3550 PROBf O5U4 HT 3 PER SWELL DIR 170 BAR 14.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 180 SPD 16 CLOUD TYPE - AMOUNT AIR TEMP 18.3 WET BULB 17.2 SAMPLE DEPTH 43 SAMPLE TEMP 18.40 SAL 35.250 200. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 954 300. 400. 500. 600. 700._ 800. 900. SAL 516 1000. 7.5 TEMP 18, 93 18.83 18. 68 18.54 18. 46 18. 42 17.39 16. 05 15. 20 14.47 14.22 13.88 13. 62 13. 47 13. 36 13. 24 13.18 12. 99 12. 86 12. 69 12. 54 12. 37 11.98 11. 41 9, 74 7.79 6.58 5. 89 5.23 4. 74 4.42 SAL 35. 24 35.24 35. 24 25.25 35. 25 35. 26 35. 10 35..08 35. 01 34. 97 34. 94 34.92 24.93 34. 92 34. 92 34.92 34. 92 34.90 34. 93 34. 91 34.91 34. 90 34.89 34.85 34.72 24.63 34. 55 24.55 34.56 34.58 24.59 SIGMA 25.25 25. 27 25.31 25.25 25.37 25. 39 25. 52 25. 82 25.96 26.09 26.11 26.18 26.23 26. 26 26. 28 26.21 26.32 26.34 26.39 26.41 26_44 26.46 26.53 26.61 26. 80 27.04 27.15 27.24 27.32 27.40 27. 44 SYA 273. 8 272. 0 268.2 264. 5 263.0 261. 8 249. 9 221.4 208.1 196. 4 194. 1 188. 5 183. 3 181. 0 179. 0 177. 0 176. 3 173. 9 169. 6 168.3 165.9 163.8 158. 1 151. 8 134.4 112. 2 101.8 94.1 86. 0 78. 9 75. 0 DELD 0. 000 0.027 0.054 0.081 0. 107 0.134 0.159 0. 182 0.204 0.224 0. 244 0. 263 0. 281 0.300 0.317 0.335 0.252 0.270 0. 388 0. 405 0.421 0.462 0.503 0.580 0.725 0.846 0.953 1. 051 1.141 1. 222 1. 264 POTE 0.000 0.014 0. 054 0. 121 0.213 0.221 0.471 0.622 0. 784 0. 956 1. 140 1.342 1.555 1. 782 2. 024 2.282 2.555 2.845 3. 147 2.460 2.786 4. 661 5. 616 7.753 12. 789 18. 221 24.111 30. 443 27.184 44. 135 47. 984 71 35.0 TEMN 0 4 35.2 3g1-.4 34.4 fIRL 34.6 35.4 16 8 SRL. 100. 150 51621A-T 12 4.5 125.5 125.0 6.0 26.5 127.0 62D TEMP 16.98 16.97 16.95 16.83 16.43 16.36 16.31 16.'19 16.11 16.10 SAL 35.18 35.09 35.10 35.09 35.09 35.11 35.10 35.09 35.10 35.10 5.5 5.0 t5.0 SIGMA-T R6.5' 63D CAST NO 62D LRT 13 55.2 DATE 8/ 8/76 TIME 1924 STATION LONG 76 26.8 DPTH 90 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 180 HT 6 PER BRR 11.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPO 25 CLOUD TYPE 0- 8 AMOUNT 3 AIR TEMP 17.8 NET BULB 16.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 6 SAMPLE TEMP 16.97 SAL 35.069 DEPTH 8 18 28 30 40 50 60 70 88 82 124.5 SIGMA 25.62 25.61 25.62 25.65 25.74 25.77 25.78 25.88 25.02 25.82 SYR 238.2 239.3 238.5 236.6 227.7 225.5 225.0 223.5 221.6 221.5 DELD 8.008 0.024 0.848 0.072 0.095 O. 117 0.140 0.162 0.185 0.189 POTE 0.000 0.012 8.048 8.107 0.189 8.290 8.414 8.568 0.727 0.763 CAST NO 63D LAT 13 57.0 DATE 8/ 8/76 TIME 2024 STATION LONG 76 28. 5 DPTH 134 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 180 HT 6 PER BAR 11.8 WEATHER MIND DIR 160 SPD 25 CLOUD TYPE 0- 8 AMOUNT 3 AIR TEMP 17.8 WET BULB 16.6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL DEPTH TEMP 0 16.91 10 16.92 20 16.91 38 16.75 40 16.61 50 16.36 68 16.38 70 16.18 88 15.91 90 15.72 100 15.46 118 14.81 120 13.78 128 13.47 SAL 35.89 35.08 25.89 35.09 25.89 35.09 35.89 35.06 35.04 35.83 35.03 35.81 24.96 34.94 SIGMA 25.63 25.62 25.63 25.66 25.70 25.76 25.77 25.79 25.82 25.06 25.91 26.04 26.23 26.27 SVA 237.5 238.6 238.1 235.0 232.2 226. 7 225.6 223.9 221.5 218.2 213.2 201.1 184. 8 179.8 DELD 8.000 8.024 0.048 0.071 0.095 8.118 8.148 0.163 0.185 0.207 0.229 0.249 0.268 8.282 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.048 0.107 8.188 0.292 0.416 8.562 0.731 0.917 1.122 1.339 1.557 1.737 72 34.4 34.6 0 4 34.9 8 0. 100. 150. 200. SAL. TEMP 250. 510 250. 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.0 535441R-T 57.0 64D TEMP 16. 87 16.87 16.87 16.87 16. 84 16.83 16.81 16. 71 16.36 15.88 15. 61 15. 27 14.58 13.23 12. 77 12. 72 12.62 12.52 12. 42 12. 31 12. 05 11. 97 SAL 35. 07 35.08 35.88 35.08 35.08 35.88 35.88 35. 67 35.03 35.03 35. 00 35.81 34.94 34.94 34.91 34. 92 34.90 34.90 34. 90 34. 89 34. 87 34. 88 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.0 26.5 57.0 65D CAST NO 64D LAT 13 58. 5 STATION LONG 76 38. 5 SWELL DIR 180 HT 7 PER WIND DI R ., 160 SPD 35 CLOUD AIR SAMPLE DEPTH O. SAMPLE DEPTH 0 18 20 30 40 50 60 70 88 98 100 11.0 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 204 300 SIGMA 25. 62 25.63 25.63 25.63 25.64 25.64 25.64 25. 66 25.71 25.82 25. 86 25. 94 26.84 26.32 26. 39 26. 41 26.42 26.44 26. 46 26. 47 26. 51 26. 53 DATE 8/ 8/76 TINE 2158 DPTH 283 PROBE 05U4 BAR 11.8 WEATHER TYPE 8AMOUNT 3 TEMP 18. 9 WET BULB 17. 2 TEMP SAL 35. 100 SYR 238. 0 237.6 237.6 238.6 237. 6 238.1 238.0 236.6 .231.7 222. .1 218. 2 210. 9 281.4 175.0 168.3 167. 1 166.8 165.2 163. 3 162.8 159. 1 157. 3 DELD O. 888 0.824 0.848 0.871 8.095 0.119 8.143 8. 167 8.198 8.213 0.225 0.256 0.277 0.295 0. 312 0. 329 0.246 0.362 O. 379 0.395 0.411 0. 418 POTE 8. 088 8.812 8.048 8.107 0.190 8.298 0.429 O. 1.83 8.759 0.952 1. 161 1.385 1.623 1.856 2. 084 2. 327 2.587 2.860 3.147 3. 449 3. 764 3. 891 CRST NO 65D LAT 14 88.2 DATE 8/ 8/76 TIME 2388 STATION LONG 76 23.2 DPTH 288 PROBE OSU4 SHELL DIR 180 HT 7 PER BAR 11. 5 HEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 40 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 4 AIR TEMP 16. 6 HET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 41. SAMPLE TEMP SAL 35. 892 DEPTH TEMP 8 16. 93 10 16.93 20 16. 93 38 16.94 48 16.98 50 16.88 60 16.81 78 16. 68 80 16.14 98 15.71 100 15.23 110 14.76 . 120 14.44 139 13.89 140 13. 55 158 13. 24 160 12.99 179 12.77 180 12. 68 190 12. 59 200 12. 44 225 11. 67 258 11. 02 266 10.76 SAL 35. 0? 35.07 35.88 35.07 35.87 35.88 35.87 35. 06 35.84 35.02 35. 01 34.98 34.95 34.94 34. 92 34. 90 34.91 34.89 34. 90 34. 98 34.89 34. 84 34. 78 34. 77 SIGMA 25. 61 25.61 25.62 25.61 25.62 25.63 25.64 25. 66 25.77 25.85 25. 95 26.03 26.08 26.18 26. 24 26. 29 26.35 26.38 26. 40 26. 42 26. 44 26. 55 26. 63 26.66 SYR 239. 5 239.6 239.3 240.6 239.8 239.3 238.7 236.9 226.7 219.1 210. 0 282.4 197.8 188.2 182.8 178. 3 173.5. 170.5 168. 5 167. .1 165. 3 155. 0 148. 2 145.1 DELD 0. 688 0.024 8.848 8.072 8.896 0.128 8.144 0. 168 0.191 0.213 8. 234 8.255 0.275 0.294 8. 313 0. 331 8.348 0.365 0. 382 O. 399 0.416 O. 456 0.493 6. 517 POTE 9. 808 0.012 0.848 8.188 O. 192 8.380 8.431 O. 586 0.759 8.948 1.153 1. 368 1.597 1.838 2. 887 2. 350 2.623 2.905 3. 200 3. 511 3. 834 4. 686 5. 578 6.183 73 34.4 TEMN 0 34.6 34.8 4 8 35.0 35,2 DIAL . 35.4 12 16 20 100. 200. 300. 400... SAL. TEMP 314 500. 4. 5.0 5.5 6.0 3IGMA-T 6.5 7.0 66D CAST NO 66D LAT 14 82.8 STATION LONG 76 35.7 SWELL DIR 180 HT 7 PER WIND DIR 160 SPD 38 CLOUD AIR SAMPLE DEPTH @. SAMPLE DEPTH 0 10 20 38 40 50 60 70 88 98 100 110 128 130 140 150 160 178 180 1961 200 225 258 300 488 488 TEMP 17.85 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.83 17.00 16.75 16.34 16.03 15.63 15.45 15.07 14.27 13.66 13.53 13.18 13.07 12.92 12.79 12.65 12.55 12.28 11.53 18.30 8.46 8.44 SAL 35.06 35.06 35.08 35.07 35.88 35.06 35.84 35.01 35.01 35.02 35.03 34.98 34.92 34.87 34.85 34.84 34.87 34.88 34.88 34.•89 34.89 34.88 34.84 34.73 34.65 34.64 51889 25.57 25.57 25.58 25.58 25.59 25.58 25.63 25.78 25.77 25.87 25.92 25.96 26.10 26.18 26.19 26.26 26.30 26.34 26.37 26.40 26.42 26.47 26.58 26.71 26.95 26.95 DATE 8/ 9/76 TIME 5 OPTS 404 PROBE 05U4 BAR 12.8 WEATHER TYPE 8- AMOUNT 3 TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 TEMP SRL 35.891 SYR 242.8 243.4 242. 4 243.4 242.4 243. 3 239.5. 232.9 226.1 217.3 213.1 209.0 196.5 188.2 187.6 181.9 177.7 174.1 172. 1 169.3 167.3 163.5 153.4 140.9 118.9 119.5 DELD 8.000 0.024 0.049 0.073 0.097 0.122 0.146 8.169 0.192 8.214 8. 235 0.257 0.277 0.296 0.315 0.334 0.351 0.369 0.386 8.403 0.420 0.462 0.501 0.575 0.704 8.711 POTE 0.000 8.012 0.049 0.109 0.194 0.304 0.436 8.589 8.760 0.948 1.152 1.374 1.607 1.848 2.101 2.370 2.648 2.940 3.243 3.558 3.885 4. 765 5.709 7.734 12.221 12.687 74 34.6 34.8 TEMN 0 0. 35.0 12 .2 16 15.4 PAL. 35.6 20 24 100, CAST NO 670 LAT 14 05.5 DATE 8/ 9/76 TINE 107 STATION LONG 76 40.8 DPTH 1109 PROBE O5LI4 SWELL DIR 180 HT 7 PER BAR 12.5 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 35 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 6 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH. 0. SAMPLE TEMP SAL 35.130 200. 300. 400._ 500.- 600._ SAL. TEMP 816 700. DEPTH 0 10 20 38 48 50 60 78 88 90 108 110 128 130 140 150 168 170 188 198 280 225 258 308 400 588 688 604 800. 900, 1000. 5.5 6.5 7.5 TEMP 17.13 17.13 17.13 17.11 17.85 16.83 16.70 16.57 16.38 16.08 15.68 15.12 14.08 13.84 13.72 13.25 13.89 12.97 12.70 12.54 12.45 12.21 11.97 11.17 8.78 6.98 6.03 6.03 SRL 35.07 35.07 35.08 35.87 35.07 35.06 35.05 35.87 35.84 35.85 35.02 34.97 34.89 34.89 34.87 34.85 14.87 34.89 34.90 34.88 34.89 34.87 34.85 34.89 34.65 34.53 34.51 34.51 SIGMA 25.56 25.56 25.56 25.57 25.58 25.62 25.64 25.69 25.73 25.81 25.86 25.95 26.11 26.16 26.17 26.25 26.38 26.34 26.40 26.41 26.44 26.47 26.51 26.61 26.91 27.08 27.19 27.19 SYR 243.9 244.4 244.2 244.3 243.2 239.8 237.8 233. 8 230.0 223.2 218. 3 218.3 195. 1 191.0 190.0 182.5 177.8 174.7 169.1 167.6 165.4 162.9 168.3 151.1 123.6 107.5 97.3 97.4 DELD 0.800 0.024 0.049 0.073 8.898 0.122 0.146 0.169. 0.19? 0.215 8.238 0.259 0.279 0.299 8.318 0.336 0.354 0.372 8.389 8.406 0.423 0.464 0.504 0.582 0.721 0.834 0.936 0.939 POTE 8.888 0.012 0.849 0.110 8.196 0.305 0.436 0.598 0.764 8.957 1.167 1.392 1.625' 1.068 2.125 2.394 2.674 2.965 3.266 3.578 3.901 4.776 5.735 7.083 12.729 17.773 23.365 23.598 75 LRT 14 08.8 DATE 8/ 9/76 TIME 307 LONG 76 46.2 DPTH 2238 PROBE OSU4 HT 8 PER ORR 13.0 WEATHER SPD 30 CLOUD TYPE 8AMOUNT 6 RIR. TEMP WET BULB 8. SAMPLE TEMP SAL 35.102 SAL. 600.- 700.- TEMP 68D SIG 10 20 38 48 58 60 78 88 90 100 110 120 138 148 158 168 170 188 190 200 225 258 700 488 508 587 800._ 900... 1000. 7.5 17.22 17.24 17.21 17.28 17.88 16.38 16.25 16.08 16.01 15.89 15.82 15.64 15.14 14.76 14.21 13.80 13.35 13.15 13.06 12.95 12.82 12.52 12.28 11.36 8.68 6.92 6.87 SRL 35.86 35.06 35.07 35.86 35.85 15.88 35.01 35.81 35.02 35.82 35.83 35.01 34.98 34.95 34.98 34.89 34.85 34.86 34.87 34.90 34.87 34.89 34.87 34.81 34.64 34.53 34.53 S1GMR 25.53 25.53 25.54 25.54 25.56 25.78 25.72 25.76 25.78 25.81 25.83 25.86 25.95 26.01 26.89 26.16 26.23 26.28 26.31 26.35 26.35 26.42 26.47 26.59 26.92 27.09 27.09 SYR 246.8 247.4 246.4 247.1 245. 3 232.2 230.7 227.3 225.1 222.9 221.2 218.8 210.9 285.1 197.6 198.7 184.3 180.8 177.8 174.1 173.9 167.6 163.4 153.7 121.9 106.6 106.4 GELD 8.000 0.025 0.049 8.074 0.099 0.123 0.146 0.169 0.191 8.214 0.236 8.258 0.280 0.301 0.321 0.340 8.359 0.377 0.395 8.412 8.438 0.472 0.514 0.593 8.714 0.846 8.854 POTS 0.000 0.012 8.049 8.111 0.198 0.305 0.433 0.582 0.752 8.942 1.153 1.385 1.634 1.893 2,163 2.444 2.736 3.836 3. 348 3.674 4.913 4.915 5.895 8.074 12.983 18.836 18.410 76 34.4 34.6 34.8 0 4 8 0 35.0 35.2 35.4 Al 35.6 12 16 20 24 100.CAST NO 69D LRT 15 43.1 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 390 STATION LONG 76 10.8 DPTH 3848 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 158 HT 8 PER BAR 12.5 WEATHER WIND DIR 158 SPD 23 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16. 1 WET BULB 14.0 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 200. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 48 58 68 78 88 90 100 118 120 130 140 150 160 178 180 190 280 225 250 380 400500 608 700 888 808 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800.TEMP SIC POO. 1000. 5.0 6.0 7.0 7.5 TEMP 16.58 16.48 16.52 16.52 16.52 16.52 16.49 14.59 14.14 13.88 13.69 13.51 13.34 13.20 13.10 13.03 12.90 12.81 12.74 12.66 12.61 12.48 12.16 11.67 10.58 8.45 6.98 5.89 5.26 5.28 SAL 35.89 35.11 35.89 35.18 35.18 35.89 35.11 34.86 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.88 34.88 34.88 34.88 34.90 34.89 34.89 34.89 34.89 34.88 34.86 34.82 34.73 34.62 34.53 34.49 34.51 34.51 SIGMA 25.73 25.74 25.72 25.72 25.72 25.72 25.74 25.98 26.88 26.13 26.17 26.21 26.25 26.28 26.30 26.32 26.36 26.37 26.39 26.48 26.41 26.44 26.48 26.54 26.66 26.93 27.08 27.19 27.28 27.29 SYR 228.1 227.8 229.4 229.3 229.5 238.2 228.6 206.8 196.9 192.1 188.3 184.8 181.2 178.6 177.3 176.1 172.6 171.2 170.1 169. 0 168.8 166.2 163.3 158.2 148.0 122.9 309.3 98.6 90.8 89.1 DELI 8.000 0.823 0.046 0.869 8.892 8.115 0.138 0.159 0.179 8.199 0.218 0.216 0.255 0.273 0.290 0.308 0.326 0.243 0.368 0.377 0_394 0.436 0.477 0.557 0.711 0.846 0.962 1.065 1.159 1.166 POTE 0.880 0.011 .0.046 9.103 8.184 8.287 0.413 8.554 8.705 0.870 1.058 1.245 1.455 1.681 1.921 2.178 2.447 2.731 2.838 3.344 3.674 4.563 5.539 7.743 13.121 19.281 25.564 22.261 39.289 39.864 77 34.4 34.6 34.8 0 4 8 35.0 35.2 35.4 PAL 35.6 12 16 20 24 100. CAST NO 71D LAT. 15 35.0 DATE 8/18/76 TIME 645 STATION LONG 76 01.0 DPTH 5128 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 158 HT 8 PER BAR 11.5 WEATHER WIND DIR 135 SPD 24 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 15.5 WET BULB 15.8 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 200. DEPTH 8 10 20 30 40 50 68 70 80 98 100 110 120 130 148 158 160 178 188 190 280 225 258 380 400 508 608 780 800 807 300. 400. 500. 600. 700._ 800.SIG 900.- 1000. 54.5 55.0 55.5 6.0 SIONA-T 6.5 7.0 57.5 TEMP 16.66 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.66 15.92 14.65 14.17 13.97 13.72 13.52 13.34 13.23 13.08 13.03 12.93 12.85 12.78 12.68 12.62 12.50 12.26 12.12 11.43 9.74 8.17 6.55 5.65 5,82 4.97 SAL 35.10 35.10 35.10 35.10 35.10 35.02 34.87 34.86 34.87 34.88 34.87 34.88 34.88 34.87 34.87 34.90 34.90 34.89 34.89 34.89 34.88 34.87 34.87 34.81 34.68 34.61 34.51 34.51 34.54 34.53 SIGMA 25.78 25.69 25.69 25.69 25.78 25.80 25.97 26.07 26.12 26.17 26,21 26.25 26.28 26.30 26.31 26.35 26.37 26.38 26.39 26.41 26.43 26.46 26.49 26.58 26.77 26.97 27.12 27.24 27.34 27.33 SYR 230.8 231.7 231. 8 232.5 232.1 222.3 206.3 197.6 193.3 188.1 185.0 181.8 178..9 177.1 176.1 172.6 171.4 178.9 169.5 168.6 166.9 164.3 162.3 154.7 137.1 118.9 104.5 93.8 84.4 84.8 DELD 0.088 0.823 8.046 0.870 0.093 8.116 0.137 0.157 0.176 8.196 8.214 8.233 8.251 0.268 0.286 0.303 0.321 8.338 0.355 0.372 0.388 8.438 0.471 0.558 8.697 8.825 8.936 1.834 1.124 1.138 POTE 0.800 8.012 8.046 8.104 0.186 8.289 0.405 0.536 8.662 8.844 1.822 1.214 1.421 1.644 1.882 2.134 2.481 2.683 2.988 3.293 3.628 4.581 5.472 7. 653 12.769 18.528 24.607 31.885 17.727 38.284 78 T 0. 34.4 34.6 34.8 0 4 8 35.0 35.2 35.4 35.6 12 16 20 24 100. CAST NO 73D LAT 15 26.2 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 1840 STATION LONG 75 52.3 DPTH 3908 PROBE OSU4 HT 7 PER SWELL DIR 135 BAR 12.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 135 SPD 22 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14.0 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 200. DEPTH TEMP 8 16.55 10 16.55 28 16.56 30 16.56 48 16.56 50 16.56 68 15.96 70 14.72 88 14.00 98 13.86 108 13.68 118 13.42 120 13.25 130 12.96 148 12.77 158 12.59 168 12.52 178 12.44 180 12.34 190 12.28 288 12.19 225 11.95 250 11.62 308 18.97 480 9.29 580 7.61 608 6.18 700 5.40 808 4.82 886 4.75 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. 3IG 900. 1000 5.5 1 -T 7.0 7.5 SAL 35.10 35.11 35.89 35.10 35.10 35.11 34.99 34.87 34.83 34.85 34.85 34.85 34.87 34.85 34.86 34.86 34.87 34.86 34.87 34.86 34.86 34.85 34.82 34.75 34.67 34.68 34.51 34.51 34.54 34.53 SIGMA 25.72 25.73 25.71 25.72 25.72 25.73 25.77 25.96 26.08 26.12 26.16 26.22 26.27 26.31 26.35 26.19 26.4/ 26.42 26.44 26.45 26.47 26.51 26.55 26.61 26.84 27.84 27.17 27.27 27.36 27.36 SYA 228.7 228.4 230.0 229.9 230.2 229. 8 225. 5 208.2 196.5 192.9 189.4 184.4 188.1 176.3 172.4 169.1 167.4 166.5 164.5 164.0 162.5 159.7 156.1 158.9 130.7 111.8 99.1 98.2 81.9 81.8 DELD 8.080 0.823 0.046 8.069 8.892 8.115 0.138 8.159 0.179 0.199 0.218 8.237 0.255 0.273 0.290 0.387 0.324 0.341 0.357 0.373 0.390 0.430 8.478 8.546 0.687 0.807 8.914 1.010 1.097 1.182 POTE 0.008 0.011 0.046 0.103 0.184 8.288 0.414 0.552 0.704 8.869 1.050 1.247 1,456 1.679 1.914 2.162 2.423' 2.697 2.987 3.298 3.608 4.464 5.402 7.504 12.419 17.828 23.678 29.902 36.489 36.801 - 79 34.4 TEM•0 0. 34.6 34.8 4 35.0 35.2 35.4 AL 35.6 12 16 20 54 100._ CAST NO 750 LAT 15 22.5 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 1347 STATION LONG 75 47.8 DPTH 2050 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 135 HT 7 PER BAR 13.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 135 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT B AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14.0 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 200._ DEPTH 8 18 20 30 48 50 68 78 88 90 100 118 120 138 140 150 160 178 180 190 200 225 258 380 480 588 600 708 888 887 300.- 400.- 500.- 600.- 700.- 800.510 900.- 1000. 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.0 5:11111-T 57.0 57.5 TEMP 16.83 16.84 16.84 16.84 16.84 16.84 16.84 15.20 14.65 14.24 13.76 13.46 13.83 12.99 12.79 12.64 12.53 12.42 12.25 12.13 12.81 11.88 11.52 18.74 8.67 7.25 5.97 5.27 4.76 4.75 SRL 35.16 35.16 35.16 35.16 35.16 35.16 35.17 34.94 34,90 34.86 34.83 34.80 34.82 34.87 34.86 34.87 34.87 34.86 34.85 34.85 34.85 34.83 34.81 34.74 34.63 34.53 34.50 34.50 34.56 34.55 SIGMA 25.7e 25.70 25.70 25.78 25.70 25.70 25.70 25.91 25.99 26.05 26.13 26.17 26.27 26.32 26.35 26.39 26.41 26.42 26.45 26.48 26.49 26.52 26.56 26.64 26.90 27.04 27.19 27.28 27.38 27.37 SYA 230.7 231.3 231.4 231.8 232.1 232.6 232.2 213.0 205.1 280.0 192.4 189.1 179.5 175.3 172.5 169.2 167.3 166.4 164.0 161.8 160. 2 158.1 155.1 147.8 123.9 111.7 97.5 89.3 80.0 88.8 GELD 0.000 0.823 8.046 0.069 0.892 0. 116 0.139 8.162 0.183 0.203 8.223 0.242 0.268 8.278 0.295 0.312 0.129 0.346 8.362 0.379 8.395 0.435 0.474 0.549 0.686 8.803 8.906 0.999 1.084 1.890 POTE 0.880 0.012 8.046 8.184 8.186 0.290 0.418 0.567 8.723 0.895 1.080 1.280 1.492 1.715 1.950 2.198 2.459 2.734 3.823 3.325 3.638 4.484 5.411 7.493 12.248 17.496 23.185 29.213 35.589 36.040 80 34.4 TEMPI() 0 34.6 4 34.8 a PAL 35.0 35.2 35.4 35.6 12 16 20 24 100. CAST NO 76D LOT 15 17.3 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 1543 STATION LONG 75 43.5 DPTH 1520 PROBE 0SU4 SMELL DIR 135 HT 7 PER BAR 13.8 WEATHER WIND DIR 115 SRO 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 15. 6 WET BULB 14.0 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 200. DEPTH 0 18 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 98 100 118 120 138 148 150 160 1713 180 190 200 225 258 300 400 500 600 700 880 808 300. 400. 500. 700. SOO. SAL. TEMP SIG 900. 1000 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.0 31 56. -7 57.0 57.5 TEMP 16.91 16.91 16.91 16.91 16.90 16.90 16.83 15.62 14.99 14.21 13.56 13.26 13.18 13.88 12.67 12.70 12.61 12.58 12.47 12.34 12.24 11.98 11.49 18.42 8.37 6.51 5.83 5.18 4.81 4.75 SAL 35.16 35.16 35.17 35.17 35.17 35.16 35.15 34.99 34.93 34.85 34.79 34.85 34.87 34.87 34.85 14.87 34.88 34.89 34.88 34.87 34.85 34.85 34.80 34.72 34.61 34.50 14.51 34.51 34.54 14.56 SIGMA 25.68 25.68 25.69 25.69 25.69 25.68 25.69 25.85 25.94 26.05 26.14 26.25 26.28 26.32 26.36 26.37 26.40 26.41 26.43 26.45 26.45 26.50 26.55 26.68 26.94 27.12 27.21 27.29 27.36 27.38 SYR 232.4 232.8 232.5 233.0 232.9 233.8 233..2 218.5 2/0.1 199.8 191.3 181.5 179.1 175.6 171.1 170. 6 168.2 167.3 166.2 164.5 164.1 160.2 155.5 144.1 120.2 103.5 94.8 87. 9 82.2 79.7 DELD 0.806 0.023 0.047 0.870 0.893 0.116 0.140 0.163 6.184 0.284 0.224 0.241 0.261 0.279 0.296 0.313 0.338 0.147 0.363 0.380 0.396 0.437 0.477 8.552 0.684 0.795 0.893 0.985 1.069 1.075 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.047 8.105 0.186 0.291 0.420 0:568 0.727 0.902 1.089 1.285 1.493 1.716 1.949 2.-198 2.460 2.736 3.028 3.114 3.653 4.519 5.457 7.531 12.111 17.094 22.528 28.469 34.758 35.277 81 34.4 TE 0 34.6 4 4.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 IAL 35.6 8 12 16 20 24 0 100. . CAST NO 780 LAT 15 13.2 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 1818 STATION LONG 75 38.5 DPTH 920 PROBE 05U4 SWELL DIR 135 HT 6 PER 8AR 14.8 WEATHER WIND DIR 140 SPO 11 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 17.8 WET BULB 14.0 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SRL 200. DEPTH 0 • 10 '20 30 40 50 60 70 80 98 100 110 120 130 148 158 160 170 180 198 288 225 258 300 488 508 _ 680 700 880 808 700. 700. 800._ SIG 900.- 1000. .4 5.5 6.0 3IGMA 126 5-T 7.0 7.5 TEMP 15.59 15.44 15.32 15.24 15.21 15.22 15.22 15.28 15.89 14.83 14.17 13.71 13.55 13.30 13.87 13.80 12.90 12.7B 12.56 12.45 12.40 12.29 11.65 18.11 7.00 6.07 5.69 5.16 4.78 4.67 SAL 34.99 34.97 34.96 34.95 34.96 34.95 34.97 34.96 34.98 34.96 34.98 34.87 34.85 34.81 34.80 34.81 34.81 34.79 34.81 24.81 34.80 34.86 34.85 34.73 34.54 34.51 34.51 34.52 34.55 34.54 SIGMA 25.86 25.87 25.90 25.90 25.92 25.91 25.93 25.92 25.96 26.80 26.18 26.17 26.19 26.21 26.25 26.27 26.29 26.31 26.36 26.38 26.38 26.45 26.56 26.74 27.88 27.18 27.23 27.30 27.38 27.38 SYR 215.4 214.3 212.7 212. 1 210.9 212.4 210.9 211.5 208.5 284.7 195.7 189.1 187.6 185.8 182.3 188.9 178.8 176.9 172.9 171.8 171.1 165.1 155.1 138.1 105.7 96.8 92. 8 86.5 79.8 80.0 DELD. 8.800 0.022 0.043 0.064 0.085 8.106 0.127 8.149 0.170 0.190 0.210 0.229 0.248 0.267 0.285 0.303 8.121 8.339 0.357 0.374 0.391 0.433 0.473 0.547. 0.668 0.768 8.863 8.952 1.035 1.041 POTE 0.880 0.811 8.843 0.896 0.170 8.265 8.381 8.519 0.676 0.852 1.041 1.242 1.458 1.690 1.919 2.281 2.483 2.776 3.082 3.488 3.733 4.623 5.578 7.602 11.882 16.312 21.541 27.343 33.508 34.013 82 NM . 200. 500. 5.0 6.0 125.5 SIGMA-T 126 7.0 CAST NO 80D LAT 15 11.2 STATION LONG 75 36.2 SWELL DIR 115 NT 5 PER WIND DIR 150 SPD 18 CLOUD AIR SAMPLE DEPTH 8. SAMPLE TEMP 15.64 15.62 15.50 15.22 15.13 15.07 15.01 14.98 14.93 14.63 14.08 14.81 13.56 13.29 13.16 13.12 12.98 12.86 12.72 12.51 12.42 12.08 11.76 10.47 7.08 6.96 SRL 25.80 34.98 34.98 34.98 34.98 34.97 34.97 34.97 34.96 34.92 34.87 34.87 34.88 34.88 34.89 34.87 34.89 34.90 34.90 34.88 34.88 34.85 34.83 34.73 34.55 34.53 5.0 5.5 TFMP 6.0 SIG SIOMA-T 6.5 7.0 81D 80D DEPTH B 18 28 38 40 50 68 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 198 200 225 250 300 408 412 4.5 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 2049 DPTH 423 PROBE OSU4 BAR 13.7 WEATHER TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 TEMP 17. 8 WET BULB 16.1 TEMP SAL 34.992 SIGMA 25.85 25.84 25.87 25.93 25.95 25.95 25.97 25.97 25.98 26.01 26.09 26.11 26.21 26.26 26.30 26.29 26.34 26.37 26.39 26.42 26.44 26.48 26.53 26.68 27.0827.88 SYR 216.1 217.4 215.5 209.3 208.2 287.9 207.0 206.7 286.3 203.4 195.9 194.7 185.5 180. 5 177.7 178.6 174.3 171.7 169.5 167.0 165.9 162.1 158.3 144. 8 106.8 105.8 DELD 8.000 0.022 0.043 0.065 0.085 0.106 0.127 8.148 0.168 0.189 0.209 0.228 0.247 0.265 0.283 0.301 0.319 0.336 0.353 0.370 8.287 0„ 428 0.467 0.543 0.666 0.679 POTE 8.000 8.811 0.043 0.096 8.170 0.262 8.377 0.511 0.666 0.841 1.929 1.235 1.453 1.688 1.922 2.180 2.454 2.739 3.839 3.351 3.675 4.542 5.487 7.566 11.837 12.152 CAST NO 810 LAT 15 09.8 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 2155 LONG 75 34.0 DPTH 199 PROBE OSU4 STATION SWELL DIR 170 HT 4 PER BAR 13.5 WEATHER WIND DIR 145 SPD 20 CLOUD TOE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.1 WET BULB 15. 6 0. SAMPLE TEMP SAL 35.000 SAMPLE DEPTH DEPTH TEMP 0 15.53 15.58 18 15.29 28 30 15.15 40 .14.97 50 14.82 60 34.51 70 14.26 90 14.19 13.87 98 100 13.63 110 13.55 120 13.39 130 11.34 140 13.22 150 12.93 160 12.88 170 12.45 100 12.34 190 12.16 191 12.16 SAL 35.01 35.81 35.08 34.99 34.96 34.97 34.89 34.87 34.88 34.88 34.89 34.88 34.89 24_88 34.86 34.86 34.89 34.88 34.86 34.86 34.86 SIGMA 25.88 25.89 25.93 25.95 25.97 25.98 26.02 26.06 26_07 26.15 26.20 26.21 26.25 26.25 26.27 26.32 26.16 26.43 26.44 26.47 26.47 SYR 213.8 212.6 209.5 287.4 205.9 205.5 202.2 198.9 197.3 198.8 185.8 185.1 181.3 181.5180.5 175.5 172.4 165.2 164.8 161.9 162. 0 DELD 8.000 0.021 0.842 0.063 0.084 0.105 0.125 0.145 8.165 8.184 0.203 0.222 0.240 0.258 0.276 0.294 8.711 0.328 0.345 0.361 0.363 POTE 0.000 0.011 0.942 8.095 0.167 0.259 8.372 0.501 0.650 0.815 0.993 1.189 1.799 1.626 1.87i 2.129 2.400 2.678 2.967 3.267 3.298 83 34.4 34.8 34.6 TEIB 0 0. 8 35.0 35.2 HAL. 35.4 12 16 20 TEM) 0 0 30._ 20.- 60.- 40. 90.- J 4 12 35,4 16 20 60. A 120._ 80. SAL 150. 12 4.5 30.2 5.0 5.5 6.0 BIGPIA-T 6.5 57.0 TEMP 100 54.5 83D 55.0 12 5.5 56.0 L3IGMR-T 26.5 57.0 84D CAST NO 83D LAT 15 86. 9 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 2316 STATION LONG 75 31.8 DPTH 136 PROBE 0504 SMELL DIR 170 HT 4 PER BAR 13.5 WEATHER WIND DIR 145 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.1 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL CAST NO 84D LAT 15 04.5 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 2358 STATION LONG 75 29.9 DPTH 186 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 170 NT 4 PER BAR 14.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 145 SPD 22 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT B AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14.4 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL DEPTH TEMP 0 15.18 10 15.17 28 15.17 30 15.11 40 15.08 50 14.86 60 14:65 70 14.20 90 13.84 90 13.58 180 13.23 118 13.16 120 13.06 130 12.91 131 12.91 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 58 68 78 BO 90 100 SAL 34.98 34.97 34.97 34.99 34.97 34.96 34.93 34.92 34.91 34.89 34.86 74.87 34.87 34.90 34.90 SIGMA 25.94 25.94 25.94 25.96 25.97 26.08 26.02 26.18 26.18 26.23 26.26 26.29 26.31 26.36 26.35 SYA 207.7 288.4 208.7 206.6 285.9 203. 9 201.9 194.2 187.7 182.6 179.7 178.0 176.1 171.7 171.9 DELD 0.000 0.821 0.842 0.062 0.083 0.104 8.124 0.144 0.163 0.181 0.208 0.217 0.235 0.252 0.254 POTE 0.000 0.810 8.042 0.094 0.166 0.258 8.378 8.499 0.643 0.880 9.972 1.159 1.362 1.578 1.601 TEMP 15.32 15.32 15.23 15.19 15.89 14.42 14.15 13.99 13.98 13.72 13.72 SAL 34.99 34.99 34.98 34.98 34.97 34.91 34.90 34.89 34.89 34.88 34.88 SIGMA 25.92 25.91 25.93 25.94 25.95 26.85 26.10 26.12 26.15 26.18 26.18 SYR 210.8 218.5 289.8 209.1 208.1 198.7 194.5 192.3 190.2 187. 9 188.1 DELO 0.888 0.021 0.842 0.863 0.084 0.104 8.124 8.143 0.162 0.181 0.280 POTE 8.088 0.011 0.042 8.094 8.168 0 259 8.367 8.492 8.636 8.797 0.975 84 34.4 S4.6 , 1 34.8 35.0 35.2 GAL. 35,4 TE1113 0 0. 0 ._ 20. 50 40. 100. 60. 150. SAL. SIG TEMP 200.- 80. 100. 12 4.5 5.0 125.5 86D 126.0 S1GMR-T 126.5 127.0 250 4.5 5.0 .0 .5 7.0 88D CAST NO 86D LAT 15 02.5 DATE 8/11/76 TIME 120 STATION LONG 75 27. 6 DPTH 77 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 170 NT 4 PER BAR 14.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 145 SPD 22 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14.4 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL CAST NO 88D LAT 15 35.5 DATE 8/11/76 TIME 929 STATION LONG 74 52.0 DPTH 182 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 150 NT 3 PER BAR 14.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 120 SPD 18 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14.4 SAMPLE DEPTH 0. SAMPLE TEMP SAL 35.008 DEPTH 0 18 20 38 40 58 60 66 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 188 110 120 130 140 150 160 178 188 190 288 203 TEMP 15.88 15.08 15.81 14.62 14.54 14.54 14.54 14.54 SAL 34.97 34.97 34.96 34.91 34.92 34.92 34.93 34.93 SIGMA 25.95 25.95 25.96 26.01 26.03 26.04 26.84 26.04 SVA 286.4 206.9 206.1 202.1 200.8 208.1 200.2 208.2 DELD 0.080 0.821 0.841 . 8.862 0.082 0.182 8.122 8.134 POTE 8.880 8.010 8.041 0.893 8.163 0.253 8.363 8.439 TEMP 15.61 15.55 15.43 14.54 14.17 13.98 13.79 13.59 13.35 13.18 12.86 12.66 12.42 12.10 12.89 12.87 11.97 11.94 11.83 11.57 11.46 11.33 SAL 25.01 24.99 34.98 34.93 34.91 34.90 34.90 34.88 34.88 34.87 34.87 34.88 34.86 34.87 34.86 24.85 34.85 34.83 34.83 34.82 34.92 24.82 SIGMA 25.87 25.86 25.89 26.04 26.11 26.14 26.17 26.20 26.25 26.30 26.35 26.39 26.43 26.50 26.48 26.48 26.50 26.50 26.52 26.55 26.58 26.68 SVA 214.9 215.4 213.6 198.8 193.0 198.5 187.3 184.6 180.2 176.3 171.9 168.0 164.8 158.4 159.6 159.9 158.4 159.2 157.5 154.1 152.2 158.2 DELD 0.008 0.022 0.043 0.864 0.083 0.103 8.121 0.140 0.158 0.176 0.194 0.211 0.227 8.243 8.259 0.275 0.291 0.307 0.323 0.3380.354 0.358 POTE 0.000 0.011 0.043 8.095 0.163 0.249 0.353 0.474 0.611 0.761 0.929 1.107 1.297 1.500 1.716 1.947 2.194 2.457 2.734 2.821 3.320 3.411 85 TEMP SIG 500. 71 4.5 125.5 5.0 15.0 51014G-T 6.5 89D CAST NO 89D LOT 15 37.8 DATE 8/11/76 TIME 181? LONG 74 53.5 DPTH 450 PROBE OSU4 STATION SWELL DIR 150 HT 3 PER BAR 12. 5 WEATHER WIND DIR 130 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 15. 0 SAL 35.866 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP B. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 128 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 444 TEMP 16.12 16.11 16.09 15.91 14.84 14.14 13.68 13.36 13.25 13.07 12.99 12.78 12.68 12.55 12.52 12.46 12.32 12.18 11.96 11.85 11.71 11.50 18. 91 10.20 7.89 6.92 SAL 35.05 35.05 35.04 15.81 34.91 34.91 34.87 34.88 34.89 34.87 34.90 34.88 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.86 34.87 34.87 34.85 34.85 34.84 34.81 34.76 74.72 34.61 34.54 SIGMA 25.78 25.78 25.78 25.88 25.96 26.11 26.20 26.25 26.28 26.38 26.34 26.37 26.38 26.41 26.41 26.42 26.45 26.47 26.50 26.52 26.54 26.56 26.63 26.72 27.01 27.09 SYR 222.9 223. 6 223.7 222.4 207.0 192.8 185.0 180.3 177.6 176.0 172.5 170.2 169.2 167.0 166.7 166.3 163.5 161.4 159.1 157.2 155.3 154.2 148.1 139.9 113.3 105.5 DELD 0.000 0.022 0.845 0.067 0.089 0.109 8.128 8.146 0.164 0.182 8.199 8.216 8.233 0.250 0.267 0.283 0.300 0.316 0.332 0.348 0.363 0.402 0.440 0.512 0.648 0.688 POTE 0.000 0.011 0.845 0.101 0.176 0.266 8.171 0.490 0.624 8.774 8.940 1.120 1.315 1.525 1.758 1.991 2.246 2.514 2.795 3.888 3.393 4.215 5.111 7.106 11.542 13.557 86 34.4 TtnV 0 0. 4.6 34.8 4 .0 12 . 35.2 35,4 33.6 16 20 24 100.CAST NO 90D LAT 15 40.5 DATE 8/11/76 TIME 1118 STATION LONG 74 55. 2 59TH 958 PROBE OSU4 SNELL DIR 135 NT 4 PER BAR 13.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 135 SPD 28 CLOUD TYE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.1 WET BULB 15.0 8. SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 35.064 200.- DEPTH 0 10 20 38 48 50 68 70 80 90 100 110 128 130 140 150 160 170 180 198 280 225 250 308 400 580 680 700 880 809 300.- 400.- 500.- 600- 700.- 800.. 310 900.- 1000. 124.5 5.0 125.5 126.0 51011A-T 126.5 127.5 127.0 TEMP 16.23 16.22 16.21 16.18 16.10 15.47 15.06 13.86 13.56 13.05 12.80 12.78 12.68 12.51 12.36 12.29 12.22 12.09 12.07 11.97 11.89 11.71 11.30 10_44 8.45 6.78 5.73 5.11 4.84 4.80 SAL 35.84 35.04 35.86 35.04 25.03 34.94 34.87 34.88 34.81 34.78 34.81 34.84 34.86 34.86 34.85 34.86 74.86 34.85 74.86 34.85 34.85 34.84 34.81 34.74 34_65 34.52 34.58 34.54 34.55 34.55 SIGMA 25.75 25.75 25.76 25.76 25.77 25.85 25.88 26.09 26.15 26.24 26.11 26.35 26.37 26.40 26.43 26.45 26.46 26. 48 26.49 26.50 26.52 26.55 26.59 26.70 26.95 27.09 27.22 27.22 27 36 27.37 SYA 226.0 226.3 225.1 225.8 225.5 218.0 215.1 195. 8 189.9 182.0 175.0 171.4 169. 9 167.3 164.9 163.4 162.3 160.6 168.2 159.2 158.2 155.9 151.7 142.6 119.2 105.8 94.2 84 7 81.7 81.1 DELD 0.000 0.023 0.845 0.068 0.090 8.113 8.114 8.155 0.174 0.193 0.210 0.228 0.245 8.262 9.278 0.295 0.311 0.327 0.343 0.359 0.375 8.414 8.453 0.527 0.658 8.769 8.868 0.957 1.941 1.048 POTE 8.000 0.011 8.045 0.182 0.181 0.281 0.480 0.535 8.678 0.836 1_084 1.187 1.283 1.592 1.816 2.852 2.306 2.572 2.852 3.147 3.456 4.291 5,202 7.246 11.810 16.787 22.264 28.833 34.280 24.870 87 34.4 34.6 34.8 0 4 8 0 35, 0 35.2 35.4 12 16 20 AL. 5.6 24 100._ CAST NO 91D LAT 15 43.2 STATION LONG 74 56.8 SWELL DIR 148 HT 3 PER WIND DIR 148 SPD 16 CLOUD AIR SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE 200._ DEPTH 0 300._ - 400._ 500.- 600.- 10 20 38 40 50 60 78 80 90 100 118 120 138 140 158 160 170 180 1A0 200 225 258 380 400 500 608 780 908 809 SIG 1000. 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.0 5611n-T 57.0 57.5 TEMP 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.12 16.87 15.79 14.81 13.69 17.28 13.87 12.95 12.75 12.73 12.58 12.46 12.21 12.12 12.83 11.98 11.81 11.45 11.80 10.82 8.39 6.98 5.96 5.39 4.71 4.70 SAL 35.03 35.03 35.83 35.04 35.83 35.82 35.00 34.84 34.74 34.78 34.78 34.79 34.78 34.83 34.82 34.83 34.80 34.81 34.81 34.81 34.83 34.80 34.76 34.78 34.62 34.54 34.49 34.51 34.55 34.54 SIGMA 25.75 25.75 25.76 25.76 25. 76 25.77 25.82 25.91 26.08 26.19 26.24 26.26 26.38 26.33 26.36 26.39 26.42 26.45 26.46 26.49 26.52 26.56 26.62 26.74 26.95 27.89 27.19 27.27 27.38 27.37 DATE 8/11/76 TIME 1256 DPTH 938 PROBE OSU4 BAR 13.0 WEATHER TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 TEMP 16.1 WET BULB 15.0 TEMP SAL. SYR 225.4 226.0 225.7 225.9 225. 9 225.3 221.5 212.6 196.9 186.E 182.4 180.0 176.7 173.7 171.5 168.5 166.3 164.0 162.7 160.4 157. 7 154.1 149.5 138.7 119.7 106.6 97.6 98.2 80.2 88.6 DELD 0.008 8.823 0.045 0.068 8.090 0.113 0.135 0.157 0.177 0.196 0.215 8.233 0.251 0.268 8.286 8.303 0.319 0.336 0.352 0.368 0.384 8.423 0.461 0.531 0.663 0.775 0.077 0.971 1.856 1.063 POTE 0.000 0.011 0.045 8.102 0.181 0.283 8.406 8.546 8.699 8.861 1.036 1.226 1.432 1.652 1.884 2.131 2.391 2.663 2.949 3. 248 3.558 4.387 5.288 7.268 11.780 16.826 22.418 28.521 34.868 35.441 88 34.4 TEMN 0 0 34.6 34.8 4 8 35.0 35.2 35.4 PAL. 35.6 12 16 20 24 100.CAST NO 92D LAT 15 48.5 DATE 8/11/76 TIME 1403 PROBE OSU4 LONG 75 00.8 DPTH 1268 STATION BAR 14.0 WEATHER SWELL DIR 135 HT 4 PER WIND DIR 140 SPD 16 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.1 WET BULB 15. 0 SAL SAMPLE TEMP SAMPLE DEPTH 200. DEPTH TEMP 0 16.65 le 16.65 20 16.65 30 16.65 40 16.58 50 16.48 60 16.28 70 15.75 BO 15.80 98 13.93 108 13.56 110 13.18 120 12.82 138 12.98 140 12.80 150 12.68 160 12.41 178 12.34 188 12.26 190 12.11 200 11.94 225 11.48 250 10.98 308 10.23 8.68 480 500 6.81 600 5.87 5.18 790 800 4.88 811 4.72 300. 400. 500. 600.- 700. 800. 51G 900._ 1000. 31 4.5 .0 5.5 R6.0 6. -T 7.0 7.5 SRL 35.89 35.88 35.09 35.10 35.10 35.06 35.04 34.99 34.81 34.75 34.79 34.82 34.84 34.90 34.89 34.88 34.84 34.86 34.85 34.85 34.84 34.80 34.72 34.69 34.65 34.53 34.50 34.51 34.55 34.55 SIGMA 25.69 25.68 25.69 25.69 25.71 25.71 25.76 25.82 25.86 26.83 26.14 26.24 26.33 26.34 26.37 26.39 26.41 26.44 26.44 26.48 26.50 26.56 26.59 26.69 26.92 27.10 27.20 27.29 27.36 27.38 SYR 231.6 232.5 232.2 232.1 230.6 231.7 227.8 221.3 217.6 201.5 191.5 182.4 173.8 173.1 178.7 169.2 167.0 164.9 164.6 161.5 159.6 154.8 152.3 143.0 122.6 105.1 95.9 87.9 81.4 80.1 DELD 0.000 8.023 0.046 0.070 0.093 8.116 0.139 8.161 0.181 0.204 0.224 8.242 9.260 8.277 0.295 8.312 0.328 0.345 0.362 0.378 0.394 0.433 0.471 0.545 0.679 8.793 0.893 0.985 1.868 1.077 POTE 0 000 0.012 0.046 0.105 0.186 0.290 0.415 8.561 0.727 0.903 1.088 1.283 1.490 1.706 1.939 2.184 2.446 2.720 3.009 3.109 3.622 4.454 5.361 7.482 12.054 17.157 22.670 28.640 34.874 35.586 89 34.4 0 T 1.8 8 0. .0 12 35.2 16 35.4 20 100.. CAST NO 93D LOT 15 53. 7 DATE 8/11/76 TIME 1620 STATION LONG 75 83.5 DPTH 2480 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 135 NT 4 PER. BAR 14. 0 WEATHER WIND DIR 148 SPD 16 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.1 NET BULB 15.8 SAMPLE DEPTH 778. SAMPLE TEMP 4.90 SAL 34.515 200.- DEPTH 0 10 28 30 48 50 68 78 88 90 100 110 120 138 148 150 160 170 180 190 200 300.- 400.- 500.- 600.- 225 258 388 400 500 600 700 800 923 700._ 800._ 900. 1000. 4.5 5.0 5.5 5I011R-T 6.0 6. 57.0 57.5 TEMP 16.80 16.88 16.79 16.79 16.75 16.65 16.62 16.09 14.63 13.19 12.85 12.74 12.68 12.48 12.32 12.29 12.07 11.96 11.79 11.67 11.60 11.34 11.04 10.65 8.26 6.40 5.77 5.10 4_78 4.70 SAL 35.14 35.13 35.15 35.14 35.14 35.13 35.12 35.00 34.84 34.59 34.66 34.73 34.76 34.74 34.76 34.79 34.75 34.76 34.74 34.74 34.77 34.78 34.76 34.74 34.64 34.52 34.50 34.51 34.56 34.55 SIGMA 25.69 25.69 25.70 25.69 25.71 25.72 25.72 25.75 25.93 26.06 26.18 26.26 26.31 26.34 26.37 26.39 26.41 26.43 26.46 26.48 26.51 26.57 26.60 26.66 26.98 27_15 27.22 27.29 27.37 27.38 SYR 231.4 232.1 231.2 232.1 231.3 230.5 238. 9 227.9 208.9 198.6 187.2 188. 7 176.8 173. 5 170.9 168.7 167.5 165.4 163.3 161.6 158.7 153.5 150.7 146.4 116.1 108.4 94. 5 87.9 80.4 80.1 DELD 0.000 0.023 0.046 0.069 0.093 8.116 0.139 0.162 8.183 0.204 0.223 0.242 8.259 8.277 0.294 0.311 8.328 0.344 0.361 0.377 0.393 0.432 0.470 0.544 0.680 0.787 8.885 0.975 1.059 1.878 POTE 8.000 0.812 0.846 0.104 0.185 0.290 0.416 0.566 0.728 0.983 1.885 1.278 1.4821.700 1.931 2.177 2.430 2.712 3.000 3.380 3.611 4.437 5.340 7.382 12.111 16.910 22.284 28.164 34.478 35.969 90 34.4 0 T 0 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 35.6 8 100.CAST NO 94D LAT 15 59.0 DATE 8/11/76 TIME 1748 STATION LONG 75 06. 2 DPTH 3670 PROBE OSU4 • SWELL DIR 140 NT 3 PER OAR 14.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 150 SPD 19 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.0 SAMPLE TEMP 16.58 SAMPLE DEPTH 45. SRL 35.137 200.- DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 158 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 802 300.- 400.- 500._ 600.- 700.- 800.SIC P00.- 1000. .5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.5 TEMP 16.60 16.60 16.60 16.59 16.59 16.59 16_59 16.59 14.69 13_85 13.53 13.14 12.92 12.74 12.57 12.28 12.08 12.01 11.79 11.69 11.59 11.35 11.25 18.68 9.34 6.43 5.72 5 33 4.81 4.80 SAL 35.12 35.12 35.12 35.12 35.12 35.12 35.11 35.11 34.85 34.73 14.73 34. 71 34.74 34.78 34.81 34.78 34.77 34.80 34.77 34.76 34.78 34.77 34.79 34.73 34.69 24.51 34.50 34.51 34.54 34.55 SIGMA 25.72 25.72 25.72 25.73 25.73 25.73 25.73 25.72 25.95 26.01 26.10 26.16 26.23 26.30 26.35 26.39 26.42 26.46 26.47 26.49 26.52 26.56 26.59 26.64 26.85 27.14 27 22 27.28 27.36 27_37 SYR 228.6 228.7 229.3 228. 9 229.4 229.5 229.5 231.1 209. 6 201.3 195.5 189.6 183.1 177.2 172.4 168. 8 166.0 163.1 161.6 168.3 157.7 154.5 151.7 147.7 129.9 101.1 93.9 89.3 81.6 81.2 DELD 0.000 0.023 8.046 0.069 0.092 0.115 0.137 0.161 0.183 0.204 0.224 0.243 0.261 0.279 0.297 0.314 0.730 0.347 0.363 0.379 0.395 0.434 0.472 0.547 0.688 0.799 0.896 0.988 1.073 1.074 POTE 0.880 8.011 0.046 0.102 0.183 0.287 0.411 0.567 0.732 0.907 1.095 1.297 1.510 1.735 1.970 2.217 2.476 2.747 3.031 3.328 3.637 4.465 5.377 7.442 12.362 17.706 22.644 28.592 34.968 35.098 91 34.4 TEI910 O. 34.6 4 4.8 L. 35.0 35.2 35.4 35.6 12 16 20 24 100._ CAST NO 95D LAT 16 18.4 DATE 8/11/76 TIME 2889 STATION LONG 75 13.0 DPTH 5640 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 140 HT 3 PER BAR 13. 5 WEATHER WIND DIR 158 SPD 16 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 6 RIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 889. SAMPLE TEMP 4.94 SAL 34.510 200.- DEPTH 0 18 20 30 48 50 60 70 80 98 180 110 120 130 148 150 168 178 180 190 208 225 250 300 408 500 600 700 800 820 300.- 400.- 500.- 600.- 700.- 800.- 900... 1000. 8 1. 124.5 425.0 5.5 6.0 -T 7.0 7.5 TEMP 16.53 16.52 16.52 16.52 16.52 16.48 16.48 16.48 16.85 13.68 13.11 12.90 12.63 12.52 12.39 12.28 12.26 12.18 11.98 11.91 11.82 11.35 11.84 10.36 8.89 7.15 6.18 5.46 4.95 4.91 SAL 35.11 35.11 35.11 35.10 75.10 35.12 35.13 35.12 34.93 34.63 34.68 34.63 34.65 34.67 34.71 34.76 34.79 34.81 34.01 14.81 34.81 34.77 14.75 34.71 34.66 34.55 34.52 34.51 34.55 34.54 SIGMA 25.73 25.74 25.73 25.73 25.72 25.76 25.76 25.76 25.71 26.01 26.09 26.15 26.22 26.26 26.31 26.37 26.40 26.43 26.47 26.49 26.58 26.55 26.59 26.69 26.89 27.07 27.18 27.26 27.35 27.35 SVA 227.5 227.5 227. 9 229.8 229.5 226.9 227.8 227.5 232.5 283.9 196.5 191.0 184.7 188.8 175.9 170.6 168.0 165.7 162. 168.6 159.6 154. 9 151.5 143.5 125.1 188.9 98. 6 91.2 83.1 83.6 DELD 0.000 8.023 8.846 0.068 0.091 0.114 0.137 0.160 0.183 8.204 0.224 0.241 8.262 0.280 8.298 8.315 0.332 8.349 8. 365 0.381 0.397 0.437 0.475 0.549 0.684 0.000 0.904 0.999 1.087 1.103 POTE 8.000 0.011 9.846 8.101 0.183 8.286 0.411 0.559 0.731 0.910 1.108 1.103 1.519 1.747 1.987 2.238 2.501 2.776 3.@63 2.362 3.675 4.512 5.419 7.453 12.164 17.381 23.092 29.260 35.884 37.151 92 34.4 TEMN 0 0. 34.6 34.8 4 8 35.0 35.2 35.4 35.6 12 16 20 24 100. CAST NO 96D LRT 16 19.7 DATE 8/11/76 TIME 2211 STATION LONG 75 18.1 DPTH 5888 PROBE 0514 SWELL DIR 148 HT 3 PER BAR 13. 5 WEATHER WIND DIR 140 SPD 18 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 6 RIP TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH 764. SAMPLE TEMP 5.21 SAL 34.510 200. DEPTH TEMP 8 16.45 18 16.46 20 16.46 38 16.42 40 16.41 50 16.41 68 16.48 70 16.20 80 14.05 90 13.63 100 13.08 110 12.75 120 12.80 138 12.65 148 12.62 158 12.64 160 12.47 170 12.37 180 12.31 190 12.16 208 12.08 225 11.80 250 11.65 300 10.88 480 9.82 500 7.41 608 6.33 700 5.68 888 5.89 816 5.02 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. 310 900. 1000. 4.5 5.0 .5 6.0 6S . -T 7.0 7.5 SAL 35.18 35.09 35.09 35.10 35.99 15.08 35.09 35.05 34.76 34.76 34.72 34.71 34.78 34.79 34.83 34.88 14.85 34.86 34.86 34.85 34.84 34.82 34.82 34.74 34.67 34.56 34.51 34.51 34.52 34.55 SIGMA 25.74 25.74 25.73 25.75 25.75 25.74 25.75 25.76 26.02 26.10 26.18 26.26 26.29 26.32 26.36 26.39 26.41 26.43 26.44 26.46 26.49 26.51 26.54 26.62 26.88 27.04 27.15 27.23 27.31 27.34 SYR 226.5 227.4 228.0 226. 8 227.4 228.6 227.8 226. 9 202.9 194.7 187. 7 180.4 177.9 174.8 171.7 168. 6 167.5 165.5 164.6 162.8 168.8 159.8 156.8 150.0 126.5 111.2 101.6 94.1 86.8 83.9 DELD 8.800 8.823 0.845 0.068 0.091 8.114 8.137 0.159 0.181 0.281 0.228 0.238 0.256 0.274 8.291 8.388 0.325 0.342 0.358 8.374 0.391 0.431 0.470 8.547 0.686 0.804 8.911 1.008 1.099 1.117 POTE 0.000 8.811 0.046 0.182 0.182 0.285 0.410 0.558 0.719 0.888 1.878 1.263 1.469 1.698 1.924 2.171 2.432 2.786 2.994 1:297 3.612 4.461 5.397 7.511 12.368 17.652 23.506 29.867 36.654 37.745 93 34.4 4.6 TEM 0 • 34.8 8 35.0 12 35.2 35.4 35.6 16 20 24 100.CAST NO 97D LAT 16 39.2 DATE 8/12/76 TIME 102 STATION. LONG 75 25.0 DPTH 4200 PROBE 05U4 SWELL DIR 135 HT 3 PER BAR 15.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 135 SPD 18 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 6 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 790. SAMPLE TEMP 5.37 SAL 34.508 200.- DEPTH 1: 300.- 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 508 600 788 809 807 400.- 500._ 600.- 700._ 800.GIG 900.- 1000. 114.5 55.0 5.5 6.0 5IGMA-1. 6.5 7.0 7.5 TEMP 16.52 16.53 16.53 16.59 16.59 16.59 16.58 16.54 14.76 13.77 13.13 12.98 13.01 12.96 12.68 12.42 12.25 12.24 12.11 12.85 11.95 11.78 11.52 11.82 9.44 7.82 6.68 5.92 5.33 5.27 SRL 35.15 35.14 35.15 35.14 35.15 35.14 35.15 35.14 34.89 34.81 34.75 34.77 34.85 34.88 34.87 34.85 34.85 34.85 34.85 34.85 14.84 34.85 34.82 34.77 34.66 14.60 34.52 34.52 34.52 34.51 SIGMA 25.76 25.76 25. 76 25.74 25.75 25.74 25.75 25.75 25.96 26.11 26.20 26.24 26.29 26.33 26.38 26.42 26.45 26.45 26.47 26.49 26.58 26.54 26.56 26.62 26.81 27.01 27.11 27.21 27.28 27.28 SYR 224.5 225.5 225.5 227.4 227.4 228.0 227.8 227.7 208.0 194.8 186.1 182.0 177.7 174.3 170.1 166.-4 163.6 163.9 161.9 160.6 159. 8 156.7 154.6 150.4 133.6 114.7 105.5 96.8 98.0 99.2 DELD 0.880 0.023 0.045 0.068 0.090 0.113 0.136 0.159 0.181 0.201 0.220 8.238 0.256 0.274 0.291 0.308 0.324 0.341 0.357 0.273 0.389 0.429 0.468 0.544 0.686 0.809 0.920 1.021 1.115 1.121 POTE 0.000 0.811 0.045 0.102 0.181 0.284 0.409 0.557 0.723 0.893 1.073 1.267 1.473 1.693 1.925 2.169 2.425 2.696 2.980 3.279 3.592 4.432 5.353 7.446 12.401 17.950 24.007 30.567 37.604 18.109 94 100. CAST NO 98D LAT 16 17.0 DATE 8/12/76 TIME 1302 STATION LONG 76 46. 8 DPTH 3008 PROBE.OSU4 SWELL DIR 150 NT 4 PER BRR 15. 5 WEATHER WIND DIR 180 SPD 11 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 200. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 98 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 BOO 808 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. SAL. TEMP SIC 900. 1000 12 5.0 5.5 126.5 7.0 7.5 TEMP 16.47 16.47 16.47 16.47 16.47 16.47 16.47 16.47 14.87 14.28 13.98 13.68 13.50 13.47 13.24 13.17 13.13 13.03 12.94 12.85 12.68 12.23 12.16 11.69 10.53 8.40 6.81 6.00 5.54 5.52 SAL 35.16 35.15 35.15 25.15 35.15 35.16 35.16 35.15 34.92 34.88 34.88 34.88 34.87 34.89 34.86 34.88 34.91 34.90 34.91 34.91 34.91 34.86 24.87 34.85 34.75 34.64 34.53 34.52 34.52 24.52 SIGMA 25.78 25.78 25.78 25,78 25.78 25.78 25.78 25.78 25.96 26.06 26.14 26.20 26.21 26.24 26.26 26.29 26.32 26.33 26.36 26.28 26.41 26.44 26.48 26.55 26.69 26.95 27.10 27.20 27.26 27.26 OVA 222.5 223.5 223.9 224.2 224.5 224.1 224.4 225.4 288.4 199.1 191.7 185.9 185.0 183.3 181.2 178.5. 176.2 175.2 172.7 171.2 168.5 166.2 163.0 157.1 145.9 128.9 106.5 97.8 93.0 92.6 DELD $2.000 0.022 0.045 0.067 0.090 0.112 0.134 0.157 8.178 0.199 0.218 0.237 0.256 0.274 0.292 0.310 0.728 0.746 0.161 0.380 0.397 0.439 0.480 0.560 0.712 0.845 0.958 1.059 1.154 1.162 POTE 0.000 0.011 0.045 0.101 0.179 0.280 0.404 0.550 8.712 0.884 1.069 1.267 1.480 1.710 1.956 2.216 2.491 2.282 3.087 3.405 3.717 4.626 5.601 7.802 13.091 19.084 25. 266 31.848 78.987 29.584 95 34.4 34.6 TENt'0 0 4 134.8 8 AFIL 35.0 6.2 35.4 35.6 12 16 20 24 100. CAST 00108D LOT 16 04.3 DATE 8/12/76 TIME 1747 STATION LONG 76 32.6 DPTH 3150 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 158 HT 4 PER BAR 15.7 WEATHER WIND DIR 150 SPD 14 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH 824. SAMPLE TEMP 5.46 SAL 34.503 200. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 300. . 400. lie 120 130 148 150 160 170 180 190 208 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 830 500. 600. 700. 800. SRL. TEMP 5IG 900. 1000. 34.5 35.0 35.5 56.o 43I -T 37.0 37.5 TEMP 16.17 16.13 16.13 16.12 16.12 14.30 14.13 13.99 13.89 13.85 13.78 11.66 13.44 11.23 13.13 13.00 12.92 12.85 12.80 12.73 12.66 12.48 12.30 12.06 11.25 9.43 7.72 6.46 5.51 5.36 SRL 35.12 35.12 35.12 35.11 15.11 34.94 34.92 34.92 34.92 34.93 34.91 14.92 14.91 24.90 34.90 34.89 34.92 34.91 34.92 34.91 34.91 34.90 34.89 34.87 34.81 34.67 34.60 34.52 34.50 34.49 SIGMA 25.83 25.83 25.84 25.83 25.83 26.10 26.12 26.15 26.17 26.19 26.19 26.22 26.26 26.27 26.32 26.33 26.37 26.38 26.39 26.40 26.42 26.44 26.47 26.50 26.61 26.82 27.02 27.14 27.24 27.26 SYR 218.7 218.6 216.2 219.2 219.6 193. 7 192.2 189.8 188.0 187.0 187.0 183.9 180.9 179.6 175.8 174.4 171.3 170.8 169.4 168.7 167.7 166.1 164. 161.7 153.6 134.6 114.5 .103.8 94.0 92.9 DELD 0.080 0.022 0. 044 0.066 0.087 0.108 0.128 0.147 0.166 0.184 0.203 0.221 0.240 8.258 0.275 8.293 0.310 0.327 0.344 0.361 0.378 8.420 0.461 0.543 0.701 8.845 0.970 1.079 1.178 1.206 POTE 0.080 0.011 8.044 0.098 0.175 0.269 0.175 0.499 0.640 0.800 0.977 1.171 1.381 1.607 1.846 2.180 2.368 2.650 2.947 3.261 3.588 4.477 5.455 7.694 11.225 19.716 26.530 13.643 41.039 41.310 96 34.4 TEMP 0 0. 4.6 4 34.8 8 35.0 35.2 35.4 12 16 20 35.6 100... CAST 00101D LAT 15 51.5 DATE 8/12/76 TIME 2184 STATION LONG 76 19.0 DPTH 3280 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 150 HT 4 PER BAR 14.5 WEATHER WIND D1R 150 SPD 14 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 16.6 NET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 760. SAMPLE TEMP 5.88 SAL 34.508 200. DEPTH 0 18 20 39 40 50 60 70 80 98 100 110 120 130 140 150 168 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 580 699 700 BOO 807 300._ 400. 500. 800.861L. TEMP SIC 900.- 1000. 4.5 5.0 5.5 I- T 6. 27.0 7.5 TEMP 16.55 16.55 16.55 16.53 16.47 16.21 14.26 13.85 13.52 13.42 13.24 13.11 13.01 12.92 12.85 12.78 12.71 12.61 12.56 12.52 12.44 12.29 12.20 11.96 11.35 9.29 7.92 6.50 5.64 5.56 SAL 35.13 35.12 35.11 35.13 35.11 35.88 34.91 34.88 34.87 34.89 34.89 34.89 14.89 34.92 34.91 34.90 34.91 34.90 34.90 14.89 34.90 34.89 34.89 34.87 34.83 34.67 34.61 34.52 34.51 34.50 SIGMA 25.74 25.74 25. 74 25.75 25.75 25.78 26.09 26.15 26.21 26.25 26.28 26.31 26.32 26.37 26.38 26.39 26.40 26.42 26.43 26.43 26.45 26.47 26.49 26.52 26.60 26.84 27.00 27.13 27.24 27.24 SYR 226.5 227.3 227.1 227.1 227.4 224.6 195.7 189.8 184.1 181.2 178.1 175.7 173.9 170.7 169.8 169.3 167.9 166.8 166.3 166.5 164.7 163.4 162.0 160.2 154.5 132.8 117. 2 104.7 94.9 94.3 DELD 0.000 0.023 0.045 0.068 0.091 0.113 0.134 0.157 0.172 0.190 0.208 0.226 8.243 0.260 8.277 8.294 8.311 0.328 0. 345 0.361 9.378 0.419 0.460 9.540 0.698 8.843 0.968 1.078 1.177 1.183 POTE 0.000 0.011 0.045 0.102 0.182 0.283 0.195 0.520 0.661 0.816 0.987 1.172 1.373 1.588 1.818 2.064 2.325 2.602 2.894 3.201 3.524 4.397 5.363 7.584 17.106 19.615 26,462 33.611 41.011 41.542 97 134.4 TEMM20 0. 34.6 34.8 4 8 33.0 35.2 12 16 5.4 20 PAL 35.6 24 100._ CAST N0102D LAT 15 43.5 DATE 8/13/76 TIME 12 STATION LONG 76 10.8 DPTH 7880 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 150 HT 4 PER BAR 15.5 WEATHER WIND DIR 150 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 15. 6 WET BULB 14.4 SAMPLE DEPTH 761. SAMPLE TEMP 5.76 SAL 34.514 200._ DEPTH 0 10 20 30 300._ 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 138 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 258 300 400 500 600 700 800 809 400.- 500.- 600.- 700._ 800.SAL. TEMP SIG 900.- 1000 1244.5 5.0 5.5 45.0 yIci0 -T .5 7.0 7.5 TEMP 16.55 16.56 16.56 16.56 16.53 14.68 14.02 13.51 13.63 11.43 11.72 12.22 13.97 12.98 12.86 12.80 12.70 12.61 12.55 12.48 12.41 12.19 12.07 11.69 10.44 8.57 7.95 6.19 5.55 5.53 SAL 15.14 15.17 15.11 15.13 35.13 34.89 34.84 34.80 34.89 34.89 34.89 14.89 34.89 34.91 14.90 34.90 14.90 34.98 14.89 34.88 34.89 34.87 34 87 34.84 34.74 34.65 14.53 34.51 T4.52 34.51 SIGMA 25.75 25.74 25.74 25.74 25.75 25.98 26.08 26.16 26.20 26.24 26.27 26.29 26.32 26.35 26.37 26.38 26.40 26.41 26.42 26.43 26.45 26.48 26.50 26.56 26.70 26.94 27.06 27.17 27.25 27.25 SPA 225.8 2227.0 227.4 227.7 227.3 205. 4 196.0 189.1 185.1 181.4 179.3 177. 6 175,0 172.7 179.6 170.1 168.4 167. 3 1€6.9 166.4 164.7 162.7 161.2 156.1 144.4 122.6 110. 5 108.8 93.0 93.7 DELD 0.800 0.021 0.045 0.068 0.091 0.112 8.132 9.152 0.170 0.189 9.207 0.224 0.242 9.260 0.277 0.294 0.311 0.127 0.344 0.161 0.377 0.418 0.459 0.578 0.688 0.821 0.916 1.041 1.138 1.146 POTE 0.890 0.011 8.045 0.102 0.182 0.278 0.388 0.514 0.654 0.819 0.980 1.167 1.170 1.588 1.820 2. 066 2.128 2.605 2.897 1.204 1.526 4.397 5.358 7.534 12.776 18.772 25.067 71.891 39.175 29.817 98 4.4 34.6 4 TE 0 0. 34.8 8 35.0 12 35.2 16 .6 35.4 0 24 100.CAST 140184D LAT 15 32.9 DATE 8/17/76 TIME 445 STATION LONG 76 82.1 DPTH 1588 PROBE 0SU4 SWELL DIR 158 HT 4 PER BAR 15.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 150 SPD 28 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14.4 SAMPLE DEPTH O. SAMPLE TEMP SAL I57 200.- DEPTH 8 10 20 38 40 50 60 70 80 90 180 118 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 258 308 400 500 608 708 808 300._ 400._ 500.- 600.. 700.- 800._ SAL. TEMP 310 900._ 1000. 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 8IGMA-T 26.5 7.0 7.5 TEMP 16.60 16.60 16.68 16.60 16.60 15.53 14.39 13.75 13.41 13.25 13.21 13.08 12.93 12.74 12.64 12.57 12.50 12.39 12.32 12.26 12.21 11.97 11.77 11.31 9.86 8.11 6.78 5.86 5.18 SAL 35.14 35.13 35.13 35.13 35.13 34.94 34.85 34.85 34.84 34.86 34.89 34.88 34.89 34.90 34.89 34.88 34.89 34.88 34.88 34.89 34.87 34.87 34.85 74.81 34.71 34.61 34.53 34.51 14.51 SIGMA 25.74 25.73 25.73 25.73 25.73 25.83 26.01 26.15 26.21 26.26 26.29 26.30 26.35 26.39 26.40 26.41 26.43 26.45 26.46 26.48 26.47 26.51 26.54 26.68 26.77 26.98 27.11 27.21 27.29 SYR 226.9 228.2 228.4 228. 6 229.0 219.9 202.8 198.2 184.1 179.9 177.4 176.1 172.5 168.6 167.7 166. 9 165.6 164.8 163.3 161.8 162.2 158.9 156.9 152.5 137.4 118.1 106.1 96.6 88.6 DELD 0.000 0.027 0.046 0.068 0.091 0.114 0.135 0.155 0.177 8.191 8.209 0.227 0.244 0.261 0.278 8.295 0.312 0.328 0.744 8.361 8.377 8.417 0.456 0.533 8.680 8.888 8.919 1.820 1.112 POTE 0.000 0.011 0.046 0.103 0.183 0.286 0.400 8.527 0.667 8.822 8.991 1.177 1.778 1.591 1.818 2.061 2.318 2.590 2.876 3.177 3.493 4.343 5.281 7.199 12.522 18.252 24.337 30.925 37.820 99 4.4 TEMP 0 0 34.6 4 4.8 35.0 35.2 8 12 16 5.4 35.6 20 24 100._ CAST 801850 LAT 15 23. 9 DATE 8/13/76 TIME 720 STATION LONG X75 55.5 DPTH 4040 PROBE 0504 SWELL DIR 158 HT 5 PER BAR 16.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 150 SPD 25 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.1 WET BULB 14. 4 SAMPLE DEPTH O. SAMPLE TEMP SRL 35.151 200._ DEPTH. 0 18 20 38 40 50 60 70 88 90 188 110 128 130 140 150 168 178 180 198 288 225 258 300 480 500 600 708 798 300._ 400._ 500.- 600._ 700.- 800.TEMP 910 1000. 7.5 TEMP 16.47 16.47 16.48 16.48 16.48 16.48 16.46 14.55 13.75 13.12 12.76 12.75 12.66 12.56 12.55 12.48 12.42 12.48 12.34 12.27 12.19 12.04 11.82 11.35 9.44 7.71 6.56 5.87 5.15 SRL 35.13 35.12 35.13 35.13 15.14 35.14 35.12 34.87 34.83 34.70 34.79 34.83 34.83 34.87 34.89 34.88 14.88 34.88 34.89 34.89 34.87 34.86 34.85 34.81 34.66 34.58 34.51 34.50 34.52 SIGMA 25.76 25.76 25.76 25.76 25.76 25.76 25.76 25.99 26.13 26.22 26.38 26.34 26.36 26.40 26.42 26.43 26.44 26.44 26.46 26.47 26.48 26.50 26.53 26.59 26.80 27.01 27.12 27.20 27.38 5YR 224.9 225.6 225.4 225.9 225.7 226.1 227.1 284.9 191.8 183.4 175. 9 173.0 171.4 167.2 165.8 165.2 164.7 164.7 163.1 161. 9 161.7 160.5 157.9 153.6 174. 1 114.6 104.4 97.5 87.7 GELD 8.088 0.021 0.045 0.068 0.090 0.111 0.135 0.157 0.177 0.196 0.214 0.211 0.248 0.265 0.282 8.298 0.315 0.331 0.348 0.364 0.380 0.421 0.460 0.538 8.683 0.806 0.916 1.015 1.106 VOTE 8.000 0.011 8.045 0.102 0.181 0.282 0.407 0.548 0.696 0.857 1.027 1.209 1.407 1.611 1.843 2.081 2.338 2.610 2.897 3.199 3.515 4.370 5.714 7.458 12.504 18.027 24.044 30.507 37.327 100 S4.4 TE O. S4.6 34.8 4 8 S5.0 35.2 35.4 pA L 6 35. 12 16 20 24 100. CAST NO107D LAT 15 22.2 DATE 8/13/76 TIME 1184 STATION LONG 75 48.5 DPTH 2528 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 158 HT 6 PER BAR 15.8 WEATHER WIND DIR 135 SPD 22 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 16.1 WET BULB 15.0 SAMPLE DEPTH 736. SAMPLE TEMP 5.28 SAL 14.512 200. DEPTH 0 10 20 38 40 50 60 78 80 90 100 118 120 138 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 380 400 500 608 700 800 883 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. 310 1000 5.0 26.0 , 1 2 . -T 27.0 27.5 TEMP 16.39 16.39 16.48 16.40 16.40 16.40 16.39 14.74 13.51 13.33 13.16 13.86 12.93 12.84 12.70 12.61 12.48 12.35 12.26 12.15 11.99 11.88 11.72 11.12 9.37 7.52 6.38 5.65 5.88 5.07 SAL 35.11 35.11 35.11 35.12 35.11 35.11 35.12 34.80 34.74 34.77 34.84. 34.85 34.87 14.88 34.88 34.89 34.87 34.87 34.86 34.86 34.84 34.84 34.85 34.79 34.65 34.57 34.52 34.51 34.53 34.54 SIGMA 25.77 25.77 23.77 25.77 25.77 25.77 25.77 25.90 26.11 26.17 26.26 26.29 26.33 26.35 26.38 26.41 26.42 26.44 26.45 26.47 26.49 26.51 26.55 26.61 26.81 27.83 27.15 27.23 27.32 27.33 SYA 224.4 224.7 225.8 224.9 225.7 225.9 226.0 213.8 193.4 187.9 180.1 177.9 173.7 171.9 169.2 167.5 165.9 164.4 163.7 162.0 160.3 159.1 156.8 150.9 133.3 112.4 101.7 94.1 85.9 85.3 DELD 0.800 0.022 0.045 8.067 0.090 0.113 0.135 0.158 0.178 8.197 0.215 0.233 0.251 0.268 0.285 0.302 8.318 0.335 0.351 8.368 0.184 0.424 0.463 0.548 0.682 0.803 8.910 1.808 1.097 1.188 POTE 0.000 0.011 8.045 0.101 8.180 8.282 0.486 8.552 0.783 8.865 1.039 1.228 1.428 1.644 1.874 2.118 2.377 2.658 2.937 3.238 3.553 4.488 5.336 7.452 12.435 17.835 23.715 38.098 36.761 36.966 101 4.4 .6 ItrW 0 0 34.8 35.0 8 35.2 16 L. 5.6 .4 20 24 100. CAST N01880 LAT 15 18. 5 DATE 8/13/76 TIME 1300 STATION LONG 75 44.0 DPTH 1820 PROBE 0004 SWELL DIR 150 HT 6 PER BAR 15. 2 WEATHER WIND DIR 135 SPD 25 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.1 WET BULB 15.0 SAMPLE DEPTH 782. SAMPLE TEMP 5.17 SAL 24.514 200. DEPTH 0 le 28 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 380 480 500 600 700 800 804 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 900. SRL. To, SIC 900. 1000. 910f1R-T 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.0 56.5 57.0 57.5 TEMP 16.69 16.68 16.67 16.65 16.57 16.46 16.45 15.92 14.11 13.67 13.08 13.24 12.99 12.94 12.72 12.60 12.47 12.36 12.21 12.88 11.97 11.64 11.47 10.97 9.26 7.63 6.30 5.47 5. 11 5.10 SAL 35.13 35.13 15.14 35.13 25.13 75.12 15.12 25.06 34.78 34.78 34.78 34.86 34.86 34.89 34.88 34.88 34.89 34.87 34.87 24.85 34.85 34.83 34.83 34.76 74.66 34.58 34.51 34.51 34.52 34.51 SIGMA 25.71 25.71 25.72 25.72 25.74 25.76 25.76 25.84 26.02 26.11 26.23 26.26 26.31 26.34 26.38 26.40 26.44 26.44 26.47 26.48 26.50 26.55 26.58 26.62 26.84 27.03 27.15 27.26 27.31 27.30 SVA 229.8 229. 7 228.9 229.6 228.4 226.1 226.4 219.6 202.8 194.2 182.9 180.5 175.8 172.9 169.9 167. 6 164.9 164.4 162.1 160.9 159.6 155. 5 153.0 150.4 138.8 112.1 101.2 91.4 87.3 87.9 DELD 0.000 0.023 0.846 0.069 0.092 0.114 0.137 0.160 0.181 0.201 0.220 0.238 0.256 0.273 0.298 0.307 0.324 0.340 0.357 0.373 0.389 0.428 0.467 0.543 0.684 0.804 0.911 1.007 1.096 1.099 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.046 0.183 0.183 0.286 0.410 0.557 0.717 8.887 1.066 1.256 1.462 1.679 1.910 2.154 2.411 2.683 2.969 3.267 3.579 4.416 5.331 7.418 12.338 17.747 23.593 29.848 36.514 36.795 102 34.4 TE11-4 0 34.6 34.8 4 8 35.0 .2 35.6 35.4 24 12 100. CAST NO1100 LAT 15 14.0 DATE 8/13/76 TIME 1620 STATION LONG 75 39.8 DPTH 1898 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 6 PER BAR 16. 8 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 25 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 5 AIR TEMP 17.2 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 754. SAMPLE TEMP 5.12 SAL 34.514 200. DEPTH 0 18 28 38 48 50 68 70 80 98 100 118 128 138 148 158 168 170 188 190 200 225 250 388 400 588 609 788 888 810 300. 400.- 500. 600. 700. 800. SIG 900. 1000 R4.5 h5.O k1.5 6.0 TEMP 16.85 16.84 16.81 16.79 16.74 16.54 16.19 14. 96 13.89 12.91 12.71 12.65 12.52 12.45 12.53 12.34 12.10 12.85 11.96 11.88 11.80 11.61 11.29 18.25 8.62 7.12 6.17 5.44 4.87 4.84 SAL 35.16 35.15 35.15 35.14 35.15 35.12 35.87 34.86 34.75 34.70 34.72 34.76 34.76 34.79 34.86 34.85 34.82 34.83 34.83 34.82 34.82 34.82 34.81 34.71 34.62 34.53 34.48 34.50 34.55 34.54 SIGMA 25.78 25.69 25.78 25.70 25.71 25.74 25.78 25.98 26.04 26.20 26.26 26.30 26.33 26.36 26.40 26.43 26.46 26.47 26.49 26.50 26.51 26.55 26.68 26.78 26.91 27.86 27.15 27.26 27.36 27.36 SYR 231.0 272.0 231.5 232.8 230.5 228.6 225.0 214.0 208.7 185.0 188.4 176. 1 174.1 170.8 167.3 165.2 162.8 161.8 168.2 159.8 158.7 155.4 151.2 141.8 123.6 109.2 181. 2 91. 5 01.7 82.2 DELD 0.000 8.823 0.046 0.069 0.093 0.116 0.138 0.160 0.181 0.288 0.218 8.236 8.254 0.271 0.288 0.304 8.321 8.337 0.353 0.369 8.385 8.424 0.463 0.536 0.669 8.784 8.889 0.984 1.071 1.079 POTE 0.080 8.012 8.846 0.184 0.185 0.289 8.413 0.557 0.789 0.874 1.848 1.235 1.437 1.652 1 888 2.121 2.374 2.642 2.924 3.228 3.529 4.361 5.272 7.304 11.933 17.898 22.848 29.836 35.549 36.284 103 4.4 34.6 4 4.8 8 5.0 12 35.2 35.4 35.6 16 20 24 100._ CAST NO112D LAT 15 12.3 DATE 8/13/76 TIME 1929 STATION LONG 75 38.0 DPTH 800 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 6 PER BAR 13.8 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 28 CLOUD TYPE 8- 7 AMOUNT 5 AIR TEMP 17,2 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 780. SAMPLE TEMP 4.95 SAL 34.523 200.- DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 109 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 380 400 500 600 700 800 804 300._ 400._ 500... 600.- 700.- 800._ SAL. TEMP 31,0 900.- 1000. 724.5 5.0 125.5 8TOMR-T 26.5 116 27.0 127.5 TEMP 16.84 16.83 16.80 16.76 16. 74 16.66 16.57 16.38 14.66 13.71 13.39 12.91 12.80 12.75 12.63 12.57 12.39 12.26 12.17 12.10 11.83 11.52 11.12 10.24 8.77 7.16 6.05 5.35 4.85 4.85 SAL 15.15 35.15 15.15 35.15 35.14 35.14 35.12 35.09 34.87 34.77 34.74 14.77 34.84 34.87 34.88 34.88 34.87 34.86 34.87 34.85 34.84 74.83 34.79 34.71 74.64 34.55 24.50 34.52 34.55 34.55 SIGMA 25.69 25.69 25.70 25.71 25.70 25.72 25.73 25.76 25.97 26.10 26.14 26.26 26.33 26.36 26.40 26.41 26.44 26.45 26.48 26.48 26.52 26.57 26.61 26.71 26.90 27.06 27.18 27.28 27.36 27.36 SYR 211.5 231.7 231.6 230.9 211. 5 229.9 229.4 227.6 287.3 195.5 191.5 180.7 173.7 170.9 167.8 167.2 164.8 163.4 161.4 161.6 157.7 153.3 149.6 141.7 124.3 109.1 98.2 89.4 81.7 81. 8 DELD 0.000 0.023 0.046 0.069 0.093 0.116 0.139 0.162 0.184 0.204 0.223 0.242 0.260 0.277 0.294 0.311 0.327 0.344 0.360 0.376 0.392 0.411 0.469 0.542 0.674 0.788 9.890 0.982 1.067 1.070 POTE 0.000 8.012 0.046 0.104 0.185 0.289 0.415 0.564 0.731 0.902 1.088 1.285 1.488 1.701 1.932 2.175 2.432 2.702 2.986 3.285 3.595 4.418 5.316 7.326 11.939 17.064 22.639 28.658 14.996 35.258 104 L. TE • 0 0. 1 1 812 4 20 16 TE 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 50.. 30.TEMP 100._ 60._ 150._ 90.200. 120.250. SAL. 300. SAL. 4.5 TEMP 5.5 125.0 BIG 126.0 810MA-T 126.5 150. 127.0 4.5 CAST 001130 LAT 15 10.0 DATE 0/13/76 TIME 2129 STATION LONG 75 35.2 DPTH 250 PROBE 05U4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 6 PER BAR 12. 5 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 28 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 4 AIR TEMP 17.2 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL TEMP 16.54 16.52 16.44 16.38 16.27 16.06 15.61 15.10 14.18 13.70 13.57 13.25 12.93 12.64 12.77 12.66 12.41 12.14 12.22 11.83 11.78 11.42 11.33 18.88 SAL 35.18 35:09 35.08 35.08 35.07 35.04 34.99 34.92 34.83 34.81 34.81 34.79 34.80 34.81 34.87 34.87 34.85 34.86 34.85 34.82 34.81 34.79 34.88 34.75 5.5 126.0 k51GMR-T 26.5 7.c) 115D 113D DEPTH 8 18 20 38 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 128 138 140 158 160 170 180 190 280 225 250 284 5.0 SIGMA 25.72 25.72 25.73 25.74 25.76 25.79 25.85 25.91 26.04 26.13 26.15 26.21 26.28 26.34 26.36 26.38 26.42 26.44 26.46 26.51 26.51 26.56 26.58 26.64 SYA 228.5 229.9 228.0 227.5 226.1 223.6 218.1 212.9 208.4 192.6 198.3 185 6 179.1 172.7 171.8 169.8 166.7 164.6 163.3 158.8 158.6 154.4 153.0 147.5 DELD 0.000 9.023 0.046 8.868 0.091 0.114 0.136 0.157 0.178 0.198 0.217 0.236 0.254 0.271 0.289 0.306 0.222 0.339 0.355 0.372 0.387 0.427 0.465 0.516 POTE 0.800 0.011 0.046 0.183 0.182 0.287 0.405 0.545 0.700 0.867 1.048 1.246 1.455 1.676 1.907 2.155 2.416 2.689 2.976 3.275 3.584 4.416 5 326 6.680 CAST N0115D LAT 15 138.0 DATE 8/13/76 TIME 2338 STATION LONG 75 72.6 DPTH 138 PROBE OSU4 BAR 12.0 WEATHER SWELL DIR 160 HT 6 PER WIND DIR 160 SRO 30 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 5 RIR TEMP 16.1 WET BULB 15.0 SAMPLE TEMP 13.90 34.883 SAMPLE DEPTH 85 DEPTH 8 10 28 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 126 TEMP 15.60 15.59 15.55 15.49 15.39 15.36 14.57 14.17 14.83 13.71 13.63 13.53 13.38 13.37 SAL 34.98 34.97 34. 98 34.97 34.97 34.97 34.89 34.86 34.85 34.84 34.87 34.07 34.89 34. 88 SIGMA 25 85 25.84 25. 86 25.86 25.89 25.89 26.01 26.06 26.09 26.15 26.19 26.21 26.25 26.25 SYR 216.7 217.7 216. 215.9 214.1 214.1 203.2 198.8 195.8 198.7 187. 1 185.1 181.6 181. .9 DELD 0.000 0.022 0.043 0.065 0.086 0.108 0.129 0.149 0.169 0.188 0. 287 0.225 8.244 0.255 POTE 8.000 0.011 0.043 0.097 0. 172 0.268 0.384 8.515 0.661 0.827. 1.806 1.201 1.412 1.547 105 34.4 TEMII 0 34.6 34.3 4 0.. 8 4.4 35.0 35.2 35.4 12 16 TE 0 20 0. 30. -114-70. 34.6 4 8 5.0 12 35.2 35-.4 16 20 20. SIG 60. 40. 90. 60. TEMP SAL. BIG TEMP SAL. 120._ _ 80. 150. 5.0 5.5 6.0 ,SICMR-T 26.5 100. 7.0 4.5 116D 8IGMR-T 5.0 .5 6.0 126.5 7.a 118D CAST NO116D LAT 15 85.8 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 38 STATION LONG 75 30.5 DPTH 121 PROBE O5U4 SWELL DIR 168 HT 6 PER BAR 12.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 168 SPD 30 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 4 AIR TEMP 16.1 WET BULB I5.0 SAMPLE DEPTH 4. SAMPLE TEMP 15.61 SAL 34.997 CAST NO1180 LAT 15 03.2 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 32? 74 PROBE 0504 LONG 75 28.5 DPTH STATION. SWELL DIR 168 HT 6 PER BAR 13.8 WEATHER AMOUNT 3 WIND DIR 168 SPD 25 CLOUD TYPE 8- AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14.4 SAMPLE TEMP SAMPLE DEPTH 0. SAL 35.@87 DEPTH DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 67 10 2@ 38 40 50 60 70 88 98 588 109 TEMP 15.65 15.65 15.30 15.27 15.19 15.15 14.88 14.33 14.32 13.87 13.78 13.68 SAL 34.97 34.97 34.96 34.96 34.96 34.95 34.89 34.88 34.92 34.89 34.89 34.89 SIGMA 25.83 25.03 25.90 25.90 25.92 25.92 25.94 26.85 26.08 26.15 26.17 26.19 SYR 218.5 218.6 212.4 212.1 211.0 211.1 209.7 199.3 196.7 190. 4 188.8 186.8 DELD 8.000 0.022 0.844 8.065 0.886 0.107 0.128 8.148 0.168 8.187 8.286 0.223 KITE 0.000 8.811 0.044 0.897 0.171 8.265 0.381 0.512 8.661 8.825 1.805 1.181 TEMP 15.39 15.40 15.39 15.34 14.89 14.71 14.62 14.50 SAL 34.99 34.98 '34.99 34.97 34.95 34.92 34.91 34.91 SIGMA 25.90 25.89 25.98 25.90 25.98 26.118 26.81 26.84 SYR 211.9 212.7 212. 4 212.6 205.2 203.5 203.2 200.6 DELD 0.088 0.021 0.042 8.064 0.884 0.105 0.125 0.139 POTE 0.880 0.4111 8.842 0.095 0 168 0.260 0.372 0.461 106 30._ SIG TEMP 90.- 90.- GAL. SAL. 120._ 120.- 150. 4.5 55,o 55.5 56.0 t910,-7 111 26.5 57.0 150. 54.5 120D TEMP 15.62 15.62 15.63 15.62 15.54 15.19 14.82 14.16 13.95 13.72 13.51 13.46 SAL 34.98 34.97 34.97 34.99 34.98 34.95 34.92 34.87 14.86 34.87 34.84 34.85 56.0 52I5no-T 121D CAST NO120D LAT 15 04.0 STATION LONG 75 34.8 SWELL DIR 160 HT 5 PER WIND DIR 140 SPD 18 CLOUD RIR SAMPLE DEPTH 86. SAMPLE DEPTH 8 10 28 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 183 55.0 SIGMA 25_84 25.83 25.83 25.85 25.86 25.91 25.97 26.07 26.11 26.16 26.19 26.20 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 515 DPTH 130 PROBE 0504 BAR 12.0 WEATHER TYPE 8- AMOUNT 1 TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 15.0 TEMP 13.82 SAL 24.884 SYR 217.1 218.1 218.6 217.7 216.9 211.8 206.6 197.0 193.8 188.9 187.0 185. 6 DELD 0.000 0.022 0.044 0.065 0.887 8.189 0.129 0.150 0.169 0.188 0.287 8.211 POTE 8.008 0.011 0.044 8.098 0.174 0.271 0.385 0.517 0.663 8.826 1.005 1.061 CAST 001210 LAT 15 05.0 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 642 STATION LONG 75 33.5 ORIN 133 PROBE 05U3 SWELL DIR. 160 HT 4 PER BAR 12.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 140 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 1 RIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 15.0 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SRL DEPTH 0 10 20 30 4@ 50 68 70 80 90 100 104 TEMP 15.64 15.63 15.63 15.62 15.53 15.87 14.78 14.05 13.89 13.84 13.72 13.63 SAL 34.96 34.96 34.96 34.97 34.96 34.93 34.92 34.89 34.89 34.89 34.89 34.90 SIGMA 25.82 25.83 25.82 25.84 25.84 25.92 25.98 26.11 26.15 26.16 26.18 26.21 SYR 219.0 219.0 219.4 218.6 218.2 210.9 205.6 193. 4 190.2 189.4. 107. 3 185.0 DELD 0.080 0.022 0.044 0.066 0.088 8.189 0.120 0.150 0.169 8.188 0.207 0.214 POTE 0.000 0.811 8.044 0.899 0.175 0.271 0.386 0.515 0.660 8.821 1.080 1.875 .o 107 34.4 TE 0 20._ 30.- 40._ 60._ 60.- 90. 80.- I 34.8 34.6 4 I120. 5.5 5.0 6.0 150 3I0MA-T 6.5 7.0 54.5 122D S3.2 16 8AL 33.4 20 56.0 3I0010-T 56.3 57.0 SAL. SAL. SIC TEMP 100. 124.5 33.0 12 S5.0 55.5 123D CAST N0122D LAT 14 32.2 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 1235 STATION LONG 76 01.0 DPTH 93 PROBE 0503 SWELL DIR 160 HT 4 PEP BAR 13.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 6 AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14.4 SAMPLE DEPTH 5. SAMPLE TEMP 15.58 SAL 25.009 CAST NO1231 LAT 14 34.5 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 1324 STATION LONG 76 03. 2 DPTH 128 PROBE OSU2 SWELL DIR 160 HT 4 PER BAR 13.8 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 6 AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14. 4 SAMPLE DEPTH 18. SAMPLE TEMP 15.80 SAL 35.016 DEPTH TEMP 8 15.60 10 15.60 20 15.68 30 15.42 48 15.89 50 14.96 60 14.75 70 14.39 80 14.22 84 14.23 DEPTH TEMP 8 15.81 18 15.81 20 15.00 30 15.79 40 15.76 50 15.75 60 15.42 70 15.12 88 14.67 90 14.46 100 14.27 110 13.99 /20 13.44 124 13.37 SAL 34.90 34.97 34.98 34.98 34.96 34.96 34.95 24.94 34.93 34.93 SIGMA 25.85 25.84 25.85 25.88 25.95 25.97 26.01 26.08 26.11 26.11 SYR 216.7 217.6 217.1 214.1 208.3 206.1 202.9 196.3 194.2 194.3 DELD 8.000 0.022 8.043 0.065 0.086 8.187 0.127 0.147 0.167 0.175 POTE 0.000 0.011 8.044 0.097 0.171 8.265 0.377 0.587 0.653 9.717 SAL 34.99 34.98 34.99 34.99 34.99 35.00 34.98 34.95 24.93 34.91 34.92 34.91 34.90 34.89 SIGMA. 25.81 25.80 25.81 25,81 25.82 25.83 25.08 25.93 26.01 26.06 26.09 26.15 26.25 26.26 SYR 229,5 221.2 229.7 220.8 220.6 228.1 .214.9 218.8 203.2 199.4 196.2 191.3 181.7 181.1 DELI 0.800 0.022 0.044 0.066 0.088 0.110 0.132 0.152 0.174 0.194 0.214 8.233 0.252 0..259 POTE 0.008 0.011 0.044 8.099 0.177 0.276 8.39• 0.534 0.688 0.858 1.046 1.248 1.465 1.553 108 Z4 TE 0 0 31.6 34.8 8 4 .4 12 Id 30.- 60.- 90._ 120._ 124D 125D CAST N0124D LAT 14 36. 8 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 1427 STATION LONG 76 85.8 DPTH 148 PROBE OSU2 SWELL DIR 168 HT 4 PER BAR 13.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 2 AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14.4 SAMPLE DEPTH 17. SAMPLE TEMP 15.98 SAL 35.021 CAST 801250 LAT 14 39.1 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 1521 LONG 76 88.6 DPTH 171 STATION PROBE OSU2 HT 4 PER BAR 14.0 WEATHER SWELL DIR 160 WIND DIR 160 SPD 23 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 2 AIR TEMP 16.1 WET BULB 15.0 SAMPLE TEMP 12.88 SAMPLE DEPTH 147 SAL 34.868 DEPTH 0 le 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 118 120 13S 140 145 DEPTH 0 10 20 20 48 58 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 148 150 160 167 TEMP 16.81 15.99 15.99 15.98 15.91 15.75 15.60 15.26 14.79 14.49 13.70 13.55 13.22 13.06 12.83 12.65 SRL 35.83 35.01 35.02 35.82 25.01 35.81 34.99 34.96 34.94 34.92 34.83 34.87 34.88 34.88 34.89 34.87 SIGMA 25.79 25.78 25.79 25.79 25.80 25.84 25.86 25.91 26.80 26.05 26.15. 26.21 26.28 26.31 26.36 26.39 SYR 221.9 223.0 222.9 222.9 222.6 219.1 217.6 212.7 204.7 200.3 191.1. 185.4 178.8 175.8 171.3 169.3 DELD 0.888 0.022 0.045 0.067 0.089 0.111 0.133 0.154 0.175 0.196 0.215 0.234 0.252 0.270 0.287 0.296 POTE 0.000 0.011 0.045 0.100 0.178 0.278 0.798 8.537 0.694 0.866 1.051 1.249 1.458 1.679 1.914 2.025 TEMP 16.49 16.49 16.47 16.39 16.17 15.92 15.84 15.81 14.68 13.88 13.66 13.39 13.26 13.09 12.91 12.78 12.35 12.29 SRL 25.11 25.11 35.11 25.10 35.87 35.82 35.81 35.01 34.92 24.94 34.92 34.89 34.87 34.87 34.88 34.88 34.87 34.87 SIGMA 25.74 25.74 25 75 25.76 25.79 25.81 25.82 25.82 26.80 26.19 26.22 26.25 26.27 26.30 26.34 26_37 26.44 26.45 OAR 226.6 226.8 226.8 226.2 223.5 221.9 221.2 220.9 204.2 186.7 184.3 181.5 180.0 177.0 172.4 170.9 164.0 163.4 DELD 0.000 0.822 0.045 0.068 0.090 0.113 0..125 0.157 0.178 0.197 0.216 8.214 0.252 0.270 0.288 0.305 0.321 0.331 POTE 0.000 0.011 0.045 0.102 0.181 0.281 0.402 0.546 0.707 0.869 1.045 1.236 1.444 1.668 1.883 2.152 2.412 2.599 109 34.4 34.6 34.8 0 4 8 0. 35.0 12 5.2 .6 35.4 16 20 24 100. CAST. N01260 LAT 14 43.0 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 1629 STATION LONG 76 13.5 DPTH 550 PROBE OSU3 SWELL DIR 168 HT 4 PER ERR 13.7 WEATHER WIND DIR 150 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 5 RIR TEMP 18.3 WET BULB 16.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 508. SAMPLE TEMP 6.16 SAL 34.518 200. 300. 400. 500. 3FIL. TEMP 9IG 126D 600. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 118 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 533 700.. 900. 1000. 4.5 .0 01 5.5 45.0 _T 7.0 127.5 TEMP 16.72 /6.73 16.71 16.68 16.65 16.64 16.54 16.45 15.50 14.33 13.92 13.72 13.43 13.17 12.95 12.79 12.83 12.78 12.54 12.52 12.23 11.68 11.44 10.55 7.35 6.20 6.02 SAL 35.14 35.13 35.13 35.11 35.13 35.14 15. 14 35.11 35.01 34.92 34.87 34.89 34.87 34.87 34.88 34.87 14.91 34.91 34.87 34.90 34.85 34.79 34.81 34.79 34.56 34.57 34.55 SIGMA 25.71 25.70 25.71 25.71 25.72 25.73 25.75 25.75 25.89 26.08 26.13 26.18 26.22 26.28 26.34 26.35 26.38 26.19 26.41 26.43 26.45 26.51 26.57 26.72 27.85 27.21 27.22 OVA 229.6 230.6 230.5 230.1 229.9 229.6 227.7 227.9 214.9 197.0 192.6 187.8 184.0 179.1. 173.9 172.4 170.4 169.3 168.1 166.1 164.0 159.0 154.3 140.8 108.8 94.2 97_6 DELD 0.000 0.023 0.046 0.069 0.092 0.115 0.138 0.161 0.183 0.204 0.222 0.242 0.260 0.279 0.296 0.314 0.331 0.348 0.365 0.381 . 0.398 0.438 0.477 0_551 0.674 0.774 0.805 ROTE 0.000 0.012 0.046 0.104 0.184 0.288 0.414 0.562 0.729 0.904 1.088 1.287 1.499 1.726 1.964 - 2.215 2.480 2.761 3.056 1.365 7.685 4.538 5.468 7.510 11.759 16.276 17.874 110 4.4 TE 0 0. 34.6 4 34.8 8 35.0 12 5.4 35.2 16 5.6 20 24 100._ CAST 00127D LRT 14 47.0 LONG 76 18. 5 STATION 4 PER SWELL DIR 160 HT WIND DIP 158 SPD 20 CLOUD AIR SAMPLE 47. SAMPLE DEPTH 200- DEPTH 8 10 20 39 40 50 60 70 80 90 188 118 120 130 149 158 160 170 188 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 780 800 805 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. 9IG 900.- 1000. 91 4.5 5.0 6.0 -T 7.0 7.5 TEMP 16.79 16.79 16.73 16.71 16.70 16.70 16.69 16.66 15.37 14.46 13.77 13.56 13.41 13.22 12.91 12.87 12.69 12.54 12.38 12.23 12.23 11.86 11.23 10.50 7.79 6.57 5.98 5.15 4.78 4.76 SRL 35.12 35.13 25.12 35.13 25.13 35.11 35.12 35.13 35.01 34.91 34.84 34.87 24.90 34.87 34.88 34.98 34.90 34.89 34.87 34.86 34.85 24.82 34.78 74.77 34.61 34.55 34.57 34.56 34.56 34.58 DATE DP7H BRR TYPE TEMP. TEMP SIGMA. 25.68 .25.69 25.70 25.70 25.71 25.69 25.70 25.72 25.92 26.05 26.14 26.20 26.25 26.27 26.34 26.37 26.40 26.42 26.44 26.46 26.45 26.51 26.59 26.71 27.82 27.15 27.24 27.33 27.38 27.40 8/14/76 TIME 1610 PROBE 12.5 WEATHER 8- AMOUNT 18.3 WET BULB 16.67 SAL SYR 232.6 232.3 231.7 231.2 231.1 222.8 232.3 231.4 212.2 200.4 191.7 186.2 181.7 179.6 173.2 171.3 168.4 166. 6 164.7 163.3 164.2 159.1 152.3 141.6 112.0 100.2 92.4 83.9 79.8 78.5 DELD 0.000 0.023 0.046 0.070 0.093 0.116 0.129 0.162 0.185 8.205 0.225 0.244 8.262 0 280 0.298 0.215 0.322 9.249 0.365 0.382 9.398 0.438 0.477 0 551 0.679 0.782 9.879 0.967 1.049 1.053 1802 OSU2 5 16.6 35.135 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.046 0.184 0.185 0.890 0.417 0.568 0.737 8..912 1.097 1.294 1.505 1.731 1.970 2.220 2.484 2.768 3.049 3.352 7.672 4.528 5.449 7.475 11.920 16.615 21.888 27.607 37.693 34.010 111 4.4 0 34.6 34.8 4 8 0 35.0 12 35.2 16 33.4 20 .6 24 100... CAST NO128D LAT 14 51. 0 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 2006 STATION LONG 76 23.5 DPTH 2520 PROBE OSU3 SWELL DIR 160 HT 4 PER BAR 12. 0 WEATHER WIND DIR 140 SPD 16 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 2 AIR TEMP 15. 6 WET BULB 14.4 SAMPLE DEPTH 821. SAMPLE TEMP 4.80 SAL 34. 525 200.- DEPTH TEMP SAL SIGMA 0 16.92 35. 17 25.69 2 16.92 35. 17 25.69 10 16. 91 35.17 25. 69 20 16.91 35. 17 25.69 30 16. 92 35.17 25. 69 40 16.87 35. 16 25.69 50 16.87 35. 17 25. 70 60 16.78 35. 19 25.73 70 16.54 35.18 25.78 80 14.79 34. 93 25.99 90 14. 18 34. 86 26.07 100 13.41 34.77 26.16 110 13.48 34. 86 26. 21 120 13. 21 34. 86 26. 27 130 13. 06 34. 88 26.31 140 12.88 34. 89 26.36 150 12.78 34.90 26.38 160 12.64 34. 90 26.41 170 12.48 34.89 26.42 180 12.36 34. 87 26. 44 190 12.32 34.88 26. 46 200 12. 21 34. 88 26.48 225 11. 82 34.86 26.54 250 11.40 34. 81 26.58 300 10.40 34.74 26. 70 400 8.31 34. 64 26.97 500 6.78 34.55 27.12 600 6.00 34. 56 27.24 700 5.35 34.53 27.29 800 4.87 34. 58 27.39 826 4.78 34. 58 27.39 300.. 400.- 500.- 600.- 700._ 800._ SALIEPP 900... 1000. 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 26.5 7.0 7.5 SYR DELD 231.9 0.000 231. 9 0. 005 232. 0 0.022 232. 3 0.046 232.9 0. 070 232.8 0. 093 232.4 0. 116 229. 5 0.139 224. 9 0.162 205.4 0.184 198.5 0.204 190.0 0. 223 185. 2 0.242 179.7 0. 260 176. 2 0.278 171. 9 0.295 169. 7 0.312 167. 3 0.229 165.2 0.346 164. 7 0.362 163.5 0.379 161.7 0.395 156.5 0.435 153. 2 0.474 141. 9 0.547 117. 7 0.677 103.2 0.786 92.9 0. 885 88. 0 0. 974 79. 5 1.057 78. 8 1. 078 POTE 0. 000 0. 000 0. 012 0.046 0.105 0.186 0. 290 0. 418 0.566 0.727 0.898 1. 083 1.281 1.490 1.713 1.946 2.194 2.456 2.731 3.018 3. 321 3.638 4. 485 5. 406 7.423 11.952 16.843 3 22.253 28. 055 34.290 35. 964 112 100. CRST N01290 LRT 14 54.5 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 2149 STATION LONG 76 27.6 DPTH 3300 PROBE 05U3 SWELL DIR 160 HT 4 PER BRR 12.2 WEATHER WIND DIR 150 SPD 28 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 6 RIR TEMP 18.9 WET BULB 17.2 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 200. DEPTH TEMP 0 16.81 10 16.82 28 16.80 30 16.76 40 16.73 50 16.73 60 16.70 70 16.12 80 14.52 90 13.83 100 13.32 110 13.38 120 13.28 130 13.17 140 13.06 150 12.91 160 12.68 170 12.56 180 12.47 190 12.36 200 12.29 225 12.83 250 11.67 300 10.58 400 8.39 500 7.02 600 6.82 700 5.31 800 4.88 806 4.87 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. 900. 1000 4 .5 7.5 SRL 35.15 35.14 35.15 35.15 35.16 35.15 35.15 25.06 34.88 34.82 24.77 34.87 34.88 24.89 24.89 34.89 24.88 34.87 34.89 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.85 34 76 34.64 34.57 34.55 34.55 74.57 34.57 SIGMA 25.70 25.69 25.70 25.71 25.72 25.71 25.72 25.79 26.01 26.11 26.18 26. 24 26.26 26.29 26.32 26.35 26.29 26.41 26.43 26.44 26.46 26.50 26.56 26.69 26.95 27.10 27.22 27.31 27.28 27.37 SYR 228.9 231.9 221.1 230.9 229.7 230.9 230.5 224. 7 203.4 194.6 188.0 182.0 180.2 177.7 175.2 173.1 169.6 167.8 165.6 164.9 163.7 159.9 155.0 147.6 119.0 105.4 94.4 86.7 80.4 80.6 DELD. 0.000 0.023 e. 046 0.069 0.092 8.115 0.139 8.161 0.182 0.202 0.221 0.240 0.258 0.276 13. 292 0.311 0.328 0.345 0.261 8.278 0.394 0.415 0.474 8.549 0.681 0.794 8.894 0.984 1.068 1.072 POTE 0.000 0.812 0.046 0.104 0.185 0.288 0.415 0.563 0.719 0.887 1.069 1.264' 1.472 1.695 1.932 2.185 2.451 2.729 3.022 7.328 7.648 4.506 5.443 7.507 12.098 17.168 22.642 28.542 24.787 75.175 113 34.4 TE 0 O. 34.6 4 4.8 8 .0 12 35.2 16 35.4 35.6 20 24 100.CAST 00130D LAT 15 02.2 DATE 8/15/76 TIME 47 STATION LONG 76 37.2 DPTH 4220 PROBE 05U3 SWELL DIR 160 HT 4 PER BAR 14.5 WEATHER WIND DIR 150 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 6 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 200._ DEPTH 0 18 20 30 48 58 60 78 80 98 180 110 128 138 140 158 160 178 188 190 208 225 258 300. 400. 500. 600. 380 488 508 608 708 800 809 700. 800._ SIG 1000. 5.0 5.5 6.0 1 -T h7.0 7.5 TEMP 16.68 16.68 16.68 16.68 16.68 16.65 16.61 16.52 14.79 14.10 13.74 13.30 13.88 12.90 12.76 12.68 12.55 12.46 12.37 12.28 12.18 12.01 11.77 11.33 9.94 7.37 6.32 5.59 4.97 4.94 SAL 35.15 35.15 25.16 25.16 35.16 35.16 35.15 35.14 34.95 34.87 34.88 34.86 34.87 34.90 34.89 34.90 34.88 34.88 34.88 34.88 34.87 34.87 34.85 34.83 34.74 34.58 34.55 34.56 34.56 34.57 SIGMA 25.73 25.73 25.74 25.74 25.74 25.74 25.74 25.76 26.81 26.89 26.17 26.25 26.30 26.36 26.38 26.48 26.41 26.43 26.45 26.47 26.48 26.51 26.54 26.68 26.78 27.86 27.18 27.28 27.36 27.37 OVA 228.0 228.3 227.6 228.2 228.4 228.4 228.5 227.1 203.9 195.9 188.6 181.7 176.9 171.5 169.5 168.0 167.0 165.4 164.1 162.6 161.5 159.0 156.6 152.8 136. 5 109.6 98.8 89.4 82.3 81.4 DELD 8.000 8.823 0.046 POTE 0.000 0.811 8.846 8.868 8.102 8.891 0.114 8.183 0.285 0.411 0.560 0.721 0.889 1.071 1.265 1.471 1.688 1.917 2.162 2.422 2.695 2.982 3.284 3.601 4.451 5.398 7.508 12.579 18.818 23.721 29.833 36.341 36.931 8.137 0.160 0.181 0.281 0.228 0.239 0.257 8.274 0.291 0.308 0.325 8.341 0.358 0.374 0.390 0.438 0.470 0.547 0.692 8.813 0.917 1.011 1.098 1.106 114 4.4 TE 0 0 34.6 34.8 4 8 5.9 12 35.2 35.4 16 20 /00. CAST NO131D LOT 15 10.2 DATE 8/15/76 TIME 308 LONG 76 47.2 DPTH 3608 STATION PROBE OSU3 SWELL DIR 160 BRR 14.5 WEATHER HT 4 PER WIND DIR 158 SPD 20 CLOUD. TYPE 8- AMOUNT 6 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE TEMP SAMPLE DEPTH SAL 200. DEPTH 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 78 80 90 100 118 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 198 200 225 258 300 400 500 608 700 800 807 300. 400. 500. SIG 1000.- 6.0 I . -T 7.0 7.5 TEMP 16.43 16.43 16.43 16.44 16.43 16.43 16.42 15.35 14.34 13.93 13.71 13.43 13.33 13.21 13.11 12.94 12.81 12.72 12_64 12.56 12.49 12.38 12.02 11.45 10.07 8.27 6.51 5.76 5.08 5.03 SAL 35.11 35.11 35.11 35.11 35.10 35.11 35.11 35.03 34.98 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.90 34.91 34.92 34.92 34.91 34.90 34.90 34.91 34.90 34.89 34.88 34.84 34.76 34.64 34.56 34.55 34.55 34.57 SIGMA 25-.76 25.76 25.76 25.75 25.75 25.76 25.76 25.94 26.86 26.13 26.17 26.23 26.27 26.31 26.33 26.37 26.38 26.39 26.41 26.43 26.44 26.47 26.52 26.59 26.78 26.97 27.17 27.26 27.34 27.36 SYR 225.3 225.6 226.0 226. 7 227.2 227.0 227.0 210.8 198.7 192.5 188.3 183.2 179.7 176.6 174_2 171.1 169.9 169.1 168.2 165.7 165.2 163.0 159.2 153.3 137.1 118.8 100.1 92.1 84.5 82.5 DELD 0.000 0.021 0.045 0.068 8.890 0.113 0.136 0.158 0.178 0.198 0.217 0.235 0.253 0.271 0.209 0.306 0.123 0.340 0.357 0.374 8.390 0.431 0.472 0.550 0.696 0.825 0.934 1.028 1.115 1.121 DOTE 0.000 0.011 0.045 0.102 0.181 0.283 0.408 0.557 0.704 0.870 1.051 1.246 1.453 1.675 1.912 2.161 2.428 2.707 3.002 3.310 3.633 4.504 5.462 7.613 12.721 18.501 24.469 10.581 37.144 37.614 115 24 100. CAST N01320 LAT 12 34. 9 DATE 8/15/76 TIME 2358 LONG 78 11. 0 DPTH 2470 STATION PROBE 0504 SWELL DIP. 160 HT 4 PER BAR 15.5 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 17.8 WET BULB 16. 1 SAMPLE TEMP SAMPLE DEPTH 806. SAL 34.526 200. DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 300. 400. 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 200 400 500 600 700 800 813 500. 600. 700. 800. SIG 900. 1000 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.0 ,SIGMR-T , 26.5 27.0 57.5 TEMP 19.24 19.34 19.34 18.69 18.36 18.24 16.66 15.56 14.83 14.35 13.98 13.63 12.23 12.96 12.88 12.79 12.66 12.51 12.36 12.27 12.20 11.91 11.49 10.81 8.72 7.75 6.53 5.89 5.10 5.85 SAL 15.20 35.20 25.21 15.24 35.25 35.21 35.14 35.02 34.94 34.98 34.86 14.88 24.86 24.85 24.90 34.90 34.89 . 34.88 24.87 34.87 24.87 34.86 34.84 34.76 74.65 34.61 34.52 34.54 14.52 34_52 SIGMA 25.11 25.11 25.12 25.30 25.40 25.40 25.72 25.90 25.99 26.06 26.11 26.20 26.26 26.11 26.36 26.38 26.40 26.42 26.44 26.46 26.47 26.52 26.58 26.65 26.91 27.03 27.13 27.23 27.31 27.32 SYR 286. 7 286.8 286.7 269.2 260.8 261.2 230.2 214.0 205.8 199.0 194.8 186.5 180.8 176. 2 171.5 169.8 168.2 166.7 164.7 163.4 162.2 158.3 152.8 147.5 122.9 112.7 103.4 95.0 86.9 86.2 DELD 0.000 0.029 0.057 0.086 0.112 0.138 0.167 0.186 0.207 0.227 0.246 0.265 0.284 0.382 0.319 0.326 8.353 0.370 0.386 8.403 0.419 0.459 0.498 0.572 8.718 0.827 0.935 1.034 1.124 1.135 DOTE 0.000 0.014 0.057 0.128 0.220 0.337 0.474 0.621 0.779 0.951 1.137 1.217 1.547 1.769 2. 005 2.252 2.515 2.791 3.081 3.384 3.701 4.551 5.482 7.548 12.300 17.560 23.515 29.936 26.678 37.588 116 AAL 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 35.6 TEM. 0 12 16 20 24 0 CAST N0123D LAT 12 27.2 DATE 8/16/76 TIME 228 STATION LONG 78 03. 3 OPTS 2250 PROBE OSV4 SWELL DIR 168 HT 5 PER BAR 15. 0 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 22 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 17. 2 WET BULB 16. 1 SAMPLE DEPTH 784. SAMPLE TEMP SAL 34.522 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 128 130 140 150 160 170 188 198 200 225 250 300 400 500 690 708 800 823 133 SALTEMP SIG 900._ 1000 5 5.0 5 6.0 6.5 7.5 TEMP 18.78 18.78 18.79 18.78 18.69 17.78 16.68 15.44 14.21 13.77 13.53 13.25 13.02 12.81 12.70 12.57 12.46 12.43 12.30 12.10 11.95 11.67 11.46 10.63 8.91 7.49 6.39 5.70 5.02 4.98 SAL 35.20 35.19 35.19 35.19 35.18 25.14 25.08 34.98 34.87 34.88 34.89 34.88 34.91 34.98 34.90 34.91 34.91 34.91 24.90 34.87 34.86 34.86 34.85 34.77 34.69 34.61 34.54 34.55 34.58 34.60 SIGMA 25.25 25.25 25.24 25.25 25.26 25.46 25.69 25.89 26.05 26.17 26.22 26.27 26.34 26.18 26.40 26.43 26.45 26.46 26.48 26.49 26.51 26.57 26.60 26.69 26.92 27.07 27.16 27.26 27.37 27.39 OVA 272.1 274.0 274.7 274.9 273.5 255.3 233.0 215,1 199.9 188.8 183.6 179.1 171.1 169.6 168.0 .165.2 163.1 162.8 161 2 160.4 158.5 153.8 151.1 143. 7 122.7 109.8 188.4 91.3 81.8 80.0 DELD 0.000 0.827 .0.055 0.082 0.110 0.136 0.161 0.183 0.283 0.222 0.241 0.259 0.277 0.294 0.711 0.327 0.344 0.160 0.176 0.392 0.408 0.447 0.485 0.559 0.693 0.809 0.914 1 009 1.895 1.114 POTE 0.000 0.014 0.055 0.124 8.220 . 0.338' 8.473 0.616 0.769 0.934 1.111 1.301 1.504 1.717 1.944 2.186 2.440 2.70 , 2.992 3.289' 3.599 4.427 5.332 7.351 12.037 17.232 22.007 29.207 25.657 37.186 117 34.4 TEMP 0 34.6 34.8 4 a 35,0 35.2 35.4 35.6 12 16 20 24 100. CAST 801340 LRT 12 21.7 DATE 8/16/76 TIME 518 STATION LONG 77 50.5 DPTH 1528 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 4 PER BAR 16. 0 WEATHER WIND DIR 150 SPD 22 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 17.2 WET BULB 16.1 SAMPLE DEPTH 55. SAMPLE TEMP SRL 35.187 200. TEMP DEPTH 8 18.61 10 18.68 20 18.61 38 18.61 40 18.35 58 17.16 60 16.84 78 15.49 80 15.09 98 14.45 100 14.88 110 13.53 120 13.31 170 13.12 140 11.84 150 12.78 168 12.66 170 12.48 188 12.29 190 12.16 280 12.05 225 11.76 250 11.43 388 10.67 400 9.15 500 7.37 608 6.86 788 5.47 800 4.93 806 4.93 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. SOO. 318. 900. 1000. 24.5 25.0 25.5 7.0 5.7.5 SAL 35.18 35.19 35.19 35.19 35.18 35.14 35.85 35.02 34.99 34.94 34.93' 34.98 34.98 34.98 34.91 34.91 34.89 34.89 34.89 34.87 34.87 34.85 '34.84 34.77 34.69 34.60 34.54 34.55 34.57 34.57 SIGMA 25.28 25.29 25.29 25.29 25.35 25.60 25.80 25.90 25.97 26.07 26.14 26.23 26.27 26.32 26.34 26.39 26.40 26.43 26.47 26.48 26.58 26.54 26.60 26.68 26.88 27.07 27.21 27.29 27.37 27.37 SYR 270.2 269. 9 270.3 270.9 265.3 241.4 223.3 213.3 287.2 198.1 192.0 183.2 179.3 175.5 173.5 169.1 168.1 165.4 162.2 161.0 159.7 156.0 151. 2 144.4 126.9 108.3 95.6 88.6 81.2 81.2 GELD 0.000 8.027 0.054 0.181 8.108 0.133 8.157 0.178 0.199 0.220 0.239 8.258 0.276 0.293 0.311 0.328 0.345 0.361 0.378 0.394 0.410 0.449 0.488 8.561 0.698 8.816 0.918 1.818 1.094 1.099 POTE 0.088 0.014 0.054 0.122 0.216 0.329 8.458 0.600 0.757 0.928 1.113 1.387 1.517 1.738 1.973 2.221 2.481 2.756 3.043 3.342 3.654 4.489 5.398 7.429 12.199 17.496 23.896 29.036 35.379 35.770 118 34.4 TEIY 0 0 4.6 4 4.8 35.0 12 35.2 16 35.4 L. 35.6 20 24 100.- CAST N01350 LAT 12 19.5 DATE 8/16/76 TIME 657 STATION LONG 77 45.0 OPTH 1438 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 4 PER BAR 15.5 WEATHER WIND DIR 150 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR. TEMP 17.2 WET BULB 16.1 SAMPLE DEPTH 63. SAMPLE TEMP SRL 75.059 DEPTH 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 88 98 100 118 120 130 140 150 160 178 180 190 280 225 250 300 400 500 300.- 400.- 600._ 600 780 880 884 91G 1000. 44.5 .0 .5 46.0 h6I -T 7.0 h7.5 TEMP 18.49 18.49 18.58 18.48 18.28 17.58 16.43 15.44 15.17 15.88 14.32 13.91 13.72 13.46 13.20 13.02 12.95 12.88 12.68 12.56 12.43 12.08 11.89 11.03 9.43 6.26 5.83 5.34 4.87 4.87 SAL 25.13 35.14 25.13 35.15 35.18 35.17 35.07 35.03 35.00 35.08 34.94 34.91 34.91 34.91 34.92 34.89 34.91 24.92 34.91 34.98 14.90 34.88 34.87 34.77 34.68 34.54 34.54 34.54 34.59 34.58 SIGMA 25.27 25.28 25.27 25.29 25.36 25.53 25.72 25.92 25.96 25.98 26.10 26.16 26.28 26.25 26.31 26.33 26.36 26.38 26.41 26.43 26.45 26.51 26.53 26.62 26.82 27.17 27.24 27.10 27.39 27.39 SYR 271.2 271.0 272.1 278.8 264.2 248.5 230.3 211.9 208.3 207.1 195.9 189.7 186.5 181.7 176.3 175.0 172.3 170.7 168.0 166.2 164.3 159.7 157.6 150.5 132.8 98.2 92.4 87.6 79.0 79.6 DELD 0.000 8.027 8.054 0.881 8.188 8.134 8.157 0.188 8.281 0.222 0.242 0.261 0.288 0.298 0.316 0.334 0.351 0.168 0.385 8.402 0.418 0.459 0.498 8.575 8.717 0.029 0.924 1.014 1.898 1.181 POTE 0.000 0.014 8.854 0.122 0.217 0.330 8.461 0.606 0.763 0.940 1.138 1.333. 1.549 1.778 2.020 2.276 2.544 2.827 3.123 3.432 3.756 4.614 5.558 7.666 12.630 17.610 22.859 28.782 14.960 35.214 119 34.4 TE 0 0. 34.6 4 4.8 35.0 35.2 33.1 L. 35.6 8 12 16 20 24 100. CAST N01360 LAT 12 M.O. STATION LONG 77 40.1 SWELL DIR 160 HT 4 PER WIND DIP 160 SPD 18 CLOUD RIR SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE 2. 200. DEPTH TEMP 0 18.39 ' 10 18.39 28 18.32 30 18.20 40 16.83 50 16.37 60 15.87 70 15.57 80 15.23 90 14.94 108 14.61 110 14.18 120 14.06 120 13.73 _ 140 13.63 150 13.50 160 13.35 170 13.16 188 13.02 190 12.79 280 12.66 225 12.48 250 12.34 300 11.65 480 7.95 588 6.42 600 6.10 700 5.64 800 5.12 886 5.86 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. 310 900. 1000. 124.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 L5IGMA-T 26.5 127,0 127.5 SAL 35.11 75.12 35.13 35.11 35.05 35.06 35.05 35.03 35..02 34.99 34.97 34.94 34.92 34.92 34.92 34.91 34.90 34.90 34.98 34.91 34.90 34.89 34.89 34.85 34.63 34.51 34.54 34.54 34.56 34.56 SIGMA 25.28 25.29 25.31 25.33 25.61 25.73 25.84 25.89 25.96 26.00 26. 05 26.13 26.14 26.20 26.22 26.25 26.27 26.21 26.33 26.39 26.41 26.45 26.46 26.56 27.01 27.14 27.20 27.26 27.34 27.34 DATE 8/16/76 TIME 847 DPTH 1098 PROBE OSU4 BAR 15. 0 WEATHER TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 TEMP 17.2 WET BULB 16.1 TEMP SRL 35.155 SYR 278.3 269.9 268.1 266.7 240.2 229.2 219.6 214.4 208.5 284.6 199.9 193.3 192.4 186.5 184.9 182. 9 180.8 177.2 175.2 170.5 168.6 165.2 164.6 156.8 112.8 101.8 96.8 91.1 84.6 84.0 DELD 0.000 0.027 0.054 0.081 0.106 8.110 0.152 0.174 0.195 0.216 0.236 0.255 0.275 0.294 8.312 0.331 0.249 0.367 0.384 0.402 0.419 0.460 8.581 8.581 0.715 0.821 0.919 1.012 1.188 1.105 POTE 0.008 0.014 0.054 0.121 0.210 0.315 0.419 8.579 0.738 8.913 1.106 1.312 1.534 1.770 2.021 Z. 286 2.568 2.863 3.172 2.492 1.823 4.702 5.681 7.878 12.575 17.281 22.687 28.718 35.325 35.731 120 34.4 TEND 0. 34.6 4 34.8 8 35.0 12 35.2 16 .4 20 35.6 24 100._ 200., 300.- 400._ 500.- CAST 001378 LAT 12 14.0 DATE 8/16/76 TIME 1002 STATION LONG 77 17.0 DPTH 965 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 168 HT 4 PER BAR 16.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH 3. SAMPLE TEMP SRL 25.155 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 128 130 140 150 168 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 807 TEMP 18.32 18.32 18.29 17.55 16.70 16.26 15.87 15.78 15.52 15.15 14.44 14.11 13.92 13.78 13.65 13.48 13.25 13.09 12.89 12.82 12.75 12.64 12.40 11.52 8..13 6.81 6.14 5.58 5.82 5.01 SRL 15.12 15.12 35.12 35.88 35.08 35.06 35. 05 35.04 25.04 35.00 34.95 34.94 34.92 34.91 24.91 34.91 34.90 34.90 34.91 34.92 34.91 34.90 34.90 34.84 34.64 34.55 34.53 34.55 34.58 34.58 SIGMA 25.31 25.30 25.32 25.47 25.67 25.76 25.84 25.85 25.91 25.96 26.08 26.14 26.16 26.19 26.22 26.26 26.29 26.32 26.37 26.29 26.40 26.41 26.45 26.58 27.00 27.12 27.19 27.28 27.37 27.27 SYR 268.0 268.6 267.7 253.5 2234.5 226.9 219.8 218.2 213.3 208.6 197.5 192.1 189.9 187.7 185.4 181.3 178.9 176.4 171.6 170.2 7 168.7 165.3 154.2 114.7 183.9 97.1 89.5 81.6 81.5 DELD POTE 0.000 0.000 0.027 0. 813 0.054 0.054 8.080 0.119 0.104 0 204 0.127 0.387 8.149 8.430 0.171 '0.571 0.193 0.774 0.214 0.914 8.234 1.186 0.254 1 311 0.273 1.531 0.292 1.766 0.318 2.017 0.229 2.282 @.347 2.562 0.364 2.854 8.382 3.157 8.399 3.473 0.416 3.806 0.458 4.704 0.500 5.695 0.579 7.878 0.715 12.611 8.023 17.453 0.922 22 876 1.815 28.926 1.102 35.432 1.108 35 891 121 34.4 TEMl • 0 0. 34.6 34.8 4 8 35.0 35.2 35.4 12 16 20 50. 100. 150. 200. TEMP 250. 5.0 126.0 138D 139D CAST 001380 LAT 12 12. 2 DATE 8/16/76 TIME 1117 STATION LONG 77 34.0 DPTH 250 PROBE 05U4 SWELL DIR 168 HT 4 PER BAR 16.8 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 20 CLOUD. TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.6 MET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH 4 SAMPLE TEMP SAL 35.144 CAST NO1390 LAT 12 89.0 DATE 8/16/76 TINE 1235 STATION LONG 77 28.6 DPTH 158 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 168 HT 4 PER BAR 15.5 WEATHER HIND DIR 168 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.6 NET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 12. SAMPLE TEMP SAL 35.892 DEPTH 8 18 28 38 40 50 60 70 88 98 180 118 120 130 148 158 160 170 188 198 200 225 234 DEPTH 8 10 20 38 40 58 68 78 80 90 180 118 128 130 136 TEMP 18.07 18.85 17.95 16.95 16.46 15.94 15.88 15.70 15.54 15.28 14.10 13.69 13.53 13.44 13.16 13.14 12.99 12.71 12.61 12.57 12.54 12.19 12.13 SAL 35.12 35.12 35.13 35.10 35.08 35.05 35.85 35.03 35.84 3502 34.94 34.92 34.92 34.91 34.90 34.89 34.90 34.89 34.89 34.98 34.90 34.88 34.87 SIGMA 25.37 25.38 25.41 25.63 25.73 25.83 25.84 25.86 25.90 25.96 26.14 26.21 26.24 26.25 26.31 26.31 26.34 26.39 26.41 26.42 26.43 26.48 26.49 SVA 262.1 261.6 259.1 238.6 229.3 220.2 219.4 217.2 213.6 288.2 191.6 185.2 182.3 181.5 176. 7 177.1 174.3 169.3 167.9 166.7 166.6 162.0 141.8 DELD 8.008 8.026 8.852 8.078 8.101 0.124 0.146 8.167 8.189 8.210 0.230 8.249 0.267 0.285 0.303 8.321 8.339 0.356 0.372 0.189 0.406 8.447 8.462 POTE 8.800 0.013 0.052 0.116 . 8.198 0.299 0.428 8.561 0. 723 0.982 1.089 1.288 1.499 1.727 1.968 2.224 2.498 2.781 3.874 3.383 3.787 4.587 4.921 TEMP 17.63 17.63 17.63 17.62 16.99 16.56 16.39 16.23 16.19 16.82 15.77 15.64 14.73 14.14 13.75 SAL 35.07 35.06 35.87 35.88 35.08 35.08 35.07 35.07 35.88 35.06 35.04 35.04 34.97 34.95 34.93 SIGMA 25.44 25.43 25.44 25.45 25.60 25.71 25.74 25.77 25.79 25.81 25.85 25.88 26.03 26.14 26.21 SYR 255.4 256.3 256.8 255.7 241.3 231.6 229.0 226.2 224.8 222.8 219.8 216.5 202.4 192.1 185.8 DELD 8.000 0.826 8.051 8.077 0.102 8.126 8.149 0.171 8.194 8.216 0.238 0.268 0.281 0.301 8.312 POTE 0.000 0.011 0.051 8.115 0.203 0.310 8.437 0.584 0.753 0.944 1.153 1.381 1.622 1.866 2.817 122 30._ 60._ 90. _ 120._ 120._ SAL. 150. 4.5 125.5 5.0 140D 126.0 31GMR-T 6.5 127.0 150 12 4.5 5.0 .5 6.0 3I.56MA- T 6 7.0 141D CAST N0148D LAT 12 87.8 DATE 8/16/76 TIME 1315 STATION LONG 77 25. 7 DPTH 138 PROBE OSU4 SNELL DIR 168 HT 4 PER • BAR 16.5 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16. 6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 131. SAMPLE TEMP SAL 34.950 CAST N01418 LAT 12 65.8 DATE 8/16/76 TIME 1408 STATION LONG 77 23.0 DPTH 128 PROBE OSU4 HT 4 PER SWELL DIR 160 BAR 16.5 WEATHER HIND DIR. 160 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 97. SAMPLE TEMP SAL 34.969 DEPTH 8 10 28 30 48 50 60 78 80 90 108 118 120 130 136 DEPTH 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 88 98 TEMP 17.81 17.82 17.61 17.30 16.83 16.23 15.96 15.88 15.54 15.36 14.95 14.65 14.12 13.59 13.51 SAL 35.09 35.09 35.09 35.18 35.87 35.86 35.04 35.03 35.03 25.82 35.80 34.95 34.93 34.92 34.91 SIGMA 25.41 25.41 25.46 25.55 25.63 25.76 25.81 25.84 25.90 25.93 26.08 26.03 26.13 26.24 26.24 SVA 258.1 258.4 254.1 246. 2 238.5 226.2 221.7 219.5 214.1 211.4 204.7 282.2 193.0 183.1 182.6 DELD 8 000 0.026 0.952 8.077 9.101 8.124 0.147 0.169 0.190 0.212 0.232 0.253 0.273 0.292 6.202 POTE 8.808 8.013 0.052 0.114 8.199 0.304 8.427 8.578 0.732 0.912 1.112 1.325 1.552 1.790 1.935 100 109 TEMP 18.22 18.03 16.88 16.32 16.01 15.67 15.36 15.80 14.68 14.28 14.27 14.25 SAL 35.89 35.06 35.84 35.03 35.04 35.83 35.82 35.00 34.95 34.95 34.95 34.95 SIGMA 25.31 25.33 25.59 25.72 25.88 25.87 25.93 26.08 SYR 267.7 265.7 241.4 229_5 222.4 216.2 210.6 204.6 26.04 208.4 8.182 6.692 26.11 26.11 26.12 193.9 194.1 193.9 8.202 8.222 8.229 8.859 1.843 1.226 DELD 0.808 9.827 9.052 0.076 0.098 0.120 8.141 0.162 POTE 8.000 0.813 8.051 0.110 8.188 8.287 0.405 0.548 123 34.6 6.0 34.8 33.2 .PAL. 35.4 .4 S4 20 TEMIJ 0 0.. 60. 40._ 90. 60.- 4.6 34.8 4 8 35.0 35.2 35.4 12 16 20 TEMP 120. 80._ 310 150. SAL. 100 SIGAR-T 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.0 26.5 57.0 54.5 142D 1456 0504 DEPTH 0 18 20 30 48 58 POTE 0.000 0.013 0.052 60 70 80 98 100 109 SAL 35.09 35.09 35_08 35.05 35.04 25.05 35.04 35.85 35.03 35.01 35.00 34.99 25.0 25.5 20.0 326mi-r 2d.5 27.0 143D CAST N0142D LAT 12 03.2 DATE 8/16/76 TIME STATION LONG 77 19.5 DPTH 113 PROBE SWELL DIR 160 HT 4 PER BAR 16.8 WEATHER WIND DIR 160 SPD 8 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT AIR .TEMP 16.6 WET BULB SAMPLE DEPTH 107. SAMPLE TEMP SRL TEMP 18.25 18.18 17.53 17.06 16.63 16.35 16.83 15.90 15.69 15.40 15.08 14.98 TEMP SIGMA 25.30 25.32 25.47 25.56 25.65 25.73 25.79 25 83 25.87 25.92 25.98 25.99 SYR 268. 4 266.9 253.4 244.6 236.3 229.8 223.8 220.3 217.2 212.8 207.2 206.5 DELD 0 000 0.027 8.053 0.078 0.102 0.125 0.148 8.170 0.192 0.213 0.234 8.252 8 15.6 35 006 0.114 0.198 0.303 0.427 0.572 0.736 0 920 1 119 1.313 CAST N0143D LAT 12 01. 4 DATE 8/16/76 TIME 1551 STATION LONG 77 17.8 DPTH 88 PROBE 05114 SWELL DIR. 160 BAR 17.0 WEATHER HT 3 PER WIND DIR 160 SPO 5 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16. 6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 77. SAMPLE TEMP SAL 35.057 DEPTH 0 10 28 30 40 50 60 70 80 81 TEMP 17.82 17.77 16.94 16.57 16.36 16.10 15.99 15.98 15.98 15.98 SAL 35.09 35.09 35.05 35 06 35 85 35.05 35.05 35.05 35.05 35.05 SIGMA 25.41 25.42 25.59 25.69 25.72 25.79 25.81 25.81 25.81 25.81 SYR 258_3 257.6 241.8 232.8 229. 222 8 221.8 222.1 222.3 222.3 DELD 0.000 0.026 0.851 0.075 0.098 0.120 0.142 0.165' 8.187 8.189 POTE 0.000 0.013 0.058 0.110 0.191 0 292 0.415 8.559 0. 725 `0.743 124 34.4 TE 0 34.6 0 34.8 8 35.0 35. 35.4 12 16 20 20._ 40._ 60._ SIG SAL. TEMP 80.- 100. 4.5 1 3.0 .5 6.0 -T 57.0 144D CAST 801440 LAT 12 80.0 DOE 8/16/76 TIME 1624 STATION LONG 77 14.3 DPTH 64 PROBE OSU4 SWELL DIR 160 HT 3 PER BAR 17.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 168 SPD 5 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH 48. SAMPLE TEMP SAL 35.072 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 58 TEMP 17.68 17.58 16.85 16.36 16.23 16.23 16.20 SAL 35.06 35.06 35.04 35.05 35.07 35.06 35.88 SIGMA 568 25.44 255.2 25.44 255.3 25.60 240.3 25.73 228.8 25.77 225.1 25.76 226.1 25.79 224.1 DELD 0.000 0.826 0.051 8.874 0.097 0.119 8.137 POTE 0.000 8.813 0.050 0.109 0.188 0.289 0.387 BOTTLE CASTS in essential l y Profiles and header data of the bottle data are shown the same way as the CTE) data (see page 31 All observed dataare stan l isted. The temperature and salinity are linearly interpolated ltodard g ma-t, depths, and computed parameters, including si arecalculated f ir the tempera u d salinity standard depths« 127 SRL 34.4 TEM) 0 0 34.6 '4 34.8 '8 '35.2 16 35.0 12 35.4 20 20.- 40.- 60.- 80.- SIG 100. SRL. 12 6.0 5.t) 26.5 $ TEI1P 01"-T ¶27.5 20 CAST NO 20 LRT 15 05.5 DATE 7/29/76 TIME 53 STATION LONG75 21. 0 DPTH 129 PPOBE ROT SWELL DIP 150 HT 1 PER BAP 12.0 WEOTHEP WIND DIP 120 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIP TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL INTERPOLATED OBSERVED DEPTH 0 9 18 27 46 70 94 T 17.14 17.15 17.12 17.02 16.71 16.18 15. 48 S 35.11 35. 11 35.11 35. 09 35.06 35. 03 34. 99 SIG-T 25. 58 25. 58 25. 58 25.60 25.64 25. 74 25.87 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 94 TEMP 17. 14 17.15 17.10 16. 97 16. 81 16. 62 16.40 16.18 15. 89 15.60 15. 48 SAL 35.11 25.11 35.11 35.09 35.07 35. 06 35.04 35.03 35.01 35.00 34.99 SIGMA 25.59 25. 59 25.60 25.61 25.64 25.67 25. 71 25.75 25.80 25.86 25.88 SVA 241.2 241.8 241.0 239.8 238.0 234.8 231.6 227.8 222.2 218.0 216. 3 DELD 0.000 0.024 0.048 0.072 0.096 O. 120 0. 143 0.166 0. 189 O. 211 0. 219 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.048 0.109 0.192 O. 299 0. 427 0.576 0.745 0.932 1. 012 128 21 CAST NO 21 LAT 15 08. 6 DATE 7/29/76 TIME 258 PROBE BOT LONG 75 33.0 DPTH 180 STATION BAR 13.0 WEATHER SWELL DIR HT 0 PER WIND DIR 135 SPD 3 CLOUD. TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16. 6 WET BULB 15.6 SAL SAMPLE TEMP SAMPLE DEPTH INTERPOLATED OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 20 29 48 71 T S 17.10 17.07 16. 98 16. 69 16.61 35.89 35.09 35.09 35. 05 95 119 16.58 16. 52 15.46 142 14. 87 35.05 35.04 35.04 34.99 34.96 SIG-T 25.58. 25.59 DEPTH 0 10 25.60 20 25.64 25.66 30 40 50 60 70 80 25..66 25. 67 25. 88 25.98 90 100 110 120 130 140 142 TEMP 17.10 17.07 16.98 16.69 16. 64 16.61 16. 59 16.58 16. 56 16. 53 16.30 15. 86 15.43 15.18 14. 92 14.87 SAL 35.09 35. 09 35.09 35. 05 35.05 35. 05 35. 05 35.84 35. 04 35. 04 35. 03 35.01 34. 99 34.98 34. 96 34. 96 SIGMA 25.58 25. 59 25.61 25.65 25.66 25.67 25. 67 25.67 25.67 25.68 25.72 25.81 25.89 25. 94 25.98 25. 99 SVA 241.8 241.4 239.7 236. 4 235.6 235. 3 235.1 235. 9 235.8 235. 5 221.4 223.5 216. 0 211.7 207.9 206. 9 DELD 0.000 0.024 0.048 0.072 0.096 0.119 0. 143 0.166 0.190 0. 213 0.237 0.260 0.282 0.302 8.324 0.328 POTE 0.000 0.012 0. 048 O. 108 0.190 0. 296 0.426 0.579 0.756 0.956 2.179 1.417 1.670 1.927 2.220 2.279 129 34.4 TEM.° 0 0. 34.6 34.8 4 35.0 35.2 L. 35.4 12 16 20 100. 200. 300.- 400.- SRL. TEMP ' 310 500 55.5 45.0 56.5 0111A-T 7.5 22 CAST NO 22 LAT 15 11.6 DATE 7i29/75 TIME 412 STATION. LONG 75 74.6 DPTH 510 PROSE BOT SWELL DIP HT ,8 PER EAR 12.0 WEATHER HIND DIP 125 'SPD 3 CLOUD TYPE 7- e AMOUNT AIR TEMP 16. 6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 24 47 70 94 117 140 189 247 285 382 T 16.99 16.96 16.96 16.79 16.68 16.36 15.09 14. 73 14.16 13.30 12.34 9. 93 S 35.09 35. 09 35.08 35.06 35. 05 35. 04 34.98 34. 96 34. 93 34. 91 34. 88 34. 71 INTERPOLATED SIG-T 25.60 25.60 25.60 25.62 25. 64 25.71 25. 95 26. 01 26.12 26.28 26.44 26. 75 DEPTH 0 10 20 20 40 SO 50 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 150 170 180 190 200 225 250 200 382 TEMP 16. 99 16.95 16. 9 16.92 15. 84 16. 78 16. 72 15.58 15.55 16.41 16. 03 15.48 15.04 14.`89 14. 73 14.5551 14.50 14.38 14. 27 14.15 14. 00 12.62 1=.22 11.97 9. 93 SAL 25. 09 25.09 35.08 25. 08 35.0 :5.06 25.0 35 0 35. 05 -5.04 35.02 25. 00 24.98 34.9 24.95 24.95 24.95 24.94 34.94 '.4.92 74. 92 34.92 34.91 24:85 24. 71 SIGMA 25_5 25. 52 25. 61 25.62 25. 52 25. 54 25. 64 25.65 25.68 25. 71 7 25.7 25. 89 25. 97 26.00 25. 02 26.04 25.07 '6.08 25.11 26.12 26. 15 26. 27 25.20 26. 50 26. 75 SVA 239. 2 238. 9 248.8 229.4 228. 6 228. 2 228. 3 237. 4 224. 9 2_2.8. 226. 2 215 0 208.4 206. 7: 284.0 202. 5 200.5 199.0 197.1 195.6 192. 9 185. 180.1 161.9 127 9 DELD 0.000 0:024 O. 048 0.072 O. 096 6.12E 0 142 0.167 0.191 0 214 0.22:7 0. 259 O. 280 0.201 0. 222 0.342 0. 252 0. .202 0.402 0.422 0.441 0.488 0.524 0.620 742 POTE 0,008 O. 012 0.048 0.10=: 0.192 O. 299 T.420 O. 584 O. 751 0.950 1.179 1.411 1.554 1.912 2.190 2.484 2. 797 3.125 2.473:2. 825 4.215 5: 224 6:215 8:552 12. 817 130 LAT 15 14.6 DATE 7/29/76 TIME 655 CAST NO 2:: PROBE BUT LONG 75 39. 2 DPTH 1123 STATION BAR 12.5 WEATHER SWELL DIP 135 HT 1 PEP WIND DIP 135 SPD 12 CLOUD TYPE 7-AMOUNT S RIR TEMP16. 6 MET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE TEMP SAL SAMPLE DEPTH OBSERVED DEPTH T 5 0 17. 46 35.15 12 17.41 35. 14 22 17.07 35. 11 50 16.87 35. 08 71 16.61 35. 06 95 16. 29 35. 04 120 15. 60 34. 99 140 14.52 34. 93 108 13.42 34.93 240 12. 79 34.91 34.88 288 12.32 386 10.51 34.75 556 6. 72 34. 53 SAL. 600.- BIG TEMP 23 700.- 000.- 900... 1000. 55.0 5.5 56.0 6.5 5 7.5 7. SIG-T 25. 53 25.54 25.60 25. 62 25. 67 25. 72 25.84 26.04 26.27 26.38 26.45 26.68 27.10 INTERPOLATED SAL DEPTH TEMP 25. 15 0 17.45 35. 14 10 17.42 -5.12 20 7.14 25. 10 30 17.01 "5.09 40 16.94 - 50 16. 87 75. 08 35. 07 60 16. 75 70 16. 62 35. 06 35. 05 so 16. 49 90 16.35 25. 04 25. 07: 100 1e.15 110 15. es 25. 01 120 15.6 - 24. 99 24. 96 120 18. 05 34. 93 140 14. 52 34.92 150 14.2 4.9- 160 14.06 170 13. 83 24. 93 180 12. 60 74. 93 190 13.40 :4. 9.3 :4 92 200 13. 28 34. 92 225 12. 97 34. 90 ,50 12. 69 300 12. 11 24. 86 34.73 400 10 29 74.60 800 7.97 24. 53 6.72 555 SIGMA 25. 54 25 54 25 60 25.61 25. 52 25. 67 25 65 25 67 25. 70 25. 72 25 76 25 81 25 65 25 95 26. 05 26. 09 5.14 25. 19 26 24 26. 28 25 71 2e. :e 25. 40 26. 48 26 73 2S. 99 27.11 DELD 0 000 0 025 _.049 0. 073 0.097 0.121 0. 145 2:5 4 0. 169 O. 192 223. 5 231. 7 0. 215 228'. 1 0. 228: 223. 9 0. 260 219. 6 0 222 0.704 210 6 0. 7:23 201. 8 0. 345 197 4 192 0 0 :64 188. 6 0 ze.T 164. 3 1.402 4,0 180. 6 176 5 0 438 0. 482 . 171 9 0 525 170 6. 163. 0 50? 0.761 141.4 0 990 116 ? 104 6' 0. 952 245 6 245 241.1 240.0 27'9.4 218. 9 ROTE 0 000 0 012 0.049 0.109 0.197 O. 100 0 471 0. 585 0 761 0. 958 1.176 1.414 1 ee9 1. 917 2. 215 2. 505 2. 807 2'. 122' 7. 448 2: 785 4 135 5. 072 6. 097' 17.70? 19 477: 22.779 34.4 TEMl1 0 0 34.6 34.8 9 8 35.0 35.2 12 PAL. 35.4 20 100 . - 300. 400. 24 CAST NO 24 LAT 15 le. 1 DATE 7/29/76 TIME 900 STATION LONG 75 41.1 DPTH 1462 PROSE SOT SWELL DIP 150 HT 1 PER BAR 11.1 WEATHER WIND DIP 135 SPD 7 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIR TEMP 16. 6 WET BULB 15. 6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL INTERPOLATED OBSERVED DEPTH 0 9 26 49 70 91 118 143 186 241 285 384 480 I 17.69 17.68 17.68 16.87 16.64 16.19 15.48 14.46 13. 14 12.41 11.88 10.52 8. 43 S 35. 21 35.18 35.18 35.07 35. 04 35. 02 34.99 34, 91 34. 86 34. 88 34. 84 34.75 34. 62 SIG-T 25. 52 25. 51 25. 51 25. 61 25. 64 25. 73 25.87 26.04 26. 27 26.43 26. 50 26. 68 26. 92 DEPTH TEMP 0 17. 69 10 17. 68 20 17. 68 30 17.54 40 17.19 50 16.86 60 16.75 70 16. 64 80 16.43 90 16.21 100 15. 95 110 15. 69 120 15.40 130 14.99 140 14. 58 150 14.25 160 13. 94 170 13.63 180 13. 32 190 13. 09 200 12. 95 225 12. 62 250 12.30 300 11.67 400 10.17 480 8.43 SAL 35. 21 35. 18 35.18 35. 16 35.11 35. 07 35. 05 35. 04 35. 03 35.02 35.01 35.00 34. 98 34. 95 34. 92 34.90 34. 89 34. 88 34.87 34. 86 34. 87 34. 87 34. 87 34. 83 34. 73 34. 62 SIGMA 25. 53 25. 51 25.51 25. 53 25. 58 25. 62 25. 63 25. 65 25. 69 25. 74 25.79 25,84 25.89 25.96 26.03 26. 08 26.14 26.20 26.25 26.29 26.33 26.39 26. 45 26. 54 26. 74 26.94 SVA 246.6 248. 9 249. 2 247.7 243. 7 239.4 238.7 237. 3 233. 6 229.8 225. 1 220.5 216.1 289.8 203. 8 198. 7 193. 4 188.2 183.1 179.6 176.4 170.8 165. 3 157. 8 140. 9 122.1 DELD 0. 000 0. 025 0. 050 0. 075 0. 099 0. 123 0. 147 0. 171 0. 194 0.218 0.240 0.263 0.284 0.306 8.326 0.347 0.366 0. 385 0.404 0.422 0.440 0.483 0. 525 0.606 0.756 0. 861 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.050 0.112 0.198 0.306 0.438 0.592 0.769 0.966 1.182 1.416 1.667 1.933 2.212 2.503 2.807 3.122 3.447 3.782 4.129 5.052 6.045 8.267 13. 506 18.118 132 34.4 TEMP0 0 34.6 34.8 4 8 35.0 35.2 pm_ 35.4 12 16 20 100.- 200.- 300.- 400._ um 500. .0 25.5 9TM Tile 6.0 26.5 .0 25 CAST NO 25 LAT 15 27.0 DATE 7/29/76 TIME 1154 PROBE ROT STATION LONG 75 44.6 DPTH 4500 SWELL DIR 150 HT 1 PEP BAP 11. 5 WEATHER WIND DIR 120 SPD 8 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 17.2 WET BULB 16.1 SRL SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP OBSERVED DEPTH 0 9 23 47 71 94 118 141 189 238 286 383 48a I 17.28 17.27 17.26 17. 28 17.20 15.78 13.97 13. 29 12.78 12.24 11.84 10.36 8.47 S 35.16 35.18 35:18 35.16 35. 16 35. 02 34. 88 34. 88 34. 90 34.86 34.86 34.74 34.62 INTERPOLATED SIG-T 25. 59 25.60 25.60 25. 59 25. 61 25. 83 26. 11 26.25 26. 37 26.45 26.52 26. 70 26. 92 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 480 TEMP 17. 28 17.27 17.26 17.27 17. 27 17.27 17.24 17. 20 16.64 16.03 15.33 14.57 13. 91 13. 62 13.32 13.19 13.09 12. 98 12. 88 12.77 12.66 12. 38 12. 14 11.63 10.83 8.47 SRL 35.16 35_18 35.18 35.17 35.17 35. 16 35. 16 35.16 35.11 35.04 34. 99 34. 93 34. 88 34. 88 34. 88 34. 88 34. 89 34. 89 34. 90 34. 90 34. 89 34. 87 34. 86 34. 84 34. 72 34. 62 SIGMA 25.59 25.61 25.61 25.60 25.60. 25. 60 25. 60 25. 61 25. 71 25. 79 25. 91 26. 03 26.14 26.20 26. 26 26. 29 26.31 26.34 26.36 26. 38 26. 40 26.44 26.48 26. 56 26. 75 26.93 SVA 240. 8 239.4 229.5 240.8 241. 1 242. 2 241.8 241.2 232.5 224. 4 213. 2 202. 0 192.5 187. 0 181.3 179.1 176.6 174.8 /72.4 170. 5 169.4 166.2 163.1 156.3 139.2 122.8 DELD 0.000 0.024 0.048 0. 072 0.096 0. 120 0.144 0.169 0.192 0. 215 0.237 0.258 0. 278 0. 296 0. 315 0.333 0.351 0.368 0. 386 0.403 0.420 0.462 0. 503 0.583 0.731 0.835 POTE 0.000 0.012 0_048 0.108 0.492 0. 301 0. 434 0.591 0.769 0.963 1./71 1. 390 1. 616 1.853 2.101 2. 362 2. 638 2. 927 Z. 231 3.548 3.879 4.770 5. 748 7.942 13.107 17.702 133 34.4 34.6 4 34.8 8 35.0 12 35.2 16 35.4 20 35.6 24 0. 100.. CAST NO 26 LAT 15 29. 5 DATE 7/29/76 TIME 1425 LONG 76 01.4 DPTH 4300 STATION PROBE BOT BAP 12.0 WEATHER SWELL DIP 150 HT 1 PEP SPD 1 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 WIND DIP AIR TEMP 17.2 WET BULB 16.-1 SAMPLE TEMP SAMPLE DEPTH SAL 200.- OBSERVED 300.- DEPTH 0 10 24 47 70 93 116 140 188 237 286 385 484 584 400... 500.- T 17.24 17.24 17.23 17. 24 16. 66 14.69 13. 56 13. 05 12. 61 12.01 11. 66 10. 38 8. 68 7. 24 S 35. 18 35.18 35.18 35. 18 35.09 34.90 34.83 34.87 34. 90 34. 84 34.82 34. 74 34. 63 34. 56 SIG-T 25. 61 25. 61 25. 61 25. 61 25. 68 25. 98 26.16 26. 30 26.41 26.48 26.53 26. 70 26.89 27. 05 600._ INTERPOLATED 700._ 800.- 900._ 1000 125.0 5.5 ¶26.0 ¶26.5 SIGMA2.0 , 22.5 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 120 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 :00 400 500 584 TEMP 17. 24 17.24 17.2_ 17.22 17.24 17.16 16.91 16.66 15. 80 14.95 14.3 12. 86 13. 48 12.26 12. 05 12.96 12.87 12.78 12.60 12.` 12. 46 12.16 11.92 11.48 10.12 8.45 7.24 SAL 25. 18 35.18 35.18 35.18 35,18 25.17 5.13 -5.09 35. 01 24.93 54.88 34. 85 34. 84 34.85 34.8 74.88 34.88 34.89 34. 90 24.90 74.89 54.^c 24.84 24 8 34.72 24.62 34.56 SIGMA 25. 62 25.62 25.62 25.62 25.62 25.62 25.66 25.69 25. 82 25.95 26.04 26. 12 26. 20 26. ,5 26. 31 26. 22: 26.3 26.28 26. 40 26.42 26. 44 26.47 26. 50 26. 56 26.74 26. 92 27.06 OVA 228. 4 228. 7 238.8 239.2 239.7 238.9 236.5 224. 1 221.2' 209. 2 200.8 192. 4 186.9 182 1 176. 8 174.6 173.1 170.9 168.6 157.1 165:6 163.8 160.5 155. 8 140.7. 122. 8 110.4 DELD O. 000 O.024 0.848 0.072 0.096 0.120 0.142 0.167 0.190 O.211 0.232 O. 251 O. 270 0. ,89 0 207 O.324 0.342 0._59 0.276 0. 292 O. 409 0.450 0. 491 0.570 0 719 O. 850 0.948 POTE O. 000 0.012 0.048 O. 108 0.191 0. 299 0.430 0.582 O. 754 0. 927 1.131 1. 328 1. 556 1. 77 2. 0 229 2,284 2.551 2.826 2. 124 2:444 1. 769 4.642 5. 602, 7. 784 12.964 18.862 24.159 134 35.0 12 35.2 16 35.4 20 PAL 35. 6 24 100._ CAST NO 27 LAT 15 48. 4 DATE 7/29,76 TIME 1722 STATION LONG 76 15.6 DPTH 7520 PROBE BO? SWELL DIR 150 HT 1 PER BAP 13.5 WEATHER! WIND DIP 180 SPD 2 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 17. 8 WET BULB 16. 6 SAMPLE TEMP SAMPLE DEPTH SAL 200._ OBSERVED 301L_ DEPTH 0 10 23 46 70 93 117 141 188 236 285 382 480 579 T 17. 33 17. 31 17. 28 17.27 15.41 14. 12 13.25 12.75 12. 50 11. 98 11.47 10.10 8.74 7. 33 S 35.18 35.18 35. 18 35.18 35. 00 34.84 34.82 34.83 34. 88 34. 84 34.82 34.71 34.62 34.54 SIG-T 25. 59 25. 59 25.60 25.60 25. 89 26. 06 26. 22 26. 32 26.41 26.49 26.56 26.72 26. 88 27.03 SIG 600.- INTERPOLATED 700._ 800._ 900._ 1000. 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 SIGMA-T 7.0 7.5 DEPTH 0 10 20 20 40 50 50 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 150 170 180 190 =00 225 250 1-00 400 500 579 TEMP 17 11 17. 31 17.29 17.22 17. 27 16. 95 16. 18. 15.41 14.85 14. 29 12. 27 11. 50 11. 19 12. 98 12.77 12. 70 12. 65 12. 50 12.54 12.48 12. 17 12. 10 11._:3 11. 25 9. 85 8.45 SAL '.5.18 25 18 25. 18 -5.13 15.18 :5. 15 15. 08 15. 00 54.` 14. 86 34. 81 14 82 14 82 14. 81 14 SI 14 84 14. 85 74.14. 57 14. 88 34. 87 14. 85 14. 87 34.80 34.59 a4: €0 14 54 SIGMA 25. 60 25.60 25 51 25 61 25. €1 25. 55 25. 79 25. 90 25 97 25. 04 25. 11 26. 12 25. 24 25. 29 25.7:1 25. 15 25.17 2€ 19 25. 41 25. 41 25. 44 25. 4! 26. 51 25. 50 25. 75 25 92 27 04 240. 5 240. 1: 240 2 240.1 240 4 21'5 9 Z21: 21.1. 205. 200. 6 194 8 187 7 182. 5 174. 1 174.= 172. 5 171 1 1€9 7 158. 1 165. 5 155.4 152. 4 159 5 152. 5 118 4 124 4 112: i. DELI, 0. 000 0.024 0. 048 0.072 0.096 0. 120 0.14: 0.165 0.185 O. 205 0 225 0 245 0 254 0 282 O 252 POTE 0. 000 0..01=' 0. 048 0.108 0.192 0.100 0.425 0.562 0 225 0. 899 1. 087 1. 267 1. 500 1 726 1. 951 2 215 2 481 2 762 2 057 0.184 0.401 O. 442 0 452 0 560 O. 705 0 815 0.9 1 590 4 550 1. 515 7555 12. 18.608 21.551 SI 117 0 224 O 151 2. 135 34.4 34.6 34.8 0 4 8 0 35.0 35.2 35.4 12 16 20 35.6 4 100. CAST NO 28 LRT 16 01.0 DATE 7/29/76 TIME 2050 STATION LONG 76 25,0 DPTH 3250 PROBE BOT SWELL DIR 150 HT 1 PER BAR 12.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 135 SPD 10 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.6 WET BULB 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL 200._ OBSERVED 300. DEPTH T S SIG-T 0 17.10 35. 16 25. 63 10 17.09 35.15 25. 62 24 16. 94 35.14 25. 65 48 16. 89 35.13 25. 65 71 16. 90 35. 13 25. 65 400. 94 13. 65 34. 81 26. 13 117 13. 10 34. 83 26. 25 140 12. 89 34. 88 26.34 187 12.10 34. 84 26. 47 235 11. 42 34.80 26. 56 282 11.04 34.79 26.62 500. 9. 74 34. 70 26. 78 379 575 7.06 34.54 27.06 • 600. 28 TEMP SIC INTERPOLATED 700. 800. 900. 1000. 55.0 55.5 56.0 56.5 31"A-T 57.5 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 400 500 575 TEMP 17.10 17.09 16.98 16. 93 16.91 16.89 16. 90 16. 90 15.62 14.22 13. 51 13. 27 13.07 12. 98 12.89 12. 72 12.55 12. 39 12.22 12. 06 11.92 11.56 11.20 10.80 9.45 8.09 7. 06 SAL 35.16 35.15 35. 14 35.14 35.13 35.13 35.13 35.13 35. 01 34.87 34.82 34.82 34. 84 34. 86 34. 88 34_87 34. 86 34. 85 34. 85 34. 84 34. 83 34. 81 34. 80 34.77 34. 68 34.68 . 34.54 SIGMA 25.64 25.63 25.65 25.66 25.66 25.66 25.66 25.66 25. 86 26. 06 26. 17 26.22 26. 2S 26.31 26. 35 26.37 26.40 26_42 26.45 26.48 26. 50 26. 55 26. 59 26.66 26.82 26.97 27.07 SVA 236.7 237. 5 236.1 235.3 235.9 235. 7 226.3 236.6 217.6 198.6 188.3 183. 9 178.9 175. 9 173. 0 170.7 168.5 166. 5 163. 6 161.6 159. 9 155. 5 152.1 146.6 122.5 118.7 109. 1 DELD 0.000 0.024 0. 047 0.071 0. 094 0.118 0.142 0_165 0.188 0.209 0.228 0. 247 0. 265 0. 283 0. 300 0.317 0.334 0.351 0.367 0.384 0.400 0.439 8.477 0.552 0.691 0. 817 8.902 POTE 0. 000 0.012 0. 047 0.106 0.189 0.295 0.424 0. 578 0. 749 0. 926 1.108 1.204 1.512 1.734 1.969 2.218 2.481 2.756 3. 045 3. 346 3. 659 4.497 5. 409 7.464 12.326 17.952 22.532 136 34.4 0 TE 34.6 4 34.8 8 35.0 35.2 AL 35.4 12 16 20 0 100._ 200.- 300._ SAL, 400._ 500. 125.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 SIGMA-T 7.0 7.5 70 CAST NO 70 LAT 15 42. 9 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 405 PROBE BUT LONG 76 13. 1 DPTH 3840 STATION BAR 13. 0 WEATHER SWELL DIR 150 HT 8 PEP. AMOUNT 8 WIND DIR 150 SPD 23 CLOUD TYPE 8AIR TEMP 15. 6 WET BULB 15.0 SAL SAMPLE TEMP SAMPLE DEPTH INTERPOLATED OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 24 48 72 95 119 142 188 235 282 377 I 16.48 16. 46 16. 49 16.48 14.31 13.76 13.34 13.03 12.71 12. 37 11.83 10.98 S 35.144 35. 143 35, 141 35. 140 34.898 34.921 34. 922 34. 915 34. 904 34. 886 34.837 34.787 SIG-T 25.77 25. 76 25. 76 25.76 26. 06 26. 20 26.28 26.34 26.40 26.45 26. 51 26. 63 DEPTH TEMP 0 16. 48 10 16.45 20 16.48 30 16.49 40 16.48 50 16.30 60 15.40 70 14. 49 80 14.12 90 13.88 100 13. 67 110 13.50 120 13.33 130 13.19 140 13.06 150 12. 97 160 12.91 170 12.84 180 12.77 190 12.70 280 12.62 225 12. 44 250 12.20 300 11.67 377 LB. 98 SAL 35.14 35.14 35.14 35. 14 35.14 35.12 35. 02 34. 92 34.90 34. 91 34. 91 34.91 34. 91 34. 91 34.91 34. 91 34. 91 34. 90 34. 90 34. 90 34. 90 34. 89 34.87 34.83 34. 79 SIGMA 25. 77 25. 77 25.77 25.76 25. 77 25. 79 25. 92 26. 04 26.11 26. 17 26.21 26. 24 26.28 26.31 26.32 26. 35 26.36 26.37 26. 38 26.40 26.41 26.44 26.47 26. 54 26.64 224.2 222.9 224.9 225.4 225. 5 223. 3 211.2 199. 9 194.1 198.8 184.9 181.8 178.8 176.3 174.1 172.6 171. 7 171.3 170.3 169.2 167.9 /65.9 163.5 157.8 150.1 DELD 0.000 0. 022 0.045 0. 067 0.090 0.112 0.134 0.155 0.174 0.193 0. 212 0.230 0.249 0.266 0.284 0.301 0.318 0.335 O. 352 0.269 0.386 0.428 0. 469 0.549 0.668 ROTE 0. 000 0. 011 0.045 0. 101 0.180 0.282 0.401 0.534 0.682 0.844 1.022 1.214 1.421 1. 643 1.880 2.13/ 2.398 2.680 2.979 3.293 3.621 4. 508 5.484 7.687 11. 693 137 400. 500. 125.0 5.5 tS.0 ($.5 SIGMA-T 27.0 7.5 72 CAST NO 72 LAT 15 24.3 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 823 STATION LONG. 76 02.6 DPTH 5120 PROBE BOT SWELL DIP. 150 HT 8 PEP BAR 12.0 WEATHER WIND DIP 135 SPD 22 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 15.6 NET BULB 15.0 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL OBSERVED tEPTH 0 9 24 47 70 94 117 140 187 234 281 274 T 16.64 16.64 16.64 16.62 14.49 1.3. 8: 12.45 12. 11 12. 70 12. 25 11.87 10. 54 25. 126 35. 126 25. 128: 35. 124 34.907 34. 902 24. 905 24. 908 34.901 34.873 24.847 24 757 INTERPOLATED SIG-T 25. 71 25. 71 25. 72 25. 72 26.03 26. le 26. 25 26. 22 25. 29 26.46 26.51 26. 59 DEPTH TEMP 0 16.64 10 16.64 20 16.64 10 16.64 40 16.6 50 16.24 60 15.42 70 14.49 80 14. 22 90 13.94 100 13.73 110 13.57 120 13.41 130 12.26 140 13.11 159 12.02 160 12.94 170 12. es 180 12. 75 190 12.67 200 12.59 225 12.34 250 12. 12 300 11.60 374 10.54 SAL 5.13 35.13 35.1= 25. 12 35. 12 5.09 5.00 24.91 34.91 34.90 24.90 34.90 34.90 34.91 34.91 34.91 34.91 34.90 34.90 34.90 24.89 34.88 34. 85 24.82 34. 75 SIGMA 25. 72 25. 72 25. 72 25.72 25. 72 25.76 25. 90 26.04 26. 09 26.15 25.19 25.22 26. 25 26 29 26. 22 26. 34 26.36 26.3 25. 39 6.40 26.41 26.45 26.48 26. 55 26. 69 SVA 228.5 228. 229. 2 229. 5 220. 3 226.3 212.2 200.6 195. 4 190.8 185.9 184. e 181.1 177.7 175.0 173.6 172.3 171.5 170.1 168.6 167.9 164.7 162. 7 157. 2: 145.2 DELD 0.000 0.027 0.046_. 0.069 0.092 0.115 0.127 0.157 O. 177 0.196 0.215 0.234 0.252 0.270 0.288 0.305 0._22 0.239 O. 157 0.3 0.290 O. 472 O. 472: O. 553 0.665 POTE a oep 0.011 0.046 0.102 0.184 0.287 0.407 0.542 O. 690 0.854 1.033 1. 228 1.438 1. 652 1.900 2.153 2.421. 2. 704 2. 003 2.215 2. 544 4.527 5.499 7.703 1.454 138 100._ SRL. 5I0 400._ 500. 125.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 3IGMR-T 7.0 27.5 74 CAST NO 74 LAT 15 26.2 DATE 8/10/75 TIME 1208 PROBE SOT STATION LONG 75 52.3 DPTH 3900 up. 12.5 WEATHER SWELL DIP 125 HT 7 PER AMOUNT 8 WIND DIR 125 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AIR TEMP 15.5 WET BULB 14.0 SAL SAMPLE DEPTH. SAMPLE TEMP INTERPOLATED OBSERVED DEPTH 0 9 22 45 52 90 113 135 180 225 270 362 I 15.53 16. 52 15.54 16.54 14.81 12.76 13.25 12.7 12.70 11.96 11.42 9. 85 75. 116 75. 11 35 126 75. 118 34.9088 34.889 34.902 34.873 24,880 14. 858 34.820 34. 704 25. 77 25.74 25. 74 25. 7 ,, 25.95 6.17 25. 29 25.25 25.46 26. 51 25.58 26_77 DEPTH TEMP 0 16. 57 10 15.. 20 16. 54 30 16. 54 40 16.54 50 15.2 60 15.44 70 14.7 80 14.24 90 17. 75 100 17.54 - 110 17.72 120 13.10 120 12. 8• 140 12. 72 150 12.51 150 12.51 170 12.40 180 12.30 190 12.2= 200 12.15 225 11. 97 250 11.67 300 10. 91 252 9. 85 SAL 35. 12 25. 12 5.1 25. 12' 75.12 ?5.08 34.99 34.91 74.90 24. 89 74.89 74.90 34.89 34. 22 34.87 74. 97 34.85: 34.88' 34. 88 74. SS 74. S7 24. 85 34.84 24. 78 74. 70 SIGMA 25. 74 25 74 75 25. 75 25. 74 25. 78 25.89 25. 99 25. OS 25,12 25. 22 26. 27 25.31 26. .77 2E. 29 6.42 26.44 26. 46 25. 48 25. 45 25. 51 25.55 26.54 26. 77 2 225. 9 ',75 9 227. 2 228. 7 224.6 214.4 205 4 195.5 127 9 187.2 179.0 175.5 172.5 179.5 158. 6 156. 7 164.5 152.2 151. 5' 151. 2 159 7, 155 9 147.5 125 9 DELD 0.000 L22 1.045 045 u. 062 0.091 0.114 0.135 0.157 0.177 0.19' 0.214 0.232 0 250 0.265 0 255 0.202 0. alR 0.57 0.751 O. 2-55' 0.284 0.424 0.453 0.529 0.629 POTE 0.000 O. 011 0.045 0. 102 0.182 9.224 0.405 0. 541 0_592 e. 555 1.0:2 1_222 1.425 1 543 1.274 2. 120 2 250 2.653 2 9:9 : 2_ 7 554 4.40_ 5 :40 7. 429 10.795 139 34.4 TE 0 34.6 34.8 8 35.0 12 O. 35.2 16 35.4 20 100. 200. 300. SAL. 400. TEMP 51G 500 125.0 5.5 BIOMR-T 6.0 6.5 127.0 127.5 77 CAST NO 77 LAT 15 17. 3 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 1653 STATION LONG 75 43. 5 DPTH 1520 PROBE ROT SWELL DIR 135 HT 7 PER BRR 13.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 135 SPD 18 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 17.8 WET BULB 14. 0 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SRL OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 23 48 72 95 118 141 187 234 281 375 T 16.93 16. 90 16.90 16. 89 15. 47 13.53 13.04 12.61 12.31 11.70 11.02 9. 88 S 35. 193 35.192 35. 192 35.192 34. 985 34. 831 34. 886 34. 847 34.876 34.808 34.765 34.659 INTERPOLATED SIG-T 25.70 25.70 25. 70 25. 70 25. 88 26.17 26. 32 26. 37 26.45 26.52 26. 61 26. 86 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 225 250 300 375 TEMP 16.93 16.90 16. 90 16. 90 16.89 16.77 16.18 15.59 14. 80 13. 95 13.42 13.21 13. 00 12. 82 12. 63 12. 55 /2.49 12.42 12.36 12. 27 12.14 11. 82 11.47 10.63 9.08 SRL 35.18 35. 18 35.18 35.18 35.18 35.16 35. 08 35. 00 34. 93 34. 86 34. 84 34. 87 34. 89 34. 86 34. 84 34.85 34.86 34. 87 34.87 34.88 34.86 34.82 34. 79 34.73 34. 66 SIGMA 25. 69 25. 70 25. 70 25. 70 25. 70 25. 71 25. 79 25.86 25. 99 26.11 26. 21 26.27 26.33 26. 34 26. 37 26.39 26.41 26.43 26.44 26. 47 26.48 26. 51 26.55 26. 66 26.86 SVA 231.4 231. 231.3 231. 7 231. 8 230.8 223. 9 217. 2 205.9 193.9 185. 1 179.1 173.8 172.8 171.0 169.0 167.4 165.6 164.7 162.5 161.8 159. 5 155. 9 146. 6 127. 5 DELD 0. 000 0. 023 0. 046 0. 069 0. 093 0.116 0.138 0.161 0.182 0. 202 0.221 0. 239 0.256 0.274 0.291 0.308 0.325 0.341 0.358 0.374 0.390 0.430 0.470 0. 546 0.648 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.0466 0.104 0.185 0.290 0.414 0.558 0.717 0.886 1.065 1.256 1.459 1.676 1.907 2.154 2.415 2.690 2.979 3.281 3.597 4.449 5. 385 7.470 10.922 140 35.0 35.2 35.4 12 16 20 300._ 500. 5 .0 25.5 6.0 11.5 L5I0MN-T 27.0 7.3 29 CAST NO 79 LAT 15 13-2 DATE 8/10/76 TIME 1954 PROBE BOT STATION LONG 75 38.5 DPTH 920 BAR 13.5 WEATHER SWELL DIR 125 HT 6 PER AMOUNT 8 WIND DIR 140 SPD 12 CLOUD TYPE 8- AIR TEMP 17. 8 WET BULB 16. 1 SAL SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 25 49 73 96 119 141 188 244 280 373 T 15.69 15.53 15.29 15.15 14.86 12.72 13.24 12. 57 12. 32 11.06 7. 88 5 34. 993 34. 986 34. 970 34.962 34. 968 34.953 34.884 34.807 34.803 34.864 34. 788 34.591 INTERPOLATED SIG-T 25. 84 25.86 25.90 25. 93 25.98 26.18 26.21 26.24 26.44 26.62 26.99 DEPTH TEMP 0 15.69 10 15.53 20 15.37 30 15.28 40 15.25 50 15.22 60 15.19 70 15.16 80 15.06 90 14.94 100 14. 66 110 14.17 120 13.70 130 13.48 140 13.26 150 13.11 160 12.97 170 12.83 180 12.68 190 12. 56 200 12. 52 225 12.41 250 12.11 300 10.38 7.88 373 SRL 34.99 34.99 34.98 34. 97 34.97 34.97 34. 97 24.97 34.96 34. 96 34. 94 34. 91 34. 88 34. 85 34. 81 34. 81 34. 81 34. 80 34.80 34. 80 34. 81 34.84 34. 85 34. 75 34. 59 SIGMA 25.83 25. 87 25. 90 25. 91 25. 92 25. 92 25. 93 25. 94 25. 95 25.98 26. 02 26.11 26. 18 26.20 26. 22 26. 25 26. 28 26.20 26.33 26.35 26. 36 26.41 26.48 26. 72 27.00 SVR 217. 9 214.8 212.4 211.5 211.2 210.9 '210. 5 210.2 209.1 206.9 202.8 195. 2 188.2 186.4 185.3 182.6 180.2 178.5 175.9 173.8 172.6 169. 0 163.3 140. 8 114.1 DELD 0.000 0.022 0.043 0.064 0.085 0. 106 0.127 0.148 0.169 0.190 0.211 0. 231 0.250 0.269 0.287 0. 306 0. 324 0.342 0. 359 0.377 0. 394 0.437 0.478 0.554 0.647 POTE 0. 000 0.011 0.043 0.096 0. 170 0. 265 0. 381 0.517 0. 674 0. 851 1.047 1.256 1. 476 1.710 1.961 2.228 2.509 2.805 3. 114 3.438 2.775 4.681 5. 671 7.753 10. 861 141 34.4 34.6 34.8 4 8 TEM 0. MAL. 35.0 35.2 38.4 12 16 20 50. 100. 150._ SAL 310 TEMP 200 5.0 25.5 SIGMA-T 26.0 26.5 27.0 27.5 82 CAST NO 82 LAT 15 09. 0 DATE 5/10/76 TIME 2240 STATION LONG75 24 0 DPTH 199 PROBE 80T SHELL DIR 170 HT 4 PEP EAR 12.5 WEATHER WIND DIP 145 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 16.1 WET suLe 15.6 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 19 2E: 47 71 94 118 141 165 T 15.52 15.50 15.28 15.08 14.85 14.24 12.88 12.50 17.29 12.89 S 34.998 _4.998 _4.998 34.974 :4.952 34.892 34.895 24.908 34.89 34.87_ INTERPOLATED SIG-T 25. 87 25.88 25. 3" -25:95 25.99 26.07 26. 15 26. 24 26. 27 26.34 DEPTH TEMP 0 15.52 10 15.50 20 15.26 30 15.06 40 14.94 50 14.77 GO 14. 52 70 14. 27 80 14.10 90 13.94 100 13. 79 110 12.62 120 13.48 120 13:. 29 140 13. 20 3.1 160 12.97 165 12.89 SRL 35.00 5.00 25.00 24 97 34. 96 24. 94 34. 9 • _4.89 34.89 24.90 34.90 24.91 34.91 34.90 14. 89 4.5 34. 87 3:4.87 SIGMA 25.88 5.88 25. 94 25.96 25. 98 26. 00 26. 04 26. 07 26.10 26.15 6.18 26.22 26 25 26. 26 26.27 "G. 7, 26.24 SYR 211.` 21_.4 208.6 206. 9 205_ 4 202. 6 200. 2 197.6 194.'4 190.8 188.0 184.4 121. 7 181.0 180:2 178.1 175. 174.4 DELD. O.000 O. 021 0.042 0.062 0_0E4 0.104 0 125 0.144 O.164 0.183 0.202 O. 221 0.239 0.257 0. 275 O. 292 0. 211 0.120 ROTE 0.000 0.011 0.042 0.094 0.166 0.259 0. 370 0. 499 0.646 0.803 0.989 1.184 1.295 1.621 1. 857 2 124 2.198 2.540 142 TEMP 100. 115.0 55.5 56.0 56.5 SI -T 57. 7.5 85 CAST NO 85 LAT 15 04.5 DATE 2/11/76 TIME 42 STATION LONG 75 29.9 DPTH 106 PRIME EOT SWELL DIP 170 HT 4 PEP EAR 14 0 HEoTHEP WIND DIP 145 SPD 22 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 2 RIP TEMP 15. 5 WET EULE 14.4 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL OBSERVED DEPTH 0 19 20 30 49 74 . 88 T 15.72' 15.31. 15.30 15. 27 15.06 14.18 13.90 • S 24. 987 34.987 34..994 34. 988 34.981 34.926 34.920 INTERPOLATED SIG-T 25.91 25.91 25. 92 25.92 25. 96 26. 11 26.16 DEPTH 0 10 20 :0 49 50. • 60 70 80 88 TEMP 15. 12 15. 71 15.30 15_27 15.16 15.0_' 14. 67 14.3 14."04 11. 90 SAL SIGMA 14. 99 25. 92 27. 32 25 92 210 0 210. 1 210. 2 25. 97 25. 95 25. 97 26. 04 6.10 6.14 24. 16 209. 3 0.2 207. 9 0 024 206. 15. 105 200. 4 0 195. 0 0. 147 191.{ 0 164 129. 0.179 34.99 24. 99 34. 99 34. 99 74. 92 14. 96 34. 94 34.934. 91 DELI', 0 02 , POTE . 2•10 0.'011 0 042 O 042 0 92..3 0. 035 0. 162 0.241 0 .7 7:0. 501 0. 64E0 774 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 39 49 64 143 SIG SAL. TEMP 80.- 100. 5.0 5.5 6.0 6 .5 7.0 7.5 87 CAST. NO 87 LAT 15 02. 5 DATE 8,11/76 TIME 253 STATION LONG 75 26 6 DPTH 77 PROBE ROT SWELL.DIR 170 HT 4 PER BAR 14.0 WEATHER WIND DIR 145 SPD 22 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB /4.4 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL OBSERVED T 15. 04 15.04 15.02 14.92 14.63 14.64 14.61 5 34. 974 24.976 34.976 34. 973 34.954 34. 956 34. 955 INTERPOLATED SIG-T 25. 96 25. 96 25.97 25.99 26.04 26. 04 26.04 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 64 TEMP 15.04 15. 04 15. 02 14.92 14. 63 14.64 14.62 14.61 SAL 34.97 34.98 34. 98 34. 97 34.95 34.96 34.96 34.96 SIGMA 25.96 25. 97 25,98 25.99 26. 04 26. 04 26.05 26.05 SVA 205.6 205.2 205.0 204.0 199.7 199.5 199.4 199.3 DELD 0.000 0.021 0.041 0.061 0.082 0.102 0.122 0. 130 POTE 0.000 0.010 0.041 0.092 0.163 0.252 0.262 0.412 144 500. 5.0 55.5 126.0 S.0 9IGMA7.0 126.5T S.5 7.5 99 LAT 16 17. 9 DATE 8/12/76 TIME 1448 CAST NO 99 STATION LONG 76 45_6 DPTH 3000 PROBE ROT BAR 15.5 WEATHER SWELL DIR 150 HT 4 PER AMOUNT 8 WIND, DIR 140 SPD 12 CLOUD TYPE 8- AIR TEMP 16-1 WET BULB 15.6 SAL SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP INTERPOLATED OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 25 49 73 97 121 144 191 238 284 375 T 16.47 16.46 16.46 16.46 16.47 16.47 14.03 13.76 13.12 12. 62 12.11 10. 82 S 35.143 35.144 35.144 35. 141 35.143 35.142 34.877 34. 894 34. 915 34.889 24.854 34. 776 SIG-T 25.77 25.77 25.77 25.77 25.77 25.77 26.10 26.17 26. 32 26.40 26.47 26.65 DEPTH TEMP 0 16.46 10 16.45 20 16.45 30 16. 45 40 16.45 50 16.45 60 16.45 70 16,46 80 16.46 90 16.46 100 16.166 110 15.14 120 14.13 130 13. 92 148 13.81 150 13.68 160 13. 54 170 13.41 180 13.27 190 13. 13 200 13.02 225 12. 76 250 12.49 300 11.88 375 10. 82 SAL 35.14 35.14 35.14 35. 14 35.14 35_14 35.14 35.14 35.14 35. 14 35.11 35.00 34. 89 34. 88 34. 89 34.89 34. 90 34. 90 34. 91 34. 91 34. 91 34.90 34.88 34. 83 34.78 SIGMA 25.77 25.77 25.77 25. 77 25.77 25. 77 25. 77 25.77 25:77 25. 77 25. 82 25. 96 26.10 26.13 26.17 26.19 26. 23 26. 26 26. 29 26.32 26. 34 26. 39 26. 42 26. 50 26. 66 SVA 223.8 223.9 224.2 224. 5 224_8 225. 1 225.5 226.0 226. 3 226.6 222.5 208.8 196.2 192.9 190.3 188.0 184. 7 182.4 /79.2 176.8 174.9 171.3 168.2 161.7 147.9 DELD 0.000 0.022 0.045 0.067 0.090 0. 112 0.135 0.157 0. 180 0.203 0.225 0.247 0.267 0. 286 0.305 0.324 0.343 0.361 0.379 0. 397 0.415 0.458 0.501 0.583 0.699 POTE 0.000 0. 011 0.045 0.101 0.180 0. 281 0.405 0.551 0.721 0.914 1.128 1.355 1.587 1.830 2.088 2.362 2. 651 2. 954 3.271 3.600 2.943 4.863 5.871 8. 145 12. 055 145 100. CAST NO102 LAT 15 42. 1 DATE 8/13/76 TIME 150 LONG 76 10. 7 DPTH 3880 PROBE BOT STATION EAR 15.0 WEATHER SWELL DIP 150 HT 4 PER WIND DIP 150 SPD 20 CLOUD TYPE 7- S AMOUNT 8 AIR TEMP 15.6 WET BULB 14.4 . SAMPLE TEMPS RL SAMPLE DEPTH. 200. OBSERVED 300. DEPTH 0 25 55 79 108 154 210 25 203 404 606 790 400. 500. T S 16.54 35. 139 16. 54 35.139 15. 01 34. 918 12.57 24. 838 13. 30 34. 912 12.86 34.909 12.42 34. 878 12.09 11. 66 34.834 10. 64 34.768 7. 03 34. 535 5.55 34.514 SIG-T 25.75 25. 75 25.92 26.17 26. 28 26.37 26.42 26. 54 26.68 27. 07 27.25 600. INTERPOLATED DEPTH 700.- 800. 9AL. TEMP 900. 1000. s.() 55.5 6.0 TEMP 0 15 54 10 16 54 20 16. 54 10 16.28 40 15.78 50 15.27 50 14. 71 70 14. 11 80 11.56 SIG 90 121 47 100 13. 17 110 13.28 120 12, 19 110 11.0? 140 12. 99 150 12 90 180 12.81 170 12. 71 180 12. 55 190 12. 52 200 12. 50 227 12. 10 9I0MA-T 250 12. 0? 6.5 7.0 7.5 100 11 69 400 10.68 500 32 500 7.14 70n 5.27 790 5. 55 SAL SIGMA DELD DOTE 15. 1425.75 225. 6 0. 000 0.000 35. 14 25.75 225. 9 0.022 0. 011 25. 14 25.75 225.2 0.045 0. 045 35.10 25.72 221. 7 0.068 0.102 15.01 25.84 215_2 0.090 0.179 34.95 25.90 21`.4 0.111 0. 275 14.9025.95 205. 6 0. 112 0. 392 14.87 26. 05 195 8 0.151 0. 522 14. 24 25. le 187. .7 0:172 2. 655 14.57 28.22 151.5 0.190 0. 821 14.8 26. 25 150. 5 0.208 0.996 34.91 26. 29 177. 5 0.225 1.184 34.91 25 11 175.1 0 244 1. 1.57 -:4.91 25. 11 174.- 0 261 1.605 0 34. 91 25 15 172 1.840 28.17 34. 91 171. 2 0 295 2. 090 14.91 159.8 25. 13 0.313 2.154 169.2 34. 90 25. 29 0. 310 2. 514 14. 90 28 41 158.2 0.34 2. 923 54.29 2,541 157.5 0.354 :' 240 14. S9 25. 4111:6.4 0. 1201. 565 14. 27 154 7 25.47 0.423 4. 445 14. 28 28. 49 162. 1 0.461 5.415 14.27 25.54 158 2 0 541 7.614 14.77 25.8S 145 5,0.595 12. 911 14.55 25 23 127. 1' 0.522 19.075 7.495 77 07 109 ? 0 950 25. 575 14 52 27 17 101.= 1.055 22 4211 14 50 27 24 94 2 1.144 38 96? 146 TE 0. 100._ 300._ 400.TEMP SIG 500. 11 5.0 SIGMA- T 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 127.5 106 CAST Ne1e5 LAT 15 22. 9 STATION LONG 75 55.5 SWELL DIP 150 HT 6 PER WIND DIR. 135 SPD 25 CLOUD AIR SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE DATE ei13i76 TIME 929 PPOEE FOT DPTH 4040 EAR 15. 2 WEATHER TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT S TEMP 16. .1 WET RULE 15.0 SAL TEMP OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 27 53 79 105 130 155 205 253 301 395 T 16.44 16.44 16.44 16.44 14.75 13.02 12.68 12. 56 12.25 11.89 11.45 9.57 S 35.138 75.132 35.131 34. 938 34. 750 34.821 34. 894 34.880 34.857 34.818 24. 673 INTERPOLATED SIG-T 25.77 25.77 25.76 26.00 26.24 26.34 26.42 26.47 26.52 26.57 26. 79 DEPTH 0 10 20 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 120 140 150 TEMF' 16_44 16.44 15. 44 16.44 6.44 16.4' 15.99 15. 34 14.69 14.02 1325 12.95 12.82 12. 65 12. 63 12.55 160 1Z 52: 170 190 190 200 225 250 300 395 12. 47 12. 41 12.34 12. 28 12.10 11. 91 11.46 9. 57 SAL 5.14 5.14 35. 13 35. 13 35. 11 25.1 75. 0E, 35. 00 24.92 34.5 24.51 34. 79 34. 91 24 52 24. 55 24. 98 34. 99 74. 59 24. 99 14. 99 34. 5,9 =4. 27 74. 96 24 52 14. 66 SIGMA 25.75 25. 7E, 25. 77 25. 77 25. 77 25. =_25.92 26.09 "6.11 26_20 26 26 26. 11 26.3-5 26. 17 26. 41 26. 42 24 44 6.45 26.45 26.47 26.4.9 26.72 2e 75 225. 6 219. 7 211. 5 204. 1 194.6 156. 0 179. 9 176 2 4 170 2 167. 3 165. 9 167. 0 164.2 163. 9 162'. 0 161.9 15E'. 154. 7 125. •EL• 0.000 0.022 0.045 9 0E7 O. 090 0 112 O. 135 9 . 156 O. 177 9. 197 e. 21E O. 2 0 24 51' 0.26? O 257 0.203 POTE 0.000 0.011 O. 045 9. 191 Q. 190 281 0. 404 0.544 0. 700 270 1. 925 1. 242 1. 445 1. 664 1. 595 2. 149 e. 0 426 0 46, 0.544 O 622 2 551 4. 441 7 542 12.314 147 34.4 TEMIS 0 34.6 4 34.8 8 35.0 12 fIAL. 35.4 35.2 16 20 0. 100.- 200.- 300._ 400._ SAL. TEMP 310 500. 55.0 55.5 310MR-T 56.0 56.5 57.0 57.5 109 CAST NO109 LRT 15 18.0 DATE 8/17/76 TIME 1453 STATION LONG75 48.0 DPTH 1840 PROBE BOT SWELL DIP. 160 HT 2 PEP BAP 15.0 WEATHER WIND DIP. 160 SPD 25 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 8 RIP TEMP 16. 6 WET BULB 15.0 SAMPLE DEPTH SRL SAMPLE TEMP INTERPOLATED OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 27 54 81 107 132 159 210 259 307 403 T 16. 69 16. 69 16. 66 16.43 14.06 13.06 12.82 12.47 11. 85 11.44 10.79 8.88 S 35. 161 35.160 35.160 35.142 34. 817 34.797 34.887 34.850 34. 852 34. 821 34. 771 34.643 SIG-T 25.73 25.73 25.74 25.78 26. 05 26.24 26. 36 26. 40 26.52 26.57 26.65 26. 88 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 250 300 400 TEMP 16.69 16. 69 16. 67 16.62 16. 55 16.46 15.90 15.03 14.15 13.71 13. 33 13.0`2 12.94 12.84 12.72 12.59 12.46 12.34 12.22 12.09 11.97 11.72 11.52 10. 89 8. 94 403 p:88 200 225 SRL 35.16 35. 16 35.16 25.16 35.15 35.14 35. 07 34.95 34.83 34. 81 34. 81 34. 81 34. 85 34.88 24. 88 34.86 24.84 34.84 34.84 34. 84 34. 84 34. 83 34. 82 34. 78 34. 64 34.64 SIGMA 25.73 25. 73 25.74 25:75 25.76 25.77 25.85 25. 95 26. 05 26.12 26. 20 26.26 26.31 26.36 26.38 26.39 26.40 26.42 26. 45 26. 47 26.49 26. 53 26.56 26. 65 26.87 26.88 227.4 227. 8 227. 6 227. 1 226. 225. 4 218.5 208.9 199. 8 192. 8 185. 5 180. 0 175.6 171.8 169.7 169.0 168.2 166.3 164. 3 162. 1 160.1 156.9 154.6 147. 5 127. 2 126.3 DELD 0.000 0.023 0. 046 0,068 0.091 0.114 0.136 0.157 0.178 0.197 0. 216 0. 234 0:252 0-270 0.287 0.204 0.320 0.337 0.354 0.378 0.386 0.426 0:464 0.540 0.677 0.681 ROTE 0.000 0.011 0.046 0.102 0.162 0. 282 0.406 0. 545 0.698 0.864 1.044 1.236 1.440 1.657 1. 887 2.133 2.394 2. 670 2.959 3.261 2.575 4.415 5.337 7.412 12.196 12.348 148 34.4 TEMO 0 34.6 34.8 4 8 SAL. TEMP 35.0 35.2 $AL 35.4 12 16 20 100.- 200. 300. 400._ 500. 5.0 5.5 ef.5 0714-T 7.5 111 CAST NO111 LRT 15 12. 4 DATE 2/13Z76 TIME 1759 PROBE POT STATION LONG 75 41.4 DPTH 1090 BAP 13.0 WEATHER SWELL DIP 160 HT 6 PER WIND DIP 160 SPD 28 CLOUD TYPE 7- 8 AMOUNT 5 AIR TEMP 17. 2 WET BULB 15.6 SAL SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP INTERPOLATED OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 27 54 81 106 131 157 209 258 307 404 T 16.89 16. 88 16. 86 16. 77 15.98 12. 95 /2.59 12.41 11.82 11.27 10.34 8. 39 S 15.165 35.159 35.164 35.160 35.033 34. 708 34. 801 34.810 24.822 34. 803 34. 728 34. 618 SIG-T 25.68 25.68 25. 69 25. 71 25.80 26.20 26.34 26.38 26.50 26. 59 26.70 26.93 DEPTH TEMP 0 16_89 10 16.87 20 16.86 30 16. 85 40 16.82 50 16.78 60 16.59 70 16. 30 se 16.01 90 14. 89 100 13. 68 110 12.89 120 12.75 130 12.60 140 12.53 150 12.46 160 12.38 170 12.26 180 12.15 190 12.04 200 11.92 225 11.64 250 11.36 300 10. 47 4em 8.47 404 8.39 SRL 35. 16 35.16 35.16 35.16 5.16 35.16 5.13 35.08 35. 04 34. 92 34. 79 34. 72 34.76 34.80 34. 80 34.81 24.81 34.81 34. 81 34. 82 34.82 34. 81 34. 80 34. 74 34. 62 34.61 SIGMA 25. 69 25. 69 25. 69 25.70 25.70 25. 71 25_73 25.76 25. 80 25.96 26.12 26.22 26. 28 26.34 26.36 26. 38 26. 39 26. 42 26. 44 26.47 26.49 26. 53 26. 58 26. 69 26. 93 26.93 SA 231.9 231.9 221. 9 222.0 231.6 231.1 229.3 226.8 223. 7 208.8 193. 9 183.9 178.6 173.1 172.0 170.2 169.0 167.0 165.2 162.7 160.7 156.9 153.2 143. 1 121.3 120. 9 DELD 0.070 0.023 0.046 0.070 0.093 0.116 0.129 0.162 0.184 0. 206 0. 226 0.245 0.263 0.281 0.298 0.315 0.322 0.149 0.365 0.382 0.398 0.437 0.476 0.550 0.682 0.687 POTE 0.000 0.012 0.046 0.104 0.186 0.290 0.416 0.565 0.734 0.918 1. 109 1.306 1. 514 1.734 1. 967 2. 215 2.478 2.755 3.045 3.348 3.863 4. 504 5.423 7.458 12.066 12.261 149 SAL. 300. 5.0 5.5 26.0 6.5 31 -T 27. 114 CAST N0114 LAT 15 10. 0 DATE 8Z12/76 TIME 2250 STATION LONG 75 35.2 DPTH 250 PPOSE SOT BAP 12. 0 HEATHER SHELL DIP 160 HT 6 PEP AMOUNT 5 WIND DIP 160 SPD 30 CLOUD TYPE 0- RIP TEMP 16. 1 HET BULB 15.0 SAL SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP INTERPOLATED OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 27 54 81 107 121. 159 155 255 T 16. 57 16.57 16.49 16.05 14.65 12.55 12. 92 12.54 12. 20 11. 09 25. 125 _5.124 25. 120 25.056 24. 905 34.842 34.819 34.872 24. 557 24.789 SIG-T 25. 72 25.72 25.74 25:79 25. 99 26.18 26.29 26.40 26. 46 26. 61 DEPTH 0 10 20 20 40 50. 60 70 SO 90 10 110 120 120 140 150 165 170 leo 190 200 225 250 255 TEMP 16. 5 16. 57 16. 52 16. 44 ,e. .,.., 15.14 15 76 15. 23 14. 70 14.2 7 17. eT 12.47 12. 21 12.95 12.=0 12. 66 12. 52 12. 40 12. 27 12.12 11.36 11.57 11. 17 11.09 SRL 15. 12 25 12 25. 12 25. 11 39 35. 07 25. 02 24. 97 24. 92 24. 2? 24. S6 24. 24 34 53 -4.82 :4.84. 34.8_ 74. 57 24. 87 :4.:36 24.56 34.=_ 24. 82 14 SO 24 79 SIGMA 25. 72 25. 72 25. 74 25. 75 25. 77 25. 79 25. 55 25. 92 26.00 26 07 26.12: 26. 20 26. 24 26. 29 26. 23: 26. 27 26 41 56.411 26.45 26. 48 26. 50 26. 55 26. 61 26. 62 227. 7 225_0 227.2 226.5 224 9 222. 4 _18.4 211.7 204.5 198. 2 192. 2 156. 4 152. 2 178. 174.2 171.0 167. 4 165. 2 162. 7 161.2 159. 2 154.9 149.9 149.2 •ELD 0.000 0.022 0.046 0.065 0 091 0:112 0 125 0.157 O. 17E: O. 1915 0.217 0. 225 0.255 0.271 0.290 0.705 0225 0 341 O. 35F 0.374 0 390 O. 429 0. 467 0.475 POTE 3.000 0:011 0. 046 0.10_ 0 151 O. 222 0 404 O. 544 e. 700 0.571 1.057 1. 255 1. 467 1.6692 1. 920 2.151 2:442 2 716 .3.004 31 305 2- 618 4. 451 5 257 546 150 120. _ 150. SICMR-T 5.0 .5 56.0 56.5 57.5 57.0 117 CAST N0117 LAT 15 05. 8 DATE ezi4i7e TIME 129 PROBE SOT LONG75 30 5 DPTH 125 STATION 8AP 12 7 MEATHEP SWELL DIP 160 HT 5 PEP AMOUNT 2 WIND DIP 160 SPD 30 CLOUD TYPE '3- AIR TEMP 16.1 WET BULB 15.0 SAL SAMPLE TEMP SAMPLE DEPTH INTERPOLATED OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 20 30 49 73 96 105 T 15.62 15.60 15.49 15.24 15.00 14.26 13.85 13. 74 5 34. 999 34.997 34.990. 34.972 34.951 SIG-T 25.85 25. 85 25. 87 25.92 25.95 DEPTH 0 10 20 :70 40 50 24.898 26.16 26. 19 55 34.912 70 SO 90 100 105 TEMP 15 62 15. 60 15.4 15.24 15.11 14. 98 14. 72: 14.49 14. 24 14.00 13. SO 11. 74 SAL 15. 00 15. 00 74. 99 74 97 _4.96. 14.9 34 94 74 97 74. 92 74_91 24 90 34. 91 SIGMA 25. 25. 26 25 E'S 25. 92 25. 94 25. 96 26 01 26. 05 2,2. 10 26. 14 2e. 18 26. 20 215. 7 215 5 214 2 210. 7 203. 0 207.1 201.1 199 2 177. 1 191. 7 188. 2 18E. 5 DELD Q 000 0 022' 0 042' 0 054 0.. 0.106 O. 127 O. 147 0. 16E 0.1'05 0 205 0. 214 F gE D0 0 011 0 042' 0.093 170 0 2610 507 O. 555 O. 819 0. 8.39 I. 037, 151 •AL 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 TEM') 0 0 *8 12 16 35.4 20 20 ._ 40., 60 ._ SIG SAL. TEMP 80 ._ 100. 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 SIGMA-T 127.0 7.5 119 CAST N0119 LAT 15 01.2 DATE 8/14/76 TIME 400 STATION LONG 75 28. 5 DPTH 73 PROBE EOT SWELL DIP 160 HT 6 PEP BAR 12 0 WEATHER WIND DIP 160 SPD 25 CLOUD TYPE 8- AMOUNT 3 AIR TEMP 15 6 WET BULB. 14.4 SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE TEMP SAL OBSERVED DEPTH 0 10 20 30 39 49 58 T 15.48 15.40 15.35 15.17 14. 79 14. 66 14.56 S 34. 993 34.995 34.989 34. 983 34.957 34.953 34. 952 INTERPOLATED SIG-T 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.94 26.00 26.03 26.05 DEPTH 0 10 20 30 40 50 58 TEMP 15.40 15.40 15. 35 15.17 14.7 14.65 14. 56 SRL 34.99 35.00 34.99 34.98 34. 96 34.95 34.95 SIGMA 25. 90 25:91 25"91 25_94 26. 01 26. 03 26.05 SVA 211. 7 211.3 211.3 208.5 202.1 200. 4 198.8 DELD 0.000 0.021 0.042 0.063 0.084 0:104 0.120 ROTE O. 000 0.011 0. 042 0.095 0.166 0.257 0.343 Because;.Pf stro p xinterest in the upper lay ' es of tperature salinity; and s g e°,saw de samepth sole.ristn a different station „oaf such properties as he s mixed layer depth, etc. S4.6 S4.8 S5.0 35.2 SAL. 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 S4.4 TEM 12 34.6 34.8 14 16 35.0 18 35.2 1AL 35.4 20 22 0 TEMP SIG 50. 50. 100. 100. 150. 150.- SAL 200. 125.0 4.5 12 6.0 6,0 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 14 16 18 20 2D 1D 34.4 TEM1A2 SIGMA-T 12 7.0 2 6.5 125.5 125.0 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35,4 14 16 18 20 22 34.4 TEM i2 22 0 SIG TEMP SRL. TEMP SIG 1 SAL. 50. 100.- 100 150._ 150 200 200. 12 4.5 SIGMA-T SIGMA-T 5.0 5.5 3D 6.0 t1.5 7.() 24.5 125.5 5.0 4D 6.0 6.5 127.0 156 TE111. 310 50. 100. 150. 200 54.5 55.5 55.0 9IGMA-T 56.0 26.5 4.5 27.0 7.0 6D 5D 34.4 TEM 12 31.r111-1. 123.5 % .0 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 AL 35.4 14 16 18 50 22 0. 34.4 TEM 12 0 i 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 AL 35.4 .14 16 18 20 22 TEMP 9T r: 9AL 50 50. 100 100._ 150 150 200 200. 56.0 2D 5:7A- 57.0 .4.5 55.5 25.0 9D 56.0 517TIA-T 57.0 157 34.4 TEMIA2 0 34.6 34.8 14 35 0 16 35 2 18'.- 35.4 22 34.4 TE 2 0 34.6 14 SAL. 50. 35.0 18 35 2 20 35.4 22 SAL. 50. TEMP 100 150. TEMP 150 200 200 11 5.5 55.0 10D 34.4 TEM 12 0. 16 SIG SIG 100. 34.8 6.0 r8IGMA-T 26 5 7.0 4.5 55.0 56.0 6.5 27.0 34.6 34.8 35,0 35 2 SRL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 11D 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 14 16 IS 20 1AL 35.4 22 34.4 TEMIA2 0 50 100. 150. 200. 12D 51G1111-T 5.5 13D 158 140 34.4 . TEM 12 0. 15D 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 9RL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 34.4 TE 12 0 34.6 8 16 14 35.o 18 50._ 100. 100.- 150 150.- 200 20 35.4 22 9 L. MGT 50. 35.2 200. 54.5 55.5 55.0 16D 56.0 ucmp- 56.5 sIGMA-T 57.0 54.5 55.0 170 55.5 6.0 56.5 37.0 159 34.4 TEM 12 0. SAL • 34.8 35.0 35.2. 14 16 18 20 25.0 25.5 .34.6 35.0 35.2 35.0 35.2 SAL 35.9 _ 50 100. 150 20 4.5 29D SIGMA-T 6.5 6.0 300 AL TE S4.4 34.6 12 14 34.8 35.0 16 18 0. 35.2 35.4 20 22 3F51 34.4 TEMV12 34.6 34.8 14 16 18 20 L4 22 0.. TEMP 31G SAL SIG 50. 5 100. 100 150. 150. 200. SAL TEMP 200. 54.5 25.0 310 55.5 56.0 5:1118-T 57.0 54.5 55.0 32D 55.5 54.0 IGMAT 54.5 57.0 160 34 4 T 2 34.6 34 8 35.0 35 2 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 0. 34.4 TEM 12 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 O. TEMP 510 SAL. 50. 50.. - 100. 150. 100. 150. 200. 200 54.5 SIGMA-T 25.0 55.5 56.0 26.5 57.0 54.5 55.5 56.0 910MA-T 56.5 57.0 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 OAL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 55.0 33D 34.4 TEM 12 34D 34.6 34 8 35.0 35.2 9AL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 0. 50.. 34.4 TEM012 0 50 100. 150. 200. 54.5 55.0 350 IA-T 55.5 5: 36D 57.0 161 AL 35.0 34.4 34.6 34.8 TE1 0. 16 14 18 35.2 35.4 20 22 34.4 TEMP112 0 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 43AL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 26.0 26.5 27.0 50. 50. 100. 150. 150. 200. 200 54.5 115.0 5.5 56.0 ,SIGMA-T 26.5 57.0 4.5 370 34.4 7E512 38D S4.6 34,8 35.0 35,2 SAL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 34.4 TEM 12 0. 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 IAL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 SIG SAL. SIG EMP SAL. TEMP 50 50,! 100 100.- 150 150._ 200. 200 SIOMA- T ,SIGMA-T 54.5 55.0 39D 55.5 56.0 26.5 27.0 54.5 55.0 40D 55.5 5 6.0 26.5 27.0 162 35.4 22 34.4 TE 12 0. 34.6 14.8 15.0 35,2 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 SAL. SIGMA-T 56.3 410 34.4 TEM 12 34.6 14 57.0 5.5 R6.0 34.6 34.8 14 16 5IGMA-1 6.5 57.0 35.0 35.2 35.4 18 20 22 42U 34.8 16 35.0 la 35.2 20 T41-.4 22 34.4 TEMPEr- TEMP SAL. 50. 100. 150. 200. 55.5 43D 44D 56.0 2:r- 163 34.4 TEM1112 SIG 34.6 34.8 35.0 14 16 18 TEMP 35.2 SAL 35. 20 22 34,4 TEM 12 SAL. SIG 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 SAL 35. 14 16 18 20 22 25.5 6.0 34.6 34.8 35.0 14 16 18 5 GMR-T 26. 5 TEMP 35.2 AL 35. 20 22 SAL 50. 100.. /50.. 200. 200.. 54.5 45.0 470 55.5 56.0 SI 56. -T 57. 54.5 55.0 480 55.5 56.0 5:11MA-T 164 RL. 35.4 35.0 35.2 34.4 34.8 34.6 TEMl212 0 14 16 SIC 18 20 22 AAL 34.4 TEI112 0 SRL. 34.6 34,8 35.0 35.2 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 SIG 50. 50. 100. 100. 150. 150. 200. 200 SIGMA-T 14.5 5.5 5.0 26.0 6.5 SIGMA-T 27.0 25.5 6.0 6.5 27.0 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 SAL 35:4 14 16 18 20 490 34.4 TEMF.12 50D 34.6 34.8 14 16 35.0 35.2 AAL 35.4 34.4 TEM 12 SIG SAL 50. TEMP 100. 150 200 200. 4.5 5.0 51D 5.5 -6.0 26.5 7.0 4.5 5.0 52D 25.5 6.0 ,SIGMA-T 26.5 27.0 165 53D 34.4 TE 12 O._ 31.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 IAL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 SIG SAL 34.4 TEM12 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 isRL 35.4 .14 16 18 20 22 TLTP 50.+ 200. 5•.5 25.5 55.0 55D 56.0 , SIGMA-T 26.5 27.0 54.5 56D 166 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 PAL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 5I0PIR-T 6. 58D 570 34.4 TE 12 AFIL /1RL 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 34.4 TEM 12 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 O. S 50. 50. 100. 100. 150. 150. 200. 200. 55.5 54.5 59D 2.0 SIGMA-T 46.0 6.5 7.0 4111A-T 4.5 60D 167 34.4 TEMIA2 0. 34.6 4 34.8 35.0 35.2 peL 35.4 16 18 20 22 34.4 TEM012 34.6 34.8 35.0 14 16 18 35.2 $AL 35.4 20 22 O.. 3AL. 50 SIG TEMP 100. 150. 200. 54.5 25.0 54.5 55.0 610 TE SIG1'IA-1.5 55.5 26.0 26 57.0 35.2 1AL 35 4 20 22 62D 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 8A1. 35.4 12 14 16 18 20 22TE O. 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 12 14 16 18 o. SAL. SAL 50. 50 SIC TEMP 100. 100. TEMP SIG 150. 150. 200. 200. 54.5 55.0 63D 55.5 56.0 26.5 54.5 55.0 64D 55.5 56.0 5:1FIR-T 2.0 168 34.4 TE 12 34.6 34.8 35.0 35,2 8141. 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 0. 34.4 TEM012 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 55.0 R5.5 56,0 34.8 35.0 16 18 0. TEMP 50. 50. 100. 100. 150. 150. 200. 200. 4.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 ,stome-T 26.5 R2.1 54.5 65D 34.9 TEM 12 0. 34,6 14 34.8 16 35.0 18 35.2 '35. 20 34.4 2" TEMFII2 22 0 5 50. 100. 100. 150 150. 200. SIGMA-T 6.5 25.0 670 27.0 66D 34.6 14 SIG 2 9.5 SIC114-T 6.5 TEMP 54.5 55.0 68D 25.5 8AL 35.4 20 22 SAL 200. 27.0 35.2 26.0 SIGMA- T 57.0 169 34.4 12 0 34.8 14 35.2 35.0 16 8 20 AL 35.4 22 S4.4 TE 12 0 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 AAL 35.4 14 16 le 20 22 SRL 50. TEMP 50._ TEMP SIC 100. 100._ 150. 150. 200. 5.0 5.5 200 SIGMA-T 26.5 2. )60 4.5 25.0 69D 34.4 TEAIA2 0. 5.5 ,s1cria-T 26.5 57.0 S5.2 SAL 35.4 20 22 710 34.6 34.8 35.0 14 16 18 35. 20 4 22 '34.4 TEM 12 O. 34.6 34.8 0 S5. 14 16 18 SAL. SAL. SI 50 50. LIP 100. 150.- 200. 1 124.5 55.0 730 55.5 5 6 0 L3IGMA- T 26 5 52.1 54.5 '26.0 750 SIGMA-T 126,5 52.0 170 34.4 TEM012 0. 34.6 34.8 35.0 35 2 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 34.4 TE 12 PAL 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 14 16 18 20 35.4 22 56.0 5:11114-T 57.0 0 SRL. TE 50. 50. TEMP SIG 100. 100. 150. 150. 200. 4.5 25.0 5.5 56.0 LSIGMA-T 26.5 200. 57.0 54.5 55.o 76D 34,4 TE 2 0 55.5 780 34.6 14 TEMP 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 16 18 20 22 SIG SAL. 34.4 TE 12 0 50. 50. 100. 100. 150. 150. 200. 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 SAL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 200. 54.5 55.0 80D 5.5 56.0 56 I" 57.0 7.0 81D 171 35.4 AL 35.2 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 TE 12 16 14 18 20 0. 34.4 TEM 12 0 22 TEMP 100. 100.- 150. 150. 200. 25.5 6.0 34.8 SIGMR-T 26.5 35.0 16 14 18 SIG 35.2 L 35.4 20 22 SI R-T 56.5 57.0 9AL 200. 57.0 55.0 83D TE TEMP 50.- 25.0 34.6 SI% SAL 50. 4.5 55.5 6.13 34.8 35.0 35.2 MAL 35.4 16 18 20 22 84D 34.4 SAL. 35.2 35.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 TEMP SIG 34.4 TEM i2 0 34.6 14 SAL TEMP 50 50. 100. 100. 150. - 200. SIG SAL 150. 2 54.5 55.0 86D 55.5 56.0 511111-7 57:0 ,SIGMR-T 54.5 55.0 88D 55.5 56.0 26.5 27.0 172 34.4 TEM0'12 34.6 34.8 3 5.0 35.2 SAL. 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 34.4 TEM 12 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 0. TEMP SIG 9AL. 50. 50. 100. 100. 150. 150. 200A 54.5 200. 55.0 55.5 56.0 910MA-T 56.5 57.0 54.5 55.5 89D 34.4 T EMPi2 26.0 5,1 7P-T 90D 34,6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 0 SAL TE 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 12 14 16 18 20 22 ,SIGMA-T 26.5 57.0 0.l SAL SIG 50. 50. TEMP 100. 100. 150. 150. 200 200 3I0M-T 54.5 55.0 91D 55.5 56.0 26.5 57.c 4.5 125.0 92D 25.5 26.0 173 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 12 14 16 18 20 22 0. 34.4 TE 0. 2 34.6 34. 35.0 14 16 18 L. 35.2 35.4 20 22 SAL. 50. 50. SIG TEMP 100. 100 150. - 20/ 150. 20/ 56.0 T 5IGMA-OIGMA T 57.0 5 5 5 56.0 26 .5 55.0 54.5 56 5 27.0 940 SAL It 0 .35.0 35.2 35.4 18 20 22 34.4 TEMP.012 0. 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 3gL., '14 16 18 20 22 SAL. 50. 50. TEMP 100. 100. 150. 150._ 200 SIG 200 57.0 95D SIGMA-T 54.5 55.0 96D 55.5 56.0 6.5 57.0 174 34.4 TEM 12 0. 34.6 34.8 35.0 14 16 18 35.2 35.4 20 22 34.4 TEM 12 0.. 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 4111_ 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 SRL. TEMP 50. 3RL. 50. SIG SIG TEMP 100. 100. 150. 150. 200 200. 54.5 55.0 55.5 56.o 527A-T 52.0 54.5 55.5 56.0 34.6 34.8 14 16 35.0 18 55.o 97D 34.6 14 ,3IGMR-T , 26. 5 2 2.0 35.2 35.4 20 22 98D 34.8 16 35.0 15.2 18 20 p0L 35.4 22 34.4 TEM 12 0. 5.0 5.5 6.0 51 -T 57.0 175 34.4 TE 0. 2 L 34.6 34 35 0 35.2 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 TE 0. 34.4 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 12 14 16 18 20 22 SAL. SAL. S SIG TEMP 50. 5 100. 100. 150._ 150. 200. 54.5 25.0 25.5 6.0 c510MA-T .5 26 200 L510MA-T 57.0 54.5 102D 34.4 TERN 2 5.5 56.0 26.5 57.0 104D 34.6 34.8 35 0 35.2 AL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 34.4 TE 2 54.5 105D 5.0 34.6 31.8 33.0 35.2 4AL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 26.0 2:1114-T 57.0 55.0 102D 5.5 176 34.4 TEMIJi2 0 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 14 16 18 20 55.5 56.0 56.5 TEMP 100 . 150. _ 200., 54.5 25.0 108D 34.4 TEPIP'12 SIGMA- 110D 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 AL 35.4 14 16 18 20 14 16 18 20 22 0 50. 100. 150. 200 SIGMA-7 112D 113D 177 34 .4 2 34.6 34.8 35.0 33.2 SAL 33.i 14 16 18 20 22 , 34.4 TEM012 0.. 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 g:174 14 16 18 20 22 TEMP ._ 50. 10C.- 1 00. 150 . 150. 50 200 SIC 3AL. 200. 5 5.0 5.5 26.0 LSIGMA-T 2.0 26.5 4.5 115D SIGMA-T 6.5 7.0 5.5 26.0 34.6 34.8 35.0 35.2 SAL 35.4 14 16 18 20 22 5.0 116D 34.4 TEMP112 0.. 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