Lundberg, J. (2002): Operationalising civil pilot's process of understanding instrument failure events. In Humans in a complex environment Proceedings of the 34th Annual Congress of the Nordic Ergonomics Society, Kålmården, Sweden, 569-574. Operationalising civil pilot’s process of understanding instrument failure events J. Lundberg Department of Computer and Information Science Linköpings Universitet SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden E-mail: Abstract Instrument failure in civil aircraft is potentially very dangerous. It is therefore imperative to understand where breakdowns in the distributed cognitive process of understanding occur in the cockpit. In this paper I present a model of distributed situational understanding using eye-point-ofgaze equipment. The model includes a range of constructs, from perceivable stimuli in the cockpit, to eye-point-of-gaze data, to situational awareness, and finally understanding and action. To test the model, in series of simulated flights, conducted in the VINTHEC project, experienced pilots were presented with situations of instrument failure. In the experimental setting, the pilot’s understanding was found to be adequate to deal with an altitude bust event, but not with a map shift event. It is concluded that the complicated situational awareness construct does not contribute to the model, whereas pilot actions and eye-point-of-gaze data are important measuring points for understanding the pilots’ process of understanding. Keywords Situational awareness, eye-point-of-gaze 1 INTRODUCTION Flying a civil airliner today is a semi-automatic process, where the pilots to a large extent interact with and monitor automations that directly manoeuvre the plane. To support them, there are other automations, such as altitude warning systems and electronic maps. In these systems, breakdowns may occur in steering automation, in advanced automated instrumentation, in the interaction and in the understanding of events by and between pilots and flight control. To fly the plane, the pilots must understand what goes on in the systems, and the situation that the plane is in. They have to understand whether any anomalities are present in the system, and they have to predict the future situations based on the currently available information, to ensure that the plane doesn’t get into a situation were there are no possible actions left, to ensure safe flight. It has been claimed that this is best understood as the situational awareness (SA) of the individual pilots or as the system of humans and artefacts mediating the information that distributes and coordinates the awareness of team members. The SA can be about the current situation, about the predicted future, far or near. It can also be a retrospective awareness about past situations. (Endsley 1988; Jones and Endsley, 1996; Artman and Garbis, 1998). This paper addresses the problem of maintaining SA in the cockpit by proposing a model starting at the perceivable stimuli in the cockpit, indicating normality, abnormality and presenting situational data, continuing to the SA of the pilots, resulting in understanding and action. The SA is here operationalised as eye-point-of-gaze data, and action performed or omitted by the pilots. This operationalised model is applied to data from a series of ten flights conducted in the VINTHEC (Visiual interaction in the cockpit) project, reported in Lundberg (1999). Furthermore it is compared to the statements of the pilot’s of their subjective view on their SA, to see whether they are aware of their level of SA. The question of this paper is whether the SA construct contributes to the model of pilot’s understanding in the cockpit, and whether the operationalised model contributes to an explanation of the events in the experimental setting. 1.1 Operationalising situational awareness Seen from the individual, SA corresponds to Neissers (1976) model of the perceptual cycle. In its simplest form, it consists of three entities, an object, a schema and perceptual exploration. The object is in this case the world, the schema is in most cases a mental situation model, and perceptual exploration is the sampling of sensory data from the world. In Neisser’s (1976) model, the schema directs perceptual exploration, causing the components of the situation model to change. To catch the eye movements involved in visual perceptual exploration, eye-point of gaze equipment can be used (VINTHEC WP 4). It measures what a human is looking at. It measures a time history of fixations, where the environment is divided into areas of interest. The equipment records the time, duration and position of fixations on these areas. For each fixation, some EPOG measurement equipment may measure pupil diameter and blink rate as well. The pupil diameter and blink rates are usually used as measures of workload. For a thorough discussion about the use and calibration of EPOG equipment, see Alfredson (2001). Several EPOG equipped pilots in the same environment give rise to parallel time histories. These can be compared, to find differences in the time distribution of the attended areas, and to examine whether simultaneous dwells on the same area occurs. Dwelling on an area with important information does not necessarily mean that the situational awareness of the dweller has been updated. However, both not having looked at an instrument providing important information, and looking at it, but either not attending to it, or not becoming aware of vital changes to current or projected future situations, indicates a SA problem in the cockpit. The correctness of action based on information may be in indication of levels of comprehension, and the quality of SA, providing that SA is required for correct action. However, high performance is not always accompanied by high SA. System performance with for example an active autopilot may be excellent, whereas pilot SA may be quite low (Tenney et. al, 1992; Shively and Goodman, 1994). As discussed, when performance of cognitive functions and performance of relevance processes are distributed from human to machine, performance may improve, whereas pilot SA may decrease (Shively and Goodman, 1994). Indeed, it has been claimed that SA does not cause anything since it is merely an abstraction (Billings, 1996). 1.2 Limitations of the operationalisation The operationalisation presented here focuses on the interdependencies between instrumentation (including automation), visual perception, SA, and action. Instrumentation can be seen as a substitute for short-term memory, as Mogford (1997) states, being sampled on demand, to use the human working memory optimally. However, verbal interaction is a valuable source for SA. (Heath and Luff, 1992; Jones and Endsley, 1996; Artman and Garbis, 1998). Using the operationalisation presented here, verbal interaction must be controlled, or included in the analysis. Pilot interaction is operationalised as simultaneous or divided visual sampling of visual data. Thus, group SA is operationalised as the actions of the team of pilots and the way they divide visual sensory exploration. What is brought forward as relevant SA here thus is awareness about changes in the current situation presented by instruments. It includes expected and unexpected changes, both relating to the functioning of the equipment and to the flight of the airplane. Other conceptualisations bring forth other things as relevant SA, and which to use must always depend on the situation under study. Indeed, a survey presented by Fracker (1988), present several different definitions of SA, and several new ones have emerged since the time of that survey. Thus, the distributed cognitive process of understanding in the cockpit is operationalised as the co-ordinated perceptual exploration of the pilots, and of their action or lack of action. From this their SA may be induced. 2 THE EXPERIMENT 2.1 Test site The experiment was performed at the NLR (National Aerospace Laboratories) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 2.2 Participants The participants were 20 active pilots normally flying civil passenger jets, most of them familiar with Boeing 737 procedures. Their flight experience ranged from 2000 to 20000 flight hours. In the pre-experiment questionnaire, no pilot reported any activities within twenty-four hours, judged as likely to interfere with experiment behaviour. 2.3 Procedure The pilots were divided into ten crews of pilot and co-pilot. Each crew flew two simulated flights, from Amsterdam to London, and then back again. The entire flights, except landing and takeoff were simulated to be above thick clouds, to avoid relevant information to appear on the outside view. Before each flight, the briefing questionnaire was handed out. During each flight the four subjective questionnaires were handed out. After each flight a debriefing questionnaire was handed out. Before each flight, the in flight observer gave the pilots the flight log. The log described nothing of consequence for the functionality of the aircraft for the first, Amsterdam-London, flight. For the second flight, the log described an autopilot failure where the autopilot failed to capture the selected altitude. There were four abnormal events in the experiment, two occurring in each flight, in same order for each crew. A map shift event occurred during the cruise phase in the first flight. It was presented to the pilots as an unlikely wind strength on the map display, which in the simulation resulted in the map misrepresenting the position of the aircraft. A gear unsafe event occurred during the landing of the flight. This was shown as a missing green light, of the three lights for the landing gear, indicating that the landing gear has not been safely extended. An altitude bust occurred at the end of the climb in the second flight. This was constructed as a failure of the autopilot to catch the selected altitude. It could be seen as a continued rising altitude on the altitude indicators. The fourth and final event occurred during the London-Amsterdam landing. The pilots were given a flap asymmetry warning, consisting of a warning light, a sound, and a flap asymmetry warning text on the engine display. Regarding SA, the pilots were warned in the techlog, that the autopilot had failed to capture the desired altitude during a previous flight, and the gear unsafe was practised during the practice flights, making these two events high SA events because of the preparedness. The map shift and flap asymmetry were neither practised nor prepared for, making them low SA events. In this paper the altitude bust event and the map shift events were selected for analysis. 2.5 Equipment The Fokker 100 simulator was based on a full-scale multipurpose flight simulator with motion. The simulator had seats for two pilots and one in flight observer. Two headsets were used for the EPOG data collection, one for each pilot. For the EPOG data collection, the cockpit was divided into ten areas of interest, and the marker signals for the events and flight phases of the experiment were attached to the timeline of the copilot. Pupil diameter was used as an indicator of mental workload while eye blink rate indicated the visual workload. Video and audio was also recorded from the cockpit. 2.3 Results The evaluation of the EPOG calibration data resulted in the exclusion of two crews from the analysis. Furthermore, the analysis of the remaining pilots showed the desired high between-area point of gaze accuracy. The within-area precision varied between pilots, and since some pilots had too low precision, no within area data is used here. Since the simultaneous dwells measures method was not valid on data with the time line synchronisation accuracy obtained in this experiment, this data was not used either. Mean attention on OUT (AL) 80 60 40 Value 20 MEAN_PNF MEAN_PF 0 24.00 Segment 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 Figure 1. Division of attention on the outside view. (climb - 24) ( cruise - 25) (descent 26) (approach - 27) (landing - 28) (PF - Pilot flying) (PNF - Co-pilot) There was a significant mean dwell time difference between the crew members for the landing flight segment on the Amsterdam-London flight (Dunnett C: df = 9, F = 123.456, p < 0.05) (see Figure 1). (A non-significant trend to the same effect was visible for the London-Amsterdam flight.) In Figure 5, the attention during the climb (24), the cruise (25), the descent (26) the approach (27) and the landing (28) can be seen on the Y axis, as the percentage of time the eyes of each pilot were focused on the outside view. For the altitude bust event -> +2 min, the groups of pilots were divided using the performance measure, time to correct the altitude bust. There was a significant difference between the groups regarding the percentage of time spent on the primary flight display, the relevant area of interest (ANOVA: df = 1, F = 7.105, p < 0.05). When further divided into groups of pilots flying and co-pilots, there was a significant dwell time percentage difference for the co-pilots (ANOVA: df = 1, F = 8.038, p < 0.05). For the map shift event, no significant correlation was found. However, the pilots did spend time looking at the display during the event. 3 DISCUSSION Clearly, the cockpit crew has a division of attention, as the analysis of the landing segment shows. Attention furthermore affects situational understanding, and SA, as the handling of the altitude bust event shows. For this event, the amount of time spent by the co-pilot on the relevant display correlates with swift action. However, for all pilots the distributed system of situational understanding, having the aircraft log, as mediator of retrospective SA, was sufficient to handle the event. The map shift event, in contrast, was not recognized, or recognized after some time. Since all crews attended to the relevant display, clearly they either did not understand it, or they did not notice the relevant data in it. The system supporting understanding here was not satisfactory, and either training is necessary to learn to handle the event, or the display must be redesigned to make this kind of error more salient. Regarding SA, in this experiment deciding whether the pilots are aware of situational aspects of the situation, current or projected, is less important than their perception, understanding and action. Thus, what has been studied here is the process of distributed situational understanding. And rather than searching for breakdowns in awareness, here the focus has been breakdowns in visual perceptual exploration, and the salience and comprehensibility of the visual data. This corresponds to Billings (1996) statement, that SA is a theoretical construct, which does not cause anything. This study indicates that the question of pilots’ awareness is irrelevant, indeed the concept of SA is irrelevant, when discussing situational understanding, perception and action, whereas Neissers (1976) model is highly relevant. For this experiment to be valid the experimental setup was crucial, since these results rely on an assumption of realistic eye scan patterns. This motivates having relatively few real pilots in a simulator environment, rather than having more subjects without pilot training in a less realistic setting. 4 CONCLUSION It is concluded that the complicated SA construct did not contribute to the model. It was important whether the pilots had perceived the information, and whether they comprehended it. It was neither important whether the pilots were aware of the events at the time of their occurrence, nor when they were aware of them as they acted to correct them (this instead was rather obvious). Applying a commonsense notion of SA, an “awareness” of what was going on, was necessary to act correctly in all situations. It is concluded that the map shift could not be easily detected due, to its manifestation on the map, which should be redesigned if it is considered important to detect this event, when the computer measurement of wind strength malfunctions. 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