The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Annual Publication 100-3 July 11 2010-2011 SMALL GRAIN PERFORMANCE TESTS Edited by J. LaDon Day, Anton E. Coy and John D. Gassett The Season Georgia small grain farmers faced high temperatures and hot and dry low soil moisture conditions for the small grain forage and grain planting season in the fall of 2010. The unfavorable planting conditions continued unabated until mid-November when rain set in along with colder temperatures. With the hindrance of wet fields, land preparation and planting of small grains were delayed in some areas. Georgia wheat producers seeded 250,000 acres of wheat during the 2010-2011 crop year, a 47% increase over the previous year. Rye producers seeded 190,000 acres, matching 2010 planting, while oat acreage increased 30% to total 65,000 acres. Rainfall amounts recorded monthly at the five test locations in Georgia and at Marianna, Fla. during the 2010-2011 growing season are presented in the following table. At all locations across the state, rainfall amounts were below normal for the ninemonth reporting period. Rainfall across the Coastal Plain area of the state averaged 41% less (down 12.1 inches) for the growing season. In the Limestone Valley area around Rome a rain deficit of 8% was much less than the state deficit due to a wet March and April. Record cold temperatures lingered for much of the growing season across the state of Georgia. 2010-2011 Rainfall1 Month Year Calhoun2 Griffin Midville Plains Tifton Marianna, FL3 --------------------------------------------- inches --------------------------------------------October 2010 2.34 1.86 0.62 0.97 0.35 0.22 November 2010 4.54 4.60 1.57 2.34 3.53 5.81 December 2010 1.83 1.24 1.31 0.67 1.26 0.62 January 2011 4.40 2.84 3.12 3.70 3.33 4.33 February 2011 3.46 5.05 6.89 4.32 3.29 4.04 March 2011 10.31 6.36 3.91 3.63 2.71 5.00 April 2011 6.91 2.21 1.41 2.01 1.60 0.92 May 2011 1.52 0.84 2.33 0.03 0.01 0.78 June 2011 3.66 3.48 3.43 4.15 3.76 1.24 Total (9 months) 38.97 28.48 24.59 21.82 19.84 22.96 Normal (9 months) 42.30 37.65 31.80 36.22 34.80 38.70 1. Data for Georgia sites collected by Dr. Ian Flitcroft, Griffin Campus, Griffin, Ga. 2. Floyd County location. 3. University of Florida North Florida Research and Education Center location. J. LaDon Day is the program director of statewide variety testing and John D. Gassett is a research professional II in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Griffin Campus, Griffin, GA 30223-1797. Anton E. Coy is a senior agricultural specialist in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Tifton Campus, Tifton, GA 31793-0748. Georgia farmers seeded more small grain during 2010-2011 than the previous year due mainly to more favorable sowing conditions. Wheat and oat acres planted increased by 80,000 and 15,000, respectively. Later planting of wheat was hampered in some areas due to wet and cold conditions. The weather remained cold throughout the small grain growing season. A drier spring helped abate small grain diseases, which required less treatment and increased yields of high quality grain. A total of 180,000 acres of wheat grain were harvested this year (55,000 acres or 44% more than in 2010) and which produced 9.9 million bushels. Wheat yield for the 2011 Georgia crop was 55 bushels per acre yield, up 38% from last year’s acre yield (one bushel less than the record 2008 crop). Harvested acres of oats increased during 2011. Thirty thousand acres of rye were harvested for grain, 25% less than last year. Rye production in Georgia is primarily for forage and/or a cover crop.