AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Daniel W. Eungard for the degree of Master of Science in Geology presented on July 31, 2012 Title: Early High Cascade Silicic Volcanism: Analysis of the McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge Tuff Abstract approved: _____________________________________________________________________ Adam J.R. Kent Silicic volcanism in the central Oregon Cascade range has decreased in both the size and frequency of eruptions from its initiation at ~40 Ma to present. The reasons for this reduction in silicic volcanism are poorly constrained. Studies of the petrogenesis of these magmas have the potential for addressing this question by providing insight into the processes responsible for producing and erupting silicic magmas. This study focuses on two extensive and well-preserved ash-flow tuffs from within the ~4-8 Ma Deschutes Formation of central Oregon, which formed after the transition from Western Cascade volcanism to the modern High Cascade. Documentation of outcrop extent, outcrop thickness, clast properties, and samples provide the means to estimate a source location, minimum erupted volumes, and to constrain eruptive processes. Major and trace element chemistry of glass and minerals constrain the petrogenesis and chemical evolution of the system. The tuffs selected for this study, the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon, are the first known silicic units originating from the Cascade Arc following the reorganization from Western Cascade to High Cascade Volcanism at ~8 Ma. These eruptions were significant in producing a minimum of ~5 km3 DRE each within a relatively short timeframe. These tuffs are sourced from some vent or edifices related to the Three Sisters Volcanic Complex, and capture an early phase of the volcanic history of that region. The chemical composition of the tuffs indicates that the Lower Bridge erupted predominately rhyolitic magma with dacitic magma occurring only in small quantities in the latest stage of the eruption while McKenzie Canyon Tuff erupted first as a rhyolite and transitioned to a basaltic andesite with co-mingling and incomplete mixing of the two magma types. Major and trace element concentrations in minerals and glass indicate that the basaltic andesite and rhyolite of the McKenzie Canyon Tuff were well convected and stored in separate chambers. Geothermometry of the magmas indicate that the rhyolites are considerably warmer (~850°) than typical arc rhyolites. Trace element compositions indicate that both the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff experienced mixing between a mantle derived basaltic melt and a rhyolitic partial melt derived from gabbroic crust. Rhyolites of the Lower Bridge Tuff incorporate 30-50% partial melt following 0->60% fractionation of mantle derived melts. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff incorporates 50-100% of a partial melt of a mafic crust with up to 15% post mixing fractionation. The results of this study suggest that production of voluminous silicic magmas within the Cascade Arc crust requires both fractionation of incoming melts from the mantle together with mixing with partial melts of the crust. This provides a potential explanation for the decrease in silicic melt production rates from the Western Cascades to the High Cascades related to declining subduction rate. As convergence along the Cascade margin became more oblique during the Neogene, the consequent slowing rate of mantle melt production will result in a net cooling of the crust, inhibiting the production of rhyolitic partial melts. Without these partial melts to provide the rhyolitic end member to the system, the system will evolve to the mafic melt and fractionation dominated regime that has existed along Cascadia throughout the Quaternary. ©Copyright by Daniel W. Eungard July 31, 2012 All Rights Reserved Early High Cascade Silicic Volcanism: Analysis of the McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge Tuff By Daniel W. Eungard A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented July 31, 2012 Commencement June 2013 Master of Science thesis of Daniel W. Eungard presented on July 31, 2012 APPROVED: _______________________________________________________________ Major Professor, representing Geology _______________________________________________________________ Dean of the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences _______________________________________________________________ Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request _______________________________________________________________ Daniel W. Eungard, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost I would like to thank my advisor Adam Kent. He provided me the opportunity to come study at a top notch university and “break the ground” on the Deschutes Formation research project. This project would not have been a success without his support, encouragement, and editorial capabilities. I would also like to thank Anita Grunder, her insight to geologic processes proved invaluable to the formulation of a model of the system. That she set aside so much time to work though it with me despite her enormously busy schedule speaks volumes. Her enthusiasm for my work was infectious and really helped me push through whenever I felt bogged down. To the rest of my committee, Andrew Meigs provided additional encouragement and witticism which kept me relatively sane throughout the process. Also I would like to thank my graduate committee representative, Marta Torres, for filling in at the last moment for my defense. A very special thanks goes out to David Sherrod of the USGS. I cannot possibly thank you enough for everything you have done. Taking me out into the field and helping me get a “lay of the land” providing dozens of unpublished maps and equipment to aid in my field research. Your enthusiasm was paramount at the start of my research and helped me make what appeared to be a daunting task, far more manageable. To Ed Taylor and the various graduates that worked in the Deschutes previously, in particular Debra Cannon, and Gary Smith. Your reconnaissance work and initial findings were instrumental to my completion of this project. Though I have not met you, I can’t possibly thank you enough for laying the foundation for my research. I would like to thank Dale Burns and Matt Loewen for helping me use, and compile data from the microprobe and laser respectively. Neither of the machines blew up or caught fire, and the data turned out far better than I anticipated so you guys must be doing something right. The office ladies, Stacy and Melinda, provided invaluable support to answer questions and file the untold mountains of paperwork that comes with being a graduate student. Other students who helped by providing suggestions, comments, and insight to various parts of my project include Alison Koleszar, Lucian Farmer, Christine Chan, Jamie Kern, Mark Ford, Jason Kaiser, Andrew Burleigh, Amy Lange, and Steffi Wafforn. My friends, other students in the department, while not directly aiding in my research provided much needed stress relief and enjoyment to my time here though camping, movie nights, and special interest groups such as the Planeteers soccer team, and Chipotle Consumption Consortium. There are far too many of you to list, but you know who you are. I would also like to thank the various landowners, and ranchers who allowed me access onto their property. Rex Barber, Ron Remond, Cindy Grossmann, Larry Schmitz, Lee Stone, Dawn (with the goats), and many others whose names I didn’t catch or write down. To many of you I presented quite the oddity, some college boy wanting to look at some rocks. Despite that, you welcomed me onto your land and in many cases provided me with the rich history of the area and its people. Finally, words cannot express how indebted I am to my parents and girlfriend. My parents instilled within me the desire to travel and live life outside my sleepy hometown. Mom and Dad, you both wished only that I would be happy with what I was doing in life, and though it took a few tries to figure out exactly what that was, I finally found it. Your constant encouragement and support for all my decisions (both good and bad) allowed me to get to where I am today. Ashley, you have provided companionship and encouragement which has helped me get by each and every day. You listened to my wild rants, grit your teeth while I seesawed on when I would have a defense, read my thesis drafts without laughing (too much) at my writing skills, and helped in every little way to get me to finish this project. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1- Introduction ............................................................................................................. 2 2- Previous Work ........................................................................................................ 7 3- Geologic Setting ..................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Cascade Subduction and Plate Motion..................................................................... 9 3.2 Western Cascades .................................................................................................. 11 3.3 Columbia River Basalts ......................................................................................... 11 3.4 Early and Modern High Cascades .......................................................................... 12 3.5 High Lava Plains .................................................................................................... 13 3.6 Deschutes Basin and Formation ............................................................................. 13 4- Methods ................................................................................................................ 14 4.1 Field Methods ........................................................................................................ 14 4.2 Calculated Methods................................................................................................ 15 4.2.1 Volume ........................................................................................................ 15 4.2.2 Density ......................................................................................................... 16 4.2.3 Chemical Modeling of the System .............................................................. 17 4.2.4 Thermobarometry ........................................................................................ 23 4.3 Analytical Methods……………………………………………………………………..24 4.3.1 Electron Microprobe (EMPA) ..................................................................... 24 4.3.2 Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) ... 24 4.3.3 X-ray fluorescence (XRF) ........................................................................... 29 5- Results................................................................................................................... 29 5.1 Field Related and Sample Observations ................................................................ 29 5.1.1 Stratigraphic Relations................................................................................. 32 5.1.2 Description of Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuffs ....................... 36 5.1.3 Flow Direction and Source .......................................................................... 39 5.1.4 Volumes ....................................................................................................... 41 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 5.2 Petrology ................................................................................................................ 45 5.2.1 Lower Bridge Tuff Petrology ...................................................................... 45 5.2.2 McKenzie Canyon Tuff Petrology............................................................... 47 5.3 Chemical Composition ........................................................................................... 54 5.3.1 McKenzie Canyon Tuff Glass Chemistry.................................................... 54 5.3.2 McKenzie Canyon Tuff Mineral Chemistry ................................................ 65 5.3.3 Lower Bridge Tuff Glass Chemistry ........................................................... 73 5.3.4 Lower Bridge Tuff Mineral Chemistry........................................................ 75 5.4 Modeling ................................................................................................................ 77 5.4.1 McKenzie Canyon Tuff ............................................................................... 77 5.4.2 Lower Bridge Tuff ....................................................................................... 90 5.5 Thermobarometry and Oxygen Fugacity Estimates............................................... 94 5.5.1 Fe-Ti Oxides ................................................................................................ 96 5.5.2 Two-Pyroxene…………………………………………………………………...98 5.5.3 Plagioclase-Liquid ....................................................................................... 98 6- Discussion ............................................................................................................. 99 6.1 Volcanic Source ..................................................................................................... 99 6.2 Eruption Characteristics ....................................................................................... 100 6.3 Deposit Thicknesses and Volume Estimates ....................................................... 102 6.4 Petrology .............................................................................................................. 103 6.5 Geochemistry ....................................................................................................... 104 6.5.1 Compositional Gap .................................................................................... 104 6.5.2 Pre-eruption Chamber Dynamics .............................................................. 105 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 6.5.3 Model of the System .................................................................................. 108 6.5.4 Regional Controls on Magmatism ............................................................. 113 7- Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 114 8- References ........................................................................................................... 116 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Figure 1: Cascade Arc volcanic production over time for the last 40 million years ...... 4 Figure 2: Map of major volcano-tectonic provinces in the Central Cascades ............... 6 Figure 3: Plate-tectonic setting of the modern Cascadia Subduction zone .................. 10 Figure 4: Stratigraphic Fence Diagram overlain on McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge outcrop map modified from Cannon (1984) .................................................... 30 Figure 5: Idealized column for the Lower Bridge Tuff and McKenzie Canyon Tuff . 33 Figure 6: Distribution map of outcrop of the Peninsula Tuff (dark) including probable extent (patterned) ......................................................................................................... 35 Figure 7: Lower Bridge Tuff unit A-B contact at type section. ................................... 38 Figure 8: Various pumice of McKenzie Canyon Tuff unit A ...................................... 40 Figure 9: Isopach map for the Lower Bridge pumice fall deposit ............................... 42 Figure 10: Isopach map for the Lower Bridge Tuff ..................................................... 43 Figure 11: Isopach map for the McKenzie Canyon Tuff ............................................. 44 Figure 12: BSE of plagioclase crystals from sample LBTA 185 dacite pumice ......... 46 Figure 13: BSE of clinopyroxene crystal from sample LBTA 185 ............................. 48 Figure 14: BSE of magnetite grains from sample LBTA 185 ..................................... 49 Figure 15: BSE of clinopyroxene crystals from basaltic andesite pumice of sample MCTB 209 ................................................................................................................... 50 Figure 16: BSE of plagioclase crystals in basaltic andesite from sample MCTB 209 52 Figure 17: BSE of magnetite crystals from basaltic andesite in sample MCTB 209, with extensive ilmenite exsolution along cleavage boundaries. .................................. 53 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page Figure 18: Total Alkali Silica (TAS) Diagram of Le Maitre et al (1989) .................... 55 Figure 19: Bivariate Plot of TiO2 vs SiO2. ................................................................... 56 Figure 20: Bivariate plot of K2O vs SiO2. .................................................................... 57 Figure 21: Bivariate Plot of MnO vs SiO2. .................................................................. 59 Figure 22: Bivariate plot of Na2O vs SiO2. .................................................................. 60 Figure 23: Bivariate plot of MgO vs SiO2. .................................................................. 61 Figure 24: Bivariate plot of P2O5 vs SiO ..................................................................... 62 Figure 25: Bivariate plot of FeO* vs SiO2. .................................................................. 63 Figure 26: Chondrite normalized trace element spider diagram for glass ................... 64 Figure 27: Bivariate plot of Rb vs Si in Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff Glass……………………………………………………………………………………….....66 Figure 28: Plagioclase An-Ab-Or Ternary Diagram………………………………...……..67 Figure 29: Chondrite normalized trace element spider diagram for plagioclase ......... 69 Figure 30: Pyroxene En-Wo-FS Ternary and olivine Fo-Fa binary for Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff………………………………………………………………….......70 Figure 31: Chondrite normalized trace element spider diagram for pyroxene ............ 72 Figure 32: Bivariate plot of CaO vs FeO*……………………………………………….…74 Figure 33: Bivariate plot of FeO* vs SiO2 with calculated fractionation paths ........... 82 Figure 34: Bivariate Plot of Sm (ppm) vs Si (ppk) for McKenzie Canyon glass ........ 85 Figure 35: Bivariate plot of Ba vs Rb for McKenzie Canyon Tuff glass .................... 87 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page Figure 36: Bivariate Plot of Sm (ppm) vs Si (ppk) for Lower Bridge glass ................ 92 Figure 37: Bivariate plot of Ba vs Rb for Lower Bridge Tuff glass ............................ 93 Figure 38: Plot of Temperature in different units ........................................................ 95 Figure 39: -Log ƒO2 vs Temperature °C for Fe-Ti Oxides .......................................... 97 Figure 40: Conceptual diagram of the different convective regimes (or lack thereof) within the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon volcanic system ............................ 107 Figure 41: Conceptual diagram of the evolution of the Lower Bridge magmatic system .................................................................................................................................... 111 Figure 42: Conceptual diagram of the evolution of the McKenzie Canyon magmatic system ......................................................................................................................... 112 LIST OF TABLES Table Page Table 1: Rayleigh fractionation/melting constant denotation. ..................................... 19 Table 2: Trace element partition coefficients. Values and (source) from GERM Database for basalt to basaltic andesite. ....................................................................... 20 Table 3: Starting major and trace element composition of select partial melts ........... 22 Table 4: LA-ICP-MS Instrument Setup ....................................................................... 26 Table 5: Analytical precision for LA-ICP-MS............................................................. 27 Table 6: Summary results of XLFRAC model for both McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge Tuff ................................................................................................................... 78 Table 7: Detailed XLFRAC model results for McKenzie Canyon Tuff. ..................... 79 Table 8: Calculated trace element compositions from Rayleigh fractionation ............ 84 Table 9: Major and trace element composition of partial melts................................... 88 Table 10: Detailed XLFRAC model results for Lower Bridge Tuff rhyolites. ............ 91 LIST OF APPENDICIES Appendix Page A- List of Microprobe Calibration and Runtime Data………………………………137 B- List of Magnetite-Ilmenite Pairs Used for Fe-Ti Oxide Thermometry…………..143 C- List of Two-Pyroxene Pairs for Thermobarometry………………………………153 D- List of Plagioclase-Liquid Pairs for Thermobarometry………………………….179 E- List of Normalized XRF Results…………………………………………………192 F- List of Unnormalized EMPA Results…………………………………………….197 G- List of LA-ICP-MS Results……………………………………………………...241 Plate- Outcrop Map of the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff……….in pocket Early High Cascade Silicic Volcanism: Analysis of the McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge Tuff 2 1- Introduction Silicic volcanism ranks as one of the most destructive natural forces on the planet. An estimated 500 million people live within close proximity to volcanic centers (Tilling and Lipman, 1993) that have potential for large silicic eruptions. Additionally, as recently shown by the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010 many millions more would be affected by the products of an explosive eruption such as threat to air travel (Self and Walker, 1994) and climatic effects (Rampino and Self, 1982). For this reason alone it is important that we understand the processes which lead to explosive, large silicic eruptions and to the processes of silicic magma petrogenesis. Additionally, silicic volcanism provides us with a method by which the Earth’s crust evolves leading to the differentiation of continental crust. Important effects from the differentiation process include climatic control from carbon recycling (Franck et al, 1999) in addition to formation of ore deposits from metals brought up from the mantle (Rosenbaum et al, 2005). A long standing challenge for geoscientists is identifying how silicic continental crust and silicic magmas can form in areas dominated by mafic crust and volcanism. Subduction zones provide a key locality for studying these processes due to their ability to produce silicic products in a predominantly mafic setting. Existing studies (Hughes and Mahood, 2008) suggest that there are several factors that favor formation of large silicic magma reservoirs in subduction zones. High convergence rates and orthogonal convergence both influence the rate of subduction presumably controlling the magmatic flux from the mantle. This increased mantle flux provides large volumes of basaltic melt, which can produce silicic magma through fractional crystallization of basalts and (or) partial melting of the crust. Additional factors identified by Hughes and Mahood (2008) are increased crustal thickness and evolved silicic crustal compositions that allow for incorporation of more evolved material from assimilation and increased differentiation during magmatic ascent. Complications arise however; as there are locations where significant silicic volcanism occurs despite low convergence rates, high obliquity, and thin mafic crust. The 3 Cascadia subduction zone may provide insight to this problem, as it experiences highly oblique and slow convergence of 30-45 mm/yr (McCaffrey et al, 2007). In addition it overlies a relatively thin (~35 km) and predominantly mafic crust. It is also important to note that the Cascade Arc is an endmember in arc settings with the youngest subducting slab at 10 Ma (Preston et al, 2003) and therefore hottest slab temperatures in the world. The frequency of silicic volcanism has been observed to change through geologic time in many arc settings (Cascadia included), indicating that local tectonic regimes and other factors may be important. Although the Cascade Arc has been relatively inactive though much of historic time the geologic record suggests that significant volcanic events in the form of large silicic eruptions and voluminous basalt flows occur relatively frequently (Miller, 1990). Priest (1990) observed that volcanic productivity in the Cascade Arc has decreased through time. In particular, Quaternary silicic eruptions are relatively rare (Hildreth, 2007), but older volcanic deposits record significant silicic eruptions (Priest, 1990; Smith, 1986). A key question then becomes “Why does silicic volcanism vary through time?” One means to addressing this question is a comparison between the Western Cascade phase of the Cascade Arc (~40-8 Ma) and the modern High Cascade Arc (~8 Ma to present). The abundant volcanic activity, including abundant silicic volcanism, documented from the Western Cascade arc is substantially different from the relatively minimal and mafic dominated volcanism seen in the High Cascade arc today (Figure 1). The transition from Western Cascade volcanism to the modern High Cascades at ~8 Ma is the most recent major reorganization of the Cascadia subduction zone boundary and resulted in significant changes in the composition and abundance of volcanism. Volcanic productivity has been significantly reduced and the proportion of silicic magmas to the total erupted magmatic volume has also decreased. However, relatively little is known of this transition, as much of the geologic record along the modern Cascades arc has been buried by subsequent volcanism. In particular, there is a lack of detailed studies of silicic magmatism from this time period largely due to the lack of outcrop of silicic 4 Figure 1: Cascade Arc volcanic production over time for the last 40 million years. Note the High Lava Plains are not included in volcanic production estimates. Modified from Priest, (1990). 5 deposits. In order to address some of these deficiencies we must identify silicic volcanic deposits originating from the Cascade Arc immediately following the High Cascade transition, and undertake a detailed analysis of the silicic products to determine their petrogenesis. One solution to this can be found in the Deschutes Formation, a volcaniclastic deposit within the Deschutes Basin including numerous silicic deposits. The distal Deschutes Basin located to the east of the modern arc (Figure 2), provides good exposure of pyroclastic fall and flow deposits from the early stages of the modern High Cascades, in the range of 8-4 million years. The stratigraphic record preserved within the basin provides an exceptional opportunity to study explosive silicic volcanism associated with early High Cascade volcanoes and also may serve as an analogue for future eruptions. In particular, the formation provides the opportunity to investigate the nature of silicic volcanism at this time and estimate the volume, constrain pre-eruptive magma chamber conditions, and study the petrogenesis of individual eruptions. In this study I have investigated two large silicic eruptions from the Deschutes basin in order to determine the evolution of a highly productive volcanic system. The two units chosen for study, The Lower Bridge Tuff and McKenzie Canyon Tuff are the oldest known ash-flow tuffs in the formation making them among the first known silicic material produced following the Western Cascades to High Cascades transition in this location. The stratigraphically higher McKenzie Canyon Tuff is ideal for this study as it is extensive, well exposed, and has at least two compositions of pumice, allowing insight into a compositionally diverse magma reservoir. The older Lower Bridge Tuff, which commonly crops out beneath the McKenzie Canyon Tuff, is much more compositionally restricted. By comparing the compositionally restricted Lower Bridge Tuff to the compositionally diverse McKenzie Canyon Tuff we will be able to investigate the role of compositional variation on eruptive and magma chamber processes. Determining the nature of these large silicic eruptions and magma chambers that evolved them will help aid in the understanding of the evolution of the central Oregon Cascades. 6 Figure 2: Map of major volcano-tectonic provinces in the Central Cascades. Modified from Sherrod and Smith (2000). 7 The specific goals of this study include: Establishing the lateral extent and thickness of outcrop to determine minimum eruptive volumes Collect and analyze glass and minerals from juvenile pumice to determine the chemical variations within the tuffs Determine what roles fractional crystallization, partial melting, and mixing had on the formation and evolution of silicic melts 2- Previous Work The volcanic units of the Deschutes Formation were first recognized by Captain C. E. Dutton (1889) describing a “waterlaid tuff” interbedded with basalts along the Metolius River. Since its original discovery the Deschutes Formation has had several different names and age constraints applied which gives it a complicated history. The various names applied to the Deschutes Formation are the “Deschutes Sands” by Russell (1905), “Madras Formation” by Hodge (1940), “Dalles Formation” by Hodge (1942), and the now widely accepted Deschutes Formation by Williams (1924). Early work on the Deschutes Formation by Chaney (1938) consigned the formation to the Early to Middle Pliocene, which was supported by Hodge (1940) and Williams (1957). Everden and James (1964) published the first K-Ar age of 4.3-5.3 Ma on the section studied by Chaney (1938). McBirney et al. (1974) proposed a bracketed age of the Deschutes Formation from 9-11 Ma to 4-6 Ma based from K-Ar dates of the basal Pelton Basalt and capping basalts respectively. Hales (1975) constrained the age of the Deschutes Formation and the onset of faulting at Green Ridge to 4.5-9.2 Ma. Armstrong et al. (1975) published K-Ar dates for a suite of Deschutes Formation rocks ranging from 3.3-15.9 Ma. Smith and Snee (1983) report the first 40Ar-39Ar age in the Deschutes Formation of 7.6 Ma on the Pelton Basalt. Smith et al. (1987) then redefined the age of the Deschutes Formation by Ar-Ar dating the lowest exposed basalt at 7.42 0.22 Ma and the highest lava on Green Ridge at 5.3 0.1 Ma. Aubin (2000) provides the only dates of silicic materials in the Deschutes 8 Formation with Ar-Ar dates of 5.38 .06 Ma and 5.56 .06 Ma for the Six Creek and Balanced Rocks Tuffs, respectively. The first published map including Deschutes Formation deposits is from Wells and Peck (1961) under the name “Dalles Formation”. A reconnaissance map from Waters (1968) included the Deschutes Formation as the “Madras Formation”. A series of mapping projects conducted by Oregon State University graduate students under Dr. Edward Taylor brought further resolution to the Deschutes Formation by noting prominent exposures and breaking the formation into subunits. The northern half of the Deschutes basin was mapped by Hewitt (1970), Hales (1975), Jay (1982), Hayman (1983), Conrey (1985), Dill (1985), Yogodzinski (1985), Smith (1986), and Aubin (2000). The southern half of the Deschutes basin was mapped by Stensland (1970), Cannon (1984), Thormahlen (1984), and McDannel (1990). Maps published by the USGS that include Deschutes Formation are the Bend 30’ Quadrangle (Sherrod et al., 2004), Steelhead Falls 7.5 minute quadrangle (Ferns M.L., 1996), and Hinkle Butte 7.5 minute quadrangle (Taylor E.M., 1998). Additionally several field trip guides exist for the Deschutes Formation with emphasis on the area surrounding Lake Billy Chinnook (Smith G.A., 1983; Bishop E.M., 1990; Taylor E.M., 1990; Peterson and Groh, 1991; Smith G.A., 1991; Conrey R.M., 2004). Detailed geochemical studies within the Deschutes basin are largely absent with the exception of Aubin (2000) who provides a detailed geochemical and petrologic analysis of 5 ignimbrite units deposited in the Fly Creek area at the northern end of the basin. Smith (1986) provides a review of all the basic petrography and geochemistry done on mafic and silicic units within the basin with particular emphasis paid to data collected from unpublished OSU master’s thesis. This work by Smith highlights the large amount of “grey literature” existing for Deschutes Formation rocks some of which will be included in this study. In terms of the units analyzed during this study, the McKenzie Canyon Tuff was first described by Stensland (1970) as “ash-flow tuff two” and was then informally named the McKenzie Canyon Tuff by Cannon (1984). Occurring in the middle 9 portion of the Deschutes Formation stratigraphy, the tuff is regularly found among other ash-flows in a given location. It is described to be from 3-50 feet thick and consists of up to five flow units making up one complex cooling unit that ranges from nonwelded to densely welded. The most diagnostic features of the tuff are its distinct brick red-orange color in addition to black, white, and banded pumice (Smith, 1986). Cannon (1984) hypothesizes that the deposit represents an eruption of co-mingling and incompletely mixed magmas which is consistent with limited geochemical analysis documenting a bimodal distribution of SiO2. The Lower Bridge Tuff often occurrs in section with the McKenzie Canyon Tuff and is equally extensive. The Lower Bridge Tuff was originally described and partially mapped by Stensland (1970), however he incorrectly assigned a separate tuff with Lower Bridge Tuff. Cannon (1984) reassigned the incorrectly mapped tuff as “Unit 0” and then informally named the Lower Bridge Tuff. She describes the Lower Bridge Tuff as being stratigraphically lower than the McKenzie Canyon Tuff, forming rounded, gullied, low angle slopes with a brown color or from white to purple if on a fresh surface. The Lower Bridge Tuff consists of an accretionary lapilli-fall deposit overlain by two ash-flow units totaling 1.5-15.5 meters thick. Results from Cannon (1984) include detailed mapping of unit exposure, limited description of unit facies, petrographic descriptions, whole rock major element composition of 63 samples, and a limited dataset of major element composition of amphibole, pyroxenes, and olivine. 3- Geologic Setting 3.1 Cascade Subduction and Plate Motion Volcanism in the Cascade arc is the result of subduction of the Farallon plate which was completely subducted under North America at 30 Ma and more recently of the Farallon remnant, the Juan de Fuca plate. Current subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate (Figure 3) is oblique with an approximately 10° slab dip to a depth of 50 km (Trehu et al, 2002) with an increasing 50° slab dip below the arc axis (Roth et al, 2008). Subduction rates have slowed from 6-7cm/yr to 3-4cm/yr at 7 Ma as a result of 10 Figure 3: Plate-tectonic setting of the modern Cascadia Subduction zone. Prominent cities and volcanic edifices are white boxes and grey triangles respectively. From Leonard et al., (2010). 11 increasing oblique convergence (Guffanti and Weaver, 1988). This change in subduction has had significant implications for the structure of the arc. Shallow rapid subduction of the Farallon and early Juan de Fuca produced the broad and highly active volcanic front of the Western Cascades whereas the deeper and slow subduction following 7 Ma produced the relatively narrow High Cascade Arc. 3.2 Western Cascades The Western Cascades represent an early expression of the Cascade Arc in the Pacific Northwest. Western Cascade volcanism initiated at ~42 Ma and is characterized as having local andesitic volcanoes producing voluminous tholeiitic lava and silicic pyroclastic rock of both tholeiitic and calc-alkaline trends (see compilation of du Bray et al, 2006 & references therein). The arc is suggested to be 3-4 times the width of the modern arc and was likely low in elevation as evidenced by the notable lateral continuity of ash-flow sheets (Priest, 1990). From 18-14 Ma a period of either topographic uplift or low volcanic output existed as there is a marked unconformity in Western Cascade rocks in most areas. Within this timeframe, at ~16.6 Ma, basaltic volcanicsm of the Columbia River Basalt Group initiated (Hooper, 2002). Late Western Cascade volcanism, beginning at 14 Ma, is dominated by voluminous eruptions of calc-alkaline andesite, subordinate basaltic andesite, and dacite producing a total calculated volume of ~36,000 Km3 of volcanic material ending at 8.8 Ma. Priest (1990) observed an eastward progression and narrowing of the Western Cascades arc volcanism that has been attributed to a steepening of the slab (>100 km) and/or decrease in convergence rate (Verplanck and Duncan, 1987). 3.3 Columbia River Basalts The Columbia River Basalts Group (CRB) represents a significant outpouring of basalt to basaltic andesite lavas which have covered large portions of Idaho, Washington, and Oregon with a total erupted volume of ~234,000 km3 (Camp et al, 2003). In the northern portion of the Deschutes basin the CRB crop out in the form of 12 the chemically distinct Prineville Basalt. Co-erupting with the Grand Ronde basalt unit of the CRBs, the Prineville differs by having unusually high P2O5 and Ba concentrations (Hooper, 1993). Interbedded and overlying the uppermost CRBs is the volcaniclastic sedimentary sequence of the Simtustus Formation. The Simtustus is made up of tuffaceous mudstones, sandstones, conglomerates, tuffs, and debris flow breccia that have a Cascade dominant provenance (Smith, 1986). The Simtustus conformably is unconformably overlain by the Deschutes Formation making the Simtustus anywhere between 15.5 and 7.6 m.y. old (Smith, 1986). As the distance between the oldest dated fauna (12 Ma) and the Deschutes unconformity is less than 30 meters, Smith, (1986) argues that the Simtustus was likely emplaced from 15.5 to 12 Ma with a 5 million year hiatus in activity prior to the start of deposition of the Deschutes Formation. 3.4 Early and Modern High Cascades Volcanism within the Early High Cascades began at ~7.4 Ma and continued until 4.0 Ma and is characterized by eruption of voluminous basalt, basaltic andesite, and subordinate silicic pyroclastic falls and flows forming ~3,000 km3 of erupted material (Priest, 1990). Volcanism was centered on the current High Cascades axis which was 13 km wider than the current arc. In the central Oregon the High Cascades volcanic edifices of this early arc are largely hidden as they have subsided into graben structures and are buried by recent volcanism. A series of along-arc normal faults define a graben which terminates at Mt. Hood and widens to the south marking the physical manifestation of active rifting within the Cascade Arc (Taylor, 1990). Modern volcanism in the Cascade Arc has progressed since 3.9 Ma to the present, erupting ~900 km3 of volcanic material. The most prominent expression of this volcanism is focused on ~30 large predominately andesitic to dacitic stratocones. Far more volumetrically important however, is the existence of >2,300 mafic vents (Hildreth, 2007; Luedke et al, 1983; Smith, 1993; Sherrod and Smith, 2000). The general composition of eruptive materials originating from the central Oregon arc is unchanged with a distinct narrowing and confinement of the arc in response to 13 Western Cascades uplift and growth of large fault scarps to the east (Priest, 1990). Recent work by Conrey et al, (2004) suggests however that there is a northward propagation of potassium depleted lavas known as low-K tholeiite basalt. These magmas are suggested to be formed by rifting processes and are coupled with subsidence and development of prominent graben structures (ex. Green Ridge), which support the hypothesis of extension and rifting in the Cascade Arc. 3.5 High Lava Plains The High Lava Plains (HLP) of south-central Oregon is a volcanic province to the southeast of the Central Cascade arc. The physiographic expression of the HLP is described as a 90 by 275 km long, late Miocene and younger volcanic province that is bounded to the west by the Cascade Arc and to the south by the North West Basin and Range (Jordan et al, 2004). The volcanic rocks of the HLP province are bimodal, basalts and rhyolites, with the basalts predominantly being high alumina olivine tholeiites. The rhyolites occur both as domes and ash-flows with a time progressive sequence younging to the west between 12 Ma to present (Jordan et al, 2004). Of particular interest in the silicic volcanic rocks is the presence of a high iron signature which is distinct from that of the Cascade Arc (Ford, 2012). Unlike the silicic volcanic rocks, basalts of the HLP are not systematically age transgressive and occur in pulses, the greatest of which was at 7.5 M, coincident with the onset of rifting in the arc (Jordan et al, 2004; Ford, 2012) 3.6 Deschutes Basin and Formation The Deschutes Formation is a ~700 m thick volcanic and volcaniclastic sequence (Bishop, 1990; Smith, 1986) located immediately to the east of the modern High Cascades arc, between Bend and Madras, Oregon. During the onset of the High Cascades, the Deschutes Formation was captured within the Deschutes Basin. The Deschutes Basin formed as a topographic low to the east of the arc bounded by the Mutton Mountains to the north, the Ochoco Mountains to the east, and the High Lava Plains to the south. During this time volcanic products derived from the ancestral 14 High Cascades began aggregating within the basin to form the Deschutes Formation. The formation consists of numerous ignimbrites and associated pyroclastic fall units, basalt flows, and proximal volcaniclastic sediments deposited between 8-4 Ma (Smith, 1986). Of these volcanic deposits there are 24 stratigraphically relevant, informally named units of which 15 are silicic ash-flow tuffs (Smith, 1986). Additionally, there are many dozens to hundreds of minor ash-flow tuff and pumice falls which are uncharacterized and uncorrelated. The ash-flow tuffs vary in composition from basaltic andesite to rhyolite with many displaying complex zonation and hybridization features of banded pumice. Deposition within the basin ceased at ~4 Ma due to the subsidence of the central Cascade Arc forming the Cascade Graben to the north and the waning of silicic volcanism in the south (Smith, 1986; Bishop 1990; Conrey et al, 2004). Following this, intrabasinal basaltic sources were also important such as Tetherow Butte, Round Butte, and Lower Bridge to Steelhead Falls vicinity (Smith, 1986) and in many cases local basalt flows form capping flows in the basin. Due to the rain shadow effect of the modern Cascade Range, vegetative cover and erosion are minor in the basin leading to excellent exposure of units in the Deschutes and Crooked River canyons and their tributaries. 4- Methods 4.1 Field Methods The goals of the field program includes identification of the physical properties of the tuff units such as unit description, unit thickness, pumice and lithic clast size distributions, volcanic welding and devitrification facies, and other physical attributes such as clast imbrication. These determinations are used to constrain the likely source area, the flow direction(s), and provide a minimum volume estimate for the eruptions. The surrounding stratigraphy is noted in several key locations where thick sections are exposed creating stratigraphic columns for future correlation of units surrounding the tuffs. Sampling key locations provides the materials needed for analytical work. This 15 will be used for verification and collaboration of data provided in previous studies (Stensland, 1970; Cannon, 1984). Thickness measurements were done using a tape measure where possible, starting from the base or lowest exposed point and working up the section. Exceptionally thick sections were measured while doing stratigraphic traverses by hand leveling. This method was tested for accuracy against a tape measure where ever possible. Additionally, after making measurements across two particularly thick traverses the measured thicknesses were compared to thicknesses inferred from topographic maps and Google Earth imagery. The methods agree to within 10% of the indicated thickness. A measurement of clast sizes was done with tape measure and the reported size is the average clast size over a 1 m2 area where possible. In some locations the deposit thickness of a single unit did not allow for a 1 m2 box to be assessed and in these cases the average clast size for the entire exposed unit was reported. Assessing the modal percent of pumice types (white, black, and banded) and lithics was done in the same fashion using a 1 m2 area where appropriate. Imbrication of clasts was measured using a Brunton compass. At a given outcrop location where imbrication was noticeable, clasts were measured using as many exposed faces as possible in an attempt to determine their true direction in three dimensions. The direction of imbrication was assessed for each clast and the values reported is an average direction calculated from the clast population. 4.2 Calculated Methods 4.2.1 Volume Minimum volume estimates for Lower Bridge pumice fall were calculated using the single isopach method proposed by Legros (2000) and modified by Salisbury (2011) to account for multiple isopachs. For the Lower Bridge Tuff and McKenzie Canyon Tuff the volume was calculated by taking the average thickness of an isopach over the entire area. For the Lower Bridge Tuff bulk volumes were converted to dense 16 rock equivalent (DRE) using density values of 1.43 and 2.18 g/cm3 to represent an unconsolidated tuff/pumice fall from Streck and Grunder (1995) and magmatic density values calculated in this paper. Dacite density values calculated for the McKenzie Canyon Tuff assume the same proportionality of unconsolidated tuff and partially welded tuff to magmatic density as identified in rhyolites from Streck and Grunder (1995). The calculated unconsolidated dacite tuff, partially welded tuff with fiamme, and magmatic density were 1.52, 2.28, and 2.32 g/cm3. Potential uncertainty exists in the determination of the volumes stemming from three sources. As the mapped deposits represent only the distal portions of eastward ash-flows the thickness and welding of proximal deposits or deposits flowing to the west cannot be assessed. Additionally, it is likely that some degree of weathering has eroded these ash-flow tuffs. Together these factors lead to uncertainties lead to underestimation of the true volume of the original deposit. 4.2.2 Density Magmatic density values were calculated using the method of Spera (2000) using an average composition for Lower Bridge (LB) and McKenzie Canyon Tuff (MCT) from EMPA glass analysis. As the composition of the Lower Bridge Tuff is relatively restricted this provides a close approximation of the true density of the erupted melt. This approach is less ideal for the McKenzie Canyon Tuff as it is formed from a bimodal suite of basaltic andesite and rhyolite, which would have varying densities due to large compositional, temperature, and wt% H2O changes. A better approach uses the observed proportions of black, white, and banded pumice as a proxy for the relative amounts of each magma composition in the system. By taking these modal proportions multiplying them by the normalized thickness for each subunit, the resultant total proportion for the system can then be used to calculate a total density. The largest drawback to this method is that it assumes the relative thickness of each subunit is laterally constant. This approach however provides a better assessment of the tuff density than a simple averaged value and is used for density calculations for the McKenzie Canyon Tuff. Additional values required for 17 calculation were pressure (assumed atmospheric) for both units while temperature and wt% H20 were assumed to be 850 °C, 4.5% for rhyolite and 1050 °C, 2.5% for basaltic andesite with temperature estimates from this study and wt% H2O from Mandeville (2009) and Ruscitto et al (2011) respectively, assuming saturation and pressure of 130 and 1300 Mpa respectively. 4.2.3 Chemical Modeling of the System Silicic magmas can be generated through several processes such as fractional crystallization, assimilation of silicic material by more mafic melts, and partial melting of silicic material. Each of these processes will produce silicic magmas with distinct geochemical trends and signatures. In order to understand the magmatic system and determine what processes can produce rhyolites of the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff, I have investigated a range of petrogenetic models involving fractional crystallization, partial melting, and mixing. Fractional crystallization is a process through which magmas can become more evolved and felsic through the crystallization and removal of phases such as olivine, pyroxene, and feldspar. To test the role of fractional crystallization on the system, I used the XLFRAC program of Stormer and Nicholls (1978) originally written in FORTRAN IV and updated to an Excel spreadsheet. XLFRAC utilizes a least squares regression to calculate a “best fit” for mass balance between starting and ending liquid compositions and phases present in the melt. The sum of the residuals, denoted as ΣR2, indicates the quality of fit for the data with values asymptotically approaching zero as the fit improves. The upper limit at which the calculated phase proportions is not considered an appropriate fit is at ΣR2=2 as defined by Stormer and Nicholls (1978), however this study uses a stringent value of ΣR2=1 as an upper limit of acceptance for greater accuracy. This approach can be used to determine the fraction of crystallization or resorption of specific phases required to produce a derivative magma from an initial magmatic composition. An eight component magma (excluding MnO and P2O5) was chosen from the basaltic andesite to provide the starting composition prior to crystallization. Mineral phases occurring in the system 18 were then included with chemical compositions obtained from the electron microprobe. Several evolved liquid compositions (Samples MCTA 209-19, MCTA 209-20, and MCTL 208-28) in the system were chosen to test the ability of fractional crystallization to drive a mafic melt to evolved compositions. As a check for the crystallization model, trace element fractionation was also calculated using the results of the major element model for phase proportions and a starting composition from sample MCTB 88-1MI. The fractional crystallization equation: Cl=Co*F(D-1)# was used to determine the trace element composition of the residual liquid (Constants explained in Table 1). Partition coefficients for basaltic andesite (step 1) and andesite (step 2) were obtained from the GERM database and are tabulated in Table 2. Rhyolite generation can also be achieved through partial melting, of crustal rocks, including those of a mafic protolith. The major element results of several melting experiments (Ratajeski et al, 2005; Sisson et al, 2005; Rapp and Watson, 1995) are compared with the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff system to determine if partial melting serves as a viable method of generating these rhyolites (Table 3). Additionally applying a fractional melting model (Arth, 1976) utilizing the equation: Cl=Co/[DRS + F(1-DRS)]# to the trace elements of the mafic sources in the melting experiments provides a secondary test to the viability of partial melting to produce Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon rhyolites. Trace element compositions of the mafic component used in the melting experiments of Ratajeski et al (2005) and Rapp and Watson (1995) were then applied to the Rayleigh melting model utilizing the same melt fraction and phase proportions observed in the experimental charges. Partition coefficients for the trace elements were obtained from the GERM database and are summarized in Table 2. # Variables detailed in Table 1 19 Table 1: Rayleigh fractionation and melting variable denotation. Constants Denotation Cl Concentration of a given element in the residual liquid Co Concentration of a given element in the original liquid F Total percent of fractionated solids or melted liquids D Bulk partition coefficient of fractionated phases DRS Bulk partition coefficient of residual solids 20 Table 2: Trace element partition coefficients. Values and (source) from GERM Database for basalt to basaltic andesite. Element Plag Hbl Opx Cpx Mag Olv Element Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr (1) Y Zr 0.008 (2) 0.04 (1) 0.01 (4) 0.016 (2) 0.122 (4) 0.10 (1) 2.00 0.023 (4) 0.0013 (4) NA NA 3.4 (20) NA 6.8 (20) 0.33 (20) 0.12 0.4 (9) 0.33 (9) 2.3 (3) 0.024 (1) 0.5 (5) 1.8 (7) 1.1 (8) 0.00 (1) 0.01 1.1 (9) 0.12 (11) 3.3 (2) 0.1 (1) 2.31 (6) 1.6 (2) 1.2 (6) 0.01 (1) 0.07 0.412 (10) 0.119 (10) 0.67 (3) 8 (3) 6.85 (3) 1.9 (2) 31 (3) 0.00 (1) 0.00 0.0039 (3) 0.02 (3) 0.33 (2) 0.006 (1) 0.09 (6) 2.6 (2) 7.6 (6) 0.00 (1) 0.00 0.0036 (3) 0.01 (12) Nb Cs Ba La Ce Pr (1) Nd Sm Eu 0.01 (1) 0.0626 (4) 0.23 (2) 0.069 (2) 0.062 (2) 0.17 0.028 (2) 0.017 (2) 0.68 (2) Plag 0.8 (1) NA 0.15 (14) 0.17 (1) NA NA 0.44 (1) 0.76 (1) 0.88 (1) Hbl 0.003 (11) 0.01 (13) 0.013 (5) 0.002 (1) 0.003 (1) 0.00 0.0068 (1) 0.01 (1) 0.013 (1) Opx 0.05 (1) 0.01 (13) 0.05 (2) 0.054 (1) 0.098 (1) 0.15 0.21 (1) 0.26 (1) 0.31 (1) Cpx 0.01 (3) 0.39 (14) 0.12 (14) 0.098 (2) 0.11 (2) 0.01 0.14 (2) 0.15 (2) 0.1 (2) Mag 0.01 (1) 0.01 (12) 0.05 (2) 0.0004 (1) 0.01 (2) 0.00 0.008 (2) 0.006 (2) 0.008 (2) Olv Element Gd Dy (1) Er (1) Yb (1) Pb Th U (1) 0.066 (1) 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.36 (1) 0.05 (1) 0.11 Plag 0.86 (1) 0.78 NA 0.59 NA NA NA Hbl 0.016 (1) 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.0013 (1) 0.0001 (1) 0.00 Opx 0.3 (1) 0.33 0.30 0.28 0.00498 (15) 0.00026 (1) 0.00 Cpx 0.14 (2) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.05 (14) 0.00 Mag 0.0015 (1) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0001 (1) 0.0001 (1) 0.00 Olv Sources: (1) McKenzie & O'Nions, 1991; (2) Paster et al, 1974; (3) Nielson et al, 1992; (4) Bindeman et al, 1998; (5) Reid, 1983; (6) Duke, 1976; (7) Ewart et al, 1973; (8) Mysen, 1978; (9) Green et al, 1993; (10) Johnson, 1998; (11) Keleman & Dunn, 1992; (12) Villemont, 1988; (13) Bacon & Duitt, 1988; (14) Luhr & Carmichal, 1980; (15) Beattie, 1993; (16) Ewart & Griffin, 1994; (17) Green & Pearson, 1987; (18) Schnetzler & Philpotts, 1970; (19) Dunn & Sen, 1994; (20) Dostal et al, 1983; (21) Lemarchand et al, 1987 21 Table 2 Continued: Trace element partition coefficients. Values and (source) from GERM Database for andesite to dacite. Element Sc Ti V (14) Mn (16) Ni (14) Rb (13) Sr (13) Y (16) 0.01 (13) 0.05 0.07 0.038 0.06 0.3 3.4 0.066 Plag 4.3 (13) 0.25 0.47 7.3 0.79 0.01 0.01 0.46 Opx 17 (13) 0.4 1.1 4.5 4.6 0.03 0.5 2.4 Cpx 1.7 (14) 9 8.7 5.72 9.6 0.15 0.11 0.64 Mag 0.3 (14) 0.03 0.08 0 58 0.062 0.07 0.01 Olv Element Plag Opx Cpx Mag Olv Zr (13) 0.2 0.11 0.29 0.38 0.01 Nb 1.3 (13) 0.78 (13) 2.1 (13) 4.6 (17) 0.11 (13) Cs 0.03 (13) 0.01 (13) 0.01 (13) 0.39 (14) 0.27 (14) Ba 0.27 (13) 0.1 (13) 0.1 (13) 0.12 (14) 0.02 (14) La (14) 0.13 0.03 0.14 0.22 0.02 Ce (14) 0.12 0.02 0.2 0.12 0.01 Nd (14) 0.08 0.05 0.44 0.25 0.02 Sm (14) 0.07 0.06 0.78 0.29 0.01 Element Eu (14) Gd Dy (14) Er Yb (14) Pb (17) Th (14) U 0.36 0.214 (18) 0.03 0.027 (18) 0.01 0.61 0.004 0.051 (19) Plag 0.07 0.155 (18) 0.21 0.318 (18) 0.29 0.52 0.04 0.0013 (19) Opx 0.72 0.095 (18) 1.2 0.107 (18) 0.93 0.87 0.04 0.04 (20) Cpx 0.22 0.3 0.44 0.37 0.24 2.9 0.05 0.11 (21) Mag 0.03 0.02 0.1 0.03 0.03 0.43 0.02 0.04 (19) Olv Sources: (1) McKenzie & O'Nions, 1991; (2) Paster et al, 1974; (3) Nielson et al, 1992; (4) Bindeman et al, 1998; (5) Reid, 1983; (6) Duke, 1976; (7) Ewart et al, 1973; (8) Mysen, 1978; (9) Green et al, 1993; (10) Johnson, 1998; (11) Keleman & Dunn, 1992; (12) Villemont, 1988; (13) Bacon & Duitt, 1988; (14) Luhr & Carmichal, 1980; (15) Beattie, 1993; (16) Ewart & Griffin, 1994; (17) Green & Pearson, 1987; (18) Schnetzler & Philpotts, 1970; (19) Dunn & Sen, 1994; (20) Dostal et al, 1983; (21) Lemarchand et al, 1987 22 Table 3: Major and trace element composition of select mafic melt protoliths. Samples 87S35a and YOS-55a from Ratajeski (2005) and Sisson (2005) samples No.1-3 from Rapp and Watson (1995). SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO* MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 V Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Yb Th 87S35a 51.32 1.29 19.37 8.82 0.17 4.38 8.98 4.29 1.01 0.38 YOS-55a 53.95 1.03 17.85 8.11 0.15 5.43 9.33 2.74 1.19 0.21 29.5 466 30 850 435 14.8 32.9 17.2 3.89 1.22 640 22.5 51.7 26.2 5.6 1.63 1.60 1.3 1.49 0.9 No. 1 51.19 1.18 16.62 11.32 0.23 6.59 5.49 4.33 0.82 NA 310 46 13 318 28 71 2 330 10 11 NA 12 11 NA NA 11 NA No. 2 48.60 2.06 17.03 10.69 0.21 6.07 9.66 3.30 0.21 NA 400 53 10 160 40 170 10 40 29 33 29 25 25 NA NA 19 NA No. 3 47.6 1.19 14.18 13.77 0.19 6.86 10.99 2.56 0.19 NA NA 110 2 71 22 41 5 18 3 4 4 7 8 12 12 10 NA 23 4.2.4 Thermobarometry Magmatic temperatures, oxygen fugacity, and pressures were calculated from Fe-Ti oxides, two pyroxene thermobarometry, and plagioclase-liquid thermobarometry and hygrometry. Fe-Ti oxides were tested for equilibrium using the Bacon and Hirschmann (1988) test for equilibrium LogMg/Mnilmenite versus LogMg/Mnmagnetite. The chemical data for equilibrium pairs was then used to calculate temperatures using the ILMAT spreadsheet of LePage (2003). I used the solution of Anderson and Lindsley (1985) with the calculated mole fraction of ulvospinel and ilmenite from Stormer (1983). The Fe-Ti pairs were also calculated using Ghiorso and Evans (2008) thermometer which provides both temperature and oxygen fugacity estimates. Pyroxene thermometry based on the presence of equilibrium pyroxene pairs was performed following the methods of Putirka (2008) with accepted values taken from his equation 36. As touching pairs of pyroxenes were difficult to distinguish in mineral separates, any pairs of pyroxenes from a single sample that were found to be in equilibrium following the methods of Roeder and Emslie (1970) were used. This is not an optimal use of the thermometer however, and may result in increased uncertainty. Plagioclase-liquid thermometry was done also following the methods of Putirka (2008). Here the average liquid composition for a sample, as determined by EMPA of glass, and that of the plagioclase separated from the sample were compared. An equilibrium test of KD(Ab-An) was attempted, however it has been previously noted that the standard deviation from experimental data is quite large (0.27 0.18) indicating that the test is only moderately useful. In order to calculate accurate temperature values (eqn 24a) an initial P(Kbar) and H2O (wt%) value must be determined. For this, pressure values were assumed to be two kilobars. A test of the effect of an incorrect pressure was done by assuming atmospheric and 10 kbar depths within the spreadsheet. The resultant temperature indcate that the sensitivity of the calculation to incorrect pressure estimates is nominal. In contrast, a similar test to the sensitivity of percent H20 indicated that the calculations are highly sensitive to 24 changes in water as previously identified (Putirka, 2008). Water contents assumed for the basaltic andesite and rhyolite pumice originate from Russcitto et al. (2011) and Mandeville (2009). H2O contents of 2.63 and 4.45 wt% were chosen for basaltic andesite and rhyolite respectively based on an average value of North Sister basaltic andesites and calculated H2O at 2nd stage of rhyodacite degassing at 2 km depth from Crater Lake. An iterative approach using an initial calculated temperature to provide a more accurate calculation of temperature and H2O content was assessed using equations 24a and 25b respectively (Putirka, 2008). 4.3 Analytical Methods 4.3.1 Electron Microprobe (EMPA) In situ major element analysis of pumice fragments and mineral separates were conducted using Oregon State’s Cameca SX-100 Electron Microprobe equipped with 5 wavelength dispersive spectrometers (WDS) and one energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). Pumice and mineral mounts were carbon coated to ensure a constant current across the mount surface. Conditions for each run consisted of an accelerating voltage of 15 Kv and a beam current of 30 nA. Glass analysis utilized a spot size of 5 μm whereas mineral analysis, spot size was 1 μm. For glass analysis, spots were chosen away from mineral inclusions and pumice edges where possible to avoid areas susceptible to post emplacement alteration. Spots on minerals were chosen in both core and rim locations, avoiding inclusions, microcrysts, and cracks. Mineral phases analyzed by EMPA include plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine, and Fe-Ti oxides. Backscatter electron images were taken of all crystals to identify any zonation or exsolution within the crystals. EMPA runtime conditions, standards, detection limits, accuracies are summarized in Appendix A. 4.3.2 Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) Laser ablation analysis of pumice glass, individual plagioclase, and pyroxene crystals was conducted at the W.M. Keck Collaboratory for Plasma Spectrometry at 25 Oregon State University. Laser ablation analysis used a Photon Machines Analyte G2 Excimer Laser coupled to Thermoscientific X Series 2 Quadrupole ICP-MS utilizing He as a carrier gas. Glass analysis utilized an 85 μm circular spot which was placed in areas away from obvious inclusions, or minerals. Analyses where the time-resolved spectra showed presence of microlites or other crystalline material were discarded. Mineral analysis utilized a 65 μm circular spot which was placed within the crystal core. Laser and spectrometer properties and runtime conditions are summarized in Table 4. Data was processed using in-house LASERTRAM software utilizing visual basic running in Microsoft Excel. The software uses a 20-30 second background measurement with a 10-30 second user-defined ablation period to correct for background and normalize the count rate for each element over the ablation period. The software then subdivides the chosen ablation interval into 3-5 sub intervals with each calculating individual background and normalized counts. The final value for counts measured is the median value of the normalized subintervals. GSE-1G glass served as a calibration standard. Calcium-43 was used as an internal standard for plagioclase analysis and 29Si was used as an internal standard for glass and pyroxene analyses both using values of CaO and SiO2 measured by EMPA. Table 5 reports the isotope data for the calibration standard GSE-1G, secondary standards GSD-1G and BCR-1G, and the mean, standard deviation, and accuracy of the secondary standard. The accuracy of the measurement for each element was assessed by averaging the measured values for a standard; subtract the resulting concentration from the published concentration, and divide by the result by the published concentration. Synthetic glass and basaltic glass standard GSD-1G and BCR-2G both had accuracies of <10% for all elements with the exception of uranium with many elements being <5%. The uncertainty within the standards varied by element, with most elements having uncertainty of ±2.5-8%. Of the elements analyzed, Ba, Ce, Pr, and U a higher calculated uncertainty than that published for the GSE-1G glass standard. Though the BCR-G2 glass reported similar accuracies as the GSD-1G the published uncertainty 26 Table 4: LA-ICP-MS Instrument Setup Parameter Instrumentation Laser Ablation System ICP-MS System Laser Conditions Wavelength Frequency Pulse Duration Spot Diameter Ablation Duration Output Energy Analyzer Conditions Aerosol Carrier Gas Flow Nebulizer Gas Flow Outer (cool) Gas Flow Detector Mode RF Power Vacuum Pressure Dwell Time/mass/scan Standardization Internal Standard Calibration Standard Description Photon Machines Analyte G2 Excimer Laser Thermoscientific X Series 2 Quadrupole 193 nm 7 Hz 4 ns 85 μm glass, 65 μm mineral 45 seconds 4.84 J/cm2 0.8 L/min (He) 0.8-0.9 L/min (Ar) 13.00 L/min (Ar) Dual (pulse counting and analogue) 1380 W 8-9 x 10-7 mbar (analyzer), 2.0-2.2 mbar (expansion chamber) 10 ms 43 Ca for Plagioclase, 29Si for glass and Pyroxene GSE-1G 27 Table 5: Analytical precision and accuracy for LA-ICP-MS. Values for calibration and secondary standard obtained from GeoRem 2008. Calibration Standard GSE-1G Isotope Accepted (ug/g) 7Li 430 29Si 43Ca 45Sc 47Ti 51V 55Mn 60Ni 85Rb 88Sr 89Y 90Zr 93Nb 133Cs 137Ba 138Ba 139La 140Ce 141Pr 146Nd 147Sm 153Eu 157Gd 163Dy 166Er 172Yb 208Pb 232Th 238U 1 GSD-1G Accepted (ug/g) 43 251028 248691 52887 530 449 440 590 440 356 447 410 410 420 310 427 427 392 414 460 453 488 410 514 524 595 520 378 380 420 51457 52 7433 44 220 58 37.3 69 42 42 42 32 67 67 39 41 45 45 48 41 51 51 40 51 50 41 41 Secondary Standard Mean 1 Stand N=5 Dev Precision (ug/g) (ug/g) % 44 0.8 1.85 24869 1 0.0 0.00 51754 1521.4 2.96 54 1.7 3.30 8134 212.9 2.86 44 0.5 1.12 219 5.3 2.41 58 1.5 2.66 38 0.7 1.94 68 2.1 3.05 40 1.0 2.46 42 1.0 2.36 41 0.9 2.14 34 0.6 2.00 70 2.3 3.40 68 0.9 1.31 39 0.8 2.00 45 1.0 2.48 48 0.7 1.47 45 0.7 1.62 48 1.1 2.29 40 0.8 1.84 50 1.0 2.03 51 1.2 2.27 40 1.0 2.54 50 1.5 3.04 52 1.5 2.91 40 0.7 1.60 46 0.6 1.58 Accuracy %1 2.33 0.00 0.57 3.85 9.42 0.00 0.45 0.00 2.14 1.59 4.76 0.00 2.38 6.25 4.48 1.49 1.53 9.42 6.67 0.22 0.21 2.44 1.97 0.00 1.00 1.18 4.00 2.44 12.201 Accuracy for a given element calculated though the equation: Accuracy=(X std-Xmean)/Xstd where Xstd represents the published concentration and X mean represents the mean concentration from analyses. 28 Table 4 Continued: Analytical precision and accuracy for LA-ICP-MS. Values for calibration and secondary standard obtained from GeoRem 2008. Calibration Standard GSE-1G Isotope Accepted (ug/g) 7Li 430 29Si 251028 43Ca 45Sc 47Ti 51V 55Mn 60Ni 85Rb 88Sr 89Y 90Zr 93Nb 133Cs 137Ba 138Ba 139La 140Ce 141Pr 146Nd 147Sm 153Eu 157Gd 163Dy 166Er 172Yb 208Pb 232Th 238U 52887 530 449 440 590 440 356 447 410 410 420 310 427 427 392 414 460 453 488 410 514 524 595 520 378 380 420 BCR-2G Accepted (ug/g) 9 254301 50457 33 14100 425 1550 13 47 342 35 184 13 1 683 683 25 53 7 29 7 2 7 6 4 3 11 6 2 Secondary Standard Mean 1 Stand N=8 Dev Precision (ug/g) (ug/g) % 9 0.4 4.70 25365 8 1700.6 0.67 51763 2407.7 4.77 35 2.6 7.96 14490 654.9 4.64 446 8.4 1.97 1455 37.3 2.41 12 0.3 2.68 46 1.2 2.48 341 19.9 5.83 32 3.2 9.21 180 15.4 8.37 12 0.6 4.54 1 0.0 4.18 697 27.5 4.02 656 37.2 5.45 25 1.7 7.07 57 2.0 3.69 7 0.4 6.00 29 1.7 5.72 7 0.5 7.16 2 0.1 5.44 7 0.6 9.31 6 0.5 8.25 4 0.3 8.14 3 0.3 9.44 11 0.3 2.82 6 0.4 6.59 2 0.1 3.23 Accuracy %1 1.40 0.25 2.59 6.30 2.76 4.93 6.13 6.83 2.23 0.39 9.40 2.39 7.82 8.01 2.05 3.90 1.24 7.18 3.96 0.03 1.06 3.52 2.12 7.32 4.35 5.57 1.04 3.23 6.70 29 was less than the accuracy for several elements including Sc, Mn, Ni, Y, Cs, Ce, Dy , Er, Yb. We conclude that all elements, excluding uranium (which is 12.2%), have accuracies of <10% (Table 5). 4.3.3 X-ray fluorescence (XRF) XRF of pumice clasts was conducted at Washington State University’s XRF Geoanalytical Laboratories. Whole pumice clasts were separated from tuff samples with careful consideration to remove excess adhered tuffaceous material to reduce contamination. As no single pumice was sufficiently large enough to produce the volume of material needed for the analysis a collection of pumices from a single sample, with shared physical properties (color, vesicularity) were used. Samples were then prepared and analyzed at Washington State University utilizing a single bead Litetraborate low dilution fusion technique summarized by Johnson et al (1990). 5- Results The results presented below represent a compendium of information gained both through this study and from Cannon (1984) where noted. In particular the field observations and petrography described build on those of Cannon (1984) with additional information (stratigraphic, geochemical) from this study. 5.1 Field Related and Sample Observations The general stratigraphy includes all ash-flow and pumice fall units within the study area with emphasis on the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff units. The exposures of the two units cover a large lateral distance of ~30 km and were first mapped by Cannon (1984) with revisions made during this study (Plate 1). There are notable variations in the stratigraphy and facies from north to south. Figures 4 provides a stratigraphic “fence” diagram of exposed units in key areas to the north, south, east and west. 30 Figure 4: Stratigraphic Fence Diagram overlain on McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge outcrop map modified from Cannon (1984). Large, formally named tuffs are Osborne Canyon Tuff (OCT), Lower Bridge Tuff (LBT), McKenzie Canyon Tuff (MCT), Steelhead Tuff (SHT), and Peninsula Tuff (PT). Red and pink fill on the outcrop map represent outcrop of MCT (pink for inferred) while blue fill represents LBT 31 32 Sections to the south and west with better exposed sections to the north and east, owing to increased downcutting of streams and rivers away from the Casacades and north along the drainage direction of the Deschutes and Crooked rivers. 5.1.1 Stratigraphic Relations Results of the stratigraphic analysis focus on the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuffs, several other large, formally named tuffs exist in the field area and are noted where present. The stratigraphic relations of the major ash-flow tuff units in the southern Deschutes Basin are best expressed through the use of a “fence” diagram (Figure 4). To the south the two prominent units exposed are the Lower Bridge Tuff and McKenzie Canyon Tuffs. Here both units are considerably thicker than to the North or East and preserve the best record of their internal organization (Figure 5). The pumice fall and both tuff units of Lower Bridge can easily be identified where exposed, however in many areas smaller streams have not downcut enough to expose the whole Lower Bridge section. In many locations the Lower Bridge Tuff directly underlies the McKenzie Canyon Tuff with local volcaniclastic sediments occasionally separating the two. In figure 4 Red circles indicate locations from which the stratigraphic columns were measured and described. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff is well exposed at the mouth of Deep Canyon and Deschutes River Canyon, typically showing its uppermost units A and B with lower unit L cropping out in fewer locations (Figure 5). Unit L is common closer to the inferred source and is limited in extent to the north and west. The top of the McKenzie Canyon Tuff is often the highest exposed unit in the southern part of the basin and has a variably eroded top. In the center of the field area, the Lower Bridge pumice fall deposit remains between 1-1.25 m thick yet the Lower Bridge Tuff units A and B are often indistinguishable. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff loses its lower unit (L) and thins overall. Above the McKenzie Canyon Tuff and following a mixed fluvialvolcaniclastic sequence is a prominent ash-flow named the Steelhead Tuff (Smith, 1986). The Steelhead Tuff includeds a relatively thick ash-flow unit (12 m) and a basal pumice fall deposit containing two distinctly coarse bands of pumice. Above the 33 Figure 5: Idealized column for the Lower Bridge Tuff and McKenzie Canyon Tuff. Shapes within tuff units represent pyroclasts (lapilli, pumice, fiamme). Units were chosen based on a compositional change, or a break in eruption denoted by a volcaniclastic package between units. Modified from Cannon (1984). 34 Steelhead Tuff is a thick fluvial and volcaniclastic sequence containing 3 prominent lapilli beds that are between 0.25-1 m thick. The highest exposed unit in the section is a thin exposure of the Peninsula Tuff. The Peninsula Tuff (Figure 6) is an ash-flow deposit containing abundant lithics and variably colored pumice (Smith, 1986). The farthest northward stratigraphic section (Figure 4) is obscured at the base by a canyon-filling Quaternary basalt. Above this basalt is a thick (21 m) cover of obscuring talus with a fluvial sequence marking the first locally exposed Deschutes Formation deposit. Above this fluvial sequence is an unnamed ash-flow tuff, ~3 m thick, that cannot be correlated anywhere southward. Separated by a thin fluvial sequence is a thick (21 m) debris-flow deposit containing 0.5 meter basalt clasts with 3 cm white and grey pumice. Above this debris flow is a lahar with a thin 10 cm pumice fall that has been partially eroded by further lahars. The Lower Bridge Tuff is absent in the vicinity of the transect, but has been found intermittently in nearby canyons indicating that it is strongly channelized and eroded at this point. There is a possibility that the partially eroded pumice fall deposit between the lahars is the pumice fall typically associated with the Lower Bridge Tuff. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff overlies the lahar and has a lithic and pumice rich base which grades up into unit A with unit L and B both absent (see figure 5 for unit descriptions). Above the McKenzie Canyon Tuff is a very thick sequence of fluvial sediments, and lahars that are partially obscured by alluvial cover, with ~3 small unnamed ash-flow deposits before reaching the Peninsula Tuff. The Steelhead Tuff does not crop out here (possibly coved by talus) and thus is strongly restricted to the center of the field area. The Peninsula Tuff is thin here (2.5 m) with a typical appearance of multiple pumice types and lithics, nearly clast supported with little matrix. Above the Peninsula Tuff are several lahars, a thin ash-flow tuff capped by the 5.43 ±0.05 Ma Canadian Bench flow of the Lower Desert Basalt (Smith, 1986). To the west outcrop is poor owing to alluvial cover. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff crops out above a lahar and includes unit L and A. Unit B appears to have been eroded from the section. Although not exposed, it is likely that the Steelhead Tuff also 35 Figure 6: Distribution map of outcrop of the Peninsula Tuff (dark) including probable extent (patterned). From Smith, (1986). 36 occurs in this section as it appears in both the eastward sections. The top of the section is the Peninsula Tuff, which is thickest (7.5 m) here despite having been eroded to an unknown extent. The easternmost section contains the thick (20 m) Osborne Canyon Tuff (Ferns et al, 1996), formerly the tuff of Hollywood (Smith, 1986), which directly overlies the 5.77 Ma Opal Springs Basalt member (Smith, 1986). As the Osborne Canyon Tuff only crops out in the Crooked River Canyon it cannot be correlated anywhere else in the basin but is suspected to have a south-southwesterly source (Smith, 1986). Following the Osborne Canyon Tuff is a sequence of fluvial and volcaniclastic deposits with at least three prominent pumice fall deposits intercolated. The Lower Bridge Tuff is absent in this area, although it is seen farther to the north, indicating a possible channelizing of the tuff, upstream, or southwest of this location. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff is thin here (1.5 m) consisting of only unit A with basal and capping pumice fall. Above the McKenzie Canyon Tuff is a fluvial sequence overlain by the Steelhead Tuff. Here the Steelhead Tuff is considerably thinner (4.2 m) yet retains all its typical features including a basal pumice fall deposit. Above the Steelhead Tuff are two lahar deposits separated by a 0.5 m pumice fall deposit. The most prominent unit at the top of the section is the ~4 m Peninsula Tuff, which lacks the basal pumice fall but is otherwise consistent with previous descriptions. 5.1.2 Description of Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuffs Internal stratigraphy and overall exposure is best observed for the Lower Bridge Tuff at Deschutes River Canyon from Deep Canyon (121.3004N, 44.3662W) and for the McKenzie Canyon Tuff at the entrance to Deschutes River Canyon from McKenzie Canyon (121.2980N, 44.3829E). An idealized sequence for both units is shown as figure 5, modified from Cannon (1984). The type section for Lower Bridge Tuff is characterized by a 0.75 m basal pumice fall consisting of white pumice and abundant accretionary lapilli both 1.25 cm in diameter, and rare 0.5 cm basaltic lithics. The basal pumice fall is well sorted and stratified displaying several fine-grained bands bounded by bands of larger pumice. The basal ash-flow tuff designated unit A, 37 is composed of ash that gradually increases to include pumice size lapilli and blocks upsection. The flow varies from white to pink with pumice clasts increasing in size and abundance from 1-35 cm and 5-50% and with the uppermost pumice clasts having frothy texture with abundant large vesicles (Figure 7). Basaltic lithics are rare, ~0.5 cm in size and largely ungraded. A thin (10cm) bed of pyroclastic material consisting of 0.5 cm rounded pumice and lithics locally separate Lower Bridge flow A from overlying unit B. The bed is clast supported and is a poorly sorted surge deposit. Overlying Lower Bridge Tuff unit B is grey to purple and contains 5-10% grey pumice up to 2.5 cm and rare larger (10 cm) black pumice at the top. The entire tuff is nonwelded and friable causing it to typically be a slope forming unit. The tuff has abundant (~10%) plagioclase crystals as large as two millimeters in both the pumice and groundmass of both unit A and B. The Lower Bridge Tuff is generally thickest to the southwest and thins to the northeast varying from 15-1.5 m in thickness. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff lacks any associated widespread pumice fall deposit. Locally, a deposit occurs at the base that consists of 2 cm lithics with occasional rip up clasts of underlying material, either volcaniclastic sediment or Lower Bridge Tuff. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff proper is made up of three units with the lowermost consisting of one to three flow units formed from overlapping lobes at the flow front around topographic barriers (Cannon, 1984); the individual units are separated predominantly by a change in clast size and abundance. The lowermost unit (MCTL) begins as a 2-5 cm ash-rich basal layer which quickly grades into either a frothy pumice-rich (50-80%) or pumice-poor (10-15%) unit dominated by white pumice lapilli, with black and banded pumice clasts representing <1% of the population. The unit is typically grey to white in color, unwelded, lithic and crystal poor. The middle unit of McKenzie Tuff has reversely graded white pumice clast similar to that of the lower unit. 38 Figure 7: Lower Bridge Tuff unit A-B contact at type section. Note the large frothy pumice of unit A and the thin surge bed between unit A and B. 39 The uppermost unit gradually changes upsection in both welding and color from pink to red and from unwelded to partially welded. White pumice clasts are most prominent in the bottom, with black and banded pumice clasts both increasing in abundance from 5-15% to 10-35% towards the top with the black pumice clasts being the most prominent in the upper part. Pumice clast size varies greatly with location and ranges from 1-48 cm with white clasts being largest at the bottom and banded or black clasts being largest near the top. The middle, partally-welded section contains abundant fiamme with aspect ratios as great as 15:1; the top has less deformed pumice clasts. The clasts show signs of alteration and oxidation (white turns pink, black turns red) which increases upsection with the top being pervasively altered. The term “banded pumice” is used to describe pumice clasts sub-equal proportions of black glass and white glass (Figure 8), whereas black pumice have predominantly black glass with little white glass included. I divide the units in the McKenzie Canyon Tuff differently from Cannon (1984). Here the lower and middle McKenzie Canyon unit is grouped into one due to the lack of compositional change in pumice. Although there is a change in pumice size in some locations, this is likely due to localized flow changes rather than eruptive processes. I divide Cannon’s upper unit into two, a middle and upper unit. In short, the distinct stratigraphic change between Cannon’s middle and upper unit becomes the contact between this study’s lower and middle unit. However, in several field locations there is a horizon within Cannon’s upper unit which displays a distinct increase in abundance of black pumice clasts with only a moderate change in pumice sizes. 5.1.3 Flow Direction and Source Imbrication of clasts was noted in 23 locations for the McKenzie Canyon Tuff. A median value from measurement of 5-15 clasts provide a best estimate of the overall direction of flow for that given location (Fig. 11 inset). From this the overall direction of flow is N35-45°East with local deviations likely influenced by topography. The 40 Figure 8: Various pumice of McKenzie Canyon Tuff unit A. Outcrop in Squaw Creek Canyon south of Rimrock Ranch. Note the subequal proportions of white and black pumice clasts. Top center of the picture has an excellent example of banded pumice; white stringers appear in nearly all black pumice. 41 exact location of the source is unknown, yet a reasonable location was chosen on the arc near the latitude of the current day Three Sisters Volcanic Complex based on imbrication of clasts from the McKenzie Canyon Tuff and assuming that the volcanic center existed on or near to the present day volcanic arc. 5.1.4 Volumes From the thickness measurements of the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuffs a best fit isopach map (Figure 9-Figure 11) was made for use in volume calculations. Based on these maps and using density values of 1.43, 1.52, 2.28 g/cm3 from Streck and Grunder (1995) and proportional dacite calculations (this paper) for nonwelded rhyolite, nonwelded dacite, and partially welded dacite, the deposit volume was calculated for each unit. These values were then converted to dense rock equivalent (DRE) using magmatic densities of 2.18 and 2.32 g/cm3 calculated in this paper to produce calculated volumes for the Lower Bridge pumice fall, Lower Bridge Tuff, and McKenzie Canyon Tuff of 2.6, 2.4, and 4.3 km3 DRE respectively. This places each of the eruptions at VEI 5 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index, making them equivalent to the Mount Vesuvius 79 A.D. or Mount St. Helens 1980 eruptions (Newhall and Self, 1982). A high degree of uncertainty exists as there is no way to assess how much material has been lost due to erosion in either of the tuffs, outcrop exposure is limited to areas where erosion and incision of river channels have uncovered the deposits, and there is no indication if either of these ash-flows deposited tuffs to the west or produced a caldera filling tuff. Thus the volume estimates of this study are considered strict minimums with the true volume being undeterminable. Despite this, the volumes of either the Lower Bridge or McKenzie Canyon Tuff are ~3 times larger than any recent silicic deposits from South Sister (1.6 km3) (Fierstein and Hildreth, 2011), and together the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff make up ~1/2 the volume of the entire modern South Sister edifice (20 km3) (Fierstein and Hildreth, 2011). 42 Figure 9: Isopach map for the Lower Bridge pumice fall deposit. Light blue represents a 75cm isopach and 100 cm for dark blue. The red circle indicates an assumed source location (see text) 43 Figure 10: Isopach map for the Lower Bridge Tuff. Light blue represents a 2 m isopach and 5 m for dark blue. The red circle indicates an assumed source location. 44 N=24 Max=4 10° Increments Figure 11: Isopach map for the McKenzie Canyon Tuff. Orange represents a 3 m isopach and 9 m for dark red. The red circle indicates an assumed source location. Triangles point in the direction of imbrication which is plotted on the rose diagram inset. 45 5.2 Petrology The mineralogy of the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuffs are broadly similar, yet each eruption has unique identifiable characteristics. Observations of mineral grains were made from grain mounts with samples obtained through minerals separation processes. Both tuffs contain plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene as the dominant mineralogy with subordinate magnetite, ilmenite, and apatite. Minerals unique to each tuff are sparse amphibole in the Lower Bridge and olivine (Fo83 to Fo79) in the McKenzie Canyon Tuff. Additionally, the overall abundance of minerals is notably different between the two tuffs with the Lower Bridge pumice containing ~10% minerals and the McKenzie Canyon Tuff ~5% minerals. Minerals were obtained from pumice clasts of rhyolite and dacite from Lower Bridge Tuff and rhyolite and basaltic andesite from the McKenzie Canyon Tuff. 5.2.1 Lower Bridge Tuff Petrology The first unit of the sequence, the Lower Bridge pumice fall deposit, consists of only rhyolitic pumice with 1000 μm unzoned plagioclase containing numerous clear ~60 μm melt inclusions and apatite. Pyroxene from this unit also has numerous apatite inclusions and occasional melt inclusions. Of the two compositions of pumice clasts in the Lower Bridge Tuff the rhyolitic clasts have generally euhedral, but broken plagioclase that display faint, patchy, reversed zoning on approximately one quarter of the crystals analyzed. The plagioclase of the dacitic clasts are equivalent in size (1000 μm) and shape to those in the rhyolite, but includes more patchy reversely zoned crystals (50%) with a more pronounced contrast between the zones (Figure 12). Inclusions of brown glass and apatite are common in plagioclase in both clasts with slightly fewer apatite and glass inclusions in the dacite. Among rhyolite clasts of the different Lower Bridge units there is an apparent decrease in the occurrence of brown glass and no change in apatite abundance upsection. Both clast compositions have clinopyroxene and enstatite crystals up to 1500 μm that are prismatic and have 46 Bright patchy core Dark zoned rim Figure 12: BSE of plagioclase crystals from sample LBTA 185 dacite pumice. Note the right crystal has patchy zoning within the core and the left is unzoned. 47 abundant glass inclusions up to 50 μm and also have larger inclusions of magnetite, small feldspars, and intergrown pyroxene of the opposing phase (Figure 13). The proportions of clinopyroxene to orthopyroxene (cpx:opx) changes from 7:8 to 1:4 in the rhyolite and dacite respectively. Iron-titanium oxides consist of up to 200 μm magnetite and ilmenite that are subhedral to anhedral often with void or glass inclusions which are difficult to distinguish in backscatter electron imaging (BSE) and rare twinning (Figure 14). Cannon (1984) reports amphibole from two samples coincident with the dacitic pumice in the uppermost unit of the tuff. They are described as being distinctively black with vitreous luster showing good cleavage. No amphibole was found however in the samples I collected and processed in this study. This could be due to a sampling bias as dacitic pumice was only collected from one location and Cannon (1984) notes that the abundance of amphibole varies greatly. 5.2.2 McKenzie Canyon Tuff Petrology The rhyolitic pumice of the McKenzie Canyon tuff unit L contains subhedral, 800 μm plagioclase that are unzoned with no melt inclusions. Clinopyroxene are subhedral, 500 μm, rarely twinned, lack inclusions and appear more stubby than the Lower Bridge clinopyroxene. Enstatite was rare in this pumice and only a few grains were obtained which were slightly smaller than the clinopyroxene (300-400 μm) but retained similar features. Plagioclases from both the rhyolitic and basaltic andesite pumice in McKenzie Canyon unit A are 800-1200μm, unzoned, and with few melt or mineral inclusions. Within unit A, a fraction of clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene crystals display significant resorption (Figure 15). In the unaltered samples both diopside and enstatite exist as subhedral grains, 800 μm and 200 μm respectively and contain slightly more inclusions than pyroxenes from the rhyolitic pumice, but fewer inclusions overall compared to the Lower Bridge pyroxenes. Similar to the rhyolitic pumice, orthopyroxene is far less abundant than the clinopyroxene and only a few grains were recovered. Magnetite crystals tend to be anhedral, 50 μm, and without significant exsolution. 48 Orthopyroxene Glass Fe-Ti Oxide Plagioclase Figure 13: BSE of clinopyroxene crystal from sample LBTA 185. Note it contains abundant glass, apatite, and Fe-Ti oxide inclusions and has a ragged rim. 49 Glass Ilmenite Exsolution Figure 14: BSE of magnetite grains from sample LBTA 185. Note the subhedral to anhedral form, rare ilmenite exsolution, and glass inclusions. 50 Resorption on crystal boundary Figure 15: BSE of clinopyroxene crystals from basaltic andesite pumice of sample MCTB 209. Note the lack of inclusions, and resorption along cleavage fractures from post emplacement alteration. 51 In unit B, plagioclases retain similar size and shape yet have numerous melt inclusions of dark glass typically 5-10μm and up to 60μm. Plagioclase from darker pumice also has large acicular apatite needles, and larger melt inclusions up to 100μm, and contain a population of plagioclase ~50% that are reversely zoned with darker cores and brighter rims indicated they experienced a change from a sodic to a calcic system (Figure 16). Both pyroxenes commonly display ragged crystallographic faces and include small (5-10μm) inclusions of black glass and apatite crystals. Olivine occurs in both white and black basaltic andesite pumice of unit B and is anhedral with prominent alteration to iddingsite (Cannon, 1984). Apatite and trace zircon occur in both the rhyolitic and basaltic andesite pumice. Post emplacement oxidation and vapor phase alteration has caused significant changes to the appearance of pyroxenes, oxides, and olivine in unit B. This is also evidenced by ragged crystallographic faces on pyroxenes, magnetite crystals which have significant exsolution of ilmenite along cleavage boundaries (Figure 17), and olivine altering to iddingsite. 52 Dark core and Bright rim Figure 16: BSE of plagioclase crystals in basaltic andesite from sample MCTB 209. Note on the left crystal the change from a darker core to lighter rim whereas the right crystal is absent of any zoning 53 Figure 17: BSE of magnetite crystals from basaltic andesite in sample MCTB 209, with extensive ilmenite exsolution along cleavage boundaries. 54 5.3 Chemical Composition Major element compositions are typically analyzed by either bulk rock XRF or EMPA of glass. XRF results from both Cannon (1984) and this study indicate SiO2 variations for bulk pumice clasts from 65-75 wt% for Lower Bridge Tuff and 58-75 wt% for McKenzie Canyon Tuff. This range in composition is distinctly different than the results of glass analysis. The Lower Bridge suite is almost entirely rhyolitic with few points falling within the dacitic field. The glass compositions measured in this study for the McKenzie Canyon Tuff are highly bimodal with most compositions falling in the rhyolite field with a subordinate population in the basaltic andesite to andesite fields. Glass analysis in the McKenzie Canyon Tuff by EMPA indicate that SiO2 composition ranges from ~55 wt% to ~76 wt% with a gap from 62-69 wt% (Figure 18). The likely reason for this is inclusion of crystal phases driving rhyolitic pumice to more mafic compositions, and rhyolitic glass contamination from incomplete mixing in the mafic pumice. As previously noted, nearly all mafic (black) pumice clasts from the McKenzie Canyon tuff have inclusions of rhyolitic (white) melt. Even with the most careful sample preparation the risk of contamination is quite high. For this reason, we determine that analysis by EMPA produce better resolution of chemical compositions than XRF analysis of whole rock pumice clasts. 5.3.1 McKenzie Canyon Tuff Glass Chemistry Variations in magmatic composition are identifiable by plotting the suite of major elements verses SiO2. In a plot of TiO2 verses SiO2 (Figure 19) there is a distinct compositional trend in the McKenzie Canyon rhyolites averaging 0.25 wt% TiO2 for a 5 wt% increase in SiO2. There is also a slight enrichment in the basaltic andesite of McKenzie Canyon unit B relative to unit A with a 1.8 wt% and 1.6 wt% average TiO2, respectively. Plotting K2O verses SiO2 (Figure 20) produces no notable trends in the rhyolitic compositions however there is a distinct depletion in the black pumice of McKenzie Canyon unit B with 0.6 wt% average K2O relative to the white pumice of the same unit and black pumice of unit A both with 1.75 wt% average K2O. 55 Figure 18: Total Alkali Silica (TAS) Diagram of Le Maitre et al (1989). Unit designations are as follows: Lower Bridge clast fall (LBTP), Lower Bridge Tuff (LBTT), McKenzie Canyon Tuff unit L (MCTL), McKenzie Canyon Tuff unit A (MCTA), McKenzie Canyon Tuff unit B (MCTB). 56 Figure 19: Bivariate Plot of TiO2 vs SiO2. 57 Figure 20: Bivariate plot of K2O vs SiO2. 58 There is a slight decrease in MnO (Figure 21) with increasing SiO2 in the basaltic andesites with a much sharper decrease in MnO in the rhyolitic samples of McKenzie Canyon unit A for a given SiO2 change. Analysis and interpretation of Na2O is approached carefully as Na can be lost due to post emplacement vapor phase alteration, glass hydration, and Na is mobile in EMPA analysis. I attribute modest normative corundum in the CIPW norm to alkali loss, with emphasis on Na. This Na loss is expressed as an apparent depletion in Na concentrations of several glasses in the basaltic andesite and the rhyolite of McKenzie Canyon Tuff unit L (Figure 22). Magnesium (MgO) decreases with increasing silica between the basaltic andesite and rhyolite with a gap from 3-1.25 wt% MgO. This decreasing trend ceases at 72 wt% SiO2 where McKenzie Canyon rhyolites have consistent values of 0.19 wt% MgO (Figure 23). Additionally P2O5 has a similar distribution with a slight depletion of 0.53 wt% average in the basaltic andesite of McKenzie Canyon unit A compared to all unit B samples at 0.6 wt% average, and constant values of 0.25 wt% average P2O5 with increasing SiO2 in the rhyolite compositions (Figure 24). Total iron (as FeO*), shows a distinct change between the McKenzie Canyon units L and A (Figure 25). Most of the McKenzie Canyon unit L samples have a nearly flat trend of constant FeO at ~2.25 wt%, while unit A ranges to much lower FeO* (2-0.25 wt%) at high SiO2. A spider diagram plot of concentrations of trace elements normalized to C1 chondrite (Sun and McDonough, 1989) provides a comparison of trace elements analyzed in glass for each unit (Figure 26). From this we see that most elements have relatively small variations in abundance with Rb having a wide compositional range in the basaltic andesites while Ti and Eu have notable variations in rhyolites. McKenzie Canyon unit A has the greatest range in element concentrations relating to the two distinct melt compositions in the system. Trace compositions from basaltic andesite 59 Figure 21: Bivariate Plot of MnO vs SiO2. 60 Figure 22: Bivariate plot of Na2O vs SiO2. 61 Figure 23: Bivariate plot of MgO vs SiO2. 62 Figure 24: Bivariate plot of P2O5 vs SiO 63 Figure 25: Bivariate plot of FeO* vs SiO2. 64 Figure 26: Chondrite normalized trace element spider diagram for glass. Chondrite values from Sun and McDonough (1989). 65 having notable depletion of all elements except Sr, Eu, and Ti relative to rhyolites due to its mafic nature. The lack of depletion in Sr, Eu, and Ti indicate the mafic composition has experienced little crystallization. Within unit B there is also variation between the “white” and “black” pumice. The white pumice is strongly enriched in Cs, Rb, and K but is slightly depleted in all other elements and strongly depleted in Th and U compared to the black pumice. These observations are best shown in a plot of Rb verses SiO2 (Figure 27) where there is a clear difference in basaltic andesite compositions with equal silica, and a prominent compositional gap to the rhyolite compositions of the McKenzie Canyon Tuff. 5.3.2 McKenzie Canyon Tuff Mineral Chemistry Plagioclase: The plagioclase of the rhyolitic lower McKenzie Canyon unit L has a compositional range from An28 to An32 (Figure 28). Upsection, plagioclase compositions are more diverse. McKenzie Canyon unit A has a bimodal distribution of plagioclase with a highly restricted composition. Anorthite values cluster around An30 ±2 and An50.5 ±1.5. The higher anorthite plagioclases are exclusively from the mafic (black) pumice clasts whereas the lower anorthite plagioclases are predominately from silicic (white) pumice clasts. There is one instance of low anorthite plagioclase being sourced from mafic pumice sample likely indicating some small degree of communication between crystals and melt of opposing compositions, possibly during eruption. The uppermost unit B of the McKenzie Canyon tuff has a wide distribution of plagioclase composition (An23 to An51) from both white and black pumice clasts. The white clasts have a strong cluster of plagioclase with compositions of An86 to An90 and a small distribution of four crystals at An28 to An37. The black clasts also have a possible cluster at An86 to An90 and a broad cluster at An43 to An48. Due to their low abundance and distinctly different composition, the low anorthite crystals likely represent entrained crystals, either from conduit walls during eruption or dacitic magma, and do not represent a crystal population inherent to that melt 66 Figure 27: Bivariate plot of Rb vs Si in Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff glass. 67 Figure 28: Plagioclase An-Ab-Or Ternary Diagram. The figure is broken out with each unit represented on its own ternary starting with Lower Bridge unit P and ending with McKenzie Canyon unit B in the exact order of the observed stratigraphy. Note the MCTB compositions below An60 likely represent antecrysts and do not represent a population derived from that melt. 68 Similarly, the highly anorthitic plagioclase found in both the white and black pumice are not in equilibrium with any liquids identified in this system and likely represent a population which crystallized from some underplating basaltic magma that were entrained into the system during upward movement of that magma. Trace element variations in plagioclase plotted in a C1 Chondrite normalized (Sun and McDonough, 1989) spider diagram (Figure 29) have similar compositional trends as the major elements. The McKenzie Canyon unit L has a tightly constrained composition, while unit A has a bimodal distribution of trace element concentrations with the samples derived from “white” rhyolitic pumice having nearly identical compositions to Unit L. The trace elements from plagioclase in the “black” basaltic andesite pumice have a significant overall depletion relative to the rhyolitic composition with exceptions of Sr, Gd, and Ti. Plagioclase of the uppermost McKenzie Canyon Tuff, unit B, has two distinct populations. One population of four analyses overlaps the rhyolitic McKenzie Canyon units and are further support for entrainment of antecrysts from vent walls during eruption. The bulk of the population for this unit is strongly depleted by as much as a factor of 10 in all elements with the exception of Sr, and Ti relative to rhyolitic compositions in unit L. There appears to be no difference between the plagioclase source from the two different pumice types and all data follow a tightly constrained trend with the exception of some elements (Pb, Sm, Gd) which have poorer uncertainties. Pyroxene: Pyroxene compositions are best described using a ternary diagram of the wollastonite-enstatite-ferrosilite series. Composition of clinopyroxene from the McKenzie Canyon Tuff range from En32Wo32 to En36Wo37, and orthopyroxene are En48Wo1 to En68Wo0.5 (Figure 30). For both pyroxenes there is no compositional preference despite deriving from two different pumice (white and black). Assessment for how close the pyroxenes are to a primitive “mantle” composition can be done by calculation of a magnesium number (Mg#) though the equation 100*Mg/(Mg+Fe2+). 69 Figure 29: Chondrite normalized trace element spider diagram for plagioclase. Chondrite values from Sun and McDonough (1989) 70 Figure 30: Pyroxene En-Wo-FS Ternary and olivine Fo-Fa binary for Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff. 71 Pyroxenes originating from primitive mantle melts within the Cascade Arc are interpreted to have Mg# >60 (Bacon et al, 1997). Mg# of Lower Bridge Tuff pyroxenes ranges from 67-42 with 3 samples at 67. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff has pyroxenes with Mg# 52-74 with one sample at 74 in the white pumice and Mg# 49 to 73 in the black pumice. The apparent lack of compositional changes in the pyroxenes from the McKenzie Canyon Tuff with respect to surrounding glass compositions would indicate that many of the pyroxenes experienced minimal change within the magma chamber possibly as a result of equilibration rates being slower than residence time within the chamber. Trace element concentration plots of pyroxenes normalized to C1 Chondrite (Sun and McDonough, 1989) have two trends with the more enriched compositions representing clinopyroxene and depleted representing orthopyroxene (Figure 31). Clinopyroxene has an essentially flat trace element pattern with exceptions being significant depletions in Nb, Sr, Zr, Ti, and minor depletion in Eu. Orthopyroxene has a positively sloped trace element pattern with increasing concentration towards the heavy rare earth elements. Orthopyroxene also has significant depletions in Sr and Ti with a minor depletion in Zr, Pr, and Eu. Unfortunately, pyroxene analysis from McKenzie Canyon Tuff unit L and A are too few in number to properly describe. McKenzie Canyon unit B clinopyroxene are all depleted relative to rhyolites with the exception of Sr and Ti. The variations in concentration range up to an order of magnitude for all elements with only Sr and Ti having tightly constrained concentrations. There appears to be no difference in pyroxenes sourced from the different pumice types in unit B, however only two samples of orthopyroxene were analyzed limiting any comparison. Olivine: Olivine phenocrysts occur only in the uppermost unit of the McKenzie Canyon tuff and thus are of limited use in understanding the chemistry variations in the magma chamber. The olivine range from Fo79 to Fo83 with olivine sourced from “black” 72 Figure 31: Chondrite normalized trace element spider diagram for pyroxene. Note that the enriched REE trend belongs to clinopyroxene while the relatively depleted trend belongs to orthopyroxene. Chondrite values from Sun and McDonough (1989). 73 pumice having slight iron enrichment and olivine from “white” pumice being more magnesian (Figure 30). There are no appreciable changes in MgO or FeO between the two source pumices, however there is a slight depletion in MnO in the pumices producing the Fe-rich olivine. 5.3.3 Lower Bridge Tuff Glass Chemistry The Lower Bridge Tuff has broadly similar in both major and trace element composition to the rhyolites of the McKenzie Canyon Tuff. The TAS diagram of Figure 18 indicates that the Lower Bridge Tuff overlaps the McKenzie Canyon Tuff compositions with slightly greater variation in alkalis. Titanium exhibits a distinct change from McKenzie Canyon rhyolites with enrichment to 0.4 wt % TiO2 for a given SiO2 (Figure 19). There is no significant differences in K2O (Figure 20), MnO (Figure 21), MgO (Figure 23), or P2O5 (Figure 24) from the McKenzie Canyon rhyolites. Na loss from post emplacement vapor phase alteration, glass hydration, and Na mobility in EMPA analysis is also evident in the Lower Bridge rhyolites. A plot of Na2O verses SiO2 (Figure 22) indicates that the Lower Bridge Tuff has a wide range of Na concentrations from 1-6.5 wt% Na2O with the air-fall (unit P) having a seemingly lower concentration then the tuff. Total iron (as FeO*) of most of the Lower Bridge samples have a nearly flat trend of constant FeO at ~2.25 wt%. This range largely overlaps with McKenzie Canyon unit L and enriched compared to McKenzie Canyon unit A. Despite the different trends, the FeO* concentration of dacites and rhyolites of the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuffs are high at a given silica compared to similar rocks from the Cascades (Figure 32). Only the low FeO* trend of the McKenzie Canyon unit A is comparable to the Cascades. The FeO* composition for rhyolites of the High Lava Plains, is also noted for high FeO* for a given SiO2 (Ford, 2012), similar to these Deschutes Formation tuffs and higher than in the Cascade Arc. 74 Figure 32: Bivariate plot of CaO vs FeO*. The Cascade field represents all but a few chemical analysis of Quaternary Oregon High Cascade volcanic rocks from the GeoRoc Database. HLP field represents chemical analysis of volcanic rocks in the High Lava Plains compiled by Ford (2012). 75 Trace elements for the Lower Bridge Tuff rhyolites are similar to that of the McKenzie Canyon Tuff rhyolites as shown in Figure 26, with notable exceptions being a depletion in Zr, Eu, and Ti and enrichments in Th, U, and Rb in the McKenzie unit L compared to the Lower Bridge. A plot of Rb vs Si (Figure 27) indicates that the Lower Bridge unit P is slightly enriched in Rb over the tuff, and both are depleted relative to the McKenzie Canyon rhyolites. 5.3.4 Lower Bridge Tuff Mineral Chemistry Plagioclase: Plagioclase crystals from the Lower Bridge Tuff have a wide compositional range from An23 to An56. There is a noticeable change between the Lower Bridge pumice fall deposit and the ash-flow tuff as the pumice fall deposit has a more restricted compositional range of An28 to An33 with two crystals at An40 (Figure 28). The compositional range in plagioclase chemistry of the Lower Bridge Tuff differs significantly from that of the McKenzie Canyon Tuff despite having similar glass compositions in which the crystals are found. Trace element variations in plagioclase plotted in a C1 Chondrite normalized (Sun and McDonough, 1989) spider diagram (Figure 29) of the Lower Bridge Tuff shows a considerable range of compositions with up to an order of magnitude difference between the most depleted and most enriched sample with no apparent distinction between the rhyolitic and dacitic samples. The Lower Bridge pumice fall has a more tightly constrained concentration with a mean value identical to the mean value of the Lower Bridge Tuff. The wide range of compositional variations observed in trace elements further indicating that plagioclase crystallized in a wide range of chemical environments despite the surrounding glass having a restricted composition. Pyroxene: The wollastonite-enstatite-ferrosilite ternary diagram for pyroxene (Figure 30) further highlights the distinct difference in mineral composition between the two eruptive units. Lower Bridge clinopyroxenes form a tight cluster around En36Wo33 with three outliers, two of higher En42Wo36 and one En33Wo31. Orthopyroxene in 76 contrast, have highly variable composition, with crystals ranging from En41Wo2 to En60Wo1. For both pyroxenes the pumice fall and ash-flow tuff deposit share overlapping compositions in addition to having no systematic difference between rhyolitic (white) and dacitic (grey/black) pumice (Figure 30). Both pyroxenes of the Lower Bridge Tuff trend farther to the Fs endmember compared to the McKenzie Canyon Tuff indicating an enrichment in FeO. The Mg# of Lower Bridge Tuff pyroxenes ranges from 67-42 with 3 samples at 67. This is considerably lower than those found in the McKenzie Canyon Tuff and indicate equilibration with a silicic melt allowing for longer residence times. Trace element compositions of pyroxenes sourced from Lower Bridge pumice fall and tuff both have tightly clustered compositions with slightly more scatter evident in orthopyroxene samples compared to the McKenzie Canyon Tuff (Figure 31). Pyroxenes from the Lower Bridge Tuff are generally are enriched relative to the McKenzie Canyon pyroxenes, however orthopyroxene from the McKenzie Canyon Tuff are too few in number for proper comparison. There is no difference in composition between the pyroxenes derived from the air-fall or the tuff consistent with major element compositions. 77 5.4 Modeling 5.4.1 McKenzie Canyon Tuff The goal of the modeling is to determine whether fractional crystallization alone can explain the range of pumice compositions observed, and if not then determine what other processes were active in the magma system and how large of a role they played. A multistage fractionation model was required in order to account for changes in phase occurrence and proportion as the melt evolves from a basaltic andesite to rhyolite. An initial composition of basaltic andesite represented by sample MCTA 206-18 was chosen as a starting composition (Figure 33). This sample was chosen due to its relatively high FeO* and MgO values. The first crystallization step was taken to ~60 wt% SiO2 to assess the change from the most primitive basaltic andesite to andesite. A second step utilizing the resultant value of step one to ~70 wt% SiO2 was calculated to assess the change from andesite to rhyolite. There are two paths taken for this step, one to model the typical rhyolite of the McKenzie Canyon trend and a second path to model several “enriched” compositions from McKenzie Canyon unit L (Figure 33). This second step is required as there is a change in mineralogy from andesite to rhyolite within the depleted trend where the proportion of clinopyroxene sharply drops and orthopyroxene is resorbed. The final step in both the enriched and depleted trend was taken from ~70 to 75 wt% SiO2 to determine the role of fractional crystallization in evolution from low to high SiO2 rhyolite. Summary results from several XLFRAC runs with the best results are provided in Table 6 with detailed inputs in Table 7. Many additional runs (not listed) were tested with varying glass and mineral chemistry with poorer results. Fractional crystallization produces excellent results for modeling an increase from ~55-61 wt% SiO2 by crystallizing 46% of the melt. Lacking any melt compositions from ~61-69 wt% SiO2 a jump must be made to 70 wt% SiO2 without any indication of the crystallizing phase compositions. The greatest amount of uncertainty in the model occurs at this step as 78 Table 6: Summary results of XLFRAC model for both McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge Tuff. Total refers to crystallization within a single step and does not represent a cumulative total. Xl Run Step 1 Step 2 MCT Step 2 MCT (enriched) Step 3 LBT Step 3 MCT Step 3 MCT (enriched) † SiO2 wt% Change 55-61 61-71 61-69 70-77 71-75 69-74 Phase percents (removed relative to initial magma) Plag Cpx Opx Olv Mag San Total† ∑(R2) Confidence -24 -13 -2 -1 -6 -46 0.43 High -23 -8 2 -3 -5 -37 1.01 Moderate -35 -15 2 -4 -52 0.26 High -44 4 -4 -1 -45 1.56 Low -20 3 -3 -3 8 -15 0.30 High -15 5 -4 -2 -15 0.74 Moderate Total represents percent of crystals fractionated from or resorbed into the melt 79 Table 7: Detailed XLFRAC model results for McKenzie Canyon Tuff. Step 1: From basaltic andesite to andesite, samples MCTA 206-18 and MCTA 20919 Init. Final Comps. mag. mag. Phase analyses (normalized to 100%) Calc. 18 / 1 19 / 2 Plag Cpx Opx Olv Mag Magma SiO2 54.86 61.57 55.22 51.98 54.62 36.00 0.06 61.84 TiO2 1.83 1.41 0.03 0.83 0.04 39.52 8.60 1.48 Al2O3 16.30 16.73 27.72 2.94 1.13 0.02 2.76 16.81 FeO* 9.18 5.93 0.41 8.36 17.17 0.02 77.75 5.53 MgO 4.18 2.11 0.03 15.62 25.26 18.24 2.67 2.39 CaO 7.90 4.70 9.74 18.74 0.80 42.17 0.01 4.98 Na2O 3.41 4.74 5.42 0.44 0.05 0.19 0.00 3.80 K2O 1.59 2.09 0.18 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.86 Total 99.25 99.28 98.75 98.92 99.07 136.16 91.85 99.69 2 ∑(R ) Phase percents (relative to initial magma) Total 0.43 -24 -13 -2 -1 -6 -46 Step 2a: From andesite to rhyolite, step 1 results and sample MCTA 209-20 Init. Final Comps. mag. mag. Phase analyses (normalized to 100%) Calc. Step 1 20 / 2 Plag Cpx Opx Mag Olv Magma SiO2 61.84 71.03 55.25 51.77 54.26 0.13 39.52 71.24 TiO2 1.48 0.28 0.04 0.82 0.03 26.64 0.02 0.12 Al2O3 16.81 15.13 28.63 3.66 1.59 2.99 0.02 15.58 FeO* 5.53 2.94 0.40 7.56 17.16 57.49 18.24 2.79 MgO 2.39 0.34 0.04 15.64 24.06 6.71 42.17 0.02 CaO 4.98 1.63 10.28 18.93 0.56 0.03 0.19 1.75 Na2O 3.8 5.17 5.39 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.00 4.06 K2O 2.86 3.34 0.17 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.43 Total 99.69 99.86 100.20 98.74 97.70 94.02 100.15 100.00 2 ∑(R ) Phase percents (relative to initial magma) Total 1.01 -23 -8 2 -5 -3 -37 80 Table 7 Continued: Detailed XLFRAC model results for McKenzie Canyon Tuff. Step 2b enriched: From andesite to enriched rhyolite, step 1 results and sample MCTA 206-8 Init. Final Comps. mag. mag. Phase analyses (normalized to 100%) Calc. Step 1 8/1 Plag Cpx Opx Mag Magma SiO2 61.84 70.76 61.04 52.18 53.60 0.13 70.24 TiO2 1.48 0.27 0.02 0.63 0.03 26.64 0.65 Al2O3 16.81 15.70 24.76 2.19 0.75 2.99 16.07 FeO* 5.53 3.78 0.21 11.64 21.97 57.49 3.85 MgO 2.39 0.47 0.00 14.33 21.68 6.71 0.84 CaO 4.98 1.04 5.37 17.45 0.93 0.03 1.04 Na2O 3.80 2.90 7.59 0.33 0.03 0.03 2.28 K2O 2.86 5.00 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.55 Total 99.69 99.92 99.55 98.75 98.99 94.02 100.52 2 ∑(R ) Phase percents (relative to initial magma) Total 0.26 -35 -15 2 -4 -52 Step 3a McKenzie Canyon: From low silica to high silica rhyolite of the McKenzie Canyon, samples MCTA 209-20 and MCTA 206-8 Init. Final Comps. mag. mag. Phase analyses (normalized to 100%) Calc. 20 / 2 8 / 2 Plag Cpx Opx Mag San Magma SiO2 71.03 75.36 59.51 52.51 54.38 0.08 63.58 75.48 TiO2 0.28 0.25 0.00 0.58 0.03 13.57 0.00 -0.13 Al2O3 15.13 13.26 25.40 2.71 1.14 4.19 19.07 13.52 FeO* 2.94 0.25 0.22 7.54 18.20 71.42 0.23 0.53 MgO 0.34 0.08 0.01 16.18 24.12 4.49 0.65 0.02 CaO 1.63 0.81 6.61 19.25 0.81 0.00 0.69 1.08 Na2O 5.17 4.99 7.05 0.27 0.03 0.01 2.77 4.70 K2O 3.34 4.96 0.38 0.02 0.01 0.00 11.96 4.96 Total 99.86 99.95 99.19 93.76 98.71 93.76 98.95 100.00 2 ∑(R ) Phase percents (relative to initial magma) Total 0.30 -20 3 -3 -3 8 -15 81 Table 7 Continued: Detailed XLFRAC model results for McKenzie Canyon Tuff Step 3b McKenzie Canyon: From low silica to high silica rhyolite of the enriched McKenzie Canyon, from step 2b result and MCTL 88-2 Init. Final Comps mag. mag. Phase analyses (normalized to 100%) Calc. 2b result 88-2 Plag Cpx Opx Mag Magma SiO2 70.76 74.22 58.93 52.58 54.90 0.08 73.36 TiO2 0.27 0.26 0.01 0.58 0.32 13.57 0.02 Al2O3 15.70 13.91 25.00 2.77 0.88 4.19 14.08 FeO* 3.78 2.47 0.22 7.59 15.80 71.42 2.43 MgO 0.47 0.19 0.01 16.19 26.23 4.49 0.16 CaO 1.04 1.14 6.70 19.13 1.93 0.00 1.08 Na2O 2.90 2.66 6.97 0.29 0.02 0.01 2.20 K2O 5.00 5.02 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.82 Total 99.92 99.87 98.20 99.13 100.08 93.76 99.15 ∑(R2) Phase percents (relative to initial magma) Total 0.74 -14 5 -3 -2 -15 82 Figure 33: Bivariate plot of FeO* vs SiO2 with calculated fractionation paths. Removed or added phases are plagioclase (Plg), clinopyroxene (Cpx), orthopyroxene (Opx), olivine (Olv), magnetite (Mt), and sanidine (San). 83 no such glass compositions are observed. Due to the lack of observed compositions and poor model fit, the results indicate fractional crystallization cannot adequately reproduce formation of all the McKenzie Canyon rhyolites. Regression analysis of the crystallization model for the depleted trend indicates a ΣR2 of 1.00, the upper limit of values considered “reasonable”, with 37% crystallization of the melt. The enriched rhyolites provide a much better fit with fractional crystallization with a ΣR2 of .26 with 52% crystallization of the melt. Within the rhyolite field, the depleted FeO* trend in the McKenzie Canyon Tuff from ~ 71-75 wt% SiO2 can be produced with a mixing model (from crustal assimilation) producing an ΣR2 of 0.32. This model removes plagioclase, orthopyroxene, and magnetite, but adds sanidine as a proxy for crustal contaminantion. Without sanidine the McKenzie Canyon rhyolites have poor ΣR2 of >2 indicating that crystal fractionation alone cannot account for K2O and other incompatible element enrichments. The enriched trend of McKenzie Canyon rhyolites models fractional crystallization with an ΣR2 of .74 with 15% crystallization. Though this is considered an acceptable ΣR2 value, trend line of the resultant calculated magma is depleted in FeO* and falls below the enriched rhyolite trend. For this reason we hold a lower degree in confidence in the results of fractional crystallization as the only influence on the enriched trend. To provide a secondary check to the results from the major element crystallization models, trace element fractionation and composition within a residual liquid was also assessed. Results of Rayleigh fractionation on trace elements utilizing the same step sequence as major elements are tabulated in Table 8. Trace elements are consistent with the suggestions from major elements that fractional crystallization is the dominant driver for evolution of the basaltic andesite. Utalizing SiO2 as a progress variable versus Rb (Figure 34) trace element fractionations paths show similar agreement to the major element results for step 1 and 3. 84 Table 8: Calculated trace element compositions from Rayleigh fractionation. Steps 13 represent the trace element concentration calculated using phase proportions from the major element modeling. Element Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U Initial Compositions Basaltic Andesite Rhyolite MCTB MCTL 209-1/3 206-13 23 17 8111 1792 176 15 1198 735 14 4 8 91 325 193 24 66 123 483 9.2 15.7 0.8 4.3 343 774 13.9 35.6 36.2 62.7 4.4 8.5 19.0 37.3 5.0 8.6 1.4 1.0 4.8 9.6 4.9 11.0 2.7 7.5 2.4 6.8 8.1 13.3 2.6 10.7 1.3 2.6 Calculated Compositions Steps follow same phase proportions as defined in major element calculatons Step 1 58 20480 509 2817 96 14 814 47 231 17.1 1.6 664 26.2 68.5 8.4 36.1 9.5 3.0 9.2 9.4 5.1 4.6 15.8 4.9 2.5 Step 2b 782 58607 1564 10336 440 33 4307 131 528 70.9 3.3 1502 57.7 151.0 17.6 81.0 22.2 7.4 20.6 22.9 10.9 10.6 45.7 10.3 5.3 Step 2a 174 40756 1034 5656 501 24 1896 83 381 37.2 2.5 1091 42.6 111.3 13.4 59.0 15.8 5.0 15.1 15.9 8.2 7.6 29.5 7.8 4.0 Step 3a 12 2119 3 666 3 93 119 51 487 24.5 5.1 934 35.5 75.8 9.1 40.2 8.4 1.2 8.4 9.0 6.1 6.2 16.6 11.8 3.1 85 Figure 34: Bivariate Plot of Sm (ppm) vs Si (ppk) for McKenzie Canyon glass. Fractionation points and connecting paths represent results of XLFRAC calculations. Trace element initial composition for Step 3a from Sample MCTL 206-13. Step 3b omitted due to lack of trace element analysis. Partial melting point calculated from trace element values in Ratajeski (2005) 86 Trace element abundances in the rhyolites are lower than those predicted by fractional crystallization calculations consistant with major elements. This notable disconnect between the basaltic andesite and rhyolite compositions suggests fractional crystallization alone cannot be the origin of the rhyolites. To investigate this further, I have compared two incompatible elements (Ba and Rb) to assess if other processes are influencing the composition of the magma (Figure 35). Incompatible elements are assumed to remain in the liquid phase during crystal fractionation due their inability to be incorporated into crystal structures. Rubidium is a stongly incompatible element that is only observed to strongly partition into micaceous minerals. Barium will also partition into micas in addition to hornblende, and potassium feldspar. As there is no evidence for the presence of these minerals in the system we can assume incompatibility for both these elements within the crystallizing phases. While crystal fractionation might account for variation among basaltic andesites in major and trace elements (Fig 33, 34). It fails to make rhyolites with poor results in major elements, trace elements are significantly overpredicted, and there are no intermediate compositions within the magmatic system. I therefore consider partial melting as an alternative method for rhyolite production. In an attempt to identify the active processes other than fractional crystallization and improve the model of the evolution of the McKenzie Canyon Tuff system, mafic partial melts from experiements by Ratajeski et al (2005), Sisson (2005), and Rapp and Watson (1995) were assessed to determine the potential role of partial melts in the system. The melts I compared to the rhyolites were derived experimentally from a biotite-hornblende-quartz gabbro (YOS-55a; Ratajeski, 2005), biotite-hornblende gabbro (87S35a; Ratajeski, 2005), alkali rich basalt (No. 1; Rapp and Watson, 1995), high-Al basalt (No. 2; Rapp and Watson, 1995), and low-K olivine tholeiite (No. 3; Rapp and Watson, 1995). Table 9 lists the major composition of the five partial melting experiments, trace elements calculated from original 87 Figure 35: Bivariate plot of Ba vs Rb for McKenzie Canyon Tuff glass. Green line indicates fractionation trend, black lines indicate mixing with a partial melt, and dashed tie-lines match percent mixing for a given amount of fractionation. The shaded orange field contains glass compositions from the McKenzie Canyon with notable depletion in FeO*. Partial melt value calculated from original composition and phase proportions of Ratajeski et al, (2005). 88 Table 9: Major and trace element composition of partial melts from dehydration melting of a mafic protolith, (Ratajeski et al, 2005; Sisson et al, 2005; Rapp and Watson, 1995). MCTL-206-11 Temperature (°C) Pressure (kbar) SiO2 72.55 TiO2 0.23 Al2O3 15.12 FeOt 2.44 MnO 0.08 MgO 0.20 CaO 1.19 Na2O 4.39 K2O 3.76 P2O5 0.04 V 7 Ni 4 Rb 68.8 Sr 139 Y 65 Zr 766 Nb 21 Ba 734 La 36.4 Ce 53.7 Nd 40.0 Sm 9.40 Eu 1.10 Gd 11 Dy 10 Yb 7.17 Th 12.5 Melt Fraction Plagioclase Amphibole Orthopyroxene Clinopyroxene Apatite Oxides No. 2 825 7 63.43 0.36 19.71 3.69 0.15 0.56 2.61 7.38 2.25 NA 188 12 28.8 356 41 1043 17 149 113.6 108.5 72.7 43.52 33.97 0 0 39.7 No.1 1000 8 71.14 0.18 17.67 2.05 0.08 0.48 1.24 5.04 2.12 NA 262 21 45.5 445 41 334 5 1108 37.8 38.2 0.0 28.75 18.02 0.00 0.00 29.7 0.17 0.12 0.63 0.02 0.2 0.3 0.35 0.07 YOS-55A 1000 8 73.1 0.27 14.7 2.01 0.09 0.49 2.58 2.75 3.93 0.05 87S35a 825 7 74.81 0.2 13.55 1.06 0.11 0.47 1.42 3.36 4.68 0.18 94.9 579 132.2 801 907 46.0 92.3 41.9 7.74 1.75 1541 81.8 161.4 68.8 11.87 2.15 3.74 3.4 0.22 0.35 0.37 0.04 0.005 0.005 0.003 4.10 3.2 0.12 0.51 0.32 0.005 0.01 0.031 No. 3 1000 8 75.06 0.09 14.37 2.26 0.06 0.52 3.57 3.5 0.55 NA 0 25 5.3 170 22 202 8 62 10.4 11.8 9.2 11.54 11.04 18 19 19.5 0.19 0.08 0.68 0.05 89 concentrations and experimentally determined phase proportions, and sample MCTL206-11 for comparison. I chose mafic compositions for two reasons; the continental crust of western Oregon is made up of accreted oceanic terrains (Whitney and McGroder, 1989), and the rhyolites are trace element depleted relative to fractional crystallization models implicating an incompatible element poor parent if partial melt. There are significant variations between the resultant compositions of partial melts due to their different starting compositions. The two partial melts that most closely match the McKenzie Canyon rhyolite major element composition are YOS55a from Ratajeski (2005) and No.1 from Rapp and Watson (1995). Emphasis was placed on the similarity of FeO and CaO as these elements show consistent behavior unmodified by post emplacement alteration (K2O, Na2O). Both show matching FeO values while sample YOS-55a has a higher CaO composition (by ~1 wt%). There is however, a drastic difference in the calculated trace element concentrations with sample No.1 being strongly depleted in light REEs, Y, Zr, and Nb while enriched in heavy REEs, V, and Ni. Thus sample YOS-55a is chosen as the closest partial melt composition relevant to the McKenzie Canyon system. Figure 34 and 35 indicate the postulated partial melt is suitable for the range of Ba and Rb values observed. Mixing of a basaltic andesite and the partial crustal melt forms trends which differ in slope to those of fractional crystallization. These mixing lines provide the means of producing the enriched Rb trend observed in basaltic andesite from white pumice, and many of the rhyolites. Chemical variation in the basaltic andesite from black pumice indicate the effects of fractional crystallization of <46% while the white pumice indicates a mixing event with 30-40% partial melt without fractionation. The rhyolites have a strong mixing component with 50-100% mixing of a partial melt with the mantle melts. Rhyolite compositions that derivate from this mixing trend follow fractionation path indicating that fractionation with assimilation was still occurring during or post mixing. 90 5.4.2 Lower Bridge Tuff Due to the lesser degree of compositional variation evident in glass compositions, understanding the role of fractional crystallization, partial melting, and mixing for the Lower Bridge Tuff is more difficult. Considerably less information is available for the Lower Bridge Tuff, such as the composition of related mafic magma and hence insight into magma chamber composition. This limits our ability to model the system and determine the processes at work to evolve the magma and produce rhyolites. Though we cannot adequately model the evolution of the Lower Bridge Tuff from some mafic phase to a rhyolite, the similarity in rhyolite composition between the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff indicate that the magmas likely had a similar starting composition. Therefore I use the LBTP-185-1MI composition as a starting point to assess evolution withing the rhyolites themselves. Modeling fractional crystallization within the Lower Bridge rhyolite from ~70-75 wt% SiO2, fails to adequately reproduce the compositional trends of the tuff. The best fit for the data produces an ΣR2 of 1.25 which is beyond acceptable limits (Table 6 and Table 10). Introducing “exotic phases” (not observed) such as hornblende, biotite, and sanidine also does not improve the fit. In a bivariate plot of Sm vs Si (Figure 36), there is a poor agreement with fractionation trends from a basaltic andesite to rhyolites. There is a similar depletion in Sm for a given amount of Si than expected from fractional crystallization as observed in McKenzie Canyon rhyolites. The results of partial melting can sufficiently explain the major element composition of the Lower Bridge Tuff. Notable differences between the closest partial melt (YOS-55a, Ratajeski 2005) and the Lower Bridge Tuff are depletions in TiO2 and enrichments in CaO and MgO (Table 9). Using Si as a progress variable verses Sm we see that partial melting provides a reasonable explanation for some of the rhyolites (Figure 36). Many of the rhyolites however, follow some positive sloping trend that moves away from the partial melting point. A bivariate plot of Ba vs Rb (Figure 37) 91 Table 10: Detailed XLFRAC model results for Lower Bridge Tuff rhyolites. Step 3 Lower Bridge: From low silica to high silica rhyolite of the Lower Bridge, samples LBTP 185-1MI and LBTT 185-25 Init. Final Comps. mag. mag. Phase analyses (normalized to 100%) Calc. 1/9 25 / 1 Plag Cpx Opx Mag Magma SiO2 69.84 77.99 62.46 52.15 52.77 0.06 76.96 TiO2 0.57 0.41 0.07 0.50 0.00 15.11 0.75 Al2O3 16.32 12.17 23.37 1.76 0.68 1.57 11.02 FeO* 2.50 2.10 0.27 11.74 24.11 74.02 2.08 MgO 0.37 0.26 0.02 13.79 19.70 1.60 0.20 CaO 1.46 0.87 4.51 17.80 1.23 0.01 0.25 Na2O 5.29 1.75 8.22 0.46 0.04 0.02 3.07 K2O 3.30 4.40 0.57 0.01 0.01 0.00 5.54 Total 99.64 99.94 99.47 98.20 98.54 92.39 99.90 2 ∑(R ) Phase percents (relative to initial magma) Total 1.56 -44 4 -4 -1 -45 92 Figure 36: Bivariate Plot of Sm (ppm) vs Si (ppk) for Lower Bridge glass. Fractionation points and connecting paths represent results of XLFRAC calculations. Partial melting point calculated from trace element values in Ratajeski (2005) 93 Figure 37: Bivariate plot of Ba vs Rb for Lower Bridge Tuff glass. Green line indicates fractionation trend, black lines indicate mixing with a partial melt, and dashed tie-lines match percent mixing for a given amount of fractionation. Partial melt value calculated from original composition and phase proportions of Ratajeski et al, (2005). 94 indicates the Lower Bridge rhyolites falls between 30-50% mixing of the presumed initial composition with the partial melt composition. The positively sloped trend of the rhyolite population also follows the trajectory expected from a fractional crystallization trend. This is in conflict with the observation that major elements fail to adequately produce a fractional crystallization trend. A possible solution to this would be if the Lower Bridge Rhyolites were mixed with a partial melt following fractional crystallization. This would account for the displaced fractional crystallization trend in trace elements as well as the lack of adequate crystallization paths in major elements. 5.5 Thermobarometry and Oxygen Fugacity Estimates Calculations of temperature, pressure, oxygen fugacity and water pressure were derived from as many phases as possible for each unit in order to estimate the conditions of the magma storage prior to eruption. There is no single thermometer which can be applied to the whole system, thus requiring the use several thermometers to obtain an accurate thermal history of the system. This allows for assessment of the changes in temperature within a single type of calculation, and the overall variability in the temperatures using different phase calculations. One of the most important aspects of magmatic systems, the temperature of the magma, is compiled for each unit and by each calculation type in Figure 38. This plot highlights the existence of a 100° gap between temperatures obtained from Fe-Oxides and plagioclase-liquid thermometers for rhyolites from the basaltic andesites and all pyroxene thermometry. 95 Figure 38: Plot of Temperature in different units. Note that Lower Bridge units A and B are combined in LBTT with the rhyolite having a lower plagioclase-liquid temperature than the dacite. Fe-Oxides and pyroxenes do not show this relationship. The significantly hotter pyroxenes of the Lower Bridge Tuff are likely not reequlibrated or were entrained (Walker, 2011). 96 5.5.1 Fe-Ti Oxides Analysis of oxide separates of the Lower Bridge Tuff and McKenzie Canyon Tuff produced 30 and 7 magnetite-ilmenite oxide pairs respectively, that were in MgMn equilibrium of Bacon and Hirschman (1988). Figure 39 presents the results of oxide calculations using the methods of Anderson and Lindsley (1985) and Ghiroso and Evans (2008). Of the Lower Bridge samples 27 were found to produce results of 873 ±12°C average from Anderson and Lindsley (1985) and the Ghiorso and Evans (2008). The fugacity values differed between the two calculations with and -0.31 ±0.02 –LogƒO2 ΔNNO for Anderson and Lindsley (1985) and -0.38 ±0.03 –LogƒO2 ΔNNO for Ghiorso and Evans (2008) (Figure 39). The McKenzie Canyon Tuff had fewer crystals in equilibrium and those only came from the uppermost unit. Of the 7 pairs in apparent equilibrium only one was found to have reasonable magmatic temperatures of 983° and 0.73 –LogƒO2 ΔNNO from Anderson and Lindsley (1985) and 1077° and 0.89 –LogƒO2 ΔNNO from Ghiorso and Evans (2008). Six other pairs had significantly cooler temperatures (600-800°C) likely associated to postemplacement reequilibration. Appendix B provides the data used in the calculations and the outputs with each associated sample. 97 Figure 39: -Log ƒO2 vs Temperature °C for Fe-Ti Oxides. Representative Crater Lake data from Mandeville et al, (2009). Triangles represent results from Anderson and Lindsley (1985) while squares are from Ghiorso and Evans (2008) 98 5.5.2 Two-Pyroxene Equilibrium test of pyroxenes produced 104 suitable pairs for Lower Bridge Tuff and 6 for the uppermost unit of McKenzie Canyon Tuff. The Lower Bridge Tuff pyroxenes gave temperatures 1055 ±12°C. There are few pyroxene pairs from the McKenzie Canyon tuff producing temperatures from ~985° to ~1070°. This spread of temperatures average 1019 ±36°C. Pressure estimates from barometry of the pyroxene pairs was not possible due to their Mg# falling below the recommended value of 0.75 (Putirka, 2008). Appendix C provides the data used in the calculations and the outputs with each associated sample. 5.5.3 Plagioclase-Liquid The plagioclase-liquid equilibrium thermobarometer and hygrometer is widely applicable owning to the near ebiquity of plagioclase. Calculations of equilibrium based off of KD(An-Ab) from Putirka, (2008) provide results for 16 Lower Bridge pumice fall crystals, 43 Lower Bridge tuff including 16 from the dacitic pumice, 16 from McKenzie Canyon (L), 12 from McKenzie Canyon (A), and 12 from McKenzie Canyon B. Note that 32 crystals from McKenzie Canyon (B) were found to have compositions that would be in equilibrium with a basaltic melt that was not observed anywhere in the system and thus not considered for determination of intensive perameters. Additionally, the thermometry from the basaltic andesite of McKenzie Canyon unit A was unreliable and is thus not included. This is due to inconstant glass compositions from the derived sample causing too great an uncertainty in the calculation. Average temperatures for the Lower Bridge pumice fall and rhyolitic tuff was 829 ±23° with the dacitic samples being 878 ±23°. McKenzie Canyon samples had a clear bimodality in temperature with the unit (L) and felsic (A) being 826 ±23° and unit (B) being 1050±23°. Note that the deviation in the calculated temperatures are considerably smaller than the uncertainty in the equation and thus each temperature reported is expected to have an uncertainty of ±23° (Putirka, 2008). The felsic compositions of both the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon yielded an average of 5.4 wt% H2O with the mafic melt having 2.8 wt% H2O. The 99 deviation in both results is less than the uncertainty of the equation and thus is taken to be ±1.1%. Barometry calculations from plagioclase-liquid equilibra have been noted as being highly unreliable with a calculated error of ±3.3 Kbar (Putirka, 2008) and are not applied here. Appendix D provides the feldspar and glass composition used and relevant outputs from the Putirka, 2008 spreadsheet for each point. 6- Discussion The results from the field and analytical data provide insight into the processes that lead to formation of the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff. In the following I discuss the stratigraphy, unit and clast characteristics, petrology, geochemistry, and thermometry and formulate a model for the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff system. I focus on the chemical and physical processes leading up to and occurring during the eruption of each of these tuffs. The model provides insight into the evolution of this system, and also insight into the causes of change in both the frequency and size of silicic eruptions in the central Cascades Arc. 6.1 Volcanic Source The field relations described above provide insight into the sources and the temporal relationship between the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuffs. These tuffs are among the oldest known tuffs in the southern half of the Deschutes basin. Additionally they are the only formally recognized tuffs sourced from southwest based on outcrop extent and imbrication within the McKenzie Canyon Tuff (Smith, 1986; This Study, 5.1.2). Though there was no appreciable imbrication found within the Lower Bridge Tuff, the similarity in outcrop extent, locality, and composition indicates that it likely shared a source similar to the McKenzie Canyon Tuff. Other tuffs that occur within the same stratigraphic section, such as the Osborne Canyon Tuff, have undetermined source directions or are derived from the west based on outcrop extent such as the Steelhead Tuff and Peninsula Tuff (Smith, 1986). The Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff likely erupted from some edifice or region 100 predating but in the Three Sisters Volcanic Complex, based on imbrication of clasts pointing directly away from the complex in addition to its proximity to the deposits. Understanding the timescales for temporal evolution of the volcanic system requires determining the age of the tuffs. The exact ages of the tuffs are unknown though dated basalts provide lower and upper boundaries of 5.77 and 5.43 Ma (Smith, 1986). Thus the age gap between the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff can only be qualitatively assessed by observations of the type and thickness of sedimentation between the units. In many locations the McKenzie Canyon can be found directly overlying the Lower Bridge without any interveining sediment or soil development. In other locations these tuffs are separated by a lahar and occasionally a thin fluvial sequence. These observations lead to the conclusion that the eruptions were not contemporaneous. However the lack of soil development or thick sedimentation indicates they erupted within a relatively short amount of time, perhaps 1000’s to 10’s of thousands of years. From this, and the inference that they share a common magmatic source, I postulate that the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff provide us with a progressive time sequence of the development and evolution of a single magmatic system. 6.2 Eruption Characteristics The physical properties of the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff deposits provide evidence that can be used to interpret the style and evolution of the eruptions. These interpretations are based on comparison to similar deposits documented for other well studied silicic eruptions (Fierstein et al, 1997; Fierstein and Wilson, 2005). The Lower Bridge Tuff began with a plinian pyroclastic fall raining from an umbrella cloud and contain several distinct coarse and fine bands both with abundant accretionary lapilli. This would indicate the eruption began in a moisture-rich environment and supported a sustained ash column that varied in intensity. The eruption column then collapsed at least in part creating the Lower Bridge Tuff unit A. The pumice within unit A is large and frothy indicating that the magma was volatile saturated that eruption rate decreased evidenced by increasing grain size from reduced 101 magma fragmentation. The surge deposit between tuff units suggests a brief quiescent period followed by the re-initiation of the eruption and formation of unit B. The plinian phase likely persisted as evidenced by interbedded surge between the two units, and by comparison to work on the Bishop Tuff (Wilson and Hildreth, 2007) Unit B of the Lower Bridge Tuff contains sparse small pumice that are vesicle-poor indicating high magma fragmentation likely from high eruption rates. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff does not show evidence for an initial plinian fall-out phase, although the presence of rip up clasts within the base of the tuff indicates that the flow was sufficiently turbulent and erosive enough to “digest” a previously deposited airfall. The first unit of the tuff, unit L, contains large frothy white pumices similar to that of the Lower Bridge indicating it also was likely volatile saturated. The presence of two reversely graded subunits indicates the occurrence of two distinct ash-flow events within unit L. The boundary between unit L and A contains either a lithic rich lag deposit or fine ash and pumice deposit grading into the next unit. This local variation could represent a channelized surge deposit coupled with a more widespread ashfall. McKenzie Canyon Tuff unit A begins with reversely graded white pumice with the addition of black and banded pumice near the top of the grade indicating incorporation of mafic melt to the eruption. These black and banded pumice clasts increase in abundance up section until they become the dominant proportion of the tuff at unit B. This gradational change in pumice represents compositional grading, commonly noted in other systems (Hildreth, 1981), and is often interpreted to indicate tapping of deeper levels within a magma reservoir, and thus incorporating more mafic material. The banding from magma “mingling” as defined by Sparks and Marshall (1985), observed in a proportion of the pumice indicates that the black basaltic andesite and white rhyolite melts mingled immediately prior to eruption without sufficient time to achieve complete mixing and homogenization. This suggests that the portions of the magma reservoirs represented by each of these compositions did not interact significantly prior to eruption. The uppermost unit of the McKenzie Canyon Tuff (unit B) 102 incorporates the largest proportion of black pumice, with lesser white and banded varieties. 6.3 Deposit Thicknesses and Volume Estimates Variations in outcrop occurrence and thickness are controlled by both synemplacement and post-emplacement processes. Syn-emplacement processes include proximity to vent, erupted volume, and topographic change. Post-emplacement processes include compaction (i.e. welding) and erosion. Vent proximity plays a large role in the thickness of the McKenzie Canyon and Lower Bridge Tuffs as outcrop closer to the source (SW) are substantially thicker than distal deposits (Figure 9 to Figure 11). There is little evidence in the Lower Bridge Tuff for topographic variation having significant controls on the thickness or lateral extent of the outcrop. Additionally, as the deposit is not indurated, there is likely little thickness change due to compaction. However, due to the lack of induration in the Lower Bridge Tuff, and the presence of rip-up clasts of Lower Bridge in the McKenzie Canyon Tuff it is evident that erosion may have been extensive, leading to an indeterminate amount of loss of original material from the top of the unit. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff differs in that there are more outcrop locations that provide stronger constraint on the variations in outcrop thickness. As with the Lower Bridge Tuff, the McKenzie Canyon is thickest proximal to the source (SW) and decreases in thickness to the northwest. There is also strong evidence for topographic and paleostream control on the thickness and occurrence of outcrop as several locations exhibit run-up features from the pyroclastic current flowing over a topographic high, as well as channelization to the north. The extent of outcrop and run-up features indicate that the McKenzie Canyon Tuff was deposited as a sheet flow for a majority of its lateral extent and exhibits transitioning to channelized flow to the far north and east. Post-emplacement thickness loss due to compaction and welding is prevalent to the southwest where the highest degrees of welding exist. In these areas the thickness loss due to erosion will be significantly decreased from the resistivity of the welded unit to erosive processes. 103 In areas where welding is absent however, erosion can be extensive leading to a partial or complete loss of the unit. 6.4 Petrology The petrography of minerals separated from each unit of the Lower Bridge Tuff provides additional qualitative constraints on magma chamber dynamics. Of particular interest is the presence (or lack) of chemical zonation, melt inclusions, and mineral inclusions within plagioclase and pyroxene. The Lower Bridge Tuff exhibits a systematic increase in the occurrence of zoned plagioclase crystals up section. This zoning is characterized by few zoned crystals with sodic cores and calcic rims within units P and A. This progresses to sub-equal distributions of zoned crystals with calcic cores and sodic rims in unit B. The zoned crystals represent “relic” crystals whose cores crystallized prior to a compositional change in the system. This would indicate that the crystals with calcic rims in unit P and A experienced an increase in CaO in the surrounding melt, likely attributed to a mafic recharge event while crystals in unit B with calcic cores are represent crystals formed from the intruding magma. The occurrence of significant (50%) relic crystals in the lowest part of the chamber and relatively few (10%) at the top suggests that either crystal fractionation proceeded at different rates at different depths within the chamber or crystal settling was occurring. These interpretations are based on the observation that during eruptions the first magma erupted (and thus entrained crystals) originate from the top of the chamber and progress to deeper levels with continued eruption (Hildreth, 1981; Spera et al, 1986). Melt inclusions within plagioclase were observed to progressively decrease in abundance from crystals sourced from the top of the magma chamber to the bottom. Plagioclase of Lower Bridge unit P contains abundant melt and mineral inclusions while units A and B have considerably fewer inclusions though they typically are larger in size. Melt inclusions in plagioclase typically form by rapid growth followed by slower growth or dissolution followed by growth (Kent, 2008). Thus this observation would indicate that the crystals from the top of the chamber experienced either rapid growth or growth following dissolution and those crystals in the lower part 104 of the chamber grew more slowly or did not experience rapid dissolution. Interestingly, the presence (or absence) of melt inclusions is independent of chemical zonation within the crystal as the population with the largest proportion of zoned crystals has the fewest melt inclusions (unit B). Clinopyroxene hosted melt inclusions are also abundant in all levels of the magma chamber. This would indicate that all pyroxenes in the Lower Bridge system experienced rapid uneven growth, or dissolution followed by growth. The lack of chemical zoning within the crystals indicates that dissolution followed by growth is not a likely cause for the melt inclusions as we would expect to see compositional zonation if that were the case. Plagioclase crystals from the McKenzie Canyon Tuff differ from the Lower Bridge in that zoning and melt inclusions are apparent only in crystals in the uppermost unit B. This lack of zonation and melt inclusions indicates that the crystals formed slowly in equilibrium with the melt. The upper most unit B contains zoned inclusions with sodic cores and calcic rims. The unzoned crystals are also highly calcic indicating that the cores of zoned crystals represent relic sodic plagioclase that was incorporated into a CaO rich underplating magma. The melt inclusions found within the upper unit B occur in the un-zoned calcic plagioclase. These inclusions are generally small, occurring in either planar sheets or within the crystal cores. They likely represent a phase of rapid growth following a temperature decrease as a mafic melt ascended into the magma chamber. 6.5 Geochemistry The major element geochemistry highlights several important aspects of the magmatic system responsible for the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuffs. This data can be used to constrain the temporal evolution and regional controls on the magmatism which produced the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuffs. 6.5.1 Compositional Gap One of the first order observations apparent in both the field exposures and chemical analyses is that the Lower Bridge Tuff is almost exclusively rhyolitic with 105 sparse dacite where as the McKenzie Canyon Tuff is a highly bimodal system consisting of both rhyolite and basaltic andesite (Figure 18). This observation of rhyolite trending to basaltic andesite is consistent with the theory that nearly all silicic magma chambers are compositionally zoned with silicic magmas at the top of the chamber progressing to more primitive magma toward the base (Hildreth, 1981). The difference in the composition of the erupted products from the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff system can potentially be explained though the relatively short timescales between eruptions. The relatively restricted composition of the Lower Bridge Tuff (70-77 wt% SiO2) coupled with the sparse dacite occurring at the top of the deposit would indicate that the eruption tapped the upper part of a silicic magma chamber (Hildreth, 1981). This allowed for the removal of rhyolitic melt that had congregated there through processes of crystal fractionation of basalt and partial melting of a mafic crust (Figure 35). The relatively short time between the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff eruption would allow for addition of a relatively small volume of magma to the chamber. This addition of new magma could occur both in the rhyolitic cap with addition of partial melt of the crust, as well as injections of additional mafic material to the base of the chamber. Experimental studies have shown that rhyolite production can occur on the order of <103 years (Huppert and Sparks, 1988) similar to the suggested timescale between the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon eruptions. The rhyolite present would thus be a mix of residual Lower Bridge rhyolite and new partial melt derived rhyolite. This is supported by the composition of the first erupted products of the McKenzie Canyon Tuff, unit L, having broadly similar major element composition to the Lower Bridge Tuff (Figure 18) with trace elements indicating incorporation of higher degrees of partial melt (Figure 35). As the McKenzie Canyon eruption proceeded, it would quickly exhaust its rhyolite supply and begin tapping deeper more mafic magmas in the chamber. 6.5.2 Pre-eruption Chamber Dynamics Glass and mineral elemental compositions provide a chemical snapshot of the magma chamber prior to eruption which can be used to determine the petrogenesis of 106 a silicic system (Chesner, 1998) allowing us to expand our interpretation of the system’s evolution. The Lower Bridge Tuff contains plagioclase and orthopyroxene with significant variations in An content and Mg# respectively. This indicates that the minerals were sampling melt with significant local chemical variations. This observation would suggest that the magma was not experiencing convection sufficient enough to homogenize the magma and minerals prior to the eruption of the Lower Bridge Tuff (Huber et al, 2009). Additional evidence lies in the presence of increasing proportion of zoned plagioclase at the top of the tuff whose cores are similar in composition to plagioclase at the base of the tuff. This suggests secondary growth following crystallization from a mafic recharge (this study, 6.4) with little convection allowing for mixing and re equilibration of the crystal (Figure 40). Minerals from the McKenzie Canyon Tuff provide evidence for significantly different processes then those in the Lower Bridge. Plagioclase from each unit of the tuff have restricted An contents and are compositionally un-zoned in all but the uppermost unit of the tuff (B). This lack of zoning and restricted An values (Figure 28) would indicate that the plagioclase were formed from a compositionally homogenous melt. This suggests that convection was sufficiently rapid enough to thoroughly mix the melt and remove compositional variations that would be present from fractionation or assimilation processes. The presence of distinct compositional gaps between plagioclase from separate units suggests that plagioclase populations were likely isolated in separate chambers experiencing convection (Figure 40). Evidence for this is apparent in the lack of communication both in glass and crystal chemistry between the basaltic andesite and rhyolite, and the presence of a FeO* depleting trend in unit A rhyolites (Figure 25) due to increased fractionation of oxides(Table 7, step 3a). For both of these observations to exist in a system with compositional homogeneity from convection, the basaltic andesite must have a separate chamber from the rhyolites. The rhyolite of unit A crystallizes oxides creating the FeO* depleting trend due to basaltic andesite dikes providing heat and small quantaties of mafic material to the chamber and modifying the rhyolite . Though each sample has a couple crystals of differing 107 Figure 40: Conceptual diagram of the different convective regimes (or lack thereof) within the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon volcanic system. Changes in Na2O represent chemical variations in plagioclase with darker crystals representing higher Na2O. Temperature estimates from Fe-Ti oxide and Plag-Liquid thermometry. 108 composition, these crystals have major element compositions consistent with those from the preceding melt. It is likely that these crystals represent antecrysts scavenged from conduit walls during eruption and do not represent convective mixing between units. 6.5.3 Model of the System Utilizing the results from fractionation and partial melting calculations (Table 7, Table 9, and Table 10) in conjunction with major and trace element variations observed in minerals and glass (Figure 34 and Figure 35) I can propose a model of the evolution of the magmatic system responsible for the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff. This model will detail the methods by which silicic material forms and why we see the distinct geochemical variations inherent to the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff. The onset of the system prior to the eruption of the Lower Bridge Tuff cannot be well constrained as there is no information regarding primitive magmas during the time at which the Lower Bridge magmas were formed. The trace element variations of Rb and Ba (Figure 37) provide us the method by which silicic melts formed to produce the Lower Bridge rhyolite. The rhyolites show a distinct compositional trend that is displaced to much higher Rb concentrations than expected from fractionation of basaltic andesites similar to those observed in the McKenzie Canyon Tuff. XLFRAC calculations indicate that this fractionation trend cannot be made with any phases present in the system (Table 10). To resolve this, the model must include mixing with a partial melt of a mafic crustal component. This would require that the magmatic system be sufficiently hot enough to begin melting the crust. Thermometry indicates that the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon magma system is hotter than typical rhyolitic systems (~850°) supporting a partial melting theory. As the partial melt is enriched in Rb, mixing it with an evolving fractionating basaltic melt can displace and preserve the fractionation trend at higher Rb concentrations. Mixing lines drawn from an assumed fractionation trend (based off of the McKenzie Canyon basaltic andesites) 109 to the partial melt produce a consistent value of 40-60% incorporation of partial melt to the evolving Lower Bridge mantle melt. Following the eruption of the Lower Bridge Tuff and the removal of at least 3 4.5 km of rhyolitic magma, the magma chamber then began to evolve to produce what would become the McKenzie Canyon magmas. The McKenzie Canyon rhyolites show distinct geochemical similarities to the Lower Bridge Tuff such as major element compositions and mineral chemistry. The major elements are nearly indistinguishable, with the exception of TiO2 (Figure 19), and FeO* in rhyolite pumice from unit A (Figure 25). The overall TiO2 depletion is likely due to the increasing oxygen fugacity of the system (Figure 39), while the major and trace element variations observed in McKenzie Canyon unit A are due to additional crystal fractionation and crustal assimilation at the rhyolite/basaltic andesite boundary as evidenced by XLFRAC calculations (Table 7). The overall similarity of McKenzie Canyon rhyolite to the Lower Bridge is likely due to low volumes of residual rhyolite from the Lower Bridge magma collecting at the chamber roof and forming the initial magma from which the McKenzie Canyon rhyolites were derived. Rubidium concentrations in this relic magma are enriched compared to the Lower Bridge rhyolite (Figure 27), as a consequence of incorporation of additional partial melt to the system from a gabbroic crust. Underplating of a basaltic melt provides additional mafic magma to the system producing basaltic andesites which show mixing with partial melt near the rhyolite boundary (white pumice, dike directly entering chamber), and crystal fractionation without inclusion of partial melt at depth (black pumice, dike entering deeper mafic chamber). Figure 41 and Figure 42 provides a conceptualized illustration of the system and the various processes that are evolving the magmas which erupted from it. This model indicates that partial melting of a mafic crust is the dominant reasons for which silicic magma are generated in this system, while fractional crystallization plays a lesser role. Neither process would be possible however without the influx of basaltic melt to the crust providing mafic material to crystallize from in addition to heat required to produce partial melts of the crust 110 (Sisson, 2005). Figure 41 and Figure 42 represent a timestamp series of events in the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff system. The sequence of events are as follows: 1. Input of mafic melt into the system and crystal fractionation up to 70%. 2. Addition of rhyolitic partial melt from a gabbroic crust and continued fractionation of crystals 3. Eruption of the Lower Bridge Tuff removing ~4 km3 of predominately rhyolitic magma. 4. McKenzie Canyon chamber begins filling with underlying mafic melt creating basaltic andesite. The residual rhyolite from the Lower Bridge chamber moves upwards and begins incorporating additional partial melt from a gabbroic crust. New rhyolite is produced from incorporation of additional partial melt to the chamber. 5. Partial melt addtition and fractionation occurs in the rhyolites with abundant oxide fractionation in unit A, at the boundary with the basaltic andesite. The basaltic andesite intruding the main chamber incorporates 25-50% partial melt, while basaltic andesite in a sub-chamber at depth evolves by fractionation of <46% crystals. 6. Eruption of the McKenzie Canyon Tuff removing ~4 km3 of magma. The rhyolitic cap of the chamber is removed and a large volume of basaltic andesite is also erupted. 111 Figure 41: Conceptual diagram of the evolution of the Lower Bridge magmatic system. Each snapshot represents a distinct evolutionary period within the chamber based on petrologic, geochemical, and modeled results. Event 1 (A) represents the establishment of the Lower Bridge system and fractionation of some mantle melt. Event 2 (B) represents additional fractionation and growth of crystals with an influx of 40-60% rhyolitic partial melt. Event 3 (C) represents the eruption of the Lower Bridge Tuff removing ~4 km3 of rhyolitic material. 112 Figure 42: Conceptual diagram of the evolution of the McKenzie Canyon magmatic system. Each snapshot represents a distinct evolutionary period within the chamber based on petrologic, geochemical, and modeled results. Event 1 (D) represents influx of new mafic and silicic magma to the chamber following the Lower Bridge eruption. Basaltic melt moves up into the system while the residual rhyolitic melt becomes saturated with additional partial melt. Event 2 (E) represents further evolution of the chamber with fractional crystallization occurring up to 46% in basaltic andesites and partial melt continuously added to the system (25-50%). Event 3 (F) represents the eruption of the McKenzie Canyon Tuff, removing ~4 km3 of rhyolitic and basaltic andesite magma. 113 6.5.4 Regional Controls on Magmatism A unique feature of not only the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff, but also the majority of Deschutes age volcanics is a displacement in major elements including FeO* and CaO compared to typical Cascade Arc derived magmas (Figure ). Deschutes Formation volcanics have an enrichment in FeO* and depletion in CaO for a given SiO2 compared to most Quaternary Cascade Arc magmas. These major element variations are similar to those observed in the neighboring volcanic province of the High Lava Plains. The displacement is not as extreme as observed with the High Lava Plains and thus the Deschutes magmas bridge the gap between the Cascade Arc and the High Lava Plains, appearing to share influences from both provinces. This could suggest that the central Oregon Cascades from 8-5 Ma, were being influenced by some regional tectonic force producing melts broadly similar to that of the High Lava Plains. The high FeO trend in basalts of the High Lava Plains identified by Ford (2012) is similar to that of Icelandic tholeiite basalts whereas the Cascade Arc produces calc-alkaline basalts. The differences in the tectonic regimes, rifting and upwelling of mantle in Iceland and slab subduction leading to hydration and melting of mantle wedge in Cascadia, are the key drivers for the broad scale variations in major element composition of basalts. Rhyolites associated with the high FeO trend in the High Lava Plains are demonstrated to have formed primarily due to partial melting of a mafic crust (Ford, 2012), whereas the rhyolites from the Cascade Arc are primarily derived by AFC processes (Conrey, 1997). The tectonic control possibly linking the Deschutes age volcanics and the High Lava Plains is the effect of slab steepening associated with the High Cascade transition (Priest, 1990) producing greater asthenospheric flow and mantle upwelling (Ford, 2012). This would cause extension and rifting of the High Cascades along the arc axis to produce the High Cascades Graben (Conrey et al, 2004). The consequence of this rifting would be increased basaltic production from mantle upwelling, thermally priming the crust for high degrees of partial melting. 114 7- Conclusion The Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon tuff represent two extensive silicic units originating from the Cascade Arc following the reorganization from Western Cascade to High Cascade Volcanism at ~8 Ma. Constrained by radiometrically dated basaltic units of 5.77 and 5.43 Ma emplaced below and above the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff. The Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon units represent the oldest known silicic material erupted by the High Cascades. These eruptions were significant in producing a minimum of ~5 km3 DRE each, placing both eruptions at VEI 5. From field observations it is apparent that although these were two distinct eruptive events the lack of sedimentation and soil development in many locations would indicate that they erupted within a relatively short timeframe. Lateral changes in thickness and imbrication indicates that the two units originate from a similar source direction. Due to lack of proximal deposits the exact location of the vent is unknown, however given the presence of the Three Sisters Volcanic Complex in the direction of the inferred source it is reasonable to assume that the complex was the source of the eruption and thus has been active for longer than the current edifices would suggest. The chemistry of the tuff indicates that the Lower Bridge Tuff erupted predominately rhyolitic magma with dacitic magma occurring only in small quantities at the end of the eruption. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff erupted first as a rhyolite and evolved to a basaltic andesite with co-mingling and incomplete mixing of the two magma types. The idea that these eruptions occurred from a shared system and possibly a shared chamber is supported by the similarity of major and trace element concentrations of the rhyolitic components of both eruptions. The few differences observed in major elements, notably with FeO and TiO2 are attributable to both increased fractionation of oxide phases and higher oxidation state in the McKenzie Canyon Tuff system. This change in oxygen fugacity can be attributed to reduction caused by invading basalt at the base of the chamber. Trace elements indicate that both the Lower Bridge and McKenzie Canyon Tuff experienced mixing between a mantle derived basaltic melt 115 and a rhyolitic partial melt derived from gabbroic crust. Rhyolites of the Lower Bridge Tuff incorporate 30-50% partial melt following 0->60% fractionation of mantle derived melts. The McKenzie Canyon Tuff incorporates higher degrees of partial melt (50-100%) with up to 15% post mixing fractionation. 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Na Mg Si Al Fe Ca K Ti Mn Ni Cr Spectrometer 2 2 1 1 4 5 3 Crystal LTAP LTAP TAP TAP LIF PET LPET Peak Time (s) 10 30 10 20 30 10 20 5,3 PET, LPET 30 Background Time (s) 5 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 Calibration Material LABR BAL LABR LABR BASL LABR KSPR BASL Spectrometer 2 2 1 1 4 3 5 Crystal LTAP LTAP TAP TAP LIF LPET PET 3 4 4 3 LPET LIF LIF Peak Time (s) 10 30 10 30 30 30 LPET 20 30 30 30 Background Time (s) 5 15 5 15 15 30 15 10 15 15 15 Calibration Material KANO FO83 FO83 LABR 15 FO83 KAUG KSPR BASL PYMN NiSi CROM 2 LTAP 10 5 KANO 1 TAP 30 15 CROM 1 TAP 10 5 KANO 2 LTAP 20 10 GAHN 4 LIF 10 5 MAGT 3 LPET 30 15 KAUG 5 PET 20 10 RUTI 4 LIF 20 10 PYMN 4 LIF 30 15 NiSi 3 LPET 30 15 CROM 2 LTAP 10 5 KANO 2 LTAP 30 15 FO83 1 TAP 10 5 KAUG 1 TAP 30 15 LABR 4 LIF 10 5 FO83 5 PET 30 15 KAUG 3 LPET 30 15 KAUG 4 LIF 30 15 PYMN V Plagioclase Olivine Fe-Ti Oxides Spectrometer Crystal Peak Time (s) Background Time (s) Calibration Material Orthopyroxene Spectrometer Crystal Peak Time (s) Background Time (s) Calibration Material Table 1 Continued: Settings for EMPA analysis. 5 PET 20 10 KSPR 3 LPET 30 15 CROM 4 LIF 20 10 VANA2 P Cl S F 136 Na Mg Si Al Fe Ca K Ti Mn Ni Cr 2 LTAP 10 5 KANO 2 LTAP 30 15 KAUG 1 TAP 10 5 KAUG 1 TAP 30 15 LABR 4 LIF 10 5 KAUG 5 PET 30 15 KAUG 5 PET 20 10 KSPR 3 LPET 30 15 KAUG 4 LIF 30 15 PYMN 4 LIF 30 15 NiSi 3 LPET 30 15 CROM Na Mg Si Al Fe Ca K Ti Mn Ni Cr 2 LTAP 10 5 RHYO 2 LTAP 30 15 BASL 1 TAP 30 15 RHYO 1 TAP 30 15 RHYO 4 LIF 30 15 FO83 5 PET 30 15 BASL 5 PET 20 10 KSPR 3 LPET 30 15 BASL 4 LIF 30 15 PYMN Na Mg Si Al Fe Ca K Ti Mn 2 LTAP 10 5 RHYO 2 LTAP 30 15 BASL 1 TAP 30 15 RHYO 1 TAP 30 15 RHYO 4 LIF 30 15 FO83 5 PET 30 15 BASL 5 PET 20 10 KSPR 3 LPET 30 15 BASL 4 LIF 30 15 PYMN V P Cl S F V P Cl S F P Cl S F 3 LPET 60 30 FLAP 3 LPET 60 30 TUGT 3 LPET 60 30 CHAL 2 LTAP 30 30 FLAP Clinopyroxene Spectrometer Crystal Peak Time (s) Background Time (s) Calibration Material Glass Spectrometer Crystal Peak Time (s) Background Time (s) Calibration Material 3 LPET 30 15 FLAP Ni Cr V Melt Inclusion Glass Spectrometer Crystal Peak Time (s) Background Time (s) Calibration Material 137 Tables 2: Standards, Detection Limits, and Mean Values. EMPA Plagioclase Analytical Standard, Uncertianty, Detection Limit Standard Overall 1 Std. Accuarcy Mean Detection LABR Mean* Dev (%) (ppm) (wt%) (wt%) SiO2 51.25 51.13 0.15 0.23 319 Al2O3 30.91 30.87 0.23 0.13 411 TiO2 0.05 0.04 0.03 20.83 285 FeO 0.49 0.45 0.03 9.15 798 MgO 0.14 0.14 0.01 0.53 135 CaO 13.64 13.56 0.04 0.59 339 Na2O 3.45 3.42 0.05 0.92 325 K2O 0.18 0.12 0.01 31.72 267 Total 99.72 0.29 *Mean is based off of 7 points EMPA Pyroxene Analytical Standard, Uncertianty, Detection Limit Standard Overall 1 Std. Accuracy Mean Detection KAUG Mean* Dev (%) (ppm) (wt%) (wt%) SiO2 50.73 51.00 0.36 0.53 573 Al2O3 8.73 8.60 0.02 1.44 255 TiO2 0.74 0.74 0.02 0.66 207 FeO 6.45 7.14 0.16 10.70 1041 MgO 16.65 16.72 0.14 0.40 220 MnO 0.13 0.18 0.08 37.77 1641 CaO 15.82 14.80 0.11 6.44 318 Na2O 1.27 1.30 0.04 2.29 386 K2O 0 0 0 507 Cr2O3 0.16 0.01 513 NiO 0.05 0.07 2051 Total 100.70 0.62 *Mean is based off of 5 points Table 2 Continued: Standards, Detection Limits, and Mean Values. EMPA Olivine Analytical Standard, Uncertianty, Detection Limit Standard Overall 1 Std. Accuracy Mean Detection FO83 Mean* Dev (%) (ppm) (wt%) (wt%) 138 SiO2 38.95 39.12 0.05 0.43 315 Al2O3 0.01 0.01 236 TiO2 0.00 0.01 241 FeO 16.62 16.54 0.13 0.48 1008 MgO 43.58 43.64 0.10 0.14 300 MnO 0.30 0.29 0.05 4.07 880 CaO 0.01 0.01 181 Na2O 0.00 0.00 331 K2O 0.00 0.00 474 Cr2O3 0.02 0.01 0.01 38.80 459 NiO 0.00 0.00 1134 Total 99.62 0.20 *Mean is based off of 5 points EMPA Fe-Ti Analytical Standard, Uncertianty, Detection Limit Standard Overall 1 Std. Accuracy Mean Detection MAGT Mean* Dev (%) (ppm) (wt%) (wt%) SiO2 0.15 0.06 0.01 60.53 336 Al2O3 0.04 0.01 174 TiO2 0.19 0.14 0.01 24.07 399 FeO 97.7 91.34 0.29 6.51 1391 MgO 0.20 0.08 0.01 57.53 332 MnO 0.17 0.11 0.02 36.22 889 CaO 0.00 0.01 202 Na2O 0.03 0.01 336 Cr2O3 0.16 0.02 270 NiO 0.03 0.02 1487 V2O3 0.26 0.06 1154 Total 92.26 0.29 *Mean is based off of 3 points Table 2 Continued: Standards, Detection Limits, and Mean Values. EMPA Glass Analytical Standard, Uncertianty, Detection Limit Standard Overall 1 Std. Accuracy Mean Detection RHYO Mean* Dev (%) (ppm) (wt%) (wt%) SiO2 76.71 76.97 0.26 0.34 516 Al2O3 12.06 12.43 0.04 3.08 243 TiO2 0.12 0.08 0.02 32.99 338 FeO 1.28 1.16 0.06 9.05 839 MgO 0.10 0.03 0.01 66.18 130 MnO 0.03 0.03 0.02 14.44 831 139 CaO 0.50 0.45 0.02 9.49 298 Na2O 3.75 4.27 0.10 13.76 345 K20 4.89 5.05 0.15 3.23 420 P2O5 0.01 0.02 0.02 50.33 258 Total 100.49 0.40 *Mean is based off of 6 points EMPA MI Glass Analytical Standard, Uncertianty, Detection Limit Standard Overall 1 Std. Accuracy Mean Detection RHYO Mean* Dev (%) (ppm) (wt%) (wt%) SiO2 76.71 76.58 0.41 0.16 516 Al2O3 12.06 12.47 0.05 3.37 243 TiO2 0.12 0.08 0.02 33.39 338 FeO 1.28 1.05 0.08 18.11 839 MgO 0.10 0.03 0.00 66.78 130 MnO 0.03 0.05 0.03 76.50 831 CaO 0.50 0.42 0.02 15.68 298 Na2O 3.75 4.18 0.07 11.49 345 K20 4.89 4.96 0.08 1.50 420 P2O5 0.01 0.01 0.01 19.00 258 Cl 0.10 0.01 S 0.00 0.00 F 0.00 0.00 Total 99.94 0.26 *Mean is based off of 6 points Appendix B: Fe-Ti Oxide Thermometry Pairs and Calculated Values 140 Table 1: Magnetite-Ilmenite Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Spot # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O Cr2O3 V2O3 NiO Sum: Magnetite LBTT_185 27 / 2 . 0.05 15.13 1.54 75.71 0.84 1.56 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.37 0.00 95.23 Ilmenite LBTT_185 18 / ave 0.02 47.99 0.13 46.80 1.14 2.49 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.01 98.76 Magnetite LBTT_185 26 / ave 0.07 15.20 1.46 75.82 0.85 1.45 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.34 0.05 95.27 Geothermobarometer by: Anderson and Lindsley (1985) ΔNNO Temp (°C) X'Usp & X'Ilm from: Temp (°C) Stormer (1983) 866 -0.381 867 Geothermobarometer by: Ghiorso and Evans (2008) Ilmenite LBTT_185 18 / ave 0.02 47.99 0.13 46.80 1.14 2.49 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.01 98.76 Magnetite LBTT_185 20 / 1 . 0.08 15.19 1.60 76.34 0.80 1.59 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.36 0.01 95.99 Ilmenite LBTT_185 18 / ave 0.02 47.99 0.13 46.80 1.14 2.49 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.01 98.76 Magnetite LBTT_185 22 / ave 0.08 15.28 1.57 76.14 0.79 1.60 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.35 0.03 95.88 Ilmenite LBTT_185 18 / ave 0.02 47.99 0.13 46.80 1.14 2.49 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.01 98.76 ΔNNO -0.385 Temp (°C) 866 ΔNNO -0.379 Temp (°C) 867 ΔNNO -0.385 Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO 881 -0.387 882 -0.407 880 -0.381 882 -0.387 141 Table 1 Continued: Magnetite-Ilmenite Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Spot # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O Cr2O3 V2O3 NiO Sum: Magnetite LBTT_185 24 / ave 0.07 15.22 1.51 75.86 0.84 1.54 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.37 0.02 95.49 Ilmenite LBTT_185 18 / ave 0.02 47.99 0.13 46.80 1.14 2.49 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.01 98.76 Magnetite LBTT_185 27 / 2 . 0.05 15.13 1.54 75.71 0.84 1.56 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.37 0.00 95.23 Geothermobarometer by: Anderson and Lindsley (1985) X'Usp & X'Ilm from: Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) Stormer (1983) 867 -0.385 866 Geothermobarometer by: Ghiorso and Evans (2008) Ilmenite LBTT_185 18 / ave 0.02 47.99 0.13 46.80 1.14 2.49 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.01 98.76 Magnetite LBTT_185 26 / ave 0.07 15.20 1.46 75.82 0.85 1.45 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.34 0.05 95.27 Ilmenite LBTT_185 18 / ave 0.02 47.99 0.13 46.80 1.14 2.49 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.01 98.76 Magnetite LBTT_185 20 / 1 . 0.08 15.19 1.60 76.34 0.80 1.59 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.36 0.01 95.99 Ilmenite LBTT_185 18 / ave 0.02 47.99 0.13 46.80 1.14 2.49 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.01 98.76 ΔNNO -0.381 Temp (°C) 867 ΔNNO -0.385 Temp (°C) 866 ΔNNO -0.379 Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO 882 -0.394 881 -0.387 882 -0.407 880 -0.381 Magnetite LBTT_185 24 / ave Ilmenite LBTT_185 18 / ave Magnetite LBTT_185 27 / 2 . Ilmenite LBTT_185 23 / 2 . Magnetite LBTT_185 26 / ave Ilmenite LBTT_185 23 / 2 . Table 1 Continued: Magnetite-Ilmenite Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Spot # Magnetite LBTT_185 22 / ave Ilmenite LBTT_185 18 / ave 142 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O Cr2O3 V2O3 NiO Sum: 0.08 15.28 1.57 76.14 0.79 1.60 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.35 0.03 95.88 0.02 47.99 0.13 46.80 1.14 2.49 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.01 98.76 Geothermobarometer by: Anderson and Lindsley (1985) Temp (°C) ΔNNO X'Usp & X'Ilm from: Stormer (1983) 867 -0.385 Geothermobarometer by: Ghiorso and Evans (2008) Temp (°C) 882 ΔNNO 0.07 15.22 1.51 75.86 0.84 1.54 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.37 0.02 95.49 0.02 47.99 0.13 46.80 1.14 2.49 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.01 98.76 0.05 15.13 1.54 75.71 0.84 1.56 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.37 0.00 95.23 0.00 47.72 0.14 46.51 1.13 2.66 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.02 98.46 0.07 15.20 1.46 75.82 0.85 1.45 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.34 0.05 95.27 0.00 47.72 0.14 46.51 1.13 2.66 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.02 98.46 Temp (°C) 867 ΔNNO -0.385 Temp (°C) 873 ΔNNO -0.333 Temp (°C) 874 ΔNNO -0.338 Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO -0.387 882 -0.394 888 -0.350 890 -0.369 Table 1 Continued: Magnetite-Ilmenite Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Spot # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO Magnetite LBTT_185 20 / 1 . 0.08 15.19 1.60 76.34 Ilmenite LBTT_185 23 / 2 . 0.00 47.72 0.14 46.51 Magnetite LBTT_185 22 / ave 0.08 15.28 1.57 76.14 Ilmenite LBTT_185 23 / 2 . 0.00 47.72 0.14 46.51 Magnetite LBTT_185 24 / ave 0.07 15.22 1.51 75.86 Ilmenite LBTT_185 23 / 2 . 0.00 47.72 0.14 46.51 Magnetite LBTT_185 39 / 2 . 0.11 15.17 1.57 76.40 Ilmenite LBTT_185 37 / 1 . 0.00 47.74 0.14 46.60 143 MnO MgO CaO Na2O Cr2O3 V2O3 NiO Sum: 0.80 1.59 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.36 0.01 95.99 1.13 2.66 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.02 98.46 0.79 1.60 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.35 0.03 95.88 Geothermobarometer by: Anderson and Lindsley (1985) Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) X'Usp & X'Ilm from: Stormer (1983) 872 -0.332 874 Geothermobarometer by: Ghiorso and Evans (2008) Temp (°C) 887 ΔNNO Temp (°C) -0.344 889 1.13 2.66 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.02 98.46 0.84 1.54 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.37 0.02 95.49 1.13 2.66 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.02 98.46 0.85 1.61 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.29 0.01 96.07 1.12 2.65 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.24 0.03 98.54 ΔNNO -0.338 Temp (°C) 874 ΔNNO -0.337 Temp (°C) 872 ΔNNO -0.324 ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO -0.349 889 -0.356 887 -0.335 Table 1 Continued: Magnetite-Ilmenite Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Spot # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O Magnetite LBTT_185 40 / ave 0.08 15.23 1.60 76.01 0.82 1.62 0.00 0.01 Ilmenite LBTT_185 37 / 1 . 0.00 47.74 0.14 46.60 1.12 2.65 0.02 0.00 Magnetite LBTT_185 41 / 2 . 0.07 15.27 1.52 75.35 0.82 1.56 0.00 0.01 Ilmenite LBTT_185 37 / 1 . 0.00 47.74 0.14 46.60 1.12 2.65 0.02 0.00 Magnetite LBTT_185 45 / 1 . 0.05 15.23 1.59 75.31 0.82 1.66 0.03 0.04 Ilmenite LBTT_185 37 / 1 . 0.00 47.74 0.14 46.60 1.12 2.65 0.02 0.00 Magnetite LBTT_185 39 / 2 . 0.11 15.17 1.57 76.40 0.85 1.61 0.02 0.02 Ilmenite LBTT_185 42 / ave 0.01 47.86 0.12 46.53 1.04 2.51 0.02 0.00 144 Cr2O3 V2O3 NiO Sum: 0.02 0.33 0.00 95.73 0.01 0.24 0.03 98.54 Geothermobarometer by: Anderson and Lindsley (1985) Temp (°C) ΔNNO X'Usp & X'Ilm from: Stormer (1983) 874 -0.333 Geothermobarometer by: Ghiorso and Evans (2008) Temp (°C) 890 ΔNNO 0.01 0.29 0.00 94.91 0.01 0.24 0.03 98.54 0.02 0.38 0.04 95.17 0.01 0.24 0.03 98.54 0.02 0.29 0.01 96.07 0.01 0.16 0.00 98.27 Temp (°C) 876 ΔNNO -0.341 Temp (°C) 875 ΔNNO -0.336 Temp (°C) 862 ΔNNO -0.395 Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO -0.334 893 -0.347 891 -0.335 874 -0.411 Table 1 Continued: Magnetite-Ilmenite Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Spot # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O Cr2O3 V2O3 NiO Sum: Magnetite LBTT_185 40 / ave 0.08 15.23 1.60 76.01 0.82 1.62 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.33 0.00 95.73 Ilmenite LBTT_185 42 / ave 0.01 47.86 0.12 46.53 1.04 2.51 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.16 0.00 98.27 Magnetite LBTT_185 41 / 2 . 0.07 15.27 1.52 75.35 0.82 1.56 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.29 0.00 94.91 Ilmenite LBTT_185 42 / ave 0.01 47.86 0.12 46.53 1.04 2.51 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.16 0.00 98.27 Magnetite LBTT_185 45 / 1 . 0.05 15.23 1.59 75.31 0.82 1.66 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.38 0.04 95.17 Ilmenite LBTT_185 42 / ave 0.01 47.86 0.12 46.53 1.04 2.51 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.16 0.00 98.27 Magnetite LBTT_185 39 / 2 . 0.11 15.17 1.57 76.40 0.85 1.61 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.29 0.01 96.07 Ilmenite LBTT_185 43 / ave 0.03 47.74 0.13 46.42 1.04 2.66 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.00 98.20 145 Geothermobarometer by: Anderson and Lindsley (1985) Temp (°C) ΔNNO X'Usp & X'Ilm from: Stormer (1983) 864 -0.404 Geothermobarometer by: Ghiorso and Evans (2008) Temp (°C) 866 ΔNNO -0.413 Temp (°C) 865 ΔNNO -0.408 Temp (°C) 866 ΔNNO -0.362 Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO 877 -0.411 880 -0.424 878 -0.411 881 -0.377 Magnetite LBTT_185 41 / 2 . 0.07 15.27 1.52 75.35 0.82 1.56 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.29 0.00 94.91 Ilmenite LBTT_185 43 / ave 0.03 47.74 0.13 46.42 1.04 2.66 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.00 98.20 Magnetite LBTT_185 45 / 1 . 0.05 15.23 1.59 75.31 0.82 1.66 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.38 0.04 95.17 Ilmenite LBTT_185 43 / ave 0.03 47.74 0.13 46.42 1.04 2.66 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.00 98.20 Magnetite MCTB_209 9/1. 0.11 1.83 6.23 78.11 0.67 5.76 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.84 0.05 93.69 Ilmenite MCTB_209 2 / ave 0.01 43.59 0.41 47.40 0.51 5.31 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.34 0.01 97.61 Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Table 1 Continued: Magnetite-Ilmenite Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Spot # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O Cr2O3 V2O3 NiO Sum: Magnetite LBTT_185 40 / ave 0.08 15.23 1.60 76.01 0.82 1.62 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.33 0.00 95.73 Ilmenite LBTT_185 43 / ave 0.03 47.74 0.13 46.42 1.04 2.66 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.00 98.20 Geothermobarometer by: Anderson and Lindsley (1985) Temp (°C) ΔNNO X'Usp & X'Ilm from: 146 Stormer (1983) Geothermobarometer by: Ghiorso and Evans (2008) 869 -0.370 871 -0.379 870 -0.374 722 2.359 Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO 883 -0.377 886 -0.390 884 -0.377 597 2.041 Table 1 Continued: Magnetite-Ilmenite Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Spot # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O Cr2O3 V2O3 NiO Sum: Magnetite MCTB_209 1 / ave 0.08 12.40 3.65 73.99 0.51 3.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.53 0.01 94.22 Ilmenite MCTB_209 4/2. 0.11 40.94 1.05 47.84 0.63 6.09 0.01 0.00 0.08 0.48 0.01 97.23 Geothermobarometer by: Anderson and Lindsley (1985) Temp (°C) ΔNNO X'Usp & X'Ilm from: Stormer (1983) 960 0.598 Geothermobarometer by: Temp (°C) ΔNNO Magnetite MCTB_209 13 / 1 . 0.05 3.90 4.90 81.27 0.45 2.33 0.01 0.00 0.06 0.65 0.01 93.64 Ilmenite MCTB_209 4/2. 0.11 40.94 1.05 47.84 0.63 6.09 0.01 0.00 0.08 0.48 0.01 97.23 Magnetite MCTB_209 7/1. 0.08 2.65 4.28 83.05 0.68 2.49 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.32 0.00 93.59 Ilmenite MCTB_209 5/1. 0.00 46.37 0.29 46.53 0.77 4.38 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.15 0.01 98.50 Magnetite MCTB_209 7/1. 0.08 2.65 4.28 83.05 0.68 2.49 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.32 0.00 93.59 Ilmenite MCTB_209 8/2. 0.02 47.53 0.31 45.61 0.59 3.36 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.18 0.04 97.66 Temp (°C) 804 ΔNNO 1.698 Temp (°C) 731 ΔNNO 1.559 Temp (°C) 700 ΔNNO 1.005 Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO 147 Ghiorso and Evans (2008) 1077 0.893 772 1.520 Table 1 Continued: Magnetite-Ilmenite Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Spot # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O Cr2O3 V2O3 NiO Sum: Magnetite MCTB_209 6/1. 0.05 2.83 5.36 82.80 0.50 2.41 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.79 0.02 94.82 Ilmenite MCTB_209 13 / 2 . 0.09 46.52 0.32 44.77 0.78 5.77 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.22 0.06 98.59 Magnetite MCTB_209 14 / ave 0.04 4.22 3.61 80.56 0.63 3.27 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.43 0.05 92.85 Geothermobarometer by: Anderson and Lindsley (1985) Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) X'Usp & X'Ilm from: Stormer (1983) 744 1.535 764 Geothermobarometer by: Ghiorso and Evans (2008) Ilmenite MCTB_209 13 / 2 . 0.09 46.52 0.32 44.77 0.78 5.77 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.22 0.06 98.59 ΔNNO 1.298 Temp (°C) ΔNNO Temp (°C) ΔNNO 644 1.215 685 1.053 611 1.302 571 0.868 148 Appendix C: Two Pyroxene Thermobarometry Calculations Table 1: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Cpx LBTT_156 32 / 1 Opx LBTT_156 33 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 32 / 1 Opx LBTT_156 34 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 32 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 35 / 2 53.46 0.26 0.87 11.28 0.89 14.39 18.11 0.44 0.00 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 53.46 0.26 0.87 11.28 0.89 14.39 18.11 0.44 0.00 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 52.15 0.50 1.76 11.74 0.78 13.79 17.80 0.46 0.01 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 1047 1047 1052 0.95 0.95 1.04 Cpx LBTT_156 Opx LBTT_156 Cpx LBTT_156 Opx LBTT_156 Cpx LBTT_156 Opx LBTT_156 149 Crystal/Point # 32 / 2 36 / 2 33 / 1 37 / 2 33 / 1 38 / 2 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 52.15 0.50 1.76 11.74 0.78 13.79 17.80 0.46 0.01 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 54.22 0.26 0.83 11.32 0.78 14.32 18.32 0.40 0.00 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 54.22 0.26 0.83 11.32 0.78 14.32 18.32 0.40 0.00 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1052 1045 1045 1.04 0.96 0.96 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_156 33 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 39 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 33 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 40 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 34 / 1 Opx LBTT_156 41 / 2 53.82 0.25 0.82 11.36 0.80 14.37 18.28 0.38 0.00 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 53.82 0.25 0.82 11.36 0.80 14.37 18.28 0.38 0.00 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 53.33 0.27 0.90 11.33 0.77 14.33 18.14 0.39 0.00 0.02 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt 1048 1048 1049 0.96 0.96 0.96 Cpx LBTT_156 34 / 1 Opx LBTT_156 42 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 34 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 43 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 34 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 44 / 2 53.33 0.27 0.90 11.33 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 53.70 0.26 0.88 11.54 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 53.70 0.26 0.88 11.54 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 150 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 0.77 14.33 18.14 0.39 0.00 0.02 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 0.94 14.46 17.82 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 0.94 14.46 17.82 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 1049 1059 1059 0.96 0.97 0.97 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_156 35 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 45 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 35 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 46 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 36 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 47 / 2 53.76 0.26 0.88 11.47 0.66 14.47 18.29 0.42 0.00 0.01 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 53.76 0.26 0.88 11.47 0.66 14.47 18.29 0.42 0.00 0.01 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 53.28 0.25 0.85 11.30 0.53 14.28 18.35 0.40 0.01 0.01 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 1049 1049 1045 0.97 0.97 0.96 Cpx LBTT_156 36 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 48 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 37 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 49 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 37 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 50 / 2 53.28 0.25 0.85 11.30 0.53 14.28 18.35 0.40 0.01 0.01 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 53.97 0.26 0.79 11.51 0.80 14.16 17.98 0.41 0.01 0.01 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 53.97 0.26 0.79 11.51 0.80 14.16 17.98 0.41 0.01 0.01 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 151 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1045 1050 1050 0.96 0.99 0.99 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_156 38 / 1 Opx LBTT_156 34 / 1 Cpx LBTT_156 38 / 1 Opx LBTT_156 35 / 1 Cpx LBTT_156 38 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 51 / 2 53.47 0.26 0.68 13.58 1.08 13.06 17.40 0.41 0.00 0.03 53.09 0.04 0.93 22.64 0.27 20.79 1.35 0.07 0.01 1.37 53.47 0.26 0.68 13.58 1.08 13.06 17.40 0.41 0.00 0.03 53.09 0.04 0.93 22.64 0.27 20.79 1.35 0.07 0.01 1.37 53.16 0.26 0.82 11.08 0.68 14.10 18.22 0.37 0.00 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1104 1104 1042 0.95 0.95 0.96 Cpx LBTT_156 38 / 2 Opx LBTT_156 52 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 39 / 1 Opx LBTT_156 53 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 39 / 1 Opx LBTT_156 54 / 2 53.16 0.26 0.82 11.08 0.68 14.10 18.22 0.37 0.00 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 51.87 0.42 1.53 11.25 0.77 14.02 18.39 0.39 0.01 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 51.87 0.42 1.53 11.25 0.77 14.02 18.39 0.39 0.01 0.00 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 1042 1044 1044 0.96 0.98 0.98 152 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_156 40 / 1 Opx LBTT_156 55 / 2 Cpx LBTT_156 40 / 1 Opx LBTT_156 56 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 22 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 26 / 1 53.52 0.26 0.91 11.27 0.80 14.34 18.18 0.42 0.00 0.01 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 53.52 0.26 0.91 11.27 0.80 14.34 18.18 0.42 0.00 0.01 54.38 0.00 1.07 19.24 0.32 23.44 1.14 0.02 0.01 1.46 53.10 0.23 0.76 12.03 0.82 13.99 18.03 0.38 0.01 0.00 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1047 1047 1052 0.96 0.96 1.15 Cpx LBTT_185 22 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 20 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 22 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 22 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 22 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 24 / 1 53.10 0.23 0.76 12.03 0.82 13.99 18.03 0.38 0.01 0.00 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 53.10 0.23 0.76 12.03 0.82 13.99 18.03 0.38 0.01 0.00 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 53.10 0.23 0.76 12.03 0.82 13.99 18.03 0.38 0.01 0.00 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 1056 1059 1063 1.08 1.07 1.01 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results 153 Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_185 22 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 27 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 22 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 21 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 22 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 23 / 1 53.71 0.25 0.82 11.70 0.81 14.16 18.05 0.44 0.00 0.00 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 53.71 0.25 0.82 11.70 0.81 14.16 18.05 0.44 0.00 0.00 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 53.71 0.25 0.82 11.70 0.81 14.16 18.05 0.44 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 1050 1054 1058 1.10 1.04 1.03 Cpx LBTT_185 22 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 25 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 31 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 28 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 31 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 22 / 2 53.71 0.25 0.82 11.70 0.81 14.16 18.05 0.44 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 53.45 0.29 0.89 11.74 0.84 13.84 18.27 0.44 0.00 0.01 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 53.45 0.29 0.89 11.74 0.84 13.84 18.27 0.44 0.00 0.01 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1061 1040 1044 0.97 1.13 1.06 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Cpx LBTT_185 31 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 24 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 31 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 26 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 31 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 29 / 1 53.45 0.29 53.52 0.02 53.45 0.29 53.52 0.00 52.58 0.33 54.62 0.03 154 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 0.89 11.74 0.84 13.84 18.27 0.44 0.00 0.01 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 0.89 11.74 0.84 13.84 18.27 0.44 0.00 0.01 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 1.05 11.75 0.77 13.56 18.04 0.47 0.00 0.00 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 1048 1052 1039 1.05 1.00 1.16 Cpx LBTT_185 31 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 23 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 31 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 25 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 31 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 27 / 1 52.58 0.33 1.05 11.75 0.77 13.56 18.04 0.47 0.00 0.00 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 52.58 0.33 1.05 11.75 0.77 13.56 18.04 0.47 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 52.58 0.33 1.05 11.75 0.77 13.56 18.04 0.47 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1043 1046 1050 1.09 1.08 1.02 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O Cpx LBTT_185 23 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 30 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 23 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 24 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 23 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 26 / 1 53.74 0.26 0.75 11.63 0.75 14.21 18.10 0.41 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 53.74 0.26 0.75 11.63 0.75 14.21 18.10 0.41 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 53.74 0.26 0.75 11.63 0.75 14.21 18.10 0.41 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 155 K2O Cr2O3 0.00 0.00 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 0.00 1.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.41 1050 1054 1058 1.09 1.03 1.02 Cpx LBTT_185 23 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 28 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 23 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 31 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 23 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 25 / 2 53.74 0.26 0.75 11.63 0.75 14.21 18.10 0.41 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 52.74 0.25 0.76 11.64 0.81 14.21 18.28 0.41 0.04 0.00 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 52.74 0.25 0.76 11.64 0.81 14.21 18.28 0.41 0.04 0.00 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1062 1047 1052 0.96 1.09 1.03 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Cpx LBTT_185 23 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 27 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 23 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 29 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 24 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 32 / 1 52.74 0.25 0.76 11.64 0.81 14.21 18.28 0.41 0.04 0.00 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 52.74 0.25 0.76 11.64 0.81 14.21 18.28 0.41 0.04 0.00 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 53.32 0.25 0.81 11.83 0.89 14.22 18.11 0.48 0.02 0.00 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 1055 1059 1049 1.02 0.96 1.11 156 Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_185 24 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 26 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 24 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 28 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 24 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 30 / 1 53.32 0.25 0.81 11.83 0.89 14.22 18.11 0.48 0.02 0.00 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 53.32 0.25 0.81 11.83 0.89 14.22 18.11 0.48 0.02 0.00 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 53.32 0.25 0.81 11.83 0.89 14.22 18.11 0.48 0.02 0.00 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1053 1056 1060 1.04 1.03 0.98 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # Cpx LBTT_185 24 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 33 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 24 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 27 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 24 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 29 / 1 52.37 0.26 0.79 12.32 0.73 14.13 17.63 0.41 0.00 0.00 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 52.37 0.26 0.79 12.32 0.73 14.13 17.63 0.41 0.00 0.00 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 52.37 0.26 0.79 12.32 0.73 14.13 17.63 0.41 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 1067 1071 1074 1.17 1.09 1.08 Cpx LBTT_185 24 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 31 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 24 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 24 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 25 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 34 / 1 157 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 52.37 0.26 0.79 12.32 0.73 14.13 17.63 0.41 0.00 0.00 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 52.37 0.26 0.79 12.32 0.73 14.13 17.63 0.41 0.00 0.00 53.87 0.00 1.13 20.80 0.28 22.70 1.10 0.05 0.01 1.26 53.33 0.24 0.76 11.42 0.86 14.17 18.23 0.41 0.00 0.02 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 1078 1089 1045 1.02 0.95 1.08 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_185 25 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 28 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 25 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 30 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 25 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 35 / 1 53.33 0.24 0.76 11.42 0.86 14.17 18.23 0.41 0.00 0.02 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 53.33 0.24 0.76 11.42 0.86 14.17 18.23 0.41 0.00 0.02 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 53.40 0.27 0.73 11.24 0.81 14.16 18.26 0.35 0.00 0.00 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO 1049 1052 1044 1.01 1.00 1.06 Cpx LBTT_185 25 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 29 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 25 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 31 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 26 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 36 / 1 53.40 0.27 0.73 11.24 0.81 14.16 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 53.40 0.27 0.73 11.24 0.81 14.16 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 53.29 0.23 0.72 12.02 0.78 13.89 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 158 CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 18.26 0.35 0.00 0.00 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 18.26 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 18.30 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 1048 1052 1044 1.00 0.99 1.16 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_185 26 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 30 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 26 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 32 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 26 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 32 / 1 53.29 0.23 0.72 12.02 0.78 13.89 18.30 0.39 0.00 0.00 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 53.29 0.23 0.72 12.02 0.78 13.89 18.30 0.39 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 53.29 0.23 0.72 12.02 0.78 13.89 18.30 0.39 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Eqn 36 T(C ) 1048 1052 1056 1.09 1.07 1.02 Cpx LBTT_185 26 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 37 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 26 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 31 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 26 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 33 / 1 52.97 0.29 0.88 12.34 0.82 13.97 17.59 0.45 0.01 0.01 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 52.97 0.29 0.88 12.34 0.82 13.97 17.59 0.45 0.01 0.01 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 52.97 0.29 0.88 12.34 0.82 13.97 17.59 0.45 0.01 0.01 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 1061 1065 1068 159 Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1.18 1.11 1.10 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_185 26 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 33 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 26 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 25 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 26 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 21 / 2 52.97 0.29 0.88 12.34 0.82 13.97 17.59 0.45 0.01 0.01 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 52.97 0.29 0.88 12.34 0.82 13.97 17.59 0.45 0.01 0.01 53.87 0.00 1.13 20.80 0.28 22.70 1.10 0.05 0.01 1.26 52.97 0.29 0.88 12.34 0.82 13.97 17.59 0.45 0.01 0.01 53.25 0.00 1.54 20.75 0.34 22.50 1.13 0.03 0.00 1.16 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1072 1082 1070 1.04 0.96 0.96 Cpx LBTT_185 27 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 38 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 27 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 32 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 27 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 34 / 1 53.91 0.26 0.83 11.87 0.79 14.18 18.19 0.46 0.00 0.00 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 53.91 0.26 0.83 11.87 0.79 14.18 18.19 0.46 0.00 0.00 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 53.91 0.26 0.83 11.87 0.79 14.18 18.19 0.46 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 1048 1053 1056 1.12 1.05 1.04 160 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_185 27 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 34 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 27 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 39 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 27 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 33 / 2 53.91 0.26 0.83 11.87 0.79 14.18 18.19 0.46 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 54.13 0.26 0.76 12.26 0.74 13.93 18.09 0.37 0.00 0.00 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 54.13 0.26 0.76 12.26 0.74 13.93 18.09 0.37 0.00 0.00 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1060 1055 1059 0.98 1.18 1.10 Cpx LBTT_185 27 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 35 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 27 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 35 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 27 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 26 / 2 54.13 0.26 0.76 12.26 0.74 13.93 18.09 0.37 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 54.13 0.26 0.76 12.26 0.74 13.93 18.09 0.37 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 54.13 0.26 0.76 12.26 0.74 13.93 18.09 0.37 0.00 0.00 53.87 0.00 1.13 20.80 0.28 22.70 1.10 0.05 0.01 1.26 1062 1066 1076 1.09 1.03 0.96 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Cpx LBTT_185 Opx LBTT_185 Cpx LBTT_185 Opx LBTT_185 Cpx LBTT_185 Opx LBTT_185 161 Crystal/Point # 27 / 2 22 / 2 28 / 1 40 / 1 28 / 1 34 / 2 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 54.13 0.26 0.76 12.26 0.74 13.93 18.09 0.37 0.00 0.00 53.25 0.00 1.54 20.75 0.34 22.50 1.13 0.03 0.00 1.16 53.16 0.26 0.82 12.60 0.84 13.76 17.80 0.48 0.00 0.00 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 53.16 0.26 0.82 12.60 0.84 13.76 17.80 0.48 0.00 0.00 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 1064 1054 1058 0.95 1.22 1.15 Cpx LBTT_185 28 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 36 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 28 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 36 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 28 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 27 / 2 53.16 0.26 0.82 12.60 0.84 13.76 17.80 0.48 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 53.16 0.26 0.82 12.60 0.84 13.76 17.80 0.48 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 53.16 0.26 0.82 12.60 0.84 13.76 17.80 0.48 0.00 0.00 53.87 0.00 1.13 20.80 0.28 22.70 1.10 0.05 0.01 1.26 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1061 1065 1075 1.14 1.07 1.00 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt Cpx LBTT_185 28 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 23 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 28 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 23 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 30 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 41 / 1 53.16 0.26 0.82 12.60 53.25 0.00 1.54 20.75 53.16 0.26 0.82 12.60 53.29 0.02 0.97 21.09 54.14 0.27 0.87 11.19 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 162 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 0.84 13.76 17.80 0.48 0.00 0.00 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 0.34 22.50 1.13 0.03 0.00 1.16 0.84 13.76 17.80 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.26 22.16 1.14 0.04 0.01 1.35 0.76 14.31 18.36 0.41 0.01 0.01 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 1063 1077 1044 0.99 0.96 1.04 Cpx LBTT_185 30 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 35 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 30 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 37 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 30 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 42 / 1 54.14 0.27 0.87 11.19 0.76 14.31 18.36 0.41 0.01 0.01 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 54.14 0.27 0.87 11.19 0.76 14.31 18.36 0.41 0.01 0.01 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 53.38 0.26 0.91 11.67 0.74 14.22 18.16 0.38 0.00 0.00 54.62 0.03 1.08 18.41 0.26 24.59 0.80 0.00 0.00 1.32 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1048 1052 1052 0.98 0.97 1.10 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_185 30 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 36 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 30 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 38 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 30 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 37 / 1 53.38 0.26 0.91 11.67 0.74 14.22 18.16 0.38 0.00 0.00 54.47 0.08 1.22 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.83 0.02 0.00 1.30 53.38 0.26 0.91 11.67 0.74 14.22 18.16 0.38 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.02 1.22 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.91 0.03 0.00 1.41 53.38 0.26 0.91 11.67 0.74 14.22 18.16 0.38 0.00 0.00 53.52 0.00 1.03 19.83 0.26 23.28 1.00 0.03 0.01 1.30 163 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 1056 1059 1063 1.03 1.02 0.96 Cpx LBTT_185 41 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 40 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 41 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 44 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 41 / 1 Opx LBTT_185 40 / 1 52.50 0.41 1.36 11.91 0.79 13.60 18.03 0.47 0.02 0.00 54.73 0.00 0.74 18.99 0.24 24.67 0.71 0.01 0.00 1.31 52.50 0.41 1.36 11.91 0.79 13.60 18.03 0.47 0.02 0.00 53.63 0.00 1.20 18.24 0.30 24.67 0.73 0.03 0.01 1.31 52.50 0.41 1.36 11.91 0.79 13.60 18.03 0.47 0.02 0.00 54.44 0.00 0.75 18.76 0.24 24.30 0.96 0.03 0.00 1.27 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1056 1054 1049 1.14 1.18 1.13 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Cpx LBTT_185 41 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 44 / 1 Cpx LBTT_185 41 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 41 / 2 Cpx LBTT_185 41 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 45 / 2 53.48 0.27 0.87 11.02 0.79 14.54 18.39 0.42 0.00 0.00 53.70 0.01 1.08 17.32 0.31 25.83 0.64 0.04 0.00 1.34 53.48 0.27 0.87 11.02 0.79 14.54 18.39 0.42 0.00 0.00 54.73 0.00 0.74 18.99 0.24 24.67 0.71 0.01 0.00 1.31 53.48 0.27 0.87 11.02 0.79 14.54 18.39 0.42 0.00 0.00 53.63 0.00 1.20 18.24 0.30 24.67 0.73 0.03 0.01 1.31 1055 1056 1055 1.13 0.99 4.6 1.03 164 Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx LBTT_185 41 / 2 Opx LBTT_185 41 / 1 Cpx MCTB_209 50 / 2 Opx MCTB_209 45 / 1 Cpx MCTB_209 50 / 2 Opx MCTB_209 49 / 2 53.48 0.27 0.87 11.02 0.79 14.54 18.39 0.42 0.00 0.00 54.44 0.00 0.75 18.76 0.24 24.30 0.96 0.03 0.00 1.27 53.32 0.53 1.82 10.43 0.45 14.99 18.08 0.36 0.01 0.01 54.62 0.04 1.13 17.17 0.32 25.26 0.80 0.05 0.00 1.49 53.32 0.53 1.82 10.43 0.45 14.99 18.08 0.36 0.01 0.01 55.07 0.32 1.16 16.81 0.66 25.57 1.39 0.01 0.00 0.01 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 1050 1066 985 0.98 1.02 1.06 Table 1 Continued: Clinopyroxene-Orthopyroxene Pair Results Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Cpx MCTB_209 50 / 2 Opx MCTB_209 49 / 1 Cpx MCTB_209 50 / 2 Opx MCTB_209 45 / 2 Cpx MCTB_209 51 / 1 Opx MCTB_209 46 / 1 53.32 0.53 1.82 10.43 0.45 14.99 18.08 0.36 0.01 0.01 54.56 0.33 1.14 17.46 0.73 25.51 1.50 0.04 0.00 0.00 53.32 0.53 1.82 10.43 0.45 14.99 18.08 0.36 0.01 0.01 54.78 0.30 1.04 17.82 0.52 25.52 1.42 0.05 0.00 0.00 51.73 0.63 2.22 9.88 0.43 15.24 18.13 0.36 0.00 0.00 54.62 0.04 1.13 17.17 0.32 25.26 0.80 0.05 0.00 1.49 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) Sample # Crystal/Point # SiO2 989 1016 1070 1.02 1.00 0.95 Cpx MCTB_209 51 / 1 Opx MCTB_209 50 / 2 51.73 55.07 165 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Cr2O3 Eqn 36 T(C ) Observed KD(Fe-Mg) 0.63 2.22 9.88 0.43 15.24 18.13 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.32 1.16 16.81 0.66 25.57 1.39 0.01 0.00 0.01 990 0.99 166 Appendix D: Plagioclase-Liquid Thermobarometry and hydrometry Calculations Table 1: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 Feldspar 31 / 1 60.54 0.04 23.83 0.31 100.14 0.01 5.49 7.48 0.47 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 Feldspar 31 / 2 60.74 0.03 24.20 0.30 100.14 0.02 5.28 7.71 0.49 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 Feldspar 32 / 1 61.44 0.02 23.67 0.30 100.14 829 5.2 828 5.3 828 5.4 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.01 5.09 7.62 0.49 167 Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 100.14 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Feldspar 32 / 2 60.79 0.03 23.94 0.33 0.02 5.46 7.50 0.46 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 100.14 Feldspar 33 / 1 60.37 0.03 24.02 0.30 0.02 5.53 7.56 0.47 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 100.14 Feldspar 33 / 2 61.21 0.03 23.76 0.37 0.01 5.14 7.69 0.50 829 5.2 829 5.2 828 5.4 0.11 0.11 0.12 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 Feldspar 34 / 1 60.80 0.05 24.05 0.34 0.02 5.57 7.43 0.49 100.14 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 Feldspar 34 / 2 60.68 0.02 23.87 0.33 0.01 5.27 7.54 0.47 100.14 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 Feldspar 35 / 1 61.13 0.03 23.50 0.31 0.01 5.03 7.90 0.54 100.14 830 5.2 828 5.3 827 5.5 0.10 0.11 0.12 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 Feldspar 35 / 2 60.72 0.03 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 Feldspar 37 / 1 61.34 0.01 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 Feldspar 37 / 2 60.01 0.03 168 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 100.14 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 24.15 0.29 0.01 5.29 7.65 0.52 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 100.14 23.49 0.32 0.02 4.79 7.73 0.53 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 100.14 24.43 0.32 0.02 5.75 7.37 0.46 829 5.3 827 5.5 831 5.1 0.11 0.13 0.10 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 0.01 5.96 7.29 0.43 100.14 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO Feldspar 38 / 1 60.34 0.02 24.20 0.25 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 Feldspar 39 / 1 60.38 0.03 24.23 0.36 0.01 5.48 7.56 0.47 100.14 832 5.0 2 4.45 0.10 Liquid LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 Feldspar LBTP-185 70.27 0.38 14.46 2.19 0.08 40 / 1 60.72 0.02 23.58 0.34 Liquid LBTT156 69.79 0.36 14.10 2.14 0.07 0.01 5.85 7.43 0.45 100.14 829 5.2 2 4.45 0.11 Liquid Feldspar 39 / 2 60.12 0.05 24.61 0.33 831 5.1 2 4.45 0.10 Feldspar 13 / 1 61.20 0.03 23.89 0.26 Liquid LBTT156 69.79 0.36 14.10 2.14 0.07 Feldspar 13 / 2 61.76 0.02 24.14 0.24 169 MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 0.30 1.03 3.17 3.78 0.05 4.45 100.14 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 0.01 5.26 7.61 0.51 0.27 0.96 2.69 4.09 0.05 4.45 98.95 829 5.3 2 4.45 0.11 0.01 5.54 7.60 0.47 0.27 0.96 2.69 4.09 0.05 4.45 98.95 821 5.2 2 4.45 0.12 0.01 5.25 7.79 0.52 820 5.3 2 4.45 0.13 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) Liquid LBTT156 69.79 0.36 14.10 2.14 0.07 0.27 0.96 2.69 4.09 0.05 4.45 98.95 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Feldspar 14 / 1 61.75 0.02 24.24 0.31 0.01 5.16 7.87 0.53 Liquid LBTT156 69.79 0.36 14.10 2.14 0.07 0.27 0.96 2.69 4.09 0.05 4.45 98.95 820 5.4 2 4.45 0.13 Liquid LBTT156 69.79 0.36 14.10 2.14 0.07 0.27 0.96 Feldspar 14 / 2 61.84 0.03 24.09 0.33 0.01 5.09 7.82 0.49 Liquid LBTT156 69.79 0.36 14.10 2.14 0.07 0.27 0.96 2.69 4.09 0.05 4.45 98.95 819 5.4 2 4.45 0.13 Feldspar 15 / 2 62.46 0.07 23.37 0.27 0.02 4.51 Liquid LBTT156 69.79 0.36 14.10 2.14 0.07 0.27 0.96 Feldspar 15 / 1 62.02 0.03 23.86 0.30 0.01 4.86 7.94 0.53 818 5.5 2 4.45 0.14 Feldspar 16 / 1 61.35 0.02 24.11 0.32 0.02 5.17 Liquid LBTT156 69.79 0.36 14.10 2.14 0.07 0.27 0.96 Feldspar 16 / 2 61.98 0.04 23.86 0.32 0.01 4.88 170 Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 2.69 4.09 0.05 4.45 98.95 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 8.22 0.57 817 5.7 2 4.45 0.15 2.69 4.09 0.05 4.45 98.95 7.84 0.52 820 5.4 2 4.45 0.13 2.69 4.09 0.05 4.45 98.95 8.14 0.49 817 5.6 2 4.45 0.14 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) Liquid LBTT156 69.79 0.36 14.10 2.14 0.07 0.27 0.96 2.69 4.09 0.05 4.45 98.95 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Feldspar 17 / 2 61.45 0.04 23.37 0.28 0.01 5.22 7.84 0.50 Liquid LBTT156 69.79 0.36 14.10 2.14 0.07 0.27 0.96 2.69 4.09 0.05 4.45 98.95 820 5.4 2 4.45 0.13 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 Feldspar 20 / 1 62.16 0.03 23.32 0.36 0.00 4.69 7.84 0.58 Liquid LBTT156 69.79 0.36 14.10 2.14 0.07 0.27 0.96 2.69 4.09 0.05 4.45 98.95 819 5.6 2 4.45 0.14 Feldspar 1/1 61.88 0.02 23.72 0.29 0.01 5.14 7.83 0.47 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 Feldspar 20 / 2 62.56 0.02 23.63 0.33 0.01 4.97 7.71 0.57 820 5.4 2 4.45 0.13 Feldspar 1/2 60.99 0.03 23.98 0.29 0.02 5.33 7.63 0.47 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 Feldspar 3/1 61.94 0.02 23.62 0.33 0.01 4.79 7.90 0.57 171 H2O Total (-H2O) 4.45 102.32 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 4.45 102.32 835 5.3 2 4.45 0.10 4.45 102.32 837 5.2 2 4.45 0.10 835 5.5 2 4.45 0.11 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 102.32 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) Feldspar 3/2 61.85 0.01 24.05 0.33 0.01 5.29 7.64 0.49 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 102.32 837 5.2 2 4.45 0.10 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 102.32 Feldspar 4/1 61.51 0.03 23.78 0.30 0.01 5.48 7.50 0.48 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 102.32 838 5.1 2 4.45 0.09 Feldspar 5/1 61.58 0.02 24.38 0.30 0.01 5.76 7.70 0.46 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 102.32 Feldspar 4/2 61.32 0.02 23.88 0.34 0.01 5.43 7.84 0.48 837 5.2 2 4.45 0.10 Feldspar 5/2 61.73 0.04 23.27 0.30 0.01 5.15 7.68 0.50 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 102.32 Feldspar 6/1 62.76 0.02 23.35 0.28 0.01 4.70 8.00 0.57 172 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 838 5.1 2 4.45 0.09 836 5.3 2 4.45 0.10 834 5.5 2 4.45 0.11 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 Total (-H2O) 102.32 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 6/2 61.13 0.04 24.22 0.34 0.01 5.63 7.61 0.45 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 102.32 Feldspar 7/1 62.76 0.02 23.05 0.34 0.01 4.64 7.90 0.53 102.32 838 5.1 2 4.45 0.09 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Feldspar 9/1 61.92 0.03 23.78 0.31 0.02 5.16 7.78 0.54 Feldspar 7/2 61.65 0.05 24.23 0.36 0.01 5.53 7.60 0.47 102.32 834 5.6 2 4.45 0.11 Feldspar Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 838 5.2 2 4.45 0.09 Feldspar 9/2 62.05 0.01 23.82 0.29 0.01 5.43 7.59 0.51 102.32 836 5.3 2 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 Feldspar 10 / 1 62.41 0.02 23.60 0.26 0.01 4.72 8.08 0.58 102.32 838 5.2 2 834 5.6 2 173 Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 4.45 0.10 4.45 0.09 4.45 0.11 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Liquid LBTT185 71.24 0.39 14.87 2.29 0.09 0.32 1.11 4.06 3.44 0.06 4.45 Total (-H2O) 102.32 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 10 / 2 62.98 0.03 23.79 0.28 0.01 4.71 7.86 0.56 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 104.07 Feldspar 21 / 1 62.28 0.03 23.39 0.28 0.01 4.93 7.79 0.51 104.07 835 5.5 2 4.45 0.11 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Feldspar 22 / 2 61.83 0.04 24.06 0.32 0.01 5.51 7.75 0.48 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Feldspar 21 / 2 62.06 0.04 23.98 0.35 0.02 5.37 7.55 0.48 104.07 878 5.6 2 4.45 0.13 Feldspar 881 5.4 2 4.45 0.11 Feldspar 23 / 1 63.29 0.03 23.22 0.26 0.01 4.45 8.14 0.63 104.07 881 5.4 2 4.45 0.11 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Feldspar 23 / 2 62.75 0.01 23.27 0.31 0.01 4.36 8.09 0.62 104.07 877 5.9 2 4.45 0.15 876 5.9 2 4.45 0.15 174 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Total (-H2O) 104.07 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 24 / 1 62.93 0.02 23.12 0.28 0.00 4.57 8.08 0.57 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 104.07 Feldspar 24 / 2 63.50 0.02 23.08 0.30 0.01 4.32 8.02 0.61 104.07 877 5.9 2 4.45 0.14 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Feldspar 26 / 1 61.75 0.02 24.26 0.32 0.02 5.54 7.62 0.47 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Feldspar 25 / 2 62.01 0.03 23.92 0.34 0.01 5.47 7.72 0.48 104.07 876 5.9 2 4.45 0.15 Feldspar 880 5.4 2 4.45 0.12 Feldspar 26 / 2 62.08 0.03 23.86 0.31 0.01 5.13 7.93 0.48 104.07 881 5.4 2 4.45 0.11 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Feldspar 27 / 1 63.12 0.02 23.33 0.25 0.01 4.12 8.34 0.64 104.07 878 5.6 2 4.45 0.13 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results 875 6.1 2 4.45 0.17 175 Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Total (-H2O) 104.07 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Feldspar 27 / 2 63.94 0.03 22.92 0.28 0.00 3.56 8.34 0.79 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 104.07 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 28 / 1 61.57 0.03 23.62 0.32 0.02 5.15 7.57 0.51 104.07 876 6.4 2 4.45 0.19 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 Feldspar Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 30 / 1 60.31 0.03 24.55 0.33 0.02 5.71 7.37 0.47 Liquid LBTT185 69.21 0.27 17.00 1.62 0.05 0.20 1.81 6.43 2.99 0.04 4.45 0.01 5.23 7.82 0.50 879 5.5 2 4.45 0.12 Feldspar 30 / 2 62.38 0.02 23.40 0.33 0.01 4.36 8.05 0.58 104.07 883 5.2 2 4.45 0.11 29 / 2 60.97 0.03 23.44 0.35 104.07 880 5.5 2 4.45 0.12 Feldspar Feldspar Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 Feldspar 41 / 1 60.56 0.00 24.12 0.18 0.01 5.51 7.61 0.54 104.45 876 5.9 2 4.45 0.15 831 5.2 2 4.45 0.11 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 Feldspar 41 / 2 60.85 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 Feldspar 42 / 1 61.08 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 Feldspar 42 / 2 61.13 176 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 0.03 23.83 0.25 0.00 5.04 7.59 0.57 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 830 5.3 2 4.45 0.12 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 0.01 23.78 0.21 0.00 5.09 7.57 0.56 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 830 5.3 2 4.45 0.11 Feldspar 43 / 1 61.01 0.03 24.16 0.18 0.00 5.15 7.68 0.55 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 829 5.3 2 4.45 0.12 0.02 24.18 0.20 0.01 5.24 7.54 0.54 830 5.2 2 4.45 0.11 Feldspar 43 / 2 60.58 0.00 23.89 0.18 0.00 5.31 7.49 0.55 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 831 5.2 2 4.45 0.11 Feldspar 44 / 2 60.75 0.03 23.98 0.21 0.00 5.19 7.84 0.54 829 5.3 2 4.45 0.12 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 Feldspar 45 / 1 61.05 0.01 24.33 0.26 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 Feldspar 45 / 2 60.68 0.02 24.11 0.23 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 Feldspar 46 / 1 61.37 0.01 23.29 0.21 177 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 0.00 5.32 7.76 0.55 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 830 5.3 2 4.45 0.11 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 0.00 5.41 7.44 0.54 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 831 5.2 2 4.45 0.11 Feldspar 46 / 2 60.99 0.02 24.40 0.23 0.00 5.33 7.38 0.54 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 831 5.2 2 4.45 0.11 0.00 4.87 7.72 0.57 828 5.4 2 4.45 0.12 Feldspar 47 / 1 61.63 0.01 24.02 0.25 0.01 4.72 7.87 0.59 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 828 5.5 2 4.45 0.13 Feldspar 47 / 2 62.09 0.02 23.83 0.23 0.01 4.87 7.76 0.57 828 5.4 2 4.45 0.12 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 Feldspar 48 / 1 60.81 0.01 24.31 0.20 0.00 5.48 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 Feldspar 48 / 2 60.45 0.02 24.50 0.24 0.01 5.71 Liquid MCTL206 73.11 0.24 15.03 2.45 0.08 0.25 1.12 Feldspar 49 / 1 61.27 0.01 23.96 0.18 0.01 5.29 178 Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 7.42 0.53 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 831 5.1 2 4.45 0.10 Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 4.45 102.29 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 7.58 0.49 3.51 4.17 0.04 4.45 104.45 831 5.1 2 4.45 0.10 Feldspar 51 / 1 61.32 0.01 23.49 0.20 0.00 4.88 7.85 0.59 Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 4.45 102.29 820 5.3 2 4.45 0.10 7.58 0.53 830 5.2 2 4.45 0.11 Feldspar 53 / 1 61.35 0.01 24.38 0.21 0.00 5.23 7.60 0.58 Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 4.45 102.29 822 5.1 2 4.45 0.09 Feldspar 53 / 2 61.01 0.01 24.55 0.18 0.06 5.41 7.59 0.57 823 5.0 2 4.45 0.09 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 Feldspar 54 / 2 61.10 0.02 24.07 0.21 0.01 5.09 7.75 0.55 Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 Feldspar 55 / 1 61.00 0.00 24.05 0.19 0.00 5.07 7.79 0.59 Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 Feldspar 55 / 2 60.82 0.02 24.28 0.24 0.01 5.37 7.75 0.56 179 H2O Total (-H2O) 4.45 102.29 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) 4.45 102.29 821 5.2 2 4.45 0.10 Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 4.45 102.29 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 4.45 102.29 821 5.2 2 4.45 0.10 Feldspar 56 / 1 60.94 0.00 24.22 0.23 0.00 5.38 7.74 0.56 Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 4.45 102.29 822 5.1 2 4.45 0.09 822 5.1 2 4.45 0.09 Feldspar 56 / 2 61.20 0.02 23.89 0.24 0.01 5.40 7.78 0.54 Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 4.45 102.29 822 5.1 2 4.45 0.09 Feldspar 57 / 1 61.28 0.01 24.04 0.23 0.01 5.27 7.64 0.53 821 5.1 2 4.45 0.09 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Total (-H2O) Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 4.45 102.29 Feldspar 57 / 2 60.99 0.01 23.88 0.23 0.01 5.21 7.78 0.54 Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 4.45 102.29 Feldspar 58 / 1 61.23 0.01 23.96 0.24 0.01 5.06 7.72 0.54 Liquid MCTA209 72.03 0.21 14.62 1.67 0.04 0.14 0.98 3.66 4.46 0.04 4.45 102.29 Feldspar 58 / 2 60.35 0.02 23.99 0.26 0.01 5.51 7.51 0.54 180 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 821 5.1 2 4.45 0.10 Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 Total (-H2O) 102.72 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 820 5.2 2 4.45 0.10 Feldspar 80 / 1 57.13 0.02 26.16 0.31 0.04 8.25 6.24 0.22 Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 823 5.0 2 4.45 0.09 Feldspar 80 / 2 56.56 0.04 26.40 0.26 0.03 8.62 6.06 0.23 102.72 1046 3.2 2 2.63 0.43 Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 Feldspar 85 / 1 55.35 0.04 27.14 0.41 0.04 9.66 5.55 0.16 102.72 1057 2.8 2 2.63 0.33 1049 3.1 2 2.63 0.40 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 Total (-H2O) 102.72 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Feldspar 85 / 2 56.51 0.03 26.79 0.30 0.03 8.85 5.90 0.21 Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 Feldspar 102.72 1051 3.0 2 87 / 3 55.06 0.06 27.41 0.36 0.04 9.75 5.41 0.16 Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 Feldspar 102.72 1058 2.8 2 1048 3.1 2 87 / 4 56.70 0.02 26.39 0.28 0.02 8.56 6.18 0.21 181 Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 2.63 0.38 Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 Total (-H2O) 102.72 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) 2.63 0.41 2.63 0.32 Feldspar 87 / 5 56.78 0.05 26.69 0.28 0.03 8.49 6.15 0.21 Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 Feldspar 87 / 6 54.87 0.03 27.90 0.40 0.04 9.85 5.39 0.18 102.72 1048 3.1 2 2.63 0.41 Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 Feldspar 87 / 7 55.25 0.04 28.63 0.40 0.04 10.28 5.39 0.17 102.72 1059 2.7 2 2.63 0.31 1060 2.7 2 2.63 0.30 Table 1 Continued: Liquid-Plagioclase Pair Results Sample / Crystal SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeOt MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 Total (-H2O) 102.72 Eqn 24a T(C ) Eqn 25b H2O (wt. %) Starting Pressure Starting H2O Equi. KD(Ab-An) Feldspar 88 / 3 56.29 0.05 26.87 0.32 0.03 8.89 5.91 0.21 Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 Feldspar 102.72 1051 3.0 2 2.63 0.38 88 / 4 56.54 0.03 26.64 0.27 0.03 8.58 6.13 0.20 Liquid MCTB209 56.34 1.74 16.39 9.14 0.17 3.82 7.05 4.25 0.62 0.58 2.63 Feldspar 102.72 1048 3.1 2 2.63 0.41 1056 2.8 2 2.63 0.33 88 / 5 55.39 0.04 27.77 0.44 0.04 9.60 5.60 0.19 182 APPENDIX E Normalized XRF Data Table 1: Normalized Major and unnormalized trace element results from XRF analysis. LBT146-1 LBT146-2 LBT156-1 LBT159-1 Normalized Major Elements (Weight %): SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO* MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Total 69.83 0.498 15.00 2.89 0.074 1.71 1.97 4.00 3.89 0.130 100.00 59.82 0.447 13.73 2.46 0.074 2.06 15.22 2.68 3.31 0.195 100.00 70.55 0.529 15.48 3.15 0.080 1.61 1.82 2.99 3.71 0.089 100.00 LBT159-2 LBT183-2 LBT183-3 70.45 0.476 15.65 2.84 0.069 1.83 2.00 2.99 3.62 0.072 100.00 69.50 0.505 16.18 2.91 0.095 2.22 1.84 3.14 3.52 0.090 100.00 68.72 0.612 16.95 3.39 0.093 1.39 1.67 3.00 4.06 0.121 100.00 70.20 0.535 15.87 2.96 0.084 0.89 1.39 3.67 4.31 0.096 100.00 0 5 10 9 691 46 122 0 3 9 13 647 40 150 4 5 10 21 665 42 141 1 7 10 15 771 47 132 Unnormalized Trace Elements (ppm): Ni Cr Sc V Ba Rb Sr 0 3 8 18 677 48 123 4 6 8 9 609 31 283 1 5 10 10 689 45 132 183 Zr Y Nb Ga Cu Zn Pb La Ce Th Nd U 366 41 18.3 19 9 61 11 32 50 5 36 1 309 42 15.6 17 15 50 10 31 52 4 33 0 379 37 18.8 20 9 63 11 29 47 6 33 3 382 37 18.4 19 10 66 9 25 51 5 33 1 369 36 18.9 20 7 66 12 34 64 5 33 1 383 37 20.4 22 17 58 9 25 60 4 32 0 375 41 19.6 23 11 68 11 29 63 6 37 2 Table 1 Continued: Normalized Major and unnormalized trace element results from XRF analysis. LBT185-1 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO* MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Total LBT185-2 MCTL88-1 MCTA88-1 MCTA88-2 Normalized Major Elements (Weight %): 70.96 0.532 15.22 3.07 0.084 0.72 1.47 3.95 3.89 0.107 100.00 69.22 0.556 16.31 3.18 0.096 0.95 1.93 4.38 3.26 0.116 100.00 0 4 9 17 785 52 113 368 61 20.2 19 7 68 12 54 0 3 11 18 745 45 170 347 44 17.8 20 10 70 12 34 67.26 0.285 16.23 2.80 0.073 2.62 4.56 2.60 3.50 0.067 100.00 70.77 0.336 15.48 2.93 0.081 0.81 1.55 3.20 4.64 0.211 100.00 MCTB88-1 57.98 1.559 15.65 8.47 0.196 3.40 6.56 3.90 1.67 0.610 100.00 59.27 1.494 15.61 8.11 0.159 3.53 6.61 3.31 1.41 0.505 100.00 14 25 24 172 543 31 388 169 35 12.0 20 38 130 11 19 12 24 21 173 442 29 401 154 31 11.0 20 19 93 6 17 Unnormalized Trace Elements (ppm): Ni Cr Sc V Ba Rb Sr Zr Y Nb Ga Cu Zn Pb La 2 6 7 6 502 52 119 312 33 15.2 19 19 66 10 24 0 6 9 10 686 68 109 301 39 15.7 18 20 34 7 29 184 Ce Th Nd U 60 5 60 4 64 5 37 1 45 6 26 2 62 7 28 1 43 3 28 0 38 2 28 1 Table 1 Continued: Normalized Major and unnormalized trace element results from XRF analysis. MCTL206-1 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO* MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Total MCTA206-1 MCTA206-2 MCTL208-1 MCTA209-1 Normalized Major Elements (Weight %): 70.41 0.309 17.33 3.07 0.100 2.35 1.35 2.12 2.93 0.037 100.00 70.14 0.361 16.44 2.93 0.067 0.80 1.57 3.30 4.30 0.082 100.00 5 7 8 12 490 50 112 331 31 16.2 20 16 75 12 20 51 8 23 2 2 7 10 11 713 67 123 303 39 16.4 21 22 23 11 31 53 6 29 2 57.97 1.512 16.32 8.45 0.163 3.31 6.23 3.58 2.01 0.458 100.00 68.89 0.645 16.03 4.03 0.119 0.92 2.24 4.36 2.62 0.146 100.00 MCTA209-2 67.22 0.304 13.47 2.72 0.072 1.40 3.87 5.09 5.71 0.154 100.00 65.87 0.722 14.69 4.54 0.119 1.61 2.78 6.23 3.19 0.254 100.00 0 5 8 24 714 76 236 255 36 14.2 15 11 44 8 22 51 6 30 1 2 7 13 44 639 60 224 241 39 14.5 18 18 131 10 28 47 4 27 2 Unnormalized Trace Elements (ppm): Ni Cr Sc V Ba Rb Sr Zr Y Nb Ga Cu Zn Pb La Ce Th Nd U 11 22 23 161 476 36 376 185 39 12.7 21 38 117 12 21 41 3 35 0 1 4 14 11 729 34 272 239 43 13.6 22 8 89 10 33 49 3 37 4 185 Table 1 Continued: Normalized Major and unnormalized trace element results from XRF analysis. MCTB209-1 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO* MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Total MCTB209-2 2082A certified 6500A Normalized Major Elements (Weight %): 60.95 1.061 17.01 6.65 0.158 2.35 5.04 4.98 1.37 0.432 100.00 58.21 1.414 16.69 8.13 0.169 3.26 6.29 4.40 0.96 0.484 100.00 12 28 20 100 587 12 342 230 42 16.3 21 47 93 10 27 50 5 29 0 15 29 22 153 472 11 416 175 35 12.5 18 21 97 8 16 33 2 22 1 54.69 2.304 13.58 12.89 0.202 3.61 7.23 3.30 1.83 0.362 100.00 54.93 2.295 13.71 12.61 0.199 3.65 7.23 3.21 1.82 0.355 100.00 certified3 67.69 0.680 15.06 4.60 0.042 0.97 2.15 2.98 5.53 0.297 100.00 67.88 0.673 15.19 4.49 0.042 0.98 2.14 2.83 5.48 0.296 100.00 17 19 8 52 1352 251 243 559 29 26.8 24 47 118 41 180 450 110 199 1 17 20 6 52 1340 245 240 550 28 27.0 22 43 120 42 180 445 105 200 2 Unnormalized Trace Elements (ppm): Ni Cr Sc V Ba Rb Sr Zr Y Nb Ga Cu Zn Pb La Ce Th Nd U 3 13 13 33 410 694 50 342 189 38 14.5 22 20 139 9 21 55 6 33 0 18 33 416 683 48 346 188 37 23 19 127 11 25 53 6 28 2 Samples 2082A and 6500A are results of standard analysis with their respective certified values. 186 APPENDIX F Unnormalized EMPA Data 187 Table 1: Unnormalized major element compositions of glass by EMPA Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K 2O P2O5 Total LBTP_146-1 21 / 1 . 69.69 0.40 14.09 2.16 0.05 0.30 0.99 2.00 3.38 0.06 93.11 LBTP_146-1 22 / 1 . 65.87 0.35 12.80 2.18 0.07 0.37 1.02 1.74 4.10 0.10 88.59 LBTP_146-1 22 / 2 . 69.42 0.38 14.34 2.25 0.05 0.30 1.07 3.49 3.49 0.06 94.87 LBTP_146-1 23 / 1 . 71.16 0.35 14.04 2.04 0.06 0.25 0.90 2.18 3.17 0.05 94.19 LBTP_146-1 23 / 2 . 70.76 0.35 13.98 2.04 0.08 0.24 0.87 2.71 3.28 0.06 94.36 LBTP_146-1 24 / 1 . 70.38 0.39 14.47 2.14 0.07 0.28 1.02 2.54 4.30 0.07 95.65 LBTP_146-1 24 / 2 . 66.92 0.36 12.73 2.13 0.04 1.42 1.24 1.07 3.77 0.06 89.73 LBTP_156-1 11 / 1 . 68.24 0.38 13.68 2.21 0.09 0.30 1.03 1.88 4.81 0.06 92.68 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K 2O P2O5 Total LBTP_156-1 11 / 2 . 70.19 0.37 14.21 2.24 0.06 0.29 1.00 3.27 3.42 0.05 95.09 LBTP_156-1 12 / 1 . 70.13 0.36 14.39 2.16 0.06 0.27 0.96 2.76 3.73 0.07 94.88 LBTP_156-1 12 / 2 . 70.40 0.34 14.32 2.17 0.05 0.27 0.97 2.64 3.70 0.05 94.91 LBTP_156-1 13 / 1 . 70.09 0.35 14.07 2.02 0.05 0.25 0.92 2.60 4.09 0.06 94.50 LBTP_156-1 13 / 2 . 70.39 0.36 13.81 2.10 0.07 0.24 0.87 2.49 4.38 0.05 94.77 LBTP_156-1 14 / 1 . 70.16 0.38 14.47 2.20 0.05 0.29 1.05 3.63 3.48 0.04 95.75 LBTP_156-1 14 / 2 . 70.27 0.39 14.44 2.14 0.08 0.29 1.02 3.21 3.45 0.05 95.36 LBTP_156-1 15 / 1 . 69.99 0.32 13.72 1.95 0.08 0.21 0.78 2.60 5.15 0.02 94.82 Table 1 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of glass by EMPA Sample LBTP_156-1 LBTP_159-1 LBTP_159-1 LBTP_159-1 LBTP_159-1 LBTP_159-1 LBTP_159-1 LBTP_159-1 188 Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total 15 / 2 . 68.01 0.35 13.86 2.17 0.06 0.30 0.95 1.77 4.70 0.05 92.23 LBTP_159-1 9/2. 69.61 0.38 14.35 2.19 0.05 0.29 1.00 2.78 3.55 0.05 94.26 6/1. 70.57 0.38 14.07 2.08 0.08 0.24 0.87 2.80 3.44 0.05 94.58 LBTP_159-1 10 / 1 . 69.87 0.38 12.94 2.07 0.07 0.29 0.98 1.37 3.77 0.04 91.76 6/2. 69.18 0.39 14.18 2.15 0.10 0.28 0.98 2.29 3.88 0.04 93.47 LBTP_185-1 26 / 1 . 70.14 0.37 14.68 2.25 0.08 0.31 1.07 4.01 3.42 0.07 96.39 7/1. 70.50 0.40 14.35 2.22 0.09 0.29 1.00 2.18 4.28 0.06 95.37 LBTP_185-1 26 / 2 . 69.86 0.38 14.76 2.19 0.07 0.31 1.06 4.20 3.32 0.05 96.19 7/2. 69.37 0.37 14.27 2.26 0.12 0.28 1.02 2.89 3.62 0.04 94.24 LBTP_185-1 27 / 1 . 70.18 0.37 14.65 2.22 0.10 0.30 1.09 3.38 3.72 0.06 96.06 8/1. 69.79 0.33 13.68 1.90 0.08 0.27 0.78 1.77 5.73 0.03 94.36 LBTP_185-1 27 / 2 . 70.04 0.43 14.09 2.25 0.11 0.33 1.08 2.12 4.03 0.06 94.54 8/2. 70.36 0.34 13.70 1.99 0.05 0.18 0.73 3.21 3.74 0.04 94.33 9/1. 69.70 0.36 14.41 2.21 0.10 0.30 1.00 2.88 3.29 0.05 94.29 LBTP_185-1 28 / 1 . 69.55 0.39 14.44 2.27 0.08 0.31 1.06 1.56 4.72 0.05 94.43 LBTP_185-1 28 / 2 . 70.73 0.40 14.73 2.25 0.06 0.32 1.10 3.78 3.31 0.07 96.75 LBTT_146-1 12 / 2 . 71.07 LBTT_146-1 13 / 1 . 71.37 Table 1 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 LBTP_185-1 29 / 1 . 70.96 LBTP_185-1 29 / 2 . 70.15 LBTP_185-1 30 / 1 . 70.74 LBTP_185-1 30 / 2 . 70.33 LBTT_146-1 11 / 2 . 70.63 LBTT_146-1 12 / 1 . 71.63 189 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total 0.37 14.17 2.00 0.10 0.24 0.87 3.43 3.47 0.04 95.65 LBTT_146-1 13 / 2 . 51.00 0.30 6.65 1.51 0.09 0.25 0.60 0.90 3.83 0.02 65.15 0.36 13.96 2.06 0.05 0.27 0.91 2.64 4.72 0.03 95.15 LBTT_146-1 14 / 1 . 72.63 0.34 14.20 1.88 0.06 0.21 0.86 3.84 3.85 0.02 97.89 0.37 14.49 2.20 0.05 0.28 0.98 3.44 3.52 0.05 96.11 LBTT_146-1 14 / 2 . 59.94 0.34 11.66 1.97 0.09 0.85 1.23 1.60 4.73 0.05 82.44 0.36 14.60 2.22 0.06 0.30 1.06 3.09 3.59 0.06 95.68 LBTT_146-1 15 / 1 . 68.71 0.37 13.83 2.05 0.08 0.28 1.07 3.56 3.56 0.07 93.60 0.34 13.95 1.96 0.09 0.21 0.77 3.22 4.88 0.04 96.07 LBTT_146-1 15 / 2 . 68.71 0.35 14.50 2.21 0.09 0.34 1.08 2.88 4.78 0.05 94.99 0.36 14.58 2.18 0.10 0.28 1.09 3.39 3.35 0.05 97.01 LBTT_159-1 1/1. 71.02 0.41 14.86 2.24 0.12 0.33 1.12 3.98 3.38 0.05 97.51 0.39 14.57 2.12 0.07 0.29 1.19 3.47 4.32 0.04 97.53 0.35 14.38 2.08 0.09 0.28 1.02 3.54 4.08 0.03 97.23 LBTT_159-1 1/2. 71.06 0.37 14.92 2.31 0.04 0.33 1.09 3.63 3.58 0.05 97.39 LBTT_159-1 2/2. 69.86 0.37 14.38 1.89 0.11 0.93 0.85 2.20 5.29 0.07 95.94 LBTT_183-1 6/1. 72.37 0.29 15.15 LBTT_183-1 6/2. 73.10 0.30 14.08 Table 1 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 LBTT_159-1 3/1. 73.10 0.32 14.08 LBTT_159-1 3/2. 73.00 0.33 14.22 LBTT_159-1 4/1. 72.27 0.33 14.23 LBTT_159-1 4/2. 72.87 0.32 14.24 LBTT_159-1 5/1. 72.19 0.33 14.20 LBTT_159-1 5/2. 71.72 0.30 14.17 190 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total 2.03 0.08 0.21 0.78 3.20 3.59 0.02 97.41 LBTT_183-1 7/1. 71.01 0.36 14.89 2.24 0.06 0.30 0.86 4.71 3.82 0.06 98.31 2.09 0.08 0.21 0.76 4.20 3.76 0.03 98.67 LBTT_183-1 7/2. 72.03 0.38 14.88 2.27 0.04 0.29 0.79 5.26 3.63 0.05 99.63 2.05 0.08 0.21 0.73 3.70 4.73 0.04 98.38 LBTT_183-1 8/2. 72.78 0.33 14.34 1.77 0.02 0.20 0.76 4.30 4.77 0.04 99.31 1.98 0.05 0.21 0.72 3.98 3.68 0.04 98.10 LBTT_183-1 9/1. 72.46 0.36 14.50 2.09 0.05 0.23 0.72 4.93 3.59 0.03 98.96 2.01 0.04 0.21 0.77 3.83 3.68 0.04 97.30 LBTT_183-1 9/2. 73.28 0.31 13.98 1.75 0.04 0.18 0.68 3.97 4.99 0.04 99.21 2.05 0.06 0.22 0.77 4.01 3.66 0.03 96.99 LBTT_183-1 10 / 1 . 72.05 0.39 15.06 2.41 0.06 0.32 1.07 4.78 3.93 0.03 100.11 1.80 0.07 0.17 1.10 4.76 3.50 0.03 99.24 2.00 0.01 0.19 0.69 4.47 3.98 0.03 98.85 LBTT_183-1 10 / 2 . 70.85 0.40 15.07 2.28 0.04 0.31 0.91 4.83 3.79 0.05 98.53 LBTT_183-2 6/1. 72.24 0.36 14.56 2.10 0.04 0.26 0.90 4.68 3.52 0.05 98.71 LBTT_185-1 21 / 2 . 71.87 0.38 14.78 2.25 0.06 LBTT_185-1 22 / 1 . 71.33 0.43 15.18 2.35 0.10 Table 1 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO LBTT_183-2 6/2. 71.42 0.36 14.84 2.07 0.06 LBTT_183-2 7/2. 70.47 0.37 14.43 1.79 0.07 LBTT_183-2 8/1. 70.62 0.37 14.67 2.19 0.06 LBTT_183-2 8/2. 70.04 0.42 14.69 2.27 0.08 LBTT_183-2 9/1. 71.58 0.37 14.78 2.28 0.06 LBTT_185-1 21 / 1 . 58.71 0.28 11.77 1.95 0.10 191 MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total 0.28 0.90 5.35 4.04 0.06 99.39 LBTT_185-1 22 / 2 . 70.94 0.39 14.95 2.40 0.08 0.34 1.15 4.18 3.50 0.05 97.97 0.20 0.86 3.61 5.13 0.06 96.99 LBTT_185-1 23 / 1 . 71.81 0.43 15.02 2.36 0.10 0.33 1.11 4.14 3.53 0.05 98.89 0.30 1.01 5.37 3.61 0.05 98.23 LBTT_185-1 23 / 2 . 71.67 0.39 15.23 2.38 0.12 0.35 1.18 4.00 3.36 0.07 98.76 0.31 1.08 5.05 3.57 0.05 97.57 LBTT_185-1 24 / 1 . 69.20 0.36 13.87 2.19 0.09 0.30 1.04 3.45 3.54 0.07 94.11 0.30 0.89 4.43 3.77 0.05 98.49 LBTT_185-1 24 / 2 . 71.06 0.38 15.11 2.28 0.06 0.32 1.16 4.49 3.18 0.05 98.09 0.25 0.90 3.09 2.64 0.04 79.74 LBTT_185-1 25 / 2 . 72.07 0.39 14.81 2.11 0.06 0.27 0.97 4.02 3.46 0.04 98.21 0.31 1.02 3.44 3.72 0.05 97.89 0.34 1.20 4.78 3.27 0.08 99.05 MCTA_206-1 6/1. 72.61 0.24 15.00 0.54 0.02 0.06 0.72 4.24 3.72 0.04 97.17 MCTA_206-1 6/2. 73.22 0.17 14.74 0.54 0.01 0.08 0.80 4.56 3.62 0.02 97.76 MCTA_206-1 10 / 1 . 71.16 0.22 14.66 1.97 0.02 0.10 0.73 MCTA_206-1 10 / 2 . 71.39 0.19 14.39 1.45 0.02 0.13 0.80 Table 1 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO MCTA_206-1 7/1. 72.85 0.22 14.94 0.54 0.00 0.08 1.02 MCTA_206-1 7/2. 73.35 0.23 15.01 0.53 0.01 0.08 0.94 MCTA_206-1 8/1. 64.57 0.25 14.33 3.45 0.02 0.43 0.95 MCTA_206-1 8/2. 59.54 0.19 10.47 0.20 0.00 0.06 0.64 MCTA_206-1 9/1. 55.43 0.18 13.60 2.13 0.05 0.83 0.89 MCTA_206-1 9/2. 67.27 0.19 12.92 1.01 0.05 0.12 0.78 192 Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total 4.58 3.48 0.06 97.77 MCTA_209-1 1/1. 70.94 0.25 14.80 2.36 0.06 0.23 1.13 3.73 3.71 0.05 97.26 4.21 3.59 0.03 97.99 MCTA_209-1 2/1. 67.86 0.25 11.70 1.22 0.03 0.19 0.90 3.09 4.71 0.04 89.98 2.64 4.57 0.05 91.26 MCTA_209-1 2/2. 72.04 0.16 14.60 2.17 0.06 0.16 1.01 3.99 3.73 0.04 97.96 3.94 3.92 0.04 79.01 MCTA_209-1 3/1. 72.14 0.22 14.66 1.76 0.06 0.12 1.06 4.02 4.84 0.03 98.88 1.32 3.77 0.02 78.21 MCTA_209-1 3/2. 71.67 0.21 14.86 2.13 0.04 0.15 0.93 4.05 4.22 0.05 98.32 2.53 6.20 0.03 91.10 MCTA_209-1 4/1. 72.57 0.20 14.53 0.90 0.00 0.12 0.93 3.33 4.81 0.02 97.41 4.69 4.12 0.04 97.70 4.66 3.77 0.03 96.84 MCTA_209-1 4/2. 72.61 0.22 14.56 1.58 0.04 0.13 0.91 4.10 4.29 0.04 98.48 MCTA_209-1 5/1. 71.88 0.21 14.29 1.45 0.03 0.11 0.96 3.15 4.74 0.04 96.88 MCTA_206-2 18 / 2 . 56.85 1.67 16.77 7.36 0.19 3.68 7.00 4.24 1.88 MCTA_206-2 19 / 1 . 58.46 1.48 16.16 8.02 0.19 3.54 6.39 3.68 1.89 Table 1 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O MCTA_209-1 5/2. 71.92 0.19 14.26 1.53 0.03 0.12 0.91 3.51 4.74 MCTA_206-2 16 / 1 . 55.44 1.67 16.12 8.52 0.15 4.28 8.31 3.62 1.62 MCTA_206-2 16 / 2 . 56.06 1.76 16.30 9.34 0.17 4.21 7.83 3.12 1.53 MCTA_206-2 17 / 1 . 58.89 1.45 16.86 7.73 0.18 2.66 6.26 6.68 0.49 MCTA_206-2 17 / 2 . 56.82 1.65 16.32 8.64 0.14 3.58 6.22 3.30 2.22 MCTA_206-2 18 / 1 . 54.49 1.81 16.19 9.12 0.20 4.15 7.85 3.39 1.58 193 P 2O 5 Total Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total 0.02 97.23 MCTA_206-2 19 / 2 . 56.27 1.58 16.22 9.04 0.22 3.74 6.95 4.25 1.80 0.53 100.60 0.53 100.25 0.59 100.89 MCTA_206-2 20 / 1 . 56.77 1.81 16.41 9.59 0.18 3.72 7.24 2.87 1.72 0.58 100.89 0.54 101.73 MCTA_206-2 20 / 2 . 56.80 1.77 16.50 9.43 0.15 4.19 7.49 3.75 1.65 0.61 102.33 MCTA_209-2 18 / 1 . 72.01 0.20 14.78 2.19 0.04 0.18 1.07 4.37 3.44 0.03 98.31 0.48 99.36 MCTA_209-2 18 / 2 . 70.81 0.25 14.85 2.49 0.07 0.24 1.21 4.66 3.45 0.04 98.07 0.55 99.33 MCTA_209-2 20 / 1 . 70.98 0.25 14.94 2.25 0.03 0.27 1.51 4.40 3.42 0.03 98.08 0.58 100.21 MCTA_88-1 16 / 1 . 69.39 0.20 13.82 0.46 0.05 0.13 0.88 3.11 5.42 0.01 93.45 Table 1 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total MCTA_88-1 17 / 1 . 39.77 0.09 7.45 0.58 0.17 0.14 0.61 1.61 3.09 0.03 53.53 MCTA_88-1 17 / 2 . 71.97 0.19 14.09 0.33 0.00 0.10 0.91 3.75 4.99 0.04 96.39 MCTA_88-1 18 / 1 . 71.81 0.22 14.66 2.17 0.07 0.18 1.26 4.49 3.51 0.04 98.42 MCTA_88-1 19 / 2 . 71.47 0.23 14.82 2.08 0.02 0.15 1.00 4.65 4.00 0.04 98.46 MCTA_88-1 20 / 1 . 72.59 0.20 14.65 0.71 0.00 0.11 1.02 4.02 4.20 0.05 97.54 MCTA_88-1 20 / 2 . 71.22 0.22 14.83 1.20 0.01 0.21 1.13 4.51 4.02 0.03 97.37 MCTA_88-2 1/1. 58.10 1.35 15.50 7.87 0.14 2.71 5.56 2.73 2.09 0.46 96.50 MCTA_88-2 2/1. 59.68 1.48 15.97 7.88 0.15 3.06 5.89 1.72 1.80 0.47 98.09 0.44 100.27 MCTA_88-1 16 / 2 . 72.71 0.21 14.39 0.27 0.02 0.06 0.79 3.02 6.20 0.04 97.71 194 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total MCTA_88-2 2/2. 56.62 1.61 15.94 9.51 0.21 3.91 6.48 4.45 1.48 0.53 100.74 MCTA_88-2 3/1. 59.84 1.41 15.95 5.48 0.19 3.44 6.51 4.03 1.91 0.48 99.24 MCTA_88-2 3/2. 57.62 1.58 16.07 8.67 0.17 3.53 6.42 4.45 1.57 0.53 100.61 MCTA_88-2 4/1. 55.28 1.85 16.58 9.50 0.18 4.08 6.78 4.69 1.55 0.55 101.03 MCTA_88-2 4/2. 56.51 1.78 16.76 8.43 0.18 3.71 7.18 3.94 1.73 0.58 100.80 MCTA_88-2 5/1. 57.42 1.49 16.21 7.26 0.14 3.61 6.60 4.69 1.73 0.48 99.64 MCTA_88-2 5/2. 57.29 1.57 15.93 9.72 0.15 3.67 5.89 4.64 1.55 0.56 100.96 MCTB_88-1 21 / 1 . 55.67 1.85 16.36 9.01 0.17 3.88 7.56 2.50 1.54 0.63 99.15 Table 1 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total MCTB_88-1 21 / 2 . 72.20 0.23 15.37 0.65 0.02 0.08 0.27 5.07 4.32 0.05 98.26 MCTB_88-1 22 / 1 . 58.95 1.77 17.11 7.39 0.12 3.38 6.92 2.10 1.76 0.64 100.13 MCTB_88-1 23 / 1 . 56.73 1.87 16.60 9.73 0.16 3.77 6.55 2.28 1.53 0.56 99.79 MCTB_88-1 24 / 1 . 59.31 1.81 16.62 8.04 0.14 3.21 4.88 3.12 2.19 0.61 99.94 MCTB_88-1 25 / 1 . 57.11 1.94 16.52 10.12 0.14 3.65 6.03 1.86 1.59 0.62 99.58 MCTB_88-1 25 / 2 . 57.50 1.70 16.28 8.71 0.17 3.78 6.77 2.64 1.68 0.55 99.77 MCTB_88-2 26 / 1 . 55.25 1.82 16.05 9.74 0.18 4.03 7.06 4.09 0.72 0.56 99.51 MCTB_88-2 26 / 2 . 54.78 1.86 16.02 9.22 0.20 4.64 6.86 3.90 0.75 0.58 98.81 Sample MCTB_88-2 MCTB_88-2 MCTB_88-2 MCTB_88-2 MCTB_88-2 MCTB_88-2 MCTB_88-2 MCTB_88-2 195 Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total 27 / 1 . 55.65 1.49 16.80 9.31 0.14 3.14 7.75 4.02 0.61 0.56 99.47 27 / 2 . 57.02 1.77 16.75 8.50 0.15 3.39 6.62 4.80 0.55 0.58 100.13 28 / 1 . 56.30 1.72 16.28 9.44 0.19 4.01 6.61 4.44 0.70 0.56 100.24 28 / 2 . 57.02 1.68 16.32 9.26 0.19 3.79 7.27 4.24 0.61 0.57 100.93 29 / 1 . 56.25 1.78 16.18 9.34 0.20 3.87 7.36 3.83 0.50 0.62 99.93 29 / 2 . 57.52 1.74 16.36 8.89 0.13 3.53 7.06 4.05 0.59 0.59 100.44 30 / 1 . 44.94 1.19 13.85 7.39 0.16 2.85 5.53 5.33 0.64 0.38 82.27 30 / 2 . 57.28 1.82 16.76 8.59 0.17 3.94 6.84 4.87 0.54 0.58 101.38 Table 1 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total MCTL_206-1 11 / 1 . 70.05 0.23 14.55 3.09 0.10 0.20 1.13 3.46 3.55 0.05 96.42 MCTL_206-1 11 / 2 . 70.75 0.23 14.74 2.38 0.08 0.20 1.16 4.28 3.66 0.04 97.51 MCTL_206-1 12 / 1 . 70.84 0.19 14.32 2.17 0.07 0.21 0.97 3.09 4.16 0.00 96.02 MCTL_206-1 12 / 2 . 70.88 0.19 14.46 2.15 0.09 0.17 1.00 4.13 3.71 0.02 96.81 MCTL_206-1 13 / 1 . 63.41 0.23 12.76 2.26 0.06 0.56 1.00 2.07 3.60 0.04 86.00 MCTL_206-1 13 / 2 . 69.22 0.37 14.65 2.40 0.07 0.30 1.25 1.97 6.03 0.06 96.31 MCTL_206-1 14 / 2 . 69.88 0.23 14.70 2.39 0.06 0.19 1.13 3.88 3.53 0.05 96.04 MCTL_206-1 15 / 1 . 71.44 0.21 14.47 2.04 0.04 0.15 0.97 3.54 3.81 0.06 96.73 Sample Run # SiO2 MCTL_206-1 15 / 2 . 71.02 MCTL_208-1 26 / 1 . 65.35 MCTL_208-1 26 / 2 . 51.10 MCTL_208-1 28 / 1 . 66.35 MCTL_208-1 28 / 2 . 54.35 MCTL_208-1 29 / 1 . 68.00 MCTL_208-1 29 / 2 . 7.04 MCTL_88-1 1/1. 68.91 196 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total 0.21 14.34 2.14 0.09 0.16 0.98 3.86 3.73 0.04 96.56 0.58 14.56 3.37 0.10 0.61 1.71 2.20 2.57 0.15 91.21 0.49 13.31 2.99 0.11 0.61 1.73 3.54 3.23 0.14 77.24 0.53 14.22 3.53 0.13 0.60 1.98 1.44 2.56 0.15 91.48 0.52 13.25 3.02 0.06 0.75 1.48 1.26 1.95 0.14 76.79 0.58 15.79 3.54 0.14 0.64 2.05 1.27 2.57 0.18 94.75 0.07 1.60 0.46 0.02 0.12 0.33 0.23 0.24 0.03 10.14 Table 1 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total MCTL_88-1 1/2. 70.63 0.22 14.76 2.39 0.09 0.20 1.11 4.05 3.61 0.03 97.09 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 MCTL_88-1 5/2. 71.68 0.19 14.61 MCTL_88-1 2/1. 69.91 0.24 14.60 2.37 0.06 0.26 1.14 3.41 3.80 0.04 95.83 MCTL_88-1 2/2. 62.98 0.22 11.80 2.10 0.09 0.16 0.97 2.26 4.26 0.02 84.85 MCTL_88-1 3/1. 70.24 0.22 14.84 2.46 0.11 0.20 1.16 3.87 3.60 0.01 96.71 MCTL_88-1 3/2. 70.84 0.22 14.84 2.42 0.05 0.20 1.15 4.46 3.66 0.03 97.88 MCTL_88-1 4/1. 70.90 0.20 14.89 2.38 0.06 0.19 1.13 4.57 3.62 0.03 97.98 MCTL_88-1 4/2. 70.82 0.24 14.89 2.44 0.07 0.21 1.20 4.07 3.57 0.05 97.55 MCTL_88-1 5/1. 71.80 0.20 14.71 2.23 0.07 0.16 0.99 4.51 3.77 0.04 98.49 0.24 14.38 2.36 0.08 0.19 1.10 3.35 3.70 0.03 94.34 197 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total 2.13 0.11 0.16 1.00 4.22 3.87 0.01 97.98 Table 2: Unnormalized major element compositions of mineral hosted glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total LBTP_185-1-pyx 1/2. 67.33 0.43 14.98 2.30 0.11 0.31 1.14 3.44 4.33 0.07 94.65 LBTP_185-1-pyx 1/4. 68.76 0.41 15.15 2.80 0.06 0.34 1.34 5.27 2.75 0.04 97.08 LBTP_185-1-pyx 1/5. 69.38 0.37 14.63 2.54 0.12 0.28 1.04 4.21 3.13 0.05 95.99 LBTP_185-1-pyx 1/7. 67.86 0.37 14.16 2.67 0.13 0.30 1.06 2.32 5.73 0.06 94.84 LBTP_185-1-pyx 1/8. 69.54 0.38 15.15 2.32 0.06 0.30 1.19 4.69 3.30 0.07 97.30 LBTP_185-1-pyx 1/9. 67.92 0.55 15.87 2.43 0.07 0.36 1.42 5.14 3.21 0.06 97.26 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO LBTP_185-1-pyx 1 / 10 . 69.33 0.49 15.35 2.50 0.05 LBTT_185-1-pyx 3/3. 68.31 0.43 16.12 2.82 0.10 LBTT_185-1-pyx 3/5. 67.80 0.51 16.29 2.70 0.07 LBTT_185-1-pyx 3/6. 67.26 0.38 15.68 2.57 0.11 LBTT_185-1-pyx 3/7. 67.77 0.43 16.15 2.68 0.08 LBTT_185-1-pyx 3/8. 68.32 0.39 14.83 2.44 0.07 198 MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total 0.34 1.33 4.99 3.02 0.06 97.68 0.42 1.49 6.25 2.56 0.12 98.80 0.39 1.36 5.88 3.26 0.11 98.67 0.34 1.11 4.07 5.71 0.06 97.53 0.41 1.50 6.36 2.38 0.07 98.02 0.31 1.01 5.51 3.13 0.05 96.24 Table 2 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of mineral hosted glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total LBTT_185-1-pyx 3/9. 69.37 0.38 14.75 2.67 0.07 0.30 0.98 5.37 3.18 0.04 97.35 LBTT_185-1-pyx 3 / 10 . 70.12 0.35 14.76 2.37 0.13 0.27 0.92 6.05 3.11 0.04 98.37 LBTT_156-1-pyx 4/1. 72.08 0.31 14.08 2.65 0.08 0.35 0.36 6.33 2.84 0.04 99.30 LBTT_156-1-pyx 4/2. 70.83 0.35 14.81 1.56 0.08 0.36 0.73 5.56 3.83 0.05 98.37 LBTT_156-1-pyx 4/3. 68.95 0.34 16.72 0.92 0.05 0.25 2.33 5.87 3.31 0.06 99.40 LBTT_156-1-pyx 4/4. 68.78 0.43 14.59 1.80 0.05 0.01 0.22 3.87 7.21 0.07 97.14 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO LBTT_185-2-pyx 5/1. 69.55 0.39 14.79 2.43 0.11 0.31 1.05 LBTT_185-2-pyx 5/2. 69.60 0.40 15.15 2.60 0.13 0.34 1.19 LBTT_185-2-pyx 5/3. 69.79 0.44 15.08 2.54 0.08 0.33 1.11 LBTT_185-2-pyx 5/4. 69.86 0.37 14.93 2.66 0.07 0.33 1.15 LBTT_185-2-pyx 5/5. 68.47 0.45 15.20 2.48 0.06 0.33 1.13 LBTT_185-2-pyx 5/6. 63.31 0.71 16.65 3.69 0.11 1.00 2.71 199 Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total 5.31 3.35 0.04 97.54 5.32 3.16 0.04 98.15 5.90 3.28 0.06 98.82 5.60 3.36 0.05 98.64 5.59 3.20 0.05 97.19 4.89 2.21 0.21 95.64 Table 2 (Continued): Unnormalized major element compositions of mineral hosted glass by EMPA Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P 2O 5 Total LBTT_185-2-pyx 5/7. 63.49 0.68 16.47 3.72 0.10 0.97 2.51 3.96 4.22 0.19 96.43 MCTA_209-2-pyx 2/1. 61.18 0.70 16.50 5.50 0.44 4.38 4.97 7.72 0.17 0.22 101.83 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O MCTB_209-2-pyx 7/6. 62.45 1.12 15.76 5.16 0.10 1.88 3.69 6.95 1.11 LBTT_185-1-plg 9/1. 68.45 0.41 14.47 2.29 0.06 0.31 1.08 3.21 6.27 MCTA_209-2-pyx 2/2. 56.35 0.05 27.67 1.03 0.05 0.04 10.03 6.26 0.18 0.02 101.68 MCTA_209-2-pyx 2/3. 33.35 0.04 0.01 42.19 1.23 18.74 0.18 0.02 0.01 0.05 95.84 MCTA_209-2-pyx 2/4. 0.28 0.00 0.00 1.79 0.13 0.14 54.39 0.02 0.01 41.39 100.11 MCTA_209-2-pyx 2/5. 3.03 0.00 0.00 5.10 0.29 1.68 50.20 0.01 0.01 41.66 103.41 200 P 2O 5 Total 0.33 98.85 0.06 96.85 Table 3: Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. Sample Run # LBTP-185-1 31 / 2 . LBTP-185-1 31 / 1 . LBTP-185-1 32 / 2 . LBTP-185-1 32 / 1 . LBTP-185-1 33 / 2 . LBTP-185-1 33 / 1 . LBTP-185-1 34 / 1 . LBTP-185-1 34 / 2 . SiO2 60.74 60.54 60.79 61.44 61.21 60.37 60.80 60.68 TiO2 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.02 Al2O3 24.20 23.83 23.94 23.67 23.76 24.02 24.05 23.87 FeO 0.30 0.31 0.33 0.30 0.37 0.30 0.34 0.33 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 CaO 5.28 5.49 5.46 5.09 5.14 5.53 5.57 5.27 Na2O 7.71 7.48 7.50 7.62 7.69 7.56 7.43 7.54 K2 O 0.49 0.47 0.46 0.49 0.50 0.47 0.49 0.47 Total 98.76 98.16 98.52 98.65 98.72 98.28 98.75 98.20 Sample Run # LBTP-185-1 35 / 2 . LBTP-185-1 35 / 1 . LBTP-185-1 37 / 1 . LBTP-185-1 37 / 2 . LBTP-185-1 38 / 1 . LBTP-185-1 38 / 2 . LBTP-185-1 39 / 1 . LBTP-185-1 39 / 2 . SiO2 60.72 61.13 61.34 60.01 60.34 58.19 60.38 60.12 TiO2 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.05 Al2O3 24.15 23.50 23.49 24.43 24.20 25.35 24.23 24.61 FeO 0.29 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.25 0.29 0.36 0.33 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 CaO 5.29 5.03 4.79 5.75 5.96 7.35 5.48 5.85 Na2O 7.65 7.90 7.73 7.37 7.29 6.52 7.56 7.43 201 K2 O 0.52 0.54 0.53 0.46 0.43 0.35 0.47 0.45 Total 98.66 98.43 98.24 98.39 98.50 98.08 98.52 98.85 Table 3 (Continued): Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. Sample Run # LBTP-185-1 40 / 2 . LBTP-185-1 40 / 1 . LBTT-156-1 11 / 1 . LBTT-156-1 11 / 2 . LBTT-156-1 12 / 2 . LBTT-156-1 12 / 1 . LBTT-156-1 13 / 1 . LBTT-156-1 13 / 2 . SiO2 57.99 60.72 57.88 57.18 58.70 57.55 61.20 61.76 TiO2 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 Al2O3 25.97 23.58 26.08 26.85 25.83 26.97 23.89 24.14 FeO 0.39 0.34 0.33 0.39 0.36 0.44 0.26 0.24 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 CaO 7.37 5.26 8.15 8.98 7.71 8.37 5.54 5.25 Na2O 6.66 7.61 6.24 5.95 6.48 6.29 7.60 7.79 K2 O 0.31 0.51 0.28 0.26 0.35 0.23 0.47 0.52 Total 98.76 98.04 99.03 99.69 99.48 99.91 98.98 99.73 Sample Run # SiO2 LBTT-156-1 14 / 2 . 61.84 LBTT-156-1 14 / 1 . 61.75 LBTT-156-1 15 / 2 . 62.46 LBTT-156-1 15 / 1 . 62.02 LBTT-156-1 16 / 1 . 61.35 LBTT-156-1 16 / 2 . 61.98 LBTT-156-1 17 / 2 . 61.45 LBTT-156-1 17 / 1 . 57.66 TiO2 0.03 0.02 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 Al2O3 24.09 24.24 23.37 23.86 24.11 23.86 23.37 26.45 FeO 0.33 0.31 0.27 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.28 0.28 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 CaO 5.09 5.16 4.51 4.86 5.17 4.88 5.22 8.23 Na2O 7.82 7.87 8.22 7.94 7.84 8.14 7.84 6.41 K2 O 0.49 0.53 0.57 0.53 0.52 0.49 0.50 0.26 202 Total 99.69 99.90 99.47 99.55 99.35 99.72 98.72 99.34 LBTT-185-1 1/2. LBTT-185-1 1/1. Table 3 (Continued): Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. Sample Run # LBTT-156-1 18 / 2 . LBTT-156-1 18 / 1 . LBTT-156-1 19 / 1 . LBTT-156-1 19 / 2 . LBTT-156-1 20 / 1 . LBTT-156-1 20 / 2 . SiO2 56.93 57.18 56.07 54.32 62.16 62.56 60.99 61.88 TiO2 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 Al2O3 26.71 26.84 27.27 28.87 23.32 23.63 23.98 23.72 FeO 0.38 0.41 0.48 0.36 0.36 0.33 0.29 0.29 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 CaO 8.88 8.30 9.38 10.85 4.69 4.97 5.33 5.14 Na2O 5.80 6.23 5.67 4.90 7.84 7.71 7.63 7.83 K2 O 0.22 0.27 0.19 0.16 0.58 0.57 0.47 0.47 Total 99.00 99.31 99.11 99.55 98.98 99.80 98.75 99.36 Sample Run # LBTT-185-1 2/1. LBTT-185-1 2/2. LBTT-185-1 3/1. LBTT-185-1 3/2. LBTT-185-1 4/1. LBTT-185-1 4/2. LBTT-185-1 5/2. LBTT-185-1 5/1. SiO2 60.69 60.25 61.94 61.85 61.51 61.32 61.73 61.58 TiO2 0.03 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.02 Al2O3 24.49 24.97 23.62 24.05 23.78 23.88 23.27 24.38 FeO 0.30 0.35 0.33 0.33 0.30 0.34 0.30 0.30 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 CaO 6.02 6.60 4.79 5.29 5.48 5.43 5.15 5.76 Na2O 7.41 6.99 7.90 7.64 7.50 7.84 7.68 7.70 K2 O 0.40 0.39 0.57 0.49 0.48 0.48 0.50 0.46 Total 99.34 99.64 99.19 99.67 99.10 99.34 98.71 100.22 203 Table 3 (Continued): Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. Sample Run # LBTT-185-1 6/2. LBTT-185-1 6/1. LBTT-185-1 7/1. LBTT-185-1 7/2. LBTT-185-1 8/2. LBTT-185-1 8/1. LBTT-185-1 9/1. LBTT-185-1 9/2. SiO2 61.13 62.76 62.76 61.65 60.76 60.39 61.92 62.05 TiO2 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.01 Al2O3 24.22 23.35 23.05 24.23 24.28 24.51 23.78 23.82 FeO 0.34 0.28 0.34 0.36 0.34 0.32 0.31 0.29 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 CaO 5.63 4.70 4.64 5.53 5.93 6.19 5.16 5.43 Na2O 7.61 8.00 7.90 7.60 7.25 7.47 7.78 7.59 K2 O 0.45 0.57 0.53 0.47 0.40 0.39 0.54 0.51 Total 99.42 99.69 99.27 99.90 99.00 99.34 99.54 99.70 Sample Run # LBTT-185-1 10 / 1 . LBTT-185-1 10 / 2 . LBTT-185-2 21 / 1 . LBTT-185-2 21 / 2 . LBTT-185-2 22 / 1 . LBTT-185-2 22 / 2 . LBTT-185-2 23 / 2 . LBTT-185-2 23 / 1 . SiO2 62.41 62.98 62.28 62.06 55.61 61.83 62.75 63.29 TiO2 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.03 Al2O3 23.60 23.79 23.39 23.98 28.02 24.06 23.27 23.22 FeO 0.26 0.28 0.28 0.35 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.26 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 CaO 4.72 4.71 4.93 5.37 10.36 5.51 4.36 4.45 Na2O 8.08 7.86 7.79 7.55 5.20 7.75 8.09 8.14 K2 O 0.58 0.56 0.51 0.48 0.20 0.48 0.62 0.63 Total 99.69 100.22 99.22 99.85 99.78 100.01 99.43 100.02 204 Table 3 (Continued): Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. Sample Run # LBTT-185-2 24 / 1 . LBTT-185-2 24 / 2 . LBTT-185-2 25 / 1 . LBTT-185-2 25 / 2 . LBTT-185-2 26 / 2 . LBTT-185-2 26 / 1 . LBTT-185-2 27 / 1 . LBTT-185-2 27 / 2 . SiO2 62.93 63.50 57.12 62.01 62.08 61.75 63.12 63.94 TiO2 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 Al2O3 23.12 23.08 27.13 23.92 23.86 24.26 23.33 22.92 FeO 0.28 0.30 0.37 0.34 0.31 0.32 0.25 0.28 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 CaO 4.57 4.32 8.92 5.47 5.13 5.54 4.12 3.56 Na2O 8.08 8.02 5.88 7.72 7.93 7.62 8.34 8.34 K2 O 0.57 0.61 0.26 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.64 0.79 Total 99.57 99.85 99.76 99.98 99.83 99.99 99.83 99.85 Sample Run # SiO2 LBTT-185-2 28 / 1 . 61.57 LBTT-185-2 28 / 2 . 58.95 LBTT-185-2 29 / 1 . 55.08 LBTT-185-2 29 / 2 . 60.97 LBTT-185-2 30 / 1 . 60.31 LBTT-185-2 30 / 2 . 62.38 MCTA-209-1 51 / 1 . 61.32 MCTA-209-1 52 / 2 . 61.08 TiO2 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 Al2O3 23.62 25.55 27.92 23.44 24.55 23.40 23.49 24.22 FeO 0.32 0.25 0.35 0.35 0.33 0.33 0.20 0.21 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.01 CaO 5.15 6.81 9.85 5.23 5.71 4.36 4.88 5.51 Na2O 7.57 6.85 5.35 7.82 7.37 8.05 7.85 7.45 K2 O 0.51 0.35 0.20 0.50 0.47 0.58 0.59 0.54 Total 98.79 98.83 98.83 98.35 98.79 99.13 98.35 99.03 Table 3 (Continued): Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. 205 Sample Run # MCTA-209-1 52 / 1 . MCTA-209-1 53 / 1 . MCTA-209-1 53 / 2 . MCTA-209-1 54 / 1 . MCTA-209-1 54 / 2 . MCTA-209-1 55 / 1 . MCTA-209-1 55 / 2 . MCTA-209-1 56 / 2 . SiO2 60.67 61.35 61.01 60.74 61.10 61.00 60.82 61.20 TiO2 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.02 Al2O3 23.79 24.38 24.55 23.93 24.07 24.05 24.28 23.89 FeO 0.22 0.21 0.18 0.21 0.21 0.19 0.24 0.24 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.01 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 CaO 5.44 5.23 5.41 5.57 5.09 5.07 5.37 5.40 Na2O 7.57 7.60 7.59 7.54 7.75 7.79 7.75 7.78 K2 O 0.53 0.58 0.57 0.53 0.55 0.59 0.56 0.54 Total 98.24 99.36 99.37 98.53 98.80 98.69 99.05 99.06 Sample Run # MCTA-209-1 56 / 1 . MCTA-209-1 57 / 2 . MCTA-209-1 57 / 1 . MCTA-209-1 58 / 1 . MCTA-209-1 58 / 2 . MCTA-209-1 59 / 1 . MCTA-209-1 59 / 2 . MCTA-209-1 68 / 1 . SiO2 60.94 60.99 61.28 61.23 60.35 55.43 54.85 55.34 TiO2 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.04 Al2O3 24.22 23.88 24.04 23.96 23.99 27.53 27.45 27.48 FeO 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.35 0.39 0.35 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.04 CaO 5.38 5.21 5.27 5.06 5.51 9.66 9.87 9.69 Na2O 7.74 7.78 7.64 7.72 7.51 5.62 5.35 5.47 K2 O 0.56 0.54 0.53 0.54 0.54 0.19 0.18 0.20 Total 99.08 98.65 99.00 98.76 98.17 98.85 98.16 98.61 Table 3 (Continued): Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. Sample MCTA-209-1 MCTA-209-1 MCTA-209-1 MCTA-209-2 MCTA-209-2 MCTA-209-2 MCTA-209-2 MCTA-209-2 206 Run # 68 / 2 . 69 / 2 . 69 / 1 . 60 / 1 . 60 / 2 . 61 / 2 . 61 / 1 . 62 / 1 . SiO2 55.37 55.42 55.33 61.00 61.25 55.05 55.33 61.04 TiO2 0.06 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.02 Al2O3 27.48 27.79 27.39 24.04 23.98 27.65 27.71 24.76 FeO 0.42 0.39 0.40 0.23 0.22 0.40 0.39 0.21 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.00 CaO 9.85 9.74 9.60 5.05 5.48 9.87 9.69 5.37 Na2O 5.27 5.35 5.49 7.60 7.76 5.29 5.47 7.59 K2 O 0.18 0.17 0.20 0.59 0.52 0.16 0.20 0.56 Total 98.67 98.91 98.50 98.51 99.26 98.53 98.89 99.55 Sample Run # MCTA-209-2 62 / 2 . MCTA-209-2 63 / 2 . MCTA-209-2 63 / 1 . MCTA-209-2 64 / 1 . MCTA-209-2 64 / 2 . MCTA-209-2 65 / 1 . MCTA-209-2 65 / 2 . MCTA-209-2 66 / 2 . SiO2 61.07 61.05 60.60 55.22 55.18 55.61 55.48 55.24 TiO2 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.02 Al2O3 23.38 24.34 23.90 27.72 27.53 27.49 27.82 28.02 FeO 0.17 0.22 0.16 0.41 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.33 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.04 CaO 4.85 5.38 5.41 9.74 9.58 9.49 9.74 9.69 Na2O 7.89 7.53 7.57 5.42 5.60 5.53 5.37 5.45 K2 O 0.62 0.54 0.53 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.16 0.16 Total 98.01 99.07 98.19 98.74 98.49 98.72 99.01 98.94 Table 3 (Continued): Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. Sample Run # MCTA-209-2 66 / 1 . MCTA-209-2 67 / 2 . MCTA-209-2 67 / 1 . MCTB-209-1 70 / 1 . MCTB-209-1 70 / 2 . MCTB-209-1 71 / 1 . MCTB-209-1 71 / 2 . MCTB-209-1 72 / 2 . 207 SiO2 55.61 55.98 55.44 45.03 45.15 58.93 62.07 45.70 TiO2 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 Al2O3 27.91 27.06 27.31 34.52 34.75 25.52 23.58 34.21 FeO 0.40 0.34 0.46 0.42 0.39 0.22 0.20 0.39 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.09 0.09 0.01 0.01 0.10 CaO 9.81 9.33 9.61 17.79 17.81 6.68 4.38 17.61 Na2O 5.35 5.54 5.46 1.16 1.11 6.99 7.79 1.40 K2 O 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.00 0.02 0.40 0.74 0.04 Total 99.37 98.51 98.56 99.05 99.36 98.79 98.79 99.46 Sample Run # SiO2 MCTB-209-1 72 / 1 . 45.56 MCTB-209-1 73 / 1 . 45.23 MCTB-209-1 73 / 2 . 45.51 MCTB-209-1 74 / 1 . 60.89 MCTB-209-1 74 / 2 . 60.66 MCTB-209-1 75 / 1 . 45.34 MCTB-209-1 75 / 2 . 45.67 MCTB-209-1 76 / 2 . 45.50 TiO2 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 Al2O3 34.57 34.06 34.02 24.21 23.97 34.20 34.17 34.26 FeO 0.46 0.44 0.42 0.23 0.25 0.41 0.41 0.40 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.10 0.10 CaO 17.65 17.59 17.44 5.30 5.28 17.36 17.40 17.28 Na2O 1.36 1.33 1.39 7.56 7.44 1.40 1.44 1.42 K2 O 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.54 0.58 0.03 0.03 0.03 Total 99.77 98.79 98.94 98.76 98.20 98.86 99.25 99.01 Table 3 (Continued): Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 MCTB-209-1 76 / 1 . 45.42 MCTB-209-1 77 / 2 . 45.64 MCTB-209-1 77 / 1 . 45.84 MCTB-209-1 78 / 2 . 45.45 MCTB-209-1 78 / 1 . 45.61 MCTB-209-2 79 / 4 . 46.21 MCTB-209-2 79 / 2 . 45.15 MCTB-209-2 79 / 1 . 46.39 208 TiO2 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 Al2O3 34.27 33.77 34.04 34.10 33.92 33.72 34.62 34.04 FeO 0.43 0.43 0.42 0.38 0.42 0.42 0.47 0.46 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.19 0.11 0.11 0.12 CaO 17.40 17.38 17.14 17.44 17.46 17.11 17.67 17.06 Na2O 1.37 1.52 1.53 1.36 1.33 1.59 1.25 1.65 K2 O 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 Total 99.05 98.88 99.12 98.87 98.99 99.21 99.32 99.77 Sample Run # MCTB-209-2 79 / 3 . MCTB-209-2 80 / 2 . MCTB-209-2 80 / 1 . MCTB-209-2 81 / 2 . MCTB-209-2 81 / 1 . MCTB-209-2 82 / 1 . MCTB-209-2 82 / 2 . MCTB-209-2 83 / 2 . SiO2 46.37 56.56 57.13 45.01 45.35 45.87 46.29 45.31 TiO2 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 Al2O3 34.30 26.40 26.16 34.62 34.40 33.92 34.18 34.13 FeO 0.44 0.26 0.31 0.45 0.39 0.40 0.39 0.44 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.12 0.03 0.04 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.09 CaO 16.98 8.62 8.25 17.71 17.70 17.27 17.24 17.54 Na2O 1.61 6.06 6.24 1.28 1.25 1.45 1.60 1.23 K2 O 0.04 0.23 0.22 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.04 Total 99.87 98.20 98.37 99.23 99.24 99.06 99.88 98.79 Table 3 (Continued): Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. Sample Run # MCTB-209-2 83 / 1 . MCTB-209-2 84 / 2 . MCTB-209-2 84 / 1 . MCTB-209-2 85 / 2 . MCTB-209-2 85 / 1 . MCTB-209-2 86 / 2 . MCTB-209-2 86 / 1 . MCTB-209-2 87 / 5 . SiO2 45.62 44.89 45.37 56.51 55.35 44.77 45.40 56.78 TiO2 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 209 Al2O3 34.17 34.11 34.60 26.79 27.14 34.28 34.22 26.69 FeO 0.45 0.38 0.38 0.30 0.41 0.40 0.44 0.28 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.10 0.03 CaO 17.64 17.85 17.75 8.85 9.66 17.76 17.58 8.49 Na2O 1.28 1.24 1.25 5.90 5.55 1.28 1.27 6.15 K2 O 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.21 0.16 0.03 0.03 0.21 Total 99.31 98.60 99.45 98.61 98.36 98.66 99.08 98.67 Sample Run # MCTB-209-2 87 / 6 . MCTB-209-2 87 / 7 . MCTB-209-2 87 / 3 . MCTB-209-2 87 / 4 . MCTB-209-2 88 / 3 . MCTB-209-2 88 / 5 . MCTB-209-2 88 / 4 . MCTL-206-1 41 / 1 . SiO2 54.87 55.25 55.06 56.70 56.29 55.39 56.54 60.56 TiO2 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.00 Al2O3 27.90 28.63 27.41 26.39 26.87 27.77 26.64 24.12 FeO 0.40 0.40 0.36 0.28 0.32 0.44 0.27 0.18 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.01 CaO 9.85 10.28 9.75 8.56 8.89 9.60 8.58 5.51 Na2O 5.39 5.39 5.41 6.18 5.91 5.60 6.13 7.61 K2 O 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.21 0.21 0.19 0.20 0.54 Total 98.67 100.20 98.26 98.38 98.56 99.06 98.42 98.52 Table 3 (Continued): Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. Sample Run # MCTL-206-1 41 / 2 . MCTL-206-1 42 / 2 . MCTL-206-1 42 / 1 . MCTL-206-1 43 / 1 . MCTL-206-1 43 / 2 . MCTL-206-1 44 / 2 . MCTL-206-1 45 / 1 . MCTL-206-1 45 / 2 . SiO2 60.85 61.13 61.08 61.01 60.58 60.75 61.05 60.68 TiO2 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.02 Al2O3 23.83 24.18 23.78 24.16 23.89 23.98 24.33 24.11 210 FeO 0.25 0.20 0.21 0.18 0.18 0.21 0.26 0.23 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CaO 5.04 5.24 5.09 5.15 5.31 5.19 5.32 5.41 Na2O 7.59 7.54 7.57 7.68 7.49 7.84 7.76 7.44 K2 O 0.57 0.54 0.56 0.55 0.55 0.54 0.55 0.54 Total 98.17 98.84 98.30 98.76 98.01 98.53 99.28 98.43 Sample Run # MCTL-206-1 46 / 2 . MCTL-206-1 46 / 1 . MCTL-206-1 47 / 1 . MCTL-206-1 47 / 2 . MCTL-206-1 48 / 1 . MCTL-206-1 48 / 2 . MCTL-206-1 49 / 1 . MCTL-206-1 50 / 2 . SiO2 60.99 61.37 61.63 62.09 60.81 60.45 61.27 59.51 TiO2 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 Al2O3 24.40 23.29 24.02 23.83 24.31 24.50 23.96 25.40 FeO 0.23 0.21 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.24 0.18 0.22 MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 CaO 5.33 4.87 4.72 4.87 5.48 5.71 5.29 6.61 Na2O 7.38 7.72 7.87 7.76 7.42 7.58 7.58 7.05 K2 O 0.54 0.57 0.59 0.57 0.53 0.49 0.53 0.38 Total 98.89 98.03 99.09 99.38 98.77 98.99 98.83 99.19 Table 3 (Continued): Unnomalized major element compositions of plagioclase by EMPA. Sample Run # MCTL-206-1 50 / 1 . SiO2 58.93 TiO2 0.01 Al2O3 25.00 FeO 0.22 211 MnO 0.00 MgO 0.01 CaO 6.70 Na2O 6.97 K2 O 0.36 Total 98.21 Table 4: Unnomalized major element coompositions of clinopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total LBTP_185-1 1/1. 52.86 0.31 1.00 0.00 11.09 0.70 14.46 0.02 18.18 0.42 0.00 99.03 LBTP_185-1 1/2. 53.03 0.33 1.03 0.00 11.35 0.60 14.37 0.03 18.11 0.37 0.00 99.20 LBTP_185-1 2/1. 53.27 0.38 1.29 0.00 11.26 0.58 14.18 0.01 18.06 0.43 0.01 99.48 LBTP_185-1 3/1. 53.15 0.39 1.39 0.00 11.12 0.67 14.04 0.00 18.20 0.39 0.00 99.35 LBTP_185-1 3/2. 52.99 0.26 0.80 0.00 12.06 0.77 14.10 0.00 18.18 0.38 0.01 99.55 LBTP_185-1 4/1. 52.97 0.25 0.82 0.00 11.74 0.79 14.10 0.01 18.29 0.40 0.00 99.38 LBTP_185-1 4/2. 53.18 0.26 0.80 0.00 11.79 0.85 13.92 0.01 18.08 0.39 0.00 99.28 LBTP_185-1 5/1. 52.95 0.23 0.73 0.00 12.06 0.86 13.56 0.00 18.16 0.42 0.01 98.98 212 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total LBTP_185-1 5/2. 53.22 0.22 0.72 0.01 12.24 0.93 13.54 0.00 18.19 0.42 0.00 99.50 LBTP_185-1 6/1. 53.62 0.25 0.71 0.00 12.06 0.88 13.70 0.01 18.04 0.37 0.01 99.65 LBTP_185-1 6/2. 52.92 0.24 0.77 0.00 12.13 0.89 13.75 0.00 17.96 0.40 0.00 99.08 LBTP_185-1 7/1. 52.66 0.28 0.92 0.00 10.87 0.79 14.08 0.00 18.24 0.41 0.00 98.26 LBTP_185-1 7/2. 52.91 0.31 1.00 0.00 11.04 0.86 14.06 0.00 18.21 0.42 0.00 98.81 LBTP_185-1 8/1. 52.82 0.30 0.99 0.02 11.44 0.85 14.14 0.00 18.12 0.43 0.00 99.12 LBTP_185-1 8/2. 52.53 0.34 1.14 0.00 11.54 0.77 14.01 0.01 17.96 0.42 0.01 98.72 LBTP_185-1 10 / 1 . 52.96 0.24 0.76 0.00 11.65 0.86 13.91 0.04 18.11 0.50 0.00 99.03 Table 4 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of clinopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total LBTP_185-1 10 / 2 . 53.05 0.29 0.90 0.00 11.76 0.77 14.21 0.00 17.80 0.38 0.00 99.17 LBTT_156-1 32 / 1 . 53.46 0.26 0.87 0.00 11.28 0.89 14.39 0.00 18.11 0.44 0.00 99.72 LBTT_156-1 32 / 2 . 52.15 0.50 1.76 0.00 11.74 0.78 13.79 0.00 17.80 0.46 0.01 98.99 LBTT_156-1 33 / 1 . 54.22 0.26 0.83 0.00 11.32 0.78 14.32 0.00 18.32 0.40 0.00 100.44 LBTT_156-1 33 / 2 . 53.82 0.25 0.82 0.00 11.36 0.80 14.37 0.08 18.28 0.38 0.00 100.18 LBTT_156-1 34 / 1 . 53.33 0.27 0.90 0.02 11.33 0.77 14.33 0.01 18.14 0.39 0.00 99.51 LBTT_156-1 34 / 2 . 53.70 0.26 0.88 0.00 11.54 0.94 14.46 0.02 17.82 0.37 0.00 100.00 LBTT_156-1 35 / 1 . 53.53 0.28 0.87 0.00 11.09 0.78 14.34 0.01 17.99 0.43 0.00 99.30 Sample LBTT_156-1 LBTT_156-1 LBTT_156-1 LBTT_156-1 LBTT_156-1 LBTT_156-1 LBTT_156-1 LBTT_156-1 213 Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total 35 / 2 . 53.76 0.26 0.88 0.01 11.47 0.66 14.47 0.00 18.29 0.42 0.00 100.22 36 / 1 . 53.14 0.34 1.13 0.00 10.86 0.78 14.29 0.00 18.32 0.41 0.00 99.28 36 / 2 . 53.28 0.25 0.85 0.01 11.30 0.53 14.28 0.02 18.35 0.40 0.01 99.27 37 / 1 . 53.80 0.31 1.06 0.01 10.75 0.67 14.58 0.04 18.36 0.43 0.00 100.00 37 / 2 . 53.97 0.26 0.79 0.01 11.51 0.80 14.16 0.00 17.98 0.41 0.01 99.91 38 / 1 . 53.47 0.26 0.68 0.03 13.58 1.08 13.06 0.00 17.40 0.41 0.00 99.96 38 / 2 . 53.16 0.26 0.82 0.00 11.08 0.68 14.10 0.04 18.22 0.37 0.00 98.74 39 / 1 . 51.87 0.42 1.53 0.00 11.20 0.77 14.02 0.04 18.39 0.39 0.01 98.69 Table 4 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of clinopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total LBTT_156-1 39 / 2 . 53.37 0.27 0.85 0.01 11.25 0.70 14.32 0.01 18.40 0.42 0.02 99.63 LBTT_156-1 40 / 1 . 53.52 0.26 0.91 0.01 11.27 0.80 14.34 0.00 18.18 0.42 0.00 99.72 LBTT_156-1 40 / 2 . 54.07 0.26 0.84 0.01 11.13 0.78 14.28 0.04 18.24 0.37 0.00 100.01 LBTT_185-1 22 / 1 . 53.10 0.23 0.76 0.00 12.03 0.82 13.99 0.00 18.03 0.38 0.01 99.36 LBTT_185-1 22 / 2 . 53.71 0.25 0.82 0.00 11.70 0.81 14.16 0.02 18.05 0.44 0.00 99.96 LBTT_185-1 23 / 1 . 53.74 0.26 0.75 0.00 11.63 0.75 14.21 0.03 18.10 0.41 0.00 99.87 LBTT_185-1 23 / 2 . 52.74 0.25 0.76 0.00 11.64 0.81 14.21 0.00 18.28 0.41 0.04 99.14 LBTT_185-1 24 / 1 . 53.32 0.25 0.81 0.00 11.83 0.89 14.22 0.05 18.11 0.48 0.02 99.96 Sample Run # LBTT_185-1 24 / 2 . LBTT_185-1 25 / 1 . LBTT_185-1 25 / 2 . LBTT_185-1 26 / 1 . LBTT_185-1 26 / 2 . LBTT_185-1 27 / 1 . LBTT_185-1 27 / 2 . LBTT_185-1 28 / 1 . 214 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total 52.37 0.26 0.79 0.00 12.32 0.73 14.13 0.00 17.63 0.41 0.00 98.65 53.33 0.24 0.76 0.02 11.42 0.86 14.17 0.00 18.23 0.41 0.00 99.44 53.40 0.27 0.73 0.00 11.24 0.81 14.16 0.10 18.26 0.35 0.00 99.31 53.29 0.23 0.72 0.00 12.02 0.78 13.89 0.00 18.30 0.39 0.00 99.62 52.97 0.29 0.88 0.01 12.34 0.82 13.97 0.01 17.59 0.45 0.01 99.35 53.91 0.26 0.83 0.00 11.87 0.79 14.18 0.08 18.19 0.46 0.00 100.57 54.13 0.26 0.76 0.00 12.26 0.74 13.93 0.00 18.09 0.37 0.00 100.53 53.16 0.26 0.82 0.00 12.60 0.84 13.76 0.00 17.80 0.48 0.00 99.71 Table 4 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of clinopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total LBTT_185-1 28 / 2 . 53.44 0.25 0.82 0.00 11.10 0.78 14.23 0.00 18.32 0.38 0.00 99.33 LBTT_185-1 30 / 1 . 54.14 0.27 0.87 0.01 11.19 0.76 14.31 0.01 18.36 0.41 0.01 100.34 LBTT_185-1 30 / 2 . 53.38 0.26 0.91 0.00 11.67 0.74 14.22 0.00 18.16 0.38 0.00 99.72 LBTT_185-1 31 / 1 . 53.45 0.29 0.89 0.01 11.74 0.84 13.84 0.00 18.27 0.44 0.00 99.76 LBTT_185-1 31 / 2 . 52.58 0.33 1.05 0.00 11.75 0.77 13.56 0.00 18.04 0.47 0.00 98.55 LBTT_185-2 41 / 1 . 52.50 0.41 1.36 0.00 11.91 0.79 13.60 0.00 18.03 0.47 0.02 99.09 LBTT_185-2 41 / 2 . 53.48 0.27 0.87 0.00 11.02 0.79 14.54 0.01 18.39 0.42 0.00 99.79 LBTT_185-2 42 / 1 . 52.17 0.96 3.18 0.01 8.80 0.31 15.64 0.00 18.40 0.42 0.00 99.89 Sample Run # SiO2 LBTT_185-2 42 / 2 . 52.52 MCTA_209-1 11 / 1 . 52.18 MCTA_209-1 11 / 2 . 51.95 MCTB_209-1 43 / 1 . 52.83 MCTB_209-1 43 / 2 . 52.07 MCTB_209-1 44 / 1 . 53.10 MCTB_209-1 44 / 2 . 53.32 MCTB_209-1 46 / 1 . 52.81 215 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total 0.77 2.60 0.03 7.72 0.29 15.93 0.00 19.30 0.38 0.00 99.54 0.63 2.19 0.00 11.64 0.55 14.33 0.01 17.45 0.32 0.00 99.31 0.68 2.28 0.00 12.47 0.71 14.52 0.00 16.45 0.33 0.00 99.39 0.66 2.12 0.01 9.28 0.39 16.62 0.00 17.31 0.30 0.00 99.53 0.76 2.91 0.06 8.24 0.21 15.94 0.00 18.43 0.39 0.00 99.02 0.66 3.08 0.23 6.84 0.19 16.18 0.05 19.36 0.30 0.01 99.99 0.47 2.72 0.46 5.84 0.14 16.98 0.00 19.00 0.30 0.01 99.24 0.55 2.28 0.08 7.25 0.35 16.47 0.00 18.96 0.32 0.02 99.10 Table 4 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of clinopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total MCTB_209-1 46 / 2 . 53.51 0.53 2.24 0.04 7.04 0.19 16.44 0.00 19.15 0.36 0.01 99.50 MCTB_209-1 47 / 1 . 50.77 0.98 3.62 0.09 8.34 0.25 15.54 0.04 18.41 0.36 0.00 98.74 MCTB_209-1 47 / 2 . 50.99 0.98 3.59 0.09 8.56 0.19 15.52 0.00 18.46 0.32 0.00 98.69 MCTB_209-1 48 / 1 . 51.98 0.93 3.64 0.17 8.19 0.24 15.37 0.00 18.57 0.33 0.03 99.45 MCTB_209-1 48 / 2 . 51.39 0.94 3.58 0.19 8.01 0.26 15.28 0.00 18.66 0.36 0.00 98.68 MCTB_209-1 50 / 1 . 51.87 0.84 2.90 0.03 8.85 0.32 15.26 0.00 18.89 0.40 0.02 99.37 MCTB_209-1 50 / 2 . 53.32 0.53 1.82 0.01 10.43 0.45 14.99 0.00 18.08 0.36 0.01 99.99 MCTB_209-1 51 / 1 . 51.73 0.63 2.22 0.00 9.88 0.43 15.24 0.00 18.13 0.36 0.00 98.62 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 MCTB_209-1 51 / 2 . 51.31 0.98 MCTB_209-2 52 / 1 . 52.41 0.63 MCTB_209-2 52 / 2 . 51.77 0.82 MCTB_209-2 53 / 1 . 52.87 0.53 MCTB_209-2 53 / 2 . 51.98 0.83 MCTB_209-2 54 / 1 . 51.91 0.66 MCTB_209-2 54 / 2 . 51.78 0.84 MCTB_209-2 55 / 1 . 50.53 0.72 216 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total 3.28 0.02 9.10 0.34 15.40 0.06 17.80 0.36 0.01 98.66 2.99 0.15 7.59 0.24 15.85 0.00 19.17 0.31 0.01 99.33 3.66 0.27 7.56 0.30 15.64 0.00 18.93 0.36 0.00 99.31 1.77 0.00 8.57 0.39 16.53 0.00 17.76 0.28 0.00 98.70 2.94 0.06 8.36 0.30 15.62 0.00 18.74 0.44 0.01 99.27 2.60 0.01 9.99 0.56 14.91 0.02 18.08 0.37 0.01 99.13 2.92 0.03 8.89 0.38 15.45 0.05 18.28 0.35 0.00 98.98 3.89 0.37 5.97 0.24 15.92 0.00 19.48 0.33 0.00 98.11 Table 4 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of clinopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total MCTB_209-2 55 / 2 . 52.94 0.51 2.71 0.14 7.08 0.24 16.53 0.06 18.98 0.30 0.00 99.47 MCTB_209-2 56 / 1 . 52.64 0.71 2.49 0.01 9.74 0.46 14.98 0.05 18.23 0.36 0.00 99.68 MCTB_209-2 56 / 2 . 51.57 0.35 1.44 0.01 13.31 0.70 12.78 0.00 17.73 0.31 0.00 98.21 MCTB_209-2 57 / 1 . 52.04 0.76 3.74 0.33 7.06 0.28 15.83 0.01 19.10 0.30 0.00 99.45 MCTB_209-2 57 / 2 . 51.59 0.84 2.97 0.00 9.26 0.34 15.42 0.00 17.98 0.35 0.00 98.76 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 MCTB_209-2 59 / 2 . 51.88 0.79 2.62 MCTB_209-2 60 / 1 . 52.23 0.41 1.52 MCTB_209-2 60 / 2 . 51.68 0.67 2.34 MCTL_206-1 21 / 1 . 52.51 0.58 2.71 MCTL_206-1 21 / 2 . 52.58 0.58 2.77 MCTB_209-2 58 / 1 . 51.88 0.82 2.95 0.04 8.35 0.19 15.65 0.00 18.69 0.34 0.01 98.92 MCTB_209-2 58 / 2 . 51.38 0.93 3.33 0.04 8.15 0.16 15.53 0.04 18.87 0.37 0.02 98.82 MCTB_209-2 59 / 1 . 51.56 0.48 1.79 0.02 12.87 0.72 14.74 0.00 16.03 0.35 0.02 98.73 217 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total 0.00 9.31 0.35 15.38 0.02 18.30 0.36 0.00 99.01 0.00 13.87 0.70 14.00 0.09 16.58 0.33 0.02 99.74 0.00 10.48 0.45 15.16 0.02 17.60 0.38 0.02 98.79 0.09 7.54 0.20 16.18 0.02 19.25 0.27 0.02 99.37 0.04 7.59 0.28 16.19 0.00 19.13 0.29 0.00 99.45 Table 5: Unnomalized major element coompositions of orthopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total LBTP_185-1 1/1. 53.00 0.00 0.33 1.33 23.69 0.17 19.81 0.00 1.56 0.03 0.01 99.92 LBTP_185-1 1/2. 52.48 0.00 0.32 1.30 23.80 0.16 19.79 0.00 1.57 0.03 0.01 99.46 LBTP_185-1 10 / 1 . 52.50 0.00 0.76 1.20 21.70 0.22 21.80 0.00 0.98 0.02 0.00 99.18 LBTP_185-1 10 / 2 . 54.24 0.02 0.61 1.23 20.98 0.19 22.63 0.00 1.08 0.00 0.00 100.99 LBTP_185-1 2/1. 53.42 0.00 0.34 1.32 23.44 0.17 20.16 0.00 1.55 0.03 0.02 100.46 LBTP_185-1 2/2. 53.27 0.03 0.35 1.58 23.03 0.16 19.93 0.00 1.50 0.04 0.00 99.89 LBTP_185-1 2/2. 52.40 0.31 0.91 0.02 23.29 1.33 20.42 0.00 1.45 0.01 0.00 100.19 LBTP_185-1 3/1. 52.59 0.06 0.39 1.29 23.25 0.18 20.27 0.01 1.43 0.02 0.00 99.49 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 LBTP_185-1 3/2. 53.01 0.08 0.71 1.54 LBTP_185-1 4/1. 52.65 0.00 0.36 1.31 LBTP_185-1 4/2. 53.97 0.01 0.57 1.03 LBTP_185-1 5/1. 51.85 0.00 0.51 1.56 LBTP_185-1 5/2. 52.07 0.00 0.41 1.35 LBTP_185-1 6/1. 53.32 0.00 0.76 1.42 LBTP_185-1 6/2. 52.71 0.00 0.92 1.46 LBTP_185-1 7/1. 52.31 0.07 0.31 1.35 218 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total 22.88 0.25 20.41 0.02 1.29 0.02 0.00 100.22 24.10 0.17 19.89 0.00 1.32 0.05 0.00 99.86 18.33 0.18 24.13 0.00 1.07 0.01 0.01 99.30 25.23 0.25 18.48 0.00 1.60 0.04 0.02 99.54 25.01 0.16 19.07 0.01 1.63 0.01 0.01 99.74 20.99 0.25 22.48 0.01 1.08 0.03 0.00 100.33 22.27 0.27 20.96 0.00 1.36 0.04 0.01 99.99 24.00 0.17 20.05 0.02 1.52 0.04 0.00 99.83 Table 5 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of orthopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total LBTP_185-1 7/2. 52.77 0.00 0.68 1.32 24.11 0.26 19.70 0.01 1.23 0.04 0.01 100.13 LBTP_185-1 8/1. 52.00 0.04 0.65 1.37 24.39 0.23 19.57 0.00 1.45 0.08 0.02 99.79 LBTP_185-1 8/2. 52.85 0.07 0.39 1.30 24.00 0.15 19.85 0.00 1.47 0.01 0.00 100.09 LBTP_185-1 9/1. 51.96 0.00 0.29 1.34 25.27 0.16 19.24 0.00 1.52 0.02 0.00 99.80 LBTP_185-1 9/2. 53.33 0.00 0.35 1.39 24.10 0.18 19.69 0.00 1.33 0.04 0.01 100.43 LBTP_185-1 9/1. 53.51 0.30 1.16 0.00 21.40 0.96 22.46 0.00 1.24 0.05 0.00 101.25 LBTP_185-1 9/2. 54.15 0.25 1.02 0.00 19.27 0.80 23.79 0.00 1.28 0.02 0.01 100.58 LBTT_156-1 27 / 1 . 53.46 0.05 0.25 1.30 24.46 0.15 19.19 0.01 1.55 0.04 0.00 100.46 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO LBTT_156-1 27 / 2 . 53.24 0.00 0.28 1.34 24.37 LBTT_156-1 36 / 1 . 52.34 0.01 0.30 1.21 24.92 LBTT_156-1 36 / 2 . 52.13 0.02 0.35 1.32 23.13 LBTT_156-1 28 / 1 . 52.93 0.02 0.37 1.34 23.26 LBTT_156-1 28 / 2 . 53.38 0.00 0.39 1.31 23.48 LBTT_156-1 29 / 1 . 52.99 0.00 0.32 1.33 24.47 LBTT_156-1 29 / 2 . 52.93 0.00 0.41 1.33 24.46 LBTT_156-1 30 / 1 . 53.55 0.00 0.33 1.30 23.27 219 MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total 0.14 19.87 0.00 1.57 0.04 0.01 100.86 0.15 19.40 0.00 1.70 0.04 0.00 100.06 0.16 20.55 0.00 1.38 0.03 0.00 99.07 0.17 20.33 0.01 1.46 0.04 0.01 99.95 0.16 19.99 0.00 1.23 0.01 0.00 99.95 0.16 19.73 0.04 1.58 0.04 0.00 100.66 0.17 19.33 0.02 1.52 0.04 0.00 100.20 0.17 20.70 0.01 1.34 0.04 0.00 100.71 Table 5 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of orthopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total LBTT_156-1 30 / 2 . 52.33 0.00 0.61 1.23 24.95 0.29 19.08 0.00 1.50 0.04 0.00 100.02 LBTT_156-1 31 / 1 . 53.14 0.00 0.29 1.22 24.80 0.13 19.40 0.00 1.56 0.01 0.00 100.57 LBTT_156-1 31 / 2 . 53.19 0.02 0.29 1.27 25.08 0.14 19.54 0.00 1.57 0.02 0.00 101.11 LBTT_156-1 32 / 1 . 52.35 0.00 0.81 1.60 24.11 0.26 19.80 0.01 1.38 0.03 0.00 100.35 LBTT_156-1 32 / 2 . 52.89 0.04 0.39 1.31 23.95 0.16 20.50 0.03 1.39 0.06 0.00 100.72 LBTT_156-1 33 / 1 . 52.67 0.00 0.37 1.28 23.40 0.17 20.47 0.01 1.21 0.04 0.00 99.60 LBTT_156-1 33 / 2 . 54.38 0.00 1.07 1.46 19.24 0.32 23.44 0.01 1.14 0.02 0.01 101.09 LBTT_156-1 34 / 1 . 53.09 0.04 0.93 1.37 22.64 0.27 20.79 0.02 1.35 0.07 0.01 100.56 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO LBTT_156-1 34 / 2 . 52.79 0.06 0.33 1.27 24.61 0.15 LBTT_156-1 35 / 1 . 52.67 0.03 0.45 1.30 24.56 0.19 LBTT_156-1 35 / 2 . 52.93 0.07 0.41 1.31 22.87 0.18 LBTT_185-1 18 / 1 . 52.32 0.00 0.34 1.24 25.58 0.15 LBTT_185-1 18 / 2 . 53.41 0.03 0.26 1.30 24.90 0.15 LBTT_185-1 19 / 1 . 52.95 0.00 0.31 1.30 23.74 0.15 LBTT_185-1 19 / 2 . 53.28 0.00 0.49 1.29 24.05 0.19 LBTT_185-1 20 / 1 . 52.59 0.00 0.36 1.33 23.87 0.16 220 MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total 19.49 0.00 1.49 0.05 0.03 100.27 19.42 0.01 1.45 0.03 0.00 100.12 20.27 0.01 1.51 0.02 0.00 99.58 18.95 0.01 1.65 0.04 0.00 100.28 19.30 0.00 1.56 0.04 0.01 100.96 20.22 0.00 1.52 0.02 0.00 100.21 20.07 0.00 1.56 0.02 0.00 100.95 20.35 0.01 1.44 0.03 0.00 100.14 Table 5 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of orthopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total LBTT_185-1 20 / 2 . 54.47 0.08 1.22 1.30 19.04 0.29 23.87 0.00 0.83 0.02 0.00 101.11 LBTT_185-1 21 / 1 . 53.63 0.00 0.38 1.39 22.89 0.17 20.87 0.00 1.24 0.06 0.00 100.63 LBTT_185-1 21 / 2 . 53.25 0.00 1.54 1.16 20.75 0.34 22.50 0.02 1.13 0.03 0.00 100.72 LBTT_185-1 22 / 1 . 53.52 0.02 1.22 1.41 19.17 0.30 23.81 0.00 0.91 0.03 0.00 100.40 LBTT_185-1 22 / 2 . 52.71 0.00 0.38 1.33 24.87 0.17 19.21 0.01 1.49 0.04 0.00 100.21 LBTT_185-1 23 / 1 . 53.00 0.00 0.35 1.31 23.60 0.17 20.19 0.00 1.39 0.00 0.00 100.01 LBTT_185-1 23 / 2 . 53.29 0.02 0.97 1.35 21.09 0.26 22.16 0.01 1.14 0.04 0.01 100.35 LBTT_185-1 24 / 1 . 53.52 0.00 1.03 1.30 19.83 0.26 23.28 0.00 1.00 0.03 0.01 100.26 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO LBTT_185-1 24 / 2 . 53.87 0.00 1.13 1.26 20.80 0.28 22.70 LBTT_185-1 25 / 1 . 52.91 0.01 1.29 1.31 22.38 0.28 20.95 LBTT_185-1 25 / 2 . 52.84 0.00 0.66 1.28 22.82 0.19 21.12 LBTT_185-1 29 / 1 . 53.76 0.18 0.42 0.00 23.25 1.41 21.18 LBTT_185-1 29 / 2 . 53.67 0.17 0.38 0.00 23.26 1.63 20.89 LBTT_185-1 26 / 1 . 54.62 0.03 1.08 1.32 18.41 0.26 24.59 LBTT_185-1 26 / 2 . 53.44 0.08 0.35 1.27 23.51 0.16 19.68 LBTT_185-2 37 / 1 . 52.87 0.00 0.49 1.28 22.93 0.19 21.11 221 NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total 0.00 1.10 0.05 0.01 101.20 0.01 1.28 0.05 0.02 100.48 0.00 1.25 0.05 0.01 100.23 0.00 1.35 0.05 0.01 102.68 0.03 1.29 0.04 0.02 101.37 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 101.12 0.01 1.33 0.00 0.00 99.83 0.00 1.31 0.02 0.00 100.20 Table 5 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of orthopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total LBTT_185-2 37 / 2 . 52.53 0.00 0.62 1.27 22.59 0.20 21.18 0.01 1.36 0.03 0.00 99.80 LBTT_185-2 38 / 1 . 52.50 0.00 0.90 1.64 23.23 0.27 20.23 0.00 1.25 0.03 0.00 100.06 LBTT_185-2 38 / 2 . 52.54 0.00 0.34 1.32 24.57 0.16 19.37 0.02 1.66 0.02 0.02 100.02 LBTT_185-2 39 / 1 . 53.49 0.00 0.45 1.36 23.36 0.17 20.96 0.00 1.29 0.01 0.00 101.09 LBTT_185-2 39 / 2 . 53.91 0.02 0.59 1.33 22.93 0.22 20.77 0.00 1.27 0.04 0.01 101.09 LBTT_185-2 40 / 1 . 54.44 0.00 0.75 1.27 18.76 0.24 24.30 0.00 0.96 0.03 0.00 100.75 LBTT_185-2 40 / 2 . 54.73 0.00 0.74 1.31 18.99 0.24 24.67 0.00 0.71 0.01 0.00 101.39 LBTT_185-2 41 / 1 . 53.16 0.02 0.45 1.26 22.55 0.17 21.44 0.00 1.33 0.00 0.02 100.40 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO LBTT_185-2 41 / 2 . 53.54 0.00 0.76 1.29 21.84 0.24 21.58 0.01 LBTT_185-2 42 / 1 . 53.10 0.03 0.39 1.30 22.53 0.16 21.01 0.00 LBTT_185-2 42 / 2 . 52.85 0.01 0.90 1.24 22.98 0.25 20.78 0.01 LBTT_185-2 43 / 1 . 53.21 0.00 0.30 1.39 23.34 0.15 20.07 0.01 LBTT_185-2 43 / 2 . 53.25 0.00 0.27 1.32 23.05 0.14 20.42 0.02 LBTT_185-2 44 / 1 . 53.70 0.01 1.08 1.34 16.88 0.31 25.83 0.00 LBTT_185-2 44 / 2 . 53.63 0.00 1.20 1.31 18.24 0.30 24.67 0.01 MCTA_209-1 12 / 1 . 53.13 0.30 1.12 0.01 21.01 0.93 22.43 0.00 222 CaO Na2O K2 O total 1.25 0.03 0.00 100.54 1.28 0.04 0.00 99.83 1.10 0.02 0.01 100.16 1.61 0.04 0.00 100.12 1.47 0.03 0.01 99.97 0.64 0.04 0.00 100.32 0.73 0.03 0.01 100.12 1.44 0.00 0.01 101.30 Table 5 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of orthopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total MCTA_209-1 12 / 2 . 52.92 0.30 1.04 0.00 20.56 0.88 22.48 0.04 1.40 0.04 0.00 100.10 MCTA_209-2 13 / 1 . 54.41 0.41 1.43 0.00 16.15 0.55 26.13 0.00 1.60 0.02 0.00 100.83 MCTA_209-2 14 / 1 . 53.60 0.03 0.75 1.34 21.97 0.21 21.68 0.00 0.93 0.03 0.00 100.55 MCTA_209-2 14 / 2 . 52.72 0.06 1.01 1.43 21.28 0.29 22.01 0.02 0.90 0.05 0.00 99.76 MCTA_209-2 15 / 1 . 54.25 0.03 1.59 2.10 17.16 0.40 24.06 0.00 0.56 0.04 0.00 100.20 MCTA_209-2 15 / 2 . 53.58 0.03 1.46 1.84 18.26 0.38 23.49 0.00 0.67 0.02 0.00 99.73 MCTA_209-2 16 / 1 . 50.95 0.02 3.03 17.69 9.95 0.88 14.47 0.00 0.43 0.35 0.01 97.79 MCTA_209-2 16 / 2 . 51.10 0.04 2.90 18.22 9.31 0.86 14.60 0.00 0.36 0.37 0.00 97.76 Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO MCTA_209-2 17 / 1 . 52.63 0.02 0.79 1.42 21.47 0.24 21.30 0.00 1.00 MCTA_209-2 17 / 2 . 52.94 0.00 0.78 1.39 22.20 0.24 21.44 0.00 0.85 MCTB_209-1 45 / 1 . 54.62 0.04 1.13 1.49 17.17 0.32 25.26 0.01 0.80 MCTB_209-1 45 / 2 . 55.19 0.01 1.08 1.48 15.99 0.31 25.50 0.00 0.63 MCTB_209-1 45 / 1 . 53.08 0.24 0.77 0.01 18.69 0.78 23.67 0.04 1.45 MCTB_209-1 45 / 2 . 54.78 0.30 1.04 0.00 17.63 0.52 25.52 0.04 1.42 MCTB_209-1 49 / 1 . 54.56 0.33 1.14 0.00 17.22 0.73 25.51 0.00 1.50 MCTB_209-1 49 / 2 . 55.07 0.32 1.16 0.01 16.81 0.66 25.57 0.00 1.39 223 Na2O K2 O total 0.01 0.01 98.89 0.03 0.01 99.88 0.05 0.00 100.91 0.04 0.00 100.21 0.01 0.02 100.47 0.05 0.00 101.52 0.04 0.00 101.28 0.01 0.00 101.01 Table 5 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of orthopyroxene by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO NiO CaO Na2O K2 O total MCTL_206-1 19 / 1 . 54.78 0.32 1.11 0.00 18.29 0.80 24.60 0.04 1.40 0.01 0.00 101.35 MCTL_206-1 20 / 1 . 54.90 0.32 0.88 0.04 15.80 0.41 26.23 0.05 1.93 0.02 0.00 100.58 MCTL_206-1 11 / 1 . 54.38 0.03 1.14 1.42 18.20 0.31 24.12 0.00 0.81 0.03 0.01 100.44 MCTL_206-1 12 / 1 . 54.60 0.05 0.90 1.93 15.60 0.32 25.70 0.07 0.41 0.05 0.00 99.62 MCTL_206-1 13 / 1 . 51.25 0.05 3.20 18.92 7.82 0.64 15.74 0.12 0.23 0.34 0.00 98.32 MCTL_206-1 13 / 2 . 52.04 0.01 2.69 18.81 7.44 0.56 15.97 0.06 0.21 0.29 0.00 98.07 Table 6: Unnomalized major element coompositions of olivine by EMPA. Sample Run # SiO2 MCTB_209-1 4/1. MCTB_209-1 4/2. MCTB_209-1 5/2. MCTB_209-1 5/1. MCTB_209-1 6/2. MCTB_209-1 6/3. MCTB_209-1 6/1. MCTB_209-1 7/2. 39.59 39.92 39.48 39.73 39.78 39.61 39.90 39.65 224 TiO2 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 Al2O3 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.03 Cr2O3 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 FeO 15.51 15.65 16.84 16.61 15.77 15.97 15.88 15.79 MnO 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.25 MgO 43.30 43.46 42.67 42.96 43.49 43.52 43.62 43.39 CaO 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.18 total 98.84 99.53 99.48 99.85 99.47 99.52 99.90 99.30 MCTB_209-1 7/3. MCTB_209-1 7/1. MCTB_209-1 8/2. MCTB_209-1 8/3. MCTB_209-1 8/1. MCTB_209-1 9/3. MCTB_209-1 9/2. MCTB_209-1 9/1. SiO2 40.02 39.87 39.23 39.58 40.33 39.83 39.59 39.86 TiO2 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.00 Al2O3 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.02 Sample Run # Cr2O3 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00 FeO 15.37 15.71 15.70 16.10 15.42 15.61 15.83 15.76 MnO 0.24 0.23 0.18 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.24 0.24 MgO 43.57 44.06 43.31 43.39 43.56 43.38 43.55 43.54 CaO 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 total 99.45 100.11 98.65 99.54 99.77 99.29 99.49 99.60 Table 6 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of olivine by EMPA. Sample Run # MCTB_209-1 10 / 1 . MCTB_209-1 10 / 2 . MCTB_209-1 10 / 3 . MCTB_209-1 11 / 3 . MCTB_209-1 11 / 1 . MCTB_209-1 11 / 2 . MCTB_209-1 12 / 3 . MCTB_209-1 12 / 2 . SiO2 39.36 39.69 41.35 39.60 39.44 39.48 39.31 39.62 TiO2 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 Al2O3 0.03 0.04 0.13 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.03 225 Cr2O3 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.02 FeO 15.80 15.70 15.70 15.65 15.93 15.74 15.67 15.55 MnO 0.19 0.20 0.25 0.21 0.24 0.22 0.21 0.24 MgO 43.45 43.54 43.86 43.53 43.52 43.75 43.73 43.59 CaO 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 total 99.02 99.37 101.49 99.19 99.35 99.44 99.20 99.23 MCTB_209-1 12 / 1 . MCTB_209-1 13 / 1 . MCTB_209-1 13 / 3 . MCTB_209-1 13 / 2 . MCTB_209-2 14 / 1 . MCTB_209-2 14 / 2 . MCTB_209-2 15 / 1 . MCTB_209-2 16 / 2 . SiO2 39.57 39.44 39.86 39.48 39.53 40.02 39.66 39.63 TiO2 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 Al2O3 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.04 Cr2O3 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.01 FeO 15.80 15.72 15.50 15.64 16.25 16.16 16.27 16.01 Sample Run # MnO 0.25 0.23 0.24 0.27 0.25 0.19 0.25 0.26 MgO 43.59 43.44 43.31 43.56 43.37 43.83 43.55 43.17 CaO 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.17 total 99.43 99.04 99.16 99.18 99.67 100.46 99.97 99.30 Table 6 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of olivine by EMPA. Sample Run # MCTB_209-2 16 / 1 . MCTB_209-2 17 / 3 . MCTB_209-2 17 / 1 . MCTB_209-2 17 / 2 . MCTB_209-2 18 / 2 . MCTB_209-2 18 / 1 . MCTB_209-2 19 / 3 . MCTB_209-2 19 / 1 . SiO2 39.73 39.21 39.09 39.52 39.36 39.47 39.55 39.35 TiO2 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 Al2O3 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 Cr2O3 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01 FeO 16.26 18.22 18.22 18.24 18.26 18.43 15.93 15.98 226 MnO 0.25 0.24 0.31 0.27 0.30 0.29 0.21 0.21 MgO 43.42 41.81 41.94 42.17 41.14 41.45 42.88 43.08 CaO 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.16 total 99.88 99.73 99.80 100.44 99.33 99.90 98.81 98.85 MCTB_209-2 19 / 2 . MCTB_209-2 20 / 2 . MCTB_209-2 20 / 1 . MCTB_209-2 21 / 2 . MCTB_209-2 21 / 1 . MCTB_209-2 22 / 2 . MCTB_209-2 22 / 1 . MCTB_209-2 23 / 2 . SiO2 39.47 38.93 39.30 39.55 39.28 39.66 40.35 39.10 TiO2 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 Al2O3 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.04 Sample Run # Cr2O3 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.03 FeO 16.49 17.12 17.20 15.94 16.32 17.68 17.82 17.56 MnO 0.23 0.27 0.26 0.26 0.23 0.27 0.25 0.27 MgO 43.25 42.35 42.03 42.99 43.12 41.68 42.76 41.57 CaO 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.16 0.19 0.19 0.18 total 99.67 98.93 99.03 98.98 99.16 99.56 101.44 98.76 Table 6 (Continued): Unnomalized major element coompositions of olivine by EMPA. Sample Run # MCTB_209-2 23 / 1 . SiO2 39.39 TiO2 0.00 Al2O3 0.04 Cr2O3 0.04 FeO 17.98 MnO 0.29 MgO 41.83 227 CaO 0.18 total 99.76 228 APPENDIX G LA-ICP-MS Data 229 Table 1: Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U LBTP_185-1 1-1. 16.28 340173.90 10638.21 17.72 2864.49 4.70 699.34 1.39 55.12 118.12 80.00 779.88 22.54 2.58 1065.48 1000.72 45.00 75.36 10.98 49.89 11.24 1.81 11.22 12.66 9.52 9.74 13.88 8.73 1.97 LBTP_185-1 1-2. 13.65 340173.90 10445.58 18.02 3031.59 5.21 677.04 No_Data 54.48 116.85 70.65 730.36 22.18 2.33 965.57 901.08 40.89 67.68 10.10 44.63 11.21 1.63 11.28 12.22 8.62 8.54 12.32 7.89 1.77 LBTP_185-1 1-3. 8.49 339472.70 10842.79 18.60 3044.14 5.28 669.88 1.77 58.01 125.99 86.86 817.26 22.52 2.39 1003.25 1064.94 55.82 81.35 13.56 59.82 14.18 2.20 15.92 15.69 10.26 9.91 15.11 10.65 1.80 LBTP_185-1 1-4. 7.53 339472.70 11018.90 18.62 3209.23 5.99 667.24 No_Data 56.62 125.97 79.66 879.91 24.54 2.28 970.49 1015.72 45.90 69.78 10.87 49.81 11.74 1.77 12.87 13.77 9.23 8.74 13.36 9.67 2.01 LBTP_185-1 2-1. 6.88 341529.54 10916.25 20.08 3051.01 4.71 669.46 No_Data 62.44 122.02 82.13 769.57 20.80 2.47 980.24 1011.68 53.61 70.46 12.23 55.29 13.13 2.17 12.81 13.99 8.73 10.43 13.46 9.52 1.88 LBTP_185-1 2-2. 11.38 341529.54 11155.20 19.01 3393.82 5.67 688.12 3.05 53.93 121.82 75.90 892.10 24.81 2.30 1031.90 1004.66 50.04 73.04 11.65 53.86 12.25 1.82 13.43 13.44 9.08 9.37 12.87 8.72 1.99 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti LBTP_185-1 2-3. 8.00 341529.54 9936.54 16.83 2714.83 LBTP_185-1 2-4. 9.29 341529.54 11413.10 22.55 3578.32 LBTP_185-1 3-1. 6.38 341529.54 11423.07 19.31 3442.67 LBTP_185-1 3-2. 12.98 341529.54 9998.78 15.98 2881.93 LBTP_185-1 3-3. 6.16 341529.54 10681.06 17.32 2834.76 LBTP_185-1 4-4. 13.83 341529.54 17280.74 19.96 3167.01 230 V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 4.63 623.60 2.77 52.76 113.38 72.57 739.51 22.53 2.34 913.86 874.67 40.74 64.41 9.79 44.64 10.05 1.59 10.53 11.39 8.11 8.12 13.55 7.77 1.85 6.25 593.79 1.79 56.60 131.41 77.67 959.63 27.03 2.14 874.63 946.09 43.68 67.09 10.46 46.91 10.86 1.67 13.31 13.63 8.32 9.17 13.52 9.96 1.97 5.95 586.47 0.91 56.65 125.61 85.47 874.55 25.41 2.12 872.73 926.96 60.10 61.33 13.67 61.52 14.95 2.08 14.34 15.11 10.08 7.93 12.88 10.53 1.75 4.51 697.17 0.73 56.93 114.96 65.64 652.19 20.99 2.43 1034.94 965.41 41.48 66.90 9.90 44.24 10.57 1.82 10.55 11.18 7.66 7.83 13.30 7.16 1.71 5.35 658.92 No_Data 53.98 122.26 76.68 752.35 22.09 2.14 953.45 974.76 42.28 65.59 10.52 44.90 11.23 1.65 11.46 13.04 8.56 8.18 17.03 7.93 1.75 6.82 724.43 No_Data 63.36 207.35 90.96 846.85 22.75 3.33 1091.10 1069.89 53.89 78.34 12.26 52.81 12.85 1.99 13.77 14.90 9.95 9.69 14.13 10.17 1.93 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb LBTP_185-1 4-1. 13.75 346811.89 6213.69 11.78 2382.80 4.65 639.33 1.14 58.12 59.04 40.41 435.51 20.91 LBTP_185-1 4-2. 14.17 346811.89 8836.40 16.70 2754.68 4.03 655.21 2.95 63.59 91.81 77.16 740.05 24.09 LBTP_185-1 4-3. 18.95 344661.56 7045.41 11.77 2697.97 4.61 681.23 0.79 55.81 76.35 39.45 414.37 21.98 LBTP_185-1 4-4. 10.05 344661.56 9968.62 16.18 2530.29 3.83 650.43 1.36 59.35 110.27 70.34 657.13 19.61 LBTP_185-1 5-1. 10.00 344053.85 12922.64 19.47 3271.74 5.38 710.85 1.49 58.49 134.02 90.88 929.09 25.64 LBTP_185-1 5-2. 11.22 344053.85 12381.31 22.17 3899.85 6.33 525.36 2.40 55.72 123.62 88.88 1017.27 27.62 231 Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 2.78 741.13 786.10 26.96 65.15 7.46 31.69 6.75 1.09 6.77 6.96 4.99 4.88 16.39 5.16 2.15 2.73 1084.51 970.94 47.17 76.74 12.19 51.93 12.39 1.66 12.87 13.87 9.54 9.21 15.27 8.67 2.16 2.63 847.66 805.29 26.82 65.45 7.69 30.29 6.94 1.15 7.00 7.01 4.87 4.77 13.13 5.38 2.16 2.66 1032.71 983.74 38.87 65.74 9.62 45.03 11.53 1.62 11.56 11.80 8.67 9.68 12.90 7.40 1.75 2.62 1128.78 1128.83 55.95 78.02 14.99 59.57 13.77 2.15 15.32 15.63 11.03 10.33 14.79 12.07 2.17 2.11 861.49 885.65 57.54 61.16 14.12 64.93 14.30 2.08 15.48 14.37 9.54 9.79 12.32 12.95 1.84 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm LBTP_185-1 5-3. 8.32 343586.39 11793.38 20.93 3396.43 5.30 661.68 No_Data 62.02 124.67 88.99 937.38 26.15 2.48 1027.13 1062.80 53.24 69.69 13.13 57.73 12.39 LBTP_185-1 5-4. 11.04 343586.39 11266.30 20.56 3225.71 4.64 707.01 No_Data 62.87 126.04 92.96 928.42 24.98 2.99 1164.63 1190.57 53.36 78.54 13.17 63.24 13.81 LBTT_183-2 1-1. 10.02 342090.50 8221.92 16.49 2923.11 4.55 418.69 1.87 61.60 85.64 88.66 874.74 23.48 2.83 1028.40 1056.52 49.13 80.03 11.59 52.58 11.27 LBTT_183-2 1-2. 7.65 342090.50 8089.00 19.96 2844.62 4.14 374.04 No_Data 58.26 85.62 82.42 903.03 24.04 2.51 902.58 917.09 43.72 70.57 10.58 46.90 10.64 LBTT_183-2 1-3. 12.58 335919.97 9979.26 20.05 3022.45 7.07 526.13 0.99 53.56 100.50 79.15 888.79 22.86 2.33 892.74 929.40 44.34 69.74 10.72 46.17 10.62 LBTT_183-2 1-4. 13.58 335919.97 9459.94 17.33 2672.20 19.54 629.13 1.97 52.39 92.96 70.55 755.48 21.13 2.53 823.41 852.58 38.99 60.78 9.69 40.05 9.62 232 Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 1.93 14.25 14.45 9.96 10.30 12.65 11.44 1.89 1.92 14.06 15.75 10.95 11.01 16.61 11.73 2.08 1.40 12.29 13.42 10.46 10.62 11.16 9.88 2.24 1.37 11.46 12.99 8.70 8.98 8.76 9.21 1.97 1.69 12.37 13.41 8.75 8.92 10.54 9.29 1.79 1.36 10.38 11.02 8.10 8.27 15.30 7.86 1.62 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U LBTT_183-2 2-2. 14.25 335919.97 9132.99 19.00 2909.54 5.66 476.57 0.03 57.47 108.97 78.18 787.64 22.62 2.79 994.49 936.36 45.86 74.08 11.12 49.02 11.49 1.68 12.53 12.92 9.49 9.34 10.39 9.19 2.09 LBTT_183-2 2-3. 17.26 335919.97 11341.25 24.04 3246.88 7.69 413.67 2.24 47.43 97.77 54.35 898.31 23.30 2.25 644.87 663.33 30.96 44.70 7.43 34.58 8.03 1.23 8.23 8.46 6.39 7.01 10.20 8.86 1.52 LBTT_183-2 2-4. 16.41 335919.97 9358.04 20.67 3074.67 5.03 479.29 1.93 53.53 110.31 75.09 869.29 22.78 2.34 939.14 886.55 42.10 69.41 9.96 45.05 10.81 1.54 11.96 13.02 8.02 8.84 11.66 8.98 1.99 LBTT_183-2 3-1. 20.61 336060.21 8651.37 14.17 3303.98 8.32 604.55 2.22 61.27 86.52 49.93 588.00 25.05 3.01 974.07 900.59 34.49 77.20 9.34 37.11 8.13 1.39 8.39 8.50 6.17 5.74 11.98 7.03 2.35 LBTT_183-2 3-2. 21.33 336060.21 11480.59 26.34 3713.70 16.32 441.11 2.90 51.89 107.24 62.79 950.86 23.53 2.89 683.42 696.54 34.59 53.87 8.28 37.74 8.48 1.04 8.84 10.41 7.05 7.21 12.24 9.05 1.69 LBTT_183-2 4-4. 14.23 335592.74 10499.57 20.40 3131.99 12.67 522.29 0.84 52.78 110.53 76.74 880.37 23.33 2.37 928.26 941.57 41.64 67.15 9.91 44.08 10.25 1.57 11.29 12.21 8.77 8.25 11.88 9.03 1.87 233 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U LBTT_183-2 4-1. 12.25 339706.43 8537.15 17.41 2819.67 4.51 472.41 No_Data 53.69 101.45 80.56 823.05 23.11 2.38 937.98 967.20 46.35 71.82 10.91 49.34 11.02 1.58 12.52 13.13 9.13 9.18 13.31 9.28 2.08 LBTT_183-2 4-2. 9.95 339706.43 8660.47 19.92 3064.76 5.38 422.68 No_Data 57.20 110.98 80.63 875.66 23.50 2.45 957.27 986.80 46.27 70.61 11.03 50.93 11.58 1.46 11.45 12.98 9.38 8.72 11.08 9.51 1.84 LBTT_183-2 4-3. 19.00 339706.43 11953.14 13.62 2677.07 4.32 548.03 No_Data 50.58 175.43 51.71 523.12 20.62 2.19 1144.95 1076.35 35.40 70.01 9.18 37.75 8.92 1.85 7.62 8.52 5.99 6.26 11.54 6.31 1.83 LBTT_183-2 4-4. 17.30 339706.43 9899.84 19.39 2988.93 5.60 535.58 1.70 56.07 115.58 78.89 812.17 23.38 2.47 987.08 988.38 45.98 75.93 11.08 48.82 11.37 1.80 12.03 13.34 9.36 9.58 13.45 9.29 1.98 LBTT_183-2 5-3. 11.44 339145.47 9431.36 18.85 2855.14 8.07 379.36 2.59 59.92 77.02 59.91 828.22 21.84 2.43 710.91 722.56 35.46 52.90 8.59 38.60 8.79 0.84 9.21 10.49 6.53 7.49 11.46 9.08 1.58 LBTT_183-2 5-4. 11.13 339145.47 15874.59 13.58 2132.74 3.47 422.20 0.71 46.14 308.99 66.45 660.18 17.53 2.16 1398.25 1325.70 40.69 61.17 9.10 40.51 9.36 2.66 9.31 10.82 7.59 6.86 10.08 7.60 1.58 234 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U LBTT_185_1 1-1. 15.20 343212.42 12808.26 18.17 2885.07 6.90 583.23 176.84 56.95 116.50 73.81 1049.77 23.40 2.56 916.67 923.20 41.99 151.55 10.59 45.34 10.19 1.55 10.62 12.42 8.78 9.08 15.26 8.31 2.14 LBTT_185_1 1-2. 12.92 343212.42 11399.23 19.41 2578.24 5.12 492.86 22.70 49.93 112.32 63.15 750.96 23.80 2.55 780.97 782.00 33.59 60.72 8.87 37.08 8.70 1.20 9.67 10.72 7.43 7.44 11.89 6.75 2.06 LBTT_185_1 1-3. 12.63 343212.42 16924.32 19.96 2976.32 7.36 543.16 9.02 50.46 131.97 66.69 794.49 23.38 2.46 831.95 830.34 41.44 61.56 10.33 44.53 10.40 1.56 9.96 12.14 8.09 9.04 19.44 10.12 2.21 LBTT_185_1 1-4. 10.52 343212.42 12215.73 18.41 2972.23 4.97 530.16 3.26 53.09 115.24 64.48 811.24 23.04 2.56 799.94 806.29 39.00 57.34 11.01 41.00 8.34 1.38 10.22 10.41 7.33 7.46 14.84 7.48 1.73 LBTT_185_1 2-1. 20.84 336621.17 10795.09 18.19 2962.56 7.52 638.46 0.22 50.30 121.78 70.77 739.51 22.17 2.27 882.03 805.95 38.96 67.60 9.87 42.32 9.40 1.48 10.03 10.76 7.55 8.06 14.78 7.66 1.92 LBTT_185_1 2-2. 18.95 336621.17 11185.05 19.61 3024.21 6.79 667.85 2.64 54.73 124.19 80.80 802.87 23.33 2.61 982.77 995.56 46.26 76.33 11.42 49.95 11.45 1.66 12.89 13.43 9.14 9.58 15.61 9.18 2.10 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti LBTT_185_1 2-3. 25.53 338491.02 13047.87 17.71 3031.74 LBTT_185_1 2-4. 22.44 338491.02 9504.62 17.05 2643.32 LBTT_185_1 3-1. 18.06 339425.95 10950.45 17.33 2522.19 LBTT_185_1 3-2. 19.72 339425.95 11676.58 20.43 3076.04 LBTT_185_1 3-3. 16.30 339238.97 11995.84 15.38 2745.99 LBTT_185_1 4-4. 16.61 339238.97 10311.90 18.35 2905.43 235 V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 8.83 686.40 0.77 54.16 146.90 70.26 693.91 21.50 2.71 1047.08 933.69 39.85 77.55 10.06 43.64 10.13 1.76 11.06 11.66 7.80 7.79 14.95 7.45 2.23 6.74 643.04 4.51 50.40 110.85 71.35 992.62 19.92 2.29 858.30 966.29 38.93 118.45 9.78 48.49 10.00 1.66 12.39 11.61 8.87 8.76 16.80 8.53 2.06 5.47 570.74 0.54 49.23 110.33 60.22 641.93 18.80 2.35 762.93 712.15 33.59 57.00 8.07 36.92 8.76 1.53 9.84 10.46 7.28 7.47 14.63 6.57 1.76 6.16 668.74 1.13 52.13 127.88 81.44 806.69 21.94 2.43 961.40 971.14 49.76 76.01 12.77 52.80 11.88 1.94 13.47 14.12 9.42 9.43 15.32 8.36 2.03 7.60 563.06 19.60 53.65 99.01 59.06 862.00 21.69 2.58 689.78 698.58 34.60 105.15 8.13 38.76 8.34 1.38 9.48 9.48 6.62 6.69 32.64 6.84 1.90 6.24 627.12 0.99 53.00 122.11 76.32 747.53 21.87 2.38 957.35 880.91 42.16 70.13 10.84 45.95 11.18 1.69 11.96 12.66 8.62 8.26 16.04 8.57 2.02 LBTT_185_1 5-2. 12.87 343072.18 9737.57 17.54 2671.34 5.25 494.91 2.73 52.38 89.73 65.06 779.83 22.41 LBTT_185_1 5-3. 10.94 343072.18 12981.95 18.75 2428.04 5.79 327.51 1.15 44.76 96.34 55.78 706.80 23.34 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb LBTT_185_1 4-1. 11.75 338631.26 9913.29 16.72 2693.66 4.84 508.21 2.82 52.93 100.47 64.20 734.84 21.48 LBTT_185_1 4-2. 12.73 338631.26 11131.64 19.12 3027.77 5.56 582.65 0.56 52.86 108.56 74.40 819.28 24.02 LBTT_185_1 4-3. 16.10 338631.26 13988.87 18.76 3090.16 8.54 500.23 1.87 48.34 156.07 85.27 770.65 22.48 LBTT_185_1 4-4. 13.64 338631.26 10904.11 18.11 2884.56 5.68 600.86 0.57 53.25 114.71 77.31 794.76 22.58 236 Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 2.44 767.39 768.90 35.53 62.30 9.03 38.56 8.74 1.26 9.91 10.56 7.07 6.77 11.88 7.85 1.78 2.58 827.20 843.87 41.76 62.87 10.52 44.83 10.10 1.51 11.25 11.80 8.15 8.72 18.82 9.42 1.90 2.55 807.37 771.47 51.42 68.89 12.25 53.85 12.45 1.85 13.55 14.25 9.63 9.11 16.49 9.95 1.78 2.58 839.10 890.08 45.36 67.20 11.03 47.85 10.75 1.56 11.80 12.06 8.66 8.04 15.06 9.17 1.87 2.51 748.92 768.50 36.92 56.65 8.82 38.86 8.68 1.29 9.08 11.19 8.03 7.23 12.21 8.17 1.61 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm LBTT_185_1 5-4. 11.86 343072.18 12122.53 18.58 2482.03 5.59 427.22 5.66 48.98 93.27 67.22 2084.24 22.27 2.40 699.07 701.97 40.63 170.96 10.28 43.99 9.22 MCTA_209_1 1-1. 16.35 340968.59 24313.54 12.15 1559.60 10.74 501.62 2.18 77.62 208.76 45.83 384.09 15.37 3.69 892.55 736.72 30.87 63.64 7.73 33.18 7.96 MCTA_209_1 1-3. 13.25 345082.27 18095.71 15.86 1727.51 6.78 819.39 2.68 89.67 135.72 65.32 552.42 17.29 4.08 823.26 747.67 38.11 67.00 8.30 37.73 8.71 MCTA_209_1 1-4. 15.03 345082.27 11019.08 18.26 1864.67 13.95 608.64 2.79 92.80 117.79 65.12 532.99 16.27 3.81 723.82 729.39 36.42 64.78 8.68 36.87 9.24 MCTA_209_1 2-1. 15.76 343773.37 8824.27 13.84 1638.82 6.05 597.62 2.05 89.36 122.60 61.18 536.35 15.96 3.99 821.21 737.40 33.63 69.23 8.16 37.40 8.97 1.99 546.39 564.85 33.91 43.01 9.25 37.94 8.49 0.98 8.80 8.99 5.82 6.43 14.84 8.50 1.85 237 Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 1.43 11.09 11.43 8.06 7.72 16.77 9.08 1.59 1.07 7.64 8.01 5.48 5.23 11.13 8.62 2.99 1.28 10.25 10.96 7.48 7.52 13.70 10.43 3.20 1.06 10.21 10.28 7.28 6.51 12.05 10.60 2.72 1.17 10.65 11.09 7.27 6.51 15.03 9.66 2.72 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U MCTA_209_1 2-2. 16.50 343773.37 7992.87 13.88 1522.37 4.05 680.65 2.10 92.36 104.15 59.66 509.22 16.55 4.37 780.48 692.82 34.50 63.45 8.23 36.61 8.77 1.02 9.55 10.23 7.08 6.86 14.82 10.29 2.76 MCTA_209_1 2-4. 17.86 343773.37 16651.01 16.35 1806.79 12.43 470.80 1.51 102.70 124.04 76.53 600.76 18.82 4.41 869.66 867.13 42.21 74.86 9.77 41.95 10.29 1.36 11.54 11.89 8.70 8.25 16.32 12.86 3.22 MCTA_209_1 3-1. 17.13 340781.60 16648.70 16.58 1792.09 15.12 734.63 3.96 91.09 192.70 66.07 482.55 15.66 4.28 773.74 692.53 35.58 62.69 8.53 37.32 8.64 1.01 9.62 11.03 7.49 6.76 13.25 10.67 2.63 MCTA_209_1 3-2. 14.51 340781.60 14677.78 15.41 1608.99 7.24 452.19 2.14 97.29 145.12 73.48 563.18 17.89 4.73 864.51 839.87 40.03 71.09 9.60 40.44 9.68 1.12 10.33 12.69 8.45 7.61 14.04 12.50 3.02 MCTA_209_1 3-3. 13.98 340781.60 14831.86 15.05 1499.03 6.60 530.53 1.59 91.27 134.90 66.40 502.51 16.41 4.47 928.93 785.18 36.83 65.26 8.74 37.14 8.40 1.04 10.43 11.24 7.87 7.79 14.65 10.91 2.63 238 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U MCTA_209_1 4-4. 12.37 340781.60 27186.53 14.82 1626.36 8.14 517.31 2.19 90.28 182.08 66.36 509.19 16.95 4.39 808.31 708.27 36.29 64.11 8.51 36.99 8.60 1.02 9.84 10.56 7.28 7.04 12.87 10.78 2.69 MCTA_209_1 4-1. 15.16 348214.29 12965.75 15.95 1640.32 6.69 520.82 2.84 103.55 119.33 75.77 565.81 18.42 4.67 849.92 838.38 40.99 69.91 9.75 40.87 9.49 1.37 11.82 12.13 8.70 7.51 16.61 12.72 2.82 MCTA_209_1 4-2. 13.81 348214.29 8558.95 13.94 1637.87 5.76 397.76 3.21 93.85 103.17 69.99 514.98 17.29 4.59 805.36 780.18 37.33 64.43 8.66 39.60 8.87 1.07 9.87 11.52 7.49 7.30 15.64 11.92 2.65 MCTA_209_1 4-3. 13.02 344661.56 17445.07 14.63 1639.29 7.11 620.69 2.03 94.92 148.76 63.00 513.11 16.51 4.40 753.49 756.37 34.27 58.82 8.04 35.32 8.77 1.14 9.50 9.89 7.31 6.53 16.74 10.12 2.47 MCTA_209_1 4-4. 16.03 344661.56 12650.15 16.54 1754.25 8.32 777.84 4.24 94.57 164.05 63.68 522.44 16.07 4.39 752.97 748.28 33.42 61.00 8.07 34.18 8.15 1.11 9.47 10.23 7.19 7.41 18.60 9.99 2.59 239 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U MCTA_209_1 5-1. 16.76 345783.47 18945.60 15.48 2020.14 10.38 534.77 3.19 89.47 142.59 67.18 520.93 17.88 4.37 818.11 804.99 37.84 63.72 8.91 38.87 8.95 1.17 10.87 10.78 7.56 7.26 24.02 11.26 2.71 MCTA_209_1 5-2. 26.61 345783.47 9052.98 31.63 4007.42 39.67 656.68 12.55 104.48 139.85 63.20 550.16 19.04 5.41 738.34 732.09 37.12 66.75 8.94 38.57 9.69 1.71 10.09 11.26 7.72 6.88 17.35 10.56 2.28 MCTA_209_1 5-3. 16.73 345783.47 18447.12 14.62 1623.57 6.89 599.64 3.60 92.50 128.15 65.46 511.59 17.44 4.58 810.84 759.64 37.00 65.08 9.42 37.54 9.14 1.16 9.14 10.76 7.88 7.29 15.69 11.51 2.60 MCTA_209_1 5-4. 15.42 345783.47 19861.74 15.25 1612.03 5.52 640.60 2.16 97.92 141.20 68.37 527.02 17.24 4.81 803.60 781.68 37.87 64.61 8.84 37.93 9.12 1.03 10.60 10.84 7.62 7.26 15.16 11.23 2.66 MCTA_209_2 1-1. 22.11 338257.29 9141.20 10.39 1814.50 2.87 509.69 No_Data 81.21 115.68 44.19 365.48 18.08 4.05 794.42 754.63 29.45 70.00 8.12 31.24 7.18 1.05 7.25 7.70 5.37 5.13 10.07 8.46 2.75 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti MCTA_209_2 1-2. 24.66 338257.29 9235.36 10.92 1745.18 MCTA_209_2 1-3. 20.33 338257.29 11521.17 14.12 2341.72 MCTA_209_2 1-4. 21.55 338257.29 8971.88 11.30 1867.60 MCTA_209_2 2-3. 24.53 334704.56 13998.91 19.07 2641.66 MCTA_209_2 2-4. 24.54 334704.56 11971.29 12.95 2347.78 240 V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 3.37 498.97 0.64 83.23 120.98 44.58 354.95 18.46 4.45 743.43 735.84 28.87 67.27 7.76 29.95 6.37 0.94 7.28 7.71 5.30 4.88 10.56 8.23 2.96 10.59 550.10 0.83 77.14 155.90 57.54 485.53 16.46 4.10 819.30 778.10 33.98 67.16 8.54 36.64 8.44 1.46 7.88 9.82 6.85 5.97 10.31 8.50 2.17 5.27 501.00 1.61 75.67 115.23 46.81 393.28 17.71 3.77 802.24 799.35 30.09 67.86 8.14 31.87 7.25 1.06 7.98 7.78 5.65 5.40 10.19 8.06 2.65 14.78 483.11 1.42 73.83 189.86 75.36 591.99 16.72 3.96 932.72 912.10 40.12 71.37 9.70 43.62 11.07 1.49 12.06 13.77 9.37 9.14 10.31 10.49 2.18 13.39 504.41 1.81 76.77 164.33 47.58 382.04 18.91 4.13 805.59 766.59 33.15 70.75 8.71 33.86 8.16 1.17 8.99 7.74 6.15 5.55 10.71 8.78 2.52 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb MCTA_209_2 4-3. 25.78 338257.29 27085.63 25.21 4807.99 38.50 751.57 3.96 64.86 341.71 89.10 610.61 17.95 MCTA_209_2 4-4. 32.37 338257.29 47612.00 36.93 9454.44 93.98 1779.66 6.40 55.78 508.44 77.16 433.44 14.36 MCTA_209_2 5-1. 24.88 338304.04 20259.14 19.97 3222.04 19.71 546.84 1.53 73.73 233.38 86.26 635.45 19.50 MCTA_209_2 5-3. 24.00 338304.04 19071.26 19.40 2827.15 15.32 524.53 2.32 75.52 244.91 94.18 656.26 18.77 MCTA_209_2 5-4. 21.92 338304.04 22748.41 22.73 4283.23 33.47 687.22 No_Data 72.11 312.10 86.66 584.45 17.93 241 Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 3.86 863.79 898.60 46.55 73.94 11.07 51.58 13.57 2.10 15.44 15.35 10.80 9.94 14.84 12.26 2.21 2.84 867.12 863.11 36.13 61.42 9.92 47.79 11.90 3.06 14.21 14.14 9.51 8.44 18.21 6.81 1.46 3.89 996.28 968.78 45.72 79.76 11.07 52.19 12.28 1.81 14.07 13.29 9.60 8.64 13.32 13.20 2.73 4.04 970.38 984.35 51.69 83.39 11.60 53.35 14.05 2.17 13.90 17.34 11.13 10.85 13.63 14.30 2.56 3.96 853.49 900.39 45.44 70.53 10.82 47.20 12.18 1.61 14.50 14.03 9.99 9.11 14.42 11.79 2.27 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm MCTB_209_2 1-1. 18.04 259536.28 37432.33 27.37 10045.52 191.94 905.77 15.82 12.53 379.09 54.40 157.93 10.01 1.69 380.52 405.11 20.56 34.55 6.58 30.92 7.65 MCTB_209_2 1-2. 12.06 259536.28 51204.27 32.41 11375.06 206.51 1436.33 15.55 8.11 519.42 34.85 205.37 10.22 0.87 435.51 456.77 19.29 51.49 6.36 28.10 6.44 MCTB_209_2 1-3. 11.16 259536.28 34700.31 22.87 8111.04 176.01 1197.83 13.78 7.65 325.41 24.02 123.22 9.18 0.82 343.45 344.37 13.91 36.23 4.39 18.97 5.00 MCTB_209_2 1-4. 12.95 259536.28 47782.04 30.93 10700.35 175.74 1370.32 14.42 7.97 440.87 40.83 177.06 13.51 0.69 438.14 466.13 21.68 48.59 6.98 30.54 7.44 MCTB_209_2 2-1. 8.13 261546.37 56399.83 34.16 11835.12 212.26 1576.70 14.12 8.68 545.49 36.35 190.66 11.53 0.99 469.44 496.76 20.91 46.38 6.28 30.59 7.56 242 Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 1.88 8.26 8.25 4.87 4.14 8.01 2.14 0.97 1.98 6.98 6.53 3.90 3.36 6.77 2.36 0.81 1.41 4.77 4.93 2.66 2.42 8.07 2.62 1.31 1.92 7.77 7.48 4.52 4.29 8.85 3.25 1.05 2.29 7.96 7.36 4.08 3.46 6.99 2.78 1.02 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U MCTB_209_2 2-2. 5.72 261546.37 49339.70 30.35 10410.79 196.61 1297.59 13.37 8.42 462.44 32.08 167.58 8.95 1.12 408.39 435.22 18.12 43.15 5.83 26.10 6.15 1.85 6.85 6.30 3.75 3.37 7.15 2.48 0.90 MCTB_209_2 2-4. 23.64 266221.02 43904.60 26.76 8437.70 140.62 1290.45 12.26 11.09 426.18 43.84 203.42 11.05 0.75 593.34 621.32 26.49 66.08 7.63 31.53 7.38 1.94 7.51 7.21 4.61 4.71 10.28 4.50 1.28 MCTB_209_2 3-1. 3.98 262528.05 53944.96 34.48 12006.58 207.86 1343.82 14.31 10.01 529.44 37.44 197.32 11.41 1.34 464.87 483.93 20.57 45.57 6.67 29.47 7.15 2.08 7.39 7.12 3.64 3.73 6.72 2.80 0.91 MCTB_209_2 3-2. 6.74 262528.05 57872.48 36.23 12192.55 212.15 1559.90 14.24 10.19 582.95 41.55 213.39 11.05 0.93 489.56 522.88 22.65 48.63 7.16 32.04 8.73 2.25 8.90 8.01 4.65 4.51 8.41 3.23 1.08 MCTB_209_2 3-3. 12.52 262528.05 48384.95 31.59 10800.06 194.10 1513.02 13.06 8.85 480.77 32.27 181.91 11.59 0.70 412.73 442.24 18.08 40.71 5.65 26.01 6.28 1.92 6.39 6.20 3.43 3.22 9.17 2.64 0.91 243 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U MCTB_209_2 4-4. 1.58 262528.05 50102.13 32.64 10841.68 193.32 1292.63 12.52 10.16 501.36 36.79 196.53 10.53 0.95 468.59 509.32 20.99 46.21 6.76 29.88 8.00 1.97 7.49 6.96 4.22 3.24 6.87 3.00 0.97 MCTB_209_2 4-1. 17.91 263135.75 55159.79 34.98 11746.30 201.91 1593.73 14.39 10.52 559.54 37.66 254.47 13.71 0.91 488.90 514.41 22.49 48.19 6.84 31.04 7.78 2.07 8.62 7.49 4.72 3.70 9.42 4.10 1.32 MCTB_209_2 4-2. 9.45 263135.75 49959.17 28.75 11016.23 199.35 1326.30 14.31 9.15 490.28 29.71 172.84 10.57 0.89 413.81 441.60 17.55 41.83 5.69 25.28 6.20 1.70 5.88 5.85 3.36 3.25 7.94 2.61 0.83 MCTB_209_2 4-3. 17.10 267670.16 61198.17 42.50 11712.32 197.46 1797.36 13.42 11.16 626.71 54.07 248.25 10.26 0.83 491.30 521.19 23.92 54.17 7.02 32.34 9.02 2.56 10.73 9.88 6.10 5.35 8.24 3.45 0.90 MCTB_209_2 4-4. 5.54 267670.16 53511.94 32.74 11555.85 196.64 1446.26 13.66 10.28 516.27 38.94 186.67 10.40 1.12 459.24 484.83 20.79 45.70 6.39 29.30 6.87 2.06 7.53 6.44 4.19 3.70 6.70 2.84 0.99 244 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U MCTB_209_2 5-1. 10.38 263135.75 45575.58 28.08 10460.54 194.01 1315.83 14.00 8.96 468.28 33.44 191.17 11.05 1.15 436.13 459.11 19.24 44.58 6.39 28.15 6.66 1.91 6.71 6.28 3.78 3.30 7.72 2.67 1.10 MCTB_209_2 5-2. 7.56 263135.75 52269.57 32.98 11162.79 226.87 1371.56 16.26 8.03 515.23 34.70 169.22 10.62 1.21 422.62 445.37 19.11 43.50 6.19 27.69 6.61 2.03 7.23 6.54 3.69 3.35 6.08 2.43 0.89 MCTB_209_2 5-3. 8.38 263135.75 49528.90 31.19 10895.89 204.34 1386.05 16.04 7.46 475.91 31.35 159.29 9.32 0.75 389.80 409.81 16.31 38.56 5.34 24.36 5.74 1.86 6.21 5.85 3.47 2.88 8.75 2.17 0.70 MCTB_209_2 5-4. 13.16 263135.75 48779.47 28.41 11040.93 190.00 1375.01 14.32 7.26 471.81 31.87 186.53 12.68 0.86 401.45 432.93 17.23 42.47 5.75 25.52 6.00 1.88 6.72 5.76 3.24 3.01 8.85 4.12 0.90 MCTB_88_1 1-3. 1.70 262434.55 56992.50 30.25 11464.63 233.19 1311.75 14.26 10.92 772.31 27.80 140.48 9.36 1.12 321.08 338.24 15.81 40.32 5.49 24.00 5.79 1.88 6.09 5.16 3.19 2.63 5.06 1.75 0.79 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti MCTB_88_1 1-4. 5.61 262434.55 48143.79 28.21 10200.01 MCTB_88_1 2-1. 6.61 275196.34 60590.32 35.46 12683.16 MCTB_88_1 2-3. 13.77 275196.34 52693.81 30.82 11834.36 MCTB_88_1 2-4. 30.47 275196.34 53757.23 32.08 12194.12 MCTB_88_1 3-1. 3.39 265753.55 49340.99 27.56 10256.23 MCTB_88_1 3-3. 32.71 265753.55 53822.07 32.02 12155.34 245 V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 197.96 1228.96 13.92 39.21 350.03 28.87 151.91 9.45 1.42 462.08 491.31 16.55 40.54 5.62 24.27 5.45 1.69 5.95 5.34 3.21 2.83 7.67 2.26 0.87 247.68 1445.90 18.02 31.76 508.98 33.30 161.82 9.74 1.08 416.90 439.87 17.81 43.39 5.94 27.32 6.44 2.16 6.86 6.56 3.60 3.13 8.48 2.06 0.80 246.17 1309.84 15.30 32.95 408.33 29.08 145.88 9.38 1.28 433.73 458.65 16.43 41.81 5.56 25.86 6.27 1.91 5.98 6.01 3.24 2.86 8.31 2.09 0.91 248.40 1424.33 15.86 29.52 325.44 30.21 141.57 9.65 1.24 418.61 447.99 17.00 42.60 5.77 25.85 6.13 2.12 6.09 5.75 3.33 2.76 6.81 1.99 0.87 212.78 1253.52 15.53 27.43 443.40 25.77 132.70 8.53 1.10 361.38 374.48 14.52 35.98 4.79 22.35 5.37 1.66 5.75 5.09 3.04 2.64 7.50 1.90 0.79 239.86 1352.85 16.62 31.76 379.52 29.51 144.36 9.38 1.33 405.16 426.33 17.06 42.75 5.78 25.15 5.93 2.07 6.75 5.24 3.30 3.26 5.49 1.96 0.89 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb MCTB_88_1 4-4. 8.58 265753.55 51042.90 30.30 11070.27 234.16 1310.77 15.28 29.83 431.11 29.50 152.20 9.13 MCTB_88_1 4-1. 24.38 277440.16 48240.36 32.06 11811.89 225.90 1348.20 356.17 41.73 284.98 30.96 161.10 9.98 MCTB_88_1 4-3. 24.75 259302.54 46428.22 29.98 10943.94 215.68 1298.05 12.40 44.40 319.86 29.56 158.58 9.46 MCTB_88_1 4-4. 32.74 259302.54 34199.53 22.27 9020.06 216.22 1087.51 12.92 46.96 224.23 23.07 123.71 7.99 MCTB_88_1 5-1. 8.78 268090.88 56786.61 31.66 11917.86 236.38 1346.69 13.81 12.33 627.87 30.05 146.63 9.45 MCTB_88_1 5-2. 6.57 268090.88 47855.98 27.46 10505.99 230.37 1255.06 15.43 43.20 359.03 27.01 144.05 9.19 246 Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 1.22 395.09 414.33 16.24 41.01 5.46 23.90 6.01 1.72 5.51 5.11 3.15 2.84 7.89 2.18 0.90 1.34 428.76 455.04 17.90 43.68 5.94 26.22 6.30 1.83 6.25 6.03 3.54 3.20 7.41 2.46 0.95 1.34 424.95 435.55 16.94 43.23 5.53 24.13 5.86 1.86 6.12 5.76 3.47 2.91 5.79 2.36 0.89 1.46 322.10 339.64 13.13 35.35 4.42 19.80 4.57 1.36 4.48 4.39 2.52 2.33 5.46 1.85 0.99 1.07 371.49 398.49 17.28 41.89 5.83 26.18 5.67 1.91 6.17 5.72 3.37 3.00 4.95 1.95 0.80 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm MCTB_88_1 5-3. 20.85 269399.78 68188.40 38.93 12245.43 216.66 1484.30 17.08 39.95 429.87 42.03 193.13 9.26 1.59 514.47 529.37 21.47 46.62 6.39 30.85 8.12 MCTB_88_1 5-4. 1.01 269399.78 60072.55 32.84 12296.43 228.49 1414.97 15.10 4.60 646.79 30.07 155.57 9.67 1.15 421.43 451.64 17.76 43.02 5.89 26.21 6.45 MCTL_206_1 1-1. 11.72 339612.94 11433.08 17.05 1802.03 7.30 483.32 3.54 62.10 128.07 59.84 664.78 19.41 3.19 672.74 718.71 31.58 47.58 7.27 32.30 8.04 MCTL_206_1 1-2. 12.81 344287.58 11754.52 17.85 2135.09 6.98 516.14 4.19 68.85 138.62 65.23 766.37 20.95 3.33 734.34 763.35 36.45 53.79 8.35 36.99 9.40 MCTL_206_1 1-3. 16.15 339145.47 9848.80 15.00 1698.22 4.78 544.77 2.20 68.17 115.45 62.92 570.18 17.82 3.45 787.63 807.35 34.73 53.04 8.24 35.60 8.42 1.42 421.07 441.96 15.35 40.58 5.32 23.27 5.33 1.78 5.73 5.11 2.88 2.78 7.86 1.95 0.90 247 Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 2.49 8.28 8.24 4.90 4.51 9.64 2.56 0.75 2.12 6.48 5.70 3.56 2.99 4.84 2.10 0.84 0.94 9.09 9.53 7.43 6.71 11.19 10.61 1.97 1.10 10.53 10.25 7.38 7.18 10.37 12.47 2.03 1.18 9.84 10.33 7.14 7.77 12.27 11.22 2.02 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U MCTL_206_1 1-4. 14.28 339145.47 10553.80 16.00 2271.77 8.00 595.98 3.00 69.73 127.41 54.16 552.12 19.31 3.49 721.55 774.94 35.52 52.82 8.89 36.56 9.27 1.42 9.19 9.56 6.99 6.29 14.48 14.68 1.97 MCTL_206_1 2-1. 29.52 344848.54 7503.93 9.64 1407.59 0.32 647.82 0.60 93.77 72.93 45.49 384.09 19.05 4.85 816.96 772.69 29.62 66.67 7.61 30.82 6.56 0.92 7.52 7.90 5.52 5.27 15.96 8.97 3.33 MCTL_206_1 2-2. 17.07 344848.54 8581.39 14.70 1518.28 2.37 533.11 1.82 79.35 97.36 65.27 608.54 18.47 3.77 771.23 839.82 36.04 58.34 7.92 36.77 8.39 0.99 9.83 10.61 7.41 7.51 13.97 12.05 2.30 MCTL_206_1 2-3. 15.59 342230.74 12677.48 17.55 2353.44 9.90 473.87 3.46 71.03 134.09 56.46 564.11 18.29 3.55 729.33 755.42 33.45 53.16 8.25 37.41 9.21 1.18 8.94 9.48 7.04 6.76 12.29 12.06 2.01 MCTL_206_1 2-4. 13.93 342230.74 11170.91 15.48 1570.86 3.16 477.54 2.35 74.75 103.22 65.12 616.70 18.71 3.68 755.12 782.86 35.65 57.57 8.46 36.26 8.77 0.93 9.90 10.35 7.45 7.33 11.88 11.95 2.13 248 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U MCTL_206_1 3-1. 16.78 335919.97 10115.48 15.38 1788.13 4.38 508.08 2.98 71.86 123.93 54.09 534.68 17.48 3.43 766.23 737.73 34.00 55.01 8.52 35.35 8.57 1.20 8.57 9.53 6.34 6.30 10.96 11.21 2.10 MCTL_206_1 3-2. 18.36 335919.97 8683.02 10.88 1722.34 2.30 542.60 2.66 78.45 90.50 43.17 410.62 19.62 4.30 803.97 776.60 30.05 64.20 7.75 34.09 7.13 1.02 7.04 7.63 5.15 5.26 13.63 9.99 2.64 MCTL_206_1 3-3. 11.88 335919.97 11634.89 17.51 2058.88 4.96 502.20 3.01 68.62 144.94 64.12 745.66 20.05 3.22 738.74 764.70 35.65 53.79 7.96 35.05 8.87 1.11 10.07 10.57 7.24 7.55 11.17 12.75 2.08 MCTL_206_1 4-4. 10.50 335919.97 10876.44 17.38 2081.14 5.56 457.53 2.45 60.04 137.52 77.02 744.49 20.25 2.84 632.63 666.82 53.04 49.62 13.35 62.01 14.33 2.06 14.21 13.29 8.41 8.64 10.73 23.39 2.04 MCTL_206_1 4-2. 17.34 340127.15 12263.14 17.65 2069.60 10.00 485.82 3.42 67.48 142.31 61.78 638.35 17.01 3.31 697.52 739.73 34.48 45.04 8.27 36.69 9.04 1.25 8.89 10.84 6.57 7.57 10.93 11.83 1.67 249 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U MCTL_206_1 4-3. 17.74 340127.15 11363.38 16.14 1772.34 5.23 585.98 2.19 72.48 136.00 69.18 659.97 18.44 3.62 838.79 840.49 37.43 59.11 8.58 39.02 9.30 1.23 10.36 11.31 8.19 8.64 12.23 11.93 2.22 MCTL_206_1 4-4. 19.16 340127.15 9602.90 14.09 1763.36 5.66 536.69 2.20 75.34 117.67 52.87 519.62 18.04 3.83 774.45 734.59 32.00 55.98 8.03 33.38 7.87 1.13 8.61 8.66 6.48 6.35 11.86 10.52 2.15 MCTL_206_1 5-1. 15.18 345269.26 9730.18 15.11 1634.24 4.83 515.26 3.82 74.04 106.74 71.50 670.41 19.12 3.58 772.53 818.10 41.20 57.65 9.37 40.35 9.95 1.16 11.00 11.20 8.38 7.62 12.79 15.74 2.34 MCTL_206_1 5-2. 13.91 345269.26 10155.04 15.60 1636.45 4.62 481.37 1.79 75.29 111.52 60.34 584.30 17.35 3.67 751.31 731.71 34.90 52.10 8.46 35.25 9.41 1.02 8.91 10.33 7.07 7.96 11.07 11.44 2.00 Table 1 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for glass. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti MCTL_206_1 5-4. 21.34 343820.12 11563.93 16.73 1903.23 MCTL_206_1 5-3. 22.26 343820.12 9249.55 12.18 1605.49 2.89 565.24 0.92 85.59 99.72 54.39 497.19 17.68 4.23 894.79 835.23 33.79 63.70 7.91 34.95 8.57 1.03 8.51 8.83 6.21 6.72 13.05 10.75 2.47 250 V Mn Ni Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Cs Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Pb Th U 2.48 690.40 6.16 79.97 136.02 83.14 744.60 19.46 4.27 980.09 1011.99 45.46 69.98 10.49 47.76 10.62 1.53 14.32 13.99 11.69 9.78 13.31 15.21 2.76 251 Table 2: Ca normalized LA-ICP-MS results for plagioclase. Sample Run # Li Mg Si Ca Sc Ti Mn Fe Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Pb LBTP-185-1 1 6.77 109.95 300357.17 37735.85 2.97 171.28 17.41 2316.34 No_Data 5.37 0.48 742.51 0.35 743.42 746.17 6.92 8.49 0.88 2.86 0.39 3.06 0.17 2.77 LBTP-185-1 2 7.50 100.79 320083.85 39022.30 3.50 190.01 18.27 2202.15 No_Data 5.25 0.46 854.52 0.19 842.65 837.56 6.21 7.99 0.83 3.26 0.26 4.39 0.18 2.58 LBTP-185-1 3 7.04 91.12 286360.37 36735.28 2.41 167.43 14.43 2035.48 No_Data 3.58 0.49 760.15 0.23 837.22 840.23 6.39 7.67 0.71 2.52 0.24 3.99 0.05 2.99 LBTP-185-1 4 7.39 135.83 344880.48 39808.46 3.61 215.19 16.63 2752.64 No_Data 5.41 0.54 814.48 0.27 1050.84 1040.23 8.19 10.03 0.93 3.01 0.29 3.50 0.24 3.05 LBTP-185-1 5 10.43 102.32 341992.81 37807.32 1.60 148.16 16.19 2362.29 No_Data 6.05 0.55 771.32 0.26 1183.22 1190.53 8.54 10.62 1.01 3.09 0.36 4.18 0.21 3.25 LBTP-185-1 6 7.00 115.13 310112.48 37807.32 2.94 182.51 16.44 2466.93 No_Data 4.24 0.55 784.86 0.36 882.17 893.25 7.06 8.87 0.87 2.76 0.32 2.90 0.16 2.78 LBTP-185-1 7 7.73 123.11 321523.16 37807.32 2.21 200.41 16.74 2527.46 No_Data 6.52 0.67 814.59 0.24 940.93 966.93 7.83 9.63 0.88 3.08 0.18 3.39 0.27 2.58 LBTP-185-1 8 9.44 107.35 288432.51 42595.77 2.57 175.57 19.06 2070.66 No_Data 4.69 0.33 885.37 0.28 620.45 627.19 6.97 7.84 0.72 2.63 0.15 3.94 0.10 2.42 LBTT-156-1 4 LBTT-156-1 5 LBTT-156-1 6 Table 2 (Continued): Ca normalized LA-ICP-MS results for plagioclase. Sample Run # LBTP-185-1 9 LBTP-185-1 10 LBTT-156-1 1 LBTT-156-1 2 LBTT-156-1 3 252 Li Mg Si Ca Sc Ti Mn Fe Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Pb 7.07 119.66 322032.14 39165.24 1.58 183.39 17.66 2593.93 No_Data 5.37 0.50 792.48 0.24 761.10 773.32 6.91 9.76 0.84 3.02 0.27 3.08 0.13 2.72 4.95 126.23 280329.19 52672.96 1.86 233.78 26.71 2363.45 No_Data 5.37 0.33 1267.73 0.40 547.02 540.72 5.28 7.21 0.76 2.91 0.31 3.23 0.15 2.26 1.88 166.81 322325.29 58247.57 5.04 231.95 36.28 2850.02 No_Data 5.84 0.19 1105.80 0.33 324.72 306.52 4.30 6.16 0.63 2.21 0.28 2.37 0.11 1.77 1.76 145.92 243139.25 55102.92 2.31 199.43 35.73 2548.99 No_Data 5.11 0.09 1003.27 0.24 157.60 152.21 2.64 3.86 0.42 1.75 0.25 1.17 0.14 1.07 2.96 94.51 367811.89 39594.05 4.04 137.38 20.07 2272.55 No_Data 5.10 0.67 933.58 0.31 650.83 628.56 7.37 9.39 0.90 2.93 0.28 2.66 0.16 2.94 1.90 94.73 335226.80 36377.93 4.03 140.95 14.40 2224.67 No_Data 4.19 0.50 722.77 0.22 1076.24 1060.68 9.09 10.55 0.92 3.15 0.34 3.45 0.20 3.36 1.97 108.33 345969.82 32232.70 4.12 140.26 14.26 2340.02 No_Data 5.06 0.51 698.65 0.25 925.71 909.45 6.98 8.79 0.79 2.70 0.24 3.15 0.18 3.12 1.62 108.99 308538.94 36949.69 3.85 176.39 17.96 2305.71 No_Data 4.19 0.31 688.09 0.31 668.55 659.30 5.79 7.86 0.75 2.58 0.30 2.53 0.15 2.42 LBTT-185-1 2 6.61 123.24 281457.80 LBTT-185-1 3 7.22 107.55 336843.29 LBTT-185-1 4 7.00 119.40 330480.20 Table 2 (Continued): Ca normalized LA-ICP-MS results for plagioclase. Sample Run # Li Mg Si LBTT-156-1 7 2.26 86.29 279199.70 LBTT-156-1 8 2.19 179.69 381737.41 LBTT-156-1 9 1.99 191.03 320056.52 LBTT-156-1 10 2.56 91.26 310474.40 LBTT-185-1 1 6.88 112.07 322828.60 253 Ca Sc Ti Mn Fe Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Pb 37307.03 4.68 168.73 17.43 1652.31 No_Data 3.64 0.26 998.95 0.16 391.52 389.94 4.25 5.63 0.52 2.07 0.19 2.60 0.13 1.49 63464.84 3.57 314.69 39.19 3520.75 No_Data 8.07 0.27 1384.45 0.39 418.82 407.94 4.47 5.84 0.64 2.24 0.30 2.10 0.19 1.45 67038.31 4.55 248.27 41.72 3655.90 1.39 6.48 0.27 1332.64 0.31 285.12 279.53 3.81 5.71 0.60 2.16 0.29 1.70 0.12 1.31 33519.15 4.10 154.68 16.04 2203.57 No_Data 4.39 0.51 681.48 0.28 855.14 863.02 7.21 9.03 0.87 2.71 0.23 3.11 0.12 3.00 38093.20 4.59 155.89 17.99 2292.00 No_Data 4.89 0.45 753.21 0.20 854.81 814.27 6.89 7.83 0.75 2.57 0.28 3.13 0.23 2.68 43024.59 3.66 243.92 21.74 2469.60 No_Data 5.54 0.25 831.93 0.24 544.50 501.34 4.37 6.12 0.56 2.15 0.21 3.09 0.12 1.80 34233.85 3.66 157.85 15.12 2309.03 No_Data 5.13 0.53 683.66 0.19 934.51 907.12 7.02 9.08 0.79 2.63 0.31 3.17 0.21 3.29 39165.24 4.27 179.68 18.98 2361.66 No_Data 5.22 0.48 736.99 0.23 805.81 782.47 7.04 8.97 0.85 3.04 0.27 2.93 0.22 2.46 LBTT-185-1 10 6.13 92.27 310072.19 33733.56 2.23 138.54 LBTT-185-2 1 7.58 108.33 332276.56 35234.42 4.62 152.11 LBTT-185-2 3 7.32 82.33 323079.50 31160.66 3.94 166.20 Table 2 (Continued): Ca normalized LA-ICP-MS results for plagioclase. Sample Run # Li Mg Si Ca Sc Ti LBTT-185-1 5 7.46 100.44 335162.43 36806.75 4.23 150.59 LBTT-185-1 6 9.31 136.10 456928.71 40237.28 6.05 223.93 LBTT-185-1 7 6.43 109.87 358207.61 33161.81 2.88 153.02 LBTT-185-1 8 7.27 113.86 317149.49 42381.36 3.68 235.59 LBTT-185-1 9 10.73 121.06 353871.87 36878.22 5.29 183.14 254 Mn Fe Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Pb 16.50 2130.95 No_Data 4.09 0.57 718.43 0.24 884.79 839.57 6.00 8.11 0.78 2.93 0.32 3.35 0.26 3.04 18.47 3197.70 No_Data 6.78 0.83 882.92 0.22 999.20 967.56 8.10 9.21 0.82 3.06 0.22 3.36 0.22 3.65 15.36 2485.49 No_Data 5.58 0.64 697.61 0.21 932.60 898.00 6.64 8.31 0.74 2.54 0.24 3.25 0.17 2.76 21.84 2468.60 No_Data 5.41 0.45 944.74 0.17 711.38 676.41 4.21 5.69 0.56 2.15 0.29 3.40 0.13 1.62 17.97 2600.91 1.26 5.65 0.53 735.22 0.30 945.95 914.42 6.66 8.32 0.75 2.43 0.25 3.24 0.28 2.95 14.37 2056.63 No_Data 4.16 0.42 698.03 0.22 931.18 896.05 6.58 8.11 0.77 2.66 0.24 3.24 0.13 2.79 16.76 2429.74 No_Data 5.54 0.46 774.10 0.24 840.51 840.03 7.17 8.80 0.79 2.54 0.28 3.09 0.19 2.92 13.78 2050.08 No_Data 5.97 0.68 631.66 0.20 929.77 941.58 6.82 8.62 0.81 2.48 0.20 3.13 0.12 3.24 LBTT-185-2 9 6.46 152.99 275278.71 70397.37 3.37 300.65 39.63 2327.44 No_Data LBTT-185-2 10 7.83 122.12 360213.44 40809.03 4.38 175.20 18.40 2457.76 1.06 MCTA-209-1 1 4.56 65.79 369127.38 39379.65 2.88 79.89 20.47 1839.98 No_Data Table 2 (Continued): Ca normalized LA-ICP-MS results for plagioclase. Sample Run # Li Mg Si Ca Sc Ti Mn Fe Cu LBTT-185-2 4 6.94 87.70 409572.74 32661.52 4.13 174.66 12.96 2509.08 0.99 LBTT-185-2 5 11.38 249.22 473054.74 63750.71 5.27 328.18 33.68 3757.60 0.94 LBTT-185-2 6 6.66 101.78 271407.41 36663.81 2.69 163.62 17.43 1961.71 1.04 LBTT-185-2 7 7.14 72.98 315494.93 29445.40 4.60 150.13 13.17 2187.33 No_Data LBTT-185-2 8 8.10 131.37 375038.58 36806.75 5.93 181.44 16.97 2369.13 0.57 255 Zn Rb Sr Y Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Pb 4.98 0.83 609.21 0.30 1247.77 1221.83 7.33 9.64 0.81 2.74 0.29 3.85 0.13 3.65 9.09 0.81 1228.82 0.54 961.68 932.50 9.39 13.47 1.24 4.46 0.48 3.85 0.16 4.39 4.55 0.21 719.17 0.21 588.56 583.63 5.67 8.16 0.71 2.60 0.15 2.80 0.14 2.83 4.91 0.55 590.80 0.16 957.36 952.82 6.42 8.47 0.72 2.62 0.27 2.97 0.16 3.16 5.94 0.58 771.56 0.33 1102.12 1105.15 8.08 10.55 1.00 3.18 0.31 3.70 0.21 3.62 4.23 0.39 1264.91 0.17 214.57 209.83 2.88 4.49 0.46 1.82 0.19 1.10 0.12 1.18 4.64 0.38 832.89 0.25 1005.03 1005.76 7.55 10.11 0.90 3.30 0.22 3.75 0.11 3.08 8.03 0.84 907.81 0.18 1261.89 1295.28 9.15 9.61 0.87 2.74 0.16 5.44 0.19 3.90 Table 2 (Continued): Ca normalized LA-ICP-MS results for plagioclase. Sample Run # Li Mg Si Ca Sc Ti Mn Fe Cu Zn Rb Sr MCTA-209-1 2 1.75 60.52 327169.17 39379.65 4.96 78.34 18.62 1700.91 No_Data 7.03 0.69 737.15 MCTA-209-1 3 2.37 58.71 345089.74 37378.50 0.64 84.33 16.70 1659.62 No_Data 5.75 0.83 700.14 MCTA-209-1 4 2.26 67.79 334160.24 39808.46 3.79 81.94 19.29 1721.42 No_Data 7.44 0.50 764.01 MCTA-209-1 5 2.72 57.94 273337.33 36234.99 1.73 77.76 16.31 1463.79 0.72 5.00 0.64 718.66 MCTA-209-1 6 3.24 59.51 322382.24 38593.48 2.72 76.46 18.96 1584.28 No_Data 6.77 0.61 762.64 MCTA-209-1 7 3.27 58.77 330207.51 37235.56 2.78 75.26 17.23 1616.30 0.35 5.01 0.76 749.15 MCTA-209-1 8 3.44 58.67 322307.11 36163.52 0.63 76.87 17.88 1523.81 No_Data 5.55 0.79 700.26 MCTA-209-2 1 7.32 279.17 305692.94 69039.45 0.83 202.30 40.94 2801.73 2.80 6.66 0.20 1312.33 256 Y Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Pb 0.33 747.24 738.75 7.55 9.03 0.77 2.25 0.24 4.41 0.12 3.69 0.26 781.86 778.10 7.25 8.57 0.73 2.78 0.35 4.52 0.11 3.41 0.19 779.33 747.70 7.72 8.90 0.80 2.66 0.46 4.52 0.16 3.45 0.25 640.39 646.68 6.17 8.01 0.69 2.27 0.31 4.07 0.23 2.91 0.23 918.00 901.28 7.73 8.90 0.81 3.08 0.27 4.14 0.16 3.61 0.30 763.86 768.11 7.37 8.89 0.72 2.53 0.36 4.53 0.15 3.30 0.22 886.80 882.04 6.92 8.38 0.75 2.43 0.23 4.19 0.16 3.63 0.47 191.11 198.49 3.39 4.85 0.54 1.91 0.28 2.28 0.21 1.07 Table 2 (Continued): Ca normalized LA-ICP-MS results for plagioclase. Sample Run # Li Mg Si Ca Sc Ti Mn Fe Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Ba Ba MCTA-209-2 2 3.15 53.89 318736.30 36092.05 2.21 79.12 16.12 1532.14 No_Data 5.01 0.79 714.18 0.26 789.60 810.82 MCTA-209-2 3 21.63 352.43 298941.02 70540.31 2.68 278.19 38.98 3279.51 No_Data 5.54 0.29 1391.62 0.30 223.46 219.85 MCTA-209-2 4 3.25 56.80 300768.61 38379.07 2.13 86.71 18.24 1537.13 No_Data 7.00 0.71 771.82 0.29 665.88 674.20 MCTA-209-2 5 3.64 59.80 333407.77 38450.54 2.20 78.34 18.72 1792.72 No_Data 8.10 0.83 744.38 0.20 866.18 857.31 MCTA-209-2 6 47.00 281.44 290513.43 69611.21 2.67 208.70 41.90 2894.24 No_Data 7.01 0.21 1331.98 0.32 199.66 198.74 MCTA-209-2 7 5.10 272.51 296473.67 67824.47 1.78 207.16 41.02 2808.66 No_Data 5.13 0.31 1332.77 0.28 201.88 208.42 MCTA-209-2 8 39.77 306.13 290336.76 69253.86 1.70 244.90 38.15 2887.29 No_Data 6.90 0.08 1304.32 0.28 200.01 193.15 MCTA-209-2 9 42.32 262.82 260555.68 66680.96 3.72 213.90 33.87 2655.59 No_Data 5.81 0.12 1288.82 0.25 188.00 195.68 257 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Pb 6.88 8.01 0.73 2.40 0.21 4.36 0.05 3.40 3.21 4.80 0.51 2.02 0.19 2.05 0.20 1.01 6.22 7.38 0.71 2.63 0.20 4.85 0.15 2.87 7.10 8.75 0.79 2.55 0.28 4.41 No_Data 3.63 3.55 5.00 0.51 2.03 0.36 2.32 0.24 1.24 3.77 5.13 0.51 1.97 0.20 2.26 0.22 1.28 3.36 4.59 0.49 2.10 0.28 2.21 0.27 0.96 3.46 4.78 0.52 1.89 0.30 2.26 0.32 0.90 Table 2 (Continued): Ca normalized LA-ICP-MS results for plagioclase. Sample Run # Li Mg Si Ca Sc Ti Mn Fe Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Ba Ba La Ce Pr MCTA-209-2 10 54.47 319.66 296331.19 69253.86 3.06 244.27 39.25 3314.81 No_Data 6.68 0.22 1349.19 0.30 231.70 223.18 3.31 4.82 0.46 MCTB-209-1 2 8.42 101.52 334016.02 47741.57 3.35 139.40 24.77 1845.63 No_Data 6.46 0.31 1150.05 0.20 414.75 405.38 5.05 6.09 0.63 MCTB-209-1 4 2.67 839.84 283721.31 125714.69 2.50 152.91 34.83 3925.28 No_Data 2.04 No_Data 921.53 0.12 29.47 30.59 0.56 0.98 0.10 MCTB-209-1 5 7.23 62.35 336507.55 37878.79 3.16 76.79 16.89 1622.93 35.15 6.81 0.82 750.11 0.21 784.13 784.39 7.28 9.19 0.89 MCTB-209-1 6 0.55 678.43 255875.73 124070.90 3.10 139.12 33.65 3399.79 No_Data 1.21 No_Data 843.36 0.13 28.54 27.00 0.50 0.85 0.11 MCTB-209-1 7 1.67 767.41 260353.73 123499.14 2.52 145.83 36.48 3901.76 No_Data 1.31 No_Data 934.74 0.14 30.25 30.27 0.58 1.06 0.12 MCTB-209-1 8 0.69 685.47 243991.24 124213.84 1.48 124.61 32.31 3243.04 0.57 1.25 No_Data 895.65 0.11 25.00 24.49 0.51 0.93 0.13 MCTB-209-1 9 1.34 756.05 271610.13 124642.65 1.64 131.49 31.62 3413.00 1.75 1.56 No_Data 922.75 0.11 30.21 30.43 0.57 1.00 0.12 258 Nd Sm Eu Gd Pb 1.88 0.27 1.91 0.35 1.08 2.41 0.17 4.24 0.31 1.95 0.51 0.15 0.29 No_Data 0.17 2.20 0.26 4.26 0.12 3.97 0.55 0.04 0.24 0.11 0.21 0.61 0.12 0.30 No_Data 0.26 0.50 0.08 0.25 0.03 0.38 0.56 0.10 0.26 0.03 0.12 Table 2 (Continued): Ca normalized LA-ICP-MS results for plagioclase. Sample Run # Li Mg Si Ca Sc Ti Mn Fe Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu MCTB-209-2 1 0.65 723.94 254123.75 122284.16 1.87 127.60 34.17 3691.53 1.22 2.08 No_Data 1004.93 0.13 31.78 31.06 0.54 0.97 0.14 0.60 0.06 0.28 MCTB-209-2 2 16.53 499.80 652900.32 121926.82 2.72 422.39 64.43 5297.94 No_Data 15.12 0.55 2939.16 0.72 775.33 806.65 8.50 11.30 1.14 4.24 0.48 6.38 MCTB-209-2 3 2.17 763.01 256872.36 126572.33 2.34 128.62 36.27 3549.94 No_Data 1.06 No_Data 870.34 0.17 28.61 28.29 0.56 0.87 0.11 0.55 0.09 0.25 MCTB-209-2 4 2.69 696.62 245435.51 123427.67 No_Data 139.13 36.64 3665.83 No_Data 1.38 No_Data 922.50 0.19 28.29 28.83 0.61 0.95 0.15 0.61 0.08 0.27 MCTB-209-2 6 2.65 780.58 260720.30 127572.90 1.59 142.75 38.02 3630.65 1.47 1.68 No_Data 946.14 0.09 32.66 29.20 0.55 1.00 0.09 0.63 0.11 0.24 MCTB-209-2 7 7.62 215.48 312741.15 63250.43 1.56 217.28 33.41 2254.61 0.51 6.32 0.15 1340.06 0.30 243.55 245.76 3.62 5.23 0.56 2.16 0.22 3.32 MCTB-209-2 8 0.77 751.64 235875.31 126929.67 1.26 135.32 31.50 3397.25 No_Data 1.74 No_Data 935.33 0.07 29.35 30.16 0.62 1.05 0.14 0.54 0.13 0.27 MCTB-209-2 9 6.39 206.94 304417.16 60677.53 3.59 221.67 32.71 2379.19 1.25 5.47 0.33 1398.80 0.22 232.69 231.77 3.55 4.76 0.52 1.79 0.25 2.89 259 Gd Pb No_Data 0.16 0.20 2.50 No_Data 0.12 0.04 0.15 No_Data 0.17 0.35 1.16 0.09 0.22 Table 2 (Continued): Ca normalized LA-ICP-MS results for plagioclase. Sample Run # Li Mg Si Ca Sc Ti Mn Fe Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Pb MCTB-209-2 10 5.37 217.78 285711.12 63536.31 3.24 218.94 31.96 2076.85 No_Data 5.19 0.22 1387.71 0.27 228.96 230.46 3.91 5.03 0.53 2.12 0.27 3.14 0.09 1.00 MCTL-206-1 1 8.22 61.99 343918.42 39379.65 3.16 82.56 18.49 1717.57 No_Data 5.50 0.48 796.88 0.27 790.77 790.31 8.03 9.13 0.84 2.69 0.21 4.52 No_Data 3.64 MCTL-206-1 2 6.16 57.97 307615.44 37449.97 2.55 74.89 15.78 1417.76 0.14 6.62 0.86 707.11 0.24 691.11 699.63 6.96 8.18 0.75 2.42 0.25 4.29 0.21 3.31 MCTL-206-1 3 7.52 58.18 315730.62 36806.75 2.82 75.51 17.16 1510.12 1.75 5.44 0.64 741.02 0.26 725.43 733.70 6.94 8.46 0.76 2.49 0.24 4.20 0.09 3.53 MCTL-206-1 4 7.57 58.15 292151.01 37092.62 2.35 70.88 16.13 1351.19 No_Data 5.96 0.69 687.82 0.23 682.03 696.47 6.74 8.21 0.72 2.53 0.21 4.24 0.17 3.02 MCTL-206-1 5 7.57 56.39 289395.32 38021.73 1.62 74.79 17.11 1530.47 No_Data 5.84 0.81 708.91 0.22 675.25 670.27 6.80 8.49 0.76 2.59 0.11 4.12 0.23 3.24 MCTL-206-1 6 7.92 62.49 300104.46 38093.20 3.46 82.30 17.71 1439.63 0.83 5.89 0.59 732.26 0.32 786.20 780.02 7.46 8.58 0.80 2.79 0.18 4.44 0.17 3.45 0.16 1.16 260 Table 2 (Continued): Ca normalized LA-ICP-MS results for plagioclase. Sample Run # Li Mg Si Ca Sc Ti Mn Fe Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Pb MCTL-206-1 8 7.52 55.26 306480.01 39165.24 1.76 70.75 18.17 1548.95 No_Data 6.09 0.72 761.89 0.07 729.91 717.35 7.75 8.97 0.94 2.96 0.39 4.55 0.18 3.35 MCTL-206-1 9 6.51 57.59 288656.26 37807.32 1.60 79.82 15.48 1374.73 No_Data 5.88 0.63 704.27 0.19 701.05 705.58 7.06 8.29 0.80 2.55 0.30 4.11 0.06 3.22 MCTL-206-1 10 6.70 82.85 280281.11 47241.28 2.39 108.65 23.85 1440.38 0.91 6.77 0.36 1120.94 0.24 405.83 402.16 5.07 6.14 0.61 2.14 0.18 5.06 0.15 1.60 Table 3: Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. 261 Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf LBTP-185-1 1 6.10 247054.97 150674.33 227.22 1963.01 149.72 0.75 149.99 0.09 19.60 117.83 63.17 0.09 0.33 0.51 8.04 36.09 7.69 49.25 17.14 2.45 21.74 23.70 13.29 11.63 2.22 LBTP-185-1 2 6.71 249018.32 155950.30 316.98 1997.52 90.34 0.71 176.79 0.03 24.94 143.66 63.24 0.06 0.47 0.52 8.55 38.75 8.65 54.99 20.39 2.96 24.57 28.83 17.79 14.53 2.89 LBTP-185-1 3 7.12 248410.62 154800.41 325.66 1977.75 95.13 No_Data 177.65 No_Data 27.55 145.75 76.60 0.06 0.06 0.12 9.07 41.66 9.31 57.54 22.00 3.45 27.58 29.82 18.32 14.09 3.22 LBTP-185-1 4 6.48 247615.93 158199.35 324.22 1957.12 94.80 0.54 178.38 No_Data 27.81 146.44 75.91 0.04 0.02 0.25 9.44 42.70 9.81 60.26 21.72 3.45 27.25 30.17 18.02 14.42 3.44 LBTP-185-1 5 6.32 247522.44 150056.66 399.40 1376.12 63.89 0.44 214.46 0.06 19.25 178.51 67.42 0.07 0.05 0.32 12.43 54.81 11.62 70.33 25.80 3.18 31.11 36.49 22.63 18.94 2.53 LBTP-185-1 6 7.29 250654.45 152908.15 399.54 1441.89 68.54 0.18 209.08 No_Data 20.50 181.43 70.31 0.05 No_Data 0.17 10.98 50.60 11.18 70.52 25.84 3.40 33.59 37.53 22.54 19.33 2.81 LBTP-185-1 7 6.19 246120.04 156166.13 334.06 1527.53 74.20 0.30 180.66 No_Data 24.10 149.41 57.05 No_Data No_Data No_Data 13.00 51.05 10.34 63.35 21.69 3.20 27.64 30.86 18.58 14.91 2.29 LBTP-185-1 14 LBTP-185-1 15 LBTP-185-1 8 7.04 246867.99 151457.37 269.24 1841.79 91.15 No_Data 187.37 No_Data 24.33 135.19 58.12 0.05 0.08 0.16 7.96 36.27 8.05 51.42 18.70 2.84 23.16 26.33 16.32 13.32 2.33 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # LBTP-185-1 9 LBTP-185-1 10 LBTP-185-1 11 LBTP-185-1 12 LBTP-185-1 13 LBTP-185-1 16 262 Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf 7.00 250093.49 158130.35 367.60 1594.40 69.04 0.87 177.12 0.40 25.44 159.70 71.85 0.13 2.87 3.21 10.00 44.11 10.29 65.50 24.69 3.55 29.40 33.76 20.01 16.81 2.87 7.43 247522.44 158609.81 340.62 1567.39 71.98 No_Data 185.15 0.03 22.35 137.47 57.30 0.05 No_Data No_Data 7.91 35.93 8.23 52.90 19.13 3.07 23.82 27.42 17.35 13.85 2.19 5.26 247709.42 9035.52 78.51 944.06 15.13 0.23 646.87 No_Data 0.05 21.24 3.29 No_Data No_Data No_Data 0.04 0.26 0.10 0.74 0.59 0.09 1.18 3.21 3.36 4.98 0.15 5.38 249719.52 9556.91 71.89 1001.62 16.34 0.25 620.04 No_Data 0.17 20.26 3.54 0.02 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.30 0.09 0.79 0.43 0.10 1.31 2.66 3.21 4.25 0.14 5.68 245839.57 10456.79 90.36 1635.57 42.02 0.73 547.90 No_Data 0.21 20.01 6.58 No_Data 0.02 No_Data 0.04 0.33 0.08 0.80 0.56 0.15 1.03 2.66 2.82 4.15 0.38 4.71 246120.04 6971.73 34.64 1050.45 24.50 0.28 511.00 0.09 0.10 11.30 2.89 0.01 No_Data No_Data 0.02 0.11 0.03 0.36 0.33 0.06 0.60 1.42 1.96 2.78 0.04 6.12 242333.58 9094.75 75.77 945.60 15.18 No_Data 648.94 No_Data 0.08 20.50 3.76 No_Data No_Data No_Data 0.03 0.26 0.10 0.62 0.65 0.10 1.01 2.99 3.19 4.57 0.13 5.23 249205.31 9255.47 82.45 1454.25 36.10 0.36 477.93 No_Data 0.13 15.99 4.60 0.02 No_Data No_Data 0.02 0.23 0.08 0.62 0.48 0.12 1.22 2.22 2.58 3.24 0.16 LBTT-156-1 3 4.87 247709.42 LBTT-156-1 4 4.31 249859.76 LBTT-156-1 6 6.01 244717.65 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # Li Si LBTP-185-1 17 6.16 244483.92 LBTP-185-1 18 5.50 243034.78 LBTP-185-1 19 5.92 242894.54 LBTP-185-1 20 5.75 245418.85 LBTT-156-1 1 4.90 249906.51 263 Ca Sc Ti V Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf 9527.43 72.76 1546.95 48.40 0.06 576.68 No_Data 0.18 19.79 5.65 0.02 0.12 0.03 0.10 0.38 0.10 0.75 0.50 0.17 1.30 2.83 3.05 3.82 0.31 8479.59 76.83 1017.31 20.32 No_Data 579.81 No_Data 0.10 21.13 4.24 No_Data 0.16 0.16 0.05 0.29 0.08 0.82 0.46 0.13 1.33 2.98 3.31 4.48 0.17 8390.96 67.97 807.04 14.23 0.78 597.65 No_Data 0.14 19.06 3.09 No_Data No_Data No_Data 0.05 0.27 0.08 0.81 0.52 0.10 1.00 2.56 2.85 3.75 0.13 8040.47 68.01 1532.30 51.25 1.15 489.23 0.02 0.75 22.37 4.12 0.01 No_Data 0.04 1.45 4.55 0.64 3.54 1.20 0.19 1.91 3.75 3.43 4.34 0.20 10748.66 77.37 937.29 13.40 No_Data 604.28 No_Data 0.12 18.57 3.61 No_Data No_Data No_Data 0.04 0.27 0.07 0.58 0.47 0.09 1.15 2.67 2.98 4.12 0.18 10486.96 83.65 929.37 13.20 0.22 600.50 No_Data 0.07 21.62 3.43 No_Data No_Data No_Data 0.04 0.31 0.09 0.68 0.61 0.10 1.32 2.92 3.77 4.48 0.18 9190.52 83.38 983.53 11.14 0.92 586.31 No_Data 0.13 22.30 3.60 0.02 0.03 No_Data 0.02 0.25 0.10 0.76 0.56 0.10 1.48 3.25 3.44 5.05 0.08 10013.40 78.13 1495.86 17.54 0.42 586.40 0.03 0.13 21.41 5.54 No_Data No_Data 0.02 0.04 0.30 0.09 0.85 0.46 0.13 1.72 3.23 3.66 4.95 0.26 LBTT-156-1 12 6.05 253459.24 159378.19 327.81 LBTT-156-1 13 5.76 249298.80 165024.13 351.99 LBTT-156-1 14 5.18 233732.24 146420.92 343.69 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc LBTT-156-1 7 4.83 246213.54 9202.60 66.79 LBTT-156-1 8 5.53 248176.89 10651.29 71.82 LBTT-156-1 9 4.91 246213.54 9065.07 79.30 LBTT-156-1 10 5.43 244670.91 8436.60 80.07 LBTT-156-1 11 7.02 249906.51 163610.71 345.58 264 Ti V Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf 1553.34 37.17 No_Data 423.48 No_Data 0.10 16.03 4.94 0.01 No_Data 0.15 0.03 0.27 0.06 0.57 0.39 0.10 0.90 2.26 2.28 3.61 0.23 916.36 14.28 No_Data 591.79 0.10 0.13 19.28 3.56 0.04 No_Data 0.02 0.04 0.25 0.08 0.80 0.54 0.09 1.45 2.62 2.91 4.42 0.16 1045.34 18.35 No_Data 585.09 No_Data 0.09 22.12 4.30 0.01 0.19 0.06 0.04 0.29 0.09 0.81 0.62 0.10 1.48 3.13 3.42 4.63 0.20 983.69 17.01 No_Data 606.54 No_Data 0.07 24.68 4.31 0.02 0.21 0.21 0.08 0.30 0.11 0.81 0.60 0.10 1.51 3.17 3.93 5.36 0.10 2162.29 84.45 No_Data 174.67 No_Data 27.53 154.54 65.88 0.06 0.39 0.47 8.84 39.48 8.70 59.18 20.91 3.49 28.13 31.05 17.95 15.06 2.73 2141.00 106.83 No_Data 197.53 0.04 24.65 154.36 63.25 0.08 0.68 0.72 8.98 38.57 8.73 56.92 21.73 2.97 28.45 31.05 18.86 15.65 2.37 2216.76 86.48 0.51 171.93 No_Data 26.95 147.80 72.13 0.15 2.36 2.29 8.66 38.96 8.69 56.38 21.12 3.50 25.96 30.17 18.24 14.32 2.83 1542.77 66.90 0.41 175.99 No_Data 22.33 140.12 61.15 0.03 No_Data 0.13 8.30 36.49 8.54 52.92 20.00 2.86 25.14 28.23 17.65 14.01 2.44 LBTT-185-1 1 6.28 247756.17 9763.45 91.74 1003.72 14.73 LBTT-185-1 2 5.63 249719.52 9557.83 63.97 919.99 13.39 LBTT-185-1 3 4.93 245839.57 9745.47 75.21 1923.58 57.84 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V LBTT-156-1 15 6.02 250186.99 159924.92 379.10 1600.08 66.22 LBTT-156-1 16 6.49 248410.62 167754.29 309.48 2458.42 135.81 LBTT-156-1 17 7.20 251495.89 160475.38 367.88 1662.18 66.03 LBTT-156-1 18 8.11 249906.51 162925.02 271.68 2419.40 93.55 LBTT-156-1 19 5.43 249439.04 160089.32 343.53 1720.33 77.26 265 Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf No_Data 186.60 No_Data 21.72 162.15 65.09 0.03 0.00 0.17 9.01 41.23 9.71 61.31 23.41 3.09 30.31 33.58 20.49 15.89 2.83 No_Data 187.61 No_Data 22.87 169.12 70.32 0.07 0.08 0.29 11.28 49.53 10.99 68.80 25.93 3.57 32.43 35.11 22.05 17.24 3.07 0.40 185.94 No_Data 21.88 166.07 63.35 0.03 No_Data 0.11 9.47 43.42 10.22 62.76 23.39 3.16 28.50 32.51 19.13 16.96 2.50 0.44 163.53 No_Data 32.72 117.76 65.93 0.07 0.03 0.15 6.70 34.33 7.49 49.33 18.38 3.91 22.37 25.99 13.68 10.64 2.73 No_Data 169.87 No_Data 23.49 145.82 62.11 0.05 0.05 0.13 8.51 40.02 8.49 57.87 19.89 3.07 26.90 30.08 17.26 14.32 2.50 1.45 649.79 No_Data 0.02 26.38 3.56 No_Data No_Data No_Data 0.06 0.37 0.11 0.92 0.72 0.14 1.62 3.83 4.23 5.60 0.16 No_Data 601.79 No_Data 0.12 18.29 3.08 0.02 0.04 No_Data 0.04 0.24 0.07 0.64 0.44 0.10 1.07 2.53 2.97 3.85 0.14 LBTT-185-1 9 5.59 242894.54 10354.11 81.89 1406.70 30.46 No_Data 550.23 LBTT-185-1 10 4.84 245418.85 10160.34 73.01 2054.60 65.17 No_Data 397.49 1.47 447.48 0.08 0.16 17.36 6.54 0.01 0.24 0.49 0.09 0.54 0.10 1.05 0.50 0.11 0.89 2.22 2.33 3.21 0.33 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Cu Zn LBTT-185-1 4 4.97 246120.04 9351.19 59.76 1455.43 40.38 No_Data 468.85 LBTT-185-1 5 6.58 242240.09 11700.98 97.49 1740.29 28.37 0.76 544.59 LBTT-185-1 6 7.34 249252.06 10121.44 75.17 1721.22 46.68 1.19 458.36 LBTT-185-1 7 5.33 244530.67 10431.35 65.42 1328.11 28.83 No_Data 520.62 LBTT-185-1 8 5.34 243081.53 9820.62 64.93 1540.34 37.72 0.43 431.64 LBTT-185-1 11 4.69 245418.85 9756.59 70.92 883.16 14.22 No_Data 606.35 266 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf No_Data 0.12 16.40 4.65 0.04 0.50 0.58 0.06 0.29 0.07 0.67 0.39 0.08 1.01 2.55 2.55 3.43 0.16 No_Data 0.16 26.29 6.74 0.01 0.64 0.61 0.10 0.51 0.11 1.39 0.81 0.14 1.70 3.71 4.20 5.66 0.28 No_Data 0.08 16.61 5.65 0.01 No_Data 0.05 0.06 0.35 0.12 0.76 0.55 0.12 1.17 2.07 2.44 3.50 0.19 0.07 0.32 17.85 4.75 0.02 2.31 2.53 0.12 0.53 0.11 0.76 0.49 0.10 1.04 2.36 3.00 3.87 0.16 0.10 0.07 13.94 4.38 0.01 No_Data 0.04 0.03 0.22 0.07 0.50 0.42 0.10 0.89 1.77 2.03 3.33 0.18 No_Data 0.17 18.43 4.19 0.01 0.04 No_Data 0.04 0.23 0.09 0.67 0.50 0.14 1.30 2.43 2.91 3.73 0.24 No_Data 0.19 12.83 6.27 0.02 No_Data No_Data 0.03 0.20 0.06 0.52 0.39 0.09 0.68 1.91 2.02 2.87 0.26 No_Data 0.07 20.99 3.51 No_Data No_Data No_Data 0.21 0.95 0.21 1.57 0.98 0.11 1.16 2.92 3.02 4.10 0.16 LBTT-185-1 17 5.53 248550.86 10165.57 74.79 1093.68 16.70 0.87 597.41 No_Data 0.11 LBTT-185-1 18 7.09 248223.64 163676.14 396.64 2098.57 94.64 1.33 190.70 No_Data 22.50 LBTT-185-1 19 7.14 251168.66 172790.99 331.40 1946.56 105.56 No_Data 180.72 No_Data 25.83 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Cu Zn Rb Sr LBTT-185-1 12 6.36 250888.18 11461.53 89.37 1199.34 15.58 0.30 637.71 No_Data 0.06 LBTT-185-1 13 6.76 250888.18 12178.63 93.30 1840.25 44.00 No_Data 486.98 No_Data 0.22 LBTT-185-1 14 6.47 250888.18 10649.75 68.21 1413.89 33.82 0.60 505.21 No_Data 0.12 LBTT-185-1 15 5.69 250888.18 10184.96 54.68 1354.04 37.38 No_Data 485.28 No_Data 0.10 LBTT-185-1 16 5.63 249111.82 10241.70 85.20 1359.58 26.24 No_Data 616.83 No_Data 0.24 267 Y Zr Nb Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf 25.40 5.08 No_Data 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.36 0.10 1.05 0.66 0.12 1.57 3.44 4.15 5.70 0.21 19.73 5.90 0.02 No_Data No_Data 0.04 0.27 0.10 0.69 0.54 0.18 1.15 3.04 3.14 4.32 0.33 17.23 3.86 No_Data 1.18 1.30 0.10 0.32 0.06 0.54 0.43 0.11 1.15 2.25 2.50 4.26 0.19 13.72 2.69 No_Data No_Data 0.02 0.02 0.16 0.03 0.31 0.21 0.07 0.65 1.56 2.26 3.25 0.09 26.02 4.63 No_Data 0.02 0.49 0.08 0.47 0.11 1.00 0.76 0.16 1.67 3.80 4.03 5.23 0.11 22.07 3.49 0.02 No_Data No_Data 0.03 0.26 0.08 0.88 0.50 0.11 1.14 3.03 3.84 4.80 0.13 177.61 72.23 0.01 No_Data 0.19 10.53 46.55 10.79 70.03 25.42 3.64 32.97 35.93 21.34 17.61 2.79 151.36 69.01 0.06 No_Data 0.23 9.51 44.40 10.14 60.21 23.04 3.20 29.09 32.44 19.44 16.01 2.86 LBTT-185-1 25 6.05 250888.18 9537.63 85.84 1293.13 20.05 No_Data 592.37 No_Data 0.04 21.37 4.15 LBTT-185-1 26 6.79 249485.79 164785.46 362.43 1845.17 82.05 No_Data 177.11 No_Data 25.72 150.47 66.78 LBTT-185-1 27 6.93 249813.01 157591.39 375.23 1626.77 68.63 No_Data 189.95 No_Data 19.64 174.00 63.62 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr LBTT-185-1 20 6.33 249205.31 166770.77 390.68 1801.72 77.29 No_Data 198.77 No_Data 23.23 173.39 69.88 LBTT-185-1 21 8.25 249298.80 159704.58 307.72 3724.95 134.90 No_Data 183.50 No_Data 37.06 132.16 72.11 LBTT-185-1 22 7.50 249111.82 154399.23 383.81 1566.26 72.21 No_Data 191.54 No_Data 19.97 188.67 71.51 LBTT-185-1 23 9.51 252010.10 171822.74 398.06 1964.55 81.30 0.34 198.10 No_Data 27.20 176.22 73.61 LBTT-185-1 24 7.95 248504.11 160208.13 408.66 1650.30 69.39 No_Data 209.16 No_Data 19.66 195.15 78.55 268 Nb Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf 0.07 0.15 0.19 10.14 48.13 10.19 65.04 24.41 3.34 32.30 34.75 20.85 18.23 2.73 0.08 0.30 0.52 8.25 36.52 8.05 50.67 19.56 5.07 25.19 25.72 15.88 12.60 3.05 0.04 0.03 0.22 11.22 54.26 11.80 75.24 25.56 3.55 35.50 38.82 24.55 20.18 3.05 0.06 No_Data 0.19 10.50 50.74 11.29 68.39 26.18 3.59 32.85 35.53 21.67 17.44 3.41 0.03 No_Data 0.21 11.13 52.39 11.58 72.12 27.64 3.39 34.32 38.77 24.24 20.11 3.02 0.01 No_Data No_Data 0.04 0.32 0.09 0.73 0.44 0.08 1.39 2.94 3.42 4.60 0.23 0.04 No_Data 0.17 9.02 41.67 9.39 59.12 22.88 3.51 27.92 30.37 18.57 15.36 2.79 LBTT-185-2 7 3.62 248504.11 9944.57 76.08 1282.52 29.41 No_Data 528.85 No_Data 0.09 20.63 4.83 0.02 0.05 LBTT-185-2 8 5.19 248176.89 9465.27 78.12 1266.94 22.36 No_Data 553.80 No_Data 0.08 20.74 3.70 0.03 0.19 0.04 0.05 0.18 9.57 44.72 10.28 64.27 23.89 3.39 33.89 37.49 21.69 18.22 2.66 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba LBTT-185-2 1 5.27 245372.10 164654.85 378.02 1787.59 71.09 0.56 178.79 No_Data 26.58 157.47 66.34 0.03 No_Data LBTT-185-2 2 2.20 243829.47 173150.37 179.62 5931.72 281.96 1.37 60.09 No_Data 50.80 36.53 30.17 0.04 No_Data LBTT-185-2 4 4.68 245418.85 11453.41 89.03 1466.46 21.88 0.76 520.19 No_Data 0.23 22.50 5.65 0.01 0.05 LBTT-185-2 5 4.15 250000.00 10900.48 72.43 1098.06 16.08 No_Data 563.08 No_Data 0.22 18.87 3.38 0.01 No_Data LBTT-185-2 6 2.71 254487.66 9042.42 60.59 1656.32 47.62 0.47 269.42 No_Data 0.17 8.00 3.17 0.02 No_Data LBTT-185-2 9 5.17 248737.85 10338.11 68.62 827.86 12.34 0.90 580.57 No_Data 0.03 17.58 3.04 0.02 No_Data 269 Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf 0.14 8.95 38.88 9.16 58.90 20.56 3.28 27.91 31.51 19.66 15.32 2.70 0.05 1.95 8.84 2.10 15.28 5.54 1.95 8.12 8.28 4.24 2.68 1.42 0.05 0.05 0.39 0.10 0.87 0.76 0.16 1.66 2.96 3.33 4.85 0.27 No_Data 0.04 0.23 0.07 0.53 0.57 0.07 1.37 2.65 2.73 4.21 0.11 No_Data 0.02 0.10 0.02 0.27 0.27 0.06 0.60 1.23 1.58 1.60 0.15 0.07 0.06 0.29 0.08 0.75 0.41 0.11 1.22 2.84 2.99 4.32 0.20 0.17 0.05 0.27 0.07 0.77 0.57 0.11 1.51 2.89 2.84 4.55 0.16 No_Data 0.01 0.24 0.07 0.61 0.53 0.08 0.96 2.30 2.71 3.54 0.10 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba Ba La LBTT-185-2 10 2.24 250981.68 9088.00 57.39 1993.18 68.46 No_Data 298.35 0.05 0.13 8.29 4.29 No_Data No_Data No_Data 0.03 MCTA-209-1 1 2.21 243922.96 10266.39 78.35 1910.46 25.19 0.88 329.28 No_Data 0.20 9.83 4.65 0.01 No_Data 0.02 0.03 MCTA-209-1 2 2.81 248363.87 155620.69 248.84 4168.87 74.40 0.45 119.90 No_Data 42.03 78.94 54.76 0.10 No_Data 0.08 4.20 MCTA-209-2 1 2.10 250514.21 10678.73 78.71 1895.00 23.07 No_Data 311.65 0.09 0.18 11.89 5.04 0.02 No_Data No_Data 0.01 MCTA-209-2 3 3.07 253599.48 155305.40 190.01 4860.64 118.24 0.64 84.12 0.06 43.38 46.80 37.60 0.04 0.19 0.15 2.50 MCTA-209-2 4 2.23 246026.55 10513.16 68.94 1384.15 17.92 0.75 310.94 0.28 0.30 9.91 4.33 0.04 0.14 0.17 0.02 MCTB-209-1 1 5.76 246961.48 164234.20 164.98 6406.89 198.86 2.06 62.84 No_Data 40.50 34.33 27.38 0.03 No_Data 0.07 1.44 MCTB-209-1 2 1.23 248176.89 179824.03 163.51 4345.19 296.09 1.85 31.19 No_Data 49.62 17.06 17.77 0.01 No_Data 0.01 0.87 270 Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf 0.15 0.04 0.32 0.28 0.07 0.67 1.16 1.33 1.88 0.16 0.11 0.04 0.33 0.26 0.11 0.68 1.41 1.53 1.93 0.22 18.48 4.18 28.32 10.46 3.24 15.65 15.50 9.18 7.42 3.11 0.13 0.04 0.38 0.32 0.10 0.85 1.63 1.67 2.28 0.27 11.96 2.63 18.76 7.44 2.39 9.77 10.30 5.53 4.42 1.89 0.12 0.03 0.24 0.36 0.09 0.71 1.34 1.56 1.92 0.20 6.85 1.71 12.52 5.56 1.68 7.24 7.51 3.78 2.68 1.37 3.75 0.92 5.86 2.54 0.92 3.49 3.38 1.90 1.33 0.85 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba Ba La Ce Pr MCTB-209-1 3 3.14 248130.14 10756.46 44.20 1288.10 15.89 No_Data 277.38 No_Data 0.20 5.76 1.81 No_Data No_Data No_Data 0.02 0.07 0.02 MCTB-209-1 4 2.13 246867.99 166434.15 143.58 3461.53 261.45 1.90 32.33 No_Data 48.87 12.81 11.85 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.62 2.96 0.76 MCTB-209-1 5 2.30 237331.71 162575.40 137.94 4680.90 255.59 2.04 41.89 No_Data 35.85 18.19 14.16 No_Data No_Data 0.04 0.96 3.89 0.97 MCTB-209-1 6 1.79 242941.29 168787.86 168.17 5548.22 293.29 1.89 42.74 No_Data 42.78 22.78 20.09 0.06 No_Data 0.10 1.16 5.22 1.29 MCTB-209-1 7 7.68 255001.87 10665.60 64.33 1889.27 35.41 0.82 218.21 0.04 0.24 6.39 2.72 No_Data 0.39 0.16 0.02 0.15 0.03 MCTB-209-1 8 2.29 242473.82 161950.55 177.35 5095.42 209.45 1.33 66.04 No_Data 43.37 34.25 26.54 0.04 0.08 0.18 1.56 7.04 1.68 MCTB-209-1 9 1.87 241819.37 156018.23 191.86 4183.23 67.18 0.89 71.16 No_Data 40.86 50.91 40.72 0.03 0.77 1.09 2.78 10.52 2.79 MCTB-209-2 9 0.74 247101.72 176317.08 164.73 5511.88 296.91 0.94 42.88 No_Data 46.01 20.83 19.04 No_Data No_Data No_Data 1.08 4.86 1.15 271 Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf 0.20 0.16 0.05 0.33 0.89 0.72 1.10 0.14 4.88 2.05 0.74 2.62 2.46 1.50 1.11 0.55 6.65 2.73 0.98 4.05 4.06 1.95 1.56 0.72 9.01 3.23 1.31 5.09 4.71 2.59 1.84 1.00 0.16 0.19 0.06 0.40 0.82 0.90 1.02 0.03 11.46 5.22 1.61 7.09 7.51 4.18 3.35 1.32 18.91 7.34 2.32 10.57 11.11 6.59 4.80 1.12 7.80 2.66 1.12 4.55 4.56 2.18 1.73 0.69 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm MCTB-209-2 10 2.24 242660.81 152260.56 190.23 4762.63 84.39 1.28 76.35 No_Data 38.79 48.91 38.65 0.07 No_Data 0.02 2.17 10.23 2.38 17.11 7.04 MCTB-209-2 11 3.37 236163.05 144109.31 163.20 4060.35 84.00 1.51 85.85 0.19 39.85 47.35 36.83 0.05 0.63 0.36 2.14 10.14 2.55 16.97 7.14 MCTB-209-2 12 0.69 246120.04 150762.18 130.58 4233.89 283.06 3.08 41.50 0.12 40.60 15.67 14.31 0.06 1.47 1.16 0.77 3.90 0.92 6.01 2.44 MCTB-209-2 13 4.72 243221.77 143536.45 174.41 3816.15 103.81 No_Data 81.31 0.15 39.91 50.62 39.41 0.05 0.09 0.08 2.73 13.54 3.25 19.54 7.72 MCTB-209-2 14 1.87 242520.57 146245.06 137.86 4429.82 288.64 2.85 42.90 No_Data 47.77 18.31 17.69 0.11 3.47 2.94 0.99 4.78 1.21 6.52 2.84 MCTB-209-2 15 2.08 240977.94 161637.41 150.94 5142.31 292.86 1.15 42.23 No_Data 40.75 20.14 17.73 0.02 No_Data 0.43 0.96 4.92 1.09 7.90 3.26 MCTB-209-2 16 3.06 244156.69 146909.14 197.64 3752.22 71.58 0.68 108.42 No_Data 34.12 57.86 44.64 0.03 No_Data 0.08 2.59 12.69 3.03 19.55 8.24 MCTB-209-2 17 3.55 241538.89 129221.64 245.31 2273.70 10.88 No_Data 121.52 No_Data 27.81 72.11 44.33 0.03 0.99 1.32 2.55 12.47 3.15 22.08 9.89 272 Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Hf 1.97 9.98 10.38 5.81 4.35 2.02 2.12 9.83 10.30 5.50 4.16 1.78 1.20 3.33 3.34 1.89 1.46 0.67 2.45 10.66 10.98 5.67 4.62 1.74 Table 3 (Continued): Si normalized LA-ICP-MS results for pyroxenes. Sample Run # Li Si Ca Sc Ti V Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd MCTL-206-1 1 1.36 245465.59 161036.62 137.50 4102.47 291.25 2.91 42.64 No_Data 76.45 18.86 28.51 0.03 No_Data No_Data 2.11 10.53 2.29 14.51 4.62 1.70 5.01 1.02 3.35 3.37 2.17 1.43 0.82 1.19 4.42 4.44 2.26 1.81 0.80 2.13 10.87 11.47 7.00 5.43 1.90 2.02 12.89 15.58 9.40 7.61 2.01 273 Dy Er Yb Hf 4.36 2.17 1.44 1.18 274