A 14C!)EL OP SEAWATER STRUCTURE NEAR THE WEST C.ST CF VANCOUVER IS lAND, BRITISH COUJMBL( by ROBERT KENNETH lANE A THESIS submitted to OREG STATE UNITERS IT! in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE July 1962 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Associate Professor of Oceanography In Charge of Major Redacted for Privacy Chairman of Department of Oceanography Redacted for Privacy Chairman of School Graduate ComuLttee Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Diane (}f Frischknecht AC1NAQLEDGNENT Grateful aIcnowledginent is made to the staff at Pacific Oceanographic Group, Nanaimo, British project Columbia1 where the originated and all the data were collected. appreciated were the guidance and Particularly suggestions of Dr. 3. P. Tully, Oceanographer in Chctrge of that group. A MODEL OF SEAWATER STRUCTURE NEAR TUE WEST CCWT OF VANCOUVER ISLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA by Robert Kenneth Lane TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. Introduction Seasonal Factors ....... . . ........................ 1. L. A. Runoff and its contribution to structure ....... B. Beating and cooling and their k contributions to structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 6 Wind and its contribution to structure ......... 8 The Model . ............................................. 10 (December through March) 10 C. III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . A. B. Stage 1 Sa 1 inity 2. Tempe ra tu re . 2. . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . ............ . . 10 . . 1 6 2. Stage 20 .................... Salinity ........ 20 Temperature ....... .... ......... .. ..... Stage 3 (May through July) 1. D. ..... .......... Stage 2(MarchthroughApril) ............. 1. C. 1 Salinity ....... . Temperature I . . ............ ........ . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (July through October) ..............,.. 2k 26 26 31 37 1. Salinity .. ....eS.s..eS....... Temperature .............................. Stage 5 (October through Decebei .............. 2. E. 1. Salinity 2. Temperature ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 37 k2 45 45 IV. Summary . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5]. Bibliography .... . . .. ...... .... ...... .. ........ .. 53 V. SEAWATER STRUCTURE NEAR THE A MCVEL ( VANCOUVER ISLAND, B1UTISH COLUMBIA WEST COAST ( I. Introduction Temperature and salinity structures1 in the coastal region off the southwestern coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia (Fig. 1) have been reviewed by Lane (LI). A more detailed study of the data (6) in this region has permitted the definition of five seasonal stages in the cycle of seasonal changes of the temperature and salinity structures. The form of the model is a vertical section normal to the coast, from the shore to seaward of the continental slope For the convenience of description, the structures in the section have been simplified into their principle zones, idealized, and their features defined. Each zone defines a layer or depth interval in which the properties of the water are constant, or consistently change with depth, and whose limits are defined by features of structure rather than numerical values (iLl, p. 6; 16, p. 528). The five stages of salinity and temperature structure Following the usage of Tully (16, p. 528) the term structure refers to the distribution of properties of the water, usually in the vertical sense. A graph of salinity as a function of depth (cf. e.g. Fig. 2) or a plot of the isopleths of salinity in a section defined by length and depth defines the salinity structure. r$ELD ISL D -- V - lOOm. --2cm. "-- / I, PACIFIC ,, 2000m. OCE4N __E Figure 1. 48 Chart of the approaches to southe-rn Vancouver Island, British Columbia, showing positions of observations, geographic locations, and contours of depth. RICA ST SALR'TY UPPER ZONE TEMPEPATURE L4'PER ZONE t. LOWER ZONE Figure 2. L01'EI? ZONE Definitions of temperature and salinity structure. I! '4 constitute a model, which is believed to be applicable to coastal region defined above and also, to the some degree, to the entire west-coast Canadian and Alaskan coastal regions. The salinity structures in the local estuarine regions subarctic Pacific Ocean have and the been described by Tully (16), and by Tully and Barber (17). An upper and a lower zone, in which the salinity structures are nearly isohaline, and which are separated by a halocline, were defined in both regions. By analogy, a simple temperature structure is defined zones separated here as upper and lower thermal by a thermocline. II. Seasonal Factors The five stages of the model a re related to the seasons 1 variations of runoff, heating and cooling, and wind; the factors determining the character of the coastal of precipitation, runoff, insolation, waters The annual cycles and wind velocity and strength in this region have been discussed ('4, p. 5]-6'4). These are briefly reviewed here and the factors pertinent to the discussion of each stage of the model A. Runoff and its are appropriately included contribution therein. to structure Fresh water enters this region (Fig. 1) mainly as discharged from small local rivers, e.g. the Stamp R., (as shown in Figure 3), and larger continental rivers, e.g. the Fraser IL, (as shown in Figure 3). The former, subject to a sunmer discharge from the melt 8 . 7\ (&STAMPR. M 1'l MI A .1 .1 I A I I S ( I I 5 fl M .1 I -2 V IQ x. o 5 / "- 5r C) U) I /58 U ci / /9O7 E // // ,/ -I i? 3 0 U) / :i: / / 0) 0 k 2 k i 3 I 1F, M1 A, .1 300 " ," i I U 0 a: / I o2- D x , J , ,' i i >1 0 I 5 4 l-1 t A 1S1 0 1N1 D, J J 8 7 H '0 x ci C) U') (3 C) U) .4 -t F). E w 0 30Ua: a: 0 U) a: . - (L/./ 1 IT/-4 QL IT 0 I J IT. F MA MJ JASON D I I I I I I I I I Figure 3. Mean monthly discharge of coastal (Stamp) and mainland (Fraser) rivers, 1957-1958. i J U) a 6 of highland snow storage, as well as the stronger, precipitationinduced (Fig. Zi a) winter discharge, shows two maxima. data show the second peak especially well. The The 1957 Fraser River data reflect the single summer maximum discharge from the melt of continental snow-fields. Both sources of fresh water enter the sea as eatuarine discharge, resulting in a brackish upper zone. Thily (16) has shown that there is unidirectional upward transfer of salt (entrainment) from the more dense oceanic water to the overriding estuarine discharge when there is a velocity shearbetween the zones. Further, he showed that the greatest shear occurred in a halocline. It has also been shown (17) that the features of the estuarine structures are similar to those found in the eub-&rctic Pacific Ocean. Velocity shears caused by oceanic mechanisms, such as convergence and divergence, may result in a demand for lower zone water and, thence, entrainment. B. lating and cooling and their contributions to structure A heat budget has not been computed locally. This has been done for Triple Island (Let. 54 N., Long. 31) by Tabeta (11), for the Strait of Georgia (Let. 148.5 N., Long 122.5 W.) by Waldichuk (18), for the Ocean Station "F" (Lat. SO N., Long. 115 W) by Tabata (12), but not for any location on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Figure 14 b shows the insolation cycle (monthly values of hours of bright sunshine) for the region studied here, represented by data for Bamfield, B.C. (Fig. 1) (5). 7 PRECIPITATION AT 50 BAM/ELD /957 ----' 230- ' 1- LU 0 20 I /9;9--- ii i/i (a) / oL_j (0 j FM AM STAGE F-'--- I S 0 N D S 0 N U - 2 F4 3'-1 U, 0 z .0 -j 0 z (/) £JCL L/ELET 0 Figure LL (a) Monthly totals of precipitation (1957-4959) on the west coast of Vancouver Island (Bamfield, B.C.) (Fig. 1). (b) Mean monthly hours of bright sunshine on the west coast of Vancouver Island (ucluelet, B.C.) (Fig. 1). (After climatological Atlas of Cari,ada, 1953, National Research Council of Canada). 8 From the insolation cycle and from the heat budget studies cited, it has been inferred that, in the coastal waters, there is a net heat gain in aue.r from insolation and net Iat loss in winter from evaporation, beck radiation, and conduction. heat is transferred to the depths mainly by turbulence. Wind causes the mixing downward of heat increments which, through con- vection, result in thermocline structures. The depth to waich the therniocline extends indicates the limit of downward heat transfer. The process of thermocline formation has been discussed by Defant (2, p. 121-2), as well, as many others. Figure 2 ahows the mixed upper zone, thermocline, and lower zone structures. During periods of heat loss at the surface, due to the processes mentioned above, wind mixing results in convective cooling throughout the wiudmixed layer. C. Wind and its contribution to structure In winter the winds blow predominantly from the southeast; in eurmer, predominantly from the northwest (u-, p. 62) (Fig. 5). The effectiveness of wind mixing is determined by the balance between the wind-generated turbulence and the stability of the water mass. Sverdrup, The general aspects of this have been discussed by j (10, p. k96-8). Wind-induced divergence and convergence are formidable factors in some coastal regions (10, p. 500-502). When northwest winds drive surface waters seaward from a western coast, and estuarine J I FM AM J I A J I S N I I p...... ES TE VA N P0/NT 6000 SE A' 4000- \ I' \\ :'' 2: i957--.-- 6000- /958 / \ / \ /959.-. \! V N STAGE N I 2 _ l !-- 3 N 4 -1 N -1 11,000 E I.- / I,' 'I) 5- 10,000 9000 8000 j 7000 - / \ I- ,,, 5000r M Figure 5. A M P JAS Winds along the west coast of Vancouver Island (Estevan Point, B.C.) (Fig. 1). (Upper). Components of wind mileage resolved from the southeast and northwest (1957-1959), by months. (Lower) Total wind mileage (1957-1959), by months. 10 discharge is not capable of replenishing it, divergence results (Fig. 6). The ament of deep water to the surface along the coast has been termed "upwelling" by Sverdrup (9, p. 155) divergence system The has also been named as the cause of the cool tomperatures along this coast in suimiiei(7, p. 135). III. The Model A. Stage 1 (December through March) During this period, the winds are predominantly from the southeast and the monthly wind mileages are maximum (Fig. 5). Precipitation (Fig. 4 a) and the corresponding runoff through local estuaries (Fig. 3) are also at their annual maximum. 1. Salinity An example of observed salinity data is shown in Fig. 7. In the shallow water, the salinity structure is strongly developed only near the shore. In the oceanic part of the region the waters are isohaline to at least 50 in depth. The isohalines slope downward toward the shore, particularly in the inshore region. The force of the wind results entire oceanic and in deep mixing throughout the coastal region except near shore where the large coastal discharge provides continuous renews 1 of brackish water and large stability. An onshore moveinent produced by the strong southeast winds confines the brackish discharge from local estuaries (e.g. Barkley Sound) to a narrow, northward flowing, 11 NCSTHWEST 0 0 WINDS 0 -- 1ND DR. EV SURFACE TRANSPORT 0 OFFSHORE - 0 / of DIVERGENCE SOUTHEAST WINDS - WIND DRIVEN SURFAOE TRANSPORT - ONSHORE I CONVERGENCE Figure 6. Conditions of divergence and convergence in British Columbia coastal waters. NAUTICAL MILES FROM SHORE 0 50 2. 6 :. 100 I.- SALINITY (%) I 0 I5O N 200 - FEBRUARY 9, 1960 N C". 250 -V. -L I Figure 7. Ecarnple of salinity structure in a section seaward of Amphitrite Point, B.C. (Fig. 1) during stage 1. .1,) alonshore stream (1, p. 9L7; 4, p. 86). The relative intensities of wind and discharge determine the width of the brachish coastal water belt. An idealized model of the type of salinity distribetion and plots of structures in the section are shown in Fig. 8 a and structures obserwd in each part of the section are shown tn Fig. 9. The isoha line 50 to 70 in oceanic upper zone (OU) in the slope region is deep with a characteristic range of salinity 32.2 to 32.6 o/oo, The oceanic halocline extends below this in two distinct sections (OH1 and 0112) (Figs. 8 a, 9 a i) to about 200 m depth. At this limit the salinity becomes 33.8 to 33.9 0/00. In this paper, the oceanic halocline will be considered as a single feature (OH). The oceanic lower zone (OL) lies below the halo- dine, and in it the salinity increases slightly toward the sea bottom. Normally, (Fig. 7) the shelf is a transition region containing a modified coastal upper zone (mcU) (Fig. 8 a), and a modified coastal halocline (inCH) extending to the bottom (Fig. 9 b ii). This is indicated in plot II (Fig. 8 a). The salinity is 31 to 32 0/00 to in the upper zone, and increases in the haloeline to 32.2 32.6 0/00. At tines there has been evidence of low salinity coastal waters in the oceanic upper zone over the edge of the continental shelf (Fig. 9 a Li). Such a condition seems likely to be 14 POST!ONS 3/o/OrnCU ou 53 'N. :f orncH /1 OH2 STAGE I DECEM3ER through MARCH o 33B/59 o OL SALINITY(%0) 0 '\. T"°° N ot L ° /. o °7O/8.O 200 - / STAGEI DECE BER through MARCH /1:: 250 70 80 0 0.0 7( 8 90C 0.0 7.0 8.0 QO I0 'E2it±'7 (b.) Figure 8. Model of structure and distribution in a vertical plane seaward of Amphitrite Point, B.C. (Fig. 1) and plots of structures showing ranges of values at positions I, II, and III (Fig. 1). (a) Salinity, Stage 1. (b) Temperature, Stage 1. 15 E Ui 0 (a)POSITION I (SLOPE) o 1°C 7O .0 S%030 3?0 90 1°C 70 Iq.o 3.0 S% 30.0 5C I0( E FEBRUARY 27,196/ 1°C 79 S°J 319 U 0 8.p 90 3.0 s% 28.0 (j) 9.0 T°C 7.p C (b)POSTION 3.0 31.0 330 89 (j) 99 29.0 9.0 3Q.O MARCH 8,196/ 5C JANUAR//2,/960 9.0 1? 3.0 0 IOC 9.0 LJANUARY /1,196/ T°C 70 (0 89 S%39.0 80 (ii) 9p 310 I00 ?° 3. (ii) II (S1ELF) 5C DECEMBER 5,1958 (iii) (c)POSLTION flI (INSHORE) Figure 9. Examples of data in: (a) position I, (b) position II, and (c) position III during Stage 1 (Fig. 8). 'C associated with the infrequent periods of off-chore flow created by northwesterly windc. Alsc there are timec when the oceanic upper zone may intrude over the continental shelf because of the conwrgencc uiecbanisi a ociate with strong southeasterly winds. When this occurs the water over the continental shelf becomes homcgenous (Fig. 9 b 1). Plot III (Fig. 6 a) and Fig. 9 c sh the large range of values and structures to be found in the inshore coastal (C) atcrs. continual rep1enishzent of the brackish water from estuarine discharge (Fig. 3) usually intains the structure in which the salinity increases with depth, despite w5.nd and tidal mixing. A mixed upper zone, sporadically created by the wind, uy be present. Surface salinities range from 27 to 31 o/o while near the bottom the values range from 30 to 31 0/00. 2. Temperature During this period winds are strong (Fig. 5), insolation is minimum (Fig. L b), and surface cooling is maxivu'. The conse- quences are indicated in the examples of observed data shown in Figures 10 and 11. In both figures, surface temperatures are low. However, inshore stability has inhibited mixing over the shelf so that temperatures decrease shoreward. In both figures, the iaotherms ilope downward to the coast. Figure 10 indicates this most clearly. First, the isotherms slope more steeply and more definitely downward toward the coast. Second, the more stable coastal water is confined more closely to NAUTICAL MILES FROM SHORE 50 25 0 E I I- w a '1u.f' Figure 10. Example of temperature, Stage 1. I.-. -.4 ii:i NAUIICAL MILLS -U ,rIvr 84 C) I0. 200 250 Mu FR ThIITIrftI FROM SHORE 0 50 33 4______________________ 4? 33.6 4? .. I I- w a. a [.SALI N 33.9 -------------- -. ITY (%o) APRIL 6-8, 1959 Figure 11 (upper). Example of temperature, Stage 1 Figure 12 (lower). Example of salinity, Stage 2. 19 the shore and the well-mixed oceanic upper zone dominates the slope region and seaward. The idealized model of temperature dietribetion in the seaward section, and "plots" of the structures are shn in Figure 8 b, and structures observed in each part of the section are shown in Figure 9. In the slope and offshore part there is an isothermal upper zone, more then 50 in (Fig. 9 a i). deep, coincident with the salinity upper zone The temperatures range from 8.5° to 9.8° C. Doe (3, p. 12) found that surface temperatures decreased to seaward from this region in winter. At the bottom of the upper zone there is frequently a temperature maximum (Fig. 10) which is considered a transient feature, although it is recurrent. Below this zone (Plot I, Fig. 8 b) the temperatures decrease uniformly with depth to values between 7° and 8° C at 200 in depth. tn the shelf and inshore parts of the section the structures are isothermal or increase with depth. It appears that the positive temperature structure is the more common. The temperature of the bottom waters is at its annual maximum during this season. It is reasoned that this water is the remnant of upper zone oceanic water which seasons. During the winter it was warmed during the previous is conveyed shoreward and depressed by the convergence mechanism, and partly cooled. It is overlaid by estuarine-diecharge waters which are stable because of their low salinity, and colder because they are subject to surface cooling. 20 Plot II (Fig. 8 b) shows in Fig. 9 b ii. the general structure, which is The upper zone (0-30 m 7° C when estuarine water is range from 8.5' to 9.8' C. exemplified depth) may be as cold as present. More frequently the values Bottom temperatures range from 9° to 100 C. In the inshore waters (Plot III, Fig. 8 b) a wide range of temperature structures may be found. The waters may be isothermal, or positive or negative therzaoclines may exist, depending on the properties of the brackish eatuarine examples in Fig. 9 c). that is present (see In this part of the region the range of to temperature at the surface is 7° to discharge 100 C and at the bottom is 8.5° 950 c B. Stage 2 (March through April) During this period the coastal runoff (Fig. 3) is less than during Stage 1 and insolation (Fig. 4 b) increases. Wind velocities (Fig. 5) are still large but the direction is variable because this is a period of change from dominant southeast to northwest winds. This results in a surface 1. relaxation of the chanism and allows waters to extend seaward. Salinity An example of the observed Fig. 12. convergence salinity structure is shown in The winter accumulation of brackish coastal (C) water spreads seaward over the oceanic (0) water previously present. event may occur in varying degrees depending on the This nature of the 2]. wind and the amount of coastal water. northwest and southeast discharges from the estuaries may of brackish lated pools winds and Alternating periods of periodic, tidal-controlled, result in the formation of iso- water in this region (k, p. 67 and 71). During this period the isohalines still bend downward, toward the coast, particularly in the shelf part of oceanic part the slope is much less In the the section. than during the winter. The model of salinity distribution and structures (plots) is shown in Fig. 13 a, and structures observed in the of the several parts section are shown in Fig. 1k. In the oceanic and slope parts of the section the three salinity zones are apparent and are values as in Stage 1 75 a depth and is defined by The oceanic upper zone (OU) extends to a bout continuous over the balocline extends to the structure and range of shelf. Below this about 175 a depth. the oceanic This rise from the depth (200 a) found in Stage 1 is attributed to the relaxation of the winter convergence mechanism. In this Stage 2, the coastal waters (CU and CR) may extend further seaward and and slope parts of override the oceanic upper zone in the shelf the section. This coastal water contains a shallow (10 a) homogeneous upper zone (CU) and a haloclthe (CR) which extends in Plots I to about 30 a depth. and II, there may Thus, as shown by the structures exist one halocline (OR) or two halo- dines (OR and CR) in the slope part (Fig. 1k a ii and a i), and one halocline (CU) over the shelf (Fig. 1k b). The coastal features 22 POSITIONS 2/3260O6E;0 I 0 OH STAGE 2 MARCH through MAY I- 0 w 0 0 ) (Thi /c SALftflTY IC, ' ,o. 3%. 34 3%.. 39 23 3%. 10_i 50 - 100- 2: o t 1OoRE 5/95 ) 85/9.5 -: ,-, 80/10.0 0 o 0 1'sTAG2 C) E I5O MARCH through APRIL 0 L.a _:zo,e.o_ TEMPERATURE 30L 7 $ 19C1 (C) 8 rc. IC- r. 30- Figure 13. Model of structure (Fig. 1). (a) Salinity, Stage 2. (b) Temperature, Stage 2. 3 23 C;, C) 0C) E I- a- w C) F] (a) POSTON I (SLOPE) T(°C) 8 10 31 C), C) 33 3.2 ; T(CC) 7 9 SC%o)3 29 9 Q 3 31 C) 8, /959 Lu C) )0 (I) 4p.rf/ 8, /959 tp (1) e tj C) C) 29 O 9 30 4- C) E I I- 3- [gcrci 28, /96/ Lu ci (11) C) K r May /4, /960 (ii) - (c)POSITiON III (INSHORE) (b)POSTON II (SHELF) Figure 14. Examples of data during Stage 2 (Fig. 13). 214 are superimposed on the oceanic upper zone (CU) water and separate Because of this and tidal mixing it from surface wind influence. with the less saline coastal waters this lower (CU) water loses its homogeneity (Fig. 114 b i and ii). Plot III (Fig. 13 a) show8 the low eurface waters (27 to salinities in the inshore Below this, coastal halocline (CII) 3]. o/oo). water extends to the bottom. The inflow of brackish estuarine (runoff) water maintains the intense shallow halocline (Fig. 2. 114 c). Temperature During these months the insolation (Fig. gradually. The heating and cooling 14 b) increases processes are nearly in balance (12, p. 1107) and there is no appreciable change occuring in the thermal structure. An example of observed temperature structure is shown in Fig. 15. In general the upper The model of temperature is shown in Fig. 13 b and waters are isothermal. distribution and structure (plots) the structures observed in the several parts of the section are shown in Fig. 114. In the slope part (Plot I, Fig. 13 b) the isothermal upper zone reaches oceanic upper its maximum depth (about 75 salinity zone (OU, Fig. tures range from 8.5' to 9.5' C. decreases uniformly to 7 in) coincident 13 a). with the Upper zone tempera- Below this the temperature to 8' C at about 200 in dthe It will be noted that the Stage 2 temperature model (Fig. 13 b) is shorter by one month than the Stage 2 salinity model (Fig. 13 a). 25 NAUTICAL MILES FROM SHORE 40 20 60 = e 0 SO / 2 IOC C S 2 I- 50 : N /:.. TEMPERATURE(°C) MARCH 27-28, 1961 / 250 60 C NAUTICAL MILES FROM SHORE 40 20 ----.: 50 [ : 32q _3.Q_. ---- .-.--. .3Z.8 -. 0 : N. .: .:N. / AJSHOR -- 33.4 .: I0( /.: :.. I50[ SAUNITY (%) /:. F/ 2O JUNE 9, 1960 Figure 15 (upper). Examples of temperature, Stage 2. Figure 16 (lower). Examples of salinity, Stage 3. 26 It is felt that while the shelf salinity structure undergoes marked changes during this period, the temperature structure remains quite similar to that shown in Stage 1 through April. Apparently, relative temperature homogeneity salinity water that flows Inshore, seaward the temperature is achieved in the head of lower in this stage (e.g. Fig. 1k a i). structure is more closely associated with the salinity structure (Fig. 14 c). Doubtless the stability inherent in the salinity structure prevents the downward dissipation of heat Bence, any temperature increase, slight conserved in the upper C. though it is, is 10 to 20 m of depth. Stage 3 (May through July) During this period the large mainland rivers are in freahet (Fig. 3 b) due to the melting snow in the mountains. This reaches the region as an increased outflow of brackish water from Juan de Puce Strait (Fig. 1). A lesser contribution of runoff comes from the secondary maximum of local eatuarine outflow (Pig. 3 a), which is also due to snow storage. During this period the predominant winds are moderate from the northwest (Fig. 5). Bence the convergence mechanism is fully relaxed, and some instances of divergence may be expected. I. Salinity An example of observed salinity structure is shown in Fig. 16. Here there is a marked shallow halocline lying horizontally. Obviously the water above this balocline is coastal water which 27 extends seaward beyond the continental slope. Iidiately below this shallow balocline to 75 a depth, the isobalines are inclined downward toward the coast, particularly over the shelf. Below 75 a depth, in the offshore part the isohalines are inclined upward toward the continental slope. The presence of a well defined brackish evidence that the estuarine mechanism upper zone is sufficient (15, p. 267; 16, p. 52M) is now an important feature in the behaviour of these coastal waters. The model of salinity distribution and structure (plots) are shown in Fig. 17 a, and the structures observed in the several parts of the section are shown in Fig. 18. Coaa ta 1 water (CU and CR) frequently extends seaward of the continental slope and occupies most of the depth of the oceanic upper zone (0U) (Plot I - dashed lines) (Fig. 18 a i). There is a shallow upper zone (CU) 10 to 20 a deep extending from the inshore part of the section seaward of the shelf. At any position it is vertically isobaline (Fig. 18) due to normal wind mixing, but its salinity increases to seaward, as shown in the figures, due to entrainment (15, p. 526). The coastal halocline (CR) is continuous through the three parts of the section. In the elope and shelf parts it extends to 30 to kO a depth, and is limited by salinity 32.2 to 32.6 0/00. In the slope part of the section this is underlaid by the remnants of the oceanic upper zone (OU) which separates the coastal and oceanic haloclines (Fig. 18 ai). If the coastal water does not extend into the oceanic part of 28 PosIT!o:s 1. CU -20/3/0 20/?22 T/0 5 rn 250/3/0 -1. 1 5O H ooL/.'.. ° STACI3 MAY thrcgh JULY SALNTY (%) 200r 24 (a) 75/85o / /4.. 200 - ST3E3 JULY 6.5/Z5 TEMPERATURE (°C) 25O 50 / (b) Figure 17. Model of structure (Fig. 1). (a) Salinity, Stage 3. (b) Temperature, Stage 3. 29 T(°C)6 7 8 3 i a 34 F I) : : / L- \ / CL I? J \ / L5L 2 3 U 32 2OC 2cc- 250 JUNE /G:, 150 JULY 23, /958 (a) POSTON I (SLOPE) T(°C) sç%3p 9 (9 32 3;( 3 '? '9 3 '! 0S(% 50 ,'AY4,/95O - JUNE /6,1950 T(°C) I': S('3l 9 (p 32 SJ29 5? (I) ,I 33 '? l 34 10 (j) (2 II p 3 32 __.r' ( JUNE6,/950 Sc r Io0 0 JULY23, /958 ( ' \ ) (b)POSmON II (sHaF) (C) POSTON Figure 18. P1 (NSHOrE') Examples of data during Stage 3 (Fig. 17). 30 the section (Plot I) (flg. 18 a ii) then occupies the upper 50 m of depth. oceanic upper (OU) water In any case, below the layer of oceanic upper zone (OU) water, the oceanic halocline (OH) extends down to about 150 m depth. Its lower limit is marked by salinity 33,7-33.9 o/oo. The rise of this oceanic balocline (OH) towards and onto the shelf is attributed primarily to the entrainnt mechanism associated with the brackish upper of moderate zone. The condition winds, predominantly from the northwest, allows the convergence mechanism to relax, bet may not be sufficient to create a divergence system. During this season it is mest probable that coastal (C) rather than oceanic (0) water occurs in the upper 40 m over the shelf part of the section (Fig. 17 a, Plot II). Below this, oceanic halocline (OH) water extends to the bottom. The lack of residual oceanic upper zone (017) water between the two haloclines (Plot II, Fig. 17 a, and Fig. 18 b) indicates that it must have lest its identity through mixing. homogeneous By reason of the overlying coastal water, the 017 water is no longer influenced by the thorough-mixing effect of the wind. Hence, a velocity shear between it and the oceanic halocline (OH) below, is sufficient to cause mixing and the entrain- ment upward of Oil water (the necessity for such velocity shear is discussed by ¶rully, (15, p. 271)). Hence, the rise of the oceanic halocline onto the shelf during this stage is probably not due to the divergence process, a mechanism not likely to be effective until the northwest winds become more prevalent. There is no reason, of 31 course, why the OU water in the shelf region is not mixed upward into the coastal halocline water. Both mechanisms must be expected to occur, their relative effectiveness being dependent upon the relative velocity shears involved. Inshore (Plot III, l?ig. 17 a) the eoaatal upper zone (CU) and halocline (CID occupy the whole depth. vident1y the vo1ur of estuarine discharge is sufficient to dominate this part of the section at this time of year. The haloclina here may be generated by lateral entrainment (16, p. 526) or from points of local upwelling in the vicinity (13, p. k03). In any case, oceanic halocline (011) water is seldom found inshore during this period. 2. Temperature During May through July, insolation (Fig. maximum in this region. An isothermal upper b) and heating are temperature zone is formed to the depth of local wind mixing. This depth is limited by the pycnocline inherent in the halocline. In this upper zone the temperature increases progressively. Hence, the thermocline associated with the haloclthe grows Lu magnitude during the period. temperature of Below this the the water is not affected by local surface heating. Examples of observed Figs. 19 and 20. coincident with temperature structure are shown in Here the temperature structure is the salinity distinct and structure (Fig. 16). The model of temperature distribution and structure (plots) is shown in Fig. 17 b and the structures observed in the several 32 UTICAL MILES FROI CCE LJ 1 i - --- ( - ICQr _SdE1.. ' o .. UflL i JUNE 6, 93O fti :rcco,i& rUTC.L. MILES FRO? SIWE o (_T, o SHELF 2. TEMPERATURE (DC) / JULY 22, 958 10 '.) Figure 19 (upper). Example of temperature, Stage 3. Figure 20 (lowar). Example of temperature, Stage 3. 33 parts of the system are shown in Fig. 18. When oceanic (CU) water is dominant in the offshore part of the region (Fig. 18 a ii) the upper temperature zone is 10 to 20 m deep and the the rmocline extends to about 60 m depth. However, if coastal (CU and CR) waters extend beyond the continental a lope prior to the development of the temperature structures, these structures are coincident with the salinity structures (Fig. 18 a i). In this region at this time there is usually a considerable temperature gradient in the oceanic halocline (Fig. 18 a) which constitutes a secondary thermocline (Plot I, Fig. 17 b) between 35 and 75 m depth. It may be recalled that during Stages 1 and 2 the winter windinduced convergence system was dominant. system has relaxed. During this Stage 3, that Coincidentally, there is a marked decrease in the eub-thermocline temperatures in the slope part of the region (Position I) as shown in Fig. 21 a, although there is very little change in the salinity (Fig. 21 b). This is also shown in the annual cycles of temperature and salinity in Fig. 22. Evidently there is a change of water mass. The temperature-salinity relations at Position I and at two positions to seaward, during Stage 2, are shown in Fig. 21 c. The water of a given salinity becomes cooler to seaward. Also water at a given depth becomes cooler and less saline to seaward. These features were also noted by Doe (3, p. 10-il). Figure 21 d allows comparison of the temperature-salinity relations at Position I during Stages 2 and 3. These confirm that 3L. 0 STAGE 2 (5p4l 8,1959) 1_'ST(1GE 50 3 (Jane 14,1959) ETU(C) i5c- 1 L059 / (c 2C ib TEMPERATURE (CC) SALJN (TV (%.) POSITION I (Slope 004 Fig. I) Sw3rd of s. I. 2 (Aprtl 8, 1959) seoword of Po,. - / \ (i Li l.9 119 143 C-) G7 Li 50 116 Li Li I I. lx STAGE 3 (Jone lOt \23 175 2(10 70 lx Li Li I TEMPERATURE-SAL/N TO SEAWARD 85 TEMPERATURE- SALINITY STAG'ES 283 STAGE 2 /959 231 APRIL 6-8, (c) 33 SAUNITY (%.) Figure 21. :34 o 246 POSITION! 32 196 (d) 33 SAL(NITY (%.) 34 (a, b) Examples of temperature and salinity structures at position I (Fig. 1) during Stage 2 and Stage 3. (c) Temperature-salinity relations during Stage 2 at position I and at two locations seaward of position I. These show the water mass differences with distance seaward. Depth values are in metres. (d) Temperature-salinity relations during Stage 2 and Stage 3 at position I (diagrams a, b). These show the water mass change with time. 35 4 JASON D -T I I I PO7?! 2 i - 0rnercs A-2.3fflfrO$ 30' 4.. 3 z -J 2 I, Li /A A / A A Cu /.A/' Oç A A A 7', 2 32 CL 4 3 FI1 A 4 t1 A A A 7 5 I 04 A SO : STAGE OL -- "-'... 7 A".. ..'..--- A4"'... -,A I- A)..' ---' A -5Orct. A-75J A A -- 5I 4 0 -'',- "\ " A- -..A "I C-. I \A A A A STLCE A M A M 4 4 14 4 A S 0 N 0 4 -5Omrc A -- / A-75mcfr £ C"- A\\, 'v' A ç 7 , A -J 4 A ,,' A Cd) U. 100 mct-c3 A-200tres. . ___.__. -;--.;... 0 OH - !00mtr .0 "' ----- -' \ S " .A-.---- A II, r kL 0 4 F M A M 4 4 A $ 0 N D 4 Figure 22. A A - 200 ntrcA A "' N. A.'' A 04 Ft.A PJJ AS ON 04 Temperature and salinity values observed from 1957 through 1961 at position I (see Fig. 1). 36 there baa been a marked change of temperature at this position during the interval, but little change in salinity. Comparing the diagrams 21 c and 21 d it is evident that the water observed at Position I during Stage 3 is similar to the water found 120 miles to seaward during Stage 2. ividently this water has moved shore- ward during the interval. This moven*nt and the associated rise of the isopleths is believed to be associated with the convergence "relaxation," and/or the beginning of wind-induced divergence during this period. Over the continental shelf (Plot II, Fig. 17 b) the upper zone and shallow (seasonal) thermocline are coincident with the haline CR and CU zones (Fig, 18 b). The intensity of the pycnocline inherent in the halocline restricts the downward transfer of heat. As a result the surface waters are usually warmer in the shelf in the slope and oceanic parts of the section (Fig. 20). However, it appears that as this stage develops, the thermal influence density becomes greater than the than on haline influence on density and dominates the stability of the composite pycnocline. The drop in temperature values in the zone below the seasonal be attributed to surface effects, hence it thermocline cannot must be associated with the migration of cooler, deeper water onto the shelf. This was discussed in the preceding section on salinity. Inshore, the thermal structure is similar to that over the shelf (Plot III, Fig. 17 b). The therznocline may extend to near the bottom or it may be more intense in the upper 10-20 m depth (Fig. 18 c). 37 D. Stage ti. (July through October) During this period, precipitation (Fig. 14 a), land drainage from coastal and mainland rivers (Fig. 3), and hence estuarine discharge are low or minimal. Insolation (Fig. 14 b) wanes and the rate of heat gain decreases rapidly. During most of the period the winds are predominantly from the northwest and their strength is less than the annual average (Fig. 5). They induce a dominant weak divergence aieclianism. Localized upwelling oecur (13, p. 1403; p. 72). In October, at the end of the period the occurrence of southeast wind increases so that their frequency is about the aan £4, as the 1. northwest winds. Salinity Figure 23 shows an example of observed salinity distribution in the section. Lack of appreciable dilution from land drainage and wind-induced offshore transport of surface water (divergence) result in dissipation of coastal waters, increased salinity in the upper zone, and weakening of the coastal halocline. In the oceanic and shelf parts of the region are inclined upward toward the coast. the isohalines They are inclined downward in the inshore part. This is attributed to the wind induced divergence situation over the outer shelf. The model of salinity shown in Fig. the 211. distribution and structure (plots) is and observed structures in the several parts of section are shown in Fig. 25. 0 60 40 NAUTICAL MILES FRO1i - SHORE 20 0 50 S1UNt t Y () I5O ,,, / 200 - j<. ,,<' _- '7 -, 2O Figure 23. / ooio: 9H0, 1960 / Example of salinity, Stage - LI. 39 -. I 22 6 cj POS1TIOt'S i:i " C U 3/O/322 '-2O/32.6 C '30:VJ/5 - ° STAGE 4 ° 1 jULY throwjh OCTOCER- a- o o /1 32%. I 31%, 34 33 SiLI TV%) 4 33 32 30%. 32 33 1 (a) u 0 ____ //O//5O- l50 - 200 - JULY throuh OCTOBER o 65/75 TEMPEATURE(°C) g'c 0 4 16 6 8 0 2 14'C 8'C 10 (b) Figure 2'-!.. structure (Fig. 1). (a) Salinity, Stage 4. Model o (b) Temperature, Stage 14. 2 14 Ll.O 'IC)3 I2 2 34 33 5:L I(cc J S%3l 32 33 50-. - :c I Ii 1L / / 230H OCTOBER 2, 1 /57 250OCTO2ER 9, /960 (iI) (a)F3STON I (SLOPE) T(°C) 8 10 S%)3I 32 33 dIlLY !.2. 1957 10C T°C) 8 0 12 If '0 i(°C) 34 (I) 14 S(%Y3O TC) 0 12 14 32 31 33 JULY /2, /957 p S(%)so I I 1 3! II 32 33 C TC) (11)1 0 oCro&R 2, /957 S%c30 p 3! 12 32 ( IY l 33 OCTOBER 2, /957_H (b)POSITON (SHELF) 50 r oc TOL7? 9, /950 (II (c)POSITION In (INSHORE) Figure 25. Examples of data during Stage 4 (Fig. 24). 41 During this period the occurrence of distinctive coastal The oceanic structure (CU and CR) water beyond the shelf is rare. (Plot 1) contains a shallow (20 in) upper zone (OU), a halocltne extending to about 150 a depth, and a lower zone. The shallowness of the upper zone (OU) is attributed to the divergence situation which dissipates the surface water seaward, and induces uprising of the deeper watets. Because the winds are not steady these conditions are variable. Their correlation with the wind cannot be estimated at the present time, because the lag of the sea after the wind is not known. Over the continental shelf (Plot II, Fig. 24) upper zone (CU) is about 15 a deep (Fig. 25 b). the coastal Below it the coastal halocline (CR) extends to 20 to 30 a depth. Oceanic upper zone (OU) water does not occur over the shelf at this time. Rather, the oceanic halocline (OR) exists below the coastal Frequent by the demarcation becomes indistinct ha bc line (Cli) war as indicated by the ranges of salinity values and the structures (Fig. 25 b). In these cases the halocline is very nearly continuous through the CR and OH zones (Plot II, Fig. 24 a). Inshore (Plot III, Fig. 211. a) the upper zone (CU) is about 10 a deep. Although oceanic haloclina (OR) water may penetrate this far inshore, below 30 a depth, the general case shows that the coastal halocline (CR) La continuous to the bottom, with an in- tensification in its upper portion. It is observed that the isoha lines are inclined downward toward L2 the shore in of the the shelf and isohalines inshore parts of the section. The crest occurs over the outer shelf. It is reasoned that the upward inclination would be continuous to the surface or the shore, as they are off the California coast (10, p. 500-2) if part of the demand for divergence water were discharge. not provided by estuarine In California there is virtually no land drainage in summer, end the northwest trade winds blow predominantly. The divergence situation becomes fully developed and creates a demand for replacement water along the coast which can only be satisfied by upwel].ing from the depths (10, p. 725). Northward from the Columbia River there is considerable estuarine discharge, even durir this "dry" season. Also the wind directions are variable, eithough they are predominantly from the northwest. ilence the divergence situation is rarely, if ever, fully developed, and part of the demand for replacement water is met by estuarine discharge. The crest of the inclined isoha lines marks the division between the shoreward part of the section where the demand is met by estuarine discharge, and the seaward part where the major contribution is from the underlying waters. 2. Temperature Figure 26 shows an example of observed temperature distribution in the section. The surface temperature increases from the shore to a maximum seaward of the continental slope. The seasonal thermo- dine is continuous and increases in magnitude to seaward. Below this there is considerable temperature structure in which gradient 60 40 NAUTICAL MILES FROM SHORE 20 () - /. 50 100 E iEMPERATURE(°() IaJ50 rTr2 o_J '1 Figure 26. I%J, izi'i 4:. Example of temperature, Stage 4. and the inclination of the isotherins are coincident with the haline structure. The model of temperature distribution and structure (plots) is shown in Fig. 2L1 b and the observed structures in the several parts of the section are shown in Fig. 25. The waters are wartiest (12° to 16° C) in the offshore upper zone which extends to about 20 m depth (Fig. 23). In the oceanic and slope part of the section, the seasonal thermocline occurs in two segments (Plot I, Fig. 2k; Fig. 25 a). The more intense thermoclj.ne extends to 35 Tfl about the same as during Stage 3. This shallow thermocline is not as intense in the shelf region because of the movement of surface-warmed waters seaward. The deeper thermoeline is more intense than in Stage 3 due to the divergence mechanism at the edge of the slope region. Over the shelf, it blends in with the lower halocline, continuous to the bottom due to the rise of isotberms up onto the shelf from the sub-thermocline oceanic water (see Fig. 6 - divergence). Over the shelf the bottom of the upper thermocline extends to about 30 m depth early in this Stage (July). Later (October) it rises to about 20 m depth. (Compare Figs. 25 b I and b ii). This rise is believed to indicate an increase of divergence between the periods of observation. Inshore, the 11 to 15° C upper zone is about 10 m deep (Fig. 25 c) or non-existent. The thermocline coincides with the halocline with occasional intensification in the upper 20 at depth (Plot III, Fig. 214 b). L5 through December) . Stage 5 (October During this period runoff from the mainland sources is small (Fig. 3 b) but the period of increased runoff from local (Fig. 3 a) is (Fig. k a). associated with estuaries the maximum coastal precipitation The winds are predominantly southeast and of moderate intensity (Fig. 5). I. Salinity Two examples of salinity structure in the section are shom in Fig. 27 and 28. Ia general the near to seaward in a vertically isohaline is moderate structure. surface salinity increases In one set of deta the isohalines are in- parts of the section. dined slightly downward to the coast in all In the other they are slightly peaked continental shelf, Below this there upper zone. over the outer reminiscent of the Stage 4 limit of the structure, but much less marked. Evidently the oceanographic ichanism is between divergence and convergence, neither The model of salinity distribution shown in Fig. 29 a and some examples of alternating becoming fully developed. and structure (plots) is oheerved structure in the several parts of the section are shown in Fig. 30. During this stage the oceanic upper zone (01.1) deepens to 40 m (Plot I, Fig. 29 a; Fig. 30 a). This results in an intensifi- cation of the top of the oceanic halocline (OH). to about 180 in due to the In the shelf part of about Its base descends advent of convergence. the region (Plot II, Fig. 29 5; Fig. 30 b) 46 NAUTILAL MLES FROM SHORE 20 40 0 100 E I I- Q 50 w 2m N.4UTICAL 40 M;LES 20 2 FROM SHORE -3 0 '-2.Q /NSH0 100 0 0 IQ. w 0 ___33.9 / SAUNITY NOVEMBER 27, 1959 : 2 25cL I Figure 27 (upper). Example of salinity, Stage 5. Figure 28 (lower). Example of salinity, Stage 5. 47 POSTONS STGE5 H OCTOBER through DECEMBER E 150; 38/33 9 _2______-_------1:. D200 0 SALINTY(%) OL/c1: 250 3%. 3%. E\\\L±NN 4 3) 2c0- 34 33 31%. 30 3 80- in 90//tO 0 50 50//tO 0 0 75/5 5-0 00 0 STCE 5 0 gH5O 0 F- o a OCTOBER through DECEMBER- Ui -6.5/O- 0 TEMPERATURE (°C) II 7 8 9 0 8 I,C 9 0 10- Figure 29. yodel of structure (Fig. 1). (a) Salinity, Stage 5. (b) Temperature, Stage 5. iC c o 6 _____.L...i._J._ 0 19 _;_J_33 34 ' 4 ) L 4; H IOC - / c) I I aw a // 200 / 230- 230 NOVEMBER 26, /D59 DEC&IISER 5. /958 () I,1. jI 3 a)P3STON I (SLO9E) 19 S1i tO 32 4 3 41) .J4. 4- 0 __ 50 5C I-,f S.°630 NOVEMBER 25. /957 (I) TC) a ] S(%0)31 I t I 32 .__I_It 315 I 32 _L/.J_i 33 r NOLIEMBER 25, /957 tC) I 12 II 31 I s(%, 0 12 Ii 0r2 t a- 50, (I) t:0VE/18ER 2 a U-i T(°C) 5C /959 10 12 /2 2k ri IOOj DECEMBER I, /960 (b) POSITIO3 U (SHELF) OEcE7BER I, /960 (c)?O3I Figure 30. C.. ) 1?[ CSHOE) Examples cf data during Stage 5 (Fig. 29). £19 the coastal upper zone (CU) becomes 20 to 30 It may, or deep. m may no; cover the whole shelf but never extends into the slope part of the section. It is slightly more saline than in Stage LI, probably due to deeper mixing. The haloc].ine lies between 25 and 35 m depth. Inehore (Plot III, Fig. 29 a; Fig. 30 c) the coastal upper zone (CU) is 10 to 30 in deep, and below it the halocline (CR) extends to the bottom. 2. Temperature During this period, insolation decreases (Fig. £1. b) and cooling becomes the dominant process in the heat budget. The theriuocline decays, sinks and is compressed as heat is lost from the sea surface. Surface waters become colder than the underlying waters, and convec- tive sinking (and mixing) occur unless prevented by haline stability. Fig. 31 shows an example of temperature structure in the section during this stage. There i. a deep upper zone with evidence of large temperature inversions, a 1 though stability is ma inta med by the salinity structure. Below this, there is an intense thermocline, slightly inclined toward the continental shelf. The model of temperature distribution and structure is shown in Fig. 29 b and examples of observed structure in the several parts of the section are shown in Fig. 30. In the offshore part there is an isothermal zone, coincident with the salinity upper zone (0(1), to about 110 in depth. zone ama 11 temperature inve ra ions near the surface decaying thermocline extends down to about 75 in In this are common. The depth. The deepening N\UTICAL MILES FROM 40 0 20 SHORE [i __ 50 - -1 c - - 84 ::... IOO : Q) E I ft 0 EMP EAT'JRE (°c) - N S 200- / NO\!EMDER 25-26, I57 250 Figure 31. Exnmple of temperature, Stage 5. 0 5]. of the base of the thermocline, and the slightly warmer temperatures at 200 rn compared to Stage 14, signify the relaxation of the summer divergence condition. This is confirmed by the rise of temperatures in the sub-ha iodine water shown in Fig. 22. Over the shelf (Plot II, Pig. 29 b; Fig. 30 b) layer may be deeper than the haline upper zone (CU). the isothermal This suggests that the source waters have similar temperatures at thi, time, or that the surface waters have been cooled to the same temperature as the waters in the halocline. A variety of temperature structures way be found next to the coast. Depending on the relative influences of wind, surface cooling, and the temperatures of the estuarine and oceanic waters, the structure may be negative, is othe rma 1, or pos it ive. IV. Summary It has been shown that the waters over the continental she if and slope, west of Vancouver Island, contain structural features which can be related to general meteorological conditione. On the basis of seasonal climate, the observed changes in structure have been used to define five main divisions or stages in the chain of oceanographic events. Although it has been shown that short-term variability La considerable, the large scale characteristics of each stage are intended to provide a basis for research on a finer scale. As it stands, the model with ita relatively large, yet definitive, ranges of values for the basic properties may prove to be of value 52 to workers interested in just such ranges (e.g. fisheries biologists). It is of interest to note that Pickard has found a relationship between the maximum densities throughout the near-shore vertical column (taken densities from the ranges given in the model) and the maximum found in the west coast of Vancouver Island inlets (8). His plot of inlet density maxima versus sill-depth contains values which are less than or almost equal to the plot of the maximum densities versus depth for the coastal He postulates that the inlets serve as a "memory" region. of maximum near-shore densities and concludes that the extreme values suggested by the model "-- are probably typical of long term conditions." 53 V. 1. Bibliography F. 0. The effect of the prevailing winds on the inshore water masses of the 1ecate Strait region, B. C. Barber1 Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada lk:9145 952. 1957. 2. Defant, Albert. Physical oceanography. Vol. 1. 3. Doe, L. A. E. Offshore waters of the Canadian Pacific coast. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 12:1-341. Pergamon, 1961. 729 p. New York, 1955. 14. Lane, R. K. A review of the temperature and salinity structures in the approaches to Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 19:14591. 1962. 5. 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