General Information TDTS30 Topic Report n Daniel Karlsson Embedded Systems Laboratory Department of Computer and Information Science n Building B, Room 329:198 Web pages o o o Check the course news page Course Organization o Written examination = 1.5p o Labs = 2.0p o Topic Report = 1.5p TDTS30 System Design and Methodology Topic Repor t Info Daniel Kar lsson Report n 2 -2- of 12 Januar y 25, 2007 Report Topics (1/2) Study of a topic closely related to the course o Based on the recommended literature of the topic listed o n n n (fr. Univ.) (only from univ. comp.) 2. Basic Models of Computation. A Comparative Study (3 students) 3. System Specification Languages. Multilanguage If literature not available on line, contact the course Specifications (3 students) assistant (D. Karlsson) 4. Formal Verification Techniques with Emphasis on n Written report (to be handed in before Feb. 21) n Oral presentation n 3-5 students per group (depending on the topic) TDTS30 Sys tem Des ig n and Method ology Daniel Karlss on Topic R eport I nfo 1. Hardware/Software Codesign of Embedded Systems: Specific Issues and Research Topics (3 students) on the course homepage, available for download at: -3- Model Checking (3 students) 3 of 12 January 25, 2007 TDTS30 System Design and Methodology Daniel Kar lsson Topic Repor t Info -4- 4 of 12 Januar y 25, 2007 Report Topics (2/2) n General Information o n 5. Processors and Architectures for Embedded Systems (4 students) 6. Component and Platform-based Design (3 students) o E-mail: o Attention: There won't be a seminar on Feb 12 in room P34. During this time Daniel will be in his office, available for Scheduling (4 students) answering questions 8. System-Level Power/Energy Optimization (5 students) n 9. Hardware/Software Codesign Environments (4 students) Topic R eport I nfo Daniel Karlss on Jan. 25, in room R18 Questions 7. Software Execution Time Estimation and Real-Time TDTS30 Sys tem Des ig n and Method ology Report-related Sessions -5- 5 of 12 Oral Presentations o 23 Feb 13-15 in S15 o 28 Feb 17-19 in P18 o 2 Mar 15-17 in P22 TDTS30 System Design and Methodology January 25, 2007 Topic Repor t Info Daniel Kar lsson -6- Topic Report Registration n o Written Report n The subgroup number denotes the topic o Only one group per topic o A First come first served policy is employed n o n fields in the registration interface. Do not overbook! Topic R eport I nfo -7- 7 Exact page number may vary due to font size, margins Must be a coherent document, it must have a logic flow. o Registration deadline: January 29 Daniel Karlss on A group of three students writes a report of 15 pages etc E.g. 4 students in group R_A 5, though there are 5 TDTS30 Sys tem Des ig n and Method ology Paragraph copying not accepted Approximately 5 pages per student o Number of students per group is limited by the topic o Use your own words o To register for topic 5, enter your login in subgroup 5 n 12 Choose a topic and sign up for the report topics through the web interface n 6 of Januar y 25, 2007 of 12 January 25, 2007 Not just paste in the contributions of each group member TDTS30 System Design and Methodology Daniel Kar lsson Topic Repor t Info -8- 8 of 12 Januar y 25, 2007 Handing in n Urkund o n Oral Presentation (1/2) n System for preventing and detecting plagiarism presentation n Send the report by e-mail to The student will get a receipt o Urkund will automatically forward the report to the n Presenters must coordinate their parts n The groups present in random order, not necessarily by topic number. All groups must be prepared at all occasions. ps or pdf preferred n Other formats can be accepted, though reluctantly By courtesy for the presenters, all students are urged to attend all sessions. Deadline: 21 February TDTS30 Sys tem Des ig n and Method ology 3 students: 15-20 minutes n 24 hours) o Presentation time, 5 minutes per student o o teacher together with the results of the analysis (within n All members must actively participate in the Topic R eport I nfo Daniel Karlss on -9- 9 of 12 January 25, 2007 TDTS30 System Design and Methodology Topic Repor t Info Daniel Kar lsson -10- Oral Presentation (2/2) n 10 of 12 Januar y 25, 2007 Questions? Accepted slide formats: Powerpoint, pdf, transparencies (which you have to print yourselves) n The presentation can be sent via one of the following: o E-mail to Daniel (not via Urkund) for download on the Good Luck! laptop, latest 24 hours before the presentation n o USB stick o Diskettes and CD/DVDs not accepted Laptop and projector provided TDTS30 Sys tem Des ig n and Method ology Daniel Karlss on Topic R eport I nfo -11- 11 of 12 January 25, 2007 TDTS30 System Design and Methodology Daniel Kar lsson Topic Repor t Info -12- 12 of 12 Januar y 25, 2007