Making History: Essay One Deadline: Wednesday, 12 November, midday For this essay, you will write a critical review of an article which engages with global history. There is a list of articles on the Moodle page. The word limit is 1500 words excluding footnotes and titles. Make sure you do not exceed the word limit. You are expected to read not just the specific article but at least another two articles / chapters / parts of books that you think are important for understanding the article that you are reviewing. Where appropriate you should also use online resources. Use the skills and knowledge you have developed on the course so far. This is a critical review, so make sure that you are critical of the article’s arguments, its use of sources, the scholarly literature it draws upon, and the conclusions it makes. There is a list of useful questions on the Moodle page. Use the secondary reading to inform your analysis, and if appropriate, be critical of this material as well. You should spend more time analysing the article, its position, and its assumptions than describing it. Make sure that you have understood and thought about the issues of global history. Also, consider whether the article is successful in achieving its own aims. Do not simply criticise the article for what it does not try to do, unless it has neglected essential questions and issues. Take a stance! Come off the fence! Tackle the big issues! Class First (1st) Scale Point 96 High 1st 89 Low 1st Lower Second (2.2) High 2.1 Mid 2.1 Low 2.1 High 2.2 Mid 2.2 Low 2.2 Very high quality work demonstrating excellent knowledge and understanding, analysis, organisation, accuracy, relevance, presentation and appropriate skills. Work which may extend existing debates or interpretations. High quality work demonstrating good knowledge and understanding, analysis, organisation, accuracy, relevance, presentation and appropriate skills. Competent work, demonstrating reasonable knowledge and understanding, some analysis, organisation, accuracy, relevance, presentation and appropriate skills. High 3rd Third (3rd) Numerical Equivalent Exceptional work of the highest quality, demonstrating excellent knowledge and understanding, analysis, organisation, Excellent accuracy, relevance, presentation and appropriate skills. At 1st final-year level: work may achieve or be close to publishable standard. Mid 1st Upper Second (2.1) University Descriptor Mid 3rd Low 3rd 81 74 68 65 62 58 55 52 48 Work of limited quality, demonstrating some relevant knowledge and understanding. 45 42