JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 102, NO. D24, PAGES 29,155-29,166, DECEMBER 26, 1997 Lake-induced atmospheric circulations during BOREAS Jielun Sun,• Donald H. Lenschow,2 L. Mahrt, 3 Tim L. Crawford, 4 Kenneth J. Davis,2 Steve P. Oncley,2 J. I. MacPherson,s Qing Wang,6 Ron J. Dobosy,4 and R. L. Desjardins7 Abstract. Lake-inducedatmosphericcirculationsover three lakes rangingfrom 3 to 10 km width are analyzedusingdata from three aircraft during the 1994 Boreal EcosystemAtmosphereStudy(BOREAS). A well-defineddivergentlake breeze circulationis observedover all three lakes during the day. Under light wind conditions,the lake breeze is not very sensitiveto the water temperature, and the strengthof the divergenceover the lake decreaseswith increasinglake size. The boundary-layerdevelopmentover the surroundingland can be very important for generatinga horizontal pressuredifference which drives the lake breeze. Diurnal and seasonal variations of lake breezes are investigatedon the basisof repeated passesfrom the different aircraft at different altitudesfrom late springto early fall of 1994. The lake breeze divergenceincreaseswith time during the day and reachesa maximum around 1300 LST. The latent heat flux over 10-km-wideCandle Lake increasessteadilyfrom springto fall as the lake temperature increases.The latent heat flux over the land reachesa maximum during the summer due to evapotranspiration. The lake effect on area-averagedfluxessometimesleadsto a negative heat transfer coefficientfor an averagingscaleof severaltimes the lake width. Pielke,1985;Arritt, 1987].Arritt [1987]concludedthat the exact lake surfacetemperature doesnot criticallyinfluencethe charAtmosphericboundarylayer flow can be stronglyinfluenced acteristicsof the lake breeze as long as the lake air temperaby the spatially varying energy exchangebetween heteroge- ture is coolerthan the inland air temperatureand that the lake neous ground surfacesand overlying air. Lakes can lead to breeze is most sensitiveto depth of the internal boundarylayer particularlystrongvariationsin surfaceheat flux. over the lake. The summer daytime air over a lake typically is cooler and Rabin et al. [1990] and citationstherein noted that lakes on denser than the air overlying relatively warm adjacent land scalesof 1-10 km could induce cloud-free areas in a region of surfaces.As a result, a horizontal pressuregradient is gener- otherwise convective cloudiness associated with surface heatated by the air densitydifference which forces onshoreflow, ing. They also noted that the minimum lake size required to commonly called the lake breeze. Lake breeze studies have affect the cloud pattern is proportional to the wind speed;on been reported for Lake Erie [Biggsand Graves, 1962], Lake windier days,only the large lakes affect the cloud pattern. For Michigan [Lyons,1972;Keen and Lyons, 1978], and Lake Onsmall lakes the large-scaleflow may essentiallyeliminate the tario [Estoqueet al., 1976]. A commonlyapplied lake breeze horizontal gradient of air temperature due to rapid removal of index,cr-= [/2/(c/,AT),wasintroduced byBiggs andGraves air immediately above the lake. Furthermore, lake breezes [1962]. Here I/is a characteristicwind speedsuchasthe hourly-averagedspeedbetween 1000 and 1600 LT, or the geostro- associatedwith small lakes are more likely affected by backphicwindfrom1200UT surface mapsat aninlandlocation,ce groundtransientmesoscalecirculations.Arritt et al. [1996]have is the specificheat of dry air, and A T is the differencebetween also found cloud suppressionassociatedwith the lake breeze. As part of the 1994 Boreal Ecosystem-AtmosphereStudy the maximum surface air temperature at the inland location (BOREAS), four aircraft flew over a region in Saskatchewan and the mean water temperature. The lake breeze and its related thermal internal boundary and Manitoba, Canada, containingnumerouslakes [Sellerset layer have alsobeen studiedwith numericalmodels [Segaland al., 1995]. The extensivedata collected by the aircraft offer more detailed temporal and spatial observationsof the flow abovelakes than previouslyavailable.We examine the generIprogramin Atmospheric andOceanicSciences, Universityof Colation of the lake breeze, the strengthof suchcirculationsas a orado, Boulder. 2NationalCenterfor Atmospheric Research, Boulder,Colorado. function of the large-scaleflow and lake-land temperature 3Collegeof OceanicandAtmospheric Sciences, OregonStateUni- contrast, and contrasts in vertical fluxes over the lake and the versity, Corvallis. adjacent area. 4Atmospheric Turbulenceand DiffusionDivision,NOAA ARL, The atmosphericdata analyzedin this paper are from the Oak Ridge, Tennessee. aircraft flying repeatedlyalong the sameflight track (section 5NationalResearchCouncil,Ottawa. r'Meteorology Department,NavalPostgraduate School,Monterey, 2). The generalcharacteristics of meteorologicalvariablesover California. the lake and the surroundingland are describedin section3. A 7LandResources ResearchCentre,AgricultureCanada,Ottawa. new scalingargumentfor predictingthe strengthof the lakeCopyright 1997 by the American GeophysicalUnion. induced atmosphericcirculation is developed,and important factors on the generation of the lake breeze are discussedin Paper number 97JD01114. 0148-0227/97/97JD-01114509.00 section 4. Diurnal variation of the lake-induced atmospheric 1. Introduction 29,155 29,156 SUN ET AL.: LAKE-INDUCED ATMOSPHERIC 106000 ' .,•? :: ?:: •,• •.:•:;/•i?y 105030 ' CIRCULATIONS 105000 ' ,•'• •Lake .,:::/• Bi;ern • •• 'c• i•White .Ai Gull •ake. -,v 54ø00 '- •:::•.:.: / Lake " :• • ••• • ' •1•15 2• Kilomete•s• Figure 1. Schematicof CandleLake flight track. circulationis investigatedin section5. Seasonalvariationsof the lake breeze are examined in section 6. The influence of the eddycorrelationmethodswherethe unweightedmeanis computed over a windowsizeequal to the lake width. lake on area-averagedfluxesis documentedin section7, and results are summarized in section 8. 2.2. Data Comparisons Between Aircraft The Electra flew a BarnesEngineeringModel PRT5 radi- 2. Data Description 2.1. General Information ometerduringthe first intensivefield campaign(IFC-1) and both the PRT5 and a HelmannradiometerduringIFC-2 and IFC-3. Surfaceradiationtemperaturesfrom the two radiometersshowverygoodagreement.DuringIFC-1 the PRT5 sometimesfailed due to instrumentoverheating. bert, Saskatchewan, Canada.Candle Lake, surroundedby Duringthe threefield campaigns in 1994the Twin Otter and mixed canopies, is about 10 km across in the northeast- the Electraflew over CandleLake on the sameday on four southwest direction and about 20 km in the northwestoccasionsand the LongEZ and the Electra on nine occasions. southeastdirectionand is the largestlake in the SSA. In order In general,the Twin Otter andLongEZ CandleLake radiation This studyfocuseson Candle Lake in the BOREAS southern studyarea (SSA), located 70 km northeastof PrinceAl- to study the lake breeze for different sizesof lakes the data temperatures are about IøC lower than the Electra. On the overWhiteGull Lake(5 km in diameter)andHalkerrLake(3 km in diameter) will be comparedwith those over Candle Lake. All three lakesare on the sameflighttrackusedby all aircraft(Figure 1). White Gull Lake is in a regionof black basisof the four intercomparison flightsbetweenthe LongEZ andthe Twin Otter the air temperature andthe watervapor mixingratioare,on the average,about1.75øCand1.2g kg-1 higheron the Twin Otter. The latentheatflux compares well betweenthe two,whilethe sensible heatfluxappearsto be 38 spruceand mixedvegetationabout 12 km NE of CandleLake, andHalkett Lake is surrounded by aspenabout50 km SW of W m-2 higherfromtheLongEZthantheTwinOtter[Kelly et Candle al., 1996;Dobosy etal., thisissue].No corrections to anyof the Lake. Measurementsfrom the NOAA LongEZ, CanadianNRC aircraftdata are made in this study. Twin Otter [MacPherson,1996], and NCAR Electra aircraft wereused.Both the Twin Otter andthe LongEZflewat about 30 m abovethe surface,andthe Electraflewat altitudesrang- 3. General Characteristicsof Meteorological ing from 100 m to 3 km abovethe surface.Duringthe three Variables Around Candle Lake intensivefield campaigns, therewere 13, 120,and 66 low-level Air temperature averaged overall the CandleLakepasses is legsoverCandleLakefor the Twin Otter, LongEZ,andElec- about 0.7øC warmer over the land than over the lake at the tra, respectively, and 37 Electraflight legshigherthan 100 m 30 m levelandabout0.3øCwarmerat the 100m level(Figure and within the boundarylayer. The data coverbetween0900 2 andTable1). Thevariationof the air temperature overboth LST and 1700 LST from late May to mid-September. Wind the land and the lake followsthe variationof the ground components,air temperature,humidity,and CO2 concentra- temperature(Figure 2). Becauseof the stablystratifiedflow tion are availableat 25 s- • on the Electra,16 s-• on the Twin overthe cool,smoothlake andthe unstablystratifiedflowover Otter,and40s- • ontheLongEZ.In addition, theO3concen- thewarm,roughlandsurface,thefluctuations of windcompotration was recorded on the Electra and the Twin Otter. nents,air temperature,humidity,and CO2 and 03 concentraIn order to documentthe land-lakesurfacetemperature tion are smalleroverthe lake thanoverthe land (Table3). contrasts,track segmentsover land aboutthe width of the lake on both sides of the lake were selected. Fluxes over the lake Sensibleheat, latent heat, momentum,carbon dioxide, and ozonefluxesaveragedover all the CandleLake passesare and over the adjacentland segments were calculatedusing muchsmalleroverCandleLakethanovertheland(Table2). SUN ET AL.: LAKE-INDUCED (a> Twin ATMOSPHERIC 5 5 02468 l0 12 14 25 25 150 2 4 6 10 8 10 12 415 ......... 00 2 6 10 14 560 540 2 4 6 4ot-/ \ 30! 20(_ .' 0 2 I• 4 6 IFCI (b) 35 8 l0 8 • 10 12 14 1FC2 --• IFC31 30 m over the land; the heat source is above 30 m over the lake and below 30 m over the land; and the moisture source is from LongEZ • , . --• ß • 35 25 25 15 15 21} 5 20 0 21} 40 25 -_ :•.• 10 60 80 100 the surface(Figure 3). The sinksand sourcesare the advection of warm, dry, and low CO 2 and O3 air from land over the lake 2O 15 10 between 5 0 -5 25 20 15 15 0 2t} 40 60 80 ' 100 0 •{} h{} 60 80 5{}{} 580 ........................ '•................. •[7"' '•[."•" 120 12{} 0.5 0 -t}.5 over the lake. q580' • -lg 4. 52{}1• ....20-'40 60 80• i00• h2• 21} •= -40•= • IFCI4< ,FC2 -I-,FC3q Lake-Induced Atmospheric Circulation 4.1. Scale Analysis The horizontal pressuredifference (AP) generatedby the thermal (c) - 0 Electra 10 20 30 30 m and 100 m. The specifichumidity is about the sameover the land as over the lake exceptsometimesin the morning(section5) when it is higher over the lake. Carbon dioxide and ozone concentrations are, respectively,about 2 ppmv and 0.3 ppbv higher over the lake than over the land at the 30 m level due to the uptake of the carbon dioxide by the vegetationand ozone deposition to leaf and groundsurfaces.The strongdownwardentrainment of ozone-rich air from the overlying free atmosphere makes the ozoneconcentrationat the 100 m level higher over the land than over the lake even though downward vertical motion associatedwith the lake breeze may bring down ozone-richair 12t} 20 contrast 4t} 5t} 6t} 7t} -I0 -10 2t} -3t} v-:•--••'-'• •- • ' ] ' 5{},•c: 4 ' Vt-2 10[•C • .... L""•:•_•_]"2 VI•_,2• _•'-"•Y}10 .............. 10 3o • 20 • ,FCI •< 30 the lake and the land can be esti- - 40 ,FC2 >I• 50 60 WC3 Candle Lake Pass Number During BOREAS 71 Z2 pg dz- ApgH -'-' -pogHAT/To (1) 21 : 5 9 0 between matedby combiningthe hydrostaticequationand the horizontal equationof motion(neglectingthe Coriolisterm) alongthe direction of flight at aircraft flight level z•: AP = A ,[--z• 29,157 The standarddeviationsof the pass-averagedvariablesin Table 1 and fluxesbetween the passesin Table 2 include diurnal and day-to-dayvariations and flux random sampling errors from eachpass(sections5 and 6). The influenceof cold front passages on surfaceradiation temperatureand air temperature is evident in Figure 2b. The sensibleheat flux averaged over all the Candle Lake passesis weak downwardover the lake and strongupward over the land, which is also found by McDermottand Kelly [1995]. The moisture flux is upward over both the lake and the land. The CO2 and 03 fluxesare downwardover both the land and the lake at the 100 m level but upward over the lake at the 30 m level (Figure 3). The negativeskewnessof the vertical velocity at 30 m over the lake (Table 3) implies that the strongest vertical motions are downdrafts.This suggeststhat the main turbulencesourceover the lake is above 30 m. Combining the skewnessof the vertical wind componentin Table 3 and the vertical flux convergencein Table 2, we infer that the O3 and CO2 sinksare between30 m and 100 m over the lake and below Otter 15 CIRCULATIONS Figure 2. (opposite) Mean surface radiation temperature (T,), air temperature(T•), specifichumidity(q•), and COg and O3 concentrationsoverboth the land (solidlines,subscript g) andCandleLake (dashedlines,subscript l) for (a) the Twin Otter, (b) the LongEZ exceptfor O3, and (c) the Electra exceptfor CO2 for all the Candle Lake passes.The difference betweenthe variablesover the land and over the lake (dotted lines,subscriptd) is alsoplotted. The abscissais the Candle Lake pass number for all passesduring the 1994 BOREAS campaigns.The surface radiation temperatures from pass numbers 4, 5, and 10 from the Electra are low due to instru- ment overheating.The thin horizontalline is the zero difference line. 29,158 SUN ET AL.: LAKE-INDUCED Table 1. Mean Variables and Standard ATMOSPHERIC Deviations CIRCULATIONS of Mean Variable Between Passes (in Parentheses)for All CandleLake Passes Twin Otter (at 30 m) Electra (at 100 m) LongEZ (at 30 m) Variables Land Lake Land Lake Land Lake Ta 20.92 20.18 19.54 18.87 19.00 18.73 (C) (3.67) (3.61) (3.50) (3.49) (4.12) (4.06) qa 6.50 6.49 6.79 6.82 7.09 7.11 (g kg-•) (1.66) (1.71) (2.13) (2.11) (2.14) (2.12) COg (ppmv) O3 (ppbv) 365.9 (10.24) 33.96 (7.44) 367.7 (11.28) 34.21 (7.96) 357.9 (8.68) 34.17 (7.43) 358.8 (2.5) 33.87 (7.69) 359.3 (5.14) UAU/L = -(1/po)AP/L. (2) 4.2. 362.0 (7.70) Correlations Among Lake Breeze, Air Temperature and Ambient Here A representsthe horizontalvariation acrossa lake with width L along the flight track, z2 is the top of the lakeinfluencedinternal boundarylayer at which level the air temperaturesover the lake and surroundingland are equal,H = z2 - z• is the depth of the lake-inducedinternal boundary layer above the aircraft flight level, and A9 and AT are the verticallyintegrated horizontal densityand temperaturevariations, respectively.The subscript0 representsa reference state.The variablesP, T, and U are pressure,air temperature, and wind speedalong the directionof flight, respectively,and # is gravity. The state equation Wind The divergenceover Candle Lake is estimatedfrom the least squareslinear slopeof the along-flight-trackwind component as a function of distance across the lake. The ambient wind speedU alongthe flight track is averagedover the land on both sidesof the lake. The scatterin Figure 4 probablyreflectsthe importance of the missingvariable H, the internal boundary layer depth [see also Arritt, 1987]. Arritt et al. [1996] have observedlake breeze circulations250-300 m deep around 1445EDT withwindspeeds of 5 m s-1 overLakeOkeechobee, about 40 km in diameter. The cool air over Candle Lake can sometimesbe observedeven at the 700 m Electra flight level. The variation in H can be causedby variationsin large-scale flow,lake-landsurfacetemperaturedifference,and the diurnal is usedin the derivationof (1) togetherwith the assumption and day-to-dayvariation of the stratificationof the internal that the densityvariation is dominated by the temperature boundarylayer. The scatterin Figure 4 may alsobe due to the variation fact that the divergencealongthe flight track is estimatedwith A9/9o = -AT/To. (4) the wind componentdirectlyoverthe lake althoughthe aircraft sometimesflew abovethe lake-modifiedair for part of the lake Combining(1) and (2), transverse,particularlyunder strongwind conditions.Under this situationthe divergenceis displacedand occursonly over gHAT that part of the lake where the lake air is not completely AU/L- LToU' (5) replaced by the advectedland air. Becauseof lack of temperHere A U/L is the contribution to the divergenceof the flow ature profilesover the lake the replacementof the vertically over the lake alongthe flight track.Equation(5) indicatesthat integrated temperature difference AT with the temperature for a fixed lake size, the divergent flow increaseswith the difference at the aircraft level is another source of the scatter verticallyintegratedhorizontalair temperaturedifferenceand in Figure 4. The traditional lake breeze index, tr in Table 4, is estimated the depth of the air modified by the cool lake and decreases for each Candle Lake passusingthe total ambientwind velocwith ambientwind speed. Table 2. AverageFluxesand StandardDeviationsof Fluxes(in Parentheses)Over Land and Over Candle Fluxes Lake for all Candle LongEZ (at 30 m) Electra (at 100 m) Land Land Land 174.3 (W m-2) (41.4) Latent 202.4 heat flux (55.4) Friction velocityu. (m s-•) Carbon dioxide (m s-• ppmv) Ozone flux (ppbvrns-j) flux Passes Twin Otter (at 30 m) Sensible heat flux (W m-2) Lake Lake - 15.8 (24.2) 26.3 (43.5) Lake Lake 110.72 -6.2 105.3 - 1.83 (43.3) (28.5) (59.4) (33.6) 140.8 (65.2) 42.3 (62.1) 159.2 (76.1) 49.86 (58.92) 0.39 0.08 0.38 0.15 0.28 0.12 (0.26) (0.1) (0.22) (0.15) (0.16) (0.11) -0.11 (0.04) -0.17 (0.05) 0.01 (0.02) 0.003 (0.023) -0.04 (0.06) 0.003 (0.1) -0.03 (0.06) -0.18 (0.09) -0.01 (0.09) -0.007 (0.11) SUN ET AL.: LAKE-INDUCED ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATIONS 29,159 Table 3. StandardDeviation o-and SkewnessS of VariablesFrom Each PassAveraged Over All Flight Legs Over Land and Over Candle Lake Twin Otter Statistics Land Lake o-(w) (m s-l) S(w)(m3 s-3) o-(u)(m s-•) o-(v)(m s-•) 0.82 0.3 1.76 1.6 o'(Ta) (C) 0.39 S(Ta)(C3) o'(qa)(g Kg-1) S(qa)(g3Kg-3) 0.27 0.25 0.20 o-(CO2)(ppmv) S(CO2)(ppmv 3) cr(O3)(ppbv) Land 0.29 -0.31 1.31 1.0 Electra Lake Land 0.95 0.16 1.73 2.07 0.49 -0.06 1.37 1.52 0.89 0.41 1.39 1.29 0.51 0.16 1.14 1.02 0.26 0.39 0.33 0.28 0.25 0.075 0.23 0.45 0.41 0.27 0.13 0.31 0.27 0.45 0.49 0.26 0.23 0.4 0.24 0.34 0.80 0.62 0.97 1.38 0.44 0.58 -0.01 -0.01 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 -0.2 0.72 1.1 0.99 0.09 0.1 0.15 ity over the land and the differencebetween the air temperature over the land and the lake surfaceradiation temperature. The linear correlationcoefficientsbetweenthe divergenceover 0.0005 - 0.00025 - o the lake and the lake breeze index, A T, U, and A T/U in Table 4, indicatethat the divergenceis best correlatedwith the ambient wind at 30 m altitude and with the air temperature differenceat 100 m altitude. The strengthof the advectioncan modify the air temperaturedifferenceand vertical mixingover the lake very effectivelyat the lower level, while the air temperature difference at 100 m is more correlatedwith the vertical developmentof the thermal influenceof the lake. The net observed effect is that the column Lake -0.08 0.97 S(O3)(ppbv 3) LongEZ [] o o 0- -0.00025 - -0.0005 -1 of the cool air over the lake growsduringthe increaseof the vertical mixingin the morning. The deepeningof the internal boundary layer over the lake strengthensthe horizontal pressuregradient which leads to strongdivergentflow over the lake even if the horizontal temperature difference at lower levelsdoes not increase. To interpret the relationshipbetweenthe lake breeze circulation and the strengthof the large-scaleflow, one must recognizeseveralcompetinginfluences.The significantwind can tilt the internal boundarylayer over the lake at the upper level and reduce the air temperature difference at the lower level. These influencesact to reduce the generation of lake breeze flow and lead to a general negative correlation between the lake breeze divergenceand the speedof the large-scaleflow. However, the depth of the stable layer over the lake, H, may o o o Ta (Land) - Ta (Lake) (C) 0.0006 0.0004- 0.0002- o o o 0- o o o o -0.0002- -0.0004 0 WindSpeed ( rns'1 ) 0.0005 0.0004, 0.0003- Q,H • Q,H 100m • CO2, 4•03 • CO2, 303q/x• • • Q H 4x• • CO2, 03 0.0002- o [] I• o o o 0.0001o warm cool 0 warm -1 Q,H • Pland• CO2, 03 4!, Plake • Pland LakeBreeze < q,co•,o, H LakeBreeze • Q,H CO•,03 4[• [Ta(Land)-Ta(Lake)]/[Wind Speed] (C sm'l) II II Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the fluxes and airflows around Candle Lake. The solid arrow and the open arrow representthe airflow and the flux, respectively. Figure 4. Along-flight-pathcomponentof the divergentflow over Candle Lake as a function of the air temperature(Ta) differencebetweenthe land and lake areas(top), wind speed alongthe flight track (middle), and their ratio (bottom). Each point representsbin averagesover an interval along x axis. Squares,Twin Otter; diamonds,LongEZ; circles,Electra. 29,160 Table SUN ET AL.: LAKE-INDUCED 4. Linear Correlation Coefficients ATMOSPHERIC Between temperaturestratificationand residualturbulenceat the upper level over the lake. Divergence and Other Parameters Linear Correlation Coefficients Parameters Twin Otter LongEZ Electra Lake breeze index (•r) -0.39 -0.33 -0.09 0.18 0.25 AT U -0.67 A T/U 0.47 -0.36 0.29 -0.33 0.27 0.14 increasewith wind speed due to shear-inducedmixing. This secondaryeffect of the strengthof the large-scaleflow acts to increasethe strengthof the lake breeze circulationsince the cool internal boundarylayer over the lake is deepened. 4.3. CIRCULATIONS Pressureadjustmentsresultingfrom subsidenceand consequent adiabaticwarming in the presenceof stablestratification within or at the top of the internal boundarylayer can act as a negative feedback to the lake-induced circulation. The adiabatic warmingdue to the subsidenceover the lake actsto limit the generationof surfacehighpressureover the lake. Sincethis effect preferentially inhibits the developmentof circulations driven by small-scalesurfaceheterogeneity[Smithand Mahrt, 1981], it more effectivelyreducesthe influence of small lakes and is probably important on the scale of Candle Lake. This negativefeedback appearsto contribute to the preferred sea breeze scalefound in the analysisof Rotunno [1983] and Dalu et al. [1991].Therefore the pressureover the lake is the balance between the lowering of pressure caused by the adiabatic warming and the increasingpressurecausedby the cool lakemodified Upper Level Circulation Induced by Lake Breeze air associated with the weak downward The downward air motion induced by the low-level divergenceis seen on the August 31, 1994, Electra flight where the differencebetweenthe vertical wind componentover the land and over the lake increaseswith height (Table 5). This downward motion is associatedwith the vertical change of sign of the horizontal temperature difference AT. The air is cooler the layer just above the lake. lake. Halkett 4.4. heat flux into Influence of Boundary Layer Development on Lake Breeze The developmentof the low-level divergent flow over the lake dependson the depth of the layer in which the air temover the lake than over the land at lower levels and warmer at perature over the lake is substantiallydifferent from the air higher levels.These resultssuggestadiabaticwarming associ- temperatureover the land. This depth can be associatedwith ated with downward motion over the lake. the developmentof the internal boundarylayer over the lake The strongverticalmixingand developmentof a well-mixed or the growth of the heated boundarylayer over the land. As boundarylayer over land during the morning rapid transition an example,on May 25, 1994,when the ambientwind wasweak period can also cool the air at higher levels[Lenschowet al., (about1 m s l), the divergence is about2 and 2.4 times, 1979;Ehret et al., 1996].As a result,the air over the lake above respectively,strongerover White Gull Lake and Halkett Lake the nocturnal inversionlayer can be warmer than the rapidly than over Candle Lake (Figure 5). The strengthof the diververticallymixed air over the land. However, all the higher-level gencecan be easilyseenfrom the stronggradient of the alongElectra flightsare closeto local noon; therefore the warmer air flight-track wind acrossthe lake shown in Figure 5. The air over the lake at higher levels is likely to be due to adiabatic temperatureat 30 m over all three lakesis aboutthe sameeven warming associatedwith the downward circulation over the thoughthe water temperatureof the shallowerWhite Gull and The standard deviation of the vertical motion is smaller Lakes is about 5øC warmer than Candle over Lake. The similar air temperature between large and small lakes may be the lake than over the land (Table 5), includingthe levels due to the weak vertical mixingin the stablelayer over the lake where the air temperature is warmer over the lake than over and less influence from the land under the weak wind condithe land. The difference of the standard deviation of the air tion. The aboveobservationsimply that the internal boundary temperaturebetweenthe land and the lake, however,changes layer depthsover the three lakesare roughlythe samebecause in the vertical.The standarddeviationof the air temperatureis of the cancelationof the lake size on both sidesof (5). The smaller within the lake-modified cool air at the lower level over divergenceapparentlydecreaseswith increasinglake size unthe lake and becomes larger when the air temperature is der this weak wind condition. The results also indicate that the warmer over the lake than over the land at the higher level. developmentof the boundarylayer over the land may play an The higher standarddeviationof the air temperatureover the activerole in the buildup of the horizontal land-lake pressure lake at 1600 m (Table 5) is apparentlyassociatedwith stable difference.The cold lake simplymaintainsthe overlyingcool Table 5. StandardDeviation rr and SkewnessS of Air Temperature and Vertical Motion Over Land and Over Lake and Air Temperature Difference Between Land and Lake From Electra on August 31, 1994 T. (C) Land w (m s-') Lake Land Lake Level (m) 100 530 1200 1600 AT, •r(r,) S(T,) •r(T,) S(T,) Aw •r(w) S(w) •r(w) S(w) 0.46 0.17 -0.04 -0.35 0.27 0.14 0.18 0.13 0.49 0.39 1.84 2.11 0.14 0.12 0.24 0.35 0.4 0.29 1.35 1.31 0.12 0.18 0.13 0.29 1.06 1.48 0.94 0.98 0.43 0.42 1.01 0.45 0.43 0.55 0.43 0.84 0.032 -0.41 0.03 0.43 SUN ET AL.' LAKE-INDUCED ATMOSPHERIC air becauseof inefficient horizontal and vertical mixing with weak large-scaleflow. The observed lake breezes over White Gull 297 296 for the lake breeze but rather 29,161 (a) 295 and Halkett 294 293 Lakes also imply that the exactwater temperature of the lake is not crucial CIRCULATIONS 292 it is the contrast 291 ß 290 between the boundary layer developmentover the warm land surroundingthe lake and the stablecool air over the lake. This is consistentwith the results of Segal and Pielke [1985] and Arritt [1987]. The size of the lake for which the divergentflow can be observedappearsto be controlledby the ambientwind and the stabilityof the air over the lake sinceboth factorscan affect the warm-up of the lake-modifiedair. 16 Diurnal Variation of Lake-Induced o •l 0 l> [] [] 0 0 A V<I 0 [] [] [] [] A 16 ß 0.0006] Atmospheric Circulation •' 0.00041 (c) The traditional lake breeze index (o-) is defined in terms of the daily maximum air temperature and the hourly averaged wind in the morning. Therefore it cannot be used to characterize the diurnal variation of the lake breeze. BOREAS 1994 Electra Candle Lake missions with Electra (370m) Electra (700m) Electra(1000m) Electra(1300m) ? Electra(2000m) • -0.0002 1 o .. D ø [] • -0.0004 • 10 Ii o 1• contains 1 Twin Otter and 16 LongEZ at 30-m-level and 10 100-m-level LongEZ (30m) Electra (100m) (b) 300] 295 1 290 -• 285 1 280 • 10 5. [] • 1• 1• 1• Time (LST) at least 3 re- peated passes.On the basisof theserepeatedpassesthe diurnal variation of the lake-induced atmosphericcirculation can be summarized.As a representativeexample,the diurnalvariation of the lake breeze on May 31, 1994, is shownin Figure 6. Apparently, becauseof inertia the nocturnal land breeze (d) o io ß LongEZ (30m) l0 Electra (100m) • Twin Otter, 6 . I 25 May 1994 ' I 0.6 I 0.4 • 48 (e) • 46 • 44 o • 40 A Electra (370m) Electra (700m) 38 Electra(1000m) Electra(1300m) Electra(2000m) [] -6 2 I • I 6 8 10 [] [] [] Time (LST) 30 II [] 12 '0.4 17.5 I [] 25 I • 16.5 20 • 16 15 15.5 Figure 6. Diurnal variationsof (a) air temperature,(b) surface radiation temperature, (c) the divergenceover Candle Lake, (d) specifichumidityboth over the land (solid symbols) and over the Candle Lake (open symbols),(e) 03 concentrations,and (f) the differenceof the CO2 concentrationoverthe land and over the lake on May 31, 1994. 10 14.5 4 2 Halkett Lake 6 8 Candle Lake 5 10 12 White Gull Lake Distance (Km) continuesin the morning even after the air over the land becomes warmer from Figure 5. The Twin Otter pass along the flight track over Halkett Lake, Candle Lake, and White Gull Lake on May 25, 1994.As in equation(2), here U is the wind componentalong the flight track, positive toward northeast.NDVI is the normalized differenceof vegetationindex. The variablesover the land, 5 km upstreamand 5 km downstreamfrom eachlake, are also plotted for comparison. than the air over the lake. The land breeze is seen as the convergentflow at 30 m and the divergentflow at 1000 m over Candle Lake in Figure 6. As the air is heated by the warm land surface,the flow over the lake graduallychanges the land breeze to the lake breeze. At 1230 LST the divergentand convergentflow over the lake is seenat 30 m and at 100 m, respectively.The observationof convergenceat the higherlevel over the lake is consistentwith the existenceof the downward adiabatic warming describedin section 4. The divergencegenerally increasesin the morning, reachesa maximum around 13 LST, then decreases in the afternoon. This 29,162 SUN ET AL.' LAKE-INDUCED (a) ATMOSPHERIC the land decreaseswith time due to increasingdepth of the vertical mixing. At the same time, the cool lake air is warmed due to both advectionand downwardmixing of the warm air. As a result,the land-lake air temperaturedifferencedecreases at the lower level. However, the warm layer over the land deepens,the vertically integrated land-lake air temperature difference increasesas doesthe internal boundarylayer depth H. Therefore the divergence at the lower level increases steadily in the morning. This example further explains the relatively poor correlation between the divergence and the low-level air temperaturedifferencebetweenthe land and the Twin Otter, 17 September 1994 • =2ms '1 6• • , • .41 I 0 ,_ 10 • I ]6• t 20 30 CIRCULATIONS 0'2 lake areas discussed in section 4. As the horizontal divergencebecomesestablishedover the lake, the advection of the warm land air over the lake surface is opposedby the divergentlake breeze. The mixing between the cool lake air and the warm land air is reduced,'and AT starts to increase at the 30 m level. This increase of the air temperature difference is commonlyobservedin the early afternoon. 35, Specific humidity and CO2 concentration are generally higher over the lake than over the land in the morning (Figure 6). A Twin Otter passaround noon over Candle Lake under the light wind conditionshowsa sharpdrop of specifichumidity aswell as CO2 and 03 concentrationsat the west end of the lake (Figure 7). The sharpfront is the resultof easterlymoving dry land air with low CO2 and high 03 and the westerlymoving onshorelake breeze with high humidity and CO 2 and low 03 30 • O• 540• •0 " 10 •0 Distance (Km) (b) 300, Twin Otter, 17 September 1994 , , , , lake-modified 0 5 10 •5 20 400 •-2',"•';""¾":'•.,',•"%1 .200 •_ , 0 • , 0.4•'X• / 00 5 =• • , 25 30 35 ' .................. '¾• • , 7•--•''--I-----,0 :0 I ' ;0 I N"'A • I 5 • I 25 30 ß , , , • • T-Z"-,---,• -10 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 •'• -0.4 -0.6 0 0.4 5 10 15 20 35' , ?"•"T",i , • , 10 15 20 25 30 5'.4 ' 5'.4 Distance (Km) Figure 7. The Twin Otter flight over Candle Lake around noon on September17, 1994; (a) mean variables(zonal and meridional wind componentsu and v, air temperature T•, surfaceradiation temperature T•, pressureP, specifichumidi• q•, CO2, and O3 concentrations),(b) fluxes.The reference point 0 km along the flight track is arbitrarily chosenas the west end of the land on the west side of Candle Lake. variation of the divergenceis consistentwith the observations at Lake Okeechobee[Arritt et al., 1996]. The divergenceincrease in the morning occurseven when the horizontal air temperature difference at 30 m decreases with time. In the early morning the layer of warm air over the land is too shallowto create a significanthorizontal pressure gradient and there is no lake breeze to opposethe warm air advectionfrom the land. Gradually, the rate of warming over air. The high CO2 and humidity and low O 3 concentrationover the lake may be related to the remnants of the nocturnal air, which has high CO2 concentrationfrom the land respiration, high moisture due to evaporation, and low O3 due to ozone depositionon leavesand the ground surface.This air is transported horizontallyand retainedin the stablenocturnalboundary layer over the lake. If the lake water is warmer than the surroundingland at night, then the unstableair over the lake may help distributethe high CO 2 and water vapor and low O 3 air into higher levels over the lake [Sun et al., 1997]. Nevertheless,only small fluxesare observedover Candle Lake during the aircraft passeswhen higher CO 2 and moisture and lower O3 over the lake are observed(Figure 7). The high humidity over the lake in the morning may also be related to the weak upward moistureflux being confinedto a thin stratified layer over the lake surface. Both humidity and CO 2 decrease,and 03 increasesover both the land and the lake duringthe day.Thesevariationsare causedby the plant uptake of CO2, possiblephotochemical production of ozone, and entrainment and downward mixing of dry and O3-rich air. The air is sometimesdrier over the lake than over the land in the early afternoon becauseof the mean downwardmotionat the higherlevelsover the lake (section4) and partly by less evaporation over the cool lake compared with the large midday evapotranspirationover the land. As a part of the lake breeze circulation, the convergentflow associated with the subsidingwarmer, drier air with higher ozone concentrationis seen at 1420 LST at 1300 m in Figure 6. The CO2 concentration above 100 m is about the same over the lake as over the land during the day (Figure 6). The sharp increaseof the CO2 concentrationover the land at 1430 LST at 30 m in Figure 6 may be related to partial stomatalclosuredue to developmentof clouds. The large heat capacityof the lake water delaysboundary layer developmentover the lake. Sincethe airplane flightsdo SUN ET AL.' LAKE-INDUCED ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATIONS not occur before midmorning, the transition between noctur- over Candle nalanddaytime boundary layercannot beobserved overthe ff 2o ationsof CO2 and 03 concentrationsbetweenflight passesare • 10 larger overthelakethanthose overtheland(Table 1,section 3). i 0 tember 17 case,shownin Figure 7. The concentrationof water over Candle Lake Lake 120 3o land but can be observed over the lake. As a result, the vari- Horizontalasymmetry of specifichumidity,CO2 and 03 concentrations dueto themeanwindcanbe seenin theSep- 29,163 100 • -10 = ß• -20 20 ]0 '] -20 vapor, CO2,andO3arehigher downstream fromthelakethan •, -30 upstreambecauseof the advectionof moist, CO2- and O3-rich air by the westerly ambient wind. The asymmetryis not very clear for many of the other casessince the concentrationdifferencesbetweenover the lake and over the land are typically small during the day. 40 II II II II II I'll If II II ii I i'1 II I Seasonal II II III II I1 II11 II I II II I over the !and over the !and 20O 20O•.09 Variations The lake temperatureis about 10øCcolder than the typical middayland temperatureat the end of May (Figure 2). The lake temperatureincreasesslowlyfrom springto summerand decreasesslowlyin late summer.The slowvariationof the lake temperature is due to the large heat capacity of the water (Figure2, section3). As a result,the moistureflux overCandle Lake increasessteadilywith time duringthe three IFCs (Figure 8). Followingthe slowseasonalvariationof the lake temperature, the air-lake temperature difference decreaseswith time from springthroughfall sincethe air temperatureoverthe lake is more controlledby the advectionfrom the land (Figure 2, section3). That is, the climatologicalstabilityof the boundary layer over the lake changesfrom stablein the springto unstable in the fall, with occasionaldisruptionsby cold-front passages.The seasonaltrend for the weak sensibleheat flux is not apparent due to the limited number of flight missionswith more than three repeatedpassesrequiredfor Figure 8 in order to reduce random samplingerrors in the fluxes. Associatedwith the full developmentof leaves,canopystomata release more water vapor and take more CO2 and O3 during the summer,which leads to a larger upward moisture flux and large downwardCO2 and 03 fluxes(Figure 8). However, the soil temperature dependenceof the respiration may balancethe decreaseof the CO: concentration.As a result,the seasonalvariation of the CO: flux is not well defined (not shown). Sincethe lake coolsslowlyat night, the lake temperature is warmer than the land in the early morningfor many of the days after the end of July. However, for most of the cases,the upwardheat and moisturefluxesduringthe daytimeare larger over the land than over the lake even when the lake temperature is warmer than the land surface radiation temperature [Lenschowet al., 1996].Sun and Mahrt [1995] havefound that the spatiallyaveragedsurfaceradiation temperature over the land duringBOREAS canbe stronglyinfluencedby the shaded cool ground surfaces,while the heat flux is dominatedby the sunnycanopytop. As a result,the heat flux canbe upwardeven though the averaged surface radiation temperature may be coolerthan the air temperature.The fractionof shadedground surfaceis particularlylarge in the morningwhen the Sun angle is low. Therefore the sunnycanopytop over the land leads to upward heat flux althoughthe averagedsurfaceradiation temperature is lower over the land than over the lake. However, some specialcasesare observedwhere the fluxes over the lake are larger than thoseover the land. For example, on September3, 1994, the land surfacewas about 6øCcolder IIill IFC1 7/20-8/2 IFC2 8/31-9/17 IFC3 5/25-6/10 150 6. -40 %d .,-."'ø 50 1111 !1 II'11 Itl I1 II 11111 II I! I 50 iiIi !111-1 ii ii11 !111 ii i•!1 iii Figure 8. Seasonalvariationsof sensibleheat (top left) and latent heat (top right) fluxesover Candle Lake and sensible heat (bottom left) and latent heat (bottom right) fluxesover land based on LongEZ observations.The incrementbetween tickson the x axisrepresentsa 2-dayperiod.The datesof the intensivefield campaignsare indicatedin the abscissa. than the lake temperaturein the middle of the day with heavy cloudcover(Figure 9). For thiscase,the specifichumidityand air temperature are higher over the lake than over the land. The sensibleand latent heat fluxesover the lake are, respectively,abouttwo and four timeslarger than thoseover the land due to the cool land air over the warm water. The momentum, CO2, and 03 fluxesare about the same over both surfaces. 7. Fluxes As Function of Flux Averaging Scales Applying the bulk formulae for fluxes over heterogeneous surfacesis problematical[Mahrt and Sun, 1995a,b]. The bulk formulae are developed for calculation of turbulent fluxes basedon local meanvariables.Theserelationshipsbetweenthe fluxesand the local mean variablesmay not be the sameas the relationshipbetween the area-averagedfluxes and the areaaveragedmean variables.With surfaceheterogeneity,the relationship between the grid-averaged fluxes and the gridaveraged air-ground temperature and humidity differences and wind speedin numericalmodelsdependson the grid size [Mahrtand Sun, 1995a,b]. The requiredtransfercoefficientsin the bulk formula may not follow surfacesimilaritytheory. In order to examine the grid size dependenceof the bulk relationshipin the presenceof lakesthe transfercoefficientis examined in this section as a function of the averaginggrid size, as simulated by choosingsectionsof aircraft record of different lengths.The fluxesand the mean variablesrequired in the bulk formula are averagedover lengthsof L, 2L, ---, alongflight tracks,whereL is the lake width. For an averaging width of L the area coversCandle Lake only. For the width of 2L the area coversthe lake and the adjacentland along the flight track. As the averagingwindowwidth increases,the per- 29,164 SUN ET AL.: LAKE-INDUCED (a) ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATIONS from unweightedmeanswith a fixed averagingwidth of 1.2 km. The cutoff length of 1.2 km capturesmostof the turbulent flux based on argumentssimilar to those presentedby Sun et al. [1996].The wind is vector averagedas in numericalmodels Electra, 3 September 1994, at 100 m .•=2ms -1 V = (•2 + Vyy2)•/2 0 (6) Here Vxand Vyare the wind components in the zonaland - 10 20 30 12 f ' I 11 40 ..... ' 10 .,,4,,• .....•'"'C•q< 90 10 20 7.5 •.• •M• •q 7.25 6.5• '• • 0 10 16 "..•'a,•. , ' 30 40 ', ', 20 30 meridional directions,and the overbar representsthe spatial averaging.Transfer coefficientsare calculatedfrom the fluxes, air-ground differences,and wind componentswhich are averaged over repeatedpassesduring a given flight. As an example, the lake effect on the area-averagedflux from the LongEZ on May 26, 1994, is shown in Figure 10. When the grid size coversonly the lake, the grid area is homogeneous,the air over Candle Lake is stable with weak downwardsensibleheat at the aircraft flight level of 30 m; the air is warmer than the lake water and the airwater temperature difference is small. As the averagingwindow increasesto include more warm land surfaces, the fluxes and the gridaveragedvariablesare dominatedby strongupward sensible heat, latent heat, and momentum fluxesand large air-ground differences.Therefore as the averagingscale increasesfrom •02 10 08 ',. • • 0.5 ' 40 • -1 50 ' 26 S48• 24 546 • 544• , 10 I , 20I i ' 40i 100% lake to almost 100% of the land, where the lake effect 0• • 30 becomesnegligible, the averaged sensibleheat flux and the mean air-ground temperature difference change signs from Distance (Km) (b) Electra, 3 September 1994, at 100 m LongEZ, 26 May 1994 • I 75f • i 400 • 0-2• 0 • 10 i .• • , i . f 2,:• 0.06 (a) 5 ,, 0.06 20 ' 0.04 0 :.q0.04 ;0 0'2 • • • , • ' . 2, • 20 , t 30 t 40 ' • -2 50 o.o 'sb o.o2 o .lO .0.021, I , I , I , t , : , (b) 2 00 10 20 30 40 3 4 5 6 0.041 0.03, . , . , . , • , , , 112.5 10, 50 '2 7.5 0.02 0 I• w• • • -0. .0.2 0 i 40 . , . 10 20 30 40 '• 50 Distance (Km) Figure 9. (a) Electrazonaland meridionalwind components u and v, air (T•), and surfacetemperatures(T•), specific humidi• (q•), NDVI (normalized difference of vegetation index), CO2 and O3 concentrationsover Candle Lake at an altitudeof 100 m on September3, 1994.CandleLake is the low NDVI area in the center. The low NDVI 2.5 ; , ,, -15 7 ; 0 1.75 . , [}c) , I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' 6 0.15 1.5[ 5• ............ '""-. -5 0.1 0.05 075 '"•,'""'" t , • , •''" "•' '' 4 0 ß 1 2 3 4 Grid 5 6 7' Size area at 40 km cor- respondsto White Gull Lake. (b) Sensibleand latent heat, Figure 10. (a) Sensibleheat flux, the differencebetweenair momentum (expressedas friction veloci•), carbon dioxide, and surfaceradiationtemperatures,and observedheat transfer coefficientas a functionof averagingscale;(b) moistureflux, and ozone fluxes across Candle Lake. the difference between specific humidity and the saturated specifichumidityusingsurfaceradiationtemperature,and observedmoisturetransfercoefficient;(c) momentumflux,wind centage of the lake in the averagingarea decreases.In this speed, and observed drag coefficient. All the variables are approach, averagingalong the flight track is assumedto be averagedfrom four repeated passes,and the abscissarepreequivalent to averagingacrossa grid area. To exclude me- sentsthe averagingscaleequal to L, 2L, 3L, -.., where L is soscalefluxes, the turbulence is calculatedas perturbations the lake width. SUN ET AL.: LAKE-INDUCED ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATIONS 29,165 negative to positive at some intermediate averaging lengths. column air temperaturewhich leads to a horizontal pressure This intermediate averaginglength correspondsto the grid difference that drives the lake breeze circulation. area where both !akc and land are important and is several The lake breeze stronglydependson the diurnal developtimes the lake width. However, the increase of the sensible ment of the difference between the boundary layers over the heat flux with averagingscalecan be faster or slower than the land and over the lake. In the morning the residualland breeze increaseof the air-temperaturedifferencewith averagingscale. is commonly observed even as the air first becomes warmer As a result, the transfer coefficient must become negative at over the land than over the lake. The carbon dioxide and water some grid sizesin order to use the bulk formula to obtain the vapor concentrationscan be higher over Candle Lake than measured sensible heat flux. The dramatic variation of the over the land in the morning due to retention of nocturnal air exchangecoefficientfor heat happensonly when the heat flux over the lake and the muchlargerverticalmixingover the land. is downward over the lake and the, air is warmer than the lake. The exchangccoefficientsfor moistureand momentumgenerally increasesteadilywith averagingscale. In addition to the averagingproblem in the sensibleheat flux, the grid-averagedwind speedbascdon (6) decreaseswith averaging scale [Mahrt and Sun, 1995a, b]. If the grid just coversthe lake, the divergencefrom the lake breeze leadsto a very small grid-averagcd wind speed. As the grid averaging scaleincreasesto includethe land surface,the vector-averaged wind speedis closerto the ambient large-scalewind. Therefore the area-averagedwind speedmay increaseas the percentage of the land surfacc in the grid increases.Because of the restriction of the observationsto a singleflight track, the cancelation for the averagingscaleequal to the lake width in Figure 10 is limited only to the direction of the flight track. As the averagingscalecontinuesto increase,the area-averagedwind speeddecreasesdue to random fluctuationsof the wind direction. This problem is not related to lakes specificallybut more to area averagingin general. Therefore the exchangecoefficients may increasewith averagingscaleunlessthe fluxesand the air-ground differencesdepend significantlyon grid size. The problcms related to the area averagingcan be complicated if a grid size covcrsseveral lakes, which could happen with grid arcas in the BOREAS study area. The example in Figure l{I showstypical difficulticswith scalingup in casesof strong hctcrogcncityassociatedwith lakcs. In situationswhere lakes dominate the surfaceheterogeneity,the mosaicapproach in numerical modeling I Wctzelaml Chat•g, 1988;Avissarand Pielke, 1989;Chtttssen,1991;Dttcottdrt]el al., 1993;Huang and l,yoas, 1995] may bc suitable for solving the area-averaging problems. 8. Summary Lake. The turbulence is weak over Candle Lake than over the surroundingland even at the 1000 m level. The divergenceof the lake breeze circulation is negatively correlated with the wind speed. Under weak wind conditions, the lake divergencedecreascswith increasinglake size and is not sensitiveto the lake water temperature. The air temperature over three different sized lakes is about the same since the timescale of the vertical mixing in the stratified air over the lake is longer than the timescaleof the land-air advection.The lake breeze is sensitive to the relative horizontal difference around 1300 LST. The vertical land contributes to the horizontal difference turbulent fluxes are much smaller than over the land. Weak downward sensible over the lake heat flux is ob- servedat the 30- and 100-m flight levels.As the lake warmsup from springto fall, the latent heat flux over the lake increases steadily,while over the land, the latent heat flux peaks during the summerseasondue to transpiration. The area-averagedfluxesstronglydepend on the averaging length when significantland-lake contrast occursin the averaging area. For a grid size several times the lake width, the exchange coefficient for heat in the bulk formula must be negative to predict the correct grid-averagedheat flux. The negative exchange coefficient occurs when the sensible heat flux and the air-groundtemperaturedifferencesare dominated by the different surfacetypes. Numerous lakes in BOREAS influence not only the flow throughland and lake breezes,which alsoinducelocal changes in cloud cover, but also the area-averaged fluxes. In the BOREAS southern and northern study areas, lakes cover about 10% and 20% of the study areas, respectively.If we assumethe upward sensibleheat flux over the land and downward over Candle Lake on May 26, 1994 (Figure 10), to represent lake and the land areas in BOREAS, respectively,the area-averagedsensibleheat flux over boreal forest is estimated to be 12-24% lower than if the area were covered by forest. However, a more accurate estimate of the area-averagedheat flux over the BOREAS area requiresmore information on the spatial variation of the surface fluxes over the boreal forest. Besidesthe surfacetype, the sensibleheat flux can depend on the depth and turbidity of the lake. For example,the sensible heat fluxes over White Gull Lake are found to be higher than those over Candle and Halkerr Lakes since this lake is shallow and turbid. Acknowledgments. Jielun Sun and Larry Mahrt were supportedby NASA grant NAG 5-2300. Donald H. Lenschow,Steve Oncley, Qing Wang, and K. J. Daviswere sponsoredby NASA grant PO S-12857-F. Qing Wang and K. J. Davis'sparticipationwas alsosupportedin part by NCAR's Advanced Study Program. The NOAA LongEZ observations, operated by Tim Crawford and Ron Dobosy,were completed under BOREAS programfunding.Fundingfor Twin Otter operations in BOREAS was providedby the National ResearchCouncil of Canada, Agriculture Canada, and the Natural Sciencesand Engineering ResearchCouncil of Canada.Discussions with Ray Arritt were greatly appreciated.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is supported by the National ScienceFoundation. in the boundary layer development and column air temperature between the lake and the land, not the air temperature difference at lower levels.The rapid boundary layer deepeningover the warm pressuregradient increases.This pressuregradient drives the divergence over the lake which reaches maximum values and latent The above study has shown that cool lakes, here ranging from 3 to 1() km in width, can generate well-defined lake breezes on days with weak large-scaleflow. 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