JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 87, NO. C1, PAGES 457-468, JANUARY 20, 1982 Bars, Bumps, and Holes' Models for the Generation of Complex Beach Topography R. A. HOLMAN AND A. J. BOWEN1 School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 In shallowwater, any two wavesof the samefrequencyare shownto producecomplexpatternsof drift velocityabovethe seabed. If the longshorecomponentshi, h: of the wave numbersof the two waves are different, these steady flow patterns exhibit a longshoreperiodicity of wave number (hi -- h:) irrespectiveof whetherthe wavespropagatein the samedirection(say hi, he positive)or in oppositedirections'(he negative). The interaction of two edge wave modes is examined in detail. The drift velocities are Calculatedand a simple sediment transport model is used to predict the beach topographythat would be in equilibrium with these flow patterns. As expected, crescentic sand bars are producedby the specialcaseof standingedgewaves (hi = --h:). Intriguingly, for all other casesa combinationof complex transversebars plus meanderingor straightoffshorebars result, patterns that are surprisinglyreminiscentof many publisheddescriptionsof complex, rhythmic topography.The extensionof the model to three or more waves producestopographythat appearsto be very irregular. Although the pattern shouldrepeat over sufficientlylong distancesalong the beach, even with only three waves these distancesmay be very large comparedto the scale of the bars. a standingwave is regardedas two equal waves propagating in opposite directions, these longshore periodicities arise from the interaction of two modes of the same frequency; a singleprogressiveedge wave will generateonly a linear bar system, the number of bars dependingon the modal number of the wave [Bowen, 1980]. In the existingliterature, interest has largely been concentratedon the rather special case of but,surprisingly often,thereisa strongsuggestion Ofpattern standing edge waves, but any two modes of the same frequency produce flow patterns or drift velocity patterns in the offshore bar structure or the shoreline form. Of particular interest have been shorelinefeatures that show a that have a regular longshoreperiodicity. For example, rip regular longshoreperiodicity down the beach, variously currents may be generated by a single, normally incident describedas beach cusps, sand waves, rhythmic topogra- wave plus a progressiveedge wave of the same frequency [Bowen and lnrnan, 1969]. phy, or giant cusps[Hom-rnaand Sonu, 1963;Dolan et al., While we know that such flow patterns must repeat 1974; Komar, 1981]. periodically alongshore,in the general case we do not know The purposeof the presentpaperis to showhow a variety the actual shape of the velocity field within each wavelength of regular longshorepatterns may be generatedby two of the pattern. For standing waves the pattern must be waves of the samefrequencyand then, simplyby extending these ideas to three waves, showhow a simpledeterministic symmetricalwithout a preferred longshoredirection but for model produces topography that appears very irregular. two differentmodes,particularlytwo modespropagatingin While the basic ideas of the analysis apply to any type of the same direction, some longshoreskewnessin the pattern waves, interest will be focusedprimarily on edgewaves, the seems inevitable. The interesting question is whether the wave motionstrapped to the shorelineon a slopingbeach. formation of a large-scale,quasi-periodicbar systemsuchas Edge waves appear to play an important role in the that illustrated in Figure 1 can be explained in terms of a INTRODUCTION While the ideal beach may be conceived as a smooth expanseof sand stretchingindefinitelyalongshore,and real beaches do exist that approximatethis idealization, many beachesare topographicallycomplexexhibitinga variety of longshoreand offshorestructureat variouslengthscales.At times the resultingmorphologyseemscompletelyirregular, generationof severaltypes of beachmorphology.One of the attractive featuresof edgewave modelsis the explanationof the often observed, regular, longshoreperiodicitiesin terms of length scales, the edge wave wavelengths,which have well defined properties.This leadsto quantitativehypotheses that have had some successin describingthe formation of beach cusps [Guza and lnrnan, 1975; Sallenger, 1979], large cuspate topography [Dolan et al., 1979], crescentic sandbars [Bowen and lnrnan, 19711,and topographyrelated to regularly spacedrip currents [Bowen and.lnman, 1969; Kornar, 1971].In lookingat theseexamplesit is clear that, if simpletwo wave model. Existingexplanationsinvolve off- shore bars, cut by rip currents, rotating around to attach to the shoreline [Sonu, 1973]. It would be much more satisfactory to suggestthat the mechanicsof the formation of these bars is exactly analogousto the formation of crescenticbars but involves waves of different modal numbers. A principal objectiveof thispaperis thereforeto lookin detailat a whole classof possibleinteractionsbetween two waves of the same frequency. In the first sectionof the paper we examinethe general conditions under which waves may perturb the bottom topography, distinguishingthose processesthat may produce periodic longshore features from those that cannot. Interest is then concentrated on a particular class, the 1 Permanentaddress:Departmentof Oceanography, Dalhousie interaction between edge waves, and the drift velocity University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. patternassociated with the occurrenceof anytwo edgewave modes is derived. This defines a steady flow just above the bottom boundary layer. A simple sedimenttransport model Copyright ¸ 1982by the American GeophysicalUnion. Paper number 1C1632. 0148-0227/82/001 C- 1632501.00 457 458 HOLMAN ANDBOWEN'BARS,BUMPS, ANDHOLES is thenusedto estimate thenewtopography thatwouldbein Ursell [1952] equilibriumwith thesetheoreticaldrift patterns.The releIXlsin(2n + 1)/3= o2/g (la) vanceof the modelis checkedby lookingat theformationof crescentic barsby standing edgewavesfollowing Bowenand anda setof incidentor reflected waves,leakymodes,for Inman [ 1971]. Results are then derived for the cooccurrence which of two differentmodespropagating in the samedirectionand in oppositedirections.Finally,theseideasare extendedto consider thedriftvelocities occuring whenthreeedgewave modesare simultaneously present. sina -< oa/g (lb) Fora givenfrequency tr,thereisa finitesetof edgewavesof different modalnumbers n (wheren = 0, 1,2, 3 ßßßprovided Thefreewavesona planebeachof slope/3consist of a set (2n + 1)/3< ½r/2) anda continuum of leakymodes forwhich of edgewaveswhoselongshore wavenumber h is givenby X, in simplegeometries suchasa planebeach,is determined WAVES, CURRENTS,AND TOPOGRAPHY Fig.1. Welded sand bars onCape Cod, Massachusetts. Longshore spacing isseveral hundred meters (Photo courtesy of David S. Aubrey, WHOI). HOLMAN AND BOWEN' BARS, BUMPS, AND HOLES by the angle of approachin deep water, a. The modulusis necessaryas the signof X indicatesthe direction of longshore propagation. The wide range of longshorewave numbersgiven by (la) and (lb) obviously suggeststhat the cooccurrenceof two or more waves with different X but the same frequency is the normal situation. For example, the assumptionof angular spreadof energy in the incident spectrumleads, from (lb), to a correspondingrange of X for the incident waves. Interactions between two waves of the same frequency are therefore likely to be commonplace.However, for the interaction to lead to steady patterns in time or space requires some phase locking between the waves. Such phase locking is implicit in the explanationof rip currentsas beinggenerated by the interaction between an edge wave and an incident wave [Bowen lnrnan, 1969] or two incident waves from opposite directions [Dalryrnple, 1975] or, in fact, any two incident waves of the same frequency from different directions. Such phase locking does not have to be perfect, but the phases must not drift totally randomly (as is often assumedin spectral wave theory). If the phasesare entirely random, each position alongshoreeventually experiencesall the possible combinationsof the two modes and the longshore variability disappearsfrom the time-averagedconditions. However, this argumentleads to the rather encouraging conclusionthat, in so far as the phasesare not entirely random, contributionsto longshorevariability will be possible; the phase locking does not have to be perfect. In the subsequent discussion, attention will be concentrated on only the coherent part of the two wave motions. This should bring out the essentialphysicsof the problem and avoid the complication of carrying a set of unknown time integrals of the phasesthroughoutthe calculations. There are at least two important types of interaction between two waves that may have significantmorphological consequences. The first is the generation of nearshore currents and rip currents that in turn become the primary mechanismfor rearrangingthe sediment[Bowenand lnman, 1969; Komar, 1971]. Here cross terms between the two waves are found in the radiation stresses;the breaking of the incident waves forces circulationpatterns. A secondinteraction arises in the calculationof the mass transport velocity above the seabed.Again crossproductsoccur leadingto the possibility of longshorevariability. Drift velocities associated with a single wave, either an incident wave reflected at the shoreline or an edge wave, produce patterns that are uniform in the longshoredirection, possiblyforming linear bars [Suhayda, 1974; Short, 1975; Bowen, 1980] but not rhythmic topography. In some cases, particularly the formation of beach cusps, the wave processes have been considered in increasingly usesthe drift velocity as the primary input to the sedimentary dynamics. Conditions very close to the shore will not be considered. In principle, the model is applicable to conditions outside a small surf zone and should apply to large scale structures.In practice, the model is not very sensitive to the preciseform of the incidentwave field and may apply qualitatively to conditions inside a wide surf zone. Here, however, the sedimenttransportdue to drift velocitiesmust compete with that associatedwith the currents driven by wave-breaking. The relative importance of these two processesin different environments is far from clear. However, the fairly common occurrence of crescentic bars of the general shapepredictedby Bowen and lnrnan [1971] suggest that drift velocitiesfrequently play a significantrole. DRIFT VELOCITIES In shallow water, close to the shore, the standard linear shallowwater equations[Stoker, 1957]provide a reasonable approximationfor the wave motion. For waves of frequency or,the velocity potential • is given by (h•x)x + (h(I)y)y+ = 0 (2) where x is positive seaward from the shoreline, y is the longshorecoordinate, and h the water depth. On a plane beach of slope /•, Eckart (1951) showedthat solutionsfor edge waves propagatingin the y direction are of the form (I)n -- ang (•n(X)exp [-i(X• - o't)] (3) possible values of the longshorewave number being determined by the dispersionrelation o2 = glXnl(2n + 1)/3 (4) the shallow water approximation to the exact dispersion relation (equation(la)). On the low slopestypical of natural beachesthe approximationis fairly good provided n is not too large. The offshorestructureof the modesis given by •gn(X)-' Ln (2XnX)exp (--XnX) (5) where Ln is the Laguerre Polynomial of order n and n is the numberof zero crossingsof •x), so highermodesare more complex and extend further seaward. Figure 2 shows •x) for the four lowest modes as a function of the nondimen- I.O -0.8 1981], but the actual sediment transport mechanism is far from clear. Bowen and lnman [1971] show that the cuspate 0.6 0.4 shoreline features that sometimes match offshore crescentic 0.2 0 -0.2 - 0.4 - 0.6 rig. •. In the present paper we will concentrateon a model that ABOVE THE BOTTOM BOUNDARY LAYER elaborate models [Guza and lnman, 1975; Guza and Bowen, bars might be explained in terms of the drift velocities associatedwith a standingedge wave. However, they recognized that the concept of drift velocity relative to some boundary layer must necessarily become meaninglessin very shallow water. It seemslikely that the differential runup alongshore may be the most significant factor at the 459 uU•,lU, C ucpclmCn•c, Ln wave modes. , •.c +t... 1...... + four 460 HOLMANAND BOWEN:BARS,BUMPS,AND HOLES sionaldistance• givenby 0=M • = g• = X0x Ox 1[ •OV* OU* 4• V (3 +5i)+ V•(2+3i) (6) ] + U• (1 + 2/) (9) Ox where X0is the wave numberof the lowestmode,n = 0. Now it is quite possiblefor two or moremodesof the same wherethe asteriskindicatesthe complexconjugate.If the frequencyto occur together. For two modes,the surface wavefieldconsists of two modesasin (7), then,denoting the elevation,takingthe real part of (3), wouldbe of the form drift velocitiesassociated with the edgewavesas u•, o•, (9) can be expressedas 1 c9• g Ot = amr•m(X)sin (h•v -- at) + arC•r(X)sin(hry- at + O) where 0 is the phaseanglebetweenthe waves. As can be seenin Figure2 therearesubstantial regions in which•bm(X) is approximately equalto •br(X)particularlynearthe shoreline. Here (7) could be rewritten as 2 Y-at+ •) 'sin( (hm +xr) 2 4a 3 2 • = (am- ar)•X)sin (kroy- at) + 2arqb(x) ß cos (2m + 1)2&m•m' g2•ø3{am213qbm'q 1 ] +ar2 [3&r'&r" -•(2r+I1)2rkrrkr' ] (2r+ 1)2c•rn'C•r +amar[COSlX(3r•m'r•r" 3rkm"rkr'(2rn + l)2C•mC•r'+ (2m (2r1 + ' (o"or' + qbm'qbr) 1+ 1)'1-•• ) +sin •x (5•9 m' •)r" --5•)rn"l•r' --(2r+ 1)2C•rn'C•r Hi -- (7) 2 y - (8) The wave motionappearsas simpleprogressive componentproportionalto am- ar plusa complicated progressive componentwith wave numberequalto the averageof the two basicwaves,stronglymodulatedin the longshore direc- 3 3 2 (2rn + 1)2l•)ml•)rt+ (2rn + 1)(2r + 1) tion at half the differencein wave numbers.This modulated (10) componentwill havenodesin elevationat regularlongshore intervals,provided 0 is constantßThis illustratesan interest- where•b'represents thederivativeof •bwithrespectto • and ing sampling problem.Fieldmeasurements of spectralener/x describesthe longshoredependence of the solutionwhere gy will showa longshoremodulation,suggestive of a standingwavecomponent of wavenumber[Xm- Xr]/2.However, /J•= -- (Xm -- Xr)y + 0 (11) crossspectrawill show the wave form to be progressiveß Combinations of threeor moremodesproduceverycompliThetermsin (10)proportional to am2andar2represent the cated spatial patterns that can only be resolvedby an self interactionof the two wavesand have no longshore extensivelongshorearray of instruments[Huntley et al., variation.The termin amar,whichmayproduce interesting 1981]. 1ongshore• variabilityin the drift velocities,arisesfrom the, So far we have consideredonly a linear combinationof crossinteractionof the two modes.The wavelength of the wave modes. This indicates how the overall motion will longshorevariabilityis now 2rd(•.m- •.r), half the wave- appearto an observer.Of moreinterestfor the generationof lengththat appearsas a modulationin the linearcombination beach morphologyis the way in which any second-order of the solutionsin (8). terms includenot only the self interactionof each modebut also their cross interactions.FollowingHunt and Johns [1963],whenthe velocityfieldabovethe bottomboundary layer is definedby 2-- 3 •gm•gm" g2•k03{ [ 5 •gm o•= 4ø • am 2 (2rn+ U = U(x, y)ei• v = V(x, y)ei• the masstransportvelocity(t•, 0) at the topof the boundary layer is given by a=• Oy 1[ -•xOU* OV* 4• U (3 +5i)+ Thelongshore component of thedriftvelocityis givenby U• (2 + 3i) (2rn+ 1) +(2m +1)4•'"'2 +ar2(2r+1) 3qbr2 -(2r+1)•br•r" (2r +1)•kr'2 +amar cos/.6 (51•)ml•) r (2m +1)(2r +1) 2 OU* +V 1)3 m Oy +(2rn + 1)2 (1 +2/)] 1(2r+ 1))- 3((2rn1+ 1)4•m&r" HOLMAN AND BOWEN: BARS, BUMPS, AND HOLES 461 1 , ) ) +sin/x (-3•bm•br ( +2((2m ,+ 1)•m{•r"(2r+, 1)•m"•r ) •(2r + 1) dgm"dgr -•'2C•m' dgr' (2r+ 1) (2m + 1) 1 1 (2m+ 1) (2r + 1)2 (2m + 1)2(2r + 1) - &m'&r' (2r+1)-(2m+1) A nondimensional drift velocity(up,vp)is thengivenby 0.0 2.0 4.0 •, 6.0 8.0 I0.0 Fig.3b. Perturbation profile h•(J,9)fort.heinteraction (1,- 1) 803 with K = 1. Stippledareasrepresenterosion(h• < 0) andplainareas Up = g2X03 (am2 + ar•)'Ul (13) accretion. The longshorepatterngivenby (10) and (12) hastermsin patternon nearshoretopography.Clearlya more quantitacos/x and sin/x bothmultipliedby rathercomplexfunctions tive model is preferable. of •. In generalthe patternswill not be symmetricaboutany SEDIMENT TRANSPORT MODELS offshoreprofile. The particularcaseof standingedgewaves, Xm = - Xr, studied by Bowen and Inrnan [1971] which To try to make an objectiveassessment of the possible clearly has to be symmetricalis a rather specialcase for importanceof the drift velocity,a simplesedimenttransport which the coefficientof sin/x vanisheseverywhere. modelbasedon the ideasof Bagnold[1963]hasbeenusedto One wavelength of the drift velocity pattern for the calculatethe equilibriumbeach slope. For the purposeof standingwave of moden = 1, the casern = 1, r = - 1 (or (1, illustration, it is assumedthat the sedimenttransport is -1) in our notation)is shownin Figure 3a, where up is dominatedby suspendedload, but usinga bedloadmodel multipliedby a factor•2. (A negativemodenumberis a would result in similar shapesfor the bars. convenientway to indicatea wave progressivein the negaThe transportof suspendedsedimentis assumedto be tive y direction.Howeverit is importantto rememberthat Xr given by is where -- (r/Irl) (X0/(21rl+ 1))). Thiscanbe regardedas scalingupby •. ('r' u)u is = (14) the drift velocityof the incidentwaves.Not surprisingly,the w -u's drift pattern is very similar to that previouslyshownby Bowen and Inrnan [1971], the pattern further offshore is where •s is an efficiency, T the bottom stress, w the fall more noticeable due to the particular scaling. However velocity of the sediment,and s = (•h/•x), (•h/•y) the local Bowen and Inrnan [1971] were forced to make a rather bottom slope. The velocityfield consistsof the incidentwaves,assumed subjectivedecisionaboutthe influenceof the drift velocity to be the dominantprocess,plus the edge waves. If the incidentwavesapproachwith crestsapproximatelyparallel to the shoreline, the velocity field is of the form u = (u0icos•rit + u0ecosfret+ t• + ul, V0e COS •ret+ Vi) (15) whereUo, andu0•aretypicalorbitalvelocities fortheincident and edgewaves, a is the drift velocity associatedwith the incident waves, and u•, v• are the edgewave drift velocities from (10) and (12). For this case, definingthe bottom stress,r by 'r = CD plulu (16) the analysisof Bowen[1980]canbe readilyextendedto both o.o- 0.0 horizontal components. If weassume thatu0•,a, u•, v•areall muchsmallerthanUo,but maythemselves be of the same > 2'.0 4.0 6.O • 8.0 I0.0 9• .• ¾:z.o Fig. 3a. Nondimensional drift velocityassociated with a standing mode 1 edgewave, the interaction(1, -1) in our notation.The magnitudeof the drift vectorshas been normalizedby the drift velocityassociated with shoaling incidentwaves.A scaleis provided at the bottom right. The pattern repeats in the longshore direction. order, then to lowest order the two componentsof suspended transport are •X.... w 15•r 5 //03( a + //1)+ EsCDp 4 iY= W ß__. 3•r //03/91 I w dx (h + h•) (17) 462 HOLMAN AND BOWEN: BARS, BUMPS, AND HOLES We takefi to bethedepthprofilewhichisin equilibrium with the general qualitative trends as to how many bars, their position, and general appearance are not sensitive to the particular transport model used. the drift velocity associatedwith the incident waves (hence those two terms cancel in equation (17)), and h' to be the perturbation profile which would be produced by the edge wave drift velocities. Interestingly, longshoreslopedoesnot As onlythe amplitude of h• is a functionof K, h• would seem to be a useful description of the effects of the edge waves. The physical meaningis clear, it is the local departure from the plane beach, slope/3, for which the edgewave enter into fx sincethe term, (l10311101/W) dh/dy will be of higher order than other terms. The criterion for the beach to be in equilibrium is that the divergence of the sediment transport is zero everywhere. Orx -- Ox +- Oy = 0 solutions werederived.Figure3b showsh• for thestanding (18) and, substituting (17), and integrating in from deep water where h• will vanish dx u02 Oy dh • 5wu • 4u05 5w Ij //03 O0 = •. dx (19) Now in the region of interest, the regime seawardof the surf zone, the orbital velocity is given by shallow water theory as UO = h3/4 = 'y/2 ' (gh)b 1/2 (20) wave (1, -1) calculatedfrom (23). The longshoreperiodicity of the depth perturbation is immediately evident. However, the crescenticnature of the systemis not obvious. Instead, isolatedmoundsof sedimentappearat zonesof convergence of the drift velocity. This illustratesa generalproblem.What is observed on casual inspection, particularly on aerial photographs,is not the perturbationtopography,but is the total water depth, equal to the sum of the perturbationand mean beach profiles. (In fact, it is unclear how one could estimate the mean beach profile from field data, even given detailed surveys.It is not just the averageover a longshore period of onshore-offshoredepth profiles since those could involve linear bars generatedby the self-interactionterms.) To appreciate how the theoretical sediment distributions appear to a casualobserver, it proved necessaryto construct a measureof the total depth and to displaycontoursof equal depth. Here, •0 is used as an arbitrary origin offshoreand where ao is the incident wave amplitude, hothe water depth, and 3' the ratio of wave height to water depth, all defined at thebreakpoint.Defining a nondimensional depth/• as $t• - •h• Xoh• g/32 fir = (•0 - •) + h• (24) so fir is elevationabovea submarine datuma distance x0 offshore.Figure4 showscontours of fir generated by the standing edge wave (1, -1) for the case K equal to 1.0. (21)Contour valuesare actuallyfi7/4,a simplescalingfor the purpose of avoiding double digit values in the contour program. To create a standing wave, the two constituent waves have equal amplitudes,the scaledamplitudesbeing •i• = d_• = 1.0. The crescentic pattern is now obvious. The (22) profile given below the contour plot in Figure 4 showsthe and writing in terms of the scaled coordinates g, y, (19) becomes • d• = -K + 4 g-9/4 dg linearbar producedby eitherof thesemodesactingseparate- where K=1-•' [ •? ' 8.0- (22) can be integrated numerically by usingthe conditionthat the drift velocities and h• die away seaward. So 6.0- ßd.• (23) 4.0- The final result depends on only one free parameter K which definesthe amplitude of the perturbed topography.It containsthe terms one would expect, the settlingvelocity in the dimensionlessform frequently encountered[Dean, 1973; Dalrymple and Thompson, 1977], the width of the surf zone and the relative size of the edge waves. In integrating (22) and (23), it became clear that the second term in (22) containing the longshore divergence of O is generally very small compared to the first term (althoughit was retained in the calculation). The primary balance is between the onshore-offshore component of the drift velocity and the gravitational effects due to the beach slope. The basic morphologycould therefore be producedby any 2.0- 0.0 0.0 I010 hT0.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 B.O I0.0 Fig. 4. (Top)Onelongshore cycleof the totalbeachprofilefir (,•,:) fortheinteraction (1, - 1)withK = 1. Valuesplottedarefi•4. model in which the slopewas assumedproportionalto up (Bottom)Linearsandbarprofile,fi•4, for a single,mode1, edge (provided the coefficient is a reasonable function of •) and wave (i.e., ar = 0), K = 2.0. HOLMAN AND BOWEN: BARS, BUMPS, AND HOLES 2.0 463 systemas it would be seenby a casualobserver.The point of usingfir becomeseven clearerwhen K becomessmall. 0.0 0.0 Fig. 5. 2'.0 ,,'.o 6'.0 8'.0 ,o'.o 'Low tide terrace' for a singlemode 1 edgewave with small K - 1.1.Valuesplottedarehz/4. ly (ti• = 1.0, ti_• = 0, K = 2). It is interestingto seethat the bar crest in the linear profile and the maximum offshore distanceof the crest in the crescenticpattern occur at ;½= 3.0. Bowen and Inrnan [1971] suggestedthat the crest would be located at ;½= 4.5, the point of drift convergence(Figure When the perturbationis small, there is no obviousbar. The crest disappears;the profile is variable in slope, containinga low tide terrace that is virtually fiat at some value of K (Figure 5). At still smaller values of K the profile shows a gentle slopeinshoresteepeningoffshore.Figure 5 showsthe profile producedby a singleprogressivewave, as in Figure 4b but for a smaller value of K. There is clearly a twodimensionalanalogywhere the amplitudeof a crescenticbar system is not large enoughto generateobviousbars (points whereOhr/O.f = 0), andtheresulting structure appears asa complexterracingin the profiles. ' An apparent difficulty in Figure 4 is that the integration 3a),andthisisindeedtheposition whereh•islargest (Figure does not produce a shoreline. However, the model is not 3b). However,whenthe meanprofileis addedto h•, our expected to apply in very shallow water, and conditionsas ;½ ideas of what constitutesa crest clearly change.If we take --> 0 become increasinglyunrealistic. Nevertheless, it is clear the usual definition of the bar crest as the position where that the general pattern of a crescenticbar is producedas (dhr/d.O = 0, thenthevaluepredicted bythemodelis;½= 3. expected. However, this position is a function of the amplitudeof the INTERACTION BETWEEN TWO DIFFERENT MODES perturbation topography,which in turn is a function of K. As K becomes small,thebartendsto ;½= 4.5. As expected, fir The casesthat have not been previouslyexaminedare the seemsto provide a better insightinto the structureof the bar interaction between two different modes. Figure 6 (left) 45.0 - 40.0 - 35.0 - 30.0 - 25.0 - 20.0 - •5.0 - i 5.0-- 0.0- o.o 0.0 5[.0 ] 10.0 A X Fig. 6. • 15.0 20b • 5.o 20'.0 io.o A •u; ---2.0 u• (Left) Normalized drift velocity for the interaction(1,2). (Right)Totaldepthprofile,fiz/4for theinteraction (1,2)withK = 1. Note the prediction of welded sand bars. X 464 HOLMAN AND BOWEN: BARS, BUMPS,AND HOLES TABLE 1. WavelengthL, of the Topographyfor the Case(m, r) in the NormalizedForm XoL/,r= A-• WhereA is the AspectRatioof the InshoreBar Y m -3 -2 -1 -0 0 1 2 -3 -2 - 1 -0 0 I 2 3 4 X 35.0 X 10.5 15.0 X 2.33 2.50 3.00 X 1.75 1.67 1.50 1.00 X 4.20 3.75 3.00 1.50 3.00 X 5.83 5.00 3.75 1.67 2.50 15.00 X Where L(m, r) = L(r, m); L(-m, r) = L(m, -r); L(-m, 3 7.00 5.83 4.20 1.75 2.33 10.50 35.00 X 4 7.88 6.43 4.50 1.80 2.25 9.00 22.50 63.00 X -r) = L(m, r). shows the drift velocity pattern for a mode 1 and mode 2 edgewave propagatingin the samedirection, the case(1, 2). The periodicity of the motion is evident now on a larger length scale. As the longshore wave number is km -- kr, waves propagatingin the same direction produce patterns beach slopesoffshore, accentuatesthe bar structurein this region.The weak offshoredrift near] = 45 leadsto a more gentle offshore slope, and the bar appears to truncate alongshore. in opposite directions (Table 1). In Figure 6 (left), the nearshore drift velocity is basically offshoreout to k = 4.5, although its magnitudevaries very noticeablyalongshore. Offshore the flow is dominatedby a meanderinglongshore flow, rather reminiscent of the meanderingcurrents describedby Sonu [ 1972].However, this is really the flow just above the boundary layer and only partially reflects the pattern of the flow over the whole water depth. Figure 6 the aspectratio A of the pattern, the offshoredistanceto the first bar divided by the longshorewavelength,varies as a Other combinations of modesproduceessentiallythe with a longerlengthscalethanthe samewaves'propagatingsame morphologicalpattern as seenin Figure 6 (right), but function of the modal numbers. As the offshore structure for all the highermodesis very similarcloseto shore(Figure2), the maximum offshore distance of the first bar crest tends to be of the order of k = 3. The aspect ratio is therefore approximately given by (right)showsthedepthcontours fit for thiscase.Intriguing- A= 2rn+ 1 2r+ 1 (25) ly, the model predicts the generationof periodic, oblique sand bars welded to the shoreline.The prediction of this Figure7, showingthe topographythat resultsfrom the (2, morphologycameas somewhatof a surprisebut canperhaps -3) interaction, illustratesthis point; the length scale is bestbe understoodby lookingat the drift velocitypatternin relatively short as the waves propagatein oppositedirecconjunctionwith (22) and (23). Equation(22) is dominatedby tions. However, the mostlikely combinationof modesof the up, the contributionfrom the termsin vpbeingsmall.The samefrequencyis probablytwo consecutivemodespropanearshorepattern of up appearsto be simplyperiodicin gatingin the samedirection,for example(0, 1) (seeDiscusFigure 6 leadingto the expectationof a crescenticsystem.In sion). Interestingly,this pair also generatesa welded bar, fact, a plot of the location of the bar, independentof the even though n = 0 has no zero crossingsin its offshore height of the crest, is crescentic. However, equation (23) structure.It is clear that the aspectratio of suchconsecutive containsan offshoreintegral, and it is the behavior offshore pairsof modesrapidlybecomessmallwith increasing n. For that producesthe asymmetry observed. The weak onshore example, (2, 3) has an aspectratio of 1:35, a very long componentof drift velocity near • = 30, producingsteeper longshorelength scale. 6.0 • 4.0 2.0 , 0,0 5.0 I0.0 15.0 20.0 o.o o.o Fig. 7. Welded sandbar predictedfor the interaction(2, -3), with K=I. Fig. 8a. hz/4forthecrescentic sandbarcase(1, - 1)butwitham-1.0, ar = 0.5, K - 1. Compare with Figure 4 (top). HOLMANAND BOWEN:BARS,BUMPS,AND HOLES 465 i appearwhenevertheamplitudes of themodesareroughlyof ,z,' i!i ,xi i 0.0 0.0 i 'I 4.• 2.0 •'.o •'.o the sameorder. The linear bar shownin Figures4 and 5 only occurs if one mode is totally dominant. INTERACTION OF THREE OR MORE MODES More complicatedmorphologies are producedif more than two modesinteract.The perturbationtopographyis the sumof that generatedby eachpairof modestakenseparate- ly. However, the phaseanglesbecomeimportant.While changing0 in thetwo modecasesimplydisplaces thepattern alongshore, with moremodesthephasesdeterminewhether the different modal combinations tend to reinforce one another or tend to cancel. Figure 9 shows the patterns producedseparately by the interactions (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), andfinallythe sumof all three,withphaseangleszeroandK io'.o Fig. 8b. Same as Figure 8a but with ar = 0.25. Note that the = 1. For this case the wavelengthsare simplyrelated, the essential crescentic nature is maintained. wavelengthgivenby (1, 2) is exactlyfivewavelengths of (0, 1) andsixof (0, 2) (Table1). Thepatternshownby (0, 1, 2) in with the waveFigure8 showsthe effectof varyingthe relativeamplitude Figure 9 will thereforerepeatalongshore However,the patternshownby of the two modesby usingthe standingwave (1, -1) as an lengthof (1, 2) interaction. illustration;d• is held at 1.0, andd_• is setto 0.5 (Figure8a) the (0, 1, 2) interactionseemsvery irregular at scales to (0, 1) and(0, 2). As canbe seenfromTable1, and 0.25 (Figure8b), and K = 1.0 in all cases.Compared appropriate with Figure 4, the morphologyis virtually unchangedin the triple interactiondoes not necessarilyrepeat in the of thelargestinteraction; the(-0, 0, 1)does,but Figure8a, and even in Figure8b the essentialcrescentic wavelength of (2, 3) to repeatand nature is retained. This insensitivityof the basicstructureto the(1, 2, 3) requiresthreewavelengths of (3, 4). It seemslikely the precisevaluesof d suggests thatrhythmicpatternswill (1, 3, 4) requiresfive wavelengths I i /2 40.0 30.0 a 20.0 15.0 5.0 0.0 'l• 0.0 2D OD2.04.06.08D 10.0 0.0 2'.04.06.0 '0 I•3.00.0 2.0 4,06.08.0 10.0 A A A A X X X X (0,1) (0,2) (I,2) (0,1,2) Fig.9. fid4foronelongshore cycleofthetripleinteraction (0,1,2)andforeachofitsconstituent interactions (0, 1), (0, 2), and(1, 2). Thetripleinteraction isjusttheaverage of itsconstituents. 466 HOLMAN AND BOWEN: BARS, BUMPS, AND HOLES that the irregularity of the pattern at the small scale will be much more apparent than the repetition at long intervals alongshore. Patterns involving more than three modes became increasingly complex although many repeat quite simply, (-0, 0, 1, 2) also repeats exactly the (1, 2) wavelength. OFFSHORE BARS the primary interest here is to indicatethe generalprinciples involved in the generationof topographyby differentmodes of the same frequency and to sketch some of the possible morphologiesthat might result. RESIDUAL TRANSPORT Theperturbation topography fil isgenerated byanequilib- rium model that assumesthat the beach has adjusted comFor the higherwave modes,zerosin upexistoffshoreand pletely to the imposed velocity field. However, the sediment give rise to the possibilityof multiple bars, either crescentic, transport does not vanish everywhere. The condition for no meandering, or linear. The present model does not resolve further accumulationor erosionis that the divergenceof the these structures at all well. This seems to be inevitable if the transport vector V'is is zero, equation (18). Patterns of original beach slope is assumed to be plane. The drift sedimenttransport exist over the new topographyin essenvelocity solutionsdie away rapidly offshore, and reasonable tially two forms, longshoretransport down the beach and perturbations at the location of the offshore bars would be closedcirculationof sedimentwithin a local area. Longshore accompanied by very large changesindeed in the inshore transport is produced by a singlewave and is consequently bar. Scale analysis [Bowen, 1980] suggeststhat this problem pronounced when two modes propagate in the same direcwould not arise so severely on the concave profile more tion. This is suggestedin the drift velocity patternsin Figure typical of actual beaches;the perturbationsin the slopedue 6 (left). However, as the primary balancein the topographic to the drift velocity patterns would be comparedto a much model is between the transport due to drift velocity and the steeper local slope near the shore and a gentler slope gravitational effects of the bottom slope, the transport up offshore. and down the slopeis everywhere almost in equilibrium. The An intriguing result of the present model is the generation unbalanced part of the transport, the residual transport, of morphology, which is periodic alongshorenear the shore therefore tends to run along depth contours, perpendicular but linear offshore. This occurs when one of the waves has a to the slope. relatively short offshorelengthscale.For example, a mode 1 When there is no net longshoretransport, the transport and mode 3 edge wave interact to produce a welded bar patterns are weaker but still nonzero. Figure 10 showsthe system inshore, but offshorethe mode 3 is dominant (Figure residual transportin the dimensionless form ip for the 2) and the morphologywould be almostthat producedby the standingedgewave (1, - 1). The total transportiT is given by mode 3 alone. In general, modesof adjacentmodal numbers are not sufficiently different in offshore scale that the longEsCD,y3 pg2 (am 2 + ar2) iT: (.•b)15/4 shore periodicity will disappear altogether. However, if a 24•r W . 2 ip (26) mode 2 interacts with a mode 1 wave of considerablysmaller amplitude, the offshorestructuremight be dominatedby the where effects of the mode 2 wave. These results are not evident in the figures. To resolve the ip = -.•-9/4 (27) offshore bars adequately we would need a numerical model for calculating the drift velocities on any specifiedtopography. The plane beach solutionsrepresent only a first step; As can be seen in Figure 10 the transport in the presenceof the crescenticbar shown in Figure 4 is seaward over the central portion of the crescentand landward over the cusp. This is exactly the pattern of sedimenttransport noted by • d•,•-9/4Up Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott [1979]. However, Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott ascribed the transport to the nearshore circulation pattern, observing that rip currents tend to flow seawards over the central area of the bar. DISCUSSION To estimate the practical importance of the interaction between two or more edge waves of the samefrequency, we need some insight into the likelihood of forcing particular sets of modes. Bowen and Guza [1978] discussthe generation of edge waves by an incident spectrumapproachingthe beach at an angle a with beam width 2 Aa. They showthat as Aa becomes small a sequence of edge wave modes are forced at frequencies trnwhere O'n= 20'i sin a sin (2n + 1)• Fig. 10. Residual sediment transport over the crescenticbar systemshownin Figure 4 (top). Transportis offshoreover the center portion of the crescent and landward over the cusp. The dashed arrows indicate that the 'circulation' will be closed. (28) where •ri is the central frequency of the incoming waves. Figure 11 shows schematically the resulting edge wave spectrum. The presenceof a small angular spreadAa widens the resonantbands. Overlap occurs, first between adjacent HOLMAN AND BOWEN: BARS, BUMPS, AND HOLES / log energy // frequency Fig. 11. Conceptual spectrumof edge waves forced a spect•m of incidentwaves with central angleof incidencea and a beamwidth 2Aa. For Aa = 0 a sequenceof modes will be forced (solid lines). For smallbut finite Aa, a spreadof the modal peaks (dashedlines) is predicted. modes and eventually between several neighboringmodes if Aa continues to increase. This suggests that the most common interactions would occur between adjacent modes or adjacent sets of modeswith consecutivemodal numbers. Interaction between nonconsecutive modes might be more important if the incident spectrum contains two separate wave trains approachingfrom different directions. In addition to the forcing by incident waves, we have the reflection of waves from headlands,piers, or groins providing the appropriate negative wave numbers and standingor partially standingwaves. Cartwright and Young[1974]used the modal combination (-1, -0, 0, 1) to satisfy nearshore boundary conditionssuggestedby the headlandsand islands on the east coast of Shetland. This indicates a more general aspect of forcing; the responseto any pattern of forcing of given frequency can be constructedfrom the eigensolutions, the normal modes of the problem. For complex forcing patternsor complicatedgeometry(a bay or, as in Cartwright and Young, a series of headlands or groins), the general solutionmay consistof a combinationof a number of modes of the same frequency. In these casesthe phaserelationship between various modesmay emergeas an integral part of the solution, for 'example, if the total longshorevelocity must 467 edge waves is extended to include these skewed bars of various aspect ratios. Although the model makes quantitative predictionsof the relative scalesof the bars, the existence of a large number of possible modes leads to a very large selection of possible length scalesfor eachfrequency (Table 1) unlessconsecutive modes are assumed.The uncertainty is compoundedby the fact that the frequency of interest will not normally be known. There are further difficulties in estimating the beach slope which also enters the scaling. Patterns shown in the literature, such as Figure 12, can only provide very qualitative support for this hypothesis. CONCLUSIONS The interaction of two modes of the same frequency may generate topography of three somewhat distinct types: (1) shore parallel bars only (either the waves are not coherentor one mode is dominan0; (2) rhythmic patterns nearshore, parallel bars offshore (two modes are at least partially coherent, they could be very coherent if the modal numbers are quite different or if the wave of lower modal number is of relatively small amplitude); (3) totally rhythmic patterns (the extreme caseis the crescenticbar but highly coherentmodes of adjacent model numbersproduce other complex patterns vanish at a headland. Usually, the problem is less well defined, and the phase relations are not known. When we speakof the amplitude or phase in an interaction we are referring only to the coherent part of the motion. The relative magnitudeof the coherence provides another factor in the balance between the generation of periodic features as opposedto linear features. The longshoreperiodicity dependson the coherent motion; two modes of random phase produce a set of linear bars. The analysisin this paper is based on linear wave theory for a plane beach. We ignorethe effectsof the changesin the beach profile on both the edge waves and incident waves. In reality, as the bars grow they will increasinglyinfluencethe velocity field. The detailed structureof the bar must result in part from theselate interactionsandwe wouldnot expectthe present model to predict exactly the structureseenin Figure 1. However, we can suggestthat the general pattern of the bars is very reminiscent of the mature bars seen in nature (Figures 1, 12) and advance the hypothesisthat the major features of such systems,the wavelength,the location of the major depositional features, and major troughs, are determined by the interaction of two wave modes of the same frequencies.The analogyto crescenticbars is complete,and the idea that major bar systemsmay be generatedby two o IOO Fig. 12. Nearshore welded bar structurefor January 13, 1972, for Durras Beach, N. S. W. Australia [after Chappel and Eliot, 1979]. 468 HOLMAN AND BOWEN: BARS, BUMPS, AND HOLES if they are of roughly the same amplitude. The inshorebar tends to appear as a welded bar, its aspect ratio being a function of the two modes involved). The extension of these ideas to three or more modes Cartwright, D. E., and C. M. Young, Seichesand tidal ringingin the sea near Shetland, Proc. R. $oc. London, $er. A, 338, 111-128, 1974. Chappell, J., and I. 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Oceanogr., Ref. 51-12, La Jolla, Calif., 1951. producesdeterministicbut apparentlyirregular topography alongshoreif the waves are coherent. Any random fluctuation in phase will encouragethe formation of linear bars; they will, in a sense,make the systemappear more regular. The discussionof bar formation does not introduce any physicsthat dependson the barsamplitude.In practice,this would change the velocity field of both the incomingand edge waves, but this has not been taken into accountin the first order solution. However, the way in which the bar is perceived on the profile is very much a function of the amplitude both in terms of the positionof the bar and the definition of a bar. At low amplitude the bar looks exactly like a terrace, perhaps the classical 'low tide' terrace. Nomenclature is also interestingfor the channelinside the Greenwood, B., and R. G. D. 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