AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Bruce Preston Finney Oceanography in Title: for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy July 16. 1986 presented on Paleoclimatic Influence on Sedimentation and Manganese Nodule Growth During the Past 400.000 Years at MANOP Site H (Eastern Equatorial Pacific) Abstract Approved: Redacted for privacy Sediments at MANOP Site H (6°33'N, 92°49'W) show marked downcore variations in the abundance of calcium carbonate, opal, organic carbon and Mn. The profiles of organic carbon and Mn indicate that redox conditions in surface sediments at the site have varied continuously over the past 400 kyr. The content of organic carbon in surface sediments shows a consistent relation to the depth of the Mn redox boundary. Application of this relation to downcore organic carbon data, indicates that the Mn redox boundary has varied from depths of 5 to 25 cm over this time period. reducing, on average, since 180 kyr ago. The site has been more Changes in the redox con- ditions of surface sediments can affect the cycling and burial of Mn and associated Ni and Cu; a rapid shallowing of the redox boundary can result in the burial of enhanced concentrations of these transition metals. Downcore variations in the relative proportions of organic carbon, opal and calcium carbonate indicate that surface productivity or the relative ability of bottom water to degrade and dissolve these components, or both, have changed over the past 400 kyr. Concurrent increases in the contents of opal and organic carbon suggest that variations in productivity have played a major role in controlling the redox variations. A suite of manganese nodules from the site show time-correlable variations in texture, mineralogy and composition. Mn-rich, minor element-poor nodule bottoms have grown at rates greater than 150 nun/my for the past 160 kyr. Prior to this time, the nodule bottoms grew at average rates of about 50 mm/my, and were enriched in most minor elements relative to Mn. These variations are best explained by time-variable nodule aecretionary processes. The fast growth and chemical composition of the nodule bottoms since 160 kyr ago resulted from an increased supply of Mn from suboxic diagenesis in the sediments. This is consistent with more intense reduction of sediments at the site since about this time. The correspondence is complicated, however, because a nodule may have to exceed a critical size before its accretion can be dominated by the suboxic source. Variations in bottom water composition and surface water productivity have affected the redox conditions of surface sediments and the subsequent burial of transition metals at Site H for the past 400 kyr. Variations in the redox conditions of the sediments, in turn, have produced changes in growth rates and chemical compositions of manganese nodules at the site. All of these processes, ultimately can be attributed to climatic changes during the Quaternary. Paleoclimatic Influence on Sedimentation and Manganese Nodule Growth During the Past 400,000 Years at MANOP Site H (Eastern Equatorial Pacific) by Bruce Preston Finney A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Completed July 16, 1986 Commencement June 1987 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Professor of Oceanography in charge of major Redacted for privacy Dean of Col1eg,/of Oceanography Redacted for privacy Dean of Graduat choo1 July 16. 1986 Date thesis is presented Typed by bruce Finney and Jackie Popletofl For my Family and Friends ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My sincere thanks go to my major professor, Ross Heath, for always finding time in his busy schedule to offer valuable advice, words of wisdom, and support. The encouragement, friendship, support and unique insights of Mitch Lyle were a great help to me. Jack Dymond's door was always open, and our discussions were very beneficial in guiding my research. I also thank the rest of my Committee, Erwin Suess, Bill Harrison, G. David Faulkenberry and Roger Petersen, for help during this thesis work. Andy Ungerer, Greg Campi, Nick Pisias, Jim Robbins, Cydne Perhats and Bobbi Conard all helped out in the laboratory or at the computer. Dave Kadko generously offered his lab, and he and Dick Kovar taught me the techniques and tricks of U-series analysis. Thanks to Pat, Bob, Sharon, Marta, Dave and Scott for assistance during the frantic final days. Jackie Poppleton was a great help during preparation of the final version of this thesis. This work would have been much more difficult without the direct and indirect aid of all of my friends. The day and night crews of Jameson and Extension (especially Dave Murray) kept me going. Pat and Bob Collier gave me a home when I needed one, and enabled me to keep my sense of humor. Terry Sloan, my good friend and fishing partner, and Nancy, helped me to escape when I needed to. Robert Wood Chambers gave me strong friendship and support over long distances. advice. Kathy Fisher always gave encouragement and good Emily, Philip, Ian, John, Carol, Todd, Gina, Marta, Dave, Annette, Chip, Sharon, Kris, John, Chris, Lennie, Tom, Katie, Kim, Laurel, Curt, the Poker Gang, the Marysville Maulers and Pellets Soccer Clubs, and the rivers and lakes of Oregon, all offered relief along the way. Love from Katy helped pull me through. Thanks for your confidence in me and for being patient to the end. Finally, thanks to my family for their love, patience and encouragement, and for not having any unrealistic expectations of me. This work was supported by the NSF through grants 0CE821720-Ol, 0CE8101845, and 0CE8217250. Every so often one or another of these intelligent explorations pays off; the fish rises and I feel that I am really growing in understanding of fish and their ways. More often nothing happens at all and I am left The laughing water still floundering in my ignorance. dances on over the sunny shallows and into the greener depths, revealing nothing at all. I comfort myself then with the thought that what we fisherman attain from our position above the surface is not so much knowlege as a different degree of ignorance - which is not without its special satisfactions in a day when most specialists know so much. Roderick Haig-Brown "Fishernians Fall" TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 GROWTH RATES OF MANGANESE-RICH NODULES AT MANOP SITE H (EASTERN NORTH PACIFIC) 5 ABSTRACT 6 INTRODUCTION 7 GROWTH RATE ESTIMATES 11 Crustal Age 11 Size Distribution 11 Growth Since a Burial Event 17 Mn/Fe Ratios 20 Elemental Accumulation Rates 21 Uranium-Series Methods 22 Chemical/Radiochemical Model 25 DISCUSSION 36 CONCLUSIONS 37 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CHAPTER II SEDIMENTATION AT MANOP SITE H (EASTERN EQUATORIAL PACIFIC) OVER THE PAST 400 KYR CLIMATICALLY INDUCED REDOX VARIATIONS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON TRANSITION METAL CYCLING 40 ABSTRACT 41 INTRODUCTION 42 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES 45 METHODS 48 TIMESCALE 62 RESULTS 75 Table of Contents - continued DISCUSSION Factors Controlling the Redox Condition of Surface Sediments 79 Paleo-redox Changes at Site H 85 Downcore Manganese Variations 87 Factors Controlling the Organic Carbon Variations CHAPTER III 79 100 CONCLUSIONS 108 COMMON GROWTH HISTORIES IN MANGANESE NODULES FROM MANOP SITE H (EASTERN EQUATORIAL PACIFIC): CONTROL OF NODULE ACCRETION BY SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES 110 ABSTRACT ill INTRODUCTION 113 SETTING 116 SAMPLING AND METHODS 118 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 121 Physical and Textural Properties 121 Chemical Composition 123 Chemical Variations with Depth 133 Uranium-Series Distribution and Growth Rates 135 Fluxes of Elements into Nodules 142 Mineralogy 145 Characteristics and identification of minerals 145 Mineralogical variability within nodules 149 Variations in the Chemical Composition of Site H Nodules with Time 161 Table of Contents - continued Diagenetic processes 161 Variability in primary accretionary processes 165 Changes in the intensity of redox conditions 166 Nodule size 173 Turnover or change in orientation 175 Summary of Accretionary Control 176 REFERENCES 178 LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER I Figure I-i 1-2 Page Location of MANOP Site H in the eastern North Pacific in relation to major topographic features. 9 Nodule occurrences in the eastern North Pacific (data from Monget et al., 1976 and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, unpublished data). The isopleths are crustal ages in millions of years. 1-3 (a) Histograms of the abundance of surface and buried nodules as a function of size for Site H cores recovered during the Vulcan I and Pluto III expeditions. (b) The probability of a Site H nodule being found buried as a function of size, based on Figure I-3a. 1-4 12 14 Size distributions of nodules from Vulcan I and Pluto III cores (closed circles) and Indonied deeptow photographs (open circles). The slope (m) for the Vulcan and Pluto nodules, calculated over the interval for which the probability of burial is independent of size, is -0.36 nun 1-5 1-6 The slope from the Indomed data is -0.077 nun 16 (a) Abundance of nodules as a function of subbottom depth in Vulcan I and Pluto III cores. (b) Size distributions of Vulcan I and Pluto III nodules as a function of subbottom depth. 18 Locations of box cores (squares) and gravity cores (circles) recovered during the Vulcan I and Pluto III expeditions. Cores with buried nodules at subbottom depths of 40 to 50 cm are shown by closed symbols. 1-7 1-8 19 Portion of a triangular plot showing the relative abundances in Site H nodule samples of the three compositional factors determined by Q-niode factor analysis. 27 The strong negative correlation between Th and Mn in Site H nodules. 29 Chapter I - continued Figure 1-9 Page 230 Th (solid lines) and Mn/Fe ratios (dashed linesY plotte3gainst depth in nodule VulcanI-37BC. The has been normalized to Th Q-niode factor 2 byhe method described in the text. (a) Nodule top, (b) nodule bottom. 33 CHAPTER II Figure 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 Page Locations of the MANOP Sites relative to the major sediment types of the Pacific (after Horn et al., 1972). 46 Bathymetry of Site H and locations of the box cores (squares) and gravity cores (stars) referred to in this work. All cores collected during the Vulcan I expedition except for 33 which was taken during the Indomed expedition. 49 Calcium carbonate abundances vs depth for the Site H gravity cores. The age picks used for the time-scale are indicated. 63 Variations over the past 400 kyr in the Ti/Al, calcium carbonate, Al, organic carbon, opal, Mn and ash contents of the Site H gravity cores. 64 The inter-relations of Ni, Cu, Zn and Mn over the past 400 kyr in core 49CC. 77 The depth to the Mn redox boundary as a function of the organic carbon content in surface sediments. R2 - .96. 83 Chapter II - continued Figure 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 11-12 Page Variations in the depth to the Mn redox boundary at Site H over the past 400 kyr. 86 Nodule-free areas (white) in a dense nodule field at Site H as revealed by side-looking sonar records (after Spiess et al., 1977). 88 Organic carbon contents as a function of depth below the seafloor for a nodule-free bare patch (33BC) and a nodule-bearing area (37BC). 89 The predicted variation in depth to the Mn redox boundary for the two organic carbon records in Figure 11-9 over the past 50 kyr. 90 Cartoon showing the proposed mechanism of Mn peak trapping. A and B are two steady-state examples at different redox intensities. C and D represent non-steady-state changes from condition B to A and A to B, respectively. The mechanism is described in the text (solid lines - Mn, dashed lines - organic carbon, sedimentation rate 0.65 cm/kyr). 93 Manganese variations and the rate of change of organic carbon in the sediments (dC/dT, in wt % organic carbon per kyr multiplied by 100) vs depth in the Site H gravity cores. 101 CHAPTER III Page Figure 111-1 Locations of the Manganese Nodule Project (MANOP) Sites. 117 Chapter III - continued Figure 111-2 111-3 111-4 111-5 111-6 111-7 111-8 111-9 111-10 Page Bathymetry of Site H and locations of the cores discussed in this report. 119 Photographs of sections through the nodules studied. 122 The strong negative correlations of Mn to Fe, Ni, Cu, Al and Si. Box Nodule 4OBC, triangle Nodule 48BC, star Nodule 5OBC and cross - Nodule 52BC. 127 Mn/Fe ratio vs distance above nodule bottom for the four Site H nodules studied. 134 Mn/Ni, Mn/Fe and Mn/Cu vs distance from the bottom of Nodule 4OBC. 136 230Th vs depth into the nodule bottom. The mhod used is described in the text. (a) Nodule 48BC (the growth rate is 168±25 mm/my. (b) Nodule 48BC (the growth rate is 150±28 mm/my. 140 X-ray diffractograms for the outermost bottom sample of Nodule 4OBC (sample 40.1). The upper diagram is for the sample before dehydration, and the lower diagram shows the effect of drying the sample at 105°C. 146 A representative suite of diffractograins illustrating the mineralogical profile through Nodule 4OBC. Samples 1 through 16 are for the nodule bottom, sample 26 is the The peak core, and sample 29 is the top. at about 6 A is the internal standard, boehmite. 150 The ratio of (a) the 7 A peak to boebmite, (b) the 10 A to boehmite as a function of distance above the nodule bottom for Nodules 4OBC and 48BC. 153 Chapter III - continued Page Figure 111-11 111-12 111-13 111-14 The exponential decrease with time in the ratio of the 7 A peak to boehnuite in The decrease nodule bottoms 4OBC and 48BC. suggests that the diagenetic transformation has a half-life of about 45 kyr. 156 Variations over the past 500 kyr in the Mn/Fe ratio through five Site H nodules. u1e bottoms 4OBC and 48BC dated by Nodule 37BC dated by 230Thex (this study). Thex (Finney et al.,, 1984). Nodule bottoms 5OBC and 52BC dated by correlation (horizontal dashed line) to the other nodules. Other areas dated using equation of Lyle (1982). Nodule bottoms - solid line, nodule tops - dashed line. 162 The depth to the Mn redox boundary as a function of the organic carbon content in surface sediments (from Finney et al., l986a). 168 Variations in the depth to the Mn redox boundary at Site H over the past 400 kyr (modelled by Finney et al., 1986a). 170 LIST OF TABLES Table rage CHAPTER :i: I-I. Core locations and nodules recovered at MANOP Site H. 10 1-2 Dry Bulk densities, Co content, Mn/Fe ratios and calculated growth rates using the authigenic element accumulation rate method (equation 4). 23 U-series growth rates estimates for Site H nodules (from Huh, 1982). 24 1-4 Q-mode varimax factor scores for Site H nodules. 26 1-5 Normalized varimax factor socres for Vulcan I-37BC 1-3 nodule. 31 1-6 Mn, Fe and 23°Th data for Vulcan I-37BC nodule. 32 1-7 Growth rate estimates for Site H nodules. 38 CHAPTER ii: 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 (a) Depths, chemical compositions, ages and sample (b) Chemical compositions numbers for Site H cores. (XRF) for samples listed in Table Il-la (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn and Fe in wt %, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr and Ba in ppm). 50 Chemical compositions of ash layers at Site H and those of ash D and ash K in other cores. 72 Organic carbon and manganese contents and characteristics of the suboxic MANOP Sites H, M and C. 82 Burial concentrations of manganese under changing redox conditions calculated from the box model. 99 List of Tables - continued CHAPTER III Table Page 111-1 Chemical composition (AA Data) for Site H nodules. 124 111-2 U-series data for Site H nodules. 138 111-3 in Fluxes of Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Co, Si and 230Th ex nodules and sediments at Site H. 143 111-4 Mineralogical and chemical data for Site H nodules. 154 111-5 Chemical and textural properties as a function of nodule size at Site H. 174 PALEOCLIMATIC INFLUENCE ON SEDIMENTATION AND MANGANESE NODULE GROWTH DURING THE PAST 400,000 YEARS AT MANOP SITE H (EASTERN EQUATORIAL PACIFIC) GENERAL INTRODUCTION The climate of the earth has changed dramatically during the Quaternary. The periodic advances and retreats of continental ice sheets are vivid land-based results of the climate changes. In the oceans, climatic variation has led to changes in factors such as: sea level, surface and deep water circulation, water temperature distribution, surface water productivity, chemical composition of the water, and composition and distribution of planktonic assemblages. These changes have affected sedimentation in the oceans during the Quaternary by influencing both the composition flux of source materials and the diagenesis of newly deposited sediments. Internal layering is common to all deep-sea ferromanganese concretions; the layers reflect differences in chemical composition and mineralogy. Many recent studies have shown that the chemical composition and accretion rate of manganese nodules growing at the sea floor reflect the sedimentary environment in which they grow. Therefore, it seems reasonable that variations in growth rate and chemical composition within a nodule should reflect, at least in part, changes with time in the sedimentary environment in which the nodule grew. Because climate change has affected depositional pro- cesses and sedimentary environments in the ocean, it seems likely that accretion of manganese nodules has also been affected. 2 There have been few attempts to relate variations in chemical composition within deep-sea nodules to changes in the sedimentary environment in which they grew, however, because the growth rate of most deep-sea nodules is a few millimeters per million years. Thus, samples less than a millimeter thick may still represent several hundred thousand years of growth. Clearly, it is difficult to sample these nodules at a resolution comparable to Quaternary climate change. The extent to which post-depositional diagenesis degrades the primary chemical signal in slowly growing nodules at these time scales is not well known. In addition, typical pelagic nodules usually grow in areas where sedimentation is complex; erosion, redeposition and diagenesis make it difficult to unravel the history of accumulation of the associated sediment. Preliminary work at MANOP Site H indicated that it was well suited for a study of the relation between sedimentation history and nodule growth during the Quaternary. Work on the growth rates of Site H nodules indicated that they have grown at rates of up to 200 mm/my, much faster than typical pelagic nodules. Thus, a milli- meter-thick sample, an amount easily and accurately sampled, records about 5,000 years of history, an interval short enough to record Quaternary climate changes. The sediment at Site H accumulates fairly rapidly (0.65 cm/kyr) and at a fairly uniform rate without significant post-depositional erosion or redeposition. The sedi- mentary record indicates that the site was strongly influenced by Quaternary climatic changes. 1 The work of Dymond et al. (1984) and Finney et al. (1984) has yielded a basic understanding of the processes which control nodule growth at Site H. Suboxic diagenesis in the sediments at the site is important in controlling accretion of the nodule bottoms. This process results in the Mn-enriched, minor element-depeleted compositions and fast growth rates found in the Site H nodule bottoms. Nodule tops at the site grow more slowly by oxic diagenesis and are enriched in Cu and Ni and depleted in Mn relative to the bottoms. The chemical compositions and growth rates of whole nodules, however, cannot be explained by steady-state growth in which the accretionary processes supply metals to the nodules at uniform rates. Non-steady-state growth can best be explained by discontinuous deposition of the suboxic component. Suboxic diagenesis is driven by the flux of organic carbon into the sediments (Froelich et al., 1979). Thus, climatically-induced changes in the flux of organic carbon to the seafloor (e.g., Muller and Suess, 1979; Muller et al., 1983; Pederson, 1983), may result in variations in nodule accretion at Site H. Greater organic carbon fluxes should result in more reducing conditions in surface sediments. Such conditions should result in a shallow Mn redox boundary and enhanced supply of Mn to surface sediments and nodules. Unless conditions become so reducing that Mn is exported from the sea floor, this should result in faster nodule growth due to an increased suboxic component. To test these ideas, the following objectives were established. (1) To determine the history of sedimentation at Site H, par- 4 ticularly the way in which redox conditions in surface sediments have varied over the past 400 kyr. This interval spans the esti- mated age of 5-6 cm nodules at the site. (2) To define the growth histories of a suite of nodules at the site. By examining several nodules, it should be possible to distinguish regional depositional changes from changes due to singular events, such as burial or turnover. (3) To assess the relation between the history of nodule accretion and changes in the sedimentary environment over this time period. Chapter 1 of this thesis summarizes the preliminary work at Site H which laid the groundwork for developing the hypotheses tested and discussed in the last two chapters. This work estab- lished a method for determining growth rates of Site H nodules and showed that they grow at rates much faster than most deep-sea nodules. In addition, this work and Dyinond et al. (1984) showed that the growth rates and chemical compositions of these nodules could be consistently attributed to distinct aceretionary processes. Chapter 2 deals with the sedimentary history at the site. The thesis culminates in Chapter 3 where the growth histories of manganese nodules at Site H are described, and compared to the sedimentary history developed in Chapter 2. Chapter 1 has been published in Ceochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (1984, 48:911-919), with C.R. Heath and M.W. Lyle as co-authors. Chapters 2 and 3 will be submitted for publication in the same j ournal. CHAPTER 1 GROWTH RATES OF MANGANESE-RICH NODULES AT MANOP SITE H (EASTERN NORTH PACIFIC) Reprinted with permission from: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 48 Copyright 1984, Pergamon Press Ltd. ABSTRACT Estimates of the growth rates of ferromanganese nodules at MANOP Site H (6°33'N, 92°49'W) lie between 7 and 1200 mm/my. The most probable range (estimated from nodule size distributions, nodule chemistry, accumulation rates of authigenic elements and U-series modeling) is 30-300 mm/my. Such rates are much faster than measured values for most pelagic nodules. The distributions of U-series and stable elements suggest that a typical nodule consists of two compositónally distinct non-detrital components, one rich in Mn, U and Sb, and the other in Fe, Co, REE, Ni, Cu and Th. When the uncorrected U-series data, which do not show simple decay patterns with depth, are normalized to the relative proportion of the Fe-rich component, the data yield well constrained growth rates of 55 mm/my for a nodule top and 200 mm/my for its bottom. The component enriched in Mn, which is most abundant on nodule bottoms, appears to accrete much faster than the component enriched in Fe. 7 INTRODUCTION Most studies of the growth rates of pelagic ferromanganese nodules have been based on radiochemical analyses of nuclei or the surrounding oxyhydroxide layers (see for example, Ku's (1977] review). Other estimates have been based on: stratigraphic limits on the initiation of nodule formation (Von Stackelberg, 1979), bio- stratigraphy of included microfossils (Harada and Nishida, 1976; Kadko and Burckle, 1980), hydration rind and K-Ar dating of volcanic nuclei (Burnett and Morgenstein, 1976; Barnes and Dymond, 1967); amino acid racemization (Bada, 1972), paleomagnetic stratigraphy (Crecelius et al., 1973) and a growth-burial model based on on nodule size distributions (Heath, 1979). These methods yield accre- tion rates for most deep-sea nodules in the range of 1 to 10 mm/my (Heath, 1981). In contrast, recent analysis of a nodule from the eastern South Pacific (Peru Basin; 7°40.O'S, 9l°59.5'W, recovered from a depth of 4240 in) yields a uranium series derived growth rate of 168 mm/my (Reyss et al., 1982). The Mn/Fe ratio in this nodule is as high as 90, much higher than the values of 1 to 5 typical of deep-sea nodules. Such a difference is consistent with the findings by Lyle (1982) and Piper and Williamson (1977) of a positive correlation between radiochemically determined growth rates and Mn/Fe ratios. These studies conclude that pelagic nodules grow faster at locations where sedimentary diagenetic processes supply manganese and related metals to the nodules. MANOP Site H is centered at 6°33'N, 92°49'W in the Guatemala Basin (Figure 1-1), where the water depth averages about 3600 m. Nodules are abundant over most of the site with coverage ranging up to 300 nodules/rn2 or 30 kg/rn2. but range up to 20 cm. common shapes. Nodule diameters average about 4 cm Spheres and flat "hamburgers'1 are the most The nodule surface textures can be smooth or rough; bottoms are usually smooth whereas tops are rough. Nuclei often are hard to recognize, but the most common nucleus appears to be an old nodule fragment. Internal layering is ubiquitous; the most striking feature is the boundary between the smooth arid rough textures. Site H nodules are highly enriched in Mn compared to those from the central equatorial North Pacific (Dymond et al., 1980). Their Mn/Fe ratios range up to 70 and their compositions generally are similar to that of the fast-growing nodules described by Reyss et al. <1982). The site is in an area where sedimentary diagenetic pro- cesses are expected to be an important source of metals to the overlying nodules (Klinkhammer, 1980). The following sections summarize determinations of the growth rate of Site H nodules (Table I-i) by several independent methods. 0zco Fractu,. Zen. Central America 15 15 'Axls of Mtddt. Amarica TrsncP Cllpp.,ton Ftactur. Zen. 10 10 Guatemala Basin Site ii M Slqu,lto, Fractur. Zen. Cr.,t of East PscIflRls s ite H 0 0 5 5. 3300 0 1s00 1500 of Galap C lOSS Figure I-i. 100 $pr.sdtng Cant., 955 Galapagos Island. . - . a 00 Location of MANOP Site H in the Eastern North Pacific in relation to major topographic features. '.0 10 Table I-i. Core locations and nodules recovered at MANOP Site H. Location Long (W) Core ID Vulcan 1 Lat (N) Number of Surface Nodules Number of Buried Nodules 34CC 6°34.11' 92°47.25 3 0 36CC 6°33.87' 92°47.12' 1 1 37BC 6°33.97' 92°47.12' 20 3 38GC 6°34.16' 92°47.61' 1 0 4OBC 6°33.75' 92°47.31' 24 5 41CC 6°33.85' 92°47.29' 1 0 47CC 6°33.56' 92°47..03' 0 2 48BC 6°33.75' 92°47.05' 11 2 49CC 6°32.20' 92°46..27' 1 1 5OBC 6°31.81' 92°45.94' 40 1 52BC 6°32.33' 92°46.60' 40 4 54CC 6°32.76' 92°48.50' 0 1 5SBC 6°32.95' 92°48.93' 18 19 60CC 6°32..56' 92°48.55' 1 1 63GC 6°33.04' 92°48.84' 1 1 64CC 6°33.11' 92°48.56' 1 1 66BC 6°32.93' 92°48.57' 13 0 68BC 6°32.49' 92°47.64' 76 1 69BC 6°32.11' 92°48.16' 17 1 70CC 6°32.19' 92°47.34' 3 0 6BC 6°35.00' 92°49.76' 28 6 12BC 6°35.31' 92°47.84' 3 6 15BC 6°35.Ol' 92°46.12 17 1 Lander Red 6°33.91' 92°47.1l 11 2 PLUTO III 11 GROWTH RATE ESTIMATES Crustal Age The minimum average growth rate is obtained by assuming that growth began as soon as the underlying oceanic crust had formed. Nodules with radii of 10 cm are found at Site H, where the basement is 14 my old (based on magnetic anomalies; Lynn and Lewis, 1976), yielding a minimum growth rate of 7 mm/my. Because nodules are found only on the portion of the Cocos Plate older than 7 my (Figure 1-2), a more realistic minimum average growth rate is 14 mm/my. Even these minimum rates indicate that Site H nodules grow faster than most pelagic nodules. Size distribution Heath (1979) proposed a model to explain the size distribution of surface nodules in terms of an equilibrium between growth and burial rates. The model assumes that the growth rate of a nodule and its probability of burial are independent of size, and that the rate of nucleation of nodules is constant over time. This can be expressed mathematically as: 1nN-lnNo----(D-Do) 2g (1) where N is the number of nodules of diameter D per unit area, b is the burial rate of nodules, g is the nodule growth rate, and No is the number of the smallest nodules (diameter Do) per unit area. Such a model predicts an exponential decrease in the abundance of nodules with increasing size, and identical size distributions for 12 N 20° 4 . 1 \ \ T4 110° W Figure 1-2. 90 Nodule occurrences in the eastern North Pacific (data from Monget et al. unpublished data). years. 100 , 1976 and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, The isopleths are crustal ages in millions of 13 surface and buried nodules. Where burial rates can be estimated for two sites in the northern equatorial Pacific, Heath's model yields growth rates similar to those based on radiochemical methods. The size distributions of nodules at Site H are consistent with those predicted by Heath's model except for the extreme size classes (Figure I-3a). The probability of burial, based on the ratio of the number of buried nodules to the total number of nodules of a given size class (Figure I-3b) is independent of size for nodules with diameters of 2 to 8 cm, the size range of most nodules at the site. For this size range, the surface and downcore size distributions are similar and show the exponential decrease in abundance with increasing size predicted by Heath's (1979) model (Figure 1-4). The higher probability of burial for nodules smaller than 2 cm or larger than 8 cm is consistent with the hypothesis that bioturbation maintains nodules at the sediment surface (Piper and Fowler, 1980). Nodules larger than 8 cm extend so far into the sediment that bioturbation can no longer move them up, resulting in an increased probability of burial. This is supported by modeled rates of bioturbation at the site (Kadko and Heath, 1984) which show a rapid downward decrease within the upper few centimeters of sediment. In contrast, nodules smaller than 2 cm are not easily distinguished from the surrounding sediment and thus are often mixed down and buried where larger nodules are kept at the surface. Thus Do, the size of the smallest nodules, is about 2 cm at the site; nodules do not behave like the rest of the population until they reach this size. 14 10 [i CI) w -J 0 z U- 0 120 cc w ca z 40 0-2 Figure 1-3. 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 SIZE RANGE (cm) (a) Histograms of the abundance of surface and buried nodules as a function of size for Site H cores recovered during the Vulcan I and Pluto III expeditions. (b) The probability of a Site H nodule being found buried as a function of size, based on Figure I-3a. 15 -S >. I-J 0 cc 0 4 2 6 NODULE DIAMETER (CM) Figure 1-3. . . continued 8 10 16 100 0 .'. 1 (0 C,) 'I m -0.077 mm1 -J o w 0 10 w m 0.036 mni 0 04 -S (I) w -J 'I c 0 z a z O 0.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 NODULE DIAMETER (M'K4) Figure 1-4. Size distributions of nodules from Vulcan I and Pluto III cores (closed circles) and Indomed deep-tow photographs (open circles). The slope (m) for the Vulcan and Pluto nodules, calculated over the interval for which the probability of burial is independent of size, is -0.36 mm''. The slope from the Indomed data is -0.077 mm. 17 Heath's model requires that the ratio of the growth rate (g) to the burial rate (b) is proportional to the slope (m) of the surface size distribution for a semi-logarithmic plot (Figure 1-4), or that: b (2) For Site H, b, calculated from the abundance of surface and buried nodules (Figure I-3a), and a sedimentation rate of 6.6 rn/my (Kadko and Heath, 1984) is 3.40 my'. The value of in, for nodules in cores recovered by the Vulcan I and Pluto III cruises, is -0.036 mm, yielding a growth rate of 47 mm/my. The m value derived from Indomed deep-tow bottom photographs is a factor of 2 smaller (Figure 1-4), probably due to underestimates of the numbers of large nodules, many of which are partially covered by sediment. Obser- vation from ALVIN during the Pluto III cruise support this sug- gestion; most large nodules were found to be almost buried and covered by a thin layer of sediment. If some buried nodules were missed during processing of the box cores, the 47 mm/my growth rate estimate would be low rather than high. Growth since a "burial event" A large population of nodules 6 cm or more in diameter found buried at depths of 40-50 cm (Fig. I-5a,b) leads to a strati- graphically constrained maximum estimate of their growth rate at Site H. The presence of this population throughout the site (Figure 1-6) suggests that it marks a "burial event" that took place 60,000 to 100,000 years ago. The sediment above this horizon is lighter in color and more carbonate-rich than the underlying deposits, 18 NUMBER OF NODULES 100 10 1 0% 1000 2 I 10-20 w 20-30 0 F- F- 30-40 0 40-50 C,, NODULE DIAMETER (CM) 0-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 0-10 62 147 63 31 3 10-20 1 1 4 2 2 20-30 1 1 o 30-40 1 2 = I.- 0 w 2 1 a3 i) 40-50 Figure 1-5. 1 1 11 (a) Abundance of nodules as a function of subbottom depth in Vulcan I and Pluto III cores. (b) Size distributions of Vulcan I and Pluto III nodules as a function of subbottorn depth. 19 SITE H 6°3 6' N I (0 o 6 34 IU dD 6032/ I G515 ?,600 I 92°50' Figure 1-6. 6°30' I 92°48' I - 92°46'W Locations of box cores (squares) and gravity cores (circles) recovered during the Vulcan I and Pluto III expeditions. Cores with buried nodules at subbottom depths of 40 to 50 cm are shown by closed symbols. 20 indicating that it may mark a glacial-interglacial climate change (Arrhenius, 1952). If nodules above the burial horizon have grown since the "burial event", their minimum growth rates are 1200 mm/my. The rates could be even greater if growth did not begin immediately after the event. The presence of surface nodules in all of the four-inch gravity cores which contain the burial horizon provides some support for this estimate. Mn/Fe ratios Piper and Williamson (1977) and Lyle (1982) have reported systematic relationships between the Mn and Fe contents and growth rates of nodules. Heye and Marchig (1977) also noted a correlation between these parameters. had been dated by 23O Lyle (1982), using fifteen nodules that or 10Re, found that the growth rates could be described by the equation: g - 16.0 Mn/Fe2 + 0.448 . (3) For Site H, this relation yields average growth rates of 30 (±l2) rn/my for nodule tops and 1050 (±370 la) mm/my for nodule bottoms. Although the equation is not well constrained for rates greater than 50 mm/my, it seems to indicate the general magnitude of fast growth rates (Lyle, 1982). The equation may become less accurate at growth rates greater than 50 mm/my because of a different mode of accretion, in which diagenetically remobilized manganese from the underlying sediments is supplied to the growing nodule. Thus the top/ bottom contrast in the growth rates of Site H nodules may indicate 21 addition of remobilized Mn to the nodule bottoms, as inferred by Dyniond et al. (1984) from compositional relationships. Elemental accumulation rates Bender et al. (1966), Kraemer and Schornick (1974) and Somaya- julu et al. (1971) have reported that elements such as Mn, Go, Ni and Cu accumulate at similar rates in pelagic sediments and nodules. If so, the growth rate of a nodule can be determined by measuring the concentrations of a "constant rate" authigenic element in the nodule and sediment, the dry bulk densities of the sediment and The equation that nodule and the accumulation rate of the sediment. relates the nodule growth rate to these parameters (assuming that the cross sectional area governs elemental uptake by the nodule) is: SpC ss 4pC (4) nn where: g radial growth rate of nodule in mm/my S sedimentation rate in mm/my dry bulk density of sediment g/cm3 dry bulk density of nodule g/cm3 concentration of the element in the sediment C S C n concentration of the element in the nodule. Mn, Ni and Cu appear to be supplied to the nodules at Site diagenetic reactions in the sediments (Dymond et al., 1984). I-I by Thus, Co has been chosen as the "purest" authigenic element (Somayajulu 22 et al., 1971; and Turekian ,1968). For Site H, this model suggests that the average growth rate for the nodule tops is 83 (±30 lc) mm/my and for the nodule bottoms is 260 (±128 la) mm/my (Table 1-2). Because Bender et al. (1970), Kraemer and Schornick (1974) and Somayajulu et al. (1971) found that the accumulation rate of authigenie elements in nodules is generally less than or equal to the accumulation rate in sediments, estimates derived from equation (4) will be maxima. However, if authigenic elements supplied by sedi- mentary diagenesis enrich nodules relative to sediment, the estimtes will be minima. A better understanding of the way in which elements are incorporated into nodules is needed to establish confidence in equation (4). Uranium-Series Methods The activities of U-series isotopes have been measured in six Site H nodules (Huh, 1982). Most of the 230Th, 230Th/232Th and 231Pa profiles, unlike those typical of deep-sea nodules, do not decrease exponentially or even regularly with depth. In none of the Site H nodules analyzed do the profiles allow growth rates to be determined by all three methods (Table 1-3). nodules, the growth rates determined from 231 230 For most deep-sea Th, 232 230 Th and Th/ Pa profiles agree to within 20% (e.g. Moore et al., 1981; Ku, 1977). Agreement between two of the methods is observed only in Indomed-I-9BC27 (bottom) and Vulcan-I-37BC (top). When decay pro- files permit the determination of growth rates, they fall within the range estimated by the methods discussed previously, but it is clear 23 Table 1-2. Dry bulk densities, Co content, Mn/Fe ratios and calculated growth rates using the authigenic element accumulation rate method (equation 4). p dry (-3) cm Co (wt. %) g or S () lil) (w %) Sediment 0.300 0.0055 6600 il Nodule top (aye) l.3512.O2 0.0204 67-99 12 Nodule bottom (aye) l.3512.O2 0.0065 209-3l0 50 Crust (aye) l.3512.O2 0.121 11-l7 1.2 1Calculated from data in Greenslate (1977) 2Reported by Ku (1977) and Krishnaswami and Cochran (1978) 3Corrected for detrital Co using a Co/Al ratio for shale of .00024 Turekian and Wedepohl (1961) 4Kadko and Heath (1984) 5The range of g values (nodule growth rates) result from the average of calculated dry bulk density values. For purposes of discussion in the text we have used the average of this range. 24 Table 1-3. U-series growth rate estimates for Site H nodules (from Huh, 1982). Method Sample 1M19 BC26 top 230 Th 230 ex 231 Th ex Pa ex 18 n.d. n.d. 1M19 BC26 bottom n.d. n.d. n.d. 1M19 BC27 top n.d. n.d. n,d. 1M19 BC27 bottom n.d. 61 63 38 n.d. 15 1M19 BC34 bottom n.d. n.d. n,d. Vulcan I 37BC top 61 50 n.d. Vulcan I 37BC bottom n.d. n.d. n.d. Pluto III 68C top n.d. 26 n.d. Pluto III 6BC bottom - - - Pluto III 6BC *top n.d. 47 n.d. Pluto III 6BC *bottom n.d. 31 n.d. 1M19 BC34 top not enough data n.d. - growth rate cannot be determined - *Buried nodule, 10 cm below sea floor - - - 25 that the standard radiochemical dating techniques do not work well for Site H nodules. Cheniical/Radiochemjcal Model We hypothesize that much of the variability in the U-series profiles results from the accretion in the growing nodules of more than one compositionally uniform component. If each component has different proportions of U, Pa and Th, the gross uranium-series distribution will reflect not only isotopic growth and decay, but also variations in the relative proportions of the several cornportents through the profile. Therefore, knowledge of both the chemical and radiochemical compositions of Site H nodules is required to interpret the distribution of U-series isotopes. We have applied Q-mode factor analysis (Kiovan and Inibrie, 1971) to define the components which comprise the Site H nodules. The data set analyzed includes the concentrations of Si, Al, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, S Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sb, Th and U in the top and bottom 3-5 nun and bulk samples of 26 nodules recovered throughout the site. The results (Table 1-4, Figure 1-7) indicate that the chemical com- position of the non-detrital component of the nodules is described very well by the mixing of two end members. One end member (Fl), enriched in Mn, Mg, Ca, Sb and U and strongly depleted in Fe, Co, Th, Ce, La, accounts for 53% of the variance in the data. The other (F2), with high loadings in Fe, Co, Th, Cu and the REE's, accounts for 37% of the variance. A third end member (F3), which accounts for 9% of the variance, has high loadings in Si and Al and is typical of Site H detritus. Because of the strong negative factor 26 Table 1-4. Q-niode varimax factor scores for Site H nodules. Factor Scores Element Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Mg 1.13 .49 .03 Al 0.28 .02 1.70 Si .08 -.69 2.87 Ca 1.29 .23 .17 Mn 2.07 - .01 - .49 Fe - .19 1.01 .96 Ni .94 1.33 -.79 Cu .26 1.92 - .73 Zn .99 1.27 -.75 Co .01 1.69 - .19 Ba .73 - .47 1.78 La .20 1.11 .37 Ce .04 1,18 .44 Nd .22 1.02 .42 Th -.06 .97 .85 U 2.75 -1.13 .03 Sb 2.63 - .62 - .42 Variance (%) accounted in nodule samples: 53.45 36.88 9.66 53.45 90.33 99.99 Cumulative variance: = WHOLE A= BOTTOM = TOP 30% F3 (Si, Al, Ba) 'aI I kA A S A AA.A A.. a A I Fl (Mn, Ca, Mg, Sb, U) Figure 1-7. a. (Ni, Cu, Fe, Co, REE, Th) F2 Portion of a triangular plot showing the relative abundances in Site 1-1 nodule samples of the three compositional factors determined by Q-mode factor analysis. 28 loading for Th in Fl, and the strong negative correlation between Mn and Th for the nodules (Figure 1-8), Fl can be viewed as a Th-free Consequently, the concentration diluent for 230Th in the nodules. of 230Th within the nodule will depend not only on the decay of . initial unsupported 230 Th and the growth of 230 Th from 234 U, but also on the relative importance of the Fl and F2 end members. In order to convert a 230 Th profile to a growth rate, both the U-series nuclides and stable element concentrations for successive layers of the nodule must be determined. If the initial ratio of 230Th to F2 is constant through time and if Fl can be treated as a 230Th-free diluent, the corrected content at some depth (x) Th in a nodule can be expressed as: sup ex 230 Th ex - (x) 230Th (coor) tot (1 - e - 230Th 23°Th ex -A x/g) sup /(F2) (5) (6) (7) where A is the decay constant of 230Th, g is the nodule growth rate, and F2 is the fraction of Factor 2 determined by Q-mode factor analysis. F3 is not included since the radioisotopes are measured on a residue-free basis. of 234 U-supported 230 Equation (5) takes account of the ingrowth . Th. In pelagic nodules, this occurs so close to the surface that a correction is rarely necessary. At Site }{, however, the rapid growth rates inferred in previous sections would result in 234U-230Th djseciuilibrium to depths of centimeters into a nodule. Because the determination of 23°Th sup requires a knowledge 29 0 0 I- 2 o Mn (wt. %) Figure 1-8. The strong negative correlation between Th and Mn in Site H nodules. of the nodule growth rate, 230Th sup and 230Th ex(corr) (from which the growth rate is estimated) are determined iteratively (Reyss et al., 1982; Koide et al., Huh, 1982). Thus far, only one nodule from Site H (Vulcan-I-37BC) has been analyzed on a layer by layer basis for both U-series isotopes and stable elements. The results (Tables 1-5 and 1-6; Figure I-9a,b) indicate that the corrected 23°Th values yield good exponential decay curves from which growth rates can be derived. The growth rate of 55 mm/my for the top of Vulcan-I-37BC is within the range of values determined from uncorrected 230Th files (Table 1-3). and 230Th /232Th pro- The best fit to the data for the bottom of Vulcan-I-37BC suggests a change in growth rate at a depth of about 8 mm, where there is an abrupt change in the Mn/Fe ratio of the nodule (Figure I-9b). The outer 8 mm, with a growth rate of 200 mm/my, has a Mn/Fe ratio of more than 52 and is similar in composition to the fast-growing nodule described by Reyss et al. (1982). The growth rate (50 mm/my) and composition (Mn/Fe ratio less than 34) of the deeper layers are similar to those of the top of the nodule, and may indicate the this nodule has turned over. However, since the top shows no change in growth rate during the time the bottom changed rate, turning seems an unlikely explanation. 31 Table 1-5. Normalized varimax factor scores for Vulcan I-37BC nodule. Nodule Sample and Depth (mm) Factor Score Factor 2 Factor 1 Communality** T* 0-5 0.25 0.75 0.99 T 5-10 0.44 0.56 0.96 T 10-14 0.30 0.71 0.99 T 14-24 (nucleus) 0.20 0.80 0.99 0.76 0.24 0.99 B 0-3.5 B 3.5-6 0.80 0.20 0.99 B 6-8 0.77 0.23 0.99 B 8-10 0.48 0.52 0.99 B 10-14 0.64 0.37 0.98 B 14-19 0.34 0.67 0.99 * T Top; B = Bottom ** Total fraction of the variance accounted for Table 1-6. Mn, Fe and 230Th data for Vulcan-I-373C nodule. Sample Mn Fe Fe 234 Mn U 230 Th 230 tot Th 230 sup* Th ex(corr)* T 0-5 32.8 4.05 8.1 3.00 34.7 1.11 44.91 T 5-10 39.8 2.01 19.8 3.70 13.8 2.78 19.79 T 10-14 37.8 3.11 12.2 3.59 10.8 3.20 10.78 T 14-24 (nucleus) 34.8 4.92 7.1 3.89 5.58 3.77 2.27 0-3.5 44.6 0.717 62.2 5.57 9.97 0.41 39.50 B 3.5-6 45.6 0.633 72.0 3.95 8.43 1.03 37.77 B 6-8 44.4 0.848 52.4 2.22 8.00 0.80 31.86 B 8-10 40.6 2.27 17.9 4.02 221 23.26 B 10-14 43.6 1.29 33.8 4.66 7.67 3.45 11.57 B 14-19 38.6 3.19 12.3 6.05 8.53 5.57 0.46 B 14.4 *Calculated using equations 5-7, and method discussed in text N.) 33 Figure 1-9. 230Th (solid lines) and Mn/Fe ratios (dashed lines) plotted against depth in nodule Vulcan-I-37BC. The 230Th0 has been normalized to Q-mode factor 2 by the method described in the text. (a) Nodule top, (b) Nodule bottom. 34 E a 0 a 0 4- I- 0 U K 0 I- c) 30 ('SI 20 z -n Ph 10 0 DEPTH (mm) Figure I-9a. 35 40 20 a. -U 0 U I, I- 0 U 0 0, 04 4 2 +VT1 m 20 0 5 10 15 DEPTH (mm) Figure I-9b. 20 36 DISCUSSION The modeled chemical data and derived growth rates suggest that the Site H nodules are composed mainly of two components which differ markedly in chemical composition and accumulate at very different rates. Furthermore, work by Dymond et al. (1984) suggest that these components also have different mineralogical and textural properties. All growth rate estimates which take account of nodule chemistry indicate that the bottom or Mn-enriched surfaces grow faster than the nodule tops. Analysis of nodule compositions indicate that variations in the relative proportions of these two components occur at scales from the sub-millimeter to several centimeter range. It is best, therefore, to view any growth rate esti- mate as an average integration of the processes which formed a nodule, as it seems probable that major variations in the growth rate mark changes in the orientation, degree of burial, input of metal-bearing detritus, and intensity of diagenetic reactions in the sediments underlying a nodule. Observations from the submersible ALVIN suggest that repeated burial and exhumation by benthic organisms are part of the normal cycle of development of Site H nodules. Dymond et al. (1984), on the basis of compositional data and variations in the vertical flux of particulates caught in sediment traps (Fischer et al., 1982; Honjo, 1981), also conclude that the growth of these nodules cannot be attributed solely to steady state processes. 37 CONCLUSIONS A number of independent estimates of the growth rates of Site H nodules indicate an extreme range of about 7 to 1200 mm/my (Table 1-7). The more reliable techniques, based on nodule size distri- butions, nodule chemistry, accumulation rates of authigenic elements and U-series modeling, yield a most probable range of 30-300 mm/my. The distributions of stable elements and U-series radionuclides suggest that the nodules are comprised of two distinct non-detrital components. Because the relative proportions of these two com- ponents, which have very different compositions, vary with depth into a nodule, the U-series data alone do not allow proper determinations of growth rates. However, when the U-series data are normalized on the basis of the stable element distributions, the U-series data and stable element compositions become internally consistent and yield interpretable growth rates. A Mn-enriched component, which contains Mg, Ca, U and Sb, is concentrated in the nodule bottoms and appears to grow at least four times faster than the nodule tops. Co, Th and B.EE. The nodule tops are enriched in Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, The nodules appear to grow at varying rates during their lifetimes in response to changes in the sedimentary environment in which they form. Disturbance by benthic organisms and changes in the flux of metal bearing particles to the sea floor can both have a profound influence on the chemical environments immediately adjacent to the surfaces of a growing nodule. 38 Table 1-7. Growth rate estimates for Site H nodules. Method Growth Rate mm/my Crustal Age >7 Crustal Age (7 my initiation) >14 mm/my Heath Model (rate a dD/dlnN) >47 mm/my Lyle Model (rate a Mn/Fe2) Co Accumulation Rate (rate sed - rate nodule) Standard Radiochemical Modeling Chemical/Radiochemical Model (Vulcan-I-37BC) Growth since a late Pleistocene "burial event" 30 mm/my tops bottoms 1050 mm/my 83 mm/my tops bottoms 26O mm/my >15-60 mm/my top bottoms <1200 mm/my 55 mm/my 200 mm/my 39 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Jack Dyniond for helpful discussions and for access to some of his data, and David Z. Piper and William C. Burnett for constructive reviews. We are also grateful to Chih-An Huh and Richard Ku for providing splits of samples which they analyzed for U-series isotopes. This research was supported by the NSF Manganese Nodule Program (MANOP) through grants OCE-8101845 and OCE-8217250. 40 CHAPTER II SEDIMENTATION AT MANOP SITE H (EASTERN EQUATORIAL PACIFIC) OVER THE PAST 400 KYR - CLIMATICALLY INDUCED REDOX VARIATIONS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON TRANSITION METAL CYCLING 41 ABSTRACT Gravity cores recovered from MANOP Site H (6°33'N, 92°49'W) show marked downcore variations in the abundance of calcium carbo- nate, organic carbon, opal, manganese and other components deposited over the past 400 kyr. Variations in the downcore abundance of organic carbon, which ranges from 0.2 to 1.0 %, can be used to hindcast redox conditions in the surface sediments over this time. The results indicate that the depth to the manganese redox boundary varied from about 5 to 25 cm below the seafloor during four major cycles. Downoore variations in solid-phase Mn, Ni and Cu can be produced by such changes in redox conditions. A model which pre- dicts that solid phase Mn can be trapped and buried when the Mn redox boundary migrates rapidly upward, is consistent with the observed organic carbon and Mn records and supports the reconstructed redox variations. The history of sedimentation at Site H can be explained by changes with time in surface water productivity or in the properties of bottom water, or both. Concurrent changes in opal and organic carbon abundances imply that productivity variations were important in controlling such changes and hence the redox conditions in the surface sediments. 42 INTRODUCTION Variations in the composition of pelagic sediments with subbottoin depth are ubiquitous in the oceans. Changes in the com- position and fluxes of source materials, bioturbation and diagenesis are the main factors controlling these variations. All of these factors may be climatically related since climate affects the flux of calcium carbonate, opal, organic carbon and inorganic detritus to the sea floor. The flux of organic carbon to the sediments drives bioturbation and early diagenesis of the sediments (Bender et al., 1977; Froelich et al., 1979; Emerson et al., 1980). Such diagenesis strongly influences the near surface distribution of redox-sensitive elements such as Mn (onatti et al., 1971; Klinkhammer, 1980; Sawlan and Murray, 1983). In addition, sedimentary diagenetic processes are believed to play a major role in controlling the supply of metals to ferromanganese nodules (Calvert and Price, 1977; Piper and Williamson, 1977; Heath, 1981). Therefore, temporal variations in the flux of biogenic material to the sea floor may affect the intensity of diagenesis in the sediments and, in turn, influence the growth rate and chemical composition of manganese nodules and the cycling of redox sensitive elements in sediments. Significant periodic variations of the earth's climate during the Quaternary period are well documented (e.g., CLIMAP, 1976). A number of studies have shown that these climatic changes resulted in variable deposition of many important components of eastern equatorial Pacific deep-sea sediments. The cycles in abundance of cal- cium carbonate common to this region (Arrhenius, 1952) reflect 43 climatically induced variations in productivity and carbonate dissolution (Berger, 1973; Adelseck and Anderson, 1978). Rea et al. (1986) found that the grain size and flux of eolian material varied significantly at DSDP Site 503 in the eastern equatorial Pacific as a result of climatically induced changes in wind patterns and aridity of source regions. Changes in the distribution of plank- tonic assemblages in the sedimentary record in this region have been strongly influenced by changes in oceanic circulation patterns (Moore et al., 1980; R.omine and Moore, 1981; Romine, 1982). Changes in oceanic circulation also affect the biological productivity of surface waters which may be recorded in the opal, organic carbon and calcium carbonate contents of the underlying sediments (Pisias, 1976; Adelseck and Anderson, 1978; Pederson, 1983). Such studies have demonstrated that the composition and accumulation of sediments in the eastern equatorial Pacific are strongly influenced by climatic change. Because changes in the flux and composition of sedimentary components have occurred throughout the Quaternary, redox conditions in surface sediments may have also varied. Several studies have suggested that reducing conditions in surface sediments varied as a result of the climatic change associated with the most recent glacial-interglacial transition (Thomson et al., 1984; Gardner et al., 1982; Berger et al., 1983). The sedimentary record at many sites indicates that changes in sedimentation, comparable to those of the most recent glacial-interglacial transition, occurred at earlier times during the Quaternary (see, for example, Hartmann et 44 al., 1976; Bonatti, 1971). It is reasonable to conclude, therefore, that redox conditions in surface sediments have varied throughout this period. 45 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Site H was chosen by the Manganese Nodule Project (MANOP) as the type hemipelagic sediment site in a study of sedimentation and nodule forming processes at five distinct sedimentary environments in the Pacific (Figure Il-i). The site is centered at 6°33'N, 92°49'W in the Guatemala Basin and has an average water depth of 3600 m. The sediments are largely a mixture of opal, calcium carbo- nate, Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides and aluminosilicates (mainly smectite) which have accumulated at an average rate of 0.65 cm/kyr (Kadko and Heath, 1984). Primary productivity in the surface waters overlying the site is relatively high and varies strongly with a seasonal cycle (Fischer, 1983). The sediments at the site are suboxic; Mn is reduced at a depth of about 10 cm, but reduced Fe has not been detected in porewaters (Klinkhanimer, 1980). Manganese nodules are abundant over most of the site except for a few scattered nodulefree "bare patches" which range from about 100 m to 1 km in diameter. The chemical composition and growth rates of the nodules reflect the influence of suboxic diagenesis. Their Mn/Fe ratios commonly exceed 60 and their growth rates range up to 200 mm/my; values much greater than those for the typical pelagic nodules found at sites where the sediments are oxidized to great depths (Dymond et al., 1984; Finney et al., 1984). In our preliminary work at Site H (Finney et al., 1983), we found that sedimentary horizons enriched in preserved organic carbon corresponded to fast-growing, Mn-enriched layers in a manganese nodule. We hypothesized that the depth to the Mn redox boundary __________________________ 1I I I I I IiIIU PUII liti !'i!;flfli;1IiIj II, 1111111 II'fI;'I[I 111111111 i 30 110 II III 1111111 '1 20 10 :.:)..::. 111 LII Figure 11-i. inn Locations of the MANOP Sites relative to the major sediment types of the Pacific (after Horn et al., 1972). 1] 47 varied as the result of climatically-induced changes in the particulate organic carbon flux to the seafloor; a high organic flux corresponding to a shallow Mn redox boundary and to accelerated transfer of Mn to surface sediments and nodules. Such periods should be recorded in the growth rates and chemical compositions of manganese nodules and in the cycling and burial of Mn and other transition metals in the sediment. We attempt to test this hypothesis by: (1) defining the history of sedimentation at the site over the past 400 kyr, particularly the variations in redox conditions, and (2) determining how the accretion of manganese nodules at the site varied during this time. report here the results from the first part of our study. We In a companion paper (Finney et al., 198Gb), we describe the growth his- tories of a suite of manganese nodules from the site, and use the results from this study to evaluate the influence of changes in the sedimentary environment on nodule accretion. 48 METHODS The cores used in this study were recovered during the Vulcan I expedition to Site H in 1980. Gravity cores 38CC, 49GC, 63CC and 70CC (Figure 11-2), which range in length from 190-270 cm, were sampled at 6 cm intervals. to a fine powder. The samples were freeze-dried and ground The concentrations of major and minor elements (Table 11-1) were determined using a wavelength dispersive Phillips PW 1600 simultaneous X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer. Approximately 2.5 g of the dried ground sample was pressed into XRF pellets at five tons of pressure. The machine was calibrated using a set of more than 60 U.S.G.S., N.B.S., international and "in house" standards. The precision for these determinations is within 2% and the accuracy is within 5%. Purified samples of two dispersed ash layers revealed by their anomalous bulk elemental compositions were also analyzed by XRF. Approximately 20 g of wet sediment containing the ash was first sieved at 38 microns to remove the clay fraction. Calcium carbo- nate, opal and Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides were subsequently removed by treatments with acetic acid, Na2CO3 and NH2OH.HCl leaches (see Robbins et al., 1984 for leach methods). Microscopic inspection indicated that this procedure resulted in a very pure ash fraction. The samples were ground to a fine powder and pressed into XRF pellets at five tons of pressure using two drops of PVA cement to aid in binding. The amount of ash in a bulk sediment sample was then determined by assuming that all of the Ti and Al in the sample result from a mixture of ash and a more uniformly deposited detrital 49 SITE H O361 38. 6°34 ,,,( 9 3 N\L3s1 6°30 92°50 Figure 11-2. 92"45 Bathymetry of Site H and locations of the box cores (squares) and gravity cores (stars) referred to in this work. All cores collected during the Vulcan I expedition except for 33 which was taken during the Indomed expedition. 50 Depths, Chemical Compositions, Ages and Table Il-la. Sample Numbers for Site H Cores. Vulcan 38GC SAIIPLE. tIP 020579 tIP 020580 tIP 020381 tIP 020582 tIP 020583 tip 020584 tIP 020585 NP 020306 tIP 020387 tIP 020569 NP 020589 tIP 020390 NP 020591 tiP 020592 NP 020593 NP 020594 tIP 020595 tIP 020596 NP 020597 tIP 020598 020599 NP 020600 NP tIP 020601 lIP 020602 tIP 020603 tIP 020604 020605 tIP 020606 NP 020607 NP tIP 020608 NP 020609 NP 020610 Subbotton Age Organic Depth (Kyr) Carbon (Vt 1) (cn) - 0 6 12 27 36 46 19 56 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 65 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 170 176 182 188 75 85 92 100 108 116 123 131 139 147 166 177 187 200 212 224 237 249 261 272 284 295 307 318 329 340 .60 .78 .454 .394 .384 .228 .231 Calcium Carbonate Opal (Vt Z) (Vt Z) Volcanic Aeb (Vt ) 17.18 15.93 16.49 16.09 9.91 3.03 2.1 1.2 I. 56 0. 53 0. 47 . 5 51. 1 , 246 . 225 1. 3 3. 1 28. 0 .274 .310 .363 .622 .704 .567 0.49 0.53 0.49 3.01 8.41 10,97 0.2 0.0 2,8 10.4 7.0 6.2 7.63 3.2 3.6 11.0 10.25 0. 4.8 19.2 21.4 33.3 46.0 7. 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 9.2 24.72 20.37 8,3 8.2 8.0 7.4 8.2 6.54 7.25 6.45 7.23 6.9 6.4 10.1 10.8 . 441 22. 25 6. 1 13. 0 .422 10.08 7.8 . 414 7. 53 8. 1 .344 .306 .174 7.98 13.07 7.38 6.7 6.2 3.1 17.2 10.0 24.0 24.3 34.3 . 189 16. 61 0. 7 19. 3 53 9. 14 .534 .477 .453 .36 .386 .298 .312 .310 .426 12.14 9.38 3.94 1.00 4.83 14.23 20.49 '.1-0 u ' .-. P3 P3 P.) CDU U U A U) .0 A U '.4 '.4 0-0 -0'-lG'UAU CU . - I (U U UO- P.) 0' 0 U '.1 OP.) .J.4 '.10' 0' 0 CD CD CU 0 U ' ._s) CUN.4CU'..1O-.wopJO CUUUUAOCUUO.00UW0'(J.PJ.U'..UU,.. .A-0 .AUOA'-IUOOCD PP9pr.10 'Z'o - - (U - 0 0U.i- U - i CUA(.3P.3 C ' a ' a '-a..? ppppppppp CU--UUU)(U.00D'.-0UAA(UOOOOoOooO00000O.-cD(UUuUuCD(UUoO , CD ... .AUU (.3UWUUU(.3U UUpJ.JJ OUAUUM'.*0.0AUoAU -00000000 U U U (.3 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U (JU (.3U U (JU U A UAUAUAUAUAU AUUUUU NCUCUCUCUP3P3P3pjpj ..-,--. U U U (4(4 U U U U (4W (4 U C)- CD C) (a C) CD .(.. D C) 52 Table 11-la. . continued Vulcan 70Cc Subbottom Depth SAI'IPLE NP 020611 NP 02O612 NP 020613 NP 020614 tIP 020615 NP 020616 NP 020617 NP 020618 NP 020619 tIP 020620 NP 020621 AP 020622 lIP 020623 rIP 020624 NP 020625 NP 020626 NP 020627 NP 020628 NP 020629 NP 020630 NP 020631 NP 020632 NP 020633 lIP 020634 NP 020635 tIP 020636 PIP 020637 NP 020638 PIP 020639 PIP 020640 NP 020641 NP 020642 NP 020643 Me (Kyr) (ca) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 79 94 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 ISO 156 162 168 174 180 186 192 Organic Ca4ciu. Carbon (Vt Z) Carbonate (Vt Z) 5 14 22 31 40 49 57 66 75 84 90 96 103 110 116 123 130 136 143 149 156 162 169 175 181 188 194 201 207 214 220 226 233 75 17. 19 4. 82 0. 0 1.0 11.0 16.5 24.6 43.7 . 1.61 ,57 2.2 18.11 7,7 5.0 3.7 2.7 15 0. 32 0. 0 0.0 61. 8 0.31 26 0. 32 0. 0 0.0 0.1 23. 9 0.36 0.43 0,56 33 0. 46 2. 1 0. 7 9. 5 0. 0 14.47 12.84 8.33 7.76 11.58 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2. 47 7. 1 0. 0 .20 .25 .35 .29 .29 .38 53 .60 58 .64 .58 .60 .55 .50 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.6 7.6 4,5 . , Ash (wt Z) 5,00 .96 .63 .48 .42 .33 . (wt Z) .65 .65 .48 . . Volcanic Opal 38 .36 .36 .40 ,35 .29 .39 13.47 19.44 22.62 4.93 0.44 1,63 10. 65 14,08 16. 16 1,40 5.69 2.98 5.90 11.04 14.36 1.6 0.0 3.9 9,4 9,0 9.0 8.6 8.0 8.4 6.9 7.1 8.5 6.9 6.1 7.0 40.3 35.4 9.0 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Table Il-la. continued Vulcan 63CC SA(IPLC HP 020644 tiP 020645 tiP 020646 tIP 020647 Subbotton Depth Age (ca) (Kyr) 0 6 12 18 13 36 38 84 102 020649 020650 020651 020652 24 30 36 42 48 HP 020653 54 191 tiP 020654 tIP 020661 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 HP HP HP HP HP 108 114 120 126 132 208 226 244 262 280 297 315 333 351 369 HP 020648 tiP tIP tIP tIP HP 020655 tiP 020656 tIP 020657 HP 020658 NP 020659 NP 020660 020662 020663 020664 020665 020666 120 137 155 173 386 404 422 Table Il-lb. * Chemical Compositions (XRF) for samples listed in Table Il-la. (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn and Fe in wt %, Co, Ni Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr and Ba in ppm). SA,IPLE MO PIP 020579 PIP 020580 0. 6338 PIP 02051 0. 7265 0. 6647 0. 8061 tIP PIP PIP PIP PIP PIP 020582 0205&3 0203A4 020583 020586 020587 0 3164 1. 0791 1. 2088 0. 9321 0. 8313 SAMPLE YIP PIP PIP PIP PIP 020579 020500 020581 020382 020583 PIt' 020584 PIP 020585 tIP 020386 PIP 020587 5. 6720 52 23. 6570 5.7412 24.4907 0. 1639 0. 1608 5. 67H2 24. 8848 1.2604 0.1563 5.6168 0.2704 0,2614 23.1199 1. 1401 5. 894? 27. 0386 1.0914 1.0487 6.3634 0. 2387 0. 2640 30,0611 0. 1539 0. 1376 0. 1191 6. 4205 6. 97u? 7. 3000 30. 6804 30. 1194 29. 5080 1. 4910 1. 8314 Mn CT. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0085 0070 0081 0037 0031 0038 0039 0055 0082 AL 1. 43/5 1. 4201 1. 3498 3. 2624 1.9860 Fe 4.9932 1. 8247 1. 6308 5. 1423 4. 7079 4, 5455 1. 23'?5 4.2645 0. 8862 4. 1433 1.0263 3.8818 5.5316 6.8148 2. 1578 2. 6439 on a sal b-free I asis Co 47 47 41 41 29 23 27 47 66 P 0.1180 0. 1446 0. 1392 Ni 530 393 401 333 240 134 212 399 538 5 0. 2703 0.2346 0.2328 0.2963 0. 3488 Cu 442 463 445 436 361 293 290 502 807 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 1. K 2130 2809 4261 52t2 8232 1963 3457 8720 4694 26t5 3695 0397 6185 4310 7441 1956 8322 9279 Zn 450 450 365 332 260 223 219 322 417 Ti Cia' 7. 6. 7. 6. 4. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0, 0. 0. 0. 0. 3270 3280 2038 2762 2603 2548 2453 3395 4123 Sr 57 39 55 62 70 95 106 78 48 662 639 849 644 574 470 442 496 541 8803 8351 8230 8088 8124 8009 7609 10498 12632 0 CD 0 4 00 0U0 0 '40 U 00 00 U * P4 0 U (A a 04 0 -0 RI I) *0 0 U - 0 0 0 P40 -0 RI P4 Ri 0- U U Ii '4 Ri RI U 00 0 4 a U UU U a-UO a UU0-04*U*R00'IUt C'JW 00-OU 00WP4RI4'J 000.01.000 (An14000'4UaO0*uo-'4 O--000' 90400) 0-0-0-04400 - 0 0i 0 * '44 a U 0 u u *0CC -0-iCR UOPJ*RI0--lPU*4U0 0*0-14141440 0U14140-0D0UU** U U VP P4 04 40 RI RI 4 0 0 __0,p009RIbURiU4000U00 RIRI0000000UO0 UUCP)U*0" 000 0 u ORQ-40**4 0.404U4P404'0P44RI -4000.404 40U4400U00U4U0P4 0 a U UU UUUUUU UUU U 000000000000000 00000000 (4 a ' ej - '4 ,.. 0 IU00 .uoUauo0.pJ41400 - 2 P4 01400 0- -.4- 0140 000JOCUPJO4O 14U044 0 W0URIOPJUN44OUO .00'iP) -0PJ0 a 2 4U0.J000U0*UJ4* 140004100 (A ...U0UUP40JM,0U0UU0*_O*OORI __p,,JPJP,P4PJIJRIJUUUUUUUUUUUU 2 flC *00 4-do-Ea0pJ0 OOUUUO0 .0oOPJ 0 .U004wa#UOPJPJ-aau Uuuua aaaa..**a*UUaa* 040014040 PJOPJPJAJUP3-40-)C-0P aQUUUU* U4000UU*UUU 0O00O0O00000Oo 00000000 0RI4400.1J090U04U 4UPJOUPJUU - U0a4UO000'0'i4O0 -0pJ0ll-RIPJ --0*040 UuPJaCUOP)UPJOOUP 2 0O000OO000000 00000000 UI 0.4*GO.04U040.U00* 0 -U O U d 00 00 0 a 0o - 4 - a 4 11 ,..00040Ua P4P4RIPJRIRIRIPJRIURIUPJRIOJ P)P4PJPJPJPJPJOJ U 0 0 - 0 00 0 U - U 0 0 U i - U U - 0 4U0PJ44(. 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C'S 03 - 0 CV US C'- C'-- 0 4' CD i 0 CD '0 0 0 - CU C'- 0' 4 '15 4 03 Ifi US CD N .0 - CV0'00-i(S4'(V0'0(UNCULINONC'd CD 4 CD 0- (1 VS 0 -0 CD CD Cd - 4' (SI N 0' N CVN0NUSNNLIO4NtLILI4'0U5 nc,cr,vsr,i- USd54444 .00-4--.r,400-r-.ONOCU -0--OOOLI 0 C-. - ('S 0' CX) 0' 4- 0- CU (S LI 0 - CV - CD '0 0(5LI4flI-OLI0'4(UCUiiLIW0--0 (I Cd 00000** 4- (5 (5 ('5 ***** N,0030'(dCdflt-NCDCl'15CVLI4 '0.00- 444 ClNe-...00'-0*t--.CD00-0LI-0Cd-0 CSJCVON.0.-..0MSNCDW--NCUCU4Cd CUUSOCD-O'0CVLIN-ONUS.US'fl-OLI '00'ONCD0--OLILI-0-04CD-0-0CU0'- 4 '15 N 0 C"- (SI '0 0 4- CD (S N 0- 0) LI '0 0- '0 iiCdC)LI4i(Si'fld54444LIf4CU LI (SI CU 0000 CDiCD.CICDCdCUNU5OC'S4' Cl04'4'4N-ON'O(VCSI'0O Z 000 LI 0'- 0- LI LI LI 4 4' (5 '15 CD 0- N 0 U Ui -C U) E 0. J U Q-QQ 000000000000000000 58 CSCSLICICILILICILI'O-O'0'0-O'O'O'0'O 'tii44i4ii000000000 CD0-0(UC'S4(S'0f4LI4(S'0NCD0LICl44444-4 000000000000000000 0 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 '1- a ) C)fl-0'US0'0'00'0(VNCD0'G-CUUS 00'4fl-44.OLI440'.ONCUO4.-. k W000WLI0-tSUSWVS0-LI-.LINLICD 0-'0N0I0-fl4iNLICSNNCd-0US.0 Cd Cd Cd (V Cd Ci Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd CS) ci C) c-i rs CI -0 (5 0 N 0 LI Cd -0 '15 0 4 03 0- (5 as--0-Nrdo-r,--.CDa)'0No-i-(SrS WCU4-(540-'15LI-0fl-CD0-(SCU N40'C)-04Cd'00'LI0'0--.0--040- 000000000000000000 LI 4 LI LI LI (1 (5 4 4 03 C'-. .0 -0 C- (5 4 C) Cd 000000000000000000 CdCdCd(dCdCSILILIC4LILIC4CdCdCdCCIC4CSI 0C4'0N030-0-4C4N-ON-044LI CdCdCd-0.000(SLICD0-D-WCdCdUS CD CD (S (S US 03 .0 0' LIC4-CdLILILILIC4C4C4-CdLICUCl'1S- CD-CDtd-LI4'OOO--OO--O-OaflNfl N N CD N (S II C) Cd 4 (U Cd (S Cd 0 03 (S 0' (1 4 .0 0 0 .0 .0 0- - (S fl ( N (S N CD N Cd LI0LIrd.0N0(VC'-.0CdUSi-CJ4--0 rdNCD(d--04--Nfl00--CUI-4 (.1 (4 C"- 1 0' 000 000000000000000 CD'1SONNO .0WLICU4WILSCIO-NLIO - -no-4-.0.0a)NN-ordCULIwvsds4iiNClflOCD0'-tdLIW0'N4W-00 I- q 0 U) .(I) J 4 I z 0000----.o.--000000. CD0'-0CJLIi'1'S,0CdLI4v5,ONO3O LILI-4iiIi.i-.-..------- 000.&oQ CUCUCUCUtd(VCUCUCUCUCUCV(VCUcsi(V(V(U 000000000000000000 CS(lC)LIClflC)LILI-0-O.0.0O.o.0.O.o U 44444ii4*000000000 ._i C U) Table Il-lb. . . continued SAMPLE tiP SIP lIP NP SIP NP NP SIP NP NP SIP NP lIP SiP NP 020620 020621 020622 020623 020624 020625 020626 020627 020628 020629 020630 020631 020632 020633 020634 020635 020636 020637 Ni fig AL 4263 0915 9910 1692 0330 0. 8999 I. 2805 6. 3032 6. 7063 1. 8071 1. 4860 1. 8740 6 8876 7.0799 0.7300 1.8252 7.3931 0. 0. 0. 0. I. 1. 1. I. 1. 7. 7. 7. 5. 5. 1. 1. 0. 1. 1. 5900 5916 7267 4754 0.4246 0.4173 0.4251 0.4946 0.4893 1.0188 7997 8029 9134 7678 7500 1.6621 1.7265 1.7883 1.9127 1.8820 7. 4240 5356 6468 4097 9828 7018 Si 30. 29. 29. 30. 28. 28. 29. 28. 29. 26. 25. P 5031 8872 6918 1581 8355 7411 0866 4856 2281 2789 3585 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0982 1307 1509 1392 1629 1558 1600 1601 1696 1479 1408 5.5896 5.7010 5.9306 6.1843 24.5093 24.9172 0.1398 0.1401 25. 6061 0. 1483 27.0943 0.1541 27. 6527 27. 2906 28. 7170 0. 1544 0. 1427 0. 1573 0. 7453 0. 9468 1. 8821 1.9985 6. 5447 6. 4008 6. 9329 Cr Mn Fe SIP 0. 0019 SIP 0.0052 0.0070 2. 5073 2. 8265 3. 0794 4. 5735 23 36 501 491 56 46 87 647 SIP NP SIP SAMPLE 020620 020621 SIP 020622 lIP 020623 SIP 020624 tIP 020625 SIP 020626 NP 020627 tIP 020828 tIP 020829 SIP 020830 NP 020831 tIP 020832 SIP 020633 SIP 020634 SIP 020635 NP 020836 SIP 020837 Co 3.7562 5.6535 0. 0059 3. 0698 5. 0718 0.0080 0.0087 3.3456 2.4474 6.7981 6.8577 0. 0092 1. 6852 7. 0221 0.0090 0.0085 0.0077 0.0069 0.0056 2.0881 1.4828 0.6088 0.6283 0.7144 6.8812 8.9823 5.9536 5.7425 5.5986 0. 0057 0. 7480 5. 7313 0.0060 0.9179 5.9060 0. 0065 0. 9538 6. 2966 39 40 42 49 49 0.0069 1.1084 6.3807 51 0. 0054 0. 9029 6. 1253 0.0070 1.6115 6.6478 46 82 65 63 84 59 41 Ni 561 835 482 280 464 474 299 319 358 364 419 453 459 433 573 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Ca K S 1706 2492 3074 2784 3326 2. 5173 2. 0997 1. 6870 Ti 6789 7647 8514 7962 9131 0. 2091 0. 2908 0. 3450 1. 4129 0. 0. 0. 0, 0. 0.3430 1.4052 0.0946 0.4273 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 1. 4. 6. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3162 2833 2961 3043 0.3051 0.2918 0.3034 0.3115 0.3176 0.3137 0. 3122 0. 3362 1.9628 4242 4079 4390 3130 2712 8947 8971 3843 7237 0414 0.3258 0. 4167 4454 4540 4309 3417 3322 1.2274 1.2499 1.2810 1.3553 6.9469 6.0779 5.5410 3.8679 0.3189 0.3229 0.3321 0.2532 1. 3755 1, 3465 1. 4357 3. 7667 5. 0204 1. 6283 0. 3651 0. 3507 0. 3838 Cu Zn 379 390 600 502 578 467 410 435 450 249 302 374 338 407 336 98 83 62 78 59 347 437 483 440 6503 9171 11040 9675 511 61 381 421 55 510 486 440 444 598 827 680 839 832 12024 11926 10962 331 378 402 478 555 585 645 620 669 476 470 484 491 488 498 543 489 468 479 Rb 62 82 57 58 53 63 62 63 67 65 63 Sr 571 803 823 545 9849 9991 10192 10014 9836 10023 10538 10873 11496 10626 12 Ui A U U (PU 0' 00 A .0'4 .0 0 A 0.1 0 0 U r r ' 0 0 U U U 0 '4U 0 - !0rr , '4. 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UUUUUUUAAAAAAAA4..I.,IJ rou UUO.00'40.UAUU_O.0O'4,I.I.J0.O0 00000000000000000000000000000 I0000 00o0000. 0 00o 000000 0 CD CD 0 0\ 61 component. The composition of this background detrital component was assumed to be that of highest Ti/Al samples corrected for dilution by calcium carbonate, opal and oxyhydroxides. The contri- bution of an element in a sample from the ash was calculated from the amount of ash present and the chemical composition of the pure ash. Calcium carbonate and organic carbon abundances were determined using the wet oxidation technique of Weliky et al. (1983). The method uses a LECO carbon analyzer to independantly measure calcium carbonate and organic carbon from the CO2 evolved by successive treatments with phosphoric and chromic acids. Opal concentrations were calculated from the XRF-measured Si and Al concentrations, corrected for ash contribution where necessary, using equation (1). Opal (%) - 2.47 (Si - 3.73 Al) (1) The value of 3.73 represents the ratio of non-opaline Si to Al, on an ash-free basis, determined from Na2CO3 leaches of Site H sediment. The factor of 2.47 converts opaline Si into percent opal. We assume that the Si to Al ratio of the detrital fraction at the site has not changed with time. 62 TIMES GALE Ash stratigraphy and downcore variations in the abundance of calcium carbonate have been used to establish a timescale for the Site H gravity cores. The carbonate profiles (Figure 11-3) are The typical for equatorial Pacific sediments (Arrhenius, 1952). profiles are similiar in all cores and indicate laterally uniform sedimentation; there is no evidence for major erosional events, hiati or large sedimentation rate changes. Slight differences in the carbonate-depth profiles (Figure 11-3) indicate that the sedimentation rate has varied by up to 20% between the cores studied. Inspection of the elemental data (Table 11-1) reveals the presence of two dispersed ash layers which were not detected during visual descriptions of the cores in the upper three meters of sediment. The presence of the ashes is apparent in profiles of the Ti/Al ratio of the bulk sediment (Figure 11-4) as two spikes with Ti/Al ratios much lower than the fairly constant background ratio of the detrital sediment. In this region of the Pacific, the Ti/Al ratio is a sensitive indicator of the presence of dispersed ash, because ashes in this region have low Ti/Al ratios relative to normal inorganic detritus. The areal distributions, chemical com- positions and stratigraphic positions of ashes in the region (Drexler et al., 1979; Bowles et al., 1973; Ledbetter, 1985; Lin and Ledbetter, 1984) allow identification of the Site H ashes. The upper ash is the Los Chocoyos ash, also known as ash layer D. lower ash is ash layer K (Table 11-2). The cARa0UATE ( 7. ) 0 C- _. C?. 0 CARBONATE ( - U. .- - 7. ) CARBONATE ( b_s 7. ) -. C C SH 0 84kyr C C aCO3 -u -4 l55kyr x aCO3 200kyr o . CC) aCO3 265kyr N 0 0 SH K 33Okyr N 0UI 7OGC _aCO3 400kyr 49GC 38GC Figure 11-3. Calcium carbonate abundances vs depth for the Site H gravity cores. The age picks used for the time-scale are indicated. 0' 64 Figure 11-4. Variations over the past 400 kyr in the Ti/Al, calcium carbonate, Al, organic carbon, opal, Mn and ash contents of the Site H gravity cores. Ti/Al v.s. Age 00; 38GC 49GC 0.07 ---7OGC 0.06 - ,# 0.05 p 'I 0.03 0.02 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 AGE (kyr) Figure 11-4. U' Calcium Carbonate v.s. Age 25 'I 'I -38GC A A I' I * It I$ $ I \ I 700C I I It It I $ 9- $ I S I $t w Iz ' I I I S $ St It I' I \ I $ I I $ I S I I gb * SI I I I I I /1 1 0 I / I / S I t I g IS S I 'S 'S S II It It. I I '4 I S S Si I I I! /'I ru I 50 I 100 150 I 200 250 - I 300 350 400 AGE (kyr) Figure 11-4. . . continued a' 0' Al v.s. Age 8 7 I, 6 I.- I -J <3 -38GC 4SGC 2 1 I 0, iuu iou uo AGE (kyr) Figure 11-4. continued I I 300 350 400 Organic Carbon v.s. Age 1.0 A 49GC It ---7OGC ,I % s t z S ' t t I .-'S I oO.6 / I'' c OV-S S :1 I, II 0 / / / ' 0.4 ' I \., I z - S I 'I o O2 ''. I 4... S S S - 50 I I I I I 100 150 200 250 300 AGE (kyr) Figure 11-4.. . continued 350 400 Opal v.s. Age 14 38GC 49GC 12 ----7OGC I 'S 'S I S I I 1 5 -J S I I cL S .5 II\, 0 S S g g I S S S S S S I I I 2 S S S 1 %_# I S 'I 'I 100 150 200 AGE (kyr) Figure 11-4. . . continued 250 300 I 350 400 Mn v.s. Age 8 * 7" 'I --38GC 1* I' I, 6 ---70Gc '' I I 63GC I ,-..,5 p t Il 'Ni 4 z 4 ft\ 2 1 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 AGE (kyr) Figure 11-4.. .COntlnued 0 Ash v.s. Age IiI 38GC 49GC 1iI ----7OGC I' ;40 I SI I' :tt Is I' It SAl 30 I' I I I IIIt ' li/I I I S ii 'Il I I I II I 10 / I' I * I I II.'' I I I I S '' 'I 50 100 150 200 AGE (kyr) Figure 11-4.. .cpntinued 250 I 300 350 (II,] Table 11-2. ELEMENT Chemical Compositions of Ash Layers at Site 11 and those of Ash D and Ash K in Other Cores. Sample MP 20659 Los Chocoyos "D" 70CC 54-55cm (1) (2) (3) Sample MP 20660 49CC 215-217cm ASH "K" (2) Na (%) 2.123 2.107 2.22 2.453 2.32 Mg 0.101 0.04 0.24 0.231 0.46 Al 5.800 6.43 6.76 6.519 6.79 I Si 34.36 34.31 36.45 I K 3.165 3.02 3.25 3.26 Ca 0.424 0.393 0.61 0.64 Fe 0.614 0.63 0.059 0.065 I Mn Ti (ppm) Ni 774 879 0.51 0.79 0.065 1080 I I 895 1 25 Zn 27 36.36 3.249 2.91 3.46 0.657 0.41 1.12 1.176 0.54 1.05 0.070 1428 21 Cu 35.44 (3) 0.064 500 1266 22 26 I 61 Rb 142 128 138 119 130 Sr 112 107 108 145 161 Ba 1039 1104 1123 976 1147 (1) Average composition from Drexler et al. (1980) (2) Average composition from Ledbetter (1985) (3) Average composition from Bowles et al. (1973) -1 73 The age of ash layer D is well constrained by oxygen isotope stratigraphy to be 84 kyr (Drexler et al., 1979). The age of ash layer K, identified by Ledbetter (1985) in DSDP 503, as estimated using the new oxygen isotope-based timescale for the core developed by Rea et al. (1986) is between 305 and 330 kyr. The age of this ash in DSDP 503 is somewhat uncertain because of the coarselysampled oxygen isotope profile. In addition, the location of the ash in 503B (where the timescale was developed) is estimated from its depth in 503A. At Site H, the age of ash K can be determined from its depth in core 35P which has been dated to this level by (Kadko and Heath, 1984). At the measured sedimentation rate of 0.66 cm/kyr, the 217 cm sub-bottom depth corresponds to an age of 330 kyr. Because these estimates are substantially older than the 270 kyr estimate of Ledbetter (1985), we suggest that the age of this ash be revised. For the Site H timescale, we will use the 330 kyr age estimate. The ash layers form the basic framework for the Site H timescale. The carbonate profiles are used for additional age control by correlation to carbonate records in cores in the eastern equatorial Pacific that have been dated by oxygen isotope stratigraphy (Murray et al., 1986; N. Pisias, pers. comm., 1986). The ash and carbonate age horizons used in the time scale are shown in Figure 11-3 . Ages for samples are calculated by assuming constant sedimentation between the horizons. The derived timescale, shown as calcium car- bonate vs age in Figure 11-4, indicates that the sedimentation rate has been fairly constant at the site over the past 400 kyr. Sedi- 74 mentation rates between the time intervals for a given core vary by less than 20%. The mean sedimentation rate for the gravity cores is 0.70 cm/kyr, in good agreement with the sedimentation rates deter- mined by 230Th for the site (Kadko and Heath, 1984). We estimate that the relative error in ages between cores is less than 10 kyr and that the error in absolute age is less than 30 kyr. 75 RESULTS Variations in the abundance of the major sedimentary components (calcium carbonate, opal, aluniinosilicates and Mn-Fe oxyhydroxides) and organic carbon at Site H during the past 400 kyr are shown in Calcium carbonate concentrations range from 0-25% and, Figure 11-4. as previously discussed, show the pattern of higher abundances during glacial periods usually observed in Pacific cores recovered from beneath the lysocline. The profiles of aluminum, which is characteristic of the aluminosilicate fraction, show minor variations of up to about 20% which are inversely related to the carbonate cycles. Organic carbon abundances, which range from 0.2-0.9%, follow similiar patterns in all cores. periodic with a period of about 100 kyr. The variations are somewhat The peak organic carbon concentrations are lower in sediments older than 150 kyr, but concentrations in the intervening minima are uniform over 400 kyr. Opal abundances range from 0-12%. The opal and organic carbon records are correlable, but do not always correlate with calcium carbonate. High abundances of opal, organic carbon and carbonate coincided during the last two glacial periods, but the organic car- bon and opal records appear to be out of phase with carbonate prior to that time. The Fe/Al ratio in the sediments is fairly constant except in zones with ash layers. The lack of significant Fe/Al variations suggests that Fe has not been diagenetically remobilized at Site H, a conclusion consistent with porewater studies at the site (Klinkhammer, 1980). Although some Fe is leachable by hydroxylamine 76 hydrochloride solutions and undoubtedly is in an oxyhydroxide phase, most of it is fixed in the detrital fraction (Graybeal and Heath, 1984). The absence of any correlation between the downcore abun- dances of Fe and Mn indicates little, if any, diagenetic transport of Fe during Mn remobilization. The uniformity of downcore Fe/Al and Ti/Al profiles indicates that the composition of the detrital component, except for the ashes, has been fairly constant over the past 400 kyr. Manganese, which is the dominant element in the oxyhydroxide fraction of the sediment, has several large downcore peaks in concentration which are not consistently related to maxima or minima in the carbonate content profiles (Figure 11-4); some Mn peaks corre- spond to carbonate minima, others to carbonate maxima. In addition, the apparent ages of the Mn peaks differ from core to core. The large near-surface peak results from on-going remobilization and upward diffusion of Mn in the sediments (Lynn and Bonatti, 1965; Klinkhammer, 1980). Possible origins of the downcore Mn peaks are discussed later in this paper. The Ni and Cu concentration profiles (Figure 11-5) follow Mn quite closely. The distribution of these elements is strongly influenced by Mn remobilization in the sediments (Klinkhainmer, 1980). Thus, the origin of the downcore peaks of these elements is likely controlled by the same process that causes the downcore Mn peaks. Zn concentrations (Figure 11-5), however, are fairly con- stant downcore. This is surprising because the near-surface Zn distribution resembles that of Mn quite closely (Graybeal and Heath, 77 Ni. Cu. Zn v.s. Age - 49GC 1000 800 0 0 400 200 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Mn v.s. Age - 49GC 8 7 6 '5 '.4 x 2 I n 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 AGE (kyr) Figure 11-5. The inter-relations of Ni, Cu, Zn and Mn over the past 400 kyr in core 49CC. 78 1984). Other factors apparently control the burial of Zn in these sediments. Although variations in the downcore profiles of Ni, Cu and Zn reflect both diagenetic alteration and any variations in the input of these elements to the site, the fairly constant mean down- core abundances suggest that there have been no major long term changes in the input of these elements to the site over the past 400 kyr. The different Ni/Cu ratios in the downcore peaks could reflect either differences in the composition of the source material or variations in the processes which control the burial of these elements. 79 DISCUSSION The hypothesis that the organic carbon record preserved in deep-sea sediments holds the key to reconstructing paleo-redox conditions is reasonable because early redox diagenesis in surface sediments is largely controlled by the breakdown of organic matter. The oxidation of organic carbon in sediments occurs via a characteristic sequence of reactions (Froelich et al., 1979). Labile organic carbon that remains after all available oxygen is consumed is further oxidized by the secondary oxidants NO3, Mn+4, Fe+3 and SO4Th with sediments becoming more reducing as the successive secondary oxidants are consumed. The fraction of organic carbon that survives in suboxic sediments is largely regulated by the balance between carbon flux and oxidation by 02, NO; and Mn02 (Bender and Heggie, 1984). Thus, changes with time in the burial of organic carbon should record changes in the redox state at the time at which the carbon was buried. Factors controlling the redox condition of surface sediments In order to reconstruct past variations in redox conditions, we must know the relation between the concentration of buried (surviving) organic carbon and redox state. Furthermore, we need to know how other changes which affect the burial of organic carbon might also influence the redox system. Several factors are important in controlling the amount of organic carbon that is buried. An increase in the flux of organic 80 carbon to the seafloor should result in an increase in the burial content of carbon and more rapid consumption of 02 in sediments if other factors remain fairly constant (Janke et al., 1982, Emerson et al., 1985). A decrease in bottom water 02 also should also result in enhanced carbon preservation and a decrease in the depth to which 02 is present (Emerson et al., 1985). A decrease in the degradation rate constant of organic carbon or an increase in the bioturbation rate in the sediments both result in greater carbon preservation and a shallowing in the 02 zero depth in the model of Emerson et al. (1985). Model results (Emerson, 1985) indicate that changes of a factor of two at rates in the range of sedimentation rates typical of deep-sea sediments will not affect organic carbon preservation greatly. In all cases changes in the factors that enhance organic carbon preservation will result in more reducing conditions in the surface sediments. At suboxic sites, such as Site H, the degree to which sediments are reducing can be determined by the distributions of dissolved and solid Mn in near-surface sediments. In an idealized situation the first downward increase in the concentration of Mn dissolved in porewaters occurs at the depth where solid-phase Mn shows a peak in concentration. We refer to this depth as the "Mn redox boundary" and the zone above as the "Mn oxidation zone". The Mn redox boundary represents the horizon where the downward diffusive flux of 02 is balanced by the upward diffusive flux of Mn-Il (Froelich et al., 1979; Klinkhannner, 1980). Both gradients, and hence fluxes, are largely controlled by the oxidation of organic carbon in the 81 sediments (other sedimentary properties are uniform enough to have The upward flux of Mn is con- little impact on diffusion rates). trolled by the rate of organic carbon oxidation in the Mn reduction zone, which in turn is controlled by the flux of labile carbon into and through this zone. The flux of 02 is controlled by the bottom water 02 concentration and the distribution and rate of 02 conFor a given bottom water 02 sumption in the Mn oxidation zone. content, this flux is directly related to the rate of oxidation of organic carbon in the sediments. Thus the downward flux of oxidiz- able organic carbon drives both reactions. Data from the three MANOP sites (Sites H, M and C) where suboxic diagenesis has been studied, span a range of redox conditions. The Mn redox boundary lies within 5 cm of the seafloor at Site M, These differences allow 5-15 cm at Site H, and 15-20 cm at Site C. us to disaggregate the factors that influence the redox conditions. The organic carbon contents, depths to the Mn redox boundary and other sedimentary characteristics for the three sites are listed in Table 11-3. The organic carbon content (C) of the surface sedi- ments is strongly correlated (R2 - .96) with the depth to the redox boundary (Z) at these locations (Figure 11-6). The trend of Figure 11-6 is consistent with variations in the factors, discussed above, which control organic carbon burial. The best-fit line to the data gives the following relation: Z - 5.69 - 12.12 ln C (2) 82 Table 11-3. Organic Carbon and Manganese Contents and Characteristics of the Suboxic MANOP Sites (H, M and C) Thickness of Mn CORE % Organic Carbon oxidized zone (ciii) Site H (633'N, 92°48'W, water depth = 3600 in, C-org flux = 89-95 40-160 cm2! pg/cm2/yr S .3 g/cm3, Db .65 cm/kyr, D kyr, bottom water 02 - 110 zm/1 (1) INDOMED 33BC 1.00 5.0 VULCAN 37BC (2) 0.80 8.0 PLUTO 12BC (3) 0.75 10.0 0.60 15.0 INDOMED 27BC Site M (8°48'N, 104°00'W, water depth 3100 in, C-org flux = 88-138 150-500 ig/cm2/yr 5 1.0 cm/kyr, D .3 g/cm3, Db cm2/kyr, bottom water 02 - 110 jnn/2 (1) VULCAN 25BC (2) 1.40 1.25 PLUTO 1.30 1.5 1.20 3.5 VULCAN 25BC (3) 9BC Site C (1°03'N, 138°58'W, water depth - 4400 in, C-org flux - 185 pg/cm2/yr S - 1.0-1.5 cm/kyr, D - .7 g/cm3, Db - 160 167 pm/2 (1) cm2/kyr, bottom water 02 W8402A 14GC (4) 21.5 0.24 (1) C-org fluxes measured by sediment traps (Dymond and Lyle, 1985; Walsh, 1985; Fischer et al., 1986; Dymond, personal communication 1986). Sedimentation rates (S) from Kadko (1980), Kadko and Heath (1984) and Murray et al. (1986). Bottom water oxygen concentrations from Emerson et al. (1985). D density. dry bulk Bioturbation rates (Db) based on Pb-210 from Cochran, (1985). (2) Lyle et al. (1984). (3) Kalhorn and Emerson (1984). (4) Murray et al. (1986). 83 % ORGANtC CARBON .1 .2 .4 .6 .8 2.0 1.0 10 0 E C, I I- 0 30 Figure 11-6. The depth to the Mn redox boundary as a function of the organic carbon content in surface sediments. R2 - .96. 84 The plotted organic carbon content is the value at the depth where the carbon concentration first reaches a constant concentration. For these sites, this level which marks the virtual disappearance of dissolved oxygen, lies within a few cm of the seafloor (Emerson et al., 1985). We assume that this organic carbon value is charac- teristic of the current redox conditions. Because of the relatively rapid sedimentation at these sites, the carbon value should certainly be indicative of conditions for the most recent few thousand years. The residence time of organic carbon with respect to degradation at these sites is less than 150 years (Emerson et al., 1985). Because the Mn redox boundary is within about 15 cm of the sediment- water interface, the bioturbation rate is more important than the sedimentation rate in controlling the downward flux of reactive organic carbon (Crundinanis and Murray, 1982). For this reason, the redox state at these sites is not directly related to the burial flux of organic carbon. The relation of equation (2) may hold only because the bioturbation rates (Cochran, 1985) and sedimentation rates are similiar at the three sites. The redox conditions at the three MANOP sites are not simply related to surface water productivity or the organic carbon flux to the seafloor measured by sediment traps. Thus, organic carbon preservation apparently is not related solely to organic carbon flux. Differences (Emerson et al., 1985; Emerson, 1985) could result in part because of the different sediment types (carbonate, heinipelagic with abundant ferromanganese nodules and metalliferous) 85 arid different benthic communities of microbes and animals living in the different substrates. Factors which enhance the burial of organic carbon seem to have the same net effect of increasing reducing conditions in the sediments, however. Consideration of an even broader spectrum of sites does show that depositional conditions become more strongly reducing as surface-water productivity increases (Lynn and Bonatti, 1965; Lyle, 1983; Sawlan and Murray, 1983). Paleo-redox chances at Site H The depth to the Mn redox boundary at a given time can be hindcast from the measured organic carbon content using equation (2). The reconstructed paleo-redox profile for the stacked organic carbon record for the Site H gravity cores (Figure 11-4) is shown in Figure 11-7 . The inferred depth to the Mn redox boundary has ranged from 6 to 25 cm during four major cycles over the past 400 kyr. Generally, the depth to the Mn redox boundary has been shallower for the most recent 180 kyr than it was prior to this time. If the degradation of organic carbon continues below the top few cm, then the depths predicted by equation (2) are too large. Because the organic carbon values for the last 4 my at nearby DSDP Site 503 do not show any long-term decrease, however (Gardner, 1983), it appears that most organic carbon degradation does occur within the top few cm. Even if the absolute magnitude of the fluctuations is not pre- cisely correct, the trend with time shown in Figure 11-7 should be correct. 5 1:: mean 20 25 0 100 200 300 400 AGE (kyr) Figure 11-7. Variations in the depth to the Mn redox boundary at Site H over the past 400 kyr. 87 Variations in near-surface redox conditions may explain the absence of manganese nodules from certain areas within Site H. These areas, called "bare patches" (Figure 11-8), are small depressions in which the sediments contain more organic carbon than the surrounding nodule-covered areas (Figure 11-9; Walsh et al., 1981; Murphy, 1984). The organic carbon data indicate that these areas should be more reducing than the surrounding areas. Our redox modelling predicts that the Mn redox boundary is, and generally has been, significantly shallower in the bare patches than in typical nodule-bearing areas (Figure 11-10). Porewater measurements show that the bare patches currently have a surface-oxidized layer, but they may well have exported Mn in the recent past. If the primary Mn flux to the bare patches has been the same as the flux to the nodule-covered areas, the lower observed Mn inventory in the bare patch sediments (Walsh et el., 1981) supports the idea that such areas have lost Mn. We infer that conditions in the bare patches are too reducing for the formation and preservation of ferromanganese nodules. Downcore manganese variations Downcore solid-phase manganese distributions (Figure 11-4) can be used to test the hindcast redox variations (i.e., Figure 11-7). In areas where Mn remobilization occurs, some cores show solid-phase Mn distributions, such as multiple peaks, which are not consistent with the steady-state distribution predicted from porewater Mn pro- files (Froelich et al., 1979; Sawlan, 1982; Thompson et al., 1984). These non-steady-state distributions could reflect recent changes in I. . 't '.i '- .. . ,.... b%t1 '(,.,b . .. :.. .d , .. ! b i:.' .fT.1jI. 4j'i :it.1:; '.4?' . . 4..; I .'. ;'.' ,- iii . ;... j;' . r P1. .: 'p.. .. I ¶7i .,1I 1' .. *t,., :'. ;y. ':;l tfi4!4T. ;;; .. .t 1- ; :.* r':- "::c. . U0. iS = t'#.a ! :;': . F V ....,I rLJ' .... L S. % C-org 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 10 0 z I- 0 w 30 50 Figure 11-9. Organic carbon contents as a function of depth below the seafloor for a nodule-free bare patch (33BC) and a nodule-bearing area (37BC). 10 \ S.. 0 10 20 30 40 50 AGE (kyr) Figure 11-10. The predicted variation in depth to the Mn redox boundary for the two organic carbon records in Figure 11-9 over the past 50 kyr. 0 91 redox conditions caused by changing oceanographic conditions (Froelich et al. 1979). Because the distribution of solid-phase Mn responds much more slowly to changes in redox conditions than does porewater Mn, the solid-phase distribution has the potential to record past changes in redox conditions (Froelich et al., 1979). If the downcore Mn peaks result from changing redox conditions, then they must be of diagenetic origin, as is the near-surface peak discussed previously. Several other hypotheses could, however, explain the origin of the downcore peaks: (1) episodically increased Mn deposition from primary sources, such as hydrothermal systems or heniipelagic "leakage"; (2) increased abundance of authigenic, Mn- rich material due to a reduction in the rate of supply of diluent particles (Krishnaswami, 1976; Kadko, 1985); (3) trapping of Mn below ash layers (Lynn and Bonatti, 1965); or (4) episodic formation of authigenic Mn phases that resist reductive dissolution. Increased input from primary sources is not a likely explanation because the peaks are not time-synchronous from core to core (Figure 11-4). In addition, Fe increases do not accompany the Mn increases as would be expected for hydrothermal inputs. The sedi- ment record indicates that sedimentation has been very uniform; there is no indication that the sedimentation rate decreased markedly where Mn enrichments occur, as would be required if they were of authigenic origin. Ash layers are very dispersed in the sediment and cause only minor porosity decreases. In addition, most of the downcore Mn peaks are not located near ash layers, so such layers are not likely to be responsible for Mn peak formation. The 92 authigenic Mn mineral most likely to be formed downcore in these sediments is a Mn-carbonate (Pederson and Price, 1982), although the degree to which the sediments are saturated with respect to this phase is not known (Klinkhammer, 1980). Because, many of the peaks are found in sediments with essentially zero carbonate (Figure II- 4), however, it is unlikely that this phase occurs in any abundance in the top several meters of the sediment at Site H. The non-steady-state Mn distributions described by most workers are relatively young features found near core tops and thought to be unstable. The following model outlines a mechanism by which such Mn peaks can be trapped and preserved in the zone where Mn-Il is present in porewaters. A simple cartoon depicting the proposed mechanism is shown in Figure lI-li. The values used for the variables in Figures lI-ha and b span the range of those presently observed at Site H. At steady-state, Mn peaks are not buried below the redox boundary, regardless of the intensity of reducing conditions. The burial flux of Mn is equal to the input flux, and the concentration of buried Mn is constant (Figure II-lla,b). Thus, if the buried peaks originated front Mn remobilization, they could be preserved only through nonsteady-state processes. Two possible changes in redox conditions are shown in Figure II-llc,d. For simplicity, bioturbation is ignored. In the first case (C), the redox boundary shallows smoothly over a 20 kyr period. The rate of change of the carbon content is an index of the rate of change of the reducing conditions because, as previously discussed, 93 Steady State Input Flux Input Flux %Mn 5 5 0 10 E C-) IIa- w 20 I ii 1 0 A% Organic Carbon ure Il-Il. trapping. 1 B Cartoon showing the proposed mechanism of Mn peak A and B are two steady-state examples at different redox intensities. C and D represent non-steady-state changes from condition B to A and A to B, respectively. The mechanism is described in the text (solid lines - Mn, dashed lines - organic carbon, sedimentation rate - 0.65 cm/kyr). 94 %Mn B a-- A A 0 -- B 5 kyr E a I I- 0 w 3 0 1 C 0 % Organic Carbon Figure 11-il. . continued 1 D 95 the carbon content of the sediment controls the depth to the redox boundary. The organic carbon profile records the beginning of the change at the level where the carbon content first increases, and the profile continues to increase until a new steady-state condition is reached. As the Mn redox boundary migrates upward, a relict Mn peak will be left behind if it cannot be fully remobilized. Because the peak is moving relative to the Mn reduction zone, at the accelerated rate of redox zone migration, Mn reduction may be less intense than at steady-state when the redox zone migrates only at the sedimentation rate, and a higher concentration of Mn may survive and be buried. Once the Mn peak reaches the Mn equilibrium zone (the zone where Mn-Il concentrations in porewaters reach a constant level), further degradation can oniy occur if Mn-Il precipitation exactly balances Mn-Ill reduction. served. Even in this case the peak will be pre- The distance of the trapped peak below the break in organic carbon will be equal to the thickness of the Mn oxidation zone before the conditions changed. In the other case (Figure Il-lId), conditions change such that the redox boundary migrates to a deeper position relative to the sediment-water interface. Again, the sediments record the change, in this case by a decrease in the organic carbon content, with the slope of the carbon profile related to the rate at which the redox conditions changed. If the redox zone migrates downward at a rate equal to or greater than the sedimentation rate, then the preexisting Mn peak will be left in the oxidized zone until the redox conditions stabilize. Then the peak will travel into the Mn reduc- tion zone at the sedimentation rate, as it does at steady-state. If the reduction zone migrates at a rate slower than the sedimentation rate, the peak will move through the Mn reduction zone slower than at steady-state (at a rate given by the difference between the sedimentation rate and the redox migration rate). It seems unlikely that Mn peaks would be preserved in the long-term sedimentary record by redox changes of this type. This kind of change could, however, explain non-steady-state peaks found near or above the present redox boundary. From the preceding discussion, it is clear that the survival and burial of Mn peaks depends on how efficiently redox precesses within the sediments are able to erode the peaks before they reach the equilibrium zone. The efficiency of remobilization of Mn is related to the time it resides in the reduction zone, and the rate of reduction in the zone. Estimates of these variables can be used to establish whether our mechanism for trapping Mn peaks is feasible. The time a peak resides in the Mn reduction zone is related to its rate of advection relative to the zone. Under non- steady-state conditions, the rate is related to both the sedimen- tation rate and the rate of migration of the redox front. The mean rate of redox migration (W) can be calculated between samples at two different levels, zi and z2, with known organic carbon contents Cl and C2 from the relation in equation (2) The difference in oxidation zone thickness (dD) between the two samples is dD 12.12 (ln Cl - ln C2) (3) 97 The time interval is easily calculated knowing the sedimentation rate (S), and the equation for the redox migration rate becomes (ln Cl - ln C2) 12.12 r (4) (z2 - zl)/S For the hypothetical example in Figure Ilil Wr is 0.38 cm/kyr; a significant fraction of the average sedimentation rate of 0.70 cm/kyr at the site. Very little is known about the factors which govern the rate of Mn reduction in deep-sea sediments. If the reaction were purely inorganic, the rate could be modelled as a first-order process proportional to the content or surface area of Mn in the reduction zone (Burdige and Gieskes, 1983). It seems more likely, however, that the rate is influenced by microbially mediated reactions involving the breakdown of organic carbon (Froelich et al., 1979; Emerson et al., 1980; Klinkhammer, 1980). In this case, the Mn reduction rate could be modelled as a first-order process proportional to the flux of labile carbon into the Mn reduction zone. For the present dis- cussion, we assume that the rate of Mn reduction under various redox conditions can be estimated from the present day range in remobilization fluxes observed at the site. The concentration of Mn that is buried under various conditions can be estimated from a simple box model. The burial flux (Fb g/cm2 kyr) of Mn below the Mn reduction zone is equal to the flux of Mn into the top of the reduction zone (F) less the flux of Mn remobilized in the zone (F). -F r where F. in (5) (S+W ).D.Mn /100 r (6) p (Wr the relative migra- tion rate of the Mn redox boundary relative to the sediment-water interface, is 0 at steady-state) Fb = (S.D.M%)/l00 (7) (relative to the sedimentwater interface) Fr is estimated from solid and dissolved Mn profiles, D is the dry bulk density (g/cm3), S is the sedimentation rate (cm/kyr) and Mn is the concentration (wt % of dry sediment) of the Mn peak in the oxidation zone. Solving for Mnb, the peak burial concentration of Mn, yields: - 100 [((S+W).D.Mn/l0O) - FJ/S.D (8) The results (Table 11-4) indicate that the concentration of buried Mn is enhanced above the steady-state concentration during the period when the conditions rapidly change from less to more reducing, as in Figure Il-il, even though more Mn is reduced. Enhanced burial concentrations of Mn only occur during the non-steady-state event. For a period after returning to steady-state, the burial of Mn may be less than before because of a reduced surface Mn reserThe burial concentration of Mn decreases as conditions become less reducing. Within the limitations of the assumptions, the Table 11-4. Burial Concentrations of Manganese Under Changing Redox Conditions Calculated from the Box Model "CONDITION" Mn (%) Wr(cm/kyr) Fr (gMn/cm2/kyr) M% (%) Calculations for the example in Figure lI-li (at S - 0.65 cm/kyr and D - 0.30 g/cm3) Steady-state "A" 7.0 0 0.0117 1.0 Steady-state "B" 5.0 0 0.0078 1.0 Change from "B" to "A" (ex. "C") 5.0 + 0.38 0.0078-0.0117 3.9-1.9 Change from "A" to "B" (ex. "D") 7.0 - 0.38 0.0117-0.0078 0 Ranges in the variables measured at Site H 4.0-7.5 -0.63-+.63 0.003-0.008 (1) 0.4-2.5 0.006-0.012 (2) (1) Calculated from pore water profiles (Rlinkhanimer, 1980; Bender and Heggie, 1984) (2) Calculated from the near surface solid phase Mn distribution using the equation, Fr - (Mn - Mn.0).SD 100 mechanism of Mn peak trapping seems reasonable, and the observed ranges of the depositional and diagenetic variables measured at Site H indicate that the process has likely occured at this location. The sedimentary organic carbon and Mn data allow us to check the proposed mechanism of Mn peak trapping. Qualitatively, the mechanism predicts that a Mn peak will be trapped when the con- ditions become more reducing, that is, when the organic carbon content of the sediments increases. The redox boundary must migrate upward at a rate comparable to the sedimentation rate, and the conditions must continue until the peak is transported through the Mn reduction zone. Quantitatively, the migration rate is estimated from equation (4), and the peak is located a distance, given by equation (2), below the change in organic carbon content. The sedi- mentary Mn profiles match the predicted trends quite closely (Figure 11-12). Generally, Mn peaks of about the expected magnitude (Table 11-4), are located about 10-20 cm below the base of zones where the organic carbon content increases abruptly. Thus the downcore Mn distribution is compatible with and supports the predicted changes in reducing conditions at the site. Factors controlling the organic carbon variations Although the modelled redox variations are independent of the mechanism responsible for the influx of organic carbon, it is worth considering what processes might control the observed organic carbon variations at site H. The factors, some of which may be inter- related, that could govern sedimentary organic carbon variations include: (1) degradation; (2) sedimentation rate; (3) productivity 101 Figure 11-12. Manganese variations and the rate of change of organic carbon in the sediments (dC/dT, in wt % organic carbon per kyr multiplied by 100) vs depth in the Site H gravity cores. 0 HHIIII1 0 IItII 0' mwmuiii-' 105 of surface waters or organic carbon flux to the sea floor; (4) bioturbation; and (5) bottom-water oxygen content (Heath et al., 1977; Miller and Suess, 1979; Aller and Mackin, 1984; Emerson et al., 1985, Emerson, 1985). The modelling of Muller and Suess (1979) and Emerson (1985) suggest that the small variations in sedimentation rate observed at the site (less than a factor of two) cannot account for the organic carbon variations. Emerson (1985) showed that variations of less than a factor of two in the bioturbation rate presently observed at the site (Cochran, 1985) would not significantly effect the organic carbon content. Thus the factors that are most likely to be responsible for the organic carbon variations at Site H are changes in the flux of organic carbon to the sea floor and changes in bottom-water oxygen (Emerson, 1985). The flux of carbon to the sea floor has been shown to be related to productivity in the surface waters (Suess, 1980; Muller and Suess 1979; Honjo, 1982; Deuser, 1986). The model of Emerson (1985) suggests that the organic carbon flux to the sea floor must have varied by about a factor of two, with all other variables constant and simillar to those now found at Site H, to account for the observed variations in carbon content. Such productivity variations do not seem unreasonable over these time-scales, but the carbon variations could also be explained by variations of about 50 jiM/i (i.e., about 50%) in the oxygen content of bottom waters at the site (Emerson, 1985). The use of other paleo-.productivity indicators can help determine if the variations are due primarily to productivity or to bottom water oxygen changes. 106 Opal has been used as another index of productivity (Pisias, 1976; Schrannn, 1983). Its preservation in sediments is not directly affected by bottom water oxygen. The strong downcore correspondence between opal and organic carbon (Figure 11.4) implies that surface productivity has controlled the preservation of these components, unless bottom waters at the site became depleted in oxygen and less corrosive to opal at the same time, a possibility that modern bottom water characteristics cannot rule out. The present-day distri- butions of opal and organic carbon in Pacific sediments (Johnson, 1976; Leinen et al., 1986; Prezumic et al., 1982) correlate well with the surface water productivity, suggesting that productivity controls the first order variations in these components. In addition, other studies have shown that productivity variations have occurred in this region over the the past few glacial cycles (Pederson, 1983; Aclelseck and Anderson, 1978; Rea et al., 1986). The surface water circulation near the site (Wyrtki, 1965) is complex and has strong yearly cycles. The site lies near the boundary of the North Equatorial Counter-Current (NECC) and the Costa Rica Dome. The waters of the eastward flowing NECC are rela- tively nutrient depleted, so support low primary productivity. In contrast, the Costa Rica Dome is a site of seasonal upwelling, so the surface waters support much higher productivity. Consequently, the integrated annual primary productivity at any location in the region is very dependent on its location relative to the components of the circulation system (Owen and Zeitzchel, 1970). Climate- 107 induced shifts in the currents could, therefore, produce significant variations in the annual primary productivity at a particular site. The organic carbon to opal ratio does not decrease systematically with age, as would be expected if organic carbon degradation continued below the surficial sediments. 108 CONCLUS IONS The depth profiles of both organic carbon and manganese in the sediments at MANOP Site H suggest that redox conditions have varied during the last 400 kyr. Data from Site H and other locations in the equatorial Pacific with similiar (within a factor of two) sedi- mentation rates, bioturbation rates and productivities, form the basis for an empirical relation to predict the thickness of the zone that is oxidizing with respect to Mn from downcore organic carbon values. The relation suggests that the thickness of this zone over the past 400 kyr has varied from 5 to 25 cm in typical Site H cores. The redox variations at the site have a period of roughly 100 kyr over this time interval. Such variations could markedly change the early diagenetic cycling of redox-sensitive metals over these timescales. In addition, such redox variations may control the accre- tion of the fast-growing Mn-rich nodules at Site H. In the extreme case, in slight depressions known as bare patches, the accumulation of more organic carbon than over the rest of the site appears to have made the sediment too reducing for Mn nodules to form. Changes in redox conditions can result in downcore variations in solid phase Mn. A simple mechanism by which solid phase Mn is trapped and buried, as conditions rapidly become more reducing, is compatible with the organic carbon and Mn records at Site H, and supports the reconstructed variations in redox conditions. The observed variations in organic carbon content could have resulted from fluctuations in the oxygen content of bottom water, or from changes in the flux of organic carbon to the sea floor. Concurrent 109 variations of the organic carbon and opal contents of sediment cores suggest that productivity variations in the surface waters exerted the major control of the redox variations. 110 CHAPTER III COMMON GROWTH HISTORIES IN MANGANESE NODULES FROM MANOP SITE H (EASTERN EQUATORIAL PACIFIC): CONTROL OF NODULE ACCRETION BY SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES 111 ABSTRACT Chemical, mineralogical and textural transects through five manganese nodules from MANOP Site H (6°30 N, 92°40 W) show similiar property variations with depth. The variations in chemical data are best explained by changes in the accretionary processes which form the nodules. Growth rate determinations indicate that chemical variations can be correlated between the nodules. The nodules show that a major change in growth and composition occurred 160 kyr ago. Since that time the nodules have been growing at average rates in excess of 150 inni/my and have compositions highly enriched in Mn (indicating accretion by suboxic diagenesis). Processes associated with oxic diagenesis were more important in controlling nodule growth before that time, resulting in average growthrates of less than 50 mm/my and compositions enriched in Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Si and Al. Data from cores taken at Site H show that significant variations in the intensity of Mn-reducing conditions in surface sediments have occurred during the past 400 kyr. The change in the mode of accretion of the nodules is consistent, within the uncertainties of the growth rate and sedimentation rate estimates, with an intensification of reducing conditions at about 180 kyr ago. The size of a nodule may play a role in its growth history at the site. Small nodules, which do not extend as far into the sedi- ment and are disturbed more often by benthic organisms, are influenced less by suboxic processes. The mineralogy of the nodules is dominated by two 10 A phases. An unstable phase which collapses to 7 A upon dehydration forms 112 initially under suboxic accretion conditions. This phase stabilizes with time and may diagenetically transform into todorokite. A stable todorokite forms under oxic diagenetic conditions, and the crystallinity of this phase increases with age. Aging is a closed system process, at least for the elements studied. The accretionary mode may control the initial mineral form, but cannot account for the observed diagenesis of the minerals. The large flux of Mn and Ni into nodule bottoms during suboxic accretion can be accounted for by fluxes from the sediment porewaters. Porewater profiles show that these metals are extensively reniobilized at relatively shallow depths and can diffuse upward. fluxes to the nodules are consistent with supply from both nearsurface reactions arid deeper release associated with the reduction of Mn. The fluxes of Fe and Co to both the tops and bottoms of these nodules have been fairly constant during the last 500 kyr. Cu 113 INTRODUCTION The manganese nodules at MANOP Site H (6°33'N, 92°49'W) occupy an extreme position in the spectrum of ferromanganese concretions found in the deep ocean with regard to chemical compositions, growth rates and accretionary mechanisms. The Mn/Fe ratio of Site H nodules ranges up to 85, much greater than the typical values of 1-5 found in most deep-sea nodules. They are also strongly depleted in minor elements such as Cu, Co, Ti and Th relative to typical nodules. In addition, the average growth rates range from 20-200 imn/my, much faster than the growth rate range of 1-10 mm/my found in most deep-sea nodules. Only in the Peru Basin of the South Pacific have comparable nodules been described (Reyss et al., 1982, 1985). The extreme chemical compositions and growth rates of Site H nodules are a consequence of the mechanisms by which they accrete. In most areas where nodules form, the underlying sediments are oxidized to great depths. Measurements of dissolved Mn and Ni in porewaters at these sites show that the diffusive flux from porewaters cannot supply these elements at the rate in which they are incorporated into nodules (Klinkhaxnmer et al., 1982). The com- position of these nodules results from contributions primarily from two accretionary mechanisms, hydrogenous supply from seawater and oxic diagenesis in sediments (Dymonci et al., 1984). the sediments at Site H are much more reducing. In contrast, Porewater studies have shown extensive remobilization of Mn and Ni near the sedimentwater interface (Klinkhammer, 1980). This remobilization fraction- ates Mn from most other elements and results in a large flux of Mn 114 into surface sediments and nodules. This process, which is termed suboxic diagenesis, results in the Mn enrichments and fast growth rates found in Site H nodules (Dymond et al., 1984). Recent work on Site H nodules has shown that their chemical compositions and growth rates can best be explained by non-steadystate accretion (Dymond et al., 1984; Finney et al., 1984). These studies concluded that nodule accretion at the site is largely controlled by diagenetic processes within the sediment. Therefore, variations in the flux of biogenic material or metal-rich detritus across the site or with time which would change the supply of essential metals and the relative contributions of the accretionary pro- cesses, could explain non-steady-state growth and variations in nodule chemistry. More specifically, non-steady-state growth was largely attributed to variations in the contribution from suboxic diagenesis, implying that accretion by this process is intermittent. Because suboxic diagenesis is driven by the flux of organic carbon into the sediments (Froelich et al., 1979), variations in the flux of organic carbon to the seafloor could produce the observed variations in nodule accretion. This report is part of a study designed to examine the processes which control the history of accretion and composition of Site H nodules and the relation of these processes to the associated sedimentary environment, through coordinated studies of nodule growth histories and the history of sedimentation at the site (Finney et al., l986a). Because of the fast growth rates of these nodules, they can easily be sampled on time scales fine enough to 115 allow comparison to changes in sedimentation at the site and to variations in climate and oceanic circulation during the Quaternary. The basic premise of this work is that nodules respond in a consistent way to the environment in which they form. Therefore, variations in the chemical composition of nodules with time that are of primary depositional origin should be related to variations in the sedimentary environment and should be recorded in the sediment column. Singular events, such as the burial or turnover of a nodule could, however, significantly perturb the expected profiles of chemical variations. 116 SETTING Site H (Figure Ill-i) is centered at 6°33'N, 92°49'W in the Guatemala Basin where the water depth averages 3600 m. The sedi- ments are Mn-rich, siliceous, calcareous clays which accumulate at average rates of 0.66 cm/kyr (Kadko and Heath, 1984). Sediments at the site are suboxjc; reduced Mn is found at about 10 cm depth, but reduced Fe is not detected in porewaters (Klinkhammer, 1980). Site IS currently at or below the CCD; less than 1% CaCO3. The surface sediments contain Downcore variations in the abundance of CaCO3 reflect late Cenozoic climate changes. Productivity in the surface waters is high and has a strong seasonal cycle (Fischer, 1983). Manganese nodules are abundant over most of the site except for a few scattered nodule-fee patches which range in size from about 100 in to 1 km. cm. Nodule diameters average about 4 cm but range up to 20 Spheres and flat "hamburgers" are the most coimnom shapes. 40°N 20 S C 160° N Figure 111-i. 140 120 100 Locations of the Manganese Nodule Project (MANOP) Sites. -4 118 SAMPLING AND METHODS The manganese nodules used in this study were collected during the Vulcan I cruise aboard the R/V Melville in September 1980. The nodules were hand selected from box cores (Figure 111-2) and the orientation of each at the time of collection was carefully noted. After being described briefly, the nodules were stored under moist, dark and refrigerated conditions. Nodules were cut in half, normal to the plane of the sediment-water interface at the time of recovery, using a slow speed bandsaw. Layers were sampled in tran- sects from bottom to top using a stainless steel spatula. In most cases, layers on the order of 1 mm could be easily pried from the nodule but some layers were sampled by scraping. The thicknesses of the sampled layers were measured by calipers and checked by measurements of the change in nodule diameter. For some samples, the thicknesses were estimated from the weights of samples scraped from measured surface areas. Because the thickness of some layers varies over short distances, the estimated error of individual layer thickness can be as much as 20%. Such errors are not systematic, how- ever, because the sums of layer thicknesses in complete transects agree well with measured nodule diameters. The samples were ground to a fine powder in an agate mortar and pestle and oven dried at 110°C to constant weight. Atomic absorb- tion spectrometry (AA) was used to measure Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Si, Al and Co using the procedures described in Robbins et al. (1984). The accuracy of these determinations, determined by analysis of U.S.G.S. manganese nodule standards A-i and P-1, is within 5%. U 119 SITE H 6°36 ( 37 6°34' r 66 3575 150 6°32' 351 6°30' . Figure 111-2. .J '.J I L. ? ' -r Bathynietry of Site H and locations of the cores discussed in this report. 120 and Th isotope determinations basically follow the procedure of Ku (1966). Briefly, 0.1 to 0.3 g of sample is dissolved in a mixture of HF and HNO3 to which a U-232, Th-228 spike has been added. The sample is passed through anion exchange columns to separate the U and Th isotopes which are then extracted using TTA and plated on stainless steel discs. The U and Th isotopes are counted using a silicon surface barrier detector alpha spectrometer with a multichannel analyzer. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis were conducted on splits of samples to which 10% by weight of internal standard boehmite was added. One hour time averaging runs on a Scintag PAD V diffractometer were used to determine peak areas. The ratios of peak areas of minerals to an internal standard is used as a quantitative measure of the abundance of the manganese minerals. Dupli- cate analysis indicates a precision of 10-15% for such determinations. 121 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Physical and Textural Proierties Cross-sectional views of the Site H nodules under reflected light (Figure 111-3) reveal several interesting features. The nodules consist chiefly of two textural types; smooth, hard layers and rough, less dense, friable layers. The rough layers have Mn/Fe ratios that range from 4 to 50 and always have lower Mn/Fe ratios than the intervening smooth layers that have Mn/Fe ratios from 40 to 85. Thus the smooth layers record accretion controlled by suboxic diagenesis, whereas the rough layers represent more oxic diagenetic control (Dymond et al, 1984). The smooth layers are concentrated on the bottom sides of the nodules, as expected from their chemical compositions and inferred mode of accretion (Dymond et al., 1984). These textural patterns are opposite to those reported for most pelagic nodules (Raab, 1972; Halbach et al., 1975). Most layers are continuous across the bottom of a nodule, but are not fully concentric. As the layers are traced toward the top of a nodule they thin and curve upward, and eventually are truncated by growth from the top. The curvature of the layers shows that the bottom of each nodule is much thicker than its top; the bottom layers account for about 75% of the volume of these nodules. This proportion reinforces the conclusion that growth from below depends on a sedimentary source for the key metals and is much faster than growth from above. Thickness variations are greatest for layers in nodules with a highly lobate structure (nodule 52BC, Figure 111-3) and show that the variations produce the lobes. In all cases, the U I.. U '1 4OBC Figure 111-3. 48BC 5OBC 52BC Photographs of sections through the nodules studied. t'.) 123 core of a nodule is dominantly layered oxyhydroxide material which appears to be conformable with the surrounding layers. The pattern of textures through all four nodules is similiar. Alternating smooth and rough layers make up the lowest 25 mm or so of the nodule bottom but grade inward to rough layers which make up the remainder of the nodule bottom and top. textured intervals in the nodule bottoms. There are three smooth The outermost layer is smooth, as are layers at 5-10 mm and 15-25 mm from the nodule bottoms. These layers have distinctive chemical compositions which are discussed in the next section. Chemical Conmosition The analytical data for the individual layers within the nodules (Table 111-1 and Figure 111-4) show the interelement correlations discussed by Dymond et al. (1984) and Finney et al. (1984). The sampling of smaller discrete units in this study, however, allowed more extreme end member samples to be identified. Overall, the nodules show stronger Mn enrichments and lower minor element contents than typical slowly growing pelagic nodules. The abun- dances of most elements can be explained largely by varying contributions from two accretionary processes, which Dymond et al. (1984) have termed oxic and suboxic diagenesis. Oxic diagenesis includes several processes that enrich transition metals in components of sediments that are oxidized. These include: reaction of opal and Fe-Mn oxides to form nontronite and Mn oxyhydroxides (Heath and Dymond, 1977; Lyle et al., 1977; Rein et al., 1979), transfer of sorbed metals from sedimentary particles to nodules through U- - Chemical Composition (AA data) for Site H nodules. Table 111-1. Vulcan 4OBC SAMPLE$ DEPTHmm Mr/. Fe) 4001 0.0- 1.3 42.3 063 40. 02 2. 8 40. 04 40. 05 40. 06 3. 1 4. 4 6. 7 - 43. 42. 43. 43. 40. 0. 84 40.03 1. 3 2. 8 - 40.07 40.08 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40, 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 3. 1 4. 4 6. 7 8. 0 9.0 - 8.8 9.8 - 11.2 11. 2 - 12.0 12. 13. 15. 15. 19. 20. 21. 22, 0 8 4 6 4 6 0 9 - 13. 8 15. 4 15. 6 19.4 20. 21. 22. 24. 6 0 9 8 4 6 9 8 1 41.6 46.3 41. 44. 44. 43. 46. 45. 43. 45. 36. 9 5 2 1 6 6 4 0 7 1.00 0. 65 0. 57 1. 38 1,33 O. 1. 22 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3. 68 65 76 56 68 98 72 95 40.18 24.8 - 26.9 42.5 40. 19 40. 20 28. 7 30. 5 40. 1 1. 71 34. 6 32.8 38.8 40. 22 40. 23 40. 24 26. 28. 30. 32. 35. 36. 35. 1 36. 8 40. 3 40.25 40.26 9 7 5 8 1 9 - 1.11 CPPPI 37 36 30 26 19 21 21 44 30 29 27 33 27 27 29 48 177 56 69 34. 2 36. 0 38. 9 4. 2. 2. 2. 2. 84 88 98 51 76 252 138 90 40.3 - 44.3 44.3 - 30. I 35.4 31.0 5.06 6.04 40. 27 40. 28 0, I - 32. 7 32. 7 - 55. 2 36. 7 31. 7 3. 9â 6. 58 40.29 35.2 29.5 741 316 400 250 392 425 40.21 57.1 77 126 NiPPM 4500 2900 3000 3000 2200 2800 4800 3600 2900 3000 2200 2200 2000 2100 2800 2800 5700 4000 4700 8500 6700 7800 7000 8500 8100 8900 6300 9900 10540 CPPM 1100 800 500 700 900 1000 900 900 600 700 800 400 500 900 900 1400 2000 2300 3500 3800 4300 5100 4000 5100 6000 6700 6800 6400 5600 ZnPPM 1400 700 600 800 BOO 900 700 1200 900 1000 1000 700 800 1000 900 1000 1300 1600 1700 1800 2100 SiX 1.64 2. 13 A1% 0.81 1. 68 1. 86 3. 13 1. 1. 0. 1, 1. 2.61 1.24 0.65 2.39 2. 30 1. 1. 1. 1. 49 13 44 11 12 15 90 08 80 1.28 1. 16 0. 77 0.75 2. 98 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 1. 1.41 0.85 2. 30 1. 50 1. 89 1.30 1. 83 1. 09 3.70 2.94 68 59 75 03 69 50 1. 61 2300 2400 2500 2100 3. 86 4. 19 2. 59 3.86 1.83 1800 1700 5.31 2.70 3. 25 4. 24 1. 70 2, 10 4.73 2.31 2000 2000 2. 96 2. 25 1. 83 I-.' Table 111-1. . . corttinued Vulcan 48BC CoPPM 48.01 48.02 0.00.5 - 1.0 44.3 FeZ 0.59 0.57 48. 03 1. 8 - 2. 0 41. 4 1. 13 62 48.04 48.05 48.06 2.0 2.6 4.2 - 2.8 4.2 6.0 44.7 40.8 43.8 0.62 0.95 0.67 56 47 52 48. 07 6. 0 8. 1 - 9. 40. 2 46. 2 1. 30 36 49 25 36 36 30 35 DEPTHmm SAHPLE 48.08 48.09 48.10 48. 11 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 48. 12 13 14 15 16 17 9.8 11.0 12.4 13.6 14.8 14. 8 - 15.? 9.8 11.0 12.4 13.6 14. 15. 18. 19. 8 9 1 9 0. 56 43.6 42.0 42.4 43.8 0.68 15. 9 18. 1 43. 8 42. 5 45. 4 0. 71 0. 81 0. 66 19.9 44.4 0.70 20. 8 40. 4 0, 94 - tln% 43. 110 1. 13 0. 74 35 44 42 25 25 27 32 39 48.18 20.8 - 21.3 40.7 1.07 48. 1? 48. 20 48. 21 21. 3 - 23. 9 23. 9 - 25.9 25. 9 - 27. 9 40. 7 35. 2 35. 1 0. 97 4. 13 3. 47 151 2.48 131 253 206 48.22 27.9-30.0 38.2 48. 23 30. 0 - 32. 2 33. 8 4. 81 48.24 32.2 - 35.3 35.8 3.23 153 NPP(1 4000 b000 5200 5100 4200 4600 5600 5800 3500 4200 4700 4200 3800 5300 3500 3200 3400 3900 3700 7000 8400 6500 8800 10200 CuPPM 1100 1100 800 1100 1100 1400 1400 1000 1100 1100 1000 1100 1000 1400 1000 1200 1400 1200 2100 2900 4900 5300 5900 7500 ZnPPM 2200 1400 1000 1400 1100 1400 1500 1800 1300 1300 1200 1300 1300 1500 1500 1500 1600 1400 1700 1600 2200 2300 2300 2300 3.70 1.60 AiX 0.72 0.75 2. 65 1. 26 1.81 0.92 1.43 3.65 2.45 1.21 1. 45 1. 69 0. 71 1.39 2.34 0.60 1.20 2. 14 1.01 1.62 I. 56 1. 73 1. 30 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.63 0.87 2. 04 1. 16 2.46 1.33 1. 72 1. 09 2. 17 2. 19 3. 65 4.33 4. 38 90 81 94 76 2.57 1.44 3. 81 2. 00 2.88 1.95 J1 UUUUUUUUUIIUI,U JJUIUjUpj3 OOOOOOOø < H PP-P9?pppppppp000000, 000O0OOOO. r J J M ' .- '-.- U' U U0UOuo,.00 4 . o 0 0 . O U PJ 0 P..) IIIIItI(II$Il),r IlIIuIlIIIIIiI I '-4 U 0 .-' U U 0 U *0 P4 00 uUU0-.oao'U*pJ-0 UU.***UUPJPJPJ---.U P4 UQsJ 0' * U U 0- IU '100' U P4 U * 0' UUUUUWUU P.1 0 0 0- U P4 0 0 0 '0 W b .-. 0 U 0 U '-4 - 0 -' * - U UI P4 0 - 0-U * -O 0 U U '4'-4 * P4 0 . ** '-JUO. 0Q00r00rpp I' I .D .00- ' Pp999pop 0- '4 0 .D '4 * P.1 . '4 - CI 0' 0' O P4 '1 U '-4 CI '0 CI .0 * U 114 '4 .0 * 0 0' '4 U0 0' U ." 0' -0 U CI 0' 127 Figure 111-4. Al and Si. The strong negative correlations of Mn to Fe, Ni, Cu, Box - Nodule 4OBC, triangle - Nodule 48BC, star Nodule 5OBC and cross - Nodule S2BC. * * 11* 0 t çe(° * 129 Mn v.s. Ni 48 A 46 £ £ DA rn 44 0 0 42 ADA a ;40 A 0 £AAAA A 0 A 0A 0 A '38 A 00 36 0 0 0 A A 34 A 32 0 0 30 I ,. 'J'J'J '*'Juu b000 Nt (ppm) Figure 111-4. . .continued 8000 0 10000 130 Mn v.s. Cu 48 46 44 42 A W A A ;40 0 A ''38 C 0 0 36 0 A A 34 A 32 0 0 30 I I 4000 Cu (ppm) 11-4. . .con.tlnued I 0 6000 131 Mn v.s. Al 48 46 AA 44 AIW 42 AA ;40 LA 0 A 38 00 A 0 0 34 A 32 0 0 30 I 1.0 I I 1.5 2.0 AI(%) [1-4.. .continued 0 2.5 3.0 132 Mn v.s. Si 48 A 46 t; 44 0A 0 0 A0 D0A 42 A ;40 A A 00 0 A A A C 00 36 A 0 0 0; 34 32 0 30 0 0 1 3 2 si(%) Figure 111-4. . .coatinued 4 133 bioturbation (Lyle et al., 1984), and local micro-reduction in oxic sediments (Kaihorn and Emerson, 1984). Suboxic diagenesis is thought to supply Mn to nodules through reduction of Mn-IV to Mn-Il by oxidation of organic carbon in sediments and subsequent diffusion of the dissolved reduced Mn to nodules (Froelich et al., 1977; Klinkhammer, 1980). Because the reduced Mn is oxidatively pre- cipitated from solution soon after it reaches the oxidized zone, this process can only be important where sediments become reducing just below the growing nodules. Because of the fast growth rates of Site H nodules (Huh and Ku, 1984; Finney et al., 1984), the slow supply of hydrogenous material directly from seawater is not an important source of most elements to these nodules. Because suboxic diagenesis enriches nodules only in Mn, U, Na and Sb relative to oxic diagenesis, variable mixtures of oxic and suboxic components yield negative correlations between Mn and most other elements such as Cu and Ni (Figure 111-4). In contrast, mix- tures of oxic and hydrogenous components result in the positive correlations between Mn and Cu and Ni observed in typical pelagic Chemical variations with depth The cross-sectional compositional profiles of the nodules studied are similar. The gross pattern is characterized by very high Mn/Fe ratios (30-85) over the outermost 21-29 mm of the nodule bottoms, followed by a sharp decrease to relatively low Mn/Fe ratios (4-15) with smaller overall compositional variations through the remainder of the bottom, core and top (Figure 111-5). Mn/Fe ratios Bottom + 8C 4' 5OBC 8( 52BC 41 Mn/Fe 8 4 48BC 8 4OBC 4 0 20 40 60 Distance above nodule bottom (mm) Figure 111-5. (n/Fe ratio vs distance above nodule bottom for the four Site FL nodules studied. 135 vary significantly within the high Mn/Fe zone. These fine scale variations appear similiar from nodule to nodule. Four intervals of Mn/Fe enrichment, separated by significantly lower Mn/Fe ratios, can be identified in the bottom zone (Figure 111-5). Sharp Mn/Fe maxima are located within the bottom 1-2 mm and at depths of about 5 and 10 mm. A broad region with high Mn/Fe ratios is centered at 15-20 nun from the bottom. The only major deviation from this pattern is in nodule Vulcan 5OBC which contains only three maxima. The distributions of the other elements follow the Mn/Fe variations closely. The Mn/Fe rich intervals are depleted in Fe, Cu, Ni, Zn, Si, Al and Co relative to the rest of the nodules (Figure III6). Generally, these elements are least abundant in the zones with the highest Mn/Fe ratios. Uranium Series Distribution and Growth Rates U and Th isotopes were measured in the bottom layers of two nodules to constrain their growth rates and determine whether the chemical variations are time syncronous. Previous U-series work on Site H nodules (Huh and Ku, 1984, Finney et al., 1984) has shown unusual nuclide behavior due to suboxic accretion and fast growth. U is one of the few measured elements whose abundance is positively correlated with Mn. lated with Mn. In contrast, Th is strongly negatively corre- The suboxic Mn-U rich component grows at rates much faster than the oxic component which is relatively enriched in Th (Finney et al., 1984). Thus the Th isotope variations, which are used to determine growth rates, reflect not only radioactive growth and decay but also the relative abundances of the U- and Th-bearing 136 -9 Mn/Cu 6 3 2 Mn/Ni1 'J. 8 Mn/Fe 4 0 Figure 111-6. Nodule 4OBC. 20 Distance above nodule bottom 40 Mn/Ni, Mn/Fe and Mn/Cu vs distance from the bottom of 137 components. Therefore, the raw U arid Th data must be modeled in conjunction with the stable-element abundances in order to assess the rates of input from the two sources. The U-series data (Table 111-2) show the same general pattern of isotope abundance with depth for both nodules. To convert these data to growth rates, we used the model of Finriey et al. (1984) which was designed for such nodules. This model can treat varia- tions in U and Th abundances due to both chemical compositions and radioactive growth and decay. Samples for U-series determinations were picked from the two nodules on the basis of similiar chemical compositions and "stratigraphic" positions. Because the samples are very similiar chemically (the concentrations of most elements vary by less than 10% betweem samples, see Table 111-1), a correction for variable dilution of Th is not required. This simplifies inter- pretation of the raw data and eliminates one source of error in correcting the U-series data. Because of the fast growth rates expected for these nodules, the determination of 230The dent on the age of the sample. ex 230Th sup - 230Th - 234U is depen- This can be expressed as: tot (x) - 23°Th sup (1 - exp (-Xx/g)) (1) (2) where x is depth in the nodule, g is the growth rate, and A is the decay constant of 230Th. Assuming that the U and Th isotopes are Immobile and the ratio of initial 230Th to its supplying phase is 138 Table 111-2. Sample U-series Data for Site H Nodules depth (mm) U A.R. 234U 23°Th (dpm/g) (dpni/g) Nodule Vulcan 40 BC Bi #1 40 Bi #2 40 0-1.30 mean B5 #1 40 B5 #2 40 4.4-6.6 mean * 40 B8 #1 40 B8 #3 mean * 40 B13 #1 12.0-13.75 15.6-19.4 40 B13 #2 mean * 40 B16 .86 .33 .40 .51 .34 .81 1.22±.09 1.16±.04 1.18±.12 1.26±.07 8.75-11.2 40 B8 #2 40 BlO 16.46± 15.90± 15.98± 7.69± 8.84± 8.35± 21.0-22.9 8.90±.52 8.10±.20 8.22±.56 7.25±.25 8.40±.82 5.99± .17 6.03± .16 6.01± .03 3.08± .11 7.50± .80 8.29± .66 7.90± .56 7.65± .30 1.26±.07 1.37±.23 .99±.05 7.54±.18 7.65±.61 5.61±.20 7.69±.19 7.08±.22 7.38±.43 7.64±.32 13.89±1.32 6.15± .12 7.29± .57 6.20±1.0 1.69±.26 1.13±.03 1.15±.13 1.16±.30 7.61±.19 6.18±.22 6.79±.34 6.96±.20 1.16±.05 1.22±.05 l.17±.14 Nodule Vulcan 48 BC 48 B2 48 B6 48 B8 48 B15 0.5-1.8 4.2-6.0 8.1-9.8 15.9-18.0 1 S.D. counting error unless noted * error based on duplicate analysis 139 constant 'with time, the growth rate can be determined iteratively by obtaining the best fit to the data (Reyss et al., 1982; Huh and Ku, 1984). To provide an initial estimate for g in the above model, the range of possible values of 230Thex was calculated for each sample and plotted vs depth. sup The maximum 230 Th values are obtained when 0 (i.e., the measured value) and the minimum values are obtained when 230Th (i.e., sup 23O.. ex - 230Th 23411). The tot lines with the minimum and maximum slopes that encompass the ranges of all the data points then define the limits of possible growth rates. The range in possible growth rates is similiar for both nodules (100-280 mm/my for 4OBC and 100-220 mm/my for 48BC) and is consistent with previous results for nodules with similiar chemical compositions (Finney et al., 1984; Reyss et al., 1982, 1985). The best-fit growth rates using the model are 168±25 mm/my and 150±28 mm/my for the bottoms of 4OBC and 48BC, respectively (Figure 111-7). These values assume constant growth rates, even though previous studies and the variations in composition over the intervals dated indicate that such constancy is unlikely. The sampling scheme does not support growth rate determinations on a finer scale, however. Crowth rates for intervals without radiometric data and with Mn/Fe ratios less than 15 were estimated using equation 3 (Lyle, 1982). G - 16 (Mn/Fe2) .448 (3) 140 Figure 111-7. 230 Th vs depth into the nodule bottom. cx used is described in the text. is 168±25 mm/my. mm/my. The method (a) Nodule 48BC (the growth rate (b) Nodule 48ZC (the growth rate is 150±28 6 6 0 C K K 0 4 0 C,) C," I- I 2 a 2 I I 10 DEPTH (mm) Figure 111.7 20 U 10 20 DEPTH (mm) I-, 142 This relation, which predicts growth rates from the Mn and Fe contents, has been shown to yield results that are consistent with U-series determinations for growth rates up to about 50 mm/my, including rates for Site H nodules (Finney et al., 1984; and, using a similiar equation, Huh and Ku, 1984). The predicted growth rates for most of the layers where the model was applied to the Site H nodules is less than 50 mm/my, suggesting that the estimates are reasonable. The sharp break in the Mn/Fe ratio in the bottom of nodules 5OBC and 52BC was correlated to the equivalent break in the Mn/Fe profiles of the radiometrically dated bottoms of 4OBC and 48BC (Figure 111-5) to estimate the average growth rates of the high Mn/Fe zones of the bottoms of the undated nodules. Fluxes of elements into nodules The growth rate and chemical data allow us to calculate fluxes of elements into the nodules. Fluxes of Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Ni, Si and into the tops and bottoms at various time intervals are shown in Table 111-3. The fluxes are consistent with the proposed modes of accretion and the pore water fluxes of elements at the site (Klinkhanuner, 1980). The fluxes of Ni and Mn to nodule bottoms during the last 160 kyr, have been much higher than at other times, consistent with accretion controlled by suboxic diagenesis. The fluxes calculated from the present day porewater gradients suggest that these elements follow each other closely and could be supplied from this source (Klinkhammer, 1980). The present day porewater 143 Table 111-3. Source Fluxes of Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Co, Si and 230Th in ex nodules and sediments at Site H Location Time Interval Mn Fe Ni Cu Co Si 230 Th (kyr) Nodules 4OBC Bottom 0-160 10,0 .20 6.7 1.8 7.8 .42 .18 48BC Bottom 0-160 8.7 .16 8.9 2.4 7.8 .41 .14 5OBC Bottom 0-160 8.8 .17 52BC 0-160 8,7 .18 37BC Bottom Bottoma 12.1 .20 13.4 3.1 16.2 .44 .27 4OBC Bottom 160-545 2.0 .19 4.3 2.6 9.3 .20 48BC Bottom 160-430 2.0 .21 4.7 3.0 10.2 .21 4OBC Top 0-200 0.3 .09 1.3 0.7 5.2 .06 5OBC Top 0-140 1.0 .14 37BC TOPa 0-250 2.7 .23 5.8 3.6 10.0 .28 .30 Site H Pore water datab 3-8 0 Guatemala Basin hemipelagic sediment porewater fluxesc 2-33 0 Site H ave. Burial Fluxd 3.5 60 9 0-40 Sediments 8 11 10-57 17-46 12 12 12 10 Mn, Fe and Si in mg/cm2/kyr, Ni and Cu x 100, Co x 10000 230 Th in dpm/cm2/kyr (9.5 is the theoretical production flux of . . from the overlying water at Site H) aF et al. (1984) bKlinkhanlmer (1980), Bender and Heggie (1984) Sawlan and Murray (1983) dFi et al. (1986a), Kadko and Heath (1984) 144 fluxes are on the same order as the suboxic fluxes to nodules, and they may have been greater in the recent past when reducing con ditions were more intense (Finney et al., 1986a). The flux calculations for Cu show that the fluxes to nodule tops are comparable with those to the suboxic bottoms. This is consistent with the porewater profiles of dissolved Cu, which differ from those of Mn and Ni. The flux of Cu is not only related to the reduction of Mn at depth, but Cu is also released in near surface sediments, presumably from reactions involving the breakdown of organic matter (Klinkhammer, 1980; Fischer et al., 1986). The near- surface flux is sufficient to account for Cu fluxes to the nodule tops. The remobilization of Cu at depth in the sediments is much weaker than the remobilization of Ni. This difference results in the fractionation of Ni from Cu in nodule bottoms. Ni to Cu ratios in suboxic samples range from 2 to 8, whereas this ratio in oxic samples ranges from 1 to 2 (Dymond et al., 1984). In contrast, Fe and Co fluxes vary little between tops and bottoms or between layers of different ages. The flux data suggest that Fe, Co and 230Th are not supplied through suboxic diagenesis. This is consistent with the porewater measurements which show no detectable Fe in solution at Site H (Klinkhammer, 1980). Because Fe is fractionated from Mn through both oxic and suboxic processes and because Fe and Co are strongly correlated, both may be supplied to nodules at a constant rate (Halbach et al., 1983) by hydrogenous processes. Our data suggest that this source has supplied these 145 elements to both tops and bottoms at a fairly constant rate over the past 500 kyr. Mineralogy Characteristics and identification of minerals Previous X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies of the mineralogy of Site H nodules (Dymond et al., 1984) have shown the dominance of two separate 10 A phases with different properties. One form is more abundant in the relatively Ni- and Cu-rich nodule tops where oxic diagenesis is the dominant accretionary mechanism. This is a stable 10 A phase which does not collapse from 10 A to 7 A upon dehydration. The other phase, found in the Mn-rich nodule bottoms that accreted under conditions of suboxic diagenesis, is unstable when dried. Its main basal spacing collapses from 10 A to 7 A when samples are heated and dried in the laboratory (Figure 111-8). The amount of crystalline material in both phases, judged by relative peak areas, is greater than that of the more Ni- and Cu-rich todorokites of the equatorial Pacific (Piper et al., 1984; Dyniond et al., 1984). The variations in chemical composition found in Site H nodules support the XRD findings, and also indicate that the nodules are comprised primarily of two end member phases. The abundance of most elements measured in the nodules is well explained by the mixing of oxic and suboxic end members using the chemical partitioning linear programming model of Dymond et al. (1984). Delta Mn02 is undetect- able by XRD in the Site H nodule samples, as predicted by the 146 'C cPs Be 90 81 86 72 70 63 60 54 50 45 40 36 C) z 0 C) w 38 27 20 18. 18 9. C,) B w aC') 'C cps 00 iee. 96 98. F- z 0 0 80 80. 76 70. 66 60. 58 50. 40 40. 30 30. 20 28. 10 l0. 0 ire 111-8. X-ray diffractograms for the outermost bottom sample )f Nodule 4OBC (sample 40.1). The upper diagram is for the ;ample before dehydration, and the lower diagram shows the effect )f drying the sample at 105°C. 147 minimal amount of hydrogenous component estimated by the linear programming model, even in the samples with the lowest Mn/Fe ratios. If other phases are important in controlling the chemical composition on millimeter and larger scales, their compositions must either be the same as or intermediate between end members, or covary uniformly with another phase such that they can be modelled as part of a single end member. The XRJJ data indicate that if such phases exist their abundances are very low, they are X-ray amorphous, or they have diffraction patterns very similiar to those of the end member phases. The identification of the dominant 10 A mineral present in the Site H nodule samples with chemical compositions representative of accretion under oxic conditions is aided by XRD, chemical and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) studies. The non-collapsing behavior and XRD patterns are consistent with the properties of todorokite. The chemical composition of these samples is also consistent with that of todorokite. The molar ratio of I'm to charge balancing cations (expressed in +2 equivalents) in the most oxic samples at H is about 3. This is close to the ratio of Mn-IV to charge balancing cations found in todorokites (Burns and Burns, 1977; Golden et al., 1986), and may indicate the predominance of 3 x 3 tunnel structures. HRTEM studies by Turner and Buseck (1982) revealed todorokite-like tunnel structures in Site H nodules. The chemical composition in regions where these structures are found (Turner and Buseck, 1982) is compatible with that of the oxic component. As this evidence indicates that the mineral characteristic 148 of the oxic end member belongs to the todorokite family, we will refer to it as todorokite in the following discussion. In contrast, the XRD studies of samples from the outer few mm of nodule bottoms that are dominated by suboxic deposition indicate that todorokite is not present. The basal spacing in these samples collapses totally to 7 A upon dehydration; a behavior not con- sistent with the fixed tunnel structure of todorokite (Arrhenius and Tsai, 1981; Siegel and Turner, 1983; Siegel, 1981). Therefore, a layer or sheet mineral phase without a fixed tunnel structure seems to dominate these samples. HRTEM studies (Turner and Buseck, 1982) have shown that a layer mineral is present in Site H nodules. Regions where this material is dominant are depleted in most ele- ments except Mn and Ni (Turner and Buseck, 1982), consistent with the chemical composition of our suboxic-rich samples with the collapsing 10 A phase. For purposes of discussion, we will refer to this mineral as "collapsing 10 A phase". To better understand the mineralogy of the collapsing 10 A phase, stability tests were conducted on end member samples. The relative peak area centered at about 7 A does not vary with the length of time the sample is heated over periods of several days, once it has been dried to constant weight at 100-110°C. The reaction leading to the collapse of the structure is not reversible by exposing samples to air or water for periods of several weeks. Thus the relative area of the 7 A peak in heat-dried samples is a true measure of the degree of instability of the mineral structure. The sharpness of the 10 A peak increases with increasing abundance 149 of todorokite and decreasing abundance of collapsing 10 A phase, which is consistent with the indication of mineral stability based on the 7 A peak area in dried samples. The 10 A peak position does shift slightly upon dehydration, even for samples dominated by todorokite. lJndried refrigerated samples have sharp peaks at about 9.8 A (see Figure 111-8), whereas dried samples show a peak shift to 9.6-9.4 A. Mineralogical variability within nodules Mineralogical profiles for nodules 4OBC and 48BC reveal that the area of the 7 A reflection decreases inward from both top and bottom surfaces (Figure 111-9). The trend is more obvious in the nodule bottoms because they have more intense initial 7 A reflections. The oldest samples in both nodules (40.26 and 48.24) have essentially no collapsing 10 A phase as defined by our method. The nodule bottoms, which lack initial todorokite, show an exponential decrease in the abundance of the 7 A reflection toward the interior even though the outer 25 mm or so is compositionally fairly uniform and indicative of dominance by suboxic diagenesis (Figure 111-10, Table 111-4). The area of the 10 A reflection increases from both top and bottom surfaces towards the core. The outermost top layer has about half the amount found in the core. Thus the decreases with depth into the nodule of the unstable 10 A phase are mirrored by increases in the area of the todorokite 10 A peak (Figure 111-10). 150 Figure 111-9. A representative suite of diffractograms illustrating the mineralogical profile through Nodule 4OBC. Samples 1 through 16 are for the nodule bottom, sample 26 is the core, and sample 29 is the top. boebmite. The peak at about 6 A is the internal standard, 151 71 C') aC) Figure 111-9. 152 (I) aC-) Figure 111-9. . . continued 153 A 10 4 I.. '.. I £ 0 0 m I- 4--0 'IA 26 / 29 154 Table 111-4. Mineralogical and Chemical Data for Site H Nodules Peak Area Ratios Sample 1OA/Boehmite 7A/Boehmite 1OA/7A Mn/Fe Mn/(Ni+Cu) Nodule 4OBC 1 (Bottom) 5 0 7.4 0 67 75 .71 4.0 .20 76 142 .62 84 102 8 1.6 2.6 13 1.9 1.4 1.3 84 182 16 2.2 1.2 1.8 62 106 18 2.0 1.2 1.7 38 68 21 1.9 1.4 1.4 14 36 24 1.4 .75 1.9 14 29 26 (core) 2.3 0 5.1 20 28 1.8 .24 7.3 4.8 20 29 (top) 1.1 .31 3.6 4.0 18 Nodule 48BC 2 (Bottom) 0 9.3 0 78 62 6 .17 7.0 .02 66 74 8 .62 3.9 .16 83 68 15 1.3 1.6 .82 69 102 19 1.6 1.6 .95 47 70 20 1.3 1.1 1.2 8.5 35 24 2.9 10.7 11 20 .27 155 The changes in the relative areas of the 7 A and 10 A peaks seem to be a clear indicator of diagenetic inineralogic changes within Site H nodules. These mineralogical changes occur over intervals of very similiar chemical composition in both nodule tops and bottoms (Table 111-4). Thus variations in the mode of accretion or post-depositional diffusion of elements cannot explain the changing mineralogy. Samples 40.29 (the top), 28 and 26 (the core) have almost identical chemical compositions (Tables Ill-i, 111-4) with very little indication of suboxic influence. The increase in the abundance of the 10 A peak toward the core (Figure 111-10) reflects a significant increase in the crystallinity of todorokite over about 500 kyr in these nodules. Improved crystallinity of todorokite inside nodules has been reported for other locations (Piper and Williamson, 1981; Siegel and Turner, 1983; Sung et al., 1975) suggesting that this aging process may be widespread. Samples from the outer 20-25 mm in both nodules have similiar compositions indicative of dominance by the suboxic component (Tables Ill-i, 111-4). The exponential decrease with time in abun- dance of the collapsing 10 A phase in this zone is shown in Figure 111-11. If the amount of collapsing phase is reliably estimated by our heating method, then this phase has a half-life of about 45 kyr for the first 120-150 kyr after accretion, at least in suboxic-rich samples. The rate of decrease in abundance of this phase appears to decrease after this initial period. The collapsing 10 A phase completely stabilizes in about 500 kyr within the Site H nodules. 156 IC r E C, 0 0< 2 0 60 120 180 AGE (kyr) Figure Ill-il. The exponential decrease with time in the ratio of the 7 A peak to boebniite in nodule bottoms 4OBC and 48BC. decrease suggests that the diagenetic transformation has a half-life of about 45 kyr. The 157 Collapsing 10 A phases, with decreasing abundances towards the interior of nodules, have been reported in other locations (Siegel and Turner, 1983; Piper and Williamson, 1981; Sorem and Fewkes, 1979) indicating that the stabilization can occur in a variety of seafloor environments. The initial ratio of todorokite to collapsing 10 A phase appears to be controlled by chemical composition and, thus, mode of accretion. Samples dominated by the oxic component initially have more todorokite. Although todorokite is absent in the surface layer of Mn-rich Ni- and Cu-poor suboxic bottoms, with time, the stability and relative area of the 10 A peak approach those of the Ni- and Cu-rich samples dominated by oxic diagenesis. It is not clear whether the collapsing 10 A phase simply stabilizes with time or is diagenetically transformed into todorokite. Although the todoro- kite structure prefers cations such as Cu, Ni and Zn, they are not essential for its formation (Ostwald, 1982, 1986). Thus the low abundances of these cations in suboxic-dontinated samples do not rule out the possibility of transformation to todorokite. The structural models of todorokite proposed by Turner and Buseck (1981) and Arrhenius and Tsai (1981) suggest that the fixed tunnel structure is closely related to a sheet structure. There- fore, the diagenetic transformation of a layer structure to todorokite may take place without major ionic rearrangement. Arrhenius and Tsai (1981) suggest that todorokite may be derived directly from a collapsible/expandable 10 A "manganate" by oxygen bridging through tunnel walls. Recent laboratory experiments (Golden et al., 158 1986) in which todorokite (confirmed by HRTEM, XRD and infrared measurements) was synthesized from buserite, a collapsable synthetic layer manganate, support this idea. If the collapsing 10 A phase is diagenetically transformed to todorokite within Site H nodules, then this reaction seems to occur under deep-sea conditions over timescales of tens of thousands of years. The difference in chemical composition between samples rich in todorokite and suboxic samples with the stabilized collapsing 10 A phase has implications for the structures of these phases. Although variable substitution among a number of suitable charge-balancing cations may occur, the ratio of Mn to charge-balancing cations must satisfy the structural requirements of todorokite. This ratio in oxic dominated todorokite samples at H is about 3 (Dymond et al., 1984). As mentioned previously, this is consistent with the todoro- kite structure, and may represent the predominance of 3 x 3 tunnels with two substitution sites per unit cell. The Mn to cation ratio in extreme suboxic samples is greater than 5, however. Several hypotheses may explain this greater ratio: (1) Some of the Mn in the suboxic samples could be in lower valence states. Dymond et al. (1984) suggested that if the sample with the highest Mn to cation ratio contained about 10% Mn-lI, then the ratio of Mn-IV to charge-balancing cations would be the same in oxic and suboxic samples. Studies on the oxidation state of Mn in Site H nodules has not detected 10% Mn-lI in suboxic samples (Murray et al., 1984; Piper et al., 1984). The Mn-Il may, however, have oxidized after incorporation in the structure or after recovery from 159 the sea-floor. state. Alternatively, some Mn may be in the Mn-Ill valence Mn-Ill has been shown to exist in todorokite; indeed its smaller size may allow it to be more readily accomodated than Mn-Il in the structure (Post et al., 1982; Giovanelli, 1985; Burns et al., 1985). If Mn-Ill accounts for the difference in charge balance, then about 5% Mn-Ill is present in the Site H sample with the highest Mn-to-cation ratio. The resultant 0/Mn ratio would be 1.975, a value within the uncertainty of the measurements for Site H nodules (l.95±.05; Murray et al., 1984). If Mn in lower valence states can account for the different ratios, then the chemical data alone cannot eliminate the possibility that the stabilized collapsing 10 A phase may have the same structure as the todorokite in oxic samples. (2) The different Mn to cation ratios could indicate that the stabilized 10 A phase in suboxic samples and the todorokite in oxic samples are structural variants within the todorokite family. If Mn is fully oxidized in H nodules, increased Mn to cation ratios may simply indicate a greater ratio of Mn to exehangable sites in the todorokite. As the most common substitution site in todorokite is thought to be on the "wall" positions (Burns et al., 1983; Arrhenius and Tsai, 1981; Crane, 1981), an increase in the ratio of "floors and ceilings" to "walls" could increase the ratio of Mn to substitution sites. If suboxic samples do transform to todorokite, and the Mn to cation ratio is controlled by the tunnel dimensions, then the tunnels in the suboxic samples with the highest Mn to cation ratio may average 3 x 10. Alternatively, the higher Mn to 160 cation ratio in suboxic samples could indicate the presence of a different mineral phase, a conclusion not supported by the chemical or XRD data, however. (3) The Mn to cation ratio could be greater in suboxic samples because todorokite is diluted by an amorphous phase with a high Mn to cation ratio (Murray et al., 1984). If such an amorphous phase were free of cations, samples with the highest observed Mn to cation ratio would contain 60% todorokite and 40% amorphous material. Our quantitatitive XRD data do not show a 40% reduction in 10 A peak abundance in suboxic samples with stabilized 10 A peaks and high Mn to cation ratios, nor is there a trend to decreasing peak area with increasing Mn content. From the preceeding discussion, it is clear that the mineralogy of Site H nodules cannot be fully resolved by XRD and chemical data alone. HRTEM profiles through the nodules we have studied to identify and quantify the mineral structures could better define the initial phases and the diagenetic transformations that occur in the nodules at the site. Our results do show the lack of a clear dis- tinction between classic 10 A "todorokite and 7 A "birnessite", and suggest that the latter phase is not present in situ at Site H. The change from collapsing 10 A phase to todorokite occurs over several centimeters in the fast growing Site H nodules, where the change may be observed much more easily than in typical slowly growing pelagic nodules. 161 Variations in the Chemical Conmosition of Site H Nodules with Time The growth rate data and chemical profiles can be combined to show how the composition of the nodules has varied with time. These data show that the similiar-shaped chemical profiles through the nodules are time correlative (Figure 111-12). The Mn/Fe ratio is a good index of the nature of the accretionary processes for both typical pelagic nodules and hemipelagic nodules (Halbach et al., 1980, l981a, 1981b; Calvert and Price, 1977; Piper and Williamson, 1977; Dymond et al., 1984). The most distinctive feature of the Mn/Fe ratio profiles through the bottoms of the Site H nodules is the large increase which occurred about 160 kyr ago. In the Mn/Fe- rich outer zone, intervals of increased Mn/Fe ratios are correlative between nodules, except perhaps, for 5OBC, to within the uncertainty of the rate estimates. The similarity of the high and low Mn/Fe values in the outer zones of all five nodules supports the contention that they have all responded to the same sequence of growth-controlling events. Two processes other than radioactive decay can produce compositional variations within nodules: (1) post-depositional migration or diagenesis of elements, and (2) changes in primary accretionary processes. Diagenetic processes The clearest indication of post-depositional diagenesis within Site H nodules is the increase in mineral stability with time. ever, this process appears to be an aging phenomenon that is not How- 162 Figure 111-12. Variations over the past 500 kyr in the Mn/Fe ratio through five Site H nodules. by 230Th al., 1984). (this study). Nodule bottoms 4OBC and 48RC dated Nodule 37BC dated by 230Thex (Finney et Nodule bottoms 5OBC and S2BC dated by correlation (horizontal dashed line) to the other nodules. using equation of Lyle (1982). nodule tops - dashed line. Other areas dated Nodule bottoms - solid line, 4 5OBC 0 si,u,i ,IU u,i.,,,,,a,.uuIIuh,uhIflhIItII1mIIflIUhIlIfllUIIIIIIaIUham1IIIIIII UI I4 80 4ofhiJ_iin1j 0 52BC I 80 Mn/Fe I.' U,', 0 40.ii.uIulI.II1. 801h ,- ft r'- 37BC ,,U,UU;l,lu,,lU,U,U,, I 4 48BC 40 4OBC 0 III 100 III 200 III 300 III 400 III 500 AGE (kyr) Figure 111-12. C' 164 related to any elemental migration, because intervals of essentially uniform composition show major changes in mineral stability. Piper and Williamson (1981) report a similiar trend in a nodule from the equatorial Pacific. Because they found that the mineralogical changes were not related to compositional variations, they concluded that the mineralogy resulted from post-depositional recrystal- lization, whereas the chemical variations reflected changes in the sources of metals to the nodule. The fast growth rates and youth of Site H nodules also argue against diagenesis after deposition as the process responsible for the patterns we observe. Because of their fast growth rates, the 6 cm nodules we have studied are only about 500 kyr old. Typical pelagic nodules of the same size would be 3 to 30 million years old. The fast growth rates allow us to sample fairly thick slices (1-2 mm on average) while still maintaining good resolution relative to the time scales we are studying. Such a sampling strategy should minimize the influence of post-depositional compositional changes, if they are present, as the thick samples integrate out the smallscale diagenetic effects usually observed in profiles through nodules (see, for example, the niicroprobe studies of Sorem and Fewkes, 1979). Features such as opal dissolution and the growth of accessory secondary minerals have been observed in the course of high powered microscope and electron microprobe studies of nodules (Burns and Burns, 1978), but the influence of such features on the gross composition at the scale we are concerned with has not been assessed. Because Site 1-1 nodules are very pure oxides with minimal 165 amounts of phillipsite, opal and smectite (based on chemical partitioning and XRD data), however, these trace components cannot account for the variation in the abundance of transition elements observed in these nodules. The post-depositional metal enrichment processes suggested by Burns and Burns (1978) for the Ni and Cuenriched Clarion/Clipperton nodules could lead to the positive NiCu-Mn relations they observe. These processes cannot be very effective at Site H, however, because we do not observe the same correlated variations in Ni, Cu and Mn abundances (Figure 111-4). The observed Mn/Fe variations cannot be explained by postdeopositional migration of Mn within the nodules because dilution by 15% Mn (the maximum difference in concentration between intervals with high Mn/Fe and low Mn/Fe ratios) cannot produce the more than five-fold decrease in Fe between these intervals. The consistant shapes and similar concentration ranges of the profiles of most elements in the Site H nodules also argue for control by primary aecretionary processes rather than diagenesis. Variability in primary accretionary processes The observed variations in Mn/Fe ratio and minor element concentrations, particularly the abrupt changes at 160 kyr (Figure 111-12), appear to represent major changes in the mode of accretion of the nodules. Over the past 160 kyr, the nodule bottoms have grown at average rates of 150-170 mm/my, with average Mn/Fe ratios of about 60 and with most minor elements strongly depleted. Prior to this time, however, the nodules grew at rates averaging less than 50 mm/my, had average Mn/Fe ratios of about 10, and were much more 1W enriched in the minor elements. The growth and composition of the outer section represent accretion dominated by suboxic processes; the layers with the highest Mn/Fe ratios are very pure examples of the suboxic end member of Dyinond et al. (1984), whereas the layers with lower Mn/Fe values also contain a minor oxic component. In the deeper layers, oxic accretion was dominant, although the compositions of most of the layers indicate some suboxic influence. The marked contrast in composition and growth is best explained by a change in the process or processes that control suboxic diagenesis, or the supply of its products to nodules. As suboxic accretion is believed to result from the reduction of Mn in the sediment and its subsequent diffusion to nodules, changes in this process through time may be recorded in the sediment column. Changes in the intensity of redox conditions Variations in the Mn/Fe ratio in a nodule may reflect timedependent variations in the degree of reduction of surface sediments. Any increase in the diffusional supply of Mn-Il from pore- waters to growing nodules will result in faster nodule growth and enhanced accretion of the suboxic component (marked by an increase in the Mn/Fe ratio). Thus, variations with time in the intensity of reducing conditions in the surface sediment could explain the observed variations in the chemical composition of Site H nodules. Because the reduction of Mn in sediments is driven by the oxidation of organic carbon (Froelich et al., 1979), variations in the processes that control carbon sedimentation or utilization in sediments will effect the intensity of reducing conditions. An increase 167 in the carbon content of surface sediment leads to the shoaling of the Mn redox boundary and a resultant increase in the upward flux of Mn in porewaters (Sawlan and Murray, 1983; Finney et al., 1986a). As the redox boundary approaches the sediment-water interface and the nodules residing there, the influence of suboxic diagenesis in controlling nodule accretion should increase. Thus, the Mn flux to nodules should respond to changes in the organic carbon content of the sediment. The range of sediment, porewater and nodule compositions across Site Fl at the present time supports this idea. The thickness of the Mn oxidation zone is inversely related to the content of organic carbon in surface sediments (Finney et al., 1986a; Figure 111-13). Furthermore, the thickness of the Mn oxidation zone is inversely related to the Mn/Fe ratio, or proportion of suboxic component, in the outer few mm of nodule bottoms. Thus, the bottoms of nodules from cores 66BC and 69BC, which have thick oxidation zones (18-20 cm), contain very little suboxic component (Mn/Fe 18-26). In con- trast, the compositions of the bottoms of the nodules reported here, which came from cores with thinner oxidized zones (7-12 cm), are dominated by suboxic accretion (Mn/Fe ratios greater than 60). At the extreme, core 33BC has the thinnest oxidized zone (5 cm) and the highest organic carbon content of all. It contains no nodules. model of the variations in reducing conditions with time suggest that such an area has exported Mn to the ocean, so has been too reducing to support nodule growth (Finney et al., l986a). A 168 % ORGAffiC CARBON .1 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 2.0 IF] E 0 I I.- a- 0 w. 30 Figure 111-13. The depth to the Mn redox boundary as a function of the organic carbon content in surface sediments (from Finney et al., 1986a). 169 As part of our study of the sedimentary history of Site H, we modeled variations in the intensity of Mn reduction during the past 400 kyr (Finney et al., 1986a), an interval comparable to the time scale recorded by the manganese nodules studied here. The relation between modern surface organic carbon contents and Mn reduction depths at the same sites was applied to the downcore organic carbon content of the sediment to hjndcase variations in the thickness of the Mn oxidation zone with time at the site (Figure 111-14). The reconstructed variations in the thickness of the oxidation zone were attributed to climatically induced changes in sedimentation. If this hypothesis is correct, times of relatively shallow Mn reduction in the sediment (Figure 111-14) should correspond to times of increased suboxic growth in the bottoms of the manganese nodules (Figure 111-12). For example, the strong increase in suboxic accre- tion at 160 kyr corresponds to a time when the Mn redox boundary was relatively shallow. The modeled redox changes in the sediment would be expected to produce variations in suboxic accretion to the nodules. The lack of correspondence between the sediment data and nodule composition for younger intervals may be due to errors in the ages of nodule layers resulting from the use of an average growth rate through this interval. The hindcast variations in suboxic accretion imply great changes in growth rates. The rates for oxic and suboxic accretion given by Dyniond et al. (1984), suggest that if suboxic accretion took place for only about 25% of the last 160 kyr it would produce about 80% of the nodule material. Thus, the layers with low Mn/Fe E 10 0 w 0 mean 20 25 V 1UU 200 300 400 AGE (kyr) Figure 111-14. Variations in the depth to the Mn redox boundary at Site H over the past 400 kyr (modelled by Finney et al., 1986a). 0 171 ratios almost certainly represent longer time intervals than calculated from average growth rates, leading to uncertainties in the mass balance calculations. Unfortunately, the geochemical behavior of U-series isotopes in these nodules and the relatively high frequency of climate change makes the use of radiometric dating techniques less than ideal for determining fine-scale growth rates. An increase in reducing conditions that lasted less than a few thousand years could generate a Mn/Fe rich layer in a nodules. The record of such an event would be mixed by bioturbation of the sedi- ment and either "lost" from the sedimentary record or missed due to the spacing of samples. Sediment trap studies show variations by a factor of 2 to 4 in the flux of organic carbon to the site over a year (Fischer, 1983). Occasional phytoplankton "blooms" or annual variations in carbon flux may be important in controlling sedimentary redox conditions and nodule accretion. These factors would be superimposed on the long term redox changes at the site (Figure 111-14), and would be difficult to infer from the sedimentary record. The conclusion that suboxic accretion was not the dominant mode prior to 160 kyr ago may imply that reducing conditions in the sediments prior to that time were less intense. The thickness of the Mn oxidation zone, as modeled from sedimentary organic carbon data at the site, was significantly deeper on average before about 180 kyr; the Mn redox boundary was always deeper than about 13 cm prior to that time (Finney et al., 1986a; Figure 111-14). The magnitude of the peaks in organic carbon at about 10, 40 and 150 kyr 172 indicate that these were the most reducing periods over the past 400 kyr, corresponding to depths of 10 cm or less in the Mn redox boundary. The hindcast depth of the Mn redox boundary assumes no long-term degradation of buried organic carbon in the sediment. Support for this assumption comes from the organic carbon record at nearby DSDP Site 503, which spans the past four million years, yet shows no systematic decrease with age in organic carbon (Gardner, 1983). In addition, the iodine conctents of downcore sediment samples from intervals of low and high organic carbon abundance indicate that all the carbon is present in a very degraded form, (T. Pederson, personal communication, 1986), suggesting that the concentration variations reflect variable supply rather than variable decomposition of a constant supply. Other changes in sedimentation have occurred at the site over the same time-scale. The sedimentation rate at the site has slowed from an average of 1.0 cm/kyr for the period 200 kyr to 730 kyr, to an average rate of 0.65 cm/kyr past 200 kyr. The decrease corre- sponds to a reduction in the average carbonate content of about 15%. In general, the sedimentary evidence suggests that the factor or factors responsible for the change in mode of nodule accretion are subtle, as there are no abrupt changes in sedimentation rate or character at the 160 kyr level. The sedimentary conditions may have been poised near a threshold, so that a minor change in sedimentation resulted in the domination of nodule accretion at the site by suboxic diagenesis. 173 Still unclear is the mechanism by which the suboxically remobilized transition metals are incorporated in the nodules. Since the bases of the nodules always lie some distance above the base of the Mn oxidized zone, some transport process other than steady-state diffusion of dissolved metals is required. Desorption from bioturbated particles (Lyle et al., 1984) and intermittent shoaling of the redox boundary (perhaps due to enhanced carbon influx due to phytoplankton blooms; Dymond and Finney, 1983; Murphy, 1984) have been proposed as solutions to this enigma, but neither is yet supported by hard evidence. Nodule size The possible influence of nodule size on its mode of accretion introduces an additional complication to the Site H story. Smaller nodules are likely to be rotated or displaced more often than larger nodules. Models of bioturbation at Site H (Kadko and Heath, 1984), imply an exponential decrease in mixing with depth. Larger nodules extend deeper into the sediment, so are subject to less benthic activity. Their larger size and mass will also tend to keep them from being moved as often as small nodules. Our earlier studies (Finney et al., 1984) suggest that small nodules at Site H are more likely to be buried than large nodules until they reach a diameter of 2 cm. Such small nodules appear to behave more like sedimentary particles than their larger companions. Large and small nodules also differ compositionally and texturally (Table 111-5). Small nodules do not have the distinctive 174 Table Ill-S. Chemical and Textural Properties as a Function of Nodule Size at Site H Diameter Mn/Fe Bottom Mn/Fe Bottom Mn/Fe Top (cm) O-.2 % Without Smooth Bottom 16.8 --- -- .5-2 37.0 2,5 50 2-4 48.3 5.0 43 4-6 50.8 5.5 39 6-8 56.6 8.1 29 8-10 - -- - - -- 0 (micronodules) Chemical data from Dymond et al., 1984, Finney et al., 1984, and this work. Textural data, this work. 175 surface microtopography and top-bottom textural differentiation of large nodules. Small nodules also tend to have lower Mn/Fe ratios in their bottoms and less of a contrast between the compositions of their tops and bottoms. This implies that small nodules turn over more often and, therefore, do not experience the long periods of stable accretion recorded by the large nodules. Bottom photographs show that nodules of all sizes at Site FL lie with their tops flush with the sediment-water interface. Consequently, smaller nodules, which do not extend as deep into the sediment, and are further from the source of suboxically mobilized elements. This size-dependent behavior may explain why the bottom of nodule 37BC, which is about 2 cm smaller in diameter than the other nodules studied, was less influenced by suboxic diagenesis from 160 to 40 kyr ago. The onset of intense reducing conditions 40 kyr ago (Figure 111-13) combined, perhaps, with the nodule achieving the critical size of about 3 cm, initiated dominant suboxic accretion by this nodule. Most of the nodule bottoms studied were not dominated by suboxic accretion until the nodule had grown to a size of about 3 to 3.5 cm (Figure 111-5). Thus, the abrupt change in accretionary mode at 160 Kyr may be due partially to most of the studied nodules attaining a critical size at that time. Additional analyses of a spectrum of nodule sizes should resolve this issue. Turnover or change in orientation Because suboxic accretion affects primarily the bottoms of nodules, the overturn of a nodule should result in a sudden decrease in suboxic supply to the former bottom surface. Conversely, the 176 overturned top would be expected to be more strongly influenced by suboxic accretion. Because none of the present nodule tops display any change in Mn/Fe ratio at a level corresponding to the 160 kyr bottom change, overturn can be ruled out as a contributing factor. Vertical displacement of a nodule without any change in orientation could change the distance of the bottom from the suboxic source without affecting the suboxic supply to the top. The synchroneity of the compositional changes we observe in several nodules would not be expected to result from this process, which would be expected to affect nodules randomly through time (Piper and Fowler, 1980). Summary of accretionary control Both variations in redox conditions within the sediments and nodule size seem capable of influencing the way in which a nodule accretes over time. A combination of these factors can explain, the genesis of nodules at Site H. Small nodules which are disturbed more often and do not extend as far into the sediment as large nodules, are less likely to accrete metals of suboxic origin. As such nodules grow, predominantly through oxic accretion, they extend closer to the suboxic source so are more likely to gain access to metals supplied by suboxic diagenesis. Thus, at Site H, nodules which began to grow about 500 kyr ago were never large enough to be be dominated by suboxic accretion until the onset of more reducing conditions about 160 kyr ago. Younger and therefore smaller nodules, however, were less affected by this change in redox con- ditions, and were not dominated by suboxic accretion until the even more recent intensification of reducing conditions. 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