NONPROFIT \ ORGANIZATIONS LAW AND POLICY ( By Marilyn E. Phelan Robert H. Bean Professor ofLaw, Texas Tech University School ofLaw Robert J. Desiderio Dean and Professor ofLaw, University ofNew Mexico School ofLaw AMERICAN CASEBOOK SERIES® THOMSON ---*--VVEST :Mat # 40013666 F Table of Contents Page PREFACE ---- -- ---- --- ------- ----- --- ------ --- _-_ --__ --- --v TABLE OF CASES -- ----- ----- -------- --- ------- ----- --- ---- -- ------ -- ----- --- ---- --- --- -- - xxiii Chapter 1. Overview of the Nonprofit Sector ------------------------I-.-~Nature-of-a-N0nflr0fit-Grganizati0n-=,,-=,~,~~~,"'-'-"----7-------' Note ------------------" ------------------------------------------------------_----Questions ---------------------- ---'- ------------------------------------------. Association for Preservation of Freedom of Choice v. Shapiro -Note -- ---- --- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- ---- --- -- ------ -- ----- --- ----- -- ----- Questions --- -- -- ----- -------- --__ ---- --- ---- --------- ---- --- ------ ------- --- ----Slee v.' Commissioner --"'",,,_,,,," ,-----------------,-----,-, Questions --- -- --- ------- ----- ---- ---- --- ---- -- ----- ------ --- ------ -'- --- -- -- _-- --Haring v. Blumenthal------------------------------------------------------Note -- -- ---- ------ ---- --- ----- --- __ -- --- ---- ---- ---- ----- --- -- --- ---- ---- ---- --- -- Questions --- --- ---- ----- --- ------ -- ----- ---- ---_-- --- ----- ------- ---- --- -- Big Mama Rag v. United States-----------------------------------------National Alliance v. United States ------------------------------------------- ---- --- --" -- -- -- --- --- -- ----, ------- --Questions ----- ----- ----- ---- --Nationalist Foundation v. Commissioner -----------------------_----Problem -- -- --- ----- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----___ II. Organizational Structure of a Nonprofit Organization----------A. Trust ---- ---- ---- -- --- ---- --- ----- ------- --- -- --- ----- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- -- -Restatement, Trusts-" ---§ 348. Definition of Charitable Trust --------------------------§ 364. Indefinite Beneficiaries --------------------------------~---§ 380. Extent of Trustee's Powers ----------------------_-------B. Association ---- ----- --- --__ ---- ---- ---- --- -- --- ----- -- -- ---- ---- --- -------Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act--------Section 4 --- --- ---- -- ---- ---- --- ----- -- ------ -- -- ---- --- ----- -- --- -Section 6 ---- ---- -- ----- ---- ---- --- ----- ---- --- _---- ---- ----- --- --- -- -Problem ---- -- -------- ---- -__ ---- ---- --- ---- ----- ---- ----- --- ---- ---- ---- --C. Nonprofit Corporation -----1. Model Nonprofit Corporation Acts --------------------"---_-2. Status of a Nonprofit Corporation as a Charitable Trust ---- ----- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- -- --- ---- --- --- --- ---- --- ------ -Uniform Supervision of Trustees fo!" Charitable Purposes Act~---------- ------~-- --- -.----- -- ----- ---- ---- --- ---- -- --- --California Government Code ----------------------------------§ 12580 ---- -------- ------- --- -- --- ----- ---- ---- ---- ------- ---§ 12581 -- -- --- ---- -- ---- ------- --- -- --- --------- ----- --- ------- -- -Younger v. Wisdom Society --------_------------------------____ xiii 1 1 2 3 3 5 6 6 8 8 15 15 15 20 25 25 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 32 oq TABLE. OF CONTENTS xiv Page __.__.. II. Organizational Structure of a Nonprofit Organization-Continued People v. George F. Harding Museum _ Question ------------------------------_---__ ---__ -----_---__ ----_-- _ Commonwealth of Virginia v. The JOCO Foundation Questions ---------------------------------------------------c - - - - - - - -Problem ------------------------------__ ---__ ---__ ----__ -- ,--__ - _ _ III. Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) -IV. Foreign Nonprofit Organizations and Philanthropy Abroad---Notes------------------_ A. Synopsis of French Law on Non-Profit Organizations-----_ l._Associations-----.-------------""""""""""""--_ 2. Foundations --" _ 3. Public Interest Foundations--_ 4. Corporate Foundations----------_ B. Synopsis ofItalian Law on Nonprofit Organizations-------Note ----- --- ---- --__ ----- ------ ---- ---- - - - --__ --- -__ -_" __ - - _ Revenue Ruling 63'-'-252 -_ Revenue Ruling 66-79 ------------------.-----------------------------Question-------------------------------_---__ ---__ ---__ --- -- , _ Chapter 2. The Nonprofit Corporation _ I. Nature of aNonprofit. Corporation--------------------------------- _ In re Mt. Sinai Hospital --_ II. Creation ofa Nonprofit Corporation -_ A. Articles of Incorporation ----------------------------------_ --- __ -_ B. Bylaws -_, ---_ --c._ Authorization to Conduct Affairs in Another State ----- _ D. Obtaining Tax-Exempt Status--------------------------_ III. Directors ------------------------------------_---__ ---__ ----__ ---__ --_, _- _ A. Management of a Nonprofit Corporation _ Bailey v. American Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals c _ Solomon v. Hall-Brooke Foundation, Inc. _ B. Meetings of Directors _ C. Removal of Directors -------------.--------------Grace v: Grace Institute ----_ Collins v. Beinecke -__ ---- --- -__ ----_ IV. Members -- -- --. -- ----- --- -- --- --- ---- ---- --- _---- -- --- -__ --_ -- __ -.-_ Note -- -- ----- ----- ---- ---_ ---- ---- -- ----- ---- A. Rights of Members ,----------------------------------------------------In re Mt. Sinai Hospital---------_ Harris v. Board of Directors of Com7Jwnity Hospital --- _ B. Meetings --- --" - ---__ --- -:- --::, -_ C. Removal of Members ------------------_ 'Raulston v. Everett -------------------------------------------"---------_ Bartley v. Augusta Country Club, Inc. -_ Rowland v. Union Hills Country Club---------~-----------------D. Members' Derivative Actions --_ Notes -- ~ - -__ _ Que~tion 36 39 40 46 46 46 47 48 49 49 51 52 52 53 54 54 58 61 I I 1, I 62 62 62 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 68 70 73 73 73 76 78 -78 78 79 80 84 84 84 88 88 89 92 92 II 11 ~ 11 Ij !, fi iJ Ii ii IiIi I: I. i) 1\ :I I',\ III' 'F TABLE OF CONTENTS XV Page Chapter 3. Governance of a Nonprofit Organization ----------- 93 I. State Standards of Conduct ~________________ 93 A. Fiduciary Obligations 94 Litwin v. Allen ----------------- 94 Questions --- --- ----- --- ---- ---- --- -- --- ----- --- ----- -- -- ---- -- 96 Stern v. Lucy Webb Hayes Nat'l Training School-Deacon----- -- --- ----- -- -- ---- --- ---- -- ------ 96 esses, Missionaries Louisiana World Exposition v. Federal Insurance Co. ------- 104 -- ----- --- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -------- ---- --- ---- -- ---- -- 108 Note -- --- ---- --- -- ----- --- --- ---- --- --- --- -- 109 Questions ---_ -Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act ------------ 109 Uniform Prudent Investor Act " "___ 110 '~~~Revise-dlY.IOaerN6ii:profirCorpo-ratiori Act111 Section 8.30. General Standards for Directors ----------- 111 Section 8.32. Director Conflict of Interest ----------------- 111 Questions ----- --- ---- --- --- ------- --- 112 NortheastHarbor Golf Club v. Harris ---------------------------- 112 B. Indemnification of Directors --------------------"-------------------- 118 John v. John -------------------------------------------------------------- 119 Note --- ---- ------ --- --- ---- ----- --- -- --- --- --- --- ---- -"- 123 C. Disposition of Assets upon Dissolution--------------------------- 123 Holden Hospital Corp. v. Southern Illinois Hosp. Corp. ---- 123 --- ----- ----- --- ---- --- ------- _--'- ------- ---- --- -- --- ------- --- --- -- - 126 Note Sharpless v. Religious Society of Friends ------------------------ 126 Question---- ---- -------- ---- ---- --"---- -- ---- -- -129 D. Enforcement of Fiduciary Obligations---------------------------- 129 In're Estate of Stern -"____ 129 Questions ~ --- -- -- ------ ---- --- ---- --- - 132 Herzog Foundation, Inc. v. University of Bridgeport --------- 132 Russell v. Yale University-------------------------------------------- - 140 Cornyn v. Fifty-Two Members of the Schoppa Family------- 142 E. Volunteer Immunity from Liability ----------------------------,-- 146 II. Federal Standards of Conduct ------------ 147 A. Self-Dealing--- ----- --- --- ------- ----- ---- --- ----- "-- ----- -- --- --- 147 Estate of Reis c ------,-------148 B. Excess Benefits Transactions----------------------------~----------- 153 Caracci v. ,commissioner "_________________________________ 154 ------------------------------------------- 165 Questions' -_-------------Notes -- ----_ ---------- -,-- -- --- -- ----- --- ---- --- --- - 166 Problem --- --- ---- ----- ----- ------ --- ---- ------ --- ---- --- --- ------- --- 168 n m __ - m n n n Chapter 4. Charitabl~O:rgaJ:lizatiQRS------:---~':-::::------------------I. Background ---- ---- --------- --- ---- --- -- ---- ----------- --- -------II. Section 50l(c)(3) Elements "----------------------------------------------III. Organizational and Operational Tests --- __ ---------------------------Better Business Bureau v. United States -----------------------------Questions __ ------ -- ----- --- ---- ----- --- ----- ---- ----- ----- --- ---- --- ---------- --Monterey Public Parking Corp. v. United Stat~s -------------------- 169 169 170 170 171 174 175 xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page III. Organizational and Operational Tests-Continued Columbia Park and Recreation Ass'n v. Commissioner-------"--Questions ------ --- ---- ---- -- -- -- ---- --- --- ----- ---- _--- ------- --- -- ---------- ---Note ------- -- ----- --- --- ---- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- -- ----- ---- ----- --- -- --- ---- IV. Social Welfare Organizations --------------_______________________________ Regan v. Taxation With Representation "_____________ Chapter 5. Obtaining and Maintaining Tax Exempt Status I. Obtaining Tax Exempt Status ------" _ _ II. Maintaining Tax Exempt Status--A Commercial Activity ---------------------------------------------------Note ------------------------------------_--------------------------------. --- -------- - -- ------_---N0te-"~.~-:"~-:.-_-.=c,"_=_====_c~_=_::_~~"c_-c~;:~-c,-: _ Living Faith, Inc. v. Commissioner -------------------------------Questions -----------------------. -----------------------------------------B. Private Benefit -------American Campaign Academy v. Commissioner -----_ C. Private Inurement -----------------------------------------------------ChurchefBcientology of California v. Commissioner _ Note ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- ------- ----- ---- ---- ---- --- -- --- ----- ---- --United Cancer Council, Inc. v. Commissioner -----------------Note ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- --- --- ----- ----- --- -- -- ---- --- --- --- -- --- --- ---D. Excess Benefit Transaction --- " _ E. Action Organization ---------------------------------------------------1. Lobbying Activity --------------------------------------_ Christian Echoes National Ministry, Inc. v. United States -- -- --- -- --_ --- --- _-- --- -- .-- ---__ -- ----- --- ------- -- -- ---Notes -__ ---c -"- --- -_ General Counsel Memorandum _ Notes -- --- ---- ---- ------ ---- --- ---- ---- --- ----- ---- ---- -- --- -- --- --- ---Problem ----- -- -- ------ -- ---- --- ------ ---- -- ----- --- --- ------ --- --- ---Note --- --- ---- ---- -- ---- --- --- --- -- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- --- -- --- --- ---Problem --__ -__ -__ --__ - -c ~ -- -- _ 2. Political Campaigns --------_ Notes ------------------.. -----------------------------------------------F. Public Policy -_ Questions -- --- --_ -- --- ------- --- -- ----- ----- ------- ---- --- --- --- -- --- ------ 177 190 190 190 191 196 197 197 198 198 199 200 210 210 211 229 229 239 240 247 247 250 250 251 257 257 261 262 263 264 264 264 265 265 Chapter 6. Public Charities ------------------------------------------------- 266 I. Requirements for Public Charity Status 266 II. Section 509(a) Organizations --------------------------------------------- 267 § 509. Private foundation defined-----------------------.------------- 267 A Section 509(a)(1) Organizations -----------------------------_______ 268 1. Churches- --- -- ---- ---- --__ __ 268 '~~______________________________ 268 2. Educational Organizations3. Hospitals and Medical Research Organizations ---------- 269 4. Organizations for the Benefit of Colleges and Universities -- --- ----- ------- -- --- ----- --- --------- --- ---- ---- -- ------ --- --- 269 5. Governmental Units --____________________________________________ 269 6. Publicly Supported Organizations------------"--------------- 270 .------------------------------- 270 One-Third Support Test --Facts and Circumstances Test ---______________________________ 272 • xvii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page II. Section 509(a) Organizations-Continued Unusual Grants ---------------------------------------------------Problem --- ---- ---- --- ----- --- ---- --- -- --- ------ --- ---- ---- ----- -- ----B. Section 509(a)(2) Organizations --------------------------"--------1. One-Third Support Test --------"------------------------------2. One-Third Investment Income Test------------------------Note ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ------- --- ---- ------ ---- ----- --- ---- --- --- ---, Problem C. Section 509(a)(3) Organizations ----------------------------"-----"1. Organizational Test ----------------------------------------------2. Operational Test --------------------------------------------------bapham-Foundation;-Incev;Gommissioner --------------Note --- --" ----- ---- --- -- --- ---- --- --- ---- ------ ---- ----- ---- ---- -- --- --D. Section 509(a)(4) Organizations -----------------------------------E. Filing Requirements----"----------------------------------------------c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 272 273 273 273 274 275 275 275 275 276 277 293 293 294 Chapter 7. Private Foundations -----------------------------------------I. Private OperatifigFouIldation-------------------------------------------II. Excise Tax- ----- --- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- ---- -- ---- ---- ----- --- --- ---- --- --Note -----------------------------------------------------------------------------"Problem -------------------------------------------------------------------------Zemurray Foundation v. United States -------------------"-----------Greenacre Foundation v. United States -------------------------------Note ---- ----- ----- -"--" --- ---- --- -- --- ---- ---- ---- -- --~ --- ---- ----- --- ---- --- -----III. Self-Dealing -------------------------------------------------------------------Notes- ----" -- --- -- ----- --" ---- --- -- ---- --- ---- ---- ----- ----- -- ----- -------- --- ----Estate of Reis v. Commissioner -----------------------------------"------Problems --- ----- ----- --- -- -- ------ ---- --- -- -- --- ----- ---- ---- -- --- -- ---- ---- ---IV. Failure to Distribute Income----------"----------------------------------Note -"- --- -------- ----- -- --- -"--- --- ---- -- --- -- --- ------ -- -- -"- ----- ---- --- --- ----Problem --- ------- ------ ---- ---~- ------- --- ---- --- --- --- ---- --- ----- ------- --- ---Note -- ---- --- -------- ------- --- -- ---- --- -------- -- ------ -- -- ----- ---- --- --- --- ----In re Estate of John A. Hermann ---------------------------------------Question -- ---- ----- --- -- -------- ----- -- --- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ------ ---V. Excess Business Holdings ---------------------"--------"------------------Note ---- -"- ----- ----- ----- --- ---- ----- ------- --- ---- ------ -- -- ----- --- --- ------- --VI. Jeopardizing Investments ---- --Note , VII. Taxable Expenditures ------ ---- --- --- ~ --- ---- ------ -------- --- -- --- --- -- --~­ Mannheimer Charitable Trust v. Commissioner -------------------VIII. Termination of Private Foundation Status --------------------------Gladney v. Commissioner -------------------------------------------------Note -- -- -- --- ----- --- --- ---- --- ----- ------- -- -- --- ------ -~-~ --- ----- -,- -- --- --- ----Problem --------------------------------------------------------------"----------- 295 Chapter 8. Fundraising ------------------------------------------------------I. The Importance of Fundraising -----------------------------------------II. Regulation of Charitable Solicitations --------------------------------Riley v. National Federation of Blind of North Carolina--------Question --------------------------------------------------------------"---------Note ---- ----- --- ----- ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- --- ---- -" --- -- -- ----- --- ----- --- ----- 338 338 339 339 349 349 _c_ - - - - - - - --- - - --- - - -- - -- --- - - - - --_c - - - - - - - - - - - - - 296 297 298 298 298 304 307 307 307 308 311 312 312 312 313 313 317 318 318 318 318 319 319 330 331 337 337 ..... TABLE OF CONTENTS xviii II. Regulation of Charitable Solicitations-Continued Questions --- ----- ---- ------ ------ --- ----- ----- --- ------ ------ ----- -- ---- -- ---- --United Cancer Council Inc. v. Commissioner Question ---------------------------------------------------------------------_--III. Charitable Contribution Deductions-------------:---------------------A. Quid Pro Quo ------------------------------------------------------------United States v. American Bar Endowment -------------------Revenue Ruling 67-246 ---------------------------------------"------Revenue Procedure 90-12 -------------------------------------------Notes --- ---- ---- ----- --- -- --- --- ----- ---- ----- --- --- -- --- --- ---- -- --- ---- ---B. Services c - -- - - --_c > ---- C. Timing ------ --- --- ------- -- --- ---- ----- ----- --- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -- ---- ----- J' -~~~---"~ ~-~--------~~-D:-1JrrcorrditiorraH3~ift-:.-: _ _ -=-_-=_:~_=_ _=_~:=:::- E. Amount of Deduction -------------------------------------------------1. Amount of Contribution ----------------------------------------2. Long-Term Capital Gain Property --------------------------3. Ordinary Income Producing Property 4. Percentage Limitations -----------------------------------------5. Carryforward of Charitable Contribution Deduction --F. Appraisals of Donated Property ---------------------------_-------Revenue Procedure 66-49 -------------------------------------------Note --- --- ----- ---- ----- --- -" --- -- --- ----- -- ---- ----- --- -"-- --- ---- --- -- ---- -G. Substantiation-----------------------------------------------------------H. Deferred Giving c ---c _ Charitable Remainder Trusts ---------------------------------Revenue Procedure 89-21----"---------------------------------Revenue Procedure 89-20 --------------------------------------Note ----- --- ---- -~- -- --- --- ----- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- --- --- -- --- ---- ---2. Ch'aritable Gift Annuity -------------_--------------------------IV. Cy Pres Doctrine c_ United States v. Cerio ------------------------------------------------------Notes- -- -- --_- ---- ----- --- ----- ---- --- ----- -- -- --- ----- ---- ---- -_-- --- -- --- -- -----Questions --- ----- --- ------- ----- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----- --- ---- ----- -- --- --- ---- --1. Chapter 9. Unrelated Business Taxable Income -----------------I. History of the Unrelated Business Income Tax --------------------A. Pre-Revenue Act of 1950 ----------------------------------------_---"B. The Revenue Act of 1950 ---------------------------------------,----C. The Regulations ------ -- ---- ---- ----- ---- --- ----- -- -- ------- ----- --- ----Questions ----------------------------------------------------- ------------II. Organizations to Which 'UBIT' Applies ------------------------------III. Elements of the Unrelated Business Inc~me Tax CUBIT) ---,--A. Unrelated Trade or Business ---------------------------------------Professional Insurance Agents v. Commissioner--c-----------United States v. American Bar Endowment -------------------Question-----------_--_----------------------------------------------------Note ------ -- --- -- --_ --- ---- --"----- --- -- ---- ---- -- -- --- --- -- ----- -- ----- ---- -B. Regularly Carried On -------------------------------------------------National Collegiate Athletic Ass'n v. Commissioner---------- • TABLE OF CONTENTS xix Page III. Elements of the Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)- . Continued Question---- --- ------- ----- ----- -- --- -- ----- --- -- --C. Substantially Related "_______________________________________ United States v. American College of Physicians -------------" -__ - --"-- ---- ------- ----- ---- ---- ----Notes Problems ------------D. Exceptions to "UBIT" Problems - ---- ---- ----- -- -- --- ----- ------ ---E. Modifications --- --- ----- ---- --~------ -- -- ---- --- --- -- -1. Rents --- ---- -,-- --------- ----- --- ---- --- ---- -- Note ------------------------------------_----_--- 432 432 433 441 442 442 444 444 445 445 446 446 452 452 452 465 466 466 - ·-~--------2:_-R(jya:lties-=:::-,-------------------------------------~:::-:~--~-----------Sierra Club, Inc. v. Commissioner Note --- --- ----- -- -- ---- ---- --- -- --- ---- --- ----- 3. Unrelated Debt-Financed Income---------------------------University Hill Foundation v. Commissioner ------------Note ------- --- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- ---- --- -- -Problem ------- --- ----- --- ----- --"- ----- --- ------ ---" ~--- --- ---- ------ --- ----- ------- ---- --- -- Question Mose and Garrison Siskin Memorial Foundation v. United States 466 Note --- ------- -- --- ----- ----- --- ---- --- --- -- - 469 Chapter 10. Churches and Other Religious Organizations -I. Definition of a "Church" Foun~ation of Human Understanding v. Commissioner --------------- --- --- ----- -- --- -- -- -"------ --- ----- -QuestIon Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota v. United States ----------II. Membership --- -- ----- --- ------ ---- ---- --- ----- --- --- --Serbian Eastern Orthodox Diocese v. Milivojevich ----------------III. Association Status ,-----A. Liability of Members of a Religious Organization -------------- ---- --- ------ ---- ---- --- -- --- ---- --- -~ -Notes Smith v. Calvary Christian Church ---------------_--------------B. Property Ownership Presbyterian Church in United States v. Hull Presbyterian Church ---- --- ----- ---- ---- ------ --- --- ---- ------ --' Holiman v. Dovers Mills v. Baldwin ----- ---- ---- ---- -__ c - - - __ --- - --- ---- -- Note Wood v. Benedictine Society ofAlabama ------------------------IV. Incorporation of Religious Associations ------------------------------Murphy v. Traylor -----Notes---'::----.- ------- --- ------ -V. Specialized Tax Issues Relating to Religious Organizations ---A. Involvement in Political Activities --------------------------------Branch Ministries v. Rossotti ---------------------------------------Note ~ :--- --- ---- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- --- --- -- ----- -- --- --B. Tax Audits of Churches __ ----·-------------------------------c--------C. Other Tax Issues -Problem --- -- -- ------- ----- ---- ---- ---- ------- --- --- 470 470 470 478 478 485 485 492 493 493 493 497 498 503 506 509 510 512 513 517 518 518 518 526 526 527 528 xx TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter 11. Schools-----------------------------------------------I. Role of Private Schools-----------------------------------------------_______ Pierce v. Society of the Sisters of Holy Names of Jesus and Mary --- ----- ---- --- -- ---- --- --- ---- -"---- -__ -- --- -- ------- --- ---- --- Questions ----- ---- ---- ----- --- ---- ------ ---- -- --- -- ---- --- ---- -- --- --- -- ----- ---New Life Baptist Church Academy v. Longmeadow --------------Question __ ---_---__ - ---_----_-- --__ -- -- -- --__ ---__ -- Zelman v. Simmons-Harris ---____________________________________________ II. Tax Exempt Status of Private SGhools ---______________________________ Bob Jones University v. United States---Question ---- ---- ---- ----- ------ ---- --- ---- -- ---- --- ------ -- --- ---- --- -- --- ----- -Notes- --- ------ --- --- ------ --- --- ----- -- ----- --- ---"- ----- ------ --- --- --- ---- --- -----"----"------ -llf-.-- Rights-of-StLrdents------::=":·,~-~=-~"'=-.:~=~---------~-~------_:._--------------------A. Suspension of Students---------------------------------------------:-Harris v. Trustees of Columbia University ---------------------B. Privacy Rights ----___ Note ---------------_-------------_-------__ ---__ ---_----_---__ ---_----_---__ - 529 529 Chapter 12. Hospitals _-__ --~ -- -_ I. Organizational Structure---------------------------------------_ Questions --------------_---------------------__ ----_---_----_----_---_----_--- _ American Hospital Association v. Hansbarger-. _ Notes--- --- ----- ---- --- --- ----- ---- ---- ---- ----- --- -- -- ----- --- ---- --- --- -- --- ----II. Reorganizations of Nonprofit Hospitals c _ Question ---- --- --------_ ---- --- --__ ---- __ ---_ --- --__ -- - -- _ Revenue Ruling 97-21----------------------------------------------------- __ Question - - -__ -- - _ R!3venue Ruling 98-15------------------------------------------------------Redlands Surgical Services v. Commissioner --_ Question -_--- __ -- -_ -- -- - - _ Notes- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- --- -- ----- ---- -- ---_--- ----- --- ---- --- --- -- --- ----III. Exemption from Property Taxesc _ Question --------------__ ----_--------_-- --__ -- -- --__ ---__ --__ ~ _-__ -- _ Lamb County Appraisal District v. South Plains HospitalClinic Utah County v. Intermountain Health Care -------------------------IV. Abandonment of Nonprofit Hospital Status------"------------------Queen ofAngels Hospital v. Younger ----------------------------c-----V: Conversion to For-Profit Status ---------------_ State ofFlorida v. Anclote Manor Hospital--------------------------Questions -------------__ ----_--------_---_" --__ ---__ -- --__ ---__ -- --__ -- _ Notes- --- ---- --- --- ---- ----- --- -- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- -- --- --- -- 577 Chapter 13. Social Clubs -----------------------------------------------I. Nature of Social Clubs -----------------------------------------------------Revenue Ruling 58-501-------------; _ Note -- --"- ---- ----- --- ----- ---- -~- --- -- --- ---- --- -- ------- ----- --- ------- --- -- ---- -II. Right of Association _---_- --- -"--- --- --- _--__ ----_ --- --_ --- -__ -- __ -- - - _ Board of Directors, Rotary International v. Rotary Club of Duarte ---- ----- ----- __ -- ---_ --- -__ _ 638 c " __ 529 532 532 545 546 556 556 568 568 569 569 569 575 576 577 577 578 585 585 587 587 594 594 601 612 612 613 613 613 618 631 631 634 634 637 637 638 638 641 641 641 i Ij > TABLE OF CONTENTS xxi Page II. Right of Association-Continued Question --- ~ ---- --- -- ---- ---- -- ----- -- --- ----- --- ---- ----- --- -- --- ------- --- -- --New York State Club Association, Inc. v. City of New York ----Questions ---- ---- -- -- --- ----- ---- --- ---- --- --- --- ------ ---- ---- -_- ---- --- -- ---- -Boy Scouts ofAmerica v. Dale -------------------------------------------Note --- --- -- -- ------ ---- --- ---- --- ---- -- --.~---~---~ ----- -------- ----- --- ---- ----- -III. Taxation of Social Clubs ---------------------------------------------------Portland Golf Club v. Commissioner ~ c Notes------- ----- --- ----- ------ ---__ ---- -- ---- --- --- ----- ---- ------ -- --- ---- --- -- -IV. Business Use of a Social Club-----c--------------------------------------Revenue Procedure 71-17 c____________________________ Note --- --- ---- ----- -- ---- ---- --_-- ---- -- -_ ----- -- ----- ----- ----- --- --- ---- --- -- --- ·----V-:-Fraternities-and-8ororities------------------"_~~O~O~O~~~O" Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity v. Commissioner --------------------------Problem -- ----- ---- ----- --- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- -- --- ---- ---- ---- --- ----- -- --- --- -- 647 648 656 656 666 666 667 673 674 674 677 677 678 685 Chapter 14. Trade and Professional Organizations ------------I. Trade Association Status --------------------------------------------------National Muffler Dealers Association, Inc. v. United States ---Guide International Corporation v. United States -----------------II. Trade Shows- --- ------- --- ---- ----- --- --- -- --- -- --- ------ ------- --- ------- --- -_~ III. Political Activities --- --- ---- ---~- -- -- ----- --- ---- ----- --- ----- --- --------- --- American Society ofAssociation Executives v. United States-~-IV. Antitrust Regulations ------------------------------------------------------Goldfarb v~ Virginia State Bar------------------------------~------------National Collegiate Athletic Assoc. v. University of Oklahoma V. Membership in Trade Associations-------------------------------------Austin v. American Association of Neurological Surgeons------- 686 686 686 692 694 694 695 700 701 708 718 718 > Chapter 15. Political Organizations ------------------------------------ 723 I. _Regulation of Political Organizations ---------------------------------- 723 Beaumont v. Federal Election Commission --------------------------- 724 II. Taxation of Political Organizations 740 III. Separate Fund for Political Expenditures of Nonprofit Organizations ----- ----- --- ----- -- -__ -- -- --- ----- ------- ----- -- --- --- --" ---- -- --- -- - 741 IV. Political Activities of § 50l(c)(3) Organizations -------------------- 742 c ----- -__ ----- --- --- ---- -- 742 Note Branch Ministries v. Rossotti --------------------------------------------- 742 Note ------ ---- --- ----- ----- --- -- ----- --- -- ----- --- -- ------- --- ----- ------- --- -- --- - 746 V. Registration Requirements for Tax Exempt Political Organizations ---- -- ---- --~- ---- --- ----- --------- --- ----- ----- --- ---- _-- ---- ------ ----- 746 § 527. Political organizations----------------------~----_--------------- 747 Chapter 16. Homeowners' Associations ------------------------------- 749 I. NatUre ofHomeowneI's' Associations--------~.::.----------------------- 749 Note ---- -- ----- ------- ----- --- ----- ------ --- --- --- ------ ------ -- --- ---- --- --- ----- - 750 II. Rights and Liabilities of Members---------------________________________ 750 Inwood North Homeowners' Association, Inc. v. Harris ---------- 751 Question --- ----- ---- ---- ----~ -- ---_ --- --- ----- --- ---- ---- ---- ----- -- ---- --- --- -- - 755 Brooks v. Northglen Association ----------------------------------------- 755 Trustees of the Prince Condominium Trust v. Prosser ------------ 759 Question ----- ------ ---- --- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ------- -- --- --- ---- --"-- --- ----- --- -- 761 xxii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page II. Rights and Liabilities of Members-Continued Ashcreek Homeowner's Association, Inc. v. Smith__________________ Texas Residential Property Owners Protection Act-Selected Sections -----------------------------------____________________________________ __ __ ___ __ ___ ___ Question ----- -- -- --- ----- --- --- --- --- ----- --- -_ Oregon Revised Statutes § 94.560 -----------___________________________ INDEX --- --- ----- --- ----- --- ---- ----- _-- -- ---- -- ------ ___ ____ ___ ______ __ 761 763 765 765 767