Contract Information Form (CIF) PLEASE DO NOT CIRCULATE THIS DOCUMENT OUTSIDE OF UCL OR DISCUSS ANY CONTRACTUAL TERMS WITH THE FUNDER UNTIL: A. YOU HAVE FULLY COSTED THE PROJECT USING THE UCL COSTING TOOL: UCL pFACT Login Page B. YOU HAVE DISCUSSED YOUR PROJECT WITH A CONTRACT MANAGER: Research Services Contacts (Pre-Award) Before an agreement can be drafted or negotiated your Contracts Manager will require the information requested in this form plus the following document(s) which should be forwarded as soon as possible: a full description of the project / project protocol or Studentships only - a signed `Studentships Project Budget Approval Form' (PBA): Research Services Documents FINALISED CONTRACTS WILL BE SIGNED BY AN AUTHORISED UCL SIGNATORY ONLY AFTER YOUR HEAD OF DEPARTMENT (OR DELEGATED SIGNATORY) HAS EITHER ELECTRONICALLY AUTHORISED THE pFACT COSTING APPROVED BY THE RESEARCH FINANCE UNIT OR SIGNED THE STUDENTSHIP PROJECT BUDGET APPROVAL FORM. Where applicable, it is your responsibility to ensure that your project is registered with the UCL Data Protection Office and for obtaining all the necessary authorisations, approvals (including ethics approvals) and licences. If your project involves NHS resources and/ or patients, you need to contact the relevant R&D office. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION: This form allows you to import (cut and paste) text into the relevant fields but please note that printing is not permitted. Fields highlighted in RED are compulsory. When filling out the form please tab between fields and/or select fields using your file with an appropriate name (e.g. "Project X CIF.pdf") and email it to your Contracts Manager. If you have any problems completing the form, please contact your Contracts Manager in the first instance. Once the form is completed, choose "Save a Copy" from the File menu and save the first instance. 1. Project Overview Principal Investigator: Tel. Number: Email Address: UCL Department: Project Title: Start Date: End Date: Contract Price: £ Brief description of Work. Please email a full description as a separate attachment. If applicable, what is the deadline for putting an agreement in place? 2. Who Is The Contract With? Name: Legal Address: Legal Contact (the person responsible for negotiating agreements for the other party): Name: Tel: Email: Technical Contact (the person supervising the project for the other party): Name: Tel: Email: Details of Other contributing Parties: (Please include names, contacts and the details of contributions) Contributions In-Kind: (please specify any non-cash contribution that will be made by the other party) What is the approximate cash value of their contribution? £ 3. Project Details FOR CLINICAL TRIALS ONLY: Does the clinical trial involve a medicinal product or medical device being investigated on patients (e.g. drug, vaccine, diagnostic, scanners)? Yes No IMPORTANT - If your work will involve any clinical elements it is vital that you contact the UCL Joint Research Office FOR STUDENTSHIPS: This studentship is (either): 1. Part-funded: ----PLEASE SELECT--- ; or 2. Fully Funded by the industrial funder: Is the student to be employed by the industrial funder? Yes No Please supply the student's full name and address if known. (This will default to the department's address unless specified): ALL RESEARCH PROJECTS: Will any students be involved in this project (if NOT a studentship)? Yes No Do you have any specific requirements in order to carry out the project? If so please give details (e.g. subcontracts, consultancies, licenses for use of third party resource etc.) Any other relevant information: 4. Intellectual Property Please list the background intellectual property that each party is bringing to this project. For example, please provide the details of any software, databases, devices, compounds, techniques or processes that will be utilised. By UCL: By the Funder: Are you aware of any previous agreements made with the lead contracting party? If so please give details (e.g. subcontracts, consultancies, licenses for use of third party resource etc.) and, where relevant, the Account Codes of existing projects Please indicate how likely this project is to generate new intellectual property: ---PLEASE SELECT--- And how valuable such intellectual property is likely to be: ---PLEASE SELECT--- Finally, how interested will you be in exploiting any new IP that may arise?: ---PLEASE SELECT--- EXPLOITATION OF IP: Should you wish to obtain advice on the protection or exploitation of Intellectual Property, please also contact UCL Business