Putting CLD in CfE: A training resource supporting community

Putting CLD in CfE: A training resource supporting community
learning and development with delivery of Curriculum for
The four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence
Objective: This interactive session will take participants through an activity exploring how
CLD helps learners achieve the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence.
1 hour
colouring pens
Curriculum for Excellence four capacities handout
Successful learner description
Confident individual description
Responsible citizen description
Effective contributor description.
Method: This section is divided into four interactive activities each exploring one of the
capacities. The activities give practitioners the opportunity to explore how their work in CLD
can support learners to achieve the four capacities.
Successful learners method: Get the picture
Split the group into two teams.
Print off the successful learners description but keep it hidden from the group until
the activity is complete.
One member of the team is invited to come up and is shown in secret one of the
bullet points from the successful learners description.
They then have 30 seconds to draw that bullet point onto the flipchart and the rest
of the team have to guess what it is.
Repeat this process with the second team and give each team a turn until all
descriptions have been covered.
The person who guessed correctly or someone who hasn’t had a shot then goes up.
Repeat the process for 7-8 minutes.
Reveal all of the bullet points and discuss with the group for 5 minutes which points
link in with their own work. How? Why? Examples?
At the buzzer or at 12 minutes move the group on.
Confident individuals method: Burst My Bubble
Print the confident individuals description but keep it hidden from the group.
Stick ‘TRUE’ on one wall and ‘FALSE’ on the opposite wall.
Write out five statements and put them inside balloons.
Blow up the balloons and stick them around the room.
Ask for a volunteer to burst a balloon without using their arms, legs or an object.
Get the volunteer to read out the statement and then ask everyone to move to
either the TRUE or FALSE signs if they think that the statement is in the official
Curriculum for Excellence description for a confident individual.
Repeat this until all five balloons are burst using a different volunteer each time. If
participants are resistant let them use their leg or an object.
Reveal all of the bullet points and discuss with the group for five minutes which
points link in with their own peer education work. How? Why?
At the buzzer or at 12 minutes move the group on.
Responsible citizens method: Whispers
Split the group into two teams.
Print off the responsible citizens description but keep it hidden from the group.
Stick two pieces of flipchart on the back wall.
Ask both teams to line up one behind the other standing in front of the flipchart on
the back wall and facing the front.
Explain that the team with the most correct answers wins.
Ask the two people at the front of the lines to come up to the front. Show them one
of the responsible citizens definitions.
They then go back to their team and whisper what they saw.
This is then passed down the line to the person at the back who then has to write up
what they heard on the flipchart.
The person writing then moves to the front and everyone else moves down towards
the flipchart on the back wall.
Repeat for 3-4 definitions or 7 minutes.
Reveal all of the bullet points and discuss with the group which points link in with
their own peer education work. How? Why? Examples?
At the buzzer or at 12 minutes move the group on.
Effective contributors method: Memory Map Race
Print off the effective contributors description but keep it hidden from the group.
Split the group into two smaller groups of even numbers and ask them to sit on
chairs in a line facing each other but 1-2 metres apart.
Explain that this is a race and that the team to complete the task first and most
accurately wins.
When you say ‘go’ both participants have to run to the front and look at a sheet of
paper with effective contributors details on it written in all different fonts and sizes.
Let them look for five seconds (count out loud for them) then they have to run back
to their group and write down as many of the points as they can remember.
When their turn has finished they should go to the end of the line with everyone
moving up one chair.
The second person now goes and you repeat the process until everyone has had a
Then stop the game and see which team got the most/was the fastest.
Reveal all of the bullet points and discuss with the group which points link in with
their own peer education work. How? Why? Examples?
At the buzzer or at 12 minutes end the activity.
Take any feedback and emphasise that CLD is helping learners achieve the four capacities of
Curriculum for Excellence.
Distribute the Curriculum for Excellence four capacities handout for participants’ reference.
For more information on the four capacities, visit Education Scotland – the purpose of the