Forth Valley College Excellence in Forth Valley College Delivery of Care Programme and four capacities in Curriculum for Excellence The programme was designed specifically around building the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence and SQA units were chosen to ensure systematic progress in these. Lecturing staff were trained in delivering learning and teaching thematically and from a cooperative and cohesive perspective. Learners play an active part in jointly planning their learning within the context of the development of the four capacities. The partnership involvement of community service providers is an integral part of the programme experience and learners explore these services as they relate to the themes (for example, teenage pregnancy in the Forth Valley area) they are studying. There is a particular emphasis on reflection and the personal ownership of progress and development. Extensive use of new technologies is made to engage the learners. The first cohort of learners used software such as ‘Crazy Talk’, and set up ‘Twitters’ and ‘Blogs’. This has been extended in 2011 to include the use of ‘Mahara’, an EPortfolio package.