. xas State University Chancellor University of Houston at Clear Lake 2700 Bay Area Boulevard Houston; exa ad 77058 Stephen Szygenda, Ph.D. President and CEO Rubican Group 6300 La C d m a Drive,. Suite 100 Austin, Texas 78752 A&M University System e Station, Texas 77843 Edbright & Jaworski 221 West Sixth Street i N. S. (Mike) Waterman, Jr. Chairman and President SimuFlite Training International, Inc. P.O. Box 619119 Dallas/Fort worth Airport, Texas 75261. Issued in Austin, Texas, on June 21, 1984. TRD-846824 Mark White Governor of Texas Appointment Made June 25 Texas Low-Level Radioactive .Waste Disposal Authority For a term to expire February I, 1989: Dr. Robert L. Clement 1504 Marshall Lane Austin, Texas 78703 Dr. Clement is replacing Dr. Frederick J. Bonte of Dallas, whose term expired. Issued in Austin, Texas, on June 25, 1984. TRD-846823 Mark White Governor of Texas national leader in the field of microelectronics and computer technology; and . in total population; and July3, 1984 9 TexReg 3685 ... ,.-Fz ex& degistar The council will consist of not more than 30 members appointed by the governor who shall serve two-year te and at the pleasure of the governor,. The governor shall deignate a chain11811 from the membership who s serve in that position at the pleasure of the governor. The council may create working committees. The council shall research, develop, and report to the governor the means available to the State of Texas t become a national leader in science and technology development. It may do this by: (1) reviewing and recommending policies that would increase, in absolute terms, the amount of^basic an applied research conducted at state colleges and universities and in the private sector; , (2) analyzing and proposing state policies and actions that promote technology development and technolo transfer; (3) reviewing educational support systems in primary, secondary, and higher education, including teache training, curriculum, and incentive for public/private interchanges; (4) proposing and analyzing state policies that promote ready availability and accessibilityof venture capital (5) recommending policies for university Gentures which are potentially self-sustaining; (6) reviewing and recommending a mechanism for direct state investment in high technology development; (7) studying and making recommendations on any other issues which directly pertain to improving the stat competitive position in the areas of science, research and development, and technology development. The council shall meet at least once each quarter. The chairman, with the advice of the governor, shall esta .the agenda for the council meetings. The council shall provide a written report to the governor semiann and shall provide recommendations for legislative action to the governor by November 1984. The members of the council shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for reasonable and nece sary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The Office of the Governor shall be responsible for providing staff support as necessary for the council an1 also for directing the staff activities. This executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in effect until modified, amended, or n scinded by me. Issued in Austin, Texas, on June 21, 1984. TRD- 846850 Mark Whit, Governor of T m rui of TITLE Part \ Ear Chapt lnte Fundin lnter The lnter tion pror 621.25, 5625.31 hood lntl Mary Eld ministrat period t h implicatic inesses ; rules. Ms. Elde the first. the publi the rules Porating tract mar under prc ing procc of t h e Ea no antici required July 3, ,1984