Texas Register

The specific duties and responsibilities of each member of this group shall be as designated in th5 State Emer
gency Management Plan and annexes thereto. Each member of the group may designate a memuei of his staf
to represent him on the council.
I further hereby designate the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety to serve as chairman of the
council and as director of the Division of Emergency Management of the Office of the Governor. He shall bei
my designated agent to exercise the powers granted to me under the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 in the administra-4
tion and supervision of the Act including, but not limited to, the power to accept from the federal government,]
or any public or private agency or individual, any offer of services, equipment, supplies, materials, or funds
as gifts, grants, or loans for the purposes of civil defense or disaster relief and may dispense such gifts, grants,:
or loans for the purposes for which they are made without further authorization other than as contained herein.'d
He shall establish emergency operations areas to be known as disaster districts, which shall correspond to the;
boundaries of the Texas Highway Patrol districts and subdistricts and shall arrange for each disaster district:
to be composed of representatives of the state agencies, boards, and commissions having membership on the;
council. The Highway Patrol commanding officer of each Highway Patrol district or subdistrict shall serve aschairman of the District Disaster Committee and report to the director on matters relating to disasters and emergen-:
cies. The chairman shall be assisted by the council representatives assigned to that district who shall provide;
guidance, counsel, and administrative support as may be required.
The council is hereby authorized to issue such directives as may be necessary to effectuate the purpose of the.
Texas Disaster Act of 1975, as amended, and is further authorized and empowered to exercise the specific powers
enumerated in the Act.
Further, in accordance with the Texas Disaster Act of 1975, Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6889-7, 98, I hereby
designate the mayor of each municipal corporation and the county judge of each county in the state as the emergency
management director for each such political subdivision. Each may delegate this authority to an emergency management coordinator who shall serve as assistant to the presiding officer of the political subdivision for emergency
management purposes when so designated.
By the authority vested in me under the Texas Disaster Act of 1975, Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6889-7, 98(d),
1 further hereby authorize each politic'al subdivision of the state to establish in the county in which it is sited,
interjurisdictional agencies by intergovernmenta.i agreement, supported asneeded by local ordinance or commissioners court resolution, in cooperation and coordination with the Division of Emergency Management of the
Office of the Governor. In compliance with Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6889-7, $8(f), the presiding officer of
each political subdivision shall promptly notify the Division of Emergency Management of the manner in which
it is providing or securing an emergency management program and the person designated to head that program.
This executive order repeals Execut.ive Order WPC-I IA dated September 14, 1981. I t shall be effective immediately
and shall remain in effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me.
Issued in Austin, Texas, on October 12, 1983.
EsraBlisliing r l ~ eGo~.errior'sTask Force oil Srote E ~ r i p l o ~ eHenlrh
Qilnlirj orld Cosr Confnit71ilen1.
WHEREAS, the cost of medical care in the United States is nearly $300 billion a year-about
national product-and is increasing at a rate of more than 15% annually; and
10070 of the gross
WHEREAS, about one-fourth of the total outlay for health care in the nation is in the form of health insurance
benefit plans for employees; and
WHEREAS. the cost to the State of Tesas of the state employees' group insurance pros
and is-now more than $350 million for the nest biennuni-a significant factor in the state budget; and
WHEREAS, the cost of health insurance programs to covered state employees and retirees I
and is becoming a matter of concern in family budgets; and
WHEREAS, the good health of state employees is in the public interest as \\ell as in the interest of the employees
themselves; and
WHEREAS, cost containment in all areas of the stare budget is of vital interest to Tesas taspayers;
NOW, THEREFORE, I , Mark White, $overnor of Tesas, under the authority vestedin me. d o hereby create
and establish theGovernor's Task Force on State Employee Health Insurance Quality and Cost Containment,
hereafter referred to as the state employees1.insurance task force.
9 TexReg
February 14, 1984
Subcommittee on Employee Benefits, and the Subcommittee on Wellness.
force is hereby charged:
state employees insurance task forbe will be composed of not more than 33 members, including health care
iders, representatives of the insurance industry, state employees, and legislators.
e .members of the state employees insurance task force shall be appointed by the governor and shall serve
ecoinmendations of the: state
sk force shall serve without compensation and without reimburse-
is executive order shall be effective immedia'tely and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended,
rescinded by me.
Issued in Austin, Texas on October 27, 1983.'
Mark White
Governor of Texas
Force on Inhalant Abuse.
EAS, inhalants are a diverse group o f chemical producing psychoactive (mind-altering) vapors; and
1s is somewhat difficult
to control since many are found
EAS, because the products containing these chemicals are relatively inexpensive and more easily available
her substances subject to abuse, there tends to be a disproportionate amount of inhalant abuse among
y of substances subject to idhalant abuse: and
lly inhaling these chemicals may be causing themselves
chronic inhalant abusers and many of the programs that specialize in the
ment of other substance abuse problems, in fact, prefer not to accept inhalant abusers as patients;
February 14, 1984