Dear Colleague, Degreeplus is a new scheme approved by Senate that will launch during October 2007. Through the scheme, University students can register for activities that will enable them to acquire skills in areas that go beyond their area of specialisation, such as: entrepreneurship, languages, culture, voluntary work, and ICT. The degreeplus activities do not earn students ECTS credits that can count towards their degree, but fruitful participation in degreeplus activities will be mentioned in a separate degreeplus transcript that will list the degree plus units that they would have pursued during their time at the university. There is no limit to the number of degreeplus activities for which students can register. However, for practical and logistical reasons, students may follow only one degreeplus activity per semester. Senate has approved a request to keep Wednesdays from 12:00 to 14:00 free from formal University lecturing, so that students may participate in DegreePlus activities. So far, this timetabling arrangement applies mainly to first-year undergraduate students, but eventually it will apply across all years of study. If you currently lecture first-year students, or in the course of your administrative duties you meet first-year students, the degreeplus team would appreciate it if you could help market degreeplus to our fist year students. I would be grateful if you could highlight to your first years students that: (1) Participation in degreeplus will be very beneficial to them as they will acquire valuable skills that will be officially certified. (2) They can register for degreeplus from our website at (3) Registrations are accepted on a first-come first-served basis (4) Students do not need to have access to e-sims to register for Degree Plus). (5) The closing date for registrations is 17th October. Degreeplus activities start on Wed 24th October. For your convenience, the degreeplus committee is enclosing an information sheet and poster that may be photocopied onto a transparency or printed and attached to a noticeboard. If you have any queries, please contact Thank you very much for your assistance. Prof. Juanito Camilleri Rector. INFORMATION SHEET *What is Degreeplus?* Degreeplus aims to provide a more holistic education which will enable you to acquire skills and knowledge that go beyond your areas of specialisation. Programmes will commence towards the end of October and include culture, entrepreneurship, languages, voluntary work and ICT. As you may see, this is a very broad spectrum of areas so we are sure that one of them will interest you! Furthermore, it will be an opportunity for you to meet students from other faculties and to be involved in an interesting and innovative learning experience. *How can I register for Degreeplus?* If you are a first-year student and have access to e-sims, you can register to Degreeplus through e-sims from If for some reason you cannot register through e-sims or would like to modify your registration, then please do so from *When can I register for Degreeplus and is there a deadline for registration?* Registration for the Degreeplus programme is now open and will close on Wednesday 17th October. Please keep in mind that certain programmes may be on offer on a first-come firstserved basis, so do not take too long to decide! *When and where will the Degreeplus activities be taking place?* Most degree plus activities will be held on Wednesdays between noon and 2pm (see for details). The venue and final timetable will be available shortly on the website. *From where can I get further information?* For further information please visit our website and read what it's all about. You may also wish to contact by e-mail us on where we will be happy to assist you.