Shanghai Summer School TCM Program 2014. From my point of view.

Shanghai Summer School TCM Program 2014.
From my point of view.
I was one of the lucky few who were selected to participate in the Shanghai Summer School TCM
programm 2014 aptly called by the organisers “A miraculous TCM trip”. Having some background of
TCM theory and practice I found the programm exceptionally instructive. When originally applied
for the programm I thought that this was going to be a very basic course in the subject. Ultimately it
resulted in a very informative course during which one learned new things but above all had the
opportunity to put questions to some of the best professors in the field in Shanghai.
All in all I can say that I found it amazing how much one can learn in a short course like this. The
language course was a case in point. The teacher was unique in covering so much in so short period
of time. Exceptional was Professor Li Zheng Yu Ph.D. who gave a very informative overview in Tuina
both theoretical and practical.
Leaving the didactic side of the experience aside I can say that the fact alone of meeting so many
people from all over the world was in itself very educational and enriching. The organisation under
the leadership of Benjamin Lyu was flawless. He made sure that each participant is taken care of in
every his or her difficulties. His helpers were extremely nice, helpful and cooperative.
Although the food at the canteen was good, initially I found it a little bit difficult to find the food
that, being a vegetarian, suited me. This happened to me in the first few days because later I found
my way to the food I liked.
Regarding the excursions I can say very little, having missed almost all the very interesting ones due
to unforeseen circumstances. But the one to the Shanghai Museum in Peoples’ Square and the one
to the Museum of TCM were very interesting. During my stay I had the privilege to meet Dr. Zhao
Hailei, Vice President and Associate Director of the International College of SHUTCM. During the
meeting we discussed the future cooperation between his University and the University of Malta in
promoting TCM teaching in Malta. Following the meeting we exchanged gifts.
As I said the organisation was flawless and I can vouch for it myself having gone through a very bad
experience when on the 28th June my daughter called me from Malta, in the middle of the night, to
tell me that my mother passed away. It was Benjamin Lyu who in a matter of thirty minutes fixed me
a flight back to Malta that same day. I feel very much obliged to him for his assistance in that
moment of grief.
So it was very good while it lasted and I recommend it to anyone.
Michael Micallef