A Selective Annotated Bibliography* Arizona Practice Materials: Carol Elliott***


Arizona Practice Materials:

A Selective Annotated Bibliography*

Arturo L. Torres**

Carol Elliott***

The authors provide a selective listing of Arizona legal publications, including primary sources, treatises, and current continuing legal education materials that are typically used in the practice of law in



In the not-too-distant past, it was fairly easy for the practicing attorney to keep abreast of the legal literature and legal publications. But the burgeoning of legal materials in recent years has contributed to the

frustration of many a practitioner. Although Arizona has a fairly recent

history, having achieved statehood in 1912, materials relating to Arizona

legal practice have progressively multiplied in the last two decades.

Consequently, Arizona practitioners are steadily finding it more difficult to keep up with the legal literature and publications outside their specialty

areas. This bibliography attempts to address that concern by providing

annotated ready references to Arizona practice materials for local practitioners and others.

This annotated bibliography is one in a series on state practice materials published in Law Library Journal.' It includes both primary and

secondary materials ordinarily used in the practice of law in Arizona. For

* © Arturo L. Torres & Carol Elliott, 1988. The authors wish to thank Trish Taylor, Ronald

L. Cherry, Edward H. White III, and the entire library staff for their encouragement and support.

** Head of Reference, University of Arizona, College of Law Library, Tucson, Arizona.

*** Reference Librarian, University of Arizona, College of Law Library, Tucson, Arizona.

1. See Brown, An Annotated Bibliography of Current New York State Practice Materials, 73

LAw LiBR. J. 28 (1980); Johnson, Michigan Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, 73

LAw LmR. J. 672 (1980); Gruben & Philipp, An Annotated Bibliography of Texas Practice Materials,

74 LAW Lmt. J. 87 (1981); Ochal, California Current State Practice Materials: An Annotated

Bibliography, 74 LAW LMR. J. 281 (1981); Fishman & Silverman, Pennsylvania Practice Materials: A

Select Annotated Bibliography, 78 LAw LMR. J. 73 (1986); Senezak, New Jersey Practice Materials: A

Select Annotated Bibliography, 79 LAw LMR. J. 689 (1987).

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Law Library Journal [Vol. 80:577 supplemented works, we have noted the frequency and the type of updating. We also have indicated where updating is irregular or not done at all.

We have excluded out-of-print titles from the bibliography, except when such titles are significant and no current equivalent exists. Also excluded are audiovisual media materials, self-help materials, and previous editions of a work. Finally, we have limited our references to those items that have statewide applicability.

As a general rule, we have excluded pre-1985 State Bar of Arizona

Continuing Legal Education Committee seminar and workshop materials.

These works are usually intended for current awareness, are not updated, and are, for the most part, out-of- print and no longer available.

2 In short, their usefulness has been outlived. However, those pre-1985 seminar and workshop materials containing unique, relevant, and useful information not duplicated elsewhere are included, regardless of their publication date.

Materials prepared in conjuction with a seminar or workshop published since 1985 and on or before July 1988 have been included with few exceptions. These materials often discuss new and current developments and trends in the law.

,The materials included below were gleaned from various sources. Most

were produced by local publishing companies, state agencies, the State Bar

of Arizona Continuing Legal Education Committee, and other groups, such as the Arizona Law Institute.

3 Additionally, selective legal publishers' lists were consulted, as was Teenstra's Survey of Arizona State Legal and

Law-Related Documents

4 and Elliott's Arizona Practice Materials Biblio- graphy 2d


Since price changes occur frequently and unpredictably, the prices of the items have not been included. Publishers should be contacted for discounts, price changes, and shipping and handling charges.


General publications commonly used in the practice of law are listed at the beginning of this bibliography by type. Arizona practice books and

2. Telephone interview with the publications office of the State Bar of Arizona (Aug. 3, 1987).

3. Although the Institute no longer exists, it managed to produce and publish numerous invaluable practice-oriented materials during the ten or so years of its existence.


RELATED DOCUMENTS (1984) (American Association of Law Libraries, Government Documents Special

Interest Section, Annual State Documents Bibliography Series No. 12). This is an annotated bibliography chiefly of state agency publications.

5. C. ELLioTT, ARIZONA PRACTICE MATERIALS 2d (1985) (University of Arizona, College of Law

Library, Bibliography Series No. 8). This is a bibliography of materials published by the Arizona Law

Institute, State Bar of Arizona, and the Continuing Legal Education Committee of the State Bar of

Arizona, located at the University of Arizona College of Law Library.

6. For a list of publishers, see Appendix.

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treatises then follow, listed by subject. The annotations attempt to note some of the unique features of the individual publications: for instance, whether forms or unusual indexing are included, general availability of the publication, and reference to future revisions or supplementation.

General Publications

Statutory Sources

Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated (A.R.S.). 21 vols. in 34. St. Paul: West Pub.

Co. Annual pkt. pts., semiannual pamphlets. Coverage includes historical notes, cross-references, references to other West publications, law review commentaries, and case notes. In addition, the A.R.S. also includes the constitutions of the State of Arizona and of the United States, the Rules of Court, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Gadsden Treaty, and the organic laws of the Territory and State.

Arizona Revised Statutes Desk Set. 4 vols. 1988-89. Phoenix: Arizona Statutes

Publications, 1987-. Annual. An unannotated softcover edition of the

Arizona Revised Statutes, integrating changes to the existing statutes of the state by the legislature for that calendar year. In addition to the general statutes of the state, each annual edition also contains the United

States and Arizona Constitutions, table of contents, and an index.

West's Arizona Criminal Law and Rules. St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1987. Annual.

Pamphlet. The complete unannotated text of the provisions relating to

criminal law and procedure from the Arizona Constitution, Arizona Re-

vised Statutes, and Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure. Its redeeming feature is the combined single index to all Arizona criminal laws and rules of procedure.

West's Arizona Education Code. St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1987. Annual. Pamphlet. An unannotated copy of Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 15, Ed- ucation Code, with appendix containing selected state employee retirement laws relating to teachers and other school personnel. It includes disposition and derivation tables, converting former sections to new sections and vice versa. This work contains no index, merely a table of contents.


[Arizona Legislative Report]. Phoenix: Arizona News Service, Inc. Daily during legislative sessions. Covers bills introduced in Arizona, summaries, floor action, committee agenda, copies, and status of all bills introduced.

Session Laws, State of Arizona. Phoenix: Secretary of State, 1912-. Annual. Of- ficial publication of the annual laws passed by the Arizona legislature.

Contains acts, bills, and chapter tables, as well as a key word index.

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Usually available from four to six months after the legislature adjourns.

In the interim, West's Arizona Legislative Service should be consulted.

[Slip Lawsj. Phoenix: Secretary of State. Irregular. After the final version of a bill is signed by the governor, it is sent to the secretary of state, who then makes mimeographed copies available to the public free of charge.

West's Arizona Legislative Service. St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1956-. Annual. Advance sheet format issued during the legislative session and shortly thereafter. Among its contents are session laws, executive orders, and amendments to court rules. These are eventually edited and incorporated into the annual cumulative pocket parts for Arizona Revised Statutes An-

notated. The pamphlets can be discarded after the bound volumes of the

Session Laws are published.

Case Reports and Digests

Arizona Advance Reports. Provo, Utah: Code Co., Law Publishers, 1988-. Biweekly. Pamphlet. Contains publication of the Arizona appellate court decisions in advance sheet format. Fills a gap, since Arizona Reports do not contain advance sheets. Each issue contains a cumulative index to

Arizona Revised Statutes cites and cases previously reported. The Arizona

Advance Reports is published every other Monday. Each issue contains new cases issued through the preceding Friday.

Arizona Appeals Reports. 27 vols. St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1965-76. A companion set to the Arizona Reports. Arizona Court of Appeals cases, vol.

1-27 (1965-76). Cases since 1976 are published in the Arizona Reports and Pacific Reporter Second.

Arizona Reports. Vols. 1-63. San Francisco: Bancroft- Whitney, 1866-1945. Reprint rights owned by William S. Hein. Vols. 64-. St. Paul: West Pub.

Co., 1945-. Approximately 2-4 vols. printed annually. Volumes 64-113

(1945-76) contain only decisions of the Arizona Supreme Court. After

1976, the decisions of the Court of Appeals have been included. The

Arizona Reports serve as the official reports of the state. No advance sheets are issued. Updating is available through the Arizona Advance

Reports and the advance sheets of the Pacific Reporter Second.

Arizona Digest. 8 vols. in 25. St. Paul: West Pub. Co. Updated by annual cumulative pocket parts and semiannual pamphlet and through the digest sections of the advance sheets and bound volumes of the Pacific Reporter

Second. Covers Arizona Reports, Pacific Reporter, and Pacific Reporter

Second, as well as Arizona cases decided in the federal courts from 1866 to date. References to Arizona Law Review articles are included under pertinent key numbers.


[Attorney General Opinions]. Phoenix: Arizona Attorney General, 1892-. Irregular. Opinions are available within a few days of release from the State

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Law Library of the Department of Library, Archives and Public Records; not available from the Attorney General's office. The opinions are eventually reproduced in several formats and by several publishers. William

S. Hein and Company has reproduced opinions on microfiche annually since 1978. The office of the Attorney General reproduces selective opinions in an annual pamphlet format.

[Ethics Opinions]. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, Committee on Rules of Professional Conduct, 1954-. Irregular. The Ethics. Opinions initially were published in two different formats. One format 'is a reduction printing of the original opinions, consisting of five looseleaf volumes covering the years 1954-82. Volume 5 contains a digest of opinions through opinion number 81-21 and indexing through opinion 76-29. A, subsequent cumulative index was published in volume 14 of the Arizona Bar Journal

(October 1978), indexing opinions through 78-22 (June 27, 1978). A separate supplemental digest of Arizona Ethics Opinions was begun in 1975, covering opinions 76-36 to present. A digest of opinions also appears in the Arizona Bar Journal and Arizona Bar Briefs. Each digest includes earlier Ethical Considerations (EC), Disciplinary Rules (DR), and Ethics

Opinions (EO) cited in subsequent Arizona ethics opinions. The second format retains the original opinion format, covering the years 1954 to present. Opinions for 1980-87 have been compiled in one volume by the

State Bar Office.

[Slip Opinions]. Irregular. The Supreme Court and both divisions of the Court of Appeals (Division I, Phoenix; Division II, Tucson) are generally widely available by subscription within a week of release.

Administrative Law and Procedure

Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.). 14 vols. in 16. Phoenix: Secretary of

State, 1987. Bimonthly. Looseleaf. Formerly (1975-86) Arizona Admin-

istrative Rules and Regulations. Includes all rules promulgated by state regulatory agencies. Consists of 17 titles and over 7,300 pages, with rules of over 150 agencies, boards, commissions, departments, and offices. May be purchased as a complete set or by volume, title, or chapter.

Arizona Administrative Register. Phoenix: Secretary of State, 1987-. Monthly.

Pamphlet. Formerly (1891-1986) Arizona Administrative Digest. This work is the official publication of the state, updating the Arizona Adminis-

trative Code. Indexes are published semiannually and annually. The Reg-

ister contains governor's executive orders; a summary of attorney general's opinions; notices of proposed rule making; a listing of permanent rules, state appointed officials, and the State Boards and Commissions, among other things.


Shepard's Arizona Case Name Citator. 1st ed. Colorado Springs: Shepard's/

McGraw-Hill, 1986. Semiannual supps. A compilation of case names and

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citations appearing in the Arizona Reports, Arizona Appeals Reports, and the Pacific Reporter Second (Arizona Cases) from 1940 to date. Contents include the full case name, decision date, parallel citations, and reversed defendant-plaintiff entries.

Shepard's Arizona Citations. 2 vols. Colorado Springs: Shepard's/McGraw-Hill,

1985. Bimonthly supps. Published in two editions. Statute Edition includes references to, among other things, Arizona session laws, Arizona court rules, Arizona jury instructions, tables of Arizona acts by popular names or short titles, municipal chapters and ordinances. Case Edition affords coverage of Arizona Reports, Arizona Appeals Reports, and Pacific Re-

porter Second (Arizofia Cases). Both editions kept up-to-date by pamphlets.

Court Rules

[Amended Rules for Arizona Courts]. Phoenix: Arizona Supreme Court, 1976-.

Irregular. Periodically issued by the Court in mimeograph form, containing recently amended Rules of Court. This and advance sheets of the


Pacific Reporter Second and West's Arizona Legislative Service are the primary sources available for updating court rules between updates of the

Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated and the Arizona Rules of Court.

Copies are available from the Clerk's Office free of charge until the rule appears in a commercially produced publication.

Arizona Rules of Court. St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1987. Annual. Contains federal, state, and selected local court rules. Separate indexes have been prepared for individual sets of rules. For rule changes subsequent to publication, the West's Arizona Legislative Service pamphlets, the Pacific Reporter

Second advance sheets, and the [Amended Rules of Arizona Courts] should be consulted.


Arizona Blue Book. Phoenix: Secretary of State, 1986. Biennial. Sporadically published until 1973-74. The Arizona Yearbook subsequently replaced this work. The secretary of state resumed publication of the Blue Book in

1986. Includes historical, political, and statistical data about the state and its local governments.

Arizona Criminal Justice Agencies Directory. Phoenix: Arizona Department of

Public Safety, Information Analysis Section, 1987. Includes listings of state, county, and municipal enforcement and support agencies, courts, prosecutors, and public defenders. Also listed are selected federal law enforcement and criminal justice agencies. Unusual features include listings for college and university police departments, railroad police, and state designated court code numbers.

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Arizona Practice Materials

The Arizona Yearbook: A Guide to Government in the Grand Canyon State.

Eugene, Oregon: The Information Press, 1985-86. Biennial. Initially published to take the place of the Arizona Blue Book, and is generally issued in the spring of odd-numbered years. Includes essentially the same types of information as the Arizona Blue Book: statistical, recreational, political, and related information on state, local, federal and Indian community governments.

State Bar of Arizona Membership Directory. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, 1986-

87. Annual (every August). In addition to alphabetical and geographical listing of Arizona attorneys, includes governance structure of the state bar, court's directory, government officials, and other related information such as bylaws and legal specialization provisions.


Arizona Bar Briefs. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, 1982-88. Formerly (1981-82)

Arizona Bar News Notes. Includes announcements of local and forthcoming events of interest to the practitioner, digest of ethics opinions, and court highlights. This publication has ceased, being replaced by the

Arizona Attorney.

Arizona Business Gazette. Phoenix: Phoenix Newspapers, Inc., 1980-. Weekly

(every Monday). Formerly (1880-1980) Arizona Weekly Gazette. Concentrates on statewide business and financial news. Also contains "Law/

Courts" section as well as extensive "Public Notices" section. Digest and full text of recently released Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions may be found in the "Law/Courts" section, but only well after release of slip opinions.

Arizona Capitol Times. Phoenix: Arizona News Services, Inc., 1982-. Weekly

(every Wednesday). Formerly Arizona Legislative Review. The newspaper includes weekly wrap-ups of state legislative, political, and government affairs. All legislation introduced is described and tracked. Attorney general opinions, agency rules, and regulations hearings are summarized monthly. Provides a "Public Notices" section for Arizona corporate activity.

Daily Territorial. Tucson: Territorial Publishers, Inc., 1966-. Daily. Considers statewide business, legal and legislative news, and public notices, primarily from a local (Pima County) perspective.


Arizona Attorney. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, 1988-. Monthly. As of August

1988, this magazine replaces the Arizona Bar Briefs and the Arizona Bar

Journal. According to the publisher, the information formerly found in

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Law Library Journal [Vol. 80:577 these two publications has now been incorporated into the Arizona At- torney.

Arizona Bar Journal. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, 1965-.88. Vols. 1-10, 1965-

75, quarterly. Includes year-end legislative review. Other issues include selected full-text ethics opinions. Cumulative indexes in volume 3 (1968) for volumes 1 through 3, volume 6 (1971) for volumes 4 through 6, and volume 19 (1983-84) for volumes 6 through 19(2). This publication has ceased, being replaced by the Arizona Attorney.

Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law. Tucson: University of

Arizona, College of Law, 1982-. Annual. (None published in 1983). Places heavy emphasis on the Mexican legal system. Manuscripts are accepted in Spanish or Portuguese, but authors must verify an English translation.

Arizona Law Review. Tucson: University of Arizona, College of Law, 1959-.

Quarterly (except vols. 1-8 semiannually,; vols. 9-10 annually). Publishes articles and commentaries on topics of interest to the legal community.

For single issues or volumes 1 through 26, contact Fred B. Rothman and

Company; issues from volume 26 are available from the Review. Cumulative indexes are found in volume 12 (1970) for volumes 1 through

12 and volume 22 (1980) for volumes .13 through 22.

Arizona State Law Journal. Tempe: Arizona State University, College of Law,

1969-. Quarterly. Formerly Law and the Social Order (vols. 1969 through

1973). Each issue usually contains articles addressing Arizona law and

cases. Back issues through volume 1974(4) are available from William S.

Hein and Company; back issues beginning with volume 1975(1) are available from the Journal. Cumulative indexes can be found in volumes 1975,

1980, and 1985.

Arizona Practice Books and Treatises

Administrative Law and Procedure

Arizona Agency Handbook. Rev. ed. Phoenix: Arizona Attorney General, 1983.

Irregular. Looseleaf. According to the attorney general, purpose is to explain in layman's language the major state laws that govern the operation of state agencies. This handbook discusses statutes, rules, constitutional provisions, and case law, and includes pertinent forms and index.

Appellate Procedure

Arizona Appellate Handbook. .3 vols. 2d ed. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona,

Continuing Legal Education, 1983-. Annual. Looseleaf. Volume 1 covers civil and criminal appeals, special actions, workers' compensation, ju-

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1988] Arizona Practice Materials venile, unemployment, and managing an appellate practice. Volumes 2 and 3 originally prepared as part of the National Handbook Project sponsored by the Committee on Appellate Advocacy of the American Bar

Association's Appellate Judges' Conference. Volume 2 covers superior courts, justice and police courts, superior court special actions, county boards and city councils, judicial review of taxation, contract and negligence claims .against governmental entities. Volume 3 covers administrative agency review. Includes forms and an index for each volume.


Maxwell, Donald. Arbitration Proceedings under Arizona Law. Phoenix: State

Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1985. CLE monograph. No updates. Procedural pamphlet tracing the history of arbitration practice in Arizona and including a good practical overview of the kinds of cases being arbitrated at the time of publication. Weighs disadvantages and advantages of arbitration from the point of view of an experienced prac-

titioner. Includes forms and bibliographical references.

Bankruptcy Law

Introduction to Bankruptcy Practice and Strategies for Consumer Debtor Rep-

resentation. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1988. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar cosponsored

by Continuing Legal Education and the Bankruptcy Section, State Bar of Arizona, held in Tucson on April 22, 1988, and in Phoenix on April

29, 1988. Contains beginning bankruptcy materials and strategies in creditor and consumer debtor representation.

Strategic Considerations in Bankruptcy and Pre-Bankruptcy Planning. [Phoenix]:

State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1986. No updates.

Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona, held in Phoenix, May 16-17, 1986. Includes forms.

Willis, Jeffery. Arizona Collection Law. Eau Claire, Wis.: Professional Education

Systems, Inc., 1985. Out-of-print. A "how to" manual with numerous forms, focusing primarily on a creditor's rights in debt collection and bankruptcy matters. The manual is becoming somewhat dated. The publisher does not intend to issue future editions.

Civil Procedure

Arizona Legal Services Practice Manual. 2 vols. Phoenix: Arizona Statewide Legal

Services Project, 1981-. Irregular. Looseleaf. All sections written by legal services practicing attorneys. Designed to answer most typical legal aid

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Law Library Journal [Vol. 80:577 issues. Takes a step-by-step approach, with forms and other practiceoriented materials. Includes discussion of Arizona statutes where applicable, but concentrates on federal law. No indexing included; one must rely on the fairly comprehensive tables of contents to each section.

Chaney, A. Donald. Arizona Law of Litigation, Contract Enforcement and Civil

Litigation. [1987 ed.] [Tucson]: Legal Seminars Institute, 1987. Irregular.

No updates. Revised version of the 1985 edition, Arizona Law of Liti-

gation, Contract Enforcement and Civil Litigation, containing an expanded section on misrepresentation. Emphasizes personal injury claims, contract interpretation and litigation, and civil trial techniques and tactics, among other things. Well documented citations to relevant Arizona statutory sections and cases. Commentaries are interspersed with practice tips and forms. Text current as of May 1987.

Smith, Charles Marshall. Arizona Civil Process. Phoenix: Arizona Prosecuting

Attorneys' Advisory Council, 1979. Looseleaf. Manual intended to aid deputies and county attorneys who advise them in civil process related duties. Updates have been discussed, but none have been issued to date or planned for the immediate future. According to the publisher, this publication is not for sale to the general public.

Statutory Time Limitations: Arizona. Seattle: Butterworth (Legal Publishers), Inc.,

1982-. Irregular. Looseleaf. Most pertinent statutes containing time limitations appear in this work. Organized sequentially by sections of Arizona

Revised Statutes Annotated and Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure.

No supplementation planned in the near future.

Commercial Law

Arizona Summary of the Uniform Commercial Code. [Tucson: Arizona Law Institute, 1967?]. No updates. Revision of summaries prepared of each article as a part of the Study Report of the Uniform Commercial Code

(UCC) by Professors Brown and Smith to the Arizona Commission on

Uniform State Laws. A must for transitional research between the old

Arizona Uniform Sales Act and related statutes and the UCC (adopted by the Arizona legislature in 1967). Out-of-print.

Boyd, William E. Secured Transactions in Arizona. [Tucson]: Arizona Law Institute, 1984. No updates. Subtitled "A lawyer's guide to article nine of the UCC." Includes subject index, table of UCC sections, table of non-

UCC provisions, and table of cases. Out-of-print.

Chaney, A. Donald. Arizona Law of Closely Held Business. [Tucson]: Legal

Seminars Institute, 1987. Irregular. No updates. Formerly Arizona Law

of Contract and Business Formation. Attempts to address questions encountered in forming a business, negotiating and drafting needed contracts. Text focuses on Arizona statutory and case law as well as federal

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Arizona Practice Materials tax law up to the Tax Reform Act of 1986. Commentaries are coupled with practice tips and forms. Purchase includes a ninety-minute explanatory cassette tape, discussing each chapter. Text is current as of May

1987; revisions are scheduled.

Hansen, Gerald. Arizona: Its Constitution and Government. Washington, D.C.:

University Press of America, 1979. No updates. Somewhat dated work, offering introductory background on Arizona's three branches of government. Offers statutory and case references. Contains chapters on trial rights and local government. Out-of-print.

Construction Law

Horne, Thomas. Arizona Construction Law. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, 1978.

Biennial, pkt. pts. Summarizes Arizona cases and statutes affecting construction. Overview, keyed to the text, precedes each chapter where more detailed information can be found. Includes forms, table of cases, and a subject index.


Financing Arizona's Technological Growth. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1987. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona held

May 8, 1987, to foster implementation of the Federal Small Business

Innovation Research (SBIR) Program. Includes charts and tables.


Smith, Charles Marshall. Arizona Manual for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction.

[Phoenix]: Supreme Court of Arizona, Administrative Director of Courts,

1981. Looseleaf. Manual prepared as an aid to justices of the peace and municipal court judges. Extremely well documented, consisting of statutes, cases, and court rules. Although dated, it is the only source that extensively discusses practice before these two courts. Out-of-print.

Criminal Law and Procedure

Arizona Capital Punishment Reporter. Phoenix: Arizona Attorney General, Criminal Division, 1981-. Irregular supps. Compiles all cases construing provisions of Arizona's capital punishment statutes. Still published, but the last bimonthly supplement was issued in 1983. Subscription to this publication is not readily available to the general public.

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Arizona Prosecutor. Phoenix: Arizona Prosecuting Attorney's Advisory Council.

Irregular. Current awareness newsletter for prosecuting attorneys, providing case, legislative, and other related highlights and summaries. Some issues include reprints of the Arizona Evidence Reporter and New Crim-

inal Code Reporter. Subscription not readily available to the general public.

Boissy, Gilbert E. Direct Contempt in Arizona. [Tucson]: Arizona Law Institute,

1971. No updates. Somewhat dated, but the only work that compiles statutory and case law materials on this subject. Out-of-print.

Criminal Law: Recent Developments in Ethics, Habeas Corpus and the U.S. Su-

preme Court. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1986. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by

Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona, March 1, 1986. Includes forms, checklist, and sample federal habeas corpus papers.

D. W.IL Trial Book. [3d ed.] Phoenix: Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys' Advisory

Council, 1981. Irregular. Looseleaf. Formerly Preparation and Presen-

tation of a D. W.L Trial. Designed as a comprehensive quick-reference guide for prosecutors and police officers, containing full. reprints of related statutes, regulations, annotations, and specific number of related forms. Not for sale to the general public.

Ex rel. Phoenix: Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys' Advisory Council, 1974-. Bimonthly newsletter. Previously issued by the Arizona County Attorneys'

Association, this work digests important cases from the regional reporters pertaining to the prosecutorial function. Each issue also contains upcoming Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys' Advisory Council seminars and job announcements for prosecutorial connected positions available throughout the state. Vols. 1 through 7 have indexes. Subscriptions not available to the public.

Gerber, Rudolph J. Criminal Law of Arizona. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona,

1978. No updates. The Criminal Code of Arizona was completely revised in 1978. The annotations at the end of each section are invaluable in tracing the origin of the current law. Intent also may be gleaned from the "Explanation Statute" and "Comment" notes. Also included in notes are pertinent jury instructions and Code Commission recommendations.

Handy cross-reference table converts old law to new and vice versa. Al- though no longer in print, a second edition is being planned for the near future. Out-of-print.

Jus Dicere. Phoenix: Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys' Advisory Council, 1975-.

Irregular. Newsletter. Previously published by the Arizona County Attorneys' Association (1975-78). A current awareness criminal law newsletter, intended to provide Arizona prosecutors digests of recently received slip opinions of the Arizona appellate courts and selective federal courts.

Periodic indexes. Subscriptions not available to the general public.

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Arizona Practice Materials

Law Enforcement Officer's Manual. [Phoenix]: Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys'

Advisory Council, [1986]. Irregular. Looseleaf. The result of a joint project of the Arizona Law Enforcement Officers' Advisory Council and the

Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys' Advisory Council, revising the 1979 edition. Chapters are arranged by subjects to which law enforcement officers are likely to be exposed during the course of their duties. According to the Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys' Advisory Council, not for sale to the general public.

Minker, Allen G. Making the Criminal Record on Appeal. Tucson: Arizona Law

Institute, 1981. No updates. Designed to assist trial lawyers in establishing a proper record for appeal. Provides basic information for making a criminal appeal. Includes forms. Out-of-print.

New Criminal Code Reporter. Phoenix: Arizona Attorney General, Criminal Division, 1977-. Bimonthly supps. Compiles cases construing provisions of

Arizona's new Criminal Code (adopted in 1978). Annual cumulative edition is issued. Subscriptions not readily available to the general public.

Sheldon, Steven. Arizona Criminal Digest. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1986-. Monthly. Looseleaf. Digest of cases arranged by topic, in four parts: topic index, words and phrases, digest

(cumulates quarterly and annually), and case table. The same material arranged differently available in the New Criminal Code Reporter. $85.00/ yr.

Environmental Law

Arizona's New Environmental Quality Act. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1986. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona, Phoenix,

October 9-10, 1986. Includes bibliography.

Litigating and Negotiating a Goundwater Contamination Case. [Phoenix]: State

Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1987. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State

Bar of Arizona, April 25, 1987. Includes bibliographical references and illustrations of sample letters and exhibits.

Estate Planning

Arizona Estate Planning Institute. Study Outline. 8 vols. Phoenix: State Bar of

Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1977-. Annual. Title varies. Originally known as study outlines, each of the Eight Annual Estate Planning

Institutes discusses current topics relating to estate planning. Includes forms.

Chaney, A. Donald. Estate Planning in Arizona. [1987 ed.]. [Tucson]: Legal Seminars Institute, 1987. Irregular. No updates. The estate planning draft

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Law Library Journal [Vol. 80:577 portions use, as a base, readily available Arizona will and trust forms.

Text current as of May 1987. Additional supplementation on postmortem estate planning scheduled for release in the near future.

Drafting and Techniques in Estate Planning. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona,

Continuing Legal Education, 1988. No updates. Includes excerpts from

Practical Will Drafting, on which it was based. With updated materials prepared for a seminar cosponsored by Continuing Legal Education and the Probate & Trust Law Section, State Bar of Arizona, held May 6,

1988, in Sedona, and May 20, 1988, in Tucson. The chapters from 1986 cover wills, will substitutes, and gathering information. The new chapters

(1988) include postmortem qualified retirement plan distribution, drafting wills and trusts, and an appendix covering the articles of pour-over wills, credit shelters, and more.

Estate Planning for Present and Future Incompetency. [Phoenix]: State Bar of

Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1988. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar cosponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State

Bar of Arizona, and the University of Arizona College of Law, and held in Tucson, March 22, 1988. Includes bibliography.


Arizona Evidence Reporter. Phoenix: Arizona Attorney General, Criminal Division, 1977-. Bimonthly supp. Compilation of cases construing provisions of the Arizona Rules of Evidence. Bimonthly supplements may be discarded when the yearly cumulative edition is received. Subscriptions not readily available to the general public, but the same material may be obtained through supplements of the State Bar of Arizona's Arizona

Courtroom Evidence Manual Reporter.

McClennen, Crane. Arizona Courtroom Evidence Manual Reporter. Phoenix: State

Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1985-. Bimonthly. Essentially, a reprint of the Arizona Evidence Reporter issued by the Arizona

Attorney General's office. However, unlike these reprints, the bimonthly releases are designed to be incorporated and filed in the Arizona Court- room Evidence Manual.

Arizona Courtroom Evidence Manual. 2d ed. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona,

Continuing Legal Education, 1988. Bimonthly supp. Looseleaf. Includes each Rule of Evidence, followed by comments and case annotations. Each comment contains an explanation of the purpose of the Rule, how it is intended to apply to the admission or exclusion of evidence, and how it has been interpreted by the Arizona courts. Updated by the Arizona

Courtroom Evidence Manual Reporter.

Udall, Morris K., and Joseph M. Livermore. Law of Evidence. [Arizona Practice

(West), vol.1]. 2d ed. St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1982. Annual pkt. pt.

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1988] Arizona Practice Materials

Since, for the most part, the Arizona Rules of Evidence are based on the Federal Rules, this work attempts to relate the two. The appendices, consisting of the Arizona and Federal Rules of Evidence, comprise about half of the volume. The latter contains Advisory Committee notes and excerpts from the House and Senate reports and debates.

Family Law

Collecting Child Support Without Contempt. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona,

Continuing Legal Education, 1987. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona. Includes forms.

Domestic Relations. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1985. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar presented by

Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona, January 11 and 12,

1985. Includes illustrations and briefs of domestic relations cases, 1980-

1984, with chronological and subject indexes.

Family Law: Economic Issues of the Eighties. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona,

Continuing Legal Education, 1986. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona, November

14-15, 1986. Includes illustrations and bibliographical references.

Marshall, Nancy Hicks, ed. Arizona Legal Guide on Reproduction, Sexual Con-

duct and Families. Phoenix: Arizona Family Planning Council, 1985. No updates. Introduces the layperson to Arizona's statutes, regulations, and court decisions concerning human sexuality and reproduction; also an excellent starting point for the practitioner. Twenty-seven chapters in four major sections: health law, family law, legal restraints on sexual behavior, and special issues. Extensive relevant statutory and administrative code references are noted at the end of each chapter. No updates planned for the near future.

Professional Practice Skills in Domestic Relations. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1986. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar presented by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of

Arizona, May 1-2, 1986. Includes sections on recent cases and legislation and antenuptial and postnuptial agreements, with forms.

Smith, Charles Marshall. Nineteen Eighty-Five Summary of Arizona Community

Property Law. [7th ed.] Tucson: Arizona Law Institute, 1985. Irregular.

No updates. Seventh revision of the original summary published in 1964.

Reflects the changed nature of ownership of personal injury payments and retirement benefits within Arizona. Author disclaims comprehensive coverage of all cases and issues in this area, but the work provides an excellent overview of the subject. Out-of-print. According to the author, solution Practice.

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lution Practice. [Arizona Practice (West), vol. 3]. St. Paul: West Pub.

Co., 1988. Annual pkt. pts. Intended to replace the authors' 1982 Arizona

Marriage Dissolution Manual. A practice manual covering the changes and developments in domestic relations practice and procedures. Some examples of the new developments include: mandated child support guidelines, standardized child custody enforcement procedures, supervised visitation, automatic withholding, custody enforcement procedures. Also included are discussion of community property and practice forms, along with references to local county rules for domestic relations cases.

Overview of Franchising: How More Than One-Third of U.S. Retail Business Is

Conducted. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education,

1987. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona, Phoenix, April 23, 1987.

Includes forms.

Instructions to Juries

Recommended Arizona Jury Instructions (Civil). [2d ed.] Phoenix: State Bar of

Arizona, 1987. Irregular. Looseleaf. This edition extensively revises, replaces, and supplements the negligence instructions of the 1974 Recom-

mended Arizona Jury Instructions (RAJ) and includes new instructions on willful or wanton conduct and products liability. New instructions arc drafted for use in cases where the Uniform Contribution among Tortfeasors Act (Arizona Revised Statutes 12-2501-2509) applies. Forms of verdict are also included for such cases. The 1974 RAJI standard medical malpractice and eminent domain instructions remained unchanged. Instructions have not been adopted or endorsed by the Arizona Supreme

Court, but are widely used by the practicing bench and bar.

Recommended Arizona Jury Instructions (Criminal). Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, 1980. Irregular. Looseleaf. Similar in nature to the Recommended

Arizona Jury Instructions (Civil), but these instructions have been adopted

by the Arizona Supreme Court. New edition planned for release in the near future.

Labor Law

Beyond the Prima Facie Case: Employment Law Today. [Phoenix]: State Bar of

Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1986. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, October

17-18, 1986. Overview of Arizona employment law, including section on the pregnant employee and handicap discrimination. Includes forms.

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19881 Arizona Practice Materials

Forming, Modifying and Terminating Employment Relationships: Current Issues.

[Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1985. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal

Education, February 8, 1985.

Lieberman, Marc R. Overtime Compensation v. Pension Benefits: Will Arizona

Public Employees Be Denied One to Achieve the Other? [Phoenix]: State

Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1986. CLE monograph. No updates. Discussion of types of compensation available to Arizona employees and how these methods affect pension benefits.

New Developments in Labor Law, 1987. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1987. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar cosponsored by Continuing Legal Education and the Labor Law

Section, State Bar of Arizona, and held in Phoenix, October 30, 1987.

Topics include drug, alcohol, and polygraph testing; impact of immigration reform legislation; handicap discrimination, including AIDS-related issues; employer's obligation to employees regarding hazardous substances; and employment referral issues, slander, and the present status of the at-will doctrine.

Land Use

Jorden, Douglas A., and Michael D. House. Arizona Land Use Law. Phoenix:

State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1988. Irregular.

Looseleaf. The authors refer to their work as a guide to assist attorneys in researching land use issues. Includes references to U.S. Supreme Court and Arizona appellate court decisions and relevant statutes. A helpful feature is its "Land Use Words and Phrases."

Land Use: Regulation and Litigation in Arizona. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona,

Continuing Legal Education, 1986. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar presented by the Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of

Arizona. Includes bibliographical references, illustrations, and maps.

Legislative Process

Legislative Process. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education,

1980. No updates. Somewhat dated, but still a good summary for tracing legislation and the whole legislative process. Out-of-print.

Local Government

Local Government Handbook. Phoenix: Arizona Attorney General, [1988]. Irregular. Looseleaf. Discusses such topics as the rights of public employees and officers, public records, open meeting law, local government procurement laws, and the liabilities and immunities of city and county per-

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sonnel. The Handbook contains a subject matter index plus a table of statutes, cases, regulations, and Attorney General opinions.

Medical Jurisprudence

Stephan, Robert. Arizona Law of Medical Malpractice, with a Practical Appendix.

2d ed. Phoenix: Medilex Co., 1988-. Irregular. Looseleaf. Practice guide to medical malpractice in Arizona. Includes outline of practice before the

Medical Liability Review Panels and jury instructions. Practical information appears in the appendices, which comprise about half of this work.

Among the most practice-oriented contents are the forms and model interrogatories.

Mental Health Law

Miller, Michael 0., and Bruce D. Sales. Law and Mental Health Professionals-

Arizona. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1986.

Biennial, pkt. pt. projected. Extremely well written and documented.

Written for the practicing mental health professional to provide ready reference to related Arizona statutes, cases, and administrative rules.

Practice of Law

Arizona Attorneys' Fees Manual. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing

Legal Education, 1987. Irregular. Looseleaf. New manual providing a

central source of Arizona law pertaining to court-awarded fees. Section

on procedures should be consulted any time an application for fees is submitted; however, the bulk of this manual deals with specific substantive areas involving the application for attorneys' fees. Includes forms and a section summarizing statutes on Arizona attorneys' fees. Supplementation frequency yet to be established.

Arizona Handbook for Legal Secretaries. 2 vols. [Tucson]: Arizona Association of Legal Secretaries, 1982. Irregular. Looseleaf. Contains forms and procedural steps for quick reference to various subject areas. The practiceoriented forms found herein may not yet be available elsewhere. However, the forms have been prepared, for the most part, by legal secretaries and not attorneys. Volume 1 has been supplemented to bring it up-to-date as of 1985. Volume 2 is yet to be updated.

Arizona LegalForms. 9 vols. (projected). St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1988-. Annual.

Pkt. pts. This projected nine-volume set will be divided into the following topics: Civil Procedure, Debtor-Creditor, Domestic Relations, Criminal

Procedure, Real Estate, Business Organizations, Commercial Transactions, and Probate/Estate Planning. Each form contains a comment section, referencing case as well as statutory authority.

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1988] Arizona Practice Materials

Arizona Legal Skills. 2 vols. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal

Education, 1987. No updates. Materials presented at a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education and Young Lawyers Division of the State

Bar of Arizona, October 9-10, 1987. A newly developed curriculum designed to replace the "Bridge the Gap" program. Includes forms.

Arizona Litigation Guide. Phoenix: Arizona Institute of Continuing Legal Educatidn, 1988. Annual supp. Looseleaf. Strictly geared to the practitioner, the Guide includes such topics as complaints, service of process, trial notebook, case file organization, and intake and evaluation.

Arizona Practice Manual. 16 vols. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing

Legal Education, 1984-. No updates. Published in cooperation with the

Maricopa County Young Lawyers, these paperbound booklets are produced periodically and stored in ring binders, each with a different topic.

Intended as partial introduction for new lawyers. Includes forms.

Smith, Charles Marshall. Civil Trial Practice. [Arizona Practice (West), Vol. 2].

St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1986. Annual pkt. pt. projected. Intended to replace the Arizona Civil Trial Manual, 7th rev. ed. According to the author, this work is "designed to guide the Arizona practitioner through the maze of rules and interpretations by discussing Arizona's civil procedure and trial requirements in a step-by-step sequence." Extremely well annotated and contains numerous related forms. No pocket part has yet been issued, but it is anticipated that this work will be updated on a regular basis.

Teamwork 1988, Attorneys and Paralegals Working Together. [Phoenix]: State

Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1988. Annual. No updates.

Materials prepared for a seminar cosponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona, the Tucson Association of Legal Assistants, and the Pima Community College Legal Assistants Program, and held in

Tucson, May 20, 1988. Published annually since 1986, topics are geared either to Phoenix or Tucson practice. The 1988 topics, which were written for Tucson practice, include bankruptcy practice, probate law, criminal law, personal injury, and commercial litigation.

Real Property

Arizona. Department of Real Estate. [Arizona Real Estate Law]. [Phoenix]: Department of Real Estate, 1986. Irregular. No updates. "Real Estate Law,

Other Pertinent Statutes, Commissioner's Rules and Regulations," is written on the cover. Relevant sections from the Arizona Constitution and

Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated, and regulations from the Arizona

Administrative Code are reprinted. Also included are enactments of the

Thirty-Seventh Legislature, First Regular Session, 1985. Updated by vol.

10, nos. 3 and 4 of the Arizona Real Estate Bulletin, which contains legislation as revised by the Thirty-Seventh Legislative Session, 1986.

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[Vol. 80:577

Arizona Real Estate Bulletin. Phoenix: Arizona Department of Real Estate,

1977-. Quarterly. Newsletter published as an education service to all real estate licensees in the state.

Defaulted Commercial Real Estate Loans: Workouts and Bankruptcy Planning.

[Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1988. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar cosponsored by Continuing

Legal Education and the Real Property Section, State Bar of Arizona, held in Tucson on April 15, 1988, and in Phoenix on April 16, 1988.

Topics include the lender's perspective, deed of trust sales, mortgage foreclosures and receiverships, lender liability, preparation for bankruptcy, and tax issues regarding foreclosure and bankruptcy.

The DRE from A to Z. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1987. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona, July 13, 1987, in

Phoenix and July 20, 1987, in Tucson. Discusses practice and procedure before the Arizona Department of Real Estate, and includes numerous sample pleadings, sample letters, and forms.

Howard, Lawrence. Arizona Law of Eminent Domain. [Phoenix: n.p.], 1966.

1972 supp. No updates. Dated work providing annotations of related cases with commentaries. The 1972 supplement incorporates Arizona statutory references. Out-of-print.

Myler, Charles E., Jr. Arizona Supplement for Modern Real Estate Practice. 4th ed. Chicago: Real Estate Education Company, 1984. No updates. Companion text to Modern Real Estate Practice by Galaty, Allaway, and Kyle, but may be used without the parent text. Supplement intended to aid the real estate agent. Following each chapter are review questions. Few statutory and case citations, but this work may provide general background information to the novice.

The Nineteen Eighty-Five Arizona Condominium Act. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1985. No updates. Materials from seminar conducted in Tucson, October 4, 1985, and Phoenix, October

11, 1985, by the State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education. Includes bibliography.

Real Property Transactions: Concerns and Strategies. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1987. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of

Arizona, July 16, 1987, in Tucson and July 17, 1987, in Phoenix. This publication addresses the negotiations involved in purchasing and selling improved and unimproved land in Arizona. Few forms and references.

Title Insurance in Arizona. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal

Education, 1986. No updates. Material prepared for a seminar presented by the State B~r of Arizona Continuing Legal Education on March 7,

1986. Includes bibliographical references and forms.

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1988] Arizona Practice Materials

Title Insurance Update, 1987. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal

Education, 1987. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona, in Phoenix, May

1, 1987. Includes forms.


Clarke, Marilee Miller, ed. Arizona Civil Remedies. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, 1982. Irregular. Pkt. pts. Intended "to assist Arizona lawyers in practice involving Arizona civil remedies." A comprehensive resource tool including section on remedies for creditors in Mexico. Includes forms, index, table of citations, and sections on statutes, books, and subject.

Plans to supplement periodically.

The New Arizona Garnishment Law. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing

Legal Education, 1986. No updates. Sample applications for writs of garnishment (Maricopa County) of earnings and nonearnings in envelope attached to back cover.


Clarke, William A. Analysis of the Retirement Equity Act of 1984. [Phoenix]:

State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1985. CLE monograph. No updates. Summary of the major changes made by the Act in the law affecting "qualified" plans. Aids practitioners in amending or restating their clients' qualified plans. Includes bibliographical references.

Securities and Investments

Arizona Corporation Commission. Securities Division. Arizona Securities Act and

Rules and Regulations of the Arizona Corporation Commission Govern-

ing Administration of the Securities Statutes. Phoenix: Imperial Financial

Printing, 1986. No updates. Produced in cooperation with the State Bar of Arizona, Section on Securities Regulation and Committee on Continuing Legal Education. Essentially a reprinting of relevant sections from

Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated and regulations from the Arizona

Administrative Code.

Forst, Bradley F., and Karen Ciupak McConnell. Securities Broker-Dealer Reg-

istration: Requirements for Limited Partnership Promoters. [Phoenix]:

State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1986. CLE monograph. No updates. Discusses recent developments under federal and Arizona securities laws which have forced organizers and promoters of limited partnerships to reexamine whether they are required to be registered as securities brokers. Includes bibliographical references.

Going Public in Arizona. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1985. No updates. Materials from a seminar conducted by the

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State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, October 18, 1985.

Appendix includes sample documents.

Regulation D Et Al: Federal and State Exemptions for Securities Offerings. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1988. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar cosponsored by Continuing Legal

Education and the Securities Law Section, State Bar of Arizona, May 6,

1988. Includes forms.


Arizona Sales and Use Tax. Phoenix: Arizona Institute of Continuing Legal Ed- ucation, 1988: Annual supp. Looseleaf. Consolidates the law and regulations on Arizona sales and use tax. Appendix includes the relevant

Arizona Revised Statutes, Department of Revenue Regulations and Publications, leading sales tax cases, Attorney General opinions, and pending law/legislation.

Dealing with the IRS on Collection Matters Administratively and in Litigation.

[Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1987. No updates. Materials presented at a seminar cosponsored by Continuing Legal Education, the University of Arizona College of Law, and the Tax

Section of the State Bar of Arizona, held in Tucson, December 8, 1987.

In three parts: dealing with the IRS on collection matters; special problems of the 100% penalty; and litigation aspects of collection.

Jones, Leslie T. Tax Fundamentals of Incorporation. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1985. CLE monograph. No updates.

Discusses the major federal tax considerations involved in the incorporation process and other commonly encountered problems. Points are demonstrated by examples rather than extended discussion. Published be- fore the Tax Reform Act of 1986.

Tax Reform for Real Estate Practitioners. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, ContinuingoLegal Education, 1987. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona,

March 13, 1987, in Phoenix and March 14, 1987, in Tucson.


Advocate. Phoenix: Arizona Trial Lawyers Association, 1987-. Monthly. Newsletter. Formerly, Summation. Reports legislative changes in tort law, recent appellate court decisions, and pointers for attorneys. Geared to attorneys who handle civil litigation for plaintiffs.

Arizona Comparative Negligence/Contribution Act, 1986 Update. Phoenix: State

Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1986. No updates. Cosponsored by the Arizona Trial Lawyers Association and Continuing Le-

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1988] Arizona Practice Materials gal Education, State Bar of Arizona. Includes bibliographical references.

Cost of Ignorance: Assessing Liability for Potential Environmental Hazards in

Real Estate Transactions. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing

Legal Education, 1988. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar cosponsored by Continuing Legal Education and the Environmental and

Natural Resources Law Section, State Bar of Arizona, March 11, 1988.

Topics include: CERLA/SARA and Superfund liability, Arizona's water assurance; revolving fund; environmental considerations other than Superfund; avoiding liability for environmental hazards in real estate transactions; protecting Arizona's lenders from environmental liability; overview of environmental -assessment, and contracting with an environmental consultant.

Handling a Personal Injury Case Under $50,000. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona,

Continuing Legal Education, 1986. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar presented by the State Bar of Arizona Continuing Legal Ed- ucation in Tucson on February 7, 1980, and Phoenix on February 14,

1986. Includes bibliographical references.

Joint and Several Liability Under the New Law. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona,

Continuing Legal Education, 1988. No updates. Materials prepared for

a seminar cosponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Ar-

izona, and the University of Arizona College of Law, held in Tucson on

February 16, 1988. Topics discuss the Kansas experience, and include practicing under comparative fault without joint and several liability, a discussion of selected issues for practicing under A.R.S. 12-2506 (S.B.

1036), and abolition of joint and several liability.

Richards, Charles F. Settling the Multiple Defendant Action in Arizona: Easier

Said Than Done. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Ed- ucation, 1986. CLE monograph. No updates. Discusses the effect of Arizona's passage of the Uniform Contribution among Tortfeasors Act in

1984. Includes bibliographical references.

Trade Regulation

Product Distribution & Trade Regulation. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1987. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar cosponsored by Continuing Legal Education and the Antitrust Section of the State Bar of Arizona, held in Phoenix, November 6, 1987. Topics include overview of basic antitrust concepts; enforcement of federal and state antitrust laws; and terminating the seller/buyer relationship.

Wills and Probate

Basic Probate. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education,

1986. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal

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[Vol. 80:577

Education, State Bar of Arizona, November 7 and 21, 1986. Includes forms.

Effland, Richard W., Daniel H. O'Connell, and Kenneth A. Haber. Arizona

Probate Code Practice Manual. 2d ed. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona,

1980. No updates. Complete guide to the Arizona Probate Code with access by topic.. Includes forms. Third edition will be available sometime in 1988. Out-of-print.

Practical Will Drafting. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1986. No updates. Materials prepared for a seminar sponsored by Continuing Legal Education, State Bar of Arizona, held November 7 and November 21, 1987. Includes forms.

Smith, Charles M., and Willard N. Van Slyck. Arizona Will Drafting Manual.

3d ed. [Tucson]: Arizona Law Institute, 1982. No updates. Designed to assist newer members of the Arizona bar through basic dicussion of wills and will drafting. Illustrative forms included. Out-of-print.

Van Slyck, Willard N. Decedents' Estates Provision of the 1974 Arizona Probate

Code. 2d ed. Tucson: Arizona Law Institute, 1981. No updates. Originally prepared for use as a course book for students in Decedents' Estates at the College of Law, University of Arizona, fall semester, 1974-75. First revised in 1976. Second edition reflects changes in amendments made to the Arizona Probate Code in 1978, 1979, and 1980. Some aspects of this work may be dated, but the 1974 Probate Code is still in effect in Arizona.


Wiley, Thomas W. Arizona Probate. The Practice Systems Library. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co., 1980. Irregular. Looseleaf. Among the useful features of this work are its probate procedures and extensive forms sections. Last update issued in 1985; according to the publisher, an update will be available in the fall of 1987.

Workers' Compensation

Arizona. Industrial Commission. Rules of Procedure for Workmen's Compen-

sation Hearings Before the Industrial Commission of Arizona. Phoenix:

The Commission, 1987. Annual. The 1987 edition, effective 3/1/87, is a reprinting of Title 4, Chapter 13 of the Arizona Administrative Code,

R4-13-101 through R4-13- 162.

Basics of Workers' Compensation. [Phoenix]: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing

Legal Education, 1988. No updates. Materials presented at a seminar cosponsored by Continuing Legal Education and the Workers' Compensation Section, State Bar of Arizona, April 22, 1988. Topics include how to spot workers' compensation claims and what remedies are available, including third-party lawsuits, uninsured motorist claims, bad faith recoveries, and the special $25,000 OSHA penalty; the practicalities of set-

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Arizona Practice Materials

601 tling a third-party case where there has been a workers' compensation claim; and significant Rules of Procedure before the Industrial Commission.

Davis, Ray J. Arizona Workers' Compensation. Tucson: Arizona Law Institute,

1980. No updates. Designed to provide "an introductory treatment of

Arizona workers' compensation law"; dated, but still of some use. Includes a table of cases, forms, and subject index. Out-of-print.

Workers' Compensation. Phoenix: State Bar of Arizona, Continuing Legal Education, 1987. Irregular. No updates. Papers prepared for seminars sponsored by Arizona Continuing Legal Education. Issued periodically. Title varies. Includes forms.

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[Vol. 80:577

American Psychological


1200 17th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20036

(202) 955-7600

Arizona Association of Legal


3358 North Treat Circle

Tucson, AZ 85716

Arizona A-torney General

1275 West Washington

Phoenix, AZ 85007

(602) 255-5025

Arizona Court of Appeals

Division One

South West Wing, First Floor

State Capitol

Phoenix, AZ 85007

(602) 255-4821

Arizona Court of Appeals

Division Two

State Office Building

416 West Congress

Tucson, AZ 85701

Arizona Department of Library,

Archives and Public Records

State Law Library

State Capitol, Third Floor

Phoenix, AZ 85007

(602) 255-3701

Arizona Department of Public


2310 North 20th Avenue

Phoenix, AZ 85005

(602) 262-8011

Publishers of Arizona Materials

Arizona Department of Real


2005 North Central Avenue, Suite 700

Phoenix, AZ 85004

(602) 255-4345

Arizona Family Planning Council

316 West McDowell Road, Suite 100

Phoenix, AZ 85003

(602) 258-5777

Arizona Institute of Continuing

Legal Education

323 West Roosevelt, Suite A-101

Phoenix, AZ 85003

(602) 258-0483

Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law

University of Arizona

College of Law

Tucson, AZ 85721

(602) 621-5593

Arizona Law Review

University of Arizona

College of Law

Tucson, AZ 85721

(602) 621-1764

Arizona News Service, Inc.

P.O. Box 2260

Phoenix, AZ 85002

(602) 258-7026

Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys'

Advisory Council

Eaton Plaza, Suite 305

3001 West Indian School Road

Phoenix, AZ 85917

(602) 265-4779

HeinOnline -- 80 Law Libr. J. 602 1988


Arizona Secretary of State

West Wing, Seventh Floor

State Capitol

Phoenix, AZ 85007

(602) 255-4285

Arizona State Law Journal

College of Law

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ 85287

(602) 965-6287

Arizona Statewide Legal Services


402 West Roosevelt, Suite F

P.O. Box 311

Phoenix, AZ 85001

(602) 252-3432

Arizona Statutes Publications

6900 East Camelback Road, Suite 700

Scottsdale, AZ 85251

(602) 990-2740

Arizona Supreme Court

Room 210 West Wing

State Capitol

Phoenix, AZ 85007

(602) 255-4536

Arizona Trial Lawyers Association

1001 North Central Avenue, Suite


Phoenix, AZ 85004

(602) 257-8236

Bancroft-Whitney Co.

301 Brannan Street

San Francisco, CA 94107

(415) 227-2300

Butterworth Legal Publications

15014 NE 40th Street, Suite 205

Redmond, WA 98052-5325

(206) 881-3900

Arizona Practice Materials

Code Co., Law Publishers

P.O. Box 1471

Provo, UT 84603

(800) 255-5294

(801) 226-6876

Fred B. Rothman and Co.

10368 West Centennial Road

Littleton, CO 80123

(800) 457-1986

Imperial Financial Printing Corp.

210 South 4th Avenue

Phoenix, AZ 85003

(602) 257-8500

Industrial Commission of Arizona

800 West Washington

Phoenix, AZ 85007

(602) 255-4411

Information Press

P.O. Box 1422

Eugene, OR 97440

(503) 689-0188

Legal Seminars Institute

3987 Paseo de las Canchas

Tucson, AZ 85716

(602) 881-0625

Phoenix Newspapers, Inc.

P.O. Box 1950

Phoenix, AZ 85001

(602) 271-8491

Professional Educations Systems, Inc.

P.O. Box 1208

Eau Claire, WI 54701

(715) 836-9700

Real Estate Education Co.

500 North Dearborn Street

Chicago, IL 60610-9987

(800) 621-9621

HeinOnline -- 80 Law Libr. J. 603 1988



402 North Cascade Avenue

P.O. Box 1235

Colorado, Springs, CO 80901

(303) 633-5521

State Bar of Arizona

363 North First Avenue

Phoenix, AZ 85003-1580

(602) 252-4804

Territorial Publishers, Inc.

P.O. Box 35250

Tucson, AZ 85740

(602) 297-1107

Law Library Journal [Vol. 80:577

University Press of America

4720 Boston Way

Lanham, MD 20706

(301) 459-3366

West Publishing Co.

50 West Kellogg Blvd.

P.O. Box 64526

St. Paul, MN 55164-9979

(800) 328-9352

William S. Hein and Co., Inc.

Hein Building

1285 Main Street

Buffalo, NY 14209

(800) 828-7571

HeinOnline -- 80 Law Libr. J. 604 1988
