Using TSP to Improve Performance Dan Burton Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense © 2008 by Carnegie Mellon University This material is approved for public release. Distribution is limited by the Software Engineering Institute to attendees. November 2008 Using TSP to Improve Performance Dan Burton has been with the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) since 1991. He has been working on the Personal Software Process (PSP) and Team Software Process (TSP) initiatives, teaching and introducing the PSP and TSP into organizations since 1996. Before joining the SEI, he worked for Tartan, Inc., a small Ada compiler developer, where he managed the development of the first Ada compiler for a digital signal processor (DSP). He holds a Master of Science in electrical engineering from the US Air Force Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 2 Using TSP to Improve Performance Topics How does TSP work? TSP Data TSP and CMMI TSP Results © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 3 Using TSP to Improve Performance How does TSP work? TSP achieves performance through • Personal Software Process Self-Directed Teams (PSP) • Integrated measurement framework • Comprehensive quality Comprehensive Quality Management Coaching TSP performance factors management • Self-directed teams • Coaching Integrated Measurement Framework PSP © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 4 Using TSP to Improve Performance Personal Software Process The PSP is a process designed for individual use that applies to structured personal tasks. PSP builds the team member skills required for the TSP. With PSP, developers learn to follow a defined process and how to measure, estimate, plan, and track their work. This leads to • better estimating, planning, and tracking • protection against over-commitment • a personal commitment to quality • personal involvement in process improvement © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 5 Using TSP to Improve Performance Integrated Measurement Framework TSP uses a powerful, flexible set of measures (most of which are introduced in PSP) that provides the framework for • instrumenting existing processes • project management • team process evaluation and improvement • personal process evaluation and improvement The TSP measurement framework is, as far as we know, unique. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 6 Using TSP to Improve Performance Comprehensive Quality Management Quality management on TSP teams begins before the project starts, in PSP training. Individuals are responsible for the quality of their components. The team is responsible for the quality of its deliverables. Quality is always quantified using the integrated measurement framework. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 7 Using TSP to Improve Performance Self-Directed Teams TSP implements the concept of self-directed teams. • The team builds its own plans, negotiating trade-offs with management. • The team is committed, collectively and individually, to the plan because it is their own. • Team members assume many well-defined responsibilities that a team leader would otherwise normally handle. The self-directed team does not replace or obsolete the team leader. The team leader is still responsible • to management, for communicating progress and issues, and for results. • to the team, for communicating management issues, and for support. • for dealing with the unexpected. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 8 Using TSP to Improve Performance Coaching World-class athletes and musicians (and the teams and orchestras that they play with) all benefit from professional coaching. The TSP team leader functions, in many respects, more like a coach than a traditional manager. However, the role of TSP Coach is usually assumed by someone other than the team leader. • TSP launches and relaunches • TSP checkpoints • fine points of exercising team roles • help with applying PSP and TSP principles in unusual situations To achieve full potential, a coach is needed. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 9 Using TSP to Improve Performance Principles The following principles shaped the design of TSP • Engineering is a team activity; self-directed teams do the best work. • Operational processes provide the foundation for planning, tracking, control, and improvement. • Processes must be measured to be managed and improved. • The cornerstone of a high-quality process is early defect removal and the cornerstone of a satisfying product is early customer involvement. • Quality without numbers is just talk. • Improving project performance will improve organizational performance; improving individual performance will improve project performance. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 10 Using TSP to Improve Performance Building High-Performance Teams Team Management Team Software Process Team Building Personal Software Process Team Member Skills Team communication Team coordination Project tracking Risk analysis Goal setting Role assignment Tailored team process Detailed balanced plans Process discipline Performance measures Estimating & planning skills Quality management skills TSP builds high-performance teams from the bottom-up © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 11 Using TSP to Improve Performance The TSP Planning Process TSP includes a structured systematic process for planning, the TSP Launch. Business and technical goals Launch Estimates, plans, process, commitment Re-launch Each project cycle starts with a TSP Launch or Re-launch to plan the next cycle and the rest of the project. Development Development Development phase phase phase or cycle or cycle or cycle Lessons, new goals, new requirements, new risk, etc. Phase or cycle Postmortem Each project cycle ends with a postmortem that provides qualitative and quantitative feedback to guide the remainder of the project. Work products, status, metrics, results Project Postmortem © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 12 Using TSP to Improve Performance The TSP Launch Process 1. Establish Product and Business Goals 4. Build Overall and Next-Phase Plans 2. Assign Roles and Define Team Goals 5. Develop the Quality Plan 3. Produce Development Strategy 6. Build Individual and Consolidated Plans 7. Conduct Risk Assessment 9. Hold Management Review 8. Prepare Management Briefing and Launch Report Launch Postmortem The TSP launch process produces necessary planning artifacts. The most important outcome is a committed team. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 13 Using TSP to Improve Performance The TSP Launch Products Business needs Management goals Product requirements What? How? When? Who? How well? What if? Quality plan Risk evaluation Team goals Team strategy Task hour plan Team roles Conceptual design Team process Schedule plan Task plans Planned products Earned-value plan Detailed plans Risk mitigation plans Alternate plans Size estimates © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 14 Using TSP to Improve Performance Topics How does TSP work? TSP Data TSP and CMMI TSP Results © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 15 Using TSP to Improve Performance The TSP Base Measures You can’t manage what you can’t measure. To help teams know where they stand, every TSP project gathers and uses four base measures. Status reports are generated from these data. Size Effort Defects Schedule Size, effort, and defects are measured exactly the same way as in the PSP. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 16 Using TSP to Improve Performance What the TSP Base Measures Provide Sample of Derived Measures Derived Measures (continued) Estimation accuracy (size and time) Defect density Prediction intervals (size and time) Defect density by phase Time in phase distribution Defect removal rate by phase Defect injection phase distribution Defect removal leverage Defect removal phase distribution Review rates Productivity Process yield %Reuse Phase yield %New Reusable Failure cost of quality Cost performance index Appraisal cost of quality Planned value Appraisal/Failure COQ ratio Earned value Percent defect free Predicted earned value Defect removal profiles Quality profile Quality profile index © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 17 Using TSP to Improve Performance The Overall Plan with Estimates and Planned Dates © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 18 Using TSP to Improve Performance The SCHEDULE worksheet © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 19 Using TSP to Improve Performance Quality Plan The team completes the quality plan. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 20 Using TSP to Improve Performance Planned and Predicted End Dates The Team worksheet provides the Planned and Predicted End Date for each engineer. This is useful for review at weekly meetings to see how balanced the overall workload is. The Predicted End Dates are calculated based on the task hours remaining, the planned schedule hours, and actual rate of earned value Note: two engineers are predicted to finish late, while the other two are predicted to be early. Predicted project completion © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 21 Using TSP to Improve Performance WEEK -1 © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 22 Using TSP to Improve Performance WEEK -2 © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 23 Using TSP to Improve Performance Sample of TSP Analysis Charts -1 Cumulative Earned Value Cumulative Planned and Actual Hours per Week 100.0 2500.0 90.0 2000.0 Earned Value 70.0 60.0 Cumulative Planned Value 50.0 Cumulative EV 40.0 Cumulative Predicted Earned Value 30.0 Cummulative Hours 80.0 20.0 1500.0 Cumulative Planned Hours Cumulative Actual Hours 1000.0 500.0 10.0 Weeks 5/5/2003 4/21/2003 4/7/2003 3/24/2003 3/10/2003 2/24/2003 2/10/2003 1/27/2003 1/13/2003 12/30/2002 12/16/2002 12/2/2002 5/5/2003 4/7/2003 4/21/2003 3/24/2003 3/10/2003 2/24/2003 2/10/2003 1/27/2003 1/13/2003 12/30/2002 12/16/2002 0.0 12/2/2002 0.0 Weeks Earned Value Planned and Actual Hours per Week 14.0 200.0 180.0 12.0 160.0 140.0 8.0 Earned Value 6.0 Predicted Earned Value 120.0 Hours Planned Value Planned Hours 100.0 Actual Hours 80.0 60.0 4.0 40.0 2.0 20.0 Weeks 5/5/2003 4/21/2003 4/7/2003 3/24/2003 3/10/2003 2/24/2003 2/10/2003 1/27/2003 1/13/2003 12/30/2002 12/16/2002 12/2/2002 5/5/2003 4/21/2003 4/7/2003 3/24/2003 3/10/2003 2/24/2003 2/10/2003 1/27/2003 1/13/2003 12/30/2002 0.0 12/16/2002 0.0 12/2/2002 Earned Value 10.0 Weeks © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 24 Using TSP to Improve Performance Sample of TSP Analysis Charts -2 Percent Defect Free Defects Removed by Phase for Assembly SYSTEM 100.0% 500.0 450.0 Defects Removed by Phase 90.0% Percent Defect Free 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 400.0 350.0 300.0 Plan 250.0 Actual 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 30.0% In System Test In Acceptance Test Te st Te st In te gr od e C Sy st em Te st ni t at io n tio n U om pi le C In sp ec ev ie w od e R C od e C In Product Life Phase Phase Cumulative Defects Removed by Phase for Assembly SYSTEM Defect Density by Phase for Assembly SYSTEM 1400 25.00 1200 800 Plan 600 Actual Defects/KLOC 20.00 1000 15.00 Plan Actual 10.00 400 5.00 200 Phase In te gr od e Te st Bu i ld an d Sy st em Te st at io n Te st ni t U In sp ec tio n om pi le ev ie w R od e C C D LD R LD D C In sp ec tio n 0.00 ev ie w 0 Pl an R e ni ng Sy qui re st e m me n Te ts R EQ st P la H In ig sp n hec Le In ti o te g r vel n D at es io n ig T n H LD es t In Pla sp n D et ai ec ti le on d D e D Te LD sig n st R De ev ie v w D el o pm LD e In s p nt ec tio n C od Co de e R ev ie w C od Com e pi In Bu sp le i ld ec an tio d n U In te ni t T gr at e st io Sy n T e st e m st Te st Cumulative Defects Removed by Phase an d In Build and Integration Test Bu i ld In Unit Test H R 0.0% In Compile LD EQ 10.0% In sp ec ti o n In sp ec tio n D LD R ev ie D w LD In sp ec tio n 0.0 20.0% Phase © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 25 Using TSP to Improve Performance Sample of TSP Analysis Charts -3 Process Yield for Assembly SYSTEM 300.00 100% 90% 250.00 80% 70% 200.00 60% 50% 40% Yield Plan 150.00 Actual Plan Actual 30% 20% Te st cc ep ta nc e A Be fo re % ui ld % B Be fo re C % od e Te st ys te m S Be fo re % an d Be fo re U C Be fo re tio n In sp ec ev ie w R od e LD D C In sp ec tio n ev ie w R LD D In sp ec tio n LD H R EQ In sp ec ti o n % 0.00 In te gr at io n Te st pi le om 50.00 Te st 10% 0% 100.00 ni t LOC/Hour Inspection and Review Rates for Assembly SYSTEM Phase Phase Phase Yields for Assembly SYSTEM Quality Profile for Assembly SYSTEM 100% Design/Code Time 1 90% 80% 0.8 70% 0.6 Plan 50% Actual 40% 0.4 Design Review Time Code Review Time 0.2 30% 20% Plan 0 Actual 10% Pl a eq nni ng ui Sy re st e m me nt s Te R EQ st P la H In n ig s pe hLe c In te ve ti on gr at l De io si n Te gn H LD s t Pl In an sp D ec et ai tio le n d D es D ig Te LD n R st De ev i ve ew l D LD opm e In s p nt ec tio n C C od od e e R ev ie w C C od om e pi I le ns Bu pe i ld ct an io n U d ni In tT te gr es at t io Sy n T es Ac ste t m ce Te pt an st ce Te st 0% R Yield 60% Unit Test Ddefects/KLOC Compile Defects/KLOC Phase © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 26 Using TSP to Improve Performance Sample of TSP Analysis Charts -4 Actual Time in Phase Percent for Assembly SYSTEM Documentation Requirements REQ Inspection REQ Inspection Documentation Requirements Actual Defects Removed in Phase Percent for Assembly SYSTEM Actual Defects Injected in Phase Percent for Assembly SYSTEM Unit Test Code REQ Inspection Requirements Code Review REQ Inspection HLD Inspection HLD Inspection Requirements DLD Review High-Level Design DLD Inspection Detailed Design Code Review Code Unit Test High-Level Design DLD Review Detailed Design DLD Inspection © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 27 Using TSP to Improve Performance Topics How does TSP work? TSP Data TSP and CMMI TSP Results © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 28 Using TSP to Improve Performance TSP and CMMI Are Complementary CMMI is… TSP is… • a model of best practices • an instance of best practices • about “what” not “how-to” • about “how-to” not “what” • an improvement roadmap • an improvement tool • a capability benchmark • a performance benchmark © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 29 Using TSP to Improve Performance What Do CMMI and TSP Have in Common? Five ideas from a broad array of fields provided the original foundation for the CMMI. • Planning, tracking, cost and schedule management • Requirements definition and configuration control • Process assessment • Quality management and continuous improvement • Evolutionary improvement All of these same ideas found their way into the TSP except process assessment. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 30 Using TSP to Improve Performance CMMI, TSP & PSP Relationship CMMI - Builds organizational capability TSP - Builds quality products on cost and schedule PSP - Builds individual skill and discipline © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 31 Using TSP to Improve Performance When transitioning from a Project to a Organizational focus TSP can provide an organization with a common vocabulary to start with in terms of how work should be performed TSP will define many of the day-to-day processes, which allows teams to focus on communication and the technical challenges before them TSP provide a common data definitions and collection method to address organizational data needs. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 32 Using TSP to Improve Performance Accelerated Process Improvement TSP addresses or supports most of the capabilities expected of a project team through CMMI Level 5. Level 5 Level 4 It provides a “starting point” for lowmaturity organizations. CMMI Maturity Level Level 3 It provides a “next step” for highmaturity organizations. Level 2 Directly Addressed Supported Three organizations have used TSP to advance from ML1 to ML4 in only 2.5 years. Partially Addressed 0% 50% 100% Percentage of SPs Not Addressed Unrated Source: Mapping TSP to CMMI, CMU/SEI-2004-TR-014 © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 33 Using TSP to Improve Performance CMMI and TSP Quality Performance Average Defect Density of Delivered Software 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Defects/KLOC CMM Level 1 CMM Level 2 CMM Level 3 CMM Level 4 CMM Level 5 TSP 7.5 6.24 4.73 2.28 1.05 0.06 Source: CMU/SEI-TR-2003-014 © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 34 Using TSP to Improve Performance Level 5 and Continuous Improvement Project A (TSP) Size (KLOC) Project B 82 151 31.8 43.0 $0.95K $4.05K Peer Review Exit Density 4.78 17.3 Delivered Defect Density 1.55 5.27 $78.K $612K 3.7 14.6 Duration (months) Normalized (per KLOC) Integration / Acceptance Test Cost Time to Accept (months) Source: Northrop Grumman IT (a CMMI Level 5 organization) © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 35 Using TSP to Improve Performance TSP Advantages Unlike most other engineering methods or processes, TSP • leads to positive change in the behavior of individuals, teams, and the organization through an embedded change management strategy. • improves performance, with quantifiable benefits, on first use. • uses a project-by-project introduction strategy that pays for itself. • is a disciplined and agile approach to engineering. • has been applied to a broad range of application domains and is scalable from very small to large projects and teams. • is adapted to existing processes and methods rather than replacing them. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 36 Using TSP to Improve Performance Topics How does TSP work? TSP Data TSP and CMMI TSP Results © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 37 Using TSP to Improve Performance NAVAIR Benefits from TSP Program Size of Program Defect Density AV JMPS 443 KSLOC 0.59 $2,177,169 P-3C 383 KSLOC 0.6 $1,478,243 Program AVJMPS H2.0 (Defects/KSLOC)) Schedule Variance 0.5% overrun 1.1% overrun Cost Savings from Reduced Defects Cost Variance 1.5% overrun 6.9% overrun © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 38 Using TSP to Improve Performance Quality Benefits TSP dramatically reduces the effort and schedule for system test. Most defects are removed during reviews and inspections at a cost of 2 to 25 minutes per defect. TSP System Test Performance Comparison w/Table 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% System test removal costs run from to 2 to 20 hours per defect. 0% System Test % of Effort System Test % of Schedule TSP Min. 2% 8% 4% TSP Avg. 4% 18% 17% 7% 25% 28% 40% 40% 50% TSP Max. These benefits continue after delivery. Typical Projects Failure COQ • lower support costs • satisfied customer • better resource utilization Source: CMU/SEI-TR-2003-014 © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 39 Using TSP to Improve Performance Reviews and Inspections Save Time Xerox found that TSP quality management practices reduced the cost of poor quality by finding and removing defects earlier when costs are lower. Defect Removal Time by Phase 1600 1405 1400 Minutes 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 5 22 2 25 32 Design Review Design Inspect Code Review Code Inspect Unit Test 0 System Test Removal Phase Source: Xerox © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 40 Using TSP to Improve Performance Intuit Quality Improvement TSP reduced defects found in system test by 60% over the previous two releases of QuickBooks 2007 release. Intuit has also recently reported a savings of $20M from a reduction in customer support calls on QuickBooks 2007. Source: Intuit © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 41 Using TSP to Improve Performance Intuit Productivity Improvement By putting a quality product into system test Intuit improved productivity and reduced cost while delivering 33% more functionality than planned. Source: Intuit © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 42 This is equivalent to a 57% increase in productivity. If you didn’t have such detailed information, would you even know that you had a problem? Or an opportunity for such dramatic improvement? Task Hours At Allied Signal average task hours per developer per week were improved from 9.6 hours to 15.1 hours through quiet time, process documentation, more efficient meetings, etc. 04 04/20 05/27/19 05/04/1998 05/11/1998 05/18/1998 06/25/1998 06/01/1998 06/08/1998 06/15/1998 06/22/1998 07/29/1998 07/06/1998 07/13/1998 07/20/1998 08/27/1998 08/03/1998 08/10/1998 08/17/1998 08/24/1998 09/31/1998 09/07/1998 09/14/1998 09/21/1998 10/28/1998 10/05/1998 10/12/1998 10/19/1998 11/26/1998 11/02/1998 11/09/1998 11/16/1998 11/23/1998 12/30/1998 12/07/1998 12/14/1998 12/21/1998 01/28/1998 01/04/1998 01/11/1998 01/18/1999 02/25/1999 02/01/1999 02/08/1999 02/15/1999 03/22/1999 03/01/1999 03/08/1999 03/15/1999 03/22/1999 04/29/1999 04/05/1999 04/12/1999 04/19/1999 05/26/1999 05/03/1999 05/10/1999 05/17/1999 05/24/1999 06/31/1999 06/07/1999 06/14/1999 06/21/1999 /28/1 99 /19999 99 Using TSP to Improve Performance Improving Task Hours Average Task Hours Per Week 18 Actual Task Hours per Week 16 15.1 14 12.6 13.3 12 10 9.6 8 6 4 Avg. Task Hours - Week 2 +57% Avg. Task Hours - Phase 0 Source: Allied Signal © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 43 Using TSP to Improve Performance Intuit Test Schedule Reduction From data on over 40 TSP teams, Intuit has found that • post code-complete effort is 8% instead of 33% of the project • testing time is reduced from four months to one month Non-TSP TSP Source: Intuit Development Development Test Test © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 44 Using TSP to Improve Performance Microsoft Schedule Improvement First-time TSP projects at Microsoft had a 10 times better mean schedule error than non-TSP projects at Microsoft as reflected in the following table. Microsoft Schedule Results Non-TSP Projects TSP Projects Released on Time 42% 66% Average Days Late 25 6 Mean Schedule Error 10% 1% Sample Size 80 15 Source: Microsoft © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 45 Using TSP to Improve Performance Work-Life Balance People are your most important resource. Finding and retaining good people is critical to long-term success. Intuit found that TSP improved work-life balance, a key factor in job satisfaction. Source: Intuit © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 46 Using TSP to Improve Performance Intuit TSP Survey Results Improved work-life balance with TSP is reflected in job satisfaction surveys. In my work group, we continually improved our work processes 88 76 I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things 80 I like the kind of work I do 95 87 I have opportunities to improve my skills 82 60 TSP 90 82 I feel proud to work at Intuit % Favorable 88 80 90 100 Non-TSP “Engineers love it… Once they adopt it they can’t imagine going back” Source: Intuit © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 47 Using TSP to Improve Performance Questions? Dan Burton 412-268-1473 PSP/TSP website: © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 48 Using TSP to Improve Performance Topics What is PSP and TSP Type of data you get from a TSP Tool TSP and CMMI TSP Results The people side of change TSP and the people side of change © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 49 Using TSP to Improve Performance © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 50 Using TSP to Improve Performance The learning stages Unconscious What d’ya mean “what plan?” What plan? Adapted from Hayes, 1993 Conscious Look Ma right on time! Why am I behind again? Competent Incompetent Material obtained from Software Technology, Process & People (STPP) © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 51 Using TSP to Improve Performance Normal Transition Scenarios Self confidence High Gee, all those forms! Low Hey, my AFR reached 2.3!!! I’ll watch TV instead Time Adapted from IMA, 1989 Material obtained from Software Technology, Process & People (STPP) © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 52 Using TSP to Improve Performance Reaction to change Intensity of emotion Over my dead body! High OK, can we talk about this? Say what? Hey, how about my job? Oh, what the heck! Low Nah, It’ll just go away Let me die OK, I’ll have another look Time Adapted from IMA, 1989 Material obtained from Software Technology, Process & People (STPP) © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 53 Using TSP to Improve Performance Managing Change • Create awareness of why the change is happening • Build desire to support and participate in the change • Provide the knowledge needed to change • Demonstrate ability to implement new skills and behaviors • Provide reinforcing environment to sustain the change © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 54 Using TSP to Improve Performance What are the potential impacts of not managing change? Managers may be unwilling to assign adequate resources to support the change. Managers may create negative messages about the change to their peers and subordinates. Employees may lose interest in their work resulting in productivity losses and negative impacts with customers. Employees may leave the organization Unforeseen obstacles to the change seemingly appear from nowhere. Funding is not made available to implement or sustain the change. A sudden shift in priorities is observed with less emphasis on the current change. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 55 Using TSP to Improve Performance Topics What is PSP and TSP Type of data you get from a TSP Tool TSP and CMMI TSP Results The people side of change TSP and the people side of change © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 56 Using TSP to Improve Performance Deploying TSP -1 Sprinkling a few TSP/PSP-trained engineers around an organization will not produce noticeable results. Installing TSP in an organization requires • a team-based improvement focus • careful planning • senior management involvement and sponsorship © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 57 Using TSP to Improve Performance Deploying TSP -2 • • • TSP is introduced into an organization on a project-by-project or team-by-team basis. TSP is more than a training program, the new skills must be used in a team setting soon after training ends. Treat the deployment like a project. – Set goals – Assign responsibilities TSP Introduction Steps 1. Start by identifying external or internal resources to lead the effort. 2. If internal resources are selected, send them to SEI training to become authorized instructors and coaches. 3. Train top management, then select two or three initial projects or teams. 4. Train the selected teams and their managers then launch the teams. 5. Monitor the projects and make adjustments as needed. 6. Expand the scope, selecting additional projects or teams. 7. Create or expand the pool of available SEIauthorized instructors and/or coaches. 8. Repeat starting at step 4. – Allocate resources – Involve line management – Plan and track © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 58 Using TSP to Improve Performance Training Participants Participant Course Notes Executives and senior management TSP Executive Strategy Seminar 1 day + optional ½ day strategic planning session. Middle and first-line managers Leading Development Teams 3 days Software developers PSP Fundamentals 5 days PSP Advanced 5 days (optional) PSP I 5 days PSP II 5 days (Alternative to PSP Fundamentals and Advanced) Other team members Introduction to Personal Process 2.5 days TSP Team Member Training 2.5 days (Alternative to Introduction to Personal Process) Instructors PSP Instructor Training 5 days Pre-requisite training: PSP Fundamentals and PSP Advanced or PSP I and PSP II Coaches TSP Coach Training 5 days Pre-requisite training: PSP Fundamentals and PSP Advanced or PSP I and PSP II © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 59 Using TSP to Improve Performance Scale-Up Approach The broader TSP introduction should repeat the pilot project steps across the organization. • Define each location’s goals and responsibilities. • Work project by project. • Build an experience base. • Train managers and executives first. • Train developers. • Launch projects with TSP. Treat each new introduction as a test. • Use TSP methods. • Gather data. • Evaluate results. • Adjust plans and methods as needed. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 60 Using TSP to Improve Performance The Scale-Up Team Form a scale-up leadership team. • TSP trained • All required skills, disciplines, and constituencies • A core of full-time members Conduct a TSP launch of the scale-up effort. • All team members present • Management participate in opening and closing meetings • Monitor and review like an engineering project © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 61 Using TSP to Improve Performance Sustaining the TSP - 1 To sustain long-term TSP transition, incorporate the TSP transition goals into the organization’s business system. • Reward and recognition programs • Salary and promotion reviews • Career planning • Bonus criteria • High-potential management programs When TSP success is recognized as a ticket to personal advancement, sustained improvement will be assured. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 62 Using TSP to Improve Performance Sustaining the TSP - 2 As with any disciplined activity, the TSP needs continuing reinforcement from management. Establish regular quarterly management reviews. • Review project performance. • Examine key process measures. • Establish and review benchmark comparisons. Identify, recognize, and reward superior individual, team, and management work. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 63 Using TSP to Improve Performance Maintain Continuing Oversight While goals, responsibilities, and resources are essential, they are not enough to sustain a major behavior change. If senior management appears to lose interest in the TSP transition effort • progress will be slow • the effort will not succeed If you take all of these steps and show continuing interest, TSP transition will be rapid and effective. © 2008 Carnegie Mellon University 64