James D. Spina, Ph.D. 3713 Glebe Meadow Way Edgewater, MD 21037 301 -405-0624 Office e-mail: jspina@rhsmith.umd.edu PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CURRENT (part time since 2000 – full time since 2007) University of Maryland, Lecturer at the RH Smith School of Business at College Park. Outstanding student evaluations. Employment Law, HR Mgt., Strategy, EMBA courses. Recently taught Business Strategy in Zurich. Business Policies (BMGT 495) course coordinator for 29 class sections and ten professors. Delta Group Network (1999 – 2007) President, management consulting company specializing in executive coaching. Tribune Company (1997 – 1999) Director of Management and Succession Planning Development Chicago, Illinois Responsible for all management development and succession planning systems, company-wide. Information used for presentation to Tribune Board of Directors. Managed 2.2 million dollar budget and training staff. Serviced 35+ business units nation-wide. Supported recruitment efforts for all business units, publishing, broadcast and education. Developed top 200 executives in the company using executive coaching and written development plans to retain talent and provide succession planning recommendations. Tribune Company (1996 –1997) Senior Manager, Program Design for Management Development Chicago, Illinois Designed/implemented management development curriculum company-wide for 30+ business units (9000 employees) while managing change and conflict. Designed/implemented succession planning training and mentoring programs for all business units. Created performance management system for company. The Sun-Sentinel Company (A Tribune Company) (1992 – 1996) Manager, Management Development and Communications Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Recruited to reorganize, revitalize and manage employee development through the establishment of an integrated business curriculum and cadre of internal/external consultants. Program carried to Tribune Company. Resulting curriculum/assessment center created to serve development needs of 1700 employees to include performance management, mentoring process and succession planning. Four-level evaluation system produced high marks. Facilitated needs assessment/climate survey for training needs. Served as TQM team consultant for strategy creation. . James D. Spina, Ph.D. Florida Atlantic University (1982 – 1992) Adjunct Professor of Management/Management Consultant to Private Industry Boca Raton, Florida Taught following courses: Management and Organizational Behavior, Operations Management*; Introductory Statistics; Intermediate Statistics; Human Resources Management; Contemporary Issues in Human Resources; Organizational Behavior and Change Management **. Blended theory with practice. One of the top ranked professors according to student surveys. Certified Assessment Center Assessor Consulted with Hilton, Marriott and Hyatt properties in coaching executive management teams * Barry University . ** Palm Beach Atlantic College . EDUCATION SPHR - Certified by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) in employment, EEO compliance, compensation and benefits, HRIS, training/development, health/safety. (1997) Ph.D. - University of Connecticut . Research centered on management of time as a resource for principals. Certified as school superintendent. (1983) C.A.S. - Fairfield University – School Administration. M.S. - Southern Connecticut University - Secondary Counseling. B.S. - Southern Connecticut University - Education Science Major HONORS Outstanding Lecturer award U of MD (2009) Team Teaching Award – Zurich program (2009) Top 15% Teaching Award R.H. Smith School (2008) Krowe Teaching Award U of MD (2007) Honored as “Professor of the Year” by students at Shady Grove Campus ( 2004 )