OSCE Revision OSCE format 18-20 stations 4-5 minutes each Approx 80 minutes Standardised questions Fixed marking Questions Data interpretation Slides/prints X-rays/images Practical procedure Role play/history taking Clinical examination Timing is critical . . . Snails are not permitted Question 1 Question 1 1. List the abnormalities shown on this print. (3) 2. What is the diagnosis? (2) 3. Name 3 causes for this condition. (3) Total marks: 10 Question 2 Question 2 This photograph was taken 1 day after birth. 1. What is the clinical diagnosis? (1) 2. Name two causative organisms. (2) 3. What immediate steps in management are indicated? (3) 4. Name two complications of this condition. (2) Total marks: 8 Question 3 Data question – no print provided. Question 3 A two year old boy walked unaided at 14 months. He made steady progress for 8 months but, over the past 3 months, had refused to weight bear on the lower limbs. Investigations: Ca2+ 2.05mmol/l (N 2.2-2.75mmol/l) PO4 3- 0.95mmol/l (N 1.16-1.01mmol/l) Albumin 35g/l (N 35-50g/l) Alkaline phosphatase 1550u/l (N 100-850u/l) Question 3 1. 2. 3. 4. What biochemical abnormalities are shown? (3) What is the diagnosis. (2) What would an X-ray of the knees show? (3) Name two complications of this condition. (2) Total marks: 10 Question 4 Question 4 1. 2. 3. 4. Report this X-ray. (2) What is the underlying pathological process? (1) How would you manage this case? (3) Name two possible diagnoses. (2) Total marks: 8 Question 5 This is a rest period Total marks : 0 Question 6 Clinical station: you will be asked to examine a patient Total marks: 30 Question 7 Question 7 Examine the diagram provided: 1. What abnormalities are shown on the diagram? (2) 2. What is the physiological effect of these lesions? (2) 3. Name four symptoms associated with the predominant lesion. (4) 4. List two associated conditions. (2) Total marks: 10 Question 8 Question 8 1. 2. 3. 4. What is shown on the photograph? (2) What is the cause of these lesions? (2) What is their natural history. (2) What group of patients may be particularly at risk of developing these lesions? (2) Total marks: 8 Question 9 Question 9 1. Report this X-ray? (2) 2. What is the diagnosis? (2) 3. What may be the underlying / precipitating cause in this case? (2) 4. Outline the management of this case? (4) Total marks: 10 Question 10 This is a practical station: You will be given a sample of urine to test and comment/discuss the findings with an examiner Total marks: 20 The OSCE . . . . . . it’s all over !