A Call for Credit Policy Dilip B Madan Robert H Smith School of Business University of Maryland January 31, 2011 This short paper summarizes what has been learnt in a handful of recently completed papers with numerous coauthors. I begin with Cherny and Madan (2009, 2010) that gave us an understanding of how to construct the bid and ask prices relevant to a theory of two price markets that I now call Conic Finance. In Conic Finance the market is modeled as a passive counterparty for all economic agents. The market is de…ned by describing the set of zero cost cash ‡ows the market will accept. These cash ‡ows are modeled by a convex cone of state contingent cash ‡ows that contains the nonnegative cash ‡ows. An application in Madan (2010) led to an understanding of who, how and why capital requirements are to be established for limited liability entities with access to modern derivative markets. More was learned when we applied these methods to determine capital requirements for the major US banks as at the end of 2008 in Eberlein and Madan (2010). This paper de…ned the taxpayer put option for the …rst time. The objective of credit policy as an arm of regulation in otherwise free markets is to ensure that the value of this freely distributed put option is kept within limits and is not allowed to get excessively valuable. Finally, Madan and Schoutens (2010) rede…ne the corporate balance sheet for relevance to two price markets, showing that equity capital is a poor measure of …nancial health as it can be contaminated by the excessive value of the taxpayer put option and must be further corrected for the two price haircuts on both sides of the balance sheet, before we get a true measure of capital available. As a result agency arguments designed to align CEO compensation with shareholders can end up distorting …nancial health by activities seeking to maximizing the value of the taxpayer put option. These considerations necessitate a cleaner de…nition of equity capital that is closer to the real equity stake and is measured as suggested in Carr, Madan and Vicente Alvarez (2010) by the ask price of the business less its bid price, where both are constructed without the limited liability in place. Any business plan be it a hedge fund or a corporation has in place, before the issuance of any securities related to ownership and the distribution of returns, access to potential gains or receipts of funds that we call the assets A; and potential losses or payments of cash ‡ows to other market participants that we call the liabilities L; of the business. Both A; L are positive random variables and the fate of the business is determined by the joint probability law of these 1 random variables. It is useful to work in these terms as opposed to just the probability law of the di¤erence as one can relate matters better to classical corporate balance sheets by keeping both entities in mind. The promises to and from the …rm trade in free markets with current market prices that we take to be A0 and L0 : For purely …nancial …rms in the absence of arbitrage opportunities these values must be in balance. More generally the …rm may create value and the expectation is that A0 exceeds L0 ; but not by too much. Now no balanced hedge fund with A0 = L0 ; or other corporate entity, can be permitted to exist and be given a limited liability status if no funds are placed at stake with a capacity to absorb potential losses. We denote the level of such funds placed at stake as M and recognize that they will grow at the period interest rate of r to M er at the end of the period. The risk being held by the economy once the …rm is in existence and all the contracts are signed is the cash ‡ow C = M er + A L: By virtue of limited liability the value received by the …rm is the positive part of this cash ‡ow or + V = (M er + A L) : This …rm value is the payo¤ to a call option on A L and its value exceeds the intrinsic value of M + A0 L0 by the value of the option to put losses back into the economy with the cash ‡ow P = ( M er (A + L)) : Eberlein and Madan (2010) have called this put option the taxpayer put, but the name does not matter, what is clear is that the …rm holds such a put option. As a consequence the …rm cannot be the one to set the level of funds M supporting the business as its incentive is to maximize the value of the embedded put by choosing the maximum strike of zero. So who should set the value M: It is clear that the limited liability is granted by the government and the economy has to hold the risk C: So the government on behalf of the economy should set the value M: One could argue and some do, that creditor counterparties with the liability L will force the …rm to hold an acceptable level of funds for them to be willing counterparties. But these parties can be small and diverse with insu¢ cient market power to enforce capital levels on the …rm. In my view the same motivation that requires the approval of a business prospectus by the stock exchange before stocks can be issued to the investing public necessitates the need for a credit monitoring authority that attempts to ensure su¢ cient levels of reserves in the form of M: Before we ask and prescribe how M is to be set, given that we understand who determines M and why M is to be determined it is useful to view the balance sheet at this point. In a traditional balance sheet we will have on the asset side M + A0 and on the liability side L0 + J; where J is the equity. For a balanced business with A0 = L0 we have M = J and the cash reserve is also the …rm’s equity. The policy determining M then determines equity and the leverage (M + A)=J > 1: 2 However the traditional balance sheet is incorrect as J is actually the value of a call option with payout V and includes the value of the put option with payout P: We actually have on the asset side M + A0 + P0 and the liability side is then L0 + J: Equity seen as J can be vastly overstated when actions are taken lead to a high value for P0 : The moral of this paragraph is beware of traditional equity as a measure of capital as it contains the contamination of P0 : Our interest is M or for a balanced fund the magnitude of J P0 or equity stripped of the value of the taxpayer put. In general this value would be M + A0 L0 and one is valuing assets and liabilities at the law of one price. Accounting for two price laws one must further take the haircut of A0 b and a L0 as assets are marked down to the bid price b while liabilities are marked up to the ask price a: Equity net of the taxpayer put and the two haircuts is M + b a or risk adjusted assets less risk adjusted liabilities. This is the correct capital computation. With these warnings we may focus attention on how M is to be determined. For this prescription we observe that the economy must hold the risk C and M should be …xed so as to make this risk acceptable to the economy. Fortunately for us these questions were answered in the abstract by Artzner, Delbaen, Eber and Heath (1999) who characterized the set of acceptable risks. This set is de…ned by a convex cone containing the nonnegative cash ‡ows and must take the following form. The cash ‡ow C is acceptable just if E Q [C] 0; all Q 2 M where M is a convex set of probability measures. When the decision of acceptability just depends on the probability law of the random variable in question Cherny and Madan (2009) showed that one may test for acceptability by ensuring that one has a positive expectation after a concave distortion of the distribution function. Hence for F (c) the distribution function of C and a concave distribution function on the unit interval one must ensure that Z 1 cd (F (c)) 0: 1 Madan (2009) then shows that M= e r Z 1 xd (FA L (x)); 1 where FA L is the distribution function of A L: The suggested distortion is termed minmaxvar in Cherny and Madan (2009) and is given by a one parameter family (x) = 1 1 1 x 1+ 1+ : This distortion combines two ways of forming worst cases, one of which is the expectation of the minimum of independent draws for integral : The higher the value of the more stressed the expectation and the higher the required 3 capital. Of course we do not wish to over capitalize and one may choose to be the smallest level that counteracts the adverse risk incentives built into equity values by the limited liability put. Madan (2009) determines this by ensuring that the derivative of required capital with respect to extraneous risk dominates the derivative of equity value. A value of between a quarter and unity is quite adequate. For the valuation of securities issued by the …rm we take up the theory of two price markets. In this perspective developed in Cherny and Madan (2010), the market is viewed as a counterparty taking up zero cost cash ‡ows acceptable to it and proposed by market participants. Applying concave distortions to de…ne acceptable cash ‡ows leads to bid prices for cash ‡ows X as Z 1 b(X) = xd (FX (x)) 1 where FX is the distribution function of the random variable X: The corresponding ask price is Z 1 a(X) = xd (1 FX ( x)) : 1 Madan and Schoutens (2010) go on to model di¤erent markets using di¤erent cones after showing that arbitrage is excluded between markets provided the supporting measures have a nonempty intersection. They introduce a two parameter family of cones of the form ; (x) = 1 1 1 1+ x 1+ where the parameter measures loss aversion while measures the absence of gain enticement in the market. All concave distortions have a nonempty intersection for their supporting measures and arbitrage is excluded. They mark all assets at bid prices and liabilities at ask prices with the di¤erence held as reserves against potentially unfavorable unwinds. They show that regulatory capital requirements as set by a credit monitoring authority as described here can lead to conservative equity markets not funding the …rm and so there are situations when all equity …rms fail to exist. They also show that existence shopping is not possible between debt and equity provided the debt distortion is more conservative than the equity distortion. Optimal debt levels arise out of clientele e¤ects re‡ected by di¤erent cones in the absence of tax advantages to debt. The …nal balance sheet re‡ects the value of the taxpayer put and the distorted value of equity along with the right level of capital related to cleaning out equity of its contamination. Interestingly it is observed in Eberlein, Gehrig and Madan (2010) that when one’s own debt is valued at the ask price anomalous pro…ts on one’s own credit deterioration disappear, theoretically. Such gyrations in corporate pro…ts apologized for by every CEO are an accidental consequence of one price markets. 4 Eberlein and Madan (2010) show two further contaminations related to the taxpayer put. First debt holders hold this put collectively with equity holders and this leads to a lack of interest on their part in monitoring corporate risk levels. Secondly as equity is a call option with the negative of cash reserves as the strike, cash plays a special role in the economy by helping to hold up stock prices. CEO’s paid in stock then inherit incentives to hold cash and maximize risk taking. The advent of stock based CEO compensation may then have coincided with adverse corporate management heavily engaged in maximizing the value of the taxpayer put. There is considerable anecdotal evidence of such actions prior to the onset of the …nancial crisis. Regulators have to monitor not just capital levels for the …rm, but the same issues arise at the level of individual structures especially when they are set up as special purpose vehicles. Carr, Madan and Vicente Alvarez (2010) take up these matters at a more micro level. They use the theory of two price markets to de…ne capital on a trade as the di¤erence between the ask and the bid price. Formally the ask price is the required capital for o¤ loading a risk on the economy, but credit is given for the bid price with the di¤erence to held as reserves. The up front pro…t is de…ned as the mid quote less the risk neutral expectation. The structure of claims with positive and negative pro…ts is described. Competitive pressures to lower ask prices and raise bid prices leads to capital conservation as a corporate objective in the design of hedges and other related activities. It is shown the maximization of expected utility can lead to an ine¢ cient use of available capital while adjustments to delta hedging taking account of gamma levels can economize capital. References [1] Artzner, P., F. Delbaen, J. Eber, and D. Heath, (1999), “De…nition of coherent measures of risk,” Mathematical Finance 9, 203-228. [2] Cherny, A. and D. B. Madan (2009), “New measures of performance evaluation,” Review of Financial Studies, 22, 2571-2606. [3] Cherny, A., and D. B. Madan (2010), “Markets as a counterparty: An introduction to conic …nance," International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 13, 1149-1177. [4] Carr, P., D. B. Madan and J. J. Vicente Alvarez (2010), “Markets, pro…ts, capital, leverage and returns,” Working paper Robert H. Smith School of Business. [5] Eberlein, E., T. Gehrig and D. Madan (2010), “Pricing to Acceptability: With applications to valuing one’s own credit risk,” Working paper Robert H. Smith School of Business. 5 [6] Eberlein, E. and D. B. Madan (2010), “Unbounded liabilities, capital reserve requirements and the taxpayer put option,”Working paper, Robert H. Smith School of Business. [7] Madan, D. B. (2009), “Capital requirements, acceptable risks and pro…ts,” Quantitative Finance, 7, 767-773. [8] Madan, D. B., and W. Schoutens (2010), “Conic …nance and the corporate balance sheet,” forthcoming International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance. 6