MEDITERRANEAN ACADEMY OF DIPLOMATIC STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF MALTA M.A. Students Research 2005-2006 • Adam Kuymizakis: "Intelligence in the Fight against Terrorism Post 9/11” • Christianne Caruana: "Women in Decision-Making in the Euro-Mediterranean Region” • Darren Vella: "What is the Vatican’s Stand on War against Terrorism Post 9/11 Analysis” • David Ian Mansfield: "The Role of International Arms Control and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Post Cold-War Era” • Edward Spiteri: "Conservation and Management of Mediterranean Coastal Biodiversity: A Case for International Reserves and Nature Parks” • Keith Zammit Marmara: "Recognition of Genocide: The Armenian Struggle after the 1st Genocide of the 20th Century” • Lysanne Milja Celine Bakker: "Developments in the Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention since the End of the Cold War” • Maria Micallef: "Addressing the Root Causes of Terrorism: An Analysis of Post 9/11” • Matthew Buttigieg: "Combating New Security Threats through a Multilateral Framework: The UN and International Terrorism” • Michela-Marie Debattista: "Political Islam: A Fundamentalist Comeback to Western Supremacy?” • Neil Kerr: "The Influence of a Monotheistic Religion on Human Rights: The Case of Christianity” • Philip Vella: "The EU’s Counter Terrorism Policy” Correspondence Address: Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080 MALTA • Roberto Pace: "Electronic Surveillance as Means of Political Control: It’s increased significance after September 11 and the consequent Privacy Implications” • Saviour Aquilina: "Positive Influence of Tourism on Diplomacy: A Mediterranean Perspective" • Valerie Croin: "1830-2005: 175 Years of Belgian Foreign Policy and Diplomacy” 2