December 2011

December 2011
history …
1990: MEDAC established based on MoU between the
governments of Malta and Switzerland.
Chairs at MEDAC
1990 – till present: Swiss Chair established through the Swiss
Agency for Development and Cooperation
1993 – 2006: Italian Chair (Foreign Ministry of Italy) 1993 - 2006
2009 – till present: German Chair established through the
German Federal Foreign Office, DAAD.
MEDAC Partnerships
Graduate Institute of International and
Development Studies (HEI), Geneva, Switzerland.
Vienna Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, Austria.
University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece.
Centre for European Integration Studies (ZEI),
Bonn, Germany
Egyptian Institute for Diplomatic Studies, Cairo,
Institute for Diplomatic Studies, Saudi Arabia.
Tunisian Diplomatic Institute, Tunis, Tunisia.
George Mason University, Washington, USA.
Collegium Civitas, Poland
Academic Courses
Master of Diplomacy
Open to: On Scholarship Basis to Junior Diplomats
Two semesters - October to June
Taught course
Master of Arts in Diplomatic Studies
Open to: Graduates of Int. Relations, Economics,
History, Law, European studies, Political scientists etc.
Three semesters – October to September Taught
course & research
Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution and
Mediterranean Security
Open to: Graduates of Int. Relations, Economics,
History, Law, European studies, Political scientists etc.
Three semesters – October to September Taught
course & research
Diploma in Diplomatic Studies
2 year part-time course
Taught course & research
Master of Diplomacy
DST 5001
DST 5002
DST 5003
DST 5004
DST 5010
International Relations
International History
International Economics
International Law
ENG 3105
FRE 0007
GRM 0001
Public Speaking & English Language* 4 Credits
Public Speaking & French Language* 4 Credits
Public Speaking & German Language* 4 Credits
Total Number of Credits: 60 ECTS Credits
Total Number of Credits: 60
12 Credits
12 Credits
12 Credits
12 Credits
8 Credits
Master of Arts in Diplomatic Studies
DST 5001
DST 5002
DST 5003
DST 5004
DST 5010
DST 5007
DST 5005
International Relations
International History
International Economics
International Law
12 Credits
12 Credits
12 Credits
12 Credits
8 Credits
4 Credits
30 credits
ENG 3105
FRE 0007
GRM 0001
Public Speaking & English Language* 4 Credits
Public Speaking & French Language* 4 Credits
Public Speaking & German Language* 4 Credits
Total Number of Credits: 90 ECTS Credits
Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution and
Mediterranean Security
DST 5201
DST 5203
DST 5204
DST 5205
DST 5206
DST 5207
DST 5208
DST 5209
DST 5210
DST 5211
DST 5212
DST 5213
DST 5214
DST 5215
DST 5216
Introduction to Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Theories of Conflict and Conflict Resolution
International Communication/ Media and Conflict
Reflective Practice in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Identity and Conflict
Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue
Security Issues and Conflict
Economic Issues and Conflict
Conflict, Religion and Reconciliation
Environmental Conflict and Resolution
Legal Systems and Conflict
Human Rights and Conflict
Ethnic and Cultural Factors in Conflict Resolution
Philosophy and Methods of Conflict Research
Integration of Theory and Practice/ Dissertation Project
Total Number of Credits: 90 ECTS Credits
5 Credits
5 Credits
3 Credits
5 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
3 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
4 Credits
3 Credits
30 Credits
Diploma in Diplomatic Studies
Year I
International Relations and Diplomacy
International Economic Theory
International Law
Supervised Individual Project I
8 Credits
8 Credits
8 Credits
6 Credits
Year II
International Relations and Diplomacy
Macro & International Economics
International & Transnational Law
Supervised Individual Project II
8 Credits
8 Credits
8 Credits
6 Credits
Total number of credits: 60
Total Number of Credits: 60 ECTS Credits
Guest Speakers
MEDAC also invites
international academics,
diplomats and experts to
give lectures to our students
1. Prof. Ludger Kuehnhardt, ZEI, Bonn
2. H. E. Mr. Bernt Braun, Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany
3. Dr. Magdy Hefny, Lecturer in Water Conflict Management and Resolution
4. Prof. Bichara Khader, Lecturer in EUROMED Relations, University of Louvain
5. H. E. Douglas W. Kmiec, Ambassador to the United States of America
Research Facilities
More than 2000
Subscribed to 10
TV providing live
updates and
breaking news.
Study Visits
Students have the possibility
to visit governmental and
international institutions
abroad (e.g. Geneva, Cairo,
Rome, Tunis, Vienna,
Euromed Training Seminars
Since 1996 MEDAC has been
organising the Euromed
Information & Training
Human Dimension Programme
Annual Conference
Summer School
MEDAC regularly publishes
academic and policy-oriented
studies and reports on issues
related to Mediterranean
MEDAC Alumni Association
MEDAC alumni formed the
M.A.A. in 2006.
Over 500 members around
the world.
MEDAC Alumni Statistics: 1990 - 2011
MEDAC Alumni 515
from 54 different countries
156 alumni from the Middle East and North Africa inc. Algeria,
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria,
Tunisia & Turkey
217 from Europe inc. Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Iceland,
Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom
70 from Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia
21 from Central and Eastern Europe, Baltic Bulgaria, Czech
Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Ukraine
MEDAC Alumni Statistics: 1990 - 2011
17 from the Caucasus inc. Azerbaijan, Georgia and
3 from Russia
7 from Sub-Saharan Africa inc. students from
Burundi, Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania
9 from India and China
12 from USA, Canada and West Samoa
MEDAC Contact Details
Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies
University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq,
Msida MSD 2080
Tel: (+356) 2340 2821
Fax: (+356) 2148 3091
Director – Prof. Stephen Calleya
Chairman – Dr. Joe Borg
Administrative Officer – Mr. Simon Bajada –
Research Assistant & Library –
For more information, visit our website at: