Ambassador (retired) Carl Andreas von Stenglin Member, MEDAC Board

Ambassador (retired) Carl Andreas von Stenglin
Member, MEDAC Board
Carl Andreas v. Stenglin, 67, studied law in Switzerland and Germany and graduated
in the first and second state examination in Germany. He served as a lawyer in an
international company (BBC now ABB).
In 1975 he started the preparatory service for the German Senior Foreign Service and
passed the entry exam in 1977.
He started his diplomatic career as advisor for economic affairs at the German
Embassy in Paris. From 1977 - 1994 he held several postings in different capacities
and fields in Africa, Eastern Europe, Bonn and Israel. From 1994 - 1998 he severed
as Minister Counselor and head of political department at the German Embassy New
Delhi, India. During the following seven years he was head of the Personal Office of
the former Federal President Dr. Richard von Weizsäcker in Berlin. This assignment
was followed by one year as Charge d’Affaires in Tajikistan and Laos. In 2006 he
was appointed and accredited as German ambassador to the Republic of Malta.
After retiring in 2009 he joined the Board of the Mediterranean Academy of
Diplomatic Studies (MEDAC), Malta.
Carl Andreas v. Stenglin is married to Amelie. They have three children, Matthias,
Franziska and Philipp.
Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies (MEDAC), University of Malta, Msida, MSD 2080, MALTA
Tel: +356 23402821
Fax: +356 21483091