The Number of the Two Dimensional Run Length Constrained Arrays

2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing
IPCSIT vol.3 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore
The Number of the Two Dimensional Run Length Constrained Arrays
Talip Atajan 1, Naohisa Otsuka 2, Xuerong Yong 3
School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Denki University Hatoyama-machi, Saitama 350-0394, Japan
Division of Science, Tokyo Denki UniversityHatoyama-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama 350-0394, Japan
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Puerto RicoMayaguez, PR 00681, USA
Abstract. First, a new framework describing the transfer matrices for the two dimensional run length
constrained arrays (codes) is introduced, and some important properties of the transfer matrices Tm (m  1)
are derived in this framework. Then, using these properties, it is shown that the numbers N (m, n) (m, n  1) of
the two dimensional binary arrays satisfying the (1, ) - run length constraint is expressible by a linear
recurrence equation of a fixed order, approximately equal to dim(Tm ) 2 . Finally, to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the result obtained, some numerical examples are presented.
Keywords: Run length constrained array, transfer matrix, information capacity; data storage
1. Introduction
Run length constrained arrays (codes) are widely used in digital data recording and transmission. Its
generalization to the two-dimensional case is of potential interest in the page-oriented information storage
technologies, such as holographic storage. A one-dimensional binary sequence is said to satisfy a (d , k ) -run
length constraint if every run of zeros in the sequence has length at least d and at most k . Similarly an 2 dimensional binary array is said to satisfy a (d , k ) -run length constraint if it satisfies the one-dimensional run length constraint both horizontally and vertically. Let the number of 2 -dimensional binary arrays of size
m  n satisfying the (d , k ) -run length constraint be denoted by N d , k (m, n) . Then the information capacity is
defined as
Cd , k  lim
m , n 
log 2 N d ,k (m, n)
which may be interpreted as the maximum number of bits of information that can be stored asymptotically
per unit volume.
Recently a great deal of effort has been made for evaluating the
numbers N d ,k (m, n) (m, n  1) and the limit Cd ,k , in particular, for investigating the existence of the limit and
lower and upper bounds on Cd ,k for various values of (d , k ) . See, e.g., [1]-[6] and the references herein.
This paper focuses on a special case of the 2-dimensional constrained arrays with d  1 and k   . For this
case, the number d m : N1, (m,1) is well known as the Fibonacci number. Further it is easily seen by
exchanging the roles of 0 and 1 that C1,  C0,1 . For notational simplicity, hereafter N1, (m, n)  N 0,1 (m, n)
will be denoted simply by N (m, n) .
This special case was extensively studied in [1]-[4] and also in [5], and many important results have been
obtained. One of important and interesting results among them is the work by Calkin and Wilf [1]. In this
work, they used the fact that the number N (m, n) can be expressed in the form
N (m, n)  1t Tmn11, m, n  1
where 1 indicates the column vector with all entries equal to 1 and a compatible dimension, 1 denotes the
transpose, Tm is the transfer matrix of the two-dimensional (1, ) - run length constraint problem introduced
in [1]. The transfer matrix Tm is a symmetric d m  d m matrix with all entries equal to 0 or 1 and the order d m is
computed in the following recursive manner:
 d 1  d 0  1
 d m  d m1  d m2 , m  1.
Therefore all the properties of N (m, n) can be obtained through the corresponding transfer matrix Tm .
N (m, n) even for relatively large values of n and m . Finally to demonstrate effectiveness of our results,
the recursive equations of N (m, n) for m  2,3,4 will be computed as numerical examples.
2. Description of Transfer Matrices
In this section, we first introduce a new framework for representing the transfer matrix Tm defined in
Calkin and Wilf [1], and investigate their important properties. First let {0,1} pq denote the set of all p  q dimensional matrices with all entries in {0,1} . Then, we have the following results.
LEMMA 1. Let us introduce the two sequences of matrices V ( m ) , W ( m)  {0,1}dm m (m  1) by the following
recursive formula:
 V ( m 1)
V (1)    , V ( m )  
1 
(V ( m 1) )[ d m  2 ]
W ( m 1)
W (1)    , W ( m)  
, m  2
) m  2 
1 
1 (W
, m  2,
1 
where the notation X [ k ] indicates the sub-matrix composed of the first k rows of a matrix X , and 0 is a zero
column vector with a compatible dimension. Further let us represent the matrices V ( m ) , W ( m ) as the row
v( m) 
 w( m ) 
1 
 1 
d m m
( m)
    {0,1}
     {0,1}dm m
, W
 (m) 
 (m) 
 vd m 
 wd m 
Then the following statements hold.
(i) The row vectors v1( m) ,, vd( mm ) are all distinct and so are w1( m) ,, wd( mm ) .
(ii) For each i  1, , d m , vi( m) and wi( m) coincide in the reversed order, that is, if
vi( m)  [vi(,1m )
vi(,2m )  vi(,mm) ] then wi( m )  [vi(,mm)
vi(,mm)1  vi(,1m ) ] .
(iii) For each i  1, , d m , both vi( m) and wi( m) have no two consecutive 1’s in their components, respectively.
(iv) Set {v1( m ) ,, vd( mm ) } coincides with the set of all possible row vectors in v {0,1}1m having no two
consecutive 1’s.
Next, let p, q  1 be arbitrary integers, and for any two matrices
 v1 
 w1 
 
 
V     {0,1} , W     {0,1} pq ,
v p 
 wp 
 
 
define the two operations  and  by
 V  W : v  w  p {0,1} p p
j  i , j 1
 i
p p
 V  W : vi  w j 
 i , j 1 {0,1}
 1 if
where vi  w j : 
vi , w j  0
 0 otherwise.
 1 if vi  w j ,
vi  w j : 
 0 otherwise.
Then the following theorem can be proved. The statement (ii) has been shown in a different framework
in [6], but it would be worthwhile to reprove it because our framework gives a simpler and more
straightforward proof.
THEOREM 1. The following facts hold.
(i) The transfer matrix Tm is expressed as Tm  V ( m)  V ( m)  W ( m)  W ( m) .
(ii) Further Tm is computed by the following recursive formula:
Tm 
 [ d m2 ]
[ d m2 ] t 
m 1
1 1 
, T1  
1 0 
Proof. The statement (i) can be verified simply by observing that Lemma 1 ensures that the
vectors v1( m) ,, vd( mm ) and w1( m ) ,, wd( mm ) satisfy the conditions for the transfer matrix Tm1 defined in [1].
To prove (ii), letting k  2 and assuming that (11) is true for m  k  1 , it will be proved that (11) is also
true for m  k . This is done by directly evaluating V ( k )  V ( k ) . □
LEMMA 2. Consider two matrices V , W and a permutation matrix P represented as
 v1 
 w1 
 
 
 V      {0,1} , W     {0,1}
vq 
 wq 
 
 
 P  [ p  p ] {0,1}qq
where vi , wi are row vectors and each pi is a column unit vector. Then the following equality holds true:
( PV )  ( PW )  P (V  W ) P .
Proof: First note that P is represented as a permutation of the identity matrix I  [e1  eq ] where ek is
the column unit vector with k -th entry equal to 1. Therefore it suffices to verify (6) for a special case such
that P is a permutation matrix of the form
P  [e1  eq ]c:i  j , 1  i  j  q
where []c::i  j indicates an interchange of the i-th and j-th column vectors. For this permutation matrix P ,
we have
( PV )  ( PW )  Vr:i  j  Wr:i  j
 v 
  v   w 
 w1 
 1 
  1   1 
 
   
  
 P(V  W ) P
        
 
    
  q  r:i  j  q  r:i  j    q   q   c:r:ii
where similarly []r:i  j indicates the interchange of the i-th and j-th column vectors. □
THEOREM 2. Let V ( m ) , W ( m ) be given by (4) and (5), and define
Pm : V ( m )  W ( m )  {0,1}dm dm , m  1 .
Then, for any m  1 the following statements hold.
Pm is an d m  d m symmetric
Tm Pm  PmTmn , n  0, 1, 2, .
satisfies V  PmW
3. Recursive Formulas
In this section, it is shown that the numbers N (m, n) (m, n  1) of the two-dimensional binary arrays
satisfying the (1, ) - run length constraint can be represented by a linear recurrence equation of a fixed order.
In particular, it is shown that the order of the linear recurrence equation is approximately equal
to dim(Tm ) 2 for large values of m .
LEMMA 3. Let Pm be given by (14). Then, its trace is given as
d( m  2) / 2 if m is even
tr( Pm )  
d( m 1) 2 if m is odd .
Proof. It follows from (14) that tr( Pm )   i m1 (vi( m)  wi( m) )
First note that, by virtue of the definition of operation  , vi( m)  wi( m)  1 if and only if vi( m)  wi( m ) . In
addition to this, since by (ii) of Lemma 1 vi( m ) and wi( m ) coincide in the reversed order, therefore if
vi( m)  wi( m)  1 then vi( m ) must be of the form
vi( m)  vi(,1m )  vi(,mm) 21 vi(,mm) 2 vi(,mm) 2 vi(,mm) 21 vi(,1m ) 
when m is even, and
vi( m)   vi(,1m)  vi(,(mm) 1) 2 vi(,(mm) 1)
(m) 
21 vi ,( m 1) 2  vi ,1 
when m is odd.
Furthermore, since vi( m ) has no two consecutive 1’s by Lemma 1, it is easily seen from (20) and (21) that a
necessary and sufficient condition for vi( m)  wi( m)  1 is that vi( m ) is of the form
vi( m)   vi(,1m )  vi(,(mm)  2) 2 0 0 vi(,(mm)  2) 2  vi(,1m) 
m is even
vi( m)   vi(,1m )  vi(,(mm) 1) 2 vi(,(mm) 1) 2 vi(,(mm) 1) 2  vi(,1m )  m is odd
Now (9) is evaluated. First, for the case of m being even, the summation is equal to the number of all
possible vectors that has the form of (11), which in turn, the form of vi(,1m)  vi(,(mm) 2) 2  , and hence the
summation is equal to d( m2) 2 . Similarly, for the case of m being odd, the summation (19) is equal to the
number of all possible vectors that has the form of (12), which in turn, the form of vi(,1m)  vi(,(mm) 1) 2  , and
hence the summation is equal to d( m1) 2 . This completes the proof. □
Next, let m  1 be arbitrarily fixed, and define a sequence of d m -dimensional column vectors by
  k1 
 
k2 
k : 
: Tmk 11, k  1 ,
  
kdm 
and a sequence of matrices
 k (1) 
 k     : [1 2  k ]  [1 Tm 1
k (d m ) 
Tmk 11], k  1 .
LEMMA 4. The following statements hold:
(i) The vectors k defined in (13) satisfy Pmk  k , k  1
(ii) The matrices  k defined in (14) satisfy rank k  rank k 1  rank k  rank k  ,   2 .
Proof. The statement (i) can be easily proved using Theorem 2 (ii). In fact, for any k  1
Pmk  PmTmk 1  Tmk Pm 1  Tmk 1  k .
Next to prove (ii), assume rank k  rank k 1 . Then, first note that rank k  rank k 1 implies that k can
be expressed as a linear combination of the vectors in  k , i.e., k   k  for some vector   R k . This fact
leads to
k 1  Tmk  Tm  k   Tm [0 1   k 1 ]  [1  k 1  k  ]   k [e2  ek  ] .
Therefore k 1 is also a linear combination of 0 ,1,,k 1 , and hence rank k  rank k 1  rank k 2 .
Repeating this process, one can verify rank k  rank k  for all   2 .
LEMMA 5. Let  k be the matrices defined by (14). Then, max rank k  {d m  tr( Pm )} : rm
k 0
Proof. First, recall that Pm is a symmetric permutation matrix and tr( Pm ) is given by (18). It is not difficult
to see from LEMMA 4 (i) that, for every k  1 , tr( Pm ) entries in the vector k are fixed by this permutation
Pm and the other entries in k are pair-wisely permuted but the two entries in each pair are equal. That is to
say, there exist two subsets {1,, q } and {1,,  p ,  1,,  p } of {1,, d m } with q : tr( Pm ) and
p : (d m  q ) / 2 , independent of k  1 , such that the entries ki ,  , k q of k are not permuted by Pm and
the other entries are pair-wisely equal, i.e., k 1   k1 ,  , k  p   k p . Therefore, the row vectors of  k
given in (14) satisfy
k ( 1 )   k ( 1 ),,k (  p )  k ( p ), k  0 .
Therefore there are at least p linearly dependent vectors in {k (1),,k (d m )} , and hence
max rank k  d m  {d m  tr( Pm )}  {d m  tr( Pm )} , which proves the desired result.
k 0
Now it is ready to state and prove our main theorem as follows.
THEOREM 3. Let m  1 be arbitrarily fixed. Consider the numbers N (m, n) given by (2) and the vectors
n given by (14), that is,
t n 1
 N (m, n)  1 Tm 1, m, n  1
n 1
 n : Tm 1, n  1.
Then the following statements hold:
(i) The sequence {n } satisfies a linear recurrence equation of order rm , that is,
n  1n 1   2n  2     rm  n  rm , n  rm where  k (k  1,  , rm ) are some constants, independent of n .
(ii) The numbers N (m, n)  1t Tmn 11 ( n  1) also satisfy the same linear recurrence equation as (28), that is,
N (m, n)  1 N (m, n  1)   2 N (m, n  2)     rm N ( m, n  rm ), n  rm
Proof. This theorem is easily proved. In fact, by virtue of LEMMA 4, n with n  rm is expressed as a linear
recursive equation of the form (28), which can be also written as
and since N ( m, k )  1
Tmk 11 (
Tmn 11  1Tdnm 2 1   2Tmn 3 1     rm Tmn 1 rm 1, n  rm
k  1) , the linear recurrence equation (16) directly follows form (30).
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